#gnks: time to heal
goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Chapter 7
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→ pairing: sehun x reader
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 4,054
→ warnings: none
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol​​​ @meryljill-111192​​​ @sehunscutiepie​​​​ @hi-cupid​​​ @lilian235​​​
note: we are coming up on the end of this series! ;A; honestly I’ve fallen back in love with it as I’ve been editing it for all of you to read ;; I hope that you’ll all enjoy this chapter!
Also, please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story~
- ash <3
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Over the last two years, you had run through hundreds of scenarios in your mind. You theorized about seeing Sehun again, about the things that you would say to each other, but nothing quite amounted to what happened when you actually met. It was definitely awkward, and rightfully so in your eyes. It had been years, and there was no way for either of you to grasp the type of pain the other went through. However, seeing each other again didn't feel nearly as bad as you had expected. You had a nice dinner, and Sehun even went out of his way to apologize for his past behavior. That was never something you had planned to hear.
When you told Baekhyun about your encounter with Sehun, your friend was quick to ask how you felt. He knew it had been trying for you, so, for the meeting to take a completely different turn than you had hypothesized, it was likely a shock. And honestly, you weren't sure if you even knew how you felt. Sehun was someone that had broken your heart, and never did you think he'd feel remorse for it. But you could tell that he was aware of his actions, and that felt more in line with the Sehun that you knew. Your feelings towards him at the moment were... complicated.
Yet, as complicated as they were, you weren't going to let them stand in the way of his apparent efforts to make amends. Additionally, you felt like accepting his apology might have been the step that you needed to move on with your life, to keep him from running through your mind. So, after receiving his new number from Baekhyun, you sent a simple message. It read, "Let's put the past behind us and move forward. Good luck with your new single, and I can't wait to hear it!"
In the days that followed, you felt a sense of relief, weight lifted off of your shoulders. It felt like making amends after all of this time was the right move. It felt right to move forward, and that was what you did. Slowly, you found yourself emerging from this space that had only been occupied by you and Baekhyun. You started to go out again, whether you were invited by Baekhyun or your coworkers. You started living that life that you had unknowingly put on hold. The more time you spent with others, the more you felt like a whole person, your own person again. You were able to have fun, to chat with them, to really experience life in the way you wanted to.
And in due time, you even started dating again.  
Nothing was ever quite permanent. It had been a long time. You had to rediscover and realize what you were actually looking for in a significant other. Guys came and went, but you never quite clicked with any of them... until Changmin. He was your longest relationship after Sehun, though it only lasted for a little over half a year. The two of you had met during fashion week. Your parents sent you to oversee their part of the show, as they had some other business out of the country. You had met backstage while you were directing some of your models, and he taking pictures of the different lines from each company. Something at that moment just clicked for the both of you.
Coincidentally, Changmin was someone that your parents had been trying to set you up with for years. He ran an editorial company that was well respected across the industry. To your parents, it was a match made in heaven for you and your business. He was a nice man, and his reputation had the possibility of boosting up your family's brand. The potential for both companies to grow together was exponential. Your parents were thrilled.
Unfortunately, it didn't work out. You weren't sure exactly what drove you apart. Everything had been going so well for the two of you... until it wasn't. It could have been the extra hours that you had to put in to get the new line ready for the coming season. It could have been the fact that Changmin was overseas for most of the year, the two of you only meeting up when he was in town. Honestly, you spent so much time apart you wouldn't have been surprised if maybe you fell out of it because he already had someone else. At the end of the day, the relationship came to an end, much to your parents' disappointment.
Admittedly, it was painful losing Changmin. During those periods where the two of you had been inseparable when your relationship was in a good state, you had started to depend on him. With things in Baekhyun's life picking up, Changmin had become your source of comfort in your best friend's absence. Now that he was gone, you felt that emptiness again. It was that same type of void you felt when Sehun exited your life, and like a creature of habit, you threw yourself back into your work. The only difference was that you didn't close yourself off this time. You still went out, had a good time with the people closest to you, but with your career picking up, you decided that there wasn't time for another serious relationship.
Instead, you had to focus on your true passion, your job. And in seemingly no time at all, three years passed.
You had been working hard to learn the ins and outs of the industry, immersing yourself in everything it had to offer. You went to every show, board meeting, and kept your focus on learning how the business was run.  With retirement around the corner, your parents very naturally started to give you more control of the company. They were transitioning you into the full-time over and representative in their absence. And though it had been stressful at first, time and patience made it all a bit easier. Everyone that worked at the fashion house gave you time, and for that, you were grateful. You still had a lot to learn, but with your parents' excitement with their newest line, you knew that you had no choice but to make sure that it did well.
Today was filled to the brim with work, much like your schedule had been for the last few months. You were to oversee the photoshoot for the new line, so that morning, bright and early, you drove out to the studio, meeting the rest of your staff in the large open building. You worked with the stylists to organize the clothes in an easy to access manner. You talked with the makeup artists about which looks would suit the different moods and styles of the wardrobe pieces. You coordinated with Jinhee, the lead for this line, making sure that you had each checked off everything on your list. She was in high spirits today, and you couldn't help but chuckle at her eagerness.
The entire time that Jinhee had been working on this line, she had a model in mind that she wanted to represent it. She was never forthcoming with his name, but this was something that you had all grown accustomed to. She didn't want to ruin the surprise for anyone because, to her, the model was such a big part of making the line come together, and she wanted everyone to properly experience that. What she had said about him was that he wasn't a model by trade. He was someone that worked in the entertainment industry and had a knack for photographing well. Many magazines had asked him to be a part of their issue, and each photoshoot turned out better than the last. So, when the model walked arrived, you weren't sure exactly what to expect.
Well, you knew one thing you weren't anticipating. You hadn't suspected that it would be Sehun.
As one of your interns gave him a tour of the set, blushing like mad whenever he would throw her a smile, you couldn't help but realize how strangely life worked. It almost felt like a twisted form of fate to bring the two of you together like this. Even though it was for a work function, it still felt very surreal. You hadn't seen Sehun in years. Life had picked up so quickly that the last time the two of you met up was about a month after you reunited at his concert. But it wasn't just you that got busy. It was also Sehun.
From what the news and Baekhyun told you, the single that Sehun had mentioned was in the works when the two of you last met was the one that shot them to stardom. It didn't make waves on its initial release, but the more that people heard it, the more interest the band garnered. Within a month, the song topped the charts for multiple weeks on end, a feat that had been difficult for many artists in recent years. Sehun and the band started to get more recognition. They ended up doing lots of interviews and television appearances. Their schedule got so packed that even Baekhyun had a hard time meeting up with them. The two of you lamented about how the job of a celebrity must have been hard. Still, you knew that, no matter what, Sehun would always keep in contact with Baekhyun, even if it was just a simple text.
You would also send Sehun a message from time to time, though you rarely expected an answer, unlike your friend. Granted, your words were usually congratulatory, messages of excitement when a new album or tour was announced. Sehun's answers in reply were always rather simple, typically a 'thank you' or something along those lines. He would do the same for you, mostly if he saw good things about your company in the headlines, about how innovative it was or how well it was doing. The two of you would sometimes chat after that, filling the void, but it never got personal. It was strange to think that, at one point, you were in love.
But now, you were just acquaintances. Ones that would check in on each other from time to time. It definitely made Baekhyun's life easier, not having to dance around when he talked about the two of you. Still, there was something rather... bittersweet about it.
You had been so busy running around, making sure that everything was in place, that you didn't get a chance to properly greet Sehun at first. It wasn't until your intern brought him over to meet the team that the two of you finally met. Everyone happily greeted him, lamenting on his handsome features. You knew that he couldn't show it, but the way that his eyes locked on your own, you knew that he was surprised to see you. Still, he politely greeted everyone, and you did the same, inviting him to sit and relax for a bit while you worked with the team on the finishing touches.
Overall, the photoshoot went rather well. It was outfit after outfit, lighting change after lighting change, and makeup touchups, but every time you studied the monitor or watched the live shoot in front of you, you had to admit that Jinhee was right. Sehun really did fit this type of styling. Granted, you were sure that Sehun could pull off anything, as he was the type that always made what he wore seem comfortable and fitting to him, this particular set of colors, combined with this strong features, completed the look. He really suited the vibe that the higherups were looking for from this line, and you were relieved. The slight awkwardness for you was well worth the results, in your opinion.
As everyone prepared for the next set of outfits, your eyes wandered around, making sure that everything was proceeding as expected. Your eyes eventually landed on one of your stylists as she helped Sehun into his next outfit. Yet, something about it felt... off. Slowly, you left your spot behind the monitors and approached them, the issue catching your eye immediately.
"Hyerin, this type of shirt doesn't lie quite like that," you told her, the young woman jumping slightly when she heard your voice. You apologized for scaring her before you proceeded to direct her on how to adjust the fabric. However, instead of doing what you suggested, she moved out of the way instead, leaving you to pick up the material and fix it yourself. Though, as you worked, you never focused on the person in front of you, only on the clothes.
"It's more like this," you told her, demonstrating how the cloth should lie. "The style is more open, so you want to make sure that it sits comfortably on the model's shoulders," you instructed. You saw Hyerin nod, thanking you before she excused herself to get the next outfit ready. You continued to fiddle with the fabric for a bit longer, making sure that it suited the style you were looking for. Once you finished, you turned to head back to the monitors, when the male in front of you finally spoke.
"I didn't expect to see you today. I had no idea that you were directing photoshoots now," Sehun stated. His words managed to stop you from walking away, and inwardly he was glad. This was the first time in years that you were in front of him again, and everything in his being told him to keep you there, to keep you talking.
"Well, I've been promoted a couple of times since we last met up. The upside is that I have more say in everything now. The obvious downside is the responsibilities and the lack of sleep," you joked, wanting to keep it light between the two of you. Yet, you also knew that you needed to address the obvious elephant in the room, as well. "By the way, I'm sorry if this is a bit uncomfortable for you. Jinhee never disclosed the name of the model she wanted for this photoshoot. I never would have known that you would be the one to show up, or else I would have asked for someone else to direct..."
Gently, Sehun shook his head. "Don't worry about it. I'm actually not uncomfortable at all. We did decide to put all of that behind us, didn't we?" he inquired, seeing that small smile cross your features as you gave him a nod. "Actually, if I'm, to be honest, I'm glad you're here. It's good to see you, and your presence has helped to ease my nerves..."
At that moment, you dared to look up at him, your eyes looking into his, getting lost in those gentle dark orbs you used to love so much. As much as you were a source of calm for Sehun, he had been the same for you. Honestly, no photoshoot you had ever directed had gone as smoothly as today's had, and though you didn't want to admit it at first, Sehun definitely was a factor in it.
"It's nice to see you as well," you told him earnestly. There was more that you wanted to say, but when the photographer announcing that he was ready for the next set of shots, it cut you off before you could. "Keep up the good work, okay?" you told him, before running back to your previous position, picking up your things and getting right back to work.
"I... I missed you..." Sehun murmured to himself, the words that he wanted to speak to you directly, but wasn't able to. It annoyed him that he didn't just say them, but he knew that there were other things to focus on at the moment, and that was not one fo them. Instead, he moved back under the bright lights, going straight to work, in front of the cameras that he had grown accustomed to.
After the two of you met up again, having made amends for the past, it became painfully apparent to Sehun that he missed having you in his life. At first, he had thought it was just a fleeting feeling, a strong sense of nostalgia at your presence, but as the weeks and then months passed, he knew it was more than that. There were days, after long hours of practice that he longed for your comforting and supportive aura, that presence that used to calm him when things were difficult. He missed that beautiful smile you would give him and the way it would light up the room around you. He missed your encouraging words, the ones that would lift his spirits and make the days more comfortable. Sehun knew that all of these small things, these things that he used to love about you, were things that he wanted in his life again.
For a long time, he told himself that they were things that he could no longer have. He convinced himself that he had broken the relationship beyond repair. Instead, he found solace in your little congratulatory messages and the light conversation that would follow. Yet, he wanted more. He craved for more conversation, for more interactions, and eventually, he threw his pride aside and asked Baekhyun about how you were doing. What he hadn't expected his friend to tell him was that you moved on, that you had started to date again.
It wasn't something that surprised Sehun, and he knew that it was bound to happen. He wanted you to be happy to find someone that made you happy. It just pained him that he might not be able to be that person for you anymore. He found himself interacting with you less, trying to still the pain of his own heart. Work became his best distraction, and he stopped hoping that anything would change between the two of you.
Seeing you today, though it was a surprise, also brought some of those feelings to the surface again. Sehun knew where he was, and that, as professionals, you both had a job to do. But still... he wondered... if maybe...
The remainder of the shoot went smoothly. There weren't too many lighting changes or even makeup changes for the rest of the day. A majority of it was just getting Sehun in and out of the remaining outfits, something that the stylists could handle on their own. You continued to monitor from a distance, only piping up if something felt off. In the early evening was when the photoshoot finally came to an end. You thanked everyone for all of their hard work in making this line look and feel as amazing as it did before you all started to pack up for the day. You helped sort through the clothes, making sure that they were put in the correct boxes while your photographer and his team packed away all of their lights.
As people shuffled around the noise level at its highest for the day, you almost didn't notice the older man approaching you. It was Sehun's manager, and the moment that he got your attention, he asked if you would have a minute to speak with Sehun later. It seemed like your old acquaintance wanted to see you. In turn, you asked if it would be possible to meet with Sehun after your staff had left, and the man agreed, going to relay the information to his charge.
Once everything was accounted for and neatly stowed away, you helped your team move everything out to the vans that were parked outside. They informed you that they would be able to get everything back to the studio on their own, and you thanked them. When all of the cars were gone, you made your way back into the building, the space larger now that it was emptied out. You heard the sound of footsteps approaching the room as a familiar and tall figure entered, giving you a small wave. Sehun arrived without his manager in tow, and you could only imagine that he was downstairs, waiting for the artist.
"So, why did you want to talk to me in private?" you asked softly.
"I figured that you wouldn't want the people you worked with to gossip, so I thought this would be better. It is a private matter at all, between us," he replied, seeing you gently nod. Both of you were aware of the damage that could be done if rumors started flying. You may have been in a relationship before, but it wasn't well-known by anyone. Something like that coming out could be detrimental to both him and you... mainly if people went digging for information.  
Still, now that he was given this time alone with you, he wasn't too sure how to proceed. What were the proper words to use in this situation? Maybe, he just needed to say it. "Earlier... I wanted to say that I missed you."
Everything that Sehun had to say lately felt like it surprised you, though you tried not to let it read on your features. There was a time when you had also missed his presence. Over the years, you decided not to depend on that old feeling too much. You had tried to move on, but you couldn't deny that he had been a big part of your life, and that, sometimes, you would miss him too. You just never thought that he'd admit that, given how things had gone before.
"I... I feel the same sometimes," you confessed, seeing that bit of surprise flicker across his features.
"I guess... I guess that's a natural feeling for both of us. That sometimes, it could be weird not having the other around," he explained, watching you nod. "It feels like something is... missing, right?"
You nodded. Sehun was hitting the nail right on the head, but you weren't entirely sure where he was going with this, and you wanted to know. You wanted him to make a move.
"I know that we can't be who we were before, but I miss your companionship. We said we would make amends, and we've started to, but I would like to try harder. I would like for us to be able to confide in each other again. I know that pain doesn't expire, and I'm not saying that we just throw all of that out the window, but I... I miss having you around as a friend. The guys are great, but they don't understand me like you do..."
It was apparent from his words that Sehun shared your sentiments. You, too, had missed the comfort and safety that he used to provide for you. Before, it wasn't just Baekhyun that you could run to, but Sehun too. Often, you would even feel more comfortable speaking to Sehun about things than Baekhyun. Maybe having that back... it would be nice. It was better than hiding those troubles away from the world.
"It's going to be strange and awkward, you know. Going back to being friends... there's obvious damage that's been done," you pointed out.
"I'm well aware. But I think, because we're aware of it, we won't try to push it if it doesn't feel right," Sehun added. "Plus, don't you think it would make Baek happy? You know, getting to spend time with the both of us, and not having to have split custody?"
You scoffed. "You know how I feel about Baek, Sehun. I have a soft spot for him. You can't go using him against me..."
"Unfortunately, Baek is the only card I have to play. After all, you're his ride or die," he teased, a gentle smile lining his features.
The silence grew between the two of you, and you were the first to speak up after giving it some thought. "Then let's give it a try. For old time's sake."
With that confirmation, Sehun gave you a small nod and a smile. As he saw you off that night, Sehun felt the void in his heart filled. Though he didn't know how to express it, having you back in his life, even as a friend, made him whole again...
46 notes · View notes
contrispos · 3 years
Episode 12 - Rescue on Ryloth
[Star Wars: The Bad Batch]
Okay, so I know this is very late but I’ve been up to a lot of stuff, but here it is!!!
i hate rampass with my entire being
I love Howser
THAT is my man crisscross
Crosshair, arr you suggesting you won’t leave without your brothers right now??? IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE SAYING
yeah baby tell him
omega is the fucking best did you know that?
damn tech stop flying so fast u gonna die brother
omg I fucking love chopper
this post btw
AH the little shoulder grab my heart
awwwwee tech is so excited
why so cold hunter? ya need a blanket or something
how exactly did free ta survive a shot to THE FUCKING HEAD BUT FIVES DIDNT SURVIVE A SHOT THROUGH ARMOR
🎶four bros, chillin on a mountain, zero feet apart cuz they’re not actually gay just very close brothers who fight battles together and are like a family🎶
oooooooh another face off?????
why do i love the hand signs?
that’s a probe isn’t it
hunter is gonna save the day:)
stabby stab
oh tech my darling boy, please do a stand up show
crisscross is comin for ya!!
hunter is a little(very tall) bitch
wait are they just gonna leave omega there????
holy shit
why are you bullying my child RAMPASS
crosshairs scar is no easier to look at
my child is hurt!!!!
OOOFFFF omega i love you
howser is baby
“a little help?” echo, fives is very proud of you right now
“i won’t tell if you don’t” holy fuck i live my children
there is something about the fact that tech is talking about his rebels parallel character that just sits right with me
hunter so knows that howsers chip is dead
oh no
regular clones breaking orders??
ah- hunter resisting payment???? who’s this fella???
okay, let’s just break this down: hunter is breaking my heart with his fucking dad-of-the-group thing
wrecker is breaking my heart with his utterly confused look at what’s going on
omega is breaking my heart with her sheer cuteness
echo is healing me a bit by being the calm mom
okay but hera literally thinks that they are brothers in the sense of how i have brothers or how she would have brothers, like they are a little family who grew up together and the batch are omegas troublesome older brothers when in reality they are clones, i think that is realky beautiful and i am crying so hard right now
ah shiet
nuh uh
i dont want this
but i really do want this tho
okay but if that’s not the face of a scared little boy i don’t know what is
look at that!!!
okay but i really did not need this much in one episode but like now they might actually save crosshair soooo, that’s good:))))
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awintersromance · 6 years
An Invitation
A duel is concluded, and she wanders the gardens. From the GNK Archives. January 9. Rated PG for romance and sensuality. 
She strolls into Summer, wrapping up her unused package and sends it and her maid ahead of her. Steps slow as she reaches a certain alcove, and she looks behind her, back towards Spring and the Lion yashiki, wondering if she should go back...
There is an energetic, but still somewhat slow, step as Susumu enters the garden. Here, away from the crowds of the court, he beams. He does dampen his enthusiasm slightly as he see Etsuaya, but it by no means disappears. "Etsuaya. I have attended to Ikoma-san, and now I think now we can have more time to ourselves."
"Susumu-- " She turns, fast enough for her skirt to sweep out around her shapely ankles and show a hint of knee, smile /almost/ wide under her nearly transparent veil. Her haori shifts off her shoulders but she pays it no need, walking toward him, extending her hands.
He will grasp her hand in his, regretting again that he cannot remove his other hand from the cane until he can sit. He looks at her intently, waiting for her to say more.
She meets his eyes, clasps his hand in hers, then takes a calculated risk. She runs a hand down his back, then pulls him gently into another alcove, to the bench under the branching wisteria. She smiles, then touches her brow to his. "We've both been standing all evening..."
"Yes, this is a comfort. Thank you."
She settles her haori around her more comfortably, allowing it to droop off her shoulders, the collar of her kimono showing little of her bosom, but plenty of smooth neck and shoulders. Her hands are very warm as she reaches for his right hand, brow still pressed against his, noses touching through her light veil. "That... was intense."
Susumu pulls her close to him on the bench. "It was. Ikoma-san brought all the intensity to bear that he could, and overwhelmed his opponent."
She drapes her arms on his shoulders and gently rubs her nose with his. She wondered if the veil was driving him crazy yet. "I was frightened."
He holds her, but expression is somewhat puzzled. "Why? Were you...concerned that one or both could meet their ends?"
"I was. I know that, especially with aid so close, it would be unlikely, but there was a moment that I was sure that..." she blinks her moist eyes and presses her veiled lips over his, very briefly. "Never mind my silly heart."
Susumu blinks, and thinks for a moment. "I suppose...that would have made things worse for us here, had that occurred. But, fortunately, it did not! And I saw enough of Shinjo-san's injury to know it is not serious. How fast he heals is only a question of Iuchi-san's skill, and with the kami at his disposal, I doubt he can fail."
"Iuchi-san all but shooed me away," she gave him another very brief, very soft kiss on his lips, this time more insistent, arms atop his shoulders tightening ever so gently.
Susumu kisses her back, with the same light touch. "He wanted to show that his clan could care for its own, an important way to save face after a defeat."
"And I was being a dangerous, meddlesome Scorpion?" she asks, smile on her lips, brushing her veiled lips against his nose.
He smiles and nuzzles her"Even if a helpful Scorpion, one he did not want to owe favors to."
"Pah," she slides a knee onto the bench, exposing a shapely calf and a bit of leg past her knee and shakes her head, setting the bells to tinkle merrily. "I'm merely declaring that I am taking no sides. One must do something to balance 'walking in the gardens' with a handsome young Lion."
Susumu raises an eyebrow, and half-mockingly says "Hopefully not anything exactly balancing." And he will, briefly, touch her ankle.
"Discreet action on our part mitigates a good deal," she shivers as his fingers brush her skin and her voice drops an octave.
"I...hope it does, and stays that way." He will move to kiss her again.
She holds a finger to his lips, then takes his hand, guiding it to slide her veil off either ear. "Now kiss me."
He will lift her veil, and lean in to kiss her, taking his time and letting the kiss linger.
She allows herself to luxuriate in his kiss, gently beginning to explore his mouth, so softly, so slowly. After a few moments, she realizes that breathing is also quite nice, and breaks off to pant softly against his cheek. “In the manuals I’ve read,” she rises a moment later, replacing mask and smoothing out her skirts.
“When your lover shows you an unusual amount of skin, it’s an invitation...” She gives him a final kiss, then turns, walking briskly home... but not without a few hot-eyed glances back.
0 notes
goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Chapter 6
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→ pairing: sehun x reader
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 3,231
→ warnings: none
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol​​ @meryljill-111192​​ @sehunscutiepie​​ @hi-cupid​​ @lilian235​​
note: this chapter was a really interesting one for me to write. Portraying awkwardness is a bit of a struggle for me, but hopefully it comes across here. We are more than half way through with this series now, I almost can’t believe it ;A;
Also, please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story~
- ash <3
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There had been times when you thought of seeing him again, but never did you believe that you would actually be sitting in a small restaurant across from Sehun. On occasion, you had dreamt about meeting him, though. On those nights when you slept a healthy amount, and your subconscious decided to wander back to him. Your paths would cross in some convoluted fashion, leading both of you to confront each other and your past. The thing was, those encounters, even if they were a dream, never went well. You would often wake up in a cold sweat, with a heavy heart. So, not having a great run with the dream version of him, having the real Sehun sitting in front of you, filled you with dread. In your eyes, there was no way that this was going to go well, but you had already agreed to be here.
"You... you look... well," Sehun finally said, being the first to break the silence that had fallen between the two of you. His words were slow, his brain thinking of about eight different things he could have said to you, but with each word uttered, this was the statement he landed on. He watched as your eyes looked up at him, though he noticed that they failed to make direct contact with his own. They were looking in his general direction, yes, but they never looked into his own. Understandably, this situation was an uncomfortable one for you, and Sehun was well aware of that. He was equally as nervous, though he knew that it would have been hard to believe that.
Time made Sehun realized that he screwed up with you. He wasn't sure if the two of you should have stayed together, but he did know that he handled the situation poorly. He became painfully aware of this after all of his friends gave him a mouthful the moment you showed up at the club that night. He had told them that he broke everything off cleanly, but when they saw you, they all knew that it was a lie. Also, once Baekhyun found out and almost beat Sehun to a pulp, he knew how bad the situation was. But at the time, he didn't care. He was so upset with the way that your parents treated him. He felt belittled and mocked. He felt inferior, and this was what made him lash out.
Years later, he realized that it must have been painful for you. That, the moment that you showed up at the club, the moment that you met Seohyun, it must have shattered your heart. His sharp words towards you were likely like daggers. It took time to realize that, and as more time passed, he had thought of apologizing. But he was also afraid that you didn't want to see him, that it would only hurt you more. Yet, the moment he saw you in the crowd with Baekhyun, he acted on impulse. Once Baekhyun went in to talk to the guys, Sehun slowly snuck out to see you. His mind was racing, he had so much to say to you, and that drove him to ask you to share a meal with him. And now you were here, in front of him, the adrenaline drained from the both of you. The space between you filled with awkwardness.
"I-I've... I've been okay," you managed to reply, the words having a harder time taking form than you had anticipated. In the past, you wouldn't have been this nervous around him. The words would have flowed effortlessly as you knew that the person in front of you wouldn't judge what you had to say. But with the way that things were left between the two of you were, you were uncertain, and that uneasiness had you on edge.
Still, you saw Sehun perk up a bit the moment that he heard your voice. You remembered him well enough to know that he had remained quiet as a way to allow you to speak when you were ready. He often did that before, when you were having a hard time communicating how you felt. You appreciated it then as much as you did now. "I've heard you - I've heard that things have been going well. Baek told me that everything has been on the rise for you and the guys. I'm glad."
Your response was... well, it honestly wasn't what Sehun had expected. In his mind, he had played through a handful of scenarios of how meeting you again would play out. Each one usually ended in you yelling at him, telling him to go away. Something as simple as a comment on his career wasn't really high on the list of possible conversation starters. But he supposed it was because he painted your entire situation so negatively that it spilled into these hypothesized situations. He always imagined harsh words and spite.
Sehun had forgotten your natural kindness, and he never thought that it would still extend to him. But this is how you always were. Your words were always very gentle, and not being one that liked lulls in conversation, your nervous habit would always try to fill the space with any type of topic. Maybe, right now, that was the best thing for both of you. Perhaps it was good that you hadn't changed. 
"Well, if I'm going, to be honest, I feel like we've just been insanely lucky," Sehun admitted, his hand sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "We had sent out so many demos, but none of those companies ever got back to us. I don't know if you remember this, but back then, there was this scout that kept coming to the music store. He and I talked on a pretty regular basis, and one day he asked if I knew of this band. They had sent in a demo, and his boss asked him to seek them out. Turns out, it was one of the ones that we had sent out. He asked when our next show was and came to see us perform in person. It seemed like he liked what he saw because things moved pretty swiftly after that. About a month later, we signed the contract. We've been pretty fortunate since then…"
You nodded along as Sehun spoke, and he wasn't wrong. That was quite the rollercoaster of events to happen. Baekhyun had never gone into details about it with you, but you were glad to find out that it happened rather quickly and seemingly for the right reasons. It felt like their company recognized their talents, and that was leading to good results. "That does feel rather fast, but I'm also not surprised that they liked you. You guys have always been amazing, and it was just about catching the eye of the right person. And it seems like that's exactly what happened," you said gently. "And look at you now. You're playing actual concert halls, and not in rundown buildings that the police used to chase you out of. It's all going wonderfully as far as I can see."
"T-thanks..." he said slowly, managing to give you a small smile. He felt himself loosening up now, the tension between the two of you slowly dissipating. Hearing your words made Sehun realize something else that he had forgotten about you. He had forgotten how supportive you had been of his musical endeavors. Unlike your parents and their condescending view of musicians, you had always been supportive, singing their praises, pushing them to keep pursuing their goals. Maybe it was because he had convinced himself that you hated him. But now it hurt his heart to know that, no matter what he did, you still showed him warmth and kindness. He really didn't deserve any of that.
"I heard that things were going great for you too. Baekhyun had mentioned once that you work for your parents now. Your last job was so successful that you managed to apply directly for a leadership position was what he said? That's really incredible. You always were extremely talented."
You gently waved your hand, dismissing his overly exaggerated compliment. You did your job well, yes, but you wouldn't quite say that you were endowed with the same level of talent that Sehun was suggesting. "You know me, I just worked hard. I don't like seeing good things go to waste, so I put in endless hours getting that small company back onto its feet. They had a lot of talent; they just needed to use it correctly," you replied. "Baekhyun is right, though. I am working for my parents now, which is... an interesting challenge in and of itself. I did get the job of my own accord and was lucky that the interview went well. They were actually considering a different person for the position, so I'm rather relieved that they chose me in the end..."
"But, you know, Baekhyun likes to hang around, and new employees keep asking me what he's doing there. They ask what his job is, and I have to stop myself from being too sarcastic with my answer," you jested, getting a chuckle out of Sehun. You felt comforted that you were able to make this situation a bit lighter. Hearing his laugh told you that he was having a decent time. Back then, you always loved the sound of it. It always brought you so much joy. Even now… it still did.
"You should honestly just tell them the truth. Say that Baek is your friend from college who’s still mooching off of you," Sehun teased, hearing the light trill of your giggles. He knew you would never actually do something like that, but the thought was amusing. "But really, only Byun Baekhyun could have so much free time even after working as hard as he does. What a little shit..."
"Truly, it's very Baek, isn't it. Even in college, he was like this. You could imagine how frustrating that was," you replied, seeing a smile cross Sehun's lips. It looked... genuine, and you were honestly relieved.
"I'm glad he's able to be there for you, though. I -"
However, before Sehun could even get to his apology, he was interrupted by your food, finally arriving. The older woman that ran the restaurant stuck around to talk to you two for a bit, and by the time she had left, Sehun felt like he had missed his opportunity. Instead, he kept it to himself, focusing on his meal, the silence only broken to make comments on how delicious the food was. Still, the silence killed him a bit. Before, your conversations with each other were so effortless. It was natural and comfortable to say what was on your mind. Now, even though the conversation was still decent, it wasn't the same. The two of you… were just acquaintances now.
"So, when does the new single come out? I'm sure that you've been working hard on something new," you said, breaking the silence as you picked at the remainder of your food.
"Oh... I think it's slanted for the end of next month. From the last planning meeting, it sounded like the company wanted to start pushing us more, as one of their main acts. So they're reducing the time in between singles so that we got more exposure overall. Chanyeol's been putting in endless hours for this new single, since I feel like he thinks it’s a make or break situation. Honestly, the only time I ever see him anymore is when he wants to go get drinks when he's hit by a creative block," he replied. He heard a chuckle leave your lips, and he smiled knowingly.
You were no stranger to what happened when Chanyeol had a creative block. He was an exceptionally talented writer, but when he hit a block, he couldn't do anything for days. According to him, the only way to re-inspired himself - which was just a fancy code for needing to blow off some steam - was to go drinking. And Sehun was usually the unfortunate soul that had to go with him. You knew this well because, on more than one occasion, you had to retrieve both drunken men from the establishment they were at, but not without some assistance from their other, sober, bandmates.
"I'm guessing that Kyungsoo still has to come and get you when both of you are too drunk to walk straight?" you mused, seeing a small node from Sehun. You knew that he couldn't deny it at this point. "I guess some things never change..."
"We're a pretty predictable bunch. I mean, the only difference now is that we all live together. So every time Kyungsoo brings us back, he just throws us into the living room, and we have to fend for ourselves from there," Sehun explained, unable to stop himself from laughing.
"I'm glad that you still have Kyungsoo looking out for you. I know that for a while, he wasn't sure if he wanted to make music his career. He had other plans, and the band was only supposed to be for fun. I'm glad he didn't give up on it. He's a good friend," you stated.
Sehun nodded, your point opening it up for him to state what he wanted to earlier. "I... I was actually going to say something similar earlier," he started, watching your brow furrow slowly. "But about Baekhyun. I'm glad that you have him to check in on you all of the time. I know... I know how hard you always work, maybe sometimes a bit too hard. So, it's good that he's around to pull you away every once and a while, to make sure that you take a break."
You smiled softly. "Well, Baek isn't always successful. More often than not, he isn't, but tonight he was. Actually, he was the one that suggested that I come out and see you guys perform since it's been so long..."
Sehun had been unsure if he should say what was on his mind, but he suddenly felt brave. Well, it was a feeling between bold and guilt, a need to be honest with you, regardless of the outcome. So, he went for it. "To be honest, I'm glad he brought you tonight. I... I've wanted to talk to you for a long time..." he confessed. His eyes had been fixated on the remnants of his meal, and slowly, he chanced an upward glance. For the first time that evening, your eyes met. His earlier nervousness was back, but he knew he would only have one shot at this, so he was going to say it.
"Look, you don't have to accept anything I'm about to say. You don't even have to stay here to hear it all, but I would like it if you would. I want to... I want to apologize to you. I know that this probably seems ridiculous. It was a long time coming, and I know that I'm to blame for most of it. But I need you to know that I'm sorry for how I treated you. I should have been more transparent with you, and I should have chosen my words better. You didn't deserve to be ridiculed like that, to be humiliated like that…" he told you. "I know these words don't mean much now, but I've thought about it a lot, and I just had to let you know…"
When Sehun told you that he had something to say... you never thought that this was where it was leading. His admission had surprised you. Though you were aware that he hated misunderstandings, you also didn't expect him to apologize for something that happened so long ago. Sure, it was a painful moment, it was something that defined the end of your relationship with each other and ultimately the end to all of your communication, but to bring it up now... it took a lot of courage. Though there was no excuse for what happened, you could understand him lashing out back then.
You supposed that he was not trying to clear it all up, and though you appreciated the sentiment, your heart was still broken. It wasn't ready to fully forgive him. Life didn't work like that. "Sehun..."
"I can guess what you're thinking, and it's okay. It's okay if this doesn't change anything between us. I just want you to know that I have thought about it, and I know I didn't handle it well." Sehun was aware of how his words sounded, and he wanted to reassure you that he wasn't trying to force change. He just... needed to say it. "I know I won't get another opportunity like this, so now was the right time."
A soft, 'okay' left your lips as your eyes finally moved away from his, focusing on your phone screen. You became aware of the time, and though you knew it wasn't a graceful exit, this was probably a good time to leave. "I should probably get going… I have work in the morning…"
It hurt him somewhat, to not get a direct reply to his words, but he knew he shouldn't have expected it. That confession wasn't going to change years of pain. It was going to take more than that. "Ah, I've kept you out pretty late, haven't I. I'm sorry about that," he replied sheepishly, trying to brush off the awkwardness. He was trying to give you an easy out. That was the best he could do at the moment.
"One of the unfortunate things of working a regular office job. But, the night is still young. I'm sure that you could call the guys, and the lot of you could have a nice post-concert wrap-up. You don't have to see me home," you him, but in turn, he offered to pay, much to your displeasure. He was always like this, trying to find ways to compromise.
Slowly, Sehun stood from his seat. "It was good to see you again," he told you earnestly.
"It was good seeing you again as well. Good luck with everything, Sehun. I know that you'll do well," you told with a small smile. You had turned to leave and had every thought of getting out of there as fast as you could, but something stopped you. You didn't turn around to face Sehun, but you felt like you had to give him some closure as well. "Thank you for telling me, by the way. I don't quite know how I feel at the moment, but I'll let you know…" you added vaguely, knowing that you couldn't walk out there without letting him know that you would consider his apology.
He didn't know what to say in response and only uttered a quiet, 'thank you' before he watched you exit the restaurant. He knew that was the best he could have asked for. As his fingers slid across his screen, texting Chanyeol to ask where the band was, he couldn't help the sense of emptiness that overcame him. It all of a sudden felt strange, sitting at this table, without your presence across form him. Sehun didn't think that he felt anything for you anymore... but maybe... he was wrong...
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Chapter 5
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→ pairing: sehun x reader
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 3,396
→ warnings: none
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol​ @meryljill-111192​ @sehunscutiepie​ @hi-cupid​
note: I was asked about this story recently, but with the month of october being utter chaos in my work life, I didn’t have time to update. however, I finally managed to find some time for this chapter! Hopefully I can keep  posting every Friday for the next few weeks...
Also, please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story~
- ash <3
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Time was supposed to heal all types of pain. Whether it was physical, mental, or emotional, the passage of time should have made it better. Yet, you had to admit, it was a slower process than you wanted. In the months following your breakup, all you could think about was Sehun. When something reminded you of him, your thoughts would be flooded with the way you remembered him reacting to it. On some nights, you would even dream about him. Your mind recalling his intense gaze as he approached you, or the way his voice would always send a chill down your spine. It remembered that smile that turned those eyes into two crescents.
However, every time that Sehun crossed your mind, everything would feel heavy. You were quickly reminded of why he wasn't in your life anymore, of those harsh and venomous words that he so promptly threw at you. You knew that it wasn't healthy to think of him, to be so emotionally attached to someone that didn't feel anything for you, but your heart had a hard time letting him go. Time wasn't healing your pain fast enough.
In a desperate effort to distract yourself, you found refuge in your work. Initially, it had been hard to shift your focus, to ignore the throbbing pain in your heart, but soon, it became easier. You engrossed yourself in the latest fashion trends, did research on what was currently popular as well as what was soon to be popular. You became active in the workplace, taking the initiative on specific projects. With this new mentality, you worked your way up the small company, bringing its vision to light.
Focusing on work meant that something had to give. You sacrificed the time that you used to spend with others to make it happen. You didn't go out like you used to, didn't meet up as often with the people that used to be a big part of your life. The only one that really stuck around was Baekhyun, and it was only because he made sure that he was present. He made himself available, whether it was by stopping by your office or deciding that the two of you needed to have dinner together. Other than Baekhyun, you became isolated, only focused on this world of work that you had built.
And before you knew it, two whole years passed in the blink of an eye.
After helping your current company reach some of their longtime goals, you felt like it was time to move onto something else. When a position to lead a new team at your parents' company opened up, you decided that it was time to switch over. However, your application there came with strict stipulations from you to your parents. They were in no way to interfere with your interview process. Of course, being your parents, they had protested, saying that they could get you in with little hassle. However, when you threatened to apply elsewhere if they didn't comply with your request, they conceded. Your parents were aware of how good you had become at your job, and they weren't willing to lose your expertise because they were too headstrong. In the end, you aced both the interview and the portfolio review.
It was inevitable that your relationship with your parents would change drastically after your breakup. Your parents noticed that their daughter no longer wanted to have a conversation with them. Before, you would speak up if it was necessary, but in the last few years, you were more likely to excuse yourself than to try and make your point. The change was jarring to your parents. What was even harder for them to get used to was that your weekly dinners no longer happened. You had cited work as the main reason for your absence at first, but it was evident to everyone that you no longer felt welcomed at that table. Being in that house made all of those memories come back, and you had a hard time being there without feeling a certain way.
To be fair to your parents, they had tried to apologize, in hopes that things could go back to normal, but any apology they gave fell short. They were unaware of why they needed to apologize, to begin with, and their words were hollow, just said to save face. However, no attempt to reconcile worked, and the three of you limited your interactions to the workplace. It was hard, but it felt like the right thing to do until you could all sort through how you really felt.
Though you had limited interactions with your parents, your communications with Sehun had been nonexistent. The only time you ever heard about Sehun was if Baekhyun brought him up. Every now and then, your friend would give you updates on how your old friends and ex-boyfriend were doing. And honestly, they seemed to be thriving. According to Baekhyun, the band managed to sign a contract with a relatively well-known label a little over a year ago. It wasn't a significant name in the industry. Still, they did reasonable work and gave their artists creative liberty with their work. They didn't become overnight celebrities, but from what Baekhyun had told you, they were slowly working towards their goals. The band had long since left behind the rundown buildings and small club shows. They now played at festivals and small concert halls. It seemed like a good start for the boys, and honestly, you were happy for them. You were glad that Sehun had proved your parents wrong, that his hard work and the hard work of the other boys, got them to where they were. There was always something special when they performed, and you were glad that others were realizing it too.
Sehun's success was not lost on your parents, either. They had heard that the band was signed, and though they still preferred for you to be with someone in their industry, they would lament that it was a shame that you couldn't keep such a hardworking young man by your side. Though you were courteous with your words towards your parents, their own commentary was like a thorn to your side.
At one point last year, with your emotions were in a better state, you had considered getting in contact with Sehun again. You were unsure where the two of you stood, but you at least wanted to congratulate him on all of his success. Yet, every fiber of your being had told you that it wasn't the right time. Every time you thought of speaking with him, you'd be reminded of his attitude that night. You would remember how cold he was towards you, how he acted with no regard towards your own feelings. Your heart would hurt as you thought of those razor-sharp words. No, he had made it clear back then. Sehun didn't need you in his life. You should respect that decision and not cross the line.
"You work too much, you know that, right?" Baekhyun inquired. He had seated himself in one of the many chairs that littered the usually busy office space. The walls were covered in first-pass designs and inspiration for the upcoming fashion line. Currently, everyone was out at lunch, taking a much-needed break from their work. Well, everyone except for you, of course.
"I hate to break it to you, Baek, but some of us don't have the luxury to take a long break after shipping a product. In fashion, you have to be constantly working," you shot back. Baekhyun looked up from his phone and stuck his tongue out at you in protest. This only earned him a light chuckle from you.
On his days off, Baekhyun would often hang around your office. You figured that it was his way of keeping an eye on you to make sure that you were okay. Part of you appreciated that he cared about you that much, but you also knew that his sudden appearance made some people at the office talk. They wondered about your relationship with each other, and though you had told countless people that you were just good friends from college, you knew that about half of them didn't believe it. At least you tried to clear up the rumor. "Why are you even here, silly? Shouldn't you be at one of those hot vacation destinations, partying it up with bikini-clad girls?"
Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "I'm not going to party it up on some yacht while my ride or die is stuck in her office working," he pointed out, fingers sliding across his phone screen. "It's gotta be both of us, or it's a no go. Plus, it's no fun without you."
You scoffed, gently placing down your tablet pen as you looked over at your friend. "Baek, I haven't been fun in years," you teased. "Plus, if I remember correctly, years ago, when you were completely drunk out of your mind, you confessed that someone else was your ride or die. It wasn't me."
Baekhyun scrunched up his face, hearing you giggle in the process. "You remember it all wrong," he protested. However, a light sigh left his lips when he realized who you were referring to. "You really haven't spoken with him since, have you. Not even once after that night?"
You shook your head, eyes scanning over the design before you. "There's never been a reason for us to talk after that night. I think that he made it pretty clear where I stand in his life. Plus, he's doing well now. Sehun and the guys have a contract, they're actually making a name for themselves. He doesn't need me messing that up for him. Nor does he require my support or approval for anything..."
Baekhyun had grown quiet, aimlessly hitting his phone screen as he clicked through his mobile game. He had a lot of thoughts on everything that had happened between you and Sehun, but there had never been a good time to really address it. The one thing he did know was that it was weird seeing the two of you apart. Maybe... "Hey, they're playing at a small concert hall that's nearby tonight. We should go!" he suggested.
"Byun Baekhyun, what did I just say to you," you replied flatly, but your friend was already at your side.
"I know what you said. Look, I'm not suggesting this because I think that the two of you seeing each other will lead to something. We don't live in a drama. Just being in each other's presence isn't going to allow you to magically make up in an explosion of repressed feelings or something. What I'm saying is, it's been a while since you've seen them perform, right? Why not go and see them play again, for old time's sake? Chanyeol gave me two tickets to the show a while ago, and they're just sitting around. Come on, let's go support our friends, hm?" he insisted. "Plus, you really need a break. Let's do something fun for once!"
Though you were hesitant, you also couldn't deny that Baekhyun was right. You did work too much, and an evening off would do you wonders. Lately, you had been working, even if your off-hours just to make sure that deadlines were met. Taking a break for the evening could be your chance to recharge. And your friend was correct.  You did love to watch the guys perform. Maybe it would be good to see them play again? It's not like they would be able to find you in the crowd. Plus, you weren't obligated to hang out with them after the show. What harm could it cause?
"Alright, I'll go. But, I swear, Byun Baekhyun, if you dare to come up with some crazy plan, I will end you."
A giant smile appeared on his lips. "I would never dream of it," he said, though you were doubtful of his honesty in the matter, you let it slide, for now, returning to your work…
The initial plan of seeing the boys play had been exciting. However, now that you were home and getting ready, the reality of where you were going finally set in. You had agreed to go and see the person who had broken your heart. Sure, it was supposed to be about hearing the guys perform again, but you couldn't help but be wary about being in the same place at him. You wondered what he would think if he saw you in the crowd. Surely he had forgotten about you. He would just think that you were another face, right? There was no way he would act in any other way except full-on disinterest. At least, that's what you told yourself as you got into Baekhyun's car.
The drive was a relatively short one, and with much coaxing about how good the show would be, Baekhyun managed to get you out of the car and through the front doors. The concert hall was a good size, a bit bigger than you had expected. Still, by your estimate, it likely held a bit over a thousand, and that was a respectable amount of fans. And not only that, it was already packed when you and Baekhyun arrived. The stage was already crowded, people trying to find the best possible spot to enjoy the show from. Baekhyun took the lead as he usually did and meandered his way through the crowd with you close behind. When he found a suitable spot, he situated you in front of him, making sure that you wouldn't get jostled by others moving around.
The two of you talked while you waited for the show to start, your longtime friend reassuring you that you were going to have a good time and enjoy yourself. You managed to give him a small smile, but he was quick to notice how forced it was. Baekhyun reminded you to not overthink the situation. However, before you could reply, the lights started to dim, and the people around you began to cheer as the chords of the first song rang through the venue.
The moment the roar of the crowd and the guitar riff filled your ears, you had all but forgotten your earlier concerns. You were determined to have a good time, and as if a switch flipped in you, you found yourself jumping along with the people around you, getting lost in the music. Every now and then, there would be a push from the people around you. It was usually the result of fans trying to push forward to try and touch one of the members' hands as it extended into the crowd. Baekhyun made sure that you stayed in front of him so that he could mediate the shoving. All of that aside, the show was proving to be pretty amazing. They were always good at hyping up a crowd, even back when they had very little. But now that they were given the proper time to practice and better equipment, it only helped to amplify that natural charisma.
The show came to an end with a song that you were all too familiar with. You had heard it countless times. It was their encore song for every show they played, and it was one you had heard them practice over and over. You sang along from memory, cheering loudly with the crowd. However, when they came forward for their final bows, and the lights were turned on so that they could properly see the audience, you felt yourself sinking back. You hoped that if you made yourself small enough, the boys would overlook you. However, standing in front of Baekhyun did you no good. You could tell that his friends were scanning the crowd for him, and unfortunately for you, it didn't take Chanyeol long to find him. At first, the tall male threw his old friend a thumbs up, but when his eyes landed on your small form in front of Baekhyun, his eyes widened.
At the look of recognition spread across his features, you sank further back, hoping to obscure yourself behind the people moving forward to get a better look at the band.  You were extra careful in moving around when you saw Sehun's eyes scanning the crowd. On his first pass, his gaze went right over you, and you inwardly let out a sigh of relieve. However, on his second scan of the crowd, his eyes locked on Baekhyun immediately, and it didn't take him long to realize your small figure in front of his friend. There was no mistaking that he recognized you. Time didn't slow, but your eyes remained locked with, and it only took the band being rushed off the stage for that gaze to be broken.
As you followed the large crowd of people out of the concert hall, you felt Baekhyun swing his arm over your shoulders. "So, what did you think?" he asked as he led you along with the crowd.
You couldn't help but let out a small sigh. You knew that your friend already knew your answer based on his tone, but he obviously wanted to hear it from your lips. "Baek, they were amazing, just like they always were. Actually, if anything, they've gotten even better. What did you expect me to say?" you retorted, seeing that grin spread across his features. The pair of you moved out of the way of people exiting the venue as Baekhyun tended to some text messages. "It was good to hear them play again after so long, though..."
"I'm sure that they would appreciate hearing that from you," he answered, though, as the words passed his lips, a look of recognition did as well. "Though, I'm guessing you aren't ready to see them again, huh..."
Slowly, you shook your head. "I... I think it might still be too soon..." you confessed, and your friend nodded in understanding. You continued to follow Baekhyun, though you soon realized that you were headed down an unfamiliar hallway. Before you could bring it up to Baekhyun, you came face to face with a security guard. The man seemed to recognize Baekhyun and let the two of you through. What was your friend up to exactly?
"Well, I know that you're not ready to see them yet, but they did want to hear what I thought of the show..." he explained gradually. "But if you don't quite want to see them yet, maybe you could wait for me here? I promise no one will bug you. I'll make it quick, I swear."
A soft sigh left your lips. Of course, you were backstage now. You should have known by the number of ridiculous turns the two of you took. Still, though you felt unsure, you weren't going to stop Baekhyun from seeing his friends. Teasing him, however, was not out of the question. "I swear, if you leave me stranded here and sneak out to go drinking with them, I will beat you up in the morning," you warned, and though Baekhyun smiled, he promised he wouldn't do such a thing. He gave you a quick and reassuring hug before he disappeared behind the door, leaving you on your own.
You busied yourself with your phone, checking messages from work, as well as anything else that interested you. When you heard footsteps approaching, you had assumed it was Baekhyun and spoke up before your eyes even left your screen. "You're back a lot quicker than I had expected, Baek. You know that I was joking, right? You could totally go drinking with the guys if you want," you said with a gentle giggle, though the individual didn't answer.
Instead of giving you an answer, the person called your name instead. And that simple action was the one that finally pulled your eyes upward. That voice wasn't Baekhyun's. No, that tone wasn't even close to your longtime friend's voice. You knew it, though, and as soon as your eyes shot up and came face to face with the individual, you let out a slight gasp. He as the last person you were expecting to see.
"So it was you, in the crowd with Baekhyun…"
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Chapter 1
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→ pairing: sehun x reader 
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 2,427
→ warnings: none
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol @meryljill-111192 @sehunscutiepie
note: it took me a little longer than expected to finish up the editing for this first chapter, but it is now complete! I hope that you all enjoy this. The drama is about to start, is anyone ready for it? I’m not even ready for it >_>
Also, please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story~
- ash <3
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Traditions were essential for a family. A tradition didn't have to be grand. One of the ones that you and your parents still kept alive was your weekly dinners. Typically, it would occur on a Sunday, the day that marked the end of the previous week and the beginning of the next. The three of you would meet up, have a nice meal together, usually home-cooked, and talk about your weeks as well as what was to come. It was your way of checking in with each other, to make sure that everything was okay. Your lives didn't cross paths like it used to, and this was an excellent way of staying in touch.
This week, the dinner took place much earlier, on a Thursday evening. Your parents were expected at a prearranged dinner that Sunday. They were to be surrounded by the wealthy handful that made up their inner circle. So, tonight, you arrived at your parents' home, at six like you usually did on dinner nights. You parked your car outside of the large gate that guarded their home, and entered your pin, letting you through. You continued your journey up the many steps that led to the front door, which weaved through the beautiful garden they had completed last year, landing you in front of your old home. You let yourself in as you always did, taking the familiar route back towards the dining room. Your parents were seated, and with a smile, you took your usual seat across from them, ready for the feast before you.
As per usual, the dinner started off with your parents giving you an update on their company. They raved about the line that was slated for the spring and summer season. Apparently, the new designer that they had managed to lure over from one of the other fashion houses was doing a fantastic job at incorporating their own personal style with the core ideas of your family's brand. They always spoke fondly of their business, and honestly, it made sense to you.
Your parents' business was one that your father had built from the ground up. Back in the day, it started at a tiny studio far from the heart of the city, with very little equipment and very few employees. Back then, he was young and extremely inexperienced, but he had drive. He wanted to make a name for himself in the fashion industry, and he did just that. With his charisma and eye for talent, he was able to hire some talented designers, one of which was your mother. The start was rough, but with time, the brand grew rapidly, gaining notoriety for its trendy designs that referenced traditional patterns and practices. They soon outgrew their little studio, and that was the birth of your parents' fashion house. Time made them one of the top brands in the country and ultimately allowed them to mingle with the upper class.
When compared to your parents, your news was not nearly as exciting. It was still something you were proud of, however. Whereas they were busy running a big brand, you worked for a much smaller fashion house. You started there about a year ago, your work focused on style research and marketing studies and tactics. It wasn't a glamorous job by any means. It was not nearly as exciting as a designer's job, making the new line, or even a job making the final outfits. If anything, most would have hated it, and even your parents seemed to find it rather drab. However, this was the path that you had chosen for yourself, the path you decided to walk, and you were going to make the most of it. You were going to reach your goals on your own.
Three years ago, after graduating from college, your parents decided that they wanted to bring you into the company immediately. With your background in marketing and design, they had already made plans for you to be the apprentice for one of the company's designers. Working with them was their way of ensuring that you would learn the necessary skills. In doing so, by learning from experience, they hoped it would set you up to run the company in the future. They had all of this planned out, but not once did they mention this plan to you.
Once they did, you had to find it in yourself to decline their gracious offer. You had never been good at speaking up against your parents. They had raised you to be agreeable, and you were also naturally like that by nature. You never made a fuss, but even you knew that this was the right time to stand up for yourself. Much like your father who earned his merit by doing something many had thought was impossible, you also wanted to work your way up. You were a hard worker, and you were no stranger to putting in extra time to do well. You wanted to do this for your career so that you wouldn't take anything that your parents built for granted.
Unsurprisingly, your parents didn't understand your initial hesitance. To them, they were providing an opportunity of a lifetime. Still, you refused to earn your position through nepotism. And though it scared you to finally take a stand for yourself, you did. You explained to them what you wanted, what you had planned. Though they weren't particularly thrilled as this set them back on some of their plans, your father understood why you wanted to do it. They couldn't fault you for wanting to work hard... even if it meant they had to listen to these dry stories in the meantime.
When the standard line of topics ran their course, you expected that the three of you would continue to eat in silence as you always did. Once you finished, you would thank them and leave for the evening. Yet, what your mother asked you after the topic of current trends came to an end, was unexpected. "So dear, when do we get to meet him?"
Though you tried not to be wholly overrun with shock, you knew that surprise colored your features, far more than you wanted it to. "Meet whom, mother?" you inquired, sending the question right back at your mother. This line of questioning made you uneasy, and instead of taking a defensive ground from the start, you decided to feign innocence. With your luck, this question wouldn't lead anywhere. But if you were unlucky... you had to leave yourself some room.
Though you had worked hard to conceal your relationship with Sehun from your parents, it wasn't out of shame for him. You wanted him to meet your parents. You desired to show them how proud you were of him, to let them know how well the two of you matched as a couple. Yet, you also needed to do it when your parents had enough respect for you to be okay with your decisions. At this point in time, they still treated you like a child, one that didn't know any better. If you brought Sehun around now, it would have been like throwing him into the lion's den with no means of defending himself. You knew that you were an adult, that Sehun was an adult, but even so, he would have a hard time with your parents. Particularly, with his background.
Given the success of your family's business, it was expected that they ran in rather elite social circles. As you grew up with an above-average life, one that you were well aware skewed your perception of things at an early age, it also meant that your parents had certain... expectations for any man who you would date and possibly marry. Your parents required that he be from a renowned family. They preferred that this person have a business that they were set to inherit. If he didn't have that, he should at least have the know-how to start his own company. Yet, if none of these were possible, they expected, at a bare minimum, that he be working at a firm that allowed him to climb the ladder. They wanted to see drive and determination at work, the urge to make something out of their life.
In all honesty, in almost every way, Sehun was the complete opposite of what your parents wanted. His family wasn't well off. They were an average household trying to make enough to stay afloat. He wasn't set to inherit anything. His band was attempting to make their big break, hoping that a record label would sign them. And lastly, his job at the record store wasn't exactly earning him the big bucks, nor could he really climb the ladder there.
Still, even if he failed in almost every requirement that your parents had, he cared for you immensely. All throughout college, you had been worried about dating. You knew precisely how your parents would react to each guy you found attractive or had a connection with, and you couldn't bring yourself to put either of you through that emotional experience. Even so, Sehun managed to dive right past those worries. Sehun, just by being himself, by showing you great kindness, care, and love, allowed you to open up. He was special to you. This was exactly why the timing of revealing your relationship was so important.
"Sweetie, we are well aware that you're seeing someone. We've caught you glimpsing at your phone with the fondest look on your face. It's not Baekhyun that you're fawning over. He comes over frequently, and we've never seen you make those expressions towards him," your mother pointed out, her keen eyes noticing how your posture seemed to stiffen in response.
Truthfully, you were surprised that your mother even picked up on how different your interactions were with Baekhyun in comparison to the mystery person on your phone. You and Baekhyun were close, and you had hoped that your closeness would mask any telltale signs that you were dating someone. Apparently, you had let it slip.
"It's not a special someone," you replied, reassuringly. "It's a new friend from work. We have a group chat, and they sometimes say silly things." You had always been a terrible liar, but you were inwardly hoping that it was passable this time.
"Dear, what have we told you about lying. You've never been very good at it," your father said flatly. Well, there went all of your hopes that this was going to stop. "It seems like you're hiding this boyfriend of yours. Is there a particular reason you feel the need for us not to meet? You're not dating some hooligan, right?"
'No matter what I say, you would think he was a hooligan. Sehun's the sweetest man I've ever met though,' you thought to yourself. "I wouldn't say that I'm hiding him. I'm cautious. Our relationship is still in the early stages, and I want to make sure that we're more committed before the three of you meet," you explained. You knew that you couldn't hide your relationship anymore, but you were going to try and postpone this meeting for as long as you could. Nine months wasn't a short amount of time to be together, but it still wasn't enough time to prepare your boyfriend for your parents.
"Just because the relationship is in its early stages, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't meet. How do you know that we won't like your boyfriend?" your father pointed out before continuing. "Unless you already know that we wouldn't approve of him. And if that's the case, if you can't seem to pick a quality significant other, maybe we should look into arranging your marriage again."
You did your best to control your displeasure at the mention of an arranged marriage. As of your third year of college, they decided that it was time you got serious about your future. Without really asking you, they put together dates with the sons of their business partners. You willingly went on these dates, but you never felt a spark for any of these men. They had interests that didn't overlap with yours, and some were just uninterested in you as a whole. When you started dating Sehun, you had made the excuse that you wanted to focus on your career for the time being, that handling a relationship and work from the beginning was going to be difficult. Your parents agreed as none of the boys were a match at the time. But the fact that they wanted to meet Sehun now, and the fact that your father brought up an arranged marriage, it meant that they had started looking for someone behind your back. That bothered you greatly.
"We've talked to some very nice young men about you recently. They feel like they would suit you. Perhaps one of them would be a better fit for you and for the family if you are unsure about the one that you are currently seeing," your mother pointed out, confirming your suspicions. You knew that being the daughter of a wealthy family meant that you had few freedoms, but this felt like it was too much.  
Your mind raced to find some sort of excuse. You honestly thought that your parents would love Sehun if they could get over the fact that he didn't meet any of their criteria. But to soften them up, you needed time. You thought about asking for it, but you could already see it in your parents' eyes. They weren't going to take another excuse from you. Fate was telling you it was now or never, and you had never hated fate so much before.
"If you think this boy is the one, then we should meet him. Why don't you bring him by next week, for our usual dinner? It will be an excellent way for us to get to know him. I expect no other excuses. That's that," your mother said, putting an end to the topic.
The remaining dinner chatter had been sparse, and you found yourself leaving not long after. Your steps out to your car were slow, your mind still racing at how the topic of your love life got so out of control. On the entire way back, even after you were already in bed for the evening, all you could think about was Sehun. How were you supposed to prepare him for the worst and most challenging moment of his life?
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal
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→ Genre: Angst, Romance
→ Pairing: Oh Sehun x Reader
→ Summary: You had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ Chapters:
[Prologue] [Ch.1] [Ch.2] [Ch.3] [Ch.4] [Ch.5] [Ch.6] [Ch.7] [Ch.8] [Epilogue]
→ Notes: I’ve been a bit absent from tumblr lately >< Most of that was work-related, but I was also working really hard on completing this series. I don’t have a set posting schedule for it, but I will be posting it as I finish editing the chapters!
Please let me know if you want to be tagged in future updates for this fic!
I hope you all enjoy it!
- ash <3
77 notes · View notes
goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Prologue
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→ pairing: sehun x reader 
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 1,361
→ warnings: it’s a little suggestive at the very end of the prologue, but nothing too much
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
note: it’s been a really long time since I last wrote a full series, but I thought I would give it a go again! This story is filled with a bit more angst than some of you have probably seen from my previous fics, but I hope that you still find it enjoyable!
I also have a running tag list at the bottom of each chapter if you would like to be tagged in this story, please let me know! ^^
- ash <3
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Soft lips placed a loving kiss on the smooth skin of your forehead. The individual made a small noise, muttering something barely audible before they continued to plant butterfly kisses across your face. The featherlike touches soon pull you out of your dreams when they brush across a particularly sensitive patch of skin. As you regain consciousness, you become aware of how bright the room was, your eyes adapted to the darkness that had enveloped the room the night before.
Slowly, your blurry eyes took in the sight of the morning sun as it seeped its way past your blinds. The walls and bed were painting in a sea of warm orange, trying to awaken all unsuspecting beings that it touched. You knew this morning glow well. It was the sight that you woke up to on most days when you had to rise at an early hour to get ready for work. But today, you knew it was too early to be up at this hour. No, it was definitely a weekend.  So, in an attempt to get some additional hours of sleep, your curled in closer to your partner, your movement causing your limbs to become further tangled as you used him to shield you from the light. At your actions, your human barrier chuckled, the vibration of it could be felt against your cheek, as it lay flush against his chest.
"Beautiful, it's time to wake up. Your Sehunnie is wide awake, and he's waiting to be showered with your affection." His voice was raspy, the tone deep and gravely, like it usually was when he just woke up. It was in complete contrast to his naturally rich and silky tone that you were generally greeted with, but you loved it no matter what. His voice was like music to your ears no matter when you heard it. The grittiness to it right now sent a chill down your spine. It was a bit sexier than his typical sound.
"Sehun, it's too early to be up," you protested. Though, contrary to your words, you gently lifted your head, eyes finally opened, adjusting to the brightness of the room. When your eyes were entirely in focus, you trailed them upwards, catching a glimpse of your boyfriend's face. He still looked pretty exhausted himself, likely awake for just a bit longer than yourself. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were wrinkled, apparent signs that he had yet to get up and start his day. Still, even in this state, he was extremely handsome. Maybe it was because you loved him so much, but no matter his situation, he was the most attractive person in the room to you. It just wasn't fair. "Why are you up so early anyway? You don't have work until later today..." you added, eyes catching a glimpse of the small clock on the nearby table.
In response, you received a kiss on your lips, now that they were within kissing distance of the male. You yearned for more, wanting the kiss to last just a bit longer, but your boyfriend pulled away, a deep chuckle leaving his lips. "You are right. It's definitely too early. But a certain someone forgot to turn off her alarm last night. And even though she managed to sleep through it, I did not," he teased.
"My love, how many times do I have to tell you to turn off your alarm on your days off? You need to get some rest, or you'll end up running yourself ragged..." he urged. Sehun knew that things had been busy for you lately and that you had been working ridiculous hours to try and meet the deadline for the new fashion line. It wasn't often that you would put in extra hours after work, or even, sometimes on weekends, but these last few weeks, you had just been buried in work. More often than not, you would now show up at Sehun's door, completely exhausted, just wanting to cuddle. He knew then how difficult of a day you had. He hated seeing you so tired, but he knew why you were like that. You refused to take the easy road. You wanted to do everything on your own. You wanted to prove yourself to those around you.
You cursed under your breath, berating yourself for not turning on that alarm while you were over at Sehun's. His hours were very different from yours between his job and the shows he played in the evening. He didn't need to be up this early. "I thought I had turned that alarm off. I had it set last week since I needed to get some things done and have brunch with my parents. I'm sorry it woke you," you apologized as Sehun pulled you on top of him. You tenderly peppered his face in kisses to try and make it up to him, but your actions only made him laugh. Yet, through all of his laughter, he still managed to snake his arms around your waist, holding you tightly to his form. In this position, you were always the most content.
Being able to stare into his lovely eyes, hands lightly brushing his fringe out of the way so that you could get a better look at them. Being with Sehun was comfortable. You felt safe, loved, and overall… happy.
Sehun returned your dreamy gaze with his own, fingers drawing random patterns on your lower back. "Speaking of that forbidden topic, am I ever going to have the pleasure of meeting these terrifying people that you call your parents?" Sehun inquired, just as you were about to place another kiss on his lips.
At his sudden remark, however, you stopped right in your tracks. Instead, you blinked and unconsciously bit your bottom lip in response. You were aware of Sehun's want to meet your parents. He wanted them to know that you were in good hands. However, given your background and your parents' status, they definitely had particular... expectations for you and your future. You wanted to make sure that Sehun was ready to meet them, and that you had proven yourself enough to them that they would let the two of you be. You knew that he was restless about this, but you just needed him to wait a little longer. "Sehun..." you started slowly.
This was a reaction that your boyfriend knew well. Every time your parents were brought up, and the subject of meeting them was brought up, you always became apologetic. You were going to tell him to give you more time... and he was well aware of that. Sehun knew not to push too much about it, and though he meant it as a joke this time, it was evident that you had taken it to heart, and he would have to soothe your worries.
"I know, beautiful. I know that it's not time to meet them yet. I meant to tease you. I'm sorry if it didn't come across that way," Sehun said gently, his tone reassuring as he closed the distance between the two of you to complete that earlier kiss. "Plus, I like our relationship the way we are now. There's no meddling from anyone. And honestly, this sneaking around... it feels a bit..."
When Sehun trailed off, you couldn't help but grow curious as to what he was keeping from you. "What does it feel like, Sehun?" you asked.
Unexpectedly, Sehun moved, and in one fell swoop, he had you pinned below him, a yelp of surprise leaving your lips. When your eyes finally focused, you found his face mere inches from you, staring intensely into your eyes. "Sneaking around like this makes us feel taboo... and I honestly find it kind of hot," he admitted. He could tell that you were about to make a snarky remark, and instead, he took the chance to crash his lips against your own, devouring your lips in a searing kiss.
Still, even though he thought that your family's expectations were a joke, he would soon find out that they weren't... and that he should have known better...
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→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol @meryljill-111192
62 notes · View notes
goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Chapter 4
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→ pairing: sehun x reader
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 3,025
→ warnings: none
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol @meryljill-111192 @sehunscutiepie @hi-cupid
note: after a small break last week, we are right back into time to heal this week! I won’t say much about this chapter, and instead will just let you all enjoy it! 
Also, please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story~
- ash <3
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In the weeks following the hellish encounter with your parents, it was difficult to get in contact with Sehun. You had tried to message him on multiple occasions but to no avail. Sehun had read your messages, you knew that much, but he never answered. You even tried to call him, but each attempt routed you straight to voicemail. Part of you understood why he was so upset. If you had been treated like that, you would be just as angry and not willing to compromise. However, part of you also thought he was taking this a bit far. A couple of days would have been okay, but you were weeks past that encounter. You knew you had to give him time and space, but at the same time, you missed him. His absence was felt, and every fiber of your being just wanted to see him.
Your inner turmoil was apparent to Baekhyun. He noticed the way you picked up your phone, wondering if you should send Sehun another message. Yet, with a light sigh, you would always put your phone back down, deciding against it. He saw the frown that became a fixed expression on your ordinarily cheerful face. He saw every ounce of defeat course through your system when you didn't see a message back from Sehun. It hurt him to see you like this.
Strangely enough, Baekhyun also hadn't heard from Sehun. The two were long-time friends, but apparently, he did not feel comfortable confiding in Baekhyun this time. Granted, that only made the situation more complicated. Eventually, Baekhyun suggested that you go and see Sehun in person. He knew it wasn't the best solution, but in his eyes, it was the only way you were going to get a real answer from his friend.
You, of course, were hesitant to do so. You didn't want to seem needy or desperate, and above all else, you wanted Sehun to come to you when he was ready. Truthfully, what you wanted to avoid was either of you getting too emotional over it if the wounds were still too fresh. Still, though your logical brain told you to give him space, your heart was having a hard time doing so. It became difficult to work when your heart ached and pined for someone that wasn't willing to answer you.
So, against your better judgment, to ease your pain, you gave in to Baekhyun's advice.  You were going to see Sehun in person.
Your only predicament was where you would meet him. He wasn't answering his messages, so you couldn't suggest a location to meet. You thought about showing up at his place of work, but you didn't want to cause a commotion there either. That wouldn't put you in the best light and if Sehun was still mad, showing up like that could cause him to resent you. After much thought, you decided on a more social place, a place. It was a place that you knew he would be at on a Friday night. You were going to see him at the club the boys went to, the club where you had met.
That night, you left work on the dot, something that you didn't normally do. You headed home to change into something more comfortable before you got back into your car, heading down the familiar roads that took you out from your typical nightlife. It took you further out, to an area with far more people, individuals leaving their cars in lots so that they could shuffle along the streets within the busy crowds. You did much the same walking with the group, your feet carrying you down the bustling streets by pure muscle memory.
You entered the small club when you arrived, the doorman recognizing you immediately. As you reached the end of the dimly lit hall, you were quickly drowned in the familiar music, driven that heavy bass that you had grown accustomed to. You meandered your way through the individuals, all with drinks in hand or dancing against one another, making your way across the dancefloor with that same level of expertise as Baekhyun did the first time he took you here. Yet, even though you were moving with intent at first, as you drew closer to the table, your steps became tentative. A feeling bubbled up in the pit of your stomach, that anxiety that told you that this was a bad idea. But you were already too far along. There was nowhere to go but to the table, even if your arrival was unexpected.
To your luck, the boys were at their usual table, evident by the fact that their rowdiness was heard as you approached. They were laughing and having a good time, and probably would have continued to do so if Jongdae didn't notice you. At first, his gaze had passed right by you, but the moment it darted back, his eyes were full of... surprise. He seemed so shocked to see you that he stopped mid-thought. Of course, his sudden silence didn't go unnoticed by the other boys. They gave him a bit of a look before they followed Jongdae's gaze to the object of his attention. As their eyes fell on you, you could see the confusion behind their eyes. Was it that strange that you were here? Why did it look like they had all seen a ghost? Why were they fidgeting like that?
Becoming well-aware of just how awkward the air had gotten, Chanyeol was the first to speak up.
"H-hey, it's been a while! We thought that you and Baekhyun had been too busy to come and see us lately! But since you're here, why don't you join us?" Chanyeol suggested, making an effort to get Kyungsoo to scoot in so that the boys could make room for you. Kyungsoo, his facial expression ever hard to read, gave Chanyeol a bit of a look.
You motioned for Kyungsoo to stay where he was. "I really didn't mean to interrupt your evening, so including me isn't necessary. Um... I'm actually just here to speak with Sehun. Would you happen to have a minute?" you asked cautiously. You eyes slowly wandered towards Sehun, though he didn't look at you directly. Instead, he let out a heavy sigh in response. He seemed disinterested in your presence, almost as if it were a burden to him, an annoyance. In the past, even when he was upset, he never treated you like this. This was... a strange reaction from him.
"Fine," Sehun said, his words curt as he stood up from his seat. "Let's go talk outside."
His overall demeanor was so different. His voice was devoid of the usual emotion that you had grown used to. Gone were the sweet words, his airy and lighthearted tone. This was something far colder, reminiscent of the way parents spoke when they scolded their children. So, instead of arguing, you followed Sehun out of the club like a little lost puppy. Each step made you feel uneasy, and it wasn't until you felt the cold night air, brushing over your exposed skin, that you felt like you could breathe again.
"So, you came all the way out of your comfort zone to see me. What could you possibly want to talk about?" he asked. The loud music that had, moments ago, echoed through your body was not replaced by the voices of the people passing by. The sudden change distracted you slightly, and it took you a moment to regain your bearings.
"Y-you haven't been returning my calls or messages. I know it's a bit unlike me to show up like this, but I just... I wanted to make sure that you were okay," you explained gently, any bit of confidence you had in your actions was long gone. After seeing the reaction from his friends, you knew how this looked. You knew that they probably thought of you what Sehun had. There was no way that he hadn't told them about that night. But you had already gotten this far, so you had to give it a shot.
Your words frustrated Sehun, and another heavy sigh left his lips. He thought he had made himself clear that night. He knew you were smart, and he knew that you understood him far better than anyone else had. You should have been able to read the signs, but maybe that wasn't enough, and he had to be explicit about it. He still cared for you, but he had to make this obvious... even if it hurt you.
"Look, you came all the way here, so I'm going to make this as clear as I can. I'll be honest. I'm not answering answer you because I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to have anything to do with you rich and entitled people. I know rejection is hard for people of your status to understand, but this should make you realize exactly what's happening," he stated. His words didn't falter, and as they registered with you, he could see you flinch at his words. They were harsh, but he didn't feel bad for saying them. When he thought of that dinner, all of his anger just came surging back. He was still upset over it, no longer enchanted by your sweet words. This was it, and he needed you to realize that.
You had people in your past that spoke to you like this. Though to be fair, though they had rejected you, either professionally or romantically with similar crass words, they never held as much disdain as Sehun's words did. And the fact that these words were coming from Sehun hurt even more. You had let him into your life, you had allowed him to form a place in your heart, and now he was tearing it to shreds.
"Sehun, I know that my parents' words were upsetting, but do we have to let it end like this? If you give me a chance, I think we can work it out. I think we can show them that their ideology is incorrect..."
"Show them?" he repeated your words, a scoff uncharacteristically leaving his lips. "Are you really that naïve? You know for a fact that they won't change just because you try to force it on them. You know exactly what they think of a struggling musician. Even if I make it, if I earn a modicum of success, it'll never be enough. I'll never be what they want for you. You deny the inevitable if you think we could just 'work it out.'"
Sehun ran a hand through his hair, his frustrations bubbling back to the surface. He was trying to control himself. He was trying to not lose his temper again, but it was hard. Talking of your parents... just always brought out the worst. "Also, to be entirely fair to you, the reason I haven't answered you is–"
His admission was interrupted by the appearance of a female. She happily came over to the two of you. She looked up at him through thick lashes and heavy makeup, her clothes tight and accentuating her every curve as she pushed her body against Sehun's arm. She didn't seem much older than you, and as soon as you saw the way her eyes seemed to glitter as she looked at Sehun, you realized that you had met her before. She worked as a bartender at a small venue where the boys would often play their gigs. Having an interest in them, she also helped them to find other gigs as well, though some weren't necessarily in legal venues. Even so, why was she here now, and acting like–
"Sehunnie! I finally found you! I saw the guys inside, but when I noticed that you weren't there, I went looking for you. What are you even doing out here?" she asked, a pout forming on her lips as her hand interlaced with his. Their closeness confused you at first, and you were sure that some form of shock was written on your features. As if your presence was finally known to her, she turned and gave you a pointed look.
"I'm sorry, Seohyun. I really didn't mean to keep you waiting. I just have to sort this out first," Sehun said softly, a warmth to his voice that you hadn't heard during his entire interaction with you. He used to be like that to you. He used to be kind and sweet like that, but as that thought crossed your mind, the grip on your heart tightened.
Hearing them coo and speak to each other in such a manner made you painfully aware of what was happening. This felt like an out of body experience, like you were watching this from the sidelines. But it all made sense. The way she clung to him. The way he stroked her hair away from her eyes. That small smile that used to only be reserved for you. Sehun had cut you off, not because he was upset.
He did it because he had moved on.
"Oh, and who are you?" she asked, her tone harsh but just enough to pull you right back into the moment. Seohyun's expression was strong, and she looked ready to tell you off. "What business do you have with Sehun, anyway?"
With everything that was running through your mind, you struggled with figuring out what the proper reaction was. Your upbringing told you that you needed to conceal your true feelings, to hide that pain and not show weakness. But the more emotional part of you didn't want to do that. No, it wanted to scream. It demanded to be angry. Your emotions wanted to dramatic, to yell about how you had felt betrayed. But these two things worked so hard against each other that you couldn't even come up with a proper response. All you could manage was a simple and meek, "N-no one…"
Sehun could tell in the way that you responded, in your body language that you realized what was going on. He would be the first to admit that this wasn't the best way to handle this type of situation, but he supposed that it got his point across. Gently, he whispered to Seohyun to head back inside, and that he would join her and the guys shortly. She opened her mouth as if she were going to protest the idea but hesitantly closed it, giving Sehun a small nod instead before disappearing back into the club.
The two of you, standing there alone, did nothing to still your raging emotions. Your entire being was being bombarded by wave after wave of pain. The reason Sehun wasn't answering you these past few weeks had nothing to do with being busy. It had nothing to do with needing time. It was an indication that it was all over for the two of you, that you no longer meant anything to him.
Sehun watched you, watched the way that your eyes stayed trained to the ground. He noticed the droplets of tears hitting the pavement, and he could only let out a small breath in response. Before, he hated seeing you in pain. He hated how you would always try to hide behind that smile of yours. When you were together, he wanted to give you a place to go to, give you an outlet. Though, now that he was the cause of that pain... he felt nothing. He knew that staying here any longer would do you know good. All Sehun offered was a soft, "Sorry," before he turned his back and walked away, going in to see his new girlfriend and his band members.
Your numbness was soon replaced by a dull pain as you stood outside of that club on your own. Knowing that you shouldn't loiter, you brought yourself to start moving as your brain went over everything that had happened earlier. It made sense to you why the guys were so surprised to see you there. If you had gotten Sehun's hints beforehand, there was no reason for you to show up and ask for Sehun if the relationship was really over. It also explained why Sehun had been so distant from Baekhyun too.
And you personally felt like an idiot. Your mind had been so clouded by worry and desperation that you couldn't see what was clearly in front of you. Sehun was no longer your boyfriend, he had made that decision for you.
Once you were in your car, you slumped in your seat, not having the will to move immediately. Maybe... maybe this was a necessary experience to have. It showed you that you loved Sehun too much that you were willing to overlook some things just because you cared about him deeply. But even though you cared for him on such a level, it didn't mean that he felt the same. The way he stormed off after meeting your parents, it wasn't a reasonable level of anger. That was him calling it quits on something that you had both been trying to build for nine months.
You concluded that Sehun would... he would be happier with someone that understood him better. It should be someone that shared his values, that understood everything he had gone through. It shouldn't have been someone that tried so desperately to have everything, that she couldn't have anything at all. Seohyun seemed like a good fit for him all around. He wouldn't have the same worries that he had with you.
With a gentle sigh, you started your car and headed back towards your apartment. Being without you, it would make Sehun's life better. He could be his true self, realize his dream. And though your heart still belonged to him, you knew that you had to forget about him, forget about being together. Because, even if you weren't ready, your heart needed to heal. It needed to cope with the fact that there was no longer a place next to him, for you…
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Chapter 2
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→ pairing: sehun x reader
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 4,558
→ warnings: none
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol @meryljill-111192 @sehunscutiepie
note: this chapter was... kind of a heavy one. It was a hard one to write and then have to do an editing pass on. It’s very angsty compared to some of my recent writing. But I wanted to push the emotional part of this story, so even though this part may be a bit much, please do stick around if you would like to see how their relationship develops.
Also, please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story~
- ash <3
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"Excuse me, handsome. I'm looking for my boyfriend, Sehun. He's usually dressed in ripped jeans, a messy t-shirt, his favorite jacket, and his hair is a bit unkempt. You haven't seen him around, have you?" you inquired of the tall male in front of you. He turned to face you, and all you got in response was an eye roll and a pointed look from him. 
Still, you couldn't help but tease Sehun. Tonight, he looked the opposite of his usual self. Gone were his wrinkly white t-shirt, leather jacket, and those ripped jeans that hugged his lower body in all the right ways. Instead, he sported a pair of black dress pants which sat just right on his hips, coming just above a set of really nice shoes. His t-shirt and leather jacket were replaced with a black buttoned shirt. In true Sehun style, always wanting to dress for comfort, he left a couple buttons undone at the top and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. Sehun's dark brown locks that were often messy were now slicked back and out of his face, showing off every perfect angle of that chiseled face of his. It was almost as if he were a different person. Never would you have guessed that he knew how to dress like this, but you also weren't going to complain. Sehun was already incredibly handsome to you, no matter how he looked. But this just took it to another level and really elevated his appearance.
Sehun's initial displeasure was immediately replaced by a smug smirk the moment he saw your eyes scanning his form. He knew that you were admiring him, seeing him dressed in such different attire was not the norm. But he was not going to let your wandering eyes go without saying anything. "Stop looking at me like you want to tear my clothes off. I know, I look hot and irresistible in this outfit, but we have a dinner to go to. Please control yourself," he stated, earning a scoff in response. 
Still, the moment that his hands grasped your own, you turned around in a heartbeat. Sehun's eyes also gave you a once over, and he couldn't help but bit his lower lip in response. Typically when you saw each other, you were in your work attire. Every now and then he would catch you in something more casual during the weekends, or when he would stay over, but his eyes were most accustomed to your ironed white button-up, and your long black skirt. Now, however, those formal clothes were replaced with a light and sleeveless cream-colored blouse that was paired with a short and flared red skirt. The combination was casual and youthful, every part of your outfit accentuating your beautiful figure. Honestly, if Sehun had it his way, the two of you wouldn't even make it out the door. But that wasn't his call this evening. 
"I clean up well, don't I," he declared, wrapping his arms around your body and holding you close. 
On instinct, you nestled against his chest, hands resting on the fabric of his shirt as you took in the intoxicating scent of his cologne and the heat that his body emanated. He always brought you such comfort with the smallest actions. At this moment, you thought that the two of you could make it through the evening with little fuss. Well, that was your hope, anyway. "You clean up a bit too nicely. I'm honestly surprised you had all of this sitting in your closet. Though I won't lie. I love this businessman look on you..."
Sehun chuckled at your combination of a compliment and tease, his smile reaching up to his eyes. "Baekhyun hated being at fancy functions alone, so whenever his family had one or was invited to one, he'd drag me along," he explained. "You couldn't believe how uncomfortable it was at first. It was so different from what I was used to. But over time, it became easier. It actually got to the point where people thought I was the Byun family's son."
"Oh? Is that so?" you inquired, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. Sehun had told you about these outings a couple of times, but never in such depth. You wouldn't be surprised if people thought he was from a wealthy family, though. He fit the part well. 
Sehun nodded. "Rich women would ask me out all of the time. And if they weren't interested, they would ask if I were single, so they could introduce me to their daughters," he stated matter-of-factly, hearing you huff in response. That was just what he wanted, teasing you back for all of your earlier comments.
"Well, if so many women have such an interest in you, then why don't you date one of them instead," came your offended reply. You tried to squirm out of your boyfriend's grasp, but the moment he felt you move, his grip on you tightened, pulling you in squarely against him. 
A giant grin spread across Sehun's features, proud that he had gotten you so wound up and effectively got the last laugh. Even as you tried to move away, he leaned in, forehead resting against your own to still your movements. "I don't have a reason to chase after those women. I already found the one that drives me crazy, and I would be stupid to let her go. I think I'm good for now," he whispered, feeling your tense figure slowly relaxing as he trailed kisses from your cheek down to your neck.
You let out a breathy sigh, head tilted slightly so that Sehun could easily continue his little display of affection. Your fingers gently played with the hair near the base of his head as you made another content noise. He was also so good at winning you over again. "You're such a sweet talker. Do you think you could put those skills to use on my parents too?" you asked, feeling your boyfriend pull away so that he could come face to face with you. 
"I can definitely try," he replied earnestly. "I've had some practice at Baekhyun's party dealing with similar types of people, so I think I can hold my own against your parents. At the very least, you've prepared me for some of the things they might say." He planted a tender kiss on your forehead before he pulled away, giving you a small smile before leading you out the door. 
And though you wanted to believe him. Though you wanted everything to end well... you still had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as you got in the car and were en route to your parents' home...
The night had a promising start. You arrived fifteen minutes early to your childhood home, and slowly made your way up the steps to the front door. Sehun had teased you about the excessiveness of their home, from the lavish yard to the ridiculous stairs that you were traversing. You knew that Sehun was doing it to lighten the mood, and you were appreciative of his attempt. At least your giggles and sassy remarks back to him were helping to hide your actual nervousness.
When you arrived at the front door and let yourselves in, you were greeted by your parents. And truthfully, their first meeting went quite well. Sehun greeted them with respect, introducing himself to each parent. Your mother was absolutely enchanted by your boyfriend's handsome features while your father was delighted by his good manners. You were honestly surprised by how easy Sehun seemed to slide into this role. Though it felt strange for you to see him like this, a stark contrast to his natural and teasing personality, you were glad that he was making an effort. Putting his best foot forward now and capturing your parents' hearts meant that you could both have more leeway later. 
"Sweetie, he's such a lovely young man! How could you keep him from us all this time," your mother reprimanded as the four of you took your seats at the table.
Though Sehun hid it well in the presence of your parents, you knew that he was inwardly smug at your mother's comment. "Your amazing daughter just wanted to make sure that we all met at the right time. Though I am thrilled to finally meet you, I understand her hesitance. She wanted this to be perfect," Sehun responded as you nodded along. Your parents seemed to buy the excuse as you started on your meal.
Your parents spent their time asking Sehun questions about himself, all of which he answered tactfully. He provided just enough details that your parents didn't ask too many follow-up questions. You were starting to think that you didn't give your boyfriend nearly enough credit. Maybe you had been overly nervous about your parents meeting him after all.
Even when he gave an explanation as to how the two of you met, it had been convincing. He had said that you met through a mutual friend, through Baekhyun. This wasn't a lie. The part he left out, of course, was just which of Baekhyun's friend groups he was from. For your parents, Baekhyun was the epitome of a well brought up young man. Part of them seemed to forget his earlier, more humble upbringing, however. No, to them, anyone that Baekhyun knew, had to have been as kind and had as much money. And unfortunately, mentioning Baekhyun was what inadvertently got the two of you in trouble. 
"Sehun, if you're friends with Baekhyun, then your family must be pretty big in your industry, or at least up and coming. What is it that you do, dear?" your mother asked. 
Things had been going so well. Your plan to introduce Sehun to them, get them to like him, and then slowly opening up about him, seemed like it might work. But this question threw a wrench into it all. It was a question that you knew would make an appearance that night, but part of you hoped that it wouldn't. Sehun's future plans were no doubt important to your parents, however. They couldn't let anything jeopardize the growth they wanted for their family.
Still, Sehun seemed unfazed by the question, as if it was one that he was often asked at parties. "Ah, I work in music," he replied casually. This answer seemed to satisfy your mother, and for most people, he met. He was confident in his response, and most individuals never took any issue with it. Except for your father. 
"I wasn't aware that Baekhyun's family was acquainted with entertainment families. I figured that they were mainly in the technology sector of things. What exactly does your family do in that industry, Sehun? Do they own a label? Maybe I've heard of it," your father insisted, his curiosity piqued at the mention of music. You knew that part of growing the business was branching out. Though your family knew some influential people, this was looking to be a chance to meet others, and your father wasn't going to back down.
Sehun shook his head, remaining amazingly nonchalant given the situation. If his hands weren't busy with his food, you would have held it under the table, to reassure him of how well he was doing. "Ah, we don't own a music label, sir. It's not quite to that degree. I like to think that I work where the music takes me," he responded vaguely. You could tell that your mother wanted to move on with the conversation, but this answer wasn't satisfactory for your father.
"You must be a producer then. Actually, our nephew has been trying to break into the production side of music for a while now. Maybe I could get the two of you in contact with each other," your father asserted. The more persistent your father became, the more uneasy you felt. You knew that Sehun wasn't going to agree to this. Sehun was willing to curb the truth to get you out of a difficult situation, but he wasn't ready to full-out lie to your father. He knew that admitting he was a guitarist in an unknown band would get him thrown out in a heartbeat, but he wasn't sure what else to say. He was trying so hard already. 
"I'm not quite a producer, though I do know a talented song-writer..." he said slowly, trying to come up with an excuse on the spot. Sehun didn't expect the questions to get this far. But before he could continue, your father let out a huff. 
"If you aren't a producer, then what could you possibly be working on that has you moving around so much? Do you play an instrument or something?"
Sehun's mind was working overtime, trying to come up with a way to nicely wrap up this conversation. But your father's constant talk was making it difficult, and without too much thought, Sehun interjected with, "Y-you could say that..."
"So then you're some type of musician, playing for actual artists," your father said flatly. You could tell that he was not amused by Sehun's answer, and any earlier grace that he had earned with your father was dwindling. "Look, son, let me be frank. You are a very nice young man and my daughter obviously cares for you deeply. However, if you are going to be in the entertainment industry, let me offer you some advice. It would be better for you to pursue the path of an idol. You gain quick fame, and it will allow you to expand your career in the future. You definitely have the looks for it," your father stated. 
"It will still be a lot of work, but it would be far simpler than the path you've chosen. If you don't have the dedication or want to pursue the life of an idol, then I suggest that you work at your parents' company. At least you will be able to build up skills and a reputation. Your current career goals have... a high chance of failure if you cannot get consistent work. Being in a band makes you no better than any other wannabe band out there. Think of your future," your father affirmed.
Sehun had been holding his tongue all night. He worked on getting on your parents' good side, making sure that they liked him. But everyone had their breaking point, and Sehun had just reached his. He could no longer brush off your father's comments. His words got under Sehun's skin and made his blood boil. He hated the perception that an individual would only get into music to make fast money, and that the only way to do so was as an idol. Though he knew that for some were like this, he loved music differently. It was his passion, something he had felt strongly about from a young age. Money wasn't everything to him. If anything, it was pretty low on his priorities. He wanted to achieve his dreams, make a name for himself in his own way.
But he knew that not all families thought this way, particularly not those with money. They were looking for status, for notoriety. And while all wealthy families weren't like this, he had come to learn, from Baekhyun's parties, that many were. And that, unfortunately, your parents were no different. They put a priority on status before happiness, and he was unsure if he could live with people that thought that way. They valued their family's level and overall influence, they appreciated respect, things that Sehun couldn't even fathom when he was trying to make enough to pay his phone bill. 
Your world suddenly felt so different from his own.
He knew that there was kindness in the rich and powerful as well. Baekhyun was still down to earth even with the sudden influx of wealth that his family gained. You were the same as Baekhyun. You were kind, you were loving, and never once did you make fun of him for the little that he had. You were supportive, you were honestly the complete opposite of your parents. Even though Sehun knew this, even though he loved you, he couldn't hold his tongue anymore. His emotions had finally gotten the better of him. 
"With all due respect, sir, I think that bands that are formed by your average person can still be successful. It takes a lot of hard work, in a very different way, but one doesn't need a large company from the beginning to be successive. Some groups that are put together by large companies can also fail. These indie groups... they just need some help to get the spotlight. That's how I feel about the band that I'm currently in," Sehun said firmly. His proclamation made the room fall silent, and though he felt the need to stand up for himself, he knew that this would not end well.
"Sir, I know that you are likely shocked by my words, but I am very proud of the work I do. My band isn't well-known, but we are working very hard. We work on our own music and even music for others. We're just looking for our first breakthrough hit. Many agencies have an interest in our work, but the right one hasn't come along yet," Sehun explained.
Sehun's words silenced your parents, but you knew that they wouldn't be quiet for long. You could see the storm raging behind their eyes. That mix of surprise, or disappointment, and even some anger. You knew that they felt betrayed, that you would bring someone like this home. They felt like they had been fooled... and that it was all your doing. They wanted you to meet a nice boy that they could brag about. They did not expect you to bring home someone whose status would only downgrade your own. They were furious, and like raging volcanoes, all of that anger came rushing forth.
"So, is your plan to live off of our daughter's money while you're trying to find this 'big break'?" your father asked, his tone harsh, condescending. 
"Father, please–" you started, but before you could even try to calm him down, your mother cut you off. 
"Don't you dare speak while your father is speaking, young lady," came your mother's order, and out of habit, you instantly fell silent. You mother hadn't raised her voice to you since grade school. 
Sehun saw the way you fell silent as if it were some sort of natural response, but instead of feeling angry, he reached under the table for your hand, giving it a squeeze. He knew this was hard for you. He knew that they had raised you to listen and that at this moment, you were going against your parents' wishes in every way. He wanted to show his support, and this was the little he could do. "I never had any plans of living off of your daughter. She is someone that I care deeply about, and that has always supported me. I would never treat her in such a way. I have a decent job, and I make my own money. I would never take hers, ever," Sehun said honestly, an absoluteness to his words. Still, none of them convinced your parents.
"Do you think that your words reassure us in some way? You may not be after her money now, but what about in your future? What happens when you don't make a living from your band? You know how much our daughter has since you've been with her for a  while. What's stopping you from drying out her bank accounts later?" your mother inquired. All of her earlier adoration for Sehun was gone. 
"I have the drive and self-respect. I can make my own living without your daughter's financial help," Sehun stated. Though he tried to be earnest with his words, he was only met with a scoff from each parent.
"Those values only get so many people so far. At some point, they all realize that a difficult road will always be difficult, and they will fall back on an easier life with no struggles. You'll live like a rich bum off of her hard-earned money," your father fired back. 
You wanted to say something, but you didn't know what you could say that would help the situation. You could see it in Sehun's eyes. He was trying so hard to be level-headed about this. "I promise that it won't be like that. I'm extremely driven to take this seriously."
"You'll take it seriously until it puts you into debt, you fall into a slump, and you decide to use up all of the money our daughter has saved up. We've seen your type before," your father retorted, disdain obvious in his voice.
"Father, Sehun isn't like that!" you finally piped up, not being back to keep quiet any longer. 
Though you had finally found it in yourself to stand up against your parents, to raise your voice for the first time in many years, it didn't help. You were met with pointed stares, their anger now directed at you. "I have some choice words for you as well, young lady. You lied to us about the man you were dating. Did you really think you could dress him up nicely and pass him off as a wealthy person? A wolf will always look like a wolf," your father spat. "And on top of that, this is the man you're willing to risk your future for? This starving artist is why you refused every single arrangement we set up for you? He's the reason you refuse to find a good husband?"
At these words, Sehun's eyes were also on you now. That tight grip that he had on your hand loosened as he fell away from you. "A… arranged… m-marriage?" Sehun asked.
You had never disclosed to Sehun that your parents wanted to marry you off. At the time, you didn't think it was necessary, and in your eyes, it wasn't important as you were in a relationship. Though he had brought it up in passing before, as Baekhyun had told him of another friend that was being set up, you promised that your parents weren't doing the same. You just didn't know that your parents had gone behind your back. And you knew that all Sehun heard, at that moment, was that they were setting you up with a rich man behind his back. And you knew he was hurt by that. You could see the pain in his eyes. Betrayal.
"Oh, did our lovely daughter never tell you that we've been searching for someone for her? We've been trying for months, actually, but she had refused to meet them all. She knew, of course, but she never agreed. Still, if we knew that she was seeing someone like you..." your mother trailed off. "Look, Sehun, you seem like a nice boy, but you just aren't good enough for our daughter."
With your mother's words, Sehun fell silent. After all of that, he couldn't find it in himself to argue anymore. Instead, he thanked them for dinner and excused himself. The moment that he exited the dining room was when you finally found movement again. Your parents commanded that you stay, but for once, you ignored them. You pulled on your shoes as quickly as you could and went running out the door after Sehun. 
"Sehun, please, just let me explain," you pleaded when you managed to catch up with him. Your feet were in pain, having to run in those damned shoes down the stairs of your family home. But right now you didn't care. What mattered was Sehun. 
He stopped, involuntarily, and turned to you then. Sehun had a look that you had never seen before. His eyes were dark, empty, and devoid of the beauty that they usually held. "An arranged marriage? This entire time, you were just looking for another guy, hm?"
You shook your head, still trying to regain your breath. "No, I was never looking for another guy. My parents were, I–"
"But you didn't stop them from looking for someone, did you. This entire time, I thought you didn't want to introduce me to your parents because you wanted to make sure that we were okay, that you were in a position where they had to listen to you. Now I know that you were just holding off on it to find a real husband, weren't you. You were just going to throw me away once you find the real thing." Sehun's voice rose as he spoke, and you knew that he was angry. 
"S-sehun, you know that's not true. You know that I wouldn't dump you for some guy that they find, just because he has money," came your shaky reply. You could feel the tears brimming in your eyes. You knew that he wasn't listening, but you had to try. "I was waiting to introduce you to them because I wanted to make sure this wouldn't happen."
"But it still happened anyway, didn't it. You know what tonight showed me? Even if we met them later on, they would have been just as upset. They were never going to accept me no matter what I did. They would only be happy if you found yourself with Baekhyun, wouldn't they?" Sehun saw your eyes widened. "Don't think I didn't see how their faces lit up when I mentioned them. That's the real person they want you to be with."
"Sehun, you know I don't feel that way about Baek," you insisted.
Sehun was blinded by frustration, anger, and betrayal. No matter what you said, he couldn't hear it. "You know, all you rich girls are the same. Sometimes you come to average clubs. You have fun, find someone that you think is a bad boy, someone that your parents don't approve of. You have fun with them, and when you're done, you all throw them to the side like you plan to throw me away. Just so you can live your happy life with a man that has a large paycheck," Sehun stated, hatred lacing his words. "None of you give a shit about people like us... and you're no different."
Sehun's words hurt, but you had to keep trying. You weren't ready for this to go where the way that you knew it would. "Sehun, I promise you, I'm not going to leave you. I want to make this work," you pleaded.
"But I don't."
His words were curt, and the harshness of them stunned you. Your heart suddenly felt tight. "Please… p-please don't, Sehun." 
"We're done. Go back to your rich girl life. I don't want to see you again." His words were pointed, and as soon as they left his lips, he walked out the gate and to his car, driving away without you. 
The moment that he disappeared, you couldn't explain exactly how you felt. You could feel the tears streaming down your face, and the only thing that you knew was that Sehun didn't want to try. No, he just wanted you out of his life… 
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goodnightkisseu · 5 years
Time To Heal - Chapter 3
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→ pairing: sehun x reader
→ genre: fluff, angst, struggling musician sehun x rich reader
→ word count: 3,554
→ warnings: none
→ summary: you had your life planned out for you ever since you were a little girl. However, when your friend, Baekhyun, takes you with him to his old hangout, you meet someone, someone you were willing to risk your parents’ criticism to be with. His name was Oh Sehun. But, in the end, what you really should have asked yourself, was if Sehun was ready to face your parents…
→ masterlist // exo masterlist // time to heal masterlist
→ [prologue] [ch.1] [ch.2] [ch.3] [ch.4] [ch.5] [ch.6] [ch.7]
→ updates taglist~: @chanyeolol @meryljill-111192 @sehunscutiepie @hi-cupid
note: this week’s chapter takes a small break from the last chapter’s drama. we get to see how the pair met! I don’t have much to say in terms of notes this week, but thank you so much for supporting this fic. it means a lot! 
Also, please let me know if you would like to be tagged in this story~
- ash <3
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The heavy bass boomed from the speakers, pulsating through your body as Baekhyun led you through the busy dance floor. The throngs of people made navigating the venue difficult, and there were a couple of times that you were almost separated from your friend. But, Baekhyun made sure to hold on tightly to you, just so that you wouldn't get lost in the sea of people. The club was small and packed at this hour. The price to get in was low, far cheaper than any place you had been to, and the atmosphere wasn't bad at all. You understood why people wanted to be here. There was just something about it that was different from the high establishment clubs that you would typically frequent with friends. This was more low-key, more intimate. Maybe Baekhyun was right after all. You needed a change of pace.
You were in your final quarter before graduation, and truthfully, it was more stressful than expected. Though you had tried to offset your remaining project classes with simpler ones, you still ended up with a lot of work. Your project classes required endless hours of research and design, while your general courses required a lot of textbook reading. Once you added your internship into the mix that you worked at once a week, you found that you had a hard time balancing it all. You were stressed and overworked, and honestly, Baekhyun hated seeing you like this. So, one night, he showed up at your room and insisted that you take the night off, suggesting that you go with him to meet up with his childhood friends. He posited that getting away from your work and your usual circle of friends would allow you to truly relax. At first, you had declined. You felt like there was a lot of work to be done, and you couldn't just take the evening off to blow off some steam. You had lists upon lists of things that needed to be completed. Nowhere on that list was drinking into the early morning. Still, to say that you weren't curious of Baekhyun's previous life was incorrect. Unlike you, Baekhyun had grown up quite differently. His family wasn't from the elite circles. They had actually come into money due to an angel investor. Someone who had taken great interest in his father's small startup, and with that starting capital, the company was able to pick itself up. They produced the product that his father had patented, and the returns soared. Within a year, Baekhyun's family went from a small town to high society. The change was shocking for all of them, and it took some getting used to. You could tell that there were things Baekhyun still struggle with now, though his outgoing personality usually covered that all up. You and Baekhyun had become close during your time in school. Your parents had initially tried to set the two of you up on a date. But when you all realized that Baekhyun was more of a friend to you than a future spouse, your parents stopped pushing it. Still, in your friendship becoming deeper, you came to realize that, no matter how much Baekhyun hung out with your crowd, no matter how he tried to talk like the rich kids did, deep down, he was still that boy from a small town. He kept his two groups of friends very separate, but the fact that he was inviting you to meet the people he grew up with, you knew that it was a difficult thing to do. He was letting you in, and you couldn't brush that off. So in the end, you agreed to go. You slid all of your coursework back into your backpack and headed out with your friend to have a good time. Momentarily, Baekhyun stopped on his quest across the dance floor, though he held onto you tightly so that some unsuspecting male wouldn't pull you away. He took the chance to look around, eyes scanning the surrounding area, looking for a particular set of people. Your eyes followed his, and for the first time, you noticed the tables and booths that lined the back walls and perimeter of the club. Each one was filled with groups of people. Some patrons were drinking together, while others doing more than that, all in the name of a good time. Your eyes were so fixated on the upper level that you almost didn't feel Baekhyun pulling you closer to whisper in your ear. "I found them! They're on the far side of the club, at the second table from the end. It's their usual spot. Let's go!" he told you, leading you the rest of the way off the dance floor. You meandered through the loitering patrons off the dance floor, Baekhyun being a fantastic guide. You could only imagine that he had done this countless times in the past, but you didn't dare ask. As you moved further from the dance floor, the music grew more muted. It still rang through your every fiber, of course, but back here, at least you could hear those around you speaking. With Baekhyun leading the way, you were able to take in what was going around you. It was just other groups of people, making the most of their Friday night. When your friend slowed down, your eyes moved forward to see what was ahead. You only saw a handful of tables remaining at this point, but the one thing that caught your eye was an individual that stood as soon as he saw Baekhyun. He waved frantically in your direction as the pair of you approached, only stopping when the two of you were close. "Dude, what took you so long? We've been here for nearly half an hour. We started without you since it felt like you were a no-show for the evening," the male complained. The first thing that you noticed about this particular friend was his height. The booth sat on a slightly raised platform, but it was evident that he was tall by nature. He had lovely eyes, and his voice was something that you could see girls falling for. Just as you were giving him a once over, he became aware of your presence, leaning to look around Baekhyun and get a better look at you. "This a new girlfriend of yours?" he questioned, brow slightly furrowed. "I thought you were seeing a different girl. Did you change your mind already?" Baekhyun didn't have to turn around to know that you were intrigued by his friend's comment. He was always very open with you about the people he was seeing, but he hadn't quite mentioned his significant other yet. This wasn't quite the place to talk about her, however. Instead, Baekhyun just shook his head, ignoring his friend's earlier inquiry. "Naw, she's a friend from my classes. She's the one I told you about. My actual friend. She was going to spend the evening in working on her homework, but I thought that she'd have a much better time spending it with us," he explained, all the boys in front of you nodding in response. "Ah, so she's one of the rich girls you're usually hanging around," the tall male blurted, earning him a slap on the side of his head once he was seated. Though you didn't know who he was, you appreciated the gesture. Even if your background warranted the title, you hated being referred to by wealth. It felt odd. "Chanyeol, watch your mouth. She's our guest for the evening, so don't be rude," he reprimanded. He had an older air about him, and you could only assume that he was older than you by his mannerisms. "You are more than welcome here. Baekhyun has told us how busy of a quarter this is for graduating students. You must also be swamped by work and looking for an outlet to blow off some steam," he added, giving you a smile. The male then gestured for all of the boys to scoot inward, and with a bit of trouble, they did just that. Moving towards the center, left the two ends of the table free and you and Baekhyun were quick to fill them. Since you had departed that evening, you had grown used to being attached to Baekhyun, and now you were separated. Even so, the boys were quick to ease you in by introducing themselves. They started things off with the male that you knew as Chanyeol. He was the one that stood to greet you. The one that hit him was named Minseok. Now that you got a good look at him, he had a very young face. But much as you had guessed, he was indeed older, regardless of his youthful appearance. Sitting quietly in between Baekhyun and Chanyeol was Kyungsoo. He hadn't said much, nor had he really reacted. But when it came to greeting you, he gave you a small bow and the hint of a smile, welcoming you to the group. Next to Minseok was Jongdae, whose feline-like lips curled into the most mischievous grin as he introduced himself. You had a feeling you would have to be worried about him, but not for an ominous reason or anything. And last, but surely not least, sitting right next to you was Sehun. When you had initially taken your seat, you didn't get a good look at him. But now that you were face to face, you felt utterly awestruck by him. From your point of view, he was beyond handsome. He had that look that was almost too good to be true, the look that a lot of guys in your social circle tried to achieve. His eyes felt like their pierced right through your heart. His facial features looked like they were sculpted from the most elegant marble. Everything about his just seemed to be too much, too good. So when he asked for your name, it was no surprise that you stuttered it out, having become nervous in his presence. Still, whatever nervousness you had was quickly washed away. The boys very easily let you into their circle, doing their best to make you comfortable. But not without asking some questions, of course. They were mostly curious as to how you knew Baekhyun, and if their friend was a different person around the wealthy. You told them about the entry-level course the two of you took, wherein you became partners for the entire quarter. That partnership turned into a full-on friendship. The two of you went to parties together and did your coursework together. You listened when Baekhyun had a bad breakup, and you were also the one to get him home when he was a little too drunk. You told them that he didn't seem much different, except that he was more relaxed here. They, in turn, jeered and teased, saying that he never talked about that sentimental stuff with them. After all of their teasing, they told you about themselves, and Baekhyun's life before he joined your ranks. They didn't skip out on any embarrassing details, like the time they made him act a fool in front of this girl he had a crush on since grade school. You could tell that Baekhyun was dying having to relive it all, but you enjoyed learning more about your friend. You were particularly surprised to learn how they had all met because Sehun was trying to put together a band back in grade school. Something that started on a whim was now the thing they pursued, looking for that glamorous recording contract. Even more so, you were astounded to find that Baekhyun had also been part of the band. Apparently, as a kid, he had always wanted to sing for a living. It had been his talent. However, when Baekhyun's life shifted, there was no way that he could continue on with the guys. He couldn't make it to practice, and his life completely changed. The boys still kept in touch, but there was no way that Baekhyun could continue to be their singer. "Actually, back in the day, when we had just gotten serious about pursuing careers in music, Jongdae and I used to fight all of the time. We both wanted that lead singing position so bad," Baekhyun told you with a small smile. It looked a little sad to you, given what you knew now, but you didn't push on it. "Their fights used to get so heated that Kyungsoo and Minseok had to physically separate them," Chanyeol pointed out. "It's a miracle we still have a band, honestly." "You're over-exaggerating! It never got that bad," Jongdae countered. Though his insistence was met with a scoff from Kyungsoo. "Apparently Baekhyun hit you so hard in the head that you forgot about that black eye..." With more alcohol in them, they continued to bicker, Baekhyun joining in as well. Seeing them like this made you giggle. Though Baekhyun was far more relaxed around you, this was not a side of him that you were used to seeing in front of your mutual friends. He held himself differently around them. It was nice to see him more comfortable and having fun in his own way. As the boys continued to rowdily argue amongst themselves, over that noise, you heard someone call your name. You were just about to take a drink but were quick to turn and face the individual, seeing Sehun's eyes on you. His gaze was really something else, and if your cheeks weren't red from the alcohol, they were definitely red after making eye contact with him. The two of you hadn't said much to each other at that point. Chanyeol and the others definitely drove the conversation. Though you had to admit, the few times that Sehun did speak up, you were utterly enchanted by him. You knew he was the type of person that women would likely fall for. Stoic, handsome, an absolute charmer, and you guess that it worked on you too. "The others won't tell you this since they aren't very good at expressing it. Their pride often gets in the way, so they don't talk about their feelings very freely. But, on everyone's behalf, I would really like to thank you for taking care of Baekhyun for us," he told you sincerely. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks at his simple, but pointed words. "You don't need to thank me. Baek is as much my friend as he is yours. He's a good person. There's not much I have to do except make sure that he gets home okay," you pointed out sheepishly. Sehun smiled at you then, an expression that you hadn't seen much that evening. "We worried about him, you know. We worried about what would happen to him, getting thrown into a completely different class after his family got all of that money. I'm glad that he has someone like you looking out for him. You're very kindhearted." "I don't think the transition was easy for him, but he's doing well," you admitted. "But one thing that you guys never have to worry about. You will always be his home. I mean, look at how happy he is right now," you teased, hearing Sehun laugh for the first time that evening. It sounded so full and genuine. "I suppose you're right. Even if Baekhyun isn't physically with us, we do seem to be the place he comes back to," Sehun agreed. You could tell that he had more to say, more that he wanted to know, but Sehun lost his opportunity. The other boys pulled you both back into their ridiculous conversation, now talking about their next gig. And just like that, the night got away from all of you... From that moment on, you found yourself hanging out with Baekhyun and his old friends on a somewhat regular basis. Baekhyun was relieved at how well you fit into his little friend group, and so he invited you to more of their outings. When the two of you had time away from internships and classwork, you would grab dinner with them. If the stars aligned and you could disappear for the evening without your other friends knowing, you and Baekhyun would go to their shows. Just as Baekhyun had fallen into your life, so had five wonderful people. After spending so much time with them, there was one thing that you were well aware of. You were developing feelings for Sehun. Initially, you had thought that it was just a mild crush, something you would get over in a month, but when it evolved into more than that, you knew that you were in a bit of trouble. You tried to not make it apparent, spending more time conversing and interacting with the other boys than you did with Sehun. But the moment that the two of you were left to your own devices, whether it be the other boys running ahead, or talking about a topic amongst themselves, you had to interact with Sehun. And every time you did, you swore you felt something there, something more than just friendship. Sehun was very different from that first time you met him. He was far sweeter, and gentler than you had given him credit for. By your third meeting, he had completely broken out of his shell, that stoic image no longer something you associated with him. He was more playful and shared the same energy that the other boys did. Though there were times that the charmer would jump out of him in any given situation, he could be just as fun and entertaining as the others. Your sudden closeness and interest in Sehun did not go unnoticed by Baekhyun. He saw every laugh the two of you exchanged. He saw the loving gazes and the smallest touches. Sehun was always the most prominent advocate of getting you home quickly when you had too much to drink, a stark contrast to the other boys who wanted to keep going. The evidence was there, and Baekhyun confronted you about your feelings towards Sehun. And being the good friend you were... you denied it. You refuted every little thing that he brought up. The two of you were close, and you had become good friends with his friends over the last year. You didn't want to upset him by admitting that you had fallen for one of them. You all had a good thing going... even if every bit of proof that Baekhyun threw at you was real. You would continue to deny it. This only got you so far... and it all came crumbling down the night that Sehun stopped by. Rarely did Sehun come to visit you or Baekhyun on campus. He usually stayed away like the plague, unlike the other boys. But that night, he had come looking for Baekhyun. Unfortunately, you had to let him know that your dear friend was out for the evening, getting dragged to some party. He looked a bit bummed about it, but it didn't seem to bother him much. Out of the blue, he asked if he could still stay for the evening, not having any plans of his own. Though you told yourself that it was a bad idea, you agreed anyway, his presence always welcome. You had some work that you had to finish for your internship that night, and though you told him you could do it later, Sehun insisted that his appearance not interrupt your plans for the evening. Instead, he sat silently by your side, watching as you worked, hands moving around the designs as you searched for the ones you needed. Sehun never spoke, his eyes just following your every move, eyes tracing over each of your features. Unconsciously, Sehun reached a hand out to brush some stray hairs behind your ear so that he could get a better look at you. The action seemed to knock you right out of your trace as you turned quickly to look at him. The moment your eyes locked, you were both done for. Sehun took the opportunity and leaned in to tenderly brush his lips against your own. Once your lips met, you could feel yourself melting under his touch, your eyes closing at the softness of the kiss. There was no denying how you felt for each other then. Your bodies made the move that neither of you dared to speak into existence. Of course, this wasn't something either of you could keep a secret. The moment that you both settled into the kiss, the front door opened and Baekhyun came right in, eyes taking in the image of his two friends kissing. He told you both to just bite the bullet and date, that it was more awkward watching the two of you dancing around each other. And the rest after that was history. After a year of getting to know each other, of pretending that there wasn't something there, it finally happened. Ever since the night you had met him, you knew that Sehun was not someone that you were willing to lose…
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