#go watch the lackadaisy pilot its so good
mognamon · 1 year
What if-
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Jade winglet as Lackadaisy cats
ID: A character lineup with the Jade winglet as anthropomorphized cats from Lackadaisy. They are wearing 1920s clothing. From left to right Peril is a ginger tabby cat with sharp features, wears her hair is an messy eton crop style. She is wearing a blue coat over a teal striped dress and brown brogue oxford shoes. Turtle is a gray tabby british shorthair with round features. He is wearing a green sweater vest over a long sleeved button up shirt topped with a dark green bowtie. He has brown pants and dark leather slippers. Moonwatcher is a black/dark gray cat with white markings around her eyes, wears a blue cloche hat with moon decor over her Charleston bob. She wears a cardigan and dark teal sailor dress with two tone edwardian button boots. Kinkajou is a fluffy abyssinian cat and she wears a pink floral headband misplaced over her red dyed windswept bob. Wears a fuschia sailor dress with fuchsia mary janes shoes. Qibli is a brown tabby cat with curly hair that's covered by a blue newsboy cap. He wears a button up with suspenders and patched up denim pants and cowboy boots. Winter is a gray tabby point maine coon with slicked back hair. Wears a black coat over a waistcoat and white dress shirt with dark work pants and black wingtip shoes.
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kolektsiakomah · 1 year
mann i just watched the lackadaisy pilot not too long ago and TELL ME WHY¡¡¡ WAS IT SO FUCKING GOOD⁉️⁉️⁉️
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itsnicsalad · 1 year
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still can't draw animals :") anyway go watch the lackadaisy pilot its so good!!
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lackadaisycats · 1 year
I Jaír wanted to say that I just watched Lackadaisy yesterday and it was my first introduction to Lackadaisy ever- and I am SOOOOOO HAPPY I happened to stumble across it cuz WTF WTF WTF I LOVE INDIE ANIMATION THAT WAS AMAZING WOW - The characters were amazing- the artsyle SUPER PLEASING - THE VOICE ACTING RUAAGG - THE ANIMATION- ANF THE ENTIRE CONCEPT AND IDEA AND OOHH UTS SO HOOD WTF HOW DO IALWAYS STUMBLE UPON GEMS SO LATE WOWW - I am so happy about its existence and I wanna say that immense props to the whole team and u feo being the creator in the first place cuz damn you got places and will keep going along with the rest of the team cuz that was one great pilot. It was even better than animated shows I’ve seen from much larger companies and it’s super inspiring and motivating to see such good work come from indie artists and inspire others and even simply produce seretonin to the crowd LIKEEE WOOWW
Wow - those are some glowing words. Thank you!!
I'm awfully glad you enjoyed it, and I will pass this along to the crew!
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ostrichmonkey-games · 26 days
FitD Settings and Unnamed Furry Crime Game and You
Alrighty, as promised, time to talk about Setting Stuff.
This is a post both about what the setting for (the still!) Unnamed Furry Crime Game is going to generally be like, and also a bit about settings in Forged in the Dark games in general. 
Okay so, let’s define Forged in the Dark games as ttrpgs that cover Blades in the Dark and any game that uses the same general engine and setup. Blades is the progenitor, and a lot of FitD stick relatively close to its formula (but not all, there’s plenty of room to poke around and rearrange things), and one of the more important elements, I think, is the “powder keg sandbox” setup.
In Blades, the players are underdog criminals doing underdog criminal things like causing problems on purpose. Those problems cascade, intersecting with the different factions/characters present in the setting, and usually then creating more and more problems for the players to deal with. That’s the powder keg sandbox — a relatively open setting, filled with kindling (factions/characters with conflicting and interesting goals and motivations), and then the players are dropped in the middle of it, and positioned in a way that no matter they do, they are going to be conflicting with at least some of those characters/factions, thereby igniting the kindling and making the whole thing explode in a blaze of fun. It’s great.  
So, in short, the purpose of a setting in a FitD game is to create that powder keg sandbox. It has to be filled with interesting characters/factions that are both compelling (to encourage players to interact with them) and conflicting with each other and players (so that when players interact with them, explosions happen!), while still providing enough purposeful space so that there’s room to be flexible as players start interacting with everything and changing the world around them. A good sandbox has plenty of room to play and dig around in, and then to make it a powder keg, just bury some sticks of dynamite in there and hand the players a bunch of lit matches. Boom.  
Now let’s talk about Unnamed Furry Crime Game (UFCG because I’m done typing all that out and I don’t want to think about coming up with an actual title right now). I don’t mind wearing my influences on my sleeves, and the biggest one here is Lackadaisy. I mean, the whole concept of the game was sparked when the animated pilot first released and I did a reread of the webcomic (pretty sure I first found it around 2009, which is wild to think about), and what’s more fun than a bunch of anthropomorphic animals doing crime things in a period setting? So, the initial spark for the game was Prohibition era Crime Time, but with furries (not just limited to cats, as a way to distance the game more from the initial inspiration and also because it’s fun). However, this was never going to be a purely historical game, it was (and still is!) going to be set in a fictional city in a fictional world — so more historically inspired than truly set. 
This was done to free myself from doing too much research (there’s still necessary research though), and also to give myself more creative freedom. From there, the premise started to turn into “What if the Prohibition hadn’t ended? What would that look like?”. And that’s still part of the core premise. So I guess, it’s a speculative alternate fictional history thing?
Freed from any truly historical restraints, I started tossing in other extras that could be fun. Like, what if airships/dirigibles were still in major use? Yeah, let's go for it. What if the city the game takes place in draws from classic Hollywood and noir? Yeah, let’s go for it (also at this time I had watched Babylon, which, not going to say was good, but the vibes are fun). What if I also pulled aesthetically from Gotham, specifically the Batman: The Animated Series version? Yes! Now we’ve got a setting of glitz and glamor and shady hard-boiled grit. Which is a great setup for Crime Time. 
Being less historically strict, also gives me more room for exaggeration and over-the-top-ness. I want UFCG to be characterful. I want there to be an emphasis on larger-than-life elements, both player characters and all the factions and NPCs. Especially in the case of the factions/NPCs, they need to be chunky and discrete blocks that are easy to instantly grab onto and pick up and play with. This loops back to filling your sandbox with cool things, and if the sandbox itself is cool, then that’s going to rub off on the stuff buried in the sand. More exaggerated components make for more flammable kindling. 
This is another reason having just a singular city-setting tends to work well for a FitD sandbox powder keg — a city is just naturally densely packed with stuff (now, the hard work will be writing all that stuff, but I’ll get to that bridge eventually). In a densely packed space, it’s also very easy to make everything connected to each other. Which means it’s going to be very difficult for players to make a move without impacting someone or something else! Again, boom. 
So then, why furries? Well like I already said, it’s fun. That in and of itself is enough reason, but also, I think it creates a useful level of abstraction that makes creating exaggerated characterful characters more easily. It’s easier to be a little more goofy without breaking things when you have a bunch of animal people running around. 
That’s the general gist and thought process behind the setting I’m assembling. There’s still most of it to actually write, but you do need a fun concept to make a fun setting, so it’ll get done as it needs to get done. 
I am still a little unsure of what I want to do for something weirder within the setting. Should magic be real? There’s plenty going on that it doesn’t feel super necessary. Or, what if magic is not real, but that doesn’t stop the existence of various occult-y factions/organizations from springing up, and maybe they think magic is real (or even leave it ambiguous). On the opposite end of the spectrum, what if I tossed in some dashes of retro-future-y superscience? Atomic Robo style maybe. Basically, I’m still exploring what the line is for pushing things too far. 
With all of that said, what is the text of the game going to provide in terms of setting? What I’m picturing is probably pretty similar to Blades, but maybe with less overall exposition and pulling the most useful setting-building stuff from various N/OSR stuff I like. You can convey a lot of setting information in relatively compact ways that also double as tools to use at the table (i.e. random tables, my best friends). The city will have various breakdowns on districts, notable locations, individuals, etc etc. Factions will have clear goals, conflicting with each other so as to create a web of Problems. Plenty of little miscellaneous details on “life in the city” to function as small nuggets of information and flavor. 
The hardest part will be striking the correct balance of information. You’ll need enough to feel comfortable playing in the setting, but not too much that it starts to feel like homework to run it. Figuring out what’s the correct amount of sand and all that. 
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gravityglitch-blog · 4 months
The Amazing Digital Circus, as seen by a Murder Drones fan
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("Candy Carrier Chaos" inspired me to write this. Fair warning, it's a long one. Potential spoilers ahead)
I stumbled into the indie animation scene on YouTube by accident. It was like finding hidden treasure. I have no hate for the big-name studios, but everything I'd been seeing up until then seemed...homogenized...over-processed, somehow? It's hard to describe. Like eating fast food when you want a home cooked meal.
Now here were stories that were all wonderfully different, in subject matter and style. I started with "Lackadaisy", which was so beautiful, it left me stunned.
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(The only reason you don't see more Lackadaisy fanart from me is because it's difficult drawing cats. I'm practicing, though.)
A few more clicks brought me to "Murder Drones", and it was love at first sight.
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I connected to Uzi's character within her first minutes on-screen. Despite the dark tone of the story, I still hold out hope for a good ending.
Then I started seeing teasers for a new series, "The Amazing Digital Circus".
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The art style and bright colors weren't my usual speed, but I decided to check it out anyway.
Personal confession, "Digital Circus" scares me more than "Murder Drones". While "Murder Drones" wears its horror inspirations on its sleeve, to me, it's more the "cool" kind of horror that I would scribble on my notebooks between classes.
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Vampires, monsters, battling the forces of darkness while jamming to nightcore, you get the idea.
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I have legitimately had nightmares that look like the "Digital Circus". Strange worlds of twisted colors and shapes, people I don't know, doors and staircases that lead nowhere.
All that said, I did enjoy the pilot, I found the setup and the characters interesting, and wanted to see more.
Side note, I know the studio sometimes seems to favor "Digital Circus", and it causes some resentment between the fandoms.
For myself, I see our fandoms as siblings. Let us watch our faves (hopefully) triumph over the horrors together.
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This brings me to "Candy Carrier Chaos".
It happened to debut on one of my bad days, when I was feeling down, to put it mildly.
Like I didn't matter. Like no one would notice or remember me if I were gone.
And so that opening scene of Pomni's nightmare hit me like a punch in the gut.
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I won't go into the episode's plot too much, as I'm sure others here have already done that and better than I ever could. The whole reason I'm writing this is because of that ending.
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The members of the Circus take the time and care to remember the friend they lost in the pilot, apparently the latest of many.
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They all feel the pain of loss, of being trapped in this strange world. But they still have each other. For now, at least.
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The look on Pomni's face when she realizes she's not alone. When her vision replays, it has changed.
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Now, there are helping hands to take hold of her. To pull her back up out of the darkness.
I honestly became a little teary-eyed at that scene. It got me thinking, "maybe the bad days are liars. Maybe I would be missed, after all."
The power of storytelling through animation. With all my heart, I hope this medium continues to grow and flourish. To any aspiring animators and artists out there, this random Tumblr person asks, please don't give up the dream. There are people out there that need to hear your stories.
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In the meantime, Pomni remains where she is...and so do I. Thank you so much if you've read this whole thing. I really appreciate it.
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anonoob · 1 year
here are some underrated (in my opinion) media's I recommend!
Lackadaisy (Animated PILOT - Webcomic.) Lackadaisy has its own Animated PILOT on YouTube, and a Webcomic you can find on the official lackadaisy website! The series is about a webcomic set in Prohibition-era St. Louis, Missouri. It chronicles the events of a cast of anthropomorphic cats as they struggle to keep the titular speakeasy afloat.
Murder Drones (Animated series) Murder Drones has recently gained popularity, but is still a small project. You find it on youtube. On a post-apocalyptic exoplanet, worker drones struggle to survive by hiding from rogue robots called Murder Drones
Epithet Erased (Animated series - book) you can find the first 7 episode Animated on YouTube! Season 2, however, Is a book. based on the tabletop roleplay series Anime Campaign! With unique powers called epithets, and characters attempting to steal an amulet rumored to have the ability to take a person's epithet.
Lego Monkie Kid (Cartoon) The tale begins when an ordinary boy, Monkie Kid, finds Monkey King's legendary staff, and he becomes the chosen one. You can watch on PRIME VIDEO!
Recreyo (YouTube channel!) Oddly enough, I'm recommending a YouTube channel.. a Comedy podcast with a group of friends with trust issues are thrown into different chaotic scenarios where they have to survive by learning to trust each other.. or not.
I'm running out of ideas or media's so.. uh yeah guys you should watch those silly fnaf rps like Oddities or The Famous Films!!! There's more, but I don't know them all lol
Also the sun and moon show is pretty cool yeah
EDIT ; The amazing digital circus is a new media too! Though, the fandom has grown largely. It's a animated pilot on YouTube, under the GlitchProductions channel. (creators of murder drones)
EDIT ; Spooky Month! Halloween is one of everyone's favorites, and so is October! I'm sure you've all heard of this show, made by Sr. pelo. Every year, near Halloween, a new episode for this series released! Last year, it grew huge in popularity.
There obviously tons of smaller projects out there, and I totally recommend them! Make sure to support small creators!
Fizz back w/ another banger
Y'all have obviously heard of hazbin hotel and helluva boss (I think helluva boss currently is better, especially in it storyline.)
Ramshackle ! An animated pilot on YouTube and it's 1st episode!, with many other small contents (webtoon, merch, art)
(Not really a media, but a nice nostalgic moment for old time flamingo fans) rewatch Roblox myth videos! They're actually nice to go back and remember, Especially if you were around when the vids came out.
An anime for once! Madoka Magica is great, actually. It's a dark spin on the magical girl ordeal, and it's probably the only anime I really like.
Object shows. There's a LOT of these. Most popular; Inanimate insanity, BFDI. Best recommendations; ONE (hfjcheesy), love of the s*n
Robloc area ; Regretevator, Evade, etc are lowkey fun games with good fandoms (sometimes)
EDDSWORLD OH My God please watch eddsworld it's made by this dude named Edd Gould and it's awesome
Indigo Park. Play it. It's so fucking cool/gen
Kinitopet, nice ai spin game!
Class of 2009 is epic and funny (also has triggering topics tho)
Musicals! It's nice to find new and different musicals!
Horror! +Favs ; Mandela catalogue, the walten files (there's more but it's been a bit)
Dead end, cold front, etc! The creator has amazing games :3
I had more but. Forgot oops
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LACKADAISY Pilot Short Review & Thoughts: INDIE Animation Greatness.
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Okay, so I've just recently gotten finished watching the latest new indie animated pilot short: Lackadaisy. Honestly, I truly and seriously loved this 27-minute long film of bootlegging kitties' adventure! Now for those who are super new to this short and overall story of the Lackadaisy world, the short takes place in 1920s America specifically in St Louis Missouri during the prohibition era when all things alcoholic were OutLaw and where most of the characters consist of anthropomorphic cat people in this story.
The title comes from the name of the café also covered as an underground speakeasy "The little Daisy Café " or for very special Partons and guests that want to get their illegal drink on known as the Lackadaisy speakeasy. All in all, the business hasn't been like it used to be for the little once glamorous speakeasy, leaving our main cat trio of trouble of the short to dig up some much-needed booze. We got the highly chaotic also artistic wild spirit, wacky, smart but slightly dimwitted sweet grinning nut Rocky Rickaby. His baby-faced sweet and super adorable well mannered but deeply repressed rage Trigger happy cousin Calvin "Freckle" McMurray ,and last but not least little miss firecracker and sweetie full of spunk Ivy Peppers.
On the revival competitor side that is Marigold. We got our Cajuns sensations siblings danger duo the Savoy: Serafine and Nicodeme, And last Mr. Tuxedo always serious catman and professional "cleaner" extraordinaire Mordecai Heller who has some past history with the Lackadaisy staff & it past owner. Now a little details on what and why I enjoyed this film.
The Animation: Lackadaisy overall animation is fantastical amazing, like UGH from the impressive shading and lighting within the backgrounds from the way the characters eyes are super luminescence in the dark and really gives that feline aspect. To the intricate little details such as the characters very realistic cat ear twitching and other behavioral cat traits like the tail movements and fizzing of the fur when scared or startle, some criticism I've seen in the Live Chat in regards to the left in sketch/guidelines within the characters is that it's distracting. But personal for me I liked the added in sketch linework, it deeply reminded me of super old school classic Disney animation or seeing old traditional animationing videos on how they did things back in the day.
The Voice acting: I swear the voice casting in this was excellent and very on point. Each of the voice actors really fit so well into each of their characters, from Michael Kovach great voice work as Rocky who you can tell was really enjoying himself, to Channel Awesome Malcolm Ray as Nico and Benni Latham as Serafine and ProZD also known as SungWon Cho very nice and fantastic voice work as Mordecai and Belsheber Rusape as Freckle and Ashe Wagner as Mitzi, Lisa Reimold as Ivy. Just overall real good sounding Voice work.
The Story: Now when it comes to overall story, I liked how it was basically more of a standalone type of storytelling in its own kind of separate reality then what's currently going on in the comic thus far into it. I can maybe see others who've been following the webcomic for far longer might dislike certain changes in the pilot that differ a bit from the comic, but I can get why they went with it this way so it probably would be easier for newcomers to jump into it. While certain parts did felt a bit underwhelming & might not be super perfect, I still enjoyed the energy and pacing of this short. I felt they did a really good job as a pilot showcasing the premise /concept and some of the characteristics of the main cast, although not all of them...but I felt it did a nice enough job of giving you a taste of these characters and making you want more of them & find out what's their story is. Either way love how the pilot plot was this mini but disastrous bootlegging adventure of Rocky, Ivy and Freckle getting into trouble barely escaping with their lives all for some nasty tasting booze.
Final Thoughts: While I might not have been following this project or webcomic since early DeviantArt or back during the mid-2000s to 2010s ( even though I wished I got into it much earlier) as long as others have. But even as a somewhat new fan of this indie piece of work and incredible artsy, I truly really come to love Lackadaisy so much and I deeply hope that this pilot short will paved the way for even more crime-fulled animated kitties adventures in the future.
Please Check Out LACKADAISY and give it all the love and support it can get because I want more Booze stealing lawbreaking Cats to see!
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miss-kennedy · 10 months
well, i have some things to tell... and NO THIS IS NOT A VENT OK? im happy im ok, i just wanted to create suspense
1 - i watched Lackadaisy pilot and AHHHHHHHHHHH its so good, i loved Rocky so bad, he is so silly (and crazy), i want to write x reader in my writing blog so BAAAAAAD BUT MY LAZINESS DONT LET ME AHHHHHH
2 - guess what? yes....... IM GOING TO CHANGE MY BLOG THEME AGAIN, but maybe tomorrow? im already choosing pictures and dividers
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tea-and-panthers · 1 year
LACKADAISY (Pilot) Review
I know im probobly late to the party and this isnt realy going to get seen but by anyone who hasnt seen it yet. but if you havet go watch it. I will give a review but it may be long and have disconected points. To preface this, I have only read snipits of the comic, and even I was exited for this. however I am compleatly new to the actual story so I am esentaly going into this. I am also not a profesional reviewer, its mostly just me expressing what I like about the Pilot. I am also not a good writer, I have an understanding of what makes a character or story good but understanding is differnt from expireance. even than its more a basic understanding.
This is one of the best pieces of media I have watched in probably a long time. I love the details in the animation. For example, when Ivy offers Freckle the "sunset rose cocktail" his expression was very entertaining. I caught myself smiling throughout throughout the whole pilot.
In terms of characters, when Rocky hands Freckle the gun he is clearly hesitant and while we may not know why entirely yet, we can clearly see part of why when he gets trigger happy (tbh, I'd be the same probably), even when he isn't talking you can often tell what he is thinking because the animators did such a good job with his body language that even someone like me who finds that stuff difficult can even get an idea.
Rocky, is very confident to the point that it makes him a really fun character but it can also act as a character flaw. but I don't think anyone will consider Rocky getting his hands on explosives a bad thing. If I had his confidence (and I wish I did) and I was in that scenario I would do what he did too, besides explosives are fun.
Ivy, is childish (in a good way) and very honest. While the focus is not necessarily on her as much as Rocky or Freckle she still feels like a fun character.
The 2 "goons" as I shall call them, feel like individual characters with their own personality and are fun characters, and they feel like real people (cats?). They have some fun banter and attempt to rescue the other if they are in danger.
Mordecai, I love him as a villain, he may report to someone higher up but he is definitely set up as the main villain. for most of the pilot he is show as a cold and calculated but we get a point where he show weakness in a fear of water, now a cat afraid of water may not seem to original but every other character in the scene is unphased (well as unphased as someone can be with a rush of water flowing at then.) making this a unique character flaw to Mordecai.
I don't have much to say about the sound design and sound track other than it was good. I especially liked the music from the chase sequence (which I believe was also used in the trailer). I would love to hear it on its own and would happily add to my playlist.
Overall it felt like a nice middle ground for people like me who like animation but don't want to watch stuff that is targeted with primarily kids in mind but feel uncomfortable stuff that is filled with adult references.
I'd say on a scale from 1-10 it's a 10 would definitely love to see a whole series, since I can't support financially I may as well support with this review.
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jfoote2003 · 1 year
The animated pilot for Lackadaisy made me fall in love with webcomics again
On March 29th, 2023, a pilot for an animated adaptation of the webcomic “Lackadaisy” was released on YouTube, a few hours after it premiered it pops up in my feed, I click on it, not even knowing what it is and just thinking it looks cool, it becomes one of my favorite pieces of indie animation I have seen, then I find out that it is based on a webcomic.
I am a big fan of webcomics, I like how with the boost of the internet people were able to get very famous for work that was self-produced and self-published. Now, people that got their start with webcomics have now gone on to be bigger parts of the industry. One Punch Man started as a webcomic that then got a manga adaptation and finally an anime, with the author behind it going on to make Mob Psycho 100, which also started as a webcomic that then got adapted. The guys behind Penny Arcade made a tie-in comic for Fallout 3 and have gone on to create the charity Child’s Play and the convention PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) which is a convention all about video games. One of the biggest anime from last year, Spy x Family got its start as a webcomic as well.
Lackadaisy started in July 2006 and is still going on, set in St. Louis, Louisiana during the era of Prohibition. All the characters in the series are anthropomorphic cats, the series follows Rocky, a bootlegger, Calvin, Rocky’s cousin, Ivy, who works at the Little Daisy Café, the front for the speakeasy, and their boss Mitzi, the widow of the Lackadaisy speakeasy’s founder. The antagonists are Mordecai, a triggerman for Lackadaisy’s rival, Marigold, and siblings Serafine and Nicodeme, who work alongside Mordecai. Lackadaisy’s author, Tracy Butler, has both a merch store and a Patreon, which help fund the comic. Meanwhile the animated pilot was funded through Kickstarter, raising roughly $330k.
The Lackadaisy pilot is great, if you haven’t seen it, I recommend it. The voice cast did great, the standout for me being the voice of Mordecai, SungWon Cho, better known as ProZD. I’m a huge fan of ProZD, I remember him from the Vine days, and have been super happy to see him get some very big roles, my jaw fell to the floor when I realized he voiced Ratatoskr in God of War: Ragnarok. The animation is so good, there are also moments where you can see the sketch lines on the characters faces, likely due to the AI “art” stuff that’s been going on for the past while. Anyway, it’s a great watch, it’s about half an hour long and free on YouTube. And since watching it, I went back and began reading the webcomic, and it’s good too, it’s worth checking out.
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(Hello everyone! I am back to announce this blog FINALLY has new characters!)
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(Sorry for being just DEAD on this blog, but I’m trying to give this blog a pulse again. Hopefully, it’ll be back on its feet again. If blogs had feet, but that’s besides the point. What IS the point is I got a few new characters to spruce the place up a bit. Let me introduce them.)
In the “Creativity” tab, I present the nomadic, wandering genie: Nilō Bhiksu. Wearing the robes of a monk and has the classic blue skin of a fantasy genie, I hope to those liking the more spiritual and yet playful characters enjoy her.
Also there is Suiei Kashu, a hybrid of a mermaid from European folklore and the Japanese yokai, the kappa! She sings to inflict her emotions on those that either have the pleasure or unfortunate happenstance to hear her. She is bilingual, thanks to her mixed heritage’s. And is able to summon a Kelpie, the water horse spirit of Scottish folklore. If she is up your alley, feel free to come up to her and talk for a bit….if she is in a good mood, that is.
Logic and Morality
The latest addition to this tab is a nice one. For in an unnamed land of fantasy, there is the strong and independent owner of the family ranch is the tall, blonde, and buff Sol Scaleclaw. Rancher and caretaker of…dragons. That’s right! Dragons! How cool is that?!!
Anyways he is rugged, tough, and scarred over from handling such creatures. And can use any and all help he can get. Feel free to mosey on over, and lend him a helping hand.
Oh, and he has a Texan accent. To those that care about that.
For the Nerd tab, we have the latest character. Inspired by the hot, new animated pilot based on a long standing webcomic. I, of course, am talking about the booze cat comic itself: Lackadaisy!
I fell in love with this world so bad that I simply HAD to make a character to shut my brain up for a bit. And create I did! For I made such an elaborate and detailed backstory, that you may message me about it if you wish (please do so!)
With enough preamble, I introduce: Charlie Abbot Keaton! Owner of the joke shop the “Laughing Hyena” and the speakeasy “The Giggling Geranium”
Charlie Keaton is a cat of mirth, whimsy, and much more…complicated things. Coming into Saint Louis to strike out on his own, he does what he may to keep smiles on the faces of those wishing to come by into his shop…and those wanting an illicit beverage away from private eyes.
If you like the 1920’s, booze, or cats…come interact with Charlie. He’ll put a smile on your face. (And go watch and read Lackadaisy, both are free!)
(And that’s all I wish to share for now, may you all wish to interact with my new characters however you see fit. Bye for now!)
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