#global connections
harmonyhealinghub · 8 months
Postcrossing: A Journey of Connections and Discoveries
Shaina Tranquilino
January 29, 2024
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In today's digital age, where instant communication has become the norm, receiving a handwritten letter or postcard through traditional mail feels like a breath of fresh air. It holds an undeniable charm that brings joy to both sender and recipient. This is precisely what Postcrossing aims to revive – the art of sending and receiving postcards from all corners of the world.
Postcrossing is an online platform that connects people from different countries through the exchange of postcards. It was founded in 2005 by Paulo Magalhães, a Portuguese enthusiast who wanted to bring back the magic of traditional mail and create meaningful connections among strangers.
The concept behind Postcrossing is simple yet powerful. Once registered on their website, members can request to send a postcard to another random member anywhere in the world. As soon as the recipient registers their received postcard, the sender becomes eligible to receive one in return from another participant. The randomness adds excitement and surprise to every mailbox visit.
What makes Postcrossing truly remarkable is its ability to transcend borders, cultures, and languages. Through this platform, individuals have the opportunity to learn about different countries, traditions, landmarks, and even personal stories shared by fellow participants. The colourful array of stamps collected along this journey further adds to the appeal for philatelists.
Participating in Postcrossing not only allows you to explore new places vicariously but also fosters genuine human connections. Every time you write a personal message on a postcard or read one sent from afar, it reminds us that we are all part of a global community with shared aspirations, hopes, and dreams. It promotes empathy and understanding between diverse cultures while reminding us that despite our differences, we are more alike than we realize.
Moreover, Postcrossing has become more than just an exchange of postcards; it has birthed friendships that transcend the virtual realm. Many enthusiasts have had the opportunity to meet their pen pals in person, leading to lifelong friendships and incredible travel experiences. These connections are a testament to the power of human connection and how something as simple as a postcard can create lasting bonds.
Postcrossing has also sparked a resurgence of interest in collecting postcards. The thrill of finding unique designs, seeking out rare stamps, or discovering hidden gems within one's own country has become an exciting hobby for many participants. It encourages individuals to explore their local surroundings with newfound curiosity, transforming even mundane trips into potential treasure hunts.
Postcrossing is more than just sending postcards—it is a journey that bridges gaps between people and cultures, fosters global understanding, and brings back the nostalgia of traditional mail. It serves as a reminder that despite our busy lives and digital interactions, there is still beauty in taking the time to connect on a personal level. So why not join this worldwide community and embark on your own Postcrossing adventure? You never know what surprises await you at your mailbox!
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transworldsingapore · 1 month
Honoring Our CEO's Vision at Transworld Group
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I’m excited to share how Mr. Mahesh Sivaswamy, our CEO at Transworld Group of Singapore, is steering us into the future of shipping and logistics with exceptional skill and foresight.
Under his leadership, we’re not just following industry trends—we’re setting them. Mr. Mahesh’s innovative strategies and commitment to excellence are driving our efforts to optimize global logistics and enhance our service standards.
Every day, I see how his guidance helps us tackle new challenges and achieve remarkable milestones. It’s truly inspiring to be part of a team led by someone who consistently pushes us to excel and make a difference in the world of logistics.
Here’s to the dynamic leadership that keeps us moving forward and connected globally
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myglobaluni · 1 year
Breaking into the Global Top 100: The Path for Indian Universities - Read this blog that Breaking into the Global Top 100: The Path for Indian Universities By embracing innovation and digital transformation, Indian universities can pave the way for a brighter future on the global academic stage.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Discover Madeira: Islands, Awards, And Global Connections The Madeira Islands, situated within one of Portugal’s regions, are an essential destination for any cruiser. These lush islands are nestled in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, just over 300 miles from the Canary Islands. Visitors to this archipelago can anticipate encountering stunning mountain vistas, breathtaking green landscapes, captivating ocean panoramas, and delectable cuisine […] The post Discover Madeira: Islands, Awards, And Global Connections appeared first on Porthole Cruise and Travel. https://porthole.com/discover-madeira-islands-awards-and-global-connections/
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inthesocialspace · 1 year
🌟 Welcome to our vibrant corner of the digital universe! 🌍💕
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Hey there, lovely souls! We are beyond excited to open our arms (and screens!) to you in this wonderful space where togetherness knows no bounds. Whether you stumbled upon us by chance or intentionally sought out a community that celebrates unity, you're in the right place.
In a world that's both vast and connected, we've embarked on a journey to highlight the magic that happens when hearts align, even across the miles that separate us. Here, we're all about embracing the beauty of technology's ability to weave bonds that are just as strong as those formed face-to-face.
Picture this: a place where friendships are nurtured through heartfelt comments, where stories are exchanged with the tap of a keyboard, and where smiles are shared via emoji waves. We believe in the power of the digital realm to create connections that matter, connections that remind us that we're part of something bigger—a global tapestry of kindred spirits.
Our virtual haven isn't just a blog—it's a hub of love, positivity, and camaraderie. It's where you can find your daily dose of inspiration, whether it's a motivational quote, a heartwarming story, or a virtual hug that reaches you wherever you are.
So, as you embark on this journey with us, remember that you're not alone. You're now part of a community that thrives on the joy of being together, even if it's through the glow of a screen. Your voice matters here, and your presence lights up our digital family.
Join us as we celebrate the art of forging connections in this beautifully chaotic world. Let's sprinkle a little more kindness, share a few more smiles, and remind each other that no matter where we are, we're in this together.
Stay tuned for more heartwarming tales, thought-provoking discussions, and virtual adventures. Let's paint the pixels of our screens with the colors of friendship and unity!
With digital hugs and warm welcomes, Merah
#TogetherWeThrive #VirtualConnections #EmbraceTheOnline
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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"Sous-marins japonais dans l'Atlantique?" Le Soleil. October 21, 1942. Page 1. ---- Cette photo venant d'un pays neutre et reçue aux Etats-Unis représente, dit la légende de la photo de provenance ennemie, le commandant (à gauche) d'un sous-marin japonais mais ne donne pas son nom. Le marin nippon serre la main du lieut.-capitaine Achilles de la marine allemande pendant que le capitaine Z. S. Yoki (au centre), attaché de marine à l'ambassade japonaise à Berlin, assiste à la scène. La légende de la photo dit que celle-ci a été prise dans un port de l'Atlantique, ce qui laisserait entendre qu'il y aurait des sous-marins japonais opérant dans cet ocean, (International News)
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otlwoozi · 10 months
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regina-del-cielo · 1 year
Maybe it's a 'study finds water is wet' type of thought, but
considering it's an action movie whose overall plot is "immortal warriors Fuck Shit Up™️", I think it's significant that in The Old Guard the thing that makes Copley pull red strings through his Murder Conspiracy Board and say "[Merrick] doesn't care what [Andy]'s done with [her immortality]" is the people they save, not the ones they kill
Most of the Conspiracy Board is him circling random newspaper headlines and faces on old photographs to (more or less realistically) follow the immortals' treck through the world and big historical events. Which is, in-canon, not much different than putting portraits from different centuries next to a picture of Keanu Reeves and saying "they look the same, clearly Reeves is an immortal!"
But then there are the connections. A little girl holding Joe's hand in WW1 becoming the youngest (and first) woman to be awarded a Nobel Prize for Medicine (suck it, Kozak). Or the grandchild of a family that Andy saved from [something] helping people escape from the Khmer Rouge genocide in Cambodia.
They are warriors. They have fought and been in the midst of countless wars, major or minor, throughout history. They must have killed as many people as they saved... and yet.
It's not them taking out a random warlord or dictator or rabidly hateful politician that has tangible repercussions in history. It's the children and families they get out of war zones, save from accidents, protect from natural disasters. People to whom they give a second chance at life, and grow to change the world (or even just their own world), like a mysterious stranger once changed theirs just by holding out a hand or patching a wound.
I don't know I just think it's particularly neat
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 7 months
On the changing age demographics
Woke up in the wee hours this morning, turned on the radio, and listened to a discussion on the BBC about the aging population, and how there are not enough children being born in certain parts of the world to keep pace with old people dying, and "What to do? What to Do?!" to make having an raising children more appealing.
And there was much talk about giving families money for each child they have, and raising the retirement age, so we don't have to pay as much in Social Security programs, and easing work requirements for immigrants.
And I lay there thinking: this is one more argument for switching to a 4-hour workday, instead of 8-hours, so a two income family can split the time in taking care of the kids you're bringing into the world. The Japanese government has been trying to promote the idea of people having more children, but their culture is still heavily burdened with the work grind, and no one has the time or energy to raise more kids in a way that the kids deserve.
And also an argument for 15-minute and walkable cities, so the kids can get around town and play with their friends, without relying on their parents to drive them everywhere.
It's not about creating "incentives" for adults to "produce" more children. It's about creating world where children can live joyfully.
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cyanbeetle · 3 months
I love Wonder Woman very much and I love her potential to explore themes of truth’s different meanings and violence against women and what it means for trauma to be passed on or processed in different circumstances but unfortunately all this potential is snubbed by her support of the military vis a vis her solider boyfriend and her origins as a character designed to encourage women to join the war effort. I think if you wanted to give her story real impact and meaning this would have to be completely removed and as such I long for a universe where Etta and the Holliday Girls are an internationally touring band and Steve is their loser friend who manages the finance and Diana follows them all around as the friend who can’t hold an apartment
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wayti-blog · 1 year
When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
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Our Climate Justice 🌍🌱✊ action guide uncovers the consequences climate change has on humanitarian issues beyond natural disasters. More importantly, our blog post is enriched with practical resources to help you learn how you can play a pivotal role in the climate justice movement! Be sure to check it out now 👇!
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mimithealpaca · 8 months
Connecting Us To Peace Collage Project
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For the collage, please go to the Instagram page.
For all questions and links, please go to our Carrd.
If you are in the US, PLEASE share this, consider donating an eSim, and joining the collage. Thank you.
Also, we will be taking international requests, but US requests will be prioritized.
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cadere-art · 1 month
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Sébastie Jayde is the foundator of Pigeon Aéropostale, an upstart entreprise trying to establish the first postal airlines.
Sébastie is the mixed-race, illegitimate daughter of the pulp and paper baron Josse Quesqueraux, born of his affair with Adénie Jayde, his secretary. When it became obvious that Adénie was pregnant, Josse, unwilling to end the affair, moved her to the office of one of his mills in Urterre, where Sébastie was born. By Iscean law, when the genitor of the child can be found the putative father of an illegitimate child must provide support for that child. Initially, Josse did only that which he must do, but as Sébastie grew and Josse got to know her on his visite to Urterre, he became increasingly attached to his natural child. Eventually, he had Adénie and Sébastie moved back to Saint-Loegaire, where he enlisted Sébastie in the kind of private school where nobles and bourgeois who are not very rich send their children, and very rich ones send their bastards.
Sébastie grew with the benefits of a full education and her father's name as a boon and a burden, never fully part of the society in which she moved. As she grew older, she became increasingly interested in machinery: the great static ones like the ones at the mill where she grew up, but moreso the moving ones: the steamboats, the trains, these new motorized carts... The first time Sébastie saw a airplane, an ugly lumbering prototype at a technology fair to which her father had brought her, was a revelation of almost divine proportions.
With Judoc's financial support, Sébastie founded a workshop where she began to build her own stuttering, lumbering flying machines, amassing expertise and experience where she could find it. She would eventually earn her name when she became the first pilot to fly an aircraft across the straight seperating Iscea and Urterre. For her, this was the beginning of aeronautics as more than a hobby, and soon after, Pigeon Aéropostale was born.
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dostoslaysky · 10 days
andretti will make their satellite team with bryan herta autosport in 2026. logan is in nashville and attended the same event with colton, and posted in the same tweet with THE michael andretti. logan sargeant to bryan herta autosport for 2026.
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scraemoo · 8 months
Watcher, before everyone one got sent to prison: "Return what's mine to me and do it within the next five days."
QSMP Global: 5 Days ARG
Results of the ARG: images with red backgrounds
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