#glued them together until i could reach them. lifted the whole mess off and smashed it on the ground. free bow!
zincbot · 9 months
ahh playing switch hurts my hands so much but i'm having so much fun finally playing totk
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hearteyesbowen · 4 years
hiii! there’s this trend going on where if someone’s boyfriend is on a zoom class or playing on the ps4 their girlfriend flashes them and i thought it would be a cool idea to write what would happen if joshs girlfriend flashed him while he was on live and he get flustered and ends it to hang out w her if you know what i meannnn!! thank youu ur amazing
attention ☆ joshua bassett
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how else is y/n going to get the attention of her boyfriend?
warnings: swearing , suggestive fluff
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“On my left, on my left!”
“No, no no!”
Come over, he said.
It’ll be fun, he said.
We’re going to spend the whole day together, he said.
Bullshit, you said.
You could have done something else today, something more productive. Study for the tests you would have and inevitably fail the next week, maybe work out like you said you would this past New Year’s, clean your room from the mess you made while looking for your charger. Today could have been a productive day.
That said, you were never one to back up from being with your boyfriend. His schedule was pretty hectic with all the filming, interviews, and whatever it is that celebrities do, you didn’t pay much attention anyways. So when your usually busy boyfriend offers to hang out with you on one of his free days, it’s a steal.
Then he got an invite to play some video game with Matt and Larry. Then he asked if he could play a quick round, It would only be five minutes, babe. Then that one round turned into two, then five, then he doesn’t realize he has been playing for nearly an hour. Then you’re lying down on his bed behind him as he plays, and wonder if this was worth the procrastination you could have done at home. The answer is no.
You huff, staring at the ceiling above you, hoping there was something more interesting on the walls than hearing Josh laugh as he gets another shot in. Your legs dangle off the side of his bed while you lay on your back, strands of hair in various directions over your face.
“Josh?” You groan, tugging the hem of shirt and seeing a little bit of his back.
“Fuck off!” He screamed, smashing the buttons of his controller angrily.
Surprised, you sat up, making him turn his head. He gave you a quick look, pushing his headset away from his ears slightly so he could hear you better.
“Did you say something, babe?”
“I thought today would be just us, not us and your friends screaming at each other.”
He didnt respond for a few seconds, not until he was shot down and the round ended, erupting more profanities leaving his lips, and his controller leaving his hand.
“I’m sorry, what did you say? I couldn’t hear you.” He picked up his controller and fixed his headset, waiting for his match to start in 30 seconds.
“Are you going to give me any attention today? Or should I just go home?”
His head shot back towards you, eyebrows furrowed. “Already? Ok, I’ll just do one more round. Then we can watch a movie later.”
Without another word, he whipped his head back to the tv. You rolled your eyes, fixing your messy hair. Reaching for your phone beside you, you decide to scroll through your Twitter. Endless tweets from friends, celebrities you follow, and ads from various brands. Then a certain tweet caught your eye, retweeted by one of your hometown friends:
when your boyfriend won’t give you any attention 😂😂
Followed by a video from Tiktok, which was a girl recording her boyfriend in a similar situation as Josh, and from what you could assume, she was naked, which immediately caught the eyes of her boyfriend.
As if a lightbulb popped up from above your head, you smirked. You might as well give it a shot, he said one more round 20 rounds ago. Maybe you wouldn’t just completely strip in front of your boyfriend, let’s take some baby steps.
You stood up, stretched out your arms and back a little, and scanned the room. Josh’s desk was right next to his tv, so you thought that would be the perfect place for your little plan. Before making your way to the table, you unclip your bra from under your shirt, the tight feeling around your chest being relieved. You toss your bra on his bed, Josh not even noticing what you’re doing.
Casually striding to his desk, you lean against the counter, hands on the surface. The shirt you were wearing was a bit oversized, so your chest wasn’t as visible. You stare at Josh for a few seconds, wondering if he would even give you a glance. Of course, nothing.
Alright, initiating plan now.
“It’s a bit hot today, isn’t it?” You asked, changing your voice to sound more innocent compared to the annoyance you had earlier.
His eyes stay glued to the screen, his tongue caught in between his teeth. How dare he look so hot right now.
“Yeah, a little.” He mumbled.
You grab your shirt’s collar and start to fan it against yourself, hopefully making him look at you. You play with your hair, fluffing it out to make it look fanned, overall just trying to make yourself look as appealing as possible right now.
Still, no response.
Step two, here we go.
“It’s super hot right now, could we turn on a fan or something?”
You proceed to lift up your shirt over your head, throwing it across the room. You play with your hair more, looking anywhere around the room but him.
That was when he noticed. At first, it was a harmless peek as to what you were doing, then he took a second glance to fully notice you. His mouth hung open and his eyes widened, and suddenly nothing else mattered. Not the video game going on in front of him, not his friends’ muffled yells through his headphones, not even the fact that his character died seconds after he averted his eyes away from the screen. Just the way you looked, whether or not you had a shirt on, it was like the first time you met all over again.
When you looked his way, you couldn’t help but giggle at his red face. What else could you have done to get him away from that controller?
You looked him up and down and smiled, sending him a wink before you looked away.
“Yeah, uhm, guys? I have to go now, see ya.”
He ripped off his headset, turned off the tv, and left his controller on top of his console before practically running to you. He held your waist, his warms hands coming into contact with your cold skin as he stood in front of you. His face stayed the same since he first saw you, making you hold in your laughter.
“Wow, you’re so beautiful.” He whispered in awe, taking in all of you.
“I would hope so, seems like this is the only way for me to get you to notice me.”
“I’m sorry, no more video games when it’s an ‘us’ day, promise.”
You leaned up to gently press your lips against his, holding his cheeks in your hands. He smiled against your lips, and pulled away. His lips grazed your cheeks, leaving small kisses from your cheek to your ear.
“Why don’t I make it up to you, would you like that?”
His lips then trailed down your neck, painfully slow. Each kiss lingered even longer, his path stopping at your collarbone. He looked up at you with a smirk, noticing you nod rapidly. He moved up, kissing along your jaw and lightly sucking right by your ear, making a soft moan leave your lips.
“You said it was hot earlier,” He started, kissing your lips quickly.
His hands traveled down to under thighs as he effortlessly picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his torso, your hands around his neck.
“You better get used to it, because it’s about to get a lot hotter.”
“You’re so stupid.” You laugh.
“Did you expect anything else from me?”
A/N - this is a really late one , im so sorry to whoever requested this . but i hope u like it, it was fun to write (: this is also somewhat unedited so bear with me . also also i passed my drivers test so watch out road , im now a danger to society (; anyways love y’all xx
taglist - @love-joshy @mzzjads @seaveyssparkle @iamveryborrrreddd
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halfbloodglader · 7 years
This Fight (Newt)
Newt x Reader (1,066 words)
A Newt x Reader in the scorch. Happy Death Cure trailer day?? xD 
Newt refused to talk to her. After the stunt she had pulled, he knew anything that would pass his lips would be vile, something which no ones ears were deserving of hearing. No matter how much he wanted to scream and cry right in front of her, show her just how much what she did had scared him, he knew he couldn’t. The Scorch was already an appalling enough of a place to be lost in. He didn’t need to add any extra discomfort for anyone.
“Newt, just say something to her. She did save your life.” Thomas sounded softly as he caught up with Newt who ambled through the deep sand as fast as he could with his limp. The blonde just looked ahead with disgust to the girl whose Y/H/C hair was seemingly glowing in the light of the fading sun.
“What do you bloody expect me to say?!” He snapped and pulled the straps of his pack even tighter. Thomas looked to his friend with disbelief.
“I know how much she means to you.” Thomas began, looking to Newt who's eyes were still glued on the girl ahead. “And you can’t just shut her out because of what she did.”
Thomas had seen the whole thing, and he understood why Newt was upset with Y/N. They had just escaped the W.I.C.K.E.D. compound and were in an old abandoned mall. Cranks started crawling out of every crack and crevice and began chasing after them. Newt had gotten thrown to the floor by one who smashed straight through a window and Y/N was the first one to notice, at his side in a second. She threw herself at what used to be a human figure, taking it straight over a ten foot ledge.
Y/N was lucky enough to land right on the crank which broke her fall and she wasted no time in finishing it off. It’s inhuman wails of agony echoing through the desolate building. “GO! I’ll meet you outside!” She screamed up at Thomas who loomed over the edge. The girl waved her flashlight and disappeared into the dark. Thomas picked up Newt and forced him forwards with the others.
When they had finally made it out, they took refuge under some boulders which used to be pieces of the building. But, there was still no sign of Y/N. The entire night, the gladers sat quietly. Hoping, praying, that they might just get a trace of sound to signal she was alive. No one slept until sleep physically pulled them into it’s depths.
The instant the morning sun broke over the dunes in the distance, a small silhouette began to approach. “N-Newt!” Thomas croaked, smacking his friend in the ribs. “Get up!”
Squinting, the blonde recognized the approaching figure within seconds. “What the shuck! I looked all over for you!” Y/N exclaimed and accepted the hugs of Minho and Thomas in disbelief. She scoffed lightly when Newt finally came into view and stepped closer to him.
Newt just lowered his eyes to the ground resentfully and shoved past the girl, the unexpected force sending her into the ground. “Newt!” Minho cried and reached for her immediately.
“Lets go.” Newt demanded and Thomas could see the anger, confusion and doubt swelling within his friend.
“C’mon.” Thomas grabbed Y/N’s shoulder and gave her a weak smile. The boy couldn't help but see this as the last thing they needed right now. Y/N and Newt worked together to keep everyone else moving forwards. But the moment they fell apart, he knew everyone else would too.
“Shut her out? Maybe that’s what I need to do, Tommy. I don’t want to be close to her if she’s going to get herself killed!” He stopped and turned to Thomas, clenching his jaw. An indescribable mess of emotions swelled in Newts eyes and Thomas could tell he was just about to boil over.
“You guys alright?!” Minho hollered back to the two boys who stood staring at each other, the disagreement very evident. Newt turned to see Y/N and Minho standing, staring at them, their silhouettes barely illuminated by the fading sun.
“We’re fine.” Thomas muttered back barely audibly over the wind which gust around them. Hesitantly, they all trudged forwards towards an old torn apart ship half buried in the sand.
The fire they had lit barely was able to stay ablaze, offering near to no warmth. Everyone sat in complete silence, the creaks and groans of the ship filling their ears. There was a foulness in the air which everyone could taste in their mouths, and they all knew it’s origin. The moment the girl lifted off of the ground and disappeared out into the dark, the gladers all looked to Newt with condescending glares. “Go talk to her or imma drag your pony lovin’ butt over there.” Minho grumbled.
Hesitantly, Newt rose because he knew he had no other option. He stumbled past the fire and cautiously shuffled in the direction that the girl had gone, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Sure enough, there she was, sitting up against a log staring out at the somber sky. “Hey…” Newt muttered, slumping down beside the girl.
“Hi…” She mumbled back, looking to him with a weak, sorry smile. “I’m really sorry for what I did. I-I just…”
“You could have died.”
Newt’s words hit her chest like daggers. “But I didn’t.” She stifled a laugh and prayed his face would show some sort of emotion.
“You don’t get it, Y/N. If you died, I-I don’t know… I can’t do this without you.” He admitted, rubbing his hands over his knees anxiously. The boy felt like his insides were burning, sitting in the silence right by her side.
Y/N stared at her friend in disbelief. She felt like her heart had been knocked right out. “What are you talking about? Yes you can.” She rotated her body to face his and he looked down to her, his brown eyes hardly illuminated by the moonlight.
“No, I can’t.” He scoffed and grabbed her hands in his, trying to warm them. “We’ve come a bloody long ways and have been through a whole bloody lot. If I lost you now, this whole fight would be pointless.”
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galivantingg · 5 years
Behind Those Eyes
Chapter 13
I am not sane, I decided. That much was apparent when Heathen interrupted a conversation I was having with him, by walking into the room. Or did he? He disappeared so quickly, maybe he was never there. So I'm not fully there, I thought, but I'm mostly there. As if her mind was listening and wanted to prove her wrong, she started randomly babbling, startling Mime who was sitting in the corner of the room.
"Jeez," she said, putting her head in her hands looking bored. "It was fun for a bit but now you're just boring. You don't banter anymore. You just sit there, talking to yourself. I bet you can't even hear me, huh?" She stood up and walked over to me, sticking her face in mine, making weird expressions, trying to get a reaction.
Quick as lightning, I drew my head back and smashed in into Mime's as hard as I could. I needed to knock her out, and I have healing powers. I can survive this.
She crumpled to the ground, and not a minute later the door opened and in rushed Heathen and Peculiar. I laughed like a crazy woman, and they faltered.
"Is he still wack?" Heathen muttered to Peculiar.
She frowned, "I think."
"What do you mean, you think?" Heathen rounded on his companion. "Can't you feel this or something?"
Peculiar rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "It doesn't work like that. I just kiss them and they go crazy. "
I laughed again and they looked at me, seemingly satisfied with my answer. It was then I noticed something. I could feel my shapeshifting powers. The door being open lifted the dampener. I grinned, and shifted into a small snake. Hiss hiss.
Peculiar glanced back at me and let out a scream, jumping as far back as possible. Ha ha! I slithered down the chair, ignoring the burns in weird parts of my new body due to the ropes. I practically flew at the door, my freedom in sight. Until a boot came down, narrowly missing my head. Whoopsie.
"I don't think so," Heathen growled. Well too bad, because I say so.
I shifted again, my body becoming taller and thicker, muscles straining against my suit, pushing the limit of the fabric. I was now Dwayne the Rock Johnson. He intimidated everyone, there was no denying it. Heathen took a step backwards, and I smirked.
I bowled him over and dashed for the door, coming out into a hallway.
A hallway I knew.
There was no way, I had to be seeing things.
There's no way.
. . .
The Seniors were gone again.
Cole and Legion came back to a quiet cave, finding Rellik, Aerglo, Mayhem, Nova, Phoenix and Mazus sitting together in the lounge. They had the news on, and it wasn't good. On the screen, Waya and the other Seniors were walking across the clearing in the park, and on the other side was Aella, Genocide and Mime, standing behind dozens of hired hands.
Totally not fair.
"What's going on?" Cole asked.
"Waya got a message an hour ago, from Aella, saying that they wanted to meet. They want to trade Chameleon for something, he didn't say." Mazus answered, eyes glued to the screen.
"For power," a voice said. They all turned to look and lo and behold, is was Nessa, standing in the doorway.
What the hell.
. . .
I knew this hallway. It was the one that led from outside to the entrance behind the fridge in the kitchen. I saw this hallway almost every day, it was the closest to the orphanage. How long have I been right under their noses? I followed the path until I got to the gap behind the fridge. While in there, I noticed how hungry I was, and grabbed some food. Munching on a Clif bar, I hurried through the halls looking for people. I finally found them, eyes glued to the TV in the living room.
Kids these days.
"Waya got a message an hour ago, from Aella, saying that they wanted to meet. They want to trade Chameleon for something, he didn't say." Mazus was saying. Hey, Chameleon, that's me. Nova, Phoenix, Rellik, Aerglo and Mayhem were sitting on the couch, and Legion was standing next to me.
Someone was wearing my body. I hope it's Cole and the villains didn't find a way to replace me. Unless I am the replacement. Huh. My mind was still a little messed up. I was speaking before I fully registered everything, saying, "For power."
They all turned to look at me, and a few jaws dropped. I wiggled my fingers at them, taking another bite. "We don't have time to be mushy, we've got a big problem.
I got hugs anyway. Aw, nice to know they care.
"Okay, so that was very much a distraction, because I know where the villains lair is. Yes, I'm going with lair, probably because my mind is still broken." Legion snapped his head up to look at me. "Peculiar," I waved him off. He only frowned. I looked back down at my food, my stomach rumbling. Stupid powers being based off how much I eat.
"Nessa," Cole said softly. "You've been gone three months.
I froze. All you could hear was the sizzling of my burger. "Three months." I asked. Was I still talking to myself?
"Three months," Jay confirmed.
"Jesus," it slipped out. I sighed, shaking my head. "No wonder,"
"No wonder what," Rellik asked.
"No wonder they got careless with me." I scoffed. I didn't have the words to explain how I was feeling right now. Anger? Sadness? Apathy? Was I even feeling anything, was I even really here? "Not only was I insane, they had had me for three months without you guys finding them."
"We tried," Rellik said quietly. "We really tried Cammie but there's so much we can't do, you know this. And the Director wasn't even helping."
The Director.
My mind felt like something in it had snapped again, and I bent over clutching it. I didn't realise I had let out a shout, but Nova, who was closest to me, reached out and held me up. I was practically putting all my weight on her. I gasped, the sensation of cold water dripping down the inside of my head, down my spine. It wasn't on the outside, it was on the inside. How is that possible? And then everything sharpened.
"The Director." I murmured. I stood up straight, my food abandoned. I took off down the hall and too one of the exits, remembering that he had been on the TV across from Waya. Their meeting. He was planning something.
"Come on," I shouted over my shoulder. "They'll need our help."
. . .
We got to the park not five minutes later, pulling up on the far side of the grass. I rushed out of the van, sprouting wings and flying over as fast as I could. My energy was already low, I couldn't afford to keep them. "Genocide!" I screamed, the familiar red washing over me. My body felt like it was charged with electricity, but the electricity felt temporary. I ignored it, focusing on the words coming back to me.
Genocide is the Director.
Why did Aella tell me that? Why did she go with them in the first place? I had so many questions and a strong feeling next to none of them would be answered.
Go figure.
"You!" I screamed, practically falling on Genocide and punching him directly in the face. "You lying evil little cockroach!"
He stumbled backwards, waving his arms wildly to regain his balance, nearly tripping over his own feet. He stabilised, and looked right at me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Aella shaking her head wildly, but I was too far gone. My rage had consumed me.
"You sit there, high in your comfy seat, while people die for you and you pull this?" I was screaming. Everything was silent. You could head my laboured breathing. Somewhere in the distance I heard footsteps, and assumed it was my backup. Or it could be the hired hands. Either way I'm going to get to punch someone. Good.
He said nothing, just staring at me. "Ahhhhh!" I screamed in his face. I got rid of my wings and launched myself at him, leading with my fist.
The fight didn't last long. He had never been good at defending himself, and my second home was the Training Pit. The others just watched as I beat him, doing nothing. They knew who is he. They understood.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Cammie," Legion said softly. "Enough."
"Never," I whispered harshly. "It'll never be enough. Not for all the pain he's caused."
"You're acting like you know something we don't," came the reply.
"That's because I do," I turned to face him. "Kev, he's not who we thought he was. Or maybe he's exactly who we thought he was going to be." I turned back to the man knelt on the ground at my feet, and ripped off his mask, revealing Ryan K. Thomas.
Murmurs from the crowd of surrounded heroes broke out. "How could he," I heard somewhere off to the back. "He deserves a longer beating," Rellik spat angrily. He was there, he was there the whole time. He was right underneath our noses. He killed so many of my friends, and for what. To have control? I didn't want to know.
"Matt, Tina, Keegan," I said heavily. You killed three of my close friends, and countless others. Does the K stand for Killer?" And it clicked. Jacks said beware killer. That's what he meant.
He started laughing, laughing slow and quiet and then fast and loud. And he wouldn't stop. Before I could process he leapt up,
grabbed my shoulder,
and thrust his arm forward.
But nothing ever came. No fire, no ice. No nothing. Because Legion was standing right in front of me, with the tip of a knife sticking out of his stomach, right above his belly button.
Splash! No more buddy.
My heart beat loud and slow in my ears, and almost in slow motion Genocide ripped his arm backwards, pulling the blade from my dearest friend's body.
"NNOOOOO!!" I screamed.
His body crumpled and I caught him, falling to the ground together. I heard screams of rage behind me and bodies hitting bodies. I glanced around quickly, seeing Nova blast two men at once, Rellik manipulating another man holding a wicked looking knife coming right for me, Waya yelled Flight! somewhere in the distance, and he appeared in the sky, carrying Aerglo. Mazus and Cole stood on either side of me, defending us from those who would wish us harm.
I am eternally grateful for my friends. One of which was dying in my arms.
I was sobbing, I knew Geronimo wouldn't be able to heal this.
"Hes...tia..." I heard. I leaned down and pressed my forehead to his.
"You're gonna be okay," I said thickly. "I'm going to fix you."
I pushed gently, moving my magic through my arms into his shoulders, feeling it travel down to his abdomen. The wound was surrounded in blackness, and it took me a while to realise the blade had been poisoned. No, no no no this couldn't be happening. Not him. Stop taking my best friends from me.
I pushed harder, feeling him slip away from me. This couldn't be happening.
And then he was gone.
I screamed and screamed and screamed,
and my body answered back with it's own scream.
Something exploded inside of me, and waves of energy poured off of me. I opened my eyes, barely able to see, almost unable to believe what I was seeing. Lightning was arcing off of me, the exact shade as the lightning that hit me. I didn't understand what was happening. I looked down at my hands, and they were glowing. A faint blue light was emanating from underneath them. I held them up to my face in wonder, and then as if possessed by someone else, lightly placed them on top of Kev's chest.
And pushed.
He gasped, back arching upwards. He breathed heavily, staring up at the sky. "Ohhhh that wasn't fun."
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