#god bless vocaloid
into-the-mikuverse · 1 year
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catsr-reallycool · 22 days
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@miodiodavinci HI sorry for tagging you so much. I just. I’m. I’ve been obsessed with your stuff for the past few weeks. Especially ZOLA PROJECT and like everything ya thank you so much for ten thousand more hyper fixations other than butcher vanity haha ahah haahah also I’m really. Sorry if the wil fanart looks weird it’s super old and like my first ever zola project piece I’m so worried about doing them dirty the only reason why I haven’t made more work is because if I mess up on one detail my brain goes into Meltdown and I explode. the end
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also did you know I like pink men haha Salvador haha Vy2 haha Yuu I’m not biased trust me I promise it’s just how they act yup yup
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late-night-vocaloid · 11 months
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keuwibloom · 7 months
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Hi! It's been a while but I bring some news--
Commissions are officially open!
Feel free to send me a DM here or on instagram if you're interested! You can also send me an email at [email protected]
For more examples of my art, you can look through my art tag here. I also now have a ko-fi open too!
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lvndri · 1 year
she finally reached the top!!!!!!!!!!!!
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gaydexvocaloid · 11 months
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wip 2 for dex and daina bday art :3
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inspired by this:
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also, here's the fake thumbnails seen very briefly at the end if anyone wants to see wtf moke's up to on his nonexistent yt channel:
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ursaallioth · 9 months
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I gave up at the rendering, this drawing consumes my soul and inspiration
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vannistilldraws · 9 months
And the biggest shout out to my middle school art professor that watched me draw anime shit in class DAILY and never told me just how bad it looked.
You sir were the backbone of my art career because I was a sensitive baby and stopped drawing for less before.
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tsubasale · 5 months
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sheila--e · 1 year
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hello the 2 people that rb my art <3
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late-night-vocaloid · 4 months
oh I may need to have a go through my drafts day
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clowningaroundmars · 7 months
going thru my vocaloid phaassssee ✌🏼 AGAIN
12 yo me would be lowkey proud rn
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fruitsaladc0wboy · 1 year
so many new vocaloid-official blogs today….I wish I could interact with everyone but im. nervous.
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pale-opal · 1 month
Last night I uploaded the penultimate chapter of "First Impact", which means that there's only one chapter left until I'm free this installment of "Collision Course" comes to an end - that also means that there's only one more "fun fact" post to make after this one. But for now, let's focus on the one accompanying this post. So something you may have noticed while reading is that some chapter titles and author's note quotes are titles from songs/song lyrics. Originally, every chapter was going to share a title with a song, with what song that was being based on vibes. However, I quickly scrapped this idea, as the reasoning behind each song wasn't immediately apparent. For example, Chapter 1 was originally named after Cosmo Sheldrake's "Linger Longer". Vibe-wise, this song checks out. The lyrics describe a setting where abstract parts of natural are personified, while also telling the listener to return to nature. At the same time, the speaker also talks about how we are helpless to the greater forces in the universe (/pos), and about how nature is a constant force in the world.
Now let's compare that to the events of Chapter 1. The chapter starts out with Zero waking up from a dream, only to attempt to disregard his dream and throw himself into his "real-life," which includes his duties as a Hunter. If we interpret nature as a metaphor for reality, "Linger Longer" fits perfectly, with this verse in particular working especially well:
"Come trickle back to den and roost Come claw and tooth, and fish and goose Come fin and tail, and paw and hoof For life has a passion for living"
But here's the thing: without that explanation, it would not be clear at all why I had picked that song. Hence why I cut the idea of vibe-based song titles (that and I soon ran out of songs that fit what I was writing about). But as I stated earlier, some chapters still have song titles/quotes. The ones that I used have meanings that are a lot easier for the reader to figure out on their own, but just for fun, I'll be interpreting some of them (spoilers of all shapes and sizes under the cut).
Let's start with an easy one: Chapter 34's title ("Son of Evil") is an allusion to the vocaloid song "Daughter of Evil" by Mothy, with the quotes being from JubyPhonic's cover of the song (the older version of her cover can be found here). The first quote I used reads as such (the bolded lyrics are the ones that are the most relevant):
"Blooming ever-sweet, the evil flower reaps Drowning in colors 'til it's all you can see Pitiful as ever, they were growing by her side Just to pave the road ahead for her, their destiny to die"
Alright, now let's see: "Blooming" can refer to Zero's second awakening, or to how he's still young and developing as a person. "Evil flower reaps" can be interpreted as a reference to how he was (or is, if we look at the flashback this quote refers to from a present-tense perspective) considered to be "evil" or maverick as a result of his programming, with "reaps' being an allusion to how he is sometimes referred to as the "Red Reaper.
"Drowning in colors" can refer to the different blood colors of Garuma's unit (as well as how they are all murdered by Zero), with "pitiful as ever" works as a way of citing how Zero easily defeats them all. "Growing by her side" can be used as a parallel to how those Hunters probably saw themselves on similar footing as Zero: to them, they were all just a bunch of reploids in a room. It didn't really matter that some of them were Hunters while one of them was some random dude in a capsule. They were all on equal ground with one another. "Pave the road ahead of her" suggests that the deaths of the Hunters in Garuma's unit served as a means for Zero to become a Hunter himself, since killing them directly led to him meeting Sigma. And on that note, "destiny to die" means exactly what it says on the tin: Garuma's unit was screwed the moment they opened that capsule, both in canon and in "Collision Course". Afterall, they weren't releasing an ordinary robot: they were releasing a war machine.
The second quote is a lot more simple to break down: "To overthrow the evil princess high above Taking to the streets, at last, they all had had enough Leading from the front of such a violent mob, in red Was a noble dame in armor, coming for her head"
"Overthrow the evil... high above" refers to Sigma, who, at this point in the plot, is chilling on the top of the highest floor of his fortress. "Taking to the streets, at last, they all had had enough" is a direct allusion to the Hunters - they're done with Sigma's nonsense. At this point, they're willing to take him down at any cost, including their own lives.
"Leading... such a violent mob, in red" is meant to show how Zero is the commander of the Hunters in Sigma's stead (and has been for a while), and that it's his idea that their acting on. "Noble" is fairly self-explanatory: the Hunters are going to kill a psycho that thought it was a good idea to nuke a city full of people, even though they could die in attempting to stop him. "Coming for her head" shows how Zero is ready to throw hands with Sigma, (and it also serves as foreshadowing for the final battle).
Okay, now let's do one that's more difficult: Chapter 38 is named after and has quotes from the song "Dear Dictator" by Saint Motel. The first quote is this: "Everybody tends to disagree On just how evil A single human being should ever be And all your bones, they scream for more" "Everybody tends to disagree" refers to how the Hunters were divided in whether or not they should follow Sigma. Half of them thought it was a good idea, and the other half felt that it wasn't. "On just how evil" shows how deep the nuances of this disagreement goes: some of the Hunters who joined Sigma were forced to do so (such as Mac and Storm Eagle), and are fully aware of what he was capable of. Others, like Spark Mandrill and Chill Penguin, didn't have a clue as to the full extent of what Sigma was up to - they joined out of loyalty, or because they were bored. "A single human being" is about how Sigma is just one man, and yet, is still capable of committing incredible harm. "...all your bones, they scream for more" is a reference to the abusive relationship Sigma had with Zero. Zero was hurt by him emotionally and physically, but still wanted his attention and approval. Now for the second quote, which is the song's chorus:
"And at the trial, there'll be no jury And all the dead are going to play witness Not too late to say you're sorry It's too late to truly mean it"
"...at the trial, there'll be no jury" represents how Zero (and to a lesser extent, X), are judge, jury, and executioner in the fight against Sigma. They're deciding his fate - not the people of the city, not the rest of the Hunters, and most certainly not Sigma himself. "...all the dead are going to play witness" is a direct allusion to all the blood on Sigma's hands: it started with Striker (aka Green Biker Dude). It continued with the Hunters who died when the Headquarters was bombed. It went further still when the Hunters had to fight with their ex-colleagues when Sigma threatened to nuke Abel City. And it'll extend to thousands of people if he isn't stopped. "Not too late to say you're sorry" is a direct callout for how Sigma "apologizes" to Zero for how he's mistreated him in the past, and how he claims he'll never do what he did again. "...too late to truly mean it" shows how untrue that apology is. He had plenty of chances to stop mistreating Zero. But he kept doing it anyway. And I'll say this much: he knew that what he did was wrong. Hence why he always did it in private. That's the thing about abusers - if they didn't know what they were doing to their victims was bad, they would do it in public (although, I will say that doesn't stop some of them: some abusers don't care who sees what they do, as they genuinely believe that they're in the right/won't be stopped). Not only that, but he continues to manipulate Zero after he "apologizes" - the "apology" in and of itself is a manipulation. Sigma is not changing his ways, and everything he does makes that clear. I'm going to call it here for now, because this post has gotten long enough. Let me now if you want me to do anything similar with lyric analysis again - I actually had a lot of fun doing this! (If you have any other questions, my inbox is open for those, too!) (If this is your first time hearing about "Collision Course" or "First Impact", please examine the ao3 tags before reading. While the story is rated T for Teen, it does go into some serious subject matter, as certain aspects of this post would suggest. Stay safe, everyone.)
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Oooh Oliver murder go brrrrrr! The art reminds me of Pumpkin March (kinda funny thing is my HC has them with Fukase and Oliver being together but Len having a crush on Fukase so it would essentially be the other way round Lmfao-) -🌟
yes 😩💅 slay british boy slayyy (SORRY JK)
and oh worm haha i see it lolol, tho i wasn't intending to reference that lmao, just generally was thinking "uhhhh what's most halloweeny.. night time... giant pumpkin.. candy???"
and wack!! hcs are fun like that hkjhJKGK
that trio is very fun, special to me lmaoo (i think theyre the three that i consistently use the most for memes but dont quote me on that i could be wrong); there's a lot going w/ them sometimes depending on the storyline but generally for my hcs they're kinda... hmm
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