#god this this the cringiest thing i’ve ever posted but like it is the last night ov the tour and you all just have to deal with it
girlhorrror · 2 years
god like this is going to be such a horrible emotional post because i am feeling sooooo much after this show and also umm drank half a bottle of vodka during it but like i first found mcr before 8th grade like 2014/15 ish and i had just moved across the country from one of the most major cities where i had a lot of friends to the middle of the woods on an island nobody outside of the province knkws about and i was soo lonely and isolated and lived far away from town where anything ever happened/the few friends i made in school and i was depressed and actively suicidal for the first time and dealing with seasonal depression from a horrible like 5 month long snowy winter i and never experienced before like i genuinely thought about drowning myself in the pond midway through my kilometre long driveway (lmao Rural Areas be like) and an awful home situation where i felt like i could never actually be myself a horrrroble Horribke breakup with my first girlfriend/incredibly codependent girl best friend and like i swear 90% of the music i listened to that year was just the three cheers album and it sounds so fucking cheesy especially after hearing it for so long but that album Really Did save my life and just give me a space to comfortably be myself in and like fuck flash forward to this tour where i am dealing with trying to build my life after like 8 years of that shit and the worst anxiety i’ve ver experienced and the like Subatnce Abuse Issues that have come from coping with all that and the band that saved my life is Back and they are the happoest and full of life they’ve ever been snd they are doing things on their own terms and i’ve found myself in this wonderful community of people who’ve had similar expericmes and just i love you guys all so much and o really really think we have proof now that it can get better
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dorefasolsido · 1 year
1. What are you doing at this exact moment? (I want details, people!)
Details, okay. Sitting on the floor in the living room and doing a survey on my laptop while half listening to this true crime video my sister is watching. Occasionally checking my phone too.
2. The one song you will never get sick of? Additionally, any song recommendations?
I feel like there are sooo many songs I won’t get sick of. But I’ll go with Blood Sweat & Tears by BTS -- that song is just *chef’s kiss*. Alsooo, Jimin’s whole new album is fantastic, so that’s my recommendation.
3. Name everything you have ever wanted to be (occupations and random things, like animals!)
Oof, I’m pretty sure I won’t even be able to remember it all. But here goes nothing: writer, translator, chocolate factory owner, astronaut, archaeologist, Santa Claus, teacher, wizard in Harry Potter, actor, singer, artist, and ever since I got a cat, I’ve really wanted to switch places with it too.
4. What is the best fanfic you have ever read?
Ahahah so honestly, I only read really bad fanfics since I find them so funny. When I was younger I used to read some good ones too. But at this stage of my life, the more messy they are, the better. My absolute favourite of all time is My Immortal and well, it’s not good per se, but it’s a work of art.
5. Name every fandom you have ever been in! 
I’m a fan of many things but I used to avoid fandoms, so it’s only recently that I’ve actually got involved in a few. So I’d say just AoT fandom (a complete mess btw) and Army.
6. What is the saddest movie you have ever watched? Additionally, movie recommendations?
Any films where dogs die or watch their owners die, like, why. I think I cried my soul out watching Hachi and I’m not even much of a crier normally.
As for movie recs, Oldboy. Korean version though. Thank me or curse me later.
7. If you could direct your own TV show/movie, what would it be like?
I’d probably go for psychological horror with some really bizarre twist or so.
8. The cringiest account/fan account you’ve ever made? (oh god) 
I didn’t really have any, I think. There was a time I had this weird Google+ account where I followed anime pages and even became an admin of one, but I don’t think there was anything super cringy there.
...I hope.
9. What’s your aesthetic? Describe it to us.
I’m not really sure I even have an aesthetic, but I’m like a mixture of K-pop and rock/alternative/grunge scene with a little dash of Halloween (so, all in all, lots of black clothes).
10. One thing you’ve always wished you could do / be good at?
Dancing or painting.
11. Put a picture of your best (or your worst!) fanart/drawing ever!
I only do little chibi doodles here and there but they’re all pretty horrible lol
12. The best book you have ever read? Additionally, any book recommendations?
Oof, that’s a hard one. I guess one of my all-time favourites is The Trial by Kafka, but I have to mention Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata because I feel like that book both fully understands me and also changed my entire outlook on life. It’s really short too, so everyone can and should read it!
13. Most exotic food you’ve ever had?
Idk, I don’t think I’ve eaten anything too exotic. I guess octopus is kind exotic in these parts, so I’ll go with that.
14. Post a picture of the weirdest/funniest text conversation you’ve ever had!
I don’t really save pictures of my convos with friends and I won’t go looking for anything now.
15. Random fun fact about you!
Last summer at 4 am in the morning, I decided to just chop off my bangs, so I grabbed regular kitchen scissors and did it, no planning, no idea what I’m doing, no nothing. Surprisingly, they turned out okay -- not the best, but acceptable. I shudder to think what could’ve been now that I actually watched some tutorials and know how I'm supposed to do it.
16. What do you think of me?
You’re a real engima.
17. Do you have any fake names? Pseudonyms? Idk, stage names, street names? If not, what would it be?
Nah, and I don’t know what name I would give myself anyway.
18. What is your idea of a perfect life?
Just having the financial freedom to travel the world whenever I want and health to support such adventures for as long as possible. 
19. Finish the sentence: “Oh, to be a _____”
20. Is there a stranger you would like to meet again?
A sweet old woman I met on the bus once who was telling me about her health problems. She was so grateful because I adjusted something on her phone, and I really hope she’s doing better now.
21. Post a picture of you/someone you know doing something weird. Do it, you won’t. Coward. (Obviously the pic doesn’t have to have a face in it)
Nah, I’m definitely a coward
22. Is there a place you feel homesick for even though you’ve never been there? 
So, I wouldn’t really call that homesick, but I desperately want to visit Japan. And sometimes when I watch stuff related to Japan and see the nature and the streets and all, I just go like ;-; take me there already
23. Basic, but what’s your sign?
24. What sign do you act like? What sign do you wish you were?
Idk for sure, but I always think I act more like my rising sign, Aquarius. And I don’t know which sign I’d like to be, it doesn’t really make a difference to me
25. What is one unusual thing you do?
I’m in the process of making 1000 origami cranes because a legend says you can make a wish once you’re done. I don’t actually know what I’d wish for, but by the time I’m done, I’m sure I’ll figure it out
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sad-panda-dib-blog · 5 years
Just gonna drop this here and run. ;;; v ;;;
Okay, so like, some of you guys have been asking for me to upload some of my works here, so here I go at last. Please don't hurt me. ; v ;
My name is Pat and I'm one of the original authors for that god-awful ZADR fanfic, "ZADR Orange." It's likely one of the cringiest fanfics I've ever written in my life, but like, also the thing that has been feeding my soul for the past 10 years of working on it. The beginning is rushed and terrible, the characters are OOC, and my writing from back then is just...blah. HOWEVER it's become something I can't let go of and so I continue to plague the fandom with its continued existence even after all these years of posting. Some people have come to love it, others hate it to its core, but for me, it's that thing that has given my life purpose (as stupid as that may sound). It's pushed me to make improvements in my writing, even if you can't necessarily see those improvements in the earliest chapters of the work (and by earliest chapters, I mean like the first 150 of them. Yep, that's how long it took me to not suck as much as I did back then). To this day, I continue to upload new content and VERY SLOWLY make revisions to its beginning. Perhaps someday it will be a halfway decent work of fiction in the fandom and not a target for criticism as mentioned in this hate Wiki:  https://toxicfandomsandhatedoms.miraheze.org/wiki/Invader_Zim_Fandom (which I really can't argue with. XD It is pretty cringe-worthy).
There are like a million other fics posted in this fandom that far surpass anything that I could ever hope to write, but still, I strive to improve my works constantly. I know I've gotten a lot of love and support from some fans over the years, but my inner critic is always there to remind me that if I hadn't been the one to write it myself, I likely would have passed it up as a reader simply for its rushed formatting, dialogue, and word flow. Also for the copious amounts of pointless filler word vomit I tend to get into because I think it's interesting at the time only to realize later that I was simply rambling. But ah well. That's just how it goes sometimes, especially when writing an RP (Oh, did I mention that this story was originally a role play with another person? Yeah, there's that too. Since I was the one writing our parts into narrative though, I feel solely responsible for butchering what could have been a decent story if I just hadn't rushed the beginning bits so much). Umm...But yeah, anyways, moving on.
As I mentioned above, this story has also been accused of portraying the characters as WAY OOC from the show. Once again, my fault because I have a tendency towards writing Dib as a whiny little overemotional bitch most of the time. Sorry about that. ; v ; It's a preference in most of my writing with him though. To me personally, what makes ZADR so appealing in the long run, is exploring the emotional torment of somebody who has been called crazy all his life. Dib is just the saddest little stubborn panda bear in all of my writing and I heavily prefer works in which he is the submissive to Zim. Like, Zim is adorable in his own right, but I can't imagine him simply surrendering his dominance to Dib, regardless of how much taller Dib might ever grow. Plus, in my head, Dib will always be that hopeless virgin type of character (even if Zim IS fucking his brains out half the time in my works). Zim's not as clueless as he may seem sometimes either. Like, he's lived a whole other life long before he came to Earth. I imagine he's seen some things and experienced more in his life than Dib has, even if one of the main consensus is that Irken's mature more slowly than humans. Irken society is very different from human society in my mind so I imagine some things are more normal for Irkens than other things (but I won't get into that here. That's a post for a different point in time.)
Whoo boy, this is getting long, and I haven't even posted a link to the actual story yet. ; v ; I guess what I'm trying to say though is that I have a very personal way of viewing and portraying the characters in my work. Perhaps that's why it gets both positive and negative feedback from people. I don't expect everybody to agree with or even like my work, but I simply ask that it not be crushed into the ground for its flaws. Above all else, I write my stories for fun and to see my own improvement. And yes, I know it may seem weird that I'm so paranoid about advertising a work that's been present in this fandom for YEARS now (especially as it used to be advertised quite a lot back when I was still writing it with my co-writer), but let's just say this fandom has left me with some pretty nasty battle scars in the past. I know the haters will always exist and they're better off ignored, but I've had to see close friends come and go from this fandom as a result of that hate. I don't understand the fixation some people have with drama in this fandom. Yes, you're entitled to an opinion, but please don't shove it in other people's faces. It's like some people enjoy intentionally being assholes online and trying to ruin other people's fun. I've tried to distance myself from that sort of hatred because I don't need that sort of stress in my life any longer. But in doing so, it DOES make it harder to interact with the nicer fans out there/continue posting my works, regardless of how long I've been in the fandom. Also, I was kind of an attack dog back in the day when it came to defending some of my friends, which kind of put me in a bad light to some people in the fandom for a while. Whoops. My bad. As much as I hated that sort of drama, I was always the first to jump in and make an ass of myself when it came to defending my friend. Hahaha. <XD
Gah! I'm stalling now. Here's my shit for those of you who were asking: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5995185/1/ZADR-Orange
(This links to the PG-13 version uploaded on Fanfiction.net. An adult version is also available for 18 + viewers over on DeviantART).
And for those of you who weren't asking for it, sorry to spam the ZADR tag with my bullshit. ; v ;
Oh, and while I'm at it, since this Tumblr account IS a joint account with another one of my co-writers, Sass (Sassafrass002 over DeviantART. Go check her out! Her art is amazing and she deserves all the love in the world for it. <3  https://www.deviantart.com/sassafrass002), here's another set of links to yet another ZADR roleplay we've been writing together for years now (almost as long as ZO, actually). :> We just recently posted chapter 100 of our story and have so much more to add onto it. Once again though, we do lean towards a softer side of ZADR so it'll likely be OOC to many. I feel this work to be at least a little less cringe worthy though. :> Plus she does amazing preview images to go along with the chapters.
(PG-13 FanFiction.net Version: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7311546/1/Dib-Is-Sick )
(18+ DeviantArt Version: https://www.deviantart.com/sassafrass002/art/Dib-is-Sick-Chapter-1-254253924 )
I might advertise some other stories of mine at a later point in time, but for right now, these two are the ones that I've invested the most time into. They've kept my mind occupied with ideas for them for years, and I doubt I'll ever be able to move on from them until they're actually complete. (Technically DIS IS complete. Just not all posted yet. But we have a sequel in the works currently that I hope we eventually get to posting also! :>)
Enjoy! :> ...Or not. ; v ; I think I'm going to run away and hide now.
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Survey #238
“crimson calligraphy written on the trees, creature from the grave, headless and hellbent for me.”
Have you ever played golf? Like, mini-golf. Is there a lake near your house? No, but there's two small ponds down the road. Have you ever made your own pizza or pasta dough? No. Have you ever watched an entire season of a tv show in one day? Uhhhhh how long are the first few seasons of Supernatural? Because Jason and I fucking binged it, and I honestly think that's partially the reason I don't even enjoy TV anymore. Like I liked the show, but jfc it became torture at some point. Not his fault at all, I just never pointed it out. BUT ANYWAY, it's definitely possible we did. What did you have for dinner tonight (or last night)? A ham and cheese hot pocket. Do your parents do things that ‘embarrass’ you? This is so mean, but my mom makes the cringiest jokes and such imo that gives me mad secondhand embarrassment. Do you like any Bon Jovi songs? Yeah, a decent handful. Who was the last person you were in a car with? Mom. Do you give people second chances? Ha, more than "second." How’re things between you and your most recent ex? We're totally great. Really as if we didn't even break up, considering I mean... nothing emotionally has changed. We just know that being together right now isn't the wise decision. It's frustrating as hell, though. We've already established we're not going to "wait" for each other, but neither of us are actively looking for a new partner, either. I want her, and from what I can tell, she wants me, too. We kinda just... don't talk about how unfair it all is anymore because we both get too upset. I was even supposed to go up there with her and her fam for her birthday and Christmas, but that's changed because she and I agree it's too soon after splitting, making it only more difficult to be around each other. We'd want to cuddle and kiss and such by instinct, so we're trying to wait until the wound isn't as fresh. Though honestly, I don't know how visiting period would go consider as said, there has been zero change in romantic attraction. Ugh yeah I just hope she figures out what she wants and all and we can get back together. Have you been to a wedding this year? No. I'm going to my half-sister's next year, though. Are you an aunt or uncle? Yes, and another niece is on her way. :') Do you expect to be married in the next two years? Probably not. What season is your birthday in? Winter. Have you ever been hunting? Fuck that shit. How often do you walk around barefoot? Always in my own house + in other houses if I'm allowed to take my shoes off. When you eat take-out, do you just eat it out of the containers provided? Usually, but it does depend on what food it is. Ex., those little boxes that have rice in them from Chinese places? I'm using a bowl. From the container is just messy. Would you need to sleep with someone before considering marrying them? Nah. Do you carry condoms? No. Would you date someone who has a hearing aid? ... Yes...? "No" is just... so rude?? Like that is something the person absolutely cannot help, nor is it a HUGE thing. It's just a hearing aid, dude. How organized are the files on your computer? Pretty decent. Folders and such. Could be better still, probably. Have you ever been to a strip club? Nah, not my scene. Have you ever brought home a stray animal? Pleeeeenty of cats. Are you physically strong? No, especially not my legs. I've got a newborn fawn's legs, jc. Still working on building the muscle back up. Would you date someone with braces? Oh my god, fuck off. Yes I would. I was the person with braces dating someone without them, so 1.) I obviously can't say shit, 2.) they're taking care of their goddamn teeth, and 3.) I dunno, wearing braces has no goddamn impact on personality???????????? Does scuba diving interest you? Not to an incredible degree, but it'd be cool. Would you ever ask your parents for relationship advice? Maybe for certain topics. Do you think people look up to you? Y'know that "oh no hunty WHAT is u doin" meme??? That's me if someone does. How often do you have trouble sleeping at night? *blinking* There are people who don't??????? Do you blush easily? Ohhhhhh yes. Do you get angry at yourself or at others more often? Hm. Not sure. Can you name five current world leaders? AHAHA nope. How many times have you had the flu? Zero. Do you think imagination is valuable? Oh hell yes. We would be NOWHERE CLOSE to where we are as animals without it. Who or what are you most impatient with? I don't know. When was the last time you mowed a lawn? Never. Have you seen all of the Star Wars films? No; seen only the first three with a friend and saw zero appeal. He didn't either. How about all of the Harry Potter ones, so far? I haven't even seen one. Jason and I started the first one together but. Paid way more attention to each other than the movie lmfao. What part of the newspaper do you typically enjoy reading? None. I collect my school's papers now though 'cuz I'm the photographer for it. :') Have you ever made a website, even a simple one? Four that I remember. The ancient and now-defunct ones were back when I think this site called Wetpaint was a host for simple sites, and a lot of us RPers posted our mob info and stuff there. I had one for Talons, one for Connrads. Ha, out of curiosity, I think I looked for them not all too long ago since I never actually deleted them, but I think the site itself was re-purposed. NOW, I have a Wix site for my photography, and then Kalahari Manor is a ProBoards-hosted site. Which was better: your childhood or your teen years? Jfc, childhood. Teen years were a chaotic and rancid cesspit in terms of mental health. What was your reaction to your first time falling in love? I truly imagine that realizing I was *in love* with Jason surpassed what a high probably feels like lmao. What does it take for someone to win your heart? I'm actually putting thought into this one and I think what appeals to me in a person most is just being friendly with a good sense of humor and obvious, shameless concern for others. AND JFC, HAVE EMOTION. Don't be a brick wall with me. Lacking an emotional side, positive or negative, is such a turn-off to me. I'm not attracted to robots. Being a gentle person is important, and for me personally, you need to actually act like you're into me. Not just between us. Do not make me a secret. AND BE CREATIVE AND WEIRD AND FRESH!!!!!!!!!!! There's nothing wrong with more "vanilla" people, but just for me myself, I need someone who stands out for some good reason. lol okay this answer's actually getting kinda long, I'll stop. There's a number of ways. What is one thing you would rather be doing? Ha ha yo real talk, Sara and I are getting all emotional and deep into our relationship, platonic or romantic, and I want me and her in her bed right now tearing each other up alsdkjfla;kwejre I love her a lot ok. When was the last time you changed your mind about something? OKAY SO I started a new birth control, right? It. Sent. Me. BACK. With my PTSD. How? Idfk, but I was suddenly obsessing over Him again, badly. I stopped that shit, and wha'd'ya know, two days later, I'm like "lol wtf I don't want him why did that just happen hunty was u ok????????". SO YEAH, that was a trip. Do you know anyone with a lisp? I'm not sure. Possibly. How much weight can you lift at once? No clue. Not a lot. Do you ask guys out, or wait for them to ask you out? I've never asked a guy out, but I wouldn't say I wouldn't. Do you like the last person who showed interest in you? I love her. Describe the last person you stared at? I have no idea. Do you like dating one person at a time, or multiple people? I'm personally monogamous. Have your experiences made you more or less sympathetic to others? MORE. Do you find smoking unattractive? I do. Have your parents ever searched your personal belongings? Mom has. Where did you get your last bruise from? ... Well. This is uh. Awkward. Tying into when I was on that medicine that made my libido fucking uncontrollable (thank the fucking lord I'm back to normal), my breasts are lookin rough, sister. Are you looking forward to anything? Nothing in the VERY near future, I think. A bit further off, Christmas. I can't wait to see the kids so excited again, and for once, we come together as a true family. Plus my #1 wish is to have my Mark tattoo improved at an amazing parlor, and I'm pretty sure that'll be happening, just obvs. not on Christmas Day itself. I'll just be fuckin STOKED when I *know* it's happening. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yes. How much money did you spend today? $1.25 for something from the vending machine. I didn't have breakfast, so I was really hungry. When you’re bored in class, what do you usually do? Try to not doze off. If we're not doing anything, then I'll play around with my phone. Have you ever had a song stuck in your head for more than a day? Oh, definitely. Ever walked into the guy’s bathroom? HA as a stupid elementary school with her friends, we sure did during a work day (my mom used to work with special ed kids at school). We thought we were soooo rebellious. How many wives or husbands do you want? One. What happens if you fall in love with your best friend? Ha, did. I still am, and we hope to be back together someday. Has a teacher ever flirted with you? Not that I know of. Thankfully. Is it okay for friends to kiss each other, as friends? It's not my thing, but sure, if it's consenting and both are aware it's platonic. Do your wishes ever get granted in the worst way possible? Probably in some way at some point I don't recall. How do you feel about your naked body? NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO Have you ever been called obnoxious? I don't think so, anyway. Do you wish you had a bigger family? No. Which friend would you kiss full on the mouth, no questions asked? Sara. Can you do a split or stick your foot up next to your ear? Nope. When was the last time you complained about something? I was venting some mild frustration to Sara earlier tonight. What is your favorite color combination? Favorite is probably pastel orange and light blue. Love it. Then there's pastel pink and purple. Okay pretty much any combination is about the pastels When was the last time you spoke in front of a group? A month or so back when I had to do my Lifeline presentation in FYS. Do you like group projects, or do you prefer to work alone? I strongly prefer working alone. There's no disagreements, compromises, incompetent partners, etc. Have you ever been told you were going to Hell? Yup! (: Indirectly, but. How did you respond? I don't recall, but I wish I did. Who is the most argumentative person you know? She's not in my life anymore partially BECAUSE of that shit. Do you know anyone who is crazy about proper grammar? Yes, but she has OCD as a valid reason. I'm pretty particular about it too to a degree. Who was the last person to make you feel special? Oh my gosh, my therapist told me she was so proud of me and the progress I was making that I just entirely lit up and became a total beaming ball of giggles and "thank you"s. Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? No, I'm bi. If your best friend grabs your hand, what do you automatically do? Squeeze it. What’s something you can cook or bake like a pro? Cheesy and spicy scrambled eggs, man. Also known as the only thing I can properly cook lmao. Do you tend to flirt a lot, even when the person isn’t single? Fuck no, if they're not single. I'll flirt with my s/o when I see it appropriate or relevant, and in a case where we're both single, I'd be very subtle about it because shy. What’s something that you think is really cute? Off the very top of my head, the Ewoks from Star Wars, oh my fucking god. They were the only thing I enjoyed in the movies. What’s a pretty bird? I mean... pretty much all of them. BUT, can we take a moment to appreciate the bearded vulture? like???? they're fucking BADASS???????????? Besides sleeping, what do you do in bed? Almost... everything. It's the reason I endured/am still recovering from muscle atrophy in my legs. Have you ever hacked into somebody’s account? Playfully, back when that was a thing for friends to do and post lovey-dovey stuff about them everywhere. Megan and I, and I believe Mini and I as well, did it to each other. Possibly more. Is having to pee really badly worse than being really thirsty? Oh hell yes it is. The former can get to a point of hurting. Have you ever touched a Qu'ran? No. Do you love animals more than most? Oh definitely. Why do you eat fast food? It's easy to grab when on the run, and Mom has almost zero time to cook. Then we both have school. Most often I just warm things up in the microwave or grab something substantial enough in the fridge. Is there always going to be that one person you and a friend makes fun of? I guess you could say indirectly, yes. Just something she said in a certain way became an inside joke. Her as a person, no, I wouldn't do that. What is a bad habit of yours that you’re actually trying to fix? Having terrible eye contact. I have a very hard time maintaining it, but I've been trying to keep that weakness in mind when talking to people. Do you write out your feelings? That's one reason why I take these surveys, yes. Do you have bills to pay yet? It's embarrassing that I don't. Not saying like, I want to pay bills, what madman would, but I do want to feel more like a proper, independent adult. Will you be changing your hair any time soon? Not the style, but one thing I'm asking for Christmas is a professional to dye my hair silver. I say pro because my hair does NOT hold color, and because of the bleach needed, Mom's concerned I'll damage my hair if I put my trust into anyone less qualified. Does your mom have a celebrity look-alike? I don't think so, but she looks UNCANNILY like her firstborn daughter. It is SCARY. Is there something you wish you could learn to do? There's loads of stuff. Probably above all, cook. Or stop procrastinating. If you could be amazing at ONE thing, what would it be? Drawing precisely what I see in my head. Because of how important they are to me, I would pay BIG FUCKING BUCKS to get how my 'kats look onto paper. What do you wish people would pay you to do? Complain about my weight. :^) I'd be able to just pay for surgery to fix that within a day. Do you take good pictures? I personally think I do. I mean I wanna be a professional photographer. How would one go about impressing you? It depends on the subject and difficulty of whatever. What probably impresses me most would be someone maintaining a mature, peaceful attitude when there is reason to act otherwise. Self-control, that's it. Do you automatically apologize if you walk into somebody? Duh? Tell me a memory of this summer: It was fucking scorching and I hated every minute of it. What’s something that you don’t need, but really want? Hmmmm. OH, HELL YES. IF I had the proper body to even remotely pull them off, I. Would wear. NOTHING. But corsets. Jesus FUCKING Christ they are so hot. What do you draw more than anything else? Just about all I draw is meerkats. What’s the most favorite class you’ve ever had? The Digital Photography course I took in high school. Or Art Honors my junior year. I really enjoyed the stuff I made. For each person you’ve kissed, describe your feelings in one word: Jason: melancholy; Tyler: dramatic; Girt(?): loyal; Sara: ideal. How do you react when you trip or stumble? Gasp and carry on. If it was a more serious trip, I look around at who saw. Are you good at “biting your tongue”? NO. Why do you love the one you do? She's been there for me without fail, has undying faith in me, supports me through everything, is honest, she's funny and very unique, her adoration for animals shows a great level of compassion, she trusts me so much despite her history, she stands extremely firmly for what she sees as right and wrong... okay I can honestly write an essay on why I love her. Would you rather get [another] tattoo or piercing? GIMME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 THE TATTOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111 Do you have long or short legs? I'd say they're normal, idk. When do you listen to Nickelback? *shrugs* When I wanna? Would you rather make the first move, or your crush? Them. I'm shy.
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scummy-writes · 6 years
Hi! I didn't know who to talk to about this, but since you're one of the people in the fandom I look up to, I figured I should gather my courage and send this ask. As a writer, how do you deal with people's underwhelming response? Very few likes, just one or two reblogs, no respect or acknowledgement unless you open requests... It's breaking my heart at this point and I don't know what to do.
a…aaaa.. I can’t believe someone looks up to me. 
I’m sorry if this post is kind of all over the place. I kinda jump around with topics a lot.
Well, first off, I’m not going to lie- usually, I feel a bit hurt. It always hurts writing fics/drabbles/hcs and never seeing any response, or just very very little response. I often don’t write fluff or more serious topics because I know that those themes are always going to be overlooked for my smut instead. And if you’re a minor, writing smut is a no-go, which makes trying to gain traction or readers even more difficult.
There have been several times where I’ve barely gotten any notes on stuff I’ve poured a lot of time into. I’ve even written an off-anon request before only to have the person who requested it not even like/reblog it, or make any sort of comment. I’ve been there, we’ve all been there, and it’s tough to climb back up. 
I’m not sure how long you’ve been following me, but there was a point where my normal note count for hcs dropped from 700 notes down to 20-60 notes if I was lucky, just depending on what I was writing about. In fact, I even left the blog due to some bullying I was enduring and the combination of barely getting a note count that I had considered ‘good’. Since I’ve came back, I’ve focused on what made me happy, and even though I still have the knee-jerk reaction, I’ve learned not to try and compare notes. Ultimately, it’s made me happy, though I might have a bit of ‘survivor bias’ going on since I’ve been collecting readers since the start of 2017. 
I have a few things that help me out, and one of them is learning to appreciate the notes I do have.
For example, even though its just been a day, I only have about 29 notes on my recent yooran drabble. Thats not including my own reblogs, and then if I were to not include friend reblogs, it’d be about 27 or 26. That’s incredibly low for me, personally, because if I post up a fic (depending on the character and theme) I can get around 80-100 notes depending on how lucky I am.
(Now thats not me trying to tell you 30ish notes isn’t a lot, because it is!! It is a lot and if you ever get that many notes on a post you should feel proud of it! But, if you’re me and you’ve been here for a while, that’s low compared to other posts of mine. Please keep reading so I can explain more: )
If this was back to last year, when I was contemplating leaving my blog, that would have hurt me a lot more than it does today, because I was constantly in a loop of comparing notes with my other posts or even my friends posts. I had convinced myself that notes = quality, when that’s not the case at all. Believe it or not, just because a post has 5 notes, or 1 note, or even 0 notes, doesn’t mean whatever content on it is terribly written, or shoddy, or dumb. There have been wonderful hc posts, wonderful pictures of art that I have seen that have barely gotten 10 notes. 
So I think one thing that is hard to get yourself to learn is that a lack of notes doesn’t mean what you are producing is bad. Learning this is hard, and it’s especially hard when you’re constantly discouraged by lack of notes, but you need to write for yourself first and foremost. I haven’t been writing publicly for long, in fact I think the first fanfics I published were in 2016, but I had been writing since middle school. I used to carry a worn down composition notebook and write the most absolutely cringiest fanfiction ever. It had self inserts, it had ocs that were children of me and my favorites, it had terrible, terrible, references to games/music I loved as a kid- but no one read it but me. I never posted it online, and I wrote it to make me happy- and cringy middle school me was super fucking happy with that story. I’m pretty sure I was working through a second compositon notebook before I moved on from the show I was writing about. 
From that point on, I knew I liked writing. I joined writing classes, wrote cringy fiction for my english teachers to read (good fucking god bless my teachers for putting up with my terrible shit but still encouraging me).  
Eventually, since I liked writing so much and my drawing skills declined, I ended up promising to write stories for my friends birthdays. Where one person would be reading it, besides me, and that’s how it was until I posted my first MM fic on AO3. Even with those first few fics, I feel like it’s unfair to count them now, because they were posted just a few months after the game released, I believe, and I honestly just really consider myself lucky that those first two mm fics of mine got the traction they did.
But I think because I was so used to writing to make myself happy, it really fucked me up when I started trying on focusing my writing on only making others happy instead of myself. 
So, a lot of newer folks might not know this, since I’m assuming a lot of people think this is just a pretty photo queue blog with occasional posts, but I started off writing Hcs on here. At first, I don’t think they got a huge traction, but as I slowly got more followers, I got more notes and requests. But eventually it got extremely taxing to keep those up, because what I had wanted was to make others happy with them, but it’s hard to believe you’re doing a good job when you drop from 700 to 20-60 notes. And so I stressed a lot to the point of ‘leaving’ (but as you can see that ended up just being a few month hiatus), but one thing was that I was forced to acknowledge how bad my viewpoint was on the whole situation. I had lost the motivation of writing for myself to make me happy, and instead tried to treat myself as a writing machine only meant to make others happy. That’s not a healthy viewpoint when it comes to writing, especially if you’re doing this as a hobby.
Because of all that, I stopped writing hc posts and focused on fics, because writing fanfics made me happy. It still makes me happy, and because I kept on truckin and still posting, I’m accomplishing things I never thought I would accomplish. 
Writing for success is a long, hard, road that will often leave you unsatisfied, but writing for yourself is a shorter road that will make you happy- even if it’s just venting away emotions you couldn’t let out in any other way.
If it helps you out any, because I’m unsure if I’m making any sense, some pieces that I’m super happy about are pieces that no one but me and maybe one other person has seen. They’re locked away as drafts or in folders and I’m even unsure if I’ll share some of them.
Besides all of the stuff I’ve mentioned, if I’m feeling bad and what I just told you isn’t helping me, sometimes I just talk to a friend or two. Just hearing someone in real time, even if it’s possibly extremely bias or something, tell me that they like my stories or they think my writing is good- that still means a lot to me, and sometimes it perks me up. If that’s not an option with you, you can always talk to your family as well, or old teachers you may have shown some of your work to. I’m very fortunate to have a few teachers willing to help me out with a few questions, even though I’ve…long since graduated orz.
I’m sorry if none of this helps. But if anything, please please don’t give up writing. If you choose to do something like that, please have it be 100% your own decision that isn’t influenced by a note or hit count. I’m positive that whatever you are writing is good, and I know that not seeing that note count get higher hurts, but that note count has absolutely no bearing on how well written your story is.
If theres anything else I can talk to you about, please feel free to send me some more questions, and again I am really sorry if this didn’t help you.
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henry-hart · 6 years
question time
I’m making my own post too bc I know it’s gonna get long. lolol
First off, thank you Lou for tagging me. :))))) You tagged most of my friends in your post, so I just have a few people to tag lol @sleepylilsnowflake @sunbeameyes (take your time Nikki <3) @shonashee @writing-excuses ***you all aren’t required to do this. just, if you want to :)))
I. Nickname?
(Fun fact: Em is my actual first name--like, it’s not a nickname or short for Emily or Emma. Just Em) my nicknames are all longer than my actual name, and I have a lot, but the ones my fam uses the most are Emmers, Ems, and Emmy.
II. Gender?
III. Star sign?
IV. Height?
I think I’m like 5′3″??? I’m not sure. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to the doctor or measured myself alkjslkjslk
V. Favorite feature?
Uhhhhh myyyyy.....ears? I guess??? Is that lame??? lolol They’re just small and I pierced them so many times, so my earrings look cool. I don’t know. I don’t really find any of my features good ashkjskajk
VI. Favorite color?
Yellow! It makes me happy!
VII. Favorite animal?
I have the hardest time answering this hhhhhh I love all animals, but I guess....it’s gonna have to beeeeeee......tigers? I love that they like to swim despite being in the feline fam, and they’re so beautiful. Sorry to all the other animals. I love you all equally.
VIII. Average hours spent sleeping?
lol wut is sleep???? Just kidding kind of. Well, it depends on the kind of day I’m having. I mean, I just woke up an hour ago, and it’s three in the afternoon ajskjsklj. So, sometimes it’s a classic 10+ hour depression nap, or it’s the “I can run on three hours of sleep no problem.” Hardly ever do I sleep a healthy 8 hours. :(
IX. Dogs or cats?
ugh another “choose an animal” question. I can’t. I love dogs and cats, and I have both.
X. Number of blankets you sleep with?
In the summer, just one so I don’t die of heat exhaustion, but in the winter, I use two.
XI. What’s your dream trip?
Honestly, I’d love to plan a trip to hit every continent (apart from Antarctica bc no) and just see all the major countries and cities and just experience all the cultures of the world. Places I’d look most forward to on that trip would be Australia, Spain, annnddd the Scandinavian countries as well as Iceland (unless that’s considered Scandinavian???) :)
XIV. How many followers do you have?
On this blog, I think I have 80? I’m not sure. I’m surprised I even have that many a;kljskljs Thank you all!
XV. How many pets do you have?
A cat, a dog, two fish, and a turtle--so five. 
XVI. Best places to visit in your town or country?
My town is sh*t, so there’s nothing “best” about it. As far as my country goes, I mean, where do you start? I’ve never been to most of these places, but probs the ever classic New York, Cali, Florida (I have been to FL, but not deep in the panhandle). I mean, they’re not really “talked about,” but I’d love to see Oregon and Washington.
XVII. Favorite ice cream flavor?
I’m in the 2% of people who actually like strawberry alkjslksj
XIX. Favorite study locations?
When I was in college, my dorm was on a little campus lake, so I’d take my studies out there bc it was really calming. I didn’t usually study in the library bc I couldn’t take the heavy feeling of desperation and stress and anxiety coming from everyone else in there.
XX. Favorite book series?
Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh this is a really hard question bc I’m ALWAYS reading. Hmmmmm maybe HP bc it’s one of the first series I completed??? 
(I don’t know if I was supposed to answer those questions, but here’s the second set lolol)
1. Favorite band/music group?
I am not good at making decisions like this. Maybe The Doors? Gotta love that classic psychedelic rock. RIP Jim Morrison. 
2. Favorite subject in school? 
I always loved English (duh lol) and science--esp biology.
3. Fruits or veggies?
Both! I don’t eat meat lolol 
4. What’s an inside joke you have?
God, I wish I was cool enough to have all these cool insiders with friends, but I just don’t. My lil bro and I have a lot tho. Like, we’ll watch funny videos or play the same video game or watch the same tv show, so we can crack jokes about that stuff that makes everyone else go “???” Also, he and I are big on vines, so we make about 50 incredibly well-placed vine references every day. lolol (he’s my little buddy--I say little, but he’s 16 alkjljslksj)
5. Ever been to Disney?
No. >:( I’ve never been able to afford it, but ONE day.
6. Do you like rollercoasters? 
I’ve only ever been on minor ones, but I enjoyed those, so maybe I’d like the major ones? 
7. Favorite movie?
One of the first movies I remember watching was Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and that’s a classic. It’s def one of my faves. I also watched The Labyrinth a lot as a kid. I JUST REMEMBERED CORALINE IS A THING, AND I LOVE THAT MOVIE. SO CORALINE IS MY FAVE.
8. What’s your dream job?
Something that categorizes as philanthropic. I just want to be able to help and talk to people all over the world. :)))) (also, if any of my young followers are stressed about not having it figured out, I’m 22 and have no idea what I’m doing. It’s okay.)
9. What’s something you wish you were good at?
Art or dancing. Ah, to have been one of those art students in college. 
10. What do you listen to during long car rides?
I make me some rad af car ride playlists skljakljskl I have ones for summer car rides, ones for night car rides, ones for driving in the rain--I’ve got it all. lolol
11. Favorite warm drink?
I don’t usually drink warm drinks, but I occasionally have tea. 
Now for Lou’s questions ;)
1) Favorite video game?
I play a LOT of video games, but one of the first I ever played was Super Mario on the Nintendo 64, so probs that. I also like Halo and Skyrim a lot. 
2) What is one album you’d recommend? 
The 1975 - The 1975 (it’s a self-titled album)
3) What type of weather do you like most?
I’d like to say warm, sunny weather bc I like it in theory--the feeling of the sun on your skin, light hair, dark skin, being outside, etc.--but it’s just not realistic. The rain is more likely bc I get inspired to write and I have an excuse to stay inside akjslksj
4) What mood are you currently in?
A very “blah” mood. There’s so much I want to get done, but I have NO motivation.
5) Favorite comfort food?
This is gonna be really lame, but it’s cereal. When I was in college, I could only afford cereal, and after going sometimes days without eating, to have that bowl of cereal was just a godsend. :)
6) What is one of your main hobbies? 
READING! I have a literal wall of books in my room. I’ve been avidly reading since I was about eight years old. 
7) Your opinion on the pineapple on pizza discourse?
Don’t like it. At all. That tangy fruit taste mixed with cheese and red sauce? No. 
8) Someone you really look up to.
My mommy. <3333 She’s an incredible woman, and she just embodies everything that feels motherly. Most of my friends call her mom bc that’s what she is, through and through. I aspire to be like her in life because she’s just so full of love and comfort and warmth. I love her so much. (I’m crying now thinking about her alkjlksjslk)
9) A joke that makes you laugh.
It’s silly, but my little sister read it off a Laffy Taffy, and I lost it. “What kind of music are balloons afraid of? Pop music.” aklsjlskj same
10) How was/is your day?
Eh. I haven’t been awake for most of it, so I don’t really know alkjlksjs;l
Here are my questions!!! And, for the people I tagged, feel free to answer whichever set of questions you’d like! You can answer all, some, none--whatever you’d like!
1- What’s your comfort TV show/movie?
2- Favorite word and least favorite word?
3- Something (or someone) that makes you happy. :))
4- Biggest fear? (it can be a silly fear if you’d like)
5- What was the last thing that made you really laugh. What made you really cry?
6- Do you prefer the country or the city?
7- Which HP house are you in?
8- One word you’d say describes you best. 
9- Cringiest thing you’ve ever done.
10- How long have you known your oldest friend? (by oldest I mean years you’ve known them not how old they are akdljlkjs)
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thewickedbohemian · 6 years
Cringiest/weirdest things I’ve seen on Tumblr in the last while
Comments on a post comparing nonbinary people to Legendary Pokemon, one which said that that means nonbinary people don’t exist because Pokemon aren’t real and one that asks if that means we can apply all the other aspects of Legendary Pokemon to nonbinary people (and from the way they said it, I don’t think they meant in the sense of them having amazing powers)
People legitimately (or at least legitimately jokingly) wanting to become lichs and/or trigger the undead apocalypse just to save us from the prospect of a musical about the 2016 election (whose characters would get stanned in similar ways to Hamilton because parallels I guess...) in 300 years
People saying it was erasure to compare a trans female scientific genius to Iron Man (the trans woman in question being Martine Rothblatt, the CEO of Sirius XM)
Comments on posts about two different dead female characters from two different fandoms (not saying who because spoilers) and their potential queerness that imply that them being a dead female character somehow retroactively makes them have been a lesbian
People saying it was anti-semitic to make fanart or whatever showing Jewish characters having horns (in costumes or something) so basically according to them either the stereotype doesn’t exist on Alternia or all “troll Jews” are walking stereotypes for having horns, as well as, if Blizzard bit the bullet and confirmed Mercy as Jewish, her Devil and Imp skins would automatically become anti-semitic because they show her having horns. Seriously, if you’re not associating them with the devil, there’s nothing inherently bad for having horns
Apparently it’d be homophobic to make a Themyscira-pre-Wonder-Woman show dark and gritty or literally anything besides a polyamorous fluffy queer slice of life comedy with barely enough plot to hang a plot on
That one post that said something akin to “I hope everything you have ever called your spirit animal forces you to go on a vision quest of self-denial and being forced to learn spell after spell without regard for how much you can handle”
People calling out two of my favorite fictional stories of revolution-against-dystopias (which shall remain nameless because I’ve seen too much discourse about them) for “not being revolution enough”; one because the society created after the revolution still had things like corporations and a class system and the other because, despite the tyrant getting toppled; the other officials complicit in what he did seemed to have “gotten off scot free”, the institutional discrimination in that society wasn’t solved by the revolution, and the society did not become anarcho-communist despite it supposedly being in line with the story’s themes
“Joan of Arc was somehow both a civilian and a soldier at the same time and therefore committed war crimes [and therefore is problematic] by joining the army”
“Not only did Avril die and get replaced by a clone, but real Avril was a lesbian while her clone was straight, all because I find early Avril’s aesthetic more #relatable as a lesbian than new Avril’s, was she killed because she was a lesbian, the world may never know?”
“There is no such thing as a cishet supehero because being in the closet parallels having a secret identity I guess...”
Not just all the “cop propaganda” discourse (because isn’t it funny how they always call out diversity-related stuff like B99, Zootopia and even the Officer D.va skin from Overwatch) but especially the person who said they didn’t like cops on B99 being queer because “in real life, they’d tazer and chokehold [this person] for being trans and mentally ill in public” 
Implying all fictional immortals should be nonbinary and omnisexual because “if people can figure out they’re nonbinary or queer after being alive for a couple decades...” and ignoring the fact that it implies people get queerer the longer they live
Not just the existence itself of a post wondering whether “the forbidden teachings of Cthulhu” or whatever were “don’t be a bigot” (because of Lovecraft’s values) but the lack of a comment on it wondering if this means all high and urban fantasy with Lovecraftian-like beings as the bad guys is problematic because the Old Gods are actually “woke af”
The death of a gay player character on a “D&D Let’s Play” show means the DM is homophobic even though it was by random roll of the dice
Dream Daddy was supposedly named after a kink even though all the romanceable characters and your player character are actual gay dads
Soulmate AUs are comparable to the Nuremberg Laws because biological determinism
Carol Danvers is going to get paired with “some boring man” because she “lost her butch haircut” and wore somewhat-feminine clothes and evident makeup in one scene of Endgame
If you think you’re a bi/pan woman but the only guys you’re attracted to are fictional guys and/or celebrities you’re actually a lesbian because fictional guys are idealized because they’re written by women (and apparently if they’re animated all have androgynous designs) and celebrities are supposed to show you their best side (seriously, I know she’s fictional but who counts as bi then, Harley Quinn? (because the guy she dated was an abuser))
Complaining that even though Bond 25′s going to have a very diverse supporting cast and Rami Malek as the villain, Bond is white and male and Rami’s still playing the villain. What did they expect, Daniel Craig to not even be in it and it being canon confirmation of the “Bond is a codename” thing as all the diverse actors would all be playing antiheroic conflicted Bonds in a poly relationship so they could all be Bond and the villain at the same time
“Blizzard portrays the Junkers as freaks instead of true anarchists because they want people to hate punk because they’re afraid of a rebellion”
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halfblood-fiend · 7 years
My First Words- The Cringe Poetry Era
Because of thesecondsealwrite’s amazing posts about her past writing, and her second Tumblr anniversary celebration, I decided to join in on the fun. I will impart on you some of my first words over the course of these 10 days and you can see the completely awful and totally terrible journey to becoming the writer I am today.
Now, I am notorious for keeping everything ever and that is doubly so for my stories. The problem, though? This time last year my family was supposed to have moved and apparently I was the only one who got the memo. So all my stuff is packed away and locked in storage. So I’m pretty sure that’s where all the old stuff is, I’m talkin’ the shameless self-inserts, the copious Mary-Sues, the cringiest of cringe poetry, the erotic to a 13-year-old Halo/Eragon/Chronicles of Riddick/Harry Potter crossovers, and the literal mountains of fanfiction about Snape, sometimes with students (yes...I am very guilty of that, hang me please).
However, I did manage to scrounge up some stuff from a journal that didn’t get packed because it’s still a quarter blank and, for some reason, I seem to always intend to keep diaries the way I used to back in my middle school/early high school days.
I deliberated for a while about how to post them. I wondered if I should post scans or if I should write my own modern commentary all over said scans but I settled for simply typing them exactly as they are, sloppy grammar and shitty spelling intact. If anyone wants to see the scans, I will post them because you really miss out on a whole hot mess of awful doodles and chicken scratches as well as the worst formatting bs you’ve ever seen (probably).
So, I placed it under a read more because I don’t think anyone wants a whiny 12-year-old on their dash, but the following is me, and my very 12-year-old problems, totally unedited.
Why should I care? Give me a reason and I might stay. Stay friends? Ha! Don't you remember? It was you who dumpped me. So why are you asking my forgivnes? It should be me, shouldn't it? But stop, listen. Do you hear me begging? No. Because I'm fed up. Tired of the bullshit. Sick of the same Goddamned scene. Aquatences, pehaps. But never again friends.
You’re smoking something if you thought I wasn’t gonna have commentary on this shit...
Okay so, god awful spelling, worse content. Yet SOMEHOW I remember that nearly every single poem I wrote around this time period was about/related to/because of boys. Gotta love those middle school hormones. I really don’t know whether to laugh or cry but, it get’s better...
Lonley Valentine
Another Valentine's day Come and gone. Yet another hopeless year. I've never had a Valentine. Never in my life. Unless you count my parents; this thought gives me much strife. I've only five boyfriends And they never last too long. Theres always someone else they like more because apparenly I'm wrong. Most people would label me a loner. to whitch I'm pretty sure they're right. 'Cause I've never had a Valentine and I suck it up with all my might I hear that people say that to love another one must first love themelves. This is what I say to them, "Shut up you mother fucker!"
"Shut up you mother fucker!” Aaaaaand she sticks the landing!
Look my least favorite part about this trainwreck is the very forced lines and hence rhyming? Other than that, I hate all of it. I also just LOVE how 12-year-old Madison thought life revolved around Valentine’s Day and like...having somebody. I guess that even modern Madison feels that way since most of my content is thinly veiled romance. I guess some things never change.
I’d also like to adress that “only five boyfriends” part because it sticks out in my mind... I’m pretty sure that at this middle school age, I’m even counting those “relationships” that were like, “Joey held my hand one time at recess” or something because I can tell you right now FIVE is...not true? Not even remotely accurate? I also love the “ONLY five boyfriends” part as if it was some kind of competition and even with five I was losing... badly, as my beautiful poem illustrates.
Help me out. Out of my never ending pit. Help me someone. I'm falling to abiss; please someone.   What does it matter? Like the useless raindrops that patter I'm no longer there. No longer where?   People ignore me falling to black. Help me please Throw me a rope, lend me a hand   I realize theres no turning back, Nothing but black. I'm falling to oblivion, no longer real I wish I was as invisible as you make me feel   Falling faster. No way back, only down. No one to pull me up Just falling; just nothingness.   When I snag on a branch, it breaks Then falling again faster, faster.   Lonesome death only. Nobody. No turning back. Just fading to black.
Now, I did NOT read the journal entry that “went” with this poem because my brain literally could not handle it, so I don’t know what context all this blackness is in. Pretty sure it’s just a metaphor for my life, or, judging by previous content, I had a crush on some dude that looked at me for a whole five seconds one time in science class and then it turned out that he didn’t like like me.
ALSO! WARNING! Past Madison did this awful thing where she liked to incorporate her favorite lyrics into her own poetry and give no credit whatsoever. In fact, sometimes she even claimed they were hers. She just...took em. I honestly couldn’t tell you why. I die a little every time I see that shit. So, if you didn’t catch it, the line “I wish I was as invisible as you make me feel” belongs to Fall Out Boy and their song The Pros and Cons of Breathing. Thanks guys, tell your writers they did well capturing the spirit middle school angst.
You know...in that packed box of papers there is an entire typed, printed, and bound copy of every poem I ever wrote in middle school. I titled it “Emo Chronicles” and actually turned that shit in for a school project and got compliments AND a grade for it (Yikes!!). And I’m sorta glad that all I could find were these three poems for two reasons A) I don’t think I could have handled reading an entire volume of this type of thing and B) I would have probably picked out the ones I was still sorta proud of, so here you go. There is no bias here, whatsoever.
I just wish I could go back in time and give this poor confused girl a cookie and a hug. Maybe not the cookie, actually, because this sad girl was constantly destroyed by her mother over her weight with merciless precision. Still, she could use a hug and I would tell her, “Boys are stupid and are a huge waste of time, bro.” Then I’d walk into the sunset. And then this girl would go home and write some poetry about it. She’d probably think it was very deep and existential.
I actually continued to write poetry well into high school but it petered off around my Junior year and I haven’t touched it since. Honestly, because of all this mess, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I know that all this crap is a literal skeleton in my closet and I almost feel like I never want to open that door ever again.
So if you read this far, THANK YOU for not unfollowing and blocking me instantly! Lmao. Yeah, it’s bad, but the only way to get good is to slog through some utter shit and I really think that this era of my writing career is my utter shit (yes, I even believe that insane crossover is better than this).
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