#gold like the sun
Malec based on the story of Savitri and Satyavan please? There’s a ted ed video of it if you need it
i had a lot of fun with this so i hope you enjoy and thank you for the prompt!
for anyone curious about the story here is a link with the video.
even if you're not curious because of the fic, i'd suggest watching as its a beautiful soulmate story and i absolutely loved incorporating it with malec.
<3 lumine
Magnus startles as an arrow flies past him, embedding itself in the last demon he was about to snuff out.
“Now that’s a weapon I haven’t seen for quite some time.” He says into the darkness, “what ever are you trying to hunt in Brooklyn with one of those?”
A figure steps out of the darkness, tall dark and devastatingly handsome and there’s a look of contained wonder as he steps closer to Magnus.
“I was shadow hunting.” He’s told with a dry smirk, “I thought I saw one.” 
It’s then that Magnus sees the dark lines he will never fail to recognize creating runes across the man’s neck and arms.
However, shadowhunters don’t leave Idris anymore, content to stay safe and let the rest of the world suffer the demons that nephilim no longer hunt nightly.
They swore to never come out of their city after the Uprising and failed negotiations for new accords. In their own words, the clave will not send aid for anything less than world catastrophes.
Magnus finds he has less free time and gets his hands a fair bit dirtier, but it’s also much less troublesome.
He doubts the werewolves, vampires and less powerful warlocks agree but well, that’s their problem.  Magnus quite prefers not having to deal with nephilim though he will make an exception for the one in front of him.
“And what is a lone nephilim doing wondering the streets of the outside world? Is there an apocalypse I haven’t noticed?”
There’s a pause and a pained grimace and the shadowhunter shrugs, “I’m no longer welcome in Alicante.”
Magnus takes a moment to wonder why but some instinct in him is both curious and intrigued and he steps closer. “I’m Magnus Bane. Tell me over a meal why you’re exiled in my territory, you look like you could use one.” Magnus doesn’t mean to say it, but he can’t help it and instead of getting offended, the shadowhunter seems confused.
As if it’s been a very long time since someone cared about his wellbeing, even as a method for information.
He’s activating every single one of Magnus’ normally non-existent protective instincts and Magnus tuts and opens a portal. He holds out a hand and after a moment it’s taken and he’s followed through to his lair.
He meant to take the shadowhunter somewhere less private, less personal but it’s too late now and Magnus smirks, as if this was his plan all along.
“Drinks?” He suggests and then because he really is concerned, he snaps his fingers and summons plates and bowls of foods and pitchers and pots of drinks.
There’s a moment of contemplation and then, in an intimate but careful gesture the shadowhunter brushes his fingers against Magnus’ wrist in quiet thanks.
“I’m Alec.”
He’s told, no family name offered and Magnus immediately thinks, “Alexander.” He doesn’t realize he’s murmured it aloud until Alexander blinks and then smiles softly at him, nodding.
There is a carefulness as Alexander sits and eats and drinks slowly that makes Magnus want to rage.
“Will you tell me, what happened?” Magnus asks, because while he could demand it, he wants to know because Alexander trusts him.  It’s a silly hope but even as Magnus is reminding himself not to be disappointed to not find out, Alexander nods.
“A rift opened in Alicante two months ago and Lilith attacked. We couldn’t keep up with her demons and the clave summoned Asmodeus, striking a deal with him.”
Magnus stares in shock and despite what he wants, his glamour falls and he can tell instantly that they’re recognized.
For a moment, Magnus thinks Alexander will attack him and the part of him that hates himself and his father thinks it will almost be deserved.
“They’re so much prettier on you.” Alexander blurts out and then he flushes, as if he can’t believe he said such a thing and Magnus can’t either.  “Sorry it’s just. They just look different.”  When it becomes clear that Magnus doesn’t understand what he means — he’s only ever seen his father’s eyes staring back at him — Alexander scowls. “It’s like the difference between one of those plastic mundane gems and a real one.”
Magnus is beyond flattered and he blinks, wondering just where exiled shadowhunters learned to be so coy.
Especially after learning that his father is involved in the reason Alexander no longer has a home.
“What happened?” He asks and he can’t help but reach out and press his hand to Alexander’s knee in comfort.
Alexander gives him an almost apologetic look, features tight, “I’m from one of the disgraced families, Magnus.” He admits, like Magnus would ever hold his parents against him, especially in a situation like this. Magnus isn’t surprised that Alexander is from one of the many families who joined the Circle and fell from their prestige when returned to Idris.
“Asmodeus wanted a nephilim soul, freely given. My family was picked because we have the most children for spare heirs. I volunteered for my siblings and the deal was struck. Fifteen months of life tied to Edom before Asmodeus collects me to harvest my soul.” Alexander shrugs, unaffected as if he has long since accepted his fate. “In return, he closed the rift.”
Magnus is unsurprised by both the clave forcing innocents to clean up their mess and his father’s part in this.  Undoubtedly, the real reason his father gave Alexander so long was to force his soul to wallow in despair with the knowledge of his fate.
“And the exile?”
“My soul is now tied to a demon. I am unfit to reside in the walls of Alicante and so I came here.”
“Where are you living?” It should feel like an interrogation but it feels so easy, to wonder and be concerned for Alexander and he’s given a small smile in return.
“The abandoned Institute in Manhattan.  The angelic core was never able be retrieved and so while it’s a bit run down, it has enough energy to power some wards and protections.” Alexander shrugs, as if Magnus doesn’t know exactly what kind of conditions the Institute is in.
“You’ll stay here instead of that drafty place.” Magnus says — a tone of finality he doesn’t even understand himself — in his voice. “Darling, nephilim are a rare treat in the downworld these days. It simply isn’t safe and while I could ward the Institute for you—”
“Magnus I couldn’t ask you to do that.” Alexander cuts in, looking distressed at the very idea of causing Magnus so much work.
“I didn’t hear you ask me for anything,” Magnus teases and Alexander blushes, looking away for a moment. “However, warding the whole Institute seems wasteful when I can simply keep you here, where the wards are already in existence and can keep you safe.”
“Magnus, you know now that nothing can keep me safe. Not forever.” Alexander hedges, something soft in his voice as if he’s worried the reminder will hurt Magnus… and it does. “I only have about a year until your father claims my soul.” Alexander reminds him and he looks worried, as if any of this was ever Alexander’s fault.
“That’s still a year that I can protect you. That I can keep you safe, Alexander.” And then, because Magnus isn’t sure how he knows that Alexander is where he meets his fate but he murmurs a soft, courageous, “How can you ask me to give you up even sooner than I absolutely must?”
It shouldn’t be this easy to know that Alexander was meant for him but Magnus thinks he knew from the moment Alexander took his hand that this was different.
And Alexander breaks and turns, shaking as he presses himself to Magnus and hugs him tightly.
Whatever strange fate has them meeting, Magnus already knows that there is nothing he wouldn’t do for Alexander.
They fall into their relationship with a desperation born from an hourglass that never stops its trickle of sand.
Catarina and Ragnor are happy for him until they learn the circumstances and while they want to protect him, they love him too much to cause him anymore pain. Catarina cries when Magnus tells her and she holds him close and kisses his forehead, promising him everything she can.
Ragnor buries himself in his archives and studies rituals, dark magicks that Magnus can use against his father. Artifacts that will protect him and boost his powers and Catarina helps him with Alexander.
There is a toll on a soul when it’s sold to a demon and the contract to Asmodeus drains Alexander daily. Asmodeus gave Alexander so many months to live not out of generosity, but because he wanted to feed on the despair of a soul abandoned by everyone it trusted.
However Alexander trusts Magnus with a fervor that still astounds him and Magnus caresses Alexander’s face as his boy bathes in potions and herbs. Anything to combat the strain on his soul and keep up his strength.
Because Alexander will need all the strength he can get, just to hold on.  But he’ll survive because Alexander would do anything if it were for Magnus’ sake.
Magnus kisses Alexander’s brow and taking a breath he begins to weave his magic into the very fiber of Alexander’s soul, beyond where Asmodeus can yet reach.
Alexander smiles up at him and kisses Magnus’ palm when he reaches out.
“You are my world, Alexander.” Magnus tells him and Alexander chuckles and kisses his palm again with voiceless adoration. “I will never have another after you darling, I couldn’t bear to, so you must stay strong.”
“I’ll always try my best, to live for you.” Alexander promises because it’s the only thing he can try.
Asmodeus comes as he was always going to and while Alec won’t be able to fight — he’s not even going to try, he can’t — Magnus has hope for his vitality and health. Things that have been carefully boosted and curated over the last year to help him stay conscious when he’s taken to Edom.
“Magnus, somehow I thought you had better taste than the dregs of my contracts.” His father says a moue of disdain on his face as his voice drips with disappointment.
“What do you want for him?” Magnus asks, because that’s how he has to start this. Trying to bargain for Alexander.
Asmodeus looks at him curiously and then he grins, smile wide and vicious as he takes him in.
“Does he mean so much to you then?” Asmodeus asks and he grips Alexander by his hair, shaking him like he’s some pest. “Think less of what I want for him, Magnus and tell me what you’re willing to give me.”
Magnus swallows and offers, “I will release you from the binding I put on you. Free to leave Edom as you wish.”
Asmodeus looks at him for a minute and then laughs and shakes his head.
“I will gain far more than that from a willingly harvested nephilim soul, Magnus. You bargain too cheaply, still afraid to take risks.”
Asmodeus takes Alexander away and Magnus grits his teeth and triggers the array that will take him to Edom.
Magnus attacks his father before he has a chance to be surprised that Magnus followed him.
His magic lashes out, whipping through the air and never once harming Alexander even as Asmodeus tries to use him as a shield.
Realizing the futility, Asmodeus throws Alexander to the side and Magnus watches as his boy meets his gaze and nods, just a little.
It’s enough to fuel him and Magnus puts every ounce of possessive, desperate adoration into his next blow and it takes his father down.
Not for long and Magnus snarls as he’s thrown into the rocks. 
His father portals and Magnus follows him, spitting blood and smearing it across his jaw as he wipes his mouth.
The next attack, Magnus sends shards of molten fire through Edom’s sands to sear his father’s talons. There’s a whistle of rage and then Magnus is being choked and he grabs the whip with hands that sear from how much more powerful his father’s flames are.
Magnus breaks the tether and screams as he throws acid at his father. It falls as harmless as dewdrops against Alexander — his magic will never harm his boy — but his father bats it away effortlessly with an almost annoyed sigh.
“Really Magnus, this grows tedious. Though I admire your determination, even if it could be better applied.” Asmodeus leaves and Magnus opens the five potions Cat and Ragnor prepared for him and down them in quick succession.
Then, he takes off the platinum bands on his wrists that have been constraining his power, saving the last of it for this final effort.
He portals a last time, right as his father is about to drag Alexander into the ceremonial halls and Magnus follows, waiting until they’re in the ritual room before he attacks.
Alexander is motionless on an altar but his eyes are clear through his pain as he watches Magnus, his sides heaving with labored breath as Edom very atmosphere slowly poisons him.
“Do you want him to die for no reason at all?” Asmodeus asks mockingly, “at least this way his death won’t be a waste.  Or do you want his soul for yourself?”
Magnus clenches his fists, feeling the burns there that sting with fire as if it had never been put out.
“No matter how much I admire your pride and tenacity, I will not give him back to you.” Asmodeus warns, a cruel, smug glint on his face.
Magnus growls, face twisted into a snarl of hate as he once again readies himself for an attack.  Just as he’s about to release it, Asmodeus sends a blast of lightning through the sand.
Magnus curses as glass forms around him and shatters under the weight of his magic.  What is meant to be an attack turns to defense as he deflects them from himself, feeling warm blood slide down from the shards of Asmodeus magic he couldn’t destroy.
“You’ve impressed me son.” Asmodeus tells him thoughtfully and Magnus spits out blood as he forces himself to stand straight and not waver. “I will give you one wish alone, as a reward. A boon from a father to his heir, as long as it isn’t that.” Asmodeus motions to Alexander and smirks, as if Magnus needs to be shown what he means.
Magnus doesn’t even need to think.
There was never a chance his father would give up Alexander but he already knows what he wants.
“Then I want you to release my magic. All of it, every single piece of my magic that you’ve hoarded away for yourself.
“So be it.” Asmodeus says with a vicious laugh, “my heir finally understanding how deals work. A pity for your lover.” Then his eyes narrow, “though if you hope to take him back by force, I will not be lenient in teaching you a lesson.”
If he thinks his words will shatter Alexander or Magnus, then he’s mistaken because his boy is looking at Magnus with nothing but love and trust and determination in his eyes.
“A vow then, upon our blood. I will never again ask you for Alexander or his soul. I will not try to take him from you by word or force. Nor will I try to gain back his soul once you’ve harvested it.  In return, you will give back to me every part of my magic that you have ever taken from me. You will return it intact and you will never again be able to touch a single part of my magic again.”
Asmodeus is surprised by the vow but delighted and he chuckles, the image of a proud father as he drops Alexander — abandoning his limp form in the sand and glass — and comes forward to hug Magnus.
The vow clicks into place as they embrace and Magnus knows the moment Asmodeus realizes what has happened.  His father grips him harder in cruel disbelief before he laughs.  It’s a harsh, angry sound but he also seems wary.  As if Magnus has surprised him in a way he didn’t expect.
“You’re more clever than I remember.” Asmodeus tells him, eyes covetous as he stares at him. “You’re perfect to rule with me, why do you deny it?”
“I have a kingdom of my own.” Magnus reminds him with a dark, bloody smile as his stolen magic returns to him, Alexander along with it and he picks Alexander up and holds him to his chest. “I have no need for antiquities or legacies, father. I have plenty authority of my own without needing to rely on handouts.”
He smirks back at his father, content with the fact that he has, for the first time, successfully beat Asmodeus.
“They’ll let him return now that I no longer own his soul.” Asmodeus reminds him, “do you really think he’ll stay with you with that kind of a choice before him?”
“You’ve already forgotten how I won. Alexander is mine, a part of my magic lives in his soul and will forever, forever bound to him in an eternal way. Alicante will never let him through their wards and he wouldn’t want them to.”
Magnus ignores any further attempts at manipulations and turns, knowing that his father won’t dare to attack him.  Not with all of Magnus’ reclaimed magic writhing around him, furious at the idea of Asmodeus — the thief — coming near. 
So much of his magic is strange and fearsomely different from its time trapped in Edom but all of it curls around Magnus and around Alexander.  It gives him the strength to turn his back and carry Alexander out of his father’s throne room.
Magnus walks through the dilapidated palace and into the sands of Edom and takes a deep, gasping breath because he didn’t know if that would work. Magnus had only hoped and hoped and he holds Alexander unconscious body to him fiercely.
A portal opens to the strongest most secret of his lairs and Magnus walks them through.  Soon he will return to his seat of power but for a few days, he will content himself in reassuring himself that the man he loves still lives.
Here, safe and belonging only to Magnus and himself.
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renonv · 3 months
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Here comes the Sun himself ☀️
glassless versión
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googleitlol · 3 months
My little brother has been mumbling, "I'm Jangles." Under his breath for the past 24 hours help
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olibunni · 4 months
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In honor of the fuckass danganronpa revival that seems to maybe be happening I present a half rendered komahina beach day drawing
Edit: also I’m still new to this app and I want to make friends and mutuals and stuff so maybe if ur willing to reblog w some nice tags and I’ll go thru everything you’ve ever posted (if that’s okay w u) (I’m scared of people)
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Extra edit: here’s it finished :)
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bacchuschucklefuck · 2 months
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❗❗Official Class Swap Sorcerer!Kristen Post Alert❗❗ you can: look at her
#dimension 20#fantasy high#fhjy#kristen applebees#fh class quangle#sorcerer!kristen is uh. Not Home Anymore! she's been couch surfing along with jawbones before freshman year#I think this kinda falls into a slight teen-witch-esque approach which I do like#since I've been pulling from like. matilda and pippi longstocking for these designs. the Exceptional Little Girls kinda genre#it does make her look younger than her peers which I do like. I feel like a big part of sorcerer!kristen's deal is that she's never#taken seriously. frequently treated like she doesn't know what's good for her. fellow adhd havers make some noiseee#but! upon review I feel like there's also a kinda ms. frizzle turn to her design? which like. awesome thats the lesbianism nailed babeyy#the fuckoff giant thermos as arcane focus is a homage to pete conlan but also crucially#if you swing that thing by the cord I think you can take off someone's head easy. I think that's the important thing#her cargo shorts are not of holding but functionally Everything is in there. scrunchies pencils spare gold chapsticks paperclips multitools#tbh I personally love the progression in her design lol she starts out like ''oh this young girl is a bit unkempt'' and#becomes ''oh this person is insane'' by junior year which is really awesome imo. I love that#its just fig left! I mean her freshman year design is pretty much set for me. I just need to figure out the rest#gorgug is kinda aerith in junior year I wonder if I can softly turn fig tifa-ward lol... ooh I have ideas now. this is gonna be fun#but for now. enjoy evening! may we all make like lizard and enjoy sun
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breadbrobin · 3 months
the way thorin looks at bilbo >>>>>>
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faaun · 2 months
what draws you back to your country what draws you back to your land when i was a kid i told myself if i ever left iran i'd never go back 2 years into living in the UK i started looking at news on iran again 10 years in and i visited it for the first time again and today i heard an iranian mother talk in farsi to her child on the train to london the way my mother used to and i wanted to cry i wanted to ask her whether they're still cutting the mountaintops whether the lakes are still drying today i showed the person i was with pictures of waterfalls and palaces and forests and snow-white north something odd pulls me back with increasing force i can't ignore it ever again
#i just dont know how else to tell you everything !!! santoor from a different room the large family gathering the black tea with saffron#drank out of delicate glass and gold vessels cold marble on hot nights big stars big rivers big mountains#visible from busy tehran roads the ease of conversation tension eased by sarcasm tall tall cliffsides you drive by#rushing to put on headscarves before the head teacher comes in a rave by the base of damavand massive sun pastel purple skies#disjunct architecture trucks on road sides with fresh fruits pomegranates watermelons oranges everywhere#the smell of golpar on tangerines beautiful girls in tehran holding hands bautiful boys in kermanshah speaking kurdish the janky#cars on the verge of breakdown held together by love caspian sea lighting up in spring staying up into the morning on noruz#my friends uncle sang and played setar his son played the violin a little fear a lot of love remnants of something#grand carved into the cliffside everything feels bigger taller the landscape swallows you it smells like#illegally imported wine and orange blossoms and auntie's tahchin soaking your eyes in warm tea when youre sick#tomatoes and salt concrete and stone something mandmade and something raw new flag old resilience#the anger getting to us bruised eyes big grin all i know is the north i feel sorry my mother asks if id be okay#if they got a place in tajikistan we love each other enough dont we? when we look in the mirror we see each other. theres a love letter#across the border and it says I MISS YOU IM GLAD YOURE DOING BETTER itll never be the same im not okay with it at all there are no more#stars i miss jumping over big fires i miss our fireworks im sorry we cant be happy anymore everyone#leaves the mint and rosewater and sunlight for a reason.#it's not pride it's just generational regret
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storge · 1 month
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You once swore that you will marry me. Now, I'm right before you.
Nothing Gold Can Stay (2017) 1.72
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pharawee · 10 months
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"You're treating me so well. Is there anything you want from me?"
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like-this-post-if-you · 6 months
Like this post if you've played/watched Pokemon.
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dragons-and-art · 1 month
👑 for Jake as well if that's ok.
Do you have any idea how long i've been wanting to draw Jake on a throne made of tacky, spray painted trash? TOO LONG that is
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coldshrugs · 4 months
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☀️ 🌙 [feat. @lavampira's d'alia liveq]
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
Pictures from the 2023 Brazil Post-Race that made me psychologically and physcially and emotionally unwell:
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174 notes · View notes
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I didn't like the shoes so I made my own 🤷🏽‍♀️
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Me *cough* Crepe is really proud of her appearance, so she would definitely wear something like this with confidence.
You think Wukong would like it? 🤔
Outfit ref:
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And @zamypachi inspired me ✨️ 🤭 😊 💕
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puppyeared · 2 years
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Forever and ever
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glittergroovy · 16 days
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Gold Satin Dreamer - Nicole Dollanganger
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