#god bless paul rudd
jesuslists · 2 years
Jesus’ New Year’s Resolutions for 2022
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Each year, Mom and Dad get after You to make resolutions to improve Yourself. Here are Your own thoughts on self-improvement for the Son of God in 2022. Review last year’s resolutions to see if You followed through.
1. Fire Katharine Gibbs as Your Personal Secretary. When she tries to correct Your grammar – and she is always doing it! – You have to remind her who You are every time. You don’t want to be that guy who demands, “Do you know who I am?” all the time. 2. Conclude Negotiations with Prince to Become the New Director of the Heavenly Chorus. You are willing to give in to his demand for [redacted] to be called home, but You are not giving in to his demand for Beyoncé. 3. Instruct Your Legal Team Draft a Memo to Dad viz. COVID. Remind Him that the Holy Family has not intervened in plagues, scourges, or pandemics since that time He lost a bet to the Fallen Angel and had to get involved with Moses, the Israelites, and the Egyptians. 4. Win Back Sharon Stone. She dumped You. No woman still breathing air has ever dumped You. You want another shot, but Your half-brother Scott is threatening to tell the Blessed Virgin Mary about Your plan to win Sharon back involving Martin Scorsese, the Saudi Public Investment Fund, and Paul Rudd. 5. Perform the Bitcoin Miracle. It would literally take a miracle to stop your half-sister Rachel from pumping up cryptocurrency for lulz. Wait…that’s simple enough! 6. Redesign the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Those French idiots want to restore the cathedral to the state before it burned. You, on the other hand, want something flashier. Schedule a summit with the seraphim on ways to institute the necessary change orders with the contractor. 7. Inspire Bo Burnham and Sufjan Stevens to Form a Band. Everyone would feel everything all the time. 8. Start Procrastinating. Human lives are now on repeat pandemic cycle. People are born, they live truncated lives, they deal with common dilemmas involving paranoia and dashed hopes, they die, and Dad judges them. It’s all so boring. You need to just chill and wait for the next presidential election in the USA. Make Interesting Things Happen Again! MITHA! 9. Find a New Owner for Your Dog. The Son of God does not need a dog. You should not have to collect its poop, even if heavenly poop smells like roses. You never even gave it a name. 10. Win Third Straight Championship in the Annual Heavenly Three-on-Three Basketball Tournament. Your team, Jesus and the Acolytes, won in 2021 with You, Bob Cousy and George Mikan. You replaced them with Pete Maravich and Wilt Chamberlain for 2022. Rumor has it that Cousy and Mikan are in talks to join Lucifer’s team. It could get ugly.
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"the weather outside is weather"
- Chuck (Forgetting Sarah Marshall, 2008)
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buckyssoul · 6 years
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full article
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racingliners · 5 years
I'm not even halfway through but Ant-Man is a damn good film!
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
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college!sebastian stan x reader
Summary; Your boyfriend Sebastian has been spending much time studying, hardly sparing himself a break. Finally, he sees the pros of taking one
Warnings; smut, oral sex (male and female receiving), penetrative sex, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, fluff
divider by @firefly-graphics
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Sebastian was to be home any minute, he had been prolifically stressed from his classes regarding his law certification, and you had decided to exhibit him a well deserved distraction that would surely take his wired brain off from the course that was practically running through his veins at this point.
It seemed that at every waking moment, he was doing something to aid his studies, and whilst that was great that he was so dedicated to passing for this insane qualification, he did need to take breaks here and there. He wasn't the only one suffering from his late nights, and his resurrection from slumber at the crack of dawn, no. You were too, you missed him, despite being in the same apartment and room as him for the majority of his spare time.
He acted as though he had no time to spare, but you were well acquainted with his schedule, especially by now. The only difference was, that he had no occupation for a moment to relax with you, or by himself. His showers took five minutes every morning and evening, it was as though he were rushing to clean himself so that he could proceed to go back to putting his nose in a book, or searching specifics online.
But tonight, you were going to cut him off. If he didn't endure a moment of mindlessness, then you were sure to go mad yourself. You were keening for his touch, all you had received in the past few weeks were chaste kisses on both your lips and forehead, as well as verbalised 'I love you's. Perhaps it was selfish, he was striving towards a great achievement in his life, and you wanted a little bit of attention, but you knew he was holding himself from any relief also.
From the minimal time that he spent under the cold stream of the showerhead, he didn't have enough time to rub one out, and there was no fear that you had of him seeing another woman. Sebastian was not like that at all, and you had the clarity of him being in the kitchen half the time, typing away on his laptop, as he ran over some old notes and updated them.
Currently, he was out, he was in his lecture. There was a span of fifteen minutes from the time that he would be on the walk home, and you knew that was exactly how long that took in your shared student apartment, because you too endured your studies. But once more, your own were pushed to the side as you speculated your appearance in the silver tapestry of your mirror.
Your hand steadied on your right hip as you posed in front of it, twisting your waist to find the most attractive angle for you in your new wear. The underwear was tight, and not to mention, completely sheer. It's see through nature made wearing it practically pointless, but considering his current frustrations, it was only fair to give something to rip off of you.
Truthfully, you had to admit, you looked damned good. There was no way he would choose studying law over ravishing your body, a spark jolted through your body as the door behind you opened, and with a seductive bite to your lip, you turned around, only to scream and cover your body with your hands, or at least to the best of your ability. "Holy fuck, don't you know how to knock?!"
"I didn't think I'd have to because your human dildo isn't here!" Anthony defended himself, having turned around, as the image of you, one of his best friends, practically in the nude, burned behind his eye balls. The fact that he had seen you made you feel sick, this was not how you had intended the afternoon to go.
"Is there a reason that you burst into my room looking for me Mackie?" The question was indeed one that you wanted to know the answer to, you still felt so exposed, although he was not looking at you. That was certainly something that you were going to avoid telling Seb, that would definitely be a big distraction from his work.
And of course, alongside that, he would have an intent to possibly murder your flat mate, and whilst Chris would be laughing at that, there would be a heavy hotness to your face, as you watched them immaturely battle. Anthony cleared his throat thoroughly, directing towards the face that he was about to speak.
"Definitely not to see you like that." Retorted the math major, shrugging the shiver off his shiver as the memory tormented him once more. "But... me and Chris were going to meet with Scarlett, Takia and Brie, we were going to see if you and Seabass wanted to join, but as I saw against my own will, you have something already planned for your dinner."
“Um yeah, no, we’ll pass. Thanks tho buddy.” Oh god, to say you felt awkward was an understatement. If you were wearing clothes, or at least more socially appropriate ones, you’d go to him and give him a typical punch on the shoulder. Though, if you were clothed more body wear, you wouldn’t be in this predicament. Only things like this happened in college flats, that was one thing that could be confirmed.
“Okay then. Good to know...” Anthony closed the door and proceeded to enter the kitchen. He went grab himself an apple, and realised then that it was an unfortunate consequence, but he had lost his appetite. There had been nothing wrong with your appearance - nothing at all - but you were his flat mate and friend! And, you had a boyfriend, whom was also a great reference of social interaction for him.
The sound of keys interlocking with the outside of the door echoed through the kitchen, someone was outside, and he’d be write in assuming that it was Sebastian. Chris was presently occupied by scouring the internet for ways to surprise the girl he was currently hanging with, and honestly by that, Anthony was scared to enter his room.
It could have been anything that he was searching, but to his contrasting luck, the last resident of their flat entered, creases firm on his brow, from thinking too hard. Sebastian was mulling over the lecture that his professor had given his class. Remember to take a break every now and then. Maybe he was right, a break couldn't postpone him from graduating him that much, could it.
Perhaps he was putting it all off, because after receiving his degree, the four of you would have to find somewhere else to live, and a part of Seb was inclined to ask you individually to move in with him. A one bedroom apartment would be cheaper than one with three rooms, and atop of that, he wouldn't have to be cautious of minor things like walking around the flat in little to no clothing, or fucking you on the kitchen counter.
They were all coupley things that he had wishes to do, but because there were another two men residing with you and him, albeit them being your friends, he didn't allow you to do so in anything less than one of his shirts that cascaded down your thighs, so that if you weren't wearing panties, everything would be concealed. Anthony gulped, remembering he had seen you in your surprise for this man, and gosh, did he want to keep quiet about his accidental peek.
Sebastian wasn’t the jealous type, it was rather refreshing how he found that to be an unappealing trait, however, it would still not settle well that someone saw his girl, in a compromising choice of wear that was supposed to be for his eyes only. He would surely make it clear that you were his, and thus the fucking in the kitchen that he dreamt about would be more than likely to unfold, as he rammed you against the cupboards, caring not if guests were due.
“Hey.” It was a breath of fresh air to speak to someone who was not on his course, it was as though he had become estranged from the people closest to him during this part of the term. Thus a striking pang of guilt landed in his chest as he wondered how you must have felt. He hadn’t touched you in any intimate sense in weeks, it certainly felt like years.
That truth gave him no pride, he dropped his items on the counter, planning on returning to them after he had tended to greeting you. A long kiss sounded nice, strung by a chord of untwined tongues that groomed the insides of your mouth, as you reciprocated. If he was very generous to himself, he’d perhaps lay down for a moment, and allow his pianist hands to wander for more than a moment, stroking them up and down your thighs, until he gave supple attention to your sweet delicacy, dipping down to kiss it and run his fingers over the beautiful gates that only he was allowed to surpass through.
Anthony muffled a reply to him, before shuffling out the room, casting him a weird side eye, but Sebastian thought little of it as his mind was preoccupied with something other than his studies. Oh, and how he didn't mind. The mental image of your nude portrait blessing his eyes was enough motivation to have him striding at a fast, yet considerable pace, towards the door to your shared bedroom.
He knew you must have been inside, he saw your lanyard hanging on the coat rack, that was literally a makeshift piece of wood that you had drunkenly returned with one night, along with a very much intoxicated Paul Rudd. There had been construction nearby, and you thought that it was possible to turned the sharp edged plank with nails sticking out as a bedframe. Least to say, Sebastian did not allow that to happen, knowing that one morning, you would end up spiking your scalp against one of the rusted nails.
People had gotten hurt by it from where it was already, there was that time that Tessa had tried to lean on it for a photo, that in retrospect was an applicant towards your photography course, but that didn't end well, you were pretty sure there was still a streak of her blood stained into one side. That may have been why Chris had turned its weight around after that. However, none of you had the money to spare to invest in a real rack, so for now it stayed.
It sure as hell wasn't coming with you guys when you moved out, that was one thing that Sebastian was going to ensure. If Anthony wanted it, then so be it, if all went to plan, the pair of you wouldn't be living with the lovable goof when the time came. Turning the knob to the room, Sebastian heard a gasp, and thus after he shut it, he saw you wrapped up in your robe, your head cocked to the side as you seductively tried to settle on your small double bed.
"You made me jump Sebba." No, he could tell that you had been taking a short nap, as though you had wanted to forget some details from your day. And that you did, and you hoped that Anthony did as well. "Have you got much work to do bubs?" You raised yourself on your elbows and shuffled towards him as he came to sit on the side of the mattress.
"Think I'm going to take a short hiatus from it for a few hours." Now that certainly sounded pleasant, you hummed at his words, stroking his shoulder, as you pressed a kiss to his hand that moved cup your cheek. "Have I been neglecting my little petal?" It was a name he used whenever he was seeking forgiveness, but this time, you shook your head, frowning, as you settled a small smile on your face.
"You've been understandably busy, I get that. I'm not going to go as far as to use that word babes, you've just had a little time to yourself and your schoolwork, and that is fine." He tapped your chin, cocking his head to the side, inviting you to straddle his lap. You'd have been stupid if you refused after all the time that you had spent mentally apart from him, so without another hint, you clambered over his thighs, a giddy expression corrupting your face.
"This is why I love you. So open minded, and not to mention, that mind of yours has had me doing some thinking." Nodding in a current to prompt him to continue, his hands eased their lodging onto your bare thighs, stroking the skin with large soothing swipes, making any hair on your body stand on edge, as he averted his eyesight to the split of your gown that crisscrossed around your chest. It wasn't a sexual focus however, it was more so as though he feared a rejection of one kind.
"Hope you're not gonna propose us having a kid or something, because now is certainly not the time." At your humour, he sincerely laughed, causing a calm to wash over you and him, as he finally looked you in the face. “Unless you mean buying a plant, our last one died, and now you use the old pot to stub out your blunts." You could see the improvisational container as you turned your head to the side, seeing its white exterior be a gradient of light to shielded grey.
"I want you to move in with me." Sebastian responded straightly, bracing his slightly nervous palms to the divot of your waist, as he grasped the skin below your ribs, swirling the pads of his thumbs across your skin, caressing each nimble pore on that part of your body. His breath captured the side of your neck, as he licked a sweet line across a vein that he specifically picked out using his
"We already live together silly. Unless we're gonna move to mars." As you spoke, your brows optimistically raised, as your forearms found a home around the back of his neck, as you pressed tentative kisses to his clean jaw. A series of giggles evicted from you as you darted your tongue out to taste his sharp skin, your hand slipping down to control his own, trailing his touch beneath your gown so that the tips of his fingers were brushing the mesh of your underwear that was poised in a curve upon your hipbone.
"As much as the space nerd in me would love that, and not to mention you would make one foxy astronaut, I meant, after this, and here, we find a place for just you and me. I get if you don’t-“ you pressed your left forefinger to his lips, humming with a smile as he shared a gentle kiss upon your skin. He took the digit into his mouth, sucking the skin and swirling his tongue around the crescent of your nail.
“That sounds... perfect.” Ushering your finger from out past his lips, and the barrier of his nipping teeth, you languidly stroked his bottom lip, spreading the small extent of saliva that had coated your finger. “I’m so happy you’re taking a break Sebba, you deserve it. There’s something I want to show you baby, I know you’re going to like it.”
“Is it under this robe by any chance?” Obliging his answer with a supporting action, you allowed his hands to remain beneath the sleek material, as you untied the thick strand that tied the two sides together around your body. Pushing the dark silk from your shoulders, you revealed the design of petals that prompted through the thin material of your undergarments, everything exposed through the sultry and intimate pieces.
“Do you like it?” You seemed to have forgotten about Anthony seeing you in the internal wear, and from Sebastian’s honed gazing at your full breasts, your nipples sternly grew hard, telling him without need for word that he was silently turning you on. A sigh escaped from him, as he plucked at the seam of your panties, tugging lightly at the side to drag the material up your slit, grasping a light moan from your intimately affected lungs.
“My lovely petal, like is an understatement. You do all this for me, I don’t think I’m going to know how much this was, especially where we’re supposed to be budgeting.” Seb quirked his unbrushed brow, pressing his lips against the column of your throat, intaking the smell and pungent taste of your floral perfume. “But I’m not going to complain, because seeing you like this is certainly worth a fine penny. Is it ungrateful for me to want it off of you though?”
“Wait.” You instructed him, pressing your tongue into the divot of his chin, swiping a line of saliva through the bone structure. “I think we should get my money’s worth. First, I want to get my fill of your appreciation, and then maybe, maybe then I’ll allow you to discard piece by piece from my skin.” Your dominant hand pressed against his growing bulge as a you slid off his lap, running your nose along his thighs, as you fiddled with the purchase of his jeans, him helping you tug the denim off, and down his thick thighs.
“You’re so good to me.” He leaned back, curling his fists into the sheets, as he watched you enduringly pat him over his boxers, drawing a spot of precum to seep out onto the white cotton. “My beautiful petal, hungry for my cock, you want it, don’t you? Want to suck my hard cock, practically starving for it, ain’t ya?” Profusely nodding, you drooled as he twitched, and pushed down his underwear, revealing his uncut, and growing cock.
“Holy shit.” Escaped you as a breathy conjunction of two words, your palm reaching out to rotate his foreskin in your hand, pushing the layer back gently to reveal his hidden slit. Your tongue darted out over the flushed head, suckling on the sensitive portion, spoiling yourself with the salty taste of his aroused skin. “You have such a pretty cock baby.” Pressing a kiss along the length, you dragged your tongue up his shaft, before returning to the tip, swallowing down his cock in your throat.
“Fuck.” Your boyfriend revelled in the pleasure, one of his hands capturing your hair in its hold, running his fingers through your locks as you bobbed your head. Gargled sounds choked out from your easing throat, as you continued your administrations, making Seb squeeze his eyes shut, as he endured the pleasure that you pledged him with. “Baby...”
You moaned around his cock, your glazed irises peeking up at him, before pulling off, a strand of saliva connecting you to his hung length. “Say it.” Was his demand as his hand pressed the cheeks of your face together, forcing your lips into an exaggerated pout. It was a notion of past experiences that reminded you of what he was speaking of, you blinked your lashes innocently towards him, steadily breathing through your nose as he patiently awaited for you to carry out his order.
“I’m your cockslut.” You mumbled out, spit pooling out of your mouth and rolling down the cleavage of your lips, descending onto your chin, and slipping to be a river down your chest, playing hide and seek in the cups of your sheer bra. “Love your fat cock, and your large balls, and the way your mouth exhibits complete bliss over my pussy.” He tilted your head to the side, as he leaned down, his spare hand reaching behind you to remove your bra, leaving it hanging loosely off from your shoulders.
“How about I eat your cunt, huh? You’d like that, wouldn’t you petal?” A whine slipped from your lips as you shouldered off the floral laced bra, discarding it on the bedroom floor, as you waded your legs about so that you could do the same with the slim lined panties. “Come on then, get up on the bed pretty girl, let me at that pussy.” Doing as he said, you clambered onto the mattress, your front against the sheets as you tried to position yourself. A slap rumbled off your ass cheek, as Sebastian struck down on the globe of fat, straggling a surprised moan from your lips.
It seemed like he wanted you to remain on your stomach, and so you did as he breathed a swab of cool air upon your clenching lips, swiping his tongue from your heavy clit to your soaking entrance. “Sebs, do something, please.” You collapsed your face into the bed, wiggling your ass towards his face, earning yourself another spank to your behind. It stung, but it was a hot heat that granted you a minor bit of relief; it was certainly better than nothing.
And then, his tongue probed at your entrance, test tasting your cunt as his muscle flicked deliriously over your clit, his forefinger prying at your slit, and slipping without struggle inside of your walls, evoking a withering moan to collapse out from your chest. Another digit slunk through your folds, filling your further, as his pace increased, his mouth surrounding your clit, and rolling the bud around with his instigating tongue. “Petal, pass me the lube.”
With a light head, you blindly reached your hand across to on top of his bedside table, locating the bottle with your fiddling hands, tossing it back towards him. A thump indicates that it did not land on the mattress as planned, instead the container of lubricant hit him in the forehead. A frown covered his face as he shook his head, removing his fingers from your folds, as he grasped the bottle, splurging some of the clear and slippery liquid onto his fingertips.
Seb spread it around his fingers, rubbing it onto his skin, as he applied a little onto your tight hole, prying at your puckered entrance with his lubricated digits. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You gently rubbed your face against the sheets as Sebastian entered his fingers into your ass, quickly thrusting them in and out of you. “Feels so good Sebby, shit.” He continued his administrations with a clenched wrist, evicting pleasure upon you as you practically sobbed onto your shared bed. “No, no-“
He removed his fingers, as well as his own shirt that was still covering his chest. Seb clambered off the bed for a moment, locating a condom, as he gave his cock a couple of jerks, rolling the avast protection onto his length, as he positioned himself on his knees behind you. He entered you swiftly, returning his fingers back into your tighter hole, as he began to thrust into both of your entrances. Sounds of pleasure were compelled out from your lungs, as you half screamed his name; there were tears collecting in the corners of your eyes as you endured wafts pleasure from both intimate angles.
He curled his fingers within you, picking up his pace as his hips profusely clashed against your own. He was chasing a high, whilst simultaneously reducing you to nothing but a racer to your own. “So fucking tight; in both holes.” His teeth clenched as he moaned at the sensation of your walls clenching harshly around him, as he filled the condom with his white and warm seed. He remained inside of you as he brought one hand down to your cunt, playing with your clit, as he sternly thrusted his fingers into your ass.
It didn’t take long for you to reach your peak, cumming around his softened cock, and mewling into your own wrist. Sebastian extracted his tender cock from within you, also removing his fingers, as he swiped off the condom, tying to open side so that no cum would spill out, and then discarding it in the bin. “Shit, I was wanting some attention from you, but I didn’t know I was going to get that.” You laughed lightly, feeling a little hazy and drunk from your numbing orgasm.
In turn, your boyfriend laughed too, grabbing his shirt from off the ground, and lightly pulling you up, helping you into the baggy material. He pressed a sweet kiss upon your forehead as he rolled to be laid beside you, bringing your sweaty body into his matching side, watching through appeased lids at how you curled yourself into him. “I love you darling.”
“I love you too Seb.” You replied, pressing a kiss to his soft nipple, as his arms locked adoringly around you. “And I’m so proud of you for putting your all into your course.” Your nails stroked down his stomach, as the two of you laid upon the sheets, rather than underneath them.
“Of course I would, it’s for our future in the long term of things.” He stated, brushing any loose strands of hair out from your face. “But I guess it’s okay to take a break sometimes. And that, well that was certainly worth the time away from studying, it always is with you.”
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iowaladynerd · 2 years
Y'all I saw Ghostbusters Afterlife and I absolutely adore this movie! It's like a love letter to the original movie and did job of portraying the new generation without it feeling like it's completely copying and pasting the original movie while ruining the OG cast *cough cough, force awakens, cough last jedi cough*. This new cast had some fun moments, mostly Paul Rudd (serious goofy, favorite teacher vibes) and McKenna Grace (mini Egon science whiz 🥰) were a pleasure to watch
Warning I will discuss spoilers, you've been warned.
One thing I have to mention off the bat is how well they handled Harold Ramis's passing. They got the daughter's blessing beforehand and made sure they were bringing back the character Egon, not Harold himself which is why he looks the way he does. And how they kept him mute, I think this helped avoid the awkwardness of watching a passed actor and not ruin the fantasy (similar to Onward's ending). And his relationship with his granddaughter was so touching, I cried at the end when he was helping her hold the proton pack.
I wish they would've expanded on Gozer a bit more, give them more depth or at least a little more backstory on why someone would want to bring back a malevolent God like that.
It would've been awesome to get more of the OG cast involved (the big tease which I'm pretty sure was why a lot people wanted to see it *me*). But it was nice to get to see the OG cast and where they're at now
And that book case stack 😂, was Egon's first thought after dying "Imma symmetrically stack some books lol"
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praphit · 2 years
Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year, everybody! 
The start of this year was similar to that of the mini-series “WandaVision”
(my runner-up show of the year)
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We were all wounded by 2020, so we kinda locked into some delusional hopes for 2021. It was cute.
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Eventually, things seemed suspicious, like plans weren’t going to go forward as we had hoped. 
(Olson, my actress of the year)
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Then, we chose our sides, and wanted (and still want) to fight each other.
Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of reasons to want to fight.
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Virus  (best movie with symbiotes in it).
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Our climate ( in more ways than one).
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She was actually made free! But, there are “Free Britney Activists” in the world now, so... I guess now they’ll devote their time to freeing ALL of the Britney’s of the world. 
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Rich white people doing rich white people things.
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The machines path to inevitably taking over.
The list goes on and on...
It didn’t take us long to give into fear and hate did it?
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But, I don’t want to focus on that right now. Let’s celebrate some of the moments of 2021 that put smiles on our faces.
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To make us emotional... for now... though I’m certain she’ll abandon us for another 3 to 5 years, only to make us emotional again (lather, rinse, repeat) It’s a weird relationship we have with her isn’t it?
(my runner-up Album of the Year)
Mac & Cheese Ice Cream!
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Yep :- /
Bernie Sanders, as always, making it cool to be old and crotchety. 
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I put out new music. Yesir! 
(a taste)
(more than a taste)
(My Album of the Year. You might be saying “How can you give yourself your own award?” 
I do whatever the hell I want :) Don’t hate cuz my tunes make the kids feel :)
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PAUL RUDD became 2021′s sexiest man alive.
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I can see that... 
It’s not so much a Michael B Jordan type of sexiness, but more of a... a man watching the kids (not his) of a woman (his girlfriend... sure) who’s out partying tonight... with her guy-friend (totally not a date). And even though she won’t be back until the next morning (late morning), he trusts her. 
- that type of sexiness, I can see that for sure :)
Silk Sonic (my Sexiest Album of the Year Award). Even this pic is oozing with sensuality.
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If you don’t believe that music alone could get someone pregnant, just take a listen, and you will.
“I Think You Should Leave” season 2
(Tim Robinson is def my Funny Person of the Year)
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For all of you perverts out there who have been longing for the day you can do what he did, and have it be no big deal... that day came this year. Congrats.
The 2021 Olympics!
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As always, giving us reasons to cheer and to simultaneously cringe.
Cash in the walls!
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Times have been tough for everyone, including churches. But, God, apparently, “blessed” Joel Osteen with gobs of money in the walls of his church.
I’m not making that up! Hey, preachers, pick yourselves up a sledgehammer and try your faith.
The Washington Football Team scandal (and no real punishment in sight).
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You might be asking how this could be a good thing? Well, it’s not. It’s a truly horrible thing (it’s worth looking up if you haven’t heard). BUT, if you’re as rich and powerful as the owners of the NFL are, then this story might give you a smile of relief. Finally, a win for the rich,abusive, white guys out there.
And... this - Ye (my Artist of the Year), DaBaby, and Marilyn Manson? - on stage with each other? Mac & Cheese Ice Cream was more predictable.
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It has to be the work of the same god who put money in Joel Osteen’s walls that made that happen.
We can’t reflect only on the good. We must learn from difficulties and battles of 2021 as well, right??
We learned that dragons ARE real! 
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... and that no matter how slip... sorry, wrong pic
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We learned that dragons ARE real! And that no matter how slippery they can be, with diligence and some hocus pocus on your side, they can be slayed.
(”Shang-Chi”, btw, my Personal Fave Flick of the Year - don’t argue with me)
Lil Nas X’s “Montero”!
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The music is NOT the bad thing. I liked most it (though if you listen to the lyrics of some songs, he seems sad)! I like him as an artist. I like his style, and his videos. I, for one, salute his marketing strategy in 2021.
I just can’t get the imagery of someone twerking on the lap of a seemingly bored Satan, out of my mind. The devil doesn’t look like he’s having any fun does he?
And our kids are going to imitate this art. I don’t know if any of the parenting books out there prepare parents for kids shaking it in front of Satan, and then putting blood in their shoes.
“MALIGNANT” - my Comedy of the Year
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“Why?” “How?” If you watch the 3rd act of this movie, then you’ll know.
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A real story and a real problem!
Dr. Seuss... racist as shit!
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TOM BRADY (my Athlete of the Year)
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- proving that unlike Bernie Sanders, one is not doomed to being cold and lovably irritable when they get old. Sometimes, when you get old, you when another Super Bowl ring.
The Weeknd was lost and confused.
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.... as were many, who started wondering, if the cult rumors were true with this performance. I dug it though:)
There has been an increase of conspiracy theories that certain artists, including The Weeknd, are conjuring spirits and portals to Hell during their performances. 
Obviously, that’s nutty. But... nothing would surprise me after the last couple of years.
Perhaps the end of all things will kickoff during an Olivia Rodrigo concert.
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And lastly, we learned a lot from “Squid Game” (my Show of the Year)
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Probably not as much as we should have learned from it, but more to never play “Red Light, Green Light” ever again.
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(the old man, btw, my Actor of the Year ---- which doesn’t make much sense, only that I loved that character.)
2021 Praphie Award goes to - 
Willem Dafoe!
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This is completely an inside joke that’s not worth explaining, but imagine this fine actor selling products such as:
“Willem Dafoe’s Sauerkraut Juice”
“Willem Dafoe’s Homemade Breast Milk”
“ Willem Dafoe’s Half-Eaten Apple Pies”
“Willem Dafoe’s Sexy-Parts Trimmer”
I want to publicly thank Willem Dafoe for all of the laughter he’s given me and my colleagues in 2021.
The more this face can sell, the better off we’ll all be.
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Last Year’s Slogan to live by:
“If you love something, let it go. If it doesn’t return to you, hunt it down, and kill it.”
This saying was truly inspirational.
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2022′s slogan shall be:
“Recently, I made a promise to myself that the next time I got a boyfriend, I’d be on the lookout for red flags. And if I saw any, I would do the healthy thing and I would murder him.” ~ Harley Quinn (”Suicide Squad 2″)
I think there’s a lot of wisdom there, people. 
Meditate upon it, build healthy relationships, have fun, stop overreacting, and ENJOY THE COMING OF 2022.... oh, and don’t look up.
Much love!
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wellntruly · 3 years
Sense8, Season 1, Half the Second
[Half the First, follow-up]
This show is paced like they had a 5-season deal to adapt one longish sci-fi novel. To reiterate I love that about it, the lack of urgency or concern they have about getting their central mythology off the ground is positively blissful, 10 stars.
Anyway one season in now I’ve decided to just tell you all how I feel about each Sensate at this juncture.
I have astonishingly managed to write this without any real significant spoilers—service journalism.
Every one of these characters has so frickin’ much risk going on but Capheus has the most going on. This is a sweet man who is trying his best but his circumstances and his script doesn’t always give him much to have fun with, beyond the appreciable Van Damme. There’s also something a bit disjointed in how he is often paired with Sun, as Capheus is a pacifist and Sun is ruthless, which creates this odd effect where when he’s a tight spot she’ll just appear and maim a bunch of people for him and then drop him back in like his hands are still clean. It's a little curious! Still waiting to click in with what's going on in the Capheus sections, basically.
That said Capheus/Riley is the cutest combination for sure, those two drinking her English tea and those two flying above the clouds were the cutest moments for each of them this season! You know it’s true!
Riley is also so sweet but the sad kind, and she worked so so well as everyone’s sad dazey sweetheart in the first half of this season, just blurrily slipping around between streams of consciousness with her big blue headphones. Honestly I feel like the poor thing never wanted to become the wounded attention fulcrum of the latter half of the season—I know I at least never wanted that for her. Let Riley process her trauma in peace !
Will, who should be the most basic bitch of the lot, is actually resiliently entertaining because he’s so damn useful & well-trained but also such a disaster that there’s no way he’s not bi. God help me but I do like The One Good Fictional White Cop, fuck me but I do. It’s because they so drastically make him OUR cop, y’know? Like his role ~exclusively~ is to help everyone else circumvent and undermine his own or similar policing systems. A rebel double agent, which makes his squeaky-clean cop look inspire in me a slight sly thrill as opposed to its normal effect of a slight nauseous chill.
Also god bless the Will/Riley relationship such a spectacular liability, tremulous caucasian chaos at its finest.
Nomi cracks me up because her delivery style makes half of everything she says sound like she’s writing one of her future blog posts aloud. Like that’s exactly the tenor of her voice but she’s saying it to people. Love u hacktivist Carrie Bradshaw, never change babe you fucking time-traveled Gen X cringe icon.
The gravitational pull of her heroic illegality is also a huge redemptive vector on Will’s coppiness, and Nomi/Will is already a good pair because of their previously mentioned status as The Only Goddamn Two of These Who Have Had An Iota of Existential Crisis About This.
Plus all Nomi sections are good sections because odds are we’ll get to see precious perfect costumes lesbian Freema Agyeman, The Bee’s Knees.
Holy moly is Kala endearing. Holy moly! Everything about the way this woman expresses herself makes me want to marry her, which is what makes the fact that her whole plot centers around her upcoming marriage feel actually vital and relevant, who woulda thought! [Paul Rudd meme voice] Not me!
We also should eventually mention and we’ll do so now that it absolutely kills me how each Sensate's storyline is like, BORDERLINE a caricature for their region. I think that border is basically, is this dismissive or is it playful. It seems to me like this is probably in fun, that the bashful Indian chemist is trapped in a Bollywood story she doesn't want is fun. I also think the way genre works in each plot is ultimately doing something interesting with the idea that we are products of our environments and the stories you are around inform how you tell the story of your own life, and that being exposed to other styles of story can have a big impact on how you have been conceptualizing your own. I mean this whole show is fundamentally a paean to like a hyper literal idea of cultural exchange, and that's why we love it.
Of course the Most reason why this show is good is because it’s just continual situations where someone's unique personal fuckery makes them exactly the right freak to step in for the job. This moment brought to you in Sense8 most often by Wolfgang. In this way and only this way, he is the Quark of the piece.
The swing I have gone on with Wolfgang has been such a rewarding experience. In the beginning when they were trying to present him as more this sympathetic, thoughtful thief, the Thinking Woman’s Criminal, I was not taken in. Then more recently they started shifting into a different angle that I have found WAY more interesting, hullo! The crafty self-damned is a gooood character type, the hellhound nearest heaven yes yes, #growth. I still don’t ship him and Kala at all, but whatever!
Now that's my Bae-bae! I love love love love watching characters who live in a system of obligation and form, always 10x more interesting people to me than someone who “hates rules." God, give me someone heedlessly principled any day. Heedless to their own security and desires I mean---the strength and intrigue of that kind of self-sacrifice, and the fascination of finding out what it is that really makes them tick within this clockwork. This is also why I love priest stories.
Which brings us to
The thing about Alfonso Herrera is that he is a very charming actor. He is charming in different ways in different things, but not always *that* different, there is an innate same-person-ness to some of the ways in which he is charming, which means that in nearly every Lito section there will be some moment where his boyfriend Hernando will do something too familiar yet too saucy, and I’ll feel like I just missed a step walking down the stairs and gasp “Father To-MAS!” So that’s been outstanding.
There’s also that in every way the Lito plot utterly rocks & rolls. Everything that happens in Mexico City is at a 12, always. I won't even tell you how long it took me to realize why this was!! (see Kala) (wait holy shit when will we get Lito/Kala...I want this)
Lito is also part of my two favorite runners on this show, one the bit where someone describes the half-remembered premise of one of his movies to him and he just nods and supplies the absurd title, and the other where someone already has their hands on him and he’s just like “(steamily yet kindly) you will have to take those back off, because my heart belongs to another,” and the other person is just like “….wow this is hotter than any time I’ve actually had sex, tell me about how your body is his again.” This has happened THREE TIMES.
Oh and never forget that the Lito plot also got us within a HAIR’S BREADTH of actually watching a literal fuck-or-die variant I've literally only read about happening in fanfiction, like the wind whistled by as I sat frozen in chaotic awe that this might proceed to really play out right here in front of my salad. Wachowskis you absolute madwomen!!
Sublime. Alright remaining other thoughts I had while watching the back half of Season 1:
- Youn Yuh-Jung???!?!!!! !!!
- wait, they’re all supposed to be the same age? WHAT age??
- I’ve thought about this for a long time and have decided there is no reasonable way they aren’t at least 27, honestly I’d personally say 30 based on some of their careers & life experiences but that doesn’t seem like a television choice, in television-land they’re surely all improbably supposed to be like 25.
- as soon as she was like, love within a Cluster is a Sin, I was like oh, no thank you to this lady I think
- “It’s Independence Day” [checks calendar] of course it is
- awww, I’m suddenly imagining being somewhere really beautiful and being like, oh my gosh everyone look at this. sharing...<3
- Sense8 really said we’re gonna watch EIGHT. BIRTH. SCENES. You won’t be able to HANDLE how many crown-through-beev shots we’re about to throw at you on Netflix dot net
- well I guess “benevolently**,” but I also get the feeling the show wants us to think maybe we should distrust Jonas but that actually we can trust Jonas, because I follow my heart in these things and my heart says Naveen Andrews
- the fact that we are apparently taking two episodes off from Lito’s Adventures is offensive to me personally
- no real spoilers I will just say screened behind a reference for those in the know (and in the know): fuck me but this Lyra'd situation is some gooood telepath story shit, A BITCH LOVES TELEPATHS FOR REASONS LIKE THIS.
- OH mygod the Sigur Rós is back, I cannae handle this Captain! the Wachowskis are so like, fucking, unabashedly emotional, wholehearted. their stuff is planetarily cheesy but in this way where concepts of “embarrassing” or “cool” are so irrelevant to what register they're working in, which is just so very sincere and very silly and very looovable and I kind of have an emotional breakdown while also laughing at myself. their choices play me like a Casio keyboard set to old Nokia ringtones and I’m just like goddamnit how'd you unlock this code! while sparkly hearts fall out of my eyes.
Alright well so glad I still have another season + a movie (?) to go through
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bagofbonesmp3 · 4 years
im waiting for my finals' results so I'm gonna piggyback off that last tiktok and rate the middle aged men as a middle aged men connaisseur (don't date middle aged men actually they will talk about the car they want to buy "soon" all the time and it's not fun):
hugh jackman: 8/10. STRONG sexy man. a classic face with a heart of gold and the voice of an angel. can dance, aged incredibly well. was wolverine. i couldn't be with him fully though because I watched xmen when I was 6 and he's my father figure now so I can't look at him any other way.
idris elba: 15/10. every day i don't get a heimdall one shot show is another day of misery also HAVE YOU SEEN HIM in pacific rim. his clear voice, strong acting prowess and heartful eyes. god bless him. doesn't look a day over 35 also
rdj: -25/10. if i saw him on the street i would DASH i say. i would sonic the hedgehog out of there. gtfo with that plain face all mustache italian looking face. cousin vinny.....
paul rudd: 5/10. like.... okay? he's funny at least. i liked your scott lang mr rudd i really don't have much to say about you asides from give me $10000 to go buy platform shoes and a domestic snake.
ewan mcgregor: 12/10. WELL DUH. that's obi wan kenobi!!!
pedro pascal: ..... no comment your honor
jeff bezos: 1020201/10. i would kill him in his sleep and they'd have to make a statue of me wearing the platform shoes and the snake.
dr. doofenshmirtz: 100/10. YES. YES!
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manandmachines · 3 years
Meta on muses and religion
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Scott was born and raised Jewish from his mom and safta. His dad Robert, though born Jewish, isn’t exactly religious since growing up in Soviet Russia. His mother Ruth and his safta Jadzia are Polish, Ruth being born sometime during WWII, while her parents were on the run. The war would leave Jadzia a single mother who’d raise Ruth to never hide who she was, who would in turn pass that onto her son. 
Scott’s never denied being Jewish, and considers himself a reformist Jew. He even wears a chai bracelet given to him by his safta most of the time.
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Chai in Judaism means “life,” and also refers to the number 18, which is considered the number of life, because each Hebrew letter has a numerical equivalent. It’s the sum of two Hebrew letters —chet (ח) (8) and yud (י) (10) which makes 18. He wears more often than not as a reminder of what he’s out to protect while being a superhero.
Some Reform Jews reject the idea of a Messiah as an actual person. They do not believe that the leadership of one person is required to achieve a Messianic Age. Instead, Reform Jews believe that ordinary people have the power to bring about a peaceful and prosperous age by carrying out good actions. An idea that Scott holds close to his heart, especially with being Ant-Man. Scott holds strong to his leaders like Sam and Steve, but really believes the team together is what’ll really bring change to the world. 
Although Scott hasn’t been able to practice as much as he’d like to, it’s not for lack of faith but lack of time. He used to celebrate the Shabbat about every Friday with his parents growing up, but Ant-Man duties leave him able to celebrate at least one Friday a month. Still making time at least to call his parents on Friday to talk and update them on his life and share a prayer. 
With Scott being reformist, he doesn’t exactly follow kosher rules, but he does go out to serve only kosher foods when it’s time for Shabbat, as is his family tradition with Ruth being raised more traditionally. He’ll also make time the next day on Saturday morning after Shabbat to visit his local synagogue.
He also celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at 13, and hopes to hold a Bat Mitzvah for Cassie at that same age, which is the same celebration like what he had, but for women. He also speaks fluent Hebrew and taught that to Cassie as well.
I also headcanon Maggie to be Jewish, and they were both married at his parents synagogue in Florida, and like his parents, both Scott and Maggie’s wedding rings are both simple bands. This is because of an old tradition where the worth of the ring is measured in weight, and so there’s no stones to alter the weight and value. Both Scott and Maggie also chose the old fashioned route to wear their rings on the left forefinger, because the vein there leads up to your heart, and Scott just thought as man of science, that was pretty neat. Everything was followed by the seven blessings, Scott breaking the glass and a celebratory mazel tov.
If Scott were to ever get remarried to a non Jewish partner, he’d want to at least do another glass breaking. As he heard of a new way couples do it where they break wine glasses together, instead of just a man breaking a lightbulb (or just any glass thing, really, but it’s typically a light bulb)
And do not worry thinking I’ll have to change his face claim, as Paul Rudd himself is Jewish, with his parents being descended from Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants who had moved to England from Belarus, Poland, and Russia.
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Being born to third generation Romanian immigrants, Bucky grew up Roman Catholic and often would go to mass with his mother on Sundays. He’d be baptized sometime after Rebecca, since his family was living in Indiana around the time he was born, and couldn’t do it then due to the lack of Catholic churches in the area. Luckily Winnie was finally able to arrange a service for both Becky and Bucky when they had finally settled in Brooklyn, and would go on to baptize the rest of her daughters as well.
The family would go on to celebrate the usual holidays associated with Catholicism, such as the Holy week, Christmas and Easter, as well as Lent.
His father was also not religious due to the trauma from being off fighting in WWI. He’d never go into detail with his distrust in a higher power, but whenever Bucky questioned George as to why he never came to service, George would just reply on how God just wasn’t as kind to some people as he was to others.
He’d think about that sometimes when he went to service, but never thought about it terribly until getting drafted. Then did he really see what dear old dad meant all those years ago in the garage after service when Bucky went to bring him up for lunch.
Religion was really the last of his concerns being the Winter Soldier, again with how Soviet Russia was on religion and I doubt anybody in the Red Room cared about God, with how they were trying to play it with making the girls into weapons of war.
He hasn’t been to service since. Simply taking after the words of his father that God’s not as kind to some people as he is to others.
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Neyti was never religious, but however did arrange for subjects to learn about popular religions throughout the galaxy in the idea it’d make them better at handling patients with certain beliefs. Rocket finds the whole idea of religion to be another human hang up and hardly if ever thinks about it, despite having clashed with several Gods of several types. He doesn’t believe in another side, just instead that everyone turns into dust someday.
...although he does like the sound of that reincarnation stuff. The idea that you’ll come out of this life into something either better or worse. He like to think...if it is real, then he’d like to come back as something good. Maybe bring him back as what he was supposed to be before the cybernetics and endless knowing. Back in that little time of peace he had before being turned into what he is now.
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thegarnet · 4 years
tonight is the exact reason why we've stayed mutuals for so fucking long n never deactivated. hamilton, riverdale, voltron everything else was filler for tonight. god bless us comrade ❤️💜
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stranger-awakening · 4 years
the perks of being a wallflower
Oh, bless you!!
Favourite character: Charlie I love him so much
Funniest character: Patrick but like specifically movie Patrick you feel me. Ezra Miller really did That
Best-looking character: I’m gonna say Paul Rudd as an English teacher and not elaborate
3 favourite ships: God, is there even three ships in this? I’m inclined to say Charlie x Sam tbh but even that’s a lil iffy
Least favourite character: You know I’d say Brad but his dad is worse so. Also Aunt Helen can choke
Least favourite ship: Charlie x Patrick because Yikes
Reason why I watch it: Because it’s one of my fave movies of all time and tbh my fave book -> adapation probably ever (queer people are allowed to be a lil pretentious as a treat)
Why I started watching it: I loved the book, also god tier cast.
Send me a tv show, movie or musical
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hackedmotionsensors · 5 years
Okay there’s something about endgame I absolutely loved and I totally forgot to mention so lets go under the cut!!!
When Thor who is CLEARLY STONED and drunk is telling the story of The Dark World and everyone is looking at him like he’s completely fucking stupid.....
the camera cutting to Paul Rudd who is just looking at Thor with THE STARS IN HIS EYES AT THIS MAGICAL STORY
God bless you Paul Rudd you have the most joyful face
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ladyproserpinas · 4 years
my favorite female character
I had to go back and forth on this one and decide what I was going to encompass in the MCU (so basically decide if I was counting agents of shield) but i’m gonna go with Jane Foster for sooooo many reasons. Like we stan a lady of science who can not only accept that magic has a place in the universe but explain how magic would work in the scientific world. And also like lowkey have had a crush on natalie portman since i was 5 so there was that. Super excited to get her back in Love and Thunder and I am so grateful Taika is giving us Jane as Thor, we are so blessed.
my favorite male character
Steve Rogers, always and forever. if i wasn’t choosing steve it would be scott lang we were blessed when they cast paul rudd in a marvel movie honestly, and i really do hope he didn’t strain a muscle carrying endgame on his back like he did.
my favorite book/season/etc
Favorite movie is gonna be.... honestly, probably ant-man? 
idk ant-man, the winter soldier, black panther, thor ragnarok, and doctor strange are probably my top 5. 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
my favorite cast member
chris evans, this is also not surprising.  
my favorite ship
ooh ummm................ steve/peggy? probably. although t’challa/nakia are very much up there too!
a character I’d die defending
STEVE ROGERS!!!!! very happy i was not on tumblr during civil war oh god hell no
a character I just can’t sympathize with
*insert random hydra character here* we’ll say rumlow.... yeah rumlow it’s actually a character from agents of shield.
a character I grew to love
ugh i feel so ashamed for admitting this but not being on tumblr really helped me grow into a fan of loki and in all fairness .... yeah i got nothing, i love him. 
my anti otp
can’t think of one but i guess steve/tony if i were to say one
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sunsetstudiesx · 5 years
Film Recommendations!
I thought I’d recommend some of my absolute favourite movies, because I love sharing my love of movies and just things in general with people. So, in no particular order, here is my list of recommendations:
1. Tombstone (1993)
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So I just watched this movie a couple days ago and absolutely loved it. Yes, it is a western. Do you need to like westerns to watch it? Nope. That’s why it’s great. And, it’s based on real people/real events. I sobbed hysterically at the end, but I’m also a huge sap. Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday is perfection. I love love love him.
Here’s the plot summary: Wyatt Earp (Kurt Russell) and his brothers, Morgan (Bill Paxton) and Virgil (Sam Elliott), have left their gunslinger ways behind them to settle down and start a business in the town of Tombstone, Ariz. While they aren't looking to find trouble, trouble soon finds them when they become targets of the ruthless Cowboy gang. Now, together with Wyatt's best friend, Doc Holliday (Val Kilmer), the brothers pick up their guns once more to restore order to a lawless land.
“I’m your huckleberry.”
“Why, Johnny Ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave.”
“You gonna do somethin’ or just stand there and bleed?”
2. Fight Club (1999)
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Okay. Okay. I just watched this one, too, and let me tell you. If you haven’t seen it/haven’t been spoiled for it, you have no idea what it’s really about. Honestly. It’s so fuckin’ weird and it blew my mind which is something I thought only M. Night Shyamalan could do. Wow, just. . . wow. Watch it, I implore you. I think everyone essentially knows the basic plot, but here it is if you want it, straight from google:
A depressed man (Edward Norton) suffering from insomnia meets a strange soap salesman named Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) and soon finds himself living in his squalid house after his perfect apartment is destroyed. The two bored men form an underground club with strict rules and fight other men who are fed up with their mundane lives. Their perfect partnership frays when Marla (Helena Bonham Carter), a fellow support group crasher, attracts Tyler's attention.
“You met me at a very strange time in my life.”
“The things you own end up owning you.”
“It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.”
3. Unbreakable (2000)
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Speaking of M. Night Shyamalan. While every one of his movies I’ve seen (Split, Glass, Lady in the Water, The Visit) have all been fantastic and mind-blowing, Unbreakable still has my favourite premise and my favourite Shyamalan twist ending. I love this one, even though I don’t really care for Bruce Willis.
Plot summary: A security guard, having been the sole survivor of a high-fatality train crash, finds himself at the centre of a mysterious theory that explains his consistent physical good fortune. When news of his survival is made public, a man whose own body is excessively weak tracks him down in an attempt to explain his unique unbreakable nature.
“Do you know what the scariest thing is? To not know your place in this world. To not know why you’re here.”
4. This is the End (2013)
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Seth Rogen. Jay Baruchel. James Franco. Jonah Hill. Danny McBride. Craig Robinson. Playing themselves. The apocalypse. Hilarity ensues. Cameos from Emma Watson, Kevin Hart, Michael Cera, Rihanna, Paul Rudd, Channing Tatum, Aziz Ansari, Jason Segel, Mindy Kaling, and the Backstreet Boys. It’s so funny, I absolutely love it.
Plot summary: In Hollywood, actor James Franco is throwing a party with a slew of celebrity pals. Among those in attendance are his buddies Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, Danny McBride and Craig Robinson. Suddenly, an apocalypse of biblical proportions erupts, causing untold carnage among Tinseltown's elite and trapping Franco's party in his home. As the world they knew disintegrates outside, cabin fever and dwindling supplies threaten to tear the six friends apart.
“I don’t want to die at James Franco’s house.”
“Oh, no, no, no. I’m drinking and smoking weed. I’m on a cleanse, I’m not psychotic.”
“Take it easy, Dumbledore.”
5. You’ve Got Mail (1998)
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Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. This might be my favourite romantic comedy, and I watch a lot. They’re adorable, and Meg Ryan is everything. This one made me cry twice. Once from sadness, once from happiness. Also it has Dave Chappelle in it, who I absolutely love.
Plot summary: Struggling boutique bookseller Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) hates Joe Fox (Tom Hanks), the owner of a corporate Foxbooks chain store that just moved in across the street. When they meet online, however, they begin an intense and anonymous Internet romance, oblivious of each other's true identity. Eventually Joe learns that the enchanting woman he's involved with is actually his business rival. He must now struggle to reconcile his real-life dislike for her with the cyber love he's come to feel.
“There’s the dream of someone else.”
“But I just wanted to say that all this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings.”
“I love daisies. They’re so friendly. Don’t you think daisies are the friendliest flower?”
6. A Hard Day’s Night (1964)
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For anyone who loves The Beatles. Here they play themselves, and show what their lives are like. It’s ridiculous and hilarious and god, if I didn’t love them before I loved them dearly after watching. It’s such a fun, easy watch and I adore it.
Plot summary: Over two "typical" days in the life of The Beatles, the boys struggle to keep themselves and Sir Paul McCartney's mischievous grandfather in check while preparing for a live television performance.
“How did you find America?” “Turned left at Greenland.”
“Hey mister can we have our ball back!”
“You’re a swine.”
7. Dazed and Confused (1993)
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My favourite movie to watch at the beginning and end of the school year, and let’s be honest, every month in between. I’ve seen this movie more times than I can say. I love the ‘70’s setting, the actors, the plot. Another wonderful, easy watch that just makes me happy. Killer soundtrack, too.
Plot summary: The adventures of high school and junior high students on the last day of school in May 1976.
“You just gotta keep livin’, man. L-i-v-i-n.”
“It’d be a lot cooler if you did.”
“I just wanna look back and say that I did it the best that I could while I was stuck in this place.”
“I’d like to quit thinking of the present, like right now, is some minor, insignificant preamble to somethin’ else.”
8. Dirty Dancing (1987)
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Anything with Patrick Swayze is wonderful, and this is no exception. Johnny and Baby are perfect. This movie also has the best soundtrack of any movie I’ve ever watched. Fantastic love story, fantastic movie. Watch it.
Plot summary: Baby (Jennifer Grey) is one listless summer away from the Peace Corps. Hoping to enjoy her youth while it lasts, she's disappointed when her summer plans deposit her at a sleepy resort in the Catskills with her parents. Her luck turns around, however, when the resort's dance instructor, Johnny (Patrick Swayze), enlists Baby as his new partner, and the two fall in love. Baby's father forbids her from seeing Johnny, but she's determined to help him perform the last big dance of the summer.
“Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”
“Fight harder, huh? I don’t see you fighting so hard, Baby. I don’t see you running up to daddy telling him I’m your guy.”
“You’re right, Johnny. You can’t win no matter what you do.”
“Go back to your playpen, Baby.”
9. The Sound of Music (1965)
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This is such a beautiful movie, and I love it so much. My mom and I try to watch it every Christmas as our little tradition. Julie Andrews as Maria is so wonderful, and all of the songs are so, so good. I love all of the children dearly, and oh, do I love Captain VonTrapp.
Plot summary: A tuneful, heartwarming story, it is based on the real life story of the Von Trapp Family singers, one of the world's best-known concert groups in the era immediately preceding World War II. Julie Andrews plays the role of Maria, the tomboyish postulant at an Austrian abbey who becomes a governess in the home of a widowed naval captain with seven children, and brings a new love of life and music into the home.
“You cry a little, and then you wait for the sun to come out. It always does.”
“God bless Louisa, Brigitta, Marta, and little Gretl. Oh, I forgot the other boy. What’s his name? Well, god bless what’s-his-name.”
“I want you to stay. I ask you to stay.”
10. Gladiator (2000)
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“Are you not entertained?” I think everyone has heard that line, from this amazing movie. One of the many that has made me cry, it’s such a beautiful story. Also, gladiators. That immediately sells it for me. All of the performances by the actors are top notch as well.
Plot summary: Set in Roman times, the story of a once-powerful general forced to become a common gladiator. The emperor's son is enraged when he is passed over as heir in favour of his father's favourite general. He kills his father and arranges the murder of the general's family, and the general is sold into slavery to be trained as a gladiator - but his subsequent popularity in the arena threatens the throne.
“My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius. Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, and loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance. In this life or the next.”
“What we do in life echoes in eternity.”
“Falling down is how we grow. Staying down is how we die.”
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tonystarkstan · 5 years
Paul Bettany 😉
oh god bless you. I kept thinking “Paul” but adding “Rudd” and being like “no, that’s Scott Lang”
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