#goddesses pls erase me
nebulaofchaosandwoe · 10 months
Does anyone here plays 'a kinder world'? i kinda need friends for my garden 😖 👉👈
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alatismeni-theitsa · 5 months
I recently came across a book called Wrath Goddess Sing and while I have nothing against the original premise (showing Achilles as a trans woman) despite how that would not really have worked in those times, it's actually so weird how the author decided to magically turn Achilles into a "real woman" whose beliefs around womanhood center on the ability to give birth and be a mother, which is just insane if you consider that the author is also trans (by making Achilles a bio woman, she's literally erasing what the premise was about and then claiming that it happened either because the Gods knew she wanted it *so much* or because she wanted it "enough" to make it happen which invalidates all other trans folks in the story because they suddenly don't want it "enough"). Apart from that, there are constant homophobic, transphobic and incredibly racist remarks throuought the book which is why it's so weird to see it praised by so many.
Also, the author used the term "kallai" to refer to trans people in Skyros and now some fans of hers are using it to speak of themselves, despite it being plural and despite it not making sense in the way they're using it. F.e. "I'm a kallai/good morning Kallai", which is just peak US centrism (and like the author literally claimed that the female version of "Achilles" was "Achileas" - why don't they do research?).
What I often explain to foreigners when they throw tantrums about people (often Greeks 😄) telling them something is wrong, is that we are not unreasonable. I think most Greeks would just go "hm!" at the thought of someone exploring the thought of a trans Achilles, and we would all realize the problem with this book would actually be the historical/language/societal inaccuracies. Like the cringe I feel when I read the "I'm a kallai/good morning Kallai".
As far the female version of the Achilleas go, we know this to be Achillea ("Αχίλλεια" ), not Achilleas. The author perhaps found a woman named Achilleas ("Αχιλλειάς" / "Αχιλλειάδα"; ) somewhere? But I haven't read or seen that name in any Greek text. Grammatically it also feels "off" to me, (having been exposed to enough ancient Greek grammar) but if someone has found it, pls tell us.
For the lack of research... I don't care how progressive you say are. If you are not doing any research on the culture and language of the people you're writing and you're still making a profit, and no one in the industry cares to check you, that's a form of privilege and you're engaging in harmful - and very much not progressive - behaviors.
And because I had a few discussions with other Greeks and non-Greeks on this let me share something here.
A reaction from Greeks and other people would also be "but Achilles was not trans...?" and yes, that's a normal reaction and it's not linked to American conservatism, sorry to burst the US neoliberal bubble.
While the author has the right to write what she wants, it's still a fact that we don't have any evidence of Achilles being anything but cis. If anything he was the most macho male man out there according to Greek standards and very much happy with his predicament. And when this figure is popular and, well, your ethnic hero, you just want to ask about that. Not in a "I don't want this book to exist" way but you want to ask why did it have to be Achilles, and why a historically cis person.
I'm not saying all this to imply that the author shouldn't write this. Anyone can write whatever they want, and I don't think exploring this scenario is harmful to anyone. But it's fair to assume the author went "I want a trans Achilles no matter what!" And because the ends clearly justified the means here, the character of Achilles and all the themes of the initial story were thrown out the window - which is also not the best thing to do when writing well-known figures and stories from other cultures.
Sure, the premise of "what if Achilles liked being a woman?" is an interesting idea and, if written well, I would read it. However when a writer does all the above it's clear to most people that they just make a far-fetched play-pretend out of myths that cannot be changed - bc they are already written and we preserve them for the last 2.000 years.
Then, you have the... odd (for lack of a better word) tropes. For this specific trans writer the tropes worked and good for her. At the same time I can see why other trans women might have an issue with the transformation into a "real woman". From what I hear, there are trans women who'd like this transformation and others who don't find it validating. And ofc there's always the issue of why Achilles got her wish and what the other trans women did "wrong" to not get it.
With all the paragraphs above I also want to raise an extra issue. Why take a completely cis person and make them trans, instead of writing the story of a historically trans person or creating a new trans character? (if history doesn't have any) Relying on an established cis figure for trans representation can be a bit icky.
"Apart from that, there are constant homophobic, transphobic and incredibly racist remarks throuought the book which is why it's so weird to see it praised by so many." That's also unfortunate 😩 I won't read the book but if you have passages and stuff to demonstrate this point, let me know
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dokidoki-muffin · 2 years
Which fandoms are you on? Any game ones?
Puhaaa!!! 😆 That’s a surprisingly difficult one.. The list is waaaay too long and changing constantly 😅 Plus, I’m an old woman so I’ve been watching/reading stuff for a looooooong time already… So I tend to forget and usually draw blanks when I’m asked to write lists.. pls send help 🤣🙈
Also.. I hope it doesn’t sound weird, but I actually enjoy a lot of media without truly considering myself an active part of “the fandom” 🤔like.. in a sense that I don’t always necessarily feel the urge to interact and/or create fan content, even though I like something a lot. This is even more a thing in particular when it comes to tickle art!! Let’s just say my decision whether I want to create something is very private and individual in a way 🤔 It has to feel right for me if that makes sense. So this list will contain things I might never consider drawing for 😅
Okeeeeee 🙈🙈🙈 Sorry for the ramble on such a “short and simple” ask!!! I have a talent for making things complicated 🤣 Honestly, I suck at this… 😩🙈 But somehow I felt the need to clarify before I get into it 🙃🙃
EDIT!!! I made a tiny update to the list and added a colour code!!
Green: I usually feel comfortable with creating art for these fandoms.
Orange: I might create art for them but it strongly depends on the scenario and/or characters.
Red: Just no ^^ For personal reasons.
NOW! For the actual list! 🤣👇👇👇👇 (Yaaay)
It’s probably not truly a “fandom” list but more an excerpt of old and new personal favourites of mine 💪
19 Days
91 Days  (omg this looks so stupid listed like this, but this is neither a typo nor a joke 🤣🤣🙈)
ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
Akatsuki no Yona
Bananafish (old manga reader here 😭👋)
Black Lagoon
Candidate for Goddess
Cowboy Bebop
Cute High Earth Defense Club Love! 😂
Detective Conan (yes I still read/watch that 😂💪 I’m more or less up to date)
Digimon (childhood memories go brrr)
Ergo Proxy
Given 💖✨🎵
Ghibli movies 💖
Grand Blue (not Fantasy! The other one.. the stupid one 🤣 👌👌👌)
Great Pretender
Gurren Lagann
Hajime no Ippo
Initial D
Kuroko no Basuke
Madoka Magica
Makoto Shinkai Movies ✨🌈
Most manga by Ogeretsu Tanaka (as you might have guessed 😂🙈)
Orange (if you really really wanna cry, watch this 😭😭😭)
Ore Monogatari (So! Adorable! 😤💖 Fight me!)
Pokémon (been there since day 1 you could say 😂😂😂🙈)
Rage of Bahamut
Several manga by Rihito Takarai
Rose of Versailles
Run with the Wind
Rurouni Kenshin (including the live action movies! ✨)
Spy x Family
Sword Art Online
Sword of the Stranger
Tamen De Gushi
Umibe no Etranger
Vampire Hunter D
Vinland Saga
Wotakoi!! (Seriously! I’ve never felt so attacked yet represented by an anime 😤💖)
Yu-Gi-Oh! (At least as long as Atem was still there XD And Jesus…. I still know how to play the game, but at some point I lost track of all the new cards with their crazy effects so I couldn’t build a decent deck to save my life.. so rip 😂🙈)
Yuri on Ice 💖
Yuru Camp (Most wholesome thing ever!!!! Change my mind 😤💖)
Animal Crossing (I play it like a cat lady happily cultivating my island in precious solitude 🤣🤣)
Ace Attorney (various titles)
Final Fantasy (esp. FFXV)
F1 (2021-2022 🤣🤣 Just time trials for fun on the weekends)
Legend of Zelda (various titles)
Mario Kart (lololo is that even a “fandom”? But I’m actually not bad at this game ^^ I even won two tournaments at big LAN parties a few years back 🤣💪)
Pokémon (various titles)
Yakuza (I LOVE this series!!!! 💖💪🔥)
Ok.. this list feels random af 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm certain that I forgot super important stuff, I swear 😩🙈
And I probably even screwed up the alphabet at some point 😆
Ofc I watched the usual popular Shonen stuff as well, but I won't put all of these to the list since I’m not that invested anymore (stuff like One Piece, Naruto, etc. etc.)
Sooo... I have no idea if this is what you hoped for anon 😅
If you still want to specifically know if I like a certain anime, manga, game, movie etc etc, (that might now not be in the list) just ask away!
But anyway! 😆
There you go!!
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acefaun · 2 years
Prompt: Can I pls request when the scm gods cheated on the MC and the MC left or something like that?
Synopsis: Individual scenarios where the gods cheat on you, causing you to leave. The only problem is that... not all of the gods want to lose their precious goldfish. So they have to do what they can to get you back.
Gender-neutral goldfish! Your words are in italics! (Shadow Dui will also be in bold because I needed a quick distinction between the two of them.) Warning: Angst, that’s all
A/N: I live for angst. But I'm sorry it took so long. 🥺 I ran out of brain juice. This whole ”end of the year” thing was getting to me. My big deal was deciding how to have them react. So I have a variety of angsty scenarios where some just let you go and some beg to have you back. I also couldn’t think of a reason for Karno cheating on MC other than the fact that he’s in love with Leo. So… yes, some of the gods are cheating on you with another Zodiac. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
–Word Count: 6748–
You were dating a god, but you were just a human with extraordinary luck. You were significant; you had stars in your eyes. Most humans lived their lives with vague ideas of what divine entities were really controlling the universe. You just so happened to be a reincarnated goddess, fated to be in the lives of the Zodiac gods. Again, another lucky chance encounter that led you to meeting your boyfriend, the man you loved above all else.
It was him you were going to the mansion to meet. He didn't know about your surprise visit, but these things were common between the two of you. But you didn't know who was more surprised when you opened his door.
♌️ LEON- There was not one… but two goddesses on either of his arms. You could have brushed it off as Leo just being Leo, but they were naked. Leo was using his power on them. It was only a second of your eyes locking together before you fled from the scene. The two goddesses sent Leon questioning looks, but he shrugged it off. There was an unfamiliar ache in his chest, but he chose to ignore it as you ran from him. You should have known better. It was your fault you got hurt. You should have known better than to think Leo was the type to settle down with anyone. Still, it was later when he decided it was time to get rid of the bothersome aching in his chest for good. But when he found you, you were crying on your bed–a typical goldfish reaction that you would forget about in years to come. “You must've known what would happen. You helped me learn how essential love was to granting wishes and ruling over the Heavens. That was all I needed you for. That's the only reason our paths crossed.” What was the point of continuing to please you when you had served your purpose to the gods? You knew his life was so much more infinite than yours. Why did you have to cling to him? His eyebrows furrowed. Was this some human prayer to avoid the inevitable by giving your heart to a god? “I don't want to hear your stupid justification!” He discarded you like the human you were; you hated him for that. “You’re a cruel god! You never learned anything from your sin! I hope you get exiled and can never go back to the Heavens.” You weren't wrong about him being cruel. He could have spoken to you about it. You could have mutually decided a human and god were better off at arm's length. But no, that wasn't his decision. Still, your words seemed to sting, even though he decided that this was over long ago. “A cruel god? But a god, nonetheless, and you're nothing more than a goldfish. I came to offer you a mercy.” He wanted to ease the pain he caused before finishing things. More than relieving your pain, he wanted to get rid of the irksome feeling in his own chest. “I'm willing to erase your memories of us. You can return to your normal goldfish life.” He was sure this would solve everything, your and his problems combined. But “No.” That was your immediate answer, much to his disdain. “I will never forget this, and I will never forgive you. You don't deserve forgiveness, and maybe one day you'll understand why you deserved that sin. Get out.” Your words were like daggers in his heart, and he didn't want to stick around. He didn't have anything more to say to a goldfish that wasn't grateful for the time they did get to spend with him. But he would never know that the pain in his heart was the same heartbreak he caused you to feel.
♋️ KARNO- The first emotion you felt was heartache and anger. What was Leon doing with your boyfriend? Karno didn’t look opposed to having Leon on top of him. Deep in your heart, you always knew the two of them were close. You tried to convince yourself that it was nothing more than the special relationship they had as minister and vice-minister, but you were right. You left the room as soon as you opened the door, neither of the gods having noticed you. A few days had gone by, and you refused to return to the mansion to see Karno. You weren’t sure if he knew that you caught him with someone else, but you weren’t ready to face Karno after that. It took a while, but he was the one to make the first move. Your eyes were cold as you found him on your balcony. “Teorus told me you came to the mansion the other day. I never got to see you; I’ve been busy with work.” Your eyes snapped away from him. “Work from Leon?” The room was silent, but it was obvious that Karno was feeling at least somewhat guilty for what he was doing to you. “He’s my minister.” “Is he your boyfriend, or are you just playing with his feelings too?” That was it. The cat was out of the bag, and Karno knew it. Still, he didn’t seem overly upset by your words. It was as if he were accepting what was happening. “I’ve known you all your life. I knew it would leave you devastated for me to say I didn’t return your feelings. Protecting you from the dark king, I had to do everything I could to keep the negativity from taking over your heart. I still didn’t mean for you to find out this way.” He had a point–though you were sure you wouldn’t have been overly vulnerable to the dark king if he had just told you how he felt. By cheating on you, the negativity was so much worse than if you had spoken about it. “So when were you planning on telling me that you were cheating on me with him? After you got your reward for protecting me? You emotionally manipulated me to get what you wanted, and you can’t talk yourself out of it this time.” Karno sighed; exhaustion was written all over his face. He was no doubt dating Leon long before he met you. It was probably easier for him to hide the truth rather than tell you what was really going on. “I'm sorry,” he apologized, but you weren't sure how sincere he was. He lied to you enough already. “It was wrong for me to do that to you without explaining, and I understand I don't deserve your forgiveness. If this is how you want to leave things, I want you to know that everything I've done for you has been genuine. Your happiness was important to me.” You paused. “Was?” He gave a sharp nod. “This is it, isn't it?” You huffed. Maybe so. It was no use holding onto something that wasn't real. “Guess so.” You loved Karno too much to ask him to keep pretending for just a while longer. “Go back to him. Go be happy.” His eyebrows furrowed, but there was nothing he could do if you were sending him away like that. “I'm sorry, (Name).”
♒️ HUEDHAUT- He was an intelligent man and very sincere with his love. But opening his door and seeing him indulging in Karno made you stop to wonder if you'd done something to drive him into the arms of someone else. Hue never was one to open up to you if he had a problem related to him being a god, so it made sense in your head that he would be doing something like that behind your back. Still, it stung, and you could already feel the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Was this your fault? “(Name)...?” You flinched when he said your name, and you realized that your eyes had been locked onto his. “Wait-” You were out of the room before he could call your name again. You weren’t planning on sticking around. He was cheating on you with Karno; regardless of his reasons, you were in pain. You didn’t run into any of the other gods as you ran out of the mansion, desperate to leave the situation behind you. Maybe it was a mistake, a one-time thing that you had the misfortune of seeing. But, damn it, you shouldn’t be making up these excuses for him. “(NAME)!” He called your name just as you reached the tree line that surrounded the mansion. You paused, just glancing back at him, but your heart shattered even more. You’d only seen Huedhaut cry a handful of times, but it seemed this was one of those rare moments where his emotions were too raw and exposed. “Hue…” You were frozen, watching as he ran towards you. You weren’t sure how to feel about anything that was going on–what you saw or what you were seeing before you now. Your watery eyes were wide as his arms enveloped you, holding you close to him. Your nose was pressed into his shoulder with how close he kept you, not willing to loosen his grip. Only one quiet word seemed to be able to escape your lips, “Why?” His voice broke as he repeatedly apologized in your ear, his fingers desperately digging into your shirt, trying to hold you as tight as he could without harming you. “I’m stupid” was the first thing he said that wasn’t an apology. “I’m incredibly foolish.” Adjusting your head, you pressed your forehead against his shoulder, adding quietly, “You’re an asshole.” “Yes,” he agreed without missing a beat. “I shouldn’t have seen Karno behind your back. He told me to tell you why but I was afraid. She left me so easily–as easily as you could…” He inhaled sharply, catching your scent. “I was afraid of my past. But seeing you leave like that-” His grip tightened slightly. “Please. Don’t leave. Not again.”
♉️ TEORUS- Why were you so surprised when you opened his door only to find a goddess there? All Teorus ever knew was how to give his love to strangers. Why should you have been any different? You were just a human, after all. “I should’ve known you were too selfish to love anyone but yourself!” Did he understand what you meant? Probably not. His face showed his confusion when he lifted his head, but otherwise, he didn’t show much emotion on his face. Why did he look as if you were in the wrong for showing up like that? “What are you so upset for, (Name)?” Why were you so upset? He had the audacity to ask you such a ridiculous question that he should have known the answer to! He sighed, bringing his attention back to the goddess in his room. “You can leave now. We’re finished.” Teorus didn’t react as she leaned over, giving him another kiss before walking past you as if she owned the place. Which, she had more rights to be there than you did, you suppose. You were just a human; she was a goddess. You were the one out of line, trying to date a god like that in the first place. Though you understood his words were meant for her, they felt directed at you for some reason. It was as if he were telling you to leave, that your relationship was finished. “I think I’ll take my leave too. We’re finished.” You dismissed him as easily as he dismissed her. It was so simple, with no emotion behind it. You felt pretty numb. You weren't exactly overwhelmed by what you found. This kind of behavior was precisely like Teorus. “What do you mean we're finished?” He chased after you, but you ignored him. “Hey, where are you going? Aren't we going to talk about this? You're overreacting.” “I think I'm underreacting. You deserve so much more than I'm giving you right now.” You both paused, and you were left staring in silence. He averted his gaze. “I still don't understand why you're so upset. It's not like I don't love you.” Your eyes narrowed on him. “You never understand. You were with a goddess, Teo!” His eyebrows furrowed, becoming as agitated as you were since you started raising your voice at him. “Why would I say no to a goddess if she loves me? You’re the one being selfish, (Name). It would hurt their feelings if I rejected them just because you were being clingy.” Your hands clenched into fists, desperate to hit him or even just throw something at his head to knock sense into him. So, with a lack of options, you angrily took one of your shoes and chucked it at his head. Damn it! “I’m not clingy! I love you! But, god, I never want to see your face again until you can honestly love me too!” He flinched as you threw your opposite shoe at him. He never expected that kind of reaction out of you. Did you just break up with him? He was indiscriminately giving out his love; that was all he knew how to do. But, apparently, that was wrong, and he paid the price for it.
♑️ AIGONORUS- He’s the last person out of the pantheon of gods that you thought you would find cheating. But seeing Tauxolouve oh-so-gently holding him made you freeze in confusion. You thought you might've walked in to see him sleeping or literally anything but this. You hesitated for a moment, wanting to confront him, but at the same time too scared to question what was going on. So, you left quietly, not closing the door behind you. If he's being honest, Aigonorus noticed when you entered his room. He could always feel when you were near. Your presence was so different compared to everyone else. But at the time, he was in Tauxolouve’s arms, and he didn't feel like addressing you. He loved you, sure. But you were just like her somehow, and he was always scared of being used again. You were just a weak human that relied on him to grant your wishes; that was it wasn't it? You were so confident about it, but he couldn't imagine anyone genuinely loving him for being himself. He wasn’t entirely convinced that it was all real, even in a relationship with you. You gave him your love and affection, but… what if you were just using him too? He couldn't shake the thought that the past was repeating itself. Tauxolouve was the same ranking god as him and therefore had no reason to use Aigo. That meant it was safer to accept his love, and Aigonorus took it without hesitation. He wanted to stay like that forever, safe in Lou’s unabusive arms, and for that night, he held Tauxolouve just a fraction tighter. The next day was more complicated because he knew he had to talk to you. But your first question stung, “Why behind my back?” You were getting to the point right away. He let out a tired breath of air. “Lou cares about me like you do… Only… He's like me.” “Because I'm not a god?!” He shook his head, though you were partially correct. “I'm tired of being afraid to fall in love. I don't like having all this pressure on me. You're just a human; I don't know why you're making me feel this way.” You were making him unnecessarily stressed just by loving him. He loved you; it was evident. It was just his past that was haunting him. The last time he had a girlfriend, she used him for his position. Humans were supposed to be much filthier than gods, so… he understandably didn't trust you to be true. “I know you're not as apathetic as you seem. You're actually pretty fragile.” Your anger fled as you pieced together what was going on. “I’m sorry I made you go through that again.” His eyes were wide as you apologized to him. He expected you to scream at him, maybe hit him, really anything except understand why he was doing this to you. “I don't want to hurt you, Aigo.” His hands balled into fists, bracing himself for the worst. “But I hurt you.” You nodded once. “I only want you to be happy.” Were you telling the truth? It was a beautiful lie. Still, he longingly trapped you in his arms. He loved how small you were in his arms compared to the other gods. “Let me pretend I'm okay for a little longer.”
♐️ TAUXOLOUVE- He noticed the minute you opened the door. It tore his heart in two that you had to see him kissing another god. He wouldn't expect you to understand why. He didn't stop you when you ran away. He couldn't help but think that you'd be better off without him–or, in truth, that he'd be better off without you. It was cruel, he knew, and you didn't deserve that. Could you blame him? Every time he shared a kiss with you, he would see your death. It haunted him to have a constant reminder that you'd never last even half as long as he would. One day you would leave him heartbroken–something he was sure he was making you feel. He felt guilty, protecting himself from a goldfish like that. He was honestly a weak god. You cared for him so much. He didn't deserve your heart–he’d only break it further. He thought it was best to give you space, but he didn't realize just how much you wanted him to follow you, to tell you why, or, at the very least, tell you he was sorry. Lou was the perfect boyfriend, but somehow you could see the pain in his eyes when he was with you. Maybe you went too far and upset him. You didn't have the memory of a god, so it was hard to pinpoint what you did exactly. Regardless, you couldn't fix it if you didn't know what it was, so you were the first to approach him after that day. “Lou,” you said his name so timidly. He was surprised to find you back. “I wanted to apologize. I'm not the smartest human, so… Could you tell me what I did wrong? I didn't mean to hurt you.” His eyes were wide as he listened to your apology. Of course, you thought it was your fault. He hadn't said anything to make you think differently. “No, please, it's not your fault. I should be the one owing you an apology. I'm sorry. I don't want you blaming yourself for my weakness.” Things fell awkwardly silent. You were left staring at the ground before you said quietly, “I always thought you were pretty strong. You always handled things on your own, even me.” His eyebrows drew together. Did you know? “You were kissing him without hesitation. It hurt to watch but… you didn't look like you were in pain.” He looked genuinely okay. He had never been okay when he was kissing you. He nodded once in acknowledgment. “Then you know.” You nodded in agreement. “I love you,” he blurted. “I don't know what to do, but it hurts imagining a future without you as much as it hurts to see you die.” “I love you too,” you responded softly. “But don't leave him. I don't care if you're with him! I know you need someone who’s going to stay by your side. I'm not that person, but… I still want you.” He didn't say anything as his arms wrapped around you. This wasn't your last hug, not by a long shot. But it felt like you were saying goodbye to something you once had. He nuzzled his nose into your hair, giving you a small kiss on the head–it was the most he could manage. “Stay with me. Even if it hurts.”
♎️ ZYGLAVIS- He was a strict god, someone who followed the rules to a tee. But he was also soft, and only you were allowed to see that soft side of him. You knew how his heart was torn between you and obeying the laws of the Heavens. It was against the law for gods to favor one human over others, yet he loved you above all else, which is why you were confused to find him meeting with a goddess. Zyglavis knew you were such a caring human. Even as you fled, your heart cried for him, and his heart ached. He knew that this was what would happen if you found out what he had been doing behind your back, and he tried his best to prevent it from occurring. But it seemed you had terrible timing, careless as usual. When he finally found you, his heart stuttered painfully in his chest. You refused to lift your head and look at him. You knew he went after you, but why would you want to look at the man who betrayed you? “(Name)...” You turned your head away. “Go back to the Heavens.” He fell silent, but he didn't obey you. He knelt beside where you were sitting. “I owe you an explanation.” “I don't want to hear it,” you replied coldly. There was nothing he could say that you wanted to hear. “Nothing could excuse what you did. Humans are punished for hurting people. No one’s there to punish gods like you.” “I have to disagree,” His eyes filled with sorrow. “Having you upset with me is more than punishment enough.” You looked back at him to realize how sincere his gaze was. Was it possible to be cheating on the one you love for a good reason? So, you tried to think logically about the possible reasons. “I know you’ve been worried about the Heavens and what the other gods think about our relationship. Who was she?” His hand reached up, caressing your cheek gently. He had the opportunity to talk to you before you left him for good; he was grateful you were willing to listen to him. “I may be the minister of Punishments, but that doesn’t give me the freedom to openly break the law without consequences. I knew it would be difficult for you if we were seen as a couple by the Heavens. I wanted nothing more than to protect you from them. That goddess was no more than someone working for the palace. She is doing me a favor by pretending to be with me.” His reasoning didn’t make you feel any better by him being with a goddess. He could have at least told you what he was doing beforehand, couldn’t he have? “I wish you would have told me.” He was still only doing this for your sake. It would have been cruel of you to leave him when he was trying so hard. His hand gently wrapped around yours. “I’ll tell you next time I decide to do something so foolish. I promise. I’ll protect you from everything that might hurt you.”
♏️ SCORPIO- He was introverted; you knew that since you first met him. He wasn’t big on conversation and was mostly snappy when the other gods would try to strike up a conversation with him. He seemed calm, talking to Zyglavis and Dui and sometimes Krioff. Being around the Wishes gods was enough to make him prickly. Knowing his usual behavior, you thought it was bizarre that he had a goddess in his room. You didn’t think you were a jealous person, but seeing her worship Scorpio like that made you rethink what you did and didn’t know about your boyfriend. Partheno was usually the only womanizing god in the Department of Punishments, and there was no way Scorpio would suddenly stoop onto Partheno’s level. “Stupid goldfish,” You looked up from the doorway to meet Scorpio’s sharp gaze. “You didn’t say you were coming today.” “W- Why?” You froze up in confusion, “So you could hide this before I came? What the hell are you even doing?” He let out an annoyed huff before he left the goddess, harshly approaching you. He took your arm in a painful grip, dragging you out of his room as if you were some kind of inconvenience. But he paused out in the hall, feeling everything you were feeling. You were like an open book when he touched you. It was your fault, after all. Because of you, he could feel more than just the negative emotions of others. You were in pain because of him, but he didn’t understand why. Usually, you were overflowing with love for him when he touched you. Were you upset because another goddess was in love with him too? “Why are you mad?” “Why?” You repeated as if it were the most obvious thing, only further frustrating him. “Why wouldn’t I be? I have the right to be mad. You’re cheating on me.” Cheating? He didn’t think he was cheating, not that he knew what that meant to a human. He was new at feeling love and similar emotions. He just knew that that goddess had the same feeling as when he was touching you. She loved him and wanted him. He was so familiar with being used and hated that he was greedily taking all of the love and affection anyone was willing to give him. “You’re overreacting. It’s not like I love her. I love the way she feels.” Your eyebrows furrowed. He didn’t know why you were getting even angrier with him; he was telling the truth. “You’re an idiot!” You yelled at him. He was irritated that you were raising your voice at him. “Does she even know you’re using her like that? Are you using me like that? Would you be honest about that or lie to my face?” Lie? He hadn’t told you any lies. “Stupid, I haven’t lied. You’re starting to piss me off. I don’t feel your love like I used to.” You groaned in frustration. “I don’t care. You’re going to have to decide what you really want, Scorpio. Their love or mine?” This time it was his turn for his eyebrows to furrow. No one asked him something like that before, but the answer should be obvious.
♊️ DUI- He had lost someone significant to him at one point, and the gods pushed all the blame onto Shadow Dui, who truly didn’t have anything to do with it. But every time you ended up getting hurt, he was the suspicious one. He hated how you simultaneously loved both sides Dui, but at the same time, it was your fault the other gods were twice as worried about Shadow. You were just a human, and he could hurt you so easily. So he did. He figured there was no way you could hurt him or yourself if he got rid of you. You didn’t deserve someone as mentally unstable as him. That was why he started seeing other gods–mainly Krioff, Ichthys, or Scorpio, who understood his constant struggling. You always thought something was up. He always acted more affectionate with the other gods than you. You had a feeling the day would come where you would walk into the mansion and find him doing something unforgivable with another god. The final straw was finding Ichthys in his bed. You were prepared for this, so why did it hurt so much to see it finally? It wasn’t like you could be mistaking it for anything else; Dui was the one on top of Ichthys. As soon as you closed the door to leave, you heard a thud from inside the room, but nothing else. Quickly, you made your way to the front door but had to stop once you opened it since there was nothing on the other side. “(Name), wait! I’m sorry! I don’t know what Shadow was thinking.” Hesitantly you turned to see Dui coming down the stairs to meet you. “I’m sorry about the door; I couldn’t let you leave yet. I’m just so sorry you had to see him doing that to you.” You pursed your lips. So, Shadow had been doing that to you the whole time, not Dui. You suppose it made sense. Dui wouldn’t purposefully hurt you like that. “Does Shadow hate me?” “I want you to get out of Dui’s life!” He finally snapped, causing Dui to look surprised when they suddenly switched like that. “I don’t want (Name) to leave. Why are you using Ichthys to make her go?” His eyes narrowed again, the corner of his lips turning downward. “Dui keeps getting hurt, getting attached to idiots, and everyone blames me. I’m not letting this happen again. Dui’s not going to get hurt, and I’m not going to be looked down upon!” You didn’t realize that shadow was struggling so much more than you were. He was doing all of this for Dui. You almost felt… guilty for thinking the worst of them. Shadow was surprised when you wrapped your arms around him. “I won’t hurt you, and I won’t look down on you. But if you need time, I’ll give it to you.” He was silent as he watched you go out of the door he reconnected to your home. Shadow wanted you to hate him… but he liked how kind you were, even after what he did to you. Maybe Dui did deserve you. “Thank you.”
♓️ ICHTHYS- “You cheating fish stick! I hate you!” Hate him? Did you really hate him? He first winced when he felt something impact his head. It was only minor pain, but he knew you hit him with something before you stormed out of his room and slammed the door. He instantly sat up in his bed, quickly putting his clothes back on before chasing after you. “Wait! (Name)! Wait!” Now you were ignoring him, and it was making him panic even more. “Please, wait! It was just a prank! I swear!” He wasn’t ready for when you suddenly spun around, causing him to run into your fist. He flinched, not that it actually hurt him. “What kind of idiot are you?” You snapped at him. “A big one..” He muttered in response, thinking it was better to agree with you. Besides, you weren't wrong. He probably took this prank too far. “I didn't know it'd make you hate me. I just wanted to see if you'd get jealous. Please, don't hate me.” He grabbed your balled hand as he begged you with his sad eyes. But you were also sad. More than that, you were heartbroken. “That was horrible and mean. I really trusted you.” “Please don't say that,” His grip tightened as he realized just how deeply he hurt you. “I won't do anything like that again. I don't need to see you jealous. I just want to see you happy.” His heart shattered further as you pulled your hand out of his. “How do you even fake something stupid like that?!” “It was just a pillow,” He explained as if that was what you really wanted to hear. “I made the sounds with my powers, but none of it was real. I would never do that to you. I really, really love you.” You gnawed on your lip. You could trust him; he never meant to harm with his pranks, but he was panicked. He knew he went too far with you. Wasn't that what mattered, that he understood and acknowledged what he did wrong, so he didn't make the same mistakes? Besides, where did he even get that this would be a funny prank? “That really hurt…” You admitted to him, and he quickly wrapped his arms around you. He knew he hurt you, but hearing you say it made him want to fix everything. He didn’t want you to be hurting because of him. “I don’t want to do that again, Ichthys. I love you…” Your motions were hesitant, but he felt relieved when you finally reached around him and gripped his shirt tightly. It wasn’t much, but it reassured him that you weren’t going to leave him. He didn’t deserve to have you hugging him, but he was thrilled that you were staying. “I promise, I love you! I won’t ever do that again. I’ll only do funny pranks that’ll make you laugh. Like that time we made all those streamers explode during that party in the Heavens, or when we replaced Hue’s wine with water and had a party with Dui and Teo. Even that day we accidentally knocked down the wall to Scorpio’s room, and I had to take you to the Heavens so we could hide from him. I promise I’ll only do things like that. I love you so much, (Name).”
♈️ KRIOFF- He was always so apathetic to everyone but you, so it made sense that you were entirely confused to find him kissing another person–a god, Scorpio, at that. You left quietly, not wanting to stick around and investigate what was going on between them. Scorpio was always looking out for Krioff, but Krioff never really spoke about him that much. You knew he often took Scorpio to his parents’ house. Krioff told you about how Scorpio was helping to convince his parents that Krioff was doing good work on Earth. But this told you something an entirely different story, and you wanted to know the truth. When he finally came to your apartment, you spoke before he could say anything, “Tell me the truth.” You baffled him into silence, so you helped him out, “What’s Scorpio to you?” Still, he didn’t seem like he was catching onto your line of questioning. He answered almost stupidly, “He’s my vice-minister.” Under your strict gaze, he awkwardly added, “He’s a reliable friend?” Still, you didn’t look pleased with his answers, and he was running out of things to say. What kind of answer did you want to hear from him? You crossed your arms with a huff. Were you going to have to spell out everything to him? “People don’t go around kissing their superiors! People don’t just kiss their ‘reliable friends’ unless that was just some kind of lame excuse.” “Oh,” You didn’t understand, but he looked sad, disappointed that you found out. It made you feel like there was something you weren’t seeing, and you felt bad for accusing him of something so cruel. “I didn’t know you saw,” He admitted, his eyes downcast. “I wanted to keep you out of it. I never wanted you involved in anything that concerned my father. Being with Scorpio like that was the only way to keep you safe.” Your eyebrows furrowed as you struggled to understand why. “But I don’t get it. Your dad is making you be with Scorpio?” “No,” He answered awkwardly, not sure how to word it. “I had to make it look like you were nothing to me–I don’t know how to put it. If we made it public to the Heavens that Scorpio and I were together, my father wouldn’t bother you. Scorpio’s a vice-minister; being with him is a big deal. He offered to help me protect you, and this is the only way we can do it.” His eyes were imploringly searching yours for acceptance. The facts were there in front of you, but you weren’t sure how to feel about it. Technically his dad was making him be with Scorpio, and you couldn’t blame them. You knew how manipulative his dad could be regarding who Krioff was involved with. “(Name)?” He said your name quietly. “I wouldn’t do this if there were another way to keep you safe. But you can trust Scorpio. He can be a scary vice-minister, so he won’t let things get out of hand.” You hummed softly, pulling Krioff into your arms. “Thank you… you and Scorpio. I’m sorry for attacking you two like that.” Krioff smiled in relief, holding you close. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
♍️ PARTHENO- You knew Partheno. He wasn’t a demon anymore, so he didn’t have the demon charm he used to have–not that he needed that for you to love him. You adored him, and you were fairly certain he was equally devoted to you after everything you had both been through. It was more than a little shocking to find him with a goddess worshipping his body. He looked… enamored with her, and the sight was enough to tear you to bits. Part of you was tempted to storm in there and show her who was really with Partheno, but you wouldn’t dare to hit a goddess–even if she deserved it. So you settled with leaving, not speaking to anyone about what happened despite their concern for you. You thought you were going to leave and get over it. You would go back to your regular human schedule and not worry about what Partheno could have possibly been doing. It didn’t matter how hard it was to forget Partheno cheating on you… “(Name)...” You loved the sound of his voice. He was impossible to forget. You loved him too much… “(Name)... (Name)!” You snapped out of your brooding thoughts, your eyes going wide at the sight of the pink-haired god in front of you. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern as he looked into your eyes. At first, you weren’t sure what to say, and the words just tumbled out on their own, “Why are you here?” You hated that you were trying to forget about him, but there he was, chasing you. His eyes softened, and he took your hands in his gentle ones. “I was worried about you; the other gods were as well. I can’t apologize enough for what happened. We know you left after you saw her. I-” “I don’t want to hear your excuses,” You tried to deny him before you could fall for him again. “Love,” He tried again, one of his hands reaching up to caress your cheek. “All I ask is that you hear me out. I understand your anger… but would you be willing to listen? It’ll just be a moment.” You didn’t want to; he didn’t deserve your attention. But his eyes were so sad and so desperate. You had to relent with a slight nod. His soft smile was worth it, but his expression immediately grew terse. “I’m very sorry for everything I’ve done to you. I suppose this was my own punishment for everything I’ve ever put you through when I was a demon. I almost lost you again…” The sight of him so distraught made your heart clench in pain. “Partheno…” There were many questions you wanted to ask him, but nothing but his name could pass your lips. He looked into your eyes once again, grateful you were listening to him. “That woman was a demon. It was ironic, I think, that she was able to charm me with the same demonic powers that I once used to charm the other gods. It was only thanks to them that she’s captured, and I’m here now. (Name),” He whispered your name, holding you close enough to nuzzle his nose in your hair. “I’m so sorry for betraying your love like that.” He was right. It was pretty ironic. Cruel… but ironic. You held him tight. “I’m sorry for doubting you.” “It’s okay, love. I’m here now.”
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wolfloupen · 2 years
What could I say—I do not wish to appear selfish by saying I saved myself because I crave a chance at life, I wish to become a great king and a wonderful god and a better person but who else is there to give me a reason not to join the marigolds on that field by being turned to ash? Spread across the valleys and fields, carried by the wind and being sent through mountains and lakes—Lakes, yes. Lakes coated in floating pads of green, the most beautiful petals of white on top of them.
The lilies.
The lilies .
The bell.
The bell .
My camellia.
The child—
Jade Emperor! I beg of you.
I beg of you to let me send a lily to someone special.
Or a petal.
A patch of fur from my scalp will do!
Do not bring the furnace here—don’t bring the furnace!
Jade Emperor, I have caused you so much chaos and panic and I have deceived you, yes, but I am not a bad person. I am not a bad person, I am merely misguided. Guanyin, great Goddess of Mercy, please let my last words be to a boy, no, this is not a trick, please, I can assure you—
I have been awful! Is that what you wish to hear? To hear me begging to have my life be spared! Let me go! I was born as a cursed being, I know of this! I scared you, Jade Emperor, from the moment I opened my eyes but a child is nothing if not the empty vessel easily subdued to influence. Was it not you who sent down two soldiers—guards—men to check upon me and inspect that I was harmless? Was it not you who did not interfere with my quest for immortality? If my methods of learning were wrong why didn’t you tell me!
I have raised a kingdom all on my own!
I have lost myself to the idea of cruelty and isolation because you cannot fathom the idea of talking to me!
Speak to me!
Talk to me!
Why am I the villain!
I never asked to be the villain!
Answer me!
Will you erase this moment from history? Will you erase my tears and cries and pleads of mercy? 
I am not a monster. I was never a monster! 
Speak to me! Speak! Speak! Speak! Speak !
Why am I punished! Explain it to me!
My insatiable bloodlust; why is it a part of me? What did I do to deserve it!
Don’t throw me in!
Am I not speaking?
Can you not hear me?
Can you hear me!
Erlang, tell them to stop!
Nezha, I apologize, please! Empathize with me! You must understand— Nezha !
What do you know?
Nezha, don’t look away from me!
Do you have the answers? Do you?
Nezha, please!
Laozi, do not throw me in, please!
Please, I must talk to the boy!
Please, what have I done wrong!
I swear you and Knox are out to get me this year
The most heartbreaking part is the fact that wukong only remembered nahza when he was about to be thrown into the furnace, the little boy that desperately needed him to save him from any further harm, but by that point it was far too late
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Believe me, I had a blast trying to convey genuine emotions into this scene when I first learned/read about the furnace and how SWK was going go be thrown in so they could kill him. I think the most traumatizing thing about it is that he couldn't do anything while trapped inside before breaking out.
I'm happy you're enjoying the fic and I'm sorry if it hurt too badly that genuinely wasn't my intention, I just wanted to try and be real with the emotions Sun Wukong would feel when thrown in that sort of situation qwq)b
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t-tatsumaki · 4 years
hello ! could I request Obi, Shinra and Arthur’s reactions (in headcanons!) where their crush stops by company 8 and drops off sweets for them as a token of their appreciation since they’re risking their lives to save other ppl☺️ oh! and maybe a little confession at the end? fluff pls !!
— My sweet sweet crush
pairings: obi x reader, arthur x reader, shinra x reader
warnings: none
A/N: for gods sake I LOVE IT SO MUCH seriously this made me go all fluff and soft help also I love when ppl makes Fire force request my babies need more attention
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he wasn’t expecting you to come to the company, and didn’t even expect that you would bring that basket full of sweets for him and some for his company mates
when you told him that you admired all his hard work and how he risked his own life for the well being of others, this made his heart beat so fast
his beautiful crush was telling him all this beautiful things, his cheeks got red at your words
so while Hinawa took the sweets to the kitchen while the others followed him, Obi took the opportunity to look at you
“You know what (y/n)? Since a long time I have been liking you, and probably you won’t accept my fee-” before he could even finish he feels your tiny arms wrap around his neck and your lips pressing against his.
What you two didn’t notice was that the whole company was looking how you two were kissing.
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you always thought that Arthur was a really hard worker
defeating infernals must be a really though job
considering that you came up with the idea to make some sweets with a knight theme for him and some others for his company mates.
at first when you arrived you couldn’t find him, so you asked to Shinra if he saw him, he told you that he was on the office with Hinawa.
when you arrived you saw Arthur sitting on the fair with a dead look in his eyes, ‘probably that work was too much for his brain’ you thought
you called him,with hearing your voice Arthur seemed to be alive another time
his face got lighten up when he saw you with that basket full of sweets with knights theme
“Dear queen, you shouldn’t have done that, but as a King I have to accept this great gift”
Shinra beats him and takes some of the sweets before taking them to the kitchen for the others to eat it
it’s at this moment when Arthur realizes that this is the only chance that he has to confess his feelings towards you
“Now that we’re alone, I would like to say if you, the greatest goddess would accept the feelings of a mere human king knight?”
Your face at first was like ._.?
But then you catch the message “Of course I accept your feelings, would you accept mines too?” You asked, but he didn’t gave you an answer instead he hugged you like there was no tomorrow.
At the end, Arthur was always the knight in shining armor who you were waiting for.
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Shinra was always a blush mess whenever you were around him, and the same happened to you.
You always admired him for his determination for not only risking his life to save others, but also to almost lost his life trying to rescue his little brother from that black hole he was in
and because of this you wanted to show him how much you cheered up on him buying some of his favorite sweets. It took you a three hours queue for getting everything
so when you went to the company to give it to him, he couldn’t look at you, he seemed uncomfortable and nervous, and you thought that he didn’t like the present, so when you were about to leave
He grabbed your arm and looked right away to you, his face was red like a tomatoe and that smile that you always thought it was cute was now on his face
“Please don’t leave” he said to you
“I have been wanting to confess this to you, but it was really hard since everytime im around you I feel like my heart is going to explode. Probably you won’t reciprocate my feelings, but if I say this to you probably this heavy feeling would erase from my shoulders” he paused before continuing “I LIKE YOU A LOT (Y/N)-SAN PLEASE BE MY GIRLFRIEND” he said while bowing to you.
You had a shocked expression on you face, Shinra was confused, but an smile appeared on his face when he heard you “Yes, I like you too Shinra”
Meanwhile you two were like that, a bunch of pair eyes was watching the scene, while Iris was trying to wake up Hibana from her fainting state.
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
hihi can i pls request bae seungmin and red for the drabble game? the grip he and his red hair have on me
Red hair seungmin is Everything to me. he is Beautiful. he is Gorgeous. I Adore Him thank you for requesting this chai <3
4 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/The Boyz/Golden Child/Ateez member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
This drabble comes from the same universe as Demi, my demigod au! Please check it out here if you enjoyed :)
Title: War and Peace
Pairing: Bae Seungmin x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 919
Triggers: mentions of blood (nothing graphic)
The three Fates look down on you all like vultures circling for prey. They don't carry the loom, the thread, the knife they used - still use - to cut the strings of life. No one will have their fate determined today, not when there are other, more important things at stake than a few trifling human lives.
You and Seungmin kneel on the floor, surrounded by the ranks of your other friends, demigods who fought the war that the fallen gods precipitated with their gluttony, wrath, and lust. Grief etches itself in every line on your faces, weighing down a room that was decorated for celebration.
On the dais in front of you, one of the Fates has just placed the crown of asphodel on Seonghwa's head, marking the son of Persephone as the new god of the seasons. His back remains straight, poised as he stands, even with his head bowed forward like the weight of the four rings on his fingers drags him down. Fire roars in the braziers as he turns to the audience of assembled warriors and demigods and rises to his full height before bowing low, deep, silent. He finds his place among the newly crowned demigods and kneels once more.
And then it's your turn.
Taking a deep breath, you rise, your still-mortal heart thudding painfully in your chest. Next to you, Seungmin stands as well, his dark hair glinting in the firelight.
You look at him. He looks at you. You know he has to understand what you're trying to say with your eyes, the same words you told him yesterday under the shade of your mother's olive tree. You don't have to do this.
The corners of his lips twitch, and for a moment, you see the old Seungmin - son of Ares, yes, but committed to fighting for a cause, not senseless carnage and death. It's what drew you to him, the child of Athena that you were. He was interesting. Different from his siblings, though he got along with them well.
But here he is, taking the mantle of the fallen god of war, his father. Everything he never wanted. He hated Ares, you know, hated the massacres his father wrought on the battlefield for no other reason than lust for blood. Though he donned his weapons, fought with sword and spear and shield, you know that he worried, every time, that he would lose control and turn into some copy of his hated father.
"You won't," you'd told him once on the battlefield, surrounded by bodies of monsters and your fallen friends. "You won't. You won't become him, I know you won't."
You still believe it. But Seungmin doesn't. Never did. So you worry that, dressed in the color of blood with a crown of thorns and nettle awaiting him in the hands of the Fates, he will fall into a spiral of self-loathing and grief from which even you can't bring him back.
It's his choice, though. And even before you said what you did last night, you knew he'd already made it.
"I have to," he says, one hand against the scorched trunk of the olive tree. "I have to change the brand of war my father created." He looks up, eyes softening. "Besides, I have peace by my side."
Your lips tremble into the tiniest semblance of a smile. "And what is war but conflict in the name of peace?"
Your hands meet, crossing what seems like oceans of distance to grip each other once, silently, before parting to follow the path the other demigods took to the stage, where the Fates await. War and peace. Yes, that is the two of you - one dripping head to toe in red, the other clothed in pure white. Ares never had peace at his side when he set out for war. Already Seungmin has begun to erase his father's bloody legacy, to replace it with his own.
A tiny smile spreads across your face. You're creating a legacy, too - bringing power to the minor goddess Eirene whose hand you held as she died, a child of Athena now bearing the fallen scepter of peace. Never will the old gods use her name to justify their acts of greed and deception, for the only one with the right to use your name or hers will be the boy now kneeling by your side.
And Seungmin would never take either of your names in vain.
Closing your eyes, you bow your head forward. The cloth of your robes pools around your body, a swirl of rippling white touching the sea of red spreading from Seungmin's side.
His eyes flicker to yours. In them, you see a true smile, echoing your words from just last night under your mother's tree.
"What is war but conflict in the name of peace?"
You take a deep breath. The red of Seungmin's robes warms you with the firelight, swirling with the white of your clothes. Your hands find each other again, instinctively crossing the divide between blood and ivory. Seungmin's fingers grip yours as the Fates step forward, withered arms outstretched as they begin their chant.
Your eyes close, but even against the backs of your eyelids, you can see the firelight dancing on Seungmin's face, on his hair, lighting up the boy of war who you trust to stay by your side.
You squeeze his hand one more time. He squeezes back.
Red and white. Thorns and laurels.
War and peace.
United, now, as one.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
hi i was trying to go to sleep but then i got the sudden urge to write something about that zhongli thoughts i have the other day, so here i present you with this fhskdbjsjn
disclaimer: pls ignore how badly written this is and the fact that i'm not very familiar with zhongli's character yet <3 oh and i'm using she/her pronouns for the s/o here
"Please, will you stay just a moment longer with me, Zhongli?" Her voice cracked and he reached up to place both of his palms on her cold cheeks
Her now glassy eyes reflecting the moon above their heads in the sky, which signaled his time to return. She is beautiful, Zhongli thought, almost too beautiful to be an ordinary human being and not some type of goddess. Her grip on his shirt tightens and with it he felt his heart does too
"I'm sorry, my love. But i must go now." He forced out a weak smile in an attempt to hide his own pain, to part with her were the hardest part for him no matter how many times he had gone through it. If anything at all, the pain seemed to grow even worse each year, it doesn't lessen
Tears spilled from her eyes and he quickly erased it with a swipe of his thumbs across her cheeks. It pains him to look at her crying, even more so him being the reason behind of it
"My love, i promise i will come for you again in the next year... right at the same time and at the same place, exactly right here." His voice came out as a whisper, it was more of an attempt to soothe her and it seems to be working as she looked up at him with those eyes he adored so much
"Alright..." She puts on a smile but it was not the one he liked to see, this one was a forced one but he's done that too and he knows better than to say anything about it
So he left a fervent kiss on her forehead that lingers a tad bit too long and she watches him as he flew back to the sky until he disappeared into the sea of clouds.
okay now i can go to sleep peacefully jsbsknsjs will go back here again in the morning ehehe -🍀
sheeeeeeesh. first ask of the day and i’m alr sobbing 😭😭 wdymm it’s badly written??? i am HURT. zhongli might as well send a meteor at my face bc i wouldnt even feel it from all this paaaain. i actually dont have anything to add anymore. this is perfect as is. magnificent, 10/10 would recommend, just *chefs kiss* yes.
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catcze · 3 years
Everyone's talking about their ocs and I can't help it anymore. (I don’t want to bother tho, feel free to burn this into ashes ✋🏻) Also, I started thinking about this before people released Inazuma’s leaks, I’m sure there are a lot of inconsistencies that I’ll have to change eventually.
Mia's story is a complicated one (and I think it's kind of mainstream too but WHO CARES-). You see, I need to start with a stupid legend because the region where she lives doesn’t exist in the game :’). She lived in Lemer, a land forgotten by the gods, especially their own (kind of like Khaenri’ah but I swear I had this idea before knowing what it was).
The legend says that Karis, goddess of time (who uses electro as well), got slayed by a newborn goddess, Baal. Yes, miss booba sword was gifted with a vision and a place among the gods by Karis, and in response, she literally killed her with her pathetic excuse of "eternity".
Karis had always been a peaceful and humble goddess, exactly as her people were, so instead of putting up a fight, she gave up her gnosis and her place as one of the seven, making Baal promise that she wouldn’t harm the people on the islands. Baal felt the need to be cautious though, and as soon as Karis lost her powers, she killed her.
Lemer’s people were shocked and horrified; they lost their protector, a goddess who was as gentle as the sea breeze that swept the shores, a goddess who had never posed herself as such, and instead loved to walk among the common mortals as if she was one of them. There was no way they would accept Baal as their new ruler. So, a good portion of Lemer’s inhabitants decided to retire in a secret place that Karis built with the help of Guizhong during the Archon war, in order to protect the innocents, while the remnants of them got greedy with Baal’s promise, and stood by her side.
As the centuries went by, Baal made sure of erasing every trace of Lemer’s existence, renaming the region “Inazuma” and ruling with her iron fist, while those who choose to live in a bubble of air, under a fake sky, metres and metres under the sea, started to get eaten by their hope for Karis’ return. Some still believe that she will eventually come back to free them, while others stopped wasting their lives behind her religion, giving birth to a miserable community, where robbery and murders were commonplace.
I feel like I’m disturbing with this schlong stupid legend but the oc can’t be framed well without knowing this 😭😭 I’ll bother you a lil bit more with another ask talking about Mia later, sry 👉👈 English isn’t even my first language so there probably are a lot of grammatical abominations 🥲
and omg baby the English here is soo good!! I would have never guessed it was your first language if you didn't tell me!! also feel free to talk mroe about Mia omg 👉👈 I'd love to hear about her!! 💞💞
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nebulaofchaosandwoe · 10 months
i just sent my sister a video about autistic "signs" in women. because i think we're autistic. i'm scared of what she'll say when i get home :)
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soobiniebaby · 4 years
Angels & Devils Part XV : It’s You
Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun  ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle  ~ l a n g u a g e : English  ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.)  ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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Soobin’s breath catches in his throat as he absorbs the words on the screen.
Was Yeonjun really asking him to step in as B’s date? Suddenly, Soobin’s fantasies of having B as his date come flooding back to his mind, and he could hardly believe that most of it would be a reality. From him showing up at her apartment door to pick her up, to having their pictures taken together right as they enter the event hall, and maybe even up to how breathtakingly ethereal she’d look under the sparkling lights as they’d slow-dance in the middle of the dance floor.
The thought of his fantasies for the past few weeks becoming a reality made his cheeks heat up, and he takes a deep breath, quickly weighing the possible pros and cons of what could happen if he stepped in as B’s date in his mind, before he counts to three and sends his response.
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Yeonjun’s request caught Soobin so off-guard that he wasn’t even able to mention why he messaged him in the first place. He sighs, tossing his phone down beside him on his bed, as he tries to get a grip on his thoughts, which were now swirling around with fantasies of B opening her apartment door and looking lavishly perfect in her dress, slow-dancing with B and taking pictures with her and sitting beside her at their table and—
Soobin shakes his head, trying to shake away such thoughts. B was his friend, and he would be there for her as a friend, only until Yeonjun arrives and takes his rightful place as her date.
He sighs again, his heart still pounding as he says “Alexa, lights off” before he’s enveloped in darkness.
B pouts, her whole lower lip sticking out as she looks up at her boyfriend with puppy-dog eyes.
Yeonjun frowns. “Baby, c’mon, please don’t do that. You’re too fucking cute, God. You’re breaking my heart.” he says, unable to stop himself from stepping forward and taking her face in his hands, his thumb gently rubbing on her lower lip as if he could erase her pout. “I wish I could skip it, trust me I do, but business is business, and you know how my father can get about things like this.”
B holds her pouty face for a moment longer before she sighs in defeat, realizing that she had no choice in the matter.
It was the morning of the Fall Ball, and when she heard someone ring the doorbell so early in the day, she was a tad annoyed that someone would dare bother her beauty sleep. Once she saw it was Yeonjun, she instantly felt her mood go from 0 to 100, happy to see him standing at her doorstep. But once he told her why he was there, her mood instantly went from 100 to 0 once again.
It wasn’t Yeonjun’s fault that his dad was a cold-hearted business-minded dick. She melts into Yeonjun’s touch, her eyes fluttering shut as his thumbs gently find their way to her jaw, lightly tracing patterns.
“Fine. I understand.” she finally says, opening her eyes to meet his. She lifts a hand up and cups it over one of his, entwining their fingers together. “But will I at least see you tonight? I’ve been looking forward to this for weeks, and I wanna see your jaw drop once you see me in my dress.”
Yeonjun raises a brow. “How are you so sure my jaw will be dropping?”
B smirks, her eyes alight with mischief. “Well, first of all, it got Ryujin’s stamp of approval on the slutty-and-classy factor. And second, no matter how pretty and sexy I’ll look in the dress, I know that all you’ll be thinking about is how you’ll be taking the dress off.” she says, watching Yeonjun’s mouth drop at what she was suggesting.
“T—taking the dress off?” Yeonjun stutters, and B stifles back a laugh. She had never seen Yeonjun stutter before. “Me? Taking the dre—taking your dress off?”
B nods, and Yeonjun’s eyes widen. She grins devilishly. “I mean, if you can’t make it to the dance, we can always have a little after party of our own.” she says teasingly.
Yeonjun just looks at her in wonder, before shaking his head and letting out a chuckle. “Damn, Baby, you’re really something else.” he says, and she can’t help but hold back her laughter. “I just—I fucking love you, you know?”
Now it was her turn to go slack-jawed. “What? Wait, you what?” she says, not sure if she heard him right.
He laughs at her reaction and shakes his head once again. “I fucking love you, Baby. I love you.” he says, and when she remains frozen in shock, he says “I just wanted to let you know, and I don’t want you to feel pressured to say it back, so you don’t have to.”
B nods, her tongue still caught in her throat as she tried to wrap her head around his words.
Yeonjun sneaks a quick peek at his phone. “Ah, I have to go, I have a video meeting with our Japan clients in 30 minutes.” When she remains silent in shock, he chuckles and bends down, planting a warm lingering kiss on her forehead. “My business thing will be starting at around 8PM, but I’ll try to ditch it early and if I’m lucky I can make it to the ball by 10PM, and I promise I’ll make it up to you. I’ll see you later, Baby. I love you.” he says, caressing her hair before turning away to leave.
As she watches him make his way down the stairs and get escorted into the car by his driver, she finally snaps out of her daze and feels herself smile.
“I love you too.” she quietly says into thin air, before she shakes her head, her cheeks hurting from smiling, before she closes the door behind her and prepares herself for a busy day.
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That was 13 minutes ago.
Soobin sighs as he checks his phone one last time before he pockets it, his hands shaking as he does so. He holds his arms out as his sides and starts to flail them around vigorously, hoping to shake off the nerves. He takes a deep breath, stuffing both of his hands as deep as they could go in his coat pockets, and slowly counts to three before abruptly ringing the doorbell, holding his breath as he waits for a response.
“Soobin? Is that you?” B’s voice floats from inside the apartment.
Soobin forces himself to put on a smile, making sure to avoid tripping over his words as he says “Yeah, it’s me!”
“Hold on, I’ll be out in a bit!” she calls, and he hears some noises from inside the apartment, such as the sound of her running around and rushing to do whatever it was she was doing.
“Alright, take your time, I’ll be right here.” he says reassuringly, taking deep breaths, trying to calm his nerves. He was just a friend picking up another friend to go to the dance together…as friends. Why was he so nervous?
Wanting to appear as casual and calm as possible, he decides to take his phone out of his pocket and feign scrolling or typing, just so that he wouldn’t look pathetic when she opens the door.
Once he hears her footsteps approaching, he holds his breath, and when she finally opens the door, he tears his gaze away from his phone to greet her.
And he nearly drops his phone, his jaw nearly dropping along with it.
A petite goddess stood in front of him, illuminated by the light pouring out from her apartment. Her long hair was parted to the side and framed her face with loose waves. Her eye makeup was done with simple winged eyeliner and long curled lashes, her face glowed and shimmered with highlight and bronzer, but her lips were painted a loud and eye-catching red, accentuating the cute little cupid’s bow on her upper lip that made them look irresistible.
But what really made him nearly drop his phone was her dress and how good she looked in it. No, how good it looked on her. Her blue dress fell off her shoulders, the flowy fabric leaving her neck, back and shoulders bare, with delicate satin trimmings all over. Her gown had a modest empire waistline yet had a surprisingly daring slit that ran all the way up her thigh, with satin trimming once again added in to balance out the look. She paired the dress with a pair of strappy heels that crisscrossed around her legs until just below the knees.
“Okay, I’m ready, let’s go!” she says, not noticing how he was ogling her. “Sorry if I kept you waiting out here, I didn’t know it would be this cold.” she says, rubbing her arms with her hands.
It’s only when the freezing cold autumn breeze hits him when Soobin finally unfreezes, and he snaps into action, taking his coat off and offering it to her.
“Here, you can use this to keep yourself warm.” he says, and before she can refuse, he slowly drapes it over her bare shoulders, careful not to ruin her hair or makeup as he does so. “At least until we get to the car.” he adds, once he sees the hesitance on her face.
She nods her head and smiles up at him. “Thanks, Soobin. 5 minutes in and already I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have you as my date.” she says, and he prays that it was dark enough so that she couldn’t see him blush. “Well, as my last minute date at least.”
Soobin coughs, trying to conceal his red cheeks. “Right, um, let’s get going then.” he says, leading the way to the car. He offers to hold the ends of her dress as they make their way down the stairs, making her giggle, and once he opens the passenger door to his car, he offers his hand to help her easily slide into the car. He closes her door and quickly makes his way to the driver seat. He hears her sighs in relief as he shuts the door behind him, the car heater kicking in as he starts the engine.
“Oh, that feels nice.” she says, putting her hands up towards the vents to defrost her cold fingers. “Again, I just wanted to thank you for doing this, Soobin. I know you didn’t really want a date to the ball and that you weren’t really interested in taking any girl from school to the dance this year, but I hope you’re not too bothered with having me as your last-minute date.”
You’re the only girl in the entire school I wanted to take to the ball. Having you as my date is the only thing I’ve been dreaming of these past few weeks. I wouldn’t trade having you as my date for anything else in the world.
As all these thoughts flood Soobin’s mind, he simply smiles back at her and says “No problem, B. I don’t mind it at all.”
Her eyes sparkle as she beams at him then, happy with what he said, and just like that his heart rate started to speed up once again. Tonight was gonna be a long night.
“Say cheese!”
“Sir, could you lean in closer, maybe put your arm around him?”
Beomgyu hastily puts his arm around Taehyun’s waist, pulling him closer to his side as they posed for the photographers at the entrance of the event hall. “Tyun, are you okay?” he whispers, shaking him slightly.
“I…I’m, um, I think I’m feeling a bit shy.” Taehyun finally admits, his eyes darting around the area, which was quickly starting to fill up with students arriving with their dates, presenting their tickets and getting in line to have their pictures taken by the photographers before entering the event hall. Beomgyu had picked him up from his apartment, being the perfect gentleman, and they had arrived at the dance a little early so that they could do a few last minute checks around the venue before most of the guests start to arrive.
Whenever he and Beomgyu were together, he simply felt happy. It was just the two of them, talking and laughing as they always did, except now there was some handholding and kissing in between. And when Taehyun asked Beomgyu to be his date, he was simply happy about the thought of going to the Fall Ball together. But now that they were here, together, as dates, Taehyun was starting to realize that he hadn’t exactly thought the entire thing through.
He didn’t think about the stares they’d be getting, or the confused looks that would come their way when people saw them together, or about the excited whispers that would start whenever people spotted them walking hand in hand. And now that he was seeing it, he was starting to feel shy. He didn’t know what it was like to be in a relationship, and frankly he wasn’t used to the attention that came along with it, especially since his partner just happened to be one of his best friends, and his co-student council member. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that the pair of them would receive so much attention, but Taehyun was surprised nonetheless.
Beomgyu chuckles. “You, Kang Taehyun, are nervous? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you nervous before.” he says, leaning in so close to whisper in his ear that Taehyun could feel his breath lightly tickling his neck. “Why are you nervous?”
“I guess I’m just not used to all the attention. I’ve never been in a relationship, so I don’t know how to act around you now when people are watching.” he says, his eyes catching random glimpses of stares aimed at them.
“Ah, of course it’ll come with a lot of attention, silly. Especially since you have me, the elusive and charismatic Choi Beomgyu by your side.” Beomgyu says teasingly, and that was enough to earn a small smile from Taehyun.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Taehyun says, feeling a bit more relaxed.
“And you’re adorable.” Beomgyu says, causing the younger boy’s cheeks to flush.
“Perfect! Hold that pose!” the photographer exclaims, seeing that Taehyun looked more relaxed and natural now. He quickly holds the camera up and points it towards them. “1,2,3, smile!”
As the flash goes off, Taehyun feels himself smile, and he feels Beomgyu’s arm around his waist tighten just a bit more before the photographer says “Excellent! Thank you, and enjoy your evening. Next!” signaling the end of their turn.
Taehyun lets a small sigh, feeling himself relax, as Beomgyu takes his hand and pulls him forward, finally stepping through the giant double door entrance and into the event hall.
“Wow, you guys really pulled out all the stops for this one.” Beomgyu comments as they take in the room. It was spectacularly designed with rows and rows of fairy lights hanging across the ceiling, with curtain lights lining the walls. The ceiling itself was barely visible as the entirety of it was shrouded with different fall flowers such as Dahlias and Begonias, with balls of autumn leaves hanging as well, some occasionally falling down and letting the room rain with autumn leaves.
“You mean we really pulled out all the stops?” Taehyun says, raising a brow. “Have you forgotten that you’re actually a part of the student council or do you really not pay attention during our meetings?”
Beomgyu laughs. “I do, trust me, but I didn’t know it would turn out looking like this! It’s amazing.” he says, still in awe.
Taehyun can’t stop himself from smiling, feeling a sense of pride. “I helped choose the flowers. Now let’s go find our table, the others might be waiting for us already.” he says, now leading them towards their assigned table, which was conveniently situated near the side of the event hall, closer to the stage and the side entrances so that they as student council members would have easy access to any backstage problems.
When they arrive at table 21, they’re surprised to see just 2 people sitting there. Soobin and a girl. The girl was sitting with her back to them, and all they could make out was that she had long dark hair that fell down her back in waves.
“Huh, is that Soobin? Who’s he sitting with?” Taehyun asks once they spot the table from 10 feet away.
“Maybe he caved and got himself a date at the last minute. I mean it’s not like it would be hard for him to find one on short notice.” Beomgyu muses. “I wonder who it is.”
Once they arrive at the table, Soobin’s face lights up as he sees them.
“Gyu! Tyun! You’re finally here.” Soobin says. “Take a seat, Kai and his date should be here soon too.”
Beomgyu raises a brow at Soobin’s smiley demeanor, but takes a seat nonetheless, but not before he pulls out a chair and offers it to Taehyun.
“Ah, you didn’t have to.” Taehyun says, though the pleased smile on his face betrays his words.
“Hush, shut up and let me be your perfect date. I mean, you’ve been dreaming of this for a year now, right?” Beomgyu says teasingly, laughing when Taehyun gives him an annoyed look.
“Soobin, seriously, I swear I’m gonna kill you for saying that.” Taehyun says, shooting daggers at the boy. But before Soobin could respond, his date turns in her seat to face the two boys, and their jaws drop as she does so.
“Yeah, remind me not to spill any of my secrets to Soobin either.” B says, coming face to face with Taehyun and Beomgyu.
“B?” Beomgyu asks, surprised. “Are you Soobin’s d—Where’s Yeonjun?” he stutters.
B laughs out loud at Taehyun and Beomgyu’s confused faces. “Oh, sorry, I guess we never got to tell you!” she giggles. “Um, Yeonjun’s dad forced him to go to this business party thing at the last minute, and I guess he sort of assigned Soobin to look after me. Until he gets here, at least, he said he’ll try to cut the party early so he can catch the end of the dance.”
Taehyun raises a brow. “Oh, what a shame.” he says, his words directed at Soobin. “How inconvenient is it that you’re stuck with Soobin as your date now.”
B nods “Luckily Soobinie’s very kind and he accepted, although I’m trying to be as less of a burden as possible.” she says, laughing as she rests a hand on Soobin’s arm.
“Very lucky.” Beomgyu says, smirking at Soobin behind B’s back. “I’m pretty sure Soobin won’t see you as a burden though, he is very lucky to have been blessed with the opportunity to have you as a date tonight.”
“Aw, thanks Gyu, you’re so sweet.” B says, looking at him in awe. “Tyun, is he always this sweet? You two are so lucky to have each other.” she says, looking between her 2 friends lovingly. When the guys told her the news, she was so happy she started to cry. After all those mornings she spent walking with Taehyun to school, she never would have imagined that he would have feelings for someone like Beomgyu. In the dynamic of their friend group, the 2 of them stood at opposite sides of the spectrum, yet they worked perfectly well together, like blue orangeade.
“I have to admit, the idiot has his moments.” Taehyun says rather lovingly in contrast to the nickname he had given him. “Speaking of idiots, where’s Kai? Shouldn’t he be here by now?”
And right on cue, Kai and Yuna come stumbling up to the table, both of them in a fit of giggles as they try to seat themselves, abruptly stopping once they noticed there was 1 empty chair.
“Hey guys, who’s not here ye—” Hueningkai starts, but once he sees B next to Soobin, his confusion further grows. “What’s going on here? Where’s Yeonjun?”
B and Soobin explain the situation once again, and Kai and Yuna nod understandingly.
“I never knew Yeonjun’s dad could be so harsh.” Yuna pouts. “I’m sorry about that, B. But hey, at least you’ve got another handsome guy to keep you company tonight.” she says, winking at Soobin. “Let’s try to enjoy it anyway, alright? And I’m sure Yeonjun will do anything to see you tonight.”
B nods in agreement, happy that she had her friends with her to keep her company. Maybe her night wouldn’t be a total bust.
Just then, Soobin holds her hand under the table, squeezing it comfortingly. She looks at him and sees him smiling at her. “Don’t worry, we’re right here for you.”
She beams at him and squeezes his hand under the table, entwining their fingers together. “Thanks, Soobin. Really. It means a lot to me.”
And just like that, she knew it was going to be a good night. With or without Yeonjun.
The night had kicked off with a bang. The council had hired a DJ and opened up song requests so that students could hear their desired songs along with personalized dedications all around the event hall, students from the Theatre club had been assigned by the student council to host the event. Designated different clubs within the school were tasked to present special numbers at hourly intervals throughout the night. The Theatre club had done a short improv scene, picking random students in the audience to participate, which earned many laughs from the crowd. The Photography club had been going around and taking polaroid pictures of the students. The Film club has been documenting the night on video and will be showing a short highlight reel by the end of the evening.
But now, it was the Jazzed club’s turn.
Soobin nervously walks across the stage, the spotlight trailing him as he makes his way to the center, adjusting the microphone stand higher to match his height before he starts.
“Hey guys, how’s everyone’s evening going so far? Is everyone having fun?” Soobin says, pleased with himself when the event hall booms with cheers from the crowd. “That’s good to know. On behalf of the student council, I’d like to acknowledge the participation of everyone here tonight and for everyone who couldn’t make it, without all of you, this event wouldn’t have been a success, so thank you.” he says, earning cheers from the crowd once again.
He flashes a charming smile as he continues. “I know that this evening has been a blast so far, but how about we slow things down a little bit…” he says, and right on cue the selected members from Jazzed club goes on stage and starts to prepare their instruments, which gets the crowd cheering again. “Coming right up, we have a special performance by MO Academy’s very own Jazzed club!”
Soobin takes the mic in his hands and starts to walk around the stage, approaching each person one by one to introduce them to the crowd. “Here, we have our student body’s precious Public Relations Officer, Kai Kamal Huening, tickling the ivories!” he says, putting a hand on Kai’s shoulder as the younger boy plays a few keys on the piano, making the crowd cheer.
He moves on to the drum set. “On the drums, we have Yoon Dowoon! Drop us a beat, please!” he proclaims, and Dowoon follows suit, showing off his skills.
“Isn’t he amazing, folks?” Soobin asks the crowd, making them cheer in response. “Next up, we have Nam Donghyun playing the Bass!” he says, motioning to the bassist as he plucks a few strings.
“On guitar, we have our student council’s very own Treasurer, Choi Beomgyu! Show us what you’ve got, Gyu!” Soobin says, dramatically doing a very bad air guitar impression in contrast to Beomgyu’s slow acoustic guitar. Soobin laughs as Beomgyu shakes his head.
“And last but not the least, our vocalist for the evening, the one and only Kang—” Soobin begins, ready to introduce Taehyun, until Beomgyu grabs the back of his suit, tugging him to his side as he quickly whispers in his ear.
“Taehyun can’t do it, he’s dealing with a crisis with the security team.” Beomgyu explains hastily.
“What! Who’s gonna sing then? Can you sing and play the guitar at the same time?” Soobin asks, trying to keep a smile on his face even though he was panicking on the inside.
“I don’t memorize the song, just the notes.” Beomgyu says. “But why don’t you sing? It’s not like you haven’t sang in front of an audience before. And you have no excuse not to sing, because you wrote the song.” Soobin couldn’t think of an excuse to get himself out of it, because Beomgyu was right. Soobin had been working on the song for a couple of months now, but he never intended on singing it himself, especially not in front of a crowd, and especially not in front of her.
Before Soobin can protest, Beomgyu quickly takes the microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, our vocalist for the evening, the one and only Student Council President, Mr. Choi Soobin!” he proclaims, making the crowd cheer as Soobin practically chokes on his own saliva, taking the microphone back from Beomgyu.
“I—uh, yes!” Soobin says, quickly gathering his thoughts, not wanting to look unprofessional in front of the whole school. “Our first song tonight is a special composition by the Jazzed club! Composed by Kang Taehyun, and lyrics by Choi Soobin.” he says, letting the cheers from the crown die down before giving the band the go signal.
The lights dim as the song starts with a slow intro from the drums and the piano, and the spotlight focuses on Soobin as he starts to sing.
(ORIGINAL SONG: Look After you by The Fray) [some lyrics changed by author for story purposes] “If I don’t say this now, I will surely break As I’m staring, your hands I want to take I look on breathlessly, my knees they start to shake My heart has started to separate”
As he sings, he remembers all the moments he caught himself staring at B, and all the times she made his heart speed up just by looking at him, and all the instances where simply seeing her took his breath away, like when he picked her up at her place for the dance that night.
“Oh oh, be my baby oh Oh oh, be my baby And I’ll look after you.”
He sees her in the crowd then, sitting by herself at their table, her chin resting on her hands as she watches the band play on. Her eyes meet his and she smiles, giving him a small wave. He’s unable to stop himself from smiling back, his heart pounding in his ears.
“If ever there was any doubt My love, she’s looking at me Her smile gives me security Her love rings with clarity”
He’s watching her watching him now, her head nodding along to the gentle beat of the song, her eyes bright as she claps with the crowd and cheers him on.
“Oh oh, be my baby oh Oh oh, be my baby Oh oh It’s always have and never hold You’ve begun to feel like home, yeah What’s mine is yours to leave or take What’s mine is yours to make your own”
He wrote these lines after the night of Yeonjun’s birthday, when he saw her a crying drunken mess on the closet floor and realized that he would do anything for her. It didn’t matter if she was his best friend’s girlfriend or if she was the girl he was in love with, it didn’t matter if she was drunk and crying or sober and laughing. To him, he was B, one of the few people in the world he held closest to his heart, and he knew he would do anything for her.
“Oh oh, be my baby oh Oh oh, be my baby Oh oh”
As he sings the last lines of the song, he feels his face start to heat up as the audience begins to cheer louder, a bit shy now that he had sung his song in front of the whole school. Singing a song he wrote in front of the person he wrote it for was something he never anticipated he’d do, but upon seeing her eyes, as bright as ever, focused on his face, he would’ve written a million more songs and sang them all to her if it meant she’d look at him like that every time he did.
When the audience starts to die down and the couples on the dance floor start to return to their seats, he spots Taehyun running to towards the stage, waving his arms at Soobin, signaling that he was there and that he could take over.
“Ladies and gentlemen, that song was called ‘Look After You’ written by yours truly, composed by Kang Taehyun, and performed by MO Academy’s Jazzed Club. Let’s give another round of applause!” Soobin proclaims breathlessly, his smile widening as the crowd starts to cheer. He quickly motions Taehyun to come on stage, relieved that the younger boy was there. Soobin didn’t think that he could sing the rest of the songs on the setlist without any practice.
“And now, here to take us away with a voice as cool as the Fall breeze and visuals as refreshing as Autumn leaves, let’s give it up for Kang Taehyun!” Soobin announces, arm outstretched towards the boy who was now making his way across the stage.
“Thank you, everyone.” Taehyun says, smiling as he catches his breath. “We’ve got a great set prepared for you tonight, so grab your partners and prepare to swoon as we start with a song called Autumn Leaves by Ed Sheeran.”
When the next song starts to play, Soobin makes his way off the stage, his body still humming with adrenaline from singing his song on such short notice. As he makes it off stage and finds his way back to his table, he receives a few compliments and pats on the back from his fellow students, telling him he did a great job on the Fall Ball and gushing over how beautiful his singing was. He acknowledges them bashfully, his face heating up more and more by the second, until he finally makes it to his table, which was occupied by no one but B.
She starts to clap as soon as she seems him approaching, shaking her head in approval, legs crossed casually. “Wow, Choi Soobin. I’ve been told that you were a bit of a songwriting genius, but I didn’t know just how much of a genius you were until now. You definitely live up to your hype. Well done.”
“Oh stop it, you’re only saying that cause I’m your friend.” He smiles shyly as he takes his seat next to her, mindful of the absence of their other table mates. “Why are you alone? Where are our fellow table 21s?”
“Gyu, Tyun, and Hyuka are all onstage and will remain onstage for at least 5 more songs, and I’m guessing Hyuka’s date is off somewhere with Ryujin.” she says, referring to Yuna. “They invited me to hang out with them while you were all onstage, but I didn’t really feel like taking shots of the Tequila that they smuggled in at one of the bathroom stalls.”
“Is that what they’re doing?” Soobin says, raising a brow. “You do remember that I’m the Student Council President, right? Doing something like that could get them suspended!” he exclaims.
B laughs lightly. “Oh, I don’t think I could ever forget, Mr. President.” she says, wiggling her eyebrows at him. “And yes, I am well aware of that, but I trust that you won’t bust them anyway because although you have responsibilities, you’re not a fun-sucker either so as long as you trust that they know their limits, you’ll just be keeping a stern eye out instead of busting them.”
Soobin sighs. “You’re right, I guess you know me too well.”
B nods. “Yes, and I happen to know that you haven’t had the chance to break out some moves on the dance floor all night.” she says, exasperated. “C’mon, Soobinie, you should dance! I know you don’t have a date and I’m just a sort of last minute engagement, but you could ask literally any girl here to dance with you and I just know that they’d practically pee themselves with glee as they drag you to the dance floor.”
Soobin laughs. “That’s absurd.” he simply says, and she shrugs. It’s quiet between them for a moment, they watch the couples on the dance floor until the song comes to an end and a few of them make their way back to their seats while the others stay on the dance floor and give a round of applause to the Jazzed club.
“Thank you, thank you.” Taehyun says, his voice reverberating through the event hall. “Now for our next song, no high school dance would be complete without one of the most iconic high school prom songs in the cinematic universe of Young Adult movie adaptations. As seen in the Twilight saga, this is Flightless Bird, American Mouth.”
“B?” Soobin says, turning to face her as Taehyun sings the first line of the familiar song.
“Yes?” B asks, her eyes focused on the couples dancing in front of them.
“I know that I’m just a stand in until your real date arrives and that Yeonjun will probably be here before the Fall Ball ends, but do you wanna dance with me?” Soobin says in one breath. “It’s okay if you don’t want to, but I think it would be a waste if you just sit here all night. I mean, I’m not saying that your night will be a waste or anything or that you’ll just be sitting—”
B silences him by standing up and grabbing his hand, forcing him to stand up. “Like I said, Binnie. You could ask literally any girl here to dance with you and they’d practically drag you to the dance floor.” she says, beaming as she drags him through the throng of people until she finds a vacant spot near the stage.
“Didn’t you mention something about peeing themselves with glee—?” Soobin begins, but she shuts him up by putting a finger up to his lips, which catches him by surprise. He remains frozen as she guides his hands to her waist and she reaches up to rest her hands on his shoulders, her neck outstretched as she looks up at him.
“Just shut up and dance with me, Choi Soobin.” she laughs, which causes him to unfreeze and sway along to the music.
“You know you have 4 different names for me?” Soobin says out of nowhere. “You’ve called me about 4 different names just now.”
“What?” B asks, curious. “No way! How can I possibly have 4 names for 1 person?” she says.
Soobin bites his bottom lip thoughtfully before answering. “Well, you call me Soobin on normal occasions, Soobinie when you wanna ask for a favor so you act all cute, Mr. President for when you’re teasing me about anything school or council related, Choi Soobin when you’re either impressed by me or annoyed by me, and sometimes you call me Binnie, though I’m not sure why just yet.” he says. “Oh, that’s 5 names!”
B looks at him, incredulous. “Wow, I’ve never really noticed.” she says, amazed. “Anything else I should know about myself?” she asks teasingly.
Soobin stays quiet in thought for a moment before the words come pouring out. “You fiddle with your pens when you’re bored. When there’s something on your mind, your eyes dart all over the place as if you can see your thoughts out in the open. You make this face when you’re tired and cranky.” he says, his eyebrows pulling down and his cheeks puffing out as he pouts, mimicking her expression.
B chokes out a laugh. “No, I don’t!”
Soobin smiles at her fondly. “Trust me, you do! Um, what else? When you’re excited about something, your eyes sort of just light up and you practically bounce in your seat. When you’re nervous, you have a tendency to tap the tips of your toes on the ground. When you’re shy, you usually end up hiding your face with your hands—”
“So do you!” B interrupts.
“I know I know, let me finish!” Soobin laughs, his breath shaky now. “You’re a straw-biter, so you hate metal and paper straws cause they’re no fun for you to bite on but you use them anyway cause you wanna save the sea turtles. Your usual order at Kang’s café is a large peppermint mocha iced latte which you usually don’t end up finishing so you have it packed in a paper coffee cup and give it to the homeless man who begs right across the street along with whatever change you have in your pocket. When you’re happy, you sing out loud and your voice when you sing is soft and sweet and if I could, I’d record it and play it as a lullaby on nights when it’s particularly hard to sleep.”
B laughs, in awe of everything she was hearing, not noticing the way he was looking at her now. “My voice as a lullaby? It’d be like being serenaded by a banshee!” she exclaims jokingly. “What nights do you find it particularly hard to sleep, then? What causes your sleepless nights? Is it school? Is it stress? Is it a girl? When do you have sleepless nights?”
‘On nights when all I can think about is you.’ Soobin thinks to himself, but he just smiles at her warmly.
Before he can respond, the song ends, and the couples on the dance floor break away from each other and focus on the stage to cheer on the Jazzed club.
“Alright, this one’s for all those friends-to-lovers out there who were able to let love bloom from friendship, or for those who are still friends but would rather be lovers, this is your opportunity to get out of the friend zone!” Taehyun says, pointedly glancing towards Soobin. When he realized that B was with him on the dance floor, his eyes widened and he gave Soobin a wink, causing the older boy to blush. “This song is called Sweet Night by V.”
As the next song starts with a smooth acoustic intro, B turns to Soobin once again, not noticing how flustered he seemed to be. “Hey Binnie, you down for round 2? Or we could go back to the table if you don’t feel like dancing, I know you don’t like crowds.” she says, referring to them being in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by couples who were starting to get very close and intimate with each other.
Soobin looks at her and shrugs. “I wouldn’t mind dancing with you again.” he says, and her eyes instantly light up, causing his heart to flutter. He didn’t want to admit it, but slow dancing with her was a bit of a dream come true for him.
“On my pillow”
She smiles up at him, and he offers his hand with a flourish, causing her to laugh as she takes his hand in hers, once again positioning them on her hips before she reaches up to lay her hands on his shoulders as they start swaying to the music.
“Can’t get me tired”
B leans forward and closes the distance between them, burying her face in Soobin’s chest, and he could only pray that she couldn’t hear his heart pounding through his shirt. “Hey, Soobin?” she mumbles, her voice muffled.
“Hm?” Soobin responds, trying his best to control his breathing and regulate his heartbeat, afraid that she’d be able to hear it with her head pressed against his torso.
“Do you remember the night of Yeonjun’s birthday party? When I was crying on the floor and you saw me?” she asks.
“Sharing my fragile truth”
“Yes.” Soobin says. How could he forget? That night, he had let his walls down and let slip just a sliver of what felt like truckloads of emotions he felt for her. She had practically told him that she would have chosen him over Yeonjun if it were an option, and that the prospect of them being together wasn’t just a fantasy. “What about it?” he asks, as casually as he possibly could.
“That I still hope the door is open”
B sighs, keeping her face hidden from him. “It’s just, is there really nothing more that happened that night?” Soobin had to lean down to hear what she was saying. He didn’t know why, but she seemed to be hiding her face in his chest. “Ever since that night, I’ve been feeling a bit…different, I guess?”
“Cause the window opened one time with you and me”
Soobin gulps. “What do you mean? Different how?”
“Now my forever’s falling down wondering if you want me now”
“Well, I don’t exactly remember much to be honest.” B admits, her voice still muffled against his chest. “But I remember you and me sitting on the cold floor, I remember I was crying and that my heart hurt, I remember you being right beside me and leaning on your shoulder, I remember saying—”
“Saying what?” Soobin asks, wondering why she cut herself off so suddenly, and wondering where this conversation was going.
“How could I know one day I’d wake up feeling more”
‘Maybe it should’ve been you, Soobin.’ Her words echo again in her head. Ever since she had that dream, or rather that flashback, he had been feeling different. As if her heart and body remembered something that her mind didn’t about that night. “I remember saying that I felt hurt.” she says instead. “I dunno, I guess I just feel weird because I don’t remember everything. I’ve never been blackout drunk before, so it’s really strange for me.” she says, chuckling lamely at herself.
“But I had already reached the shore Guess we were ships in the night Night, night”
Soobin remains silent, not really knowing what to say. They simply sway to the music then, under the soft glow of fairy lights, with autumn leaves and flowers occasionally falling with every gust of the chilly autumn wind that blew into the venue.
“I'm wondering Are you my best friend?”
B did feel like she had been closer to Soobin lately. She didn’t know if it was because her childhood friend, Kai, had been busy with his relationship lately or if it was because Yeonjun was closest to Soobin. But she knew that ever since that night, she had been seeing him in a different light, as if she knew she could tell him anything and he’d bring her a sense of comfort no matter what the situation. She just didn’t know why.
“Feels like a river's rushing through my mind”
Soobin’s heart starts to race as he tries to figure out why she had suddenly brought up the topic of that night, and suddenly he feels guilty once again, remembering seeing Yeonjun’s lips crash against Rose’s. He felt his stomach lurch at the memory, but he knew he couldn’t tell B about it. It was Yeonjun’s responsibility.
“I wanna ask you If this is all just in my head”
B was starting to wonder if Soobin had felt a shift in their dynamic ever since that night as well. Did he see her in a different light after witnessing what a miserable drunken mess she was? Did he remember her telling him that maybe it should’ve been him, whatever ‘it’ was? Or has he always just been so caring and a good friend?
“My heart is pounding tonight I wonder if you are too good to be true”
Soobin looks down at B then, who still had her face buried in his chest, the fairy lights shining warmly above them giving her honey toned skin a gentle glow. As small flower petals continue to fall overhead, a few of them catch in her hair, making her look like some sort of ethereal goddess. She was too good for him, and too good for Yeonjun as well. He knew that.
“And would it be alright if I pulled you closer”
B’s hands fall from his shoulders and slip down to his chest. She finally looks up at him then and smiles sheepishly. “Sorry, it’s just that you’re so tall, and my arms were starting to get tired. Do you mind if I keep my hands here?”
“How could I know one day I'd wake up feeling more”
When her eyes meet his, Soobin could swear that his heart was leaping out of his chest and right into her hands, one of which was situated directly above his heart. He nods. “Yeah, it’s fine.”
They spend the rest of the song dancing in silence. She rests her head against his chest once again, her cheek squished against his necktie, and his hands slowly wrap themselves around her waist comfortingly.
“But I had already reached the shore”
Suddenly, Soobin feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns his head and nearly jumps out of B’s grasp once he sees Yeonjun standing there.
“Guess we were ships in the night night, night”
“Excuse me, but may I interrupt?” he says politely. Upon hearing his familiar voice, B’s head snaps up and her eyes widen as she sees him.
“Yeonjun!” she exclaims, jumping out of Soobin’s arms. “Y—you’re here.” she says, caught by surprise.
Yeonjun beams at her then. “Hey, Baby. I made it right on time.”
B looks between the 2 boys for a moment, hesitant, before she walks up to Yeonjun and gives him a hug.
“Glad you could make it.” Soobin says, patting the blue-haired boy on the back. “Cleaned up pretty nicely, too.”
“Are you flirting with me?” Yeonjun says teasingly, making Soobin roll his eyes. He gives Soobin a quick one-armed hug. “Thanks for taking care of my Baby for tonight, Soob.”
“Don’t mention it.” Soobin says, smiling at him. “You 2 enjoy the rest of the night, now. I’ll see you back at the table.”
Yeonjun nods at him, meanwhile B’s staring at him the whole time.
Before he turns away, she takes a step towards him and reaches for his arm.
“Soobin, wait.” she says, catching the sleeve of his suit.
He looks at her over his shoulder. “Yes, B?”
As his eyes meet hers, she feels her breath catch in her throat. She wanted to say something, but she didn’t know what. Her mouth opened to speak, but her brain couldn’t think of any words to say.
He tries to decipher the look in her eyes then, as if she was trying to tell him something.
After a moment, she releases his arm. “I just wanted to say, um, thank you. For tonight.” she finally says, smiling at him, though it didn’t seem to reach her eyes.
“No problem, B. The pleasure was all mine.” he says, smiling reassuringly at her before he turns and makes his way back to their table.
B feels a pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind, and Yeonjun rests his chin on her shoulder, whispering in her ear. “You wanna dance with me, Baby?”
She squeezes her eyes shut and takes a deep breath before turning to face him, painting a smile on her face. “I’d love to.”
As they start to dance to the next song on the setlist, Soobin sits alone at table 21 and watches.
And he didn’t know why, but that last lingering look she gave him was stuck in his mind.
Author’s note: Here’s part 1 of the Fall Ball! But the real fun starts at part 2, next chapter.  Just wanted to drop this before TXT’s comeback.
Watch out for MINISODE 1: BLUE HOUR coming out today at 6PM KST!
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wooyukh · 3 years
okay enough mushy stuff we want to expose her quirky habits™️ 😋 as much as she teases you abt whipped for yeonjun, she does the same with ni-ki and sunghoon. she pretends that she can’t dance but is a literal goddess at it. she’s a god awful singer. obsessed with braids literally her signature hairstyle is two french braids. paints her nails and erases them every five days lmao. tries to be tough love but she cried watching coco. - lily’s teammates
“lmao she’s going to beat us all up. we literally should not have allowed her to become so good at taekwondo she’s intimidating. s v vdns hi i’m the youngest she loves me she won’t hurt me bye- literally what the fuck was the point of that last sentence he won’t even let us delete it he’s climbing on my back making sure i keep it- gET OFF OF ME YOU CHILD- yea no she’s coming back we’re dead. y’all better love her or all fifteen of us are marching up to your doorstep. bye - lily 🐣”
this is all a lot of information i don’t not know how to process all of this 😭 but i cannot blame her for being whipped over sunghoon or niki they’re both literally so precious 😖 both fit in my pocket yup !!!
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ywhiterain · 4 years
i must confess... i'm not opposed to d*therine as a thing? maybe that's because i hate damon though. him getting what he used to want. or, what he still wants (pre-series). or, him still into his brother's girl but settling for katherine. and him being miserable in all of these scenarios. d*therine is the perfect relationship to make sure he will be miserable for eternity. <3
haha that’s not what I want. My ideal Datherine is season three with frienemy vibes and occasionally being forced to admit they still care about each other. Like my read of Katherine/Damon is that she cared about him. Not like with Elijah or Stefan. But he meant something to her, it’s just he didn’t mean everything to her. I kinda like the idea of Damon confronting that Kathrine was never the goddess who’d save or damn him, but like a person. Though Damon’s ability to see anyone as a person instead of an object for his own means is really hard to buy with later developments tbh.
My feelings on Damon are this: he should have died with Katherine after saving Stefan and never getting to see Elena again. The writing for Damon was always shit, but this was a hobbled together ending that mostly worked. Damon actually sacrificing himself and his deepest desires so that Stefan could get the human life he’d always wanted is about as good as they could ever get without lots of therapy.
In terms of fanfic, I either want Damon not really redeemed and in an incestuous threesome with Stefan and Elena that spans centuries and continents with blood and death and trauma everywhere. As for a potentially redeemed Damon, I really only think that’s possible if he gives up on getting what he wants from Stelena (Elena as his lover, Stefan as his devoted little brother) and rebuilds it into something else or lets them go all together. Or at least Stefan and Elena being allowed to break things off and come back to him on their own terms after they’ve done some major healing.
And this is not about who ~deserves forgiveness and redemption for all the shitty things they’ve all done. It’s about how Damon refuses to actually treat Stefan and Elena as anything other than objects for his pleasure outside of a handful of moments here and there.
And I love Bamon. But I’m gonna be real. The reason I’m trying to see if I can pull off a Bonnie/Damon relationship that lasts in my stupid mpreg of doom because the chemistry between Ian and Kat was so potent that I’m mad they never kissed. I mean the narrative is basically the same as his relationship with Stefan and Elena but like Ian and Kat really wanted to make out as Bonnie and Damon and they weren’t even hiding it in later seasons and racism is the only reason it didn’t happen on some level at some time and I do think Damon at his best could be good for Bonnie. You can make the same case with Stefan and Elena, but Nina as Elena always looks uncomfortable or afraid with him. And season eight of TVD was such a terrible hot mess for Stefan that I actually wanted him to have a happily ever after with Elena when I’ve never really been super pro marriage and babies ever after but after that hot mess I was like D::::::::: just let this horrible man rest with his wife a la Davina/Kol pls. And like Steroline was such a hot mess I actually started shipping Klaus/Caroline because at least Joe and Candice have this peppy. Sure it doesn’t fit their their story but you know at least Caroline was alive and motived around him and Stefan’s inability to smile on his fucking wedding day almost made me mad at Stefan? Wtf happened there?!?!?? Let them stay friends. They were great together. Their romance should have been them having slumber parties and scheming to destroy Damon’s room not whatever they became. 
er like I don’t know if I’d classify my feelings as Damon as hate because he’s interesting with my favorite characters (Stefan, Elena, Bonnie and god help me he and Elijah are fun to watch together). But like my true ideal Damon ending would have been him dying in season two and Elena and Stefan navigating trying to survive that while everyone else around them cheered because Damon is a cockroach they all stopped trying to kill for some reason.
like haha. yeah. Damon killing Tyler and getting off scott free while Stefan agonized over killing Enzo of all people and was punished so heavily for it was just me being So Over This Hot Mess That I Mostly Find Funny Because It Was So Bad But That’s Some Extra Bullshit.
err like not Bonnie’s part. She was practically a saint about it because she’s not allowed to be angry. But the writers being all oh no Stefan can’t ever be redeemed because he killed walmart Damon is just so???? No. Stefan can’t be redeemed because he a fucking serial killer you morons. Either give Stefan his happy ending or punish him for the shit he’s actually responsible you asshats. 
true story: i wrote out enzo of my mpreg of doom because I hate him and resent that he’s apparently Bonnie’s true love. Either give us Jeremy/Bonnie, Damon/Bonnie, or develop a proper love interest with her that plays to Kat’s strengths or go the fuck home. And when I truly loathe a character my choice is to ignore and erase him. 
also true story: Damon and Stefan will get a better place in my mpreg of doom because I love @ruthseriouslydothis and she deserved a better defan. 
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damianosismyking · 4 years
I am the QUEEN of “Incredibly Specific AUs” so HEAR ME OUT ok?
TIME TRAVEL AU in which Egeria is either the Goddess of Time or Goddess of Destiny - or neither or both or whatever. Maybe she’s just an etheral creature who can mess with time lines?? god i feel so stupid. she knows her shit tho and she isn’t human. 
So, ok, Laurent is Big Sad over Auguste for reasons i did not to come up with (i didn’t think this far) and Damen ~~still~~ feels extremely guilty over it
And Egeria is like... there, watching the whole thing, aight? just, being an entity who can mess with time. and the whole spirit thing, like sensing their feelings and reading minds and being everywhere at once, hell if I know any details. I swear this sounds so good in my head
DAMEN, who is very sad because Laurent is very sad, somehow under circuntances I, again, did not come up with yet, contacts his mother, who is also a goddess and pleads for her to let him go back in time and not kill Auguste so Laurent can live a happier life. And he’s like, really suffering with that. Like, he being serious, there are tears maybe. 
And Egeria, being Weak For Her Son, because we been knew etheral creatures can be dumb af in fanfiction, she ALLOWS HIM TO. what could possibly go wrong?
So here’s the thing: the destiny is that Vere and Akielos have to become one kingdom one way or another, and with Auguste & Damen alive at the same time this can’t happen. I know it’s shit, but like, it’s my au so i get to do shit. 
So, in order to keep Auguste alive, Damen has to die. He isn’t given more details than that. And Egeria is like “This is a very bad idea, Damianos” but Damen is like “I don’t care because Laurent would still have his brother”
And Egeria is heartbroken because she knows how different things are going to be, but Damen’s being serious and she can’t talk him out of it, so in the end Damen is taken back to the battle of Marlas and he DIES.
So obv, it’s a Major Character Death au. And Auguste gets to live. 
And my poor guy has no idea at all what the hell is going on, he just wakes up in a place he doesn’t recognize and his husby isn’t there and he is... scared. 
Until he sees his brother - who’s now much older than he was last time Laurent had seen him, and he should feel like a stranger but he wasn’t really because when Laurent was tossed in this reality he also was given the memories of This Life, the way it was lived, all the years of Auguste being the king and the War that brought Akielos to its knees. 
And like - Laurent freaks out. He is FREAKED. There are a lot of emotions, obv, but he is mainly confused. 
The thing is: this version of unifying the kingdoms is much bloodier. To Akielos. And when Damen dies things just go south - because Auguste is a great leader and strategist and manages to win the Battle of Marlas and many other battles. And then Vere decides to keep striking and the war lasts for much, much longer and Akielos keeps loosing ground and... things don’t go the way Theomedes planned.
He dies. Kastor is a terrible King (wbk) and then he also dies, maybe, who even cares. Nikandros probably dies too. Everyone dies.
And then he remembers Damen died and his world is turned upside down. the guy really doesn’t deserve it, but this kind of shit keeps happening to him.
Then he gets to know Egeria who explains to him everything and tells him the best would be for him to let her erase his memory of the other reality because that would only cause him pain. Laurent is super reluctant though, because he doesn’t want to forget about Damen. They become very good friends, they really get along, i don’t care what you think, Laurent and Egeria really bond no one can tell me otherwise. She keeps him company all the time. Laurent realizes Damen looks a lot like his mom, his dimple comes from her etc,,,
There’s a lot that happens. Laurent goes about seeing what is left of Akielos - the Kingsmeet being one of the few things that remain mostly unchanged. There’s a statue of Damen there and Laurent is very angry at it - actually angry at Damen, but then Damen is dead so he can’t really scream at him, so he settles with getting pissed at Damen’s statue. 
There are also mixed feelings because he is so happy to be around Auguste again but then Auguste has changed a lot and he isn’t just quite how Laurent remembered him. 
For two reasons mainly: first bc kingship and a long ass war can change a man; second bc Laurent had been a child when he lost Auguste, so he had an idolized image of his brother AND he was in many ways left out of the harsher sides of Auguste, that are all very obvious now and became obvious over the course of the years. They love each other and their bond is still strong but they argue a lot.  
THE WHOLE THING is told from Egeria’s perspective, bc I said so. Laurent isn’t happy in the slightest to see what Akielos has become and yet he ISN’T allowed to change things back to the way they were because he wasn’t directly connected to the event that altered the course of the destiny (i.e. the battle in marlas that either kills Damen or Auguste) and so his options are: a) allow Egeria to erase Damen from his memory and live the life of Prince of Colonizer Vere (shoot me pls) or b) live with the memory of Damen and both of their kingdoms and everything he’s lost. 
I DON’T KNOW how I would prefer to end this. It would be either Auguste becoming aware of everything and changing things back (in a way that I still didn’t think of, pls don’t call me dumbass) OR Laurent letting his memory be erased and forget about Damen and his old life altogether. all very melodramatic.
you know... just.  think about it. it’s not that bad.
Ok, i’m going to sleep because I OBVIOUSLY shouldn’t be on the internet right now. 
*sighs* I’m so sorry about this my dudes. 
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unknownlinguist · 3 years
playing hades reminded me of a childhood funny story
just started up Hades(first time player, no spoilers pls)  i might live blog my  reactions bc jfc......
I just met Nyx.  oh lawdy.  oh dear.  I have irl ‘history’ with Nyx.  This is sending me spiralling into middle school drama memories haha XD
read the story if you want :)
tldr;  a kid deadass orchestrated a Meet-Cute with me and I was too caught up in the euphoria of Being Goth to notice.
When they taught Greek Myths in English in junior high, we had a creative project that was sort of free choice, and the boy who (later i found out was crushing on me omfg player moves here) convinced me to partner up and do the holy grail of projects:  The Dreaded Video Skit (considered to be a lot more challenging of an option if I remember correctly)
Now; I actually always was sort of camera shy.  And I was a bit of a NERD who actually tried to get good grades(at least in english, one of my stronger classes!)  Additionally- ~back then~ i was in kind of a phase where I thought Drama/Acting type stuff was “Cringe” as The Kids These Days say.  So how did this kid convince me to be in a VIDEO based ACTING dependent project?  WELL.
He appealed to my ......  Dark side...
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He appealed to my secret dark desire to be goth.  Smh.  Played me like a god damned fiddle-  I think I had commented that I’d only really though Hades was a particularly cool God, and “He was a guy, I cAnT pOsSiBlY be a GUy”(or smthn...  i was cool with cosplaying dudes even back then, so i guess I was just making excuses to not be in a video project)  He said that I “Would be a great Nyx, the Goddess of Night” and I was like :O “le gasp?  whomst the fuck?” and then he just 
HYPED UP Nyx as this badass cool dark warrior msyterious night goddess type and silly goth-kid-wannabe-me was like <.<;;;  hm.  so.  are auditions still open?  to which i’m NOW realizing the lil’ dude was probably like going 
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Oh jeezus christ in Hindsight I wonder if the teacher of that class was like lowkey playing wingman for that kid omfg ....  😶bc whenever he rearranged the class seating chart he kept us next to each other but like in different arrangements of desks....  This is a teacher that had a ‘Ship Chart’(not like from homestuck, but me n’ the other homestucks used to joke that it was like THAT) which was a little dry erase board that he updated with which students were dating which lmao (i think his joke was that if any of the students were dating he would team them together in projs?  Or do the opposite i cant remember?)  -- and now that im thinking back to the moment when that kid was OBVIOUSLY using the school project as his personal Meet Cute I think I recall some Raised Eyebrows™ and Hard-Hitting English-Teachery Questions about who the character Nyx was (because we had only talked about some of the MAIN greek gods thus far and the project was sort of an independent learning thing) and why Nyx needed to be a character in his project, and “wait, you two are working together?  IIIIIII didn’t know the two of you were friends, how come you rarely talk during my class?”  like in hindsight I think the teacher spotted that the kid was up to some social engineering and was probably getting a laugh out of it // thinking “omg real life meet cute?”  “holy shit the mad-lad”
so yea ..  i literally dont even remember which story we did a video rendition of---  all I remember is I was Nyx and that meant I was fucking Awesome and got to brood around and say dark melodramatic lines while hiding under a black cloak.
tbh i think that was the only group project i  ever got to be the “didnt do any work” kid in!
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gothytrash · 4 years
rules: tag people you want to get to know better!!!
tagged by: @transseven (kinda im just bored and wanna do it)
your name and what you would’ve named yourself: finn...and i named myself that:))) i considered kalen and max also but finn felt right. might fuck around n change it again tbh
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know them): virgo sun/libra moon/aries rising
when did you join tumblr and why: 2012 maybe?? i was a ~hipster aesthetic blog~ until i became the mess i am today
top 5 fandoms: i dont consider myself really IN any fandoms but,,,mortal kombat, overwatch, polygon, animal crossing, and unus annus are things im really into rn!!
top 5 films: i really dont watch movies much um....jawbreaker, my neighbor totoro, howl's moving castle, spirited away, clueless, pretty much anything ghibli or disgustingly 90's
go-to song when you want to feel something: i have a playlist that is all megan thee stallion for when im extra mentally ill and need to feel like a bad bitch again
what’s your religion or faith if you have one: i don't feel strongly about any really?? i used to relate to wicca when i was younger until i realized a lot of it is stolen closed practices and cultural appropriation and it just didnt feel...right i guess?? im actually a very spiritual person in private though u might not guess it from the everything about me!! im just still not sure if there is a religion i would feel totally comfortable in, although buddhism has always intrigued me!!
a song that makes you feel seen: dog teeth by nicole dollanganger ... teen idle by marina ... vienna by billy joel ...
if you could have any career: i'd love to perform, idk what but i just wanna create for people!!! even as a youtuber, a streamer, or more original performing like in a band or doing drag i just..love to be seen and make people happy:)))
do you have a type: um not really??? hot alt queers to the front of course, and i prefer someone else to be able to take the lead in most things, but that rarely factors into my attraction. if u cute u cute and i will kiss u
what does my heart/soul yearn for: to feel cared for:))) to be a first choice:))) independence:)))
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone: blunt, compassionate, easygoing, impulsive, ditzy
favorite subjects in school: music, english, and forensics
where does your soul feel the most at home: anywhere there is fresh air and some peace and quiet
top 5 fictional characters: mileena, yuri, dva, kuromi, howl
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: FUCK um. many moments in the promised neverland i cant even pick one so just the show as a whole....the abortion scene in sex education......and also all of your lie in april just so much of it
earth, the sun, the moon or the stars: the stars
favorite kind of weather: that time in either fall or spring when its perfect sweater weather, the sun is shining but the breeze is cool enough that u don't sweat at all, and it stays that way until the sun goes down:') and everything smells so nice....it's different for spring and fall but they both smell lovely
top 3 kins: mileena, yuri, and kuromi
favorite medium of art: to do? graphite or digital bc im bad and must erase a lot! to enjoy? all of it literally all art makes my heart go whoosh
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: ambivert
favorite literary quote: i had to search so hard for this bc i couldnt remember it all but my fave book in my early teens was across the universe by beth revis and i always really liked this quote idk why: " I stare at the stars... And even though there are so many and they look so close together, I know they are light years apart. The glitter in the sky looks as if I could scoop it all up in my hands and let the stars swirl and touch one another, but they are so distant, so very far apart, that they cannot feel the warmth of each other, even though they are made of burning. This is the secret of the stars, I tell myself. In the end, we are alone. No matter how close you seem, no one else can touch you."
some of your favorite books: i dont read as much as i used to so most of the books i loved are young adult books but: the crank series by ellen hopkins, the painter from shanghai by jennifer cody epstein, every day by david levithan, i am the messenger by marcus zusak
if you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?: i want to travel as much as possible, but i think i'll always wanna come home to canada. maybe not where i live now, but canada just feels the most like home and id love to live somewhere beautiful here
if you could live in any time in history when would it be?: i mean i guess my gay ass is in the most ideal timeline right now, but bigotry and such out of the picture i would have fucked w the 70s so hard....big hair big shoes and just not giving a fuck??? gimme
if you could play any instrument masterfully what would it be?: guitar or piano are obvious choices but tbh id be an iconic saxophone player
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you have a connection to?: artemis and apollo were the first deities i was drawn to when i started my craft and figuring out religion and such, but recently i have been very drawn to persephone and dionysus??
lastly, favorite recent selfie from your camera roll: (i never take selfies this is the most up to date pic i have and its bad but oh well)
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i'm not gonna tag anyone bc i dont have friends but pls do it if u wanna!! i wanna know yall better!!!
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