#golden rules of logo design
liveblack · 3 months
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elbeetbetak · 5 months
Are you looking for an innovative and simplified business logo design (a professional logo for your brand)? Look no further! You can get a unique logo through the following link and you will see for yourself the number of positive reviews: https://tr.ee/7pZcjZvOpr Don't miss this great opportunity to get a professional logo at affordable prices!
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lulu2992 · 1 year
From the Inquisitor to the Baptist: The Evolution of John Seed
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From the early stages of the development of a video game to the day it gets released, its gameplay, story, and characters usually go through many modifications. Far Cry 5 is no exception to this rule, and thanks to promotional images, trailers, interviews, official side material, and even deleted content still available in the game’s files, we can get a glimpse of what Hope County and its residents used to be like. John Seed, in particular, seems to have undergone quite a few alterations, both physical and moral.
In these posts, I will be listing and discussing all the changes I noticed in John and explaining why the man who used to be known as “The Inquisitor” isn’t identical to “The Baptist” we met in Far Cry 5.
All the sources and references indicated by the superscript numbers will be given in the last post.
Part 1: Physical appearance, clothes, and tattoos (concept art, promotional content, and side material)
What seems to be the earliest portrait of the Seed family is a piece of concept art that Lead Graphic Production Artist Nick Arnett shared on Instagram¹:
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As you can see, many things look different from what we are used to, from the Eden’s Gate cross (behind Joseph’s head) and logo (on the pulpit, with an eagle) to the Seed siblings’ outfits. The man on the right seems to be John, and he’s sporting a two-tone blue shirt that resembles the one he will end up wearing in the game, but he doesn’t have a vest. Instead of a belt, he has suspenders, and his pants and shoes look darker and more formal than his usual jeans and boots. He already has a beard and, while his hair is slicked back, as it is in the game, it’s a little longer. He doesn’t have any visible tattoos, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that he does have something on his hand: blood, running from his knuckles.
In May 2017, nine months before Far Cry 5 came out, the game was officially announced and a few promotional pictures were released, notably these two²:
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But before that, we can see what John looked like at an even earlier stage of the game’s development, during the making of those two aforementioned pictures, thanks to early sketches and visuals shared by AmCo Studio³ and Fire Without Smoke⁴:
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John’s iconic vest and sunglasses have appeared, and while his shirt became white, it’s now partially unbuttoned and the sleeves are rolled up, which is how he wears it in the game. As for his hair, it’s shorter than it was in the first family portrait and looks more similar to his final design. We still don’t see any tattoos on his arms, but he has a watch.
In the final version of what I would call the “Last-Supper-like” images, John looks even more like himself, but there are still a few differences:
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Although they are not strictly identical to the ones he has in the game, he’s wearing sunglasses with blue lenses on his head. His shirt became blue again, his vest is striped, and he now has his “EG” (Eden’s Gate) earring and belt buckle, grey jeans, and bunker key around his neck. He’s also wearing a coat, but while, at first glance, it looks like the one we all know, the pattern isn’t the same; instead of planes, there are “EG” symbols on it. The buttons, however, are already golden and decorated with scales.
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In the pictures, especially the first one, the siblings are associated with symbols: a crown for Joseph (on his jacket and napkin), a sword for Jacob (on his music box), a pair of scales for John (on his coat’s buttons and in the bread/cake), and intoxicating Bliss flowers for Faith, a reference to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively, who. In John’s case, the scales could also be a nod to the fact he’s a lawyer. Indeed, scales are commonly used to symbolize justice.
This time, he finally has tattoos, and while some of them are the ones he will have in Far Cry 5, others are different. He already has small symbols on his fingers: an eye, a tongue, a hand with a drop of blood on it, a heart, a foot, a keyhole, and waves. The meaning of these symbols used to be a mystery to me, but it turns out they were inspired by Bible verses, specifically Proverbs 6:16-19⁵:
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
The flames on his right wrist will be in the game as well, but here, they are smaller. This tattoo seems to have been taken directly from this illustration:
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It’s from a French (Breton, to be precise) collection of “Taolennoù Ar Mission” (literally “mission paintings” in Breton) by François-Marie Balanant, who was a priest, and it depicts a human soul being afflicted by the seven deadly sins⁶. “Taolennoù” were created in Brittany in the sixteenth century by the Catholic clergy in an effort to make religion more accessible to the faithful, some of whom were illiterate, with the help of drawings.
This particular image can be found on the Wikipedia page dedicated to the seven deadly sins⁷, which seems to have been the primary source of information and inspiration for several of John’s tattoos.
Clearly, the angelic figure with the dove, on his right hand, also directly comes from the drawing (upper left corner). This tattoo will later be redesigned and decorate the inner face of his left forearm.
As explained on Wikipedia, there used to be eight mortal sins, and their Latin names were:
Gula (Gluttony)
Luxuria (Lust)
Avaritia (Greed)
Tristitia (Sorrow)
Ira (Wrath)
Acedia (Sloth)
Vanagloria (Vainglory)
Superbia (Pride)
Tristitia and Acedia would later be combined, as well as Vanagloria and Superbia.
In the two promotional pictures, John has seven of these sins (except Acedia) tattooed on his left hand, as he does in Far Cry 5.
John also has letters on his fingers, but while, in the game, they spell “E-D-E-N” and “G-A-T-E”, here, we see G, G, S, E, W, P, and L, most likely the first letter of each deadly sin in English.
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On his chest, instead of a scar and the mutilated word “SLOTH”, he has a tattoo. We see two crossed rifles, the number seven in tally marks (probably yet another reference to the deadly sins), what seems to be the words “Bros & Sis” above the design, and what probably is “Til Death” under it. It looks like an infantry tattoo, very similar to the example included below (center) by tattoo artist Garrett Tankersley, known as tat2garrett on Instagram⁸:
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Finally, in one of the images, John is holding a tattoo machine. In the other, he’s holding a revolver. In the game, however, this weapon is nowhere to be seen.
Even though he will never use it in Far Cry 5, John was represented by this gun again on one of the game’s old official websites⁹:
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At the time, as you can see, his title was also “The Inquisitor” instead of “The Baptist”.
On the PlayAsia blog, on a page dedicated to Far Cry 5, short information sheets about a few of the game’s characters were posted¹⁰. They look official, but since I have only ever seen them on this website, which was not created by Ubisoft, their origin and therefore the accuracy of the information they give are uncertain.
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While most of what the picture says is either true (blue eyes, brown hair) or plausible (his height), John mathematically can’t be only 32 years old because he was already working as a lawyer about ten years before the events of the game, which is set in 2018. According to my research, it takes 7 years after graduating high school to become a licensed lawyer in the United States. In 2008, John couldn’t be younger than 18+7=25 years old, so it’s impossible for him to have been born after 1983. He could have skipped grades, but since this is never mentioned anywhere, I assume he didn’t and that he’s in fact older than 32 in Far Cry 5.
It’s possible, however, that he really was supposed to be 32 years old when the picture was made but that his backstory (and consequently his age) was then modified.
In the novel Far Cry Absolution, a few details are given about John’s appearance. For example, on page 6:
He was ten years older than [Mary May] and near six foot with brown hair and a beard that covered the lower half of his face.
Mary May is 29 (almost 30) in the novel, which makes John approximately 39 or 40 years old in the book. This age is more plausible, I think.
Then, on page 31:
John Seed, the younger brother of The Father, slighter in build, but cut from the same cloth. Both bearded and tattooed, and both with those all-seeing eyes that seemed to search through the dark with a kind of nocturnal prowess.
This isn’t the only time in the novel that John’s gaze is described as intense. The word “predatory” is even used on page 145.
Interestingly, and despite the fact it’s absent from Far Cry 5, the gun seen in his hand in one of the promotional pictures is mentioned in Absolution as well. It’s described as “a large revolver” on page 31 and as a “big magnum revolver” on page 57. He also uses a rifle “with a wood stock and bolt-action lever” (page 48) at one point, but this weapon isn’t in the game either.
Overall, aside from this detail, his physical description in the book is rather consistent with what we see in the game. And in this official picture posted in January 2018 to promote the book¹¹, he apparently looks the same as he does in Far Cry 5.
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In the live-action short film Inside Eden’s Gate¹², Joseph is the only member of the Seed family who is played by the actor who also plays him in Far Cry 5, Greg Bryk. In the game, while John is played by Seamus Dever, in the movie, it’s another actor named Rob Evors who was cast in the role. His voice and face obviously don’t sound and look exactly like John’s, so these differences are not significant.
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His outfit, however, has gone through several changes. I don’t know if the design was deliberately altered or if the clothes Rob Evors has in the film simply are the closest real-life equivalent to the ones John is wearing in the promotional pictures that the movie’s costume designers could get their hands on. Like in the development sketches for the “Last-Supper-like” images, his shirt is light-colored (but still blue, apparently) and he’s wearing his sunglasses normally, not on his head. They don’t seem to have blue lenses, but again, maybe the team could only find “regular” sunglasses. He has his Eden’s Gage belt buckle and earring, but instead of being grey, his coat, vest, pants, and shoes are brown/beige. The coat is decorated with “EG” logos, exactly like the one John is wearing in the promotional pictures, but lighter in color.
As for his tattoos, they are identical to the “old” ones we’ve seen so far, but two more are visible: the pair of scales on the side of his thumb and the snake (from the Taolennoù Ar Mission again, but uncoiled), which represents Envy, around his left wrist. These two new tattoos will be part of John’s final design in the game.
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There��s another one between the snake and his watch, but it’s simply one of Rob Evors’¹³.
In the film, John’s tattoos were actually hand-painted¹⁴. Here’s a better look a them, from Makeup Artist Casey Lynn Stuckey’s Instagram account:
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His sleeves are never rolled up in Inside Eden’s Gate, but it’s most likely because that would have meant covering up the actor’s actual tattoos and possibly painting more, so I suppose they thought it was more convenient to just hide them.
The last notable change regarding John’s appearance in the short film is that, for the first and seemingly only time, he’s wearing a shoulder holster, but his gun is not the revolver we’ve seen for far. Instead, it looks like a semi-automatic pistol, maybe a 1911. Since, in Inside Eden’s Gate, Joseph also has this type of gun and not the revolver he carries in Far Cry 5 (albeit rarely, and he never uses it), it’s possible that, once again, the team couldn’t find the right weapons for the movie and used the available props.
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In the live-action TV spot “Anything Can Happen, Everything Will”¹⁵, John is this time played by model and actor Jon Oswald, who jokingly described the character as “the asshole in the Gucci trench coat” when he shared the video on his Instagram account¹⁶.
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John’s outfit looks identical to Rob Evors’ in Inside Eden’s Gate (except the shoes and the holster, it seems), so it’s likely that they just reused the same clothes. Like in the film, John’s sunglasses (which are not blue) aren’t on his head; he’s wearing them. His hair is a bit different, but it’s probably simply because Jon Oswald’s hairstyle looked close enough to John’s and they thought it didn’t need to be modified, so I don’t think this “change” is significant.
Thanks to the pictures that Mackenzie Lawrén Johnson (better known as Kenz Lawrén), who plays Faith Seed in the short film and the TV spot, posted on Instagram¹⁷, we can have a better look at him and his tattoos.
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They haven’t changed much compared to the previous ones, but we can now see a goat (a symbol for Lust, also directly from the Taolennoù Ar Mission) next to the snake on his left arm. In the game, the goat will disappear from his hand, be redesigned, and end up on his right forearm. We see two other tattoos in the picture, but they simply are Jon Oswald’s¹⁸.
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In the image below, drawn by Anthony Winn, who made storyboards for the TV spot¹⁹, the character on the far right (who is not Joseph), wearing a vest and sunglasses, and standing next to a woman who is probably Faith, appears to be an early version of John. This time, he’s holding a rifle, different from the one described in Absolution, and not a handgun. For once, his sister is armed as well.
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In The Book of Joseph²⁰, John, as a child, is described as “the best looking, the least odd” of the Seed brothers, which is why the narrator, Joseph himself, believes he was adopted first after they were sent to an orphanage. When they meet again as adults, Joseph says his younger brother is “strikingly handsome, elegant”, wears “tailored suits” and very expensive shoes, has gleaming hair, shiny teeth, and manicured hands. He also writes that, as John Duncan (the name of his adoptive parents), “physically, he was society’s very model of success”. Psychologically, however, it was another story… but this will be discussed later. Although the John Seed we meet in the game isn’t exactly the same person as John Duncan was anymore, he’s still “elegant” and seems to take care of his appearance. Joseph doesn’t mention tattoos, but it’s likely that John got them later, after the Project was created.
An official guide for Far Cry 5, by Prima Games, was released alongside it. In the book, which was written in 2017, we get to see what John looked like when the game was still in development.
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This design is very close to the final one, but for some reason, his sunglasses, bunker key, earring, and tattoos are all (temporarily) gone. However, the “SLOTH” scar has now appeared on his chest instead of the tattoo he previously had, even though it’s a bit closer to his collarbone than it will be in the game. His outfit and facial features look slightly different, but this is also true for many other characters in the guide.
On IGN’s YouTube channel, a video titled “Far Cry 5: Why John Seed Is Your Charmingly Deadly Enemy” was uploaded in February 2018²¹. In it, we get a glimpse of an early version of the “You have been Marked” TV broadcast²², and although the setting looks different, John’s appearance is very close to his final one.
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By the way, if you look at the noticeboard behind the TV, you’ll see that the Testicle Festival was supposed to take place in 2017 instead of 2018. When this early in-game footage was recorded, Far Cry 5 was probably still scheduled to come out in September 2017 (which is what the first rumors said and could also explain why all the calendars in the game suggest we are in September).
In the thumbnail of the YouTube video, John looks exactly like himself:
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He does too in the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” artwork²³, this promotional screenshot²⁴, and this poster²⁵:
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And in a trailer posted by Ubisoft three weeks before the release of Far Cry 5, a “character spotlight”²⁶, John has his final design as well. The only difference is that, although the game was about to come out, they still called him “The Inquisitor” instead of “The Baptist”.
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Then, on March 27, 2018, Far Cry 5 was released.
To be continued…
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Kinktober 2022: October 23rd
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Day 23: Gags // Fucking Machine // Erotic Dancing
Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Masterbation, mechanical sex machines, offers of payment, voyeurism, mentions of rimming, clitorial stimulation, vaginal penetration
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“What is this?” You frown when the driver actually manhandles the large box through your front door and into the house. You hadn’t ordered anything and no one ever delivered into the house anymore. Not unless a new appliance had been purchased and was set to be installed, and even then you knew about it. 
The truck was nondescript, no logo on the side but you were looking over a very official freight invoice. The dolly’s wheels squeaked and the driver huffs, giving a shrug of his shoulders. “I just deliver and set them up.” He grumbles. “Instructions say to put it in the golden room.” His slightly annoyed eyes seem to hold some kind of judgment as he looks over to you. “Where’s that?” 
Jesus….Dieter must have ordered something. It makes sense now and you can feel the way that your cheeks flame up and your entire body shrinks slightly under the weight of the man’s gaze. “Oh - uh, it’s-” Your hand flaps, vaguely motioning down the hall and you wonder what the fuck he had decided to buy. “I- I need to get the key.” 
“Don’t they all?” He mutters it under his breath but you catch it non the less. Embarrassment burns into your entire being and you want to melt into the floor. Living in Dieter Bravo’s house while he is out of the country shooting a movie should come with emotional hazard pay on top of your generous salary and very nice living arrangements. 
“I don’t- I don’t live here.” You stammer slightly as you go to the kitchen and open the drawer, pulling out the key with the large obnoxious tag on it. Etched into the metal ‘Golden Showers’ is emblazoned in Dieter’s attempt at humor. You didn’t find it all that funny. 
“Just open the room.” You’re sure he doesn’t care. Has probably heard it all, but you are going to fucking kill Dieter when he gets off set and answers your phone calls. If he answers and if he’s sober enough to care. Which isn’t likely. 
It takes you a moment, never opening this door since you’ve been shown the damn room. You know the maid that comes by once a week goes in to dust but you have steered away from the room that Dieter had designed himself. 
Cursing under your breath at the way you fumble with the lock, the handle finally turns and you can’t even look at the man as it swings open, jumping out of the way. “I- I’ll just be in the kitchen if you need anything.” You mumble, fleeing so you don’t have to witness the man’s reaction to the fucking sex room your boss had behind the very average looking door. 
Of course he didn’t answer your texts. Although, to be fair, it was around the time that he would be getting done shooting for the day. If they weren’t having to reshoot scene after scene again. He’s called a few times and complained about the script, the dumbass director, the cast, the weird rules they have in place. All while high, so you think it might just be Dieter whining. 
Whatever that delivery man is doing, it’s taking a long time. Still, you don’t want to see the array of toys Dieter has on display, smirking when he told you it was his answer to the 50 Shades of Grey Red Room. Golden paint walls and black display cabinets housing toys of every shape and size, some of them ridiculous and even creature based. Apparently Dieter bought anything and everything that caught his interest. 
You huff to yourself, trying to ignore the sounds of something being unboxed and set up. Whatever it was, it was big, heavy from the grunts and muffled curses you pretend not to hear. Focusing on making a very normal dinner for yourself, or at least get it started to simmer. You had learned that Dieter’s pots and pans - while top quality - were mainly for show. He didn’t cook and you were enjoying using them. 
“I’m done.” You nearly jump out of your skin when you hear the man speak, turning to find him in the doorway holding a clipboard with the dolly next to him. You hadn’t even heard him approach while you were cooking down the peppers and onions. “Do you want a demonstration?” 
Even if you were curious, there is no way you would survive having someone explain whatever contraption Dieter ordered so you quickly shake your head. “No, um, I’ll just- I’ll let the owner figure it out when he comes back.” You can tell he doesn’t believe you, but you’re relieved that he just shrugs and hands you the clipboard to sign off on the order. Quickly scrawling your signature on the highlighted line, you don’t even look at the description - it’s not your business. 
“Uh, thanks.” You murmur, starting to walk him towards the front of the house and trying to ignore the way you feel like he’s judging you. It’s not your - whatever it is - and you shouldn’t feel ashamed of that. 
He grunts and when the door is opened and the dolly is outside, he turns to give you a small smirk. “Enjoy.” 
God, you’re going to fucking kill Dieter Bravo. 
“It’s there?” You wince, the phone yanked away from your ear at the over enthusiastic burst of noise that comes from the speaker instead of a normal greeting. 
“Hello to you too.” You grumble, cautiously bringing the phone closer. “Yes, it’s here. Even though I don’t know what it is.” 
Dieter tuts and within five seconds there is a beeping on your phone making you look at the screen. He’s FaceTiming you. You roll your eyes but accept it, knowing he will whine and complain if you don’t and you see the excitement in his eyes as he grins at the screen. “Hey sexy, show me.” He demands. 
He’s called you sexy from the first time he met you, actually propositioning  you even though you were there for a fucking job interview. Although it hasn't affected you getting the job, obviously. He had taken your rejection in stride and didn’t hold it over you like some would, but the nickname stuck. 
You let him see your rolled eyes this time, huffing dramatically even though you are already heading to the drawer to pull out the key again, making him snicker as you turn your camera around and he sees the keychain. He can be so immature sometimes but you bite your lip to keep from laughing. 
“So did they show you how it works, I mean, I’ve seen the videos, but they left the instruction manual right? It’s pretty easy, the easiest one.” He rambles, making you wonder what the fuck he had bought. 
When the door swings open, it’s a contest to see who gasps louder, you or Dieter. You think that surprise might push you over the edge but his excitement is clear through the speaker of your phone. 
It’s a fucking machine. You’ve seen one in pornos before, browsing through them and landing on a video that sent you down a rabbit hole of filth. Intimidating looking with differing arms and attachments that are all displayed, your face burns in complete embarrassment at the thought of that man giving you a demonstration of the toy. No wonder he had smirked at you, not believing that this was not yours. 
“Why - Dieter, I don’t-” You don’t finish the statement, completely confused as to why he would buy a fucking machine. 
“Sometimes you just need a tongue in your ass.” Dieter chirps, almost giggly as you keep the phone steady and he looks at the top of the line machine he had purchased when he was high off his ass and tired of jerking off. This thing would do everything he could ever dream of, including sucking his cock - so it had been worth the pricetag. 
That’s a mental image. Especially with the revolving tongues that are on a belt, obviously meant to provide continuous licking against whatever body part you strap on the bench in front of it. The fact that there were still more arms for toys shouldn’t make your cunt bottom out on itself but it does. Making you squeeze your thighs together at the thought. You could never afford something like this, but it makes your wand look pitifully inadequate. 
“-will you?” You shake your head, not hearing a word Dieter was saying while you were absorbing all the possibilities of a machine like this. 
“Demonstrate.” He huffs out, obviously repeating himself. “So I know it works? How good it is?” 
 “What? Absolutely not.” 
Five thousand dollars. Apparently that was your price to demonstrate the toy. Stripped down and biting your lip as you set up the phone on a tripod, you want to change your mind but you don’t. He had offered you five thousand dollars on top of what he normally paid you. All to try out a fucking machine and tell him how it is while he watches. 
“Are you going to use the tongue thing? Use the tongue thing. And a toy. Whatever one you want. They are all clean.” You listen to Dieter babble through the phone, still pointed away from you while you gather the nerve to set out in front of it and let him see you. 
“Fuck.” You don’t know if that breathy sound is from him seeing you naked or something on his end and you don’t really want to know. Instead you pick up the bottle of lube and the attachments that had come with the device so you can get them slicked up. Knowing that you are going to need a little bit of extra lube because of how nervous you are. Even if you feel like you are dripping wet. Performance anxiety was a bitch and this is letting Dieter fucking Bravo be a voyeur while you get fucked by his machine. 
“I’m going to use this one.” You hold it up and glance at your phone just to see Dieter’s head bobble like one of those toys as he agrees. Turning back to get it put on the arm and slicked up before you take a deep breath and lay down on the bench. 
Fuck, this thing has restraints, another two arms to hold a wand, practially anything that you can think of - it’s got. Your stomach clenches at the idea of using this with a partner. Even Dieter, although you quickly close your eyes and try to think about anyone other than your boss. This was just a demonstration. 
For the mechanical parts, the machine is silent, turning on with a soft whirl and you hold the remote up to press the buttons. “Shit.” You accidentally press the wrong one and a wrong arm starts pushing forward. “Okay, uh, here we go.” 
You feel the cool silicone on your clit while you are on your stomach, suspended over the rotating tongues before you press the button. Making you moan as it starts to move, the rotating belt slapping the slick tongues against your clit slowly before you edge the speed up. 
You hear Dieter groan, the words low and muffled by the sound of your own body. Ears filled with the white noise of pleasure already, body jerking from the way that the pressure is almost constant. No one could replicate this, not at the steady pace of a machine. 
Instantly you keen when the next button is pressed, the toy that was butted up against your cunt pushing deep, making your upper body lift up at the sensation of being filled so easily. Experimenting with the speed by taking it up one level past your comfort zone and then bringing it back down with a panted curse. 
Forgetting everything but the way that your body feels, you don’t hear Dieter telling you to open your eyes. Don’t acknowledge the way he is praising you, telling that it looks fucking hot or that he’s going to jerk off watching you. The idea that this is a demonstration fades away until it is just about chasing your pleasure while the steady rotation of the arms and pistons of  the machine continue to whirl. 
You don’t look at him, the phone, don’t hear the bitten off curse as he pulls his cock out and spits into his hand. Your moans drown out his own, nearly whining while the machine constantly bombards you with pleasure until it’s nearly painful. 
Hours pass, or maybe it’s minutes. You can’t tell as your entire body rides on the edge of an orgasm so long that you think your legs are going to shake off. The plunging of the dildo into your pussy in perfect synchronization with the tongues and you feel tears leak out of the side of your eyes as you cry out. 
It’s devastating when you cum. Blinding and overwhelming to the point where your blood roars in your ears and you heave as you try to move away from the machine, quickly pushed to overstimulation and fumbling for the remote so you can shut it off. Unaware that Dieter had just cried out your name while spilling ropes of cum over his hand and thighs. 
Panting after everything goes still and your body continues to shake. The fucking machine was worth every damn penny Dieter had paid for it. 
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"Big Time Battle of the Bands", Chapter 9: Big Time Business
Katie was a girl on a mission.
The day after Cross My Heart's debut, she was carrying a stack of T-shirts into the lobby. She had watched the performance and knew that she had to do something. Yes, Cross My Heart was indisputably talented. But she couldn't just let her brother and his bandmates lose the reputation they'd fought so hard to achieve.
So, she was supporting Big Time Rush in the way she knew best: through sales.
She sat behind a table filled with paraphernalia: T-shirts, caps, and stickers, all displaying Big Time Rush's logo. Rushers Rule!, the T-shirts boasted along their backs.
Her first snag came in the form of the hotel’s resident trio: The Jennifers.
"Oh, my gosh. You actually expect us to buy these fashion felonies?" one of them exclaimed. Jennifer 1, Katie thought it was. She really didn’t care to remember at this point.
Katie sighed. "Look, I spent all night working on these things, okay? Would it kill you to grow the tiniest little heart and help us save the Palmwoods?"
The three girls glared down at the merchandise like it was something scraped off their designer shoes. "Sweetie, we don’t care if it’s for charity. Goodwill wouldn't even want these." Blonde Jennifer scoffed.
Curly-haired Jennifer added, "Actually, I think they could easily be donated. To a trash can." They laughed uproariously.
It took everything in Katie not to reach across the table and slap the mascara off their faces. Instead, she said, "You know, if Cross My Heart gets the majority vote, you guys are toast."
The Jennifers’ haughty grins vanished. "What is that supposed to mean?" Jennifer 2 (?) snapped.
Katie smirked and continued, "I know you were there when they performed. If Big Time Rush loses to them, how much more you three? You couldn't even hold a candle to that magnitude of talent. No doubt, once Cross My Heart becomes the Palmwoods' endorser, they’ll be kicking you out of your thrones."
The trio’s eyes narrowed, but her words had hit home. With a sigh, they reached into their dress pockets and handbags. They slapped ten-dollar bills onto the table. Then, they stuck out their hands. "Hit me." they demanded in unison.
Looking complacent, Katie handed them three T-shirts. Jennifer with Bangs snobbishly said, "Don’t think we’re doing this for you or Big Time Rush." They did their signature snap before sashaying off. Katie shook her head.
Shortly thereafter, a second snag approached her table. Naturally, it was Mr. Bitters. He had a box tucked under one arm, and he did not look pleased.
"And just what do you think you're doing?" he asked condescendingly.
Her answering smile was the picture of innocence. "Supporting Big Time Rush for the fundraiser. This may come as a shock to you, but some people actually like to help others, and don't try to shoot them down." she said. "Like I know you're about to do to me."
Mr. Bitters suddenly seemed in good spirits. "Oh, now that's where you're wrong, Katie. As a matter of fact, I am in a very supportive mood. Behold." He drew something from his box and held it up.
It was a T-shirt with Cross My Heart splashed across the front in bold colors. Below this was a dripping red heart, with two microphones forming an 'X.'
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He flipped it around. Written across the back was this: Heartbeats Unite!
"Nifty, eh?" Bitters bragged. As Katie rolled her eyes, two teenaged boys walked past.
He stopped them with a kind smile. "Hello there, boys. Might I interest you in the Palmwoods’ Premium Concert Package? For just ten bucks, you’ll get this deluxe, limited-edition Cross My Heart merch, plus complimentary snacks and a meet-and-greet with the lovely ladies of Cross My Heart.” From the box, he whipped out two golden VIP passes.
The boys shrugged, grinning. "Sure, dude!" they agreed, forking over the cash. After snatching the shirts and passes from Bitters' hand, they continued on their way. “Have a Palmwoods day.” he touted after them.
Katie looked unimpressed. “Hawk put you up to this, didn’t he?” she accused.
The corners of Bitters’ mouth twitched. “And for a very handsome profit, too.”
She went on, “Let me guess: Instead of investing any of that money into the Palmwoods, you’re pocketing it.”
"You bet your buttons." was his smug retort. "What's more, I am going to run your business into the dirt, little lady. Before you know it, every person in this building will be a Heartbeat, Hawk will make me Cross My Heart’s marketing manager, and your brother's little group will be a gang of has-beens. Mark. My. Words."
Katie narrowed her eyes, silently fuming. Bitters gave a taunting little wave. "Toodle-loo. Off to steal more Rushers."
As soon as he’d left, she grinned mischievously. "Doesn't he know this game has two players?" she said, getting up to find supplies for the plan she had already hatched.
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skippyv20 · 6 months
What is the golden rule for logos? Aim for easy recall. Simplicity aids recognition. A really simple logo can often be recalled after as little as brief glance, something that's NOT possible with an Overly Detailed Design. A.R.Orchard logo has a bunch of loops and twirls. All I can see is a spider, or 2 eyes staring at me, or 2 hooters! 😏😏
She can’t do anything write…..it’s a mess….as usual😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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cxndiedvi0lets · 5 days
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Summary :
Players will sit in a circle and the Quidditch chest will be placed on the center. Each player must have 12 cards facing down and should have two seperate piles for discarding and drawing a card.
Each Player will draw 5 cards, If you want to draw a card, you must also discard a card and put the discard pile on your left for the person on your life which will become their personal draw pile. If the draw pile is empty, you can always reach the piles from the chest.
When you finally have a matching set of cards. Set it in front of you.
The numbers on top qualify how many cards you should match the draw to the specific type of cards
Types of Cards
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Item Cards / Points - Cards such as Cauldrons, Broomsticks, Wands and Potions are simply items which costs 10 points as a set. You need 3 matching cards as a set.
Keeper / Quaffle - Quaffles cost 10 points each. When the Quaffle card is drown, no one can steal cards from you while you have the Quaffle. When the Keeper/Quaffle card is drawn by another player, it will be moved to them. You will need to draw 1 card as a set.
Chaser / Steal - Chaser cards do not cost points but, you can steal a set of items from a player and place your chaser on top of it. No one may steal that set for the rest of the game. You will need 2 pairs as a set.
Beaters / Bludger / Draw 5 ( Don't get bludgered ! )
- when drawn, the player with the bludge card will pick one bludger and call a friend to swat it to another player. The chosen player hit with the bludger will discard all 5 cards and redraw 5 new ones and return the Bludger to the chest and make sure to press/click it. If the bludger doesn't hit the chosen player: you lose nothing and the chosen friend who swatted the bludger must return the bludger and make it click.
Seekers / Additional Points to Catching the Snitch
- when the snitch is caught, each seekers infront of you is worth 10 points. The Seeker card is only valid when you're the player who caught the snitch which only adds to the total on the end of the round.
Catch the Golden Snitch!
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- after a random amount of clicks after returning the bludger. The snitch will launch on its own and players will have to catch the snitch mid-air without hovering over the chest. Hovering/Guarding is not allowed.
The person who caught the snitch gains 15 points and players with seeker cards draws additional points.
When the snitch is finally caught. The round ends and each player has to total their earned points during the game. The player with most points win.
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Upon my commentary about this game, I'll start with the positive reviews: the game is quite exciting, portable as well and seems to be a fun mixture of uno and a creative way to bring 'quidditch' as a card game. (I almost called it fictional without considering it is a matter-of-fact a real sport. lol) the design is quite minimalistic and the box is quite detailed and the cards are well-designed. Now, unto my criticism: the rules seems too complicated or over exaggerated along with some cards that don't specify if points will be earned. The design of the Hogwarts logo on the Quaffle is too dark and the design is useless if it doesn't appear too well on camera. As for the snitch, it can be a hazard and may hit someone on the eye for it's unpredictability, I dont suggest ages from 8+ and rather change it to 13+ and above since most 8-year-olds are often more raced to their excitement than logical thinking. I also think its rather complicated and unnecessary to use another player's discard pile if you can also reach for the extra cards closest to the chest box. I also find it complicated to draw 1 card and then having to put another card away instead of just keeping it. Although, rules of course can be bent. That's all I have for my commentary ! Check out the other links below.
Links related to this blog:
Harry Potter: Catch the Golden Snitch: Review (prt 1) • (exterior and interior) • Harry Potter: Catch the Golden Snitch: Review (prt 2)(miscellaneous details) • Harry Potter: Catch the Golden Snitch: Review (prt 3) (review and mechanics)
Luna Lovegood Blog
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Creating Word of Mouth in the World of Likes, Shares, and Retweets
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Building a robust social media presence is no easy task, and it’s not just about posting regularly. It’s akin to creating a rich tapestry, with threads of community engagement, value creation, and trend awareness intricately woven together. Let’s dig into some of the secrets that can help you sail the seas of social media, focusing on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Know Your Audience Understanding your audience is the foundation upon which your social media strategy rests. Dive deep into their interests, preferences, and behaviors. It’s like having a cheat code for engagement. The more you know your audience, the better you’ll be at creating content they love and conversations they value.
Brand Consistency Your brand voice and visuals are your compasses, guiding every post you make. Consistency in these aspects breeds familiarity and trust, making your brand instantly recognizable. When your audience sees a post, they should be able to tell it’s you even before they see your logo or handle.
Timeliness and Regularity Posting regularly is the key to staying at the top of your audience’s mind. But beware, timing is everything. Each social media platform has its peak hours when users are most active. So, it’s not just about what you post and how often, but also when you post.
Engage in Meaningful Conversations Social media is all about interaction. It’s not a one-way street. Engage with your audience, answer their queries, thank them for their comments, and value their feedback. Not only does this engagement make your brand more approachable, but it also helps in building genuine relationships with your audience.
Become a Beacon of Value The golden rule of content creation is to provide value. It can be a nugget of knowledge, a reason for a hearty laugh, or a dose of inspiration. When your audience finds value in your content, they’re more likely to engage with it and return for more.
Decipher the Data Analytics is like the GPS of your social media journey. Use them to understand what content resonates with your audience, when they are most active, and how they engage with your posts. These insights will help refine your content strategy and optimize your efforts for better results.
Stay on Top of Trends The social media landscape is a rapidly shifting terrain. Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends—from viral hashtags and trending topics to platform updates—is critical to keep your content relevant and fresh.
Harness the Unique Features Each social media platform offers unique features designed to help you boost your visibility and engagement. Whether it’s Facebook Stories, Twitter, or LinkedIn’s professional networking tools, make the most of these features to amplify your reach and engagement.
Keep Evolving The only constant in the world of social media is change. As strategies become obsolete, new ones are born. So, keep experimenting, analyzing, and learning. Remember, growing a strong social media presence is a journey of continuous iteration and learning.
Building a solid social media presence is like running a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time, patience, and a lot of creativity. But with a relentless focus on your audience, a commitment to consistency, and a willingness to ride the waves of change, your brand will surely thrive in the dynamic world of social media.
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noisycowboyglitter · 27 days
Meeple Player Gamer in Red - Comfortable Shirt for Multiplayer Gaming
The Red Meeple Player Gamer is a passionate enthusiast in the world of board games, particularly those featuring the iconic meeple game piece. This dedicated gamer has a special affinity for the red meeple, often choosing it as their representative on the game board. With a keen strategic mind and a competitive spirit, the Red Meeple Player Gamer approaches each game with enthusiasm and a desire to win.
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Whether engaged in worker placement games, tile-laying adventures, or area control challenges, this gamer leverages their red meeples to maximum effect. They're well-versed in popular titles like Carcassonne, Agricola, and Pandemic, but also enjoy discovering new games that incorporate these versatile wooden pieces.
The Red Meeple Player Gamer is a fixture at local board game meetups and cafes, always eager to teach newcomers and engage in friendly rivalries with fellow enthusiasts. Their collection of games is ever-growing, with a particular fondness for those that feature high-quality, custom meeples.
Beyond just playing, this gamer often engages in discussions about game mechanics, strategy tips, and the latest releases in the board game community. Their passion for the hobby extends to painting and customizing meeples, with a particular flair for creating unique red designs.
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A perfect present for board game enthusiasts, Gaming Meeples Gifts celebrate the iconic player tokens that have become synonymous with modern tabletop gaming. These charming, person-shaped pieces come in various colors and styles, making them ideal collectibles or playful additions to any gamer's collection. From classic wooden meeples to themed variations representing different characters or professions, these gifts offer a tangible connection to beloved gaming experiences. They can be used as game upgrades, decorative items, or even incorporated into crafts and jewelry. Whether it's a set of giant meeples for outdoor games, custom-engraved pieces for a personal touch, or meeple-themed accessories like keychains or stickers, these gifts are sure to delight any board game aficionado and spark joy in their gaming adventures.
Board games are tabletop games played on a pre-marked surface with counters or pieces moved according to a set of rules. They offer a diverse range of themes, mechanics, and complexity levels, appealing to casual players and dedicated enthusiasts alike. From classic titles like Chess and Monopoly to modern favorites such as
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Settlers of Catan and Ticket to Ride, board games provide entertainment, social interaction, and mental stimulation. They often involve strategy, luck, negotiation, or a combination of these elements. Board games can be competitive or cooperative, and are enjoyed by people of all ages, making them popular for family gatherings, game nights with friends, or as a hobby for passionate gamers.
Retro Gaming Gifts tap into nostalgia for classic video games, delighting enthusiasts with items inspired by the golden age of gaming. These presents range from functional replicas of vintage consoles to decorative pieces that celebrate iconic games and characters. Popular options include miniature arcade cabinets, pixelated artwork, and clothing adorned with retro game logos. For the hands-on gamer, there are DIY kits to build custom controllers or even entire consoles. Collectibles like limited edition figurines of classic game characters or reproductions of original game cartridges
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are prized by aficionados. Some gifts blend old and new, such as modern controllers styled after retro designs or contemporary games that mimic 8-bit and 16-bit aesthetics. These gifts not only entertain but also serve as conversation starters, allowing recipients to share their passion for gaming history.
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visual-sculptors · 2 months
Designing Logos that Stand Out: Strategies for Effective Brand Representation
1.How do I sell logos?
 In the competitive world of logo design, a strategic approach is crucial for success. This involves thorough market research to understand the needs and preferences of potential clients, allowing you to tailor your services effectively. Developing a strong portfolio that showcases your design skills, creativity, and versatility is essential to attract and retain customers. Utilizing online platforms such as social media, freelance websites, and design marketplaces can significantly expand your reach and help you connect with a broader audience. Clearly defining your pricing structure, terms, and deliverables is paramount to establish professionalism and transparency in your services. Providing exceptional customer service and soliciting feedback from clients can help build trust and credibility, setting you apart in the competitive landscape of logo design. By implementing these strategic approaches, you can position yourself as a reputable logo designer and establish a thriving design business. Consistent market research, a strong portfolio, effective promotion, and transparent business practices are key components to succeeding in this industry. Emphasizing the importance of excellent customer service and feedback will not only help you retain clients but also attract new ones through positive word-of-mouth referrals. With dedication, creativity, and a strategic mindset, you can navigate the challenges of selling logos and carve out a successful niche for yourself in the design market.
2. What is logo format?
Logo format is a critical aspect of brand identity that should not be overlooked. It refers to the specific file type and dimensions in which a logo is saved and displayed, impacting its quality and consistency across various platforms. Selecting the correct logo format is essential for maintaining the integrity of your brand's visual identity. Common logo formats include vector files like .ai or .eps, which offer scalability and maintain crispness even when resized. On the other hand, raster files such as .jpeg or .png are suitable for web and digital use but may lose quality when enlarged. Having logos available in various formats is crucial to accommodate different design requirements, from printed materials to social media profiles, ensuring that your brand maintains a professional and consistent image across all channels. Using the proper logo format not only enhances brand recognition but also reinforces brand integrity. It is imperative to ensure that your logo is saved in the correct format to avoid distortion or pixelation when displayed or printed. By adhering to best practices in logo formatting, you demonstrate attention to detail and a commitment to quality, which can significantly impact how your brand is perceived by customers and stakeholders. Consistency in logo usage, supported by the appropriate format, is key to building a strong visual identity that resonates with your target audience and fosters brand loyalty.
3. What is the golden rule of logo design?
 When it comes to logo design, simplicity reigns supreme as the golden rule. A successful logo is one that effortlessly communicates the essence of a brand with clarity and precision. A cluttered or overly complex logo runs the risk of confusing viewers and diluting the intended message of the company. By embracing simplicity, a logo can achieve instant recognition and resonate with audiences on a deeper level.
Moreover, a well-crafted logo should possess the quality of versatility and scalability. It should be able to maintain its impact and integrity across various sizes and formats, ensuring consistency in its representation. Whether displayed on a billboard or scaled down for a business card, a logo designed with scalability in mind guarantees seamless brand recognition. Adhering to the principle of simplicity not only elevates the visual appeal of a logo but also enhances its ability to effectively communicate a brand's identity and values to its target audience.
4. How to process a logo?
When embarking on the process of creating a logo for a client, it is crucial to commence by conducting a thorough gathering of all essential materials and information provided by the client. This includes the logo design brief, any specific requirements, and preferences communicated by the client. The next step involves a meticulous analysis of the design brief to gain a comprehensive understanding of the brand identity, target audience, and the intended message that the logo should convey. By delving deep into the client's objectives, one can better tailor the logo design to meet their specific needs. Subsequently, it is imperative to begin sketching out potential logo concepts, exploring a range of options that incorporate various fonts, colors, and layouts to present a diverse array of choices for the client to consider. After refining and fine-tuning the logo concepts, the next crucial stage is to present them to the client for feedback and potential revisions. It is essential to engage in open communication and collaboration with the client throughout this process to ensure that the final logo design aligns with their vision and expectations. Once the client approves the logo design, the final step involves meticulously finalizing the artwork in the appropriate file formats tailored for both print and digital use. By adhering to these systematic steps and maintaining a client-focused approach, designers can navigate the logo design process with precision and deliver a final product that effectively represents the client's brand identity.
5. What is a slogan in a logo?
A slogan within a logo is more than just a few words - it is a strategic element that can significantly impact a brand's identity and perception in the market. The concise and memorable phrase encapsulated in a logo serves as a powerful tool to communicate the core values, mission, and essence of a business to its target audience. Through a well-crafted slogan, a brand can establish a connection with its customers, differentiate itself from competitors, and enhance overall brand recognition. Integrating a slogan seamlessly into a logo design can amplify the brand message, making it more impactful and memorable for consumers. By leveraging the symbiotic relationship between a slogan and a logo, companies can reinforce their brand identity and communicate their unique selling propositions effectively. As such, a carefully crafted slogan within a logo serves as a crucial component in shaping a brand's image and fostering loyalty among consumers in the competitive marketplace.
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Signs: Unveiling the Language of Symbols, Codes, and Narratives
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From the moment we wake up until we go to sleep, our lives are filled with signs. Whether it's the words we read, the gestures we make, or the symbols we encounter, signs surround us and play a crucial role in our communication. In this article, we will delve into the world of signs, exploring their types, the power of symbols, the presence of codes and narratives, and the fascinating realm of brand semiotics.
Signs are an integral part of human communication, serving as the vehicles through which meaning is conveyed. They can be defined as any stimuli that represent or stand for something else. Signs are the building blocks of language and help us navigate the complexities of social interaction. They enable us to share information, express emotions, and establish connections with others.
Types of Signs
Signs can be categorized into two main types: verbal and non-verbal signs. Verbal signs encompass spoken and written language, allowing us to communicate through words. Non-verbal signs, on the other hand, rely on visual, auditory, or tactile cues to convey meaning.
Visual signs are perhaps the most common non-verbal signs we encounter. They include images, symbols, and gestures. From traffic signs directing us on the road to logos representing brands, visual signs are powerful communicators that transcend language barriers. Auditory signs, such as music or sirens, rely on sound to convey information or evoke emotions. Tactile signs involve touch and can be found in various forms, such as Braille or the warmth of a handshake.
The Power of Symbols
Symbols hold a special place in the world of signs. They are signifiers that represent something beyond their literal meaning. Symbols have the remarkable ability to transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries, often possessing universal significance. For example, the image of a heart symbolizes love and affection across different cultures, even though languages may express it differently.
Moreover, symbols can also be culturally specific, carrying unique meanings within particular societies. These cultural symbols reflect the values, beliefs, and traditions of a group, forming a shared language among its members. They act as a rich tapestry of meaning, allowing individuals to identify with their culture and connect with others who share similar symbol systems.
Codes and Narratives in Signs
Signs operate within systems of codes and narratives. Codes are sets of rules and conventions that govern the encoding and decoding of signs. They provide the structure and meaning-making frameworks through which signs are understood. The same sign can have different meanings depending on the code it is interpreted within. For example, a thumbs-up gesture can signify approval or agreement in one culture but may carry a different connotation elsewhere.
Narrative sign systems, on the other hand, involve the use of signs to construct stories and convey meaning. Narratives shape our understanding of the world and help us make sense of complex information. Whether it's a novel, a film, or an advertisement, narratives utilize signs to engage and captivate audiences, creating compelling experiences that leave a lasting impact.
Brand Semiotics
In the realm of marketing and branding, signs play a pivotal role in creating brand identities and communicating brand messages. Brand semiotics is the study of signs within the context of branding. It involves analyzing the symbolic elements used by brands to evoke specific associations and emotions in consumers.
Signs in branding go beyond logos and taglines; they encompass every aspect of a brand's visual and verbal communication. From color choices and typography to packaging design and advertising campaigns, brands strategically employ signs to establish their unique identity and resonate with their target audience. For instance, the iconic golden arches of McDonald's and the bitten apple of Apple are instantly recognizable symbols that evoke specific brand narratives and values.
The Influence of Signs in Everyday Life
Beyond the world of branding, signs have a profound impact on our daily lives. They shape our perceptions, influence our behavior, and guide our decision-making processes. Whether it's the signage in public spaces directing us to the nearest exit or the visual cues in product packaging guiding our purchase choices, signs are omnipresent and silently guide us through the complexities of modern existence.
Understanding the language of signs empowers us to navigate this sea of symbols with greater awareness and discernment. It allows us to decipher hidden meanings, decode the intentions behind messages, and make more informed choices in our interactions with the world.
In a world saturated with signs, understanding their language is crucial for effective communication and brand building. Signs, whether verbal or non-verbal, rely on symbols, codes, and narratives to convey meaning. Symbols have the power to transcend cultural barriers, while codes and narratives provide the context for interpretation. In the realm of branding, signs become essential tools for creating brand identities and establishing connections with consumers.
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liveblack · 6 months
How to Create a Logo | Liveblack
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Every commercial enterprise starts with a brand image, which expresses the essential features of your business. It is about the consumers’ general impression of your company’s identity. This brand image is the logo, which makes people remember your company.
There are reasons why a logo is essential to any business:
* A logo catches people’s attention and makes them interested in your business
* It makes a strong initial perception of your product
* A logo is memorable
* It is the basis of your brand identity
* A logo makes you stand out from the competition
* It promotes brand loyalty
* A logo is something that the consumers look forward to
If you have just started a new business, you must learn how to create a logo. Creating a logo requires experience, skill, and knowledge. It would be best if you also practiced working with various brands wanting to communicate their message to the public.
Here are some brand design guidelines to follow. These can serve as the golden rule in crafting the best logo, the most attractive one, for your brand:
1. Do the preparation.
Get to know the client. Ask questions about their products/services. What do they do, how do they do it, and other inquiries? This will help you create the best logo design.
2. Use a sketchpad instead of a computer. This will allow you to design ideas quickly and freely.
3. Ensure your design is appropriate to the current time and the company’s values, ideas, and activities.
4. Use black and white in your sketches; color can be distracting and might confuse the customers.
5. Attempt to be different from the client’s competitors. Your client must be set apart and not blend in.
6. Create a design that is unusual and can be easily remembered. It should remain in the minds of people who see it.
7. Avoid designs that are too literal. It would be better if the logo did not show what the company does.
8. Remember, a logo does not always have to be a symbol. Some bespoke word marks will also be as effective.
9. Always get a second opinion. You can ask another qualified person about your design or things you might have missed during the process of designing.
10. After the design, you may begin developing the brand scheme.
A good logo will allow people to make a positive and meaningful association with the brand. Make it simple, and direct, and represent the brand very clearly. Get inspiration from Apple, Google, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s logos, and other memorable and notable brand images. To learn how to design a logo, stay true to the brand’s values, and create a logo that effectively communicates who you are.
If you need help from a logo design company, please contact LiveBlack today. We are a full stack digital marketing agency in Ahmedabad, and it will be our pleasure to assist you in creating an attractive logo for your business.
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logodesignersposts · 5 months
Golden Ratio Logo Designer
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Golden Ratio Logo Design ( Logo Designer in india)
 Are there any theories to design a logo? There are no defined paths but also it is not easy to make them happen without any law. Mathematics has many theories that have great real-life applications. There are many mathematical rules when followed make the work easy. So, people use them in many industries such as construction, engineering and our logo designing too has its place in the list. Any design requires definite shapes and sizes and any shape can be obtained through mathematical figures. So, mathematics plays an important role in designing logos. 
Golden Ratio:
Golden ratio one such concept of mathematics, where it defines and explains that when a line segment is divided into two unequal parts, it is divided in such a way that the ratio of longer side to the shorter side is equal to the ratio of the total length of the line segment to the longer part.
This is well-known result in mathematics and the value of that ratio is approximately 1.618. This golden ratio is represented by Greek alphabet “Phi”.
Golden Rectangle:
The principle of the golden rule is illustrated with an example of considering a rectangle, which is named The Golden Rectangle. Firstly, a rectangle with random sizes is taken and a square of length size equaling the shorter rectangle is marked. This divides the main rectangle into a square and a rectangle. This process of drawing squares inside the obtained rectangles is done continuously. A figure is obtained and this figure is named Golden Rectangle.
The theory of Golden ratio is very important for students, who study designing. The Golden ratio has its basis from the Fibonacci Series in mathematics. It is often said that the oldest pyramids and constructions in Greek and Europe follow this Golden ratio theory. Golden ratio logo designers in India too used these formats to design the ancient constructions.
Why is It Important?
When keenly observing the logo designs of some companies, it is evident that Golden Rectangle theory is obeyed. It can be easily used to create figures with various dimensions and this brings scope for a figure which inscribes many other figures within it. This provides an easyway for the designers to follow a certain path to make sure there is a design available for them through this figure.
There are some proved studies that the human brain prefers to view objects which follow a certain pattern and understand better when they maintain a pattern especially when they are geometrical. The designing softwareis also coded using these ratios. That means the designs are done using these ratios. So, when designers design the logos using these rules, it easily registers in their brain.
Use of Golden Rectangle in Logo Design:
The Golden Ratio logo designers have found that many natural beauties in the universe have been in the rules of these theories and when followed, this brings in the artistic beauty of any figure or logo. The golden rectangle is extended to form various figures like ellipse, circles, cylinders etc. there occur many designs. They form spirals and they all fall in a pattern of harmony.
Golden Ratio Logo designs: 
The designs of many companies are formed from the golden rectangle and the companies includeHyundai, Nissan, Toyota, DHL, Twitter, Apple, Pepsi and lot more. They all are following the Golden ratio logo design patterns and that brings standardization as well as beauty to their Logos.
The Golden ratio Logo designers use the logo design software which includes a collection of spirals, rectangles, lines, squares, grids of many sizes, diagonals and many other polygons. Using this collection, one can develop an idea to make it a possible logo of a company. The design process becomes easy using pre-set figures and finding a best suitable figure from the lot. But it is the creativity of a Logo designer to find out a suitable logo among the grids and collection of many such mathematical figures.
The Golden Ratio Logo designers also have the flexibility to determine the size of the logo, text, symbol and any other information which makes a part of the logo. So, the theory is used in high-level applications and many logo designers in India too acknowledged the importance of such Logo Design software.
The Logo designers all over the world used this theory to make sure they create a valid design and following this can make them avail the design whenever they need it. The authentic designs fall under trademarks and thus every company can maintain their own Logo design with utmost safety.
Golden Ratio Logo Designers have that ability to prepare logos which are clearly visible in any size i.e. the logos are seen on different types of platforms but following the Golden ratio in logos helps to maintain the ratio of 1:6. This enables the image doesn’t lose its shape irrespective of the size or medium through which it is seen i.e. the logo’s image cannot be distorted. Also,the coloring of the logo and the shades of those colors can get a pattern o follow.
Golden ratio logo designers in India as well the other counties use the theory of golden ratio in designing various logos of their clients. Everytime they draw the figure and observe, they find out a new design. It also helps in maintaining the authenticity of the logo of a particular company by not letting a chance for others to plagiarise or infringe the acts of trademarks.
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aemnd · 6 months
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𝓇.cameron. ┆ 5:24am.
◟ ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁.﹒ some sweet, lil mindless ramblings for y’all ! ♡
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"it's not fair, daddy!" you mewl softly, immediately resulting to this—this spoiled mess that rafe knows it'll be up to him to clean up, to make sure that his girl knows her place... respectfully.
rafe releases a low, humorless little chuckle, his lips curling up into a half-smirk, his steely blue eyes focused directly on you, observing your pretty, pouty expression silently as you sit and pretend you're not his whiny baby.
sighing, rafe stalks over casually and bends down to your eye level, feeling his knees give a slight twinge of pain as he has to lower himself down to your shorter height, though he ignores it in favor of comforting you.
"what's jus' not fair, baby?" rafe coos mockingly, reaching out with one of his big, heavy handed hands that was decorated with a gaudy, golden ring on his long index finger, gently brushing away the stream of your pretty, childish tears.
rafe can't help the way his cock twitches in his pants, nor can he stop the amusement shining in his dead blue eyes as he simply watches you, amused by how needy you're for him and his constant attention.
and oh, all rafe can think about is how fucking pretty you look with those innocent, cranky tears streaming down flushed cheeks, your lips pouty and ready to be kissed, for him to manhandle you and fuck you senseless once he was done finishing up his very important business at this lame ass party.
rafe always knew if there was somethin' wrong with his girl, it was like a primal instinct—you're tired, most likely cranky after the long day you've had helping him with errands which he knew you had no interest in, preferring to wait in his big truck and continue being his pretty, little passenger princess, the darling little girl that you're, always avoiding any trouble that might arise and always thriving to be rafe cameron's good girl, just the way rafe prefers.
and above all else, he knows you're in desperate need of a good, long, hard fucking.
and yes, your interests had always been designer clothes, pretty little kitten heels with the chanel logo, dior lipoils and expensive skincare, getting your nails and your pretty little toes done every week without fail, going on long trips to sephora with your boyfriend as rafe always insisted (demanded) that he would be the only one to drive you around—and that's all being thanks to rafe cameron's rules that you were meant to follow along.
luckily, you do so—happily and obediently.
still, it didn't mean your bratty behavior would be tolerated by rafe—no, you'd have to be punished... however, looking at your pouty expression and those tears in your pretty, doe-like eyes nearly causes the oldest cameron's anger to weaken as he stays kneeling down before you, comforting you by using the calloused pads of his thumbs to brush away your sleepy tears almost lovingly, and hopefully, that pouty mood that rafe couldn't help but loathe but secretly cherish would go away with a bit of his charming coaxing.
"d-daddy," you whimper again, your voice sulky and your pretty, angelic face sullen from not having all of rafe's attention on you tonight—you absolutely hated having to share your boyfriend whenever he was handling business at these loud, overstimulating parties.
softly, you sniffled weakly and leaned the flushed side of your face against his big hand, seeking your boyfriend's touch—and whether or not he'd admit it, you know deep down how much rafe preferred physical touch, affection, intimacy, etc... especially coming only from you, his girl.
gently, rafe shushes you, bringing his lips forward to claim your glossy lips into a sloppy, wet, open-mouthed, possessive kiss for longer than was necessary—but you certainly weren't complaining, and neither were the other bystanders that silently gawked as the kook prince claimed his girl out in the open.
"you'll be my good girl tonight, yeah?" rafe murmurs slightly condescendingly against your kiss-swollen lips, slowly dragging your glossy, pouty lips against his own for another long minute, savoring your sweet taste as his tongue possessively slithers into your mouth, groaning lowly as he tastes you and the strawberry scented lipgloss you always chose to wear that drove rafe nearly insane.
obediently, you nod, earning a light love-tap against one of your flushed cheeks, causing you to whine and grab at your boyfriend's shirt, making him smirk to himself from your neediness.
"i need an answer, princess," rafe drawls suddenly, snapping you out of your ravenous thoughts, making you cower and try to avoid your boyfriend's penetrating gaze, but that only makes rafe grow annoyed, though only for a second.
strangely, since being with you and having you as his girl, he's been oddly calm as of late—that doesn't go to say that he still wasn't quick to temper and wouldn't still beat the shit out of any guy that dared to approach you… you were off limits, you were his, rafe cameron's girl.
simply, you give him a jerky nod of your head, a dopey smile curling on your plump lips, hoping to satisfy your boyfriend—successfully, it does seem to work, watching as rafe starts to rub his large hands down your sides, then down to your hips to give them an affectionate squeeze, not being able to keep his hands off of you.
fuck, it's getting harder to resist you and that uncontrollable, burning sensation that feels like it's consuming him from the inside out, rafe thinks.
you were addicting, rafe begrudgingly realized one night when he couldn't stop devouring your sweet little pussy back at tannyhill—he couldn't help it, you tasted heavenly and with the way you were mewling and begging him to fuck you... well, how could the oldest cameron ever refuse a request from his precious little baby that asked so sweetly?
you belonged to him, after all.
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pickpacksell · 7 months
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Social media workshop!
This was a short morning work shop where we went over creating a logo for social media with what are the golden rule that make a successful design and then we also created 9 social media posts and a facebook banner! This wasn’t much time and I feel that If I had more than certain things like the banner and the logo would be more successful so next time I think that I should plan out my time a little better this will provide a better level of work throughout not just on the social media posts.
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kingasterisk09 · 7 months
Exploring the Key Benefits: Custom VICIdial Skins Unleashed!
Hello, fellow communicators! We are delving into the world of VICIdial, our trusted communication partner. But guess what? There is more to VICIdial than meets the eye, and today we're focusing on its unsung hero: Custom VICIdial skins. In this off-page blog, we'll go on a journey to explore the numerous advantages that these personalised interfaces provide. Oh, and stay tuned for a surprise from our friends at Kingasterisk Technologies, who have something special for you!
What's the big deal about custom VICIdial skins?
VICIdial is the coolest kid in the communication suite, but did you know you could make it even cooler? Enter Custom VICIdial Skins, your golden passport to personalising this powerful platform. These skins aren't just about giving VICIdial a new look; they're about creating an interface that feels custom-made for you.
Improve Your User Experience: It's More Than a Pretty Face
Custom VICIdial Skins aren't your average design modifications. Consider an interface that not only looks beautiful but also reflects your brand's personality - from colours to logos. What is the end result? A VICIdial system that is not only easy to use but also feels like a second home to your team. Goodbye, generic interfaces, and welcome productivity increase!
Tailored Features, Just the Way You Want It
What's the sense of having a one-size-fits-all solution when your company is everything but standard? Custom VICIdial Skins allow you to tailor functionality to meet your own requirements. Whether you want sophisticated reporting capabilities, a unique configuration for your agents, or any other useful feature, these skins transform VICIdial into your company's closest friend.
Brand vibes are consistent across the board.
Brand consistency is the key to leaving a lasting impression. Custom VICIdial Skins allow you to bring your brand's spirit into the interface. No more mismatched colours; your VICIdial system now shouts your brand, ensuring that your identity is consistent throughout all of your communications platforms.
Improve it by utilizing Catchphrases: 
Custom VICIdial Skins Hold on, we're not wrapped up, however! Custom VICIdial Skins are more than basically a visual improvement. They are the unsung heroes who bridge the crevice between customisation and usefulness, changing your VICIdial involvement into something truly unique. 
Sometime recently you took off, here's something to sweeten the deal. Our companions at Kingasterisk Innovations aren't as it were approximately customisation; they're moreover advertising free establishment and arrangement for your VICIdial framework. How about going over and past? It's not essentially a service; it's a collaboration within the field of communication solutions.
Your Way. To outline, Custom VICIdial Skins are more than basically a highlight; they are an amusement changer. Upgrade your VICIdial amusement by examining the astonishing benefits of these skins and taking advantage of the one-of-a-kind offer from Kingasterisk Advances. 
Since, in a world where communication rules are incomparable, your VICIdial framework ought to be as particular as your brand - combining proficiency and taking a toll. So Get ready to convert your communication experience!
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