#god i'm rusty
bozjabun · 11 months
November Prompts Day: Secret
So I'd wanted to do something with the whole "November Write Shit" month for years but had never gotten around to it because I don't particularly -want- to write a whole novel? And of course that's what everybody talks about. I decided to do some prompts for my cavacade of FFXIV characters instead. Most of them are going to be indulgent and silly and varying degrees of anachronistic and absolutely riddled with headcanons, but I think they're fun so we're gonna post 'em anyway. Keep in mind that these are all gonna be very off-the-cuff and have basically zero editing. They also assume you know some things about FF14 already. A very dear friend gave me a list of prompts to finish out the month with, starting with a secret prompt I was supposed to do before I went to bed and didn't do, so. Whoops. Anyway. Today's character is Al'vachir Avagnar, my moody Xaela samurai. https://alvachir.carrd.co ------------------------------------------------------------- "What is your character's go-to karaoke song?"
When he was young, Al'vachir moved to the bustling city of Kugane.
"Moved" is, perhaps, the wrong word. Al'vachir Avagnar, proud child of the Steppes, had wandered for days and nights without end until arriving, starved and bloody and half-crazy, in Kugane. His tribe had long since been absorbed by the Adarkim Xaela, but the Avagnar were proud to a fault. They would not give up their name, their identity, for anything.
Sometimes, "anything" included death. So it was for Al'vachir's mother, and so it was that Al'vachir, in the middle of one terrible night, fled the Steppe altogether and ran until he couldn't run, walked until he collapsed, and crawled until he passed out.
This did not bother Al'vachir. At least, it did not bother Al if you asked him. Al'vachir Avagnar was more concerned with survival: where his next meal was coming from, what roof he'd be sleeping under, whether or not he'd be fighting someone today. It wasn't long before the malnourish Xaela child threw in with one of Kugane's underground groups as a pickpocket and thief, and before long he was muscle and protection.
It didn't sit right with him, most nights.
But this was not most nights. This was a night of festival and fun! This was a celebration! Al'vachir's boss had lived another year, and apparently that was cause for raucous partying. Food came in seemingly endless waves from the kitchen, alcohol flowed like water, there was singing and dancing and gambling and all manner of men and women and both and neither and-
It was honestly a little much for Al'vachir Avagnar, who much preferred the solitude he'd grown accustomed to. Three times he'd tried to sneak out, to stand outside and smoke, to stand at the door and replace one of the security guards in a much quieter, more understood duty. Unfortunately, Al'vachir Avagnar had made a fatal mistake. Al'vachir Avagnar had proven himself useful.
His boss kept Al on a leash - not literally, mind you, nor a particularly tight one. Al'vachir was primarily allowed to do as he pleased so long as it didn't directly interfere with the group's motives. As long as Al'vachir didn't lose them too much money with his idealism and his temperament, it was fine! And Al'vachir's boss loved to dote on the Xaela, showering the man with gifts and what passed for affection in this life.
It was, you may have guessed, a little much for Al'vachir Avagnar. And, unfortunately, as he had failed to escape, Al'vachir had been convinced to partake.
Now, Al'vachir was not one to shy away from good food. Most of the Xaela's time outside of work hours was spent wandering Kugane, and a great deal of Al'vachir's pay went to good food in all corners of the city. He'd grown a reputation for it - Al'vachir was not particularly keen on eating at the best of times, but if your stall or your storefront managed to entice the man into a meal, well, word got around.
Nor was Al'vachir particularly unknown to those peddlers of alcohol, from whom he frequently bought jugs or bottles or casks depending on his needs. Nobody knew what those needs were, of course - Al'vachir had also garnered a reputation as a tight-lipped man. But it was not uncommon to see him walking the streets of Kugane with a bottle in hand or a gourd tied to his belt.
What Al'vachir -was- a stranger to, as far as anybody else knew, was music. He did not frequent the parlors where music was played, he did not request courtesans and musicians for any gatherings or private appointments, he did not join his friends at festivals or events, when he could help it.
So when his boss asked Al'vachir to join the band and sing, it should come as no surprise that the gathered found the idea… not laughable, but certainly unbelievable. Friendly jabs and ribald laughter echoed through the room as a drunken Al'vachir stumbled slowly - carefully - to the stage. Face flushed, the Xaela took a deep breath and faced his friends. Soft music built behind him, something between melancholic and nostalgic. Almost as quickly as the assembled had began their characteristic, loving ridicule… they fell silent.
When Al'vachir's voice, already a rarity among those gathered, felt like a warm embrace nobody had known they needed. It took only one verse before the crowd had jumped to their feet, roaring in equal parts adoration and shock. All the while, the boss was settled in his place of honor, wiping tears from his eyes as Al'vachir sang.
When the song came to a close, there was not a dry eye in the house. The band went into the next piece almost immediately; silence was not what they were being paid for, after all. Al'vachir stepped off the small raised pavilion and made his way, still stumbling, still drunk, through a throng of admirers to the back of the building, where finally, blessedly, he was allowed to leave.
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bethfuller · 11 months
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waiting for you in the house the trees ate
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texasflowers · 6 months
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Thick Studious Gohan
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crustaceousfaggot · 2 years
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achillean-knight · 5 months
this took me... a whole ass week bc I got hella sick 😭 Anyways, Mettaton May days 4 - 5 >:3 Letter & Home 💪 Rushed after the second page bc I realised how long it'll take to actually polish it HHRG
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hanaflowersofficial · 5 months
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don't worry Piccolo, i didn't forget!
happy belated birthday! 🥳💚
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sleepymaven · 16 days
Playing Armored Core 6 and just... thinking.
Thinking about 621 and Rusty possibly cuddling. 621 still wide awake as Rusty lightly breathes in his sleep, nice and slow but still present.
621 listening to Rusty's breathing intently. To his heart beat. Focusing on the warmth of his body heat.
Focusing on how alive Rusty is.
The knowledge his is just alive and well being comforting enough for 621 to finally drift off to sleep as well to the sound of Rusty's hearbeat; a soothing lullaby for 621's ears.
Just thinking about how my interpretation of 621 is probably so insanely traumatized that 621 needs to constantly be checking if the people 621 cares about are truly alive.
About how Rusty holds 621 so closely to his chest as a way of keeping 621 grounded.
About how shaken 621 must have been in that cave, having to fight Rusty. Hearing Rusty call 621 dangerous.
Imagining the thoughts running through 621's head in that moment. No. Anyone but Rusty... I can't fight Rusty– No. Not Rusty too.
Thinking about how 621 probably could have killed Rusty right there, but held back, opting to just damage his AC's enough to make him stop. Even ceasing fire when STEEL HAZE lost its arm, as if 621 was hoping Rusty would just stop, which he did.
..I really need to start writing again...
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sableprince · 10 months
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been really struggling with art block but i had to get a couple chants of sennaar doodles out of my brain because it's a lovely game
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bozjabun · 1 year
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Slowly working on revitalizing this bad boy...
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kindleaf · 1 year
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on rachel rand, little sisters, and the inevitability of being let down
star wars: revenge of the sith (novelization) by matthew stover // little miss sunshine (dir. jonathan dayton and valerie faris) // killingly by katharine beutner // erebia ligea– blood sucking butterfly (túrelio) // the shape of a girl by joan macleod // mark hamill and carrie fischer on the set of star wars: a new hope // leonard cohen in famous blue raincoat // tiktok comment by hoeslaya // space dog by alan shapiro // my first summer (dir. katie found)
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displacedbias · 3 months
ted PLEASE get off the ledge you're gonna fucking kill my heart
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[Felix]: ...At least some of you anons have some sense.
[Felix]: Please... Please don't enable him......
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neproxrezi · 1 year
you ever boot up a video game and totally forget every mod you had installed
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i sure just did
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the-great-anteater · 8 months
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(Frank day)
Captured and freed
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msphagime · 1 year
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On this season on "reviving this blog for another fandom" we have: Thramsay, feat. my AUs that I just can't get myself to write. This time it's my Witch/Vampire AU...
Click for better quality ✨✨
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moonspirit · 1 month
Not an Aruani question, sorry 😣 but what was Eremika’s first kiss like? 👀👀🥰
Hello anon!
Ooohh, Eremika... hmm..
I imagine awkward as hell? I like to think neither Eren nor Mikasa really know how to kiss lmao - for Eren it's really just been this strange, alien concept dangling far above his head. For all his rage-filled edgelord persona, he doesn't have a fucking clue how to kiss, much less how to kiss Mikasa.
As for her, she's... just very "cool-as-cucumber" and "tough-girl" on the outside. On the INSIDE, she likes to wear nice skirts, pick home-grown vegetables and mend clothes. Mikasa is your definition of "I'll slice up your insides" and "Do you want to own a cabbage patch with me?"
That said, she doesn't know to kiss either, RIP.
So it's veeeeeeeerryyy awkward. Mikasa isn't moving! She's as quiet as a mouse, blushing and worrying over how much strength to apply in hugging him so she doesn't accidentally kill him. This doesn't help Eren! What does he DO with his HANDS, omg does he- does he put them on her- *gasp* arms? But boys and girls don't touch like that! What does he do about his teeth? Won't their teeth hit each other?
Wait, how does he BREATHE?
End result being that Eremika kiss, but 0.2 seconds in Eren dies from holding his breath because he's pathetic like that and Mikasa has a meltdown because she thinks SHE killed him.
(Bonus: It takes them a few tries.)
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c-sand · 11 months
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hey, jules. hmm? i think it's time we go. i...i don't wanna go. hey, you wanna...i'll grab you a beer. you're getting beers!? yeah, you want one? can i get a beer? yeah.
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