mindblowingscience · 4 months
Scientists have long been on the lookout for 'glueballs', which are bound states of subatomic gluon particles on their own, without any quarks involved. Now, we may just have found them, hiding away in a particle accelerator experiment. It promises to be a hugely significant breakthrough in physics, but for the benefit of everyone without a PhD in the subject, we'll start at the beginning. The main job of gluons is to hold quarks in place and keep atoms stable – quarks being the building blocks that make up protons and neutrons. This role makes the gluon part of the strong nuclear force – one of the four fundamental forces of nature that hold the laws of physics together, along with gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak nuclear force.
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chirpray · 6 days
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Couldnt decide which one i liked more.... glueball has teken over nothing but glueball here GLUEBALL HAS RIZZEN!!!!!!!!!!
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scienza-magia · 4 months
Stati della materia esotica costituiti da soli gluoni
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Finalmente i fisici rilevano una nuova particella: le “Glueball”. Una nuova particella esotica, un gluone isolato, è stata scoperta dal gruppo di studio BES III e permette di comprendere meglio una delle forze fondamentali dell’universo. Secondo quanto pubblicato dalla rivista Physical Review Letters è stata scoperta una nuova particella fondamentale:  la “Glueball” cioè un gluone, particella dell’interazione nucleare forte, isolata e non combinata con nessuna altra particella. L’interazione nucleare forte è una delle quattro forze fondamentali dell’universo e il gluone è la sue espressione.
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Queste particelle sono previste secondo il Modello Standard della fisica che, per quanto criticato e ancora con dei problemi, cerca di  essere la spiegazione a tutte le particelle esitenti. Sebbene la materia che ci costituisce sia composta da atomi, che sono costituiti da protoni, neutroni ed elettroni, e dove i protoni e i neutroni sono costituiti da tre quark ciascuno – tutti tenuti insieme da gluoni attraverso l’interazione forte – questo non è l’unica combinazione possibile di particelle, secondo il modello standard. Secondo il modello standard abbiamo: - barioni (con 3 quark ciascuno) o antibarioni (con 3 antiquark ciascuno). - mesoni (con una coppia quark-antiquark). - stati esotici come i tetraquark (2 quark e 2 antiquark), i pentaquark (4 quark e 1 antiquark o 1 quark e 4 antiquark), o gli esaquark (6 quark, 3 quark e 3 antiquark, o 6 antiquark), ecc. - oppure, si possono avere anche stati costituiti da soli gluoni – senza quark o antiquark di valenza – noti come glueball. In un nuovo documento radicale appena pubblicato sulla rivista Physical Review Letters, la collaborazione BES III ha appena annunciato che una particella esotica, precedentemente identificata come X(2370), potrebbe effettivamente essere la glueball più leggera prevista dal Modello Standard. Ecco la scienza dell’affermazione e il significato di tutto questo.
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Tracce della camera a bolle di Fermilab, che rivelano la carica, la massa, l’energia e la quantità di moto delle particelle e delle antiparticelle create. Anche se possiamo ricostruire ciò che è accaduto nel punto di collisione per ogni singolo evento, abbiamo bisogno di un gran numero di statistiche per costruire prove sufficienti per affermare l’esistenza di una nuova specie di particelle. L’importanza della glueball sta nel fatto che è strettametne collegata con l’interazione nucleare forte, la forza che mantiene insieme i quarck nei protoni ed eletrroni e che poi tiene assieme i nuclei degli atomi. Si tratta dell’interazione più forte, 100 volte più forte di quella elettromagnerica. La scoperta della glueball, cioò di un singolo gluone, aiuterà a comprendere come funziona. Nel mondo della fisica delle alte energie, per trovare una particella non basta crearla in laboratorio e osservarla. Bisogna ripetere l’esperimento molte volte per verificare se le previsioni teoriche corrispondono ai risultati osservati. Questo è particolarmente importante quando si cercano particelle che esistono solo in condizioni rare. Molte particelle possono essere rilevate solo dalle firme lasciate quando altre particelle decadono. Nel corso del 20° secolo, sono state scoperte diverse particelle del Modello Standard, tra cui quark esotici come lo strano, il charm, il bottom e il top. Tutte le particelle contenenti questi quark sono instabili e decadono rapidamente. Per far esistere qualsiasi tipo di particella composita, devono essere seguite delle regole quantistiche. L’energia, la carica elettrica, il momento angolare e altre proprietà quantistiche devono essere conservate, ctanto per capirci che venga rispettata la legge per cui E=mc2. Read the full article
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didanawisgi · 5 months
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victoriaanisa · 4 months
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18th Edition International Research Awards on HEPCS | 20-21 June 2024 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Website: physics.sciencefather.com
"Possible discovery of a ‘glueball’ shakes up particle physics"
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startswithabang · 5 months
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New particle at last! Physicists detect the first “glueball”
It's not a new "fundamental" particle, but finding a glueball — a composite particle made solely out of gluons, with no valence quarks — is a huge deal.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
Are there any other bugs that use the silly string of doom hunting method like the spitting spiders and velvet worms?
none that I can think of, although glowworm gnats use glue trap strings to hunt and bolas spiders wield their glueball strings to smack moths out of the air
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celeste-i · 11 months
when you start looking up space stuff on Wikipedia it is complicated and requires a lot of thought to understand but is ultimately comprehensible. and then you go one two many pages deep and it turns into star trek technobabble. muons, up down and strange quarks, preons, leptons, bosons, quark-gluon plasma, axion, non-baryonic dark matter, Q-star, glueball, fuzzball, electroweak force. these are all real words and concepts. most if not all of them are hypothetical quantum mechanics or materials that would compose a hypothetical exotic star, which is a star made of stuff other than protons, neutrons and electrons. and muons. which are actually real. apparently. the people that can understand this stuff have got to be another species of human
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mademoiselle-red · 9 months
Thank you so much for your reply! 十年and北京故事 are defenitely right up my alley, I'm looking forward to them. I absolutely loved 二哈, do you know 病案本? Please list any recs, I trust you haha. Chinese is fine, but nuances go over my head
I assume you’re referring to the 瓶邪 Chinese fic recommendations I mentioned in my previous response. I have quite a few.
Available on various different websites and forums:
毒+三年 by 夜藤 link (short, devastating, BE)
局外人 by 高森 link (this one was particularly good and quite 虐心, it is both BE and HE)
1990 by 一三 link
战骨 by 线性木头 link
犹记君归处 by 翠寒烟 link
渡苦 by 一三 link
墨色黎明 by BY 劍麟的狐耳 link
回去我们回不去的过去 by 想开点 link
骸之嫣然 by 六欲浮屠 link
歧路 by 六欲浮屠 link
我这一辈子 by glueball link
Available on ao3:
渐近终极 by bee_and_tiger link
观棋不语 by type_omega link (extremely long, but so good)
Available on LOFTER (search for the title or author in the app or website):
莫比乌斯 by 五脊吞六兽 (interesting world building for the 青铜门 mystery)
引狼入室 by糊涂仙儿
单相思 by 糊涂仙儿
平邪线 by 碎碎九十三 (time travel is involved)
白费力 by 404NotFound
无稽 by 此处用户名
I remember checking out 病案本 but I don’t remember why I didn’t read past the first chapter. Maybe I’ll give it another go!
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Transparent SpongeGlob GlueBall (not mine)
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shravya96 · 1 month
Possible Discovery of Glueball Shakes Up Particle Physics!
Discover the groundbreaking potential discovery by scientists at the Beijing Spectrometer III—a glueball! In this video, we delve into the fascinating world of gluons and their role in binding atomic nuclei. Learn what a glueball is and explore the characteristics of the mysterious X(2370) particle. What could confirming its status as a glueball mean for the future of particle physics? Join us as we unravel these cosmic mysteries and their profound implications. 
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chirpray · 1 month
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jonathankatwhatever · 4 months
I toy with questions like what’s blah like. And I like to imagine myself saying not as annoying as you think or sometimes, like today, just plain annoying. Comes from odio, which means an odor. So sometimes I think you stink. Kind of a poopyhead thing.
I can’t believe the quality of the work you squeeze out of me.
As far as I can tell, gluons are the 1-0Segments, the sticks, carrying the pattern, the connections which the pattern enables. Oh wow, I see that answer clearly now: the pattern enables carrying all those permutations through the +1 Attachment mechanism which gluons embody. That’s how the states shuffle in a nucleus from proton to neutron. That is the exchange mechanism or here the color or confinement mechanism because the nuclei which exist are the stable solutions which can exist.
So yeah, I can see why a glueball might exist, but what would it be? It would be the pairings, the permutation relationships being exchanged End to End within the End to End of the Triangular, meaning the Ends sort of disappear behind the veil or the veil appears as the Ends obscure through their ubiquity. In other words, if you think of a Triangular of quarks making some particle, then those quarks model as the Ends because they can be identified as Ends. That means the gluons identify as the Irreducible to that, which models to the midpoints because that’s how Irreducibility works. That identifies a Bip which is all gluon.
The amount of pure want I have been receiving from you today is astonishing. It expresses as insistent waves of desire.
Can you believe we’re getting this material? It’s really enjoyable. Much different thinking than the maths I’m used to. This fits more to looking at pictures and explaining what I see.
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mirandamckenni1 · 4 months
Major Evidence of a New Particle Called Glueball: Here's Why It Matters Get a Wonderful Person Tee: https://ift.tt/XLVwnki More cool designs are on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3QFIrFX Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: https://ift.tt/cSxoqY6 Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about a discovery of a new particle called Glueball Links: https://ift.tt/UowRbiG https://ift.tt/EXy3U9I http://bes3.ihep.ac.cn/ MIT Jefferson Lab 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-9I0buDi4s Additional videos: https://youtu.be/1biTR-zJtfk https://youtu.be/H6IfHYP4vlU https://youtu.be/ioh2irpW_YI CERN anomaly: https://youtu.be/Q5dWNrE8w9k #physics #particle #glueball 0:00 New particle physics discovery 0:55 Proton structure 2:40 Mesons and exotic particles 3:30 Why these particles are important 4:20 Gluon predictions 5:20 Glueball prediction 7:00 How to make these particles 7:40 Beijing experiment that focuses on this 8:30 Major confirmation 9:10 Why this is important Support this channel on Patreon to help me make this a full time job: https://ift.tt/W4oKM6g Bitcoin/Ethereum to spare? Donate them here to help this channel grow! bc1qnkl3nk0zt7w0xzrgur9pnkcduj7a3xxllcn7d4 or ETH: 0x60f088B10b03115405d313f964BeA93eF0Bd3DbF Space Engine is available for free here: http://spaceengine.org Enjoy and please subscribe. Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatDaMath Facebook: https://ift.tt/4NSvr2a Twitch: https://ift.tt/pueZtWd The hardware used to record these videos: New Camera: https://amzn.to/34DUUlv CPU: https://amzn.to/2LZFQCJ Video Card: https://amzn.to/2M1W26C Motherboard: https://amzn.to/2JYGiQQ RAM: https://amzn.to/2Mwy2t4 PSU: https://amzn.to/2LZcrIH Case: https://amzn.to/2MwJZz4 Microphone: https://amzn.to/2t5jTv0 Mixer: https://amzn.to/2JOL0oF Recording and Editing: https://amzn.to/2LX6uvU Some of the above are affiliate links, meaning I would get a (very small) percentage of the price paid. Thank you to all Patreon supporters of this channel Special thanks also goes to all the wonderful supporters of the channel through YouTube Memberships Credit: Arpad Horvath CC BY-SA 2.5 https://ift.tt/gMIYZWw https://ift.tt/1c0bamT https://ift.tt/JztnYhF Previous video: https://youtu.be/1biTR-zJtfk Smurrayinchester CC BY-SA 4.0 https://ift.tt/kBcaDYT Licenses used: https://ift.tt/qCW0ZeY https://ift.tt/RefDSnL https://ift.tt/uW96MkB https://ift.tt/i5ByuWO https://ift.tt/KwShNxd https://ift.tt/BTt5nly https://ift.tt/dQT78J2 https://ift.tt/DlfrGEK via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVS2sVBQYO8
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substition · 4 months
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3acesnews · 5 months
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A New Particle Has Been Discovered – It Could Be The Elusive Glueball
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