golden-robots · 5 months
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Do you understand me when i say Eclipse and BM should be the celestial family pets?
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polilyen · 3 months
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luverofralts · 2 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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In the Bellamy house, the evidence of party planning littered the floor. Boxes for presents, happy decorations, and sample cakes were left abandoned. A giant thirty years tri-celebration had been originally planned for the day after Abe and Roman returned from their second honeymoon for both their and Adrian's thirtieth birthday. All that had changed the second the Siew family had been caught off guard at a family barbecue and members of the royal family had been killed or injured. Abe and Roman had teleported back home immediately, while Adrian had teleported all of their children from the cottage to the Bellamy estate and then teleported back to help protect the queen.
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And so the Bellamys sat and waited for Adrian to return. Roman had offered his own help, seeing as he was a demon hybrid who could hold his own in a fight, but Adrian had refused. Roman was needed at home, protecting the children Adrian had entrusted him with. As much as he hated the idea of Adrian in danger, protecting their family was more important.
It was still hard to wait to find out about the Siew family. Adrian had promised that Georgiana was okay and that he'd personally bring her to her mother without a scratch on her. Ulyssa was preparing some kind of speech to the public and was safe. She had lost two children and that had to be crippling. Roman would likely be crying in a corner, completely incapacitated if he lost a child. His heart broke for Ulyssa, though he didn't dare mention that fact out loud. Worrying about your affair partner and bastard child from said affair wasn't a good look after returning from your second honeymoon.
Abe could sense the turmoil though. That was what they'd looked forward to the most about demonic marriage. Abe could feel what Roman felt and understand that those feelings for Ulyssa were wrapped with guilt, shame, and remorse. Roman could have told him as much, but now Abe had the proof to feel for himself.
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"I'm sure Daddy is okay," Luci offered softly. Roman's fear and anger and sense of uselessness was starting to travel to the children.
Roman squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep breath and tried his best to dispel the negative emotions from his mind.
"I know he is, honey. Your dad can take care of himself. With Evren there too, they'll be unstoppable. He'll come home safe."
Saturnia traded a worried look with her sister.
"Did Adam die? Is Theo going to be sad if he did? Can we call him? I haven't seen him in forever. I miss him."
Saturnia looked at her father with frightened eyes and Roman tried to keep his cool so that his daughter could relax. That was another mess of nerves that Roman didn't have the emotional ability to discuss. He'd gotten a notice that Theo had graduated from his program and would be returning home soon, only to discover that his son was "posted to a special assignment" in Pleasantview. Roman didn't have a clue of where his oldest child was, and if Adam had nearly been injured or killed at the barbecue, there was a decent chance that Theo had teleported there in hopes of finding him. The last thing he needed was for Theo to find himself in a new dangerous situation.
"Theo is safe and I'm sure that Adam is as well," Roman replied, trying to sound confident. "We would know if they weren't. They're both really strong warlocks. Nothing is going to slow down Adam when family is at stake."
"Yeah, Rien too. She knows what to do when bad guys show up."
"Are you okay, sweetie?" Roman asked, hugging Luciana close to him. "You saw something really scary and I know how confusing things must be. Did you want to talk about what happened?"
Luciana shook her head, the look on her face vacant. She'd seen people actually fight for their lives and had somehow avoided being hit with a magical spell or bladed weapon. One of her father's work friends had shielded her from seeing any bodies and returned her to Adrian's side without breaking a sweat. It had all gone so quickly, and she had trouble piecing together what exactly she had seen.
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"Jorah's here!" Abe cried, jumping up to answer the door. Jorah was a mess, still sobbing despite his best efforts to put on a brave face. "Jorah! What's going on? Has the situation been handled? How's Adrian and Evren? Are they safe?"
Jorah opened his mouth, only to be overcome with sobs once more.
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"They're...They're fine, right?" Roman asked. He could feel Abe's anxiety through their bond, which only worsened his own. If the children hadn't been present, Roman would have been asking about Evren and Adrian's deaths instead of assuming they were alright.
Jorah nodded, and both Roman and Abe nearly crumpled to the floor with relief.
"Adrian and Trent have everything secured. The Pleasantview witches have backed Twikkii Island security, but we have no prisoners. There are three dead assailants, but they're not in any system we have access to. The only casualties were from the Durant family. My family. The family I'm supposed to lead. My little sister is dead. Cindra won't leave Trent's side and my father hasn't left his bedroom since we learned about Lauren. I don't know what to do. Trent told me to come here, so here I am."
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"It'll be okay. You've got this."
Roman rushed to hug Jorah, who once again began sobbing in his arms.
"I'm sure Cindra will come home as soon as her children and their blood relatives are safe," Abe reassured him. "The Siews are her family now too. If someone is targeting your family, she needs to keep her children where they'll be protected. When Twikkii Island is declared safe, Adrian plans to keep the children there where royal security can guard them. Cindra will come home when she can."
"And my children? Do I need protection for them too or are they not targets because they live here? Should I be worried?"
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"They'll be fine. I could sense their intentions when I stabbed one of them in the leg. They want to cause fear, and they hate the royal family. They don't like Aunt Ulyssa much, but they don't care about Arkhelios itself."
The adults stared at Rien, who was happily playing with her brother's familiar, Too. Abe wanted to say something about Rien's admission of stabbing a man, but decided that that could be brought up when Jorah wasn't sobbing on their doorstep.
"Rien, honey, you shouldn't say things that you don't know for certain," Roman began worriedly. "It was a scary situation and you can't trust what you saw when you were scared. No one can. Your father will help figure out the motive of the bad guys."
Rien rolled her eyes.
"I could feel it, just like I always do. It wasn't a lot of information, but I could sense it from him! As long as Uncle Jorah stays away from Twikkii Island, he'll be fine. The spirits agree, and they're never wrong. They told me how to save the queen and Princess Georgiana and it worked. Just listen to them like I do."
"Who is behind this? What do they want? What can I do to save my family?"
Jorah couldn't stop the words coming out of his mouth. Someone, even if they were a child, was finally giving him answers and he was desperate. Roman and Abe shared a sharp look and nodded in agreement.
"Rien, you're being inappropriate and insensitive to Mr. Durant," Abe began. "I know that you saw some terrible things today, but you can't let your imagination run wild when people are grieving. It's wrong to offer false hope."
The look Rien gave her stepfather was indescribably dark. Both of her parents had seen Malika’s abilities when communicating with the spirits, and her ability to predict the future had been nearly infallible. Most of the Bellamy fortune had been amassed with her gifts. And yet, none of Rien's parents could see that their little girl had that same talent or trust what she knew to be obvious.
"The spirits know where to cut to sever an artery in someone's leg," she said curtly, turning her back on the adults. "If they didn't, maybe I'd be dead instead of him."
"Go to your room, Rien! Now. We'll process our feelings about what happened today when your father comes home. Until then, don't rile up your siblings with talk like that."
Rien pictured how her older brother would handle a conversation like this and smiled. Theo would probably leave the room flipping people off and threatening to run away again. That would feel amazingly liberating, but it wasn't going to help her in this scenario. Everyone was still on edge. Instead, Rien obeyed Roman's command, and silently left the room without acknowledging any of the adults. Let them be wrong. If they weren't going to acknowledge her gifts, maybe she'd be less inclined to intervene on their behalf.
"I'm so sorry, Jorah. She's been through a lot today and with Evren and Adrian facing so much danger, all of the kids have been unsettled. I'll talk with her," Roman promised. "Today...today has been rough for all of us."
"I can't imagine what she saw," Jorah replied sadly. "I can't imagine what any of them saw. Rien means well, I'm sure."
"Why don't we wait outside for Adrian to return?" Abe suggested, looking at Luci and Saturnia's worried faces and trying to imagine the therapy bill for all the children involved. "It might be more distracting."
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The smell of hamburgers filled the air as the Bellamys and Jorah waited for Adrian. Abe had half-heartedly grilled some burgers to be a proper host until he remembered that the tragedy they were still reeling from had been a barbecue. Roman dutifully ate some and when Jorah's husband Valerian arrived to check on Jorah, he forced Jorah to do the same. Jorah had barely eaten since the news arrived and the last thing their family needed was for Jorah to faint.
The Bellamy family didn't have enough outdoor seats to accommodate the group, but they made do with what they could find. The children were content to stay inside where they felt safe and have some separation from the worried adults. Luci had apparently gone to comfort her twin sister, which Roman hoped would end in a sisterly hug and not a united front rebelling against their parents.
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"Has there been any more announcements?" Valerian asked while chewing a burger. "Do we know anything about Maura?"
Jorah shook his head.
"Cindra has been the one keeping me informed and she's busy with her own family. Ulyssa isn't answering my calls since she's apparently making a speech about the attack. Maura isn't in a stable condition from what I've heard. Ulyssa's the queen regent until Maura is able to reign again. If she's able to reign again."
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"Maura’s strong, she'll get through this," Valerian insisted. "Things must be bad if they're asking Ulyssa to run the country."
"Val!" Jorah snapped irritably. "Her wife might be dying and she's lost two children! Have some compassion! My sister's not perfect but she's trying!"
"Well, would you want to live under Queen Ulyssa? It was bad enough when she tried to steal back your role as family heir. Life's too short to waste pretending to like your sister."
Jorah glared at his husband, whose eyes had drifted to Roman. No one wanted to start drama, but the Durant family was dying to know how Roman felt about his ex fling ruling a country if her wife died. Would she try to get back with Roman when the pressure got too much? If Maura died, the Durant family had to be ready for Ulyssa falling back on old habits and the potential fallout.
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Before Valerian could continue, he was interrupted by a shimmering magical light. Adrian was finally here.
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"Adrian! What's happening? Is Georgiana really okay? How's Maura? What even happened?"
"Ulyssa has the surviving children with her under heavy guard," Adrian answered, his eyes searching for his own children. "Maura’s in critical condition, but they're optimistic about her chances. If I hadn't been there to intercept her first attacker, she might not have been so lucky. Roman, the things I've seen....our kids are taking self-defense classes at the military academy immediately. I can't go through something like this again. And they weren't even really interested in us. I couldn't imagine having our kids be targets. I won't let it happen. I can't protect them all the time. They need to learn to protect themselves as best as they can when we're not around."
"Agreed. Theo can hold his own, and he usually has Adam glued to his side, so they're safe. Maybe Saturnia, Fiolett, and the twins can watch out for each other until the others are older?"
"Trust me, Rien doesn't need training. I fully expect the queen or queen regent to give her a medal for her performance," Adrian replied solemnly. "She really does have a gift that I can't explain, Roman. I wish I could because it scares the shit out of me, but a lot more people would have died without her. She may receive her own title for this, the crown is that grateful."
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Roman froze, reflecting on what Adrian had said. He understood the words, but he couldn't accept their meaning. Stressed, relieved, and scared out of his mind, Roman wrapped his arms around his ex-husband as tightly as he could.
"I watched my grandmother work her magic all of my life. It makes sense that Rien may have inherited all of that, but I've never understood what gift my grandmother had. And with demon blood? I can't think about that, Adrian. Not now. Maybe when the world isn't coming to an end, I can rehash my trauma with you, but not today. We'll put the kids in self-defense classes as soon as we can and I'll try to listen more to Rien, but I can't face all of that on top of this mess."
"I understand completely. Just don't throw a fit if she's Duchess Rien when she's eighteen."
Roman groaned, releasing Adrian from his arms.
"I'll add it to the list. I'm just glad that you and Evren are safe and the queen may survive this. No one kid should have to mourn their mother and become king as young as Adrion."
"Maura’s a fighter," Adrian gently reminded him. "She won't let a little thing like an assassination attempt end her reign. She's too stubborn to die on somebody else's terms."
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While Roman and Abe stood anxiously at Adrian's side, Jorah slipped back into the house, searching for the proven oracle that had saved the queen with her predictions. He had questions that he hoped Rien might be able to answer. It was desperate of him to try to talk to a child about his worries, but he was desperate. He had to protect his family, and if desperation was what it took, then he'd be desperate.
Jorah found Rien in the living room, ignoring Roman's order of going to her bedroom as punishment. Instead, she was watching Jorah with a detached curiosity.
"You came back to ask about your family," she stated and Jorah nodded.
"Are my kids truly safe here in Arkhelios? Do you know why my sisters were attacked?"
Rien tilted her head as she pondered the question.
"Stay in Arkhelios," she replied cryptically. "Your destiny is here. You may not be safe, but whoever wants your sisters dead won't bother to find you here."
"And who's behind this? Who wants to kill my sisters and the queen?"
Rien stared impassively at the man in front of her, watching him like he was little more than an ant to her. She weighed each word carefully. She didn't know more than what she'd already told her father, and Jorah had been silent when Roman disbelieved her claims. Now here he was, asking for her help.
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"Your daughter, Judith. She gets in trouble a lot, right? She stands out from the twins to the point that people make comments about it?"
"Oh god, is Judith going to die next?" Jorah cried, barely holding back tears at the thought.
"No, she's going to be fine. She's not your husband's kid though. Uncle Nathan is her father, hence the bad attitude. She's a Helios after all."
Jorah's jaw dropped to the floor as his mind pieced together small comments people had made about Judith. She wasn't as pale as her siblings, and Susanna and Hamnet were calm, easy-going children. If he remembered right, Judith could have a small resemblance to Nathan. Maybe.
"But I was the one who gave birth to her!" Jorah exclaimed. The all knowing child had to be right, but at the same time, Jorah knew that he'd never laid a finger on Nathan Helios. Nathan creeped him out more than anything and spending even an hour with him sounded like torture. "I don't know how you can right about the queen and wrong about this, but I promise you, Nathan Helios and I can't possibly be parents together."
Rien shrugged. Her words were true, and he deserved to hear it for doubting her in the first place.
"The spirits say that it was contamination from a fertility potion. His lips and your lips touched the same liquid and genetic transfer was made. You really should be more careful about what you drink, Uncle Jorah. Magic can be dangerous if you don't understand it."
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Abe III interrupted their conversation with a happy squeal. Too was desperately trying to free herself from Abe's grasp but not succeeding. While Jorah's attention was focused on the unhappy familiar, Rien disappeared. The spirits whispered their approval of her choice of information to reveal. He didn't need to know about the potion mix up from so long ago, but Rien wasn't inclined to share what the spirits shared with her on any other topic. When people actually did believe her warnings, they assumed that she was all-knowing, all the time, which was just as frustrating as not being believed at all.
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Jorah slumped to the floor, unable to breathe with all of the anguish weighing him down.
He knew that Ulyssa had gone too far with all those potions she had brought him when they struggled to conceive. At least one of them had clearly blown up in his face; how many others had been equally disastrous? Were any of their kids genetically theirs? Had magic corrupted their DNA? Were they sick or damaged at all by a potion?
If Ulyssa wasn't currently going through hell and not returning his calls, Jorah would have some incendiary words for her and her meddling.
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"Jorah? Honey? Why are you on the floor? Did Cindra call with bad news? You're scaring me."
Valerian crouched down to sit next to his husband, taking his hand.
"I was only joking about hating your sister. Well, mostly. I didn't mean to upset you either way. Talk to me."
"R-Rien. I asked her about my family, and, and she said that a magic potion backfired when we got pregnant. T-that Nathan Helios touched one of them and- and he's Judith's father. I never cheated on you, I'm so sorry! I don't even like being in the same room as him! This is impossible; she has to be wrong."
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Valerian looked into the kitchen, where Judith was tormenting her brother for some reason. It didn't matter why they were fighting, Judith would fight over anything and her shy brother wouldn't fight back.
"That...that does explain a few things," he murmured. "There have been some times when I've wondered if she was a changeling abandoned here and switched for our daughter. Nathan huh? Why couldn't it have been one of the smart, ambitious Helios siblings? Lucy's kids seem to have a good head on their shoulders."
"I feel like you're missing the obvious," Jorah whined, staring at his husband strangely. "Magic has ruined our family. My husband isn't the father of all of my children and my family is forever scarred by an assassination plot. Nothing is okay. Nothing will ever be okay again."
"Judith is my daughter," Valerian vowed, looking his husband directly in the eyes. "No DNA can change that. We'll figure this out. Maybe she's wrong, but if she isn't, then worse things have already happened. You're taking the word of a child, no matter gifted she may be. How about you leave the psychics alone until things with your sisters calm down."
"You really don't care?" Jorah asked incredulously. "This could be huge. I mean, it makes about as much sense as anything else that happens here. I believe her enough to test Judith. Don't you want to know?"
Valerian hugged his husband.
"I don't care. Really, I don't. Your sister just lost two children and maybe their mother. They're gone. Our children are here, and I can't ask for anything more. After today, how can you even ask if magical screwups mean anything? Nothing else matters outside of our family. Nothing."
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"Why is Jorah crying on my floor?" Roman asked to no one in particular. No one ever answered his questions in this house anyway.
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Roman had a guess as to why his guest was crying, and it wasn't because of the tragedy in Twikkii Island. The children were suspiciously absent, increasing the likelihood that one or more of them was involved.
He sighed heavily, mentally composing his apology to Jorah before he walked to check on him. Whatever he had thought parenting would be, it certainly wasn't this.
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tamtam-go92 · 6 months
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Em properly congratulates her daughter on becoming an adult, and Then Ardelle is quickly off to get a makeover. So much better!
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valyrra · 8 months
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I have no idea why I made this
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irisreality · 1 year
U have to detach from the old story!
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮
I know there are here many people like me who overconsume Loa and Neville Goddart's lessons but are still confused and didn't manifest many things and are probably questioning their whole ability to manifest, and I'm here to tell you why, it's you babe, yeah don't look at me like this, it's you because you don't understand that what is around you now is the reflections of your old thoughts or what Neville said "the fruits of old blessings u wished for" if u want a new appearance then stick with it in your imagination and mind, IT DOSNT MATTER WHAT YOU SEE IN THE MIRROR, that's the reflection of your old conceptions on your appearance, u want a new wardrobe? then stick to the new conception of it, your old wardrobe is only a reflection of your old thoughts and style lol, to change your reality you gotta change your conceptions of what's around you and PERSIST, I don't give a fuck if you told me that I don't have my desired body, cuz you're only seeing my old version and reflection, I don't belong to those thoughts anymore.
𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐃 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐧, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟑𝐃 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬.
I love you so much stars <3 stay safe and you're more than welcome here (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:··:¨༺ ♱✮
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crownsandqueens · 1 year
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Delegates to the Miss Universe pageant 1952. Held in Long Beach. California.
Miss Turkey, Gelengul Tayforoglu. Miss France, Claude Goddart. Miss Noeway, Eva Roine. Join them Miss Indiana, Virginia Johnson. Miss Denmark, Hanne Sørensen and Miss Great Britain, Aileen P. Chase.
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angelariasdominguez · 8 months
§ 3.292. Los inconquistables (Cecil B. DeMille, 1947)
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Un clasicazo del cine de todos los tiempos. De un Director mítico en la industria, en la influencia posterior, en todo el cine de aventuras, en el clásico, en todo el cine. Me gusta mucho todo lo que he visto de él. 
La presencia de Gary Cooper es impresionante. Llena toda la pantalla. Hace pequeña a Paulette Goddart, que no era una actriz menor. Los secundarios son extraordinarios: Boris Karloff, Cecil Kellaway, Ward Bond, Howard Da Silva y Mike Mazurki.
Un color magnífico, unos encuadres y unos planos ortodoxos y un desarrollo magnífico. Un canon de las películas de aventuras. Tiene ese punto sentimental que suaviza la trama bélica, y la tensión de las aventuras.
Tiene algo de Raoul Walsh, algo de Tournier, algo de Mann, algo de Capra, algo de un cine de toda la vida. Algo inconmensurable, algo inasible, un ambiente tremendamente bien logrado, un guión camina y avanza suave pero firmemente. Da gusto ver este tipo de películas. No puedo entender la nota con la que la califican en las plataformas. Me parece sorprendente. En filmaffinity tiene un 7; en Letterboxd un 6.6, y en IMDb un 6.8. No entiendo muy bien cuál es la razón. Probablemente en las plataformas se valoran más las novedades, las películas actuales. Y lo entiendo. 
En cualquier caso, me parece muy buena. Tremenda, visualmente muy apetecible y extraordinariamente bien desarrollada. Planteamiento clásico, ortodoxia cinematográfica y conclusión estupenda. Me ha encantado.
0 notes
yourthepower · 3 years
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What you think you become 👏🏻 Power of Awareness 😇
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raedas · 4 years
okay- so i'm like at chapter 17 or sumpin?? freaking hate goddard and his crew, xenocrates sucks, the whole thing is :O- bUT THEN-- citra trained by CURIE?!!!! :O WOAH and- rowan trained by GODDARD???? what the actual heck???? and faraday- noooo!!!! i'm so glad you mentioned this to me- i'm enjoying it immensely and it's making me think a lot about mortality...
ahhhhhh I’m so glad you like it!!! im rly looki my forward to rereading it soon too heheh, the book is absolutely AMAZING and yeah it makes you think about a loooot of things, the other two books are just as good in my opinion heheheh
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golden-robots · 4 months
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some celestialcest doodles i did a time ago
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vibrational-being · 5 years
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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“The horns are certainly a look. I don’t see them often these days.”
Ulyssa sighed, sinking against the back of the couch in her childhood bedroom. This had been her only chance to escape the palace and the endless amount of people eager to tell her how to live her life since Maura took the throne. If she couldn’t teleport to somewhere quiet and remote, Ulyssa had no idea of how she’d cope. At least in Arkhelios, the weird culty vibe and exceptionally high murder rate kept those who might follow her at bay. Salem’s original scheme of sending Arkhelios citizens out to marry rich and bring new recruits  back to Arkhelios hadn’t worked out exactly as he’d hoped. Sure, Arkhelios had grown since Ulyssa left as a teenager, but not enough that paparazzi bothered to camp out on the Durant lawn to get a glimpse of the queen consort. The few who had tried were scared away by the family of lawyers and some tricks Roman had been working on.
The demon hybrid had been elusive since his wedding in Twikkii Island and Ulyssa had to travel home just to get him to sit down with her. He looked anxious, more than she’d probably ever seen him in recent years.
“I’m a demon, it’s time I embrace it and just live my life. I might keep the horns every day; they’re my inheritance.”
“A demon? Really? You? You’re being ridiculous,” Ulyssa scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Theo’s stronger than you’ll ever be and you know it. Trust me, people don’t look at you and see ‘demon’, they see a deluded narcissist instead.”
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“Do you think Abe and I are going to last? Really last and not some weird stalemate like my parents had. We’re good together...right?”
It was a nice distraction from her own problems to focus on whatever Roman was currently brooding about. It had been two months since Roman had married Abe and neither man appeared to be able to settle into a honeymoon period of their relationship. Roman was tense and unusually quiet when she saw him, while Abe appeared anxious and distracted. Had Roman not reluctantly informed her of the arrangement they had made with the demon sovereign, she would probably assume that Abe was cheating on him again.
“You’re not going to find anyone else to obsess over like you do with Abe,” she assured him. “You two are practically joined together as it is now. And when you’re connected again, the two of you can have your weird little arguments in your head, and stop bothering the rest of the world with your drama.”
When Roman didn’t laugh at her remark, Ulyssa tried another approach.
“You were obsessed with being connected to him before. It’ll be the same as before, maybe even better. I’m sure the sovereign would step in if something goes wrong. Don’t worry about it.”
“I’m sorry,” Roman sighed. “You have bigger problems than I do, and here I am complaining about my own life. How is the race to produce an heir? Any progress?”
Ulyssa felt her muscles tense at the reminder of her most pressing source of stress. 
“Not yet. We’ve both taken every potion I gave Jorah, and seen doctors from every corner of the islands. It’s too early to worry about not getting pregnant for a normal situation, but we need this to happen soon. Your girls need this. I can’t stand the thought of one of them having to deal with the shadow of the throne looming over them as they grow up should something happen to Maura and me.”
“They did rule out any demonic influence in The Incident, right?” Roman’s voice wavered as he spoke, betraying his fear. “This...this wasn’t my mother killing her way to getting a grandchild on the throne? I mean, it sounds crazy, but with everything that’s happened, I have to wonder if-”
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“Hey. This isn’t your mother planning some scheme.” Ulyssa grabbed Roman, forcing him to look her in the eye as she spoke. “It may surprise you, but every single thing in the universe doesn’t revolve around you. Kamalani’s probably never even been to the islands, and she’s never seemed interested in human power struggles before. It’s not your fault that people died that day. It’s also not your fault that Adrian died, no matter what you tell yourself. You and Abe are going to have a good life stuck together and Maura and I are going to have cute little heirs running around that we protect with our lives. Just focus on getting ready for your new baby and think of all the times you’ve bitched at me about not knowing what Abe is thinking. You’ll never have to worry about that again.”
We haven’t ruled out any scenario, but it can’t be Kamalani. There’s no way this was done by Kamalani...right? Great, now I’m becoming as paranoid as Roman.
“Do you think I’ll be different after it happens?” Roman asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “Do Abe and I...change? I’ve seen what Theo can do with his practice subjects and I...I don’t know if I want to live like that. To be like that. I don’t think I have a choice though. I love Abe, but what happens if he cheats on me again? Do I have to feel those feelings as he’s having them? Do we keep our personalities or do we become more robotic than Ironman is these days? Did you know that the sovereign isn’t even married in a contract like this? They’re married by Pleasantview law only. What am I walking into if the leader of demons won’t even be held to it? And Halloween is tomorrow. Tomorrow. Just one day left to live, so I may as well start looking like a demon like I-”
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The impulse to move was quicker than lightning, pure instinct sending orders to her limbs that she barely noticed. Within seconds, she had silenced Roman’s panic in a way she hadn’t since they were sixteen.
It was odd kissing Roman again after all this time. Kissing Maura was soft and gentle and perfect. It had been years since she’d kissed a man with stubble and a firm jawline like Roman’s. As much as she’d like to deny it, there was still that spark of attraction hiding inside of her, fanning the embers of passion into roaring flames when she felt Roman kiss her back.
What the hell am I doing?
Ulyssa tried in vain to push Roman away, but her body was no longer responding to her commands. While he seemed surprised, Roman didn’t immediately pull away from her either. He wrapped his arm around her body and pulled her closer to him, his breathing becoming heavier with each passing second. She mirrored his reaction as her one hand roamed across his chest while the other gripped firmly on the horn closest to her. She’d always wanted to touch a demon horn and wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity. .
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It’s just a kiss. We’re just beyond stressed and it’s just a kiss.
The last thing Ulyssa wanted to do was cheat on her wife or dream of running away from her problems with the local bad boy. That would be what her mother would do, and Ulyssa had no intention of following in her mother’s footsteps. This kiss she couldn’t break away from was just a stress release for the both of them. A moment of insanity to help them cope with their messy lives and nothing more.Still....
Ulyssa slid her hand down his neck, stopping with confusion when her hands passed over an unfamiliar patch of raised skin. Neither one of them made an attempt to move past kissing, but her hand had brushed against something and her mind became immediately fixated on what was hidden beneath Roman’s shirt.
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“We did it.”
Jorah stared in awe at the pregnancy tests on the table. They were positive, both of them.
“We’re both pregnant,” Valerian breathed, hardly daring to trust what he was seeing before him. “We’re going to be parents, Jorah. I’m going to be a dad.”
“Two babies. At least two of them, that is,” Jorah mused. “I mean, with all those potions we took, maybe one of us is carrying twins. Or both of us. Just think about it! We could might need to repurpose Ulyssa’s room to fit them all.”
“Let’s not get carried away,” Valerian laughed, still staring at the test in front of him. “We know we have the two, let’s work from there.”
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Somehow Ulyssa pried herself away from the oddly familiar comfort of Roman’s lips long enough to glance at what her fingers had run over.
A scar! Shit, that’s his scar from his mother shooting him years ago. Something that only happened because he refused to let go of Abe. As scared as he is about the future, he’s never wavered from his obsession over Abe. He almost died for the man and we’re both married! I’m just like my mother! What am I doing?
“We’re having babies!”
The loud noise echoing down the hall startled the two ex-lovers apart from each other in an instant. The last thing Ulyssa needed was the judgement of her already irritable baby brother accidentally walking in on a situation she couldn’t explain.
“I-I’m sorry,” she stammered, backing as far from Roman as she could manage without bumping into the couch. “I don’t know what came over me, I’ve just been so stressed and you were there and-”
“Forget about it,” Roman replied curtly, pulling his shirt collar up higher to hide the skin Ulyssa had exposed. “This never happened. You’ve been drowning in love potions and fertility spells and stress. It was an accident, that’s all.”
“Right. That’s true. Very true. That makes sense.”
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As the two friends awkwardly traded excuses, a spirit watched over them from behind the bed, looking extremely displeased at what she saw.
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tamtam-go92 · 6 months
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Just and ordinary first day of spring. We have: - Woohoo - A ton of guests - A promotion - A notification, that somebody's gonna be an adult in under 24 hours.
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janonna-art · 4 years
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Goddart from Lindelt for friend gift
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giukie · 4 years
Tag game
Tagged by  @sugaforyou 
rules: tag 9 people you want to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions!
Last song : Paranoid by Ash Island
Last Movie : Doctor Sleep
Currently Reading : The Law and the promise by Neville Goddart 
Currently watching: Yugioh, glitch techs, law and order SVU, Sammy Ingram on youtube
Currently craving: reading Cindy’s response... now i would really like some cheesecake with blueberries on top ........... also donuts
tagging: @neckmoles, @ch4nh, @babydogfish, @icetaelemonade, @rah11dongsongposts @minstrivia, @eternalbulletproof, @sdelorosa, @juiche
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