#gonna intergrate that into my canon
noperopesaredope · 2 years
SvtFoE Rhombulus Rewrite (Pt. 5)
Me: *Falls from the ceiling and onto to floor*
Me: “Hey my amazing Chimeras, it’s been a hot minute, huh? About...” *Checks calender before ripping it up* “......at least a day.”
Sorry I’ve been gone for so long. I wrote the first few parts a while back during a week or so long hyperfixation spree before hopping to something else. But I’m mostly back now! Still might take a bit to get some of the other parts out, since planning the episodes out has been a bit of a challenge, and that will also be the case for the other parts. But I’m gonna try my best because I legitimately like this AU I’ve created and feel that the people who enjoy it deserve an ending. I can’t just create a character arc and not go through with it, after all! *Side-eyes the OG show*
So, this is Part 2 of Season 4 for my Rhombulus Rewrite! Thank you so much to everyone who has liked, reblogged, and followed along with all my past posts describing this AU thus far. If you do enjoy this AU, then please remember to like all of those posts! Now, I need to explain something important before getting on with the rest of this thing: I have two potential endings for Season 4 in my Rhombulus rewrite. That’s why I will be making a Part 6, which will have one of the alternate endings (this ending I have dubbed “Closest to Canon”), and then a Part 7, which will have the other, slightly more fun and good ending (this ending has been dubbed “Canon is My B*tch Now”). This post will be a continuation of the previous one, but the endings will split off at “Mama Star”. Hope you enjoy this part!
Season 4 (Part 2):
- So I forgot to add something important to my last part of the rewrite. Well, okay, the particular episode isn’t all that important, but the part I’m adding might be a bit important. So, as I said in my last post, in “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” (an episode that I made), it is revealed the the MHC basically want Rhombulus to spy on Eclipsa, so I decided to add some stuff to actually show that a bit, starting with “The Ponyhead Show!”
- Rhombulus might offer to host a small segment on the show as an excuse to follow Eclipsa around. In the background during certain scenes, we might be able to see Rhombulus hiding behind things or sneakily taking notes during Eclipsa scenes. He’ll also seem a bit nervous around he, probably due to feeling guilty about spying on her.
- Back to the actually ones that I should be talking about.
- I was not planning to add Rhombulus into “Cornball!”, but oh my god, I’m so glad I did. This isn’t even really gonna be a Rhombulus episode, but it’s gonna have some stuff for him in it. First off, he decides to check out the cornball match because 1) Star asked if he wanted to come and he had nothing else to do, 2) he really likes cornball, and 3) he was curious to see how this Monster-Mewman intergrated teams cornball match would go. He realizes he doesn’t really have a strong understanding of Monster-Mewman relations and wants to learn more about the whole mess, especially since he and the MHC are so highly involved in it.
- Rhombulus tries to find a seat, but some monsters recognize him and choose to avoid him. He then tries to sit near some Mewmans, but is not fully recognized and is seen as a monster. This is the first time Rhombulus has ever fully experienced what it’s like to be a monster in Mewni, and it shakes him a bit at how cold and even cruel Mewmans can be. This whole sequence is done without Rhombulus ever saying a word.
- He decides to just sit somewhere by himself behind the statium, when a small monster girl appears next to him and compliments his snake tails, saying they look cool. Rhombulus awkwardly thanks her, and compliments her tail as well.
- He then asks where the kid’s parents are (as this child is extremely small and should not be alone). The child casually responds that her mama is dead. This is a very awkward thing to hear, so Rhombulus carefully asks where her dad is. The child says “he got crystalized. I haven’t seen him in years, and I’m pretty sure I’m never gonna see him again. I miss him a lot.”
- Rhombulus softly asks why her dad got crystalized. She says that she doesn’t know. She and her auntie tried to find out, but they were denied. But whatever it was, she knows her papa is innocent, and someday, she’ll save him.
- This is important. Very, very important.
- One important thing about Rhombulus is that since he represents childhood, he is really great at getting along with little kids. So he asks if she wants to do something else besides sit around.
- The little girl jumps up at this, and she takes him over to meet her friends, who are joining in on the match. She asks if he wants to play too. Rhombulus says he’d rather just watch, but that he’ll cheer her on. She nods and runs off to join the game.
- As he watches the kids play, Star might ask Rhombulus what he thinks of all this. He pauses a moment before saying “kids are wiser than adults, aren’t they?” Star agrees.
- Before he leaves, Rhombulus asks the little girl what her name is, and she says that her name is Alita. He asks her what her dad looks like, and she tells him. Rhombulus then tells Alita that he knows the guy who crystalizes people, and maybe he can talk to him and see if they can let her dad go. Alita asks him to promise he’ll get her papa home as soon as possible if he gets freed. He pinky swears, and they part ways. This will come up again later.
- So I included Reynaldo in my all new original episode; “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”. And because he’s in “Meteora’s Lesson”, I might as well talk a bit about that. There is a chance Reynaldo will mention that Rhombulus visited, which Glossaryck will only barely react to, saying that he’s not surprised. Reynaldo also mentions that it’d be nice if Glossaryck came to visit him every once in a while, but Glossaryck basically waves it off. :(
- Rhombulus and Star will not get into a fight during “Junkin Janna”, and Rhombulus will actually appear to feel bad for wasting Star and Eclipsa’s time, and won’t be accusatory towards Eclipsa. So that’s that episode.
- I also decided to add a change that is both major and minor, because as you will see this season, I am changing more than just Rhombulus. Sure, I’m not gonna change everything that I don’t like about Season 4 or feel like they should have changed, but I decided to use this opprotunity to make a few things just a little bit better in my eye.
- This is that change: Kelly and Marco will not break up. Now, I will explain this decision more in my rewriting of the climax/finale, but I just want to stop the shipping drama and change things up a bit, as well as make most fans a bit happier in the process. Kelly was done dirty and deserves better. Starco ended up being a mess and it ended up ruining the impact of the finale for me. So I decided, why not just keep Kelco together?
- The next episode Rhombulus appears in is the extremely important “Cornonation” of course! Now, for this episode, a lot of things will stay the same and a lot of things will be different, particularly the ending.
- While the first half of the episode will remain mostly the same, little details all throughout it will be different.
- First off, Rhombulus won’t get very accusatory of Eclipsa. In fact, he might at some point take the rest of the MHC aside to try and convince them that Eclipsa is innocent. Hekapoo says that there is no way she isn’t the one who did it. Rhombulus swears that he’s been keeping an eye on her the whole day, and at no point did he see Eclipsa try to free Globgor.
- Hekapoo insists that there are no other person it could possibly be, so they will still need to keep an eye on her, which Rhombulus is very reluctant about.
- While guarding her, Rhombulus (while stroking his tails and looking away no less🤔) tells Eclipsa that, for the record, he thinks she’s innocent. She looks at him a bit funny, but thanks him. He also lets Star talk to Eclipsa alone with no questions asked.
- When Star comes back with Globgor, Rhombulus looks kinda nervous and afraid. Rather than Rhombulus proudly declaring that he will crystalize Globgor, Omni will prompt Rhombulus to perform the crystalization process, which he will be slightly reluctant about.
- While Eclipsa and Globgor see each other again and have that cute moment, Hekapoo will say “all right, enough stalling. Rhombulus, crystalize her.” Rhombulus will panic for a second, before starting to crystalize her, causing Globgor to break out, and the whole fight thing will ensue, with all that stuff being mostly the same.
- When Globgor says that the MHC can crystalize him, as long as they let his family go, Rhombulus will hesitate at this, clearly conflicted, before slowly aiming at Globgor. That’s when River inturrupts and makes the whole small speech about being a dad.
- Omni and Hekapoo protest this, saying that Eclipsa needs to be imprisoned for her crimes. But, in a surprising turn of events, Rhombulus speaks up against this, saying that the MHC (including himself) are pretty bad judges, and probably shouldn’t have a say in this. Plus, he’s pretty sure Eclipsa didn’t do it.
- Omni says that it is their duty to imprison the couple, but Rhombulus reminds them that actually, that’s RHOMBULUS’S job, and only he has the power to crystalize people. And he refuses to use it on them without at least giving them a fair trial or something like that.
- Everyone is slightly shooketh, and there is a pause until Eclipsa suggests letting the people decide. Then the whole scene plays out mostly the same, and it all pretty much works out. Omni and Hekapoo are a little moody about it, but accept this.
- After the cornonation, Globgor approaches Rhombulus in private room away from prying ears to ask him a small, simple question: “Why did you free me?” Rhombulus nervously chuckles, asking if he meant why he didn’t recrystalize him during the Cornonation.
- Globgor says no, and that Rhombulus knows what he really means. Rhombulus denies this at first, but he’s never really been good at lying, and Globgor pushes him into confessing that yes, he was the one to set free Globgor at the Monster Temple.
- Rhombulus admits he’s made mistakes in the past, and there’s probably a lot of people he unjustly imprisoned. He realized this recently and felt really bad about it, and because of his impulsive nature, while standing in the Monster Temple, without thinking, he decided to free Globgor. What was the worst that could happen? As soon as Globgor stormed off, Rhombulus immediately began to regret his decision, but didn’t know what to do about it. So he didn’t say anything.
- Globgor understands this, and thanks him for reuniting him with his family, even if it all ended up a little messy.
- I’m not exactly sure how to end “Cornonation”, but pretend I wrote down a good ending to the episode. Maybe some Mina foreshadowing or something. I’m such a good writer. Totally not just telling people to finish the rest themselves. Amazing. Fantastic. I’ll win all the awards.
- Instead of “Britta’s Tacos”, we should have gotten an episode centered around Tom and his trip, which will explain his decision to break up with Star. Wouldn’t come to the conclusion that he should break up with her, but would come to the conclusions that lead up to him choosing to break up with her. I’d like an episode like that. But I’m not gonna write it down, because I feel like someone else should do it. Still, pretend that in this AU, that episode exists.
- Sidenote: The B-Plot to that episode would be Marco coming back to Earth to introduce Kelly to his family, and maybe Star comes along? During that, we can catch up with the characters we left behind on Earth. The joke about Mariposa being a Starco baby will not happen, because ew wtf.
- “Gone Baby Gone” is a cute episode. But it is also expendable. Which is why I shall be replacing it with a different wholesome episode centered around Rhombulus character growth and also Alita. I’m not sorry.
- This new episode is called “Crystal Children”. The synopsis for this episode would probably be “Rhombulus follows through on a promise.” That’s basically the episode in a way. But it’s also so much more than that. It’s the near completion of his whole arc up to this point.
- We start out with Rhombulus talking rapidly in front of a bulletin board that looks more like a conspiracy theorist board. He is talking about ways they could change the justice system in Mewni. This part is a bit short, but very rambling and slightly confusing. He finally says, “so, watcha think?” and we cut to Hekapoo and Omni, who are sitting on chairs as his audience. There is a pause before Hekapoo says “no” while Omni says��“absolutely not.” Rhombulus, clearly devestated, exclaims “WHAT?! But why!?!”
- Omni states that Mewni’s current system works perfectly fine, and there is no point in overcomplicating things and changing it. Hekapoo agrees, and Rhombulus is forced to pack up and go home.
- In the next scene, Rhombulus sitting in his lair and looking around at all the frozen monsters, which he feels bad about. He sighs and says “I wish I could free you guys. Then I could make up for everything.” He sits there for a few seconds before popping up and exclaiming “wait! I control the crystals! I can do whatever I want!” He runs over to a crystal and is about to unfreeze it when one of his snakes holds him back and reminds him that it’s probably a bad idea to just randomly unfreeze anyone, and he needs to think more carefully.
- They decide to instead freeze someone that they are much more sure isn’t evil. Rhombulus remembers Anita, and goes to look for her dad. He wanders around the lair for a bit before spotting him. Anita’s dad is admittedly pretty scary looking, and there is a moment where Rhombulus questions if this is really her dad. But he checks around, and it really is him. Rhombulus then has a moment of unsurety about freeing Anita’s dad, but he gathers his resolve and does it anyways.
- Anita’s dad wakes up in flight mode and immediately begins to scramble away from Rhombulus, who is also caught off guard. But Rhombulus manages to calm him down, and explains that he is taking him back to his daughter again.
- They then have a little escape adventure thing together (IDK I don’t have a full plan for this episode and really just wanted to get this post out) in which Rhombulus learns more about monsters and Anita’s dad (who will be named Crelin) learns about Rhombulus.
- It ends with Anita and Crelin being reunited, and Anita thanks Rhombulus for doing the right thing.
So that’s the end of this part! Hopefully my next part will come out soon!
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qinghe-s · 2 years
 @br-disaster​ said wow that's so many!! and OMG i wanna know eveything about the apocalypse one!! I didn't know you cultivated those brainworms haha (also the "wife...." one made me very curious ) so!
(under a cut because this got so long. this is why no one should talk to me, i don’t know how to shut up lmao)
the apocalypse one exists because of this fanart and conversations that followed, and as a lover of apocalyptic settings (you don’t want to know how many hours i’ve spent on the fallout games) i did what i always do and started Thinking About It
so far i have a clear vision of, as we talked about, nhs unwilling to give up luxuries because they matter to him. he gets joy out of frivolity and nmj can’t relate to that. i have a scene outlined in the early days of the apocalypse where they’re in a department store or mall or something and nhs is “wasting time” picking up unnecessary items. they argue about it and nhs storms off, stressed out and furious, and an equally enraged nmj lets him go (yes this IS referencing the scene where nmj destroys all nhs’ stuff in canon). obviously nhs encounters zombies (z nation is an intergral part of my personality, it’s Gotta be zombie apocalypse) and obviously nmj eventually comes to his rescue. they cry and hug about it and it doesn’t fix everything but it helps them level with each other and serves as a catalyst for them to understand each other better. soooo many mushy feelings in the middle of misery and death!
the main goal would just be sibling feelings, seeing each other as whole human beings, Good Shit. but i’m me so i’m obviously contemplating throwing in nielan 😌 i just haven’t thought too deeply about how to incorporate the lans yet
the wife one was a thought i had after talking to mirf about... i think that one drama where cao yuchen plays a character who has to crossdress because of reasons? and bc mirf and i are both constantly blorbofying everything we started hammering out how to make it nielan. idr the exact circumstance but somehow mirf referred to nmj as lxc’s wife and it burned itself into my brain immediately.
at first it was going to just be silly, someone asks which one of them is “the wife”, nmj says it’s him bc they both know the assumption is Not That and straight people are weird. it’s a funny joke to them, lxc starts referring to his wife at work out of habit, the way some couples say ‘mum’ or ‘dad’ so often to their children they start calling each other that, and when nmj comes for a company dinner or whatever everyone is REALLY SURPRISED and nielan get a good laugh out of it. but i’m Me so i poured a little too much feelings into it! here’s a rough draft;
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PHEW. okay now i’m gonna go write, thank you for indulging me ♥
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fyrecatpickles · 4 years
So I'm re-watching Water 7 and this idea has been rattling in my brain for a long time, and after freshly watching the Usopp vs Luffy fight it really hits home just how different each crew member views their journey up to this point, and even further along. Not everyone wanted to be a pirate in the beginning except for Luffy. He recruited people for their skills, not their innate desire to be exclusively pirates. Their dreams are achievable by being one, sure, but it was never their first choice, except, again, for Luffy. Luffy, since a child, was always serious about wanting to be a pirate. He knows what he wants, as well as the danger and reality, of what a pirate actually is. Seeing Shank's crew kill a man in front of him to save him was just as much as a reality check as Shanks saving him from the sea and even Sabo 'dying'. Luffy knows the danger of what being a pirate entails. This was never a game for him. He wants to be the King of the fucking Pirates. He was, and is always serious, albeit is an idiot a lot about his dream and what he wants to be.
But what about the rest of the crew? I'm only gonna go over the East Blue crew otherwise this is gonna get WAY too long.
Zoro doesn't care about titles of pirate or pirate hunter. His end goal was, and is, to be the Greatest Swordsman. However he gets there doesn't matter, at least that is what we were led to believe. He admits he didn't care about being labeled a pirate hunter in canon. That it was something that just stuck with him and he never bothered to change people's mind. What he does care about is respect that is earned.
Luffy earned his respect. Zoro saw Luffy was someone he could follow that will help him obtain his dream, and very quickly adapted his path to align along with Luffy's own. I would argue since at least the Baratie arc Zoro was dead serious about staying with Luffy as an actual pirate. Full stops this is his fucking job now, and he takes it seriously very early on. He is First Mate to the future King of Pirates and he damn well earned that spot. Not because he was the first recruited, but honestly was the first to take Luffy's path just as serious as Luffy himself. There are hints scattered all through Zoro's musings that he takes his role in the crew seriously. That this isn't just a fun adventure they are all going on, but the real fucking deal. Not everyone took the journey seriously, but Zoro did from the very beginning.
Sanji on the other hand takes his job as a cook seriously, but it's different. While Zoro takes his role as First Mate for Luffy sincerly, Sanji takes his role as just a Cook seriously. He doesn't really intergrate himself fully until way later. What he knows as reality is the danger of the seas and what it means to starve. It takes Sanji longer to accept he wants to stay and follow Luffy, and Only be Luffy's Cook. It's a slower acceptance riddled with trauma I could go on for hours about, but Sanji does understand the impotance of roles on a ship and what those roles entail. This was never a game for him, but an actual job just like Zoro.
Nami is a bit complicated. She knows the danger of the seas like Sanji, but she has been working by herself/for Arlong for so long that being labelled as a pirate with Luffy is still surreal for her. Luffy is so carefree that it doesn't feel like they are a real priate crew. Nami always tries to dissuade Luffy from going all out because it's dangerous. She knows the danger there, but Luffy knows it too, but he wants to face it head on.
Usopp however thought it was a game until Water 7. It was more of an adventure as a crew of friends playing pirates. Usopp wanted to be a brave warrior of the sea. You can do that just by sailing. He constanly would try to overstep Luffy as Captain, and there were times Luffy was annoyed but he let it slide. It took loosing to Luffy and loosing Merry to understand Luffy isn't playing pirates, he is an actual fucking pirate. This is Luffy's life and he wants Usopp to follow him, but he has to respect that Luffy is an actual fucking leader.
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Loki Thoughts
okay imma start a tread of my thoughts on each Loki episode.
Episode 1: Glorious Purpose
spoilers below the cut
Okay so I loved seeing all the scenes from Endgame again.
Especially when Loki impersonates Steve, loved it in the dark world loved it here. (Chris Evans really does a good job of playing Loki impersonating Steve)
Was it just me or did the other variant in the TVA seem like Flash Thompson? was it supposed to be him? like an older version?
loved the comparison between Loki and the Devil! I love it when Marvel make comparisons like that because it makes the Marvel Universe so much more intergrated with our reality. Because of course this magical being with a horned helmet is gonna be thought of as the devil in medieval times.
Also Loki being DB Cooper is just brilliant, I can just see Shane and Ryan from Buzzfeed Unsolved being like this: 
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Also seeing Loki learn about his future was so heartbreaking! I never made the connection that Loki unintentionally caused Frigga’s death. Just makes his reaction even more heartbreaking both here and in the dark world.
Cannot wait to see where this goes, and I so want him to be able to go free once he ‘redeems’ himself again, that reunion with Thor would be so incredible. 
(I also want it for a fic I’m currently writing, but I might just make it happen if it doesn’t canonically)
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neowatt · 3 years
I'm gonna throw my hat into this transformers opinion ring, go-bots should be intergrated into transformers canon more. I wanna see my girl pathfinder or my mans cy-kill I'm sicking of seeing the same 5 gen 1 fucks over and over again. fuck it make cy-kill the new decepticon leader even
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senotsuri · 4 years
Its surprising that given his popularity, the show didn't even try to adapt leonidas into the show.
Like if I'm getting my facts right here the game is supposed to take place before the doom dimension arc but also after it aswell? I'm just losing it. Like imagine, "oh the worlds gonna be destroyed but ULTIMATE BATTLERS TOURNAMENT"
Like don't get me wrong, it gives a reason on why so many brawlers were there during the final battle but at the same time, Drago not being ultimate dragonoid makes my brain go brrr.
Technically speaking, if we’re going by the game timeline... the tournaments before UBT have to have happened before the Doom arc, but the UBT must happen before Drago can evolve a second time. This also means that the Pyrus tournament must happen before Delta Dragonoid exists. This means there’s a massive chunk of time where nothing happens.
And Masquerade keeps Marduk from doing anything to the player until the UBT. This means the tournament is required to even have the chance of stopping Vladitor, who is a threat, even if he can’t do anything outside the tournament, or there’ll be consequences.
If Leonidas did appear in the anime, I’d probably have him appear after BB, because I’m pretty sure the game came out after that season, not during (not during the original broadcast time. Reruns so you could catch up aren’t counted in this case), so he’d be a NV bakugan. That would make the whole of NV2 be a little more interesting, because if Leonidas never left the Doom, then the only bakugan he ever knew would be the Legendary Soldiers.
Who died.
This essentially means that Leonidas would be desolately lonely, unless he leaves. And, if the attribute energies worked that way, he could always use them as a beacon to find the soldiers, and take out his anger on them for leaving him in the dust. Only to find that they didn’t do that on purpose.
They’re dead. They’ve been replaced. They had to be, or vestroia would be vestal’s again.
Like... nothing goes right for Leonidas, even after evolution. He’s trusted by nobody but his partnered brawler, and he’s otherwise the loneliest being in existence.
But. But, but, but, but... if Leonidas was introduced in BB, then we’d have the fun of a “canon” version of first VG protag/Rikku, and most people don’t exactly like that. Otherwise, that means there are multiple Leonidas. Multiple instances of the dead wanting to slaughter everything in sight, just to have the chance of feeling better.
Leonidas is either, however you’d want to intergrate him in;
has a canonical partner (who’d probably have to have a different story to go with it. Preferably including being tricked by Masquerade, to Leonidas’ advantage, as Leonidas probably can fly back through the portals to the Doom caused by the doom cards, since he can escape at will.)
isn’t a unique bakugan as a result of his weird origins.
Choose your favourite, but I do like 1 for storyline purposes, 2 for lore mechanics, and 3 for the sheer power implications of bakugan (if they can collectively make multiple Leonidas while dead.)
#bakugan#Leonidas#Bakugan BB#He's one of my favourite bakugan who are any amount canon#I also massively prefer him in darkus#in fact that kinda slots in with Exedra's ability cards#and appearance?#But he'd really suit being a white bakugan like Naga or Wavern#He was made by several hundred bakugan. of different attributes.#him being attributeless as a result of having too many attributes in him? it makes sense in a backwards sort of way#also it means that he'd be the only white bakugan who's innately got any amount of fighting power#White bakugan have to have an external power source to actually be able to fight#It's why Naga even goes down the evil route#he's powerless. he's being oppressed into the void. Of course he was going to take one of the cores in order to have any amount of power!#this was obviously going to happen somehow#so having Leonidas be the same but also the opposite is really good#and Haos makes the least sense for Leonidas to be game mechanic wise#the doom dimension is on the darkus arena because of Vladitor#Leonidas should not be a worse fighter as a result of being in the Doom. That's dumb from a lore standpoint#he's the only bakugan that can easily survive it. he was born there. why would Leonidas become weaker by being there??#for difficulty reasons it makes sense but it also doesn't make sense to me#IT'S ALSO HIS CANON ATTRIBUTE AS ASSUMED THROUGH HIS GATE CARD#and his colouration as haos points towards that being his canon attribute; it's got the most variation in colours#it's white yellow and blue. all the other attributes are at much closer to their attibute than haos' colouration#so yeah. there's that#ask the tsuri
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delicatefury · 5 years
Okay okay so, I looooooove TDPL and I've read and reread it like 6 times and I want to ask a question about it but I don't know what to ask??? So can you please rant about it a bit? Any drop of info about it soothes my soul.
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Awww, so much love lately. ❤️
So, this is a bit that I’ve played with and have been pretty tight-lipped about but... since you’ve all been so nice lately...
Original Trilogy Cameos (or maybe more?)
Several characters from the OT are going to play big parts in TDPL, and several will make cameos at the very least. Like...
Owen and Beru Lars
Yes, I’m gonna send the twins and Obi-Wan to Tatooine at some point. It’s only fair, since Leia gets to/has to interact with Bail on a regular basis, that Luke get the same bittersweet interactions at least once or twice. But emphasis on the sweet (for both of them). Because Beru looks at little Luke and Leia Whitesun who have lost everything (their parents, their adopted parents, their homes) and decides that more family is never a bad thing, Whitesun is her name and its a Tatooine name, they’re obviously related regardless of how distant (Luke by heart, Leia by proxy). She would love to be their aunt and Owen to be their uncle, feel free to write. And of course they take her up on this. Because Leia wants to know Luke’s family the way he knows hers. Because no matter how rough growing up on Tatooine was, Luke missed/has missed/misses Beru and Owen.
Still playing with how to address this, because everything has the Force, but at the same time, Droids don’t really have a Force presence, but if anyone could mess with the proper rule of things, it’s Anakin. I kind of imagine a sort of ‘comes-and-goes’ awareness. That Artoo gets more when Luke and Leia are around, but extra memories, conflicting images/classifications of Anakin, overlapping and contradictory command routines (Anakin-is-master/Obi-Wan-is-master/Luke-is-master. Aka: his change in ownership between the movies) aren’t something R2 droids can handle, so he sparks and sputters, and Anakin basically bans Luke from interacting with Artoo because this only happens whenever that Whitesun kid shows up. But Luke will find a way to fix this, because that’s Artoo and he’ll do anything for that little loyal droid.
Seriously, you’ve been warned!
Keep scrolling if you don’t want any mid-story spoilers for The Dark Path Lit. I mean the gif gives it away, but if you watched the Clone Wars you knew he was going to be involved at some point. You knew.
Last chance!
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((I’m honestly surpised that no one’s asked about him yet. It’s been years.)
Oh, it’s gonna take a while, but mighty Chewbacca will show up and he will play a major role. There was no way in hell I was gonna leave him out of things!
Chewie, being much older and wiser, but so tangled up with the OT trio, gets something a lot closer to foreknowledge than whatever happened to our main four time travelers. He’s not really like Obi-Wan, but he’s not like the OT trio either (and even if he was somewhat ‘unmade’, who’d be able to tell. He’d lose like 10 years out of 200. No many people would notice). When Chewbacca finds himself on Kashyyyk, in the middle of the Clone Wars, he doesn’t freak out or panic (for too long, that is). He doesn’t have to intergrate a bunch of memories. Doesn’t have to adjust to being out of time and out of place. He just knows that his family is missing a few members, knows those missing members, their likes and dislikes, their presence and power, their scents and their looks, and that they’re going to need him when they show up.
He keeps an ear and an eye out for a tiny scoundrel who should be somewhere around Coruscant or Corellia right now (Disney is lowest Canon. I can and have elected to ignore Solo. Haven’t seen it, feel no obligation to include it). And makes sure the other Wookiees out and about in the galaxy know to contact him should the boy be found. Because Chewbacca also knows that he owes Han Solo a debt (and he wants to keep the cub safe, keep him nearby, that’s his cub and his best friend and he knows that the universe owed the cub a better life, so he’ll make it give Han one even if he has to rip off some arms to do so).
So you can imagine his surprise when he smells all three of his missing cubs on Ahsoka. Imagine how much more surprised (but still happily so) he is when Luke and Leia show up and they were always small, but now they’re even tinier and they’re crying because Chewie knows them, he knows them!
And then Han shows up, and of course Chewbacca wouldn’t have found him, he was looking for a kid, but Han’s almost a man already (by human standards at least), but he’s still Chewie’s cub that he’d swore he’d protect and they’re all there and calling him a fuzz ball and a carpet and a bunch of other things that are not-really-respectful but said with so much affection, and it’s not like their Shyriiwook names are much better and he’s got all three of them wrapped up in his arms and safe, with his wife and child on Kashyyyk and these three in his arms, his whole family is as safe as warriors can be (for they all, his wife and child included, are warriors. And they all will not give the galaxy to the darkness without a fight.)
And of course General Kenobi is involved, who better to watch after his missing cubs? And it’s perfect too, because Mighty Chewbacca hasn’t been idle this entire time. No, not at all. He’s been working on something that might help change the tides of this war...
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Voltron Season Seven
For me, it was a great season
The paladins developed not just separately but as unit. We got to have flashbacks of Shiro and Keith which gave way for more character developement for both characters and they both matured. I also love Romelle integrated in the team and was not a useless civilian. Great Coran development. In fact, I always liked how the side characters contributed to the plot.
And they did not dissapoint. I love how the paladins families were intergrated into the story. I loved seeing the paladins reuniting with their families. I like the galaxy garrison cadets. They are fresh characters. I liked how they didn’t make James Griffin a asshole. I bet Hagar and the druids are the final bad guy maybe lotor he could have survived and went of the quitensence field another way. I liked how every had a moment some ships more than others. But I have to say I don’t see acxa and Keith becoming mainly because it seems too opened ended. Allurance is cute but, I do feel that Lance would be rebound for Allura. Also, I don’t see Lance leaving earth to lead a altean colony. Allura could end up not becoming leader of her people but, it isn’t likely. Honestly, I did not like Adam he was being selfish and didn’t bother to think Shiro feelings at all. He didn’t even hear Shiro out. We all know Shiro gonna be with Matt or some other lucky dude. I love how atlas is a another voltron.
Kallura and Plance are my Otp. I think they click the most and benefit each other plot wise the most.
Also, the writer did gives a lgbt couple Ezor and Zepthrid there is no way those two are not a thing. It not of the blue because a lot can happen in three years. Krolia and the blade of mamora dude ( I keep forgetting his name.) Hunk and Shay was beautiful. There is still season eight and if our ships don’t become canon there is fan fiction , fan art , Amv’s to live. I have terrible terrible luck when it comes to ships well too terrible luck but still pretty bad but I will stop liking what I ship. I for one will respect the creator decisions even if it is not what I want.
Hunk was amazing in this season
He is definition of bravery in my opinion. But, more than he is the literal rock of the group. When everyone fighting and going crazy form being lost in space he was the one to clear everyone head and make them work together.
I can’t wait for the next season when the gang leaves to fight Hagar and can’t wait for a Allura arc.
Like Keith apologized for his behavior as a cadet and like ivernson again like James is not a one dimensional douchebag. Throughout the series we watched these guys grow separately and together and season seven displayed their deep bond and changing them from teenager to mature young adults and I cannot wait for season 8.
What I didn’t like
1. Allura spent the whole of season gaining power from oriande and now it is used up? That doesn’t make any sense to. And why did no no one mention that she broke them out of the Druid spell like no one brought that up again.
2. Captain holt and Mrs. Holt attitude
I get that the world could be attacked and you need to start preparing but, you were damn lucky the world did not start panicking for broadcasted the incoming galra invasion. But, Captain Holt was court materialed for the stunt. I get I want see their children but they were pushy. And in the flashback Captain Holt is a picky and demanding. What was the point of becoming part of the galaxy garrison if you are going to ignore the top brass orders and do whatever you feel like. But I guess Colleen was done waiting.
3. That first bit with James and Veronica like seriously? We going to do this sexist bullshit now. James is the leader of the team it make sense that he want to be in the front to do job being a leader but, of course Veronica stroll in making demands and making James out to be this sexist when he is not. Veronica didn’t need to come along she could given the computer to James to his copilot but she needed to insert herself because she a independent woman hear her roar. I like Veronica truly but this scene was stupid and it wasted time.
4. Veronica pushing Allurance I mean really she hardly the relationship between the two of them. It also seemed out of character.
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tina-hale · 7 years
Tina love,do you have McDanno favorites?? Thank you in advance!!😘😘😘
You’re also getting into that ship?
I’m gonna guess you are asking for fics?
Check out the authors Indehed and Teeelsie on AO3.
They both have quite a lot of fics that are long, so it should keep you busy for some times.
“The love you gave” by Teelsie is my fave fic in that fandom so far. She generally writes Danny and Steve so well and intergrates her fics so well into the canon of the show, you will forget it’s a fanfic…and that things in her fics aren’t actually canon.
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l0uk45 · 4 years
What if... Dr. Anthony Edward Stark
“So I should explain that this AU wasn’t originally my idea, the concept belongs to @tonystarktogo. Basically, in this universe, Tony Stark never really believed in Superheroes and Supervillains. Only people with powers that fight for good, evil, or survival. They still have lapses of judgement, they still make mistakes, and most importantly, they still get hurt. And what do you do in a world where no one can help these supers off the ground when they get hurt? Why build your own place that helps these supers that got hurt (for quite possibly stupid reasons).
This is that story, where Tony Stark brings in his first patient, only to have SHIELD knocking at his door in the next 24 hours.
Tony groaned: “JARVIS (Just A Rather Very Intelligent System, that part is canon), please tell me there’s something interesting going on.”
The voice of his robotic partner said: “I’m sorry, sir, but there appears to be no-” He was interrupted by a ping, and soon continued: “Oh, nevermind, there seems to be a potential super with grave injuries out in the streets of Manhattan.”
Tony asked: “Aren’t we in New York City?” JARVIS added: “Manhattan in a portion of New York, sir. I thought you would have at least studied the rough geographical regions of the city, given your new establishment here.”
Tony waved him off and put on his blazer: “Eh, whatever.” He grabbed a pair of sunglasses, the lenses glowing blue as he said: “EDITH (Even Drunk, I’m The Host, in this au she was designed as an assistant for Tony whenever he got drunk outside his premises, she is connected to his suits and lets him safely do things through NTENS (Nanoscale Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) intergrated in all his suits), get me a cab. We have a first customer.”
In the back alleys of Manhattan, a lone man struggled. He had a knife in his abdomen, one of his arms was metal for some reason, and he had no idea how the fuck he got thrown out of a moving taxi from a highway bridge, with a massive assault rifle in his arms and an uzi on his back. He just knew he was then jumped by like ten people wearing full-black with blue-silver badges showing an eagle on their belts, and he was forced to fight, when he then fell onto a knife after the fight was done. Literally, one of the people he either KO’d or killed (what exactly does turning the neck so much it cracks do again?) held a knife just in the right spot in their hand for him to trip and fall right onto the exposed blade.
He brushed his hair out of his face: “I need a haircut...” He limped out deeper into the alley, trying to get as far away from people. He needed to survive. He needed to run.
So seeing a man with sleek black hair and a perfectly maintained black goatee-beard combo, wearing blue-tinted glowing glasses and a black Armani suit with a red tie, walk up to him calmly when he turned the corner... Yeah, not a welcome sight.
He swung his metal arm at the Suit, who easily sidestepped. He was caught by fairly sturdy arms as he fell forward, and the Suit said: “Woah, easy there, pal, let’s not get too hasty.”
He helped prop him up: “You need a ride? Yeah, you need a ride, you look like shit. Come on, let’s go get you patched up.”
The metal-armed mad grunted: “No... Hospital...”
The Suit smirked: “Dude, I’m crazy, not stupid. I’ll take you somewhere where no one’s gonna search for you.”
A few hours later, back at Stark Aid, Tony looked over the schematics for the mechanical arm: “This is some ancient but inovative tech right here...” JARVIS asked: “Would you like me to run a diagnostics, sir?” He shook his head: “Nah, I can already see the problem parts. You can assemble a new schematic for the upgrade though.” JARVIS answered: “Intergrate the NAR (neoelemental Arc Reactor), sir?” He shrugged: “Why not. And while you’re at it, give him an internal nanoskeleton to help with the weight issues.” “Understood. I will report to HASHE (Helping And Super-Healing Embrace) immediately.”
Tony sighed, looking over the operation room, his first patient on the bed, being operated by state-of-the-art androids and surgery robots all lead by HASHE, the best surgery and medicine program in the history. He should know. He built all of it. Well, not by himself, but he did all of the conceptualization and design and supervised the development of the technology.
He soon walked off and said: “FRIDAY (Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth, also canon), schedule a meeting with the press for next week. Oh, and take a day off, you deserve it.”
A feminine android-like body soon joined him, wearing a stereotypical assistant’s outfit of a pencil skirt and a blazer, holding a tablet and a stylus: “Would you prefer Saturday at 10 am or Sunday at noon?”
Before he could respond, an alarm blared through the fascility. Tony groane dand started running: “JARVIS, secure the sector with the patient, and don’t let HASHE stop!”
JARVIS responded with a simple ‘understood’ as Tony and FRIDAY ran to the front door. Tony said: “FRIDAY, take the side exit, I can deal with this.” FRIDAY nodded and separated: “I will try and enjoy my time off, sir.” Her clothes altered as she ran off, changed to regular relaxed wear as she turned the corner.
Soon enough, he arrived at the front entrance, seeing a team of what looked like high-tech SWAT agents trying to break down his door. He stopped them and exclaimed: “Stop trying to break down my door, we have a doorbell for that!”
He then noticed something about their uniforms: navy blue with a grey crest of an eagle over the chest, with the initials SHIELD written on the back. He straightened out his suit: “What do you want?”
A man in a black suit, a blue tie and completely no hair came up to him and said in a plain voice: “Mr. Stark, I am Agent Phil Coulson from the Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. I have been tasked with retreating a war criminal called the Winter Soldier, and it is in my knowledge that you are currently housing him in these fascilities. I would request-”
Coulson asked, slightly startled by this: “Excuse me?”
Tony said: “Whatever you were about to say, the answer is no.”
Coulson smiled and said: “I’m afraid you don’t understand the severity of the situation.”
Tony said: “What, you mean an unconscious man with all sorts of amnesia and a rickety prosthetic from the Colc War era with a stab wound and half his blood missing is a threat?”
Phil nodded: “Yes, once he recovers.”
Tony said: “Your agents jumped a disoriented man with an uzi that was just dumped out of a car on a free way, and one of them managed to stab him in the gut. He was very close to dying in that street when I found him.”
“That is none of your concern-”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I am just taking physical care of a fucking mental patient with a metal arm and less memories than a newborn infant, fixing up all his old scarring and physical trauma his body has endured, but sure, let me go back in, I’ll bring him over here in ten minutes when his body is open for medical procedures to improve his quality of life!”
Coulson said: “Aren’t you an engineer?” Tony said: “Yes, an engineer that designed medical systems, machinery and aids. So?”
Phil said: “Surrender him.”
“I don’t wanna.”
“This is not a debate.”
“Sounds like a debate to me.”
“This is a serious matter.”
“I know, and I’m serious in refusing giving you help unless one of your supers is hurt and needs medical attention.”
Phil said: “I can have you arrested.”
Tony shrugged: “Won’t be the first time.”
“For treason.”
“I sold military-grade missiles to terrorists without my knowledge, brought to my attention in court.”
Phil sighed: “Well, I guess we have no choice but to take him by force.”
Tony smirked: “I figured you’d say that.” Ten humanoid drones ran up behind him, getting in position around their boss, Tony. They held up energy rifles, the barrels glowing with charge: “The guns are set to stun. A great non-lethat deterrent.”
The SHIELD agents readied their weapons as well, the two men wearing suits standing still in a calm manner between the stand-off.
Tony said: “I’m not here to do business, okay, I’m just here because people get hurt and they can’t go to a regular hospital without risk of their identities being revealed, that’s it.”
Coulson asked, kind of in disbelief: “Wait, you think supers are just regular people?”
Tony said: “Well, yeah. Laser eyes don’t make you better at deciding what’s best for people. Neither does super strength, super speed, a healing factor, or turning into ice cream. Well, the last one makes you popular with kids, but I don’t think being eaten alive by an army of five-year-olds is beneficial to one’s career as a hero or villain.”
Coulson nodded before turning back to his men: “Okay, stand down. Our business is done here.” He turned back to Tony: “This isn’t the last time you’ll be hearing from us. We’ll be back for Barnes in about a week, along with, I suspect, plans for a certain arrangement.”
Tony simply smirked as the androids behind him walked off: “Inter-company contracts will cost money.”
0 notes
The bitch named Karma: Section 9
I sighed as my fingers ran over Prowl's lower belly that had taken quite a bit of my old frame to replace. I just hoped that he wouldn't do it again. A low groan reached my audios just before his spike panel slid aside to allow the mostly hard length to stab at the air. "Gettin hot just from meh rubbing yer belly?" A hand caught mine, tugging it to his lips to kiss as he held me closer. "The new plating is still very sensitive after just being applied. My systems are working over time to intergrate them into my neronet." My optics flicked up to him before my free hand traced a circle around the base of house spike making him squirm. "Kinda cool to think ahm part of ya now Prowl." His optics flickered a few times before staying dark as he pressed up into my touch. A grin formed on my face at the light encouragement, he didn't let me get touchy that often. Speaking of which. "Ya know... " My fingers lightened up till I was barely tickling over his housing and he groaned, rocking his hips up, seeking my attention. "Never did get meh groon..." That got his optics back online, looking quite eager if I did say so myself. "I believe you're right. Come on." He patted his lap and I hopped right into it, letting him tug me up his chest. The need clouding his optics was something I was going to do my best to see a lot more often. Warm vents tickled over my face as a hand gently pulled my helm closer to his until our lips were only an inch apart. Then they touched. My vents caught as Prowl's glossa gently stroked over my lips until they parted allowing him in. It was a strange feeling that had liquid polling between my legs out of instinct. Memories flooded into my mind of Prowl's frame covering mine as his spike slid clear to the hilt inside me and my valve cycled down on itself even without the exquisite arousal. My fans kicked up a notch as he kissed me a little deeper. Fingers ran over my sides and belly drawing a soft keen from me before I caught him. "Frag Prowler... Keep doing that an yer gonna have meh in recharge long before ya get an overload." He chuckled softly in my audio, pecking a kiss there as I nuzzled into his chest. "I really have missed having you around Jazz... Having to see you like that twisted my spark in ways I can't undo. Even if she had kept you from feeling the pain..." I swallowed hard. I didn't want to think about it. Who I am and who I was were at war with each other in my spark and mind. Prowl was my only safe spot, the only sure thing. He had been there before and he loved me just as much now. The longing for my carrier was there without a doubt, but so too was the fear. What if he found out who I was? Would he kill me again? Could he still love me if he knew? My mind was so jumbled with worry I couldn't even think straight. "Jazz...? Are you well?" I shook my helm side to side before curling as tightly into him as I could. "No... Ahm scared..." Prowl POV: I sighed as Jazz darted around the lake. He at least wasn't so distressed anymore. His peds slid against the grass and he went tumbling into the water below with a splash. His helm popped up a few seconds later with some grass stuck to the top of it. I chuckled as he grinned and scrambled from the water and into my arms. "We should come back here tomorrow! Ah love swimming!" It was good to see him so happy again. "Oh I don't think there'll be a tomorrow. For either of you. Worthless Autobot!" I growled, jerking around to where the voice came from as I shifted Jazz behind me. *May need assistants. Apparently one of your mechs didn't get the memo.* *I'll be right there!* I data burst the location to Megatron as Jazz whimpered behind me. "Prowl!" "Stay! I can handle him, I just need you out of the way." His vents hitched as the mech fired a shot off that I ducked under and rushed him. The mech laughed, taking a swing that I dodged easily and took out his legs. He snarled, firing off another shot that gave him an opening to get to his peds. "No one has taken me from my peds and lived to tell the tale! I'm going to rip your relay and use your sparkling as a pleasure bot while you watch!" A shot was fired towards Jazz and I dove in front of it. "Get back to base! I'll keep him busy!" My left arm wasn't going to be much use to me now and I knew if I had any hope of winning like this, I was going to have to shift. "Prowl!" "Now Jazz!" My frame unfurled from that of a mech and I watched as the mechs optics got bright. Something hit my legs and I jerked my optics to see Jazz clinging to me. It proved to be a mistake though. I was grabbed suddenly by the mech, fingers digging into my neck until I managed to sink my claws into his middle and get free. "Jazz!" I grabbed at him but it gave the other mech a chance to kick me hard enough to make my helm swim and I went down. He didn't let up though, his ped impacted my back and I knew he snapped something. I was forced to let Jazz go as I spun on the mech. My back legs wouldn't move though, they were just hanging limply behind me and he easily dodged. *Anytime, Megatron!* *I'm almost there! 2 kliks at most!* The way things were going, I might not have that long. Jazz screamed at me and lunged at the mech only to get caught by his neck as the mech laughed. "Let him go!" My front paws dug into the dirt and I lunged at the mech managing to catch his arm in my jaws. He screamed and dropped Jazz. I wasn't about to let him go though. My fangs tightened and I ripped him back to the other side trapping his legs under my ped as I yanked my helm back tearing his arm off. He screamed so loud he glitched his vocaliser. The ground shook suddenly the mech was yanked away from me and tossed to the ground. Jazz rushed to my side worrying over me as his carrier watched us in shock. "Prowl! Ya OK?!" His hands went to my face wiping rapidly as tears ran from his optics. I grunted, pushing myself up onto my one good ped to nuzzle him. He pulled me back down though until I finally flopped over and wrapped my leg around him. *I will be fine as soon as I get a medic here Jazz. I didn't wait on you nearly 10 vorns just to leave you now.* More tears ran down his face as he latched onto me just as tight as he could. The mech that attacked us screamed suddenly and I jerked my optics in time to see Megatron crush his hip under a ped. Jazz saw it too and I could feel the fear leaking into his EM field. *Megatron! Let him go!* His optics jerked around to me as he snarled. *I don't know what the frag is going on but he will pay with his spark for hurting you both!* He aimed his canon at the mechs middle. *No! Megatron, listen to me! I'm not exactly a friend to that mech but Jazz is already scared after remembering! I'd like to see him dead just as badly as you but if you do this, think of what it will do to him! I don't want him anymore stressed than he already is! Think about it Megatron.* He snarled, optics jerking to the downward mech and back to me before he finally powered down his weapon and stepped over. "You are going to explain this as soon was we get back!" Jazz's tensed up and hugged me tighter. *Nothing to explain. I'm a mechashifter. I don't make it a point to show it because most think we're monsters. Before you Jazz was the only one to know.* He grunted as he knelt to take stock of the damage. "I know you're a far stronger fighter than this. What happened?" *Jazz. He refused to leave as directed and I was too worried over him being in the way to think clearly. He's very distressed right now. I'll be fine, take care of him, Soundwave will need to come out here to fix my back struts before I can move on my own.* He heaved a vent even as Jazz struggled to get free from his arms. He looked so terrified and I really felt bad for Megatron. I knew Jazz meant just as much to him as he did to me, and I knew I couldn't handle having him look at me like that. "Jazz..." It came out as a whimper, but he spun as if he understood. His arms reached out as he cried until Megatron set him against my side where he tried to bury himself. *I am sorry. I know how much it must hurt, for what it's worth, I'm sure that it will not last forever. I know Jazz better than anyone and he isn't prone to holding grudges.* *I would hardly call this a grudge. I offlined him, he knows it, and I can not blame him for being scared.* I sighed, curling around my shaking bundled as best I could. *Tell him that. Tell him you know. Tell him you love him. Tell him that it makes no difference who he used to be. That's his biggest fear. That you'll find out and stop loving him. Offlining doesn't scared him nearly as much as losing the love of his carrier.* Megatron clenched his fist before landing on his knees to pull Jazz out of hiding once more. "Bitlet... There is nothing that could ever make me stop loving you... You're my sparkling. I made a mistake Jazz... I knew long ago who you were, I knew what I did to you too. I never wanted you to find out, because I knew this would be the result. That you would hate me... Please?... I have never been scared of anything in my life, Jazz. Losing you scares me though, and I don't think I could take it." Jazz didn't even act like he heard. He just laid there trembling against his carrier until Megatron finally set him back down. Jazz held tight though, his little fingers anchored into the seams in his carrier's arm. "Ah don't hate ya... Ah love ya carrier... More then ah could ever say. An it hurts so bad to think ya might not feel that way for meh cause of who ah used to be..." "Jazz you have nothing to worry about! Bitlet I knew long before you who you were and I didn't care! I don't care now! I just want you to go back to being my happy little mech that runs around the base hunting for what ever mischief you can get into!" He cleared away some of the tears running down his face before hugging him tightly. Megatron's optics meet mine and I smiled, shifting forward, only to cringe as pain I'd been too busy to feel made itself known. *I do hope you're not growling at me.* *Not at the moment. Just registering the pain, I can't shift back until my struts are fixed.* He inclined his helm. "Soundwave is on his way, he should be arriving shortly." A low growl escaped as pain slithered down my back at each little move I made. *Think you can take my pain receptors offline for me?* An optic ridge arched up. "You trust me to do that? Could take any information I wanted." *I'm sure you won't. Not for any lolality to me, or Optimus, or any of them. I know without a shadow of doubt that you wouldn't risk giving Jazz anymore reason to distrust you.* He snorted. "You think you're very smart Prowl. That doesn't mean you'll always be right." *I don't take chances when I have any doubts. Trust me, if it weren't for Jazz, I would never allow you to do this.* My leg was stretched out to him and after the few seconds it took to find my data pretty through my fur, he jacked in. Skating around my coding until he found the ones for pain and triggered them off. "There. You're still not as smart as you think you are." *Thank you. I hope Soundwave will hurry.*.... Jazz POV: My optics felt far too hard to keep online. My vision kept flickering out but I wanted to be wake when Prowl was finally brought back online. "Jazz should rest. Prowl will still be in stasis for another groon to receive the needed repairs." I glanced up to Soundwave but arms curling around my middle made me look to see carrier as he lifted me into his arms. "Come. You've been fighting recharge too long already and I'm sure Soundwave will let me know the klik he is ready to bring Prowl back online." My hands pushed against his until he loosened his hold, looking hurt. It didn't last long though since I only used the space to turn around and get comfy. "OK... Hungry though..." He nodded softly, fingers rubbing gentle circles over my back. "I will get you something to eat. Then you need to rest." That did sound good... "Promise we can be here when he wakes up?" "Promise." My optics finally slipped offline for good even though I was still fighting off recharge. Something was pressed to my lips and the sweet taste of candied energon tingled my glossa. It slid down my intake smoothly and I searched for my meal as it was taken away. "Easy, I need to shift you around some." My carrier's hand pressed to my back lightly and I felt myself move before my fuel was given back. Little gulps were trickled into my mouth making sure I swallowed it all before he gave me anymore... It took nearly a breem to get the whole thing down but he finally took the cube away. "Alright, nap time bitlet." Warmth surounded me and I cuddled closer to it, my frame already powering down..... Gentle petting over my back roused me from my recharge once more, to see carrier watching me. "Prowl will be waking soon. I told Soundwave to wait till you woke." A sleepy smile tugged my lips up and I curled tighter into his arms. "Thanks carrier. Ah slept better than ah have since going to the other base." "I should hope so, I'd hate to think I'm so easily replaced." I grinned wide. "No one could replace ya!" He chuckled lightly and stood from the bed, taking me with me. "Lets go see your sparkmate. He's been under for an unnecessary 3 extra groons. You recharged longer than I though you would, but you needed it." "Ah really slept that long?" "You really slept that long."... The medbay doors opened smoothly and we stepped in. My carrier placing me on Prowl's chest while sparker brought him back online. For a few seconds nothing happened. Then his optics finally flickered online and he smiled as he saw me. "Ahm really sorry! Ah should have just gone like ya told meh to!" He blew out a vent, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me flush with him. "You should have, next time I expect you to do so. Everything is ok now." I sure didn't feel like it was ok. He'd nearly offlined because of me. "How do you feel Prowl?" "Much better than a few groons ago. Thank you." Fingers rubbed over my back lightly and I didn't understand how he's wasn't mad about getting hurt. "Come on. Let's go get you some treats. Maybe your carrier will accompany us to the lake since it didn't go so well last time." "Ah don't wanna go back... Ah wanna stay here and cuddle. Ya can't get hurt that way!" "You just worry about you. I'll be fine as long as you listen next time there's a threat. I can't fight if I'm worried over hurting you, Jazz." His hand smoothed down my helm some, but I still didn't want to leave so soon after his accident. "Just wanna go to our room... Still never got that promised groon. Something always comes up." I looked at him and he smiled softly. "That's OK. Come on, you can have your groon." He slipped from the table with me in his arms and made his way to our shared room.... Prowl POV: My frame arched off the bed as Jazz's glossa traced the rim of my valve after he managed to get me cuffed to the bed. "This isn't funny! Jazz!" He chuckled as his optics slowly came to mine, another broad lick being placed over my clenching valve. "Ya keep saying that... But ah think ya like this... Look at ya Prowler. Yer running so hot and ya already overloaded 5 times just while ah was enjoying meh treat..." A finger slipped into me and I couldn't help the broken sob that escaped as he stroked over far to sensitive nodes. My whole frame felt like it was on fire as he shoved me through yet another overload. If I didn't soon get free I was going to drop offline from over heating. "Jazz please! You need to let me go!" A finger tapped his chin lightly a few seconds before he smirked. "Ah don't think so. Ya promised meh whole groon, it hasn't even been half yet..." "But Jazz I'm over he-!!" His glossa dove back into my valve suddenly and the rest of my sentence was drown under a scream.... My vents caught and hitched painfully, though Jazz didn't seem to notice since he was rather preoccupied with fitting half his arm into my valve. These fragging stasis cuffs had knocked out all forms of communication and my vocaliser had glitched out a while back. My frame was so hot I knew I wouldn't be able to stay online much longer, not to mention I'd burnt through nearly everything in my tank. I was running on fumes and if I slipped offline I'd likely never wake again. The door opened suddenly and I prayed to Primus that who it was would know something was wrong. It was Starscream. My vents caught hard and his optics brightened before he had me out of the cuffs and was carrying me towards the medbay at a run....
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