#go ahead I’ll wait
positively-emerald · 5 months
Name one character in any piece of media EVER who had better character development than James ‘Sawyer’ Ford from Lost
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doodling-robot · 1 month
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Today is the last day you can download a copy of the @bteamzine on gumroad! It’s pay-what-you-want, and the money will be donated to CARE. Several great artists and excellent writers have contributed to this zine, and you even get a little pal for your screen!
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outlawruben · 3 months
Another one, thank you 😌
Warning, this is ass 😛🙏
Happy birthday America 😌
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d0d0-b0i · 1 year
honestly cannot overstate how much happier i am nowadays, and how a large part of it is because i get to finally have the puberty i wished i’d had earlier. i love being a man!
of course testosterone and how deep your voice is and body + facial hair isn’t everything there is to being a guy, but these are things i’ve wanted for myself since i was seven years old, hopeful that i’d be an outlier and have the same existence as my friends( was wrong :( ). i was so scared i’d never get to feel this way, but those fuckers on reddit and tumblr weren’t lying; it gets SO much better
and despite what some fearmongers may say about t, it doesn’t make you more aggressive if you already know how to regulate your feelings. people are above their emotions, and mine already had to be taught young that it wouldn’t solve anything, and therefore hasn’t been an issue!
glad (despite the horrors) that i live in an age where this is possible
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ladywaterfall · 8 months
lol I sell some of my dads electronics on a second hand site (old stash from his independent company, so he knows his stuff) and someone was like “well I can get this cheaper on Wish! Just look at the listing I found!” And sent me the typical sketchy looking wish listing. I’m just like wow I had heard they have bad quality so I’ve never tried Wish but maybe I’m wrong :) hope it works out for you! And he acts like I’m bitter but I’m just like … sure buddy just go ahead and order that stuff from wish, I’m sure :) it will be fine :) have fun :)
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jorvikzelda · 10 months
do it scared. do it alone. and do it tired
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 2 months
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wren-likethe-bird · 3 months
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shatterthefragments · 5 months
I still have a headache but at least I’ve had a nice mocha :)
The barista didn’t charge me for oat milk either 🥹
I got to see my coworker’s lovely paintings!
We’re having frozen dinners tonight (which is good bc if he wants to bitch I didn’t make dinner fuck him and also there will be food) which is low effort for me yay
I am. In no way able to drive in to school so I’ll just work off of my laptop instead and squinty (which probably won’t help my eye hurting but ah well) maybe tomorrow. (My plan for wed work is literally to either convince mum to drive me in or to take a taxi bc I am. Not going to be able to drive on Wednesday morning)
I’ll just. Shower. Begin anew. And fucking get to it.
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cuddleswinchester · 11 months
nothing like rolling into triage bc you ran out of stuff to do and a patient comes in who sounds an awful lot like they need emergent surgery (and you’re correct) and you get the hell out of the way again lmao
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phantomdecibel · 2 years
epic: the musical lives in my head like a raccoon in the attic. but we already be knew that—
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pocketclowns · 2 years
just checked and i haven’t played new horizons since the end of november 😳
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I read MTXT’s novels before they became “really” popular and I’m ecstatic about the official translation but I’m also in the mode of “oh I’ve read these before, I’m so cool” which is so stupid, especially as they’re now translating novels I want to read and haven’t yet so I don’t know what’s going on…..
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reaumantic · 2 years
lol i hope my parents know that the second i’m out, that’s it.
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roseatedramon · 2 years
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Beacon Icons for Ko-Fi Membership Tiers!
I’m still setting everything up, and I’m debating waiting til I move to actually open them, but wanted to share these cause I thought they were cute :3
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megatraven · 2 years
*salutes* Permission to info dump about an OC blorbo of mine via ask, Captain?
Go for it, although yours also welcome to reblog the post with it!
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