#god puppet
coffinliqueart · 1 year
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i 4got my tablet cord when i left the house 2day and so i did pixel art practice of God.
[Image ID: Pixel art of the God character on the show Puppet History, who has a body like a humanoid simplified/abstracted into one oblong shape with arms, is magenta, and has reddish-orange tufts of fluff on his shoulders and in the center of his face. At the center of the face-tuft is a single blue eye. The inside of his mouth is yellow-green, and he has a reddish-orange tongue. He is wearing a light blue skirt or kilt with a yellow-green waistband. In the picture, he has his hands half-raised and is partly bent to the side as if dancing or animatedly gesturing, he is on a light blue background, and he is framed by the words "I'm God" written in magenta. End ID]
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What's your opinion on transfem God?
- 👁️
if you bring ANY trans puppet history hc to me I will cradle it in my arms gently like a newborn babe and tuck it into bed, planting a kiss on its forehead and gazing upon it as it falls asleep with pride and unconditional adoration. it will find itself loved in every aspect of its life and when it takes its final breath it will walk hand in hand with me into nothingness.
anyway yeah I love it I think she/he transfem god is real :]
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Death, professor, Ryan, and god
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hajimedics · 2 months
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egophiliac · 6 months
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officially at the point where we're starting to see where it's all headed and I am just going NYEEHEEHEE in delight at it all. ahhh...next week can't come soon enough...
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Can you imagine the puppet scene in FNAF 2…
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infinititia · 4 months
Lucifer = muppet
he is so silly but look at that face
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He just reminds me of a Muppet, like come on. You gotta see it like:
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look at that Muppety man
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I can not be convinced otherwise, plus I'm pretty sure this is already something the creators knew/intended, he looks like a puppet!
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They made him a puppet!
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marshmellowy · 23 days
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It's always the second drawing that looks so much better 💔^^^
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Mob au by @clownsuu ❗️
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toasteri · 1 year
Not God's Puppet
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Photo by Evan Fitzer on Unsplash
Gospel: Mark 3:31-35 Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church | USCCB
In this same chapter from the Gospel of St. Mark beginning on Verse 20, we hear that because of all the wonderful healings that Jesus has been doing, the crowds of people following Him are getting larger and larger and following Him everywhere. Verse 20 says that “He came home, and such a large crowd gathered (presumably they came into the house Jesus was staying in) that they made it impossible for Jesus and his disciples even to eat.” When Jesus’ relatives heard this, they said “He is out of His mind” so “they set out to seize Him”.
Then followed the brief confrontation with the scribes during which Jesus spoke about an everlasting sin. Having put the scribes in their place, Jesus then seems to more or less ignore his mother and relatives – or does He? Jesus did not leave what He was doing, which was, teaching his disciples and ministering to the crowd which St. Mark tells us had followed Him to the house where He was staying in order to go and see His mother Mary and those referred to as His brothers and sisters, which were most likely other close relatives as we’ve come to understand from other past explanations because Jesus did not have siblings.
Instead, Jesus sent a message declaring He now had a new family, the family of His disciples and those who listened to His word, lived that word and therefore did God’s will.
It must have been very difficult for His family, especially for Mary to hear that message. Jesus was not going to be managed or to be controlled. Jesus’ family had to learn to let Him go to fulfill God’s will for His life. It is a lesson for us to learn in relation to others, especially those we love.
We feel we know what is best for them and we want them to respond to what we think they should do in the way that they should do it. Often, we forget that God, that Jesus does not treat us that way because He respects our intelligence and our freedom to choose and to act.
Remember when Jesus came upon the blind man, Jesus asked the blind man a question. But—it was not that Jesus did not already know exactly the answer to His own question. Jesus knows the question and the answer before it is even asked and before we even think an answer to any imaginable question. But HE wants us to be ready, to come to the point of realizing that we need His healing, His forgiveness, that the time has come to receive the glory of His mercy, the glory of His power. Mark 10:50-52 tells us “Throwing off his cloak, Bartimaeus jumped up and came to Jesus. “What do you want Me to do for you?” Jesus asked. “Master,” said the blind man, “ Master, I want to see.” “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the way.…”. Yes, Jesus knows what we need. And HE wants us to be the ones to see that we need it. Otherwise, we would be no more than puppets. But we are not God's puppets, we are free to decide. That is what it means to have free will.
If we were not free to decide when to feel sorry for our sins for example, we would be no more than miserable puppets. How awful and inappropriate would it be for example to be at one of the celebrations with which we mark our human existence like a birthday, a wedding, a Baptism and for God to suddenly decide that you need to right then and there feel deep sorrow and regret for your sins and at such a joyous moment, for God to decide that you need to feel deep misery. NO, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven…a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance…a time to seek, and a time to lose…a time to keep silence, and a time to speak” (Eclesiastes 3:1-8) and Jesus waits for us to be ready to come Him, He trusts that we will make the right choice.
That is the learning we have to come to terms with when it comes to our loved ones, to acknowledge our powerlessness over them and let them go to make their own mistakes. This can be painful because we don’t want them to suffer, especially for parents.
The Virgin Mary, I’m sure would not have hesitated to carry the Cross for Jesus as she did not hesitate to carry Him in her womb, but it was not God’s will for Mary to carry the Cross. God’s will was for Mary to carry Him in her womb and be the Mother of God and later it was Jesus’ will for her to become our mother.
God’s will was for Jesus to carry the sin of Adam and Eve, the sin of pride, arrogance, disobedience, opening the gates of heaven for us and with His ascension carrying us, the human race into heaven, but in the process, He had to die for our sake so that all this might be accomplished. This was God's will and purpose for Him.
What is your purpose. Your purpose is to carry your cross, however heavy or however light. But you will never be alone. Believe in Him. He promised, "I will be with you always, even to the end of time." (Mt. 28:20)
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Furina, who while devoted to the creator, knows that they are not all powerful nor all knowing- after all, they still referred to her as Focalors, they still treat her as an archon and one of their acolytes.
Furina, who regularly questioned her faith and her loyalties- after all, she was attempting to fool the Heavenly Principles, the loyal attack dog of the creator, but at the same time, why didn’t the creator try and stop the prophecy? If the creator had the power, and truly loved all their humans and archons, why let Fontaine drown?
Furina, who when an impostor appeared, received the same order as every other archon- hunt down the imposter, the heretic who defied their revered creator, and destroy them and their treasonous behaviour.
Furina, who during the search, wondered if she would be hunted down with the same vigor if others would learn of her duplicity.
Furina, who found you in a grotto only able to be accessed underwater, who saw the way the creatures of the sea attempting to help you patch up the wound in your side, spilling golden blood, and realized her faith was misplaced with far more ease than any other archon could have mustered.
Furina, who helped her creator heal in that grotto, apologies soft and regretful on her lips. She should have realized sooner; After all, she knows how easy it is to impersonate a god.
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sketchy-tour · 5 months
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These were meant to be warmups. ANYWHO!
Went to a random palette site and picked ones that were reminiscent of Wally's colors but still very different that I liked and grabbed some outfits to do a sort of challenge for myself. Idk, thought it would help me out of my funk.
Suffice to say, I'm feeling a bit better now~ These were really fun to do!!!
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geniepuppet · 2 years
I never thought I'd be jamming out to a cycloptic God singing in ska form to a horse about how it died and can't go back while said horse was just talking about kissing its horse wife but here we are
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nonomives · 11 months
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Here's a little something from that thing I'm working on btw!
I regret telling myself I can draw everything rendered and am now facing the consequence--
(oh and just to clarify pls don't misinterpret it as them being ex-boyfriends of one another, it means they're y/n's ex-boyfriends)
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Low quality God
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limbolanegames · 1 month
Taking P for a walk ^_^ he loves it <3
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makeshiftloops · 2 months
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Come Home, Neighbor
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