#god bless tos
dadbodbensisko-moved · 10 months
what does uhura do? is she an engineer? is she a linguist? why does she randomly start talking about what's on the scanners? that's spock's job. why is she doing spocks job?
no one knows, least of all star trek
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since i'm once again on a TOS binge, here are some of my favorite Bill Thiess creations. truly the best to ever do it. the pink number from "Who Mourns for Adonias" that is only held up by the weight of the train??? sensational
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after his death, Thiess's estate auctioned off a lot of these pieces and donated the money to charity. if you ever want to feel insane read the prices some of it sold for. that metallic halter top + cape fit??? $173. are. you. kidding. me.
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iguanadonis · 2 years
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catboy spock
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not-equippedforthis · 8 months
james 'bluff and bullshit' t kirk
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sugared-violets · 1 year
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gremlin-pattie · 2 years
me when. when kirk wears The Green Shirt
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kiralamouse · 1 year
Fanon radar
I feel very smug when I’m reading fic in a canon I don’t know well and I can spot a fanon element. Today’s catch: “t’hy’la” in the Star Trek fandom. Sure, the term itself originated in arguably-canon material: a footnote in the novelization of the first Trek movie. And it’s been used in at least one tie-in novel extensively. But this “friend/brother/lover” term has been ALL OVER the fic I’ve found lately, wildly disproportionate to its usage in, oh, the entire Trek corpus. Because it’s just sitting there waiting to be used by fans. How could they not?
Anyway, this is your reminder to make sure you’re conscious of when you’re using fanon from noncanonical or at least dubcan material, and keep track of whether you’re writing fanfic of the original work or of the fandom-accrued elements around it. Not to say you shouldn’t use whatever you want, just be aware of what you’re using.
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cockringhoratio · 1 year
sometimes youre fucking around on the internet and discover a product targeted directly at you personally as an individual anyway today i discovered that reebok makes steel toe skate shoes and we are so fucking back babey
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janitorjuliann · 1 year
tonight i got to witness four friends watch Amok Time without any prior knowledge of the events within, besides a general idea of it originating the fuck or die trope, and lads i just can't explain the sheer thrill of seeing the realisation cross a persons face (multiple times!) that it can, in fact, be that gay
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friedricebunny · 1 year
so I got that one terms of service extension on firefox because I too cannot read through long lists of terms and services and uh
it's a very violent reminder of how most popular websites have the sketchiest tos ever
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anika-ann · 11 months
Seven Minutes (S.R.) - pt.2
Type: TWO-SHOT, independent, canon-ish, part 1 here
Pairining: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 10 900 cause I have no chill
You weren't obliged to go to that party, but you went anyway. You even had fun.
Until you and Steve were left to pick up the pieces after your seven minutes in a closet together, so graceful having been pushed into it by Tony's stupid idea, Loki's magic and a game of chance where there might be more losers than winners.
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Warnings: SMUT, 18+, NSFW, (unprotected sex, fingering, glimpses of size kink and praise kink, soft hints of D/s, mirrors, possessiveness;cumplay, overstimulation and edging if you squint really hard), alcohol, a drop of angst, language (a lot), STEVE (he is a warning in this one)
A/N: written for @jtargaryen18 and her Halloween challenge. Prompt in the final notes. I toyed with it so much that it might have been cheating 😅 dividers by @firefly-graphics 💕
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Part 2: Seven Minutes in Heaven
��Secrets are the prisons we make for ourselves.”
― Joe Hill, Locke & Key, Vol. 6: Alpha & Omega
The party had died down; or as Tony said, only the fittest had survived.
Sam, Bucky and Rhodey had challenged Natasha, Maria and Helen to a lazy game of beer pong. Bruce was still asleep. Thor and Vision started some sort of a special game of pool, wordlessly watched by Wanda and Steve, while Thor and Loki argued in hushed voices about what only gods knew – literally. Tony got some genius idea despite – or thanks to – the killer levels of alcohol in his blood and sneaked off into the corner of the room, working with holograms of graphs and other simulations graciously supervised by Pepper.
Needless to say, the spacious room still looked every bit a warzone in an autumn aesthetic. And yet. It still looked better than your heart; a wasteland.
You avoided Steve ever since you stumbled out of the stupid closet, from which he oh-so-kindly helped you, supporting your weight before you could faceplant on the floor – and he graced you with a sweet even if a little shaky smile as he did so. God, you hated him for it. You hated you could still feel the heat of his skin, taste his breath on yours, an echo of the reality of the closet; what more, the memory of his skin on your bare body, lips mapping every inch of you, teasing touches and thick fingers, dark gaze as he made you his in every way possible… this memory of your fantasy was somehow fading, as if it wasn’t even yours.
And it wasn’t; because Steve himself was never yours to have. Fantasies like these were futile.
The loneliness in your chest despite being surrounded by friends hit you harder than ever; and you should have known better. You could blame Loki and Tony and Steve, even yourself for your past shortcomings, but the trigger for your mood was all on you. You shouldn’t have been drinking. You knew you often toed the thin line between a cheery drunk and a miserable drunk. Tonight, it seemed you very much tripped and stepped over the line by a mile.
You nursed a bowl of candy, staring at the repetitive sequence of scary images projected on the wall. The only person you’d be willing to join was Tony; but the reasonable thing to do would be retreat to your room and sleep it off. You even felt sleepy; except your brain was wide awake at the same time. Body exhausted, brain hazy but alert, eyes burning with tears born not only from your loneliness, but also from being awake for too long. You were never going to another of Tony’s stupid parties ever again. You’d promise to never drink again, but your job sometimes required dumbing your mind in a way therapy never could.
The skeletons on the wall blended into a graveyard again; the image was almost soothing. Peaceful. A pile of bones that couldn’t hurt anymore a blessing. And you really should go to sleep, because your thoughts were getting morb-
The yelp erupting from your throat was pitiful – but thankfully drowned in the hooting from the beer pong table. You nearly jumped out of your skin as you found Loki suddenly sitting next to you on the couch, the corners of his lips now twitching in amusement.
“Don’t sneak up on me!” you complained, your body suddenly very awake too. Jerk. “Jesus, Loki!”
“I believe you Midgardians say that if one becomes easily startled, it is because they have impure thoughts or intentions,” he hummed, but had enough decency to control his smirk a bit. Still a jerk. “What is it, søster? You appear upset.”
Anger and humiliation flared up in your achy chest since it was him of all people pointing that out. As if it wasn’t his stupid magic that created the closet in the first place, feeding your misery further. You shot him a glare.
“And you are to blame. Piss off, Loki.”
He retreated a bit, showing off his bare hands as to tell you he meant to harm, a slight pout to his lips.
“Now now. There is no need to get hostile, is it? I simply noticed you were… rather isolated and the party did not please you anymore, nor did the company. I came here as a concerned friend.”
You sighed, eyes roaming his face; he appeared genuine. He might be a god of mischief, but he had proven a friend on numerous occasions indeed. An annoying sibling, if you willed; there was a reason why he called you a sister.
“Don’t you always…” you murmured, sighing again and working hard to try and smile. “Sorry, bror, I am not in a festive mood nor in a friendly indeed. You do not indeed deserve my hostility… much.”
His eyes flashed with understanding, a smile spreading on his lips as he tilted his head, inquisitive.
“Has something happened during the seven minutes with your precious Captain?”
To protest was an instinct at this point. “He isn’t m-“
“Yes, he is, but that is not the point,” Loki interrupted you, rolling his eyes theatrically before his gaze bored into yours, the blue of his eyes almost burning. “What did you see, søster?”
It hit you like a train – the realization that should have hit you long moments ago. God, you were an idiot. Such an idiot, trusting, naïve, too good-hearted idiot, who-
You slapped Loki’s bicep hard – or tried to, your hand passing through the illusion of his body he had created, your hand only meeting the cushions. Of fucking course; he wasn’t even here. He was a trickster, after all. Case on damn fucking point-
Your face burned almost as much as the tears of anger in your eyes – anger and embarrassment. God, he hadn’t- he couldn’t have possibly--- had he seen?
“You did do something to the closet, didn’t you? I defended you when Steve suggested it, you know! Did you make up the damn illusion I saw? You fu-“
Loki’s hand, materializing as his whole body now, caught your hand when you tried to hit him again, his long fingers gentle as they wrapped around your wrist. If you had any more energy, you’d fight his hold and send him to the floor in one of the fancy moves Natasha had taught you. But you didn’t; too weak. To stunned.
The asshole.
“I did not make up any illusion nor did I see what you saw, my little Midgardian,” Loki responded calmly, for once appearing sincere – and unless you imagined it, there was a shade of regret in his expression too.
He’d better be telling the truth about not seeing at least – but how could believe a word he said? He tricked you. Like a trickster. Gods, you needed to retake your IQ test if he had got you so easily.
“I simply offered clarity to everyone who walked into that closet… incidentally, it was only you and him,” he added.
“Clarity?” you echoed, an unamused erupting from your throat as you yanked your hand free. “I don’t think so, Loki. Whatever it is you did was a damn low blow. So do take it personal when I tell you to piss off – wherever your actual body actually is--- or one of your bodies or whatever.”
You rose to your feet, determined to leave him – and this whole cursed party – behind and sleep for a week.
He caught your hand again, stopping you; you shot him a murderous glare, gritting your teeth as you failed to keep your tears at bay, a few rolling down your cheeks – a mix of of humiliation, anger and bewilderment, because were you really crying? Christ, you were never drinking again.
Loki’s gaze softened at the pitiful sight you had to make; he gently tugged at your hand, so watching you so kindly and pleadingly that he might have as well tugged directly at your heartstrings.
Gods, why did you have such a glutton for punishment and pain? Why were you such a sucker for redemption? Why were you so weak to give people and gods the chance to apologize just so they could feel better about themselves?
You sat down with another sigh, willing to give Loki one more minute to explain himself and say sorry – but not more. You blinked in surprise when he frowned, slowly raised his free hand, his fingertips brushing the tears from your cheeks away.
“I am sorry to upset you,søster. But you should slow down in jumping to conclusions,” he said, making you already regret your decision; he wasn’t apologizing. Of course he wasn’t. Men. You wrenched your hand free again. You were out of here this very- “Ah-ah. Here it is again. I am sorry. But… what is that figurative expression you Midgardians have? Say, what do you hide in a closet, søster?”
Clothes, usually, you thought, annoyed. Clothes, unless it’s empty and you’re lucid-dreaming about enthusiastically getting railed by one of your closest friends. You had a distant feeling this was not the answer the trickster was looking for.
“Loki, I’m tired, drunk and miserable,” you said matter-of-factly. “I really don’t want to play any more of your games and I think you had done enough, so I’d appreciate if you-”
“Skeletons, søster. Secrets,” he whispered conspiratorially, a slow smirk spreading on his face. “Dark, dark secrets you do not share with anyone else, those you do not dare to share. In that closet… the darkest one concerning the person you were in there with came out.”
Your shoulders sagged, annoyance biting at your gut. Loki was saying these things as if he just revealed to you the secrets of the universe and not a well-known fact.
“Gee, thanks. I knew about that ‘secret’ already.”
Loki’s right eyebrow arched as he smiled deviously.
“Did you, now? Did you know your Captain’s best-kept secret?” he pried, eyes sparkling with the mischief worthy of the god he was, confusing you in the process.
You were too lost to his mysterious message to correct him again – that Steve was not yours. Loki knew and apparently, he knew that that was exactly part of the problem. Hell, that was the whole problem at the moment, but-
Loki’s other brow arched as well at the bewildered sound you let out, his gaze measuring you from head to toe with distaste almost as if you insulted him by not praising him for his supposed brilliance.
You didn’t feel bad for it – you had no energy for that. And his ego could use a little blow.
“…you truly are exceptionally drunk if you get slow like this, my dear Lady Speedy,”he emphasized, shaking his head like a disappointed parent – or older brother. “You did not see your secret. What kind of lousy trick would that be?! You already know your secrets, they are in your head! That is why they are yours! No, no, no,” he lamented, shaking his index finger before he pointed it at you, his proud grin widening. “You, my little Midgardian søster, stepped into the Captain’s head. You saw his secret. And he saw yours. Do we understand now?”
All blood drained from your face, annoyance replaced by a mask of pure horror that seized you the moment Loki finally explained. You stared at him blankly, mind suddenly completely sober and whirling. You were fucked. You were utterly, utterly fucked, because if Steve saw your secret, he knew. He knew you wanted him; he knew how you wanted him and how much. He knew what you craved him to do to you.
“Loki, this isn’t funny,” you heard yourself say, almost soundlessly. He tilted his head, that irritating grin still present as he looked right back at you, waiting for you to process the bullshit he was trying to feed you. “This is a very, very bad joke.”
Please tell me it IS a joke, you added mentally, only to be very disappointed.
“That it would be, but it is not, for I am not joking,” he retorted, expectant.
Expectant of what? Of praise? A thank you? For putting you into this insanely vulnerable position, for basically stripping you bare and revealing—
Your mind came to a screeching halt as another realization finally slammed into you like a freight train.
“Holy shit.”
Loki straightened in his seat, his grin now almost maniacal – and so goddamn smug.
You saw Steve’s secret. You saw Steve’s fantasy. Taking you over and over in front of a mirror, all the praise, sweet nicknames and affection he showered you with in your vision – that was him. He wanted you too. These weren’t only your desires, these were his.
But that was impossible. Steve didn’t--- he wasn’t- he would have said something. He would have acted differently. You would have known. This, whatever Loki was saying, couldn’t be true, Steve would have asked you out again if he wanted to, he’d-
Except he wouldn’t. Because unlike many men, Steve understood the meaning of the word no. If you rejected his initial advance two years ago, he had no reason to try again, because he would respect your choice.
You could kiss him for that. Or smack him. It that were true.
The hope rising in your chest was a dangerous thing. Hope was the thing with feathers; it would fly you high so the fall lasted longer and the landing hurt more once it dropped you out of the sky. If you allowed yourself to hope that the absolutely wonderful gorgeous human being Steve was was still interested in you romantically…
Instinctively, you glanced the direction of the pool table, hoping to see a hint of Loki telling the truth – and worried Steve might hear your conversation due to his enhanced senses – but Steve was no longer there. Swiftly scanning the room, you found out he was no longer there at all. It seemed he was the only one having made the sane decision of going to sleep.
You gulped as your gaze focused the trickster again, still afraid to believe even for a minute this could be real.
“Now. You know his and he knows yours… the question is, are you willing to act on it? Are you willing to admit what is it that you want out loud now when he already knows anyway… even if he does not, for I entrusted the power of the closet only to you so far?”
You swallowed loudly, heart hammering in your chest wild. Were you? Willing to admit it out loud? That was one insane risk to take. One you weren’t sure was worth the consequences.
“Loki, if you are lying-“
“Bleh, I am not!” the Asgardian spitted out, offended. “What could I possibly gain from that?!”
“Fun?” you suggested automatically, because that was what he was all about, wasn’t it? That was why he created the insane magical closet in the first place.
Could Steve really still like you? Like like you? Now you were back to being thirteen indeed-
“Your idea of my idea of fun is rather strange. Go talk to your Captain. Or… communicate your thoughts in whichever way you prefer.”
You felt your already hot face burn at his suggestion. As much as you’d like to do that, the thought of even confronting Steve was scary – it would be much easier to be sure you wouldn’t mess up your perfectly good friendship, a friendship you cherished. Alas, you only had Loki’s words to go on. You could imagine more reliable sources, but none of them you’d dare to approach either.
“Oh shut your face, bror. If this is another idiotic prank, if you are lying, I’m going to tell Bruce to smash you—no, I’m going smash you myself, reduce you to the size of atom. Without breaking a sweat,” you promised him as you rose to your feet and you meant it.
If you were going to find Steve now – and you were, because there was not a universe in which you would simply fall sleep after what Loki did and told you – and if you were going to mess up, if Loki was truly just toying with your heart, you’d make sure he’d suffer for it.
“So feisty,”Loki praised, eyes lit up. “The Captain will like that, I am certain.”
Oh you were sure he would; Steve liked a drive in a person. He’d like it if you were brave enough not only to find him now, but also tell him how you felt. The idea was so damn intangible even as you had thought of it thousands of times, so terrifying that you just might go to bed and stare at the ceiling for the rest of the night instead because you could not take that risk.
“Loki… this is a personal thing. And if I go and fuck up what Steve and I have-”
“You mean two years of fruitless pining-“ he interrupted you again.
“-based on your bullshit, I---”
You felt tears in your eyes again – and god, you were truly never ever drinking again, even as you felt very, very sober now – and the God’s mischievous eyes softened once more.
“I shall never repeat it again, but I grew quite fond of you, my little Midgardian. Despite what the over-righteous Captain believes, I have no intention to hurt you,” he assured you kindly.
“…I will still smite you if you’re wrong.”
His grin returned. “Looking forward to it, my Lady Speedy. And you’re welcome!”
“Don’t push it, Loki.”
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As expected, your brief surge of bravery ran out by the time you stood in front of Steve’s door. Your hand shook as you raised it to knock, counting to three. Then, you simply did it – better to get it over with, right? With what you learned from Loki, awkwardness was about sneak between you and Steve anyway. At least you would know.
That wasn’t a terrifying thought as all, was it?
Steve appeared in the doorway, already in pyjama pants and a white t-shirt, looking at you as if he wasn’t sure whether he dreamed you up or not. His special nickname for you slipped from his lips, surprised and questioning.
You felt like an idiot; you probably looked like one too, your outfit in a pitiful state as well as your make-up, but here you were about to have one of the most important conversations in your life. An agent for the Avengers Initiative, supposedly one of the strongest and most capable people of the planet; yet, you felt like a teenager about to confess to your first-ever crush.
“Can I… can I come in?” you pipped up nervously, wondering whether your heart could actually jump out of your chest – and guessing that yes, it could, when Steve smiled automatically, stepping back to let you into his room.
“Are you alright?”
No, you wanted to say, your sweaty palms twitching to curl into fists briefly, because of course he would ask that. Beautiful, infinitely good man. Sweet and caring. Golden boy. Golden boy who wanted to fuck you in front of the mirror and watch.
You shook off the last thought as your stomach fluttered, coming to a stop in the middle of the room, trying to ignore the large inviting bed and spinning on your heels to face Steve instead.
“Yeah. No. I mean,” you stuttered, shaking your head. “I… Loki, he--- he said something.”
There was no mistaking the flash of cold steel in Steve’s eyes, the way his relaxed body straightened and stiffened, shoulders squaring at the mention of the God. He really didn’t like him, did he? After the emotional turmoil of tonight, you couldn’t say you blamed him.
“What did he say?”
“He said… you--- this is so stupid, I can’t even--- did you have, uhm, did you have a certain… vision? A dream maybe? When we were in that closet?”
Your face was set aflame at believing he had, that he had the kind of vision you assumed; a vision that would make most people blush. And Steve did blush a bit, discomfort clear in his face.
“I--- maybe,” he admitted reluctantly, earning a raised brow. He closed his eyes and sighed. “Yes. Did Loki…” His gaze found yours again, searching – and worried. There was something in his expression you couldn’t quite decipher too, something you weren’t sure if you wanted to understand. “Did he tell you--?”
You shook your head.
“No. If you’re asking whether he told me what you dreamed about, then no.” Because he didn’t have to. I just know. If Loki wasn’t lying, that was. “But I… I had a vision as well. And Loki, he… told me what it meant. He said--- he said-“
You gulped, a dull weight in your chest as Steve observed you with silent wonder and a mixture of emotions you couldn’t hope to understand. Patience. Concern. Apprehension. Affection? Definitely confusion.
This was absurd. What were you even doing here? It was utter non-sense. Loki was just pulling your leg, that was what he did, a friend or a bror or not, he just decided to have some extra fun during Halloween and make it his personal April Fool’s Day. You were but the victim of his over-the-board prank-
You chuckled at your idiocy, shaking your head and stalking to the door.
“You know what? Forget this. This is so stupid, I can’t believe I fell for that-“
A gentle hand, the gentlest touch, stopped you in your tracks, disappearing as quick as it appeared on your wrist.
Reluctantly, you turned back to Steve again, truly loving him and hating him at the same time when his tone softened as if you hadn’t brought up Loki, his personal thorn in side, at all.
“Hey now. This, whatever it is, is clearly making you upset. Upset enough to knock on my door at three a.m.,” he noted, hand twitching towards you again – but not touching.
That was what he would have normally done – comfort you by touch. A warm hand on yours; the warmest hug. Touch was Steve’s love language for friends and no doubt lovers alike. But he didn’t. Because you had said no – you had pushed him anyway, you had pulled back in the closet. You had broken him; you had broken you two already.
Damn Loki and damn his stupid jokes and painfully unhelpful interventions. You already hurt Steve and now you were here, at three damn a.m. indeed, robbing him off his well-deserved sleep on top of everything.
God, what a farce.
“I’m sorry-“
“That’s not the point, you know the door is always open for you,” Steve interrupted you, eyes roaming your face with determination now. He was on a mission. He had noticed your body language, whatever it was trying to say. He noticed your hesitance. He read you like a book and he was going to read it through to the last chapter to get to the bottom of things. You were in trouble; there was no going back now. “What did Loki say? I saw you two earlier, he--- did he make you upset?”
Your heart seared, your lips parting on instinct.
While spoken on a normal volume, the question was a battle cry. If you said yes, Steve would release the wrath of Gods – of an angel, a guardian angel and a warrior – on Loki. It didn’t matter Loki was the god, the entity from another planet. He would tremble in front of the anger of a righteous man defending you.
“No! I mean--- no. He just…” you stumbled over your words again, shaking your head and taking a deep breath. You closed your eyes, because otherwise you’d never get it out, not with the way your throat felt so tight you could barely breathe, let alone speak the bare truth. “He said that what we saw in that closet was each other’s secret. Something we secretly want. Supposedly, I saw yours… and you… you saw mine.”
Your voice trailed off into a shy whisper, but you had no doubt Steve heard your words clear as day. The silent shock settling on the room told you as much. Hands curling into fists, nails digging into your palms, you squeezed your eyes shut tight, before you gathered enough courage to open them and look at Steve’s reaction.
But Steve wasn’t looking at you, much to your relief and frustration. He was staring over your shoulder, the smile on his lips absent, appearing just a little broken. You dug your nails further into your skin, not daring to even breathe in until Steve released a wavering breath of his own.
His voice was quiet as he spoke, so very soft and warm, a note of gentle wistfulness. “I’m not sure I can believe that, Shines.”
You nodded, licking your lips and bracing yourself. Now or never. No take-backs.
“I’m not sure either… but that depends. What do you want, Steve?”
“I…” he sighed, finally meeting your gaze, an unreadable open book. He observed you carefully for a moment as you tried to stand tall, stand your ground and pretend you didn’t feel like it was shaking under your feet. Like you wouldn’t feel like the Earth was splitting beneath you if his answer would be anything else than you were hoping for. “I want you, Shines. But I don’t see how that’s a secret.”
Fresh tears sprang from your eyes; but this time happy ones, the shock and relief and joy finding release.
You had hoped. You had prayed on your way in here. You wished upon the stars. And yet nothing prepared you for the reality of Steve saying this. You were certain your heart was about to explode any second, your pulse thundering in your head. He really said ‘you’.
A small part of you wanted to remark that if Loki was right about everything and you had indeed saw what was in Steve’s head, there were a few secretive details that Steve had failed to mention, but you kept your mouth shut, because that was not the point.
He wanted you. He truly wanted you. He still… you still had a chance. More than a chance, apparently.
“Oh,” you let out quietly and oh so wittily, probably making your IQ scores appear like a joke again, but this time, you didn’t give a damn. You smiled weakly at Steve who stared at you expectantly and resigned at once. “Good. Because I want you too.”
A single deep breath. Eyes full of wonder, soft confusion lacing his voice. Reluctant hope, as reluctant as your own had been. “But you said no.”
You nodded, lowering your gaze and smiling tightly on the floor as you wiped away the few tears.
“I--- I was still new and you were… you were this idol of all things good, intimidating and untouchable. I mean, in many ways, you still are, but I was just crushing on you so hard even if I barely just met you. The longer I knew you, the more it… changed into something much deeper than a crush, but when you asked me out back then, I just… panicked. And I wanted to take that answer back later, but I was scared it was too late. And the longer it got… the harder and more awkward it felt to ask you if you were still interested in me, if you’d want to be more than friends after all this time, especially since you dated someone else in between.”
A few beats of silence followed your confession, words hanging in the air.
“That was never a good idea,” Steve admitted lowly, causing you to look up to his now sheepish face. “I thought I was ready for someone else, but I wasn’t. My mind was still on you. And still is, which really shouldn’t come as a surprise to you or me,” he noted, lips curling up in a smile that would make your heart beat faster hadn’t it been already racing like mad. “You’re beautiful and brilliant. You could do anything you’d put your mind to and would still stay humble enough about it. You’re capable, you’re passionate, you’re kind. You make the world a better place… and you take my breath away. You always have.”
You stood frozen, momentarily stunned.
It seemed when Steve went for something, he went all the way. You knew that about him already; and still. His declaration took you by surprise. A pleasant one, much like two years ago; but this time, you knew better. You were ready. Or at least ready enough.
At three a.m. after a damn Halloween party, you were ready to accept you and him felt the same.Steve liked you. Liked you a lot more than a friend, if his words were sincere and you would never doubt they were anything less.
The world was a beautiful place and you adored Loki’s shenanigans.
“Well…” you said as you stepped closer, basking in Steve’s soft gaze set firmly on your face, hopeful and incredulous. “I think you are pretty damn brilliant, handsome and overall amazing too, so that works out well… and I guess maybe we should do something about that.”
“I guess,” he echoed, his smile slowly widening when you took another step. He reached out this time and took your hand, enveloping it in his larger one.
It was just holding hands, it should not have such an effect on you, but Christ, you could die a happy woman right there. Especially when Steve carefully lifted your joined hands, dropping a kiss to your knuckles, eyes never leaving yours. When you smiled wide at the tender gesture, Steve’s gaze lit up with a familiar and yet so different spark. “You think I’m intimidating?”
A surprised chuckle erupted from your throat, the tension you hadn’t been quite aware of melting from your shoulders. You could smack him – now he was a cheeky fella, wasn’t he?
“That’s what you took from me pouring my heart out? Really, Steve? Wow. Just wow.”
He laughed as well as he erased the last distance between you so you stood chest to chest, hand moving to cradle your face instead and angle it up, his eyes full of wonder still as if he couldn’t believe this was happening. Humour and absolute delight blended into one in his expression; you imagined yours most have looked the same.
“Well, I kinda poured mine out too to make it even. But I’m just a guy, doll. My ego needs a good rub every once in a while.”
You couldn’t help it. You snickered at his choice of words. A good rub, huh?
“Just your ego?”
Something flashed in Steve’s eyes, his smile earning a wicked edge that had your stomach flutter; or perhaps that was just his strong arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you flush to his front, your palms catching against his chest. So warm. Warm and wide and real, and it was yours to touch.
“Aren’t you a cheeky little thing…” he mused.
“You know it. What you’re gonna do about it, Captain?”
His gaze roamed your face, searching for an answer to the unspoken and yet completely clear question. He found it in the challenge written in your smartass grin, his lips soon gravitating towards yours, suddenly close enough you could feel his breath on your own. His voice dropped but to a whisper.
“Depends… what would you let me do, Shines?”
Anything. Everything. All at once. Forever.
You licked your lips, painfully aware of the firmness of Steve’s body against yours, so pliant to accommodate his strength. “I’m pretty flexible.”
The corners of his lips twitched at the double entendre.
“Is that right, sweetheart? Let’s see how you like what have in mind then…”
A lot. The answer was a lot. You loved it the very second his lips touched yours at last, causing you to shudder and melt into his embrace. The kiss was even more tender than you imagined; gentle lips moulding into yours, thumb stroking over your cheekbone softer than silk. Lingering and brushing yours even as he released you to do something as mundane as breathing.
“I like it so far,” you muttered, eyes closed to absorb all the sensations enveloping you. The warmth, the masculine scent, the faint taste of mint tooth paste and Steve, the thundering heart under your palms, the hot skin as your hand slid up Steve’s throat to his nape, the soft strands of his hair as you pulled him to another kiss. “What else do you have in mind?”
He hummed against your lips, smiling, hand angling your head to kiss you deeper, parting your lips with ease, so naturally as if it was always meant to be. And perhaps it was; kissing him was two years due. The thought of a lost time had your fingers flex against the material of his t-shirt, squeezing his nape; his chest rumbled with a silent groan, arm tightening around your waist, heat pooling at your stomach.
You knew this groan. You knew the feeling of hardness building against your belly and you knew exactly what it meant; and you wanted it. You wanted it real this time and there nothing in the world that would make you resist Steve inching you walk backwards one small step after another as his mouth dominated yours, his hand moving to your hip to steer you the direction of the bed.
Or you thought so until his arm softened the impact of your back against a wall, your eyes snapping open with a gasp. Your gaze met Steve’s just as his fingers tangled in your hair, eyes roaming your face attentively, taking in every detail of your flushed face and already swollen lips. You feasted your eyes too, hand instinctively moving from his chest to his bicep, nearly whining at feeling the power humming underneath.
He could take you. He could take you in whichever way he wanted and you’d simply have to hold on and survive it, because even with your fancy moves and normally sharp brain, you were no match for his strength. But you didn’t need to be; you didn’t want to be. You were actually perfectly fine with Steve making love to you tender or fucking you against the wall all the way across the room from the no doubt comfortable bed.
“What else is there?” you heard yourself ask breathily, rewarded with Steve’s gaze darkening, his hips pressing against yours, palm sliding from your cheek to your throat, thumb caressing the soft skin.
He was trying to kill you. He was, there was no other reason to show off those large paws of his in comparison to your body, no reason to remind you he could crush you without much effort.
He petted the sensitive skin lovingly, licking his lips as another shudder ran down your spine, his middle finger inching under the shoulder strap of your dress.
“Can I?”
You only panted as he already hooked his finger under it and sent it sliding down while still being able to touch your throat, the hoarseness of his voice awaking the heat inside you having been sleeping ever since your dream encounter in the closet.
“Y-yes,” you whispered, hoping he’d understand that that consent applied to everything. Everything he wanted he was free to do. You needed him to do it.
He must have understood. He must have, because when his lips locked with yours, the heat behind the kiss was otherworldly, his body caging yours against the wall in the most toe-curling way.
It was like a switch flipped inside him, because it finally dawned to him. He had seen you fantasy; the filth he had experienced came from you and he could take full advantage of that. That previously frightening thought that Steve knew now, knew how you wanted him and how much, was apparently exactly what he needed to see; that you wanted him. All of him. No filter.
You mewled when his fingers tugged at your hair with the slightest pressure, guiding you to expose the column of your throat for his mouth to explore and nip at, his other hand squeezing your hips and following the curve of your ass appreciatively. Your already damp panties turned completely useless by now and in the very back of your mind, you realized that with Steve’s slightly enhanced senses, he could probably smell how riled up you still were from your imaginary closet experience. You could be embarrassed about that; but when his hand brushed up the back of your bare thigh over your hip under the hem of your dress, stroking over the lace of your panties at the apex of your thighs, you decided you were beyond caring.
Especially when you could feel his muscled shift with the minuscule movement of his fingers tracing the hem of your underwear, so close to where your core screamed for his touch and attention.
“So, doll…” he whispered to your skin, groaning minutely when you grabbed at his nape and pulled his mouth to ours, feeling it was way too long since you tasted them. He didn’t seem bothered at all, his fingertips brushing oh so lightly against your heat at last, a barely-there brief touch gone too fast. “I saw your dirty secret, is that right?”
Alright, he needed to stop talking and teasing you and get to work before you could spontaneously combust. Your only satisfaction was the fact that he too was far from indifferent to what was happening, his hardness pressing against your thigh.
So why wasn’t he doing something about it?
“Doll?” he hummed against your lips, expecting you to answer, clearly.
“Y-yeah? I guess?”
You cried a discontent noise when his hands untangled from your hair and disappeared form under the skirt of your dress, long fingers curling around your wrist, one and then the other, soothing your disagreement with a filthy kiss.
Next thing you knew, your hands were pinned to the wall by your head, carefully, but firmly, Steve’s body pressing against the rest of you; his lips released yours just in time for you to let out a gasp as startled as pleased.
Your heart turned into one of a hummingbird when you realized your predicament fully.
Trapped against the wall by Steve’s large body towering above you, hands locked in a grip unmoveable upon you testing it. Caged. Utterly helpless. Dominated. The surge of need into your belly was so acute your brain turned into a blank screen with static noise for a moment.
Steve was playing out your fantasy. He was replaying what he must have seen. He was giving you exactly what you wanted and you were not about to protest; less so when your heart felt like giving out when his teeth grazed your pulse point, your knees bucking a bit, a silent mewl escaping you and that loveable bastard smiled with absolute glee against your skin.
“Love the sounds you’re making, doll. Love how your body responds to me.”
“You’re playing dirty,” you whined, not quite complaining, but still causing Steve to look up. The glee you had assumed was most definitely in his smirk and hungry gaze.
You swallowed loudly, gaze trailing up his bulging bicep when his hands manipulated yours above your head, one hand easily gripping both of yours.
“You want me to stop?” he asked, long fingers running over your bare arm indulgingly slow, over the swell of your breast, over your waist, until they slipped under your skirt again, following the hem of your panties to the junction of your thighs and pushed it aside at last, feeling the pool of slick in your underwear. His voice grew huskier as he spoke again. “Fuck. Doesn’t feel like it.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“I won’t,” he promised, latching onto your mouth as his thick finger slipped into your heat at last, causing you to moan at the blissful intrusion.
He pumped his finger a few times before he added another, the soft stretch sending hot pleasure through your veins, having you chase the feeling in the limited space he made for his hand between your bodies, trying to rock into his hand as he set a maddeningly slow pace.
“Steve, ple-ase-”
The plea melted into a gasp when he curled his fingers, finding your most sensitive spot, your hips jerking forward as the ripple of pleasure he elicited.
“There she is…” he murmured smugly, swallowing your noise of complaint when he pulled his fingers out right then, spreading your slick all over your lower lips and circled your clit only to neglect it right after.
Empty and strung tight at once, you tried to move and chase the much-needed friction, only for Steve’s hips to pin you in place again, palm spawled over your ass.
You wanted to shoot him the dirtiest look for denying you, but all you managed was a soft accusation in your hooded eyes as his still wet fingers tipped your chin up, his intent gaze dark and hungry.
“God, you’re perfect, doll,” he rasped, thumb brushing over your swollen lips. “You have no idea how beautiful you look right now.”
You had no time to be embarrassed; not when the words from your dream echoed in your head – except it was not a dream. This was all Steve – his fantasy, his reality too. He liked to watch. He liked to tell you were beautiful. He clearly liked your fantasy too – to have you in his arms, at his mercy.
You wanted to pull him for another kiss, to guide his hand – his cock for god’s sake – where you needed him so much you could barely stand it at this point, but the thrill of the not being able to, not being allowed to, felt almost as good. He was breathing heavy too, yes, but otherwise, holding you down posed no challenge for him, not even with one hand, the other sprawling over your hip again. Your core clenched at the casual display strength, a tiny noise escaping you against your will.
And bless that it did. Steve’s fuck it was the most beautiful song you had ever heard, because it was the sound of breaking.
So fast he battled the speed of light, his hand was back, tearing away the soaked fabric of your panties, mouth stealing the blissful moan from your lips, body letting just an inch of space for you to arch into his touch when his fingers slid right back into your heat, pumping and assaulting your g-spot, this time with his thumb pressing against your clit. Small rhythmic circles, dextrous fingers filling you up over and over and he had you chanting his name as you clenched on his fingers hard, warm release overtaking your body, muscles spasming, your vision blurring for a moment.
And Steve didn’t stop. The back of your head hit the wall with a silent protest as his fingers continued to fill you over and over again, mouth latched onto your neck and sucking a bruise, grasp on your hands firm and you struggled against the hold no longer sure if you wanted to stop him or keep his hand exactly where it was, because despite the overwhelming sensation and overstimulation, your body screamed at you to take it and enjoy the flames licking at your insides, so painfully delicious.
You clamped on his fingers again with a wordless cry, gasping for air as your eyes snapped open, meeting Steve’s impossibly blown pupils drinking in the sight of you overtaken by utter bliss. The wet squelch filling the room was pure filth as you soaked his hand, but you had no capacity to feel ashamed, you body buzzing with adrenalin and white-hot pleasure, Steve’s gaze making you feel like the eighth wonder of the world.
The second he released your shaky hands you were on him, holding onto his shoulder and pulling him in for a bruising kiss, his talented fingers slowing down to bring you down from your high. Once he let you get your fill, his kiss softened, short pecks to your lips, to your cheek, to you closed eyelids.
“You okay, Shines? Was that too much?”
You shook your head with a breathless laugh, the action of checking that you were alright familiar, matching the faint memory of seeing the images of his desires. Fuck you so good you’d forget your own name, but in a very respectful and caring way. It had Steve written all over it, alright. You should have known.
His forehead rested against your sweaty one, his nose nudging yours, his body more holding you up rather than restricting your movements now.
“I’m gonna need words, Shines.”
“Yeah,” you whispered obediently, pecking his lips for a good measure.
His hungry eyes sparkled with mischief as they met yours, beautifully red lips curling up in a smirk and causing your racing heart to stumble.
“Good… because I don’t think that’s how the fantasy ended…”
You yelped when his hands slipped under your ass without a single warming and lifted you with ease, your own hands gripping at his shoulders, legs, while rather jelly-like from your mind-blowing orgasms still, wrapping around his waist on instinct. You felt his hardness press against your core, hard planes of muscle without as much minute tremble under your weight as you stared at him, excitement stirring in your belly anew. With laughable ease, one of his arms shifted so he could use his other hand on you as he pleased.
You bit down the squeal ripping from your lips, but not quite successfully. He was carrying you. On one hand. And he didn’t even break a sweat yet.
“Better?” he asked smugly and it shouldn’t be attractive, you hated arrogance, but goddamnit cocky Steve seemed the hottest thing ever at the moment. Even when he was still fully clothed and your dress was loosely hanging over your bra, skirt ruffled up. Christ, his shoulders were so wide-
“I don’t think I can survive better…” you admitted, gulping, but letting your hands roam his exquisite body and gods you could come again just from touching all the delicious power you knew were locked in that body. “But I wanna try.”
Steve’s grin was the thing from your filthiest dreams; and his cock pressing against your core, the annoying fabric of his sweatpants in the way, was too.
“Atta girl…” he praised, hand curling around your nape to pull you in for a kiss that had barely any resemblance to the one he graced you with to bring you down, oh no. He licked into your mouth with indulgence, taking what was already his. “You’re gonna be so good for me, aren’t you? Take everything I give you?”
“Let me fill you up, again and again until I’ve had enough? Until you’re so completely mine that all you can think of is my name and the way it feels to come on my cock? You’re gonna let me do that, sweetheart?” he whispered to your ear, sin dripping from every carefully spoken syllable. He pulled at your dress, revealing your bra and groaning when he palmed your breast over the thin material, your own hands sliding down his chest and finally under his t-shirt to feel the heat of his skin.
So good. Gods, he felt so good.
“Yes. Wanna feel you. All of you.”
Steve rutted into you and you grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and tugged, wordlessly begging him to reveal your playground. He chuckled, pulling at his t-shirt himself to help you, quick to hum a promise to your lips that had your core clench around the painful emptiness.
“Oh you’ll feel me, Shines. I’ll make sure you’ll feel me for days. That what you want?”
One palm sprawled over his chest, the other laid over his abs, you weren’t sure you could answer beyond an absent nod. Steve did not find that satisfactory.
The nips of his teeth combined with the rumble in his ribcage had you release something between a mewl and a gasp, his abdomen shaking with a silent laugher.
“Oh that was a pretty noise. Can’t wait to hear more of it.”
“Steve, please, just-“
He heard out your plea at last, kissing you, free hand going to the laces of his sweats, undoing it way too slowly. Impatient, you knocked his hand away and did it yourself, feeling Steve’s lips curl in a grin against yours.
“Do you need me so much, doll? Need me to make you mine?”
You barely had time to breathe a yes and shove his pants down, hand wrapping around his thick length, drawing a breathy sound of pleasure from him and an unnecessary confession of the obvious.
“Yeah, need you too.”
He allowed you barely a few seconds of pumping his cock before he coaxed your hand away, the head of cock nudging your slit, quickly coated in your slick. His groan was delicious to hear, your hips bucking on instinct.
Yeah, need you too. You did this to him.
“Fuck, Shines, you’ll feel like Heaven.”
It was inappropriate. Completely and entirely inappropriate but you chuckled, a cheeky retort about seven minutes dying on your tongue when Steve entered you, a little too fast and straight to the hilt before he gave you time to adjust to his impressive size and grith. The stretch was a lot; a lot more than his already thick fingers, but you had never known you could be filled so well and it could feel just this good.
He was made for you, he had to be. Or maybe you were made for him.
Little droplets of sweat pearled on his forehead, gaze firm on yours, dark and amused at once as he slowly retreated and pushed inside you again, your lips dropping open because you had been wrong; he stretched you further and a shy glance down told you he still had a way to go.
“I could hear that pun before you said it, doll. You’re thinking too much,” he husked, setting a pace and pushing just a bit further and further with each thrust, hand sprawling over your lower back to angle you to his liking – for you to take him even deeper. The burn and fulness felt impossible, but Steve’s intent gaze on your face was even more so. “Let’s fix that.”
“I thought you liked me brilliant?” you hummed as if you didn’t feel your toes curl in pleasure, your hands grasping at his shoulders, at his arms, anywhere to keep him closer, closer…
Wind knocked out of you with ne sharp thrust, you finally took all of him; your lips parted with silent oh god, eyes slipping shut as the sensation of utter fullness. Distantly, you could feel his gaze on you, drinking in the sight; the artist in him admiring the visual, no matter how plain you thought you had to look.
“I do, Shines… but now I need you to think about one and one thing only.”
There was no space for words after that. Once he had you, he set a punishing pace, claiming your lips as much as your silky heat, overwhelming all of your senses all over again. The onslaught of sensation – his warmth, his strength, his musky scent, his lips, his grip on you, the fast but deep drags of his girth against your walls, stretching you to your limits – it was all too much, too much when his fingers sneaked between your bodies and ripped the dress away to give the much-needed attention to your clit.
“That’s it…” he spoke against your mouth, teeth grazing your lower lip even as his pace never faltered, building you towards the skies again, “you really are perfect, Shines, gripping me so tight. So perfect and mine, aren’t you?”
“Yours… yours… yours,” you promised with every thrust until you couldn’t, your lips falling limp, your nails digging into Steve’s back when you came with another shout of his name.
And soon, he followed, whispered praises and mine over and over as he made you exactly that. Thoroughly his. Keeping you close even when he pulled out, keeping you close when his spent drippled out of you and he simply gathered in on his fingers, pushing it right back, dark gaze never leaving yours, your stomach making wild somersaults.
Mine. So completely mine. Aren’t you, Shines?
You were. Completely his, deeply sated and utterly exhausted. You were grateful he carried you to bed, because your legs were beyond functioning; as he laid you down, you couldn’t see the clock and you thanked heavens for that, because the time had had to tipped over from too late to too early. But you couldn’t care less. Not when Steve’s fingers caressed every inch of bare skin of your body they could reach, the rags of your clothes in a messy pile by the door a proud reminder of how exactly he had got it off.
And got you off.
You mentally snorted at the bad pun, another one you didn’t have a chance to share since Steve had been too determined to stop you from thinking returning to your mind.
“Steve?” you smiled lazily as he was lying next to you, propped up at his elbow, smiling down at you softly – so softly in contrast to how he had railed you into oblivion. Lovingly, of course.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“I think this was what we should call Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
He groaned, falling on his back and drawing a full belly laughter from you, throwing his arm over his face as if he couldn’t bear to look at someone who made such a terrible joke. With effort, you propped on your elbow then, looking at the gorgeous length of his body for a change, cheeks hurting from grinning so wide. He was a work of art; Michelangelo’s David had nothing on him. Superb balance of size and function in every muscle, every tendon, as hard as stone when needed and carved into perfection. Alive and warm under your gaze and touch, its utter superiority proven by countless missions and work-out you had witnessed. It wasn’t just how large his body was, the contrast of the width of his shoulders to his waist, the lines of his abs with soft treasure trail; it was the knowledge of what his body could do. What that brilliant mind behind those sweet blues could come up, the kind heart humming contentedly under your palm now. You had met enough dumb jocks in your line of work, big almost as Steve, handsome too; but they could never compare.
He moved his arm when your fingers walked down his sternum, heading for the treasure trail; his cerulean eyes observed with a mixture of mischief and warmth, wide awake despite the ungodly hour. You stopped, fingers hovering just above his skin, the heat it radiated tickling your fingertips.
It didn’t escape you – it was literally hard to miss that – that Steve clearly hadn’t had enough. You didn’t ask why, whether it was the serum or something else, but you knew you didn’t want to leave him unsatisfied.
You had promised, hadn’t you, even if it was in the heat of the moment. Until he had his fill, he said? You could take it.
Leaning down to kiss him, you were welcomed by the sweet taste of his smile; your wandering hand continued your path at last, wrapping around his still very hard length. He didn’t protest, only reached out to pull you closer, practically lying on top of him.
The kiss was lazy; half-hearted desire, reluctance and indulgence at once. Steve tangled his fingers in your hair, pushing it out of the way, caressing your cheek.
“You sure you can take more, sweetheart?”
You nodded without a second thought, a wordless ‘yeah’ whispered straight into his mouth, a slight twist of your hand causing him to groan.
Steve might be caring to a fault, but he was only a man – as he had said. Who was he to refuse your offering? He sat up and pulled you to his lap with ease, your body obedient and pliant, a gasp elicited from your throat when his lips moved to suck on your nipple, your fingers gripping on his hair.
“Did I mention you were perfect?” he muttered into your soft flesh, kneading your ass and your breast.
You had never felt so utterly adored; body, mind and soul. How could you be anything else than his when this was what it was like?
“Once or twice. You’re not too bad yourself, Cap-tain,” you stuttered when he pinched your other nipple for the cheekiness, a breathy giggle escaping you.
He released your nipple with a wet pop, gaze having turned hungry again.
“Good. Turn around, sweetheart.”
You looked at him slightly confused, but obeyed. You’d do anything, even kneel in front of him, the prospect of him taking you from behind like this stirring something deep inside you. You glanced over your shoulder as he positioned himself behind you, a glorious god prepared to claim the sacrifice of those who worshipped him; and god, would you do exactly that.
He grasped at your chin softly, capturing your lips with his, his hardness nudging the globes of your ass; and released your lips all too soon, fingers pushing at your jaw to look forward.
Heat flooded your body, teeth sinking into your lower lip. Kneeling on the bed, completely bare and exposed, you were facing the mirror.
His fantasy. His turn.
“That okay?” Steve asks, voice husky as his lips attached to the flesh above your collarbone, his arm sneaking around your waist and pulling you to his front. He was hidden from your sight for most part, a true shame; you were on full display.
For you. For him.
You gulped, gaze set firmly on his face in the mirror, not daring to stray it elsewhere even as you could see his eyes appreciating his view.
“I… I think so?”
His smile was warm, a little boyish and entirely devious. You sunk into it as much as you sunk into his firm body, his fingers tweaking your nipple, drawing your gaze to the movement of instinct. Heat spread in your insides at the sight of his large hand over you, barely an edge of shame nudging your consciousness. Filthy. Vain. Wrong. Thrilling.
“Good… ‘cause I think we can do better than seven minutes,” Steve hummed with a trace of humour in his voice, free hand sliding between your thighs to tease you and make sure you were ready for him still – or again. When he spread your lips for the head of his cock, you instinctively bucked into his hand, gaze flickering to the sinful image. “In fact… I wonder how long you can last until you’re begging me…”
He pushed into you in one swift movement, strong hand keeping you in place, the tendons on his forearm dancing, a breathless oh falling from your lips.
“…to stop. Look at yourself, sweetheart. Look at us.”
Almost in a haze, like a new dream on its own, you did. With the strangest and most tickling glee, your gaze trailed from where you and Steve were one between your spread thighs, over his arm draped over you, his hand spreading softly over your throat to keep you looking straight into the mirror, lips attached to your temple curled in a smile.
“Your mind is way more filthier than I thought,” you managed to say before he started thrusting into you, his smile earning a wicked edge as he nuzzled your hair.
“Shh… that’s my best-kept secret. You’re not gonna tell anyone, are you, doll?”
Powerful. Adored. Desired.
The next words rolled off your tongue before you could think twice, Steve’s hypnotic gaze on your body enough of an encouragement.
“Keep my mouth busy and I won’t--- oh god.”
The fingers of his left hand circled your clit, sending an almost painful pleasure through your veins, while his right hand angled your head to capture your lips indeed.
“Now who’s filthy,” he murmured, pressing his thumb against your mouth, dark pupils blown wide as you sucked on it obediently. He pushed into you so deep at the action you thought you’d feel him in your throat and you finally understood the expression of la petit mort. The feeling of bliss washing over you was so strong it could kill you and yet you’d never felt more alive. “Fuck, Shines, you’re gonna be the death of me. But first… let me show you how beautiful you look when I make you mine.”
And he did. Oh, he did.
And he’d stand by his promise that you’d feel it for days too, you were sure of it, even if only time would tell.
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The sun was already rising and peeking through the blinds when you finally laid your head on the pillow to sleep at last. Successful revels Thor would say, you thought lazily.
You walked the fine line between consciousness and dreams, cradled to Steve’s chest, closer than you ever thought you could be. Idly, you let your mind wander; despite the absolutely mind-blowing sex that only probably happened to a person once in a lifetime, you couldn’t but believe that this wasn’t a one-time thing. No, Steve didn’t do one-night stands, he even said so; his mind was on your for quite some time. This was but a start and you loved the idea of that. Not just because of the promise or experiencing this again, the pleasure still flowing through your body as an echo of what had been almost too much bliss to bear, but because of love.
You had been more than a little in love with him for almost two years – and you couldn’t wait to fall harder. Because besides being a sight to behold, Steve’s arms provided comfort, safety and sincere affection. You didn’t have to be scared of that fall, because they’d catch you. You didn’t have to fear for your heart if you gave it to him, because you knew Steve Rogers to his core; he’d cherish the gift and guard it with his life.
And he’d deserve it too, your whole heart. He deserved to be loved deeply and unconditionally; and on occasion, filthily.
With a sleepy hum, he nuzzled into your neck almost as if he could hear your thoughts and approved of them, pressing a soft kiss there. You drifted off to sleep with a little sappy but entirely adoring smile.
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“You did something to the bottle, didn’t you? Some fancy physics trick?” Bucky said, more an announcement than a question, just before he decided to finally follow Steve’s and your example, ready to retreat to sleep – most of the group did anyway.
Tony was a picture of genuine innocence for once at the accusation. “Me? Please. How would I even do that?”
“I dunno. Magnets? Electric pulse? Flying invisible bot? What do I know…”
A nearby chuckle caught both Tony’s and Bucky’s attention, their suddenly knowing gazes finding Loki with his arms crossed over his chest. They didn’t bother to pretend to be irritated, even as at any other time, they would have been. For once, they were just grateful; Friday had silently informed them that the agent known as Speedy had been last seen outside Steve’s suite and wasn’t seen leaving for at least an hour.
If the two clueless dumbasses figured their shit out at last, Loki’s mischievous involvement was worth it.
“Oh no, I cannot possibly take the credit for that part.”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed. “What part can you take the credit for?”
“You could not handle the truth, Sergeant,” Loki smirked, causing Bucky to roll his eyes. “But not the bottle. I swear. I admit that I wanted to – but I did not have to.”
“So you want me to believe that after two years of Steve and Speedy needing to pull their head out of their asses and at least half of us trying to talk some sense into one or the other, a stupid game an even stupider coincidence finally did it for them. Really?”
Tony nodded, watching Loki with searching gaze. “Yeah, I’m with Buckaroo on this o-“
The sudden soft dragging sound and a clink drew the gazes of all three men. The bottle, having spun a bit, came to a slow stop under their watchful eye.
“Dammit, Loki-“
The trickster raised his hands in defence, chuckling again. “I did not do anything!”
“Yeah, right-“
The bottle shifted again, this time spinning fast – and stopped abruptly at once.
“But-“ Bucky froze mid-sentence. Then, his head snapped in the direction the bottle was pointing now. His eyes found the young redhead witch, walking out of the room hand-in-hand with Vision. As Tony followed Bucky’s line of sight, his mouth fell slightly agape.
Loki only smirked harder. “I must say, it is always a pleasure to say this: I told you so.”
“No way,” Tony breathed out, incredulous.
“Stark, give that girl a raise,” Bucky muttered, shocked as well; but completely sincere in his request. Bless magic. Bless that girl for pushing the idiot of his friend into what Bucky couldn’t convince him to do for months.
Wanda only smiled at them over her shoulder and walked out of the door with a silent ‘good night’.
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Steve Rogers masterlist 
Complete masterlist
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The prompt was Only when you and your significant other are locked in the closet for 7 minutes, you’re transported somewhere else. and well. Yeah. I transported them into each other’s head – specifically, into their filthy fantasy. I am not even sorry anymore for that cheat if it is a cheat🫡 Though I am a little sorry for the length because this was supposed to be a one shot (story of my life).
Well, this was a LONG ride. I hope you enjoyed it 🤭
Let me know if did and if you can🥰
Thank you for reading!
160 notes · View notes
Gifting your Husband Boudoir Photos
Featuring Schweiden Adlers
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Schweiden Adlers x female(wife) reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: swearing, VERY suggestive
AN: of course I needed to give my Adler bbys some love 🫶🏻
Biggest simp? Biggest simp 😌
Definitely beats about his GORGEOUS wife to his team all the time
“Hey look at this picture my wife just posted?” “She has a name you know-” “SHES MY WIFE!”
Literally Liberos would make the best partners, hype beast extraordinaries
Anyways, you and Toshiro have been married for almost a year now
You wanted to surprise your husband with the something you’d knew he’d love
🙌🏻 pictures of you 🙌🏻
See you casually replaced photos around your home with new sexy ones 🤪
You weren’t entirely sure your husband would notice
But like a dog smells good, your husband sniffed them out immediately
He walked in, stopped and looked at you
“Something’s different,” he said 🤨
You 👉🏻😙 🎶
Then he spots the first one, the one you replaced your wedding photo with
He walks over to it, picks it up and his eyes widen 😳
“YN what is this?” He asks
You just shrug and smirk 😏
He continues to walk around, finding all the photos and you start to hear groans emerging from your husband
“You good babe?” You ask as he turns to you
“You know we are never changing these photos back right?” He says as you giggle
“What about when the guys come over?” You question
“Ok maybe then but he do you maybe think you could recreate some of these for me? Perhaps for my digital gallery?” He questions
You giggle and shake your head, “well it’s a good thing I order digital prints too.”
Toshiro throws his head back, groaning and thanking whatever god gifted him such a beautiful wife!
The only two things Kags thinks about is volleyball and his gorgeous wife
Literally the fact that you can put up with him being the way he is
He is so blessed to have you as his spouse!
Now Kags is a workaholic and he’s constantly at the gym
So you often have to find creative and new ways to entice your husband to come home
Sometimes food works
But what really does the trick you ask 👀
Nudes 🙌🏻
You send this man a nude and it’s so long volleyball gym, hello bed for the next 8 hours 🥵
Man’s has stamina ok 👌
Kags has been at the gym for a solid week
Literally he’s home to eat and sleep
And honestly, you miss your husband
So what must we do? Send him something that makes him want to leave his volleyball forever
You: I miss you Tobio 🥺
Tobio: awe I miss you too baby, I’ll be home around 10
You: could you maybe make it a little sooner? *sends pic*
You: I’m waiting 😏
Tobio: 😳 are- are those new?
You: just got them back today
Tobio: is-is there more 👀
You: maybe 🙃
Tobio: I think I can probably be home by 7…
You: I’ll be waiting *sends pic*
Tobio: fuck this gym in omw baby!
You: good good excellent 😏
Prepare to be sore for the next few days Yn 🤪
Our stoic angel 😍
Oh how this giant bby adores you Yn!
Literally there’s nothing better than spending time with your husband
But oh do you LOVE to tease this man something fierce
Please he gets so flustered and blushes whenever you send him a risky picture
So you decide you haven’t tortured your husband enough for an entire lifetime so why not do the absolute most 💅
It was your 1 year wedding anniversary and you decided that you should gift your husband the first the keeps on giving
Pictures of you 😌
You wrap the photo album up and set it with his other gifts
This man always outdoes you in every way but this year, this time you will dominate!
So after opening all of your lavished gifts you finally gift Toshi the one thing nobody else can give him
When he opens it, he looks at the beautiful black valet cover inscribed with his name
He looks at you confused as you continue to urge him on
He opens the first page and immediately slams the book shut
His face turns best red as he avoids all eye contact with you
Toshi 👉🏻👀😳
You 👉🏻😏😏
He opens it again, gulping as he carefully thumbs through every single page, careful to not bend any pictures
It’s not until he gets to the picture of you in his Olympic jersey that he groans, adjusting himself as you continue to look smug
He closes the book, placing both hands on top of it and then looks at you
You 👉🏻 : D
“YN you know how much I love you right?” He says as you nodd
You 👉🏻 : D
“YN I’m going to say this and I mean it in the absolute most respectful way,” he continues
You 👉🏻: D
“I’m about about 2 seconds from breaking your back,” he finally says
You 👉🏻 : D 😐😳
And that, YN, was the story of how you spent an entire week recovering 😌
This man BEGS for nudes constantly
Literally he adores you and he keeps a running tab of your pictures
He even keeps a ✨tasteful✨ shot of you as his phones Lock Screen
But nobody can see it… he guards it with his life!!
When Korai’s away, he is always asking to see his pretty baby 🥹
Honestly he’ll take any photos of you
So you decide it’s time to ramp it up 👏🏻
Korai is at a few away games when you decide to make your move
You had some sexy photos done for your adoring husband and lucky you are just as cheeky as he is ��
You send the first text, baiting him
You: Morning babe *sends picture*
Korai responds in .02 seconds
Korai: 👁️👄👁️
You: how are you? *sends pic*
Korai: 🥵 extremely frazzled right now…
You: oh really? *sends pic*
You: sounds like a you problem *sends pic*
Only Korai doesn’t respond after that one, instead you start a timer
Because you know your husband too well
10 minutes later, a new record 💅, your FaceTime is ringing as you casually answer it while cooking
“Hey babe! I thought you had a meeting?” You ask casually
Korai 👉🏻 >: ( you did this on purpose
“Did what?” You respond cluelessly
“Did you get those professionally done for me?” He asks
“Well your always asking for pics so I figured I should have a couple hundred built up,” you shrug
Korai 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ 100?!?!
Please Yn that man has never been happier to get home to you
This man ugh THIS MAN 🥵
Literally idk who’s the luckiest one in this relationship babe I’m sorry
It’s Romero, like look at the man!
But no matter what, you managed to get a good one
He’s an amazing husband and he absolutely worships you!
Literally he will open every door, present you to everyone like you are royalty
He talks about you like you are only woman in the entire word
He wears his wedding ring proudly!
And boy does he adore your body
Literally you could be wearing seat pants and he’s panting 😮‍💨
It’s your two year anniversary and your friend suggest you add some new “artwork” to your bedroom 😌
Mainly in the form of a giant photo of you over your bed
So you prepare, using your husbands favorite color lingerie in the photo in the sexiest pose allowed to be viewed
You manage to get it hung and boy are you excited, so excited that you ambush your husband the moment he walks in the door
You cover his eyes and say, “I have the biggest surprise babe!”
He smiles, “oh do you now?”
You giggle as you lead your 6’3” husband to your room and situate him just perfectly
You tear your hands away and shout “surprise!”
Romero 👉🏻😐😳
“What do you think?!?” You say, presenting your body
Please YN give your husband a second
His mouth has now fallen open and you are gonna need a mop in the bedroom ok 🤚🏻
“Holy shit baby!! You look fucking incredible!” He says getting on the bed and studying the photo up close
“You love it??” You gush
“Oh course! But I wish you would have put one in every room so I can just stare at you all damn day!” He chuckles
“Well lucky for you I got more!” You say, pulling out the other canvases
Please YN, you might need to inform the Adlers of your husbands sudden death 😅
6’7” simp? 6’7” simp 😌
Man’s literally worships the ground you walk on Yn
He adores you more than anything!
Another member of the “I wear my wedding ring and I’m proud club!”
He would wear a shirt that said “my wife is hotter than your wife”
Needless to say, this man will do anything for you YN
And since he travels so much, you have to keep things spicy right 😏
Which is why you decide that it’s important for you to show him exactly how much you miss him
So you decide to be a little butthole and send him cryptic messages all day to prepare him
Like first you send him an email that says, “I’m in your room at 9pm for a surprise ;)”
Of course the man’s is super curious like “👀 what does this chick have planned now?!?”
Then you continue the torment and send him little texts all day like “5 hours until your surprise!”
By 9pm the man is RUNNING 🏃‍♂️ to his hotel room
The team wanted to go out for drinks and suddenly your man’s has a migraine
Back in his hotel room, he texts you and says “ok babe I’m here!”
That’s when you drop that man an entire years work of spank bank material!
Like 200 pictures and that’s not even all of them!
At first he just stares like “holy crap! I shouldn’t be looking at these, I have a wife… WAIT THIS IS MY WIFE!!”
So instead he decides to pull out his computer and FaceTime you
You answer, casually sitting on your bed like “oh hello my love ✌🏻”
“Babe!! Holy crap!! You- you did this for me?!?” He shouts
You giggle and nod saying “I missed you Tatsu” 🥺
Damn Yn calm down, man’s is about .02 seconds away from getting on a plan back to you
“Baby I love them!! But umm now I’ve kind of got a little problem!” He blushes as you giggle
He knows he’s one lucky guy!
Ughhhhhh 😩😩😩 this man!! THIS MAN 👏🏻
He’s so hot it’s unreal!!!
And you get to be his wife?!? Dammnnn
Seriously he is such an attentive and sexy husband
Literally he walks around without his shirt on around the house and man 😮‍💨
Please YN clean your puddle of drool up!
Oh wait that’s me NE WAYS
he absolutely adores you and always talks about you
He knows how lucky he is to have the most supportive and fantastic wife
But that doesn’t mean you don’t get to tease him every once and a while 🤭
Specifically during practice
Because as the captain of the Adlers, he must remain stoic and attentive
So when he’s in the middle of a team meeting and his phone starts buzzing, he quickly checks it
Fukuro rn 👉🏻😐😳
“Hey captain you good?” The guys ask as he snaps from his haze and shoves his phone back in his pocket
Unfortunately his phone keeps buzzing 😌
He’s already seen a few pictures and damn he wants to see more but he knows he won’t be able to contain his arousal
After the meeting, which he clumsily finishes he runs to the locker room and face times you
You answer, casually doing dishes like 😚 🎶
“Baby what was that??” He yells
You 👉🏻👀🤷🏻‍♀️ what-
“Baby those pictures! Those pictures!!! Are they new? Holy shit!” He whisper shouts as you smirk
“They might be new, maybe part of a photo shoot I did,” you answer coyly
Fukuro 👉🏻😳 so there’s more?
“A few hundred more,” you 😏
“Baby prepare yourself because when I get home, you’re all mine!” He growls before hanging up
You just giggle because wait until he sees the giant canvas of you naked hanging in your master bathroom 🙃
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orangexmachina · 9 months
Rating Starfleet uniforms (from shows I've watched)
1. Early TOS uniforms
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6/10. The fabric looks soft, and I'm kinda into the whole turtleneck thing, plus the women's uniform is practical. The colour palette could be a little more interesting, though, and there's far too many crew members in the same shade of blue.
2. TOS uniforms
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7/10. Aside from Kirk's infamous wrap around shirt, these are fairly toned back uniforms in bright colours. Aesthetically, the women's uniforms look good but are ultimately impractical. A solid base for starfleet uniforms. I like the black undershirts.
3. Wrath of Khan uniforms
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5/10. Ugly!! The colour is nice and makes the crew look unified, but the cut is unflattering, and all the shiny bits look more imperialist than practical. I get what they were going for, but I find it boring. Also, Spock looks so good in blue that the red is practically criminal.
4. TNG uniforms (1-3)
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4/10. Although I like certain design elements of these, as well as the colour choices, I find them too onsie-like. I prefer Troi's uniform here, though. Her second uniform is a bit too boob heavy.
5. TNG (3-7)
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8/10. Solid starfleet uniforms. The colours are nice, the designs are sleek and fashionable as well as gender neutral. The collars are particularly nice. Overall, nice. Apart from poor Troi, her uniform is so ugly here god bless her.
6. Skant
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4/10. Honorary mention for the skant. It's way too short, but the shape is nice. TNG women don't even get the dignity of tights here. Point up from 3 because Picard and Riker wore them once.
7. AOS
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3/10. BARF. The fabric looks cheap and scratchy, and the necklines are weird. The colours are eye-bleachingly ugly, and I really don't get what they were going for with the kids' Halloween costume vibe.
8. SNW
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1/10. If I were Ethen Peck, I would think the costume designers hated me. These are unbelievably ugly.
9. First Star Trek film
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0/10. Sad beige uniforms for sad beige officers.
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quarktrinity · 6 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 21 (cw: mentions of gunshots)
spock has opinions about history education
Bomb Rocket
earth history teacher + nuclear warhead. interesting. i wonder if were gonna be talking about the cold war
kirk once again in a button up shirt for undercover purposes. thank u
one day well go to a planet that isnt like earth and isnt populated by humans
i knew it
history teacher guy is the bad guy
lets go undercover as nazis
"you should make a very convincing nazi"
so kirk and spock have been found out. and now theyre shirtless and imprisoned and bound. and theyre whipping them. you cant make this shit up
i love that spock has a ton of chest hair and kirk is completely smooth
god bless kirks tumtum
chekhovs communicator implant
spock is on top of kirk now. normal
spock is teasing him, i love this
here at star trek tos we love putting captain james kirk in situations
lets take cover in this mysterious cave
"just as bad" rhetoric. shut up
oh no they found our mysterious cave
oh it was a test. ok
the first star wars movie watched this episode
i was about to say "this is just like 1984" and then i remembered what 1984 was about
weve got mccoy in nazi garb now. yay?
"what in blazes is this?!" youre such an old man
they made a hitler chatbot
spocks neck-grab-knockout thing is so silly
history guy so surprised that recreating nazi germany was a bad idea
kirk commits medical malpractice
ww2 except hitler changes his mind
dude gets shot and goes OoO
"i was wrong" uh, yeah, you were
what was this episode even trying to say
"dont recreate nazi germany its bad"
um. ok bye
i guess we werent talking about the cold war after all. nice job star trek, keepin me on my toes
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lying-on-floors · 5 days
"There's only one bed..."
Jean Kirstein x Marco Bodt
Jean and Marco walk through the antique smelling hallway of the sketchy motel they decided to rest at for the night. The two were on a post graduation road trip with their friends and Jean is quickly regretting that decision. Connie was constantly yelling bad jokes, Sasha was getting crumbs all over the place, and Mikasa and Armin were trying to calm Eren's annoyance.
Jean's only saving grace was Marco in the passenger seat. He was able to get them some quiet every now and then, perks of having a lot of siblings. Now, the group had to split into 3 rooms. Mikasa, Eren, Armin were in the room nearest to the elevator, Connie and Sasha were next to them and Jean and Marco were across from Connie and Sasha.
When the two men got into their room for the night, Jean immediately collapsed onto the bed. He groaned as he wiped his hands across his face,
"Dude, I'm so tired, oh my god."
Marco chuckled and Jean's stomach flipped,
"Makes sense, we were on the road for about seven hours, and you were behind the wheel for most of that."
Jean smiled and lifted his head a little to look at Marco,
"I'm so glad you offered to drive. Well, actually I don't think you gave me much of a choice."
Marco laughed,
"Yeah, you would've crashed if you had to drive any longer."
Jean threw one of the pillows on the bed at Marco's head. The pillow hit Marco in his chest and he snickered, which made Jean's cheeks feel hot.
"I'm gonna change and get ready for bed, you can use the bathroom when I get out. Go ahead and change of you want."
Jean nodded but he wasn't listening as Marco has stripped off his jacket and shirt, leaving his torso bare, God, he needed to get himself in check. They've been best friends for years and he can't ruin that over some stupid attraction, not with Marco.
The bathroom door shutting startled Jean out of his thoughts and he decided now was the best time to change out of his jeans. He typically sleeps in whatever shirt he wore that day and his underwear but he didn't want to make Marco feel uncomfortable, which he knows it wouldn't, rationally, they've seen each other in their underwear before, they are gym buddies. Jean's face felt hot when it truly hit him that he and Marco were going to have to share a bed. It's not weird, they've done it many times at sleepovers, especially as kids but now they were both adults and Jean had a crippling crush on the guy. Oh well, he was a grown man, he'd get over it and sleep in the same bed as Marco for the night.
Pretty soon, Marco came out of the bathroom with a snug gray tank top and some athletic shorts. Jean decided that the universe was playing a sick joke on him. How can one man look that good. But he guesses its not that hard when the man was already blessed with the face of a textbook angle and the body of young God.
"Left or right?"
Jean looked to Marco, unsure of what he meant.
Marco smiled, amused,
"Do you want the left or the right side?"
Jean thought for a moment, the left side was closest to the door and he knew Marco could take care of himself but the thought of someone breaking in and killing Marco made Jean's stomach twist with worry,
"Uh, left."
Marco nodded and crawled across the bed, settling into the covers. Jean grabbed his hygeine bag from his duffle and went to the batbroom to do his nightly routine, or at least a toned down version of it, he didn't know if he could stay standing for much longer.
As Jean opened the door, Marco seemed to be fast asleep. He tip toed as quietly as he could to the empty side of the bed and breathed out to try and regain his composure. He grabbed the corner of the comforter and settled next to Marco, a little to stiff to be comfortable. Jean was unable to sleep and opted to watch Marco instead. He watched the way his breathing went from slightly fast and even to slow and rhythmic. Jean thought what it would be like to rest his head on his chest and listen to the change of his heartbeat, maybe it would lull him to sleep like a comforting white noise, he reached out and tenderly moved a stray strand of hair off of Marco's forehead.
Jean's heart sank to his toes, he had been caught.
"Marco, sorry, I-it's not-I wasn't--"
He was cutoff by the man sitting up and taking his hand into his own.
"Can I kiss you?"
Jean's eyes widened at Marco's question, shock, anxiety and excitement took over his system, Marco must have got shy because he ducked his head and loosened his grip on Jean's hands.
"Yes. Yes, you can."
And with that, Marco gently moved his hand to Jean's face and kissed him, softly and chaste, like they had all the time in the world, and in a way, they did. Jean kissed back after a second of hesitancy. They kissed for what felt like forever to Jean and when Marco pulled back, he had a hint of a smile and blush on his face and Jean imagined he looked the same.
"I love you."
"I love you."
They said simultaneously and laughed at the suddenness of their twin confessions. Jean spoke first,
"Uhm, how long?"
Marco laughed, a bit bashful,
"Five years."
Jean laughed, loudly and exclaimed,
"Me too!"
Marco quickly shushed him, worried that he'll wake someone. Jean continued, quitter,
"I didn't even notice."
Marco snickered,
"Connie and Sasha made a bet on who would make the first move."
Jean was visibly offended,
Marco let out an exasperated laugh,
Jean wondered who won but at the same time, he didn't really care for that right now.
"Jean, we should talk more about this, about us."
Marco was a little apprehensive, worried that he would ruin the moment but as far as Jean's concerned, they have officially committed themselves to each other and nothing Marco could say or do that would make Jean let go of him, not now that he got him.
Jean reached across Marco's body and laid both of them down onto the bed.
Jean whispered as he curled into Marco's side, resting his head on his chest, finally listening to his heartbeat and smiling at the abprupt inhale that moved his head upwards.
Marco wrapped his arms around Jean and practically pulled him on top of himself,
"Okay. Goodnight, Jean."
Jean let himself melt into the embrace,
"Goodnight, Marco."
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incomingalbatross · 15 days
Top 5 tropes, top 5 dog breeds, top 5 saints
Ooh, good questions! Thank you for the ask :)
Happy endings emerging from the jaws of despair; eucatastrophe
When you have two guys who are friends but they like pretending to hate each other (I was a sucker for this at eleven when I saw Star Trek: TOS, and I have remained a sucker ever since)
Mortal-immortal friendships, in all their variations
Characters getting trapped in their nightmares and other characters having to save them
Anything with memory loss/wipes, especially if it's thoroughly explored
dog breeds:
Labradors are a classic kind of dog.
Cocker spaniels are very different but also classic, and I think they're cute.
Terriers! Is this partly because of Snowy from Tintin? yes.
Newfoundlands are BIG and FLUFFY and I appreciate this.
Beagles because the only dog I've taken care of long-term was a beagle. She IS loud and she IS an inveterate food thief but I love her anyway <3
Mary, Mother of God. Of course she's at the top of the list. She's Our Lady.
Saint Joseph is equally clearly next! Most valiant, most humble, most obedient, guardian of virgins, protector of family life, model of laborers, patron of the dying... Chaste Guardian of the Virgin and Foster-Father of the Son of God.
St. Mary Magdalene - I don't know if I exactly have a special devotion to her, but I do love remembering her life. Model of penitents and one of the holiest and most beloved of Christ's followers. (I do also adhere to the belief that she is the same person as Mary sister of Lazarus; this is a long-standing tradition, and it makes sense to me.)
St. Alphonsus Liguouri - his month's worth of daily meditations for Adoration are beautiful and have made him familiar to me, even though I know very little about his life. (He also wrote a set of prayers/reflections for the Stations of the Cross that a lot of parishes use.)
St. Frances of Rome - my confirmation saint, a 14-century Roman noblewoman who was wife and mother over a large household, and founded a religious order for widows after her husband's death. Is the patron saint of automobile drivers, because an angel is said to have lighted the way for her when she went out on charitable works at night. I love how well she followed God while fulfilling her duties in the world.
Secret sixth spot (because Our Lady's spot is hardly information): Blessed Herman the Cripple, 11th-century Benedictine polymath who wrote Salve Regina, the Advent and Christmas Marian antiphon Alma Redemptoris Mater, and Veni Sancte Spiritus. If you ask me, that alone should qualify him for canonization, but I suppose his cause is waiting for more posthumous miracles.
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