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Please send prayer grandmother is in emergency room suffering from a heart attack and not looking good 🙏🙏🙏
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ursulawhosoever · 1 year
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13 ESV
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mitchelley888 · 1 year
19th August 2023
GOD’s good news today!
Psalm 73:25-26
Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but GOD is the strength of my hearts and my portion forever.
Our Prayer
Dear GOD and our Father, if only we have you, we desire nothing more in heaven or on earth. Body and soul may fail, but you, O God, are the strength and comfort of our hearts and you are our forever. May we live in your Spirit and may your light shine over us. Touch our hearts and help us understand the greatness of what you call us to. Help us and free us again and again so that we are not bound by fear, even when we must pass through intense suffering . For your hand shall be with us and shall rescue us. Your hands shall bring about good for us and for all the people around us. Our hearts go out to them and we plead for them too, “Lord, send your Savior to all.” In JESUS name this we PRAY. To GOD be all the GLORY!!Amen, Amen, Amen!!
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clarissaxrose1212 · 3 months
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No one can do anything to us when God is with us!!!!! God is greater than all people and all things!!!!! He protects and strengthens us, and we should rely on and praise Him for everything!!!!!
#PraiseGod #PraiseTheLord #GodIsGood #Christian #LoveGod #LoveJesus #LoveEveryone #Love #FaithInGod #ChristianFaith #Faith #HopeInGod #Hope #BelieveInGod #BelieveInJesus #GodIsWithUs #GodProtects #GodProvides #RelyOnGod #FearNot #OnlyFearGod #Pray #GiveThanksToGod #Repent #Forgive #BibleQuote #ChristianQuote #Quote #BibleVerse #Romans #Romans8 #Romans8v31 #KJV #🙏 #❤️ #🙌
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ichigoichie01 · 5 months
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Thank you Lord for this human being.
We’ve been dating for six months, and every single day, my love for you grows. Every day, I learn something new about you. I consider you as one of the most generous people I know. I've been sharing with you my desire to acquire more money to pay off my debts and help my family financially. It's no surprise to me if you ask what I want when we go out to eat or visit any grocery store. I always respond with, "Thank you, babe, but I'm good." However, today was extra special. You kept insisting on getting me something I was really craving. At first, nothing came to mind until I saw the bakery and said, "Can I buy this cupcake?" Without hesitation, you bought it.
In the car, you confessed why you were insisting on buying something for me. Him: Do you know why I bought this for you? Me: Why? Him: "Because I know that even if you have money, you wouldn't buy something for yourself. That's why I did it.
And that hit really hard
You are the epitome of true love.
I love you, my Kiril.
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scripturekiddie · 6 months
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The world is overrun with noise and distractions and rampant with sin, but we do not have to navigate the landscape alone. He is with us. He is aware of the situation. He is all we need to endure. Walk tall and know He is in control.
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carlosroborto · 1 year
I Am So Glad that Jesus Loves Me | Bible Songs | Kids Faith TV
I Am So Glad That Jesus Loves Me is a bible song about the love of Jesus who was sent by God to save the world. May this Bible song remind you to stay strong, God is on your side!
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glrosario · 2 years
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Created by @thefeistycolombian “Blessed [esher] is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night.  That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers [tsalach].” Psalm 1:1-3 • • By meditating on God’s Word day and night, we experience the blessing of prosperity. • • The Hebrew word for prosperity in Psalm 1 is tsalach, which means advance, break out, push forward, or have success. • • The word translated blessing is esher, which means happiness or blessedness. • • So to be blessed or happy, our hope and confidence must be in God. • • #tsalach #godfirst #godiswithus #godissogood #kingdomlife #kingdom#kingdomlifestyle #kingdomwork #kingdomcouple #kingdomking #kingdomqueen #kingdommarriage #fridaylove #fridayinspiration #esher #thefeistycolombian #faith #rosarioseverywhere #Jesus #kingdomroadtrip #kingdomroad https://www.instagram.com/p/CoI5kNqPFSl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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erraticassasin · 2 years
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Dear Lord God, thank you for blessing us as your children. Remind those who feel alone that you are with them. Happy Sabbath! #HappySabbath #GodIsWithUs (at Roswell, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjdsZyAZU8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tanyapeacock · 2 years
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Day 27. Today I am grateful for the first Sunday of advent. The first Sunday represents anticipating Jesus’ coming with HOPE.  “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” Isaiah 7:14  Immanuel is my favorite of all His names- it means ‘God is with us’. Happy Advent! #LUM #cheers #advent #immanuel #hope #godiswithus #sunday #phrophecy #arrival #30daysofthankfulness #30daysofgratitude #30gratefuldays https://www.instagram.com/p/ClfhQWdLzDr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kamiartist9 · 2 years
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Vote for the right people that will protect your rights. Vote for the right people who want gun control! Vote for the right people who’ll hold KKKOPS accountable! Vote for the right people who will protect the planet. Vote for the right people whom will protect voting rights, women’s right to choose, & will stand against racism, homophobia & anything evil. This is not a game! Be an adult & do the right thing! Vote as though your lives depend on it bc it does! #voteblue #vote #votesmart #holdcopsaccountable #AmericaVote #wakeUpAmerica #photooftheday #blm #blacklivesmatter #GodIsWithUs #fuckracism #womensrights #guncontrol #savetheplanet #votingrights #bluewave https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5fKagOrYW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hiswordsarekisses · 1 year
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From Troi Nelson Cockyane:
Ok. So you are a slave in Egypt. The most dominating world power at that time in history. You have no money. No weapons. And no power to change anything. They have full dominating power over you. There is really no hope of escape.
To really appreciate the power of God at the exodus, one needs to realize that to an Egyptian, there was no lower, more despised job than a Shepherd.
Enter 80 year old Moses (who had been a shepherd for the past 40 years).
It’s like sending a garbage man to the front porch of Klause Schwab or George Soros and arming him with a stick as he addresses the UN to ‘let the people of the world free from their debt system of control and slavery.’
The Bible says, “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.”
1 Corinthians 1:27
In other words, God had had enough. He had heard the cries from His Children who had been mistreated and abused.
God was about to open a can of whoop a&s on these arrogant elite like they had never experienced. But, He did give them multiple opportunities to repent. But they stiffened their necks and in the end they were all completely wiped out.
God promises in multiple areas of scripture that we will see the punishment of the wicked with our own eyes.
“You will seek them but will not find them. Those who wage war against you will come to nothing.”
Isaiah 41:12
I can’t help but think we are on the verge of a move of God. Cling to God beloved in the coming days and months. This is going to get very interesting!
✅ stay humble
✅ repent ourselves
✅ stay in prayer
✅ stay in The Word
✅ stay in worship
#GodIsWithUs ❤️‍🔥
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troybeecham · 2 years
John the Baptist, Jesus’ own cousin, was in prison for preaching the truth. He had baptized Jesus, had seen the Holy Spirit descend on him like a dove, and had heard the voice of God say “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
John had seen it, and heard it, yet in his despair he began to question it. Why was he in prison if the Son of God had come? Why were the Romans still in charge? Why was Herod still on the throne? Why was there still evil? He sent some disciplescto ask, “Are you the One, or are we to wait for another?”
He had seen! He had heard! And his suffering caused him to doubt. How like John we all are.
How did Jesus reply? “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have good news brought to them. And blessed is anyone who takes no offense at me.”
We all want the healing to happen to us, the cleansing, the raising. And we want it to happen now!But just because it isn’t happening to us right this moment does not mean it isn’t happening.
God is working out his design at his own pace. He will bring his kingdom, the new heaven and new earth, in the fullness of his time. And while we wait, often in the midst of sorrow, shadow, death, and oppression, we must turn in faith back to the One who experienced the worst that we could do to him, and who loved us from the cross, to find hope and endurance in trust that his resurrection will also be ours someday.
May that day come quickly! In this Advent season of hopeful waiting, we cry out maranatha!, Lord, come quickly!
#hopeinjesus #TrustGod #FaithEndures #faith #hope #TrustGod #Godiswithus #Godlovesus
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paulwwayne · 3 months
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+++ Thursday Blessings +++
+++ Strength In The Lord +++
Prayer 🙏
Father God, We thank You for your unwavering presence and the strength You provide in our times of need. Just as You stood by Paul and gave him strength, we trust that You are with us in our moments of trial and difficulty.
Please help us to rely on Your strength rather than our own. When we feel abandoned or isolated, remind us that You are standing by our side, providing the support and courage we need to persevere. Transform our fears and weaknesses into boldness and faith, knowing that Your power is made perfect in our weakness.
Guide us to live with the confidence that comes from Your presence. Let our lives be a testament to Your faithfulness and strength, encouraging others to trust in You as well.
In Jesus' name, we pray.
➕➕➕ AMEN ➕➕➕
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+++ Be blessed to be a blessing +++
By sharing you will be partaking by spreading the good news of the blessings that scripture provides for believers!
Min. Paul Wayne
Blessings+Love+Peace ✝️💜☮
#holyspirt #christian #blessings #StrengthInTheLord #GodIsGreat #bible #Godiswithus #sinners #saved #holy #IAM #IAMWorldwide #faith #Godswill #grateful #GodsKingdom #peace #GodsElect  #BlessingsLovePeace #jesusisking #jesusislord #LoveGod #rejoice #Jesus #jesuschrist #praisethelord #TheWordOfGod #TheWord #Godbless #blessed
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And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying:
“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.”
#Matthew1Vs21Thru23 NKJV
Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
Follow @stormyfaye for more updates.
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#MerryChristmas2023 #MerryChristmas #ChristJesus #Christ #Jesus #Emmanuel #Immanuel #GodIsWithUs #MaryAndJoseph #VirginBirth #BornInAManger #KingOfJews #LordOfLords #Redeemer #FaithForTheJourney #Fanbase #StormyFaye#BibleStudy #BibleScriptures #AfricanDiaspora
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troubledontlast1 · 10 months
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SPOKEN: Sunday, December 3, 2023
LOCATION: St. Paul AME Church (Columbia, Tennessee)
"Emmanuel" by Norman Hutchins
For more songs of the day and my revelations I have received from songs, check out this playlist on my YouTube channel titled "Musical Revelations/Song of The Day":
1. YouTube/podcast: Uplift Past Crossroads
2. Facebook,LinkedIn: Sean Christopher Jenkins
3. Instagram,X,Snap,TikTok,Threads: @troubledontlast
4. Instagram: @my_daily_bible @upliftwithdrj @upliftpastcrossroads @glamourmeetsgq
5. Tumblr: troubledontlast1
For more shorts, check out this playlist on my YouTube channel titled, "My Shorts":
To listen to more reviews and feedback I have from the books I have read, you can listen to the sermons, bible studies, lessons, etc. I have done on books by checking out this playlist "Emmanuel/God Is With You/Loneliness/Feeling Alone/God Will Never Leave You Nor Forsake You/God Will Never Fail You/God Is With Us/God Is With Me":
#godisnear #godisthere #godwillneverleaveyou #godwillneverleaveyounorforsakeyou #neveralone #notalone #loneliness #lonely #godishere #godiswithme #godiswithyou #godiswithyoualways #godiswithus #godisalwayswithyou #godisalwayswithus #godisalwayswithme #emmanuel #godcares #godispresent #godcaresforyou #godwillneverleaveme #godwillneverforsakeyou #godisthereforyou #godwillneverabandonyou #godisclose #godcaresaboutyou #godcaresforme #godcaresforus #godsalwaysthere #godishereforyou
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