#going to steal dolly's tag
dujour13 · 1 year
Inspired by @commander-lariel, @angrygoatwoman, @turbulentpumpkin43 and @tenmillionbees to write a little intro for Saedra as companion.
You spy a tiefling woman rising to her feet among the wreckage. She’s attractive, with dusky blue skin, and black hair in an elaborate coiffure, long braids thrown over her shoulders and graceful horns spiraling out of the buns on either side of her head. She dabs the corners of her dark eyes to fix her makeup.
As you approach she straightens her overflowing bodice and dusts off the trousers hugging her hips, glances over with a languid smile and gives you a long, thirsty once over.
“Well, hello there.”
Her smile broadens. “Another survivor? You can call me Saedra. Anytime honey.”
As she winks your tadpole gives a sudden shudder, and frantic images flash one after another of a dark, candlelit library, arcane manuscript swimming in your sleepy vision, a blast of light, noise and leering faces in a bustling tavern, and flesh, sweat-soaked and writhing in pleasure. The one constant is the sense of a curious, inscrutable presence—you are not the only one watching.
Her smile vanishes. “Looks like the bastards got to you too. Not that I have anything against tentacles, but I don’t appreciate people sticking things places without my consent. I suppose we’re both out of the frying pan and into the same fire. What do you say, love? I do fancy some company.”
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feinv · 3 months
can i kindly req for a arthur morgan x hyperfem reader.... pov he is just so so so in live with her...
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arthur morgan x hyperfem!reader.
a/n. introducing my other hyperfixation on this blog. hope this won’t flop. if you don’t wanna see this you can block these tags! hope you like this dolly <3
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arthur morgan is a romantic.
spending the majority of his life being without a significant other, he kept repressing all those emotions. and repressing just made them stronger.
but lucky for him he has you!
he doesn’t understand why a sweet thing like you would even look at his direction. but you did. and he wasn’t a fool to let you go after that. he absolutely gives you princess treatment. will do like. literally anything just to see you smile.
arthur loves taking you to beautiful places he encountered while riding around. seeing your eyes sparkle and that pretty smile you flush him is enough for him to die a happy man right there next to you.
he is absolutely feral at how adorable you look. like all the time. we all know 1800s underwears were like just a plain white fabric. but you still managed to stitch them up in a certain way and add a few small bows to make them look cuter! he is honestly so amazed that nothing ever stops you from doing your girly things, and he is always there to tell you that you did a good job and it looks perfect <3
he loves showing you off, especially when he knows he has the pleasure of calling you his. he will do any dirty job and hard labor just to get money and buy you anything you want.
he knows it's hard feeling beautiful when you have limited resources in a camp. so he would buy you whatever clothes you want, whatever jewelry and accessories you look at for more than five seconds when he takes you to a town. (he might even steal some really expensive ones and tell you he traded for those)
of course he would think you look gorgeous even if your entire face was covered in dirt and mud. but it matters to him that you feel happy and confident in yourself. and it's his mission to fulfill that goal for as long as he alive.
every time he would bring back a little something that reminded him of you — a book, a small painting, perfumes that smell just like you, and everything else in between.
he would help you with chores however he can just to ease some of your work and have more alone time together. the boys would tease him for being "a housewife," but he wouldn't give a shit. he might as well do every single of your chores if it meant he would have you all to himself in the confines of his tent.
showers you in compliments. all day 24/7. he knows the words will eventually fail him because he physically cannot tell u how infatuated he is with you and how flawless you are to him. but he will try either way.
“you are so beautiful, darlin'. my pretty girl,” while his fingers gently tuck hair away from your face, his thumb soothing your soft skin. and you would blush and avert his gaze because like :< but he would simply pepper feather light kisses all over your face before connecting your lips in such a tender kiss you would forget that’s a 6 feet tall ripped cowboy.
his side bag and some of his clothes in general would have small hearts or bows engraved in them with pink thread. every time he looks at them he gets reminded there is someone waiting for him to come back. and his heart just swells at that thought.
would also sneak you away from the camp to a pretty field where the two of you could just stargaze together or lay on the grass for hours. you would ramble about your day while he sketches you, your sweet voice literally making him float in the clouds.
arthur morgan loves being around you, being with you. you don't even have to be doing anything together, he just loves having you near him, close and safe :3
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©️feinv, 2024.
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growup-thatbeautiful · 10 months
always an angel (never a god)
Tags: mentions of childhood abuse, language, childhood best friends, weddings, angst
There was a time when you’d painted Jake’s fingernails. “For practice,” you explained, picking out the perfect blue to match his eyes. “So I can do my own next.” You had been sitting in his backyard, a ziplock bag of colors in between you. The grass was soft and green and dewey, just at the end of summer, and the air was ripe with the smell of the peach tree you sat under. The t-shirt you wore was probably his- even then you ended up stealing half of his clothes during last-minute sleepovers and spontaneous swims in his pool. 
Of course, he’d agreed- he always did. If anyone asked him- a football teammate or a nosy teacher- he would tell them to fuck off. Everyone knew that meant it had to do with you. He would take shit about anything except for you, they learned. 
But his dad came home early from his business trip. Jake didn’t have time to take the polish off before George Seresin saw his son’s blue nails. He didn’t care much that they matched Jake’s eyes. They ended up matching the bruises hidden across his ribs; the bruises you tended to when he snuck through your window later that night. He didn’t need to go through the window anymore, your mom knew about his “troubles at home” and he was welcome anytime, but it kept up the childlike appearance. 
He had been 13, at the time. Apparently, the nails were too much, because George stopped coming home after that. No one in the town said anything about it, and the Seresins went on like nothing changed. You knew Jake’s mom, Dolly, well enough to know that she wouldn’t tolerate anyone talking about her children, so no one ever did. You were probably the only one who ever saw Jake cry about it; it only happened once when he was the only player on his baseball team not to have a father to throw with. Dolly had searched for hours the night before to find George’s old glove, but it was nowhere to be seen. 
Jake’s older sisters, Violet and Jenny, painted your nails from that point on. You never asked Jake to do it again, and he never brought it up. You were young enough to think that it really had been the nail polish to made George leave, and Jake believed whatever you did. It would be years until you realized that it probably had more to do with the fact that George never loved Dolly, hated his children, and wanted nothing more than to drink himself sober. 
“Angel,” Jake used to call you. Because he’s always thought you’re the most beautiful person. Because it’s what Anakin called Padame, and you had loved Star Wars. Because what else was there to call an angel? When did he stop calling you angel? It couldn’t have been that long ago, right? When did you lose him for the last time? 
When he left for boot camp, you were a senior in high school. It had been unbearable. You wrote him letters sprayed with the perfume he gave you for your sixteenth birthday. It smelled like clean laundry and green grass. You thought it smelled like home. Years later, he would tell you that it did, in fact, smell like home when he was thousands of miles away from you. 
Blue eyes and sandy hair. Dirt underneath his nails and calloused hands. Electric blue skies shifting into a watercolor of purple and pink through gingham curtains at his kitchen window. Mud mixed with twigs to make witches' brew and Christmas sweaters you pretended to hate. That’s how you’ve always know him. When he came back from basic, he was the same, just different. His hair was shorter, cropped close to his head. He’s lost some weight, and the football muscle becoming leaner. Of course, he would grow the muscle back later on; he could never stand not being able to pick you up and spin you around like he did after all those football games. Ironically, his accent grew with time apart. So did his ego, but you expected that. 
The first girl he brought home was the sweetest one. Short black hair and grey eyes, like a thunderstorm. She left after one week with his family, leaving behind a heartbroken Jake. You were the one to help him through it, drinking a bottle of vodka underneath the stars on a wooden fence with barbed wire cutting Xs through the sky. Jake didn’t cry about girls, but she’d messed him up pretty badly. Bad enough for him to be honest with his sisters. Bad enough for Dolly to call your mom and have her send you over with a tray of cookies that Jake never told you he hated. Violet was kind enough to make you her hangover cure the next morning after you woke up with red eyes and a dry mouth in Jake’s bed. Nothing happened, naturally, but you never could convince Violet that. Whenever Jake was upset, it was a family affair. 
The next girls he brought home passed in a blur. As he got older, they got worse and worse. Fake, rich, and bratty. He said he loved them and they would be enchanted by his stories about flying a plane. They didn’t stick around long enough to hear about the parts of him that hurt, though. Not like you did. Maybe that’s why he can’t look at you the way he looks at them. They see the stained glass, you see the breakage it took to make it. 
You never thought it would end like this. 
An engagement ring. Shining in a Tiffany blue box, casting a kaleidoscope of color across the kitchen. A wedding veil, long and draped and crusted with diamonds at the end. White heels with tulle bows on the back. A backyard, down-to-earth wedding, despite the possibility for more. An always-present local violinist rehearsing old country love songs on the porch, a sweating pitcher of iced tea on the table beside him. 
All for her and Jake. 
Dolly’s house is buzzing with energy. Her family and his family all coming together in a chaotic mess of introductions and “how can I help?”s and “I’m good with whatever”s. Jake’s fiancé is the perfect future wife with a steady job and the desire for a big family. From the few times you’ve met her, she seems lovely, and Jake is completely enamored with her. For the first time, you see hearts in his eyes. 
You’re just here to drop off some food- it’s supposed to be family tonight. Dolly invited you, and Jennifer begged you to stay, but they both knew that it was pointless. It’s utterly selfish of you, but you can’t get over the fact that he’s getting married. A cruel part of you tells yourself that you never even tried to get his attention.
You’re meant to be in and out, but you can never say no when Dolly asks for help. You should’ve known she would have an alternative motive when she asked you to get flowers from the back of the barn- it’s been a dead patch for years. 
The sunlight peeks through the stubborn clouds, and his hair moves golden with the wind. He isn’t facing you, but he doesn’t need to for you to be able to recognize the broad expanse of his shoulders or the hanging posture of his head from the way he leans forward over the rotting wooden fence. 
If you were smarter, you would turn tail and run away. Save yourself a night of crying. But you aren’t, and, about him, you never have been. 
He doesn’t look up when he speaks before you get the chance to. “Were you planning on lookin’ or actually coming over to say hello?” 
“I wasn’t looking at you,” you defend, knowing it isn’t true. If he catches your lie, he doesn’t say anything about it. Instead, he asks the question you’ve been dreading. 
“Why aren’t you coming tomorrow?” 
Why, you ask yourself. Why? Because you can’t stand to see Dolly embrace her like she’s a daughter. Because you don’t want to be the only one not smiling at the reception. Because you’ve loved him your whole life, and he doesn’t seem to know. Because she’s lovely and beautiful and you’re the one he used to play dress up with. 
Because you’re selfish and twisted. 
“Angel,” he says. And, no, he can’t do that. He can’t call you that now. Now, when he’s going down the one path you can’t follow. Now, when he’s pretending like he doesn’t know how you’ve loved him since he was eleven. Now, when you’re losing him. “Things don’t have to change. Right?” If you didn’t know any better, you would say he sounds scared. 
You do know better, though, so you know Jake never gets scared. 
“You know that’s not true,” you respond. The way his grin falls breaks your heart in two. Here you are, standing before him, bleeding out with a smile on your face. Dying and saying the tears are out of joy. “You’re going to be a husband, Jake. I can’t be in the middle of that.” 
“You’re my family,” he tries again. 
“I’m your friend,” you counter. Dolly and Violet and Jenny would disagree, and, honestly, you don’t believe it either. But it gets you through the conversation. “And I don’t think she’ll appreciate my presence. None of the others ever did.” 
“She’s not like that.” He means it, and you know it’s true. She’s been nothing but gracious and generous to you. 
“I know,” you respond quietly. “But I can’t do it. I just can’t. I don’t expect you to understand.” 
He waits a moment before he responds, his eyes looking into yours. There’s emotion in them that you aren’t used to seeing towards you. “I do.” He says it softly, and you almost don’t hear him. 
“I understand. Every time you’ve brought home someone, I feel what you’re feeling right now. The pain. Feeling like some part of you is being taken away.” He reaches up to cup your cheek with a gentle hand. Every part of you screams that you shouldn’t do this; you shouldn’t give him a reason to hate you for years. But you lean into his touch, the warmth of his palm against your cheek. It’s a fight not to beg for more. You do have some semblance of pride, though. 
“It doesn’t matter.” There’s a sad smile on your face and a matching one on his face. No one should look that heartbroken the day before their wedding. “It’s too late.” 
He doesn’t have to say anything; you both know it's true. With a heavy heart, you place your hand over the one cupping your face. There’s going to be a wedding band on one of those fingers tomorrow. It gives you strength to remember that.  
It’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done; lacing his fingers with yours only to drop his hand to his side. He accepts the gesture. He lets you go. 
It wasn’t meant to be. He has a new angel now, one that will love him for as long as she can. It’s for the best, you tell yourself as you walk away. 
Blue eyes and blond hair. A little boy with a broken heart and blue nail polish. That’s how you’ll remember him.
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thesakuragarnet · 3 months
The Boy Born With Everything
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It had been five years since the war ended. Five long years that Touya had spent in an asylum of a hospital, watching from the other side of a glass tube, occasionally being let out to prevent his muscles from completely atrophying once the surgeries gave him range of motion…or to eat soba with his youngest brother. Once again, his body wasn’t supposed to last a month, much less years. Touya thrived on proving other people wrong…and he’d done it again.
Now, he finds out that, not only is he allowed to go back home (albeit with an ankle monitor), but also, his old hookup has nominated him for the new villain rehabilitation program.
After all these years, Touya will be able to fulfill his dream...he'll be a hero.
Word Count (first Two Chapters Posted): 8,212 words
AO3 link
Tags: Fix-It Fic, Hero!Dabi, DabiHawks, LOV redemption, MHA 426 coping (everything after it has been retconned probably with this), swearing, explicit s3xual content, Final War Arc Spoilers, drinking, making out, fluff, angst, smut, hurt/comfort, Touya has Both Quirks (Post-Quirk Awakening)
Chapter One: Prologue || Before The Betrayal
One week before X day. 
Merging with the Meta Liberation Army had its ups and downs…but this could definitely be shelved in the list of ups. Compress whistles as he rolls the dolly cart into the rec room of the Gunga Mountain Villa, and everyone’s heads turn to stare at the crate full of alcohol. It was a gift from Trumpet for the exponential increase in new recruits. Dabi, Toga, Spinner, and Twice had finished their meetings for the day, and they've been waiting on Compress to return with their “reward for cooperation”. Dabi’s eyes scan the bottles as excited murmurs bubble in the room. 
Alcohol affected his body differently. His fiery Quirk processed it, burning it up almost instantaneously, resulting in him getting shitfaced quickly but also sobering up in the same hour. If Dabi wanted the buzz to last, he had to keep drinking. He was going to have to hoard a bottle for himself. Compress opens the crate with flair, brandishing each bottle as he sets it on the center table. There’s vodka, sake, whiskey…plenty of options. 
“Oh, please can I have some!” Toga beams broadly, reaching for the bottle of vodka, but Dabi snatches it, opening it with little effort. 
“ No ,” Dabi hisses firmly, annoyed at her puppy-eyed stare as Toga pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“What’s the point in being a villain if you can’t break the rules and do what you want?” She grumbles, and Dabi rolls his eyes. 
“It’s for your own good,” Dabi sighs, hating that he sounds like a parent…but he doesn’t want Himiko drunk around this compound of complete strangers. The liberation members come from everywhere…the last thing he wants is for someone to take advantage of Toga when she’s vulnerable, whether that be by stealing the little wad of money she kept in her A-line coat or…he doesn’t even wanna think about it. It comes down to the facts. It’s for her own good.
“C’mon, Dabi . You’re such a letdown . Nah, Toga, he’s right,” Twice replies as he drinks directly from a bottle of sake. Compress rolls his eyes, muttering something about Twice acting like an animal as he snaps, turning the two marbles in his hand into glasses before handing one to Spinner. 
“He’s right, my dear. You should stick to tea,” Compress sniffs as he sits down in one of the armchairs, crossing his legs as he pours whiskey for himself and Spinner. 
Dabi takes a breath as he puts the bottle to his lips, gulping it down, barely registering the ever-so-dull burning sensation running down his throat. The liquor starts filtering through his system the moment he pulls away from the bottle, sighing as the walls around his mind begin to dissolve, letting the real Touya come to the forefront. He found it harder to keep the mask up when he got intoxicated, acting a little more smiley and talkative than usual. He leans back onto the couch, sinking into the textured fabric as he unceremoniously props his leather boots up on the table. 
“C’mon. You guys are so lame !” Toga groans, staring at her fellow League members drinking without her as she kicks her feet in the air on the beanbag. 
“Dabi’s just lookin’ out for you,” Spinner explains, turning to Himiko as he sips his glass. 
“Am not,” Dabi scoffs, trying and failing to keep up his front; in truth, he’d grown to view Toga as a little sister. He felt protective over her; it was incredibly irritating. Dabi starts slugging the vodka, gulping with a comical force that clearly shows he’s trying to get as wasted as possible. 
“If you throw up, you clean up,” Spinner says flatly, but Dabi ignores him, draining the bottle until there’s only half of it left. 
“Fuck, that’s nice,” Dabi huffs; his vision blurs for a moment and his body feels lighter. 
“Guess I’m late to the party,” A familiar voice chuckles from behind Dabi, nearly scaring him out of his skin while simultaneously putting his heart at ease. Dabi never realized how much he enjoyed Hawks’ voice before; he never noticed how it was sweeter than honey beneath the shit-eating grin and the charismatic facade. Dabi would be lying if he said he never found Hawks attractive; embarrassingly, he’s had a little bit of a crush on him for a while. It was infuriating. Hawks has everything Dabi’s always wanted…and it makes his blood boil. He’s got the world’s eyes on him as the number two hero, always watching with overwhelming adoration. He’s got fans, he’s got fame…he’s got the approval of the number one hero…Touya’s father. It almost makes him sick how easy Hawks has it…to be beloved so easily. It’s not fair. 
Dabi stares at Hawks through his thick upper eyelashes, eyes tinged with lust but mouth drooping in a jealous frown. Hawks is too pretty for his own good, Dabi decides the longer he stares at him. Surely that’s not just the alcohol talking. 
“Hawks!” Twice gasps, leaping up from his seat on the floor and wrapping his arms around the hero in a vice-gripping hug. “You made it! I was hoping you’d be hit by a plane on the way here!” 
“Jin, always a pleasure,” Hawks grins, patting him a little less than condescendingly on the head before squirming out of his hold. 
“Care to partake with us?” Compress beckons, flourishing with another glass that practically appears out of thin air. 
“No thanks. Can’t drink and fly. Don’t wanna get a ticket,” Hawks winks, and Dabi almost gags at the terrible joke. But if the dumb bird turned him off that much, why were his thoughts swimming with ideas involving Hawks? Why can’t he stop staring at his lips like he wants to kiss them? The idea of kissing Hawks makes his head spin…makes something stir deep inside that he thought was long dead. Lust? That had to be it. To think it was anything deeper was crazy; the alcohol was just probably making him horny. It was a silly coincidence, regardless of how often he thought of Hawks prior…which was daily. He’d become a little obsessed with his double agent, finding it hard to keep him on a longer metaphorical leash. He enjoyed his company…enjoyed talking to him…it was fucking weird. Sure, Dabi was well aware of his own abandonment issues and attention-seeking habits, but…why did he unconsciously latch onto Hawks ? He pretended to play dumb with himself, shoving any urges or ideas deep back from where they came from in his chest. But now, the alcohol is making them float right back up to the surface. 
Dabi takes another long drink from the bottle, swishing the liquid in his mouth absentmindedly as Hawks makes eye contact with him. The hero looks mildly amused before he leans over the back of the couch, whispering in Dabi’s ear:
“Hey, Dabi, I need to talk to you. Can we take a walk?”
His husky voice and the heat of his breath totally don’t send something that can only be described as arousal pulsing through Dabi’s lungs. He hates it. It’s stupid. It’s just because he’s drunk. He’s clingier than usual…and Hawks is objectively attractive. That’s the only explanation. 
“Mkay,” Dabi slurs, finishing off the bottle before slamming it on the table as he swallows a hiccup. He leaps to his feet on swaying legs, the room spinning ever so slightly and making him marginally nauseous. 
“Fuck,” He whines under his breath, regretting chugging so much alcohol in a short period. Granted, he’d planned to just chill out on the couch all night, but, apparently, that was no longer the case. 
“Back later,” Dabi murmurs sloppily to anyone who cares as he follows Hawks out of the room and into the hall. 
Dabi is in another world; he’s hearing Hawks’ voice but not processing anything he’s saying at all. He’s mumbling and nodding, the illusion of paying attention, but he’s too captivated by the faint glitters in the hero’s irises. His gaze falls onto Hawks’ lips…they look so soft. Soft enough that part of Touya wants to reach out and touch them, even though he knows he wouldn’t be able to feel them. His senses are so fucked up…it cuts him viscerally to the core how much he wishes he could feel things again. Every sensation is dulled except his emotions, ironically…which have always been the strongest to begin with. His emotions are still as real and passionate and reactive as they were before his accident at Sekoto Peak. 
The two keep walking down the hall, Hawks dawdling on about whatever “intel” he’s managed to obtain and how many copies of the Liberation manifesto he’s disseminated. Dabi loses his balance for a moment, nearly stumbling and falling on his face, but Hawks catches him, arm lurching forward and clutching his chest. Dabi blinks as he stands up straight, turning to look at Hawks. The hero seems… concerned . Why the fuck should he be concerned about him ? Hawks has zero reasons to give a shit. His eyes dart to the hero’s lips again…and lust undoubtedly pools in his gut. 
Dabi just wants to feel something…anything at this point. Anything other than the raging anger and desperation that’s always bubbling beneath the surface of his cold and callous facade. Hell, just his imagination is enough to set his shriveled heart ablaze. The concept of another person…of Hawks touching him intimately…it’s ethereal. The temporary drunk confidence makes him completely interrupt Hawks as he slurs:
“Dabi. You’re drunk,” Hawks snorts, caught off guard and probably flustered with the sudden spray of pink that dusts his cheeks. 
“I’d make out with you sober, too. And other things. If you wanted,” Dabi mutters bluntly, pointing his finger at Hawks and poking him sharply in the chest, “I don’t really wanna talk business with you right now.”
Hawks raises an eyebrow before taking a look around. 
“Right here in the hallway?” He smirks in disbelief, but Dabi roughly shakes his head before grabbing Hawks’ wrist. 
“My bedroom.”
The door slams shut behind Dabi, and he hears the click of the lock as the dam breaks and his inhibitions go up in azure flames. As soon as Hawks turns back around, Dabi’s hands cup his face and pull him into an overwhelming kiss. Kissing Hawks is just as heavenly as he’d imagined it. It’s perfect even in the haze of alcohol. From Hawks’ point of view, it’s suffocating; Dabi’s clearly never kissed anyone before. 
Dabi drunkenly moans into Hawks’ mouth, panting weakly as Hawks’ tongue slides against his. Hawks takes his gloves off, throwing them on the floor in a rush before running his hands through Dabi’s hair, fingers combing through the cheaply dyed fluffy locks. 
In the back of Dabi’s brain, he knows this is probably empty; Hawks is probably seducing him for intel to get closer…to gain Dabi’s trust. That’s why he agreed so quickly. There’s no logical reason he’d actually be interested in his disgusting patchwork mug. But…part of Dabi wonders if he does feel something for him…if there’s a chance that he’s actually wanted by someone…for once in his miserable fucking life. He shoves the thought back into the recesses of his mind, focusing on the faint sensation of Hawks’ lips as they suck and bite and lick Dabi’s troubles away. Dabi’s hands drop to rest at Hawks’ waist, gripping tightly beneath his jacket as his fingertips slide along the sides of the hero’s belt.
“Top or bottom?” Hawks grins slyly as he breaks the kiss. Dabi’s mind reels; not only was he kissing Hawks, but they were gonna have sex. It’s highly suspicious for the hero to want to move so fast; the Commission probably ordered Hawks to get information by any means necessary, but who knows when he’s going to get another chance like this? It’s not like Dabi’s even had sex before…and now…the number two hero is going to be his first time. 
“Don’t care- hah -just want you,” Dabi huffs, greedily pulling Hawks in by the front of his shirt for another filthy kiss. Hawks melts into the gesture, hands delicately reaching down to unbuckle Dabi’s belt. Dabi breaks free from the kiss with a gasp, looking through his fuzzy vision to watch Hawks slip the belt off him with ease, tossing it to the side before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. Dabi blinks, and he’s on his back on the bed; Hawks tugs the villain’s pants down enough to free his half-hard cock from his gray boxers. Dabi’s eyes widen as he watches Hawks climb onto the bed, kneeling down to press a gentle kiss to the tip of Dabi’s dick. The villain gulps, chills rolling beneath his skin as he stares at Hawks; the Pro kisses up and down his shaft, maintaining eye contact beneath his winged eyeliner, seamless and sexy. 
Dabi chews his scarred bottom lip, imagining what it would be like to fuck Hawks’ throat. Imagining what it would be like to fuck him…to be fucked by him…to succumb to mutual pleasure. The concept of feeling good was foreign to him, much less in a sexual manner, but this whole situation stirred his insides from his brain to his balls. If he was going to die in the war in a week, he might as well not die a virgin, even if he was so drunk he might fall asleep before aftercare. 
“You taste sweet. Not what I was expecting,” Hawks sneers as he laps up the beads of precome slowly dripping down. “But I’m not complaining.”
He’s doing this on purpose. The soft whisper of his voice and the deep intonations send vibrations up Dabi’s spine. Hawks is completely giving his all to seduce him right now. Dabi doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that he’ll probably be even clingier after this hookup. The war was in a week. And he would be dead. This wouldn’t matter. What does matter is for fucking once he’s giving in to his inhibitions…to an experience that he’s never had…one that might reward him in the end. His dopamine pathways must function somewhat . 
Hawks presses his lips to Dabi’s tip before slowly taking him into his mouth, sucking his length inch by glorious inch. 
“Fuck,” Dabi borderline whimpers, his other hand reaching down to run through the hero’s blonde locks. He was pretty sure he was getting off more on the idea of everything that’s happening than what he was actually feeling, but, regardless, it felt euphoric. This was a high he’d never felt before; it made his head feel floaty and his stomach feel warm and his heart pound with a violent fervor. 
Dabi’s head falls back onto the pillow, arm coming up reflexively, hiding his eyes as his back arches and his jaw drops. His voice comes out in a raspy groan, low and long and rising in pitch the more Hawks’ head bobs up and down. Dabi mumbles something unintelligible, panting heavily as he resists the urge to buck his hips. The lewd noises consume Dabi’s bedroom, the slurping and sucking of Hawks’ lips perverting the quiet and mixing with Dabi’s weak gasps and hums of pleasure. 
“You like that?” Hawks murmurs, knowing damn well that he’s skyrocketed the villain to cloud nine. Dabi can only manage a weak nod as he risks looking down at the depraved scene between his legs. It sends another jolt of pleasure through his body when he realizes that Hawks is naked from the waist down…and fingering himself. He can barely make it out in the darkness, but it’s clear the way Hawks bites his lip. 
“You ready to fuck me?” Hawks taunts, and Dabi’s absolutely sure he isn’t, but he wants to get on with it anyway, so he nods. 
Dabi nearly chokes when the tip of his dick catches on Hawks’ rim; the noises pouring from the hero’s throat are like forbidden fruit, kissing Dabi’s ears and filling his chest with butterflies…or maybe it’s just the alcohol. 
Hawks’ hands grip Dabi’s pecs over his thin white V-neck T-shirt, thumbs tracing over perky nipples and making Dabi groan.
Hawks sinks down until he’s sitting fully flush in Dabi’s lap, eyelids fluttering as he bites his lip to hold back a moan. 
“Dabi, you feel so good ,” He cries out, voice strained and breathless as he grips at Dabi’s shoulders. Dabi stares up at him, alcohol boiling in his blood as the hero begins to ride him, rolling his hips in a way that makes his dick twitch. It’s all in his head. He knows he can’t really feel it, but… goddamn if sex with Hawks isn’t more intoxicating than the vodka. He looks like a Greek god, stripped down, heavily muscled, and haloed in the dim sunset from the window. He’s never looked more attractive; it’s too good to be true. There’s no way the number two hero is riding his dick right now, and yet, the brutal sounds of skin slapping against skin and Hawks’ needy moans suggest otherwise. 
“ Hawks ,” Dabi pants, wanton and delirious, cock throbbing inside as Hawks bounces up and down and up and down. His throat feels tight…like how it used to before he would start crying before his accident. Dabi starts rolling his hips, thrusting up into Hawks, and the hero gasps, wings flaring out as his face contorts into pleasure. Curses fly from his lips, involuntary and jumbled together as his breath hitches. Dabi’s mind is on fire; desire bubbling in his lower back and making drool pool on his tongue. Heavy breaths fill the air as the bed beneath them creaks from their rampant movements. Hawks brings his own hips down with every upward rut of Dabi’s, getting as much friction for the both of them as humanly possible. Hawks doesn’t realize Dabi’s only getting off on the raw emotions and intimacy of what’s happening over any physical pleasure. 
Dabi sits up, hands moving to Hawks’ hips to get a better grip when he sees the hero’s leaking cock, hard and untouched. Before Hawks can say a word, Dabi wraps a hand around it, coating his fingers in precome as he starts to jerk him off. Hawks twitches, Dabi’s name on his lips, sweat beading on his brow. 
“ God ,” Dabi moans like a bitch in heat, head fuzzy and speech garbled as the high reaches an almighty climax. He can feel something happening when he watches Hawks writhe in pleasure. “Gonna come.”
“Me too,” Hawks grunts, moans pitching higher in tune with Dabi’s rasps as they both let the euphoria consume them. 
Dabi comes first, completely wrecked and not even sure how it’s happening. His hips stutter, cock pulsing and balls emptying as a pathetic moan bursts from his lips. Hawks keeps riding him through it, sending sparks across Dabi’s vision as his own orgasm hits like lightning down his spine. It gets all over Dabi’s hand, but he doesn’t even hardly notice, haphazardly jerking Hawks off through every spasm.
Finally, the overstimulation is too much for them, and everything stops…stillness pollutes the bedroom, save for Dabi and Hawks’ chests heaving with each intake of breath and sigh of relief.
Dabi’s vision is blurry, the alcohol slowly leaking out of his system as his Quirk finishes processing it. He should be completely sober in a few minutes, long enough for the afterglow to wear off. He vaguely registers Hawks lifting off of him, his own dick falling limp against his thigh as Hawks crawls forward, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to Dabi’s lips. 
The villain’s eyes close, letting the blackness envelop him as he moves his lips to complement the hero’s. He can barely taste the sweat on Hawks, but it’s enough to confirm that this isn’t a dream. Dabi lazily wipes the come off his hand and onto the sheets beside him. He’ll worry about cleaning up tomorrow; right now, he wants to live forever in this moment. This moment of temporary bliss with someone who’s making him feel wanted … seen … loved ? That’s probably the wrong word to use, but Touya doesn’t care. The man was so touch-starved it’s a wonder the mere lack of hugs hadn’t killed him, but Dabi didn’t need to reveal that to anyone else. He didn’t need to reveal just how desperate he really was for the attention. They didn’t need to know that he clung to it like a moth to a candle. When he opens his eyes, Hawks is smiling at him. 
Hawks’ phone vibrates in his pants pocket, and a feather pulls it out, bringing it to Hawks, whose forehead wrinkles when he reads the message. He sighs as he pushes himself off of Dabi, getting ready to swing his legs over the side of the bed.
“This was fun, Dabi, but, I’ve gotta head out-”
“Don’t leave,” The words come out as a desperate hiccup, embarrassing and full of fear that Hawks has never seen on Dabi’s face or heard on his lips before.
Hawks freezes when he sees the empty expression in Dabi’s eyes, longing for connection…for any sense of security. This wasn’t the villain he was used to spending time with. Hawks expected him to just roll over and sleep without so much as a “thank you” for everything he just did to him. 
“Please, don’t leave,” Dabi repeats, eyes distant and welling with bloody tears. His mask is slipping…Hawks is seeing Touya . It puts a pit in his stomach as the alcohol starts to wear off. He’s being too vulnerable. He needs to shut up and act like none of this mattered. He grits his teeth, tongue heavy in his mouth as he blinks away the crimson beads. Silence…silence is the clearest option. If he takes it back, it’s acknowledging that it happened. 
Hawks doesn’t say a word about it, letting the thoughts stew in his brain as he begrudgingly sinks back into bed beside Dabi, hating that he’s going to have to explain himself to his handler. The villain grips the sheets, staring at the ceiling as the numbness consumes his body, unable to feel the warmth of the hero snuggling next to him. It floods his veins, hardening his heart and reminding him of one simple fact. Everyone leaves him eventually…and he will never be enough for anyone to want to stick around.
Chapter 2: Home
It had been five years since the war ended. Five long years that Touya had spent in an asylum of a hospital, watching from the other side of a glass tube, occasionally being let out to prevent his muscles from completely atrophying once the surgeries gave him a decent range of motion…or to eat soba with his youngest brother. Once again, his body wasn’t supposed to last a month, much less years. Touya thrived on proving other people wrong…and he’d done it again.
The hospital had thoroughly milked Enji Todoroki dry. Enji Todoroki’s alleged “atonement” involved pouring money into the best doctors and researchers the world had to offer…and…with surgery after surgery, Touya began to look like himself again. Compared to the last time he’d been turned into a burning corpse, the extra two years of rehabilitation and work made a drastic difference.
Within the first year, Touya went from being able to speak only a few minutes a day to holding a conversation for a full half hour. Now, he can yap as much as he did when he was a little kid, which is unfortunate for everyone else’s ears. Shoto, however, doesn’t mind. Touya always manages to fill the silence that Shoto quietly occupies, and he’s more than happy to listen. 
Natsuo was the one who had the hardest time coming around…and, after about a year and a half, Touya began to come to terms with why. The sibling that he had the closest bond with fell into the path of his anger, and Touya himself cringed when he remembered how he bragged about almost having him killed.
The rage still lurks below the surface, but Touya’s taking steps to keep his anger in check. Therapy had worked wonders. Once the doctors realized Touya wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon, Rei petitioned for Touya to talk to a therapist to get him to open up more. 
The first session fundamentally shifted the world for Touya because, for the first time since his reveal, someone from the outside actually acknowledged that he was abused. Touya believed no one cared; the public had only given a shit because Dabi was a villain. They hadn’t cared about Endeavor’s sins against his family. To hear someone voice that his pain and anger were real and valid felt liberating. 
When he finally got full control of his motor skills again, Touya wrote Natsuo a letter; he showed up to visit him a few weeks later. It was a rough reunion; there was a lot of yelling on Natsuo’s part. For once in his life, Touya kept his mouth shut.
He knew Natsuo had a right to be angry. All he could do was apologize and explain why he did what he did. Natsuo’s relationship with Touya was going to take time to be repaired; it wasn’t something he could fix overnight. Besides, he had a new life now with his wife. Touya understood. 
Fuyumi always brought such a bright smile with her behind her glasses during her visits. She often came with a basket that the workers would either confiscate or sift through to pick and choose what Touya got. Touya used to see Fuyumi as just another chess piece that got in his way growing up…but…now…it’s different.
No one else brings things for him.
Touya often asks her why she decided to waste her time teaching brats, but she just brushes it off, changing the subject. 
Fuyumi was the first person other than Shoto to learn that Touya had in fact come back to the house. He felt obligated to tell her. After all, he hadn't just left her with the burden of being the oldest sibling once…but twice.
Fuyumi broke down halfway through, sobbing about how she thought she was seeing things when she saw a shadow in his old room that day. One minute, Touya was standing in front of his altar, and then, he was gone in the blink of an eye. A few months later, Touya opened up even more to her. 
“I’m sorry for calling you and Mom useless.” The throaty rasp echoes from the tube, reluctant and crackly. Fuyumi stands in front of the glass, peering at her older brother through the darkness. 
“When did you do that?” She raises her eyebrow, caught off guard by the sudden apology as she smooths her dress.
“A lot…before Sekoto,” Touya admits. 
“Oh…,” His sister trails off, lips pursed. 
“I don’t think that anymore. Think it was just Dad. His views. Toga and Magne weren’t useless. Changed my mind,” Touya speaks slowly, trying to articulate with his new lips. They’d finally finished the facial reconstruction surgeries, and he’d just gotten the bandages off the day before, just in time for Fuyumi’s biweekly visit. 
Rei Todoroki held the record for the most visits to Touya Todoroki, the former supervillain known as Dabi. She coordinated with the rest of her children to ensure they still got their time out of the week in the early stages of Touya’s rehabilitation. She didn’t care that Touya could only speak a few sentences; seeing her eldest child alive and breathing was a blessing in disguise. Their first private meeting was tearful, but it gave Rei unimaginable hope. When she saw her son crying real tears, not blood, she knew he was going to survive, and demanded Enji to put as much money into his recovery as possible.
Not that Touya would show a shred of gratitude to his excuse for a father…too little too late. Touya didn’t want to see him, regardless of Enji’s promise to stay by his side until the end of his days. He was a coward, a fraud, and an abusive piece of shit for lack of better words. Touya would see his father in hell, just like he’d promised. Until then, he didn’t care if they breathed the same air on the same planet…at least, that’s what he kept telling himself.
He hated that a part of him still loved his father; he was latched on like a leech, disgusting hope bubbling in his stomach. But his memories were too powerful for him to ignore. Touya couldn’t separate himself from the neglect.
The first few times Enji showed up, Touya ignored him…and it soon became clear that he didn’t outwardly care anymore about his father’s approval. Now, Enji was living in the old Todoroki house with a caretaker where he wouldn’t be a problem, divorced from Rei and mulling over his own consequences. Truth be told, Touya still doesn’t understand why he isn’t behind bars…and he regretfully knows his questions will never be answered. 
His hair had grown back to the same style from when he was thirteen; it's soft, white, fluffy, and always hanging in his face to the point where it's borderline annoying. His tear ducts were fully functioning again, which was simultaneously relieving and irritating; he could easily fall into the trap of being the crybaby of the family again.
His skin was still mismatched like it had been when he’d woken up the first time; after all, Touya doubted they could do a better cosmetic job than Ujiko. However, they had succeeded in restoring the nerve damage after several breakthroughs. Touya finally had physical feeling. 
Once Touya’s doctors assured the staff he was no longer a danger, they removed the metal bindings keeping his limb strapped to his side; they couldn’t restore his right arm, so they developed a prosthetic one. 
The prosthesis felt…alien. An extension of his body made up of alloys and other shit he can’t give names to. He’s gotten along just fine with it so far.
They’d been working on it since they realized Touya wasn’t keen on dying, and he’d gotten to test it out for the past year whenever he’d be released to spend time with Shoto. He’d exploded his right arm on purpose during the fight, opting to keep his dominant hand. It seemed like a fantastic idea at the time…but…then again…he hadn’t planned to survive. He hadn’t planned for anyone to survive.
Touya feels like every day is whiplash. His heart is under constant monitoring; the doctors are worried it’ll freeze solid or melt at a moment’s notice.
His body isn’t used to harboring both sides of the family Quirks, and he’s still having trouble believing that he has both. Since his Quirk Awakening, the facility kept him doped up with Quirk suppressants, for his safety and for theirs…mostly theirs.
The chest strap of the heart monitor still feels uncomfortably tight…something he’s going to have to get used to.
Feeling was something he was going to need to get used to. 
“Todoroki Touya,” The worker’s voice bellows, and Touya steps forward, zoning into reality. He’d been lost in his own thoughts all day, mulling over the fact that he’s finally being released.
One of the first things Touya wanted to do when he got out was get new piercings… that was something the doctors hadn’t prioritized, so his helices and triple high nostril were missing from his new flesh. He’d have to find some seedy place to get them later this week; today is his coming home party that his family hasn’t been able to shut up about. Originally, it was supposed to be a surprise, but Shoto hadn’t gotten the memo. 
Touya’s jaw drops in a silent gasp as they shoot the tracker implants into his neck. Pain was another thing he was going to have to get used to. He hadn’t felt physical pain in so long…it was weird. 
“Protocol,” The guard huffs, and Touya shrugs, staring beneath thick eyelashes. He didn’t blame them. The guard nods toward the end of the hallway, and Touya walks past, still handcuffed and lucid. 
Touya can’t wait to get out of these gaudy prison scrubs. Fuyumi and his mother had shown him some outfits online and let him pick out something that he could change into when he got home. He feels like it’s silly to be chomping at the bit for soft clothes, but these thin itchy scrubs have been the bane of his existence since he regained feeling in his skin.
He wonders if the others were given such a shitty wardrobe? Touya hadn’t been allowed to ask any questions about his fellow League members; he’d been answered with cold silence whenever he tried…and Shoto said he wasn’t allowed to disclose anything. 
‘I just hope they fucking made it…,’ Touya thinks to himself, remembering his ragtag found family after so many years of living alone on the street. Now…he’s going to be with his blood family. He wouldn’t be lounging around a bar, drinking his troubles away while laughing about petty arson. He’d be sitting at a table, eating dinner with his mother, his youngest brother, and his little sister.
Maybe he could figure out a way to get in touch with Himiko…he finds himself worrying about her the most. She was a total psycho, but she was his total psycho, his unspoken little sister.
He’d let her paint his nails when she begged incessantly. He’d helped her draw faces and insults on the other members with lipstick while they were sleeping. He’d helped her fix her hair the way she wanted, pulling it in those tight space buns that would have been nearly impossible if Touya hadn’t been adept at dissecting YouTube tutorials. Toga was just as much his sister in his eyes as Fuyumi. 
Touya waits patiently at the door at the end of the hallway, turning his wrists and wincing at the tightness of the cuffs. The green light above the door illuminates, and they slowly swing open, allowing two staff members to walk through. One stands directly in front of him, brandishing a taser. Even though they’re letting him out, they don’t trust him. Typical.
The other man walks behind Touya and begins clicking through the cuffs to unlock them.
“You’ll be able to get your belongings at the front. Remember to take the Quirk suppressants as instructed. It’s medication, so it’s important to follow the instructions. You’ll have to wean yourself off of them or you won’t be able to-”
“Control my Quirk. Yeah. Got it. As if I was good at that before anyway,” Touya scoffs sarcastically, flexing his hands once the cuffs fall free from his wrists. 
The staff member falls silent, lips pulled into a thin line that proves he’s stopping himself from reprimanding Touya’s smartass comment. People are still afraid of him. Touya isn’t sure if he’s happy about that or not. It’ll mean people will leave him alone, sure…hopefully. 
Touya brushes past the two workers who eye him warily, following the signs toward the discharge station. This facility had grown to replace Tartarus in the past few years, and it felt like a new maze every time he was allowed to roam the halls. It isn’t long before he stops at the final set of doors.
Touya takes a deep breath before raising his prosthetic arm. The silver glares from the overhead lights, making him squint as he pushes open the door, recoiling at the harsh lighting of the lobby area. 
When his eyes adjust, he comes face to face with his mother. His heart twists. This is the closest he’s seen her; he was only allowed out of his holding tank or cell when Shoto was the visitor.
Her scar is gnarly up close, slicing across her face and spreading like fire; it makes a pit hollow out in Touya’s stomach. He put that there…whether he meant to or not. The flames of his supernova-like predicament from the final fight had consumed everything…if it hadn’t been for Rei, Natsuo, and Fuyumi…he would’ve died in that explosion. 
Her hair had grown back to just below her shoulders just like Fuyumi’s. Touya’s sister jumps up from her seat in the lobby and rushes forward with a bouquet of flowers to Touya’s chagrin. 
“What’s with those?” Touya mutters pointedly, trying to withhold any cutting remarks. She’s trying…the fact that his family is trying speaks volumes to him. It’s no longer empty words and promises. 
“Oh, I figured we’d brighten up the house! Mom and I fixed up your new room!” Fuyumi smiles before covering her mouth with her hand, “Oh, shoot! That was gonna be a surprise!”
“It’s alright, dear,” Rei smiles warmly. 
Touya spins around at the sound of Shoto’s voice, and notices he's holding a duffel bag. 
“I got your things. I wanted to make sure they actually gave back all of your stuff,” He admits, the corners of his mouth pointing upward softly. Touya’s heart skips when he realizes Natsuo didn’t show up. It made sense.
He has his own life and his own family now. Rei, Shoto, and Fuyumi are the only ones living in the new house…and now…Touya’s going to be living there too. He’s not really sure what his next steps are going to be yet. It’s not like he can just get a normal job after being one of Japan’s most feared villains of the generation. Hell, he doesn’t even have proper education past middle school.
The car ride home was less than ideal, primarily due to Touya’s motion sickness. He managed to survive the car ride without incident, but only after he begged Fuyumi to drive ten under the speed limit.
Touya’s breath is taken away just by the outside of the house as they pull up to the property. Rei planted Rindou flowers all along the outside garden, creating a sea of cerulean. Fuyumi parks in the garage, and, finally, the car stops. 
Shoto hops out of the car, grabbing Touya by the wrist and pulling him outside. Touya takes in his surroundings, squinting in the fading sunlight as Shoto leads him around the side of the house through a door.
The living room is enormous, and the largest television Touya’s ever laid eyes on is mounted on the wall. He doesn’t get much time to look around as Shoto continues to drag him along as soon as they kick off their shoes. Shoto opens another door, leading to a hallway with art pieces adorning the walls. The colors blur as Shoto pulls him up a staircase leading to the second floor. 
“Can we slow down?” Touya blurts. 
“On a schedule,” Shoto mutters, making Touya raise an eyebrow. 
“Schedule?” Touya echoes, but Shoto appears to ignore him, his grip tightening on Touya’s wrist. Finally, they reach a door…with a crude sign that reads “Touya-nii” on it. 
“Here,” Shoto releases his grip on Touya’s hand and unceremoniously flings the door open, stepping aside for Touya to walk in first. 
He inches into the room, socks sliding against the hardwood as he takes in the space. Fuyumi and his mother set up a desk for him in the corner, decorated with an empty vase (probably to be filled with the flowers Fuyumi bought), a picture of the family from many moons ago (with their father quite obviously cropped out), and Touya’s old comics and Pro Hero books. Shoto sets the duffel bag in the middle of the desk while Touya keeps exploring. He stops when he sees the bed. 
The thin mattress is covered by his baby blanket; the yellow and blue stars are faded with age. It looks incredibly tacky, but it makes warmth bloom in Touya’s chest. He can’t believe they even kept that. There’s another handmade sign leaning against the back wall that reads:
The only other aspect of the room that stands out is the bookshelf littered with Touya’s old belongings…he recognizes them from his altar in their old house. 
Touya flinches for a moment, the memory of praying in front of his own altar flashing across his vision. 
“Do you like it?” Fuyumi’s voice sounds hopeful as Touya turns around to see them standing by the desk. 
“Your new clothes are in the closet! I’ll go start dinner!” Fuyumi grins cheekily as she leaves the bedroom.
“You just get settled in, sweetheart,” Rei whispers, walking up to Touya and kissing him on the cheek before she slips out of the room, followed by Shoto, who closes the door behind them. 
Touya walks to the closet, jerking it open to see a pair of black cotton drawstring pants and a simple, soft gray sweatshirt with a black cat on it. He reaches up inside the sleeves, temporarily indulging in the gentle sensation of the fabric rubbing between the pads of his fingers. It definitely is going to feel better than these stupid jailhouse scrubs.
Touya never realized how much of the world he missed when his tactile senses were numbed.
He strips out of the old clothes, tossing them into the corner of the room before he slips on the new outfit. He sighs in relief, feeling the itchiness fade before walking up to the mirror.
It fits. Good. He was worried he’d told Fuyumi the wrong sizes.
He turns his attention to the bag on his desk…his belongings from the facility. 
Touya opens up the duffel bag, his heart stilling when he sees the fireproof synthetic fabric spilling out. He lifts the jacket up, examining the stitching and conductor cuffs; it’s his jacket from the first war. They must’ve raided all of the hideouts.
It’s the jacket that he was wearing during his vision…dissociation…whatever it was before he practically exploded. The image of himself as a hero with his family was burned into his brain…but…Shoto wasn’t in that fantasy.
Over the past few years, Touya had grown to realize how much he appreciated his little brother, and it made his heart pang that he directed his anger at him for so long.
Touya walks over to the closet, putting the jacket on a coat hanger before walking back to the duffel. The boots and stitched leather pants are the only other notable things in the dark void besides his clear bag of medications. 
Touya pulls out the bottle of Quirk suppressants, reading the instructions on the side of the bottle.
Touya sighs as he opens the bottle, shaking a pill out into his palm. He puts it in his mouth, letting the pill dissolve on his tongue and swallowing the bittersweet taste. 
‘I should probably see if I can help with dinner…might as well make myself useful,’ Touya thinks to himself as he walks out of his room. He gets to the top of the staircase when-
Knock. Knock. Knock. 
The sound echoes through the household.
“Oh dear,” Rei’s voice sounds strained. 
“He’s early!” Fuyumi gasps. 
“He used to be the fastest Pro alive, and you didn’t think he’d be early ?” Shoto bluntly replies. 
‘Fastest Pro alive? Wait…’
Touya’s heart races as he slowly makes his way down the staircase. 
The last time he was face-to-face with Keigo Takami, he was trying to charbroil him for murdering his friend and breaking his heart…for being a lying traitor…for confirming everything Dabi already knew but didn’t want to face.
The sex meant nothing. The kisses meant nothing. Keigo was playing with him like a toy to be used and cast aside. 
He’d talked to his therapist about Keigo…about how he thinks that’s the first time he felt romantic love for another person. The burning devotion turned to seething hatred the moment Hawks murdered Jin Bubaigawara.
He’d fully mourned Jin during these five years, processing the death, wondering why Keigo had chosen to target Dabi for intel.
Dabi wondered if he meant anything to Keigo, even though he knew he probably didn’t. He knew Hawks probably didn’t think about him…knew he was probably glad he was locked up for so long. 
For a while, Touya wrestled with whether or not he was upset that he failed to finish Hawks off. He felt so many conflicting passionate emotions toward him. It felt chaotic…unstable…nuclear, even. Sometimes he felt consumed with regret for hurting him, and others he found himself reliving the betrayal.
When Touya finally reaches the bottom of the stairs, he sees Keigo standing in the living room. He’s wearing a suit with a katana bag strap draped across his chest.
Keigo Takami looks up…and his golden gaze meets Touya’s turquoise. 
Touya’s heart monitor beeps twice, giving himself away by signaling an elevated heart rate. He needs to sit down.
For half a second, he wonders if he’ll just black out and get concussed on the stairs like an idiot. Instead, he slowly sinks to sit down on the final step, loathing how weak he must appear. 
“What are you doing here?” Touya manages to squeak out, his chest feeling tight. 
Keigo opens his mouth to speak, staring at Touya in disbelief. His eyes scan over the skin grafts before falling to his prosthetic arm. Touya feels naked.
“Hawks! Come help me in the kitchen!” Fuyumi materializes, whisking Hawks out of sight without a word. The heart monitor keeps beeping. 
His mother’s voice kisses his ears, soothing his erratic heartbeat as Touya zones back into the real world, pulling himself out of memories as she puts her hands on his knees. 
“Why is he here?” Touya’s voice sounds pathetic, leaving his lips in a broken mumble. His mother seems shocked that he doesn’t sound angry. Tears well up in Touya’s eyes, and he hurriedly wipes them away.
He can’t let Keigo know he’s crying over him. 
Rei’s eyebrows furrow when she notices the tears, but she chooses not to bring attention to them. 
“He’s here to discuss…Hero Commission business with you, Touya.”
‘The Commission?’
“Didn’t he lose his fucking Quirk to All For One?” Touya sniffs indignantly. 
“Touya! Language!” Rei hisses. 
Touya mumbles a half-hearted apology. 
“Hawks is the HPSC President now,” Rei explains. 
Touya’s heart monitor whines again. 
‘Why would he do that? After everything they put him through? Why the fuck would he ever accept that position? After they groomed him to be a glorified brainwashed soldier to do their dirty work?’ 
Touya shouldn’t care…he shouldn’t care what Keigo does. He shouldn’t care how it affects him or his past. Keigo has no affiliation with Touya. They had a one-night stand. He was an old situationship.
Touya swallows. 
“He couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” He groans. 
“He wants to talk to you about this as soon as possible, honey,” Rei sighs, “I had a long talk with him. I think…I think it’ll be good for you.”
‘Keigo talked to my mom ? What the fuck did he tell her? Did he tell her about us ? Us…what am I thinking? There was never an us…’ 
The two sit in tense silence on opposite sides of the table, facing one another with an unspoken uncertainty. The rest of the family remains in the kitchen, trying not to eavesdrop, but most definitely hanging on to every word the two speak. 
“So…do I call you Mister President now or-”
“Keigo is fine,” He admits, straightening up in the chair. He looks tired, but he’s still as annoyingly smiley as ever. 
“I’m,” Keigo takes a deliberate breath, “I’m glad you were able to recover smoothly.”
“Me too…,” Touya trails off, slightly disgusted with the awkward small talk. 
“I have a proposition for you,” Keigo clears his throat, and Touya raises his eyebrow. 
“Oh?” He huffs mockingly. He hates that Keigo is speaking with such formality. It’s unbecoming. It’s unlike Keigo.
It’s another mask for Keigo Takami. Touya can see right through it. They know each other more intimately than this. This is stupid. 
“Well…you’re allowed to say no…you need to know you’re allowed to say no and that will be one hundred percent acceptable.”
“Spit it out,” Touya scoffs, curiosity suddenly piquing. 
“I’ve consulted with a number of members of Class 2-A of UA and the higher-ups. And…you’ve shown considerable progress mentally and emotionally…and physically, obviously, but. Based on your psychological evaluations…and…and your…um…past aspirations. I’m-”
“Cut the shit, what is it?” Touya taps his foot impatiently. 
“You’re eligible for the program I put together. The new villain rehabilitation program…we’re making former villains into heroes.”
21 notes · View notes
chaotictarlos · 2 years
Lone Star Season 4 Fics
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An ongoing collection of season 4 Fics that I'm writing. I hope you enjoy them! Please reblog if you enjoy my fic's and leave some comments! If you would like to be tagged in any Coda's or Season 4 Fics let me know!
This entire series is dedicated to @kiloskywalker who has helped me come up with so many of the ideas.
4 x 01: The New Hotness -
where do we go from here? - TK POV Coda
Summary: TK finds out Carlos' secret and they talk about it.
how did we (i) get here? - Carlos Begins
Summary: A look at Carlos, from when he was younger to present.
Or, in which I meant to write a Carlos POV Coda and wrote a Carlos begins and so much more.
And in your hands, is all of me - the parts I never let you have - Carlos POV Coda
Summary: Carlos has a secret he needs to tell TK, and it's killing him to get it out. Sequel to how did we (i) get here? Carlos POV coda to 4 x 01
4 x 02: The New Hot Mess -
All Night Long
Summary: TK has some feelings about seeing Carlos in plaid.
4 x 03 / 4 x 04 Speculation Fic -
Searching for my heart
Summary: Carlos goes missing.
4 x 03: Cry Wolf -
Waiting up for you
Summary: After the 126 gang goes home, TK waits up for Carlos who never comes home.
do you still want me like i want you?
Summary: TK can't get Carlos words out of his head. He can't help but feel maybe this is all a mistake and that Carlos is regretting saying yes to him.
4 x 03: Abandoned -
"It's yours"
Summary: “TK,” he says softly.
The two syllables of his name falling from Carlos’ lips is enough to get TK to move his feet and push into the room. 
Carlos reaches out and TK immediately grabs onto his hand, clinging to it desperately. When he feels Carlos’ warm skin under his, he lets out a sigh, his body relaxing. 
Carlos is alive.
4 x 05: Human Resources -
Let me be your shoulder
Summary: Carlos struggles to let TK help.
4 x 06: This is not a drill
beneath your hands, i come apart
Summary: TK gets his dessert and shows Carlos how much he loves him.
4 x 07: Tommy Dearest
in the quiet with you
Summary: “We had the craziest call tonight,” TK says as he sets the table for dinner, freshly clean from his shower.
“What was it about?” Carlos asks where he’s finishing up at the stove, dinner almost ready.
“This man came in with his wife on a refrigerator dolly, hanging upside down, claiming that if she’s not upside down then she dies.” TK chuckles slightly, still amazed at the memory, setting out the various sauces and toppings for the tacos that Carlos has made.
4 x 08: Control Freaks
you're all i need
Summary: TK and Carlos finally get a night to themselves to reconnect and relax after some hectic wedding planning.
4 x 09: Road Kill
these moments with you
Summary: A soft moment between TK and Carlos
4 x 10: Sellouts
off duty
Summary: Carlos is at home when he hears about an ambulance exploding.
after gala fun
Summary: Carlos and TK have some fun after the gala
4 x 11 Double Trouble
Dreamy Officer Reyes and his Nincompoop
Summary: Carlos and TK have some roleplay fun.
4 x 12 "Swipe Left"
A future without you is no future at all
Summary: Carlos and TK talk again later that night about kids and Carlos tells TK more about the fears that he has.
4 x 13 "Open"
Lost in You
Summary: TK comes home making wife jokes and Carlos reminds him who he belongs to.
4 x 14 "Tongues Out"
Pudding Punishment
Summary: Carlos faces some fun consequences to stealing the pudding.
4 x 15 "Donors"
after work conversations
Summary: Carlos ices TK's face while they talk about their day.
4 x 16 "A House Divided"
in sickness and in health
Summary: All Carlos has ever wanted is to love TK and live a life by his side, now that's threatened by yet another thing that he can't control.
4 x 17 "Best of Men"
Words left unsaid
Summary: Carlos deals with his grief after his father's funeral
4 x 18 "In Sickness and in Health"
Vacation Eyes
Summary: TK and Carlos start their honeymoon.
The Loft
Summary: TK and Carlos decide that they're going to stay home for their honeymoon instead of going someplace else.
Other Season 4 fics (not set with any particular ep)
mine oh mine
summary: After things settle and Carlos heals up, TK and Carlos finally have a moment to reconnect. TK takes the time to remind Carlos who he belongs to.
total word count: 76,401
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ruindgod · 28 days
go through a morning routine, and i'll tell you WHAT KIND OF NPC YOU ARE QUIZ
DOLLY KEMPER IS : the goofy but well loved bard
you are here for a good time, dude, and the rest of us are right there with you. you are very well liked, whether it be by the masses or just by some odd party of adventurers who met you and immediately decided that you were their favorite person ever. you are very talented at a specific craft and are either willing to forgo more traditional paths to pursue it or desperately want to. i feel like there's a good chance that for the sake of the plot and emotional poignancy, you might get killed off, but just know that it was done because of how much people love you. don't know how much of comfort that second half might bring, but do with this information what you will. if your storyteller decides that you do get to live a long and happy life (as you deserve), know that the resolution to your story and the knowledge that you get a happy ending is the thought that brings a sense of comfort and definitely a tear or two to the eyes of those who care about you the most.
tagged by: @yearnstarved <3 tagging: steal it...
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sopeiism · 1 year
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⠀▮ ☆⠀a multi-fandom blog where i write about anything and everything i am interested in. ranging from haikyuu to the marvel cinematic universe; jujutsu kaisen to call of duty; kpop to stranger things, etc etc.
⠀ OFFICIATED SOPE ENTHUSIAST ♱ veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo, kiss, kiss, looking dolly, I think I may go out tonight I just wanna ride, get high in the moonlight.
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reading :⠀jujutu kaisen⠀by⠀gege akutami.
watching :⠀haikyuu!⠀by⠀haruichi furudate.
playing :⠀genshin impact⠀by⠀mihoyoverse.
listening :⠀red moon in venus⠀by⠀kali uchis.
this blog contains dark content , nsfw , & spoilers !
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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⊹ ˚⠀byf ++ rules⠀⊹ ˚⠀masterlist⠀⊹ ˚⠀tags⠀⊹ ˚
RECENT — “SPEED OF THE MOMENT.” ♱ song mingi.
THIS BLOG WILL CONTAIN NSFW THEMES such as explicit sexual content, and also dark content. all of the oc’s and/or readers i write here will be tall (6’2), and INDIGENOUS HISPANIC/LATINE. ignorant white ppl dni !!
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© S0PEISM PRODUCTIONS 2023 ♱ please do not plagiarize, steal, copy, or repost any of my works and/or my graphics. all rights reserved.
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wornkindness · 7 months
GETTING TO KNOW YOU Respond to the prompts below, and tag fellow writers that you’d like to get to know better.
favorite color(s): any shade of blue / teal favorite movie(s): lord of the rings, the mummy, the princess bride, ever after, spirit stallion of the cimarron, black beauty (the 1994 one obviously), how to train your dragon, star trek the voyage home. favorite book(s): the lord of the rings, black beauty, pride and prejudice, the brief history of the dead, there are others but i have suddenly forgotten every book i have ever read and 90% of my books are still in boxes because i have no shelves favorite series: spartacus , csi, criminal minds, leverage, the haunting of hill house / the haunting of bly manor, marco polo, bridgerton, avatar the last airbender. favorite musician(s): taylor swift, delta rae, felix hagan and the family, hans zimmer, john powell, dolly parton, others probably but i just turn on one of my 43867 playlists and go from there. favorite music: i will in fact listen to anything, but it changes on the day depending on how i'm feeling and what i want to vibe to. again i have a billion playlists and they are all different. last song: texas hold ‘em (i've had this song on a loop for like 3 days tbh) last series: sisi. last movie: princess diaries 2. currently reading: in book format: fiction- the sea of monsters, non fiction- secrets we kept three women of trinidad. in audiobook format: the eye of the world, spare. currently watching: yellowjackets, but also doing a rewatch of victoria for the amelia vibes currently working on: unpacking/finally having an actual living room, lockridge verse things, rp related stuff.
tagged by: @valorums tagging: anyone who wants to steal this
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timelessxmemories · 1 year
Songs that fit a select few TURN: Washington's Spies characters except it is completely unexplainable and I use songs I relate to the most because self projection is fun:
Extra Tags: @lauraroleplayss , @cupid-beatricereden & @amrevgeekworld
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Edmund Hewlett:
The Good In Me - Jon Bellion Why Worry? - Set It Off Doctor - Truslow Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots
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Robert Townsend:
Wow, I'm Not Crazy! - AJR A Sadness Runs Through Him - Hozier Two Face - Jake Daniels Numb Little Bug - Em Beihold Goodbye - Bo Burnham Overwhelmed - Royal and The Serpent Panic Room - Au/Ra Horrible Kids - Set It Off Look Who's Inside Again - Bo Burnham
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John Graves Simcoe:
I Am Not A Robot - MARINA I Can't Decide - Scissor Sisters Riot - Hollywood Undead Teenagers - MCR Mama - MCR
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Anna Strong:
Jolene - Dolly Parton Good For You - DEH Hidden In The Sand - Tally Hall Gretel - Sodikken Molly - Mindless Self Indulgence Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
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Benjamin Tallmadge:
Objection Funk! - Remix - NerViSon Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons Ain't No Crying - Derivakat Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
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Abraham Woodhull:
GOSSIP - Maneskin. FT: Tom Morello We Don't Have To Dance - Andy Black Outrunning Karma - Alec Benjamin Good For You - DEH The Main Character - Will Wood Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
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Caleb Brewster:
iRobot - Jon Bellion Go Get Your Gun - The Dear Hunter Steampunk Revolution - Abney Park I'd Rather Drown - Set It Off Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne
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Mary Woodhull:
Lemons - Brye. FT: Cavetown All The Things She Said - Poppy Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood You Should Be Sad - Halsey Good For You - DEH
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Samuel Townsend:
Shut Eye - Stealing Sheep Everything Moves - Bronze Radio Returns Piano Man - Billy Joel Hall Of Fame - The Script
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martsonmars · 2 years
I just saw a music tag game that I'm adapting for your (and my) entertainment: (old timer voice) Back in my day (/end old timer voice) we used to have these tag games on Facebook where you'd put your iPod on shuffle and use the song titles to answer a series of personal questions. No skipping!
So! Put your Spotify Liked list or your favorite playlist or whatever on shuffle and here we go: What is your gender? How do you feel? If you could go anywhere, where would it be? Describe your best friend: If your life was a tv show, what would it be called? Favorite time of day? What do you fear? Relationship status? What is life like to you?
ooooh yes i like this version of it because i wouldn't have been able to pick an artist 🤣 (but also, thanks @shrekgogurt for the tag!)
i put on shuffle my top songs 2022 playlist, let's see what happens.
what's your gender?
Jolene by Dolly Parton. Interesting choice. It feels gender enough, especially if I think of Lil Nas X's cover and, of course, McQueen McQueen.
how do you feel?
Zero to Hero from Hercules. Well. I'm pretty much still in the “zero” phase but maybe this means there's hope 😂 (also are the Muses horny for me???)
if you could go anywhere, where would it be?
Space Man by Sam Ryder. YES PLS. I want to see the universe!!!
describe your best friend:
Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance. I don't know how much this song could actually describe my best friend, but she's the one who introduced me to this song and it was relevant in some important phases of our friendship, so it's pretty fitting.
if your life was a tv show, what would it be called?
you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish. Um yes please I deserve a crown. Maybe I'll steal Lamb's.
favourite time of the day?
Volcano Man from the Eurovision movie. The first line contains the word “night” so this is pretty accurate again 😂
what do you fear?
SNAP by Rosa Linn. “It's 4am, I can't turn my head off // wishing these memories would fade, they never do”, “get out of my heart // cause I might snap”, “and if one more person says // You should get over it // I might stop talking to people before I snap”. Well. I guess it could make sense.
relationship status?
Dancing Queen by ABBA. No comment on this one.
what is life like to you?
The Passenger by Iggy Pop. Not a bad choice tbh.
well, i had fun with this!
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Mixtape -Part 5 - The Rain Song
Series Summary: You’ve just moved from Los Angeles to Hawkins to finish your senior year and you meet Eddie Munson, who offers to help you find a place in your new school.
Chapter Summary: Moments in yours and Eddies relationship as you grow as a couple.
Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4
Pairing: Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Language, insecurities, pet names used(Sweetheart, dolly, princess, babe, sweetie, honey), established relationship, Valentine’s Day, school dances, alchohol, stealing
Word Count: 6.2K
Author’s Note: Hello! Welcome to part 5! I loved writing this so much. I’m sorry that it’s later than I meant but I wanted to give you something that I was happy with. This is just a bunch of moments with you and Eddie as your relationship grows. I hope you all think it’s as cute as I do. Also, sorry if this is not how snow days work, I lived in California for the first 25 years of my life and have never had one so I did my best. 
The next chapter will be the final one of the series(takes place during S4) and then I will just be doing one shot blurbs for these two of small moments. (Might take them to Cali later as this is a fix -it fic ;) ) 
Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next one!
Let me know what you think! and if you would like to request a one-shot.
*GIF not mine*
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Tuesday December 31, 1985
“Fuck, it’s cold out here.” You said before trying to warm your hands with your breath. 
“I know, I’m sorry, but it sure is pretty at least right?” Eddie asked, taking your hands in his and rubbing them for you to try to help you warm them up.
“Mhm. There are so many stars, it’s insane.” You replied as you looked up to the sky. You were at the edge of Lovers Lake sitting in the back of Eddie’s van with the doors open, a worn blanket over your laps as you leaned into each other and looked at the winter night sky. The moon and stars lit it up in dark blues and purples. It was breathtaking. 
“In the summer, when the moon isn’t out, you can see the whole Milky Way.” The metalhead said as he too looked at the sky. 
“I can’t wait to see it.” You smiled. You looked up at Eddie, taking in the way his big doe eyes shone in the moonlight. “Speaking of summer.” You began, the metalhead pulled his attention from the sky to lock on to your eyes. “I-uh- had something to ask you.” 
“Shoot, sweetheart.” He said with a smile.
“Uhm, my dad got us a big graduation present.” You started. 
“Hopefully I actually graduate this year.” Eddie said with a slight scoff. He was trying to play it off as a joke but you could tell he wasn’t actually sure. 
“You will graduate Eddie, this is your year. If I have to study with you every single day to do it, I will.” You promised, you sent him an encouraging smile. “Remember, ‘86 baby.” 
“Right, ‘86.” He returned your smile. “Though, it will be hard to concentrate on studying when I have such a beautiful study partner.” He added, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a kiss, one you couldn’t help but giggle through.
“Hey, let me finish asking you my question!” You laughed, lightly pushing Eddie away as he peppered your neck with kisses. 
“Okay, okay. Go ahead, dolly.” He said with an exaggerated sigh. 
“So, my dad got us a special graduation gift. He got us tickets to see Megadeth in June.” You got out excitedly. You watched as a large smile broke out of Eddie’s face. 
“Seriously? Megadeth? I didn’t think they were coming out here in June! Did they add a date?” He asked quickly, clearly over the moon.
“Ah, no. That’s where the question comes in.” You watched Eddie cock his head in slight confusion. “The show is in Los Angeles. I have plans to drive out to California for a few weeks after graduation. And I was wondering if you wanted to do the trip with me?” You asked, somewhat anxious for his reply. 
“You want to drive with me across the country and take me to a Megadeth concert in L.A.?” He questioned. 
“Holy shit, doll. That sounds amazing! Of course I want to go!” He practically shouted, he grabbed the sides of your face and planted a searing kiss on your lips. “No one’s ever done anything like that for me.” He added after pulling back, he was staring into your eyes like he was trying to memorize every single color in them. “You’re too good for me, you know that right?” 
You scoffed lightly, “I am not.” You placed your hands on his arms that were still holding your face and gently squeezed. “We’re good enough for each other, Eds. You deserve me as much as I deserve you.” You felt your face heat up as you added, “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted Eddie.” 
“Me too, sweetheart. Everything.” And his lips were on yours again as he kissed you hungrily. He moved his hands from your face, one making its way into your hair and the other around your waist, pulling you as close to him as he could get you. Your hands found their way to his back and you clung to his vest, kissing like neither of you needed oxygen to live. 
You don’t know how long you were like this and it didn’t matter, nothing else mattered besides kissing Eddie. At some point he had moved you into his lap so he could get you even closer to him, the arm around your waist was almost painfully tight but you couldn’t care less. He tasted like cigarettes and champagne, a combination you weren’t sure why you found so intoxicating. You couldn’t help the small moan you let out when he lightly nipped your bottom lip, which caused Eddie to smirk against them. 
You were interrupted when the alarm on Eddie’s watch went off. You pulled apart a little out of breath, both lightly giggling as Eddie turned it off. “Okay, five minutes until New Year’s.” He turned slightly behind him and grabbed your Styrofoam cup that you had been drinking out of earlier and handed it to you before grabbing his own, then he picked up the bottle of champagne the two of you “liberated” from the store and topped up both of your cups. 
“Do you have any New Year's resolutions Eddie?” You asked as you took a sip of your drink. 
“Just to spend as much time with you as I can.” He said with a grin. 
“If we spent anymore time together we would be conjoined twins.” You joked, “I’m serious, what are your resolutions?” 
“So am I, Y/N.” He said somewhat seriously, “I don’t care what happens this year as long as I get to spend every day with you still.” You felt your heart pound wildly in your chest at his answer. 
“Then that’s a good resolution.” You said with a shy smile.
“What about you?” He asked, taking a drink from his cup.
“Just to graduate and spend time with this really cute guy I know.” You responded cheekily. 
“Oh a cute guy huh?“ Eddie asked with a smirk and his eyebrow cocked. “Do I know him?” 
“Mhm, very well actually.” You smiled, “He’s got all this wild hair that I love playing with, and these cute little dimples when he smiles, a bunch of kick ass tattoos. Oh! And the biggest, prettiest, brown eyes I’ve ever seen. Those eyes could probably get me to commit a crime if he tried hard enough.” You giggled, you had brought your free hand up to cup the side of his face as you admired his features.
“I’m pretty sure they did get you to commit a crime, babe.” He chuckled as he nodded his head towards the champagne bottle, but you could see the slight pink in his cheeks. “He-uh- sounds real great, princess.”
“He’s one of the best people I’ve ever met actually. Really kind, and funny, talented, endlessly sweet. Perfect really. I don’t know where I would be right now without him.” You said seriously, looking into those eyes you loved. You saw a goofy love-sick look appear on Eddie’s face as you spoke, you were sure you wore a matching one.
“I bet he feels the same way about you.” He said softly, looking from your eyes to your lips and back as you flushed. “That’s a good resolution too.” 
“I like to think so.” You smiled, the two of you shared another heart-filled look with each other before you tore your eyes away, “How much time do we have left, honey?” 
Eddie looked at his watch again, “20 seconds actually.” He pointed his wrist at you so you could both watch it count down. 
“3…2…1! Happy New Year!” You said together before kissing right at midnight. 
“You know that was my first ever New Year’s kiss?” Eddie said as he took a sip of his drink after you pulled apart. 
“Mine too, actually.” You replied as you took a sip of yours, absentmindedly playing with a lock of Eddie’s hair with your other hand.
“First of many, I hope.” He said as he bit his lip lightly.
“I think so.” You replied confidently, loving the cute soft smile that graced his face. 
“I think this is going to be a good year, baby.” Eddie said as he set his drink down and wrapped both his arms around you again, pulling you into him further from your spot on his lap. 
“I think so too, Eds.” You beamed, leaning and kissing him again. 
Wednesday January 22, 1986
The wind was pounding on all sides of the Munson trailer as you and Eddie were cuddled on the small couch, a blanket wrapped around you both as you watched the copy of The Goonies you had rented that night before the snowstorm hit. 
You jumped after a particularly powerful gust rattled the window behind you. This was your first ever snowstorm and you were already on edge about possibly getting snowed in or the power going out, the trailer was barely warm enough with the power on. Eddie chuckled lightly and pulled you further into him with the arm that was around your shoulder.
“It’s okay baby, just the wind.” He said gently, leaving a kiss on your temple. “Nothing to worry about, we get these all the time. If we’re lucky, the school will call and we won’t have to go in tomorrow.” 
“That’s a real thing? Snow days?” You asked, looking up at your boyfriend's face. You watched as an amused smile graced his features and he looked down to meet your eyes.
“They are indeed, sweetheart. And with a storm like this, I give ‘em an hour before they call. Then it’ll be you and me; sleeping in, watching movies, I can show you how to play my guitar again.” He listed, seemingly very excited about the prospect. “Oh, you’ve never made a snowman, or had a snowball fight have you?”
You shook your head, you had only ever visited your grandma when it was warmer or at least for Christmas before the snow really stuck. “You have to go up to the mountains to get to the snow in L.A. and I never really made time to do that.” You smiled. 
“Oh well then dolly, if we get the day off I’ll show you how to embrace a snow day.” He smirked, kissing your cheek before turning his attention back to the movie. 
Exactly 48 minutes later, with the storm not letting up outside, the phone in the trailer rang. Eddie shot you a knowing grin as he got up to answer it. He listened to the message on the other side for a few moments before hanging up the phone and walking back to you. 
“No school tomorrow!” He said with a large smile before plopping down next to you again. “I’m going to teach you how to make a snowman. Maybe we’ll have a snowball fight too.” 
“You promised me we’d get to sleep in, we get to do that right?” You asked as you rested your head on his shoulder, wrapping the blanket around you two again. 
“Oh of course we do. I’ll never pass up more sleep next to my girl.” He said before kissing the top of your head and putting his arm around you. 
~ The Next Morning ~ 
You woke up a little past 10, your head using Eddie’s chest as a pillow as the man laid on his back with his arm wrapped around you, holding you close to him. You looked up at your boyfriend and couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face. You loved seeing Eddie like this, peacefully sleeping, the gentle sunlight making his features look soft and beautiful. Like some kind of renaissance painting. You could look at him like this for hours, never wanting to break his peace. 
“Are you staring at me, princess?” He suddenly asked, a small smirk appearing on his face though his eyes were still closed. 
“How could you even tell?” You asked with a giggle.
“I can feel your eyes on me.” He said, finally opening his eyes to meet yours, a large sleepy smile on his face, “Morning, gorgeous.” 
“Good morning, handsome.” You beamed back. 
“God, I love waking up like this.” He said with a happy sigh, wrapping his other arm around you and holding you close. “Waking up with you makes every day better, you know that?”
“Mine too, Eds.” You said brightly, leaning up to leave a gentle kiss on his cheek. 
“More.” He said with a grin. 
You laughed and leaned up, kissing his other cheek. 
Suddenly you were attacking his face with kisses as he laughed under you, you made sure to cover his entire face before pulling back with a large smile. “That enough, baby?” 
“Yeah, that’s enough. For now. How about we go make breakfast huh?” Eddie asked with a love sick smile as he pushed a lock of hair behind your ear. You nodded in agreement, leaving one more kiss on his lips before getting out of bed. Eddie followed, groaning as he stretched his back when he stood. 
“Wow there’s so much snow out there!” You said as you looked out Eddie’s window, the trailer park was covered in the fluffy white powder, making it look like it was covered in frosting. The sun was shining and the reflection off the snow made the whole place look brighter than you had seen it before. “I can’t wait to make a snowman!” You said excitedly, turning a big smile on Eddie as he was pulling on a band shirt. 
“Yeah? Me neither, doll.” He smiled back, “Know what you want it to look like?” 
“Can we dress it up like Wayne for when he gets home later?” You chuckled as you led the way out of the bedroom and into the small kitchen, Eddie laughed lightly as he followed. 
“Yeah we can put an old shirt on it, and one of these hats.” He gestured towards the walls littered with his uncle's collection.
You found yourself out on the little porch about 45 minutes later, you had changed out of your sleeping clothes and into much warmer ones after breakfast. You were waiting for Eddie when something caught your attention from the corner of your eye. Rounding the corner onto the plowed street on their bikes were Dustin, Mike, and Lucas. 
“What are you all doing here? Isn’t it like 7 miles from your house Wheeler?” You asked when the boys got within ear shot. “It’s also cold as hell out here, why are you on your bikes?” 
“We’re bored and wanted to see if you and Eddie were doing anything.” Dustin said as he dropped his bike off to the side of Eddie’s van, the other boys following. 
“You know there’s a phone right, Henderson?” Came Eddie’s voice as he walked out of the trailer, shrugging his leather jacket on as he did. 
“Yeah, well we were already out and the arcade was still closed so we came out here.” Mike said as they walked up to where the two of you were standing. 
“Well we were going to build a snowman because I’ve never made one before.” You said cheerfully, “You can help if you want!” 
“You’ve never made a snowman?” Lucas said incredulously, raising his eyebrow in disbelief. 
“From California remember? It’s like 70 degrees year round, where am I gonna get snow to make a snowman?” You scoffed, “I’ve made some pretty great sand castles though.” 
You all decided to make the snowman right by the steps of the front door so Wayne wouldn’t be able to miss it when he got home. The guys showed you how to start the balls and how to get them bigger by rolling them in the surrounding snow until it was the proper size. 
You laughed and chatted about the campaign you had the next day as you worked, excited about the story Eddie created. You had just started a new arc for the semester and the villain, Vecna, was turning out to be quite challenging so far. The boys tried to probe Eddie for any hints with the story as you built the snowman but the man wasn’t budging. 
“I’m not giving away any secrets, that defeats the point of playing.” Eddie said as he placed one of Wayne’s hats on top of the completed snowman’s head. 
“Oh come on Eddie! Just a little hint?” Dustin asked, crossing his arms as he did. 
“No way Henderson, that’ll give you all an advantage. That’s not very fair, now is it?” The man said with a smirk. As he turned to walk back into the trailer a small ball of snow hit him in the back of the head, freezing him in his spot. 
He turned around almost threateningly slow, a playfully annoyed look on his face, “Which one of you little shits threw that?” He asked as he sauntered closer to where you and the boys were standing. The four of you looked at each other quickly before scattering, running in all directions away from Eddie. 
You ran as best as you could through the snow until you were hiding behind the trailer across the street from Eddie’s. You could hear the others laughing as they tried to evade the metalhead as he chased them down. You were packing a few snow balls as you heard a loud yell of surprise from the other side of the trailer. “It was Y/N!! She threw it!” You heard Mike rat you out. 
“I knew one of you would spill, thanks Wheeler.” You heard your boyfriend say. Armed with a snowball in each hand you peered around from behind the trailer to see if you could spot them. You saw them about 30 feet from where you were, Eddie was helping Mike up from the ground where he seemed to have tackled him. 
Eddie scanned the area for a moment before his eyes locked with yours and a large shit-eating grin appeared on his face. “Oh sweetheart, seems you’ve been found out!” He yelled as he started after you. 
“Thanks a lot Mike!” You called as you ran to the woods that were behind your hiding spot. 
You couldn’t help the laughter that was bubbling out of you as you ran through the trees, trying to stay out of Eddie’s grasp as he began to gain on you, his legs were longer than yours so it was easy for him. 
You threw one of the snowballs in your hands behind you when you heard him get particularly close, you could hear the snow collide with its target before you were being pulled to the ground. You felt Eddie’s body land on top of you as you collided with the snow, getting a face full of the cold slush. 
You were giggling as Eddie flipped you around so you were on your back pinned under him, you saw the large playful smile he had on his face, “That wasn’t very nice now was it, princess?” 
You put on as innocent a look you could muster in the moment, “You said you wanted a snowball fight, honey.” You smiled sweetly.
“That’s not really what I had in mind.” He laughed as he pried the other snowball out of your hand and threw it to the side. “I was supposed to get you covered in snow, not the other way around.” 
“Now, that’s not very nice, now is it?” You said his words back to him teasingly, Eddie rolled his eyes. 
“Jesus, you’re a menace you know that?” He laughed as he laced his hands with both of yours. 
“Yeah, but I’m your menace!” You beamed back. 
“Yeah, you are.” He said fondly as he looked into your eyes, you watched him ever so slightly bite his lip as his eyes shot down to look at yours and back up to your eyes. “You know babe, your lips look cold, want me to warm them up for you?” He said with a confident smirk. You rolled your eyes playfully at the line, but leaned up and smashed your lips against his.
“Eww, get a room you guys.” You heard Dustin say from behind Eddie. The metalhead broke the kiss and sighed as he leaned back from your chuckling face, looking behind him to see the 3 freshmen. 
“You know, I think we will Henderson.” Eddie said as he stood up, he leaned down and helped you up before wrapping his arm around your waist and leading you back towards the trailer park. “Time to get lost now, twerps.” 
“Oh come on! That’s not fair!” You heard the boy call as you two walked away.
“Too bad, boys!” Eddie shouted back over his shoulder. You then heard the sound of snow hitting an object and Eddie stopped walking. You looked and saw the fresh snow falling down your boyfriend's back and the smirk on Dustin’s face. 
“Oh you’re gonna get it now you little shits.” Eddie said before he started chasing after them.
Thursday February 6, 1986
“Okay class, I’m going to let you take the rest of the period to study for the test tomorrow, you may work with your table.” Mr. Deerfield, your physics teacher, said from the front of the classroom. 
The class filled with light chatter as the students turned to each other, many actually studying for the test while a few were discussing plans for next week's Valentine’s Day Sweetheart Dance. The school was decked out with pink and red paper hearts everywhere and there were banners promoting the dance seemingly in every hallway. 
“Hey, do you think you’re ready for the test?” You heard Robin say next to you. You had been sitting at the same table as her since your first day at Hawkins High and, besides Eddie, she became one of your first friends here.
“Yeah I think so, do you need help with anything?” You asked, turning to face her. 
“No, I just wanted to see if you actually wanted to study or if you want to talk about the dance next week.” She said quietly, “Are you and Eddie going?” 
You smirked slightly, Eddie Munson at a Valentine’s Day dance? You had wanted to go, never having had a boyfriend to take to one of those school dances before, but you were pretty sure Eddie wouldn’t want to go, it not really being his kind of scene. 
“I don’t think so, I’ve mentioned it once or twice but I don’t think he’ll want to go.” You responded, not being able to help the slight disappointment in your voice. You knew that those dances weren’t really your scene either but there was something about the idea of getting dressed up and dancing all night with Eddie to cheesy love songs that made you want to go. 
“Yeah, I haven’t ever seen him go to a dance before.” She said thoughtfully, “But hey!” She exclaimed quietly, turning completely to face you in her stool. “You can come with me and my band friends! A few of us are going even though we don’t have dates! It’ll be fun still!” 
“I don’t know, going with Eddie is kind of the only reason I’d want to go, you know?” You said, receiving an understanding nod from your friend. You looked around the room quickly before you added in a hushed voice, “Are you going to go with Vicki? You know, as friends?” You gave her a sly smile, it was hard to miss the way she looked at her band mate and you had broached the topic gently about a month into school.
You saw the color rush to her cheeks ever so slightly, “No! I mean she might be there, but she’s not going with me-or us I guess I should say.” She rushed out quickly. 
“Hey, maybe you should chat with her if you see her there, spend a little time with her.” You suggested softly. “I know you said that you aren’t sure, but I think Vicki might be interested too.” 
“There’s no way to know in a place like this, I can’t just ask a girl to dance or anything without being shunned by the entire town.” She whispered, looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. 
“Okay, okay! I understand! I just want you to be happy, you know?” You said with a warm smile, grabbing her hand and gently squeezing it. 
“I know, thank you. It’s nice to have another person besides Steve to talk to about this.” She replied gratefully. 
“I’ll always be here for you, Robin.” You reassured. 
Over the sound of the class you could hear a knocking coming from the classroom door. 3 short knocks, followed by 3 long ones and then finished with another 3 short ones. S.O.S.
You turned to the window in the door and could only briefly see some brown hair as it bolted away from the door as your teacher approached it. You had taught Eddie S.O.S. in morse code in case either of you needed each other and couldn’t say it. Though, Eddie liked to use it to get you to skip class with him. Something you’re sure he was doing now. 
You waited 5 minutes from when the teacher sat back down to excuse yourself to the nurses office, claiming that you weren’t feeling well. Robin knew what the knocking was and had given you a knowing look as you said goodbye for the day. 
You walked out of the school with your belongings, buttoning your jacket up to fight the chill as you made your way across the campus into the woods behind the school. There waiting for you at the bench with a large smile was your boyfriend. 
“Hi princess.” He said happily as you approached him. He leaned over to grab a quick kiss once you had sat down. 
“Hey baby, what’s up?” You asked, resting your hands on the table. 
“What? Can’t I just want to see my girl?” He asked with mock offense. 
“Usually you send an S.O.S. when you want to ditch. Is that what we’re doing?” You wondered impishly.
“Well, yes. But, I also wanted to ask you something.” He said, grabbing your hands in his and looking up at you with a soft smile. You cocked your head at this.
“I was wondering if you would go to the Sweetheart Dance with me, sweetheart?” He finished with a playful raise of his eyebrows on the pet name. 
“Wait. You’re asking me to the dance?” You asked, confused. You couldn’t believe you were hearing this.
“Well, yeah. You mentioned going, and I’ll admit, it’s not something I usually do. But you want to go. So I want to take you.” He said sweetly, biting his lip in anticipation, for some reason nervous that you’d reject him. 
“Are you sure Eddie?” You pressed, not wanting to force him to do something he’d hate. 
“More than sure. I’m not gonna lie, I’d love to see you in a pretty dress and, don’t tell anyone, but I love dancing to shitty love songs with you.” Eddie said, leaning forward to leave a chaste kiss on your cheek. “So what do you say babe? Will you go with me?” 
You beamed at your boyfriend and squeezed his hands, “Of course I will.” You leaned towards the man and peppered his lips with excited kisses. “Thank you for doing this honey.” 
“Anything for you, sweet thing.” He grinned, “Well since we’re already out of school, how about we go back to my place?” You nodded and the two of you stood up and made your way to Eddie’s van hand in hand. 
~ Saturday ~ 
“Can you try on the red one again?” Robin asked from her chair near the dressing room. You were at a store in a mall a town over, trying on dresses for the dance. The day before, you had gone to class and told your friend how Eddie asked you to go and you asked her to help you find a dress. You had found the style you wanted, a pretty knee length off the shoulder satin dress, but couldn’t decide on what color to go with. 
You went back into the dressing room and changed into the red version of the dress, you then walked out and your mom helped you zip up. You did a spin in front of the women, “What do you think? Is it too cliche to wear red for Valentine’s Day?” 
“Not when you look like that in it.” Robin said honestly, receiving a chuckle from your mom. 
“You do really look amazing in it sweetie.” She said from her spot next to Robin. 
“Thank you, I just want to look nice for Eddie.” You responded, still unsure. 
“You could show up in a trash bag and I think Eddie still wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off of you.” Your friend joked, you flushed at the comment. 
“You know, I wore a red dress like this to my Sweetheart Dance too.” Your mother stated, “It’s the night your dad and I got together.” She smiled at the interested looks you and Robin shared. “It was junior year, he had been working himself up to ask me for 2 weeks, worried that I’d say no. He didn’t know that I had a crush on him for 3 years at that point, so he spent the whole night trying to impress and flirt with me.” You watched as she seemed to smile brighter at the memory. “I remember we were dancing to This Magic Moment and he had just finished telling me this stupid joke, and I got this feeling thatI knew that this was the man I was going to marry. And the rest is history I guess.” 
“I never knew it was at the Sweetheart Dance.” You smiled. 
“Yeah, I didn’t think it was necessary to tell you which dance. I didn’t know you would be going to the same dance at the same school nearly 23 years later.” She said with a chuckle. “So what do you think? Which color?” 
You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time, “I’ll go with the red.” Returning the smiles the women were giving you.
~ Friday February 14th ~ 
The dance was in full swing, you were dancing to a Madonna song with Robin and some of her band friends, catching the eye of your date every now and then from his spot at your table, an amused look on his face as he watched you. 
Robin had been right, Eddie hadn’t been able to take his eyes off you all night, since the moment he entered your house with a matching corsage his eyes had been glued to you. He had even frozen in his step for a moment when he first saw you, your dads laughter being what broke him out of it and he had simply said, “You look amazing sweetheart.” 
Eddie made his way across the gym as the song faded and the next one started up, Faithfully by Journey. He presented his hand to you when he reached you, “May I have this dance, princess?” He asked with a sweet smile. You returned it as you took his hand and he pulled you flush with him, he wrapped his arms around your waist as yours went around his neck. “I can’t believe I get to dance with the most beautiful girl all of Hawkins.” 
“You get to date her too.” You laughed lightly to yourself. 
“I know! I’m the luckiest, aren’t I?” He said back, resting his forehead against yours. “They say that the road
Ain't no place to start a family
Right down the line, it's been you and me
And lovin' a music man
Ain't always what it's supposed to be
Oh, girl, you stand by me
I'm forever yours, faithfully.” Eddie sang along with the song.
You felt yourself flush as you saw the look of utter adoration come across the metalheads face, never having been looked at like that before. You pressed your lips to his in a passionate kiss, trying to put all your feelings that you didn’t have the courage to say outloud into it. You knew that you wanted to be by his side for as long as Eddie would have you. 
Saturday, March 8, 1986
“Eddie? Baby? Are you home?” You called as you entered the trailer. You had helped your grandma run errands today and Eddie wasn’t expecting you for another hour but you knew he wouldn’t mind if you came by earlier. You had been knocking on the front door for a few minutes with no answer, but you know that he was home from his van that was parked out front. You didn’t see him in the living room. Maybe he was napping? Or listen to music with headphones? You made your way down the hall that led to his bedroom, a soft strumming of a guitar coming from the open door. 
“Ed-” You froze in the doorway. There he was, sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to you, his guitar in his hands and headphone over his ears as he played along with what he was listening to, seeming to be trying to teach himself. But it was that reason that you paused, the song that he was listening to was your favorite, The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin.
“This is the springtime of my loving-
The second season I am to know
You are the sunlight in my growing-
So little warmth I've felt before.
It isn't hard to feel me glowing-
I watched the fire that grew so low.” 
He sang out as he strummed along with the song. You knew you wanted to hear more, not believing that he was learning this song, your heart clenching at the gesture. But you felt like you were intruding, he clearly hadn’t meant for you to hear it like this. You walked up to him and gently placed your hand on his shoulder, getting his attention. 
Eddie jumped when he felt your hand, thinking that he was alone. He pulled the headphones off his head quickly and looked up at you, a blush creeping to his cheeks at getting caught. “Hey baby, I wasn’t expecting you so soon.” 
“Yeah, we got done early, I’m sorry, I didn’t think you would mind. I- I didn’t mean to interrupt you.” You said quickly. 
“No, it’s okay dolly. I was just hoping to surprise you at the show next week.” He said with a shy chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.   
You sat next to him, turned to him so you could see him fully. “Will you play it for me? Please?” 
Eddie looked slightly surprised at your request, the blush on his cheeks deepened  a bit as he wetted his lips nervously, “Yeah I can do that sweetheart.” He said softly. He turned to you so you were both facing each other now, he looked up at you as he started playing again, picking up where he had left off. 
“It is the summer of my smiles-
Flee from me keepers of the gloom.
Speak to me only with your eyes
It is to you I give this tune.
Ain't so hard to recognize-
These things are clear to all from
Time to time. Ooooh…
 Talk talk-
I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go
I cursed the gloom that set upon us...
But i know that I love you so”
Eddie looked into your eyes as he sang to you, trying to put as much emotion into the lyrics and his expression as he could.
“But I know that I love you so.
These are the seasons of emotion
 And like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion-
I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient-
Upon us all a little rain
Must fall, just a little rain?
Ooooh, yeah yeah yeah!”
You bit your lip when he finished the nearly 8 minute song, trying to keep your emotions back. Did he mean it? Or was it just because they were the lyrics to the song? You knew how you felt about Eddie, you knew it since the dance at least, if not longer, but you knew you loved him and you hoped that he felt the same way. Was this the confirmation?
“Do you-uhm- did you mean the lyrics Eddie?” You asked tentatively.  
You saw Eddie gulp, he searched your eyes for a moment before slowly nodding his head. “I love you Y/N L/N.” He said confidently. 
You felt the smile that broke out on your face as you reached out and cupped Eddies face, you pulled him to you in an emotional kiss, pulling back after a few moments breathlessly, “I love you too Eddie Munson.” You watched him beam up at you before your lips were on each other again.
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cantstoptheimagines · 2 years
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Maxine (Lucas Sinclair | Stranger Things)
Summary — Your insecurities get the better of you.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Angst; Reader experiences feelings of insecurity and jealousy (comparing oneself to another person); like, two curse words; mentions of crying; references to ‘stealing’ someone’s partner; mentions of death (Billy); physical affection (arm around shoulders, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, etc.).
Notes ➳ Word Count is 1,528, including lyrics. ➳ Reader uses feminine pronouns (she/her).  ➳ Inspired by Dolly Parton’s iconic song, “Jolene”.
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule 
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Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, I’m begging of you please don’t take my man...
You knew she was nothing more than a friend. He had told so several times. Hell, she had even visited your house to calm your nerves one afternoon!
Everything was totally, completely, absolutely platonic.
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, please don't take him just because you can...
But it didn’t help that each time someone saw them together, they’d talk about how the two were, ‘Such a cute couple!’
This always left you with a deep pain in your chest and tears welling in your eyes while the two tried to explain that they weren’t a couple at all. That you were his girlfriend, not her.
Moments like those always left an awkward atmosphere between the three of you, especially when you’d hear the person joke, “Watch out! She might steal your boyfriend if you’re not careful!”
Your beauty is beyond compare, with flaming locks of auburn hair, with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green...
Leaves fell from the trees, changing to all the shades of autumn reds, yellows, and oranges, as you waited outside the school for Lucas to join you. His last class was on the other end of the building, which meant you always had to wait for him in the evenings.
You also had to wait for her. Since her step-brother had passed, Lucas invited her to join the two of you on your walks home after school.
The sound of their shared laughter echoed in the cool breeze as they burst through the school’s front doors. You couldn’t help admiring her.
Her long, auburn hair framed her face perfectly. Small strands of it blew in the soft wind. She quickly tucked it behind her ears with gentle fingertips.
She was covered in freckles, but they suited her. They made her appear as though she had gone dancing in the stars before deciding to decorate her skin with them.
Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. They crinkled in the corners as she laughed at some joke Lucas must have made.
Your smile is like a breath of spring, your voice is soft like summer rain...
Her happy smile was wide as she gently shoved his shoulder. He grinned back at her in amusement, adjusting the strap of his backpack.
“Hey,” she greeted, now focusing on you instead.
Her voice was something else. Even though there was a hint of nervousness behind it, which only seemed to be there whenever she was around you, she still exuded an air of confidence, almost like she couldn’t help it.
She was the most beautiful girl you had ever known.
And I cannot compete with you, Maxine...
“Hi,” you muttered, twiddling your thumbs as you gazed between the two. “What took you guys so long?”
“I had to talk to Coach Davies,” answered Lucas. “Tryouts for the basketball team are coming up and I wanted to make a good impression! I think I have a good chance of making the team! Isn’t that great?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, glancing down at your shoes. “Yeah, that’s really cool, Lucas.”
A silence fell between the three of you. Lucas could sense the tension. He quickly wrapped an arm around your shoulders, kissed your temple, and asked, “You ready to go?”
You gave him a small smile, nodding in response. He kissed you again, and then said, “C’mon, Max!”
On your walk home, with you on his right and her on his left, Lucas was the only one who spoke, all the while you and Max Mayfield continued to drift further away from any potential friendship of your own.
He talks about you in his sleep and there’s nothing I can do to keep from crying when he calls your name, Maxine...
That night, after you and Lucas had dropped her off at home, you found yourselves huddled beneath a blanket, watching a movie in your living room.
Leaning against your chest with his arms on either side of you, Lucas was nearly asleep as you gently rubbed his back. This wouldn’t be the first time he had stayed at your house, nor would it be the last.
“Falling asleep so soon?” you teased. “It’s not even nine o’clock yet.”
He huffed, eyes still closed, before he muttered, “Be quiet, Max.”
Maybe it would be the last.
You paused in your movements, listening as your boyfriend’s mumbles slowly turned into quiet snores. He was blissfully unaware of the mistake. Or, at least, what you hoped was a mistake.
As you listened to the sounds of your television, a wave of tears began to cascade down your cheeks.
And I can easily understand how you could easily take my man, but you don’t know what he means to me, Maxine...
There may have been a sea of people in the school courtyard, but only two truly caught your eye. Lucas and Max grinned at one another in amusement. While your hands were tightly gripping your backpack, hers were holding his.
She was teaching him how to skateboard. Nothing more. And yet, the way he beamed at her after almost tumbling to the ground sent a flood of melancholy through your body.
It didn’t take long for her eyes to meet yours. She quickly released your boyfriend’s hands, though it wasn’t out of guilt or potential for scandal. She did so to wave excitedly and gesture for you to join them.
Lucas did the same. Did he feel as happy to see you as he always was to see her? You weren’t sure anymore. She was his best friend, after all. There was no reason for you to feel so upset.
And yet, whenever your eyes met hers, your insecurities would only fester deep within your heart.
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, I’m begging of you please don’t take my man... Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, please don’t take him just because you can...
Only a few days later, she had asked you to come with her to the first basketball game of the season.
She had asked you.
Not Lucas. Not your boyfriend.
“He was going to,” she said, shoveling popcorn into her mouth as she eyed the players, “but I told him that I wanted to! It gives us some time to hang out together! We don’t know each other that well!”
That was true. You didn’t really know her at all. She was always doing things like this. She had asked you to hang out on the weekends, sneak into the drive-in, or even visit the arcade with her countless times. She was so… nice.
Did you deserve it? In your opinion, probably not. Spending all your time comparing yourself to her hasn’t helped with gaining any potential friendship with her. In fact, it had made things worse.
She was trying to be your friend while you were stewing in self-pity. She was Aphrodite. Beautiful, strong-willed, and one hundred percent fucking perfect for your boyfriend.
You could have your choice of men, but I could never love again... He’s the only one for me, Maxine...
Whether she realized it or not, you had noticed how other people looked at Max. Everyone seemed to have a crush on her.
Lucas, however, told you that she hadn’t dated anyone before. How he knew that, you didn’t particularly want to ask, but it put your mind a little more at ease.
She hadn’t been interested in anyone since she came to Hawkins. She was always trying to become friends with you. Or, at the very least, become a ‘friend of a friend’.
But you weren’t like her. Lucas was your one and only. There was no one else in Hawkins, Indiana, that you’d rather be with.
I had to have this talk with you, my happiness depends on you, and whatever you decide to do, Maxine...
Max was explaining herself again. You had seen them far too close for your liking in the library. You knew it meant nothing, exactly like she told you, but you couldn’t stop yourself from asking.
“Are you sure?”
Max gave you a small smile. You could’ve sworn it was simply out of pity. She replied, “I promise that I don’t have a crush on Lucas.”
She raised her eyebrows, and muttered, “Do you want me to stay away—?”
“No!” you quickly interrupted. “Of course not!”
She nodded slowly, brushing some of her long hair out of her face. There she goes, you thought. Being beautiful again.
As she gave you a farewell wave, you stared after her. Why did she have to be so perfect?
Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, I’m begging of you please don’t take my man... Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, please don’t take him even though you can...
Stepping out into the cool autumn air, you pulled your jacket tighter around your body. You had made a decision after your conversation with Max.
It was one that left Lucas wondering why you didn’t walk home with him after school. And Max, curious as to why she saw you staring at a box of red hair dye at the store later that evening.
Maxine, Maxine…
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frost-queen · 1 year
HTTYD ~ Headcanon (Sis!Reader)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine
A/n: I started writing something, saw how little time I had so I whipped this up as it didn't require as much work as a full fic - sorry
Summary: You are Hiccup's little sister. How is the relationship with him and your dad? What is it like to be paired with Dagur? Being a dragon rider?
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Hiccup ⚔️
You are a few years younger then him. Since Hiccup didn't have much friends, he considered you his best friend. lame For years it was just him and you cause he had no one else that wanted to be around.
When he met Toothless, you were the first to know. He even allowed you to meet him second. You were a bit scared in the beginning, but Toothless was very cautious around you. It didn't take you long to play games with Toothless where you chase after him.
Hiccup started to get popular resolting in kind of forgetting about you. His priority became his new friends. Specially Astrid. It pained you. You hated them for stealing your brother from you. Each thing you suggested to do with him, backfired. The same few rehearsed words coming out of his mouth. I have no time, i'm busy or ask someone else. It frustrated you so much, you went dragon searching for your own. Not caring how dangerous it was. Was it perhaps a cry for attention... maybe?
You had fallen down a pit. So much for dragon hunting Ha. Gobbler heard you after hours of yelling and crying. How embarrasing. He brought you straight to your dad. Where he surprise, surprise lectured you on the dangers of going alone. When Hiccup came back, he heard of your misfortune. It led to him visiting your room, asking how you were. It led to you shouting in tears at him how he was neglecting you. Hiccup felt guilty afterwards. He told you how he was never going to forget about you with a hug.
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Chief's daughter 🛡️
Being the chief's daughter, you had a lot of restrictions. Lot's of don't do this and stay away from that. He secretly send Gobbler to keep an eye or as you like to call it spy on you.
Stoick was very protective over you. Being his only daughter, he felt the extra need to be protective. Any boy that came your way, he intimidated into leaving. People were at first afraid to be friends with you due to being Stoick's daughter. It were some very lonely first years till eventually your father eased his rules a bit up.
When dragons first came, he was still very cautious. Wanting you no where near it. Afterall one killed your mother. It took him a long time to entrust you with a dragon of your own. It was hard for him to let you go and accept that you aren't a little girl anymore.
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Dragon riding 🔥
You knew from the first moment you saw them, it was your dragon. It was like something felt right. The dragon of your choice fits your personality purely. Almost identical, twins. Hiccup and Toothless had a great relationship which you envied. It took one stormy night for you and your dragon to truly come together. Your dragon had shielded you from the storm when the roof nearly came down.
After the storm, you had fallen asleep under the dragon's wing, snuggling to the body. From then it was as if you had one mind. Your dragon knew what you were thinking or expected by just one look. Soon you were almost an expert in flying. The harmony you had with your dragon was perfect. It made Hiccup's friends jealous... him too.
You quickly became an expert in flying, taking the lead on missions. You got them out of a lot of tricky situations. When you were older, you'd be given the opportunity to learn younglings how to fly their dragons.
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Dagur ❤️
The first time you were paired with Dagur, you were so annoyed by him. So full of himself and egocentric. To be honest you hated and repulsed him. His interest in killing dragons was a huge red flag. Over time he got an interest in controlling dragons. Making him less full of hate, yet still very dumb and egocentric to you. Always trying to flirt with you in all the wrong ways. No way he was getting through that shield of yours ;)
After an almost fatal incident where Dagur saved you, you had a change of heart. Pop, there your heart went. The more he worked on himself, the more his silly flirts had an affect on you. Slowly you started to fall in love with him. At first you found yourself an idiot for doing so, but then you saw more of his personality it wasn't that big of a deal anymore. Dagur didn't seem surprised when you flirted back, yet screaming on the inside. You started to spend more time with him which led to a first kiss.
He vowed to devote his life to you. Your dad was happy when he told him you were a pair. Hiccup on the other hand, questioned your sanity. At first he thought you might have hit your head. Dagur needed to prove himself a lot to your brother. Eventually he'd accept him when Dagur asked for your hand.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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heximagines · 2 years
Just platonic eternal life partners, nothing else to see here. Or is there? 👀
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You remember your first best friend, Emma Stanley. The two of you were conjoined at the hip. If you scraped your knee at recess she brought you to the nurse, if her family was going to the zoo they'd ask if you wanted to tag along, she loved to have dinner at your house because your grandpa was the best cook in the neighborhood. You'd weaved countless friendship bracelets for each other and coordinated your nail polish colors. You always admired Emma for being brave and adventurous, bold and outgoing. She bounded ahead into any situation with the confidence only a child could have. You supposed when you thought about it that way it's almost a logical leap to your current best friend.
You watched Severen's back as he finagled with the padlock that kept you out of the backroom of the liquor distro. Sure the two of you were way too old to be stealing liquor and sure you had the money to pay for it. But there was no adventure in that, no fun. Finally the lock clicked open and Severen slipped through the gap in the door like a shadow. You were right behind him. "I get dark liquor you get light," he whispered to you. You stayed down low to the floor and searched through the labels on the boxes. After a moment you located some good vodka and opened up your bag to start laying bottles in. You were about to pop open a box of tequila next when the door to the back room slammed open. You hit the deck and when you tilted your head up to look you saw Severen a few feet away. He was laying on his stomach in the same position as you, wide eyed. When you met each other's gaze you both had to cover your mouths to keep from laughing. You listened as an employee loaded up a dolly, grunting with effort to lift the heavy boxes, before he cussed and wheeled it out of the back room. The door slammed closed behind him and you and Severen giggled like school children. He was no Emma Stanley but Severen was definitely fun to hang around. 
The two of you bolted out of the back of the distro with rattling bags, laughing into the night. "Come on, let's head back and share the wealth." You nod in the direction of the motel, but Severen had that glint in his eye that told you he had a different plan. "Not before we take our cut, darlin'." That nickname always made your heart flutter. You told yourself that it was just because the affection was nice, but you knew that was a lie. Severen located a van that still had the keys inside. He tried the handle but it was locked so instead he used his elbow to smash the window out. He reached across to unlock your door before he even got in. "What a gentleman," you teased before tossing your bag of goods inside and climbing into the seat. He brushed the glass away before climbing in himself and starting up your new ride. "You know us old timers," he quipped back at you, "always gotta take care of the lady first." He winked and you punched him in the arm. 
Severen cruised down the streets, eyes searching for something, what you didn't know. You looked more out of curiosity. You'd never been to Reno before. You were seeing a lot of new places since you met Severen, it was one of the many perks of agreeing to be his platonic eternal life partner. Jesse would snort at the phrase you two used to describe your relationship and shake his head. When he did Severen would snap at him for being 'jealous' and you would shove your feelings down just a bit deeper. Embarrassed. Severen took a sharp turn that knocked you out of your thoughts. He pulled into the back of a grocery store parking lot and cut the engine. "Pick a bottle, any bottle." You giggled as Severen rattled one of the bags at you. You closed your eyes and reached in, rooting around until your hand closed over the slim neck of a bottle. You pulled it out. "Ooh! Aye, aye captain!" You waved the Captain Morgan in Severen's face with a smirk and he gagged. "How do you drink that shit?" You snorted and cracked the cap open. "You're the one who grabbed it for me." 
After a few swigs Severen lead you out of the van and out towards a set of train tracks that lead to a yard. He held your hand to steady you as you jumped up onto one of the rails and tried to walk along it, even once you had your balance he didn't let go. Not that you were itching to pull away. "How many times you been here?" you asked. "Here specific or here in Reno?" His thumb stroked over your knuckles and you squeezed his hand a bit tighter before shrugging. "Both." He thought for a moment, trying to come up with a genuine answer, before he too shrugged. "Countless times I guess." You could accept that, you mostly asked questions to hear the rumble of his voice. You turned your head to look at the still cargo trains as you sipped from the bottle of spiced rum. You eyed up a particularly nice tank and hummed in thought. "What?" Severen looked at you. You only passed him off the bottle before darting over to it. When he caught up to you he saw you'd begun gathering half empty spray paint cans off the ground, left behind by other trespassers. You looked from the cans and up at the tanker. "I need a boost."
Severen had you hoisted up on his shoulders, his hands gripping your thighs to hold you steady as you painted. Though you didn't get into this position without a few dirty remarks on his part. "Okay pass me the black. I just gotta outline then it's done." He bent his knees and carefully grabbed the black paint from the ground before passing it up to you. "About time. We've been here for hours." You gave his stomach a light tap with your heel. "Quit complaining, it's worth it I promise." Seven hadn't gotten a good look at your work yet, too close to the train to really take it in. You directed him on where to stand as you put on the finishing touches and signed your tag. "Okay! Check it out!" Severen didn't let you down, instead he backed up with you still on his shoulders. He laughed so loud you had to slap a hand over his mouth, turning your head to look behind you. He pried your hand away, still snickering. "I can't believe you made me stand like this for hours so you could paint Shaggy smoking a bong." You leaned over his head and into his eye line, grinning at him upside down. "Isn't it sick?" "What's on his shirt?" You balked at his question and looked back up at your piece. "It's the Wu Tang logo!" "Wu Tang?" He raised an eyebrow. "Dude you're joking." 
You both sat on the back of the tanker passing the rum back and forth as you talked. "So they arranged this whole deal right? They would sign with Loud Records but they could still sign solo deals with other labels and take the Wu Tang name with them. Which was genius because they had 9 crazy talented dudes spawning dozens of solo careers that all fed into the Wu Tang brand. It hadn't been done before that." Severen nodded along, trying to keep everything you were telling him straight in his head. "So they made a lot of money that way?" You swallowed a mouthful of liquor and nodded. "Oh yeah, millions in album sales alone. And now they're one of the most recognizably branded hip hop groups in the world." Severen smiled at you and tapped the side if your head. "How do you just store all of that up there? Think your head would be bigger with all the shit you know." You giggled and batted his hand away, only to then lean against his side. He put and arm around you and pulled you closer. Severen was just a touchy person like that, you had to remind your dumb fluttering heart as you rested your head on his shoulder. "Tonight was fun," you mused. "Every night is fun with you." You looked up at him and he even seemed embarrassed by his words. You nudged him playfully. "Cheese ball." 
You and Severen began the trek back to your stolen van, a bit buzzed and with him knowing a lot more about 90s east coast hip hop than he ever thought he would. Even though you opted to walk on flat ground this time he still reached his hand out for you to take, twining your fingers together. He lifted a section of fence for you to slide through the gap, tugging him along behind you. When you got to the other side you groaned. "Looks like we're out a ride and the rest of that liquor." Severen looked over your shoulder to see 4 cops swarmed around the van with their flashlights out. He shrugged. "Oh well." It wasn't about the liquor anyway, it had just been something to get into. The two of you walked casually in the opposite direction, ready to head back for the night. As you passed the grocery store he stopped suddenly at one of the cart corrals. "What's up?" He grinned at you and pulled one of the carriages out, gesturing for you to hop in. "New ride." 
You and Severen howled with laughter as you dive bombed a fresh paved hill in the shopping cart. Severen, who had been standing on the edge of the undercarriage, flopped himself over the handlebar and into the cart with you. You squealed as his boot narrowly missed your face, shoving him in a way that almost knocked the speeding cart over. Laughing he grabbed your head and pulled you against his side. "Sorry darlin'!" You settled against his side and looked up at him with a grin. 
The hill leveled out and soon your momentum slowed until the cart came to an eventual stop. The two of you were a snickering pile of tangled limbs. At some point your arms had found their way around his waist and you squeezed him tight. He always made you feel like a teenager all over again. Especially when he looked down at you with those bright blue eyes, sparkling with joy and mischief. Suddenly this position felt entirely too intimate for you. You looked away and tried to start wriggling free but Severen trapped you in his arms. "Where you rushin' off to?" "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were trying to have a cuddle session in a kinda sticky shopping cart on the side of the road." He chuckled and pulled you closer. "Don't threaten me with a good time." Your head fell back onto his shoulder and you sighed, looking up at the clear night sky. But his eyes stayed trained on you. Admiring how the moon cast a soft glow over your skin. 
"Ya look pretty…" He dragged a knuckle up and down your cheek affectionately, making your skin prickle. You chuckled awkwardly and shook your head. "Why are you so sappy tonight?" You didn't mean for it to sound so mocking, it just came out that way. You almost whined when he took his hand away. He tilted his head back too, letting it rest against the back of the carriage. "I just been thinkin'... I ain't too good with keepin' the days straight but it's about fall now and if I remember right it was about fall when we met." You sat up to look at him, eyes wide. "You mean it's been a year already?" He shrugged. "Around about I'd suppose." You couldn't believe Severen would notice while you completely missed it. You hadn't paid any mind to the nights as they passed, figuring there was no use in keeping track anymore. You also didn't peg Severen as the type to care about this sort of thing.
"Best year ever." You flopped back against him with a grin. "We got plenty more ahead." He grinned back. It felt like he wanted to say more but instead Severen shifted to slide out from under you. He climbed out of the cart and offered you a hand out as well. He squeezed your palm between his fingers before tugging you along the rest of the way to the motel. 
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gogomeaty · 2 years
tag nine people you want to get to know better
I steal it from someone else lol
favorite color: green, brown and red
currently reading: I'm still reading get out of this town by @all-hail-the-water-god I haven't continued the reading but is so good tho just like his other works! I totally recommend all Water's fics if you haven't read them!
last song: Rejoin by Dethklok I was listening Dethalbum lll while I was on the car
last series: Metalocalypse and I'm thinking on start watching Naruto
last movie: Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie! I love it and I waited so much to see it, I recommend it if you like cartoon movies 💚
sweet / spicy / savory: savory and sometimes spicy, I like sweets but not as much
currently working on: trying to going back at writing and start one skwickles fic probably skwistok too but dark and just drawing I have wip ideas but I haven't start doing them
no-pressure tagging: @witchy--mama, @all-hail-the-water-god, @trepanationgecko , @atomic-jellyfish, @skwischeeeese, @dolly-macabre, @miroyuuu, @helvetfonster, @twigg96
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knoepfchen · 3 years
12, 14, 19
Hey you <3
12. favourite character to write about this year
if i go by POV wordcount, i'm sure it's yusuf al-kaysani (or his AU equivalent), but in terms of characters i've discovered i really love writing about or in the POV of, it's nile freeman for sure
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write
all of the ones that happened as a direct result of reading @raedear's tags and getting carried away, which happened no less than three times this year:
a different kind of tension (the fake couples counselling one)
fellows of (in)finite tongue (the language barriers one)
and most recently, i want to wear you sweater (the one where joe accidentally steals nicky's hoodie and booker live tweets everything)
it's a true testament to the brainworms rae is capable of bestowing that all these fics are over 7k and were written in, like, a week respectively
would love to say it's the last time this has happened, but let's not kid ourselves 😅
19. any new fics to start next year
speaking of which: ever since yesterday my brain has not shut up about an identity porn concoction in the form of joe, a dolly alderton style agony aunt who helps people with their relationship questions on the radio despite being a confirmed disaster himself. his favourite caller is a man called N, who seems to face much of the same issues (always feeling like his love is somehow too much) as joe, who he feels increasingly drawn to.
joe's only distraction? the weird radio dj named nicky who has joe's early morning radio slot on the days joe is off, and who seems to have made it his life's goal to infuriate his listeners by pretending to get the most simple facts about classic rock bands wrong, and playing songs based on the "vibe" his callers give off, rather than the songs they actually request. joe calls in a few times, initially because he can't sleep and wants to complain, but all the songs nicky chooses for him are actually... weirdly good. but he's not falling in love with a voice on the radio! that would be absurd, right?
like, even more absurd than the prospect that nicky and N could be the same person, after all...
cue a bunch of near misses and the fact that both of them have been gravitating around the same social circle for months. i haven't got a plot yet beyond this premise and i actually don't know anything about music, but if i'm going to write long fic next, it's gonna be this one. (the title would from regina spektor's on the radio, of course)
(End of Year fanfic asks)
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