#god OP you are a BLESSING
hellmandraws · 1 year
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Happy Usopp Day, everyone!! 🤥🎯🔨🌱
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mintypsii · 2 months
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as promised... here's the sanuso wall from my strawpage!!!! i cherish all of these so much aagghhh they're all so lovely thank you to everyone who sent something in 😭💖💖
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sevendutchies · 7 months
People in this fandom will really look at The Fool, Patience, Lacey, Carson, Sedric, Hest, Davvie, Lecter, Kennit, Ash/Spark, and yes, even Fitz himself, and still have the gall to call it queer bait.
These characters are explicitly queer, their actions impact the narrative, they are well written, and their identities are treated with respect. That is the best possible queer representation you could ask for in any story.
I've seen people on tumblr basing the likelihood of if they read this series on whether or not it's "actually gay" and I'm here to tell you that it is. There are queer characters. There are queer protagonists. And no matter what you see people in the fandom say, Robin Hobb wrote some amazing queer representation in a genre that rarely sees it at all.
Queer bait = disrespectful marketing ploy that exploits queer audiences
Queer bait ≠ "my two favorite characters never have sex"
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mxmorel · 4 months
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(not pictured: hawkeye who has been enjoying the view out of frame and could not help but run his mouth 😌)
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pareidoliaparadise · 5 months
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Oh to be the happiest birthday boy!!!
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tricksterlatte · 8 months
Anyone else think short form social media based on algorithms designed to promote topics that create more engagement instead of more joy, the idea of fast fashion but conveyed through social media, and the fact you can monetize suffering and outrage better than ever has largely resulted in the death spiral of media literacy and the mass emergence of bad faith readings?
#I may be venting a lil but god it blows my mind#fyp is a blessing and a curse because i don't think ppl were ever meant to be subjected to this many ppl at once#god i took a bird site hiatus for weeks and now BARELY check it and it already feels like a hit#oughhhhh#even fandom spaces have hugely incorporated marketing and networking into them bc of cmms and sponsorship and building portfolio#which would be fine tbh if it weren't for the way socmed is designed#now it's like you can't support too many ppl or else you're shadow banned or you have to make yourself palatable and marketable#and websites with threads in which people will only read the first post before qrting because ratios are seen as five minutes of fame#features that permit beating an algorithm are locked behind a paywall that promises you money if you go viral#and what goes viral is usually incendiary content meant for those ratios or trends. whether for or against OP#even in hobbyist spaces the climate has changed so much due to the monetization and marketing and just. ugh#not to mention side accounts dedicated to gossip in this new priv account culture like...idk#if you have to make another account so you can make fun of a friend on main with selected priv friends it just doesn't sit well with me#and not every priv account does this but enough do and it makes me tired#unsolicited hate comments are still as bad as they used to be on ff dot net except now people openly are proud of it more#why do most socmed feel like passive aggressive sticky notes on high school lockers#there is so much more I could say about everything that has left me weary about the internet but I don't know the time or place#and I don't want anyone to think this is about them because it's a general statement. though if you are doing the more inflammatory things.#maybe rethink that. it's not good for anyone else and it's not good for you either#I keep coming back online to check on ppl and see art and I *know* it's draining for my health every time#but I feel a lot better now that i use socmed less overall. and that I try to focus on what makes me happy#it just sucks seeing so many people i care about endure absolutely wild struggles bc people online do not care.#I like rambling in my tags because this is the only place I ramble except my personal journal and to my wife
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theogony · 13 days
lowkey love the way mash is so silly goofy about everything but i wish there was a sort of proper conclusion to s1 because girl telling the eugenicist you're not that bad because you're doing it for your mother even if your ideals are stupid is NOT IT
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alligatorjesie · 1 year
Can you, like, get real problems? I’m sure there’s a soup kitchen or a that needs an extra volunteer or a city council meeting you could go to.
Yeah. I do those things already and isn't it weird I still find extra time to tell assholes to get out of my fandom space.
So what public service have you done this week @rudyknight? In the last month? year? Hey, tell me real quick @rudyknight whens the last time you joined a counter protest?
Because my town has our own version of westburo baptist church and they LOVE protesting our pride events.
I had a bunch of fun.
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I used my hyperfixation of plants to block out their signs and ensure they didn't have room to protest on the sidewalk.
I got to practice my metal growling.
The preacher who had spent the entire night telling everyone we was all gonna burn for eternity in a lake of fire for just bein' ourselves Did Not appreciated me telling him I enjoyed fucking his mother.
But hey maybe your too shy to tell assholes to fuck off to their face.
I mean you didn't seem to have that issue here so I don't know what the fuck is holding you up in the real world, but hey, maybe this'll be a push to get you to stop white knighting assholes on the internet.
But hey there's a lot of other things you can do to help your community that ain't active protesting!
Whens the last time you went through your neighborhood and helped remove invasive species? I'm sure you've done that over the past few weeks, Right @rudyknight?
I've been slowly removing invasive honeysuckle and using it's bones to make yard structures.
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I've personally saved at least 5 adult trees in the neighborhood from an invasive plant called winter creeper that will slowly choke a mature tree to death if left unattended. It's already claimed a 100 year old maple a block away from me.
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Or you know as a little treat, for me, I've been completely redoing the closet that my hot water heater use to live in before it fucking exploded.
The water damage was... extensive.
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I fell through the fucking floor when I first started
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It's coming together baby.
Oh but man don't worry I still have So Much Time Left in a day to tell useless assfucks posting hate to my fandom to
Fuck Right The Fuck Off.
But you go on @rudyknight. You keep right on defending a useless prick who got caught being a useless prick from getting told they're being a useless prick.
I'm sure that useless prick appreciates it.
God fucking knows you ain't doing shit to be actually helpful.
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rodeoromeo · 1 year
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transsexualprophet · 9 months
im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists im not gonna fight on the internet with new atheists
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1-dum-bitch · 3 months
Someone at the bus stop just asked me what my name was and it took all the restraint in me to not reply with "who's asking? What are you, a cop?" and instead say "[name], what's up?" because she was probably just asking a question. She was like "nothing I'm just saying hi" so was in the position of the ass who had to humbly say "oh. hi."
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asterpotato · 2 years
no cuz... yall... HEAR ME OUT
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untouchedsoap · 1 year
truly the worst thing about kpop is that everyone already has their preconceived notions about it so they will wander into comment sections locked and loaded with the most out of pocket cruelty and intentional denseness and its like you don't have to be here. no one is making you Talk About KPop, you can just go if you don't want to have fun with us
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
Ooppsss I forgot to add the fact ghat book was trying to copy his cool bff
he's so >.<" nong bookie is so mischievous!
and this is so out of context but that high-waist jeans look so good on him... he was like a prince yesterday and i was surprised to see p'book being the more stylish (?) than p'force because i always see p'book in a simple tee + jeans/slacks. that look should be in the art gallery...
this is another cute clip of nong bookie (possibly) wanting to go for a dive somewhere hahaha it's so narak :((
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songofstrawhats · 8 months
We are at an emotional reunion between allies, one who was thought to be dead, as they plan together how to turn the tables and save the day
It is also a disembodied pair of severed legs speaking entirely through farting
As one does
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aturinfortheworse · 1 year
it can be challenging to explain what one likes about a piece of media because once you get past the "good dialogue" and "complex characters" stuff which is often too subjective to be useful, the stuff you're left with is like, well. my two favourite things a character can be are
so driven that it impedes their ability to exist in normal society, and
not wet in a sex way. 'wet' here is almost a variation upon point no. 1 because what i really like is how wetness symbolizes a character's indifference to the material world. took me ages to work that out, btw. but it's like that one Sad Wet Terminator episode of Person of Interest when John is so covered in his own blood that it is dripping off his hands as he holds the gun.
but i mean it doesn't have to be blood. it can be colin firth standing in the pouring rain soaked to the bone in fucking england without even seeming to notice it. it can be someone so sick that their sweat and spit and vomit are mixing together on their face unheeded.
(i'm not gonna say i don't prefer the blood thing tho. i do. i want there to be so much blood that they're slipping in it.)
but yknow when someone asks you what kind of tv you like, saying "I really like it when a character looks like you could wring them dry over a sink" is not normally a great first line to open with
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