#going straight to the old guard scenes will report back the intel!!!
alcubierre-warpin · 1 year
Old Guard hyperfixation guaranteed to come back once I get my hands on the kindle season 4 script
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Scarred Spirit - Zuko x fem! reader (pt.3)
SUMMARY: this takes place around the end of book 1 - but uhhhh I deadass don’t know how to give a summary for this without giving anything away soooo enjoy!
WARNINGS: mentions of death and suicide. Scars. Swearing. Non- sexual nudity. Nightmares. Panic attack ish.  mention of torture.
KEY: italics = internal thoughts & *** = flashback
OTHER PARTS:  pt1   /   pt2 /  pt4   /   pt5   /   pt6
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You’d been walking in the back streets of the capital with your face turned to the sun for the past two hours. The black mask shielding the bottom half of your face hid the sigh that left your lips as you finally approached the palace.
Fucking finally.
Even though you were a Fire bender, it didn’t make it any less annoying as the sun blistered down of the completely black outfit you were wearing. It covered every piece of your skin from your neck, down to your feet. Even your scarred fingertips were hidden from the world.
As you neared the gates, they immediately began to open, inviting you in with open arms. This made you one of the few people, apart from the royal family, that didn’t need to prove their identity to get in. All the guards knew who you were and what you did for the Fire Lord, promoting you from being a prisoner to one of the most well looked after people in the entire Nation. Technically, they were never instructed to provide you with immediate access. Yet, as rumours spread throughout the palaces’ echoing halls, their fear of you doing what you did to all those people when out on missions, seemed to override those basic routines.
Normally you’d scoff at how silly it all was, the fact that they feared a 16-year-old girl almost made you feel sorry for them. As guards of the Nation they should stand with pride and confidence. You suppose that’s what happens when even though they don’t see it, they have nothing to be prideful about considering who their current ruler is. Regardless, today you appreciated their diligence, storming through the gates, and making your way straight to the throne room. You didn’t even give anyone an initial glance. You were pissed. This had been the fourth mission in a row where you were sent to take out some random high position person from some other nation. All this travelling back and forth began to get on your nerves.
Maybe it was from the heightened stress of the most recent task. This one, in particular, set you off because of the minimal information you had to take them out. All you were provided with was that they were from the Water Tribe, and had been at sea in a fleet for multiple years, taking down Fire Nation units.
Gee thanks! Give me a few weeks, and I’ll track down this mysterious person you don’t even know the name of and be on my way! Hmmm, now my first plan of action will be to flip a gold piece to decide if I should swim to the Northern or the Southern tribe to gather intel! Just you wait Ozai. I’ll take that stupid, pathetic, floppy thing you call a beard and drag you into the fire in front of your throne you piece of-
Abruptly cutting off your internal rant, you walked past the guards who immediately opened the doors to the throne room as they saw you approaching; noticing the long braid down your back alit in your raged fire. Reaching the middle of the throne room you didn’t even bother to bow, throwing a Water Tribe necklace splattered in blood to the ground. “It’s done.”
The guard closest to you hastily picked it up and climbed the stairs to hand it to Ozai for an inspection. Eyeing the tribal necklace in the guards’ hand, he made no move to take it away from him physically. Ironic how he has slaughtered so many yet refuses to get real blood on his hands.
“Prove yourself.”
You instantly provided him with the report you memorised on how you conducted the mission with details on an weekly basis. This ensured you actually went through with the assassination- you suggested that you could bring back their head two years ago, but apparently that was too gruesome to be in the presence of the great Fire Lord. There were no pauses or stutters as you rehearsed it on your journey back to the capital.
“Present the details of the savage.”
You held back a sigh, this was always your least favourite part. “The person you sent out for went by the name of Hakoda. He was of the Southern Water Tribe and Chief to one of its smaller villages. During my time undercover in the tribe, I acquired knowledge that his wife was disposed of under the assumption that she was the last Waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe and had two children. It is also to my knowledge that his children are currently travelling with the Avatar. Through making connections with the villagers, I set out to sea in search for him and managed to gain access and trust upon the main ship when they were docked in an isolated part of the Earth Kingdom for supplies. I went under an alias of a homeless non-bending orphan from the Northern Water Tribe wanting revenge on the Fire Nation for slaughtering my parents. When it came time to dispose of him, I did so in the middle of the night after faking a nightmare, seeking him out as a father figure for comfort. I used his own weapon against him as he held me, speaking words of comfort, expressing that I was safe and how I was like a daughter to him. A daughter who would have been a great older sister to his children. During this moment of emotional weakness for him, I assassinated him before he could have even registered that I would have been an awful sister. Leaving before dawn, I made the scene look like a suicide with a letter expressing in detail how being away from his children was too much to bear.”
Ozai looked up from the necklace, satisfied with the briefing. “Hmmm, well-done y/n. Tell me, what do you know of his children?”
“Nothing of great importance other than knowledge of them travelling with the Avatar.”
“Very well, you may have a day’s rest and will be informed of your next task tomorrow evening. Your payment for your services is already in your quarters.”
You bowed knowing you were lucky he let it slide when you walked in. “Thank you, my Fire Lord.”
Exiting the throne room, you made your way to your living quarters, looking forward to the sensation of washed hair, clean clothes, and your bed.
When you finally made it back to your room, you let out a sigh of relief immediately ripping off your mask. As the years went by, nothing seemed to get easier, and nothing seemed to stop. You cherished the moments of silence, the brief period of time where the universe aligned in such a way that you were able to pretend this wasn’t your life. One mission after another, constantly lying to do what needed to be done, amid all the alias’ you made up, you wondered which one really demonstrated who you were as a person. The idea of having to settle with the Fire Lord’s personal assassin didn’t necessarily make you giddy with pride.
You made your way to the bathtub that awaited you in the adjoining room, peeling off the once breathable fabric, off your body as you went. The tub was already full as the servants went to prepare it when they heard the word of your return. You finally unravelled the braid holding your hair together, yet another symbol of the job you committed yourself to. On the first day of training, you were told that if you were caught, your affiliation with the Fire Nation should be buried with you.  
Your skin shuddered as you entered the chilled water, easing your mind that warm water would never satisfy in this Nation’s climate. You leant back with a small wince as your scarred back made contact with the tub. Growing up, it wasn’t uncommon for other assassins to have some form of physical scarring whether that be from training, a mission gone wrong, or punishment from their supervisor. In some unusual way, you were never insecure about it, only annoyed that you had to sleep in odd positions because of the sensitivity.
You began to drift, succumbing to the cool, soothing water around you. Between the stress of returning to the capital, and the stress that awaited you on your next task, you allowed yourself to let go. Free yourself of any thoughts. In your current state, you weren’t scarred. You weren’t trapped in what seemed like a never-ending cycle of duty. You weren’t anyone to anything.
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As the moon began to shine through the windows into the bathroom, you woke up with a start, water splashing onto the tiles around you, your heart racing and sweat soaking the unsubmerged parts of your body. Running your hand through your hair, you fought the urge to let out an overwhelmed sob. Nightmares were a common occurrence for you, but this one settled under your skin like a scratch you would never be able to itch.
Air seemed to close in on your lungs, no matter how much you tried to calm yourself down, all you could focus on was the fact you couldn’t breathe. Hastily fumbling, and tripping as you got out of the tub, you forced yourself to reach for the first clean robe you could get your hands on. As your thoughts mixed into on jumbled heap, you desperately tried to get it together.
He believed you.
They all did, you knew it in the way that the guards struggled to hide back their expressions of discomfort as you described how you oh so easily manipulated a grown man, warrior, and chief, only to kill him.
It was a lie. All of it. Yet why did I dream of them finding out now?
You’ve never assassinated anyone since that general three years ago, and you most certainly never killed Hakoda. From the very moment you accepted the offer, you knew you’d never go through with the commissions. During the brief period when you trained and got back onto a healthy diet was when you mentally formulated how you would conduct each “killing”. It was simple, you’d carry out the mission as you normally would, but in the time you were supposed to spend working out how to dispose of them, you helped them create a new life for themselves. You didn’t bother trying to shield the truth from them, knew the Fire Lord wanted them dead. While it sent them into a panic, in the long run, it made everything a whole lot easier. They could never go by who they once were, and needed to move far, far, away from wherever they lived. The lives they once knew erased, cutting off all ties.
Idiot. Why did I have to make an exception now?
Instantly dismissing the question that wriggled its way into your head, you began to journey to the kitchens in desperate need for a distraction. You knew why you made the exception.
Three weeks ago, when you were on the ship with Hakoda, you did actually have a nightmare, prompting you to go out onto the deck to clear your mind. The air was crisp, eliciting goosebumps across your skin. Quickly letting out a breath of fire, you began to regulate your body temperature as you noticed Hakoda already looking out to the never-ending expanse of the ocean. As an experienced warrior, he heard you approach.
“Y/n? The moon has been out for a long time now, you should be asleep.”
Sighing, you stood next to him, joining him in looking out to the sea. “Nightmares.”
He nodded in understanding. “Do you want to talk about it?”
There was no fear in your voice as you recounted the altered memories of your torture, he already knew who you were, where you were from… what you did. All things considered; he took everything pretty well, barely holding it against you. To him, you were just a kid who was sucked into this life, making the best with what you had.
Finishing your poor recount of the nightmare, you turned to face him. “I have to go back soon. I’ve been pushing it by staying for an extra month. We need to make a plan for you to leave. You need to start a new life.”
He knew this conversation was coming ever since he managed to persuade you to help them out for a while. After all, he seemed to look straight past the wall you put up to know that you wanted Ozai’s reign to end. Despite respecting your boundaries, when you took off your mask in front everyone on board, the scar on your neck that travelled beneath your long sleeve shirt as it encompassed your hand, was enough to know that you suffered just like everyone else.
“Y/n, you know I can’t do that. My children, Sokka and Katara, they’re travelling with the Avatar right now, and I haven’t seen them since they were young. I can’t just leave and have you fake my death like that, Bato told me how much hope that knowing I’m alive brings to them! If I go and word gets out that you ‘assassinated’ me… it will crush them. Their close relationship with the worlds only hope is too much of a risk. I need them to be strong. The world needs them to be strong. I’m sorry y/n, but I can’t.”
You stared at him processing his words. Ultimately you knew he was right, but you couldn’t go back after such a long time just to say you failed. The Fire Lord would destroy you. “I understand where you are coming from. I do, but you can’t seriously expect me to go back with nothing! What do you expect me to do?! Oh, sorry Fire Brain I couldn’t kill him because something suddenly possessed me to feel bad about how his children might feel! Don’t worry, though, I didn’t care every other time I knew about other targets’ children! Unless you have some genius plan, I’m sorry, but Sokka and Katara are just going to have to suck it up. Let’s be realistic, yes, this MAY damage them and their duty to support the Avatar, but at least you can go back to them when this war is over!”
He ran his hand over his face, clearly trying to stay calm and collected. “I know, y/n. That’s why I’ve been up all night making a plan, but you’re not going to like it.”
You crossed your arms, scoffing at him. “The fact you’re suggesting something other than what I have ALREADY planned makes me not like it… but let’s hear it.”
He attempted to start with the parts of the plan he knew you’d agree on, which didn’t last long. “Well, we can incorporate some of your plans into it, that being we fake my death taking by tribal necklace back to the Fire Nation splattered in the animal’s blood. Yet everything else? We’re scrapping it.”
Biting on your tongue, you fought the urge to scream at how stupid this was sounding.
Relieved you didn’t bite back, he continued. “I’ll stay with the crew and then-“
That was enough for you to lose control. “Okay, I’m sorry did you just say you want to stay with the crew?! I am supposed to be taking out the LEADER OF THIS FLEET! If you stay with them and continue to attack vulnerable units, they will know, and they’ll have my head!”
“I know y/n! Which is why, when you’re gone, Batu will temporarily take over as captain until further notice. I, on the other hand, will only help plan the attacks stay in the background until it’s safe. Now, as for my kids, we’ll send them a letter letting them know I’m safe and hopefully a location so I can reunite with them.”
“But what if-“
“The letter gets intercepted? It’s just going to have to be a small risk.”
Taking a deep breath, he tried to bring the conversation to a less hostile level. “More often than not, there is no perfect plan. You should know that, by faking all of your assassinations since working for the Fire Lord. Which might I add, is the biggest risk you could possibly take. It will all work out in the end; trust me. But, this is your playing field, if you truly think me disappearing is the only way, then we can go ahead with the original plan.”
Sucking in a breath, you stared at Hakoda as if he grew two heads.
Did he just give me an option?
“W-what do you mean what I think?! You literally just said that you CAN’T leave your children! You gave me an alternative plan, and now you’re saying that if I disagree you’ll do as I say? That doesn’t make any sense.”
He let out a laugh, amused by your concerns. “Y/n, you have been trained in this area and executing the fake assassinations all on your own for over two years. No one knows the ins and outs of how the Fire Nation plans things like you do. If you think my plan is severely flawed and both of us are bound to get caught, I will trust your judgement in which is the best to conduct. Yes, I said that we should be thinking of my kids and the Avatar, his destiny is bigger than any of this, but everyone should be allowed to choose what they want to do, I am just allowing you to expand your options.”
With a final breath, he truly looked at you with sincerity, “I trust you y/n.”
It all seemed too much. All your life it felt like there was only one obvious pathway; do what it takes to survive. Everything he said was right, and it dawned on you that for once the decision you were about to make had two genuinely good choices. Hakoda gifted you with that privilege. Either way, you would save his life and yours. Yet you knew that the new pathway presented to you would lead you something bigger, just like he said. You couldn’t take one of the few good things away from his kids.
Overcome with emotion, you hugged him. “Thank you. We’ll do it. You need to stay.”
He hugged you back as you began to cry.
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After spending the remainder of the night stuffing your face in the kitchens, you didn’t go back to sleep and started to train with whoever was willing until it was time to hear of your next target. By no means were you looking forward to it, but you were ready to distance yourself from the last mission as it regularly filled your mind.
I wonder if he actually put Bato in charge and stood down? Stop thinking about it y/n. It doesn’t matter anymore; you’ll never have to see him again.
As the sun started to disappear into the Fire Nations skyline, you headed for the throne room knowing you shouldn’t keep Ozai waiting.
I can’t wait to see the show he has prepared for me. I wonder how dark he tried to make the lighting this time. Ooo! Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get 20-foot flames! Then I won’t have to see his ugly beard.
Entering the room and bowing before him, you fought back a snicker as it truly felt like the room seemed darker than usual.
“Y/n, you have come a long way from being a traitor and prisoner to the Nation to one of the most valuable assets. Your next task will be the ultimate test of your loyalty to me. I have trusted and sent my daughter Azula on a mission to bring back my traitor of a brother, and my failure of a son.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Azula was no stranger to riling you up whenever you crossed paths over her brother, and you were well aware of the encounters he had with the Avatar. But not once were you brought into the dysfunctions of their family. Now all of a sudden you were formally addressed by Ozai who was mentioning these events to you? It made you hyper-aware of the scars that stretched along your left side. The only personal connection you had with Zuko.
“While she undoubtedly has my complete trust, and I do not doubt her abilities, she lacks experience. Azula does not have the knowledge of the world, and fighting styles from the other nations like you do. For that, I am entrusting you to take care of the collateral damage. If things are to go wrong, if she is faced with a circumstance hindering her ability to do her task, it is your job to finish it. Even if that means harm must come to her, the mission is the utmost priority. Should you fail, do not underestimate the consequences you’ll face if you ever step back into the Nation.”
In your best attempt to keep your composure, you replied in a cool but firm tone. “Of course, my Fire Lord.”
“Good. You leave at dawn and do not return until my daughter succeeds.”
Bowing in acknowledgement, you began to leave. But you quickly halt your movements as you hear his voice again.
“One last thing y/n. Azula is not to know that you are tracking her at any stage during her mission. You are to distance yourself, only intervening when there is no other option.”
You bow for the last time. “You have my word.”
Making your way to prepare supplies for your journey, you fight the urge to curse out the entire royal family throughout the halls.
Babysitting duty. I was tortured for eight fucking months. Trained to boredom by Zemin’s brother, Piandao, for one month, and some knock-off fire bending master for a week because he didn’t know how to control me, and went gallivanting across the nations to fake assassinations. Not only that but also assist them in making new lives for themselves, FOR BABYSITTING DUTY! ALL BECAUSE HIS SPOILED, SOCIOPATHIC DAUGHTER WITH AN SUPERIORITY COMPLEX ISN’T EXPERIENCED ENOUGH?!
In your silent rage, you make it back to your room trying to reason with yourself that you shouldn’t kill Azula the second you both cross the Fire Nation boarders.
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A/N: so…. Did I have y’all in the first half? LMAO AHAHHA.
Also I really thought I was going to have the gaang in this one #fool (oopsies) I really didn’t think the hakoda portion would consume so much of the chapter :/ BUT!! They’re definitely in the next one
Thanks for reading though! On the bright side I’m (finally) on my mid-semester break!!! Woohoo! I’m so excited to wrap up this semester wowies (uni has been kicking my butt),, but this does mean I’ll have more time to write so you guys might get a chapter earlier than normal 😊 Anyway, as normal feel free to message me or leave a comment!
@slythergirlimagines​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @whiskeywinter89​
@kaylove12​​ @simplyfandomish​​ @khaleesi-of-assassins​ @callums-keith​
@ilovespideyyy​ @calciumcow​ @blackhood5sos​
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bbykpoper · 4 years
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Chapter 1 // Masterlist
GENRE: mafia au, fluff, a bit of smut, a smudge of angst if you squint your eyes hard enough, possible fantasy????
SYNOPSIS: A centuries old feud which kept itself silent suddenly ignites once again as two warring gangs face each other for the first time. A family of established immortals who came together after the war, a band of humans who began remembering their past lives and officials breathing down their neck threaten the world once again as fantasy and reality clash in the form of a young man hell bent on being in the lead and a young woman hell bent on ending this meaningless feud. A story will unfold before you now, questioning your morals as well as grinding your nerves to the edge.
“A princess turned assassin?”
“A coward turned prince?”
Who will survive the last wave of this war?
“My hands are stained with blood... yet again...” There came a soft whisper in the distance as droplets of red fell to the floor.
The strong stench of blood glided to the young man’s nostrils as he observed the scene before him. A body laid on the ground, it’s face unrecognizable as a young woman of short stature stood, her fists slightly bruised and bloody. Her strong willed eyes were trained on him and he extended his arm to beckon her towards him. 
“You’re becoming more vicious in your battles.” He spoke as the young woman moved towards him, jumping down from the ring in which two other men began cleaning the now deceased body. “What seems to be bothering you?”
“It seems our rivals have decided to invade our business inside the ring.” The girl let her companion clean her fists as she observed the body being thrown out. “The boy they sent was said to be a rising star in their ranks, his ego decided to challenge me and he ended up where he is now. It angers me how much they seem to refuse to stay in peace and in their own lanes.”
“It seems that they wish to take over the underworld.” The man’s groaning blue eyes met her dark ones. “Forcas calls for us all. It seems he has had enough of peace as well.”
With a small nod she went after the taller man, covering her face more with the black mask she grew used to. It was rare to see her without it, but today she decided to keep her face free, so that it would be the last thing her poor oponent saw before she beat him to death without mercy. 
“Would you like my jacket?” Her companion asked her as he noticed the attire she sported. A simple sports bra and leggings. 
Not exactly an outfit she would like to show herself in before the head of their family, but the meeting seemed urgent, and she didn’t have time to change.
“No, it’s quite fine.” She simply stated, climbing into the black SUV after him. “The meeting seems urgent, has he finally come to terms with what it is we are to do?”
“By his tone of voice, I would say it’s quite serious.” Her companion placed his hand on hers, his eyes trained on the clear night sky as the stars twinkled in his eyes. “The stars have shifted drastically. Our futures are in danger Fae. Yours more so than ours.”
The woman didn’t say anything as she kept quiet beside him, allowing their fingers to weave together. They both felt each others pulse through their wrist, something which calmed them down and finally the woman could breathe more calmly and freely. The car took a swift turn into the outskirts of town and headed down the road, getting further on the outskirts. Soon enough the car pulled up to a large mansion in the middle of nowhere, two large men opening the doors for the two passengers.
“Good evening Miss, Sir.” They greeted them and both nodded their heads in greeting. “Leader is waiting for you in the war room.”
The small woman rolled her eyes at the mention of the room but still obediently followed their guide. As they entered she felt a sudden warmth crawl up her skin and she moved to the left, evading the overly excited man-child that hit her companion straight on. 
“Why did you move?” He whinned turning to her. “I don’t want to hug Tae, I wanted to hug you y/n.”
“Stop whinning Jungkook.” Her companion spoke up as he helped steady him on his legs. “She did that to tease you.” He rolled his eyes along.
“Is that true?” He went over to her.
“A little bit.” She answered him with a small giggle. “You’re just super cute when you get frustrated.” She pinched his cheeks, laughing when he slapped her hand away.
“I’m a grown man, older than you not to mention and handsome.” He gritted out with a pout. “I’m not cute.”
The trio went further into the large mansion, small talk flowing between them with ease. The room they were going to was located on the first floor but deeper into the mansion, closer to the west wing. The interior was decorated like a European museum if you asked any person that came to visit. Golden chandeliers, paintings lining the walls, an elaborate statue here and there, and of course high doors and even higher ceilings. The young woman and her companion still kept holding hands as they were announced in the room and they took their respected seats at the oval shapped table housing 8 seats that were now finally full.
“Congradulations on your win y/n.” The tallest amongs them spoke up, a soft smile on his features. “I hear the young boy is unrecognizable.”
“Thank you. I tried to not let my emotions take over me.” She spoke up, swiftly taking off her mask. “But then he decided to open his mouth and I just didn’t have the strength to control myself anymore.”
“I’ve heard.” A small hologram began showing the file of the man who she had her fight with earlier this night. “Na Jaemin. The boy wonder of NCT who was supposed to quietly climb up in the ring but he just had to run his mouth next to our little y/n here.” The man laughed. “It seems he was favoured by their bomb expert Taeil.” 
“Does this mean they will retaliate by blowing me up?” The girl raised her eyebrow earning a hearty laugh from her left.
“No no, they aren’t that dumb.” The man who sat next to her had the widest smile on his face, bopping the girl’s nose with little to no force at all. “They don’t know he is dead. Well, not yet at least.” 
“They don’t know?” Tae asked from her right side.
“No. We made sure that people think that we just kindly locked him up somewhere.” A man next to Jungkook spoke up, drawing their attention to him. “For now, we made sure that nobody from that match says a word outside on the streets. We don’t need children on our doorstep seeking vengance.”
“I’m sorry.” She spoke up.
“Why are you apologizing?” The head of the table asked, visibly confused.
“I let my emotions take over and I killed him.” She sighed, slumping in her seat.
“Kid, your job is to kill off the pests we don’t need.” The man with distinctive red eyes spoke up to her, he stood up and walked over to her, earning Taehyung’s side eye. “Everybody that goes up against you in the ring knows what the fate is if it’s your bad day.” The man squated next to her, sliding his hand up her arm to cup her cheek. “Now I know you weren’t having a bad day, so what did he say to you that made you so angry?”
“He commented how he’d easily take me down and make me his little cock hold afterwards.” She said with an unamused facial expression, which had seven different men stare at her with wide, angry eyes.
“I say, we kill the whole den of idiots.” Jungkook said, already on his feet ready to leave.
“Take a seat Azazel.” The head of the table spoke up, silencing the whole room. 
“My poor baby.” The hand gently caressed her cheek, pulling back and standing straight. “What should we do Forcas? The NCT pests have been getting bolder. And now they are trying to take us out from the business we began?”
“I know, though I have this idea which I think you will like.” The head of the table, a tall man with sleeked back grey hair, smirked with danger in his golden eyes. 
On the other side of the city, deep in the abandoned district of Seoul, a group of men decided to come together this night, worried faces painting all of the newcommers. The two people standing guard at the front looked at each other when the final car pulled up and the two men walked in.
“Isn’t it weird that the big bosses are here?” One of the men spoke up.
“Yeah, but to be honest are you surprised?” The other sighed. 
The inside was fairly nicely decorated, the inspiration coming from old Italian mafia films, the distinctive arches holding up most of the structure. The dinning room was currently occupied with seven people, two of them standing and facing each other in a heated argument. The newcommers that took a seat at the table sighed as they calmly looked up at the two standing men in the middle of an argument. 
“Both of you, that’s enough.” One of the men spoke, his dark blue hair neatly styled as his eyebrow stood up in disapprovement. “Lucas, Baby. Sit down.”
With a groan the two addressed sat down with glares still present on their faces. 
“Is everyone present?” He added on, looking over to his right hand man, a tall, fair haired young man.
“Everyone that needs to be.” He answered.
“Good. Johnny you may take over with the report.” The blue haired man said, loosening the tie around his neck while the fair haired man stood up and went over to the head of the dinning table.
“Thank you Boss.” Johnny spoke up and looked over his notes, his eyes stopping at the picture of the masked girl. “As you all know, we’ve successfully infeltrated the underground fight ring of the Bangtan hold and I’ve recieved intel that Na Jaemin has progressed in the ring. Sooner or later he will be going up against their top fighters. However, he has not conntacted his superior so what’s the deal with that Taeil?”
“I don’t know, he had strict instructions to conntact me when he jumped ranks in the ring but he hasn’t.” An aggitated man answered his question, barely looking up from his laptop.
“I’m telling you, the kid is fine. He’s probably just shagging a girl or two. Typical Jaemin stuff.” One of the men who was standing and arguing earlier spoke up, Lucas to be more precise.
“No! He is not.” The other, Haechan cut in. “He’s dead. He was made and they probably killed him!”
“Calm down both of you!” The dark blue haired man, Boss, yelled out. The silence following becoming eerie. “Let Johnny finnish and then on your own time go and beat it out or shoot each other but not now!”
“Thank you Boss.” Johnny smirked, turning to the table and throwing down a letter and a few pictures. “Haechan was right about one thing. Na Jaemin was made and we got this letter delivered today.” The reactions to the news of one of their own being made had them all turn serious, eyes fixed on the pictures on the table. “These are the three Bangtan members responsible for the underground fight scene.” He pointed to the first picture. “Azazel, lead recruiter whose blessing you need to enter the ring or even be thought of participating.” His finger moved to the second picture and his breath withered a bit in his thorat as he said the name. “Fae, leader and fighter. She is the one responsible and the big boss down there. They say nobody survives a fight with her.” His gaze stayed lingering on the picture until Boss cleared his throat and Johnny moved on to the last picture. “And lastly Solas, Fae’s right hand man, always by her side.” Then he raised the piece of paper from the table. “This is an invitation letter to a race they are holding tomorrow night. It’s signed by Forcas, their leader and it states that if we wish to know more information about Na Jaemin’s situation we better show up.It’s addressed to you personaly Moon Taeil.”
“What is their game?” The person in question turned his head to face the taller boy. “Why address it to me?”
“They are aware that Jaemin was under you. Which makes me wonder what more are they aware of?” Boss spoke, glancing at Johnny. “Brain, Johnny and Bulls Eye. You three will visit the race. Take one of the cars if yoou have to. Find out what they want, but be careful. We may never know what awaits at those organized races they hold.”
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jingles--18 · 4 years
Jay Halstead #6
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“Hey man, is everything okay with (y/n)?” Kim asked your older brother.
“Yeah why wouldn’t it be?” Be quizzed back very confused.
“I dunno, she just seems off. Might be nothing though,” she replied smiling hoping to not have freaked Jay out. But she was right, you had been acting weird. And for good reason.
- Two weeks ago -
You had been closing up Molly’s for Hermann. He offered you a job last year to help you out as the shifts were mostly night time allowing you to attend college during the day. The money was pretty good too and the tips were decent as well. But tonight the vibe was off. There were a couple of guys that had been giving you some hassle throughout the night. The usual shit banter that you could only handle for so long. Your replies had become more and more blunt as the night went on. But you never anticipated what would have happened next. Once you had closed up you headed to your car which was parked around the corner. You done this for two reasons, one there was no parking charges and two, you didn’t want drunk people stumbling out and bashing your car.
You couldn’t shake the feeling in your gut. Something didn’t sit right as your walked across the road to your car. You tried to get your phone but your arm was grabbed by what you presumed a man.
“Now sweetie, are you going to change your attitude?” The bitter cold voice spoke in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
“I suggest you get your hands off of me.” You bit back trying to free your hand from the man. You recognised his voice instantly.
“Now now, where would the fun be in that? I think you need a lesson in manners,” he laughed as he pushed your hair out your face. Everything inside was telling you scream and fight. You had heard enough from your brothers about how to make a scene but being in this position was completely different.
You froze for a second before you took a deep breath and screamed. You started fighting back but he just got stronger and used his power against you. But you didn’t go down without a fight, you fought the whole way through fearing for your life. Your hands were reaching out for something to hit him with. That was when your hand came across a broken bottle. You grabbed it and stuck it into his side giving you enough time to get away and grab your things before running to your car. He tried to block your car but you just kept your foot down.
You headed straight for Lakeshore. There was no way in hell you were going to Chicago Med. Both your brothers had talked enough about how victims wait too long before going to the hospital to get a rape kit done.
And that’s what you did. You gave all the details and got all the necessary tests done. You spoke to an officer and gave a statement and she gathered all the evidence. You made her swear not to breathe a word of this to Jay or the intelligence unit. Which thankfully she promised.
Now all you had to do was to get through this.
You tried to be as normal as possible. But every ounce of your being wanted to crumble. The police had no luck in finding him, which you weren’t surprised at. But trying to move past this was killing you. You knew your brothers would want to help, but you couldn’t handle the pity looks that they’d give you. You didn’t want to be a victim. You were a survivor. You told yourself this everyday. You survived. And you were going to keep on surviving.
But unfortunately still living with your brother who was a detective and being pretty tight with his team at work, meant your act had to be pretty spot on. But as time went on cracks were beginning to show.
Everyone could see it. But no one knew what exactly was going on.
Jay had invited you for tea before your shift at Molly’s so you were meeting him at the precinct. You headed up to the unit as normal and had your usual welcome.
“Hey sis, won’t be long,” Jay shouted as he headed back to his desk.
“No problem,” you went to reply but we’re caught off guard with the photo of your rapist hung up on the board with many other faces.
“Everything okay?” Kim asked, bringing your attention back to reality.
You cleared your throat, “eh yeah, sorry. I’ll uh, I’ll head to the break room.” You took one last look at the bastard and walked to the room.
Everyone looked at each other with questioning looks. But quickly got back to work.
There was a knock on the door which caught you off guard. It was Hailey.
“Hey, (y/n), everything okay?” She asked, coming to sit beside you.
You swiftly wiped a tear, “I’m all good,” you smiled hoping she’d drop it.
“If there is anything, which I’m pretty sure there is, I’m always here,” she said softly spoke giving you a small smile.
“I’m good,” you smiled back.
- the next day -
Exhausted didn’t even cut it. You hadn’t been sleeping which was beginning to show.
You were sat on the sofa with the tv playing but you weren’t paying attention when you heard Jay on the phone. You could roughly hear something about the offender being the ring leader of a sex abuse scandal and there were reports but girls wanting to keep their names out of it. That’s when your stomach sank. You were one of those girls. Guilt washed over you over the fact that you could be holding back vital evidence that could nail him. But there was just one thing stopping you. Jay. You couldn’t face the look he’d give you and you also didn’t want him going off on one and killing him. Because that’s exactly what his gut reaction would be to do.
You decided to head out and get some fresh air. But that soon turned out to be a bad idea. Because in the park sitting on a bench was him. He was sat watching young moms with their kids which made your blood boil. You instantly saw red. All common sense went out of your head and you headed straight for him. You sat down beside him and turned angrily.
“They’re going to get you, you sick fuck.” You spat at him.
“Now, come on. Do you need another lesson in manners?” He sneered at you, looking you up and down instantly making your skin crawl.
“Go fuck yourself,” you went to stand up but once again he grabbed your wrist. You immediately yanked it away and pushed in back into the bench.
“Don’t you ever fucking touch me again,” you shouted at him, you could feel the tears beginning to build up but you suppressed them. Not wanting him to see how he’d got to you.
But whilst all this was going on, you had no idea that the intelligence team were doing surveillance on him. They had managed to put a chip in his phone to allow the team to listen in to what he was up too, so they heard everything. Jays stomach flipped once he realised that the son of a bitch had touched his sister. Hailey instantly grabbed a hold of him and told him to calm down. Knowing exactly what his gut reaction would be.
“You fully deserved what I did to you sweetie. That’s what you get or being so rude,” he spoke, with a disgusting smile on his face.
“How does your head even comprehend that being inappropriate to someone when they’re working and not getting the reaction you wanted back leads to rape?” You spat back.
Without you even knowing you were giving the team the intel that they needed to arrest this son of a bitch.
“Oh honey, this is what I do. I give lessons to rude little bitches who think they’re entitled to turn down my attention. Most of the time, when they see me again I get no attitude but you, you’re something else,” you saw a darkness form in his eyes and your gut was telling you to run. So you did. But to your dismay he ran after you.
This time he wasn’t ever getting near you because the whole team were coming after you both. You heard the shouts of “Chicago PD,” before you tripped over a branch. When you felt the hands on your arms to pull you up you started kicking and screaming.
“(y/n)! It’s me, it’s Jay. You’re safe” the words instantly calmed you down and you threw yourself into his arms. Immediately breaking down in his arms as he hugged you tight. You held on tight and sobbed into his chest.
Whilst the rest of team got him in the squad car and tidied up the scene you eventually calmed down. You walked to Jays truck in silence with his arm over your shoulder.
You guys were half way along to the district when Jay cleared his throat, “we’ll need to get a statement from you (y/n),”
You just nodded.
Before you got out the car you took a hold of Jays hand, surprising him.
“Please Jay, please don’t look at me like I’m some victim okay? I fought. I fought fucking hard. But he was just too strong. I don’t want the rest of the guys to look at me like that or treat me any different. I’m still me.” You pleaded.
Jay tightened the grip on your hand, “(y/n), you’re the strongest person I know. To go up to him after he did what he did and basically closed the case. You’re not a victim. You’re a badass.” He choked on the last bit, you could see him holding back his tears.
You gave your statement and headed out with Jay.
“You’re dealing with it a lot better than I thought” you said as you got in the car.
“Is that why you didn’t tell me?” He asked looking a little lost.
You took a deep breath, “This was my thing to deal with Jay. I didn’t know how to deal with it. The last thing I wanted was everyone looking at me like I was a victim or you ending up in prison for committing murder. I did everything you had said before. I went to the hospital and I reported it. I just made sure that they wouldn’t say anything to you.” You gave him a sheepish smile.
“I see you avoided chicago med,”
“Oh yes,” you laughed.
“Shall we pick up takeaway and have a movie night? See if Will is free?” He asked as he started the car.
“You always know how to cheer me up,” you reached over and gave him a hug.
No matter what, and no matter how old you guys were, you always knew that your brothers will always have your back. And you’d always have theirs.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Twenty-Six: On a Mission ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Itachi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
Once he formed the police force, Sasuke knew he would rarely - if ever - go back to shinobi work. The force was exactly what he wanted. A steady schedule, working in the village he was determined to better. He got to work with the people that had come to shun him, rebuilding his reputation on his own, with honest labor...forging connections and earning the villagers’ trust. Especially the civilians.
But...his power is undeniable. Naruto may also be on his tier...but as he trains to take on the Hokage mantle, he’s not always as available as he once was to take charge and be the village hero.
So...every so often, Sasuke finds himself receiving a notice from the administration building regarding a mission they need him for. In truth...they make him weary. He’d much rather say no and keep to his work, but...well, there’s little refusing these kinds of pleads for help.
In the middle of a case file writeup one afternoon, he looks over his shoulder at a pecking against his office window. A messenger hawk with the typical Hokage seal on the message.
Sighing and bringing the bird in, Sasuke unravels the message, absentmindedly stroking the avian’s feathers. Another mission...and his brow furrows at the second half.
Hyūga Hinata is to accompany him.
...well that’s interesting.
While Hinata is, admittedly, becoming a powerhouse among her peers...comparing her to himself or Naruto isn’t exactly fair. What could she be needed for in a mission of Sasuke’s apparent caliber…?
As a knock sounds, he gives an acquiescing grunt, glancing up to see none other than the Hyūga in question with a notation of her own. “...so, they sent you one too?” he mutters, lifting his letter.
“I guess they wanted to be sure they caught us.”
“A bit late in the day for a mission, but...well, guess we’ll see what’s going on.”
“We might be being briefed early so we can have time to prepare before leaning in the morning.”
Sasuke blinks. In truth...he knows little of Konoha mission protocol. It wasn’t like he went on many before...leaving. “...makes sense.”
Clocking out and giving the rest of the on-duty staff a heads up, the pair head towards the Hokage’s tower. “Any guesses what this will be?”
“No idea, really,” Hinata admits. “It could be anything, given the combination they’re going with. I’m built for tracking and recon...and you’re a powerhouse.”
They don’t have long to muse before reaching Kakashi’s office. On one side of the room, as per usual, is Shisui on his guard post. Shikamaru stands beside the desk, the pair talking and looking up as the two officers make their way in. “Ah, good timing,” the Rokudaime chirps, steepling his hands atop his desk. “We just got some more information regarding the mission you two have been assigned.”
Arms folding, Sasuke just asks, “Which is?”
“Always straight to the point, hm? All right, here’s our intel so far…” Kakashi’s aura loses its light and airy mood, sobering as he leans forward. “With Orochimaru confined to one of the hideouts, the rest were cleared out not long after the war. However...one has begun to show signs of activity. Orochimaru has assured us they have nothing to do with it, but...well, we need to tread carefully. While Konoha did work with the sannin to ensure all data and projects were taken care of, we can’t be sure Orochimaru was totally honest with us. It might just be raiders looking for trouble, or...it might be something more serious. Either way, we’re coordinating with the ANBU to monitor the situation.”
There’s a perked brow. So...Itachi and his officers will be there. That should be interesting. “...so why are we being dragged into it?” Sasuke asks. Surely the ANBU could handle a few rogues on their own.
“Hinata has the best ranged Byakugan in her clan, according to most sources. We want her to get close enough to examine the entire underground facility from the surface, and see what exactly is going on before we send anyone in. Your primary purpose is to protect her while she investigates from a distance. Then, if there’s something average going on, the ANBU will move in to clear things out. If it’s something beyond them…”
“...I’ll get to do the heavy lifting.”
“Precisely,” Kakashi replies, eyes closing with a smile.
“...seems pretty straightforward.”
“Fantastic. You have the rest of today to prepare, and you’ll be expected out at first light tomorrow.”
“You know more about Orochimaru than just about anyone,” Shisui cuts in, finally speaking. “One theory is that there might be some of his old experiments involved. After you killed them, reports said many of the places went dark, and the people held in the hideouts got loose, including those the snake sannin worked on. There’s no telling who might be coming back to either steal research, or exact revenge for all Orochimaru did to them. If there’s someone there with unknown abilities, best you handle it.”
“True enough,” Sasuke replies dryly.
“This is the map we were given of the facility,” Kakashi offers, holding out a scroll that Hinata accepts. “But there may very well be rooms unmarked or hidden. Keep your eyes peeled.”
She just nods curtly.
“With that, I give you leave to prepare. Rendezvous with the ANBU captain on site, and confer from there. He’ll be keeping us updated here - consider him your commanding officer.”
That earns a short snort from Sasuke. Taking orders from Itachi...lovely.
With nothing left to say, the pair are given their leave, discussing preparations as they go. Unraveling the map, Hinata lets Sasuke hover over her shoulder. “Huh...the eastern hideout.”
“You know it well?”
“Enough. That’s where Suigetsu was kept. A lot of experiments were handled there. I can see why it might be a target. They all had their uses and potential for raiding, but a lot of genetic work was done there specifically.”
Hinata considers that quietly, looking over the map. “...this seems rather...intricate.”
“They all were. It was meant to keep anyone wandering in from finding anything useful.”
Once home, the pair pack their supplies, keeping packs by the door. Easier to get up and going come morning. Otherwise, they spend the evening studying the mission details, and resting up before the trek to the hideout.
As they prepare to leave the next morning, Sasuke can’t help but reminisce a bit about the old missions he and his team took. Nothing like this of course, given they were still genin when the team disbanded...but most of his assignments since returning to Konoha have been solo. Having a partner will be a nice change of pace. Especially one he knows, trusts, and works with as well as Hinata.
Heading through the gate, they quickly set a decent pace, taking to the trees and leaping toward the mark on the map. For some reason, something nags at the back of Sasuke’s mind...but he shoves the thought aside. It’s going to be fine. There’s nothing he can’t handle...especially if his brother will be there as a backup with his own officers.
Hinata, a few miles out, activates her Byakugan and scouts out the ANBU captain’s location, leading them right to him. Eyes on the hideout entrance about fifty meters away, Itachi gives a glance as they arrive. “You made good time.”
“We always aim to please,” is the younger brother’s reply. “Any activity?”
“Nothing yet, but a sensor has been able to identify at least two dozen signatures inside. Hinata-san...if you would.”
Nodding, she turns to the base, letting her kekkei genkai activate once more. Without moving, she scans over the entire underground structure, occasionally bringing her gaze back to check against the map.
...then her brow furrows.
“...something wrong?” Sasuke asks, catching the change immediately.
“...I think…” Hesitating a moment, she points to a place blank on the scroll. “...there’s a room here.”
“Are you sure?”
“There’s...something. It’s odd, it’s like it’s resisting my kekkei genkai, but...something isn't right. It’s like...a strange static.”
The brother’s glance to one another. “...sounds like reason enough to head in,” Sasuke offers. “If Orochimaru withheld that information...there might be something there.”
“Especially if it’s hidden to a kekkei genkai like the Byakugan,” Itachi agrees. “...you go in first, start clearing a path. My officers and I will follow.”
“And Hinata?”
“Is likely safest with you. Besides, you need her to guide you to that room. Beyond clearing the base of the invaders, this is our new secondary objective.”
“Got it. Ready Hinata?”
“...then let’s go”
     I'm sorry this ended on a cliffhanger, BUT it's getting very late, and I didn't want to go way overboard word count-wise. Sorry guys! I'll try to have a sequel soon.      This is actually a canon-ish scene from the fic that I'll likely never write, lol - aka A Light Amongst Shadows, what I call this verse. I've only written it once back in the original RP that inspired the story, but it's changed a good bit...and will likely change again if I ever DO write the fic. What could be lurking in the hideout...? We'll have to seeeee! :3c      Anywho, on that evil note, I need to head to bed lol - thanks for reading!
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cutepresea · 4 years
10-1 The Sirius of Zwei Wing: Removed from Tranquility
This is the last event to be in the English version of XD Unlimited, which will be ending service at the end of this month. Full event name is actually “The Sirius of Zwei Wing Ver. wing beat” but including the version would make the post titles a bit too long and isn’t 100% necessary anyway since we never got the original (the differences are very minimal).
Apologies for the spam.
If you want to blacklist these, you can use either the tag #the sirius of zwei wing for just this event, or #xdu event scripts or #xdu scripts
Reminder that these are copied straight  from XD Unlimited itself, so any grammatical weirdness, mistranslations,  and/or mischaracterizations are not my doing.
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Kanade Amo: "...Not too long ago, I wouldn't have even been able to imagine this."
Kanade Amo: "To think that she'd ever stand before my eyes again."
Kanade Amo: "My other wing, which I thought I'd lost for good."
Kanade Amo: "And then came Gjallarhorn--a complete relic that links world together--which made my crazy dream a reality."
Kanade Amo: "There was another Tsubasa, who came from a world where I was the one who died instead."
Kanade Amo: "She was like a mirror-image of myself, having lost a wing of her own."
Kanade Amo: "But this Tsubasa... her heart, her mind, were nothing like mine."
Kanade Amo: "I had rid myself of music and bonds, growing withdrawn and cold. She helped thaw my heart. She fixed me."
Kanade Amo: "I had been cowering in darkness, and she gave me the wings--the songs--to soar back into the light."
Kanade Amo: "That day, I made a promise to Tsubasa."
Kanade Amo: "That now that I had her, my lost wing, back, I would fly higher than anyone."
Kanade Amo: "That I would never let my song be cut short again."
Kanade Amo: "And that I would fill the world with my songs."
Kanade Amo: "I'd like to sing on stage with her one more time, and give our fans a show to remember."
Kanade Amo: "And sing songs not meant for battle, but to move people's hearts!"
Kanade Amo: "Singing together, as Zwei Wing."
Kanade Amo: "But now I'm just indulging myself. Perhaps I'm wishing for too much."
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's wrong? You've just been staring off into the sky."
Kanade Amo: "Ah, it's nothing much, really. I was just thinking back on old times."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Honestly. The moment I get here, I find you lost in thought.”
Kanade Amo: "Haha. Sorry 'bout that."
Kanade Amo: "But anyway, it was cool of the old man at S.O.N.G. to give you permission to come here."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Well, I've been due some time off for a while now, so they gave me the all-clear."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (I hadn't been on break for a while, and was just pacing back and forth near Gjallarhorn thinking of Kanade.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Thankfully the commander picked up on that, and gave me the okay. But I'd never tell her that.)
Kanade Amo: "Whatevger the case, I'm really happy to see you."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'm glad I get to see you from time to time like this."
Kanade Amo: "Haha! Well, give the old man and the others my thanks."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Oh, sure..."
Kanade Amo: (I'd bet the old man and the others on the other side have been worried about me.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is something the matter?"
Kanade Amo: "Ah, it's nothing."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hey Kanade, could I check out your room?"
Kanade Amo: "Sure, go ahead. Just don't go poking at each and every thing."
Kanade Amo: "Not that my room's all that interesting, though."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "That's not true."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (Kanade's got books-worth of lyrics and new songs laid out. She's sure taking her role as a singer seriously.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hey, these are lyrics to a Zwei Wing song. It's Backlit Wings..."
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Kanade Amo: "A Zwei Wing song, huh?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "it's kind of strange, really."
Kanade Amo: "Strange?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yeah, I was a little surprised at first, but these are all just like the Zwei Wing songs from my world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "They don't seem like anything from some other world in the slightest."
Kanade Amo: "We may be from different worlds, but some things still stay the same, I suppose."
Kanade Amo: "Still, that makes me happy."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Me too."
Kanade Amo: "Besides, just looking over these lyrics with you feels like we're in a prep session together."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hehe. You're right, it kinda does."
Kanade Amo: "Putting together and prepping for Backlit Wings was especially fun, since that was our first song."
Kanade Amo: "You were as serious as ever, and so stuffy about, like, everything at the start."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I was not."
Kanade Amo: "Naaah, I'm positive things went the same way in your world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "In my world, you said ridiculous things about how we'd sing for an audience of seven billion people."
Kanade Amo: "Wh-Whoa... It does kinda sound like something I said back then."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Hehe..."
Kanade Amo: "Haha!"
Kanade Amo: "See? Things really aren't that different."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yeah, I guess you're right."
Kanade Amo: (That really was a fun time, too. And even now, I'm having plenty of fun, but still...)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (I was never able to say it. I know it's impossible, but still...)
Kanade & Tsubasa: (If it were possible for you and I to be on stage one more--)
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "Is that from Section 2?"
Kanade Amo: "Must be."
Kanade Amo: "What's up, old man? Need me to deploy?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Yes, we've picked up multiple Noise signals. I know you've got a guest, but I  need you at the scene ASAP."
Kanade Amo: "Roger that. I'll be right there."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Kanade, be careful out there."
Kanade Amo: "Yeah, I know."
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Kanade Amo: "I'm at the specified location. Where's the enemy?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "The signals are coming from nearby. Be on your guard."
Kanade Amo: "Understood. I'll stay on alert and perform a sweep."
Kanade Amo: "Aha, there you are."
Kanade Amo: (Huh? Something's off here... What the...)
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Aoi Tomosato: "Hold on! There's something different about these Noise patterns!"
Kanade Amo: "I can tell! They're Alca-Noise!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Alca-Noise?! But they're--"
Genjuro Kazanari: "They're from the world that Tsubasa, Hibiki-kun, and the others come from."
Sakuya Fujitaka: "Surely they didn't cross over from their world?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "...No, I believe they're likely Alca-Noise from our world."
Genjuro Kazanari: "What do you mean, Ryoko-kun?"
Ryoko Sakurai: "I've heard rumors that alchemists in our world have created a new type of Noise."
Genjuro Kazanari: "What?! I've received no such reports."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Sorry."
Ryoko Sakurai: "My intel wasn't exactly reliable, so I wanted to verify it before informing you, but I guess that backfired."
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Genjuro Kazanari: "Kanade, be careful!"
Kanade Amo: "Easy for you to say, old man!"
Kanade Amo: "Yaaaaaah!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's the situation?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Ah, it's you Tsubasa. I'll be honest, it's not great."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Somehow, it turns out there're Alca-Noise in this world."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "No way... How's Kanade?!"
Aoi Tomosato: "She's staying on her guard and is holding them off, but..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Yeah. It's not looking good."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Alca-Noise possess dissection organs capable of dissolving anything."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Kanade's Gear isn't outfitted for them. which means she's in trouble." [1]
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Commander, please give me permission to go out there and provide backup!"
Genjuro KazanarI: "I hate to ask, but are you really willing to help us?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Absolutely."
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Kanade Amo: "Graaah!"
Kanade Amo: "At least my attacks still hurt them..."
Kanade Amo: "But there's no way I can take out this many of them before one of them touches me!"
Kanade Amo: "What's that sound?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Raaah!"
Kanade Amo: "What are you doing here, Tsubasa?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Why, bailing you out, of course!"
Kanade Amo: "Tch. I could've held them off a little longer..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "If you're still capable of keeping up that facade, I guess that means you're doing okay."
Kanade Amo: "It's mostly thanks to you, I guess."
Kanade Amo: (Even if I hate to admit it, she really came at a good time...)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'll cover your six. You keep pushing forward."
Kanade Amo: "If you insist. Think we can clear them all out in one fell swoop?!"
Kanade Amo: "Phew... So, did that count as one fell swoop?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'd say so."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Uh-oh... We spoke too soon, Kanade! We've got company."
Kanade Amo: "What?!"
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Mysterious Woman: "I never imagined that I'd meet THE Tsubasa Kazanari."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Who are you?!"
Kanade Amo: "She looks human, but she doesn't strike me as being on our side."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Those robes... An alchemist?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Are you the ones responsible for these Alca-Noise?!"
Mysterious Woman: "You're pretty well-informed. I'd expect as much out of a Symphogear wielder."
Mysterious Woman: "There's a lot I'd just love to stick around and talk about, but right now..."
Tsubasa Kazanari: (What? She's holding out her palm--)
Kanade Amo: "Ngaaah! What's with this sound?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It feels like it's... It's echoing through my head!"
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Genjuro Kazanari: "What sound? There's nothing coming in over the comms."
Aoi Tomosato: "I'm not picking up any abnormalities in the audible or ultrasonic range either."
Sakuya Fujitaka: "But there is an odd interference in their brainwaves. They're at risk of de-linking with their Gears."
Ryoko Sakurai: "Is this what alchemy is capable of?"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Hmm... We need to find some way to fight back against it."
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "You think... this... is enough?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Ignite Module! Drawn Blade!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "En garde, alchemist!"
Kanade Amo: "T-Tsubasa!"
Mysterious Woman: "How titillating! You appear powerful enough to fend me off."
Mysterious Woman: "Are you that powerful a candidate? Or no, perhaps it's your Gear?"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Yaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (She may be an alchemist, but I can't cut down another human being.)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (If I can bring her in and get her to tell us what she knows...)
Mysterious Woman: "Your Gear's transformation capabilities are quite intriguing."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Trying to stall for time?!"
Mysterious Woman: "Hehe!"
Mysterious Woman: "At any rate, this seems to be as far as we can go so long as it remains incomplete."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Incomplete?"
Kanade Amo: "I can move now? And the ringing in my ears is gone..."
Man in Robe A: "Relic activity confirmed. It won't be long now."
Mysterious Woman: "So quickly? I was sure it would be impossible at this stage, but it seems I made a happy miscalculation."
Mysterious Woman: "That Tsubasa Kazanari really is something."
Man in Robe B: "...We shall now activate the Relic."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What are you talking about?"
Mysterious Woman: "Thanks for the phonic gain. Here's a little something as a show of my appreciation."
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Aoi Tomosato: "Environmental temperature is dropping rapidly!"
Sakuya Fujitaka: "I'm also picking up a minor earthquake!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "It's one thing after another... What the hell is going on?!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "What's this shaking?!"
Kanade Amo: "Be careful, Tsubasa! I don't like how this feels!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Me neither!"
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???: "Grr!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "What is that monster?!"
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Ryoko Sakurai: "Is that... No, it can't be!"
Genjuro Kazanari: "Do you know what that thing is, Ryoko-kun?!"
Ryoko Sakurai: "You two have to get out of there, right now!"
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Tsubasa Kazanari: "No. I can't turn my back on the enemy!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Now, prepare to taste my blade!"
Kanade Amo: "Hey! Tsubasa, wait!"
Kanade Amo: "She's always been like this. Cool on the outside, foolhardy and reckless on the inside..."
Kanade Amo: "I guess we're fighting this thing!"
???: "Grrraaah!"
Kanade Amo: "What is this thing?! It's way too resilient!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Even with Ignite, I'm barely making a scratch!"
Mysterious Woman: "Curses! Watch where you're aiming, you brainless giant!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "It just committed friendly fire!"
Kanade Amo: "Is that thing going berserk?"
Mysterious Woman: "Are we ready?"
Man in Robe A: "Yes. We just finished up."
Mysterous Woman: "Good. Then let's follow our plan and establish control with the Armonica."
Man in Robe B: "Understood."
Mysterious Woman: "Now, Bergelmir... Obey me!"
Kanade Amo: "Tch! There's just more and more of these guys!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "I'll handle the Alca-Noise!"
Kanade Amo: "I'm counting on you!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Raaaaaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: (They're still coming?!)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (I don't know if I have the strength to hold out...)
Tsubasa Kazanari: (But I'm not giving up yet!)
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Raaah!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Huff, huff, huff..."
???: "Graaah!"
Kanade Amo: "You think you can hit me with that?!"
Kanade Amo: "Wait! It wasn't aiming for me!"
Kanade Amo: "Not good! Tsubasa, look out!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Aaaaaah!"
Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa?!"
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Ngh... To make it... this far..."
Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa! I'm coming for you!"
Kanade Amo: (Rgh! I'm getting close to my limit, too.)
Kanade Amo: (As I am now... Taking on both that monster and the Alca-Noise are beyond me...)
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Genjuro Kazanari: "We need to get the wielders out of there ASAP!"
Aoi Tomosato: "On it!"
Sakuya Fujitaka: "I don't know if we'll make it in time..."
Genjuro Kazanari: "Just try! Rgh! Why am I so powerless..."
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Mysterious Woman: "Relax. I won't kill you."
Mysterious Woman: "I detest fighting, anyhow."
Kanade Amo: "Big words from someone who's been doing just that this whole time!"
Mysterious Woman: "I had no choice."
Mysterious Woman: "This is all in order to make a world without war."
Tsubasa Kazanari: "Ugh..."
Man in Robe A: "We have successfully recovered Tsubasa Kazanari."
Mysterious Woman: "Excellent. We're pulling out."
Kanade Amo: "No! What are you going to do to her?!"
Mysterious Woman: "She'll just be coming with us."
Kanade Amo: "Oh no she won't!"
Mysterious Woman: "I have no need for a failure such as you."
Kanade Amo: "What did you say?!"
Kanade Amo: "Don't you... Try and stop me!"
Kanade Amo: "Grrraaaagh!"
Kanade Amo: "G-Give her back..."
Kanade Amo: "Give Tsubasa back!"
Mysterious Woman: "Hehe! Now, then. Farewell."
Kanade Amo: "Tsubasa... Tsubasaaaaaa!"
[1] I assume they meant to put a comma in there instead of a period, which is why "which" isn't capatalized
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drink-n-watch · 6 years
Castling is a special type of chess move. When castling, you simultaneously move your king and one of your rooks. The king moves two squares towards a rook, and that rook moves to the square on the other side of the king.
Have you guys been looking forward to our next Promised Neverland discussion? I know I have. Talking things over with Crow is always really fun and interesting. On top of that, this series is certainly generous with the potential material. I feel like we go through almost an entire series’ worth of topics with each episode. For once, that’s not a bad thing.
this was quite the episode!
If you remember, ad I’m sure you do, last episode ended on an epic cliffhanger with Norman pointing to Ray as the “traitor”. An of course, Norma’s always right. I feel like my brain still refused to accept it for a good minute. It’s like the show has already conditioned me to refuse the simplest explanation even if in retrospect the narrative hasn’t exactly done twists so much as simply shocks. Situations are often unexpected but not because we were lead to believe something else, simply because this particular fictional universe is very high drama.
That distinction — shocks versus twists — might be this show’s distinguishing characteristic! Well, that and dynamic and flawed protagonists as well as dangerously intelligent and dangerously unpredictable villains! Oh, this is Crow — I’m in bold this week.
That opening scene with the clock ticking and rapid succession jumps between the two characters was a fun, tension adding, directorial trick. Cheap but effective. In general, I feel the direction took a lot more risks this episode and I liked it. Did you?
Evaluating direction isn’t my strength, but to the extent I understand it, I think you’re right. It’s like the show’s gaining confidence in its voice. There were some relatively straight forward shots, like closeups of Norman and Ray as they realized something (I’m still not sure exactly what!). There was a shot of Ray, leaving the room after the first scene, framed by the doorway at the top of the stairs, as if the camera were on a landing between the first and second floors. It was simple, elegant, and it capture his loneliness that Emma was able to articulate later on.
it was a very deliberately paced and framed episode
The first half of the episode was basically one long expo dump with Norman and Ray having this almost quippy, slightly antagonistic chat in the room. I see your Buffy parallels here. Although the conversation was much more stern in tone, there was something in the quickfire delivery and unspoken implications that was very reminiscent of Buffy dialogue.
Now, if we can just get Anya to sing her song about bunnies being the villains… I think Gilda could pull it off! But now I’m sad thinking about Conny’s bunny, which makes me remember Conny…
Also, I was on the edge of my seat. I was watching two (only two) familiar characters talk to each other in a closed bedroom with nothing else at all going on, and I was on the edge of my seat. This is when you know you got your exposition right!
I think this proves your point about direction. I felt breathless during this scene, too, as if either Ray or Norman might do anything — explode into violence, transfer into an alien — anything! Good dialogue, well delivered, with effective pacing. That’s a heavy load for exposition to carry!
tell me more! 
I have to say, Ray may be an informant, but can we really call him a traitor when he’s been doing this for 6 years? He’s gathering intel as best he can to formulate an escape plan. The boy’s no hero, but he’s merely trying to survive.
Also, if I remember correctly, they’re all 11. Which would mean that Ray found out the truth (that they were all destined to be butchered) and was trying to navigate this dangerous world all alone since he was 5 years old. Somehow, it’s difficult for me to blame a five year old in this situation.
I might have to quibble with “the boy’s no hero.” Fighting alone, well behind enemy lines, without a break, without assistance, from the time he was five? That’s why I adored Emma’s reaction…
The conversation leaves with vague results. Ray is still adamant about not destroying their chances by trying to do too much. Norman agrees in principle but is morally and mostly emotionally torn at the idea of going against Emma’s wishes. And an unsteady truce is formed.
What did you think of Ray’s grudging disgusted look and Norman’s attempt to hold back laughter? I didn’t know what to make of that…
it fascinated me
You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. If anything, this turn of events makes me more likely to trust Ray than before. Of course I have this super weird hang up about not trusting Norman. It may be the white hair.
Right at the end of this extended opening arc, it seems that both Norman and Ray realized something pretty big. It sort of bugs me that these little kids are so much smarter than I am but I’ve learned to accept it. I really wish they would have told us what Norman figured out though. It seemed big!
I’m listening to Neil Gaiman narrate The Ocean at the End of the Pond. (great book) I’ve come to accept that when it comes to a lot of topics, kids are smarter than me! Yeah, Norman’s laugh put me on edge, too. I’m beginning to suspect that we’re only watching the outer edge of the crazy — or maybe a meta representation of it…
Ray’s interaction with Mom was one of the best scenes so far. Mom is a formidable foe but because of the construct of the story and the necessity to keep up the pretense of unity, we have not seen her actually clash with anyone except Krone and let’s face it, at the time Krone was hardly even worthy of the title of opponent. Mom and a forcibly relaxed Ray made for a much more interesting back and forth. I look forward to seeing more mind games.
Watching that scene, I had to wonder: which one of them really has the upper hand? Ray mentioned that Mom only gave him older models of things. What if they weren’t representative at all? The show has me so paranoid that I wonder if Mom’s put the pieces in place so their escape attempt is actually part of their shipment protocol! Kinda like a Hunger Games sorta thing…
it makes me captivated!
We finally got to see that Norman is in fact human and that the situation is getting to him. That nightmare was just great. It was also a nice, visually interesting sequence that put the stakes into perspective for the audience. It was a bit on the nose (a lot of the directing is unsubtle in the series), but I don’t mind that too much when the storyline has a lot going on.
I just needed to throw in a pic
The episode then cleaned up the intel by bringing Emma into the loop. I’ve said this before but Emma is not exactly as straightforward as she plays it. Of course she immediately forgives Ray, of course she gives this compelling and heartstring tugging speech about him no longer being alone. But she let her mask slip for a split second there and we saw it.
She might be the most intelligent one there.
You saw it too, right Crow? That moment when Emma realized that Ray had probably at some point sacrificed members of her precious family, and willfully decided to brush the realization aside and ignore everything it implied. The second when her mind was telling her that if he’s capable of throwing the kids to the wolves once, he could do it again, and she chose to take the risk but pretended not to understand it.
I know you loved the scene between Ray and Mom, but this was my favorite scene in the episode. You could just see her mind connect the dots — and I think she connected more than she spoke of. She has this gestalt perspective that lets her assemble the big picture with only tiny disjointed parts.
I think you hit the nail on the head — she knows who Ray is. She knows how he thinks. She’ll go along for now, but she’s on guard. What more? She’s confident she can make it work.
what’s with that face?
Finally we looped Don and Gilda back into the action. As the other two oldest kids in the place, they have the greatest odds of survival, but I’m not so sure the have the nerves required. This might be where Norman’s (somewhat kind) lie may really cost them dearly.
By not telling Don and Gilda that Conny is already dead but still conveying the great danger everyone is in, they have effectively put a ticking clock on everything and are encouraging Don and Gilda into action.
Talk about being damned if you do and damned if you don’t…
I’ve heard some fas say this exact ting (not many though)
Basically, Gilda and Emma have been observing Mom (enemy recon) and have realized that she disappears somewhere at the same time every evening. Ray comes to the natural assumption that she must be checking in with however she reports to.
Moreover, a discrepancy in the dimensions of the rooms and hallway has lead Emma to conclude the whereabouts of a secret room next to Mom’s bedroom. Naturally, this seems like a place that should be investigated but the kids want to play it slow. Not take any more unnecessary risks at this time.
Not all the kids that is. Determined to save Conny, Don storms off to immediately find this secret room while Mom is away. After some prodding, he and Gilda do manage to discover a decoy bookcase with a locked door behind it.
Their hearts were in the right place. Their minds, though? Let’s just say as bright as both of them are, they don’t hold a candle to Emma, Norman, or Ray. I just hope they don’t have to pay the ultimate price for their mistake!
this isn’t ominous at all…
As usual with this series, I had not realized that this was the end of the episode. Well not this of course. Before that someone had to be slowly opening the door to Mom’s room in time to catch them both red handed and potentially doomed. And you thought last week (or every single week so far) was a cliffhanger!
That’s how I guessed it was over despite it seeming like 10 minutes. I was like, “Dang, that’d make a good cliffhanger… d’oh!”
Also, no Krone at all this week?
She’s still sulking, and it takes time to stitch her doll back together! Interesting point, too, how Ray says mom brought Krone in to watch over him for failing to keep Emma and Norman away from the gate…
So this is it for this week. I’m sure I’m not the only one who can’t wait for next week. Please feel free to catch up on our past episode reviews in the meantime:
The Promised Neverland Episode 1 – 45,000,000$
The Promised Neverland Episode 2: 121045
The Promised Neverland Episode 3: 181045
The Promised Neverland Episode 4: 291045
and of course – I got a few more caps for you guys!
The Promised Neverland Episode 5 –Castling Castling is a special type of chess move. When castling, you simultaneously move your king and one of your rooks.
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