#goddammit nureyev
lycrabeetles · 2 months
a character in a piece of media I am consuming did something so utterly stupid and emotionally gut wrenching I need to take a break from it but I don't want to consume any other media than it so I simply am stuck sitting here mad at the character.
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breadlovinggay · 3 months
Peter Nureyev deserves a chance to cry.
Peter Nureyev deserves a chance to scream.
Peter Nureyev deserves a chance to experience a complete meltdown after 20 years of repression.
If Peter Nureyev shows any more ugly sides of himself during the finale I am going to embrace them because he's earned those sides, goddammit!
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junee-e · 11 months
(MANY ALL-CAPS) ramblings follow!!!!!!! :DD (spoilers for the new penumbra episode obviously)
juno???? why are you in prison??? not again please????
juno, solemnly: i’ll get the snacks. rita, also solemnly: and i’ll prepare the cocoon. LMAO i love them
what is this they’re being so silly???? i love it????
‘we dont talk about the second time’ JUNO WHAT DID YOU DO
i forgot how weird rita’s snacks were lmao
surviving for five days in a room with 6 blankets and only snacks for food just like me fr
rita literally snoring like *HONK mimimimimi* is the best thing i’ve ever heard
OoOoOooO SuMmAriSiNg mUsiC
love me a good rita-is-the-best-hacker-audio-montage
juno sounds so annoyed every time he says grandpappy’s recipe lamooo
‘i’m never gonna find my stupid moron boyfriend’ the happiness this brings me is of unquantifiable levels
is he gonna actually steal the thing? OH MY GOD HE IS LMAO
he….he doesn’t know what the thing looks like. of course he fucking doesn’t i don’t know what i expected
ooooo skipper guys back hmmm. oh they’re a literal child. or are they just really smart and luring juno into a trap?
nope just stupid ok
‘smelled something familiar - no - someone familiar’ WHEN I TELL YOU I SCREAMED
Serisvatian (that’s probably not how you spell it) orchids are you kidding me i’m crying
when he said ‘i saw who it was and by heart started pumping…’ and then that FUCKING THEME MUSIC IM SCREAMING
nureyev???? nureyev no wait what is he doing
‘until the day you tell me to my face that you want me to buzz off i will never stop looking for you’……i feel like this is setting me up for just so much pain later i’m so scared
awwww nureyev put juno in prison and not killing him such a good boyfriend
‘would he really let me rot in prison?’ NO HE WOULD NOT
WOOOOOO A PLAN (and a secret weapon??)
WOOOOO i loved this episode!!!!!! i’m so exited for part 2 omg!!!! i’m also very scared for some considerable angst but y’know!!!!! denial!!!!!!!
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(oh, and the ending of bbc's Merlin
Alright, I haven't finished the episode yet, but I haaaaave to talk about this.
I got to the part where the count down thing is ticking to just one minute left, and what does Juno say?? “Just hold me, Nureyev.” Now in which other tragic piece of media have we heard something similar before? The last episode of season five of Merlin, which ended with Arthur dying in Merlin's arms, the dying request “just hold me” not yet gone stale in the air. Which I am very much still not over yet. It was probably not intentional and was a total coincidence, but REALLY??? The whole time I was screaming internally omg they are. not. dying. Not again with this finally saying the what they truly feel but death is approaching rapidly thing. Guess I have a certain taste in the media I consume. Seriously, this episode has already been such a cardio workout. Don't even get me started on the fact that Nureyev chose Slip every single freaking time until Slip slapped some sense into him. Also, the second tune that played when Slip was communicating through that brain wave machine, sounded so nostalgic. If I weren't on the train listening to this, I would be bawling my eyeballs out.
I know Jupeter are probably going to be saved last minute by something? The Ruby probably? But still, goddammit I was so scared. Still am.
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a-grayscale-galaxy · 4 years
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redjayson · 4 years
*sits bolt upright in bed* peter ransom is almost as dangerous a name to be known by as peter nureyev, because peter announced himself as nureyev but he and mag introduced themselves as ransom to lady rossingnol. there’s no way the brahmese government wouldn’t tag that name, too, on the chance that nureyev ever used that identity again -- even if it’s an incredibly slim chance, they acknowledge. 
after all, what kind of fool would reuse the identity he’d given before taking down the guardian angel system?
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boyfriendyke · 3 years
what do you MEAN i have to be "open and genuine with my feelings" im already turning my problems into jokes and putting them in my discord status. what more do u want from me
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trashkingdommonarch · 7 years
Juno Steel and the Final Resting Place
I knew it was coming but still.
So much Pain
Juno whyyyyyyy
Juno you go with your gorgeous thief boy right this instant fuck everything else
*Screaming internally*
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hopeless-eccentric · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Nureyev/Juno Steel Characters: Peter Nureyev, Juno Steel Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, Nightmares, THEIA Soul (Penumbra Podcast), Miscommunication, followed immediately by communication, this one's for the rsd nureyev truthers, peter nureyev is a good boyfriend and ill die on this hill, THEIA Peter Nureyev, basically juno wakes up from a theia nightmare and cant tell if nureyev is real, hurt comfort ensues Summary:
Causing fear was not a new sensation to Nureyev. He did so often, and at times, intentionally. However, seeing it worn so plainly across a face he had come to love as tragedy loved them both made the aching shadow of Juno’s shove feel like little more than a breath of wind.
“Juno,” he heard himself breathe, the word barely audible under the humming of the oxygen machines.
“Don’t show me this,” Juno hissed. “Don’t do this to me, don’t you dare—”
“Love,” Nureyev repeated.
“THEIA, off, goddammit, off, I don’t want to see this, you’ve made your goddamn point.”
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ratisnotcrying · 3 years
Juno Steel and how to pretend you’re fine
Summary: Juno hasn’t had a bad day in a long time. Okay, maybe he has, but not a bad-bad day, not a self-sacrifice-and-gun-fights bad day, not a what-if-I-crash-my-car bad day. He especially hadn’t had an I-need-to-hurt-myself-and-I-don’t-care-who-I-take-with-me kind of bad day.Except today. Today felt like all of those wrapped into one and multiplied by a thousand.
Prompt: “What if I just crash this car and make it all stop?” from prompt-dealer (i think)
Pairings: Peter Nureyev/Juno Steel 
Warnings: canon typical suicidal thoughts/ suicidal tendancies, mentions of car crashes, intrusive thoughts, previous minor character death
Word count: 1.6K
A/N: this is cross posted on ao3 - please lmk if i need to add any tags 
Juno hasn’t had a bad day in a long time. Okay, maybe he has, but not a bad-bad day, not a self-sacrifice-and-gun-fights bad day, not a what-if-I-crash-my-car bad day. He especially hadn’t had an I-need-to-hurt-myself-and-I-don’t-care-who-I-take-with-me kind of bad day. 
Except today. Today felt like all of those wrapped into one and multiplied by a thousand. 
The old Juno would have given in. He would have entertained the idea for all of no time at all and then dived in head first with his eyes wide open. Juno-now (he wasn’t a new Juno, he was just… now, here) still entertained the idea, hell, he might even wonder why he wanted to do whatever it was. But he wouldn’t do it. Probably. 
He definitely wouldn't hurt someone else, no matter what he did. 
It had started after the last job, which had gone quite spectacularly wrong. 
Juno and Peter hadn’t gone in expecting an easy job - stealing a painting off the wall of a crowded ballroom was obviously going to be difficult - but that had gone off without a hitch, had gone off easier than the last time they did such a heist. No, the real issue came when a different thief had tried to steal a vase and gotten caught. It wasn’t even a nice vase, definitely not nice enough to die over. 
It had turned into a messy hostage situation, Juno’s HCPD training and his own career as professional hostage kicking in as he tried desperately to find a way to get everyone out. 
You can’t save everyone, Juno.
Three civilians and the thief had wound up dead, and more injured than Juno’s guilt ridden brain could count, and by the time he and Peter were back on the Carte Blanche, Juno could barely speak for the shock of what had happened. Neither Buddy nor Peter said anything when Peter debriefed with no input from Juno. 
Buddy did, however, decide to put off selling the painting for a little while, giving everyone some time to relax. This is where Juno’s bad day had started. 
In the timeless limbo between jobs, it was easy to lose yourself: Rita in her streams with Jet; Buddy and Vespa in their wedding plans, and Peter and Juno in each other. Juno couldn’t help the feeling he was losing himself alone. 
He knows he should have said something to Peter, or Rita, or even Vespa if he was desperate, but he was too busy trying to convince himself had it under control. 
His mind had been racing in loose circles, chasing empty thoughts and half-memories of every time Juno had fucked up, every time he had let someone die, every time he had almost let someone die. 
Benten. Yasmin. Alessandra. 
His head felt heavy with it, weighing him down into a feeling he thought he had long forgotten, numbing him so he couldn’t feel his way out. All he could find in the mess was the handy how-to he had written himself. 
How to pretend your fine when you absolutely, totally are - by Juno Steel
He had been doing a good job, if he did say so himself. Even if he and the rest of the ship knew that was a lie. 
Rita had been hovering more, not smothering him, just letting him know she was there; Jet never mentioned when Juno came and sat silently with him for a few hours, handing him tools when he asked. Buddy had outright told him that if he wanted to talk then she would always have time, ‘always, darling, just say the word’. Even Vespa had been a little nicer - their typically aggressive banter becoming more like a strangely aggressive therapy. 
And Peter. Peter was Juno’s anchor. He always was. 
But he could only pretend for so long.
Tonight, Juno wanted to drive - being inside was not helping, and so, from one moment to the next, Juno found himself behind the wheel, Peter in the passenger seat. It was late and Juno couldn't remember what planet they were on anymore. 
The car’s single head light shone dimly on the road in front of them and Juno stared blankly through the windshield, muscle memory alone stopping him from crashing. 
He used to do this, he used to drive for hours, let his numbness fill the car till he forgot he was driving and drifted mentally, drifted physically… 
He wanted to drift today. He wanted to feel weightless. 
The repetitive splashing rounds of the wheels sent Juno spiralling again, an endless list of people he had failed circling through his mind over and over and over again and goddammit he couldn't think, couldn't breathe, he needed it to stop, even if just for a second.
“What if I just crash this car and make it all stop?”
Peter had noticed the shift in Juno immediately after the job. He had seen his smiles become more strained, his eyes were hazy and unfocussed, movements slowed - as if he was drifting away, moving through a time Peter wasn’t quite in. 
He stayed close to Juno, and when Juno suggested a drive, Peter thought maybe this could be a good time to talk to him. But Juno had said nothing. They had been driving for hours. The suns had set and Juno didn’t seem to be heading home anytime soon, so Peter was about to speak, about to ask Juno what he could do. 
“What if I just crash this car and make it all stop?”
Peter was silent for a second, not quite sure he had heard Juno properly. Juno didn’t even seem aware that he had spoken aloud, nor did he seem to remember Peter was even there. He’s almost certain that the car was speeding up. 
“Juno, can you pull over please, love?”
The car swerved slightly, Juno startled at Peter’s voice, and Peter reached out and grabbed the wheel, pulling them back onto the road, “Juno, you need to pull over.”
The car slowed and, after what felt like a lifetime, came to a stop, a small cloud of dust flying up from under the wheels. 
“I- I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I should be fine.” Juno’s hands were gripped tightly on the wheel in a way that could have only been painful.
“Why don’t we get some fresh air, and then we can talk?”
Slowly, even slower than in the past week, Juno climbed out of the car and sat with Peter on the bonnet, staring up at the sky. 
“I should be fine,” he said again, “I’ve been fine and now… and now I'm not fine!” Juno choked on a sob. God, he hated being vulnerable. 
Peter considered this for a moment, “I know this is going to sound cliche, dear, but you don’t have to be okay. You’re allowed to be sad and angry, and-”
“But I am always angry, Nureyev. Always. I am angry at myself because I keep letting people get hurt and get dead. I’m angry at my mom and I’m angry at every goddamn person I meet and I don’t even know why half the time. There’s just- there’s just rage, and I can control it, better than I could before, but I dont- I dont know if I want to anymore. I just want to let go.”
“Why can’t you let it out, Juno?”
“I’ve done that before. Blind rage is how you get got,” Juno very carefully didn’t look at Peter when he said, “Letting go is how… letting go is how I nearly got myself. I’ve come so close to leaving this place, finally getting some damned rest. I don’t know what kept me here.”
Peter tried not to be too shocked at the almost wistful tone Juno used - they could talk about that another day, for now Peter just prompted, “You’re still here?”
Juno laughed humourlessly, “Yeah, that’s because I always got stupid lucky, and one day that’s gonna bite me in the ass. It was always other people getting got, never me,” He laid back against the windscreen, legs kicking softly at the bumper, “God, I’ve killed so many people.”
“Did you, though? Did you kill them all or did you blame yourself for not being able to do the impossible? Did you blame yourself for not being able to save every single person you met - a task which, I might add, is quite impossible, love.”
He shook his head and kept staring at the stars, looking for answers in the constellations. Peter laid next to him. 
It was a few minutes before Juno broke the silence, “Can we stay here a little while, before we go back?”
Peter would’ve stayed there all night if that’s what Juno needed. 
“Would you tell me a story, Juno? Maybe about someone you saved?” 
Reluctantly, Juno began to tell Peter about an eccentric real estate lawyer and her exploding, tuna-brick-loving cat, absently tracing patterns on the back of Peter’s hand. 
They laid there for almost an hour, but the cool night was interrupted by Peter’s comms beeping twice, signifying a message. 
Is everything okay darling? You’ve been gone a while.
As good as it can be right now. We’ll be back soon. 
“Who’s that?” Juno mumbled sleepily, his gaze shifting to Peter. 
“It was Buddy. Perhaps we should head back to the Carte Blanche.”
Juno nodded, sliding off the car but stopping short halfway to the driverside. 
“Would you like me to drive, dear?.”
Juno looked like he wanted to protest, like he wanted to tell Peter that he wouldn’t actually crash, but instead he just nodded and tossed the keys over the car. 
Peter knew that they would have to talk properly, they had to talk about Juno trusting him and the rest of their family; they would definitely have to talk about Juno’s allusions to his… more self destructive tendencies. For now, though, Juno dozing on his shoulder, the night road leading them home, would be enough to put both of their minds at rest for the night.
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lycrabeetles · 2 months
"prepare 5 rooms for them and 1 for me"
pardon me there are 6 of them??? goddammit nureyev I swear to god--
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Season One Juno: I won't fall in love with Peter Nureyev.
Season One Nureyev: *draped across a silk chaise lounge with rose petals sprinkled around him* oh what's that? *artfully rearranges his lace robe* you're scared of crime? *Yes to Heaven by Lana Del Rey playing from his comms* scared of *sips champagne elegantly* what you might find *glances at Juno with knife-sharp, dark, eyeliner-lined eyes over the rim of his glasses* in my past?
Season One Juno: goddammit
Season Three Nureyev: I won't fall (back) in love with Juno Steel.
Season Three Juno: *is literally wearing a plain t-shirt and sweatpants nursing a cup of coffee at the breakfast table* *doesn't even look at Nureyev*
Season Three Nureyev: goddamit
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skysybil · 4 years
Penumbra Superlatives: Most Likely To Be A Dark Matters NPC
The people demanded it, and I am indeed a magnanimous conspiracy theory machine, so here is my incredibly ridiculous reasoning behind my “who is in the dark matters simulation and who is fake” ranking, found here. Thank you to my partner for listening to me yell about this for 24 hours straight now. Man, I am gonna look like an idiot if this isn’t a Dark Matters induced simulation or dream in the end with how all-in I’ve been going with this.
Also, if you guys ever want me to lay out every fucking tiny detail I’ve seen that I think points to it being a simulation, I’ll do that too. Please validate me.
This is insanely long, it’s like two to three paragraphs for every member of the space family. This is kind of shameful, I almost feel bad. I’ll be your best friend forever if you read it all. Also, I’m putting it below the cut for everyone’s sanity. Anyway, let’s go lesbians, let’s go!
First, in the “definitely an active participant” category: Rrrrrita!
I’ll admit, it’s genuinely really hard to tell what discrepancies in the story are suspicious simulation details and what is just Rita being a particularly unreliable narrator. However, my first general point towards Rita being an active participant/player/whatever you want to call it is the fact that we’re experiencing this through her perspective! I think it would be really cool to tell the story from the perspective of a caricature puppeted by Dark Matters, but I feel like it would be way more obvious in gaps in her thinking patterns if she was fake. Honestly, I personally think it would be impossible to run it from the perspective of one of these NPCs (as i’m calling them) anyway, because... you know, they probably don’t have much in the way of thoughts in the first place. 
Plus, out of everyone in the group, she is most likely to be plucked out of a group of criminals by Dark Matters to recruit. Sasha knows her (or at least knows of her) and how good she is at her job. I’m sure she’s got a target on her back as someone that’s too powerful (seriously, I pray for the universe the day Rita realizes just how quickly she could take over the world--see: my THEIA Rita AU that i came up with this morning which I might post about later), but I’m also pretty sure killing Rita would be seen as a wasted opportunity. This could just be another test, just like Day That Wouldn’t Die but in an even more controlled environment. The perfect trap, the perfect test--hopefully for perfect results. And with how she tends to get caught up in glamour and drama or get distracted so easily, she’s one of the easiest members of the group to trick into not questioning the little discrepancies that comes from living in a lie.
Next, Vespa. Love of my life and the only other member of the Carte Blanche crew that I’m almost totally sure is sharing space in this simulation.
She’s in a similar position that she’s a valuable asset for Dark Matters to try and take on--especially if they can use her past debts as blackmail or something along those lines. She’s a damn good assassin and they tend to specialize in making people disappear. Why wouldn’t they seize the opportunity to test her and see if she could truly work for them? Dark Matters also seems to lack an ethical core, to say the least, and if they consider her past trauma and her illness to be an issue, I’m sure they wouldn’t be against trying to “fix” her in their horribly scummy ways just so she could be a better killer for their organization. It could also be related to her skills as a doctor with the crew, to be fair--while Rita is off building robots and trying to break into a super secret base, Vespa is repairing the entire medical wing, an incredibly suspicious task when apparently enough of the ship survived that Rita’s computers are okay, the entire crew is unscathed, and the Ruby isn’t a warped hunk of metal.
Though she is also very likely to be nabbed by Dark Matters as an opportunity, the main condemning thing against Vespa being an NPC is the conversation we overhear with Buddy. No one else knows that Vespa considered or decided on leaving the crew. We can’t say that’s a part of Rita’s mind affecting the simulation around her because Rita doesn’t know, and it’s not information that could be hacked, either. It was just in her mind. Unless Dark Matters has their hands on new mind reading technology (oh god, not this shit again), there’s no way that the scene with Vespa and Buddy could exist unless Vespa is also inhabiting the simulation. Every scene they choose to include is deliberate. To rule Vespa out of the plan, all it would’ve taken was likely just Vespa being her normal defensive self. Why would they include a scene with a look into that vulnerability if it didn’t matter?
Speaking of the Vespa and Buddy scene--but why would Vespa snap at Rita that badly if she’s real, you might ask. You’re right, Vespa is aggressive but not that aggressive normally, and it stood out in the few interactions we saw. In Vespa’s defense, if she is participating in this simulation, she is understandably freaked the fuck out. Vespa spends every day of her life hyperaware of what might be real and what might be fake around her. She’s most likely to figure out that something is very wrong first simply because of that trait. How much of her mind is Dark Matters manipulating? Would DM have to simulate her hallucinations, or would that come naturally along with her mind being stuck in this simulation? I imagine that for every discrepancy we’ve picked up on, she’s picked up on six--but she no longer has the explanation of it being a hallucination. I imagine it’s frustrating and terrifying for her. I’d be on edge, too!
Moving into our next category: “probably in the simulation”, with our only candidate Buddy.
Buddy is my question mark character. We barely interacted with her this episode. From what I can tell, most of what we saw from her seems in character, and she had some wicked fucking lines. I’m sorry, I refuse to give Dark Matters credit for the line “If you imagine all that could go wrong, all you’ve done is drag yourself through a thousand disasters. And even in the worst-case scenario, you will only need to live through one.” Because it genuinely made me feel better in real life, goddammit.
Buddy is mostly in this category for lack of evidence, both with the lack of interaction and with how Rita kind of glazed over the family meeting with her distractions. So, it’s hard to say. I’d love to hear others’ theories on Buddy’s place in this.
Now, we cross the threshold into those that are probably not in the simulation, or are acting incredibly suspicious: the “on thin fucking ice” category. First, Peter. 
Can this bastard decide on his personality for two whole minutes so I can get a handle on the little intricacies of the new Ransom persona? No? Goddammit. It’s hard to tell how much of the way he acted was genuinely suspicious and how much of it is the mask he’s put on for Peter Ransom. While he’s adopted the old name, he hasn’t adopted his old personality, so it’s near impossible to get good points of comparison on this new view. We’ve seen inside his head with this persona, sure, but we can’t compare the way he spoke and acted in his head with how he holds himself in front of Rita--he’s always going to choose his level of vulnerability based off of the least trusted person in the room. He’s not to that place with Rita yet. He’s going to have walls and facades up that he won’t have in front of Juno, or in front of himself. He can’t make it easy on him.
But that does not mean I can’t be suspicious of him, because I am. Fuck you, Nureyev, I’m still coming for you. Mainly, I’m squinting at his reaction to Rita’s plans and his lack of reaction to her openly talking about the two of them in an established relationship. We know damn well that Peter and Juno are not at that place yet. Why, do you ask? Because I trust that Sophie and Kevin wouldn’t take that moment from us. We’ve had three and a half years of slowburn buildup on Jupeter! We would not skip from “tentatively talking and trying to learn communication through ‘’’’’’poetry’’’’’’ and shit” to “established lovey dovey relationship” without being let in on it. I doubt Peter would let comments like the ones Rita made really slide in front of Juno--after all, the last time he admitted he was in love, Juno fucking left, and I bet there’s a lot of reluctance or trauma surrounding that. Yet he let it slide anyway.
Still, because Peter is a wild card, there’s still a possibility that his non-reaction was a defense mechanism or part of the Ransom facade (after all, he had to pretend he was in better standing with Juno than he actually was at first to keep his place in the family). The most suspicious thing he did in that conversation, in my opinion, was agree not to let anyone else know about the plan. He knows damn well that he is on thin ice with everyone in the crew except for Juno and Rita. Trust is in short supply for him and keeping his position in the family is incredibly important to him, both so he can find a way to pay off his debts and so he can pursue this shaky relationship he’s started to piece back together with Juno. Yet he hops right in with barely any pushback when it comes to keeping this Incredibly Vital And Important Plan a complete secret. Plus, you know, he supposedly couldn’t even stand, yet walked all the way to the computer cave. Sure, maybe Juno carried him, but I’d fully expect something like Juno picking him up to be a joke written into the script. I feel like it was deliberately left out.
Still, the only real glimpse of Peter that Dark Matters has ever had was of Rex Glass, and Peter definitely isn’t acting like his Rex persona, so how would they really know to get his personality around the Aurinko family to where it is? I suppose that could be attributed to Rita, Vespa, and/or Buddy shaping the simulation around them.
Tl;dr on the Peter section: He’s almost definitely an NPC but nothing is certain with a man whose entire sense of self is based off of an elaborate web of lies and inconsistencies.
Also probably an NPC, but I’m not sure, thus on thin fucking ice: Jet.
You cannot tell me for one fucking second that Jet doesn’t know the Ruby 7 inside and out. That car is his baby. He’s torn the car apart and repaired it more than anyone else, and you’re telling me he doesn’t understand the core functions of the car--the engine, the fuel tank? No fucking way. I don’t have 3.5 paragraphs of speculation for Jet, I’m just so hung up on the fucking car thing. His personality fits well, which is the one string I’m holding onto that makes him maybe possibly an actual human being, but I feel like Dark Matters fucked up by trying to fill in the blanks on the Ruby 7. That’s where I think the issue comes from--the reason there’s a part in the Ruby that Jet doesn’t understand is because DM doesn’t know how the Ruby works, and they tried to put in what they imagined could power it or fuzz over the details. But I will cry if the Ruby was actually destroyed in the crash, there’s no recovering from that.
And finally, if you’ve made it this far and not left after whispering to yourself holy shit, she’s insane, she’s absolutely insane, how much does this woman talk, we have the final category: unfortunately an NPC. And holy shit, is Juno 100% not in this simulation or being almost entirely puppeted by Dark Matters.
I genuinely can’t get into all my reasoning behind Juno being a puppet here without going on forever and doubling the length of this post, and I’ve put you through so much already. But every inch of Juno is suspicious, down to his tone of voice. Look, I’m happy to see him happy. But it just seems like a jump--just like as I discussed in the Peter section with the Jupeter relationship. It feels like we skipped something, or missed something. This is my theory: Juno has been crafted based off of how Sasha Wire knew him when she saw him last. He doesn’t have reactions that are quite right to the computers, to Peter, to anyone, really. Everything felt just a little off--until he got frustrated. Then he became more realistically Juno. I think this might be because Sasha is basing a comfortable and happy Juno (the one she assumes he must be around the people on the ship, especially Peter if she knows they’re romantically involved) off of the Juno she interacted with when they were younger, which is just off in comparison to the Juno we know now. She can build a more three dimensional Juno in the situations she’s familiar with, like a bored Juno, a frustrated Juno, or an angry Juno. She’s got the one-liners down, I’ll give her that.
I’m also just in general not surprised if Sasha is just keeping him separate from the rest of them. Possibly to try and talk him out of the family, get him untangled from the Dark Matters mess? Plus, he’s incredibly perceptive, and might be considered a risk to the simulation if he was in it. 
Also, the out-of-universe evidence: I am 100% convinced that the reason the episode script came out late is because it had to be edited to remove some of the directions, possibly suspicious things like “too cheery”. Specifically, I think one of Juno’s significant directions is missing. It’s hard to put exactly what kind of direction is missing into words because I don’t know anything about script writing, but I just... I have a feeling. Trust me on this. I’ve seen other people on Twitter talk about it too, I’m not the only one. I stand by it.
Anyway, since I want to keep my Juno-specific speculation as short as possible, that’s all, folks. If you stayed this long, genuinely I love you so much and I would give my life for you, message me or mention it in the tags that you made it all the way and maybe we could be mutuals or friends!! I love to ramble about this kind of thing. Follow me for more aimless speculation, hopefully not 2.5k words next time. If you have any questions or other stuff to discuss also mention it and I might post about it later!
Update: If you’re interested in the simulation theory, here’s the link to a post I just made laying out all my conspiracy theory evidence for it.
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get in losers i'm yelling about Vanishing Act
god at some point please let her find out that the one trend she well and truly actually started was 'heckling Juno Steel and that dorky tall bastard about making big dorky smitten eyes at each other' and that he's still hung up on the guy
(I am not. entirely sold on the idea of them getting actual married as endgame for a variety of reasons but I do think about stuff like. Cassandra getting a wedding invite and showing up and going WAIT. HIM? FUCKING REALLY STEEL?? while Nureyev does a saucy little gay wave)
tbh i love it when kabert will just. Go Off about the entertainment industry and capitalist executive meddling in art, is it heavy-handed? slightly. do i enjoy it every time? yeahhhhhhh
god this episode was just so fucking FUN and I think it's like 85% because Juno's in a good place and enjoying himself, like the atmosphere has a lot of what S1-2 had but extra rewarding bc of the skill and spirit with which he has clawed himself out of that which resembles the grave but isn't
'Carrie Gold' CARRIE GOLD?? okay like with 'Rex Glass' I did not actually track the pun until someone pointed it out but this time it was because i was too hung up on the fact that this lady is a BRAND OF BUTTER. KERRY GOLD. I FUCKINH ASK YOU
I never actually listened to Shaken in S1 but I accidentally traumatized my friend whomst i was trying to get to listen to the show and forgot to warn them about the horror episodes so they told me about what happens in that one and did not end up listening past it. in any case i see what they did there.
okay the bit with the Ruby and the feeling it's following to track Nureyev down and the bit from the Q and A about yearning. like tell me it's yearning without telling me it's yearning. i don't entirely understand what's happening here but it compels me.
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arwcn · 5 years
Peter Nureyev’s Guide to Wooing a Private Investigator
Impersonate a federal agent
Insinuate yourself into a case involving him and FLIRT LIKE MAD
Get kidnapped and put on TV by a hot celebrity personality who doesn’t know how to be friends and escape from his murder show… together!
Attempt to steal a priceless artifact that is also evidence
Leave him a piece of paper with your name on it (hide it in his house for that scavenger hunt vibe!) asking him to run away with you to the stars
Get arrested
Break out of police car knowing he’ll think of you whenever he stands on this street corner
Vanish completely except for the scent of your cologne
Watch him comb through mall displays of perfume looking for yours because of course he wouldn’t know that it’s custom-made for and stolen from a wildly wealthy Earth businessman
Return and invite him to assist you with a train heist stealing a world-ending weapon (tantalize him first with extremely powerful magnets)
Swindle an ex-burglar out of valuable information using his telepathic powers in a card game where everything important to you is at stake—him and your name, your past and your future
Sleep in bed with him (just sleep!)
Almost get murdered by an assassin
Shove him down a trash chute
Steal a priceless getaway car, green is preferable, and go on a wild car chase through the Martian sand wastes
Steal an ancient weapon of mass destruction from a sky train
Get kidnapped by a genocidal half-Martian archaeologist
Have said archaeologist force him to rip your deepest secrets and most traumatic memories from your mind, causing the both of you extreme emotional and physical pain
Escape alone but promise to return as soon as you can
Return for him in the most dramatic way possible
Avert the apocalypse together (he may attempt heroics, AVOID THIS AT ALL COSTS)
Invite him to explore the galaxy with you for a second time
Sleep with him ;)
Wake up alone without him there
Wait what
Reach your hand across the cool sheets and whisper his name knowing only you will hear but praying it’s not true all the same
Cry (a lot)
Yell (a bit)
Lay on the ground staring at nothing and eating chocolate (for a few days)
Leave and commit a lot of petty crimes, none of which can heal your broken heart, because what’s a stolen diamond without him to bicker and complain at you while you flirt with him the whole time you’re stealing it oh gOD—
Wonder if you appear to him in dreams because he sure does like showing up in yours, often wearing only his trench coat
Become part of a crime team featuring some of the most well-known criminals on Mars
Return to Mars with said team to pick him up in your most devastating outfit because darling, you’re a nightmare dressed like a daydream goddammit
Lay down dramatically atop the car you stole together while the dust and sand blow right in his face
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