#golf shirts new balance
roosterforme · 10 months
How You Play the Game Part 8 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley was miserable without you, and the pain just wasn't lessening even though you left him weeks ago. He needed to find a way to move on, because you didn't want him, and you weren't coming back. But he should have known there was no substitute for the best thing he'd ever had.
Warnings: Swears, broken heart, angst, consensual sex, sex with a condom while intoxicated (18+)
Length: 5000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! How You Play the Game masterlist. Banner by @thedroneranger
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Weeks later...
As you flew to Vancouver from Detroit, you thought about that six hour flight to Boston where you hadn't stopped crying for a single minute. You thought about leaving San Diego and how it broke your heart to move on to the next city and the next assignment. At least this time you had a window seat instead of the middle seat in the last row. And this time you weren't continually wiping your tears on Bradley's Padres jersey. 
You had his jersey on again today, but this time you felt calm as you reached into your bag to take out your computer and read over the research you'd outlined about the Vancouver Canucks. Your eyes caught on the blue golf ball, and after a second of hesitation, you reached for that instead. 
You'd taken it everywhere with you. It joined you in every hotel room, on every flight and in every rental car. You had it with you in your tote bag when you were in Boston about a month ago working on the exclusive with the Bruins' coaching staff. You were carrying it when you bumped into Abigail Archer for the first time in person. 
With your article completely forgotten now, you dug your phone out of your pocket. It was in airplane mode, but you took a deep breath and unlocked it. You had to scroll a bit to get to the text thread with Bradley, and then you tapped his name and you almost let the tears rise to the surface. You held them back as you read the series of sporadic messages he'd sent you since early November.
I miss you. 
Did you make it to Boston safely?
Ace, please call me back. I miss you so much. 
I have this whole weekend off, and I can't help but think it would be easy for me to fly to wherever you are. If you would want that. 
I still miss you.
I hope you're doing well.
You hadn't responded to a single one of them. And you never called him back either. But sometimes, when you were in a hotel room in a city that you couldn't even identify without looking at your calendar app, you'd get lonely enough to listen to his voicemail message. See ya, Ace.
It took until you met Bradley Bradshaw for you to really understand just how lonely you were. Going back to your apartment in New York City didn't feel like going home. There was nothing there that made you smile. There were no baseball cards or too small Angels tee shirts. There was no Bradley making sure you were taking a break when you needed one. 
And he was part of the reason why you let yourself start to be convinced that you could have more out of your career. Maybe he was right. Somebody else might have something better to offer than Greg or the New York Times. When you talked to Abigail and started to test the waters, it wasn't as terrifying as you thought it would be. Making some calls to see what else was out there ended up validating one fact for you: Bradley was right, your writing was in high demand.
But you had to complete your contract with Greg before you could do much else. And that included Detroit and Vancouver. But you hoped after this, your work-life balance might improve. If you decided to take this information back to Bradley, you hoped he would listen to you. Maybe he would even see what you wrote about your career change in your Detroit Red Wings article. If he was even still reading your articles. There was a chance he might still miss you now, and maybe he'd understand that you needed to see the bigger picture for yourself first. 
Before you left him alone in his bed, he told you that you knew where to find him. He made you feel like it was still okay to go there.
Bradley walked past his coffee table dressed in his flight suit with his travel mug of coffee in his hand. He paused at the front door and looked back at the mess he still couldn't bring himself to clean up. You left him weeks ago, damn near a month ago, but he just couldn't bring himself to clean up all of the fucking baseball cards. 
He closed his eyes and took a calming breath. He was being ridiculous. He was never ridiculous before he met you, so you must have made him this way. Every time he tried to clean them up and put them back out in his garage, his hands faltered and he left the cards out on the table. It was like some sort of sick reminder that you'd really been here with him. It was a way to convince himself he didn't imagine up the perfect woman in his mind and then have to live through the aftermath of watching her leave. 
He tightened his fingers around his mug and rubbed the heel of his other hand against his eyes. Then he took his phone out. He knew he shouldn't do it since you never answered his other messages before, but he texted you anyway. 
I hope you're doing well.
When he re-read what he'd sent, he started to panic. It sort of sounded like he meant it with an air of finality. The last thing he wanted was for you to think that he didn't want to hear from you, because it was quite the opposite. There were times when he felt so lonely, he'd have done anything for you to write to him or call him back. 
He swore he could still smell you in his house, and right now it felt a little too much like you were there. He wrenched his front door open and slammed it closed behind him, breathing in the crisp December morning air. He had to start making some changes, and he needed to do it this week. You weren't going to respond to him. After four weeks he should accept that as a fact and stop bugging you. 
He'd been skipping Hard Deck nights and leaving the locker room after work without really talking to anyone. Nat knew why he was miserable, but even she seemed surprised it had gone on for this long. 
A few days ago, she said, "You've never behaved like this over a woman before. This has all just been very surprising, and I don't know how to help you."
Bradley had shrugged and laughed sarcastically. "Well, I fell in love with her. First time for everything, right? I'll know better for next time."
And that was the truly fucked up part. He had fallen in love with you over the course of ten days. As he drove to work, he thought about your face and your voice. He knew exactly how many miles he put on his Bronco driving back and forth to see you at the games in Anaheim. He knew exactly how much money he spent on all the tickets. He knew how badly it hurt right now to be without you. And he knew he'd repeat everything all over again if he could see you for five minutes. 
Just like every other day, he had to collect himself before he could head inside to the locker room. There was no getting his time with you back. There was no second chance. There was no communication. He needed to stop. He took off his aviators that you'd liked so much and set them in his cup holder. When he checked the time on his phone, he had a notification that a new article from you had been posted eight minutes ago. It was like this every day. He'd wait to see each morning if you'd written anything, and then after it was posted, he'd read it at least three times. 
Your final World Series article was the worst one. It was released two days after you left. He must have read it a hundred times. He'd even take a screenshot of the short passage he was certain was about him.
This World Series was exciting and dynamic for so many reasons. We witnessed some of the best major league pitching in the last decade, and there were more stolen bases than the past three finals combined. Professionally, I may never witness anything like this again. And I can even tell you that on a personal level, I was profoundly changed for the better by everything I allowed myself to experience and enjoy between San Diego and Anaheim over the course of the series.
Bradley looked at his phone screen now. It had to stop. He desperately wanted to read your article on the Detroit Red Wings, but he needed to make this feeling stop. It was like he was constantly in pain every time he thought about you or even simply read your name on his phone. Your written words were never going to help him move on, so he needed to do something about it right now while he felt like he could. 
He deleted the New York Times app. He thought about deleting your number as well, but he needed to save some of his strength to get through his workday. So he just tucked his phone in his pocket and climbed out of the Bronco.
When Bradley walked into the Hard Deck on Friday night after work, he felt defeated and exhausted. He managed to delete the app you wrote for, but he still couldn't bring himself to delete your phone number. Moving on was a necessity right now. He didn't even know why he bothered to come to the bar, but staying home and looking at baseball cards on his coffee table didn't seem to be helping him. 
"You're here!" Nat called out as soon as he walked inside. The bar was decorated for Christmas. Was it that close to the holidays? He'd completely lost track of the weeks, but at the same time, he knew exactly how many days it had been since he'd seen you. His mind was too aware of that number, and it tacked a new one on each day. 
"Hey," Bradley managed to grunt when his friend came over to him and wrapped him up in a hug. The Christmas tree and the strings of lights blurred, and he had to close his eyes. He was missing the feel of your arms around him and the way you smelled. None of this was Nat's fault or anyone's fault really. Bradley didn't even blame you. He couldn't. You and he were nothing. 
"Let me get you a drink," Nat whispered, and she took him by the hand. He recognized the upbeat Christmas song, and he saw the guys waving from the pool table. But when he turned to face the bar, Shannon was right there with her usual smile and a pint glass in her hand. He didn't know why he wasn't expecting her. The last time he saw her was when he brought you here, and he'd give anything to go back to that night. 
Bradley just shook his head. "Something stronger. Please." Shannon raised one eyebrow at him and set the pint glass down in favor of a whiskey tumbler and a bottle of Johnnie Walker. "Yeah."
"Haven't seen you around in a few weeks," she said, watching the amber liquid slosh neatly up the side of the glass as she poured. "Kinda missed you." She met his eyes as she pushed the glass across the bar. "You look so sad."
He held eye contact with her, trying his best to push the intrusive thoughts away. "Maybe I'll be around more now," he muttered, downing the whole drink in one go and setting the glass down again. 
Shannon was familiar to him. Comfortable. He'd been messing around with women for damn near two decades without any deep feelings. You were really his first foray into something... more. But you were gone. You didn't want to talk to him. You weren't coming back.
She refilled his glass and said, "Take this one a little slower, Bradley." He nodded before downing it just like the first one, and she kind of smirked and shook her head. "You'll pay for this in the morning."
He laughed sardonically. "That's the idea." He left the empty glass on the bar with a little nod indicating that he would be back. He desperately needed to clear his head, but he'd been trying everything for weeks. Taking a walk outside, having a cold shower, going for a drive. Nothing fucking helped. 
He needed to forget the feel of your body and the sound of your voice. So he drank an extravagant amount of Johnnie Walker on Nat's tab, and he started to feel looser. He laughed at her when she asked how many he had so far. 
"Don't worry. I'll pay you back," he rasped with a smile that he knew could charm every woman except for his best friend. 
She just rubbed her hand up and down his arm and said, "I hope you know what you're doing. Let me know when you want me to get you home."
He kissed her cheek. "I'm fine, Nat. Just fine." He finished his tumbler and tried to remember if that was his fifth or his sixth, but it didn't matter. He was warm now, and his lips were a little numb. This was exactly what he needed tonight. After he shot a round of pool and lost, he flipped through the jukebox, but it was all bullshit Christmas music. He wasn't in the mood. He thought about playing the piano, but there was an empty stool at the bar now, so he headed in that direction.
"One more?" Bradley asked Shannon as he sat, and she reached out to touch his cheek.
"You sure you really need one?"
"Yep," he said, swallowing against the lump in his throat as she swam out of focus for a split second. "Just one more. It'll make it easier." 
She turned away from him to get one more clean glass. Then she filled it for him. "Thanks, Shannon," he muttered when she set it down in front of him. He was leaning on his propped up hand, and he knew she was kind of pretty. But he knew you were prettier and funnier and smarter. 
"You can't have what you want," he mumbled to himself after Shannon walked away. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, unlocked it and just looked at the screen. Delete it. He had to. He opened his contacts, and there you were right at the fucking top. 
You'd always be at the top, wouldn't you? 
Instead of deleting your number, he sent you a text before he could reconsider. 
Ace, I fell in love with you.
Fuck. Fuck! You didn't want him. And there was no way to take that message back now. He closed his eyes and shook his head, because he couldn't tell if he was about to cry or laugh. He was fucking miserable. Truly, he'd never experienced this before, and it hurt like hell. His thumb hovered over your name once again, but he couldn't delete it. He drank the whiskey and tried again. But still nothing. 
He watched Shannon move around behind the bar. She wasn't you. She wasn't what he wanted, but when she announced that it was last call, she made her way over to him. 
"But no more for you," she teased, reaching to take his glass away. But he had her wrist in his hand before he registered what he was doing. She looked a little surprised. The tears were in his eyes again, but maybe it wasn't so obvious to her. He couldn't say the words. He needed her to be the one. When he licked his lips, she leaned a little closer. "I'm done in fifteen. Are you interested? Or are you too drunk?"
He took a deep breath as his eyes closed. He needed to try to move on. The pain needed to stop, or else he didn't know what he would do. Right now he was numb enough. It was now or never. "I'm interested."
Bradley was very aware of what he was doing, it just vaguely seemed like someone else was doing it. He gave his keys to Shannon once they were outside. "Remember where I live?" he asked, walking toward the Bronco. 
"Of course I do," she whispered. 
He found himself with his back against the passenger side door with Shannon's lips on his. It felt fine. Would probably feel better the more he got used to it again. He could do this. He kissed her back and told her to drive, because he knew he shouldn't. 
She drove and parked and took him by the hand, leading him inside his house. As soon as he saw the baseball cards, he wanted to upend his coffee table. He wanted to do this and get it over with and go to sleep for a week. And if he didn't feel better after that, then he didn't know what he was going to do. 
When Shannon tried to turn on his bedroom light, he took her hand in his and guided it away from the switch. "Too bright," he mumbled, and she started to get undressed. He stumbled across the hallway to the bathroom and closed the door. When he looked in the mirror, he'd never seen anything quite so pitiful. He splashed a little water on his face, but it just made his flushed cheeks stand out more. He dug around under the sink for some condoms he thought he still had. When his hand closed around the box, he sat back against the wall and cried. 
He had no idea how long he was in the bathroom. He took his shirt off and used it to wipe his face. You didn't want him. He went back to his bedroom where Shannon was naked on his bed, her skin glowing in the light filtering in from the bathroom where he forgot to flip the switch off.
"Fuck," he grunted, running his fingers through his hair. But she must have taken that as a sign that he was ready to go. He wasn't, but he told himself he was. She touched him, and he let her. She kissed him some more, and he let her do that, too. He reciprocated. He knew to do that much. But it didn't feel like anything. He fucked her, but it just wasn't right. And then he fell asleep with a throbbing head and an aching heart and the wrong woman next to him. 
It had been years since Bradley had a hangover. When he opened his eyes, his left arm was hanging off of his bed, and his face was halfway smashed in his pillow. His mouth was completely dry, and he tried to press his lips together and swallow. He had no idea how he got home or what time it was. 
"Oh, shit," he groaned. He texted you last night. When he was sitting at the bar. He was pretty sure he told you he fell in love with you. He knew you wouldn't write back. You must have blocked his number by now. He was probably texting nobody by this point, but it still hurt like hell that you didn't want him the way he wanted you.
Then he remembered what he did after he texted you, and the bile rose in his throat so quickly. Shannon was right there next to him when he turned his head. He let her sleep over. He never let her sleep over before this. She was in your spot. He needed her gone immediately. 
"Hey," he grunted, his throat like sandpaper. "Shannon. You need to leave." 
She rolled over and glared at him. "Still tired," she whispered, completely naked in his bed. 
"Please," he begged. He was so fucking stupid, it was incredible. Now he was miserable and hungover and angry with himself. "I need you to."
She sighed and stretched, and Bradley made a beeline for the bathroom, stepping on a condom wrapper on the way. At least there was that. Then he emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet. He sat back against the wall for a few minutes, afraid there might be more he had to throw up. He knew his head was throbbing due more to the fact that he regretted everything he did last night with Shannon than him drinking most of a bottle of whiskey. 
There was tapping on the door. "If you want me to leave, I need to use the bathroom."
"Give me a minute," he groaned, standing up and looking at himself in the mirror. There were dark circles under his eyes and he looked pale. When he brushed his teeth, he felt the tears burning behind his eyes once again. Was this ever going to stop? It had been more than a month. 
Bradley rinsed his mouth and opened the door, barely looking at Shannon as she walked past him, still naked. He went back into his bedroom for a pair of clean underwear and some gym shorts and fought the urge to put all of his bedding in the washing machine. He couldn't even be in here right now, so he left for the kitchen. And he passed the fucking baseball cards again. He would have to throw them away or ask someone to come get them, because he needed them gone as much as he needed Shannon to leave. 
As he turned on his coffee maker, he heard someone knocking on his front door. He already wanted this fucking day to end. He tried not to look at the baseball cards as he passed the table and wrenched his front door open, and then his jaw dropped in surprise.
"Bradley. Hi."
He braced his hand against the door frame as he looked at you standing there on his tiny porch. You were wearing his Padres jersey. He had to be hallucinating. This had to be a dream. You were here.
He watched your face light up at the nickname, and you laughed softly as you examined him like you'd been dying to see him. He gripped the doorframe a little harder as he reached his other hand out to cup your chin and feel your silky skin.
"Holy shit, Baby. What are you doing here?" His heart was pounding, but he felt somehow normal again. Just like he had five weeks ago before you left him in a state of panic. 
"I came to see you." He stroked his thumb along your lip, but you didn't back away. In fact you took a tiny step closer as you added, "I have to be up in Anaheim tomorrow afternoon for some Ducks interviews, but I wanted to see you first. I thought we could talk."
Your eyes were open and earnest, and Bradley felt weak as he looked at his jersey on you. He let his hand drop away from your face, because he had no idea what to say to you right now. He had convinced himself he'd never see you again. "Did you get my texts? Or did you block my number?"
You pressed your lips together and then whispered, "I got your texts. And I've listened to your voicemail a lot. I've missed you." Bradley watched you smile tentatively and give him a little shrug. 
"You missed me," he said in disbelief. "And you got my messages. And you missed me. And you're wearing my jersey."
You looked down at yourself and laughed. "I've been wearing pretty frequently, actually. Turns out I don't have a dress code at my new office, which ironically is in Houston now, but I hardly ever have to be there in person."
When you met his eyes again, he asked. "New office?" He was so confused as he reached out and stroked your cheek with his fingers again just to try to make sure you were still real. 
"Yeah," you said softly, taking another step closer to him. "I have you to thank for that. I have you to thank for a lot of things." You bit your lip before you said, "I left the New York Times. I just finished my last assignment for Greg yesterday. I'm working on a brand new piece now. I actually begged my new employer to let me come back to California for the Anaheim Ducks article even though it's a bit of a fluff piece, because it meant I could come here and tell you that I'm happier now."
"You are?" he asked, unsure what you meant by that. He was having a hard time listening to your voice and looking at your face at the same time, and he wondered how he'd managed ten days in your presence for the World Series. You were just so overwhelmingly perfect. 
"Yes, Bradley. You made me think about my career, and I kind of took the time to change some of my priorities. Because if there's a man as incredible as you who is willing to take a chance on me, then I can take the same kind of chance on myself."
You smiled up at what he was sure was a look of longing on his face. "I'm working for Velocity Report now, and I'm going to have a lot more time off between assignments. Which is important, because you reminded me that I need to take breaks and eat and take care of myself. Even when you're not around."
"I loved doing that for you," he gasped, suddenly dying to kiss you. 
"Yeah, well, you were really good at it," you said as your smile faded a little bit. "But that's why I'm here. To tell you all of this in person. You deserve to hear it in person instead of over the phone, especially since I never responded to you. I wanted to, but I just wasn't ready until now. And I don't know if you read what I said about you in my Detroit Red Wings article... but, I still miss you. And I love you."
His heart was pounding so hard, he thought he was going to pass out. "You love me?" he asked, absolutely needing you to say it again for him as your eyes drifted to where the box of baseball cards was still out on the coffee table. 
Your smile grew as you reached out for his hand and tugged him closer like you were going to kiss him. "Yes, I do. I love-"
Bradley heard a noise behind him, and his heart sank as his eyes went wide. You were looking off to the side, and he heard Shannon's voice. "Oh, sorry." He turned to see her with a puzzled look on her face. He had completely forgotten she was even here. After a few minutes in your presence, you were the only thing that mattered.
"Oh my god," you gasped, wrenching yourself away from Bradley. "Oh, fuck." You looked at him with your hands on your forehead and tears in your eyes. "You know what? Forget I was even here. I'm sorry," you gasped, turning on your heel and walking full speed across his yard to the black car that was parked at his curb. 
It took him a second, but then he was right behind you. "Ace! No, Baby, you don't understand." But it didn't look like you were listening as you dug the keys to your rental car out of your pocket. "Ace! Please!" He ran barefoot out onto the street to try to beat you to the car door, but you were too fast. When he reached for your hand and spun you around to face him, you had tears streaming down your cheeks. 
He was frozen, clinging to your hand as you whispered, "She's the bartender. I should have never come here."
"No," he begged, stepping into your personal space, but you kept dodging him. "It's nothing. I want you here. I need you here."
But you pulled your hand free and reached for the door handle as you sobbed, and it broke Bradley's heart. "I need to go."
He was ready to drop to his knees. "She doesn't mean anything, Ace! Please! I missed you too, Baby! I've been miserable without you, okay? You have no idea." 
You wouldn't even look at him now as you pushed him out of the way so you could climb in the car. He felt all of his dreams slipping through his fingers twice now as you slammed the door closed, started the engine and drove.
"Ace!" he shouted running alongside your door until you hit the accelerator and left him standing in the middle of his street without shoes on. "Ace. I love you," he whispered as you turned left at the end of his block, and then you were out of sight. 
Bradley sank down until he was squatting with his face buried in his palms. "Fuck!" he screamed, the sound only slightly muffled as he jumped up to his feet and made his way back to his house where Shannon was standing on his porch. She looked disgusted as another car pulled up in front of his house. 
"Why are we sleeping together if you're clearly in love with her?" she asked, barely looking at him as she headed toward her Uber. "You should go take care of that."
As Bradley watched her away, he tried to pinpoint exactly how he'd fucked all of this up. He wondered if there was any way to fix it. Once again, he couldn't breathe correctly as that crushing feeling returned to his lungs. This feeling has vanished for those few minutes he was with you again.
"Maybe you don't even deserve her," he told himself as he walked back inside alone, thinking about how for a minute there, you'd loved him back.
Oh, Bradley. Oh, you sweet thing. Should I add one more part? Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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cyberl6ve · 3 months
⋆⭒˚🍊.⋆ Part One | Part Two ⋆⭒˚🦌.⋆
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⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ : 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫, I quickly changed back into my white baggy shirt and blue washed jorts. Chris watched me with a smirk on his face, no doubt remembering exactly what we had just done in those clothes. “Ready to go back out there?” he asked, his voice low and husky.
Chris emerged from the bathroom dressed in his signature style a black long sleeved shirt, gray sweats, and his white Birkenstocks. He topped off the look with his signature Fresh Love red hat, the brim pulled low over his eyes.
“Let’s hope you didn't get us in trouble,” I whispered to Chris, a playful glare in my eyes. He just chuckled and pulled me closer, his arm wrapped around my waist.
Chris tried to go in for a kiss, but I pulled back with a playful grin. “Pipe down, lover boy,” I said, extricating myself from his embrace. I walked out of his room and up the stairs to seeing Nick and Matt on the couch on their phones.
“You're finally back, took you long enough,” Nick quipped, raising an eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes good-naturedly. “Yeah, sorry, Chris is really hard to wake up,” I replied. Matt and Nick exchanged a look, but wisely said nothing.
“Hey, guys, do you want to go get something to eat and then head over to Top Golf?” I asked, changing the subject. Nick looked up from his phone and grinned. “Definitely,” he said, standing up from the couch and stretching. Matt followed suit, nodding in agreement.
Nick added, “Oh, and before we head out, we need to swing by the warehouse. There's a new shipment of merch that just came in and we gotta check it out.”Matt's eyes lit up at the prospect of new gear. “Sweet, I'm always down for that too.”
Chris ambled up the stairs, his hat pulled low over his eyes, a relaxed smile on his face. He dropped down onto the couch beside me, his leg brushing against mine. “What's the plan?” he asked, his voice low and casual.
Matt rattled off the day's plans with an excited grin, “First, we gotta swing by the warehouse to check out the new merch. Then maybe some shopping, and after that, we’ll hit Top Golf and grab a bite while we're at it.”
As we all stood up, Chris's hand found its way to my thigh, providing a gentle squeeze for support as he pushed himself up from the couch. The brief, intimate contact sent a shiver down my spine.
We all make our way down the stairs to the garage, chattering excitedly about the day ahead. Matt grins mischievously and leads us to his car. We pile in and he puts it into gear, driving us to the warehouse.
Matt expertly navigates the industrial complex until we reach the warehouse. To our surprise, the boxes of merchandise were already stacked neatly along one wall, waiting for us. Chris let out a low whistle of approval, “Looks like they were on top of things today.”
As we sorted through the boxes, Chris let out a cheer. “Guys! Check this out!” He held up a black hoodie with the logo ‘Let’s Trip’ on it.
— ☆ —
Nick's head lolled back against the couch cushions as he let out a contented sigh, his arms stretched out above his head. I sat at the edge of the couch, watching him lazily. Without warning, a shadow loomed behind Nick and Chris appeared, camera at the ready.
The peaceful moment was shattered by Chris’ sudden appearance. With a wicked grin, he leaned over Nick, scaring him so badly that he nearly tumbled off the couch. “Chris! You fucking bitch!” he yelled as he scrambled to catch his balance, eyes narrowed in mock outrage.
Chris burst out laughing, the sound echoing through the room, as he quickly thrust the camera into my hands. “Get it, get it!” he shouted, already taking off, Nick hot on his heels.
And just like that, the scene shifted from a moment of tranquil relaxation to an all-out chase between best friends, captured perfectly on camera thanks to my quick reflexes. The sound of their laughter floated through the warehouse as Chris darted kept running from side to side, Nick in close pursuit.
“Oh, shit!” Chris shouted as his foot caught on one of the many boxes scattered around the warehouse. He stumbled, then fell hard onto the floor, the camera catching his fall on tape.
“Chris!” I gasped, putting the camera down for a moment while it’s still rolling and hurried to his side, genuinely concerned for his well-being. Chris laid sprawled on the ground giggling. Nick, not missing a beat, delivered a playful smack to his ass for his revenge. “That's what you get bitch!” Nick teased, still laughing.
“That’s enough playing around you two” I helped Chris to his feet. Chris stood up, looking embarrassed by his clumsiness. His eyes met mine, and without a word, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace, burying his face in the crook of my neck, pressing a kiss into my neck. No one seems to notice it.
Holding my hands on his back, I could feel his warm breath against my skin. "The camera is still rolling." I whispered. He nodded his head, knowing that he had to be careful not to give their fans any unintentional hints of the romance brewing between us.
Nick, realizing the situation, couldn't help but grab the camera, “Looks like someone's a little embarrassed from his fall.” He teased Chris while filming.
Just then, Matt entered the scene, curious about the commotion he heard. “What's going on?” he asked, looking around. Nick immediately filled him in. “Chris tripped over a box and fell flat on his face like a dumbass,” Nick said with a chuckle, still filming.
Matt, sensing Chris’ embarrassment, teased him playfully. “Oh, that explains why he's clinging around Y/N like that, poor baby,” Matt said with a smirk. This was enough to push Chris over the edge.
Chris pulled away from me, running after Matt. I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh. Nick, still holding the camera, captured every moment in detail. “Quit running before you fall again!” I shouted.
Chris didn’t listen and continued to chase after Matt, the two of them running around the warehouse, laughing and joking with each other. Nick followed close behind, still filming. “Looks like someone's got a bit of pent up energy to burn off,” he quipped, aiming the camera at Chris’ determined face as he pursued Matt.
Just as Matt came around me, Chris made a beeline for my direction. “Chris slow down!” I called out, but it was too late. With a playful grin on his face, Chris picked me up and tackled me onto the couch.
He landed on top of me, causing the couch to sink underneath us. I couldn’t help but laugh, feeling his weight on me and his breath against my neck. Matt and Nick were clearly amused, chuckling as they filmed the whole scene. “Looks like Chris is making himself comfortable,”
“I’m tireddddd,” Chris whined out, laying his head against my chest. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him tightly. “I mean you did just run not once, but twice at full speed,”
“Well that was that,” Nick said, flipping the camera towards himself and Matt. “We’ll pick up the camera after Chris is done taking his nap.” Matt nodded in agreement. Watching the scene unfold, they couldn't help but laugh at the display of energy and exhaustion.
Nick pointed the camera back at Chris, but Chris wasn't having it. “Get the fuck out of my face!” he shouted, shoving the camera away with a look of annoyance. He settled into a comfortable position on top of me, his face nuzzling into my neck.
I waved goodbye to the camera as Nick turned it off. The sound of soft laughter filled the room, and I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at Chris. “Looks like you wore yourself out,”
I brought my hands to his head, gently running my fingers through his hair as it clung to his sweat— dampened forehead. Chris let out a contented sigh, his eyes closing as he nuzzled into my touch.
“We should bring these boxes upstairs so they can be out of the way,” Matt suggested, gesturing to the scattered merchandise. Nick nodded in agreement, the two of them grabbing a few boxes each and heading towards the staircase.
As the sound of their footsteps faded upstairs, Chris stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open to gaze up at me. A lazy smile spread across his face as he caught my hand still playing with his hair and brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss.
"You sneaky—" I teased, but my words were cut off as Chris captured my lips in another kiss. The room faded away, and it was just the two of us, lost in our own little world.
Chris's hands were now gripping my waist, pulling me closer as he spoke between the passionate kisses. “You think you can help me out, Ma?” He asked in a low, playful tone that ignited a fire in my stomach.
I pulled away from the kiss, looking up at Chris with a coy smile. “With what exactly?” I asked, trying to maintain some composure despite the heat coursing through me. Chris's response was to press another kiss to my lips before pulling away and letting his hands drift lower down my sides.
“You know,” Chris said, his voice low and husky as he nipped at my lower lip. His hands continued to move lower, squeezing my hips and encouraging me to grind against him. “I'll give you a hint,” he whispered seductively, his lips grazing my ear.
Chris smirked as he was tracing his lips down my neck and nipping at the sensitive skin there. “It starts with a ‘p’ and ends with a ‘e,” he said, his tongue flicking out to taste me. He shifted his hips, pressing himself against me as a reminder of what was underneath.
I was confused for a moment before Chris whispered, “Pleasure,” in my ear. His hand moved up to cup my breast, squeezing gently as he continued to kiss me. I let out a soft quiet moan as his tongue traced over my nipple through the fabric of my shirt.
I pulled back, looking into Chris's lust-filled eyes and shaking my head. “Not out in the open, Matt and Nick can literally see us,” I whispered urgently. He groaned in protest, but I continued, “Didn't we just fuck earlier? You've been horny ever since we made that deal.”
Chris gave me a sheepish smile, his hands stilling on my body. “Can you blame me?” he asked, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. “I can't help it, you're just so fucking irresistible,” he said as he adjusted himself in his pants. He leaned in to press a light kiss to my lips.
My mind was racing with thoughts, none of which had anything to do with stopping Chris’s advances. In reality, I didn't mind fucking him— I even enjoyed it. In fact, the more we did it, the more I craved it, and I never thought I'd get tired of it.
The truth was, I had feelings for Chris. Deep, unspoken feelings that I'd never had the courage to vocalize. This was as close as I'd get to him, and it was intoxicating. With that in mind, I pointed to the big white blanket draped over the pool table.
“Get the blanket off the pool table,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. As he reached for it, I started to unbutton my shorts, my fingers trembling slightly with anticipation.
Slowly, I slid my shorts down to my ankles and left them there. When I looked back up at Chris, his eyes were burning with desire. He reached for the blanket and spread it out over our bodies, enveloping us in a cocoon of warmth and intimacy.
Chris and I both left our shirts on, just in case we needed to get dressed quickly. Under the blanket, he gently pulled my underwear down, revealing my wetness to him. He leaned in and started kissing my neck.
I let out a soft moan as he continued to explore my body with his fingers. The position he was in was the same one Matt and Nick had seen him in before they left, but they had no idea what was going on under the blanket.
“Shhh,” Chris whispered against my neck as he continued to seduce me with soft kisses and tender touches. His hand wandered lower and lower, until it was between my legs.
As Chris explored my body with his hands, I couldn't help but let out soft moans of pleasure. He silenced me with a kiss, his tongue dancing with mine in a passionate embrace. Under the blanket, he slipped two fingers inside me, causing me to arch your back and gasp for air.
“Keep an eye out, okay baby?” Chris whispered in my ear, his hot breath sending tingles down my spine. He continued to touch me, his movements becoming more desperate and needy as he brought me closer to the edge. “I want to make sure no one catches us,”
I nodded my head, my mind foggy with desire as Chris continued to pleasure me under the blanket. The feeling of his fingers coupled with the danger of being caught made the experience even more exhilarating.
With renewed intensity, Chris plunged his fingers deeper, stroking that sensitive spot within me that made stars burst behind my eyelids. His thumb rubbed quick circles against my clit, sending waves of pleasure crashing through my body.
“Stay quiet, Ma” Chris whispered in my ear, his voice dripping with confidence as his fingers worked their magic. I could only nod, completely lost in the sensation.
Just as I was about to reach my peak, Chris pulled his fingers away and slowed down. “Not yet,” he said with a wicked grin. With a swift motion, he lowered his sweatpants and boxers under the blanket, freeing his hard length.
Chris wrapped his hand around his cock, gently pumping himself as he positioned himself at my entrance. He pushed forward, and I gasped as I felt myself stretching to accommodate him. It was always like this with Chris— every time we had sex, it felt like the first time all over again.
I clung to Chris, digging my nails into his back as he filled me up completely. My mind was a jumble of thoughts and sensations as I adjusted to his size. I couldn't believe that after all this time, I still wasn't used to the way he stretched me out so perfectly.
As Chris began to move within me, I couldn't help but marvel at the way his cock made me feel— like I was home, like I was exactly where I was meant to be. The way Chris moved inside of me, the way his hips ground against my own, it was all almost too much to handle. I couldn't think about anything else except the pleasure he was giving me. With each thrust, he hit all the right spots, the places that made me see stars.
I moaned low in my throat, the sound muffled by Chris's neck as he pounded into me with a fierce intensity. “Baby, just like that,” I whispered, my voice hoarse with desire. I wrapped my legs around his hips, pulling him in deeper, desperate for more of him.
Chris let out a low growl as he felt me clench around him. “Stay quiet, Ma,” he said, his voice strained with pleasure. “Matt and Nick are still upstairs.” I nodded, biting back a cry of pleasure as he increased his pace.
Without a word, Chris reached up and covered my mouth with his hand. The suddenness of it sent a shock of pleasure through me and I let out a muffled cry against his palm. He started thrusting harder.
I felt Chris's movements becoming more erratic, his breath hot against my ear as he spoke. “You're doing so well, baby. Taking it all like you always do.” His words sent waves of pleasure through me and I moaned again, the vibrations humming against his palm.
“Oh, fuck, Ma,”Chris groaned, his voice low and rough in my ear. "You're so fucking tight, baby. I love it." He picked up his pace again, driving into me harder, the couch creaking beneath us with the force of his thrusts.
Chris's movements grew more urgent, his hips slapping against mine as he chased his release. “Cum for me, Ma,” he demanded, his voice a low, guttural growl. “Cum on my cock.”
I felt my body tremble and then shatter, wave after wave of intense pleasure washing over me as I came hard around Chris's throbbing cock. “Fuck, yes!” he groaned quietly, his own release hitting him moments later as he spilled himself deep inside me.
Chris collapsed against me, both of us trying to catch our breath as he gently lifted his hand away from my mouth. “You're amazing, you know that?” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. I smiled, still riding the high of the intense orgasm he'd just given me.
Chris slowly pulled out of me, the loss of him making me ache almost immediately. He pulled up his boxers and sweats, and then helped me with my underwear and shorts, being careful not to let any of his cum spill out.
Chris threw the blanket back on the pool table and then made his way to the warehouse kitchen, grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge. As he walked back over to me, he picked up the camera and started recording. “I just woke up from my nap,”
Chris grinned at the camera, clearly pleased with how things had gone. “How was the nap, Y/N?” he asked, before flipping the camera over to me. I was still lost for words, feeling completely breathless after the unexpected but amazing sex we’d just had. I just threw a thumbs up.
Chris chuckled and then handed me one of the water bottles. He sat down next to me on the couch, but kept the camera rolling. His eyes were fixed onto me, studying my reactions, as if he was trying to imprint this moment into his memory forever.
"You okay?" he asked, reaching out to brush a strand of hair out of my face. I nodded, still in a daze but feeling incredibly satisfied and happy.
I took a long drink of water, feeling the cool liquid soothe my dry throat. Chris continued talking to the camera, his voice calm and steady. “Let's go see what Matt and Nick are doing,” he said, a hint of curiosity in his tone.
He stood up, stretching out his hand to help me up from the couch, but I waved him off, an excuse spreading over my lips. “I'm too comfortable here right now,” I said, my tone hinting at an underlying reason.
Chris chuckled, a knowing glint in his eyes. He clearly understood my true motivations— my legs were wobbly and sore, not to mention the aftermath of the intense sex we'd just shared. Chris grinned, pulling his hand back and chuckling softly. “Okay, you stay here then,” he said. I watched him as he climbed the stairs, my eyes fixed onto his every move.
As Chris disappeared from view up the stairs, I let out a soft sigh, my body still humming with the aftershocks of our passion. I stretched out along the length of the couch, sinking into the plush cushions and letting out a contented moan as I felt the cool air kiss my overheated skin. My body still tingled from our passionate encounter, and the gentle ache between my thighs served as a delicious reminder of Chris's skillful lovemaking.
Despite the lingering desire and excitement coursing through my veins, my body was exhausted and sleep soon claimed me. I drifted off into a peaceful slumber, the steady rhythm of my breaths filling the quiet room.
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earl-grey-teacake · 8 months
hey! first of all, the idea of baby!au is fantastic. I love all your points. you already wrote about galex "stressed out of their minds new age parents" and that was fascinating to read! would you mind to elaborate the same about carlando? pretty please 🥺🙏🏻
Awww! Thank you!!!
Of course I can write a Carlando one!
Carlos and Lando didn't mean to adopt Oscar. It just sort of happened. One minute they are in Australia and the next thing they are taking a 1 month baby home. Thankfully Carlos know how to take care of a baby and make a bottle and change a diaper because Lando was incredibly lost.
Lando is very sensitive to Oscar's emotions and baby's are very emotionally volatile. While Oscar is much calmer than other babies, it can go from 0 to 100 really quick. Lando's vibe is "Oh my god, what am I doing? I don't know what I'm doing. Wait, I do know what I am doing. Nevermind, I was very wrong."
Carlos is a bit more capable due to experience but the downside is Oscar prefers Lando more and it makes taking care of him incredibly difficult. Carlos brings a "I want to help you. Just let me help you" energy that quickly becomes "I know you communicate mostly through crying but can you try a different method." Carlos wants to zone out sometimes but he can't.
Oscar wrecks terror on their marriage and social life. The only thing that is really intact is their job. Oscar's pickiness pushes an unequal distribution of labor in certain areas which strains the marriage. Oscar also doesn't have the energy to be around a lot of people for long periods of time, and his parents keep an active social life.
They had to go to couples counseling a month into the adoption which helped them find equal ground when it came to balancing childcare and their marriage. It also helped that Oscar met Logan and now was fairly content as long as he got to play with Logan.
Lando also started bringing Oscar onto his streams which garnered him a ton of new subscribers. Oscar was fairly content being held and staring at the lights and moving pictures and people found him to be adorable.
Oscar slowly enjoys Carlos's company without Lando in the picture but Carlos is the more responsible party. Feeding, doctor appointments, making sure Oscar has a hat every time he goes outside to protect him from the sun.
The one activity they do enjoy together is golf. They get a couple hours on the course and Oscar gets to sit in his carrier and nap in the golf cart.
Babies are expensive and Oscar is no exception. The issue is that the biggest expense is the wi-fi. Oscar has a designated time to see Logan, whether it be in-person or through Face Time. If George and Alex are free, a play date is an easy thing to organize. However, a face time call is usually the result. The issue lies in Oscar falling asleep with the phone in his hand but will wake up and cry if the phone is removed.
Oscar, like Logan, is a clingy baby. Even though he doesn't say it, he still clings to Carlos's shirt when he has to leave for the race. While he doesn't cry most of the time, he does get upset and hides his face. He also does the same thing with Lando. Carlos is sad but he laughs it off and tells Oscar he'll be back. Lando, however, will carry Oscar as much as he can and is very reluctant to hand him over to the caretaker. While he doesn't cry, Oscar's sad little face and his outstretched hands makes the departure very difficult.
I hope you like it! It's not as cheery as the one I did for Galex but I wanted to show the difference in dynamic and parenting style.
Thank you for sending the ask and feel free to send me more!!!! :)
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valsnonsense · 6 months
Princess Basil Faye
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"Oh my gosh, the new Misty Lake sequel is coming out! Oooooo I wonder how they did the affects for this one"
Parents: Princess Viva Faye and Clay Heath
Siblings: Fern (Elder Brother), Conifer (Brother)
Age: 15
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Genre: Hip-Hop/Pop
Voice Claim: Andrea Storm Kaden
The youngest child of Clay and Viva and their only daughter. Uptight, sophisticated, if not a little snooty, Basil is the opposite of her twin in several ways.
Like her brother, Basil is a musician and works alongside him creating hip-hop music. It was Basil's idea to inspire their music based on the books they've read, mainly fantasy or horror novels, and turn them into raps that tell a short story about it. Basil's parts in the songs are more vocal, as she can't rap as fast as her brother.
Basil is the biggest bookworm of her family. Her room is just wall to wall bookshelves, stuffed with novels from all over the world. She even has a "library" system in there, keeping record of where all her books are.
Like her twin, Basil is a pop troll but Hip-Hop is her main passion. When they were younger, she loved listening to Conifer day tongue-twister super fast and tried to copy him. While she can't spit rhymes as fast, she loves to sing the more "ballad" portions of their music, balancing out Conifer fast-paced rapping.
Basil currently resides in the Putt-Putt Mini Golf Course alongside her parents and twin.
Fun Facts!
- Of her siblings, Basil is the only one who has her hair under some kind of control. Fern is 100% jealous of this fact.
- Basil gets along well with her cousin, Lemon. Whenever she needs a wardrobe update, he's the only she trusts to make her something good.
- Basil came up with the name for her and Conifer's band name. Their name is "Heaven and Hell" with the logo being a angel wing and a demon wing. Lots of their songs are about angels and demons, so Basil saw it fitting.
- Basil LOVES horror. Horror books, horror movies, horror games, you name it. She will drag her brother to every new horror movies that comes out (to his dismay)
And that's Basil and the last of my Cliva kids!!! Snooty little horror-enthusiast. I tried making her shirt more pale but it came out as this weird off-yellow bdbdhdbjdbd
I'll be posting the Cliva family portrait tomorrow~
Voice Example: What Makes Me Tick (JT Music FT. Andrea Storm Kaden)
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alinalioness · 1 month
Background of the FNAF Chapter 9:People who will later become friends.
The next morning.
In the main hall of animatronics, except from the first part, they talked about the disappearance and appearance of people.
Mr. Hippo:Say that people saw someone who was unbalanced disappear and return to balanced.
Toy Freddy:Yes, while playing golf, we asked the man who met Freddie. He said that at first 12 people disappeared, if in more detail 6 men and 6 women, and then two teenagers.
Toy Bonnie:And they also talked about some kind of theater. That at first it was abandoned, and then they started going there.
Glam-rock Freddy:Clearly the city itself is mysterious.
Later, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy come out of the hall with rooms, who decided to walk around the city together.
Freddy:Good morning, guys.
The rest of the animatronics:Good morning.
Bonnie:Has anything new appeared?
Toy Freddy:No, but we are just discussing that 2 teenagers somehow disappeared in this city and returned but balanced.
Foxy:Hmm, is there no villainy here? Otherwise we can move again.
Rockstar Freddy:No, these are the same people, their characters have just changed.
Freddy:It's clear. In general, the four of us decided to take a walk around the city. If you see a person asking for a birthday, talk to them yourself.
The rest of the animatronics:Okay.
They anointed each other and the four of them left the pizzeria. While they were walking near another part of the road where there was a fountain and a basketball court, Freddy thought about the man.
Freddy:Do you know? When we built a large pizzeria, I wanted a human friend.
Bonnie, Chica and Foxy:A human friend?
Bonnie:And what? I would also have a human friend to visit us when I'm not too busy.
Chica:Me too.
Foxy:So am I. Fredbear wouldn't mind it if it wasn't broken.
Freddy:I'll agree with that. How is he without us there?
Chica:(She saw something) Wow, watch the kids dance.
Freddy, Bonnie and Foxy:Wow.
On the other side of the road, where there is a fountain, 4 children were dancing. But we'll talk about two of them 😎.
One was a boy with fair skin, golden spiky hair and blue eyes. He had a blue patterned headband on his head. He was wearing a white shirt with a red three-button vest, black pants and blue-black sneakers.
The other was a fair-skinned girl with blonde hair with two ponytails. She was wearing a denim jacket, inside a red, pink T-shirt, black pants with green patterns and red sneakers. Her eyes were green and she had heart-shaped earrings in her ears.
These two danced breakdancing with the others.
Bonnie:They dance very well, I couldn't do it myself.
Foxy:Well, we are animatronics, and we are not capable of this.
Freddy:They have good talent anyway. Even if there was a child friend, we would have fun.
They continued walking through the city until they decided to look at the bulletin board.
Bonnie:(He noticed the poster "Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria") See our poster. (He noticed another poster with a picture of a white top hat with a red headband) Balan Wonderworld... the unusual name of the theater.
Chica:It still feels like the city already has a lot of unusual things.
Freddy:It is clear that the word "Balan" may be someone's name, but the world of miracles is a mystery.
Foxy:(He noticed someone) Just look at this unusual company.
Four animatronics looked at 12 people (Yea😎😎). Note:There will be more headcannons about their ages here.
The first was a farmer who was 32 years old. He wore a straw hat, had no hair, and had blue eyes. He was wearing a red shirt, denim pants with a pocket and brown shoes. He was wearing brown gloves in his hands.
The second was a purple-haired girl with red glasses, about 15 years old. She was wearing a white, red striped T-shirt and a dark purple jacket. She was wearing green shorts, white and red socks and purple sneakers. Her eyes were the color of brown.
The third was a girl about 17 years old. Her hair was brown with a ponytail and she had brown eyes with yellow eyelids. She was wearing a wetsuit, although she is not busy right now, and shoes with the colors gray, navy blue, blue and yellow.
The fourth was a boy about 15 years old. His hair was green, his eyes were brown and he wore pilot glasses. He was wearing a white hooded turtleneck and an orange sleeveless vest, green pants and white, orange sneakers.
The fifth was a black woman about 34 years old. Her hair was purple, gathered in a green headband with yellow and orange triangles and had blue eyes. She was wearing a light green T-shirt with orange and yellow triangles. She had jeans, brown sneakers and earrings on her ears.
The sixth was a dark-skinned firefighter with no hair and about 36 years old. His eyes were gray, the firefighter's clothes were gray and he wore black shoes.
The seventh was a young, ten-year-old girl with emerald eyes. Her short hair was also emerald and she had a red bow on her head. She wore a red, brown and white dress, brown tights and boots.
The eighth was a green-haired man about 18 years old with blue eyes. He wore a red and white clown costume. He had yellow gloves, dark red clown pants with shoes with yellow pompoms.
The ninth was a man with dark skin, about 37 years old. He had purple hair, turquoise eyes and had a protruding nose. He was wearing a yellow shirt, a grey jacket, a red tie, a black belt with grey trousers and brown shoes.
The tenth was a large woman about 35 years old. Her hair was crimson in a ponytail and she had red eyes. She wore a green dress with an artistic apron and emerald shoes.
The eleventh was a young girl of 18 years old. Her hair was blue in color and covered one eye, which was turquoise. She was wearing a grey T-shirt, a pink hooded jacket, blue shorts and purple sneakers. One of the fingers was wearing a ring.
And finally, the last one was an old man about 60 years old. He wore a dark gray hat, had light and dark gray hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a purple coat, grey trousers and brown shoes. He carried a brown cane on one hand.
Animatronics came up unnoticed to take a closer look at them. They hid behind the house.
Freddy:An unusual company.
Bonnie:Just like us, only there are more of us.
Suddenly, he accidentally fell on a trash can, which is why 12 people heard it. The animatronics immediately hid so as not to scare them and the people themselves noticed that no one was there.
Purple-haired man:Looks like we need to go somewhere else. What if it's some kind of enemy?
Twelve people left, and animatronics watched them as they left. They continued walking anyway, until they decided to stop by the beach and sat down on a bench.
Freddy:The city is really peaceful, like ours probably is. I hope that bad things won't force us to move somewhere.
Bonnie:If there was a Fredbear, he would also perform with us, even though it's time for the old to retire.
Freddy:Yes, but our lives are still getting better than when we met William. * But I'm wondering what's going to happen next*.
No matter how calm it sounds, after 2 days they were waiting for what they expected the most... meeting with the same people they saw during the problems.
To be continued...
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apureniallsource · 1 year
When you’ve been in one of the biggest boybands in the world, figuring out what life looks like afterwards is no easy feat, especially when it encompassed some of your most formative years. For Niall Horan, though, it seems all too easy. He still lives the pop star life with a sold-out set of shows coming up next year, a whole host of festival performances lined up this summer, and an album that hit number one in the UK just a few weeks ago. Yet off-stage, he’s calm, carefree and so down to Earth that you might not even realise what he does for a living.
If Niall’s work life is about the biggest stages, biggest shows and biggest songs, Niall’s life at home is all about indulging in simple pleasures. Whether it’s bingeing a Netflix true crime series, lighting candles to make hotel rooms feel a bit more like home, or hopping from the gym to the golf course, he keeps himself grounded with a balanced routine and a low-maintenance lifestyle. It’s the perfect antithesis to celebrity life, and it’s helped him maintain the chilled-out vibe that he’s been known for since he was 16.
He might have just been about to fly to LA, but when we speak to Niall he’s as relaxed as they come. He’s still got yesterday’s hair (he proudly shows us how it’s still holding its volume), and he’s lounging in his living room in his gym clothes…
Let’s start with your dressing room. At this point in your career you’re used to being dressed, but how would you describe your own style when you’re at home?
I’d say I’ve got two different styles. One is very casual — I love street and sportswear — and then the other is very influenced by the 1950s and Sinatra. There’s a lot of collars, pressed trousers, penny loafers and that kind of thing. I like putting a modern twist on those old styles, whether that’s adding a more utilitarian jacket or whatever it might be. There’s a touch of ‘90s in there as well.
What about hero pieces?
I just got this vintage army green Gucci coat that’s very militaristic. I’m saving that for something good - can’t just walk to the shop in vintage Gucci, can you? I’m wearing this other, more casual coat at the moment, it’s a big green oversized bomber from Second/Layer. That’s been my go-to. Green goes with most things, so I’ve been wearing that a lot. I try and lean away from it, being Irish, but sometimes you’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do.
I’m big on Reebok Classics. I buy like three or four pairs at a time and just wear them until they get destroyed. They look better the worse they get but there’s a point where it’s like, okay, you might just need to get a new pair of shoes now…
Vintage Levi’s jeans are a big one. I get them online from a place called the 13 Club. Lots of straight-leg denim going on for me at the moment, 505s or 501s. I'm also big into — whether people agree with it or not — double denim. I have this vintage Ralph Lauren denim shirt and I like that with a white T-shirt and some matching jeans. The Canadian tuxedo! I’ve been doing a lot of that.
You’re very into golf. What does your golfwear looking like?
I’ve been trying to '50s up that a little bit too, wearing a slack rather than a golf trouser and a shirt with a bit of that old-school two-tone to it. I say that…I also have a lot of the classic gear that I just throw on because no one’s going to see me on the golf course. I often think that, I overthink what I’m going to wear and then I don’t see anyone for four hours.
For general workouts, I’m obviously a brand advisor and investor for the Irish brand Gym+Coffee. I’m a big fan of all their workout tops, I’m not good on materials but they’re easy to wear and nice and light. They just go with everything. All their shorts are really comfy too, really lightweight stuff that’s easy to wear in the gym. Nothing worse than some of that heavier stuff where you’re sweating out and it’s definitely not pleasant to feel in or to look at.
Moving onto the bathroom and grooming… what’s your routine there?
Yes! My forté! Firstly, I came across these things on Amazon. My groomer showed me them. The orbs that you put in the freezer and use with serum. I just love them! Genetically, I get dark [under]eyes and it’s crazy how good they are. I’ve never had anything work but ice is the answer, it turns out.
Sarah Chapman is the brand I’ve been buzzing about for a couple of years. I do an eye cream, a spray, an intense hydrating serum, moisturiser and SPF — the old Irish skin can’t handle any kind of ray, so that’s a must. I’ve got to watch myself even in the winter. For the evening I’m doing retinol, moisturiser and then a face oil. That keeps me glowing. I do a lot of face masks, I don’t even know if any of this stuff works I just love doing it.
Shampoo is Philip Kingsley. I’ve stopped using conditioner as much but I use a Redken clay to style and a matte paste. I use the Dyson hairdryer — make sure you put that in block capitals and tell them they can send me whatever they want — I absolutely love it. And for aftershaves, it’s Le Labo.
Moving into the kitchen, do you cook much when you’re at home. Do you have a go-to gadget?
I have a Nespresso coffee machine. I kick things off in the morning with an espresso, then the late afternoon coffee is an oat latte or an Americano, it depends on what buzz I need. I don’t get too LA on it. Out there you hear all sorts of stuff…“choco-loco-choco-mocho”. Just drink it, will you?
I do cook a lot. When I’m at home I try and cook for myself but keep it relatively healthy, so I end up doing a lot of Mediterranean-style stuff — salads, chicken, couscous, all that kind of stuff — nothing too complicated until the weekend. I’m no Stanley Tucci.
On a Sunday we’re always doing a Sunday roast. Roast chicken, parsnips, cheesy leeks, cauliflower cheese, potatoes. Love a Sunday roast, it’s my favourite thing. I also make this really simple Italian dish that’s just so good. It’s fried garlic, chilli, onion, squashed tomatoes, spaghetti, smoked bacon and a whole block of parmesan cheese. I don’t even know what it’s called but it’s just magic, it’s just what you want. If I’m in on a Saturday night, that’s what I’m making.
Let’s think about unwinding before bed. What helps you out there?
Candles, always. I always have a candle with me, particularly Diptyque Fig and Oud. I usually like softer fragrances: Le Labo Santal is also a favourite. I actually travel with candles - hotel rooms, dressing rooms, just to give them a homely feel. The only problem with that being that once you blow it out you have to sit around and wait for it to dry before shoving it back in your bag.
I always listen to green noise before bed. When I concentrate on that I can just doze right off, and I do a pre-bed face mask every two or three nights. And I do watch a lot of TV in bed… which is not good. It’s always ‘oh just one more episode’ and then before you know it it’s half one in the morning. I love ‘24 Hours in Police Custody’. We watch a lot of true crime and all those American Netflix series. Name it, we’ve seen it.
Thinking about your living room, what do you do to unwind there of an evening or afternoon?
There’s a piano in the living room and I spend a lot of time with that. That’s where I do a lot of writing. I wrote probably a third of my new album on that piano, sat at home during the lockdown. There’s a guitar on a stand next to it and sometimes I’ll wander over there when I’m half watching TV. I’ve got a Fender Telecaster and a Gibson 335 that I play a lot, a big old red thing. My acoustic is from an Irish brand called Lowden, myself and Lewis [Capaldi] went to their factory on our Amazon show, and I’ve been into them for eight or nine years. Maybe I need a green one…I’ll be a walking leprechaun in no time.
I listen to a lot of music; I’ve got this big JBL boombox, it’s class. It’s got a big handle on it and I take it everywhere. I’ve also got a vinyl player, I listen to a lot of vinyl. People are always asking me what I’m listening to at the moment and it’s never anything new. It’s always the old stuff that I just love…in fact, I just rotate the same fifteen or so vinyls. Old head, young shoulders, I suppose.
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pinkacademic · 1 year
Mature PA Fashion Archetype: The Editor
Considering some of my inspiration was 13 going on 30, I don't know if this is "Mature" but we vibe!
The Editor, inspired by The Devil Wears Prada, Ugly Betty, and 13 Going On 30. Of course, this is inspired by the fashion girly dreams of “the Chanel boots” like either Andy Sachs of Luke Skywalker, to your preference. But the fashion world is evolving to include new names, and the fashion girlies online are thrift-flipping queens. My goal is to balance both. You know this one is long because I actully remembered the Keep Reading for once:
Thrifty Girly
Slipdresses, camisoles, sleepwear as daywear- I’m not breaking new ground by pointing this one out, but the silky, sexy styling of a nightgown can range from Kate Bush- who has had a resurgence since last year- to Andy Sachs. If you were a stan of Ashley AKA bestdressed a few years ago, then you’ll know how cute these are.
Contrast. Combine garments regrdless of the gender that its intended for, wear princessy, fluffy skirts with a harness and combat boots, and clash your patterns against each other. The way to go is my making something about the outfit uniform to keep it cohesive, typically a colour-scheme.
Flipping- thrift-flips involve a bit of craftiness- take that plain t-shirt for 50p and some fabric markers, embroidery thread, patches, etc. Take a dress you like in at the waist, crop a men’s blazer etc. The key is finding what you like and perfecting it to your taste.
Emulating Designers
An article by JD Institute of Fashion Technlogy called the following the Top 10 Fashion Designers of All Time, so I picked 5 examples from that list! These aren’t necesarily my favourites, they were just a reference point.
Coco Chanel: to me, a Chanel look is black and white, potentially with a vibrant, candy-coloured pastel here or there, but I always think of black and white. Details include pearls, especially pearl buttons, a quilted bag, perhaps a bow, and the interlocking Cs.
Calvin Klein: I think of Back to the Future before I think of anything else, and I’m not a £50 t-shirt person… BUT, to emmulate Calvin Klein, you’ll need good quality denim, and a crisp, clean, probabaly white t-shirt. The style is very much basics, so to make it stand out without the branding, you’ll need them to be good-quality and well-fitting.
Donatella Versace: The New Arrivals section on the website is covered in slashes- all along the sides on some garments, across the chest in others- or deep cowls- like, to the navel. Cut-out details can be emmulated as modestly as a simple cold-shoulder, or go all the way. A deep V can go as high or as low as you like. I’m seeing mostly black, with some purple and bright pink.
Ralph Lauren: I think of a very preppy, classic, menswear look when I think of Ralph Lauren. This is what you wear to play golf on a superyacht, or whatever it is that rich people do… strong-coloured linen shirts, navy and white, and I’m seeing so many stong-contrasting stripes. I’m also seeing a lot of leather braided belts, which might not be the first thing you think of, but it adds to the nautical vibes.
Christian Dior: Dior invented the New Look, so you know that’s where I’m going on. That original outfit consisted of a long black skirt to the mid-calf and a white blazer that tapered in at the waist. You need that fifties dream skirt to really go classic, and I think to this day the deliver dresses that emphasise an hourglass shape.
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river-ocean · 2 years
charlos, makeovers + teachers AU ❤️
oh! this will be fun, i’ve never written charlos but i love the ferrari boys so let’s give it a go
charles and carlos are both teachers in the same high school, but charles is an english teacher and carlos is a physics teacher, so they really only see each other whenever there’s faculty meetings.
charles wanted to study fashion. he really did. and his family was supportive, but charles wanted to be more practical so he studied english and got a job as a middle school teacher. it’s not what he saw for himself, but he really does enjoy teaching and loves being able to guide the students.
so when the students start a fashion design club, he immediately volunteers to be the faculty advisor. it’s his first passion with his current passion - how could he pass it up?
as the advisor he is tasked with recruiting other teachers to be the models for the end of the year fashion show. all of the art and music teachers sign up willingly, of course, but it’s a bit harder to get teachers from other disciplines. charles knows he’s going to have to put in work to get some more representation from the other departments.
he puts on his best charming smile and struts into the science department one day, and the first teacher he sees is the physics teacher - mr. sainz, the physics teacher. charles is appalled by his outfit: a golf shirt two sizes too big that barely meets the collared shirt requirements, khaki pants that are absolutely not tailored, and a pair of dirty new balance shoes - not the cool kinds that the kids are wearing, the kind that looks like they should be worn only for mowing the lawn.
charles feels like this guy will immediately shut down the idea of participating in a fashion show, but he is willing to give it a shot.
carlos (he corrects him when charles calls him mr. sainz - there are no students around, why is he being so formal?) surprisingly agrees, and he and charles get to know each other over the course of the next few weeks as they prepare for the show.
carlos is smart, obviously - he’s a physics teacher. but he’s also warm, and kind, and funny. charles definitely has a soft spot for him, but it hasn’t fully turned into a crush yet.
charles will be helping with hair/makeup/styling for the show. he sees how much potential carlos has - full, dark hair, strong features, etc. and decides that he will definitely be the one prepping mr. sainz for the show (he really leans into calling him mr. sainz with the excuse of the students being around).
carlos has his princess diaries moment and charles is absolutely floored by the way this man looks. that, coupled with the wonderful personality charles has learned about in the lead up to the show, has charles absolutely in a tizzy over this man.
charles is charles though and won’t say anything about it, but carlos’ makeover has given him a confidence boost. he takes charles’ fashion advice and starts dressing better for school, and he can tell that charles is crushing on him (bc charles is anything but subtle about his feelings).
carlos eventually asks charles on a date and charles immediately says yes, of course. charles keeps working with the fashion club and slowly but surely gives all of the teachers in the district a makeover, and lives happily with the fusion of his two passions and also his hunk of a boyfriend.
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alyssasoutfitdiary · 2 years
2023 02 19 Sunday
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Another Sunday that's too nice to be inside 🙂. It feels more like March. My boyfriend and I are both up for miniature golf, but none are open yet. Instead, we'll visit a state park (about an hour and a half away, in a different state, actually LOL), that's a bit of a historic site. They'll be trails to walk around on, we're sure, so I'll dress for some light hiking.
I think it's warm enough for capri jeans, so I'll wear those today. Let's see if I can put together a President's Day look, red, white, and blue. I see a blue and white striped t-shirt, that's the perfect color. I'm in a lighter colors mood, so I don't really want to wear solid dark blue, even though it's an important color for the outfit I want LOL. This one is blue and white striped, so that works, being not so dark. It's a little lighter weight than I'd like for being in the 50s, so I'll add to it a blue tank top with white stars, on top of my t-shirt, like I would wear a dress. That feels about perfect. I'll wear my red capri jeans and white sneakers, and voila, a red, white, and blue President's Day outfit great for walking around a park. What do you think?
End of day thoughts: We went to a shopping center in the area in search of a very casual, preferably local to the area, place to eat, and we stumbled upon what is really a coffee shop that serves a limited amount of food -- snacks and a few sandwiches, really. That's where we went, especially when we found there was a piano player performing. We went in, ate, and enjoyed the music. Today was definitely a fun day 😀.
My outfit details:
Weather: Upper 50s, sunny ☀️
Hair in ponytail
White/navy blue striped t-shirt: Target @targetstyle
Star tank top: Boscov's
Red capri jeans: Hybrid & Company
White ankle socks: Target @targetstyle
Watch: Target @targetstyle
White leather belt: Falari
White athletic sneakers: New Balance @newbalance-sneakers
White coat: Target @targetstyle
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bunkershotgolf · 2 years
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Original Penguin Golf
Launches Men’s Fall 2022 Collection Featuring Polar Pete Outerwear™ #BeAnOriginal
Original Penguin Golf® by Munsingwear®, a division of Perry Ellis International, is pleased to announce the launch of its Mens’ Fall 2022 golf collection featuring the Polar Pete Outerwear series. Combining a retro yet modern look, with the classic Original Penguin heritage and style, these new collections are designed to achieve a new level of performance, style and sustainability on and off the course.
“Today, and in the years ahead, versatility will be key for the clothes we wear,” stated Oscar Feldenkreis, CEO of Perry Ellis International. “The Original Penguin Men’s Fall 2022 golf collection features diversified, multi-use layering pieces which perform perfectly for a golfer’s lifestyle.  The collection blends luxurious style with inspiring, athletic apparel enabling golfers to integrate premium sportswear with their everyday wardrobe.”
The new Polar Pete Series includes layering and outerwear pieces for those playing in all kinds of weather, or simply on-the-go in the elements.  Fabrics have been crafted with sustainable yarn blends and eco-friendly technologies, while performance features include moisture-wicking, UPF Protection, and lightweight 4-way stretch, making it easy for golfers to extend their season.  New Polar Pete pieces include:
 ●      Performance Hoodie with a luxe eco friendly blend of tencel, recyclable poly, elastane creating a water-repellent finish.
 ●      A 90’s-inspired mixed-media color block thermal fleece and our new ¼ zip featuring a 3D spacer fleece in recycled blend-great mid-weight layering options for those cooler days.
●      Insulated Puffers with primaloft thermal insulation with 100% nylon durable micro-ripstop, water repellent, and 600-fill power insulation. It can be worn on frigid, windy days on the course or around town.
●      Windwear options this season include a new, full zip bunker camo water repellent wind jacket, fully lined with stretch-lining for better range of motion.
●      Earl Waterproof rain suit with iconic Earl piping. It’s fully seam-sealed with water repellent zippers. The jacket has gusset side panels for flexibility and the pants feature adjustable hem cuffs.
“Original Penguin’s Fall 2022 Men’s golf collection of apparel and accessories continues to provide endless nostalgic inspiration,” added Lupe Benitez, Senior Vice President Product Design, Original Penguin Golf.  “This season is inspired by early 90’s looks from our archives.  The collection fuses a distinct balance of retro and modern and is unapologetically hip and whimsical.”
 Original Penguin is known for its fun statement prints and the Fall ’22 collection delivers with new florals, camos and cool new graphic t-shirts specially created with the golfer in mind. Designed for a versatile approach, the long sleeve sun protection pieces are also great for multi-layering during the fall.
For over 60 years Original Penguin, and its namesake icon, Pete the Penguin, have been adorned and adored by the masters of leisure and sport to define itself as an American classic.  Today, the Penguin icon still stands as a signal for those who know how to be an original and what you wear for the good times.
About An Original Penguin® by Munsingwear®
In 1955, Minneapolis-based Munsingwear – an underwear and military supply company – ironically became the touchstone of suburban sport with the introduction of the first iconic golf shirt to America – an ORIGINAL PENGUIN®. Known for its unique, humorous and detail-oriented clothing, Original Penguin offers a full range of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, accessories and fragrances.  The brand continues to evolve into the sports arena with the addition of tennis and pickleball apparel.  Original Penguin is a global brand with retail stores worldwide as well as two dedicated e-commerce websites:www.originalpenguin.com andwww.originalpenguin.co.uk.
 About Perry Ellis International
Perry Ellis International, Inc. is a leading designer, distributor, and licensor of a broad line of high quality men’s and women’s apparel, accessories, and fragrances. The company’s collection of dress and casual shirts, golf sportswear, sweaters, dress pants, casual pants and shorts, jeans wear, active wear, dresses, and men’s and women’s swimwear is available through all major levels of retail distribution. The company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, owns a portfolio of nationally and internationally recognized brands, including: Perry Ellis®, An Original Penguin by Munsingwear®, Laundry by Shelli Segal®, Rafaella®, Cubavera®, Ben Hogan®, Savane®, Grand Slam®, John Henry®, Manhattan®, Axist® and Farah®. The company enhances its roster of brands by licensing trademarks from third parties, including: Nike® for swimwear, and Callaway®, PGA TOUR®, and Jack Nicklaus® for golf apparel.  Additional information on the company is available at www.pery.com
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weryze · 21 days
Thoughtful Gifts for Your Boyfriend, New Joinee Kit Ideas, and Employee Gift Inspiration
Finding the perfect gift—whether it’s for your boyfriend, a new employee joining your team, or showing appreciation to your existing staff—requires thoughtfulness, personalization, and creativity. Whether you're looking for something personal for a loved one or something professional for the workplace, this guide will help you choose meaningful gifts that leave a lasting impression.
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Gifts for Your Boyfriend: Show Him You Care
Selecting a Gift for Boyfriend can be both exciting and challenging. Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, or just a surprise to show him how much he means to you, the key to a great gift is making it personal and meaningful. Here are some thoughtful ideas:
Customized Gifts: Personalized gifts like engraved watches, monogrammed wallets, or custom photo frames add a unique and sentimental touch. It shows that you’ve put extra effort into making the gift special just for him.
Tech Gadgets: If your boyfriend is a tech enthusiast, gadgets like wireless earbuds, smart speakers, or even gaming accessories can make his day. These gifts are both practical and fun.
Hobby-Based Gifts: Whether he’s into sports, music, or the outdoors, gifts that align with his hobbies are always appreciated. Think of items like a new set of golf clubs, a guitar, or camping gear. These gifts show that you understand and support his passions.
Experience-Based Gifts: Instead of physical items, consider giving an experience. This could be tickets to a concert, a weekend getaway, or even a surprise date night. These memories can last longer than any material gift.
New Joinee Kit: Welcoming Employees with Style
A New Joinee Kit is a perfect way to welcome a new employee into your company. It’s not just a gesture of goodwill; it helps set the tone for their experience and introduces them to your company culture. Here are some great ideas for what to include:
Branded Merchandise: Include items like a company-branded notebook, pen, mug, or T-shirt. These items make the new employee feel part of the team and proudly represent your brand.
Tech Essentials: Make sure your new hire has everything they need to hit the ground running. This could include a new laptop, mouse, keyboard, or other essential tech gadgets needed for their role.
Personalized Welcome Note: A handwritten note from the CEO or direct manager can go a long way in making the new employee feel valued from day one. This personal touch fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation.
Office Supplies: Stock the kit with useful office items like planners, sticky notes, or desk organizers. These practical items help new employees get organized and settled into their new workspace.
Health & Wellness Items: To promote a healthy work-life balance, include wellness gifts such as stress-relief items, water bottles, or even snack packs. These are thoughtful touches that show you care about their well-being.
A well-crafted new joinee kit sets a positive first impression and helps new employees integrate smoothly into the company, leaving them motivated and excited to contribute to their new team.
Employee Gift Ideas: Appreciate Your Team
Giving employee gifts is a great way to show appreciation for your team’s hard work and dedication. Whether it’s for a holiday, a work anniversary, or just a token of appreciation, thoughtful gifts can boost morale and strengthen the employer-employee relationship. Here are some creative Employee Gift Ideas:
Personalized Gifts: A personalized gift—such as an engraved pen, a nameplate, or a custom calendar—adds a thoughtful touch and makes employees feel recognized as individuals.
Gift Cards: While it may seem simple, gift cards allow employees to choose something they genuinely want. Consider cards for popular online retailers, restaurants, or even experiences like spa days or movie tickets.
Wellness Packages: Show that you care about your employees' well-being by gifting them wellness-related items like fitness trackers, yoga mats, essential oils, or subscription boxes for healthy snacks.
Work-from-Home Essentials: With more employees working remotely, items like ergonomic chairs, standing desks, or noise-canceling headphones can enhance their home office experience. These gifts also show that you value their comfort and productivity.
Team-Building Gifts: Consider gifting something that promotes team spirit, such as matching company hoodies, collaborative games, or event tickets for group outings. These gifts not only boost morale but also help build stronger connections within the team.
By giving thoughtful and creative gifts, you can motivate employees, foster loyalty, and create a positive workplace culture where people feel valued and appreciated.
Whether you're choosing a gift for your boyfriend, crafting a new joinee kit, or selecting the perfect employee gift, the key is to think about the recipient and what will make them feel special. For personal gifts, focus on what your boyfriend loves and show your thoughtfulness. For professional gifts, focus on creating a warm and welcoming environment for new hires and showing appreciation for your team's hard work. Thoughtful, well-chosen gifts can make a lasting impact, no matter the occasion.
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noisycowboyglitter · 29 days
"All American Gamer: Uniting Gaming Enthusiasts Across the United States"
The All American Gamer embodies the spirit of gaming culture in the United States, representing a diverse and passionate community of players from coast to coast. This archetype encompasses a wide range of gaming experiences, from casual mobile players to hardcore console and PC enthusiasts.
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Typically, the All American Gamer grew up with iconic American-made franchises like Halo, Doom, and Grand Theft Auto, while also embracing global gaming phenomena. They're equally at home playing Madden NFL or NBA 2K as they are diving into the latest battle royale or open-world adventure.
This gamer balances their love for video games with other aspects of American life, perhaps enjoying a round of digital golf before heading out to a real baseball game. They might stream their gameplay on Twitch or participate in local esports tournaments, contributing to the growing gaming economy.
The All American Gamer is adaptable, embracing new technologies like VR and cloud gaming, while still appreciating the classics. They're part of a community that spans generations, from Baby Boomers who played Pong to Gen Z kids mastering Fortnite.
Most importantly, the All American Gamer represents the melting pot of U.S. gaming culture – diverse, innovative, and always ready for the next challenge, digital or otherwise.
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The 4th of July, also known as Independence Day, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This pivotal moment marked the Thirteen Colonies' formal separation from Great Britain and the birth of a new nation.
Celebrations typically include patriotic displays of red, white, and blue, with American flags prominently featured. Families and communities gather for barbecues, picnics, and outdoor festivities. Parades showcasing marching bands, floats, and military units are common in many towns and cities.
As night falls, fireworks displays light up the sky, ranging from small backyard shows to grand spectacles in major cities. Patriotic music, especially "The Star-Spangled Banner," often accompanies these displays.
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The holiday also serves as a time for reflection on American history, values, and the ongoing pursuit of liberty and justice for all citizens.
Video games make a fantastic gift for the gamer in your life. Whether they're into the latest action-adventure titles, immersive open-world RPGs, competitive online multiplayer, or casual mobile games, there's a game out there to suit every player's preferences. Consider the recipient's favorite genres, platforms, and gaming habits when selecting a gift. Popular options include the latest game releases, gaming consoles or PCs, headsets, controllers, and accessories. For a more personalized touch, you could also create a game-themed gift basket with snacks, t-shirts, posters, and other merchandise. Video games provide endless entertainment and can be a thoughtful, engaging gift that the recipient will appreciate.
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artcalledtattoo · 2 months
He Conceded Vice President Harris Is American! Prior to Obama, President former Oppositions It’s a fight, backwards Democrats moving on Betterment in Country Hey conceded too Her, she is American with a job to fit As Former (the Vice Presidency not quite over, releasing hostages) To move along our Country In cognitive steps It’s a child, making appropriate leaps Harris is American and running for Presidency She as a Vice President Will be setting & tackling standards on the lands, but <would be Trump opposite> A looking towards the whole Globe <accepting a Virus, while doing nothing for either Country nor the Globe> I see my Former Vice President Moving to Preside over a whole country With arms stretched toward all the whole Earth, The caustic histories It’s about time for a greater difference One Nation in hope She’s American and running for President He could backtrack now! He follows me! WordsbyMM | | MMybsdroW {When any one knocks on door I rush to Kitchen Turn knobs dispose of my noodles and any water in pans, the bullet in face would suck} <Trump did announce Leniency The no see, can’t explain the Y?> Me speaking again Is that old school going back from Todays times to them WW WW2 pour the cold wars all take back when even further to Democ Repub vice versus switch up to Republicans versus Democrats I see Democrats as helping Americans while looking after a Whole World, as a Leader should, When Republicans tighten down Country Like in the likes of Ping Putin India Rich high Body poor I’m o tan NATO Lost not due to War In those Numbers In well past my Birth date Now Fifty Last hundred years Who was in charge And the Woman in charge of CIA Resigned Little men Med evil led by a man (Show U S a golf swing Rump T on video) Give U S uR pointers Prunt can’t you Not asking to Horseback with no shirt on I wish for some pictures back Palming pussy yo Stallion Do some push Ups! Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey At the least She’s American Joe could write into law! All new upcoming Presidents must Muster & Perform -,…..and whole myriad of things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He could! She’s American That’s cooler than last And Justice for All I pledge Allegiance Biden & Harris 2020-2032 Easy opened History book American, She He conceded Now from comment about Senator McCain & chosen running mate It does sound creepy? :( [Who emoji-ed?] I’m speaking on behalf of A conduit that entered my energy [run throughout, energy] Thank you, And my for President is human And American! I’ve never seen her In a Golf gain, oops…….game, silly me! *ola hey Trump, big power oversteer, that Lady could be Arabic, Egyptian, she could be laid in the sun Grecian too, don’t stop bother, blotter yourself fool, don’t let a Woman!* There lies all problems Step footing is old schooled and not balanced You private children, You wouldn’t even know Safety in Money However! She’s American and for America
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sokimyork · 3 months
From Course to Clubhouse – Versatile Golf Outfits for Everyone
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Golf has long been associated with a distinct dress code, but modern fashion trends have transformed the sport's attire into versatile ensembles suitable for both the fairway and beyond. Today's golfers seek comfort, style, and functionality in their outfits, blurring the lines between on-course performance wear and off-course casual attire.
This evolution has led to an exciting array of options for both men and women, catering to various tastes and preferences while adhering to traditional golf etiquette.
The Rise of Multifunctional Golf Wear
Gone are the days when golf clothes were limited to the course. Contemporary golf fashion emphasizes versatility, allowing players to transition seamlessly from teeing off to socializing at the clubhouse. This shift has given rise to a new category of apparel that combines athletic performance with casual elegance, making it possible to sport the same outfit for a round of golf and a post-game meal with friends.
Men's Golf Pants: A Blend of Comfort and Style
Today, you can easily find men's golf pants online that offer a perfect balance of functionality and fashion. These pants are designed with moisture-wicking fabrics, strategically placed stretch panels, and UV protection, ensuring comfort during play. Simultaneously, their tailored cuts and subtle details make them suitable for casual outings or even business-casual settings.
Key features of modern men's golf pants include:
Breathable, lightweight materials
Flexible waistbands for unrestricted movement
Hidden pockets for tees and ball markers
Wrinkle-resistant fabrics for a polished look
Women's Golf Attire: Combining Performance and Femininity
Women's golf fashion has undergone a remarkable transformation, offering a wide range of options that cater to diverse body types and personal styles. Long sleeve golf shirts for women have become increasingly popular, providing sun protection without compromising on style or comfort. These shirts often feature moisture-wicking properties, UPF protection, and stretchy fabrics that allow for a full range of motion during swings.
Other essential elements of women's golf attire include:
Skorts that offer the functionality of shorts with the elegance of skirts
Sleeveless polo shirts for warmer weather
Lightweight, water-resistant jackets for unpredictable conditions
Comfortable, supportive golf shoes designed specifically for women's feet
Accessories: The Finishing Touch
Accessories play a crucial role in completing a golf outfit and enhancing its versatility. Items such as visors, sunglasses, and gloves not only serve practical purposes on the course but also add a stylish flair to the overall ensemble. Golf-specific watches and GPS devices have become popular accessories, doubling as fashionable timepieces off the course.
Eco-Friendly Golf Fashion
As sustainability becomes increasingly important in the fashion industry, golf apparel manufacturers are embracing eco-friendly materials and production methods. Recycled fabrics, organic cotton, and biodegradable materials are finding their way into golf wear, appealing to environmentally conscious players without compromising on performance or style.
Color Trends and Patterns
While traditional golf attire often featured muted colors and simple patterns, modern golf fashion embraces a broader palette and bolder designs. Vibrant hues, subtle prints, and even abstract patterns are now commonplace on the course, allowing golfers to express their personality through their outfits while still maintaining a polished appearance.
The Bottom Line
The evolution of golf fashion has resulted in a diverse range of options that cater to players of all ages, body types, and style preferences. From men's golf pants to long sleeve golf shirts; today's golf attire seamlessly blends performance, comfort, and style. This versatility extends the life of golf clothing beyond the course, making it a practical and fashionable choice for various casual settings.
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golfaddictapparel · 5 months
Haul up Your Golf Game with Sleeveless Polo Shirts from Golf Addict Apparel
In the dynamic world of golf fashion, where style meets functionality, sleeveless polo shirts have emerged as a popular choice for both men and women. Offering a perfect blend of comfort, flexibility, and style, these versatile garments have become a staple on the fairways and beyond. As a leading brand in the realm of golf apparel, Golf Addict Apparel proudly presents its exclusive collection of sleeveless polo shirts for both men and women, designed to elevate your game while keeping you at the forefront of fashion trends.
The Perfect Fusion of Style and Functionality
Golf Addict Apparel understands the unique needs of golf enthusiasts, which is why each sleeveless polo shirt in our collection is meticulously crafted to deliver unparalleled comfort and performance. Made from high-quality materials that provide superior breathability and moisture-wicking properties, our sleeveless polos ensure you stay cool and dry even during the most intense rounds.
For Her: Sleek and Stylish Sleeveless Polo Shirts
Our women's sleeveless polo shirts are tailored to perfection, combining a sleek, feminine silhouette with advanced performance features. Whether you're teeing off on the course or enjoying a casual day out, these shirts exude effortless elegance while allowing you to move freely with every swing. With a range of vibrant colors and trendy designs to choose from, you can express your unique style while commanding attention on and off the course.
For Him: Classic Comfort and Performance
For the discerning male golfer, Golf Addict Apparel offers a diverse selection of sleeveless polo shirts that strike the perfect balance between classic sophistication and modern flair. Engineered with precision and attention to detail, our men's sleeveless polos deliver exceptional comfort and performance, allowing you to focus on your game with confidence. Whether you prefer a timeless solid color or a bold pattern, our collection has something to suit every taste and preference.
Unleash Your Potential with Golf Addict Apparel
At Golf Addict Apparel, we believe that your attire should reflect your passion for the game while enhancing your performance on the course. Our sleeveless polo shirts are designed to do just that, providing you with the comfort, style, and functionality you need to excel in every round. With Golf Addict Apparel, you can elevate your golf game to new heights while making a statement with your impeccable sense of style.
Shop the Collection Today
Ready to elevate your golf wardrobe? Explore the exclusive collection of sleeveless polo shirts for men and women at Golf Addict Apparel and discover the perfect blend of style and performance. With our commitment to quality and innovation, you can trust Golf Addict Apparel to outfit you for success, both on and off the course. Shop now and take your golf game to the next level!
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sherihussey · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Adidas Ultimate 365 2.0 Striped Polo Golf Shirt Coral Gray XL.
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