#goddamn i miss them. i miss the tour. i miss seeing videos of the performances each night. i miss it all.
daddy-long-legssss · 6 months
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bidisastersanji · 9 months
Circus One Piece AU with sword swallower/knife thrower Zoro and tightrope walker/aerial act Sanji please and thank you
They (and the rest of the crew) grew up in the « Thousand Sunny » circus together:
Sanji’s adoptive dad, Zeff, is the circus cook who always tells a different, wild story about how he lost his leg (it often involves a lion, even though the circus doesn’t use animals in its show, despite its lion logo)
Zoro’s parents both died in an accident when he was young and his relatives (Shimotsuki) took him in. His childhood friend Kuina had an accident and is now a wheelchair user- she handles the circus social media and marketing with Nami
They both have had crushes on each other for years but don’t dare to fo anything because not only what if the other feels the same but what if it doesn’t work out and they have to leave their circus family- so instead they keep bickering and pigtail pulling
I think it’s common for circus performers to have many abilities but specializing in certain things so let’s just assume most of them are good at basic acrobatic/circus things
Sanji is an aerial artist (aerial silks, hoops etc) and tightrope walker and Zoro is good at sword swallowing, stage combat and knife throwing
A lot of the crew are orphans who were adopted into the circus family from many countries the circus has passed through, so they have little accents and have the best time celebrating everyone’s different traditions and holidays
Usopp is a magician, Vivi does diabolo, Franky a strongman, Robin does Trapeze, Luffy is known for his contortionist act but also does some clowning, Ace and Sabo do fire performances, Brook is their communal grandpa in charge of music, Jinbei is the cool dependable uncle in charge of setting everything up to regulation and navigating their caravan where Nami tells them to go
Although she does Chinese pole, Nami is growing up to be the person who’ll take over the circus management/strategy- she wants them to make bank and strategizes on what acts they do, innovative acts and staging they can do etc
Luffy’s dream is for their circus to be the best in the world - they’re already going around different countries but he wants a full international tour, eager to take over after his grandpa (ringmaster) passes it on to him
Chopper is the adoptive son of the troupe doctor (Kureha) who does some equestrian tricks (voltige) but mostly studies hard to be a doctor too. He’s still a kid but everyone is else is an adult
Sanji often gets really distracted by Zoro during practice times- their outfits are revealing and he’s so buff and like what else can he do with his mouth goddamn
He only once called Zoro a « sword swallower » when he was a (still closeted) teen to try and bully his friend/rival but Zoro just grinned at him and said « proudly » and Sanji almost died from that mental image and never used that insult again (he might have gotten a nosebleed)
Naturally Zoro is also dumbstruck by Sanji’s beauty and grace on the regular- and he often gets in trouble for watching Sanji’s act and almost missing cues
The gang always gets into so many shenanigans in every new city they travel to and they love each other so dearly
One day a video of Zoro practicing goes viral (because he’s hot and talented) and Sanji is definitely not responsible for a few dozen views on that video
Zoro always gets a little jealous and annoyed when he finds Sanji flirting with local girls
And that’s all the ideas I have for now! Please feel free to add to this!! I’d love to see what you guys would be fun to have in the circus AU
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Don’t blame me for what you made me do.
Isn’t it fascinating the almost blantantly jaded breathy pointing she does to us -the audience? The same people that make her money? The same people that keep her at the top?
But we all know we don’t keep Taylor at the top. Taylor keeps Taylor at the top. Taylor hides away the deepest most true parts of herself just so she stays on top. Because her team believed the public would demantle her if she comes out. Or if she even admits that any of her songs are about a woman. Let alone more than one.
Taylor has admitted many times that when she writes songs she knows how they’re gonna be preformed, and she can envision the music video while writing them. Taylor knew she was gonna point directly at the fans during the “don’t blame me” performance, at The Eras Tour- the tour of her past eras, experiences, emotions, and obstacles.
Taylor will go down in the history books, not only as one of the few female artists that has made the switch from country to pop, but as an artist that did everything to make her fans happy. Even if it means sacrificing her happiness in the process.
I mean Taylor even wrote a song about it! In one of her most vulnerable “fantastical” (otherwise known as stories about her real life but she can’t say that) eras. It’s all right in front of us. Evermore brought us some of the most sad break up songs of the sister albums, and happiness is one of them.
I see this for what it is
She sees the relationship for what it is.
But now I'm right down in it, all the years I've given
All the years she’s given? Not lost, she chose to give them up.
Is just shit we're dividin' up
All the hiding and effort means nothing now that it’s over.
Showed you all of my hiding spots
All the places away from the public eye where she could be herself without fear.
I was dancing when the music stopped
She thought everything was fine, and that the partner was perfectly okay with her hiding for her reputation.
And in the disbelief, I can't face reinvention
She can’t face the idea that her partner was so done with her hiding that they left. She cannot find it in herself to do what she did from 1989 to Reputation, or from Lover to Folklore. She can’t simply gloss over the pain she’s in, and not explain why. She cannot go from in love to sad, jaded songs again. She can
barely find it in herself to lie again.
I haven't met the new me yet
She hasn’t met the new her, the single her, the out her. She still hasn’t met the her that Miss Americana was supposed to out.
I can't make it go away by making you a villain
She can’t vilify her partner for not wanting to hide anymore. It’s not fair.
I guess it's the price I paid for seven years in Heaven
Happiness was the last song written for evermore, only a week before it’s release on January 7th, 2021. Most likely started in 2020, and finished New Year’s Eve/day. Written in 2020. 2020 - 7 = 2013
Which supermodel did she meet that year?
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And I pulled your body into mine
Every goddamn night, now I get fake niceties
She had her for a while, every single day of those 7 years, and then in this break up era of their relationship in 2020, she only gets surface level attention. The “how are you?”, “What’re you doing right now?”. As if Taylor wasn’t sleeping next to her for 7 years.
No one teaches you what to do
When a good man hurts you
Karlie was a truly good one, but once again Taylor uses “man” instead of the truth.
And you know you hurt him, too
Taylor knows that she hurt karlie, and she just reinforces that by using a male pronoun instead of a female pronoun. By hiding instead of telling the truth.
By keeping the fans and her reputation happy whilst sacrificing her love for this person and in tandem sacrificing her own happiness.
My other song analysis’ if you’re interested <3 they’re not as sad promise :)
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road-killdaydreams · 4 months
Thinking about how all the glory in this industry is actually in pretty cushy places.
Like if I had the time and resources to sit and design a show it would be awesome. But I am floundering in a city that doesn’t give a shit about performing arts with no good rental houses and no place to produce work like that.
I have to remember this when my big city friends are being shittt about my job. Going on tour is demanding, but you’ve got a whole company watching out for you and a team with everything planned to a T. I’m trying to explain to a performing arts administrator why they can’t stream eight videos wirelessly to LED panels and she doesn’t believe me. Tell me that’s not harder than kicking back and letting other people push boxes for you and getting mad when they don’t do your job for you. It sucks down here but it wouldn’t suck as bad if road people weren’t constantly shutting on us, like we’ve done something wrong by not being on tour.
Being in KY makes it even worse because there’s existing stereotypes that can’t be shook cause yeah, most of the people on this team are poor, blue collar, missing teeth or have accents. Or all. The people on road crews are usually those who have been through a college program though, and they’re not used to dealing with these guys. Admittedly they ARE hard to work with but there’s no reason to treat us all like dipshits
Mostly just tired of people thinking what they’re doing makes them better than me. And reminding myself I see my family more than they do, I get to do things besides work and I don’t have to do the same goddamn show every night
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aci32 · 1 year
Hey Folks, sorry for running 13 days late but better late than never. Here's my first review of 2023: Carcass/Municipal Waste/Sacred Reich. This was my 3rd time seeing Carcass and first time in 9 years I've seen them as last I saw them they headlined the 3rd annual Decibel tour on April 8, 2014 and they were once again awesome at that time. It would've been my 4th time seeing Carcass had I not missed them with Amon Amarth last December as I had come down with a cold at that time and since a large majority of patrons were going to Walter Froebrich's viewing and/or memorial, I didn't want to get them sick and have them miss it, so it was my way of taking one for the team.
Let's start the festivities!
First band was Creeping Death. While I admired their stage presence and their energy, I found them to be hit and miss musically, plus it was no big loss that I missed a few of their songs as I was in line for merch for a good 45 mins-hour. After they got done, I shared a joint with my friends Rabih and Chris Zeman and then returned inside.
Next band up was SACRED REICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 3rd time seeing them live as I saw them 13 months ago when they opened for Sepultura and they blew Sepultura off the stage as I was there more for Sacred Reich than I was for Sepultura. Sacred Reich always wow me with their performances and plus Phil Rind always has good banter both serious and comical. His first two banters were a mix of both like railing against politicians, telling a funny story about Chris Robinson, Music being a uniting force, etc. His third banter went with him giving shoutouts to Creeping Death, Municipal Waste, and Carcass he then went on to talk about Toronto in saying "I grew up in New York, and I remember the first time I came to Toronto I go 'It's a big city, but t's like clean and safe how the fuck do you do that shit? I grew up in New York in the 70s it was neither clean nor safe, so that was an eye opener. I always thought 'if it wasn't so goddamn cold here I might move here, there's no fuckin way' two words for you guys: Fuck Snow, fuck that shit. It's bullshit, snow is bullshit, I know you put up with it, I live in Arizona, 120 degrees is fuckin bullshit to. But at least when it's 120, I jump in the pool, if it's 120 I might deal with ice and bullshit on the roads, anyhow enough about the fuckin weather huh? Anyhow we're gonna to the title track on our most recent record, this song talks about going through hard times in your life, everybody has hard times in their life, this song's aout going through hard times, sometimes it feels like it's not going to end, but it is, hard times don't fuckin last, but the thing you got to do is just keep going, so this talks about awakening to the positivity in our lives that is already inside us, this song is called Awakening". His 4th and final banter which was his funniest went after he thanked the fans especially when he said "We'd like to take you home with us, but there's no room" He then said "Who wasn't born yet in 1987? *Crowd roars* You know what you all are? A bunch of whippersnappers as us old farts call ya and who's the 40 and over crowd?*Crowd yells* We're known as the old farts so young whippersnappers meet the old farts" then he dedicated Death Squad to SR's founding guitarist and here's their setlist:
Divide & ConquerPlay Video
The American WayPlay Video
Manifest RealityPlay Video
Rest In PeacePlay Video
SalvationPlay Video
IgnorancePlay Video
AwakeningPlay Video
IndependentPlay Video
Death SquadPlay Video
Surf Nicaragua
After Sacred Reich it was time for MUNICIPAL WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 5th time seeing them and 2nd time seeing them as an opening act as I saw them open for At the Gates last August and they're always fun live. Lots of energy on stage and as well Tony Foresta has funny banter where he was railing against border guards and Ryan Waste had amusing chime ins as well. Tony said when he got a blow up killer whale he said "As a Floridian, I want to say fuck SeaWorld" "Your partying for Jesus, or are you partying for Slayer?" He also told people to make the security guards work harder in catching crowdsurfers and as well mocked people who aren't into Sacred Reich. He then also asked people on the floor to flip people off on the upper balcony then he said "Oh that's the handicap section? Nevermind, I fucked up, that was rude". Also like in 2016 when there was a lot of beer being thrown, this time there was a lot of cardboard boxes being thrown and torn up by the crowd. Here's their setlist:
DemoralizerPlay Video
Breathe GreasePlay Video
Mind EraserPlay Video
Beer PressurePlay Video
Thrashing's My Business... And Business Is GoodPlay Video
The Thrashin' of the ChristPlay Video
Poison the PreacherPlay Video
Grave DivePlay Video
You're Cut OffPlay Video
Sadistic MagicianPlay Video
Slime and PunishmentPlay Video
Crank the HeatPlay Video
Headbanger Face RipPlay Video
Blood VesselPlay Video
High Speed SteelPlay Video
Wave of DeathPlay Video
Born to Party
After the Waste it was time for CARCASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my 3rd time seeing Carcass and first time in 9 years seeing them as I last saw them headline the decibel tour on April 8, 2014. Carcass were once again awesome and they made history by becoming the first band I've seen 3 different times in 3 different decades and in 3 age eras, first time when I was 18, second time I was 24, and third time at 33. I will also say Jeff Walker is a joker in between songs when he goes on his banters in which he said "What's going on? It's Canada, it's supposed to be fucking cold for Christ sakes, huh? How you doing? Are you fuckers still awake? *Gives shoutouts to Creeping Death, Sacred Reich, and Municipal Waste* and us old farts trying to keep up with the kids, fuck me. We're gonna try our best okay? Just bare with us. You good? You're not going to be good for long, 30 years since Heartwork". His other banter went "Fuckin hell, global warming, what the fuck's going on?" He also then made fun of a guy in the pit wearing sandals. Here's what Carcass' setlist looked like:
The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue(Intro)Play Video
Kelly's Meat EmporiumPlay Video
Buried DreamsPlay Video
Incarnated Solvent AbusePlay Video
Under the Scalpel BladePlay Video
This Mortal CoilPlay Video
Tomorrow Belongs to Nobody(Intro, >)Play Video
Death CertificatePlay Video
Dance of Ixtab (Psychopomp & Circumstance March No. 1 in B)Play Video
Black Star(Intro, >)Play Video
Keep On Rotting in the Free WorldPlay Video
The Scythe's Remorseless SwingPlay Video
Corporal Jigsore QuandaryPlay Video
Ruptured in Purulence(Intro, with drum solo, >)Play Video
HeartworkPlay Video
Carneous Cacoffiny(Outro)Play Video
Exhume to ConsumePlay Video
Tools of the TradePlay Video
316L Grade Surgical Steel
Overall a great show and as well unless a gig is on a Sunday where I don't have to work the next day ie a stat holiday I say fuck sunday shows as the next day I was exhausted and had a bangover, but it was a sign the show was good.
HEAVY METAL FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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allhailthewicked · 3 years
Random JATP Headcannon: The Wilson’s and Street Food
Do you ever think about how after the boy’s death Bobby was probably extremely weary of all take-out, street food, and basically all food that he can’t see how it is prepared? Because I do! SO I decided to write a headcannon about it.
I mean my man watched his three brothers die a horribly painful death because they wanted to have a quick bite to eat. Don’t think about how he was probably the person who found them dying from food poisoning, in excruciating pain probably scared out of their goddamn minds. Don’t think about him clutching their bodies sobbing. Don’t think about how Bobby 100% most definitely didn’t eat anything for the next few days after the guys’ death. Don’t think about how he was probably too scared to trust any foods that he doesn’t make himself. But honestly, he is terrible at cooking that was Reggie’s and Alex’s jobs. I mean he can make a couple of Filipino recipes that his Lola taught him how to make like halo-halo, adobo, liempo sinigang rice.
Then eventually, he started to eat again, well not exactly, I mean Dr. Crystal seemed hopeful. But like he would go to restaurants with like multiple EFFING Michelin Stars and like refuse the food because he’s so scared that he might choke, or get food poisoning and die like the others. Like he low-key throws a tantrum because he is freaking and upsets the chef, but can you blame him?
Without any contexts the public and gossip magazines were like:
 “woah I know he’s a rock star but what a spoiled brat”
 “I Can’t Believe (It’s Not Butter sorry back to the headcannon lol) That This Rising Star Threw His Soup at the Chef a Michelin Star Restaurant”
(It was completely by accident btw!!! The matching friendship ring with the guys fell in the soup and he didn’t want to lose another part of his friends. So he started to rush to the bathroom with the soup to find the ring and fix it. .....and the chef just happened to be right behind.....and the gazpacho just happened to spill all over him. But he did get the ring so..... that’s good!!! But he also cried a bunch washing the tomato off of it tho)
Rose started to swing by his house every couple of days with bags full of ingredients and she checks in with him as she is making classic Puerto Rican comfort foods. She quickly realized that his vegetarianism wasn’t a lie and adjusted the recipes that she grew up with to suit his needs. Rose also realizes that if Bobby doesn’t know how a certain food is made and if he can’t see all the ingredients that went into it then he would refuse to eat it. So she fell into a pattern where she would cook at his mansion as he looks over her shoulder seeing how she make the dishes, sadly laughing at the terrible dad jokes she makes. (The jokes remind him of the one Reggie use to make)
Rose “The Queen of Meal Prepping Before Meal Prepping was Popular” makes enough food the next couple of days. Together they would sit down together to enjoy a meal. Rose just tells him it was to  make sure that she made the recipe correctly. But really it was to ease his anxiety about eating and to prove that the food isn’t poison. However, deep down it was to also show him that it is okay to make new friends and the boys probably would have wanted him to at least try to move on a little. Quickly Rose discovered that his favorite dishes are arroz con gandules (basically white rice with peas and olives), mofongo (think like mashed potatoes but with plantains), and some many pasteles and empanadas. And even after Julie and Carrie were born they have family dinners once per week that Rose cooked.
Well I mean until her chemo started of course because that when the roles started to reverse..... (but I’ve given y’all enough angst today, so that’s a story for another time)
I mean at some point he probably had to learn how to cook for himself and Carrie or at the very least he goes to a restaurant that personally shows him how the food is prepared/ he can see most of the steps on how it is prepared. Like one time The number of professional chefs my manz personally knows is ridiculous!!! I mean once he became FILTHY LIKE DIRTY LIKE I WOULD EAT HIM rich he definitely got a personal chef to either meal prep or cooks meals for both him and Carrie.
Bobby had one of the worst anxiety attacks of his life (I mean other than when he found out the guys died) when Carrie was 7. She went to Flynn’s birthday party at an arcade and found out that she ate cheese pizza and hot dogs (I mean Lukie, Lexington, and Reg died from street glizzies for fuck’s sake). Sobbing he called Rose freaking out as he drove Carrie (who was blissfully ignorant singing along to the Kidz Bop CD she got from the party favor) to the ER. “Rose I can’t lose another person who I love” Rose right before she had to perform at a gig she convinced him to turn around and go back home.
This is @iamthefryiestfrench-blog genius idea and I love it so, so much but Carrie and Bobby definitely started to cook dinner together like a couple times a week as Father-Daughter bonding time. Well until Carrie started to get super busy with Dirty Candy and before Trevor started touring again at that point they started to drift away. Fights started to happen more frequently. Carrie started to get more and more take-out to spite Trevor, but she didn’t realize that Trevor stopped eating again. A major fight erupted after Trevor passed out from hunger a couple of weeks after the Orphuem concert.
 “Carrie sweetie it is NOT DRUGS”
“Then why did I walk in to you knocked out on the floor” 
“I just hadn’t had time to eat today mahal”
“Dad do not lie to me! I cannot lose another person who I love. I can’t Dad. I’m going to call Dr. Crystal!!!”
And that was when the truth was revealed...
Carrie’s channel is slowly started to be sponsored by hello fresh, cookunity, or blue apron every single week without fail. Both of them wouldn’t admit it, but this was her offering the olive branch and Trevor took it IMMEDIATELY. (He missed cooking with his little girl). And in the sponsorship ad you would see Trevor cooking a meal with his hair in little pigtails with pink scrunchies.
Of course, they get the vegetarian meals and if you use here promo code “DIRTYCANDI10” then you can get up to 10 meals for free!!! So thank you so much Hello Fresh for sponsering today’s video!!!
It took almost 25 years but cooking with Carrie again made things feel almost alright again and that’s all Bobby could have asked for.
A/N: Hi! Thanks for reading this it was really fun to write :) (because I love to write pain lmao) But please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist down below by either replying to this post, reblogging this post, or sending me an ask! I would appreciate reblogs and feedback because I love reading your guy's comments and tags they seriously make my day but it's fine if you don't want to :)!!!
~✨My Taglist is Under the Cut Lol✨~
@poppin-peters, @sunset-bobby, @theobligatedklutz, @soupforfree, @iamthefryiestfrench-blog
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-is very thoughtful in interviews. Always engages theories and questions and anything about production. Takes his time to consider the process for the music and the fact that several writers are at the table in the band and it’s not so much about getting every idea out perfectly the first time but about collaborating and making every idea the best version of itself. 
-However, comma, the second Calum steps out onto that stage and climbs onto the riser and his foot is thumping away at the bass drum, it’s all over. He literally becomes an animal on the drums. One show, he breaks not just one, not two, but three drumsticks. The guys make a joke that all the tour budget is going towards replacement sticks. 
-The thing is, on stage, Calum’s not really Calum. It is Calum, but it’s not Calum. His awareness is different. All he can think about is the music, the thump under his feet and the sticks in his hand. Literally nothing else matters. Doesn’t matter if he dropped his sandwich that day on the walk back to the bus. Doesn’t matter if he got lost exploring the city and missed ten minutes of sound check. Doesn’t matter if in the middle of FaceTiming or video chatting with his S.O. that his laptop dies and it takes him nearly ten minutes to find the charger again. Nope, none of that matters on that riser, on that stool, during the set. 
-A lot of photos of Calum drumming of him smiling. Hard. The eye crinkles are out in full effect and he’s just so damn happy to be playing music with his bros. Videos will show him almost dancing on the drum stool, swaying along as his biceps bulge beneath the sleeves of his shirt. 
-Speaking of shirts, they don’t last long. Calum got too excited once, caught the arm of long sleeved shirt on one of the bolts to his drum kit and there went that long sleeve tee shirt into a muscle tee. Ocassionally, Calum opts for a mesh shirt while performing. Yes, that mesh shirt. 
-Back to performing, he gets into it into it. Calum will stand from the stood, sticks in hand, mic pressed to his lips, pointing out to the crowd, “You’re not loud enough for me tonight. I need you to scream!” And the crowd, roars. It’s still not loud enough, so with his index finger and middle finger he motions for the crowd to get enough louder. They do. “Nah, nah, nah, I said I want you guys to scream for me tonight!” Calum won’t let a crowd off the hook until he’s positive someone’s lost a voice in the crowd. 
-Even though Calum is mostly smiley on stage, a few interesting pictures surface, mostly from the tour diaries. A drum cam is set up and Calum plays to it all the time, pointing with his fingers or stick. He’ll turn to it, tongue out, rocking out to the song. The screenshots float around after every show of anyone get the famous Calum photo drumming: Calum, standing from the stool, pointing to the crowd, two fingers motioning with his tongue out. It happens at least once a show. Always more though. 
-And then in interviews, if he’s asked about what fuels his performance style and if they comment on the energy levels being different, Calum usually responds with, “Shows are different. People came out to have a good time, to have some fun. I want to make sure they had a good time and had some fun with me that’s all. In interviews it’s more relaxed.”
-If his S.O. visits while he’s on tour, he always tries to get them to settle down on the stool and give the drums a whirl. “Oh, you can do it, I know you can.” And they give it a whirl, always because it’s Calum with those big brown eyes that look like the night could swallow them up and they’d happily go into that good night. And as Calum hangs back, teaching them a thing or two, he plants a kiss to their cheek. And maybe sticks get forgotten and hands explore bodies under t-shirt until someone bumps up against the symbols and the crash sounds and the drum lesson ends for the day. 
-Backstage before a show, Calum’s running drills on his pad, along the wall, on the cases of their clothes and even he knows how annoying it is, so he always steps out from the room to do it. Literally everyone is like, by god my dude, it’s your instrument no one’s mad. But to be honest, Calum likes the alone time. It kind of reminds him of right before a big football game, his blood would thump in his veins and he’d find himself floating. But not in a spacey way, like he was losing focus, but floating from everyday Calum who doesn’t talk much, keeps quiet into the man that shines on stage that’s an animal on the drums, that’s completely transformed--a showoff, cocky. But through it all, Calum knows it can go at any moment. He can blink and it’s all done. So he tries to make each show unique. He tries to make each show worth coming too. 
-There’s nothing better than looking out at the crowd, singing back the words you wrote, jamming out to progression and chords and beat that you made. And the sight almost always produces a tear or two in Calum. Because, godamn he’s so goddamn lucky to be doing this with his life. And he never wants to take it for granted. And sure whenever he gets a moment to talk during a set or joke with the audience, he makes a joke about how his skills aren’t that great and that he’s blessed to see such a full crowd. And it happens, without fail, at every show because at every show, Calum is floored at the outpouring of love and support by fans. 
-People compliment Calum about his drumming and the joke about all the ripped sleeves/shirts, about the times halfway through a set he’s quickly shedded his shirt and let all see the tattoos and sweat glisten down a toned chest, and Calum always turns blushy. He accepts the compliment and dodges it all at the same time. And though him and Ashton joke about the rhythm section holding the whole band together, Calum is quick to offer praise to Luke and Michael as well. Because he knows without his other three brothers, Calum alone, as the drummer, is nothing but noise. He is a storm alone on a sea if Ashton, Luke, and Michael aren’t there playing and writing alongside him. He’s grateful for the three of them. 
-And when the stage hand leads him up to the riser in the dark, only the light of the flashlight in hand, guiding them, Calum lets himself go. The wood in his hands and between his fingers feel like extensions of himself and with one hand on the stage hands back, they go-half jogging together towards the drum riser, the stoll, the crowd waiting eagerly and maybe even desperately for them, for him that night. They run towards paradise. And the thing about paradise is that it don’t always last forever, but as long as it happens, is all that matters. 
@notinthesameguey @calumscalm @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles
Works Cited Page
H, A Collection of the Muse, 2020.
A Happy Bub, 2018. 
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rovewritesit · 4 years
Angel Of My Dreams (Chapter 2) John Deacon x Reader Series
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Series Summary: After reluctantly joining a band with your childhood best friends, you are thrust into oncoming stardom with no sea legs and an overwhelming sense of anxiety. But you just might find your way, thanks to some seasoned pros by your side. And the interest of one particular bassist.
This series is a work of fiction, and is loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
PART 1 - PART 3 - PART 4
Pairing: John Deacon x Reader
Chapter Warnings: Cursing, duh. Feelings of anxiety.
Chapter Notes: A wild Deacy appears! Reader was supposed to meet him in this chapter but it got a bit long. I may have awkwardly stuffed in some backstory as well, but I wanted to get through it before we start having more interactions with the members of Queen. I’m a hoe for Hot Space and Cool Cat is such a vibe so I had to throw it in here. If you haven’t heard the original demo with Bowie you should take a listen. The music video concept was sparked loosely by Mitski’s “Happy” video (it’s gory af, be forewarned). I’m aware that the MTV of the 80s definitely would’ve banned anything like that, but it’ll come back around in the plot later on.
Songs Mentioned:
Heart of the Night - Juice Newton
More Than A Feeling - Boston
My Best Friend’s Girl - The Cars
Song/Title Inspiration: Angel - Fleetwood Mac
Taglist: @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​
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February 1982 - Orpheum Theater, Boston
It’s noisy in the cramped green room backstage at the Orpheum Theater in Boston. Gone were the days of grand arenas while tagging along with Hall and Oates. Now only around 2,000 bodies lined the seats out in the house, but you still feel that familiar bubble of nerves as Dawn busies herself around your hair. 
Dawn, your best friend from your two short years at NYU, had agreed to tag along for the short tour to help with your “look.” Not that you ever really had a problem with your usual jeans and t-shirts, but this rock type of glam proved to be a different beast, and Dawn certainly had an eye for style. Her voluminous hair always streaked blonde and crimped to perfection. She’d tried to convince you many times to do something chemical with yours but you held firm to your virgin hair, causing your pre-show routine to run well into an hour and a half to get the desired popular style. You smile up at her as she curls part of your bangs away from your face, truly grateful to have another woman around.
“Babes, please stop moving your head. I’ve had to do the same piece 3 times already.” She tuts at you. “And Eds, I’ve asked you how many times to watch your elbows, jesus christ.”
Eddie tries to cram in even tighter against the wall, keeping to the five tiny spots you’d all wrangled against the mirror. “Ay, I’m trying over here. It takes some effort to get all this together.” He smirks, running his fingers through his already perfectly coiffed hair. A shame really, that it would be utterly destroyed within 15 minutes of being on stage.
“Have we picked a city song for tonight yet? I want to go over it in my head a few times before we go on.” Lawrence calls out, trying to tug on a pair of pants that look a size or two too small for him.
The Limbs had taken to playing one song per show by a famous local artist from the city they were in. Since they only had the one album out, it was a chance to get the audience singing and moving together; to change up the pace. A modified tip from a certain mustached rock legend that the band had started to implement.
“I thought we decided on More Than A Feeling?” Eddie says as he tears his eyes away from his own reflection.
“That’ll be what they expect. I think Bun sounds better on My Best Friend’s Girl,” Rich says simply. He’s attempting some form of stretching routine in the back corner of the room, his extremities bumping up against the walls.
“So Y/N’s taking this one?” Steve asks, lounging across a small loveseat against the wall, his legs dangling off of it delicately. He looks up from whatever song he’s been working on.
“You heard what the label said. They want Y/N more center stage, so to speak, for marketing reasons.” Rich tries folding his body into some sort of pretzel shape. A light “oof,” escapes his lips as he falls backward slightly.
“Ah yes, we need to give the public what they want,” you huff, wanting to roll your eyes if not for Dawn covering your head in a cloud of Aqua Net.
Eddie starts pacing, or at least tries to, “I just don’t get why they’re trying to make her into some Debbie Harry.” He scoffs, “Like that’s ever gonna happen.” 
Dawn glares at him. It was a bit of a low blow, but Eddie was still getting used to sharing the spotlight with you, with him singing lead on almost every other song. 
You were still struggling to find your presence on stage and were more than happy to take a back seat to the boys for the most part. And while some of the band’s other singles were gaining traction, none were close to catching up to Heart of the Night, which was now getting steady airplay and record sales thanks to the absurd music video that hit TV screens everywhere a few weeks back.
“That’s true, Y/N’s much more of a Linda Ronstadt type if we’re throwing out names,” Lawrence grunts out. Finally able to close the button on his skin-tight pants.
A cold laugh erupts from Eddie. “Exactly. It’s the Eighties now if you haven’t noticed. It’s all about edgy sex appeal, and let’s be honest, even Steve has a better chance of-”
“Enough!” Dawn’s voice sliced through the air, the daggers thrown from her eyes flying towards him. She leans down to your level to examine her masterpiece. “You look as sexy as a goddamn playboy bunny, hun. No pun intended.” Her voice softens as she pinches your cheeks.
The room goes mostly quiet for the next few minutes as the local opening band starts to close out their set with their last two songs. Only Rich’s deep breathing, fitting in time to the beat. 
You chew your cherry painted lips, mulling over Eddie’s words. You knew full well that you weren’t exactly the frontwoman the label or the public dreamed of. Hell, you weren’t even supposed to be a frontwoman at all. When you’d finally given in to Rich’s insistent pestering to come have some fun with the boys, you’d been at NYU for two years. You loved your film classes but felt the hole that was left from the absence of playing any type of music. In high school, you’d all show up to a party with a variety of instruments in your grasps. It almost always resulted in a crowd gathering around to listen, joining in with your voices, clicking their beer bottles in time with the beat. It was when you had felt most carefree, and you had ached for that feeling again.
But playing locally turned into recording an album, for which you wrote a song for some dream of a man that only existed in your thoughts. Next thing you knew you were scooped up by Columbia Records, missing classes to attend photoshoots or album release parties. People were listening to your voice, your song, and wanting more. You dropped out of college to the dismay of your parents but were immediately enveloped in your friends' glee, finally reaching the precipice of something they’d only dreamed of. You hated the thought of letting them down in any way but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it was all a fluke, that you had nothing else to give. Destined to fade out as a one-hit-wonder and a disappointment to your best friends in the world. The weight hit your shoulders as you slumped in your seat. 
None of this was supposed to happen, you tell yourself. It never happens like this.
You’re broken out of your daze when there’s a rap at the door and a muffled “5 minutes” from the stage manager behind it. You all stand, waiting for Rich to spread his wings and engulf you in your usual pre-show pow wow. You slide Dawn in next to you in the now group of 6, needing someone steady as an anchor.
“If you’d please, Reverend.” Steve probes, cheekily.
“We’re gathered here today” Rich begins and Dawn giggles. “To bring immense joy to those 2,000 idiots out there, who so willingly sold out our show for us. They deserve a performance played to 200,000, so that’s what we’re going to give them. In the name of our fathers, John, George, Paul, and Ringo. Let’s go give em’ hell.”
“Amen!” you all shout and disband.
As you follow the boys into the dingy hallway leading to the stage, Eddie catches your wrist. He looks at you through his long lashes with an uncharacteristically shy smile that almost never sees the light of day.
“I’m sorry for being a prick, Bun. I shouldn’t have said all that,” he mutters as you continue to walk, not wanting to miss your cue.
“No worries, Eds. You were right though. I’m definitely no Debbie,” you force a chuckle at yourself while a roadie slips your guitar strap onto your shoulders.
“It’s not alright. And no, you’re not,” he says catching your downturned eyes. “You’re Y/N fucking L/N, and you’re just gettin’ started, baby. All you gotta do is take a little bit of the love we all have for you and give some to yourself once in a while, alright?” A grin forms, showing his adorably asymmetrical teeth as he reaches out a hand to ruffle your painstakingly perfected hair. “That’s better. Now let's get out there so you can show the world exactly what kind of frontwoman you are. And don’t be scared to show them a hint of Bunny while you’re at it.” You move your guitar out of the way to pull him in for a close hug. You hear Steve start banging his snare and pull Eddie on to the stage with you, feeling a bit lighter than you had been minutes ago.
You approach your mic and take a look out at the packed, hazy theater.
“Well hello, Bawston!’ Your accent rings out to the faceless figures before you. “Aren’t you all looking fuckin’ fabulous tonight!”
- - - - - - -
March 1982 - Musicland Studios, Munich
“No, I didn’t say it’s bad, just that it sounds tinny,” Brian argues, crossing his spidery arms over his chest as he leans against the doorframe. 
“And it’s as if you’ve shoehorned Bowie in there just to mumble in the background incoherently. A waste, really.” Roger tacks on from beside him.
John sighs and leans his head against the back of the couch in the studio. “Just because it’s not your precious red special or your own magic fingers at work, doesn’t mean it’s tinny,” he counters calmly. Trying his best to keep the annoyance from seeping into his voice, knowing that Brian already had anger stemming from John’s earlier composition for the album.
It was the first time this week that all four men were in the studio together. Finishing up Hot Space was proving to be a strain on all of them and the growing rift had caused the men to nearly finish their songs separately instead of in their usual group dynamic. John’s experimentation into different styles, such as funk and disco, had not been willingly received thus far.
“Well, I sound rather fabulous, if I do say so myself. I’m very proud of us, Deacy.” Freddie states, getting up from his own place on the couch and stretching.
“It’s not that, Fred. It just doesn’t sound like us.” Brian sighs, already sensing the escalation of a row coming along.
“Oh please. Not this again...” Freddie huffs.
“That’s because it’s not us. It’s me and Freddie.” John cuts in with a roll of his eyes, landing them on Mack, their producer, who just shrugs and trains his gaze back to the board. 
“That’s for sure.” Roger murmurs out. Now it’s John’s turn to cross his arms as he levels their pointed gazes. He’d worked with Fred for days putting together “Cool Cat,” hoping that the additional vocals from David Bowie would be a selling point for the other two.
With a clap of his hands, Freddie moves about the room. “Why don’t we take a quick break and then give it another listen?” Roger groans. Freddie pats his shoulder as he makes his way over to a radio beside Mack.
John rubs his tired eyes before pushing himself off the couch, eager for a break from the energy in the stale room. “I’m grabbing a coffee,” not offering one to the others as he brushes past Brian on his way out, quickly retreating down the hallway as fast as his legs will carry him.
The remaining three startle a bit as Freddie flips on the radio, Lo & The Limbs hit single pours from it, louder than expected.
“Oh! Oh, yes! Simply marvelous,” he exclaims, jumping up and down lightly. Roger and Brian raise their eyebrows in silent questioning. “This is the band of rascals I was telling you about the other week. They must’ve just broken out here.”
“The yanks you met while in the States?” Roger questions, turning his attention to the song, eager to judge any brimming competition.
“Yes, yes, the wild young lady who swears like the devil and her band of merry giant trees.”
“We have one of those!” Rog nods in Brian’s direction, voice muffled by a cigarette now dangling from his lips.
“Hm, Brain’s more of a willowy spruce, if you will. These ones are giant redwoods. You know American’s. And they have these thick New York accents. I could barely understand a word they were saying at first. What a riot they were.” he remembers fondly.
“I feel as if I’ve heard this before, but I can’t place it.” Brian ponders, almost to himself.
John appears in the doorway, blowing lightly on a steaming mug.
“Probably from that shocking video of theirs, darling,” Freddie waves his hands about. “Oh, you must’ve seen it. They’re all dressed up like they're in Grease or something, and this square of a girl is pinning after the bad boy. But he’s with this slutty little thing. And oh, I can’t recall the details, but in the end, she ends up murdering the slut!” He slaps the table for effect. “But for some odd reason the boy is okay with it all and they run off into the night together, covered in blood.”
“Sounds… spooky?” Roger shrugs. John stifles a chuckle.
“It’s dramatic! And sexy. And obviously working for them.” The wheels already turning in his head.
John tunes out their chatter and trains his ears to said song, which is about halfway through. The instrumentals seem a bit basic for his taste. The soft strum of an acoustic guitar, a slightly heavier electric over it, with a simple bass line. A female voice flits in.
Cool city moon lays its touch on the room,
Your eyes reach to me
It has a rasp to it. Akin to Stevie Nicks, he thinks.
Two shadows fall saying nothing at all,
We know what we need
No, not quite. It’s entirely it's own if he’s being honest. He can feel the soul pulsating through words and the power that’s beneath it. One that could probably fit with any genre it should choose. His interest peaked.
In the release, two prisoners are free from the darkness
One more escape surviving the heartache and madness
The raw emotion erupting from the speakers and the lyrics start to paint a picture in his mind, scrambling to fill in the faceless voice.
In the heart of the night
The chorus starts and picks up steam quickly. Male voices begin to fill in on background vocals, blending together seamlessly.
We run like bandits
Two hungry hearts under the gun
Her voice cracks a bit, in a charming way. It must be radiant when heard live.
In the heart of the night 
When we find each other
Were stealing love on the run
In the heart of the night,
Heart of the night 
A small smile plays on John’s lips as the song fades out. They’re good, he muses to himself, a bit intrigued by the song and Fred’s colorful description of the accompanying video.
“A great voice indeed. They’ve got a strong sound going.” Brian chirps up.
“That’s her first swing at writing, too. Wish it had been that bloody easy for us.”
“Is she a looker, Fred?” Roger wags his brows.
“Oh please, they’re practically babies! Although that drummer of theirs is certainly something to write home about… Even with the head of hair he has. A bit like a mushroom. A cute one.” Freddie ponders, stroking his full mustache.
John reaches up and pats the tight curls atop his own head, wondering how it would look if he ceased from trimming his current short perm.
“I do hope they catch on here. What fun that would be.” John readily nods along without realizing it.
Freddie switches off the radio and turns back to the other three men. “Alright back to it then. Queue it up, Mac,” placing a hand on the man’s shoulder and raising his eyebrows. “Shall we?”
- - - - - - -
March 1982 - Columbia Records, New York City
“Why are the undersides of my knees sweaty? I’m not a back of the knee sweat kind of guy, alright?” Lawrence fidgets, adjusting his collar for the fourth time in two minutes.
You casually gulp down your third glass of water while staring at the wood-paneled walls of the office. Attempting to avoid the gazes of a number of gold discs lining the walls, the echoes of your musical idols. They seem to be laughing at you.
Steve partakes in his trademark bouncing routine, the chair underneath him squeaking in a violent rhythm. “Do you think it’s the video? It has to be the video or we wouldn’t be in this office. I knew we shouldn’t have taken that big of a risk right out of the gate.”
“You gotta be kidding me. You basically doused yourself in the blood when Eddie pitched it!” Rich cuts in, his usual calm demeanor nowhere to be found.
“What! It was your idea for the--”
The door behind where the group is gathered swings open and in strides a stocky man with a full beard and tinted aviator sunglasses still covering his eyes.
“What are we all standing around for? Sit, sit, sit, c’mon.” His gruff Brooklyn accent ringing out as he moves to sit behind a large mahogany desk.
The Limbs scramble to fit on the couch across from him, with you ending up perched on the armrest, gripping Rich’s bicep for support.
The man, Walter Yetnikoff, CEO and Chairman of Columbia Records, grunts as he eases into a leather chair, finally removing his glasses, revealing surprisingly kind eyes, “Jeez louise, look at you kids. You look as if a nun just caught you all playing with each other’s junk. What’s with the faces?”
“Mr. Yetnikoff, we’d like to sincerely apologize for the backlash that has come from our video. We should’ve known better than that. We could’ve toned it down… a lot.” Eddie rushes out. He wipes his hand over his too-snug tailored pants, probably leftover from days of youth choir.
Walter barks out a laugh. “I’ll admit I was a little shocked to find out that’s what you needed a high school gym for, but relax a little, will ya? You’re not here to be scolded. If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t have fought so hard to get it airtime.”
The Limbs visibly relax- a tad, but their eyes all stay wide.
“Well aren’t ya gonna ask why you’re all here then?”
“W-why are we here?” Rich asks quietly. “Sir.” He adds.
“It seems that the slight PR crisis of a video you made has made its way across the pond,” Walter smirks.
“You mean…” Steve trails off in a voice two octaves higher than usual.
“You kids better like air travel because there’s gonna be a lot of it in your near future. The hit has broken into the London airwaves and they’re not as god fearing as viewers here seem to be. We’re sending you over there next week now that you’ve wrapped up the tour.”
“Holy shit!” Lawrence yells. You feel yourself falling back off your perch as your large friends all jump to their feet. Rich’s gangly arm luckily catches you and pulls you immediately into a suffocating hug. “You did this, Bunny!” He screams in your ear. “You did this!”
“Alright, alright, you can all go celebrate and drink your faces off in a second,” Walter calls out over the group who immediately shut their mouths. “We have a few details to iron out but I’m hoping to send you over there for a full press tour. Photoshoots, interviews, talk show appearances. The works, you got it.”
Steve lets out a squeal of delight, his voice not yet returning to its usual bass.
“You.” He points a stubby finger in your direction. “I’m waiting to hear back about a last-minute cancelation on some game show out there. We’re gonna try to get you in. You know your shit?”
“W-what kind of shit, sir?” You ask from the bear hug that Rich still holds you in.
He holds up his hands, gesturing to the gold discs that surround him. “Music, my dear.”
All you can do is nod, not wanting to think about what that even entails.
“That’s what I like to see. Now get outta here so you can all combust somewhere outside of my office. We’ll call you in a few days. Get those bags ready, you hear me?” He waves you all off.
Before you have a chance to say anything, the boys are sweeping you out of the room. And off to the start of whatever comes next, you guess.
41 notes · View notes
justwritethatdown · 5 years
Ahm. .39 please? Thanks!*
39. “Please come home, I miss you”
First of all thank you so much for sending me this, it was my first prompt ever! I really hope you like it, it came out way longer than I expected 
WARNING: this was written listening to ‘Lover’on shuffle, so read it at your risk
Mostly based on Taylor Swift’s ‘False God’ but honestly it’s inspired by Taylor swift in general 
Words count: 4809
Rating: I’d say a light M, there’s no smut but sex is mentioned and implied many times, also there’s a bit of cursing…
We still worship this love
Beca was on her first (of many, hopefully) Europe tutor. After signing with DJ Khaled two years before, her career in pop music took a leap and she had published two albums already, the first one took her around the US for a sold out tour that set the ground for her second one to be a worldwide success, which lead her to Paris, Nice, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Dublin and currently London. She had still two cities in the UK before moving to Holland, Spain and finally head back home, home where her girlfriend was waiting for her.
Since they got together Beca and Chloe had spent more time apart than in the other’s presence; the two best friends had very recently found the words and the courage to talk about what their feelings for each other really were and Beca had to leave for her tour almost immediately after that.
Beca didn’t really think about the consequences when she wrote a painful song about pinning / unrequited love, way too detailed for Chloe or any of their aca-friends to have any doubts on who the person she wrote it for was, and the release of said song as the first single of her newest album lead to their group chat blowing up for a day straight and a sobbing redhead showing up to the front door of Beca’s apartment in the West Village. Beca feared the worst at the sight of her friend that upset about her feelings, but she soon found out that those feelings were the same ones Chloe had bottled up for as long as the brunette did. 
They spent the night together, kissing and exploring each other’s bodies, learning how to please one another, discovering how it felt to be with a woman and how it felt to be with someone they both had spent years fantasizing about. In the morning, when Beca woke up curled up to Chloe’s naked back and realized it wasn’t just another one of her dreams, she felt an happiness she’d never felt before, it was like she’d been asleep for this whole time and she was just now seeing the daylight.
She felt the redhead stretch in her arms and turn to face her with a soft, calm smile “good morning” she whispered before gently kissing her “I love you" answered Beca after their lips parted, which caused Chloe to kiss her again, more firmly. It wasn’t the first time any of them phrased her feelings like that, they shared many ‘I love you’s during the night, but it still sounded new to them and made both of their hearts burst out of happiness. When their kiss came to an end Beca pushed back a little to be able to look at Chloe, the golden morning light illuminating her face and body made the petite girl think she didn’t want to see anything else for the rest of her life. Just Chloe.
The group chat was still blowing up, ignored from the both of them until then. “Oh my God, when are they going to calm down?” groaned Beca and Chloe giggled shifting under the sheets to reach for Beca’s phone on the nightstand before going back to snuggle into the brunette, she made sure to cover every ‘indecent’ part of their bodies before snapping a selfie of them and sending it to the Bellas chat “DUDE!” gasped the brunette grabbing her phone but it was too late, the photo was delivered and their friends were already starting to completely lose their minds about it. “Why did you do this?” she whined staring at her screen filling with celebrative messages and a ‘FUCKING FINALLY! Pun intended 😏😏 ✂️✂️✂️✂️’ by Stacey that made Beca’s mouth fall open and go incredibly dry, while she was blushing in horror and embarrassment. “To answer to all their questions at once” explained Chloe taking the buzzing device from Beca’s hands and abandoning it somewhere on the bed before starting kissing along the brunette’s neck making her inhale sharply “yeah, o-okay but… we better put this away" she observed escaping from the redhead’s arms and putting her phone back on the nightstand “…unless you want to send them a video too" she joked with a fake annoyed voice that made Chloe giggle and move to straddle the brunette “Nope. This is just for us" she purred pushing her back on her back, looking at her with the sweetest sexy expression Beca had ever seen. She’d never wrapped her mind around the fact that Chloe could be so incredibly hot and adorable at the same time, it took her breath away.
“I have to take off next week” sighed Beca sadly; they were still laying on her bed on top of each other, Beca’s right ear near Chloe’s navel while the fingertips of her left hand traced random paths on her abdomen “I know…” huffed Chloe, gently stroking dark locks of hair.  
Suddenly Beca sat up straight startling the other girl a little “we can do this, right?” she asked panicking “hey…” whispered Chloe sitting up and cupping Beca’s cheek “…I’ve waited too long for this to let it go now, we’ll make things work" she assured her “I want to be with you and a couple of weeks apart won’t stop me" she added “it’s almost a month Chlo… with different time zones and-“ Chloe cut her off with a kiss. Beca was always the pessimist between them and the redhead was used to having to convince her things were gonna be alright, but this time she felt like her life depended on that. “Listen to me, do you trust me?” she asked “always” answered Beca without losing a beat “then would you close your eyes and just jump in this with me? I know it’s gonna work, I feel it" she begged her touching her own chest “can you do it for me?” she added swallowing, it was barely whispered, so quietly that Beca wouldn’t have heard it if Chloe wasn’t basically sitting on her lap. The brunette delicately wrapped her fingers around her wrist, gently tugging at it and lacing their fingers together “I would die for you" she assured looking into the watery blue eyes in front of her with such a seriousness that let Chloe knew she really meant that, it made her chest rise and a hint of a smile appeared on her face “please don’t ever do that" she breathed out resting her forehead on Beca’s.
“We were crazy to think Crazy to think that this could work Remember how I said I’d die for you? We were stupid to jump In the ocean separating us Remember how I’d lie to you?”
Things went downhill pretty quickly when Beca left. The two girls were just in the honeymoon phase of their relationship and only the fact of not being able to be all over each other the whole time was enough to drive them crazy. To worsen the situation Chloe had her finals at vet school and Beca had those goddamn paparazzi following her everywhere.
The petite girl was always very closed up and kept her personal life super private, she never thought about officially coming out because it was nobody’s business and she couldn’t see why that mattered. She told her friends she was bisexual a few years ago and was pretty sure her father always knew. None of them made so much of a deal about it, as it should be, but the most obsessed fans were speculating on her sexuality and constantly talking about the fact that choosing George Michael’s ‘Freedom! ’90’ as a debut song was a pretty clear statement and her not mentioning a man in the single nor in the whole album just increased their theory about her being gay. Some of them even guessed the song was about her former college friend and co-captain Chloe Beale, stating that they always had good chemistry during the Bellas’ performances, but they were wondering why she wasn’t on tour with her (like if she had nothing else to do with her life). So yeah, everyone was up in her business and she hated it. They were constantly taking pictures of her making up stories about her and Theo or her and some member of her security team or her and some random people she didn’t even know.
Beca and Chloe were constantly fighting about nothing; their conversations usually started with the right foot, but as soon as one of them said something that wasn’t exactly what the other wanted to hear things escalated quickly.
“are you still or already awake? These time zones are messing with my brain. Anyway I just got to the hotel room after the concert, I really wish you were here with me right now" lamented Beca through the phone “how’s the study going?” “ugh it’s so boring, please come home, I miss you” whined Chloe in response “baby…” sighed Beca heavily “you know I can’t do that, there’s a contract and… and even if there wasn’t one, there’s people who’s been waiting to see me for months, they look forward to this! I can’t let them down like t-“ “you mean you don’t want to” interrupted her Chloe. Beca wasn’t that keen on the idea of having screaming people who worshipped her and would do anything to see her, but she felt the sense of responsibility that came from all of that and she didn’t want to disappoint anyone. After a pause Beca cleared her throat and replied “no… no I don’t want to, that would be rude and unprofessional.” “of course you don’t” stated the redhead “why should you? You’re living your best life, sorry for being so boring that I have to study to be a vet and can’t be your groupie” “excuse me? My what now!? Where did that come from?” exclaimed Beca outraged.  
“And you can’t talk to me when I’m like this Daring you to leave me just so I can try and scare you You’re the West Village You still do it for me, babe They all warned us about times like this They say the road gets hard and you get lost When you’re led by blind faith Blind faith”
After not getting a response she scoffed “you know what Chloe? I can’t talk to you when you’re like this. Call Amy or Flo… see whoever’s in New York and go get some fresh air because these fucking finals are driving you insane" “yeah sure, blame it on my exams, on the fact that I’m stressed out, say what you want. The truth is that our lives are different, you should just break up with me… I’m just a burden for you, you should be out there enjoying your celebrity life" Beca knew Chloe wasn’t serious about that, that she was just trying to provoke her for some reason, to scare her maybe, and in all honesty she succeeded. Only the thought of not being with Chloe, to lose her, knocked all the air out of Beca’s lungs ‘Chlo, you know you’re everything to me, don’t say things like that please’ was what she wanted to say, but instead what came out of her mouth was “bullshit! Stop throwing your fucking insecurities at me Beale, it’s not my fault if you think that of yourself” and then hung up.
She knew she screwed up, if Chloe was insecure about their relationship her job was to let her know how solid it was, how deep her feelings for her were, not to yell at her like that, but Beca was like a wild animal (a rather small one, like a raccoon or one of those flying squirrels) and as such she tended to bite when bothered. Fighting with Chloe was the absolute worst, no matter who ‘won’ the fight, she always ended up wounded or at least bruised, it pained her to hurt Chloe just as much as it did when Chloe hurt her. She knew it was the situation they were fighting, that they didn’t really mean any of the things they said during their fights, but it hurt all the same.
Aubrey warned them, she flown all the way to New York, sat them down one evening before Beca left and told them it would have been hell, that they would have been frustrated most of the time, that Beca would have hated the tour and Chloe wouldn’t have passed her exams as brilliantly as she could have. But they (Beca actually) fought her about it, explaining to her how what they had was stronger and different and that they would have been okay, that she knew that. Chloe’s heart felt so full seeing her girlfriend, who was so pessimistic about it only a couple of days before, so sure about them; just because Chloe promised her that morning they spent in her bed. And she believed her, she believed her like people believed in God, with no proof, just blind faith.
“I’m not saying that I have doubts about your feelings for each other, I saw this grow before my own eyes, I’d be a fool to doubt that. I’m just saying that this is the worst way to start a relationship. You should wait until the tour is over and you’re both in the same city again" stated the tall blonde standing in front of them in a power pose with her hands on her hips “Aubrey, I feel like I’ve been waiting for my whole life. I can’t wait anymore.” At that confession Beca made looking into Chloe’s eyes Aubrey let her arms fell on her sides with a sigh “okay. But don’t say I didn’t warn you"
“But we might just get away with it Religion’s in your lips Even if it’s a false god We’d still worship We might just get away with it The altar is my hips Even if it’s a false god We’d still worship this love We’d still worship this love We’d still worship this love”
The night after the fight Beca was a wreck and her concert wasn’t as good as the others. When Chloe read about it on the online gossip magazines she felt terrible. She hated it when Beca was upset and knowing the reason was her, destroyed her. She wanted to support Beca and celebrate her and be there for her, not bring her down and less than anything she wanted to set her free like she told her the other night. When she knew Beca had arrived in Manchester she sent her a text
Hey babe, give me a call when you’re settled? Promise I won’t pick up another fight. Love you xx (♡C)
Love you too (-> ♡C)
Was all Beca replied, she was tired from the sleepless night and still grumpy from the fight but she appreciated the message and didn’t want to make things worse by ignoring it or replying something stupid. Chloe took her reply as a win, at least the brunette still felt like letting her know she loved her.
Chloe let out an heavy breath running her fingers through red locks, she couldn’t wait to tell Beca how sorry she was and how much she loved her. The sudden buzzing of her phone made her jump and then smile “hey b-“ “I was an idiot” Beca’s voice through the phone interrupted her and she raised her eyebrows in surprise “I don’t know why I always do this” continued the brunette “maybe it’s some sort of self destructive behaviour or maybe the trauma from my parents’ divorce” she scoffed “but anyway… I tend to break the things that I love, but I won’t do that to us. I-I don’t wanna hurt you, like… ever! It’s the most painful thing for me to do. And I don’t want to lose what we have” she stopped to take a breath and Chloe took the opportunity to jump in “Becs that’s… that wasn’t your fault, I’m the one who should apologise for being an idiot and saying stupid things” “Chloe… you and me, that’s my whole world. That’s what I should have told you instead of snapping at you okay? I should have told you that I count the days and the miles that separate me from you and even if this life is crazy and exciting, I don’t want it if I can’t share it with you" “Beca…”  “and I am so proud of you for graduating at vet school baby, don’t ever think I’m not, okay?” she added with a soft voice “Beca I love you so, so much. I don’t… I don’t know what to say y-your speech was…” sobbed the redhead “you don’t have to say anything I just needed to make sure you knew exactly how I feel" “I do. I know how you feel because it’s exactly how I feel Beca, I-I love you more than anything in the world and I just want to make you happy” Chloe wasn’t crying anymore but she still struggled to keep her words even “you do, more than anything” answered Beca with a smile.
They talked for hours until Beca had to leave to get the last things ready before the sound check “have fun baby, I love you" “oh I will, Amy is coming to see me, she asked me three VIP passes and I’m not sure what to expect from her… oh by the way she said she’s streaming the whole thing live on her Instagram… so you can try to watch some of it maybe? Though I know it’s a crazy time for you so if you’d rather sleep is okay, don’t worry" “I wouldn’t miss it for the world” said Chloe before hanging up.
“Hi guys, thank you all for coming! Uhm… I know most of you have the setlist for this and I promise you, I’ll sing all those songs, but tonight I wanted to open with a song for my girlfriend” at that the fans went crazy, some of them screamed so hard that Beca feared for their vocal chords. When the crowd calmed down a rearranged version of ‘The Only Exception’ by Paramore (that Beca had mixed in half an hour before the concert) started playing.  
After the concert Beca found a lot of texts from her friends who had apparently been watching Amy’s live:
I love you. You’re worth the risk too baby ♡ call me when you can, I’ll be awake (♡C)
I am proud of you Mitchell! And for the first time, I’m glad I was wrong ;) (Posen)
OMG Beca did you just came out to the world like this!?!? You’re such a rockstar!  (Jesse)
YO GIRL, the concert was amazing, as usual 💥💥💥 (CR)
Someone is whippeddddd 😜😜😜😜 proud of you, babe 💋 (Stace)
Love wins!! 🌈🌈🌈🦄🦄🦄🌈🌈🌈 (Jessica?Ashley??)
Wow Beca, amazing concert! Didn’t expect that first part 😍 (Flo)
Love wins!! 🌈🌈🌈🦄🦄🦄🌈🌈🌈 (Ashley?Jessica??)
Hey I saw the live, it was great!! (Benji)
👏🏼👏🏼 💪 (Lilly)
She only quickly replied to Jesse and Stacey before calling Chloe immediately
Wow dude, I was actually gonna call you tomorrow about that… I mean, I didn’t want to erase our story or anything… that song was a bit extreme… (-> Jesse)
Shut up bitch! (-> Stace)
“Hey baby, you should be sleeping” “how am I supposed to sleep after that!?” asked Chloe, her voice was bubbly and Beca could hear how wide her smile was, it made her smile too. To make Chloe happy was what she was in this World for, she was sure about it “that was the most romantic thing anyone ever did for me! I don’t know what I did to deserve you, honestly” “must have been something bad…” joked the pop star “so you’re not mad, right?” she checked even though the answer was pretty obvious “mad? Beca, the only mad I am is mad for you" “cheesy” laughed Beca “said the girl who just dedicated a love song to me during her own concert” scoffed Chloe “look babe, I gotta go, Amy decided we have to go get drunk to celebrate… in the end the one pass was for her date, he’s not that weird this time by the way, and the third one was for a dude she paid to hold her phone the whole time so she could enjoy the concert, can you believe that?” asked Beca laughing again “…I mean yeah, that’s totes something she would do" replied Chloe giggling “go have fun baby, I love you" “love you too, goodnight”
All cool. I know what we had and I know she’s something else, she always has been. I’m happy for you (Jesse)
🤐 (Stace)
Thank you Jesse (-> Jesse)
After that night to her concerts started to appear pride flags and Beca had to admit it felt nice, but what really got to her was one girl in Spain that stopped her on the ‘Ramblas’ while she was visiting Barcelona “hi you’re Beca Mitchell, right? I don’t wanna bother you I just wanted to thank you for what you did in Manchester. I am a lesbian and to know that my favourite female singer has a girlfriend makes me so happy, you have no idea how much this means to me. You have given me the courage to come out to my best friend and to my brother” Her eyes were watery as she spoke and Beca just looked at her speechless “representation matters, and I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart” she concluded and Beca, for the first time in her life, felt the need to hug someone who wasn’t Chloe, maybe it was because the girl must have been thirteen years old or maybe because she was so considerated to respect her space and not asking for a hug or a photo, but she decided that it was almost certainly because of what she said, because she’d never thought about being a role model or someone that made others feel like they belong, that there is nothing wrong with them “uhm, you want a hug?” she asked screwing up her face cause she knew how awkward she sounded “oh ohmygod really?” answered the girl over the moon “c’m here" she said hugging her.
Beca couldn’t wait to be back home, before leaving she had given Chloe the keys of her apartment and she knew she would have founded her there waiting for her. What Beca didn’t know was that Chloe had organized a little ‘welcome back’ party with all the Bellas, only Amy, Flo and Stacey could make it but it was still something.
The pop star didn’t see that coming and she had to admit it was a nice surprise to have a small reunion with some of her best friends after being far from home for so long, but despite their presence in her apartment and the scare they gave her screaming “surprise” when she opened the door, the first thing she did was to go hug Chloe, who met her halfway. The two girls hugged for a long time whispering how much they missed each other and how happy they were to be in the same room again. After a while Beca pulled back to look at her girlfriend, still holding her waist while Chloe had her arms wrapped around the brunette’s neck. They were looking at each other with so much love and happiness in their eyes that the room was frozen, their friends were standing there looking at them with proud expressions, and then  there was Amy who was taking pictures of them, the two girls didn’t notice any of it, they were too busy staring at each other’s lips licking or biting their owns, until Chloe made the smallest move towards Beca, knowing that the girl didn’t like pda she was being very careful to any sign that the brunette made to understand if she was okay with kissing in front of their friends, even if she really wanted to. While Chloe was worrying about that Beca crashed their lips together and the two girls shared a passionate kiss that ended only because  the ‘woop’s and wolf whistles coming from Amy and Stacey were starting to piss Beca off.
Only when she was satisfied with how she greeted Chloe, Beca went to say hi to her other ‘guests’. They spent the evening drinking and chatting, but even if they were socializing with their friends Beca and Chloe were never far for too long, they would lean over the other to pour a drink or brushed their hands on the other’s back passing her while moving around the living room or less subtlety going to sit on each other laps every time one of them was chatting on the couch. At dinner time they decided to order Chinese food and eat it sitting in circle on the living room floor like they used to do in Barden (even if Beca’s dining table was more than big enough for all of them). This time Chloe was sitting between Beca’s opened legs and the brunette was leaning towards not to be cut out of the conversation. It wasn’t the best position to eat, but the two girls needed to be as close as possible. After she finished eating Beca wrapped her arms around Chloe and leaned her forehead on the taller girl’s shoulder yawning “girls, I think this is our clue” stated Flo starting to collect the food boxes off the pavement “oh no leave it, I can take care of that" said Chloe starting to move “nonsense” stopped her Stacey helping Flo “I’m not throwing you out guys, I’m just-“ another yawn cut her off “just very tired” she added rubbing her eyes “don’t worry shawshank” said Amy suspiciously gently “we know you can’t wait to have us out of the way” she added with a wink and a way exaggerated bite of her lip that made Chloe laugh “I think I’m gonna take her to bed tonight, but there will be no funny business involved this time" she said still laughing and Beca just hummed, too tired to form words.
As soon as the girls left, Beca and Chloe were laying in bed curled up together. “I’m sorry there’s no funny business… I really want it to be but I am literally dying” apologised Beca snuggling closer to the warm body beside her “hey, it’s totes fine. I’m happy to just be able to hold you right now, I don’t need anything more than this" assured her Chloe before kissing her forehead.
The next morning Beca woke up much earlier than Chloe, due to the jetlag and decided to wake her beautiful girlfriend up by going down on her. Chloe appreciated it so much that they stayed in bed until noon having the best sex Beca ever had. They were about to get up when both of their phones buzzed, it was the group chat. Amy had sent a bunch of photos of them hugging and kissing writing ‘BOOM’ under the last one
Oh come on Amyyyy! Now I have to worry about paparazzi even in my home? WTF ( -> Bellas💕)
Beca was nervous. They had just finished lunch and she decided it was a good time to ask Chloe to move in with her. She tried to dry her sweaty palms on her jeans before hugging her from behind while she was washing the dishes “stop this" she told her placing a soft kiss under her left ear “I’m gonna finish it later, you don’t have to do it all" she added letting the tip of her nose brush on the shell of that same ear “okay" shivered Chloe drying her hands before turning to hug her and kiss her slowly “so, I was thinking…” started Beca biting her lip nervously “I know this might sound crazy but… why don’t you move in with me? You’ve been basically living here already and I know you love this place! Maybe this is soon but… we didn’t really follow the rules since the beginning so… why start now?” “yes" “I mean we’ve lived together already and it only made me fall harder for you if anything, I know all your habits and I learned to live with them and you did the same with mine and-“ “Beca. I said yes” repeated Chloe with a wide smile “yes?” echoed Beca excited “yes” whispered again the redhead.
They were lying on the couch and Beca was staring at one of the pics Amy sent them, the one that captured the moment right before their kiss, it was the quintessence of happiness “can I post this on my Instagram?” she asked turning the screen to let Chloe see it “I would love that" answered the redhead with a wide smile “is this about what that girl told you in Spain?” “Mhm” nodded the brunette “and this would make those stupid paparazzi stories stop” she added and then stopped to think “but it would put YOU on their radar… are you sure? Do you really want to live in this fucking fishbowl with me?” “baby, I want to live with you I don’t care about the paparazzi” she assured her and Beca kissed her before posting the photo with the caption ‘finally back into her arms 😍’.
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alexabarnes · 6 years
Into the Water- Part One
Pairing: Bucky x veteran!reader
Summary: When a boy falls into the harbor on an icy December day, Bucky meets ex-combat medic (y/f/n) (y/l/n). She is fighting to figure out life after the war. Something about her sticks with Bucky in a way he can’t shake.
Word Count: 1,914
A/N: First of all, s/o to @invisibleanonymousmonsters for being the absolute most amazing person ever and giving me constant support with my writing (lmao I know I never post anything). So here’s the deal with this story. I’ve had this written for a while but I have withheld posting it because it is a multi-chapter fic and I’ve never done one of those before. Well, here it is anyways. I’ve been wanting to write something for a while that touches on service, medicine, and PTSD in the way I have seen and experienced it. Real life is a lot grittier than Tumblr writers’ romanticization of mental health, in particular when it comes to PTSD. I’ve gotten kind of annoyed with the representations of PTSD and medicine in general (because tv shows and movies almost never get it right), so I wrote this. I will say, though, that everyone experiences and heals from it differently, and I’m not discrediting that, but often the way I see it written in fics is either it’s glossed over, cliche, and/or repetitive. There’s not a lot of nuance to it and I want to change that. So, here it is.
P.S. This fic is going to get gritty and dark, so strap in folks.  
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Bucky hated winter, to say the least. He hated the way the large flakes of snow flew into his face, he flinched every time they touched his skin. He hated the way the cold seemed to make his skin burn. He hated the low-hanging white clouds of a blizzard that encroached into his space and threatened to swallow him into their thickness. Every second of winter reminded him of who he is—no, who he was— they reminded him of dreamless, bone-chilling cryofreeze. Bucky hated winter because winter reminded him of Hydra.
The only good thing about winter was the excuse it gave him to wear long sleeves everywhere. He felt protected when he could leave his apartment with his hood up and nearly every inch of his skin covered.
Bucky walked along the snow-dusted sidewalk, icy blue eyes always scanning the street, always assessing. It was exhausting sometimes. Sometimes he wished more than anything that he could turn it off and let his mind rest for a while. Better exhausted than dead, though, he thought to himself. He decided to take the longer route today because very few people were out on the street. The snow had stopped falling and, despite the throbbing noise of the city, everything seemed a little softer, everyone seemed to speak a little quieter. It was a little hint of peace, and Bucky appreciated it. He rounded the corner and took a side alley that let out onto the street that bordered the waterfront.
The water was grey, the slight waves crested white and threatened to freeze over if not for their movement. Bucky walked past the piers, gazing at the ships tied onto the dock, old and beginning to rust from the sea water. There weren’t many people at the waterfront. A few joggers passed him, bundled up, cheeks pink from the wind exposure.
He paused for a moment, noticing a tall black marble stone out of the corner of his eye. A monument to World War II and the naval officers of the city who gave their lives in the war. Their faces were engraved on the marble, along with their name, rank, and place of deployment. He knew the artist chose black marble for a reason. Simultaneously, Bucky saw his own reflection in the smooth façade overlaid with the portraits of fallen soldiers. His stomach twisted, his heart beat uncomfortably against his ribs. He turned his head to look at his boots, suddenly too aware of the cold and his own thoughts.
Suddenly a dog barking and a splashing sound tore him away from his intrusive memories. His eyes snapped to the dock a mere hundred yards away from him. A large German Shepherd was clawing at the dock, barking at the water, frantically rocking back and forth, as if he was thinking of jumping in the water and deciding against it from second to second. Suddenly a young boy breached the surface of the icy water, waves lapping at his neck, he struggled against the cold. Bucky could hear the gurgling sounds as the boy, unable to keep himself from gasping, inhaled the water. He immediately sprinted forward towards the boy, but as he was nearing the dock, a runner came seemingly out of nowhere and jumped off the dock before Bucky could.
Bucky skidded to a stop, working to maintain his balance on the slippery dock. He looked out at the water and saw a woman with bright (y/h/c) hair swimming towards the boy. A small crowd had gathered and bystanders began to film the dramatic scene. Bucky immediately took notice of every camera angle, making sure he avoided being captured on video. He watched in bewilderment as this woman took hold of the now unconscious boy, pulled him to her body and began to swim on her back so that his head remained above water.
Someone must have called 911 because Bucky could hear the sirens. The woman tipped her head back, eyes searching wildly for a place she could get the boy out of the water. Bucky rushed forward to the edge of the dock and locked eyes with her. He was the only one there that could possibly lift them out of the water. Bucky’s every instinct was screaming at him to run, stay in the shadows; he was exposed and vulnerable kneeling on the dock. But he couldn’t leave her. She swam towards him and the dog, who now paced nervously next to Bucky.
She was gasping for breath. Bucky knelt down and reached his hand down to her. She thrust the boy out of the water with all the strength she had left, submerging her own head in the process. Bucky lifted the boy out of the water, laid him gently on the dock then reached down to pull her out too.
Her body was so cold that if he couldn’t see the light in her bloodshot eyes he would’ve thought she was dead. She was gasping, eyes locked on the sky, the cold air burning her lungs. Everything was numb and blurry, noises were distorted, almost as if everything that existed outside Bucky’s immediate view was under water. But her, she was in perfect clarity. He lifted her out of the water and into his arms before he gently laid her down next to the boy. Distantly, he could hear the crowd that had watched the scene unfold clapping and cheering.
Both of them looked in terrible shape. The woman was pale, eyes bloodshot, lips blue, but at least she was breathing. The boy was still in the most sickening way. She allowed herself to be still only for a second before she leapt up to get to the boy.
She immediately kneeled over him, put her ear to his chest and pressed two fingers to his neck to check his pulse. She felt her heart drop as the agonizingly slow seconds ticked by with no movement under her fingers. She ripped off the boy’s jacket and shirt, clasped her hands together and began doing compressions on his chest.
Without taking her eyes off the boy, she said to Bucky, “I need you to call 911.” Bucky was stunned to hear how calm and soft her voice was, despite how hard he could hear her heart beating.
“Hey, what’s your name? I need you to call 911,” she repeated.  
“Uh—Bucky. And I think someone already called 911, I can hear the sirens coming.”
“Okay, good. Bucky, I need you to hold his head still,” she told him. He took his jacket off and placed it under the boys head, so it wasn’t on the rough wood of the dock, and held both sides of his head while she continued compressions. His heart was aching, begging the boy to breathe.
“Come on, sweetheart” she whispered under her breath. She stopped for a second and put two fingers back on his neck. A sharp breath of relief came from her mouth. “I have a pulse.” And suddenly water came sputtering from out of the boy's mouth. Bucky looked down at the boy’s chest and it began to rise and fall with breaths from his now clear lungs.  She was panting at this point. Her shoulders sagged, her arms limp at her side. Relief and exhaustion evident on her features. She kept her fingers on the boy's arm to monitor his pulse. The German Shepherd, who had been pacing anxiously, now laid down at the boy’s side, his head resting on the boy’s legs.
Bucky faintly heard the bystanders’ reaction to the scene, mixtures of shuddering breaths, cries of relief, and applause. Bucky moved the jacket from under the boy’s head to cover his wet, shaking body.
“Thank you, Bucky. You did great.” Bucky was at a loss for words. Great? He barely did anything, he thought to himself. She just brought a boy back to life with nothing but her two hands, for Christ’s sake. Though the boy was still unconscious, he was breathing, and it was a goddamn miracle.
“How did you—” he began, but then he saw the ball chain around her neck, and the U.S. army dog tags hanging from it. “You served,” he said. It wasn’t a question.
“Yeah. Combat medic; two tours in Afghanistan.” He just looked at her in awe.
The water suddenly reflected blue and red and the sirens were almost unbearably loud. The siren cut and Bucky looked up to see paramedics walking swiftly over to the scene.
The woman stood to address the paramedics. “Pediatric male, initial GCS of 3, now improved to a 6. Patient was unresponsive upon extrication from the water. CPR performed after witnessed arrest. ROSC obtained after five rounds. Patient is hypothermic and in need of post-resuscitation care.”
“Thank you, we got him from here. Does anyone know where his parents are?” The medic asked.
“No, I never saw him with anyone,” the woman replied, looking to Bucky. He merely shook his head.
“Well, we’ve made sufficient effort to contact family, we’re taking him to the hospital. Child Protective Services can deal with contacting parents, he needs an ED doc now. And Miss,” the medic turned to the woman, “don’t think I’m going to let you go without checking you out.”
Now that the adrenaline was beginning to wear off, she started to feel the weight of her soaked clothes drawing the chill into her veins every second she was exposed. “I’m fine, I promise,” the woman replied, but the medic had no intentions of letting her off that easy.
“From the assessment you gave us of the patient, I know you’re medical, and I know you know the legal stuff I’m required to do, so let me check you out.”
“Treat the kid, don’t waste your time on me.” If the situation were different, Bucky might have chuckled. She was stubborn as hell and reminded him of a certain blond super soldier in his life.
“My partner is taking care of him. It’s going to be a minute before we can get him out of here. Let me at least give you a blanket,” the medic insisted.
“Fine, but while you’re getting the blanket, you might as well get the refusal form, too.” The medic sighed, but begrudgingly agreed. She quickly filled out the form to refuse treatment from the medics, despite her blue lips, shaking frame, soaked body.
“Thank you,” she said to the medic. He gave a tight smile; he was obviously worried about her. A heavy sigh left her lips as the ambulance pulled away from the scene. Bucky looked down at her hands and saw them shaking. He wanted to touch them, reach out to her. But he had seen enough in his life to know that wasn’t what she needed or even might be able to handle.
“Miss, are you okay?” Bucky asked softly. She snapped out of wherever her mind went. He had a guess as to where her memories took her because he knew where his took him.
She forced a smile, “Yes, I’m fine.” She reached down and patted the German Shepherd on the head, smoothing the fur on his head and neck. He rested his head against her thigh. She grasped the leash hanging from his collar and began to walk away.
“Hey, wait—” Bucky called out. She turned back to him. “What’s your name?”
“(y/n) and this is Ranger.”
“(y/n),” he repeated; her name a whisper lingering on his lips. He watched her walk with Ranger, who stayed pinned to her side, until she disappeared from his view.
Hope you all liked the first part! Please please please send me your reactions and thoughts <3 it means the world to me.
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kindofchaoticgood · 7 years
Walk on Water
A celebration story for my surprise four day weekend, wherein Uma and Harry are music stars on tour together who do the relationship tag. Enjoy! (Lyrics from Beyoncé and Eminem’s new song ‘Walk on Water’ and Eminem’s song, ‘Hi, My Name Is’)
There are snatches of music dancing around in Uma’s head, but every time she tries to play them out, they sound wrong. She tries another simple phrase on the keyboard, but a note clanks too sharp.
“Motherfucker!” She growls, slamming her hands down on the keys, which make a dismally discordant noise.
“Leave poor Artemis alone,” Harry chides, stepping into the room. His hair is fluffing all over the place, a result of towel-drying after his shower. “It’s not her fault you can’t do it right.”
Uma shoots a glare at him that makes grown men cower but only makes him laugh. “Shut up.”
“No,” Harry grins and sits down next to her on the bench. “What’s wrong?”
She gives him a suspicious look to assess the seriousness of his question and then says grudgingly, “I can’t get this phrase down. It’s playing out perfectly in my head, but every time I try to play it out on here it sounds wrong.”
“Play it for me,”
Uma places her hands on the keyboard and starts playing, adding her voice to the piano chords. “I walk on water, but I ain’t no Jesus. I walk on water, but only when it freezes.”
She tries to play the next phrase, but she only manages to get through two notes before another damn false note rings out that makes even Harry wince. “Goddamn it!” she shouts, resisting the urge to bang her head on the keyboard. What is it with this fucking phrase?
“Hey,” Harry wraps his arm around her shoulder and draws her closer to him. “You’ll get it, okay?”
Uma just sighs and places her head on his shoulder. He smells like sandalwood, detergent, and something that’s purely Harry, and she curls further into his neck, lured in by his warmth.
“Come on darling,” Harry pulls back slightly from her to look her in the eye, a hint of a grin on his face. “Say it,”
“I’m not saying it.”
“Say it.”
Uma looks at him sternly, trying to maintain her stance. There’s a full-out grin on Harry’s face now, but seriousness in his eyes. It’s one of these things that he does with her, the constant encouragement and praise. She has always been self-deprecating to the point of putting herself down, and it’s a habit that Harry is slowly trying to train her out of. Uma doubts that she will ever be fully rid of the habit, but she loves Harry for trying.
“I’ll get it,” she says, and he smiles at her, not the usual smirk that’s always present around his mouth, not the rakish grin that makes his fans weak at the knees, but a real smile, the kind that makes his blue eyes sparkle like the ocean in the morning and makes his face softer. She loves that smile, and seeing it always makes something warm come to life in her chest.
“See, was that so hard?” Harry leans in and kisses her cheek, and she smiles despite herself and places her head back on his shoulder. She can work on the song another time. For now, she needs to take a nap. 
“Love?” Harry murmurs into her hair.
“You aren’t falling asleep, are you?”
“I was planning to,” she mumbles back, burrowing into his neck. God, he’s always so much warmer than me. How is this fair?
“Well, you can’t.”
“And why not?”
“Do you remember when you were really tired after doing a concert and an interview right afterwards and I asked you to do a live video with me next week? And you said ‘I’ll do anything you want as long as you let me sleep’ so that live video is today,”
Uma’s eyes snap open and she pushes her head off of Harry. “WHAT?”
“Love you, bye!” Harry launches himself off of the piano bench as Uma tries to grab him and runs away.
“Harry James! Get back here right now, or I’m never having sex with you again!”
“I don’t even remember agreeing to this,” Uma complains as Gil sets up the tripod in front of the sofa. Harry is already lounging on top of it, looking unfairly good-looking, as usual. “Why can’t you do this on your own?”
“Because we polled the fans on Twitter, and they said they wanted us to do the relationship tag for our next video,” Harry says, glancing up at her from his phone.
Uma frowns. “What the fuck is a relationship tag?”
“No idea,” Harry admits, running a hand through his hair. “But they’re going to be the ones sending us questions, so we’ll figure it out.”
Gil gives her a reassuring grin. “It’ll be okay Uma. Desiree and Harriet are gonna be going through the questions as they come, and you know they won’t let anything too bad slip through.”
That much was true. Harriet loved embarrassing Harry, but she was protective as fuck over her brother and Desiree was more like Uma’s mother than her cousin.
“I still have my performance makeup on,” Uma protests in a last-ditch effort to save herself.
Harry casts a glance over her hot-pink lipstick, turquoise eyeliner, and gold contour and smirks at her. “You look hot,” he says simply, moving over on the sofa so that there’s room for Uma.
She groans and stalks over to the sofa, throwing herself down on it and fiddling with a stray black and turquoise curl sulkily as Gil and Harry begin arguing about the position of the tripod.
Harry is the one who uses social media. He constantly posts on Instagram, updates his Snapchat story religiously, and uses Twitter like a lifeline, whereas Uma usually only posts on her Instagram once in a blue moon and only uses her Twitter to post sarcastic comments.
It was only after she started collaborating with Harry that she even got an Instagram; before that, all she had was the Twitter account and a secret Tumblr. To be fair though, there were a lot of things she hadn’t had before Harry.
She still remembers the first time they met; her verse in Khushal Nanzari’s (or, as his fans knew him, Gonzo) new song and the new single she had just released were taking off, and Harry and his band were invited to a celebration party Gonzo was hosting to celebrate the release of his third album. She had been sipping Cristal in a ridiculously tiny glass in an expensive metallic dress when Harry Hook, lead singer in Skullduggery Road, had walked up to her and said, “Your verse in Gonzo’s song was the most lyrically complicated thing I’ve ever heard, and you made my dragon of a big sister tear up with your voice in ‘Rise Up’. In short, you’re bloody amazing and can we collab on something?”
Uma had agreed before she even fully processed what she was agreeing to, because this was the lead singer of one of her favorite bands, how could she say no? They had exchanged numbers and Uma had completely forgotten that she had his number until he texted her the next day I’m also pretty okay at dancing if you need more reasons to work with me ;) and Uma had laughed out loud and set to work writing a song. Within a week, she had the song written and before she knew it, ‘What’s My Name’ featuring Harry Hook had been on Billboards Top 100 for four weeks straight and Harry was asking her out.
And now, they were going on their second tour together and had been together for two years. (Damn, has she really been stuck with him for that long?)
As if sensing her thoughts, Harry leans over and gently bites her shoulder through her oversized hoodie. She ruffles his hair absently, and gives him a small smirk to show him she’s already gotten over her complaints.
“And we’re going live in three … two … one,” Gil calls out, and then starts recording.
“Hey, I’m Uma Triskelion,” Harry says immediately.
“And I’m Harry Hook,” Uma adds, leaning against the sofa.
“We’re live in our tour bus, and we just finished off a performance in the Rabbit Hole – hence Uma’s unique makeup look.”
“Thanks love,” Uma mutters and Gil snickers. Harry just grins before continuing.
“So you lot have been begging us to do the relationship tag, whatever that is, so if you want to ask us a question, tweet us at #AskHumaLive –”
Uma makes a face. “What the hell is Huma?”
“That’s our ship name,”
“What? Since when?”
“Since forever, since we started dating, remember that?” Harry teases. “Or is your memory fading?”
“Who came up with that?” Uma demands, slightly creeped out. From behind the tripod, Gil is silently laughing, and she discreetly flips him off.
“The fans, baby, always the fans,” Harry replies distractedly, scrolling through his phone. “Ah, we already have our first question! AaliahWitch says ‘Uma, when is Harry’s birthday?’”
“June 14th,” Uma replies easily, and then studies her phone. “ChanceDaring12 says ‘What’s Uma’s middle name?’”
“Astraea,” Harry says immediately. “BurrShotFirst176 says ‘Where does Harry’s family come from?’” “England, but you grew up in Scotland.” Uma smirks at the disappointed look on his face. “HarrysHook – nice name, by the way – wants to know if you can name all of my cousins.” “Jonas,” Harry was starting to count off on his fingers. “Desiree. Harmonia. Piper. Poppy—” His face went blank. “Shit.” Gil snickers and Uma grins at the camera. “Second question, and he’s already choking,” she says smugly. “I’m not choking!” Harry protests. “I know that I’m missing four of them – wait, one of them is Madrigal!”
“She hates that name,”
“Madi, then!” “Three more to go,” Uma mocks him. “My cousins are going to be so sad when they realize you don’t know their names; they love you, you know.” “Jesus Christ,” Harry groans, and throws himself dramatically into her lap. Her phone vibrates with a message from Desiree and she laughs evilly as she reads it. “Desiree says that the girls are watching right now, and that they’re really sad that you don’t know their names,” Uma informs him gleefully, then turns to the camera. “It’s okay babies, I still know all your names,” she says with a sweet smile and a wave. “I’m sorry, okay?” Harry says, his voice muffled from under his hands. “I’m an absolute monster but I really need help.” “Hmm,” Uma grins. “What does the Internet think? Do you think I should give him a hint?” Harry turns over to the camera and gives it his best pout. “Please help me, Interwebs, you have no idea how many cousins she has.”
When she glances down at her phone, most of the tweets are in favor of her giving him a hint, and the conversation thread is full of people wondering why she has so many cousins. “Their names start with L, A, and T,” she says, smoothing out his hair.
Harry considers this. “That actually doesn't help at all. D’you have any idea how many girls names start with those letters?”
“They’re all related to music,” she points out offhandedly, snickering when Desiree sends her a picture of the girls making sad faces at the camera.
“I think that made things more confusing, to be honest,” Harry confesses. “I give up,”
“Lyrica, Allegra, and Talea,” Uma smirks down at him.
“Bloody hell!” Harry complains, then addresses the camera as he sits up. “Lyrica, Allegra, Talea, I’m dreadfully sorry I forgot your names darlings. I’ll take you out for ice cream the next time I see you, alright?”
Just then his phone buzzes and Harry stares down at it for a second before saying out loud, “Screw you, Harriet!”
“What did she say?”
“Something about how you need to spray whipped cream on my face. Utter nonsense.”
“Actually,” Gil pipes up, a shit-eating grin on his face, “it’s common custom in the relationship tag that if the person gets a question wrong, then whipped cream gets sprayed on to a plate and then the plate is smashed on their face at the very end.”
“How the hell do you know this?” Harry demands as Uma laughs. “I like this game,” she says smugly.
“We don't have any whipped cream though,” Harry protests, looking desperate.
Gil reaches behind him and pulls out a can of whipped cream. “Actually . . .”
“You bitch,” Harry growls as Uma bursts out laughing.
“Language, baby, what kind of message will this send to the Internet?”
“That he's a backstabbing traitor,” Harry declares as Gil and Uma laugh at him. “Gil Charbonneau cancelled, Marya Rasputin is my new best friend.”
“You wish,” Uma retorts. “Gil, hand me the whipped cream.”
“Sweet Jesus,” Harry groans as Gil hands her the whipped cream and a paper plate and she gleefully makes three large mountains on the plate. “I can't get any of the other ones wrong now.”
She grins. “It's my turn, isn't it?”
“Yeah . . . LittleSeaWitch wants to know where our first date was?”
“The aquarium. You kept on making up weird backstories for all the animals, and we nearly had to leave because you kept on interrupting the tour guide and telling the little kids that the nurse sharks had clinical depression.”
Harry grins smugly at the memory. “That was a good day.”
“Can't take him anywhere,” Uma tells the camera. “HumaLives wants to know what my eye color is.” She averts her eyes from him and then covers them for extra measure.
“Brown,” Harry says instantly.
“How do you even know that?” Gil demands. “Most people get that wrong,”
Harry shrugs. “She has beautiful eyes.”
Uma is intensely grateful that no one can see her blush as Gil lets out a sappy 'Awww’ and Harry kisses her cheek.
“Next question,” she says quickly, before she can start giggling hysterically, like she always does when she's nervous or embarrassed.
“Atlantic_Melody asks, 'What is Harry's favorite book?’”
“Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. QueenAudreyTheFirst wants to know what movie makes me cry every single time,” she glances up from her phone. “None of them. I don't cry during movies.”
“Bullshit,” Harry says smugly, then does a terrible job of cupping his mouth and whispering, “The Book Thief.”
Uma jabs an elbow into his side and Harry laughs. “Come on darling, don't hate me because it's true,”
“Get out,” she tells him, but he and Gil just smirk at each other over the camera.
“Leader_of_Marching_Band_Nerds asks ‘What does Harry eat for breakfast?’”
“The souls of the innocent,” Uma deadpans. “No, this one doesn't eat breakfast.”
“All my life I was very deprived,” Harry starts rapping. “I ain't had a woman in years, my palms are too hairy to hide-”
“His sister dropped him on his head as a baby,” Uma tells the camera. “WarriorPrincessLonnie wants to know who the dominant one in our relationship is.”
“Oh, me, obviously,” Harry flexes and winks at the camera.
“Funny, that's not what you said last night,” Uma says without thinking, and then starts laughing at the look of utter disbelief and incredulity that Harry's giving her.
Meanwhile, Gil has dropped to the floor, laughing so hard that his face is turning red. “Yes, Uma, drag him,” he chokes out, before dissolving into laughter again.
“I cannot believe you just said that,” Harry says slowly, a smile starting to come over his face as well. “Do you realize what you’ve just unleashed?”
“I ain't afraid of no ghosts,” Uma quips. Her phone is blowing up with messages from her friends; Ashe, Sierra, and Marya are making dirty jokes and Claudine is begging them to stop.
“Plain-Jane-the-Queen wants to know what my shoe size is.”
Uma freezes. Shit. “Well, wizards and witches, that's all the time we have for today-”
“Now hold on just one damn second!” Harry protests as Gil cracks up again.
Later on, after all of the whipped cream has been washed off, and they're curled together on the couch, Uma gently pokes Harry in the shoulder. “Hey.”
“What?” Harry mumbles sleepily into her hair, the sound reverberating through her chest. It's completely dark outside, and the moon is streaming through the windows of the trailer, leaving white light trailing on the carpet.
“I think I figured out the song,” she tells him, lacing their fingers together.
“Really?” His other hand is underneath her hoodie, lazily stroking her hip.
“It's going to be a rap song,” Uma says, and feels Harry shift to a more seated position to look her in the eye. “I was thinking we could collab on it?” She glances up at him. “Is that alright with you?”
Harry is giving her the most awestruck look she's ever seen, the same one he gives her every time she sings for him. “Of course, it's alright love,” he reassures, leaning in to kiss her. “I always want to collab with you.”
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Glow 2/4 (Biadore/Trixya)- Houdini
A/N: Come on, inconsistent updates! Seriously, I was blown away by the response to the first chapter. Unfortunately, moving and all has got me stressed, so I’m aiming to have weekly updates for this and Hey Stranger, although they may be bi-weekly instead. This chapter was pretty necessary to stay somewhat realistic, and I’ve got big plans for part 3! As always enjoy, and if you’ve got questions/feedback/just wanna chat; hit me up at princess-banana-lady -xoxo Houdini
Roy tossed a worn t shirt into his suitcase and looked around his room tiredly. Fucking finally. After endless weeks of touring he was finally on his way home.
He had loved touring. Meeting fans, seeing new places, and performing was amazing, and he didn’t take one bit of it for granted. He had never thought he’d find a friend in someone like Alyssa Edwards yet here they were, years after drag race with more memories and inside jokes than they could count.
Who would’ve thought?
A sharp rap at the door shook Roy from his thoughts. Giving the now spotless room a quick once over, he turned down the soothing music playing from his laptop and walked over to the door.
“Bitch, hurry! I’m getting old out here!!”
Roy chuckled at the familiar southern twang and smiled as he heard another wheezing laugh follow.
“I’m not joking, bitch!”
Roy had barely opened the door before two tornadoes that reeked of hairspray and were practically shedding glitter flew into his room. He raised an eyebrow at the two queens, who were now lying leisurely on his bed while sipping iced coffees.
“You realize the tour is over, right?” he quipped.
Katya flashed him one of her signature grins. “Impromptu photoshoot,” she huffed, contorting her body into yet another weirdass position. Roy rolled his eyes. Typical.
“Well I just got finished packing so I swear to god if any more of this goddamn glitter goes anywhere I will honestly-”
Roy’s tirade was interrupted by Alyssa’s manicured hand. The tall queen was staring intently at her phone, her red lips curving into a smirk.
“What?” Roy grouched, trying to get a look at Alyssa’s screen. Alyssa merely pulled her phone back, smirk growing and eyes sparkling. It was too early for this.
“I swear to god, Alyssa-”
“I tooooold y’all,” Alyssa sang, waggling her dark brows. Katya pulled herself out of her knot and turned to the giggling queen curiously. Roy’s eyebrows knitted together.
“What do you mean?” Roy snapped. Alyssa’s knowing expression was starting to unnerve him.
The brunette queen rolled back her shoulders. “I told y’all you should act fast before your soulmates escape!” she announced, looking between Katya and Roy.
Roy felt the blood drain from his face as he looked at Katya. The blonde queen snatched Alyssa’s phone from her hands and motioned for Roy to sit beside her.
The two stared at the video pulled up on Alyssa’s phone. Katya wordlessly turned up the volume as they watched an Instagram live video off of Adore’s account.
Except it didn’t really look like Adore. It looked like what Adore would resemble had she been trapped in a cotton candy factory during an earthquake. Her cheeks were carved out and pink, giant lashes framed her face and a giant fucking blonde wig sat atop her head.
Roy’s eyes narrowed. He would recognize the traffic stopping wig anywhere. Right on cue, Trixie Mattel’s cheery face popped back onto the screen. The queen was barely recognizable. Roy felt Katya’s shoulders tense as they took in Trixie’s eyes, smoked to near perfection and paired with a rich red lip. Dark tendrils of hair framed her face as she let out a familiar shriek.
The two sat in silence as they watched Adore and Trixie joke around and answer questions from fans.
On screen, Adore wrapped her arm around Trixie. “What would our name be?” she mused. Trixie paused. “A…dixie?”
Adore tipped her head back and let out a loud laugh. Roy felt a pang of sadness. “Ew, fuck no!”
Definitely not. Not fucking today.
Trixie paused for a second before holding up a triumphant finger. “Okay, Mattelano?”
Adore paused, her lips pursed. “I fucking love it!”
Katya inhaled sharply and turned off the phone. Roy felt his cheeks reddening as they sat in silence.
The sound of Alyssa slurping from her drink filled the room. Putting down her empty cup, she turned to the two crestfallen faces beside her. “I don’t wanna say I told you, but-”
“Shut up,” Katya and Roy snapped in unison.
Alyssa raised her eyebrows but ignored their outburst. “I don’t get why y’all are upset. If I were you, I’d be fucking thrilled!”
Katya let out a flat laugh, her hands shaking. “Did you watch the same video as us or…”
Alyssa scoffed. “You really bought that?” she snickered. Greeted by silence, she continued. “Y’all really believe that as soon as the Hurricane Bianca 2 nonsense is released, Miss Barbie and Adore over here are all over each other? Bitch, I don’t buy this child’s play”
Roy fought the feeling of hope sprouting in his chest. He had been through his fair share of “I love you’s”, and he knew for a fact so had Katya. With time, you didn’t wait to say it. You said it, and if it didn’t work out, you sucked it up and moved on.
Katya let out an exhale. “Fuck it.”
Roy turned to her sharply.
Katya turned back to him with clear eyes. “I’m saying it. As soon as we get back, I’m saying it.”
Roy opened his mouth to protest but stopped at Katya’s soft smile. The blonde cleared her throat, flicking her wig over her shoulder.
“Roy, I’m 35 years old and I’m tired of waiting. We can’t waste time like this. I love Trixie, and I’m so damn tired of waiting. I don’t care if we have a light. Well, obviously I do, because she’s who I want my soulmate to be but I just need to know.” Katya exhaled, a visible weight lifted off her shoulders. She turned to Roy. “Don’t you want to know?”
And Roy did. Roy wanted to know whether the beautiful boy he had cinched into a corset all those years ago loved him too. He wanted to be with the effervescent musician so badly it hurt. More than in his high school hallways, more than in his bedroom, more than that one time in the wings of a theatre, he wanted to share a light with Adore and Danny so badly sometimes he felt he couldn’t breathe.
Alyssa cleared her throat. “Well, ladies. When’s it going to be?”
Katya and Roy looked at each other uneasily. When would it be?
Alyssa ignored them and continued talking. “That was a trick question. I texted Miss Alaska.”
Roy looked at Alyssa in bewilderment as her red lips spread into a wide smile.
“The night we get back. Alaska’s new place” Katya breathed.
Oh. It clicked. Roy hazily remembered responding “going” to the housewarming party ages ago. He slowly nodded, fully aware of his heart beating a mile a minute.
Alyssa quirked a brow. “We’re having a reunion”
Well, fuck.
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thotyssey · 7 years
On Point With: BibleGirl666
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Arguably the country’s most famous queen who has never been on “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” this entrepreneur and genuine pop scholar has captivated legions of fans the world over with her social media presence, including an especially-devoted Instagram following. She came of age in an era where lowbrow culture was championed by the expansive bombast of MySpace. BibleGIrl666 -- who tellingly drag named herself after her own provocative social media handle from that time (a somewhat misleading one, since this native Floridian and current Brooklynite is actually a Nice Jewish Girl) -- built an entire celebrity persona around the equal-parts celebration and satire of the best of the worst of what pop culture had to offer. Now a more seasoned stage performer at the ripe old age of 24 and the founder of the incredibly successful DragqueenMerch online company, Bible is very much a queen that you need to know. Drag Con, you ain’t ready for this!
Thotyssey: BibleGirl, thank you for talking to us! You were just in London, right?
BibleGirl666: Hello! Thank you for the opportunity to rock out here with you! Yes, I was just in London two weeks ago for DragWorld UK.
Is it surreal to meet fans across the ocean, who only know you from social media?
It transcends surrealism, in all honesty. I go into any kind of convention / travel situation with no expectations because it's like, 'Well, who the fuck am I,' if that makes sense; then once at the event, to be faced with a line of people who just "get" what you do without question is really dope.
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It’s always interesting for me to hear from a performer about how much of her drag persona is fully her, and how much is a created character. In your case, BibleGirl is very much a fully-realized character based on those white trashy MySpace girls that came up in the Britney Era: colorful, selfish, messy, fun.  Do you think those traits fascinated you on a personal level, or were you just so exposed to that growing up in in that time that that’s all you knew?
I feel like, more so than ever, the character is at her most fleshed-out point to date. The genesis personality, which was that of the aforementioned trashy girls, took hold because that's what I was super intrigued by at 15 on the internet. 2007 was the era of trainwrecks and unapologetic tabloids! Seeing the public's fascination with the tragic headlines fueled by A-listers really resonated with me.
I sometimes miss MySpace! That network sort of encouraged one’s individualism, whereas social media today tends to streamline you to be like everyone else. You can’t even use your drag name on Facebook! But scrolling through peoples’ MySpaces got ridiculous in the end, with all that music and animation people posted on them. Anyway, do you miss MySpace at all?
LOADED QUESTION! I miss the aspects you described, but I don't miss it entirely for the clunky interface and cesspool breeding ground for the cyberbullying which really took root there, in my opinion.
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The best way to follow you on social media today is Instagram. Do you consider yourself to be very picky and choosy about what images you post there, or is it always spontaneous?
I used to be super haphazard with my posts, but realized there is an algorithm and a process of finessing an "aesthetic" if you will. I have found that following my own set rules for my account has allowed me to explore character development on more of a multimedia platform rather than in a club.
I do my best to maintain levels of spontaneity, to show who I am on a more personal level, through the Instagram stories feature nowadays.
Recently, Instagram temporarily took down your account under very mysterious circumstances, during a period when it seemed like social media was maybe cracking down on gay content. 
The experience was really bizarre, and one of the weirder ones I've had this year. I was in Canada for a couple of shows, and was waiting for a flight to Winnipeg for night #2 at 6 AM, and I watched my account get suspended in what was essentially real time. I woke up before heading to the airport, and checked Instagram with no problem. I got through security, found my gate, and grabbed a seat... only to check Instagram and watch an auto-log out happen. I checked my email thinking I was hacked, but instead had a message saying I violated terms and conditions and was indefinitely suspended. I joke that it's the trip that never happened because I virtually couldn't document it. It took an interview with Unicorn Booty after a week of suspension, and two days after the article’s release, for my account to return with zero explanation.
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You have kind of a rabid fanbase, based largely on your amazing pics and your relatable personality that comes through. Can you kind of empathize with a young celebrity queen like Drag Race’s Valentina, who might’ve been overwhelmed by her fans aggressively trolling other queens from her season and then got heat for not regulating it? Like, can a single person even regulate a monstrous online movement like that?
I can empathize with Valentina on more of a level of we are both people that know what we want, and stay in our respective lanes when reaching our goals. I think it's fucked up that people use a reality TV villain narrative to scapegoat micro-aggressions, but maybe that's just me. I do think a more immediate condemning of the trolling from her fanbase would have done everybody a little bit more benefit, but I did find it in bad taste when people were going to her meet-and-greets just so they could film whether or not she hugged fans.
You do get into some trouble now and then for “hurting someone’s feelings” online, be it another queen or whomever. But your drag persona kinda dictates that you have to be a Heather once in awhile for authenticity, right? Are there lines that you don’t cross when it’s time to take a bitch down?
After a lot of trial and error, I've learned to not go for the lowest hanging fruits, as they tend to be the most personal and internally damaging.
I've fine-tuned the infamy channels, and have kept a lot of my humor more pop culture-centric since it's what I know best. Anything pop-adjacent are gifts that keep on giving.
My motto to troll by hails from Brazil: Se me atacar eu vou atacar [you attack me, I attack you]. It proves handy!.
Have you had a “favorite” feud with another queen, if that’s possible?
It's impossible. They're all great when you're the one getting booked.
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As far as today in Pop Divadom, fans are having wild and polarizing reactions to Taylor Swift’s new music and videos, and Katy Perry’s as well (but we all seem to be on Team Kesha). Where do you stand with these ladies… who are you loving and who are you hating?
First and foremost, always Team Kesha.
Ultimately, I ride and die with Katy if it’s between her and Taylor. Although problematic, I have never seen Katy as somebody with malicious intentions. Her music has always been really fun, well-executed pop, and that's what originally made me love her. I find her recent public reception rather upsetting, considering how on top of the world she was, re: Prism World Tour. She was always just somebody who did her thing and was inclusive of everybody; I feel that it's been a consistent trait of hers since I first discovered her, like, 10 years ago.
I also feel like noting that she was publicly campaigning for Clinton in 2016, and what 2017 yielded was an avalanche/barrage of god awful press majorly hailing from the likes of Page Six & TMZ, -- both of which are backed by CEOs who have vocalized support for Trump. This also happened to coincide with her album promo release cycle, and that created some weirdly fulfilled prophecy of failure. It just all seems strange to me.
I DIGRESS...I really fucking love Katy's most recent album, Witness, amongst all the flack she's gotten.
Circling back to Taylor: she's somebody who at this stage of the game has been nothing but self-gratuitous / indulgent. As a woman, more power to her for living her best goddamn life in what has been a male-dominated industry in terms of those who can make or break you. That said, now is not the time to be rehashing old fights with celebs. Now is not the time to show the world that squeaky jar of mayonnaise TayTay has a bad girl streak "for a reason” now. There's so much going on in the world, and I think her message misses the mark this year. 
That goes without saying that I'm not marginalizing sociopolitical situations via the behaviors of pop stars.
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In the past you’ve emphasized that you’re not a “strong” performer -- that you’re like a regular girl feeling her fantasy lip synching into a hairbrush. But I’ve seen clips of you giving very high-energy, fun, splits-and-drops-and-all stage performances recently. Have you become a better stage performer over time, in your opinion, or have you maybe discovered more joy in performing?
In the past I feel like I had been allowing people's opinions to manifest my performance style, and it created a sense of complacency where I thought being bad was all I was capable of. Through growing into myself, and taking some choreo lessons from my friend, Nick Laughlin, I was able to really channel my performance style into being more about exactly what a song makes me feel in that moment, rather than a fully rehearsed number where you can tell I'm counting steps on my face.
After enough time, I've learned drag ain't so serious. If I'm having fun, people vibe off of that. That's the atmosphere I try to bring on stage nowadays, something just bursting at the seams with bright colors, crazy faces, and good-ass time.
What’s your favorite number to do these days?
Kesha's "Let 'Em Talk" of Rainbow is definitely a fave hard-hitter of mine!
One New York venue where you performed in a lot over the years, Easternbloc, has just closed and will be revamped as the much-different Club Cumming very soon. You and Ruby Roo hosted a fondly-remembered party there called Hellfire Club, and most recently there was Bible Study (hosted by Cameron Cole, Cedric Antonio and yourself). Are you quite sad to see Easternbloc go, or do you think Club Cumming will offer something special? 
Easternbloc was the first real gay bar I had been in ever, right after moving to NYC 6 (AHH!) years ago. It was also the first bar to take a chance on me with a reoccurring party. It will forever hold a special place in my heart, where I made so many friends and lost so many memories! I welcome the evolution of the bar; I like being Glass Half Full.
Do you know yet if you’re gonna be involved in Club Cumming after it opens?
I've heard nothing in terms of official return on my end, and that is totally a-okay. That doesn't mean I won't happily be a patron and support a local queer space.
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You’ve been hosting / performing at several monthly installments of the “Wallbreaker” benefit shows at Macri Park in Brooklyn, which features a new charity cause and lineup of guest performers each month. 
The experience of working Wallbreaker has been nothing short of amazing. It's less about me, and more for what the party is and stands for. I'm happy to see an entire community come together to help support those facing oppression.
What’s in store for the next one?
The next Wallbreaker is on September 14th, and its the ninth installment! Super wild that we're this deep into 2017, period. This month we are raising money for the benefit of Brooklyn Defense Committee, which is an emergency response network for those facing harassment from ICE, whether it pertains to deportation or unannounced home raids.
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Aside from Instagram, you’re best known for the wildly successful and essential company you started, DragQueen Merch. This is basically an Amazon for the t-shirts and other promotional items that drag queens sell to fans, where items are printed and directly shipped to order -- eliminating the need for queens to worry about stock and supplies. How long have you been doing this now, and how much of your time does it consume these days? Do you have a large staff?
The business has been running for nearly three years, which is mind-blowing! A lot of my time during the day (aside from my freelance graphic design job) is invested into the site, whether it's strategizing for what's next or setting up pages for queens. Our staff consists of no more than ten people, as far as infrastructure is concerned!
I recently had a queen tell me that she didn’t want to get on your bad side because she wanted to sell her stuff on your site. Are personal relationships / interactions ever a consideration for putting a queen’s stuff on your site, or is it simply that if they agree to whatever the business arrangement is and have the collateral, then it’s all good? Point blank: it's one thing to have an opinion on me. It's another when you have no problem utilizing a non-expense startup system which was founded on wanting to help our industry on a grand scheme outside of TV, and then marginalize me as just some chick who can't actually do drag makeup or dance. I won't allow a negative opinion to dictate who is or isn't on the site, but I always see everything and note who says what. I like to know who's afraid of the “@” symbol.
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Okay, let’s talk about this weekend. First of all, Drag Con! What will you be doing at the convention?
Dragcon NYC is gonna be the fuckin' tits. I will be at Booth 557 w/ Rubber Child, Lisa Limbaugh, Trixie Mattel, Amanda Lepore and the House of Avalon! The entire DQM team is going to be on deck as well. Together, we are meeting-and-greeting, along with selling our respective merch ranging from apparel to enamel pins!
Who are you excited to see there?
Honestly? Rubber and Lisa. We only get to see each other during con seasons, or on the off-chance I get to escape to Florida for a weekend. There isn't ever enough time with them.
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And you have a stellar lineup in store for a Drag Con afterparty and show you’re hosting at Stonewall on Saturday night: Super Smash Kweenz!  We’ll see you there with Lisa and Rubber, plus Brooklyn’s own Daphne Sumtimez, Hystée Lauder, and Cameron Cole, in addition to famous out-of-town performers like Lucy Stoole and Soju. 
YES. What gags me the most is that we are throwing the coolest party comprised of local talents of NYC and afar (without an emphasis on drag and TV crossover as the main attraction) at a muthafuckin' gay national monument! All of the performers (including Cameron as DJ) are some of the best and most unique that I have had the pleasure of experiencing shows of and working with!
PS - we don't have a cover or tickets because Drag Con is already corporate enough. If you want a damn good drag show in a rad location, Super Smash Kweenz at Stonewall Inn on Saturday the 9th is where you want to be!
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What else is going on with / coming up for you?
At this point in time, I am bound and gagged by contracts until announcements are made! Just note: lots of travel for the next few months, and I couldn't be happier or more excited!
You’re always on many lists as a favorite candidate for a season of Drag Race. Is this something you’re actively pursuing?
It is not something I am currently pursuing. It'll always be a childhood dream, and something I enjoy. I'm a believer in timing, and if my life is circular, I'm not going to try and make it fit within the square hole of reality TV.
Oh, you seem like a good person to ask about this, as an internet-famous and pop-savvy entertainer: what do you think about Lactacia, the 8-year old drag queen? Is she fabulous and wonderful? Is she annoying and demeaning to the art of drag, or a true prodigy? Is she being exploited, or are her parents good role models for what the parents of a drag child should be? Should an extremely underage kid be turning numbers and sass in bars on the stage with Bianca del Rio?   
Ohhhhhhhh, I say let the kid live! I love her and what she represents. It doesn't feel exploitative. If anything, it is celebratory, and should be shown as a class act of how to accept your child for who they are -- no matter what they are or how they represent. I think Lactacia is punk as fuck -- and like every good drag queen, is getting into venues underage. She'll be seasoned well before any of us industry-working heifers are.
Okay, last question: What’s the single best piece of advice you can give to anyone, anywhere, who wants to break into drag in 2017?
Do it for you.
Thank you, Bible!
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BibleGirl666 appears monthly at Macri Park for the “Wallbreakers” benefit concert on second Thursdays (10pm). Check the Thotyssey calendar for upcoming area appearances, and follow BIble on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and DragQueen Merch.com.
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dollhandinfection · 7 years
How was AFI?
Oh man, it was honestly a life changing experience. So the concertstarted at 9 pm and me and my awesome friend got there at 12 pm. Oh and did Imention that it was fucking hot?? It was literally 110 degrees, and if you knowanything about Kansas you know that the majority of the heat was humidity. Butluckily when we got to The Midland (which is where they played) we found thislittle crook of shade so we put all our stuff in that and camped out. While wewere sitting there it came out that we were the first people (and almost only)who were actually from Kansas. I spoke to a couple of AFI fans while we werewaiting for hours and most of them were pretty cool and really nice. While wewere waiting I went across the street to the really fancy grocery store to goto the bathroom. I go in and I end up talking to this neat dude whose like anuber fan and has been to almost all the shows on The Blood Tour. While we weretalking it got brought up that apparently Circa Survive wasn’t playing thatnight. Which honestly I was kinda glad about cuz I didn’t really know anythingabout Circa Survive. But I felt so shitty because my friend came with me cuzshe’s a Circa fan! Luckily when I told her she wasn’t upset or anything andsaid she would’ve came anyway. Apparently a lot of other people in line alsodidn’t know that Circa wasn’t playing, but no one was mad about it (I guess alot of people just assumed that because all the other shows on this leg of thetour are with Circa Survive, but I guess KC was the exception.) I was also a little worried because people kept saying thatthe tour shirt didn’t even mention the KC stop on it, but luckily they werewrong! (it doesn’t have the right date on there, but it definitely says KC). Sofinally at about 8 something they start letting us in, and by that point myfriend got like a pinched nerve from sitting on the ground for too long, so sheended up just sitting in the lobby for the concert (which honestly may havebeen a good thing because she probably would’ve gotten crushed in that crowd).I immediately go to the merch table and while I’m buying my shirts my awesomefriend goes and saves me a spot so close to the stage. I get to the spot andthe girl standing right next to me is wearing the same shirt as me! (which isfunny because we were the ONLY people there wearing that shirt. We both knew itwas an older AFI tour shirt, but we both couldn’t remember exactly where we gotit from haha.) She was pretty cool and so was her husband. Before the concertstarted, she leans over and goes, “so you’re gay and I gotta ask… Do you thinkDavey and Jade are gay?? I always thought they were in a relationship.” And I’mjust like ha well they’ve never really straight out said what they’resexualities are, but I know that Davey’s really never been the one for labels.I honestly don’t think they’re 100% straight, but I can’t really say if they’regay or not since I don’t personally know them. (Granted tho they’ve been in aband for over 20 years and if you haven’t been at least a little gay with yourbest friend, then you’re not really best friends haha.) So finally the concert starts and Citizen comes out. Now I had only really heard ofCitizen by their lyric pics on tumblr and a couple of seconds of some of theirsongs. But I gotta say, I was pretty impressed. Besides the fact that there wasn’t a good mic check before playing, I thought it went pretty well. Icould hear all the instruments clearly and that whole band was really puttingtheir all in. It was a little awkward since no one really knew their songs sowe just kinda stood there and listened and clapped. After that performance I’lldefinitely be checking out more of their music. I really wanted to saysomething to them after the concert, but they pretty much grabbed all theirequipment and bolted (they probably just wanted to get back on the road asap.)After Citizen it was about 20 minutes before it finally happened. Adam came outfirst and got set up, then Hunter, then Davey, and Jade. Where I was standing Igot an amazing view of Davey and Jade. Sadly tho I wasn’t able to get any pics of Hunter because he was on theleft side of the stage, and I couldn’t get any pics of Adam during the concertbecause of the way his drums were lit up you couldn’t see his face. They startoff playing Girl’s not Grey and it literally felt like I was seeing the face ofGod. Davey locked eyes with me for like 1 second and then he reached his handright across in front of me and I brushed it with my fingertips because I wasnervous and didn’t want to be pushy. And let me tell you about this setlistholy fuck. So like I said they started off with Girl’s not Grey, then they wentinto Love like Winter (which was the first song I ever heard by them so thatwas awesome), then So Beneath You, then 17 Crimes (which is one of my favsongs/music videos), and then Malleus Maleficarum (which is when everyone losttheir fucking minds and started shoving like crazy), then Get Hurt (which wasthe first time they ever played that live!), then Lost Souls (which is whenDavey stepped into the crowd and I FUCKING TOUCHED HIS BACK HE WAS RIGHT THEREIN FRONT OF ME AND I HAVE VIDEO PROOF), then The Leaving Song pt. 1, then HeWho Laughs Last, then Feed From the Floor (which is also one of my fav songsand I may base my AFI tattoo that I’m gonna get after), then Days of thePhoenix (I could watch them play this song over and over until I die), then IHope You Suffer (which honestly I never really connected with this song before,but watching them perform it live holy shit, there was just so much passion andit literally felt like Davey was singing the song into my soul), then SnowCats, then Miss Murder, then Paper Airplanes, and then Silver and Cold (which wow, it just really struck a chord with me).Davey also sang most of Jack the Ripper (one of my all time favorites)completely a capella! (I also got some of that on video.) During the concert Ialmost lost my balance a couple of times cuz during certain songs people fromthe very back would start pushing and it pushed me into the first two rows ofpeople (which I said sorry about every time it happened just like the girlsbehind apologized when it happened.) Oh and also during the last two songs Igot wedged between these guys that were like a foot taller than me. The guy onthe right wasn’t really excited and just kinda stood there and nodded his head.The guy on the left wore a bright blue shirt (he was in the video that I took ofDavey in the crowd) and he was drunk and a complete asshole. Apparently duringthe rest of the concert he was pushing and shoving the girls that were behindme and made his way next to me. then during the last two songs he startsshoving me to the right (when literally no one else was shoving), I thought itwas an accident at first. Then I realize he’s clearly trying to bump me out ofmy spot, so I start shoving back. Then HE LITERALLY STARTS SHOVING HIS ASS INMY FACE. I had it, I was in the heat all day and about to pass out from toomuch excitement and I was not gonna put up with this shit, so I shoved him realhard and yelled, “DUDE WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?? YOU’RE SHOVING YOUR ASSIN MY GODDAMN FACE I’M A LITTLE GUY JUST LET ME STAND HERE PLEASE”. He fucking turns tome and says, “um you’re being a little rude.” So I was like haha dude whateverand wedged myself in front of him so that I could enjoy the last song. Afterthe concert like six people behind me came up to me to tell me that that drunk guy was an asshole and thanked me for actuallypushing him back and calling him out (they were all my height and the dude was like 6 foot something). A partof me worries that Davey just saw me pushing and thought that I was the assholeor something, but Jade was right there too and we talked after the show and hewas so nice. So after the concert ended me and my friend went out by the tourbus to wait and see if the band would come out. Adam came out first and theperson next to me asked for a pic and he said, “well actually I have a coupleof stuff I need to get. But I’ll be back, is that okay?” Like wow what a sweetguy. So eventually he comes back out and I’m starstruck. I shake his hand andtell him how weird it is to see one of the people I’ve been idolizing since 5thgrade so I’ll try to talk like a normal human being as much as possible, and hesmiles and says he’s happy I had a great time at my first AFI concert. Then Igave him this letter I wrote to the band and I tell him I didn’t want to makeit out to any specific person in the band because you’re all important. I tellhim how much I love AFI and that I don’t ever want him to feel like fans don’tappreciate him because the band wouldn’t be the same without all you guys. Andhe was like aww thanks. And he took a selfie with me and after I took it he waslike, “wait I didn’t see where to look, was I looking at the camera?” so I pullup the picture and he goes oh okay cool I did it right (what a nerd I lovehim). He also autographed this AFI postcard thing that I got with a pendant andThe Blood Album at Bestbuy. And then Jade comes out. And at this point I letsome guy borrow the sharpie I brought and I was scared that I wasn’t gonna haveit when Jade came up, but luckily he had his own (it was a gold sharpie aw). Ishake his hand and tell him how much I enjoyed the concert and how much Iappreciate him and the rest of the band and how it wouldn’t be the same withoutthem there. And he goes, “well you’re favorite band is kinda like yourchildren, you gotta love em all equally” and I’m like ha yea, I have sixsiblings tho.. and he’s like, “oh well siblings are a different thing, we allhave a favorite haha”. And then I told them that this was my first AFI show, buthopefully not my last unless you guys break up tomorrow. And he laughs andgoes, “well that is a possibility. Davey just made a really stinky sandwich, sothat might lead into something.” What a funny guy! We take a selfie and then Iask if he could also sign my card. Now this was pretty funny, when I handed himthe card he flipped it over, then he flipped it back over again and lookeda little confused. He goes, “I don’t recognize this at all, where did you getthis??” and I told him and he looks at my pendant and goes “wow you’re the onlyone here that I’ve seen wearing that, cool!” I just thought it was so funnythat he didn’t recognize that card at all. Then Davey came out and he waswearing that really cute black hood thing he’s been wearing a lot ininterviews, and as he walks by these two drunk girls scream demanding apicture. And he was nice about it and goes No pictures, but I’ll be out later.We waited like an hour and half after that and he was a no show, but honestly Ithink he was just drained (he may have came out after we left but I doubt it.)This concert was a real life changing experience. When I got home from theconcert my grandma started yelling at me and I realized; I accomplished one ofmy childhood dreams, so I’m not gonna put up with shit anymore. I feel like amore complete person. I feel like now I really only want to use my energy onthings that are important to me, and getting yelled at for no reason isn’t oneof them. And also since I wasn’t able to get a pic with Hunter or an autograph,and I wasn’t able to get an autograph from Davey (I don’t expect to get a picwith him since I’ve only seen like one pic of him and a fan on this tour) thisjust means I’ll have to go to another AFI concert! I can’t wait! 
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adambstingus · 6 years
‘Columbine destroyed my entire career’: Marilyn Manson on the perils of being the lord of darkness
He has been called an emissary of Satan and falsely blamed for one of the most notorious shootings in US history. But the singer has never been afraid of outrage. Is that really an excuse, though, to flick our interviewers testicles?
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It is while discussing the difference between his stage persona and his day-to-day life that Marilyn Manson leans over and flicks me in the testicles. This comes as quite a surprise: I have encountered a lot of unusual things as a journalist, but have thus far managed to get by without an interviewee touching my genitals. More surprising still is that leaning over and flicking my testicles appears to form part of his answer to a question about whether he has ever felt consumed by the character he created a quarter of a century ago, in the same way that Bowie struggled to separate himself from Ziggy Stardust or the Thin White Duke. Certainly, the way he says: “That’s the difference!” immediately afterwards suggests it is, but I’m not sure.
For one thing, I am distracted by my sore testicles, and, for another, I wasn’t really following his line of argument at the time. First, he took my notepad, wrote “person” on it and added an “a” at the end. “I’m this and I’m this,” he said. “A person and a persona. But I can’t really divide the two. There’s a difference on the stage; people I don’t know I just seduce, in a lot of ways. You go offstage and people … even me and you now, talking …”
His voice trailed off and, while I was trying to work out whether he had just said that he did inhabit a different persona on stage he flicked me in the testicles.
It’s all a bit peculiar, but then the interview has been peculiar from the minute I stepped into the Berlin hotel suite where Manson is receiving the press. He is midway through a European festival tour and promoting his forthcoming eighth album, Heaven Upside Down, a work he describes as “hard, punk rock, Killing Joke, Joy Division, Bauhaus, Scary Monsters”, and which reunites him with Tyler Bates, a guitarist, producer and soundtrack composer best known for his work on Guardians of the Galaxy. Manson seems surprised that Bates agreed to work with him again after 2015’s The Pale Emperor, or rather its ensuing tour, during which relations between the two deteriorated to such an extent that Manson pulled a box-cutter knife on Bates.
Heaven Upside Down was announced the day before the US presidential election, in typically understated Marilyn Manson style, with a short video that was widely reported as showing the singer decapitating Donald Trump. “Well, there was no actual decapitation shown,” he demurs. “It was implied. And no Trump. There was just a guy in a red tie. Could have been a preacher. It’s funny that people see what they want to see.”
Marilyn Manson on stage in 1997. Photograph: Rob Bartholomew/Associated Press
I have been warned that, as per Manson’s usual requirements for meeting journalists, the room will be both dark and cold, which it certainly is: air conditioning up full, curtains drawn against the afternoon sun, the only light coming from a television tuned to one of those ambient channels that broadcasts endless footage of landscapes and animals. But I have not been warned that Manson will be hiding behind his hotel room door, from where he will jump out – black-clad, in full slap – pointing a gun at the back of my neck. Not, it transpires, a real gun, but a realistic enough replica for me to greet him with a startled bark of, “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” rather than the more traditional “hello”. Manson laughs, shakes my hand and asks if I’d like a beer.
Thus begins an extremely diverting hour during which Manson will offer to wrestle me to demonstrate his physical and mental wellbeing; inquire, in the middle of discussing the difficulty of meeting your childhood idols and, apropos of nothing as far as I can gather, whether I am “a poop man, a scat guy”; suggest his partner, photographer and model Lindsay Usich – who wanders into the room in search of a drink – expose herself to me on the grounds that “the Guardian is an important periodical”; and flick me in the testicles.
It is difficult to work out whether all of this is done in a kind of spirit of collaboration – perhaps he is keen to ensure a journalist goes home with an incident-packed story, the better to promote the new album – or simply because Manson has, entirely understandably, chosen to enliven a long day of interviews with the European media by having a few drinks along the way. Certainly, something about his speech and gait strongly suggests the tumbler of neat vodka in his hand may not be his first of the day.
If it’s the former, then he really needn’t have bothered. Manson is a fascinating man even without the accompanying theatrics. Over the course of my time with him, he is variously funny, insightful, frank and preposterously self-mythologising: “I wake up in the morning and I just realise that I am chaos. That’s my job – I am a goddamn tornado,” he announces at one juncture. “You look at it, behold it, you get caught up in it, it tears off your roof – and I’m from Ohio, so I know about tornadoes”.
He is also, on occasion, wildly contradictory and incomprehensible, his answers veering so wildly off-road that I have no idea what he is talking about. Indeed, after one particularly unfathomable response, I find myself asking him if he’s OK. “I don’t know – check my pulse,” he laughs, but it’s a genuine query. His father, a Vietnam veteran, died days before this tour began. They were close – his dad would come on tour with him and the pair posed together for an amazing Paper magazine shoot, both in full Marilyn Manson drag. No one would have blamed him for cancelling his shows and promotional schedule to grieve. He looks aghast at the idea. “My dad would have hated me for that. He’d have kicked me in the dick. He would want me to be the best I could be right now. That’s what he raised me to be. Dad was a fucking fighter, a killer in Vietnam, but he was not a quitter; he just didn’t want to be here any more. He didn’t give up, he just wanted to be with my mom, and I respected him for that. So I wouldn’t miss a gig. It was not easy – I had to go see him a week before we went on tour. It was tough, but it made me stronger.”
Besides, he is bullishly proud of his new album, which he says “is about confidence, of fucking believing in yourself more than ever, which is something I may have lost along the road”. He is also theatrically furious at his record label for suggesting he put out a censored version for sale in the US’s Walmart stores. “It denies the legitimacy of it. If your parents give you money to buy a clean version of my record at Walmart, you might as well go there, buy a gun instead, take it into your own hands, do whatever you want.”
Listening to him talk, it’s tempting to wonder if he hankers after the era when he was American rock’s public enemy No 1, the primary source of outrage for conservative watchdog organisations. It’s easy to forget how much controversy Manson managed to cause in the late 90s, when his name was linked to the 1999 massacre at Columbine high school in Colorado, whose perpetrators were alleged – erroneously as it turned out – to have been fans.
He warms to his previous point. “Give them the money and let them make their own choice: guns or records. If [the Columbine killers] had just bought my records, they would be better off. Certain people blame me for the shootings at schools – I think my numbers are low, and hopefully they go up on this record.” It’s unclear whether he means numbers of shootings or people blaming him, but it’s provocation either way. “That’s going to be a great pull-quote for you. But, honestly, the Columbine era destroyed my entire career at the time.”
He was raising hackles long before Columbine, though. In Britain, his 1996 breakthrough album Antichrist Superstar was largely viewed as hugely entertaining glam metal in the grand gothic tradition of Alice Cooper. In the US, however, religious conservatives seemed to think he really was some kind of emissary of Satan. A succession of demented sworn testimonies on the American Family Association’s website claimed his concerts involved bestiality, satanic altars, ritual rapes and the distribution of free drugs. Some towns threatened to pass legislation banning him from performing on state property; schools in Florida threatened to expel students who attended his shows; the state of South Carolina ended up giving him money – $40,000 – not to play there.
“Well, I asked for it,” he nods. “You don’t make a record called Antichrist Superstar and not expect people to hate you. But I wanted to do something that made a difference. I wanted to put a fucking dent in the world, like my heroes: [Salvador] Dalí, Jim Morrison. I knew that there were people who would take it at face value, and that there were people who would see into it more deeply, and it would be that dichotomy that would cause chaos.”
After Columbine, the chaos ratcheted up even more. His concerts weren’t just being protested or picketed: during the 2001 Ozzfest tour, he says, he received daily death threats; “hundreds” when he played in Colorado. “I would just get on stage and smash beer bottles and cut myself and go, ‘Fuck you, bring it,’ – I’ve got scars all over my chest – I can show you. I would jump into the crowd and punch people. It wasn’t even those people who were at fault. But my dad gave me the best advice: ‘If people are going to kill you, son, they wouldn’t tell you in advance.’ No, I don’t miss that at all. It made everyone around me upset. And I discovered that police bomb dogs are also drug dogs. So when there were bomb threats, I had a very difficult time hiding my narcotics.”
It didn’t destroy his career as he claims – he still fills arenas around the world and has parlayed his notoriety into an acting career in the US TV series Salem and Sons of Anarchy, playing “a murdering barber and a paedophile white supremacist. Typecast.”
Performing in Argentina last year. Photograph: Santiago Bluguermann/CON/LatinContent/Getty Images
He has also found his fanbase extending into some unlikely places, not least the world of hip-hop. Gucci Mane and Rick Ross are fans; Lil Uzi Vert wears a diamond-encrusted pendant of Manson’s face. “I don’t know why rappers like me, other than what Gucci Mane told me,” he says. “He said I was ‘the only shit that’s real in rock’n’roll’. Rappers are hardcore and they’re real; rock’n’roll is so pussy and so lame. But I’m not saying I’m the realest thing in the world.” He sighs. “People say: ‘You’re the last rock star.’ Don’t say that to me – shut the fuck up, man! I don’t need that shit on my shoulders. But I’ll take it. I’ll own it.”
Perhaps they mean you’re the last rock star who could create the kind of controversy you created in the 90s? It’s hard to imagine anyone being shocked by a rock band now, in a world when you can see anything, no matter how gruesome or offensive, with a click of a mouse.
He nods. “I know. Fair enough. You just have to say what you’re saying with certainty, and look good when you’re saying it – that’s how you do your job.”
But if times have changed, he says he has changed, too. He used to be “angry, confused and upset”, he says. “Now, I think I feel more happy. Not like, Shiny Happy People. I think I’m just happy being myself. I think now, I’m much more charming and likable. I notice you’re enjoying yourself.”
Well, I am. He’s hugely entertaining company.
“And I’m sure in a moment you’ll take your pants off and I’ll smash you in the nuts with a beer bottle.”
No, I say, you’re OK. So instead, Manson opts for taking a selfie of us, showing me his ringtone (it’s Hot Love by T Rex), shaking my hand and asking me to write nice things about him. Of course, I say. “Good,” he smiles, ushering me out into the corridor. “Or I’ll find out where you fucking live.”
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/columbine-destroyed-my-entire-career-marilyn-manson-on-the-perils-of-being-the-lord-of-darkness/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/182571050402
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yesbabyjiminie · 8 years
My Wings Tour Experience: Santiago, Saturday 11th
I had the chance to go to both dates. Since I’m from Argentina and I was going to spend all that money on travelling tickets and accommodation, I decided to spend all I could on the concerts as well lol.
I got second floor tickets for Saturday 11th and first floor tickets for Sunday 12th. The date on Sunday was supposed to be the first date of the tour, but the boys sold out the tickets in less than 5 hours and when they needed to add a second date the only choice was Saturday. Hence, the first date became the second. I was so excited both days that I kind of forgot some details, so I’ll try to remember as much as possible.
Something I would like to mention is that even though the show was in Santiago, there were A LOT of fans from different Latinamerican countries. I personally know around 20 other people just from my city (Córdoba) that were in the show, but there were a lot of ARMYs from Buenos Aires and smaller cities in Argentina. I also saw a big group of fans from Bolivia and then there were a lot of fans carrying Uruguayan, Paraguayan, Peruvian flags. The woman that rented the apartment me and my friends stayed in said that she owned 13 apartments and had 8 of them rented to ARMYs from a lot of countries, including Colombia (she was really surprised because she said that it was the first time something like that had happened to her, having so many people renting her apartments for the same date, from so many different places and all for the same reason).
I was also surprised to see that the media in Chile was covering all about it, and everyone I talked to in Chile seemed to know that we were there because of “that Korean band” lol. I even visited a different city in Chile (Valparaiso) after the concert and the Uber driver was like “Oh you are here for BTS right? people hasn’t stopped talking about it”. Bangtan is huge.
Saturday 11th
They started with Not Today. The moment when the music started playing and the curtain fell, the stadium went crazy. The one I remember to most from Not Today is Taehyung, because that bandana increases his looks a 3547%, it’s been proved by scientists, I kid you not.
After Not Today came the intro talk. The guys introduced themselves in English and Spanish. They just said “Hola” in Spanish and everything that followed in English. Yoongi did his classic taking-his-in-ear-off and listening to the cheers, but couldn’t help smiling because the cheers were seriously crazy.
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Jimin tried to speak some English during the first talk, but nobody understood a word, his English was too broken. I’m not saying this as a critic, but more as something that happened because later during the show the guys kept laughing at him ‘cause it was clear that nobody could understand what he was trying to say but ARMYs would still cheer for him and the guys laughed harder at that haha. Hobi and Jungkook talked in English a lot. Kookie has improved SO MUCH, our boy has been studying hard, I’m so proud of him. Yoongi thanked us for coming to the show and then screamed “THANK YOU-SO- MUCH-ARMY” and then threw a kiss -Jin Style- and got all shy, it was the cutest thing ever. Hobi kept waving and smiling to the fans next to the stage. I’m proud to say that during the first talk people cheered for all the boys with the same excitement and you could see that they were kind of surprised with the loudness, we were really REALLY loud (if you know a Latino person, then you probably can imagine what an stadium filled with 20 thousand Chilean, Peruvian, Bolivian, Argentinian, Paraguayan, Uruguayan and Colombian fans can sound like).
There was a project to rise a banner and sing Happy birthday to Yoongi after they finished speaking, but everything was so fast that unfortunately we didn’t have the chance :/ as soon as fans were getting ready to start singing, they lowered the lights and moved on with the show.
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The guys were perfect and on point on every single song after that. The crowd went crazy with Hobi’s solo during Baepsae. J-Hope was, to my opinion, the star of the night. Latinamerican ARMYs really love Hoseok and we showed it. We cheered really loud for all of them, but Hoseok got the biggest amount of screams. He looked so happy the whole night, it was priceless. I’ve never seen someone with a more beautiful smile in my entire life.
During his part on the bridge in Dope, Jimin didn’t sing. He just opened his arms really wide and did a few spins like he was Heidi on the hills, holding his microphone up high and listening to the fans singing. He smiled like he was having the time of his life; Park Jimin is so adorable I can barely contain myself and my love for this little cutie. He also made a heart with his arms when the song finished (damn camera man didn’t capture it alright xD)
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They played a VCR and then Jungkook sang Begin, the first solo of the night. How this kid can sing and dance like that without missing a note is still a mistery to me.
Lie received a crazy reaction. The public sang along the whole song, and Jimin’s voice was amazing. The choreography is so good, the whole stage is so breath taking… as a Jimin biased, I was a little bit disappointed that I couldn’t see it as close as I would’ve liked, since the first day I was really far from the main stage and the second day I could only see chunks of it (I’m so short TT.TT people kept covering my line of vision, fuck my life honestly). I still could rely on the screens, but I didn’t want to look at the screens, I see BTS on a screen every day of my life. I wanted to see them with my own eyes even if it meant seeing them the size of an ant. You can watch my video here if you like. (I know the quality is shit, but if you listen with earphones you can listen clearly how loud ARMYs were singing).
First Love. Min Yoongi. The piano. The passion this guy has for music gives you chills. As part of the project for his birthday, fans were given other banners that we were supposed to raise during First Love. The silver one that says Agust D is my favorite, it’s really shiny and pretty. I hope Yoongi saw them.
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During Lost, a group of fans held a huge sign that said “ARMY says SORRY” for the invasion of privacy the guys suffered when they went out to eat and during his stay at the hotel. Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin saw the sign (I’m not sure, but I think Jimin did too). I felt really sad for that. It’s really unfair that because of a group of disrespectful and inconsiderate people, Chilean ARMYs ended up looking so bad they needed to apologize to the boys during the concert. I think is a good thing that fans recognize when they do something wrong and try to fix it, but being honest, I’m sure that the people holding the sign weren’t the ones that did it. Chilean ARMY worked really hard organizing projects and even prepared a flyer with a “Manual to be a good ARMY” that specifically asked for people to have good manners and respect the boys. They even did a campaign about it like a month before the show. Unfortunately, there’s always selfish people that don’t think about the boys or the way they end up making their country look just for a picture.
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Save me was flawless. I couldn’t take my eyes off Yoongi. No matter how much the boys like to drag his dancing skills, I’m no fool. Min Yoongi can dance.
During I Need U I felt like an earthquake was happening or something because ARMYs were singing so loud I swear everything was moving. Another prove I have of that is the short video I could record that was ruined because the sound was so damn loud that my stupid camera saturated the sound and all you can hear is the bass. But you can still notice how during the last part, the boys barely sang and let ARMY do all the singing. Jeon Jungkook jumped so high I was impressed. It was a very emotional song, but it was as if all of us felt energized and happy to see them perform this song that’s so important for all of us.
Reflection’s stage was so pretty!!! It was all full of stars, beautiful colors and feelings. Namjoon’s voice is so clear and beautiful and he didn’t need to do much more that stand there and hold his mic to own that stage. Kim Namjoon is so damn talented that I swear if yall don’t start appreciating him now, you’ll regret it when he’s even more succesfull and amazing than he is today.
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Stigma was amazing as well. Taehyung reached his high notes like a goddamn pro and everyone went wild. My videos don’t make him justice at all, so I really hope one of the fansites got to film it. Tae really killed his solo stage.
Ok, now MAMA. I already said that Hobi was the star of the night, and I need to say it again. Jung Hoseok received so much love that after the concert finished, it was all me and my friends could talk about. Hobi shined so bright one of my friends even switched biases. She said “I always liked Hobi, but after seeing him with my own eyes he just escalated so high into my heart and there’s no way he’s leaving”. MAMA is a song that is so full of love and significance, but still has that cheerful thing that is so Hoseok that you can’t help feeling happy when you listen to it. Everybody was singing along, and when the lights went down during the bridge, everybody started chanting “J-HOPE! J-HOPE! J-HOPE!”. He does his rap acapella, the lights go up again and everybody was singing the Chorus like it was on Spanish. Hobi was definitely surprised. His smile was so SO big, you know that thankful and full of happiness smile Hoseok does? That was what was decorating his face at that moment. Then he started harmonizing while ARMYs kept singing “Hey MAMA, ijen naege gidaedo dwae eonjena yeope, hey mama…” and it was slkdfjskldf it was one of those moments that you need to live and share to know what I’m talking about.
Again, I hope one of the fansites got a recording of that moment because my video is not enough for my soul. You can watch it here. I know the quality is not the best, but the sound is not bad and you can clearly hear how great Hoseok voice was, how loud ARMYs were cheering and singing, how happy everybody was watching the sun shining on stage. To me, it was the highlight of the night.
After MAMA, and as if we hadn’t had enough quality performances that night, came AWAKE. Now, after how hyped and amazing Hoseok stage was I think it would have been hard for any other performance to follow it. Nevertheless, Seokjin owned it. Next time Bighit pulls any of the shit they do with Jin (like what happened with Not Today) I’m going to shove a copy of Awake up their asses because KIM SEOKJIN CAN FUCKING SING. When AWAKE started, everyone was singing along. Jin’s voice was so clear, stable and beautiful I felt like it was some sort of luxury to be able to hear it with my own ears. The whole stadium sang the song with Seokjin and by the second verse, Jin started tearing up. Yeap, our boy was crying. I always thought that it was a little impossible for international fans to make them cry (I guess I have an inferiority complex when compared with K-Armys), but I’m guessing Jin was moved by the fact that people was singing along with him and screaming his name with so much passion. Still, his voice didn’t crack for one second and he composed himself real quick. He reached his high notes like it was nothing and pretty much became the king of ballads, thank you very much.
Jin deserves so much more than we give him, I hope one day he can have his justice. I can’t wait to hear more of his songs. 
Cypher was the moment my soul was cleansed, I gained like 20 years of life after that performance. Namjoon was totally excited, Hoseok looked like some sort of sexy gangster and I’m telling you, listening Min Yoongi rap “Fuck you and you” is a once in a lifetime experience, 100% recomended.
All the songs that came after that are kind of like a blur to me, I can’t remember much. I was so into the concert, singing so hard that at one point I remember that I felt my chest aching lol
I remember that fans tried singing Happy Birthday to Yoongi many times during the talks but for different reasons we couldn’t and everyone was so frustrated lol Who would’ve thought that it was going to be so hard? haha. I also remember that the guys did a talk in Spanish and we could barely hear them ‘cause fans wouldn’t shut up -.- Jimin was struggling so much, I couldn’t understand much of what he was trying to say, but I in a moment he did say one sentence really clearly and fans cheered extra loud for him and he said “HA!” on the mic, like he was super proud of himself and I died. Park Jimin is so cute, I kid you not, he’s smol, adorable and an angel. He really is an angel.
Hobi danced Boy Meets Evil and once again fans cheered his name so loudly, it gave me chills. Also, seeing him dance that choreo was extreme. He’s so good. I wish I could’ve paid more attention to B,S&T but I was partying so hard...
Then 2!3! happened. The stadium looked so pretty filled with all the banners. There was also a strong campaign encouraging fans to learn the lyrics to 2!3! and the lyrics of the chrous were printed on the back of the sign, but honestly, fans knew the lyrics <3
As later we found out, the sign had a typo lol but thankfully it wasn’t somehting that changed the meaning or anything, and the guys found it cute, so I think it was a success.
The sang Wings, played around and then finished with Spring Day. The choreo is beautiful.
The guys were extremely sweet. Also, I happened to see the whole thing about the giant ARMY Bomb haha. Yoongi saw it first. He started motioning to Hoseok and laughing like crazy and then the fans gave them the ARMY Bomb. Hoseok grabbed it and started ruuning around with the thing and Yoongi was running after him haha. It was super cute.
I don’t know if I’m biased or what, but I feel that the ones that enjoyed the show the most were Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook. RM and Jimin are a lot more composed, but super sweet anyways. Their voices sound so good live, like I died a hundred times listening to Namjoon’s English. Jin is a tease!!! He kept coming next to the borders of the stage and throwing kisses and winking and smiling and saghjsjhfd he’s so handsome. Personally, I felt like V was a little bit absent? my friend, a V biased said that it’s not that he was serious, but he was acting coy. I don’t know. I don’t remember much about him more than his amazing voice during Stigma, his killer looks with the bandana and that at one point he was dancing for some fans and I nearly died lol.
It was an amazing concert experience. I was bursting with happiness. I didn’t feel like I was watching a show from celebrities tho. It felt like I was watching my friends being awesome on stage, like they were this people i hadn’t seen in a really long time (even tho it was my first time seeing them ever) and after they left I didn’t feel so bad ‘cause I still had the show next day.
I will write an entry about the show on the 12th as soon as possible. That experience was a 100% different from the one on Saturday because I saw them up close. They are so gorgeous.
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