#global goals jk
flolvsbts7 · 11 months
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myfandomrealitea · 10 days
That post you made about Harry Potter and how to not financially support and fund the franchise and put more money in Joanne's pockets felt like a lie because I swear I got the impression that even that wasn't allowed when the whole thing started
To be clear; I stopped. Completely. I compartmentalized it all and just stopped interacting with anything Harry Potter online whatsoever. But I always wished it would be fine to still be able to do certain fandom things without supporting her, but people were saying that even using the tag or reading the fanfiction or making fanart was still supporting the ip and not letting it die completely as a topic on the internet was indirectly putting money in her pockets.
It wasn't until I came across a post from a queer woman from somewhere in the global south with heavy OCD and intrusive thoughts or something like that, commenting on how hostile of a thing it became for someone of her affliction; the way people were treating it like do or die. Pointing out that no matter how much trans people and allys cut off their support of her, she has other large means of income that we won't be able to touch, and there will still always be transphobic homophobic Harry Potter fans that will continue to support her actively, putting that money in her pockets. Another thing she mentioned was the treatment of Harry Potter and Joannes bigotry in contrast to the treatment of FNAF and the creators bigotry. And lastly something about the USAmericanized nature of it? I don't really remember that part but I think I understood it at the time I read it (maybe it was something about all the other countries the IP is popular in who are probably more conservative and unaware or caring of the issues with her who will still put money in her pockets, or maybe it was something about American fans fixating and posing the support of her as the ultimate battlefield of Trans Rights to other queer and trans individuals trying to be quiet fans who are facing Much Worse in their countries)
Anyways after that I briefly started reading ao3 fanfic again, just put a filter for anything before 2019 or so, and then my interest more gently fizzled out.
I can't remember what my point is anymore, maybe just to bring these arguments to your attention(also I am not arguing against the financial boycott or ending of support for this woman through her ip).
Harry Potter will never stop earning money. That's just the flat reality of it; I mean, look at the likes of Elvis and the original Sherlock Holmes books and every other 'dead' media that's still earning money. Short of making Harry Potter an illegal piece of media, yes, there will still always be a number of people giving her money.
The goal is to give her less money. To turn Harry Potter from a prominent, profitable cashcow into a defunct piece of media that only select groups are still clinging to. To make it so that JK Rowling has to choose between paying her bills and funding anti-trans movements.
When something stops bringing in a certain amount of profit, studios start looking elsewhere. When a cashcow starts drying up, they stop trying to milk it as hard. Which in turn means less productions for JK Rowling to collect her pocketmoney from.
What would you rather; JK Rowling getting $100,000 or JK Rowling only getting $10,000?
Something is better than nothing. Damage reduction is better than open exposure. If everyone just rolled over and gave up because "things will keep happening anyway" the world will literally be a rancid, fetid wasteland of bigotry and violence.
I'd much rather watch JK Rowling fizzle out into a bitter old wench sustained only by the dogged support of other stubborn bigots than watch people willingly disregard and condone bigotry because its "easier" and "she'll be a bigot anyway."
I'd much rather JK Rowling only have $10,000 to donate to shitty movements over $72,000. Shitty movements can do a lot less with a lot less money.
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sageistri · 4 months
Exactly. Everyone's free to like whatever kpop group they want but it's annoying when a group has success for 1-2 years and suddenly start acting like they're bigger than BTS. Firstly too many kpop stans have no idea how famous BTS is because they spend all the time in their specific stan circles. Charts, numbers etc are all fine but if I say South Korea, there's swathes of random people whose first thought is BTS. If we're being completely frank, outside of kpop stan bubbles, the only other groups that are even close to BTS' recognition is Blackpink and maybe New Jeans to a much smaller degree and it's still nowhere near BTS.
Secondly BTS have industry respect. It may not be industry support but they do command respect because industry players know that BTS did not pay their way to the top and are literally self-made. They may resent it and it won't stop them from consciously or subconsciously discriminating against the Asian group but they know the truth and that does affect the way they talk about BTS. And for listeners diving into BTS to see what all the hype is about, the curse and gift of BTS is that their weakest songs are also their most well known so people are generally impressed by the depth, scope and variety in their discography if they decide to delve beyond butter and dynamite.
BTS have had different eras where they've gone viral or certain songs that achieved the most chart success but in tandem they've also been steadily popular for ten years. In an industry that's known for fickle fanbases that are constantly flocking to newer and younger idols, it is noteworthy how BTS' decline in popularity has so far only been due to them going on hiatus and enlisting.
So comparing groups that have debuted last month and saying this is the next BTS or with another group that had one viral song or even groups thats been doing well for 2-3 years with one concept is just the hubris of fans. I won't say nobody can replicate what BTS has done but it's just damn hard and longevity is definitely a major factor. No flash in the pan chart debuts can replace years of steady quality work and popularity.
This goes for JK too. His debut numbers were bigger than BTS songs and obviously it's a little different in his case since he's from the actual group itself. And it's true critics are more harsh towards some Korean soloist they're not schmoozing with at parties and that sucks, but it's also true that they're aware of the method by which JK got his numbers. He was on the top of Spotify global for weeks yet he did not get the "he's the next big thing" treatment from anyone (except Hugh McIntyre from forbes ig?). This is because, like I said, they know the tactics it took to get him there and while this was a great way to get their attention, when they explored his debut album, they didn't find anything there to highlight. Again this is going to sound harsh but there's a reason Jimin got the cnn and nyt writeups. People inside the industry know the difference in those BB number 1's. They're still going to pay attention to JK over Jimin because the labels made it obvious who they're going to put all their money behind and they'll always follow the money. They're not naive to not know how much a label affects any singers success but apart from that JK will have to do better than golden in the future if his goal is to become as big as BTS or to reach a stage with 🛴 isnt pulling all his contacts to get JK some awards in the US.
I do think we'll see a group surpass BTS someday but fans just get way ahead of themselves. But then again even people involved in BTS' success like bang si hyuk seems to think that throwing money and english songs at any kpop group will replicate their success so I can't be surprised when fans are like this.
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always-is-always · 11 months
JK..... Golden..... etc....
I do think that JK was given more "direction" than choices, for the album. One could say that the "direction" was in the form of strong suggestions, as he really had to put trust in higher management for this. He's still navigating through his own process of developing confidence in his writing abilities, and he has said that he doesn't feel that confident.
On X/Twitter, I follow someone who stated weeks ago that JK didn't have a lot of choice in the songs. This person is on the inside of things, and I think that it is true. When I saw who's names were attached to the songs on Golden, it confirmed my own sensing about the project. It's coming from Western/European creators.
Right now, JK has a goal of becoming a global star. He's put a large percentage of the necessary steps into the hands of Bang PD and Scooter, amongst others. His goal is set. What we are witnessing is the result of the direction of the people who he has trusted.
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For whatever reasons they are basically utilizing JK's solo music and goals to see how far they can take it, to the levels of global success. I think he's the trial-run, as they say. He's got the talent, the charisma, the looks, and the willingness to put it all out there in front of the public, anywhere they are willing to send him. It's no-holds-barred, for Jungkookie.
I dare say that the people above him (the ones making the BIG bucks) are seeing him as a means to an end, financially. I personally believe that Bang PD is entirely motivated by the $$$$$$$$$ that he's making, off of Jungkookie (as well as all K-Pop artists under his wing). Scooter is just another who is purely motivated by money. He's got the connections in the industry, and he knows exactly how to pull the strings.
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My biggest concern is the health and wellbeing of Jungkookie, physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. With the insane schedule that we are witnessing (flying all over the world, without true rest in-between), I am concerned about how this will all affect Jungkookie, in the long-run.
Yoongi had an exhausting schedule on tour, yet they designed it so that he was progressively moving in the direction of Seoul, through the tour. He wasn't going back and forth across an ocean every week, moving back and forth across multiple time-zones that can cause deep exhaustion and a difficulty in adjusting to the day and time. We saw an exhausted Yoongi at the end, even with the way that they scheduled his tour. Yet, it was nothing like what they are doing to Jungkook, with his schedule.
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So the point here is that there are many levels and many things happening that Jungkook is navigating. And, everything is affecting him as he pushes through. He's giving it his all, his best, and pushing himself beyond what a normal human would do. It's all or nothing.
When Jimin expressed his concern, it was something to pay attention to. Jimin obviously cannot speak at length about it, yet what he said spoke volumes. He knows more than anyone, what Jungkookie is navigating. He knows more than anyone, how it is affecting Kookie.
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You know, sometimes it takes me a minute or two, or a day or week or two, to come to clarity on things. Sometimes it takes typing it out, as I filter through thoughts.. That's what is happening right now, as these words flow from my fingertips...
Jeon Jungkook needs our support and love. regardless of what is happening, what his songs are, who wrote them, who he's collaborating with, etc., etc., etc.... Because, he's literally carrying the weight of it all, on his shoulders, and in his heart. Because, Jungkookie is putting his all into every single note, step, action and intention. This is Jeon Jungkook, doing what he is needing and wanting to do right now.
On the other side of this solo album and all involved with it, we will be preparing for Jungkook's enlistment. Yeah. It's the elephant that continues to follow him into every room, 24/7.
We don't want to see a totally exhausted Jungkook, come December. We want to see him strong and at peace, with his accomplishments, prior to his stepping into MS. We want to see him healthy, rested, and ready for the next chapter.
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All we need to do is continually see him filled with Love, surrounded with Love, and always supported by Love. Divine Love. Yeah.
If you made it this far, thank you. I didn't know how this would turn out... In the end, it is about what we can do for JK. And yeah, Love is always the answer. 💜
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luce-ing · 9 months
why are people fighting on twt about who’s more important for bts? like making so many posts about how bts wouldn’t be anywhere without Jk, is a bit absurd don’t yall think??
genuinely some of these fans have problems. BTS wouldn’t be bts without any of them. Each of them contributed to the project, and worked to achieve this great harmony that the members have.
Fighting for who would be more successful without bts is also as stupid. And pointless. Because as we all have seen this week, if the majority of you wanted to stream and support each member, they all would be equals in streaming and wins and so on. But you lot are so freaking picky, you only stream when it is convenient for you.
So yea, Jk had more international success bc that was his goal with this album. The other members made their albums having different goals or expectations in mind. No one forces anyone to stream something you don’t like; music is there in order for you to enjoy it and im sure bts wants the same thing; but don’t come forward saying jk would do great without bts or that bts needed jk to be this great, because thats simply not true.
bts is a project that is as successful as it is today bc of all the boys work. all of them worked hard for this. And besides their obvious talent, bts work hard to maintain their group environment and make it a safe place for each other. they have chemistry which helps them grow and work together. It’s not only their talent that sustains bts work, but their off camera bond.
lastly, we all have seen this past year that they can release solo albums. they can be successful on their own, in their niche or globally. i don’t think its our right to judge what they chose to do. but at the end of the day, they chose bts. they chose to be together. they chose to do ms within the same time period for them to be together and do group activities after.
they themselves chose bts. so as much yall “fans”whine about your fav ruining their career for not going solo, respect your fav’s decision for wanting to be with bts. thats the least you can do.
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solarwynd · 1 month
I don't know if you have heard of the popstar academy docuseries on netflix but it's about the group katseye and how they debuted and stuff but anyways. their main goal is for them to find a global group that will essentially carry the company from now on like they want this group to be their next BTS but mostly focusing for success in the US. theres this girl there that was a trainee and she was very talented and had star quality but they weren't as interested in her because they felt she was not "the cool rebellious girl" US fans will love and that got me to think about jungkook and jimin. the tattoos, piercings, muscles, the pr smoking incident, him drinking on lives deleting his instagram vs jimin who only does lives at the company, doesn't even like to talk about alcohol in fans vicinity, timid, tries to keep a clean image, the goody two shoes (said lovingly)
now it makes sense to me as to why they push jk so hard especially in the US. he is much more marketable and what supposedly US fans want in male pop artists. they know that the rugged bad boy sells and jimin isn't that
Yea I did. I’ve been in eyekon business for a day or two now lol. I even started watching the show but I haven’t made it past the first episode. I’m really just privy to the Manon drama, but I have seen screenshots of Bang and his foolishness.
“Cool & rebellious” are interesting buzzwords. Two that I can’t exactly say aren’t popular because it sounds like aespa and blackpink. And kpop stans do love that. But what’s really popular right now is the newjeans aesthetic. Which is exactly what Touch was in “sound” and also why I’m confused on what they’re going for in the group’s image. It sounds like they don’t even know. The only thing for certain is that they wanted a multi ethnic group. I listened to their EP and it doesn’t seem like they’re gonna have a set sound and I don’t think that’s an issue. Their music is nice, most of the songs give real summery coming of age vibes. (I liked tonight I might, im pretty and my way) kinda wish they would’ve stuck with that throughout the album cause debut and touch seem like the odd ones out.
Back to the actual topic, Yes I think that cool and rebellious image has more of an advantage for a male popstar for obvious reasons. Jimin not fitting Hybe’s image has been discussed as a possibility as to one of the reasons he’s not getting pushed before but to actually see they confirmed what their ideal is let’s me know how shallow their vision of a true artist is. You’d think they see the results, hype and intrigue Jimin pulls just being him and see that ideal doesn’t hold that much weight as a standard but w/e ig lmao. JK didn’t even fit that stereotypical “bad boy” mold up until recently imo.
Anyway the way HYBE seems so intent on finding the next BTS and strictly speaking in business terms, I really do wonder how much longer BTS themselves are in this for cause to me, it seems like there’s a clock running and Katseye does not seem like the long term solution to me. I know it wouldn’t be smart to wait until BTS calls it quits to then try to build a new group, but they give new jeans. I believe that they’ll find success somewhere down the line, especially if HYBE starts pushing them. But might fizzle out after some time. Touch seems to be gaining some traction and they are building a fanbase. But if they want BTS level fame, it’s gonna have to be a devout one that actually moves for them and not one built of male gg stans that use them for a twitter layout and move out once they get bored. Fandom>>>GP
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kanmom51 · 1 year
The JM question... JK with his "yes, in New York", pointing back like it's far away.
Well, so far away apparently that he couldn't join one of the shortest lives ever JK had, and one he couldn't get over fast enough.
*Side note: probably not going to post about that live, given there was really nothing post worthy in it. Other than him loving the cake, him being a little sick, him telling us there will be more performances and he has a schedule following the live, him telling us he slept 2 hours last night, up at 4:30 am (meaning he went to sleep at 2:30 am, I guess fulfilling his promise to ________ seven days a week).
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Like I said, he couldn't wait to get it over fast enough.
And back to GMA.
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Yeah, not a great interview...
Poor boy.
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He was not ready for that kind of interview. And he is one that needs to prepare. The interviewer was, excuse my French, I am not going to mince words, crap.
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The sound in the studio was bad. He didn't have a proper mic. The interviewer was shocking. Yeah, not good.
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Oh, and did I mention the camera work for the pre-taping was not great either?
But let's leave that aside for a second and talk about something interesting. Something obviously not only I noticed.
Now, we've all agreed that this song is about sex, true?
And we have also agreed that the song is gender neutral, true?
True, but not for the rap.
The rap has male pronouns and is clearly sung to a male.
Tightly take control, tightly take his soul Take your phone and put it in the camera roll (Uh) Leave them clothes at the door What you waiting for? Better come and hit ya goals He jump in it both feet Going to the sun-up, we ain't gettin' no sleep Seven days a week, seven different sheets Seven different angles, I can be your fantasy Open up, say, "Ah" Come here, baby, let me swallow your pride What you on I can match your vibe Hit me up and I'ma Cha Cha Slide You make Mondays feel like weekends I make him never think about cheatin' Got you skippin' work and meetings Let's sleep in, yeah (Seven days a week, ooh)
(That swallow your pride line is...ok...).
In the recorded song and the MV Latto is the one rapping, mostly, JK does the singing.
But in the performance, JK did part of the rap.
Loud and clear.
So, someone clearly went and told him he just cannot sing the lyrics as is, and went and changed the line "I make him never think about cheatin'" to a female pronoun - her. Cause Scoot, he has A LOT of money banking on this song, and ain't no one, especially not JK, going to ruin it for him with no explicit queer shit.
Thing is, it comes out worse in a sense, lol.
Cause that mix of female pronoun with lines that are clearly male intended kind of makes your mind go to other places which I will not detail here right now (well, if you have one and it's not empty like the y/ns that will listen to her and swallow it like the imbeciles that they are).
And yeah, JK's English might not be the greatest, but he most definitely knows what the lyrics he's singing are.
He knows what it means when he sings "fucking you seven days a week" and he knows what the lyrics of the rap part are as well, it being his damn song. And he definitley knows what "come here, baby, let me swallow your pride" means too.
So, JK singing this rap, with the male pronouns, talking about explicit sex acts with a man, this my friends was a definite no no from the Scoot. NO SIR. NOT ON HIS WATCH.
Do we have to say closeted once again? And prices to pay as well?
So yeah, JK had an almost free hand with the photo shoot concept, and obviously had styling choices of his own in the MV and the performance today (cough JM mirroring going on again cough). I think it's also safe to say he was involved in the MV concept itself and the storyline and idea for the scenes. And we don't know just how much say he had with the lyrics of the song (although it's clear that he does feel a connection with the song, and I'm not surprised either with some of the mirroring going on there to JM's Like crazy), but clearly for JK's part, there are no female pronouns.
So, if he wanted to rap, having to say the word her in the rap was a price to pay, which he did. All with the 4 buff tattooed male dancers prancing around him.
For a song about a clearly hetro man singing about having sex 7 days a week with a woman that is kind of a weird, let's say, choice of backup dancers, I have to say.
Or not, seeing that this man does not have one straight bone in his body...
Thinking back though to that line he inserted the her...
"I make him never think about cheatin'"...
This one rings so JK...
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"I make JM never think about cheatin'"...
Yeah, that sounds about right...
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jmdbjk · 1 year
BTS: Beyond the Story
These are just my personal thoughts and opinions after finishing the book. I don't quote the book in this blog post. I don't talk about specific topics so I don't really give any spoilers. But I do talk about my thoughts on what I've read. If you don’t want to know ANYTHING about the book, keep scrolling.
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My overall impression: Wow. Amazing.
I have learned so much. If you've been with me a while on this blog, you may already know that my BTS journey began right before the release of Map of the Soul:7.
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My journey could be described as: if you will, visualize opening a Google map and dragging that little Street View dude/dudette to the middle of a huge city and dropping him/her/them there and then just moving along in street view as you explore. I was that little guy going this way and that trying to consume BTS content and trying to make sense of it all but I was zig zagging backwards and forwards in time with no view from above to see where I was going or where I had been. I'd watch something that would lead me this way and then the next thing I watched would propel me back in time and then I'd have to stop and watch the current Run BTS (show) as it dropped and I was ALL. OVER. THE. PLACE. consuming content back and forth chronologically and it was difficult to put it all in order because there is so much content available on so many different platforms.
But this book lays it out all nice in a straight line with the visual, musical and information references to go with everything. I LOVE IT! I feel like I graduated from Bangtan Academy with an undergrad degree in BTSology.
And now in their own words I have a much better understanding of their process as they worked on specific albums and songs, what their motivations, fears, happiness and goals were. And what the songs, albums and concepts were about, what the lyrics meant to them.
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My personal takeaways:
• The members struggled with imposter syndrome as they experienced success and the more popular they became. A lot of times they were unsure if they deserved the success they were achieving. Each success made them work hard for the next goal but the sudden overwhelming global recognition was hard to handle.
• They consider this their job. They understand its a business that exists to make money. And most of the time, they love this job. And they work very hard at it.
• At the same time, they also define themselves strongly as members of BTS. They are a team who know each others strengths and weaknesses.
• Their bond with each other is rare in the entertainment world.
• They each describe themselves very clearly.
• I am seeing JM and JK in a new light here. Jimin and Jungkook's words and thoughts impressed me. Their poise and awareness and eloquence even when they were explaining how they were struggling and wondering if what they were doing was right and going to work. Their determination can be felt in their words as they explain how they wondered if they would make it, and once they did, how would they survive the pressure. Jimin was always tuned in emotionally to what was going on.
• Jungkook is wise beyond his years. His baby image is not real. Many are not giving him the credit he deserves when it comes to knowing what he’s doing. He grew up fast in a world we know nothing about because we don't live in it.
• The fact that Jimin and Jungkook's trip to Tokyo has its own section under the title "Real" Love is mind blowing.
• The relationship of the group and the company working together to make it all happen was one of the reasons they made it. Their mentor Bang Si-Hyuk, nurtured their art and pushed them until they soared. And every one of them speaks highly of Bang PD.
• The haters, the amount of hate and the types of hate aimed at them was unbelievable. I always thought there was a little exaggeration in regards to that but no. Some form of hate/backlash/bullying/efforts to discredit them, was there from the beginning, from all sides. It is a fucking miracle they are still with us. I am in awe of their ability to walk through that fire.
• I feel like my habit of looking at the "big picture" gained a wider scope into their world.
I will re-read and refer to some of my favorite content not included in the QR codes in the book so I can see if what I know now changes how I feel. Hopefully I will come away with a post-grad degree in BTSology after that.
The vernacular in translating Korean to English is not a smooth word for word translation so I think some of the passion and emotion in what the members were trying to convey does not easily come across with as much emphasis as it probably was said during their interviews but it does not diminish the meaning of what they said. When I re-read I am going to really concentrate on hearing their own voices as I read the member's words again.
The only real issue I had and it is very minor: the method of using italicized all-caps for the lengthy album titles became burdensome to read. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT IN LIFE: PT. 1; THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT IN LIFE: PT. 2 and THE MOST BEAUTIFUL MOMENT IN LIFE: YOUNG FOREVER were a lot for my eyeballs and brain to handle when they were repeated again and again in paragraph after paragraph.
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peachjagiya · 2 months
You think bh wants to push jmn into US by hook or crook? Like don't get me wrong but Tae had excellent sale on first day but bh fucked up. His streams may be less because you've seen how armys make playlist for him and he doesn't have different versions. So all in all I think he is doing among GPs.
Jmn on the other hand I don't get how did he get so less albums sold on 1st day? Bighit went all out with his promotions. I saw army's playlist, it was perfect for streaming. Now they are getting 3 albums 80x. I think bght is targeting another gb Spotify 1. Where were they at the time of friends?
I used to think BH gave best promotion to Jungkook but this time's promotion raises the bar.
I am clueless. I can talk to you endlessly about why things are more likely to get radio play than others - JK and Jimin, yes. Tae and Joonie, less likely, just due to nature of songs - but I have no idea what BH do and don't do with promotions.
I think it's Jimin's goal to be successful overseas. Ditto Jungkook. I don't think Tae has exactly the same ambition. He focused all his self-organised promo on Asian markets. They were HIS decisions. As far as I can tell, promotions are pretty in line with their goals?
I also think perspective on success and promotion is very skewed by Twitter crowing. Louder and more dogged doesn't always translate to real life numbers. FOR EXAMPLE, and I'm only picking Jimin* as he's the most recent example, there was talk about Jimin hitting UK number one.
This is the official UK top 5. He's also not anywhere in the top 100 because the official UK charts (equivalent to Billboard hot 100) doesn't announce until Friday. The official UK charts factors in streaming on all streaming platforms, digital downloads and physical sales:
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What Jimin actually did was entered the GLOBAL Big Top 40 as the highest entry at number one:
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It's undeniably a great achievement but it's not a UK number one exactly. Global is like a KIIS-FM situation. A franchise of radio stations and they do have a pretty huge list of stations, 40+ across the UK though only half of them play contemporary pop music. Their chart factors in radio play on only THEIR stations, itunes sales and Apple Music streams.
So you see now how it's a little easier for a big push on streaming on itunes, like in pursuit of an all kill for example, can affect one chart in the way it doesn't affect another?
I suspect Sabrina will stay at number one on official charts but I am expecting a top 3 for Jimin if not an eventual number one. Edit: Meant to say we won't know until Friday if Global's chart got this right.
I guess it depends what you determine success to be and what Jimin and Jungkook might be aiming for versus Tae and Namjoon. Namjoon is hitting a number of highly respected lists as one of the best albums of 2024, getting a lot of praise for his artistry. PERSONALLY? I find that as impressive as numbers.
Do you think Namjoon made RPWP thinking it was going to be a radio success? He knows he put together some weird sounds and a fuckton of curses that made his songs nearly unplayable for radio. HE KNOWS THAT... and that's the album he wanted to make. Ditto Tae. There's no way he thought his jazzy chill album was going to be radio gold. But it's the album he wanted to make and he's proud of it.
Army are so obsessed with numbers as if they say a damn thing about the ethos and intention of the artists themselves.
My point is not that Golden and Muse aren't worth anything. On the contrary, there are times when all I want to listen to is Golden. It's kind of my happy place a lot of the time. I'm enjoying Muse too. My point is that it's not worth stressing over numbers and how promoted someone is.
Though there is one addendum to this and that is that a lot of weird stuff happened to Tae's album that felt like sabotage. I don't have enough knowledge to confirm but it sure felt like he got a raw deal out of it.
I don't think I answered your question really but I dumped my brain out, I guess.
Further edit: I know Army love him but I'm pissed about any promo that means I have to witness Jimmy Fallon with my eyes so I'm mad at Jimin right now. :D
*despise that I'm not allowed to be honest about anything to do with Jimin unless PJMs come at me but whatever.
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parkminijiminie · 1 year
Jk has been pushing the heterosexual fuck boy narrative since chapter 2 started. He's been seen out with women or possibly just 1 particular woman in his personal time since last year. People tried to write it off as a staff member but he wouldn't be with staff in his personal time when he's not working which he obviously wasn't. Jk didn't start working until bh sent him to the states after Like Crazy charted #1 on hot100 bc they wanted that for him and not jm. I wonder will jk use this video to his advantage to further push the heterosexual fuck boy narrative or will he do some grand gesture towards jm to try to soothe things over. If they were broken up at the time it wouldn't be cheating but it's only natural for jm to get upset about the situation if he is. Jm had to deal with the exact situation with jk and the tattoo artist back in 2019 and I would assume he's not happy about dealing with it yet again.
Let's not assume too much, dear. Neither of us are Jimin nor JK. We don't know if they ever were together, let alone at the time of 2019 issue, moreover right now. Jimin is a strong, smart individual and I trust he knows what he's doing. If he supports JK going forward , just as he's always done, and assume always will, then your theory goes to to the bin.
I don't think JK being possibly filmed in his home is a PR move and I seriously doubt it will be used as one if it wasn't, because JK really hates his privacy being invaded. I don't know who he's been seen with in his private time, since, well it's his private time and I don't follow sasaengs, and I suggest you stop doing too. Other than the main reason that stalking someone is illegal and immoral, they are also very often very unreliable and complete liars, sometimes craving attention and other times wanting to "punish" the people they stalk. Even if JK was filmed with girls, it isn't a crime to have people from the opposite genger in your life. For sure, JM has women in his life too , we just don't know it. Context matters. And if JK had girlfriends in the least year, so be it. He said he's a grown man and he is. Even if some people don't like it, he doesn't care.
Lastly, yeah he did start working after JM's promotion ended. Both of his singles were offered to him and he took them, that's no secret. I do believe the company wanted him to the most successful member of BTS , hence why they maybe rushed his release and the extensive promotions, but I think he also wants to be super famous and as big as possible, as well, so their goals align.
As I said, I have some mixed feelings about JK right now, mainly the direction he's taking his career in and the means he uses. It seems to me his main focus right now is to be "a global pop star" (which he already is being a part of BTS, but I guess he wants his OWN name to be as known as possible). More than global, it looks like the company and Scooter are focused on making him the next "American pop star" which JK seems to want as well. He's always admired JB and the likes, so it's no surprise if you've been paying attention to what JK's been saying all those years.
Another aspect in JK's career so far is his desire to be more "mature". The whole fuckboy thing is partly him trying to break the mold of the Maknae, the company using the oldest trick for creating pop stars (using sex) and maybe his own life experiences, who knows. I'm not sure why he automatically equates maturity to just having lots of sex, when maturity is so much more, but let's just wait for his album and see. As of right now, he isn't trying to make meaningful art , he's just doing songs that he feels like in the moment and trying to become as famous as possible. That's all there really all is to his solo music so far, but there's still time for me to be wrong.
His whole approach to the solo career is definitely different than what I thought, but who am I to judge. He doesn't really care for people disliking his music, so clearly there's no point in mulling over it. Strangely, I thought Chapter 2 will be about getting to know the members better and becoming closer to them, yet for me it's been the opposite when it comes to him.
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2k4bts · 10 months
I'm not feeling Jungkook's new music. SNTY was good. Really good. He did complete justice to it. But i feel that his album was rushed. Most of the songs are not that great. Moreover, him telling that songs were 'given' to him didn't help. I'm not used to BTS doing songs without a backstory or without layered meanings. I know they were in a rush to push him as a global pop star before military. Even the other members were concerned about how hectic his schedule is.
All other solo concepts were quite meaningful- indigo, face, dday, jitb, even astronaut and layover. (Even though Tae didn't write his songs, he brought his vibes and aesthetic and delivered exactly what fans had expected of him in the right way). I could write more about how each solo work reached it's intended audience and how it could have done better, but maybe some other time.
So I conclude that Jk's solo debut mainly had commercial goals. The concept was just..him. Nothing deep. To showcase his vocals, talent and build that image. He's talented no doubt. If they think this is the way to launch him into US market, so be it. We are just a credit card at the end of the day. As for me, I stream what I like. And SNTY is the only song i stream from Golden tbh, just the original version.
I predict that after bts get together in 2025, they'll release an album, go on a tour. Then we'll see more solo activities, solo tours, a few more group activities and so on.
Someone gets it. My god finally. Everything right here is just, yes. It feels like (excuse my words) a quick cash grab before he goes off. It was him but at the same time it didnt feel like him and that might have to do with the fact that he contributed nothing to it? Everybody's album could tell a story or at least we could feel them in it. His was just...yeah.
But then again, maybe that's what he wanted. Maybe that's the route that he wanted to go. Who knows. We might be giving him more credit than we should...
But even so, for 2025 I feel like it wont be as grand as we'll expect it to be? The fandom is split in several different parts and I fear it'll be worse by the time the reunion comes back around. Dont know how many will still be in the fandom by then but, only time tells.
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I like Tae’s vibe. I actually like the New jeans approach of multiple low budget MVs instead of 1 big bang cause it increases more revenue without triggering the hyper competitive K-pop space.
What do you think?
and this suits Tae, something about him just gives off not interested in the K-pop space. In fact, the only member I think who actually respects K-pop is probably Jimin. I judge this based on the artists they look up to. Jhope & RM like Jcole & Nas, American rappers. Forgot who Suga likes. Tae looks up to older jazz artists. JK likes American pop artists and Jimin likes Big Bang & independent artist. Idk about Jin honestly.
I’ve listened to Jimin’s playlist on AM: Springtime sounds and none of these songs are big title tracks/ singles. These are low key artists singing about their lives and loves. Jimin listens to Alec Benjamin, a guy with a great voice, small but loyal following and purposefully left the music industry behind after making a breakout hit so he could sing about his stories. My flex is that Jimin and I listen to the same type of music.
Went off on a tangent but my point is: These guys obviously have different views as to what a successful artist is. And they are all following that path. I think for Jimin a successful artist is producing good music for loyal fans rather than a general audience. I could be wrong of course. If so, Like Crazy’s success would be heartwarming as everyone and their mama knows that it’s carried by fans sharing & streaming.
The funny thing with Jimin though is that even if he tried to be a low key artist he couldn’t. Yes he does his own thing, sings about his story, doesn’t get major airplay and is listened mainly by a loyal fanbase who lives him and shares his music.
However his loyal fanbase is hugeee, so by virtue of that he’s left the lowkey artist category and also the K-pop category behind. What you mean you wanna release your long awaited album as an mp3?
Thinking about that sometimes makes me laugh. Jimin just wanna be lowkey, regular K-pop male artist singing his tunes then boom #1 on hot 100, Ryan Gosling giving him a guitar, song going platinum in the states(I’m calling it), fans demanding to buy his song. He’s non existent on socials rn and still trending
To be honest i kind of find Jimin fans funny. He said in Suchwita he wants to top billboard continuously. And everyone kinda knew he meant as BTS but his fans said “oh YOU want it? Here you go baby have a #1 on hot 100”. Making it look like it’s easy. Lol I’m sure Jimin knows his fans have plans for him.
They keeping him in the top 50 global just cause and I don’t think they gonna stop. Right now they have a goal to rechart LC also just cause and I’m interested to see how things unfold.
All of these are gifts they want to give Jimin. Almost like they’re proving to him we are here, we support you and we appreciate your music, and to cause a ripple in the company doesn’t hurt either.
Ok, this is the only ask I will answer regarding Tae's music so don't come sending more, please!
I don't want to answer Tae music stuff, other anons!
But I'll answer this one because I appreciate that you took time to share all this.
First question. Our opinions vary greatly.
I think with how competitive kpop is, you need that big trigger, especially if it's a debut album. Tae needed to risk it but didn't. For me, this all feels safe although it wasn't intended to come across that way.
I think that his visual album should have been released all at once. I know this way is done to create anticipation but I haven't been pulled into his story yet. Maybe that will change once the 3rd mv is released or his photos tie more stuff together?
It's interesting that you find the aesthetic fitting because I don't lol I do agree that Tae is not kpop at all but this album concept feels off to me. Like it's fabricated and doesn't show the real Tae. I feel like his fans would appreciate that. Perhaps the concepts worked for New Jeans since it's quirky cute. And I remember writing a few weeks ago how Tae had changed his style and if that was reflective of what he would show in his upcoming album. And we are seeing change but not in any sort of direction. I don't see the essence of Tae in this. Or his new style.
I like to see the essence of the artist even in their on-stage personas. I'm not seeing it here.
But maybe this is just me being intense as usual.
Second question. Jimin. I do agree that Jimin tries to tell stories through his songs and he does that beautifully. Even if his songs differ greatly, like Promise and Set Me Free pt.2, they both have that air of Jimin in it. But I'm not being biased, I'm not a fan of both.
I do think the pandemic caused the change in direction of Jimin's artistry. But I hope that he has seen the reception, BB charts and worldwide records, and sees that his music is meant for a wider audience even if the stories are personal to him. We can see that FACE was his struggle and rebirth so I'm looking forward to his next album, which he said was going to more upbeat.
With the right team and tools, his songs can achieve greater success. It is heartwarming that Jimin lovers are still carrying his song still. It's our token of love and appreciation but I hope that the his next project has the company support he deserves added to the fan support he has rightfully earned.
Hopefully we get to see this soon enough.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I really like how you think. Maybe you won't like my take on Tae's music but do you want to be friends? Message me?
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always-is-always · 1 year
My initial thougts, on 3D.....
First of all, the whole package of song, video, colab choice, and hype is completely what I would "expect", given the market it is aimed at. The target is the Western/American market. That is a VERY different market from that of K-Pop. Everything is different.
Jungkookie has personally set a goal based upon his own desire to be a global star. Global meaning, Western. Make it BIG in the West and every other market falls into place eventually. A truly unfortunate truth.
With his goal of becoming BIG brings in a number of requirements, players, outsider opinions, culturally crafted visuals(to appeal to the Western market), songs in English, giving creative control to those who are the power-players in the West, and a host of other things. It is a huge goal and it requires a lot of different types of choices as well as a willingness to enter into a very different arena creatively.
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Hence, the girls, girls, girls. Hence the allusion to hetero-sex. Hence the use of collabs with artists that really don't get Jeon Jungkook, and probably never ever listen to any of his previous music (solo or BTS). We are seeing Jungkookie attempt to enter into a very foreign world of Western Music in a way that isn't exactly in integrity with Who He Is, as an Artist, as well as a Human Being.
The Western Music Industry would eat him alive, if they could. There are a LOT of darkness-driven powerful people in the music industry and entertainment industry, here in the States. Thankfully, Jungkook has strong Guardian Angels to protect him. There's so much darkness in the music industry here in the US. (I digress!)
Regarding the song, it is what it is. I like it, yet don't love it. Nice beat, I do like his choreo (with Brian and his team), and don't mind the women included. It's catchy and I see the real JK in there.
As far as Jack goes, his lyrics and presence add nothing to the overall song or visual. There's no true energetic chemistry between him and Jungkookie. Jack is involved as a way to attract the US market, AND Jack is involved as a way for him to attract interest and make $$ from ARMYs. All Western high-level music moguls KNOW that any connection to BTS or a Member =$$$.
I'm reminded that any musician, singer, artist will evolve throughout their careers. It's the nature of being a Creative. AND, I'm probably not going to always like what a favorite Artist produces. The number of times my favorite bands or soloists released music I didn't love is a lot. It happens. How many videos have those bands or soloists released that I didn't like? Many.
So Jungkookie is exploring, doing, and navigating according to his own Inner Compass. Even if that means doing things that may not please everyone, including himself. He learns by doing. He won't know until he tries, and then learns from the experience. What matters is that he is taking steps forward on his Path, learning, growing, developing, and hopefully attaining some joy along the way. He's got to do what he's doing, as it is how he is wired in this life. This is a part of his Soul's Plan.
All of what we are seeing is temporary, as Jungkookie is also gearing up for his eventual enlistment. What we have now is all that we have. What we will have on the other side of enlistment will be a different version of Jeon Jungkook. That is important to remember. All of this is temporary, until MS is complete...
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The most important thing in my opinion is to be supportive of Jungkook, even if his music isn't what one would want. It is just a piece of the journey, and it will evolve, just as Jeon Jungkook evolves.
Let's continue to love him and see him achieving his Highest and Best Life, as it is his life after all. Even if that entails choices that we don't particularly care for. Bottom line is that Jeon Jungkook will always be a changing and evolving Human. It's in his DNA. 💜
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jikookuntold · 2 years
JK is mostly selecting few HUGE projects for his solo careers than doing many small scale variety shows. He's already a global star but this all will boost his global star status 2x. Do you think this will make him to end things with Jimin. Its not like they are in a group together anymore. You know being in a homo relationship while being a solo global star is hard for him, to achieve his goals. It will do more harm than good for him and his solo career.
Uh anon, I like your naïve point of view. So, technically you assume JK is superior to Jimin and since they are not equal, this is going to end things between them? Or do you think becoming a global star means JK can't be gay anymore? Sorry but both are hilarious.
Of course JK is a global star right now with his World Cup performance and a summer hit song in global charts. And we are sure he is going to shine even more with his solo album and possible fashion endorsements. But Jimin is already the global ambassador for Dior, something that biggest stars can only dream of. Also his solo album and other activities are coming soon that will make him shine bright. So, if you think they are on different levels you are very much wrong.
About the "global stars can't be gay", I don't know if you know this, but many global stars were secretly gay and being a star didn't affect their homo relationships, George Michael, Freddie Mercury, Rock Hudson, Elton John and many others were worldwide known stars of their time. Some came out eventually, some were outed by the others and some never became open about their sexuality until the day they died. I'm not saying that these things are going to happen to Jikook, but people recently complain/celebrate Jikook being so secretive and hidden. Don't you think this is the exact answer for you question?
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solarwynd · 2 months
This is a BTS related question & not really specific to Jimin, but do you think they’ve peaked during the English trilogy? I think their 2025 comeback will be successful, no doubt, but will it hit Dynamite & Butter numbers? Will the hype be there? Will they gain more fans because of it? The disappointment in everyone when Yet to Come’s goals were not hit. I understand that it’s really not the song to mass stream & continuously listen to. I honestly think Run BTS would’ve done better, but not sure if it would’ve hit those numbers either. I was an army back then & the goals were 20m streams because Butter had 20m unfiltered for debut 😭 I also think the fandom doesn’t think about how different the circumstances were when Dynamite & Butter dropped. It was during COVID-19 lockdown & the majority of us worked from home or stayed home, of course we’re going to have time to stream tf out of those songs. I will say that I have more accounts now to stream for JM, but it was just different back then.
Peaked success wise? I don’t know. I think any major success they see post discharge will be more circumstantial than anything else. Like the reunion as you said will be successful on that basis alone. YTC and Take Two both hit Dynamite Spotify global numbers 1st day (7M) and both had the sentimentality push behind them but had 0 longevity. YTC’s filtered goal was 13.5M (no idea why it was so specific) with 21M unfiltered, and the were definitely set that high because it was the going away single, but of course no one could foresee that the song would be mid so 🥴 But I think at minimum the comeback single will do 7M. (If it’s in English and HYBE promotes it cause they never promo their Korean songs well I could see it doing more)
And then you have to think about armys. I’m sure the bulk of them will pop in for that reunion but if what they drop isn’t any good, will they stay? Will it reignite the drive they had pre/English trilogy era (for those who were here before them) or will they just be content to be a casual listener?
Something I have noticed is the level of hit tweets armys have been getting are nearly back to pre hiatus numbers so it’s not like the interest in BTS has completely disappeared. There’s so many factors that go into this tbh, like if we weren’t currently on the path we’re on where HYBE is in the works to prioritize JK’s solo career I wouldn’t have such a big question mark about their future, but even some of the members seem kinda numb to it. Like the enthusiasm of getting back together isn’t really there to me like it seemed to be a while back. I’m not sure what else they have planned for that reunion. Like I’m sure there’s a tour, but after that it looks up in the air to me.
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2023 BTS 방탄소년단 10th anniversary Festa
Due to a limit on links and pictures the post doesn't have them all. The google doc attached does have all the links and pictures.
2023 10th
230530 | BTS Festa Timeline 1. 
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230531 |- FESTA 2023 announced
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230531 | BTS 10th anniversary digital single ' #TakeTwo ' will be released on 9th June
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230602 | 2023BTSFESTA BTS' Apobangpo 10 Project. 
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230602 | BT21 The best present for UNISTARS? (1)
230602 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - light - RM.
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230603 | UNRELEASED DANCE PRACTICE VIDEO 1 (Anpanman). 2 (Boy with Luv) 3. (Concept trailer). 4 (Boyz with fun). 5 (I’m Fine). 6 (I Need U)
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230603 | 2023 BangBangCon poster 1. 2. 3.  Concert in your room 1 (5th Muster Seoul). 2  (2021 Soowoozoo). 3 (Map of the Soul ON:E)
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230603 | A Piece of 'Take Two' Begin - Jin.
230603 | BT21 2023BTSFESTA 1. 
230604 | 2023BTSFESTA A Piece of 'Take Two' - SOUL - SUGA.
230605 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - j-hope TOGETHER 1
230606 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - Jimin - FACE.
230607 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - V - YOUNG. 
230607 | 2023BTSFESTA] 607'지민 (Jimin) - 편지 (Dear. ARMY)' Live Clip. 1. 
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230608 | A Piece of 'Take Two' - Jung Kook - STAY. 
230608 | 2023BTSFESTA BTS '아포방포10' Project Photo.  BTS (방탄소년단) '아포방포10' Project.
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230608 | JeJu air 1. 
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Twitter: Big Hit. 1.  Instagram: BTS 1. 2. RM 1, 2. 3. 4.  Yoongi 1. Jhope 1. Jimin 1. Tae 1.  Weverse:  JK 1 
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230609 | Take Two digital single released. Tik Tok 1. 2. Deezer 1.  BTS broke the record for the fastest song by a Korean/K-pop act in history to reach #1 on US iTunes in just 1 hour & 10 minutes. 1. 
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230609 | 2023BTSFESTA - D4.
230610 | #TakeTwo goals achieved in 24 hours: 1. #58 Apple Global chart 1.  ‘Take Two’ by BTS debuts at #1 on Global Spotify with 7.27 million streams. It also debuts at #17 on US Spotify with 790k streams 1.
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230610 | [Notice] BTS 10th Anniversary FESTA Partner Event Guide 1
230610 | You Tube Music 1. Spotify 1. Amazon music 1. Apple music 1. Deezer 1. Pandora music 1. Tidal 1. Amazon music 1. 
230610 | Pdogg instagram story 1. 
230610 | BTS x Photoism 1.
230611 | 2023BTSFESTA - instagram filter 1. 2. 
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230611 |2023BTSFESTA BTS EXHIBITION '오, 늘' FILM CAMERA Photo (B side ver) 1. 
230611 |2023BTSFESTA 10 Years on Twitter - Special Question- What would you say in a tweet to dear ARMY, who have been with you all this time? RM. Jin. Yoongi. Hoseok. Jimin. Tae. JK. 
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230611 | (Q1) - Response 1. 2.  (Q2) Response 1. 2.  (Q3) Response 1. 2.  (Q4) Response 1. 2.  (Q5) Response 1. 2.  
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230612 | Seoul Metropolitan Government 1.
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230612 | Samsung Mobile instagram reel - Jimin 1.
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Instagram: RM 1, 2. 3. Jin 1. Yoongi 1.. Jhope 1, 2. 3.  Jimin 1.  Tae 1. Weverse: Jin 1. JK 1. 
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230613 | Exclusive Content for Weverse Members Happy 10th anniversary 1.
230613 | Spotify 1 .  Yonhap News 1. Melon 1. 2.  Visit Seoul 1. NME Asia 1. 
230613 | Son Sung Deuk 1. 
230613 | BTS (방탄소년단) 'Take Two' Live Clip #2023BTSFESTA. Focus clips RM. Jin. Yoongi. JHope. Jimin. Tae. JK. 
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230614 | Jimmy Fallon The Tonight Show instagram 1.  Elle India 1. Spotify 1. 
230614 | 'Take Two' Live Clip Photo Sketch #2023BTSFESTA 1.
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230615 | Samsung mobile - Yoongi 1. 
230615 | Official BTS Big Hit Take 2 live clips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 
230616 | 'Le Jazz de V' Live Clip #2023BTSFESTA 1. 2.
230616 | BTS x Photoism 1. 2. 3. 
230616 | Official BTS Big Hit IG Story 1
230616 | Seoul Metropolitan government 1. 
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Twitter: Big Hit 1. 2. 3.  Instagram: Big Hit 1. 2.  RM 1, 2. 3. 4. Weverse: Jimin 1. Tik Tok 1. 
230617 |  BTS 10th Anniversary Fireworks Show 1. 
230617 | It's 5 PM, and This is Kim Namjun. #2023BTSFESTA 1. 
230617 | BTS 10th Anniversary FESTA 여의도 Special Selfies 1. 
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230617 | BTS presents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 (RM- Wildflower). 4 (Pop-up Quiz) (trans). 5. 
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230617 | Seoul Metropolitan Government instagram story 1. 
230618 |  BTS PRESENTS EVERYWHERE 1 official Tik Tok. RM. Jin. Yoongi. JHope. Jimin. Tae. JK. 
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230618 | Slow Rabbit IG Stories 1. 
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