#gonna reject them because they struggle to see a woman as equally capable)
scholarhect · 5 months
think of gender-separated esports leagues as less like assumptions that women have weak brittle fingers that can’t hit the keys fast enough compared to men, and more as something in the vein of “girls who code”
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jungleslang · 3 years
I'm sorry, but I cannot understand people who say that Elriel shippers hate Lucien and want to cause him pain or are advocating for him to experience pain and ultimately be unhappy. I understand that the mating bond is a huge deal in fae culture, and that it's more difficult to deal with for the male than for the female. But shipping Elain with Azriel despite this does NOT mean that I hate him. The opposite is actually true. It literally makes zero sense.
I've seen this argument too many times throughout the years, and I saw it again today, so I've decided to address it. I'm going to discuss why Elriel doesn't equal Lucien being unhappy, as well as some Elriel and Vucien foreshadowing, and why this could lead to Lucien's happiness. Be aware that I'm obviously biased, and this is in no way meant to hate on Elucien or Elucien shippers. I'm just addressing this specific argument. All ships are valid, and we don't ship shame in this house. This is just my personal opinion, and I know that what I ship might not be endgame.
Also this is gonna be pretty long, don't say I didn't warn you.
I want to start off by saying that a big reason why I don't ship Elucien is honestly BECAUSE I love Lucien. Elain has consistently shown not even an ounce of interest in him for the past three books. Lucien himself also says that Elain was "thrown at him," while Jesminda, his past love, chose him. Elain has never used or shown her appreciation for any of the gifts Lucien gave her (which is her right). She has clearly stated that she does not want a mate. She also currently has feelings for Azriel, and it's been said that Elain "shrinks" in Lucien's presence, her newfound boldness suddenly gone. I'm sorry, but why would I want this for Lucien?? Why would I want Lucien to be with a woman who does not love him and currently has feelings for another male? A woman who literally shrivels up when he is near her? Lucien deserves to love and be loved wholeheartedly. And of course, Elain does, too.
Additionally, Lucien's words about Jesminda highlight that having a choice and being truly chosen are things that matter to him. And who are the people that Lucien has actively chosen to be with? Jurian and Vassa. Lucien is a centuries old fae male, with experience in multiple courts, and he's chosen to shack up with two humans in the human lands. That means something, and it shows that Vassa and Jurian are the people he feels comfortable with, the people he trusts, and most importantly, the people who make him feel wanted. Wanted enough to literally live with them after all of his trauma, after being barred from his home in the Spring Court by Tamlin, a person he loved cherished more than anyone else. And Jurian and Vassa have also chosen him.
As someone who absolutely loves Lucien, THIS is what I want for him. For him to be with people he chose and who in turn chose him. I want what's best for him, and so far, the text has indicated that Jurian and Vassa are what's best for him. I mean come on, the three of them literally created a name for themselves, the Band Of Exiles. The one time we saw Lucien actually laugh in ACOWAR was when he was with Vassa at the end. He blushes at the mention of her and has a "spark" in his eyes when he talks about her. Let's also not forget about this part in ACOFAS:
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Lucien says that he's not living with them, the manor belongs to all of them. And even Feyre remarks how he's more comfortable around them, two humans, than people of his own race. I feel like this part is so overlooked. To me, it really demonstrates that Lucien has indeed found a home with these people, a home that belongs to all of them, and that he feels he truly does belong with them.
Additionally, it bothers me when people imply that rejecting the mating bond automatically equals unhappiness while accepting it guarantees love and happiness. Elain and Lucien rejecting their mating bond does not mean that Lucien is doomed to be unhappy and in pain for the rest of his life. And accepting it does not mean they'll be happy, either. We literally have proof of this in the books, and it comes in the form of Rhysand's parents. Rhys says that his parents were wrong for each other, and that his mother eventually came to hate his father, only staying with him because she was grateful to him for saving her wings. That is not a happy relationship.
Also, something that is one of the biggest hints toward Elriel for me, is the fact that every single mated couple we see in the books that actually ended up together had feelings for each other BEFORE the mating bond snapped into place. Rhys had feelings for Feyre while they were under the mountain, and Feyre fell in love with Rhys before she knew they were mates. Nessian's mating bond also didn't snap into place until after they already loved each other. And we also have Kallias and Viviane, who were in love before they discovered they were mates. These relationships all had solid foundations before the mate bond came came into play. Romantic feelings were established before the bond. For Elucien, this was not the case. Their mate bond snapped into the place the day they met each other, which directly mirrors Rhys' parents, whose mate bond snapped into place the moment they met and who also weren't right for each other. (Coincidence? I think not.)
We also have to remember that we have never been inside Lucien's head, with the exception of that one scene where Feyre infiltrates his mind while he's talking to Elain. That one glimpse alone mainly deals with the feelings he has for Elain due to his instincts because of the mate bond. It's also where he says Elain had been thrown at him. We don't actually know the extent of what he feels or doesn't feel for Elain. We don't know if he has romantic feelings for her outside of his instincts because of the bond, which we know is important based on what we discussed above. Yes, Lucien gives her gifts and clearly wants to get to know her, but we don't know whether he's just doing this out of obligation because the bond is so important in fae culture. Which might also be the reason Elain hasn't formally rejected him yet.
I think that there is a decent chance that this is the case based on what we've seen in the books. I also get the feeling that Lucien might be pursuing Elain out of obligation because Elain hasn't given him the time of day, and they've had no meaningful moments/conversations up until now. He doesn't really know her. How can you have feelings for someone you don't know and haven't spent any real time with? There are also these scenes from ACOFAS and ACOSF:
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In ACOFAS, Feyre says that Lucien doesn't seem to have a real interest in bridging gap between him and Elain. In ACOSF, Cassian says the words "my mate" drip with discomfort when Lucien says them. This indicates that he's not so comfortable with calling Elain his mate / having her as his mate.
I also think this part is important because the level of comfort the characters have with each other is a distinguishing factor of the ships. Lucien is more comfortable around Vassa than Elain, while Elain is more comfortable around Azriel than Lucien.
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As I stated before, this is the only time we see Lucien laughing in ACOWAR. Additionally, his shoulders are loose, indicating that he is not only comfortable but also relaxed, which is a rare thing for Lucien in the recent books with all the shit he has going on. In contrast, there's always a tension underlying his and Elain's interactions. Based on the fact that Vassa is chatting with him "animatedly," I would say she's likely comfortable around him, too.
There are also these two passages from ACOMAF, which I'm sure every Elriel shipper already knows lol.
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We can also see that Elain has been at least somewhat comfortable around Azriel from the start, even when she was afraid of the fae and engaged to a fae-hating man. She even engaged him in a genuine conversation about flying. These two excerpts also show that Elain is somewhat attuned to Azriel as well. She notes his body language and uses it to gauge the situation. This also indicates a certain level of trust in him. And this has only increased as the story progressed. He's content to just sit beside her in the garden, she tells him about her plans for the garden, and they stay up late talking to each other. Their interactions signify how at ease they are with each other, which I think is big thing for Azriel, who's always described as cold and filled with an icy rage. Rhys says it took Mor centuries to get Az to loosen up, but he eased up around Elain in a remarkably short amount of time for someone usually so closed-off.
So, the conclusion here is that Elucien is not the only ship that guarantees all characters' happiness as some people say. Lucien is completely capable of being happy and finding a home without Elain accepting the bond, and the evidence is in the books. The fact that Lucien actively chooses to live together with Jurian and Vassa, and that Elain has constantly chosen to be around Az while showing no interest in Lucien is the reason while I will always stan Vucien and Elriel over Elucien. It's all about choice for me, which is something that's also emphasized in the books and seems to be important for both Elain's and Lucien's arcs.
And all Elriel shippers absolutely don't hate Lucien. If I'm being honest, I actually like Lucien as a character more than Azriel. While I am a diehard Elriel stan and I adore Az, Lucien is a more interesting character to me. He was raised in the Autumn Court, lived in the Spring Court, and ended up becoming part of the Night Court, as well. Then we find out he's the heir to the Day Court, and now he lives in the human lands with Jurian and Vassa. He has connections to so many places, and yet struggles to belong. He was lost, and found a home with two other lost people. The Lost Queen Vassa, and a human who was resurrected in a world that moved on without him.
This is also why, in my opinion, Vucien / The Band of Exiles has so much more potential than Elucien. I don't want another story about mates ending up with each other. Give me the found family trope that is the Band of Exiles.
If you've made it through this whole thing, thank you. As always, I'd love to hear your opinions!
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tumblezwei · 4 years
Why Kyoko Mogami is the GOAT
And why y’all are SLEEPING ON HER
Spoilers for Skip Beat, but honestly idk how much of the story I’m gonna get into for this since I’m flying by the seat of my pants. Still, read at your own risk.
Also this is LONG lmao
Kyoko Mogami is a 16 year old middle school drop-out that works two jobs day and night in order to pay rent for the Tokyo apartment that she lives in all by herself 6 days out of the week. Going into the first chapter, there are three things immediately clear about her. 
1. She’s cheerful, kind, and also kind of batshit insane. From the first moment we meet her, her personality is throwing itself at our faces and refusing to calm down. (apologies for the bad quality images, I work with what I have)
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2. She loves Sho Fuwa, her childhood friend and rising rock-star that asked Kyoko to come with him to Tokyo after middle school graduation to support his career
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3. Nothing matters to her as long as Sho is happy. Sure, she laments that her love for girly dresses, cosmetics, and fairy tale princesses will never amount to anything since all of her money is going toward paying the rent on her and Sho’s apartment, but that’s fine. As long as her precious Sho is happy, so is she. 
And, as you’d expect, things go to shit pretty quickly afterwards. During one her off days from her night job, Kyoko decides to visit Sho at his recording studio with dinner. After sneaking in past the hoards of squealing teenage girls waiting outside to catch a glimpse of him, she overhears him talking to his manager. 
“I’m the heir to a prominent Japanese inn, do you think I’ve ever cooked or cleaned all by myself?” She hears. 
“That’s awful,” the manager replies, “you make it sound as if you brought her just to be your maid.”
“She’s basically been my maid since I was a kid, or else I wouldn’t have brought her along with me. It’s not like I forced her, I asked her a question and gave her the choice. It’s only natural that she’d work her butt off to support me.” 
And he just keeps going. Once he’s made enough to live independently, he’ll send her back. How dare his parents try to set him up with a plain-looking girl like her. She doesn’t even wear make-up! 
As images of flash in Kyoko’s mind of standing in front of make-up stores with no money to buy anything, she takes Sho’s words just as well as one might expect. By unleashing the box of tucked away emotions she’s held in her chest and swearing to take revenge on Sho for using her and throwing her away like this.
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. I failed to mention this at the start, but the beginning of the chapter introduces us to the most important piece of symbolism in Kyoko’s character development: Pandora’s box. 
For Kyoko’s entire life, she’s held this box inside herself. In myth, once this box was opened, all of the evil of the world is unleashed, never to be put back inside. So for Kyoko, the metaphor is quite apt. Hearing Sho’s words unlocks the box and unleashes a kind of anger that not even Kyoko knew she was capable of, a kind of determination and vengeance that has her dyeing her hair and staking outside of a talent manager’s house for days on end to whittle down his willpower and give her a chance to audition at Sho’s rival talent agency, LME. Every time she hears his name, or sees his picture, she’s filled with myopic sense of rage that no one can calm her down from. 
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Her sole mission in life is to get revenge on Sho Fuwa, a sentiment that finds her at odds with LME’s top actor, Ren Tsuruga, who sees her one-sided quest for vengeance as an insult to people who truly love acting. But as if Kyoko cares, she needs to get revenge! 
I’m gonna drop the pseudo-narration for a bit because I actually need to skip over a fair bit of plot to get to what I think makes Kyoko incredibly compelling, outside of being the funniest female character in existence. We’re going to jump forward in time to Kyoko’s first acting gig. Well, not so much an gig as much as it is a competition. She’s been tasked to play the role of a dignified inn keeper that’s serving tea to the main male character. After having broken her ankle and been challenged by the real lead actress, this is her first shot to prove she has the talent to make it in the acting industry. So in order to immerse herself in the role, she utilizes her experience of being trained by Sho’s mother to take care of the inn that his family owned. It’s here that we finally understand that Kyoko giving up her life back home for Sho wasn’t just a spur of the moment decision brought about by infatuation. It was something she’d been doing for her entire life. Everything she knows how to do, every skill she’s obtained, has been because of Sho. And this is the moment that she realizes that fact too. (the first image is from after the scene is done, wherein Kyoko cannot snap herself out of her character due to the lessons she was taught as a child, despite her sitting position making her broken ankle unbearably painful). 
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Even her righteous fury at being left in the dust is focused solely on Sho fucking Fuwa. Is there anything that she has than can be attributed to her own success? Does she have any skills that can’t be traced back to trying to make Sho happy? Who is Kyoko Mogami? Is she worth anything without Sho? 
And I want to make this clear right now, because I know the term “shoujo” makes people hesitate. THIS is what Skip Beat is about. Kyoko’s journey to find out who she is, and with every new role she takes on and with every experience she gains, she becomes just a little closer to finding out who she is and what she wants for herself. 
We watch as her love for acting slowly eclipses her thirst for revenge. A few arcs after this moment, she is contacted about a job to act in a music PV with none other than Sho himself. In the beginning, she accepts the job in order to prove to Sho that she’s climbing the ladder and catching up to him, but her performance suffers whenever she thinks about her revenge. And what saves her isn’t even putting aside her revenge, but prioritizing her own feelings above it. She wants to act! She wants to put on a good performance! So she needs to put aside those feelings of anger and draw from her past experiences to create a character that leaves Sho in the dust. 
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I’m gonna bet y’all are wondering about the romance, though. Because this is a shoujo, and of course it has romance. But hey, guess what? That romance is equally compelling and is an integral part to Kyoko’s character too. In the first....5 or so arcs, Ren Tsuruga ‘s relationship with Kyoko crawls it’s way out of the it’s rocky beginnings, and he slowly becomes a mentor figure to Kyoko. He’s her superior in acting, and she looks to him often for support and guidance when she’s struggling to perform a role or having difficulty with her fellow actors. To Kyoko, Ren is the goal, his level of acting is what she aspires to be, so she can stand on equal footing with him. Before there’s even a whiff of romance between them, there develops a solid bond of trust and support. And once the romance starts. Hoo boy. 
To fully understand why it’s taken 12 years irl for a confession scene to finally take place, we need to bring back the metaphor of Pandora’s box. Because not everything escaped Pandora’s box when it was opened. Pandora was able to shut the box just in time for one thing to stay locked inside: hope. In the myth, this is a good thing, while negative and vile emotions run free, hope still exists within people to become better. But for Kyoko, the box isn’t a safe place, it’s a repressed place. She spent her entire life locking away the negative emotions she felt, placing a smile on her face and hoping for Sho’s happiness. And when those emotions are set lose, she locks the box back up, sealing something else inside. Her hope, her confidence in anything having to do with love. 
It’s not just that Kyoko isn’t in love anymore, she feels as if she can’t be in love anymore, that she’s entirely incapable of it. The idea of falling in love with someone else terrifies her. What if she goes back to the way she was before? An empty shell that exists for other people and not herself. The box has been sealed tightly again, and by God this time she’s not going to let anything open it. And like, I don’t want to spoil much in this, as contradictory as that sounds. Because the scene where she realizes she loves Ren? One of the best fucking scenes in any romance manga ever. 
And. God. I haven’t even touched on her mom. Kyoko’s desire for love, that became so warped under Sho and so desolate after his betrayal, can all stem back to Saena Mogami. A woman who, no matter what Kyoko did, rejected any affection that her child tried to give, and gave none in return. “Even a mother can hate her own child.” We get bits and pieces of what Kyoko’s mother was like, and the environment that a very young Kyoko was raised in before her mother left her in the care of Sho’s parents. And eventually we realize that Kyoko isn’t afraid of her love being rejected twice, but a third time. 
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Like, y’all, I’m not good at these kind of essays. I keep wanting to go off on tangents, nothing is ever focused, I spend to much time just reading the manga instead of writing this fucking post. But please believe me when I tell you that Kyoko Mogamis character development is like none other. She’s truly at the top of her genre and it’s an actual crime that she’s so underrated. 
Before Kyoko gets even a single arc with Ren, she gets two with Kanae. The first with Kanae as a central figure, and the second where Kanae is her support. She’s the one that gives Kyoko the eureka moment she needs to pull of her performance with Sho. They are one of the most developed and deep friendships in shoujo that I’ve ever seen AND Y’ALL NEED TO STOP SLEEPING ON IT. LOOK AT THESE TWO
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And don’t take this poorly assembled post at face value, I’ve left out a lot of shit. Starting with how fucking funny this manga is. Kyoko’s special talent for her LME audition is peeling vegetables, there’s a running gag where Ren asks for her advice while she’s in a giant chicken costume, unaware that it’s her, the president of LME is an eccentric millionaire that likes to dress up in different themed costumes every day and loves throwing extravagant parties, Kyoko’s hobby is making voodoo dolls and talks to a miniature Ren doll whenever she needs encouragement or advice. 
And it’s all packaged alongside some of the most compelling character development I’ve ever seen (for both Kyoko and Ren), and some absolutely heartbreaking drama. You will never know true pain until “I don’t have a daughter.”
Read this, ya’ll. You won’t regret it. 
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multigender-exist · 6 years
There are 280 responses on this little survey. So let’s take a look at the representation transgender people want according to the current results.
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The first question is not required, but it helps to get an idea of which group is best represented in the results. So far every person has answered.
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The second question allows multiple choices. An overwhelming 89% choose “all of the above” (life action & animated movies and series, comics, books, video games).
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Nearly half (47,5%) of the respondents thinks the script of a story with a transgender character should at least be reviewed by several transgender people.
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A cis person with the gender the character was assigned at birth: 3,5% A cis person with the gender the character identifies as: 25,9% A transgender person: 44% A transgender person with the same identity as the character: 70,2% Anyone who does research on their character's identity: 39%
This question allowed multiple answers.
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44,7% wants to be represented in stories that don’t focus on the gender of the transgender character, but also have a few stories about transitioning. (second place goes to both in equal amounts, with 29,1%
The last question was optional, “is there anything you would like to add?” I will put the answers under the cut.
- honestly we need more stories of non-binary people transitioning in the media also people who are non-binary amab and maybe femme ftm and butch mtf and gsd in the poc community
- Being represented as genderfluid is not easy but so far I have been satisfied with webcomic representation... good luck on doing a better job other medias!
- Humans. Human characters.
- Accurate representation is good representation
- I prefer and encourage trans people writing and reviewing trans content, but I think it's better to have any content at all than none. There definitely shouldn't be cis men playing trans women or cis women playing trans men, because that's just fucked up and leads to violence and transphobia. Cis women playing trans women is fine. Trans women playing trans women is best.
- Please I just want to see someone like me
- More representation for nonbinary individuals would be amazing. That's pretty much non-existent in the media
- I'm a demigirl and demiboy and I go by bunself pronouns it would be nice to see someone like me represented on a movie!
- happy endings? something that wouldn't make us feel like there's no hope and we're gonna die/be miserable/be rejected? i feel like there is much more media showing us in the worst position and never getting away from it :/ btw, congrats for this iniciative, it's cool, and hopefully it will work :)
- I think educating one's self about what it's like to be transgender would really help people make transgender media. As it turns out, transgender people are honest to goodness just like every other human. It just happens that trans people prefer different pronouns and might go through some hormone therapy or surgery. However, they're still just human beings like anyone else, and I think it'd be nice to see trans people casually represented that way.
- Give Us The Sci Fi Trans People Blease
- A cis actor who identifies as the gender a character is assigned at birth is okay, but only if they extensively familiarize themself with trans people talking about their own experiences.
- I want representation for MOGAI identities as well, perhaps some episode of something where they talk about identities that are "weird" and people educate others about MOGAI.
- I feel like we are a mystery to society, so maybe in stories that are about transitioning, also try to target cis people with it and educate them. Let trans people play trans characters otherwise it's not proper trans representation.
- More genderfluid characters!
- Imagine it.... trans characters... who are also not straight
- i think more their should be more representation in at least most media if not all media. non-binary should have more representation.
- Character I really relate to in terms of gender are always incredible to see and make me exponentially more comfortable and secure feeling.
- I'd like to see not sad stuff
- I think it'd be really nice to see stories that focus on gender and trans people's gender identity, but not necessarily specifically on the process of transitioning, if it makes sense.
- Try and be nice, though not all trans people are necessarily good.
- I’d like there to be less “controversy” with trans characters. By that I mean turning trans characters into controversy and pointing it out as an oddity. The goal of trans inclusion should be to normalize it in my opinion. The example that comes to mind is poison in Street Fighter. Almost every gamer knows the story of poison. Instead of putting a rest to the speculations or theories the fire has only had fuel added to it. I wish there was a definitive word on the matter that was respectful and posted well so people would be aware of the resolution in the Cannon. Also I would appreciate if Pre op in Japan and Post op in everywhere else wasn’t an issue.
- Do to lack of representation right now any representation would be great, but if we ever get a fair amount of representation I would like to see representation move further away from transitioning and more to just every day life.
- @ Cis people: stop equating trans women with men, or trans men with women.
- Ideally both the director and the screenwriter should be Trans. Failing that, the director should have several Trans consultants of color. We are in desperate need of Trans stories of color.
- Stories focused on transition and gender stories absolutely must be written by a trans person; stories including trans people not as much.
- In response to what type of actor, I think it would be so cool to have cis people, potentially of either the assigned or the identified gender, but at present? I just don't trust any cis person to get it right
- Intersectionality, both how it relates to transitioning and just intersectionality in characters that doesn’t define the plot.
- Rep in kids shows
- I just want them to exist in stories and tv, I don’t need them to be the focus or to even have more than 1 line, just to exist in a few stories
- I would like to also see more trans and nb characters have some background roles, I struggle to see myself as a main character and I generally find a background character I like more so a secondary character that is trans or nb would be amazing💖
- I would rather creators get stuff wrong in an effort to be inclusive than not try at all. Don't make a big deal out of the identity; just be like "this is a thing and here's the next thing now"
- /Maybe/ a cis person who is the character's gender they ID as playing them, but it would be a little iffy
- LGB trans people as well
- I want to see a character. Just a normal character. I don't want it focused on their gender or sexuality. Just a normal character being like every other character. Because that's what we are. Like everybody else.
- i want trans magical girls
- I answered that a trans person must at least co-write it but that is more about telling our stories. Having a few trans people review and the script would work for me for like a side character or something but like one of the mains... I do not think cis are capable of doing that at present. They at least do not seem to be able to.
- I think in some circumstances, a cis person could play a trans character, but honestly, it should definitely be offered to a trans actor first and foremost. I think that matters less when it comes to just voice acting though.
- I need representation so desperately tbh. It hits me sometimes that there’s really nothing with someone like me and it makes me feel so sad and alone.
- Just normalize trans women. I don't want a lot of focus on the trans part but just making it normal (and accurate) I'd all I want. Transitioning makes for interesting storytelling, but the focus should be on just making more trans side and main characters that are being portrayed as normal. So people see that we're not the punchline of some joke. That we are just normal people.
- I would like to see more trans characters NOT suffering and/or dying. We get too much of that shit in real life. I also want trans characters in stoner comedies whose transness is not a punchline and who aren't cis actors in fucking transface. I also would like to see more trans characters supporting other trans characters because cis saviors are bullshit. Also, trans characters punching Nazis would be pretty inspiring. Generally, badass trans femme characters that don't hesitate to throw down and fight is kinda badass.
- More Trans women in Sci-fi/Fantasy!
- Sense8 handled a trans woman better than anything else I've seen. Use that show as a role model
- Butch trans women. Also, movies and tv could be more accessible; most new ones trigger migraines if not seizures.
- I would like to see more human nonbinary representation in particular, since a lot of nonbinary characters are things like robots or creatures, and while I suppose that's nice enough, it's a little alienating.
- Representation should include non binary trans people too
- Nothing excessively "dominating" just show we are normal people.
- We deserve to fight robots, fall in love, learn magic, escape from deserted islands, and save the universe too! All without our gender or our transition status being the "most important thing" in the book or otherwise treated as such. We deserve to be treated like white men characters, without having to justify or explain in several pages why we deserve to be in the text. We deserve to just show up and be the protagonist without having to have a convoluted reason for our simple existence, let alone being the protagonist. White cisgender men don't have to justify their existence or being the protagonist. Why should we?
- I don't ever want to see someone who isn't a trans woman play a trans woman ever again, and I don't want to see trans roles written by cis people ever again. They always end up being transmisogynistic, even if the writer's heart is in the right place.
- I'd love to see the normalization of trans people in the media, like it's not some Dramatic Reveal (*cough cough* pretty little liars and charlotte...) or all about their transition (those are important stories, but those should be told by trans people themselves). Just include trans people more! Diverse trans characters, like how actual trans people are!
- It can’t just be white trans people
- I feel like I wish trans characters were always played by trans actors but I know that as of right now that’s probably not going to happen so I’m okay with cis people playing trans people as long as it is respectful and well done.
And a shoutout to the people who simply thanked me, and to those who cracked a joke or said no. Thanks to everyone who responded, you all make my day.
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