#gonna turn anon off for a bit
shoplifting · 2 months
under harris and trump my cousin will continue to be preyed on by police. under harris and trump he will not be able to stay in his home state. under harris and trump the man i befriended at the airport after a six hour flight will continue to have to travel from the northern us border over the southern on a laundry worker's salary to see his family. under harris and trump palestinians will continue to have their slaughter go unquestioned by its sponsors. under harris and trump my other cousin will continue to hate being black.
i really don't care that us white queers will suffer more under trump. i think voting to save ourselves is enacting violence on our loved ones. i care to have a world where they can go about their lives with ease. i care to tell my government that their continued actions against that will never have my support. i don't care to save my own skin when it pushes that future away from my family and the virtual strangers i hold in my heart.
don't vote harris. for the love of god or the love of your friends. please. voting for sherman, or de la cruz if their standing is too risky, or abstaining entirely is a greater step toward progress than voting blue no matter who.
if no one ever took a step toward progress that risked their own wellbeing then we wouldn't have progress in the first place. why should we be the only ones not to suffer. why should i save my skin while cementing my friends further into danger.
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izel-scribbles · 3 months
hey it’s the anon from the last post u made no i didn’t mean to send it to “father right arm”
anyway i want Arthur to be pregnant and struggling to pick something he dropped on the floor up bcs his stomach is too big for him to bend over right.
love ur art!!!
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my honest reaction
@arthur-lesters-right-arm how do you deal with these on the daily
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yuwuta · 7 days
months post the rat’s death (s*kuna) and yuuji is healing from the fight’s trauma you guys have your first “night” together and it’s the most relief and pleasure he’s ever felt in his life like the shudder and gasps he’d be letting out walk with me
i’m walking with you…. it’s probably one of the few times he actually finds himself speechless and he’s oddly embarrassed about it, he feels like he should have something to say, should probably have the words to tell you how he feels when he’s balls deep inside of you for the first time, should probably open his mouth to ask you if he’s doing okay, if it’s too much, if you’re uncomfortable, he’s never really had his dick inside anyone before but it probably could hurt—but he can’t. he doesn’t have any words, he’s literally never felt such intense pleasure before in his life and every time he opens his mouth to say something, anything, only moans spill out, every time he has a single breath of clarity to form a coherent thought he’s overwhelmed by the reality that you’re underneath him and he’s inside of you and you’re alive and it all amounts to a mush and a gasp and he doesn’t realize how hard he’s holding on to your wrists or how raw your skin is from his biting to stop himself from moaning or how bruised your lips are from kissing and biting and sucking and the only words yuuji has probably been able to say all night is how he needs more 
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captainmera · 9 months
I think maybe I need to turn off anon again for a bit again. Sorry. :'(
And DMs are off too.
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sillylittleraccoon · 5 months
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erm…. so anyways.
i originally deleted this ask and did not answer it cussss it was very confusing and shocking to get cus it was very unexpected. (also am not sure if me addressing it or posting abt it will make it happen more but.. oh well i wanna talk abt it.)
i do want to come on here and say that asks like these make me extremely uncomfortable.
i don’t know if you meant it in a sarcastic way, but even if you did im still not ok with it.
please, do not make asks like these as it violates my boundaries in my pinned post (to me this counts as nsfw, although it might not count for all)
i just wanted to make a post abt it because i do not want this happening again.
(turning off anon asks for a little bit after making this post just in case <3)
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yansurnummu · 5 months
well. unfortunately I've had to lock comments on all my fics on ao3 after repeated harassment. so that's fun
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youcouldstartacult · 7 months
I saw a tiktok saying he spent christmas with her family because he and his parents are not on good terms. I’m sure it’s just BS though.
when you’re in a long term relationship with someone, you split your time! she was with his family the year before. this is like adult relationship 101. come on you guys
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coyotebrained · 1 year
I know you have sex with dogs. It's cool. Don't answer this ask, I'm just telling you you're okay
Dude what lol. I’m gonna assume yr the same person that sent a dumb fuck ask to my therian blog saying the same ilk. I hope you work out whatever issues you’ve got going on and find a better way to spend your time than saying crazy shit to strangers on the internet 👍🏻 or die idk either one works for me
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i am just tired of the antisemitism and black & white thinking and the propaganda. i'm tired of seeing people who i know mean well engaging in performative activism without listening to the people who are actually affected. i'm tired of people acting like jewish lives aren't important. i'm tired of people who claim they want the war to end while shouting for the murder of all jews in the world. i'm tired of people who pretend they want peace but don't acknowledge that hamas makes it impossible. i'm tired of people saying that hamas are freedom fighters who represent palestinians when they do nothing but harm palestinian civilians by stealing humanitarian aid and just straight up murdering them. i'm tired of people thinking the israeli government represents the israeli people when those people have been protesting their government for months. i'm tired of people who don't know what zionism is acting like being a zionist means you're evil. i'm tired of people saying israelis have colonized their own homeland after jews have been expelled from the middle east for centuries and just wanted to come home. i'm tired of people quoting hamas like they're a reliable source. i'm tired of people who comment "free palestine" under any post of a jew just existing. i'm tired of the fucking watermelon emojis. i'm tired of not knowing if someone actually wants peace or wants israel gone. i'm tired of people who can't point to israel on a map and don't know which river and sea they're talking about being the loudest voices. and i'm so so tired of people who think you cannot support israelis and palestinians at the same time.
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sincenewyorks · 7 months
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andorerso · 2 years
I’m kinda tired of the drama, and I wish we collectively, as the fandom, could stop giving it a platform. it’s only fueling the fire and making this already small community a negative, uncomfortable place to be in, and will only end up driving people away until there’s no one left. and I really would not want to see that happen because I still very much love this movie, this show, this ship, these characters. this is my safe place, I come here to have fun and escape my worries or problems in real life and share the love with you. Jyn and Cassian has given me so much, and introduced me to so many lovely people, and I don’t want to let go of it because of a bunch of trolls.
ignore the hate. turn off anon if you have to. love these characters and ships twice as much as the haters hate it. let’s not let them ruin our fun!
so instead, I invite you guys to send me something positive on-anon or off-anon (if you want to). could be anything, cute headcanons, your favorite edit that didn’t get enough notes, your favorite fic that didn’t get enough kudos, or even non-fandom related stuff, anything happy going in your life that you’re excited to share. let’s spread some positivity instead 💖
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Hi Mark! I just wanted to say that I hope you're still doing okay and taking care of yourself, and I hope you know how appreciated you are! <3 You're one of (if not the top) nicest people in the fandom, you're like the only person who consistently leaves nice tags on my art haha, so I just wanted to make sure you knew your kindness doesn't go unnoticed! (I know you're probably taking a mental health break or something right now so you can delete this if you want instead of replying, of course! I just wanted to give back some positivity for my favourite positivity goblin! <3)
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Don't worry hun, I didn't get any of that impression from your first ask, lmao. I was indeed taking a bit of a break, as I had been hit with one of them unpredictable waves of crippling depression for a few weeks lol, but I am feeling better now! And I do have tons of cool art I need to queue up, that's for sure, WHY DOES EVERYBODY DRAW VILLAINOUS CHARACTERS SO GOOD, TEACH ME YOUR SECRETS
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thestalwartheart · 2 years
Just tell me they didn’t make whishaw a top in Passages. I mean, god created him as the ultimate bottom
I don't want to be rude but this is so ?????? Like, firstly, he's playing a character. Secondly, why shouldn't he top? He does in Passages, btw. I posted a very spicy clip here yesterday showing it (he does so many amazing things with his hips).
I encourage you to broaden your horizons, Anon. Maybe start with London Spy.
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myersesque · 11 months
btw my inbox should be open if anyone wants to encourage my insanity and ask me abt npmd or saw or literally whatever
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solradguy · 2 years
as a trans woman im always struggling to explain to trans guys how some slurs are very specifically targeting us over them, mostly because trans men don't really have any slurs made just for them. It's the same way how the conversation is always about trans women in bathrooms, people mean drag queens when spewing hate about drag, crossdressers always being 'male' etc etc. For better or for worse, trans men are a lesser concern for transphobes. Trans woman always recieve the brunt of it, that is something you cannot deny. It doesnt make the struggle of other trans people and less, but a 'tranny' thrown agaisnt a trans man hits with a different intend than against a trans woman
Thank you for taking a moment to explain why my using/wanting to reclaim that slur is something that isn't really within my right to do. I didn't fully understand the historical context and, when I got the first anon about it, I wasn't able to find anything that explained very well why it affects trans men differently than it does trans women. It made me immediately get defensive about it and I took it more as a personal attack than as a well-meaning suggestion/advice, especially since I've seen that slur used against trans men before.
I've gotten a couple more anonymous messages between the first ask getting posted and yours and they're pretty much all inflammatory. I won't post them and I'm going to delete the post that started all of this as well as the anon I replied to. They aren't contributing anything positive or productive to any of this, and I absolutely do not want to add on to the bullshit trans women have to go through every day.
I apologize for stepping out of line and making incorrect assumptions about things I thought I understood. Thank you again for having patience with me and explaining it clearly. I try really hard not to, but sometimes I get emotionally wrapped up in arguments or debates, which is why I avoid them in most cases, and I failed in this situation.
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
puts a lot of Banner's "coldness" in the early chapters into context when you consider she was disassociating for like half of it, like damn, that was a hell of a lot for 24 hours. Mad props to them for holding things together and managing to tell the others (at least Audi and Vidie) what's gone dowjn, all while their brain was a white noise of elevator music (or a dialtone, heh)
I like to think that they weren’t absolutely out of it but everything was super slow and half thought out. Like I said it was Audi and Vidie coming that solidified it for her but I’d even say Banner didn’t really start treating it like a real thing until they were all sitting on the couches together and he saw everybody back.
It was a day of Banner just like not caring for himself and just staying close to Spamton and talking to him and hoping he just didn’t die. They spent that time treating Spam more similarly to a tombstone you visit and upkeep than a person cause the dead effectively came back. I think calling Vidie and Audi was an act of desperation as she realized she was coming undone trying to deal with it on her own even if you don’t admit it.
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