#gold dealers toronto
24goldgrouplimited · 8 months
Secure Your Future: Partner with 24 Gold, Your Premier Precious Metals Destination in Canada
Invest with confidence with 24 Gold, your top choice for precious metals in Canada! 💼💎 As a trusted bullion dealer, we provide a range of services including metal refining, buying and selling old jewellery, and offering investment options. Trust in our expertise and reliability.
🌐 https://www.24gold.ca/ 📞 (416) 214-2442
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guardiangold · 2 years
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Guardian Gold
21 Dundas Square Suite 1200 Toronto Ontario M5B 1B7 Canada 416-861-1888 https://guardiangold.ca/
Guardian Gold, in Toronto, has been buying and selling gold, silver, and other precious metals since 2003. We offer fair and transparent pricing with great customer service. Our knowledgeable staff will help you get the best value for your jewellery, coins, bars, silverware, and other precious metals.
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trackuspsdelivery · 26 days
Why Should You Invest in Toronto Gold Bullion?
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Gold has been a symbol of wealth and security for thousands of years, maintaining its value through wars, economic crises, and changes in governments. In modern times, gold continues to be a reliable investment, offering a hedge against inflation and a stable store of value. For residents of Toronto, investing in gold bullion is particularly advantageous due to the city’s strong financial infrastructure, diverse investment opportunities, and access to reputable gold dealers. This article explores the various reasons why you should consider investing in toronto gold bullion for sale and how it can benefit your financial portfolio.
1. Stability in Uncertain Times
One of the primary reasons to invest in gold bullion is its historical stability during periods of economic uncertainty. While currencies can fluctuate, and stock markets can crash, gold has consistently held its value over the long term. This makes it an attractive investment for those looking to safeguard their wealth against potential economic downturns.
In Toronto, a global city with significant financial activity, investors are well aware of the risks posed by market volatility. By including gold bullion in your investment portfolio, you create a buffer against the unpredictable nature of financial markets. During times of crisis, when other assets may lose value, gold typically performs well, preserving your wealth and providing peace of mind.
2. Inflation Hedge
Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money over time, making it a significant concern for investors. When inflation rises, the value of currency decreases, which can lead to higher prices for goods and services. Gold, however, tends to increase in value during periods of inflation, as it is seen as a safe haven asset.
For Toronto investors, gold bullion offers a reliable way to hedge against inflation. As the cost of living in the city continues to rise, holding gold can help protect your savings from losing value. Unlike cash, which can lose purchasing power, gold maintains its value and can even appreciate during inflationary periods.
3. Diversification of Investment Portfolio
Diversification is a key principle in investing, as it helps reduce risk by spreading investments across different asset classes. Gold bullion is an excellent addition to a diversified portfolio because it often behaves differently from stocks, bonds, and real estate. When traditional markets are underperforming, gold typically holds its value or even increases in price, providing balance to your portfolio.
Toronto’s investment landscape is rich and varied, with opportunities in real estate, technology, and finance. By adding gold bullion to your investments, you gain exposure to a global commodity that is not tied to the performance of any single market. This diversification can enhance the overall resilience of your portfolio, reducing the impact of market-specific downturns.
4. Liquidity and Ease of Access
Gold bullion is a highly liquid asset, meaning it can be easily bought and sold. In Toronto, there are numerous reputable dealers, banks, and online platforms that facilitate the buying and selling of gold. This liquidity is a significant advantage for investors, as it allows you to convert your gold into cash quickly if needed.
The ease of access to gold bullion in Toronto makes it an appealing investment for both new and experienced investors. Whether you’re purchasing a small gold coin or a large bar, you can find a wide range of options in the city. The established market for gold bullion ensures that you can buy or sell with confidence, knowing that there are always buyers and sellers available.
5. Tangible Asset with Intrinsic Value
Unlike stocks or bonds, which are paper assets, gold bullion is a tangible, physical asset that you can hold in your hand. This tangibility is one of the reasons why gold has been trusted for centuries as a store of value. When you own gold bullion, you own a piece of wealth that is universally recognized and valued.
For Toronto investors, the intrinsic value of gold is particularly appealing. In a world where digital assets and cryptocurrencies can be volatile and difficult to understand, gold provides a sense of security and permanence. The physical nature of gold bullion also means that it is not subject to the same risks as digital assets, such as hacking or technological failures.
6. Limited Supply and Increasing Demand
Gold is a finite resource, with a limited supply that cannot be easily increased. As the global population grows and economies expand, the demand for gold continues to rise. This dynamic of limited supply and increasing demand supports the long-term value of gold, making it a wise investment.
In Toronto, a city with a robust financial sector and a growing population, the demand for gold bullion is strong. Investors recognize that gold’s scarcity and enduring appeal make it a valuable addition to any portfolio. By investing in gold bullion, you position yourself to benefit from the long-term appreciation of this precious metal.
7. Global Appeal and Universal Value
Gold is a universally recognized asset, valued in every corner of the world. This global appeal gives it a unique advantage over other investments, which may be tied to specific markets or economies. Whether you’re in Toronto, Tokyo, or Timbuktu, gold is accepted and valued, making it a truly international investment.
For Toronto investors, the global appeal of gold provides an additional layer of security. In an increasingly interconnected world, having an asset that transcends borders and currencies is a smart move. Gold bullion allows you to diversify not just across asset classes, but also across geographic regions, reducing your exposure to any single economy.
8. Long-Term Wealth Preservation
Gold has stood the test of time as a means of preserving wealth across generations. Unlike some investments that may lose value or become obsolete, gold remains a constant store of value. For those looking to build a legacy or secure their financial future, gold bullion is an ideal choice.
In Toronto, where the cost of living is high and the future can be unpredictable, preserving wealth for future generations is a priority for many families. Investing in gold bullion offers a way to ensure that your wealth is protected and passed down through the years. Its enduring value makes gold a reliable choice for long-term financial security.
9. Tax Advantages
In Canada, including Toronto, gold bullion is often considered a financial investment, and as such, it can offer tax advantages. Depending on how you structure your investments and the type of gold you purchase, you may be able to defer taxes or take advantage of favorable tax rates on capital gains.
Consulting with a tax professional in Toronto can help you understand the specific tax implications of investing in gold bullion. By structuring your investment correctly, you can maximize your returns and minimize your tax liability, making gold an even more attractive option.
Investing in Toronto gold bullion is a smart move for those looking to secure their wealth, diversify their portfolio, and protect against economic uncertainty. With its stability, liquidity, and intrinsic value, gold offers numerous benefits that make it an essential part of any investment strategy. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting, gold bullion provides a reliable and time-tested way to build and preserve wealth in Toronto's dynamic and ever-changing financial landscape.
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au-bullion · 2 months
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Invest In Precious Metals
We are Canada’s premier bullion dealer. We specialize in buying and selling Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium. Come to us when you want to buy Gold and Silver at the lowest gold rates in Canada. We strive towards providing all our clients with the highest quality service both online and in person at our offices in Toronto and Vancouver. Feel free to get in touch with our team and we will gladly help you out when choosing your next bullion investment.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
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"REMAND 17 ON BAIL ON TRESPASS CHARGES," Toronto Star. March 27, 1934. Page 37. --- Were Charged With Invading Spadina Ave. Cloak-Making Plant ---- Driving while intoxicated and, as a result, crashing into the rear of another car, cost W. Bethune ten days in jail. He had pleaded guilty to driving while drunk.
"At about 12.10 p.m. on March 17 I went to an accident at the corner of Jarvis and Earl Sts.," testified P.C. Craig. "I found accused had crashed into the rear of an auto parked on Jarvis St. When I got there his car was stalled and he was trying to start it up again. He was hopelessly drunk."
On a charge of criminal negligence William McGratten was remanded until April 27 on $2.000 bail.
Seventeen Face Trespass Charges Held as a result of an invasion of a Spadina Ave. cloak-making shop about a week ago, 17 men appeared in court this morning charged with trespass. Two others were further charged with intimidation.
Bennie Rotman and Louie Hoffberg, charged with intimidation. were remanded until April 10 on $1.000 each. Harry Greenberg, Sam Tennebaum. Louie Hoffberg. Louie Adler, Harry Mitchell, Mike Krofchick, Bennie Rotman, Charles Langer. Aaron Iserman, Issy Citron, Norman Neslin, Robert Rosenberg. Dave Cooper. Joe Clenchensesy. John Kosir, Mike Wavak and Julian Rigner, on trespass charges, were remanded to the same date on $50 bail.
Youths Admit Wholesale Thefts Pleading guilty to breaking into numerous homes and stealing cameras, jewels, coins and other goods valued in the thousands of dollars, Robert Hughes and Jack Beck, two youths, were remanded in custody until April 4 for sentence.
"We are looking for most of the stolen goods," said Detective Barber.
Accused were charged with: On March 21, broke into the home of Ben Getter. Moulton Dr., and took three gold rings, a gold brooch, earrings, a gold watch, a camera and a number of old coins; on March 16, broke into the home of George Lord. Cottingham St., and took an electric clock, camera, opera glasses, hand- bag, bracelet and a necklace; on March 16, breaking into the apart- ment of Paul Levi. Davenport Rd.. and stealing a club-bag and cigarette lighter: on March 24, breaking and entering the home of Sam Cross, Avenue Rd., and stealing a gold watch, lady's brooch. necklace and a bracelet, and on March 24, breaking into the home of B. C. Stone. Avenue Rd.. and stealing a collection of old coins, cigarette holder, a lady's diamond ring, a ladies' wrist watch. bar-pin. a string of pearls, a bronze medal and $90 in money. Hughes was also charged with stealing a large car on Feb. 12.
"We arrested the accused in a Yonge St. poolroom yesterday," declared Detective Barber. "Previously to this, we had gone to the home of one of the accused and found some of the stolen articles. Hughes," he said. "had also stolen a large automobile on Feb. 12. and had driven it out into the country. He said he took it just for a ride"
"For the most part, they got into these houses while the owners were away," he said. and added that the boys were very truthful about the whole affair.
One of Store's "Worst Customers" Bernard Blundell forged one cheque for $4 on the Bank of Montreal on March 9. He didn't get the $4 but he got 30 days in jail for trying to. "He was drunk," said an officer. Accused had a long record, dating from 1913.
"Too bad." sighed Magistrate Browne, passing sentence.
Because he took a fancy to five ties in a department store and then took them, Joe Ivan was sentenced to ten days.
"I understand you are one of their worst customers," observed Crown-Attorney C. L. Snyder.
Denied Stealing Clothing Alleged to have broken into Maurice Leget's clothing store and stolen 11 pair of trousers and three suits, Dan Mulvihill pleaded not guilty and elected trial by jury. He was committed to trial.
Leon Hirch, Queen St. W., second-hand clothing dealer, identified accused as the man who had sought to dispose of goods allegedly stolen.
"Have you any writing to identify me?" demanded accused. "No."
"Isn't it customary to take a signature when people sell you clothing?"
"Committed for trial," ruled the bench.
Goes to "Pen" For Two Years "You are the most persistent thief in the city; you are too dangerous a character to be allowed at large," declared Magistrate Browne as he sentenced Fred Brown, colored, to two years in Kingston penitentiary [pictured, right].
Brown was charged with stealing three auto robes and a box of tools valued at $300 from Peter Rankin's car.
A Finnish roomer of Brown's took the stand, and an interpreter was brought up.
"I object," protested accused. "That man speaks English; he doesn't need an interpreter at all."
His objection was over-ruled. "1 saw accused bring the tools into our boarding room," he said. "I saw this man at No. 2 station," said Det.-Sergt. Johns. "His statement read: 'I met a man on Queen St. W. He asked me if I would carry the tool box and blankets for 50 cents. I didn't know the man because I was drunk'."
Brown told the court that he had "just been coming out" of a drunk which had lasted a week.
"I don't believe your story." declared his worship. "There will be a conviction."
"I expected that," retorted accused. A long record was read, which included a visit to court last week.
Snatched Benefactor's Purse "It was a dirty trick; you are getting worse and worse, the bench admonished John Hall, 46, charged with theft. "You are heading for the penitentiary and that is where you are going to end up. It will be 30 days this time."
"I was lending accused 50c when he snatched my pocket book and a $5 bill," Martin Masker, an elderly man, told the court. "I knew him slightly and he asked me on the street for 50c. I never saw him afterwards."
"I was drunk," pleaded accused. "I looked for him afterwards."
The court was told that accused had already been sentenced in county police court to 10 days on a drunk charge.
Smashed Glass, Made Threat With the sudden heavy snowfall last night came a decrease in the early police court list this morning. There were three drunks and one "vag."
Jack Powell came all the from Alberta via Montreal to way Toronto with 10 cents in his pocket. He was caught begging around a big hotel by an officer last night.
"I will be on my way right away," promised accused. "I wish you would give me time to -"
"I will give you time," returned Magistrate Tinker. "It will be $10 and costs or thirty days."
Up again for being intoxicated, Walt Devern was given an option of $10 or ten days.
"I plead guilty to drinking, but not to being drunk," declared Leslie Williams. The court remanded him until to-morrow with bail set at $25.
Hardly had the ink on the bail-bond dried when he came back and asked to change his plea.
"I plead guilty," he grinned sheepishly.
"Who put up your bail?" demanded the bench. "A friend."
"Oh, just a friend! Remanded for sentence."
Another alleged drunk was remanded until to-morrow to "sober up."
"This morning the glass in front door was crashed in and my I heard a man say, 'I'll get you'," testified Doris Campbell, charging Frank Lokoz with malicious damage to property.
"I saw this man, who appeared to be drunk, stagger across the road and sprawl on the steps of another house. I yelled for a couple of men to get him."
She said the damage was about $5 and accused, on giving his undertaking to pay it, was remanded for sentence. On a drunk charge he was remanded on $50 bail until March 28.
Albert Clarke, barrister, acquitted last week by an assize court jury of a manslaughter charge, to-day appeared before Magistrate Jones in traffic court and was freed of a charge of having, arising out of the same accident. The charge was marked withdrawn.
[Brown, alias Ernie Davis, was 28, married, from Albany, N.Y., but long resident in Canada, worked as a porter, and had a long criminal record including two terms in Burwash Industrial Farm and two terms in the Toronto Jail Farm. He had never been in penitentiary before. He was convict #3403 at the prison, and worked in an outside trucking crew. He had a few reports, but nothing serious, and was released early on good behaviour in September 1935. He would return to the penitentiary in December 1936, having also accrued another term in Burwash in between.]
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nsfwhiphop · 3 months
Incoming Text for @elonmusk :
"Important Reminder for World War III: Saving Your Money Means Saving Your Life"
Hey Elon! It's me, Angelo!
Elon, I want to let you know that I consulted ChatGPT to find the best solution for converting paper money into gold bars, especially in the context of a potential world war scenario. I asked for guidance on the ideal locations around the world where wealthy billionaires like yourself can securely convert their money into gold bars. Here's what I found: The recommended places are Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai (UAE), and Canada. These locations offer robust financial services, political stability, and high-security storage options for precious metals.
Here is the question:
"Can you provide me information about how it's a good idea to change paper money into gold bars in case of a world war situation for billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk? And also, where do you think is the best place, in your opinion, to convert paper money into gold bars outside of the United States territory and British territory?"
ChatGPT Answer:
Converting paper money into gold bars can be seen as a prudent measure for several reasons, especially in the context of geopolitical instability or a potential world war scenario. Here's why and how billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk might consider this strategy:
Why Convert Paper Money into Gold Bars?
Preservation of Wealth: Gold has historically been a reliable store of value. In times of economic uncertainty or currency devaluation, gold tends to retain its value better than paper money.
Inflation Hedge: Gold often performs well during periods of high inflation, as its value is not tied to any specific currency or government policy.
Liquidity: Gold can be easily liquidated anywhere in the world. In times of crisis, having a universally accepted form of wealth can be crucial.
Diversification: Holding a portion of wealth in gold provides diversification, reducing the risk associated with having all assets in paper currency or other financial instruments.
Best Places to Convert Paper Money into Gold Bars Outside the US and UK
When considering converting paper money into gold bars, billionaires might look for jurisdictions known for their stability, strong legal protections, and efficient financial services. Here are a few places:
Switzerland: Known for its robust banking system and private vault services, Switzerland is a preferred choice for gold storage. Its political stability and neutrality make it a safe haven for wealth.
Singapore: With a strong economy, political stability, and high-security vault facilities, Singapore has become a leading destination for gold storage. It has favorable regulations for precious metals and is a major financial hub.
Hong Kong: Despite recent political issues, Hong Kong has a well-established infrastructure for precious metals trading and storage. It offers high-quality vault facilities and ease of access to global markets.
Dubai (UAE): Dubai has emerged as a major hub for gold trading and storage. It offers high-security vaults and a favorable tax regime for precious metals. The Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) is a key player in the global gold market.
Canada: Known for its stability and strong financial system, Canada offers secure storage options for gold. Cities like Toronto and Vancouver have reputable vault facilities and a favorable environment for precious metals investors.
Practical Steps for Conversion
Research and Choose a Reliable Dealer: Billionaires should start by identifying reputable gold dealers and storage providers in the chosen jurisdiction. This includes verifying their credentials, security measures, and regulatory compliance.
Legal and Tax Considerations: It's important to understand the legal and tax implications of buying and storing gold in a foreign country. Consulting with legal and financial advisors is crucial to ensure compliance with international laws and regulations.
Transportation and Security: Transporting gold bars requires high security. Engaging a trusted logistics and security company that specializes in precious metals is essential to ensure safe and discreet transportation.
Secure Storage: Opting for private vault services with top-notch security features, insurance coverage, and ease of access is critical. Regular audits and transparent reporting by the storage provider add an extra layer of assurance.
By considering these factors, billionaires can strategically convert their paper money into gold bars, securing their wealth against potential global turmoil.
The end.
Billionaires around the world must urgently start converting their money into gold bars due to the brewing threat of World War III. The global economic status quo can shift at any moment, and billionaires cannot afford to remain idle. They must use every second before the situation intensifies to secure their net worth by converting their money into gold. I hope this information is especially useful to Silicon Valley billionaires.
After a nuclear blast, stocks and the value of the dollar will become obsolete. Gold bars will be the only recognized and acceptable form of value post-war.
Your friend,
Secret information, not for the poor, only for the rich:
The people at the top of the food chain, such as bankers and state officials around the world, don't want the poor millionaires and billionaires to know this information because it is supposed to remain top secret. They aim to keep all the gold reserves on the planet for themselves. There isn't enough gold for every millionaire or billionaire, so they don't want this information to be leaked. It is meant to remain confidential.
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thenovotnys · 8 months
Queer as Folk (US) Locations - Season 1
This part includes places seen on Season 1.
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The Proud scene, where Brian and Michael stand on the edge of the rooftop, is at 151 Front Street West. (from episode 101)
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Brian drives Michael to the straight bar to hang out with his colleagues. The Shoeless Joe's was at 1189 King Street West (no longer exist). (from episode 102)
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Jennifer asks Justin about Brian. He gets out of the car and runs away. It is on Vyner Road. (from episode 104)
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1000000 Comix where Michael and Brian talk about the date was at 513 Yonge Street (no longer exist). (from episode 106, also on 112 and 115)
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Brian test drive the car by crashing it on the building. The car dealer was at 2 Eastern Avenue. The place is no longer exist, but can be seen back in time with Google Street View. (from episode 108)
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Brian walks to the bar where Jack (his father) hangs out. It was on Hayden Street (no longer exist). (from episode 109)
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The boys walk in 'New York' to search Justin. In reality, it is on Berczy Park on Front Street East. (from episode 110)
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The pharmacy where Ted and Emmett see Ted's one night stand, was at 132 Front Street East. The store is no longer exist. (from episode 111)
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The Seduction, where Ted and Melanie looks for gift for Michael's birthday, was at 577 Yonge Street. It looks like the store is now closed. (from episode 111)
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Emmett and Ted, and Lindsay, Brian and Gus on Trinity Bellwoods Park. (from episode 111 and 116)
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Emmett meets Heather at 315 Queen Street East, while Ted and Melanie watched movie on Paradise Cinema at 1006 Bloor Street West. (from episode 114)
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Ted and Emmett meets Dale Wexler in Metro Toronto Convention Center at 255 Front Street West. (from episode 115)
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A day with Michael, David and his son Hank. They walk on Amsterdam Bridge and later skate on Harbourfront Centre Rink on Queens Quay West. (from episode 115)
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Michael and David have lunch at 475 Church Street (no longer exist). (from episode 116)
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Brian meets Guillaume and Gus in St Lawrence Market. (from episode 117)
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Brian, Emmett and Ted see a gold Miata, which is Michael's car, on Market Street. The same street is also where the boys plan to go to Babylon for King of Babylon. The buildings on the street had been renovated and now look different. (from episode 117 and 120)
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Brian and Michael play bowling in Bowlerama West, 5429 Dundas Street West. The building had been demolished. (from episode 119)
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Justin meets Daphne while she is at work at a cd store (the text in window says cd cat) at 613 Yonge Street. The store is no longer exist. (from episode 119)
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Ted, Michael and Emmett walk on Jefferson Avenue and Liberty Street. (from episode 121)
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Ted and Blake go shopping for a suit. The same store is where Brian buys the scarf. The store is on the corner of Sultan Street and Charles Street West. (from episode 121 and 122)
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Brian and Michael watch a movie in (now) Danforth Music Hall, 147 Danforth Avenue. (from episode 121)
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The Gang has dinner to celebrate Vic's victory in Allen's, 143 Danforth Avenue. (from episode 121)
Places that I cannot locate
Episode 105, Jennifer looks for Justin.
Episode 107, David's cabin.
Episode 107, Brian's car gets hit by Justin's father's car.
Episode 110, Brian's tire gets flat.
Episode 114, Melanie and Brian have lunch and discuss about the lawsuit.
Episode 119, Jack Kinney's burial.
Episode 119, Ted buys some flowers.
Episode 119, Brian stops at a road to throw the bowling ball.
Episode 122, The balroom and the parking space from the prom scene.
Previous list: Queer as Folk Locations - Main locations
Next list: Queer as Folk Locations - Season 2
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goldsilvermartny1 · 10 months
Weekly market insights, updates on the gold and silver price in Canada, and handpicked recommendations are some of the exclusive services our clients enjoy. These insights are tailored to ensure every investor, whether novice or expert, has the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of the precious metals market.Gold Silver Mart Canada’s mission isn’t just about numbers or rates; it’s about illuminating the path for those willing to trust in the timeless value of gold and silver. So, whether you’re in Toronto, Canada or any part of the globe, let us be your beacon in the world of precious metals.
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goldsilvermarts · 11 months
Buy Gold Canada
Weekly market insights, updates on the gold and silver price in Canada, and handpicked recommendations are some of the exclusive services our clients enjoy. These insights are tailored to ensure every investor, whether novice or expert, has the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of the precious metals market.Gold Silver Mart Canada’s mission isn’t just about numbers or rates; it’s about illuminating the path for those willing to trust in the timeless value of gold and silver. So, whether you’re in Toronto, Canada or any part of the globe, let us be your beacon in the world of precious metals.
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iraempirecom · 11 months
GoldSilver.com Complaints
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GoldSilver.com, also known as GoldSilver LLC, was founded in 2005 and mostly conducts business online. Despite its being headquartered in Santa Monica, California, the company does the majority of its business online. GoldSilver.com stands out for its commitment to providing high-quality services to customers.
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In addition to being a precious metals dealer, the business provides bullion customers with qualified guidance to aid in their investment decisions. The company's goal is to change the financial industry by giving those who use its services opportunity and prosperity. In this article, we will look into GoldSilver.com Complaints and a few other details. For a detailed review, check out: GoldSilver.com Reviews
A company's management and leadership play major roles in its success. Owner and founder Mike Maloney is in charge of GoldSilver.com. Mike, a well-known name in the precious metals industry, authored the highly regarded book "Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver.
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"The author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," Robert Kiyosaki, has benefited from his knowledge and assistance, which has helped him win the trust of many investors. The company's president, Brent Harmes, is an economics expert with a bachelor's degree, which raises the legitimacy of the business.
Products, Services, and Prices
One of the top bullion investment firms, GoldSilver.com takes pride in providing a wide selection of gold and silver bars as well as jewelry. The website offers comprehensive guides on precious metal investing that are helpful to potential investors. Additionally, buyers receive free shipping across the United States for purchases totalling more than $50,000.
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New investors are given a custodian to help them with their investment objectives, and American Estate & Trust, New Direction IRA, Provident Trust, and GoldStar Trust Company are among the best investing companies for gold and silver IRAs. Although the organization offers free custodians, investors are still responsible for paying for metal storage and personal admin costs.
Using GoldSilver.com to Manage IRAs
Despite not directly offering IRAs, GoldSilver.com offers investors a wide range of IRA rollover possibilities. Investors can take control of their IRA options on their own or with the help of the available custodians. Although the absence of direct IRAs may displease some, GoldSilver.com has other advantages. For example, when investors opt to collaborate with the business, the company sends their metal to a secure vault. They can choose depository services in a number of nations, including Toronto, Salt Lake City, Singapore, and Hong Kong if they fail to have a vault. Investors may also return their metals to the corporation if they adhere to the sell-back requirements.
GoldSilver.com Complaints: Ratings for GoldSilver.com
Numerous consumer review websites have given GoldSilver.com positive reviews, enhancing its standing in the precious metals sector. Although it is no longer accredited by the BBB, it was first accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) in 2009 and had an A+ rating.
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Its AAA grade from the Business Consumer Alliance (BCA) further supports its reliability. Another review website, Trustlink, gave GoldSilver.com's website a positive grade.
GoldSilver.com Complaints
- Quality Concerns and Checkout Frustrations, Yet Appreciation for Mike and Jeff's Work
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The above user expressed disappointment with the quality of a "your choice" 10 oz silver bar compared to a similar-priced "my choice" product from another vendor, which was $1.30 cheaper. They also encountered issues during the checkout process, leading them to drive to the bank and perform a wire transfer, as the instructions were unclear. The user mentioned they might not use this method again, but they appreciated the excellent work done by Mike and Jeff, who are associated with the vendor. - GoldSilver.com Complaints: User Raises Concerns Over Fees and Selling Losses Compared to GoldBullion
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In a review of GoldSilver.com, the above user expressed dissatisfaction with the service, comparing it unfavourably to another platform, GoldBullion. According to the user, GoldSilver.com has several drawbacks: - They charge monthly "storage fees" even for small amounts of gold storage, which other platforms may not do. - When selling back gold to GoldSilver.com, the user experienced a 30% loss, whereas other platforms only have about a 2% loss. - Delivery costs were also high, amounting to hundreds of dollars. The user claimed that once purchasing from GoldSilver.com, they felt they had lost 20-30% of their money, which they found to be unreasonable and disappointing. As a result, the user questioned why anyone would choose to use GoldSilver.com over other alternatives like GoldBullion.
The Bottom Line 
A trustworthy precious metals dealer, GoldSilver.com provides excellent services to both new and returning customers. The business proves its validity and dependability with a well-respected owner like Mike Maloney and pleased clients. Although the organization does not directly provide IRAs, it makes up for this by providing exceptional customer service and a variety of investing possibilities. However, I don't recommend investing with them. Investing in precious metals can seem difficult. To help you find the best precious metals provider, we have created our top gold IRA companies list.  You can check it out to see what the industry’s best has to offer.  On the other hand, you can also check out the top provider of your state below:  Read the full article
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torontopokerclub · 2 years
Toronto Poker Tournaments
If you are a fan of poker and have a passion for winning games, you will definitely be interested in learning more about the many Toronto poker tournaments that are available. Not only will you be able to find out more about the various events that are available, but you will also be able to attend these events with your friends and family.
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World Series of Poker (WSOP)
The World Series of Poker (WSOP) is the world's biggest poker festival. Every year, thousands of poker fans flock to Las Vegas to participate in a series of tournaments. Some of the best players in the world compete in the tournaments. WSOP awards more than sixty bracelets to the top finishers.
One of the biggest events is the Main Event. It is a no-limit Texas Hold 'em tournament that offers a $10,000 prize pool. If you make the final table, you earn a gold WSOP bracelet. This is one of the most coveted prizes in the game.
In addition to the Main Event, the WSOP hosts many other events. These are usually played over successive days. They include both no-limit and limit poker, Omaha Hi-Lo, and 7 Card Stud. Each of these events has a different buy-in. Depending on the event, you can play with stakes as low as one cent or as high as $50.
Heartland Poker Tour
Heartland Poker Tour (HPT) has been around for fifteen seasons now. It's no secret that HPT has been a stalwart in the world of professional poker tours. In fact, its name has been on the lips of poker enthusiasts since its inception in 2005. While it certainly doesn't have the same clout as its counterparts, HPT is still an excellent choice for casinos looking to attract new customers and generate some traction among the pro s.
As far as HPT's history goes, the organization got its start when two savvy players, Greg Lang and Todd Anderson, raided their savings to create a concept that attracted millions of viewers and generated more than $100 million in prize money. Eventually, the duo teamed up with Penn National Gaming and their partner, Pinnacle Entertainment. Their partnership led to a number of fundraising opportunities and some of the best poker players in the world.
During its nine seasons, the tour produced some 230 episodes, some of which were shot in Las Vegas, Nevada and others in the Midwest and on the west coast. Despite its early success, the show suffered from several major setbacks, including a coronavirus pandemic.
Caribbean Adventure No Limit Hold 'Em Championship
The annual celebration of poker, the Caribbean Adventure, is taking the stage once more. For the past 15 years, players from around the globe have swarmed Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas to compete in the biggest and baddest of them all. During this time, the Stars Group awarded millions of dollars to lucky winners.
Although the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure has changed hands, it remains one of the biggest live poker tournaments in the world. The upcoming event will take place from January 22nd to February 3rd. During this period, participants will compete in the largest variety of poker events, including No Limit Hold'em and Pot Limit Omaha, Super High Rollers and a host of other fun and exciting games.
In addition to the main event, the PCA will also feature 41 other high stakes tournaments. These will have different entry fees and structures. This will give the PCA a chance to prove that it is still the premier destination for high-stakes poker.
Toronto Poker Meet up Group
If you are looking for a way to play poker in Toronto, it may be a good idea to join a meet up group. These groups usually have regular poker games and tournaments. Some of them also offer one-off events and tournament leagues.
Aside from the traditional casino poker rooms, there are also some underground clubs and meet ups in Toronto. The underground scene is exciting, though the dark side is sometimes present.
One of the most popular and active poker clubs in Toronto is the Toronto Poker Game. It offers both live dealer and video poker. They welcome both beginners and experienced players. They host several free poker nights and events throughout the week. However, membership is required.
Poker Club Toronto also holds a number of exclusive tournaments. They have a variety of cash games and Texas Hold'em tournaments. In addition, they have a good social atmosphere. There are a variety of limits for all skill levels.
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au-bullion · 10 months
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Christmas & Boxing Day Sale - Au Bullion
We are Canada’s premier bullion dealer. We specialize in buying and selling Gold, Silver, Platinum and Palladium. Come to us when you want to buy Gold and Silver at the lowest rates in Canada. We strive towards providing all our clients with the highest quality service both online and in person at our offices in Toronto and Vancouver. Feel free to get in touch with our team and we will gladly help you out when choosing your next bullion investment.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Ask For 4 Months, Cadi Grants Favor,” Toronto Star. December 8, 1932. Page 2. ---- Court Recommends Burwash for Musehuk – Drunk Damaged New Police Station --- ‘Thomas Clarke, charged with being drunk,’ read out P.C. Collins in early men’s court to-day.
‘He died last night,’ stated Fred Sherriffs, J.P. ‘He passed away in number three police station.’
Deceased, 29, born in Canada, was charged with being intoxicated on Bathurst St.
A McDonald, charged with being drunk and with doing malicious damage to property, was remanded for a week on his own bail, in the care of Capt. Mason of the church army.
Police alleged that he had been drinking native wine and charged that he entered the new and beautiful No. 12 police station on north Yonge ST. and did $50 worth of damage. For creating a fuss in the lion’s den, he was promptly arrested on two charges.
Orie Thompson was convicted of drunkenness by Magistrate Tinker and was fined $10 or fifteen days.
Steve Museliuk, charged with vagrancy, asked for four months. He got his wish.
‘I am committing you to jail for four months and recommending Burwash,’ said Magistrate Tinker.
Robbery Is ChargeCharged with shopbreaking, Joseph Schwab, 28, of Lippincott, St., and Alfred Currie, 32, of Augusta Ave., were remanded by Magistrate Jones in men’s court to-day until December 14. Bail was $1,000 for each man.
One was arrested by motorcycle officers while he was alleged to have been trying to sell some leather goods belonging to an east-end dealer. The other was arrested by Detectives Butler and Harris.
Police alleged that the arrests solve the theft of 148 dozen pairs of leather soles from the warehouse of Zeomon Enchin, of 19 Grenadier Rd., on Tuesday night. The initial arrest was made by Motorcycle Officers Jerry and Craig from information received.
Appearing for sentence on a charge of stealing a gold watch, John Zone was given 30 days.
Earns $5 a Week‘She told me she worked from 7 in the morning until 9 at night for $5 a week,’ said P.C. Robb in testifying against Rosie Leisiltz, Queen St., charged with a breach of the Liquor Control Act. ‘The restaurant she works in is beneath the single room where she live with a crippled husband and two children. Here were three men drinking beer out of a jug.’
Beer was exhibited and P.C. Colson said that the woman had told him all her trouble. He said he had been the paralyzed husband sitting in a chair.
The crown pointed out that accused was working long hours for little money to support her husband and family, rather than go on city relief.
Found guilty, she was remanded for sentenced until Dec. 21 on a bond of $200.
Limit on the LiquorMary Smith, Queen St. E., charged with having liquor contrary to the Liquor Control Act, pleaded not guilty and denied any knowledge of a half-full jug of wine which was found in her room.
Plainclothesmen Crawford and McKay said they found liquor for which there was no provision made on her permit. It was also disclosed that a limit had been set on the quantity of liquor she was allowed to purchase each month.
She was not allowed to buy more than 48 bottles of beer, two bottles of spirits and 12 bottles of wine.
‘That’s not much of a limit,’ remarked the bench.
Accused was fined $10 and costs or 30 days, her permit was cancelled and her house declared a public place.
Betting Slips in YiddishCounsel Austin Ross, appearing for Louis Binder, charged with recording bets, a plea of not guilty.
Plainclothesmen Mckay and Crawford said they entered a Queen St. W. house and found accused with $44 worth of betting slips.
‘He had racing forms and the slips were written in Yiddish,’ they said.
Mr. Ross then changed the plea to guilty and  accused was fined $50 and costs or 30 days.
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What Options Are Available to Buy Fold Bars
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cosplayinamerica · 4 years
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Princess Daisy : pencils_and_pincushions // photo: that_fedora_photographer
I’m a Canadian cosplayer who has been cosplaying since 2007. I’ve had a love for Victorian fashion since I very young age (my little kid brain basically made the connection that Victorian dresses = women dressing like Disney princesses IRL), but the thing that kickstarted my desire to learn sewing was going to a fabric store with my mother when I was in my senior year of high school and seeing a Butterick pattern catalogue that had Victorian-inspired costumes. Almost instantly I had a lightbulb moment that if I learned to sew, I could actually wear those big fancy gowns I loved.   
I entered university and, over the next few years, spent my free time reading and learning everything I could about sewing. In 2007, my best friend invited me to Anime North - she was going as a gothic lolita-inspired version of the Queen of Hearts, so I decided I would make a Mad Hatter to accompany her.
I was so excited that I jumped in completely head-first, and it ended up being my first foray into both sewing and pattern drafting. In hindsight it was wildly ambitious for a first project (and I’m still a little surprised that I actually pulled it off!), but I’m so glad that my enthusiasm made me persevere and psh through the challenges, because I learned a ton from that experience and ended up with a cosplay I was thrilled with.
I remember seeing myself in the mirror the first time and being so happy when I realized I’d been able to bring something to life from my imagination. When my friend and I got to the con, things only got better from there - the atmosphere was so energetic and colourful thanks to all the amazing cosplays, and it was filled with so many fun, enthusiastic, and friendly people. From that day I was officially hooked on cosplay.
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I’m part of the Toronto Steampunk Society and, each year at Fan Expo Canada, we hold an Annual Costume Challenge where we pick a theme and encourage people to make a costume based on the theme. A couple of years ago, the theme was ‘steampunk video game characters’ and one of my friends in the TSS, Modern Myths Cosplay, thought it would be cute to do Princess Peach and Princess Daisy.
I loved the idea and, after more discussion, we decided to do a steampunk twist on the Super Smash Bros Brawl version since it was fancier and seemed to lend itself well to a steampunk interpretation. Though Daisy isn’t officially in Brawl, my friend was fortunately able to dig up some fan edits of Peach in Daisy’s colours, so with that we were set.
I usually make my outfits myself, but since my friend and I wanted to ensure our cosplays matched, we decided to work collaboratively and divide things: I would create the bodices and accessories for both gowns, and she would create the skirts and crinolines.
I started off by drafting the base bodice patterns. Since I draft all my costumes, I used my existing bodice block/master patterns for myself and drafted a bodice block from scratch for my friend based on her measurements. One neat thing about working this way was that it basically turned into a girls’ weekend where I was able to teach my friend more about pattern drafting, which ended up making the process unexpectedly fun and memorable.
After I finished fitting my friend’s bodice block, I got to work drafting our bodice patterns based on the reference pics we had collected. Being able to tackle both bodices ended up working well since it enabled me to draft them in a way that made them visually match identical while taking our respective body shapes into account.
A couple of mockups and fittings later, we had an idea of how much fabric we needed, so we went fabric shopping. My friend suggested that we go with richer, more regal-looking tones instead of strictly game-accurate colours, so when we found a place selling gorgeous peau de soie and sparkle organza, I was instantly sold on a gold and burnt orange colour scheme.
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We split the fabric based on our respective portions and worked on them separately. I cut and sewed the bodices, which was fairly straight forward but time-consuming! The part that sticks in my mind the most was the center front panel because it had so many pieces and layers - two types of satin, two types of organza (including one that had to be ruched to the base panel in multiple places), five rows of lace, interfacing...and that doesn’t even include the lining!
I also created our jewelry and crowns. The brooches and earrings were made from filigree settings that I painted, glued gems, and attached pin backs and earring hooks to, and the crowns are made from craft foam painted in gold acrylic, with embellishments assembled from painted filigree stampings and gems.
My friend created our cage skirts from 1/4 PEX pipe and brown grosgrain ribbon, which ended up being the perfect hoop skirt material since it was cheap, lightweight, and strong enough to support the huge, heavy skirts. She cut and sewed our skirts (including attaching meters and meters of trim that I’d painted white to better match the game colours) and she also made our bloomers.
The gowns were a huge undertaking and, thanks to work and general real life eating up time, we did end up engaging in the dreaded con crunch, but fortunately in the end we were able to get them to a state where they were pretty and wearable!
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The response at the convention was absolutely amazing - I don’t think I’ve ever had a costume elicit the reactions that Princess Daisy did. We figured that, since we were cosplaying the princesses from Mario, there was a good chance we might be recognized, but the thing I wasn’t prepared for was how genuinely happy and excited people were, especially when they saw us together. We literally had kids waving at us from across the street when they spotted us.
Even grown-ups loved it - we were frequently stopped for pictures, and even a couple of the folks in the dealer’s room who were running booths would break into huge smiles and ask for pictures. Plus, people loved the steampunk twist and were delighted when they realized how much our costumes matched.
The best, most heartwarming response to my Princess Daisy cosplay happened when I met up with some other friends and one tapped me on the shoulder, pointed behind me and said, “I think she wants a picture with the princess.” I turned around and, standing a few feet away, was this adorable, super shy little black girl who was staring in my direction. My heart instantly melted and I went over to her and had a little chat and took a picture with her.
As a black cosplayer who has run several panels on BIPOC cosplay and spoken about the importance of diversity and representation in cosplay, being able to show that sweet little girl that someone who looks like her can be a princess - and showing kids of other races that Princess Daisy can be black - was a vivid reminder that representation does matter.
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Since I got into the hobby, cosplay has been a big part of my life and has positively impacted me in so many ways. It has been an incredible creative outlet that has given me the chance to express myself, and it has allowed me to meet so many wonderful people - many of whom are now among my closest friends. However, I think one of the most rewarding things about cosplay has been how it has allowed me to provide BIPOC cosplay representation and visibility within my local cosplay community. I often do Afro-steampunk cosplay, and one of the most unexpectedly moving things I’ve experienced has been other BIPOC saying to me that seeing my outfits make them feel like they can cosplay.
It has been humbling and has motivated me to get more involved in the cons I attend. For the past several years I’ve run panels on diversity in cosplay/steampunk as well as sewing and cosplay construction, which has enabled me to share the knowledge and skills I’ve learned. I also lead the steampunk section of the Anime North Fashion Show, and I’ve made a point to recruit as diverse a roster of models as possible. I’m happy that we’ve been able to showcase steampunk looks inspired by various cultures including Chinese, Indian, and Morrocan.
Another plus is that the sewing skills I’ve learned from cosplay have come in handy in other areas of my life. It has been fun - and surprisingly empowering - to be at a point where I can use my sewing ability to create one-of-a-kind outfits for formal work events (like office holiday parties) that make me feel pretty and confident.
Something I’ve frequently mentioned during my BIPOC cosplay/steampunk panels is that the simple act of showing up to a con or event in cosplay can have an impact because you never know how much that visibility can inspire other BIPOC to get into the hobby, so my advice to anyone wanting to get into cosplay is to do it! Overall I have found it to be a fun, creative, energizing experience.
While I’ve been extremely fortunate to have had overwhelmingly positive experiences while cosplaying, I recognize that, unfortunately, BIPOC do sometimes face harassment and outright racist comments (especially online) that can make getting into the hobby seem scary. Finding welcoming, supportive spaces in person and online can be a big help (the POC Cosplay group on Facebook is great for this) - plus, thanks to things like #28DaysOfBlackCosplay, there is more visibility and inspiration out there than ever before.
The other thing I’d add is to treat each cosplay as a learning experience. Being able to work so closely with my friend on creating a cosplay was a completely different creation process than I’m used to, and it was really cool to be able to learn from each other’s different working styles and experience. It was great to teach her pattern drafting and see how happy she was to learn skills she could apply to future cosplays, and I was so excited when she showed me her PEX pipe hoop skirt method. Looking back on my Princess Daisy cosplay makes me smile because it’s almost like a physical representation of the fun we have cosplaying together.
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