#inspire connect create
inthesocialspace · 1 year
🌟 Welcome to our vibrant corner of the digital universe! 🌍💕
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Hey there, lovely souls! We are beyond excited to open our arms (and screens!) to you in this wonderful space where togetherness knows no bounds. Whether you stumbled upon us by chance or intentionally sought out a community that celebrates unity, you're in the right place.
In a world that's both vast and connected, we've embarked on a journey to highlight the magic that happens when hearts align, even across the miles that separate us. Here, we're all about embracing the beauty of technology's ability to weave bonds that are just as strong as those formed face-to-face.
Picture this: a place where friendships are nurtured through heartfelt comments, where stories are exchanged with the tap of a keyboard, and where smiles are shared via emoji waves. We believe in the power of the digital realm to create connections that matter, connections that remind us that we're part of something bigger—a global tapestry of kindred spirits.
Our virtual haven isn't just a blog—it's a hub of love, positivity, and camaraderie. It's where you can find your daily dose of inspiration, whether it's a motivational quote, a heartwarming story, or a virtual hug that reaches you wherever you are.
So, as you embark on this journey with us, remember that you're not alone. You're now part of a community that thrives on the joy of being together, even if it's through the glow of a screen. Your voice matters here, and your presence lights up our digital family.
Join us as we celebrate the art of forging connections in this beautifully chaotic world. Let's sprinkle a little more kindness, share a few more smiles, and remind each other that no matter where we are, we're in this together.
Stay tuned for more heartwarming tales, thought-provoking discussions, and virtual adventures. Let's paint the pixels of our screens with the colors of friendship and unity!
With digital hugs and warm welcomes, Merah
#TogetherWeThrive #VirtualConnections #EmbraceTheOnline
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thinwhitedoc · 2 months
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SHERLOCK | Martin Freeman as John Watson
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ruvviks · 12 days
// wip day.
i'm working on a new project that is (for once) not connected to any of my bigger original universes, so i thought i'd share some of the writing i have for it! taglist down below, feel free to take this opportunity to share your own wips (in a separate post of course) if you have any!! the first part is a sort of introduction to the story, from the perspective of main character marshall! the second part is a snippet from a scene much further into the story, to kind of paint a picture (for both you and myself lol) of what the setting and the tone of the story is gonna be like. it's a bit different writing than what you're used to from me so please take a moment to read the warnings first!! warnings >> blood, cult, death, implied cannibalism, gore, religion, violence
God won't speak to me.
He spoke to my sister when we were eleven, her howls echoing through the backyard of our childhood home as the venom of a wasp spread quickly through her veins.
He spoke to my mother the day we buried her oldest son, the hem of her alcohol-stained dress torn where it had caught on the thorns of a blackberry bush she had blankly passed through.
He spoke to my father the day he put the barrel of a .44 in his mouth, reenacting what he had classified a sin for all the wrong reasons, his trembling finger on the trigger strong enough to rip apart the last tendon holding our family together yet not to finish the job.
I was eighteen, when I was found on the river bank near Overture, Louisiana, the sharp end of a jagged knife plunged deep within my side and my bloodied hands clutching the cross necklace of my brother, my breathing akin to the ice cold shallow water grazing at my ankles as I stared up at the star-spotted sky with glazed over eyes, blue chapped lips shaped in the final hum of a prayer.
A black abyss stared back, a strained vacuum without comfort, leaving me with a plea unheard and the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.
And God did not answer.
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'Gotta dig… Just gotta dig. Gotta get 'em out of there… Gotta take 'em home…'
The physical distance between Marshall and the grave did not muffle the continuous mumbling, the shaky voice of the young priest clear as day like a whisper directly in his ear as the eerie silence looming over the church's cemetery left him with not much else to focus on. He knew he should turn around and leave, at that hour of the night— get back in his car and return to Posey in the motel, get some sleep while he still could— yet curiosity held him tight within its grasp, and each step he took pushed him closer into the wrong direction.
'Just the bones… Just the bones…'
The man was hunched over, back turned towards Marshall and partially obscured by the few last rows of gravestones stood between the two of them. His neck twitched— a sudden and unexpected movement at an angle Marshall did not hold for possible, yet it had happened entirely too fast for him to clearly see.
'Hey, is everything alright?' he called out; well against his better judgment, hairs on his forearms standing up straight as his feet carried him another few inches closer to the priest.
And the closer he got, the more he wished he had listened to himself.
If he had just turned away, he wouldn't have had to notice the unusual and unplaceable noises bubbling up from the priest's direction. He wouldn't have had to realize the priest was sat next to a coffin, yet to be lowered into an undug grave. (A curious practice, but Marshall was not one to judge— Overture'd had to endure a rather tiresome series of curiosities as of late, and an unburied corpse in the middle of bumfuck Louisiana in the midst of a yet to be explained power cut would be the least of its problems.)
'Just the bones…. Gotta dig… Gotta bring 'em home.'
'Do you need help?' Marshall persistently asked, his voice muffled by the thrumming of his own heart in his eardrums while his eyes trailed over the coffin— splintered and shattered at the lid, the glimmer of the distant church lights barely enough to reveal the outline of an axe resting on the dirt at the priest's ankles.
'Have to do it, there's no other way. Gotta dig, gotta dig, gotta dig—'
Marshall should have never stayed in town.
He realized that now, as the priest's obsessive muttering came to a sudden stop forcing Marshall to hold still too— yet he had already approached too closely, and realized that no dirt had been dug in at all, and realized that the priest's hands were instead stuck inside the coffin repeatedly plunging deeper and deeper into the rotting remains of the corpse inside, once white vestment covered in blood and gore and he stared up at Marshall with a faint glow in two milky white eyes and with a wide grin exposing bloodied and shattered teeth, much akin to a predator looking at its next prey.
'Just the bones,' he repeated, the nodding of his head nearly belittling— as if to convince Marshall this was how it was supposed to be, as if to convince him the Word of God was not to be neglected and his fate as a sinner was a gift to the Divine Light and as if to convince him as long as he would not struggle it would all be over soon.
'Gotta dig.'
Marshall could not move, lamb to the slaughter as the priest rose to his feet with the axe in his hand.
'Just the bones! Gotta take 'em home.'
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taglist (opt in/out)
@velocitic, @deadrlngers, @euryalex, @ordinarymaine, @gurathins;
@mojaves, @shellibisshe, @dickytwister, @mnwlk, @rindemption;
@ncytiri, @calenhads, @noirapocalypto, @florbelles, @radioactiveshitstorm;
@strafethesesinners, @fashionablyfyrdraaca, @aemondtargeryen, @radioactive-synth, @katsigian;
@estevnys, @elgaravel
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 month
remember when searching for images as reference and inspiration wasnt filled with ai generated garbage
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marypsue · 8 months
Things I learned today: you can use the AO3 'Inspired By' feature to say that a work was inspired by one of your own works.
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bhaalstemple · 10 months
i know if orin had someone who fully loved and accepted her, she would've had a worse religious crisis than durge ever did with gortash
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onlinewealthcreater · 8 months
Do not be afraid to embrace your creativity, for it is through ideas that the world is transformed.
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chitinleg · 9 months
so if someone was theoretically going to write a fic based off of the tags on that one very excellent garashir artwork you did... what would be a suitable villain role and/or scheme for garak to play? i know basically nothing about spy media and even less about james bond. i googled "most homoerotic james bond villain" and that was interesting but not helpful for this scenario... idk i want to really do this justice so i figured i could ask, since you came up with the idea in the first place and i guess that means this is a gift for you? and everyone else who liked that piece? thank you for your time :)
this is SUCH a charming question to receive!!! it's an honor that my art might inspire others to create! that said, here is my advice: i think you should follow your heart, mainly! i say this to everyone about everything but its very true, with writing especially, i think, you might want to write things that are especially interesting to you so that its exciting to keep going with them
personally, i don't watch a lot of spy media, i disliked james bond as a kid and i still dislike him now, so the character archetypes and plots from that wouldn't interest me enough to write a fanfic off of—i could read ds9 fic based off of them easily bc i love the ds9 characters!!! but. i couldn't write like that. therefore, i can't give you useful answers from that canon. i can give you this, but i don't know if it will be helpful: i think i would first start with the question—what about garak excites you? what puts you on the edge of your seat with him? what about julian—what actions do you like to see him take? what decisions of his make you giddy? how do you like to dig into his character? how do you like to dig into garak's? if you write down the answers to your question, it becomes the puzzle of how you can get everything you want out of the fic. the beautiful thing about the holosuite is that anything can happen at all, and while you're telling a spy story, it doesn't have to all be spy tropes. you could, if you wanted, play out a shakespeare play (your favorite shakespeare play, assuming you don't hate them all) as if it were a spy thriller! Sure, what's Twelfth Night as a spy thriller? We already have many characters playing with the fluidity of identity, going by different names, taking on different roles, gaining trust and acting on their own best interests. Just raise the stakes a little. is this insane? i feel insane. is it worth anything? i hope so. my ending point is: i am not so good at writing advice! i'm a much better drawer than a worder, but it's a gift already that you've said my art has motivated your desire to create!!!!!!!!! from there on—don't worry about what i want at all, don't worry about doing my work justice!!! take what excites you about the idea, take what excites you from your own ideas, and build it into something that makes you giddy to work on!!! i believe in you, and you have the world at your fingertips!!!!!!
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vacantgodling · 4 days
since i did a doodle of naseer and talked about the star child a little bit (i didn’t but im using this as an excuse) me and bae were talking a little bit about maybe having verin and nyoka’s story kinda connect with his—just bc why not
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wheelercurse · 29 days
I still don’t know how they can fit time travel or time loop in the show without feeling forced. Like yes there has been a lot of time travel reference, but that’s not enough!!! I can’t find set-ups that could pay off like a reveal of “they were in a time loop all this time”
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
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ID: a post by @ / myceliumgirl from Sep 16th, 2022 reading:
"Call it solidarity, call it the evolutionary drive towards mutual aid, call it friendship, call it camraderie, call it community. Call it whatever you want, but understand that it is love."
I love this post. It's poetry, it's beautiful and it's true to me. But I also think a lot about how (I think it was) @jacuzziwaters who pointed out that the last part of it doesn't apply to plenty of us. Like, obviously, all of these things are connected and it's glorious, but your foundation for these things doesn't have to be love, love doesn't even have to be part of the picture.
I know the idea of loveless connections, relationships, ect is just completely unfathomable to some people but they're here. They exist and they're beautiful and important too.
Obviously, solidarity/community/ect can be shitty as well, falling into abusive structures and patterns and/or existing solely for bigoted reasons but if we're gonna acknowledge their beauty, I think it's definitely worth pointing out love isn't what makes these remarkable. Or rather, it doesn't have to be love; there is beauty in these connections alone, in community dedicated toward taking care of its own. Loveless relationships/connections prove that all the time and deserve the acknowledge for it, honestly.
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xxswagcorexx · 1 year
thinking about that ashswag testrun ep......
#listen 2 me. as someone who has a passive interest in the youtube algorithm#and likes to hear people talk about 'optimizing' it sometimes#and Also as someone whos very involved in fandom culture#its so!! fascinating to listen someone who has a fandom talk about the meta of their work!#like#when i think of 'ashswag' i automatically think of the fandom. i think about the thousands of words and dozens of art about spite and rage#but. ashswag (the guy) refering to 'ashswag' as a brand that can be optimized#its. a Really jarring disconnect as someone who thinks of the fandom First#esp when parrot and ash talking about the longevity of their channels#and talking about other creators and eventually going#'yeah i wish my content will grow with me as a person so i wont beat youtube like a dead horse and not enjoy it :/'#is. so interesting.#esp bc later they talk about off sourcing their editing to dedicated editors so they can be consistent#and trying to find the motivation to keep on going for like#5 years#and about how their goals are numbers based but also 'i wanna make meaningful content'#like. bud. yall already are#as someone whos talked with lots of members of the lifesteal fandom: yall are making art that inspires you!#it isn't just content that can be optimized. your videos inspire other people to create and connect#and be. human with each other.#and i Do think thats where fandom shines best#artists celebrating other artists#and ive been trying to go into this mindset myself: but youtubers are artists man!#theyre just using a new medium!!#and it sucks that youtube sees them as profit machines!! and punishes you for taking breaks bc youre human!!!!#but. listen man. when i think of ls s3#yes i do think of the traps and pvps#but i also think about something else#i think about the trust. i think about how in a server that punishes you for being bad at the game
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gatewayofhealing92 · 7 months
How Your Words Shape Your Universe (and Beyond!)
Delve into the profound impact of language on shaping reality and explore how your words can shape your world and influence others around you. Discover the transformative potential of mindful communication.
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wayti-blog · 2 years
Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.
William Plomer
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angelmush · 1 year
seeing other people healing their relationship with food helps me along in the process to heal my own, and you are one of the biggest examples ive seen of this recently. thank you so so much for sharing your joy in cooking and sharing love thru food!! i hope you have countless wonderful meals in your future <3
i won't lie 2 u it's still really really tough sometimes and i absolutely have lapses in recovery, but learning to enjoy cooking (and through that, to enjoy eating) has been the single most helpful piece of my healing. every time i get asks like this i get soooo tearyeyed, u r so deserving of recovery and the vibrant life that comes with it. i love love love love u <3
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the-way-astray · 1 year
it should be a crime for writers/creators to not make a crazy wall for their story that connects pictures representing the characters and plot points together with an obscene amount of yarn.
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