#good descriptions of 8s.
howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
Enneagram wings/types next? OK BET YOU GOT IT I LOVE THIS SHIT
I'm putting in wings now and doing the types tomorrow bc it's 12am and I have to be up by 7 💀 I am tired.
But anyways HERE WE GOOO
Delta + Beta (took seperate tests for both of them but got the same answer): Type 8, the challenger
Eights are natural leaders. Will and power sparkle at their hands. You want to rule the world and stand out, and you do so because you are the most outstanding type.
Core desire: To be independent
Core fear: Being controlled or harmed
Ready to set your kingdom up, you step up into life with strength. Self-assertive and always showing a half-smile, you want the world to know you are here. Not scared at all. It showed you how harsh and dangerous things could be, so now it’s your time to show it how fearless and outstanding you are. Your finger tickles for power. You will never settle for something small, as you know you have the ability to go up and up. If you know how to play your cards and learn to control your over controlling obsession, surely you’ll thrive and inspire others as the star you are. Just learn to pick your battles and to connect.
What motivates you?
I can see you walking through long halls in slow motion while [insert your soundtrack here] plays in the background. Eight, you are the lion of the Enneagram. You love to be in charge, doing things your way as you think that’s the best for everyone. We appreciate that, 8 (shaking). 
Your life is based on protecting yourself from everything and everyone, but with an aggressive response. You don’t wait for the world to attack, you go first. You impact and establish what you want. Nothing more, nothing less… ok, maybe more is better.
How do you think?
Being soft? That’s for marshmallows. As they see you, they treat you. That’s why you worked really hard to build your powerful and respectable persona. You think the world is tough – and you are not wrong – but it makes you always be on guard. Nobody challenges you easily, and if they dare to do so, you fight back even harder. Enforcing your self-confidence and your self-assertive attitude. They see you as huge and unbreakable, and this image you project also reinforces your own beliefs. It’s easy for you to go around with your heart bursting with pride. You think your value relies on always being in control. Otherwise, you feel helpless and scared to death of being hurt.
90% independent: You’ll do whatever it takes to set your way
30% relaxed: You need to be in control,
so you can’t relax
85% confidence: You love empowering others
How do you love?
Love can be another fighting zone for Type 8s. You keep on restlessly demanding what you want from your lovers. You feel good when dominating the relationship and you try to fit them into your expectations or to mold them often. That could cause some tension or hurt the bond. But, there is a natural fighting instinct in you, if there is no tension and challenges to the relationship you’ll sooner rather than later get bored. 
Anyone would think that once you are in a safe place, like an intimate bond, you could lower your guard. But no, quite the opposite. The more vulnerable you feel, the more aggressive you can get. So it’s common for you to be competitive in love. If you open your heart, your lover should know that’s a huge deal. 
Epic: Type 7, the enthusiast
The restless explorer. You are the one who’s always going after whatever makes you feel alive. You are like a Pandora box, nobody knows what’s coming next. Spontaneous, versatile and highly stimulated you’re up to new intense things.
Core desire: To be satisfied
Core fear: Being deprived
Imagine one of those typical quiet Sundays where nothing happens and everything seems as deserted as ghost towns in western movies. Well, your life is the complete opposite. Even in a desert you can find something to do or goals to achieve. But sometimes the emotion involved in finding the oasis can make other water sources go unnoticed. Anyway, you know it’s worth it. Like a butterfly, you flutter around chasing beauty and joy. Life is a plethora of experiences and you want them all. You’ve got a thirst for life, but unbalanced as you are, you end up never getting satisfied. Life’s short, butterfly, focus on the flowers.
What motivates you?
Satisfaction and joy. Life is beautiful, mysterious and infinite. In some way you can’t stand the idea of leaving this world without seeing everything around and finding what’s out there for you. Every single moment of pain is even more painful if you think it’s a waste of time. As you fight against those feelings, anxiety cheerfully escalates in your mind just like king kong escalated  the Empire State building. Actions are slower than thoughts, which in your case seem to travel in a bullet train. Very used to that rhythm, your thoughts can lose track since you don’t really know what to pay attention to first. Everything seems so amazing and valuable!
Always dancing to Celia Cruz’s song, you feel like life is a carnival and pain goes away just by singing or thinking about newer and challenging ideas. It’s such a pity that you need to sleep, uh?  C’mon evolution!
How do you think?
Let’s go back to the King Kong’s scene. You may be wondering why on earth that’s useful? And you’re right it’s not. At all. I just wanted to show you how obsessed you are with doing only useful things. Relax and keep reading. Ok, back to the scene again. There is something we can highlight: the Empire State of mind. With this highly stimulated, resourceful and out-of-hand mind of yours, every seed seems to grow on your soil. But they can also perish while you go for another crazy idea that very same seed brought to your mind. Experiences are the wind that blows your mind, you feel easily amazed by worldly things. Your eyes, like the ones of a scientist, observe everything around you honestly thirst for knowledge. “Welcome to the circus of life!” Said the doctor who brought you to this world. Well, it was “circle”, but you heard what you heard!
90% curious: You’re energetic and always generate new ideas
30% focused: You have a hard time
trying to focus
85% risk taker: You can be impulsive
How do you love?
Love can be the most attractive thing for 7s. Remember when you first fell in love with someone and how your story became a movie you watched before your eyes as if you were in the front row seat? All those incredible sensations while “Fireworks” by Katy Perry was playing.  Do you often get lost in love fields? Does everything run fast and intense like the trilogy of Before Sunrise? Or do you want to live a love story like that one? Sights! You are such a 7!
And you should be glad. You are a huge fan of love since it represents the plenitude of life and it gives you unbelievable shots of energy to face life as it should be faced. But as soon as your idealization approaches reality, you can feel really disappointed and alone. It’s hard to compromise and stand by something that ‘s not exactly as you imagined. 
Color: Type 2, the helper
The one who loves to help and take care of other people. You, the one who puts other people at the top of the list and delivers unconditionally.
Core desire: To be loved and needed
Core fear: Being unwanted
All you need is love is your mantra. But sometimes you see love as an investment more than an energy that circulates side to side. You are the lover, kindest, the servicial one. Let’s see how this love engine works.
What motivates you?
Love is the most important thing to you, or better said “being loved”. As Bob Marley sings: Could you be loved and be loved?  you are always deeply expecting if the other loves you as much as you would like, and even more. Sometimes there is a subtle fear, will they stay if you are not making an effort to feel loved too? You feel called to help, to be generous, to hold up other people. That makes you feel good with yourself and worthy of love. You see the needs of people around you and feel the duty of fulfilling them.
How do you think?
You think you’re ok if you are being loved by the rest of the people. Of course, we all want and need love and be loved, but we can’t expect that only other people and their reactions, their decisions define our value; you think that the more you sacrifice for other people the more worthy of their love you are. Love is sacrifice, abnegation. For you, thinking and taking care of your needs is unfair, selfish and you can’t accept that. Being selfish is the worst thing to do, nobody loves who is like that. Everything in your life is measured by a bar that defines two poles: being good and helpful (+) or being selfish and thinking only about yourself (-). You feel that to be loved is required to renounce yourself but at the bottom is not a disinterested resignation but the price is in the whole action itself.
90% empathetic: You're a safe space for vulnerability
30% self-confident: You struggle with saying 'no'
85% needs approval: You always want to help and never get tired
How do you love?
Have you ever heard that song of The Cardigans: love me, love me, say that you love me ?. Well, I’ll take the risk to say that song was written by a Two, just for this part: Just say that you need me, I can’t care ’bout anything but you. In the love field, you are passionate and give everything to your beloved. You like the long and deep conversations that open the way to what is intimate and treasured by the other, that’s the most certain way to connect and win the trust and the love of the other person. That’s the best way to ensure there is a solid relationship. So, you usually seduce by paying special attention to the other.
If you feel you are losing your beloved person you can turn really possessive and intense by doing whatever to hold him/her back. To feel the right to ask something back, you do more valuable things, finally it seems the other person it’s in debt with you. These attitudes can be born from an unconscious plane which supports old beliefs that sustain dependent relationships.
Enjoy <3
(Also thank you for all the love lmao, I'm so glad yall like this stuff so much!!)
YIPPE THERES MOREEEE!! Guys look look. Here’s part one for anyone curious.
And also songs!! There was songs made for the enneagrams (mostly for types I think but can fit for wings.) Here’s Color’s called Two, here’s Delta and Beta’s called Eight, and here’s Seven for Epic.
I love this they feel very fitting for one of my favorite trios + beta. I can’t wait for the types next!
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Aaaashhhh!! Final hours!! Thank you for all your service Charity!!
I remember a while back you said that ennea 3s often think of themselves as not being good enough to be 3s when typing themselves (or something along those lines). Also saying that if you're struggling to find your MBTI type, but are considering an extroverted type, then you're probably extroverted because most introverts wouldn't even consider potentially being extroverted, whereas the other way around is much more common. Oh and also that most ennea 6s sort of deny their 6ness when initially seeking out their type.
Do you have any other neat little bits of self typing advice along those lines? As in, any other fun little quirks in how different MBTI/ennea types end up typing themselves?
I got maybe a half an hour left in me and then I'm crashing.
Hmm. General thoughts from human interactions of late:
1s... don't seem to mistype as much as other types, but if they do, it's often their wing. There's a big difference in their stacking, the basics summed up as -- if I am the problem and need to self-examine and correct myself, it's sp-first, and if you are the problem, it's soc first.
2s... usually mistype as 4s, and will insist upon being a 4 because it appeals to them to be "creative," while thinking it's basic human kindness to be nice to people and do kind things for them all the time ("doesn't everyone do that? it doesn't make me not a 4! I am an unselfish 4!" <- super ego thinking). If your brain is full of shoulds, you are not a 4.
3s... may think that they aren't successful enough to be a 3, because they are idolizing 3s and their productivity or achievements; but there is an inner lacking and emptiness that makes them less emotional and more objective than the other heart types, less in touch with what they want to do, as separate from what others expect from them.
4s... do not comment places and go "omg, so relatable!" or "omg, you are so right about me, this is totally me!" They hate having anyone identify with them or think they understand what it's like to be a 4. They aren't going to identify with you, find anything in common with you, or allow you to think you have accurately interpreted their work. They are frustrated cores, ergo not "sweet." They can be nice, and deep, and wonderful, but they are not eager to find other 4s.
5s.... watch and learn but rarely participate. I recently saw a (likely mistyped 6) inviting 5s in an online group to come together, meet other 5s, and form a community. All the 6s mistyped as 5s eagerly took part, but the real 5s left crickets in their wake. It was funny.
6s... will argue from every possible angle and come up with the most unlikely explanation and examine it ruthlessly while insisting it's true, ask leading questions hoping to get the answer they want, and mistype as literally everything other than 6; if you tell them they are a 6, they will doubt, challenge, and question that ad naseum. They do not win arguments so much as wear down their opponent into exhaustion. I should know. I do this. :P
7s... oddly enough can mistype as 4, but they take traumatic personal experiences and instead of making that part of their eternal brokenness, they gloss over it and tell you how "strong" it made them and turn it into a personal triumph story (re-framing x 10,000). (If you do not believe me, watch the "sexual 4" on Chestnut's 4 panel, and you will see a 7 core with a 4 fix basically doing just that, ahem).
8s... do not give two f*cks. They ignore or block what annoys them unless there's a 6 fix involved like Emeka.
9s... are a lot more stubborn, moralistic, and argumentative than most of the descriptions allow for. I've seen them get on people's cases quite a few time -- so do not think that because you stand up for yourself or tell off someone online for their bad behavior or "stir things up" that it disqualifies you from being a 9. It also surprises me how loud their secondary fix (especially 6 or 4) can be, because of their tendency to merge their agenda into their second fix.
I know it's not as "fun" as maybe you were hoping, but maybe it'll be interesting / insightful nonetheless.
Sx is not about being passionate, creative, or interesting.
Sp is more "hook up culture" than sx.
Social is not about groups; it's about communication.
You can actually tell stacking from photos and from people's writing style. Although I am just learning about the former...
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detectiveaku · 1 year
type 8 is the funniest enneagram type cause most of them are like "you fear this which is good news for you because youre not like that at all! youre very strong and people love you!" meanwhile type 8 description is "you fear being a monster because you are a monster! you hold yourself to high standards and should honestly be holding yourself higher! you want to isolate yourself and guess what? everyone around you would benefit!" bro wtf did type 8s do to every enneagram writer
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Musings about my 8 experiences
So… most 8 descriptions turn the type into a shallow meme. “Orly? You think you’re an 8? Go start a scene at the mall! because 8 is about being a Karen” “Prove ur a literal psychopath before you identify with this type”. Everyone (especially all the ppl who date 8s! Lol) begs 8s to figure ourselves out. Enneagram does a piss poor job at helping us figure ourselves out… just turns us into a caricature and forces us to prove any psychopathic behaviors we may already harbor due to this fixation.
So, I have done you people the honors of figuring 8s out!
Read what Ichazo, one of the OG, says about 8.
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——— This is not The Cool Type. Nor is it “the dark edgy traumatized type that only the most dark edgy traumatized people can be” — that is an indirect way of still glorifying 8 as The Cool Type. 8 is literally just another type which gives its own problems to the person who has to deal with it.
I actually believe that low Te 8s are more common than high Te 8s, since as you can see here, 8 is about the inability to tolerate structure including any structures that you yourself build. 8 is NOT the Te-like desire to create more structure. Immature Te where you create a structure you didn’t really think deeply about creating, and then tear it down immediately because your immature Te doesn’t know how to keep it up, or because your more dominant Fi takes over and feels like it doesn’t want to continue suddenly, is common in 8s.
I commonly see high Tes thinking they’re 8s becuz they’re assertive bosses and good leaders. Lol. No. You guys are 3s or 1s. 8s must do a fuckton of conscious growth and development before we can begin to add the structure and consistency to our lives AND TO OUR BRAINS, that is necessary to make us good leaders of anything. The most stereotypical 8 is an ESFP Antifa looter or gang criminal with no concept of their direction in life whatsoever. Not an ambitious CEO following a tight schedule of meetings! That is structure. 8s cannot handle structure without bursting into a rage and tearing it down, by definition of the type.
The 8 being unable to handle structure is not purely an external thing. The hatred of structure runs so deep, that the 8 cannot even handle structure within his or her own mind. The 8’s hatred of external authority is the manifestation of her hatred of authority within. 8s tear down any authority they attempt to create in their own lives just as much as they tear down any external authority they see. Self destructive? Yeah. Do 8s care? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Concepts like “self destructive” are toxic and flawed and must be torn down too, according to the 8. All standards of morality are unjust and lacking truth somehow and therefore must be torn down, internally and externally. The 8 is the ultimate postmodernist.
Now let’s talk about my life experience. Setting goals feels like locking myself into a cage full of chains. I literally feel like a caged beast when I define simple goals for myself, with the level of anger it causes me. I could tell you my goals but I know it’ll all be bullshit and I won’t actually follow them because I get angry about the chains the structure is imposing on me (even tho I’m the one who built it. Once its built it is out of my immediate control and has a life of its own it can use to control me). I angst and I rage about how I can’t do simple things. I only do Te stuff when absolutely forced by something in the external world which repulses me more than my own Te. I’m not able to do structure even though I know that it’s the way to make money and become the 8 -> 2 provider protector goddess queen I want to be. Um… why should money even be a thing anyways? Money is a construct of the unjust power structure. It makes my body REEEE to discipline myself into seeking money.
If I happen to spontaneously run into money without putting an elaborate, STRUCTURED effort into making money, I’ll be like “yippee!” and take it. But putting too much conscious effort into working hard and making money makes me fucking REEEEE as it activates my sense of injustice about everything you could possibly feel a sense of injustice about.
I’m too prideful about how I won’t be controlled, even by my own superego and my own dreams. I will tear those structures I create down too because I believe there is no truth in anything, not even anything I create or aspire to (loss of Holy Truth). My superego knows that it’s good for me to follow my work ethic and go to work. My rageful vengeance complex cannot go to work because I’m too angry about all the little injustices at work and the corrupt nature of corporate work to begin with. Self-destructive internal struggles like this where you tear down any decision-making framework you are trying to build due to seeing little injustices everywhere, are all part of the 8 fixation. 8s must heal ourselves through being aware of them and reasoning with them.
The 8 fixation is not purely externalized. No fixation is purely externalized. It is most important for the Assertive types out of any of the types, to realize the internal psychological nature of their fixation, as these types are the most negligent of their internal psychology
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dutyworn · 1 year
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@lefae said: 💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)? ((enables))
details about ocs    /    ACCEPTING ↷
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Thanks for enabling. XD
Wren's MBTI type is ENFJ, and I heavily favour Cognitive Personality Theory while typing, so I don't go by E vs I etc but rather extraverted feeling (dominant) working with extraverted sensing (tertiary) etc. and the extraverted feeling/introverted intuition stacking.
However, I'm a lot more into Enneagram, and was :( about not having the chance to list her full type on her pages (seeing as most people don't know what the funny numbers mean to begin with, and even a smaller niche would have meaning attached to the full type). Her core type is 8, with a 9 wing, so 8w9. But it gets a lot more nuanced when you see her 8w9 through the lense of her trifix being 825 (so gut fix is 8 and also the core type, heart fix is 2 and head fix is 5) and her instinctual stacking being so/sx, so she's social dominant, and self-preservation blind. I think social 8 is the countertype among 8s? As in, social 8s are less 8 like than sexual or self-preservation 8s. Which softens her eightness a lot comparitavely to stereotypical 8 descriptions, especially ones that don't even take wings into consideration. I don't always have my muses' full types this figured out, often I don't know about all fixes and/or instinctual stacking, but Wren is very clear to me. I did spend time picking between 5 and 6 for her head type.
Resisting the urge to include a bunch of sources and references; if anyone is into this stuff I can privately link both good (either Jungian functions based or CPT based) mbti sources and good enneagram sources.
tldr: ENFJ. so/sx 8w9, 825.
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cinderella-ish · 3 months
Fruits Basket Personality Types Part 27: Kyo & Yuki's (Biological) Parents
Woof. These are some of the unhealthiest characters in Fruits Basket. Here's how I see their personality types.
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i see Kyo's mother as an Enneagram SP 4w5 (the Individualist/the Bohemian). She shares her subtype with Yuki and her wing with Akira.
I think her tritype is 4-7-9 (the Gentle Spirit). She shares this with Saki. I think her second most likely type is 4-6-9 (the Seeker), which she would share with Yuki.
For Myers-Briggs, I see her as most likely an INFJ (the Counselor), which she shares with Yuki and Grandpa Honda. I think her second most likely type is INFP (the Healer), which she would share with Tohru, Kisa, Kureno, Kazuma, and Okami (Ritsu's mother).
It's interesting that she has so much in common with Yuki, isn't it? Another interesting thing is that many of these personality types are often found in the arts, and a lot of fanfics have her as a musician or music teacher!
Side note: in my fanfic universe, her given name is Hotaru.
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I think Kyo's biological father is an Enneagram SX 6w5 (the Loyalist/the Defender). This is the same as Kyo, including both the wing and subtype!
I see his tritype as 3-6-8, the Justice Fighter. This is also the same as Kyo (and Arisa)!
For his MBTI, I see him as an ESFJ (the Provider). This also is the same as Kyo (and Arisa, and Kagura). I really struggled between ESFJ and ESTJ (the Supervisor, same as Hiro), but I do overall think ESFJ is a slightly better fit.
It makes a lot of sense to me that Kyo's biological father would share his personality type; he narratively serves as a glimpse into what Kyo's future would be like if he wasn't able to move forward on his terms.
In my fanfic universe, his given name is Ishio.
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Yuki's mother is a very clear example of an Enneagram SO 3w4 (the Achiever/the Professional). She shares her wing with Machi, but she is the first Social 3 in this series, so here is a brief description from Enneagram Explained:
Focuses On:  The need to be valuable/admired in their groups and communities. SO 3s are more of the stereotypical 3 who wants to climb the social ladder and be in the spotlight. They can be highly competitive in order to be or appear successful in whatever they are doing. Relationship to Their Vice (vanity): SO 3s are more likely to show vanity than the other subtypes of 3. Potential Mistypes: SO 3s can often look like type 8s.
For her Tritype, I see 3-5-8 (the Solution Master) as most likely. She is the first Solution Master in the series, so here is a brief description from Katherine Fauvre's website:
If you are a 358, you are ambitious, knowledgeable, and protective. You want to be efficient, wise, and straightforward. Tough-minded, you are good at studying a problem and finding both the original and practical solutions others often miss. You are a no-nonsense person and prefer to use logic over emotion to achieve your goals. Highly tenacious, you work tirelessly until you find effective solutions and can prevail against adversity.
As for her MBTI, I think she's ESTJ (the Supervisor). This is the same as Hiro. It was a close call with ISTJ (the Inspector, same as Hatori), but I think Te is more likely to be her dominant function than Si.
Her given name in my fanfic universe is Shiori.
Enneagram SP 4w5 (the Individualist/the Bohemian)
Tritype 4-7-9 (the Gentle Spirit)
MBTI INFJ (the Counselor)
Enneagram SX 6w5 (the Loyalist/the Defender)
Tritype 3-6-8 (the Justice Fighter)
MBTI ESFJ (the Provider)
Enneagram SO 3w4 (the Achiever/the Professional)
Tritype 3-5-8 (the Solution Master)
MBTI ESTJ (the Supervisor)
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jbwebster · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Levis 512 Jeans 8S/C Perfectly Slimming Boot Cut.
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booksandabeer · 2 years
okay you mentioned your exessive reading lists and the notes you take on them about the fics you chose and that has me intrigued, like what is the process behind this, how do you categorize, what do you note down, do you grade them? I'm kind of a bit obsessed with the whole idea
Hello there, anonymous person!
Thanks for the ask--sorry it took me so long to answer but I was travelling and didn't have access to my computer. As previously established, there is in fact a method to the madness. Not so sure if there's a method to the method though. Let's see!
I'll put this under a keep reading thingy because: long and text-heavy (surprise!)
I think the most important document--and the one that I always keep up to date--is the Masterlist (that's actually the name of the document). This is basically a giant spreadsheet with multiple tabs that helps me keep track of all the fics I have completed (I have separate lists for DNFs, WIPs, and currently--to my great shame--four (!) TBR folders with lists organized by priority) sorted by year and month. I posted screenshots the other day and I made sure to make them small enough so that no one can decipher any actual names of authors or fics. See, what I write into all these lovely little columns there is really meant for my eyes only. Because I do grade fics and sometimes I get a little snarky and write little mini-reviews. But. I would never, not in a million years, show up in an author's comment section and go "this aspect of your fic was good, this other one, eh, not so much. Bit of a shame, really. 5/10." It's really a tool for me to help me jog my memory when I'm looking for something to rec, reread, or simply check if I have read a fic before or not.
But just to give a short overview, what I track/categorize in the Masterlist: type (fic or series), title, author, pairing, word count (and I aggregate the total for each month and year), post date & read date, kudos & comments (i. e. have i left any? good way to track "outstanding" comments), rating (1-10), verse/genre (e. g. canon compliant/divergent, modern AU, no powers, pre-war, Shrinkyclinks, etc.) and finally, the most important one: description. That last one is where everything else goes, from short summaries, to favorite lines, to little memorable details to positive and/or negative comments about the fics. And sometimes that can turn into a rather long text and sometimes it's just "mangos in a bowl". I just scrolled through the spreadsheet for this year and here are some fun facts...well they're fun to me...
month with the highest/lowest word count: June (1.360.738 words total, haha, wtf?) and December (178.357 words total, but tbf, I had hardly any time to read and what I did read was/is mostly WIPs and those are on a separate list)
highest/lowest word count per individual fic: 111K and 791 words (I only track 500+ words fics); longest series comes in at just a little over 330K.
highest/lowest rating: 10 (there is only one 10 this year, but a few 9s and 8s, which is still really good because I'm stingy with high ratings) and a 3 (which is really rare because I hardly ever finish a fic that's below a 5, but I had read and liked other fics from the author so I kept going, hoping it'd get better. It did not). I also have one fic with a '?' rating, which is for a fic that started out spectacularly good and then went completely off the rails in equally spectacular fashion, so no clue what to rate it.
Ok, that's it for now. I hope this answers your question a little bit and wasn't completely boring? And yes, I do realize that this is all very silly, but it amuses me and I enjoy doing it. Other people do embroidery. I make lists.
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theepisceswriter · 3 years
Tonight’s dirty thought: Virgin!Armin’s first time being with you.
TW: very naughty naughty things with College!Armin but nothing too descriptive, that weird brainrot to headcanon to mini Drabble back to brainrot format I do because I got carried away, 18+, MINORS DNI!
Word count: 1618
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          You’ve been long-time college study buddies with Armin and there’s always been tension between you two for as long as you can remember. You’ve seen how he sneaks glances down the cleavage of your shirt whenever you reach over to correct something on his paper or how he moves a textbook from the table to his lap to hide his throbbing erection after you tell him wild stories from your freshman year of college. He has the same effect on you too; your whole body shuddering whenever he leans over your shoulder to look over your notes and how your thighs clench shut for friction on days where his golden hair is in a disarray and his cheeks are flushed because it just so happens to be one of the warmer days.
          One day you decide to go to his dorm a little earlier than usual because you got released from your class a little early and why not spend those extra minutes by Armin’s side? You’re positive he wouldn’t mind because he always enjoyed your company just as much as you did his, but you find yourself pausing outside the door to his dorm when the sound waves of soft moans and fought back whimpers meet your ears. You’re in complete and utter shock. Not to mention the stab in your heart you feel at the thought of Armin being with someone who isn’t you despite the two of you not even dating. Your feet begin to shuffle you away from the door, planning on going back to your dorm and listening to your ‘Sad bitch music’ playlist on Spotify and canceling today’s session with him and probably all the rest to come in the future, but that all changes when you hear your name being moaned.
          “Oh fuck y/n, you feel so good.”
           You make it out despite the wooden door muffling most of his sentence. You immediately feel your cheeks become warmer at the sound like you haven’t heard him speak your name hundreds of times already, but this time is different. It’s in an octave that you’ve never heard leave his lips before, one that leaves you stuck and flustered; the rest of the effects his voice had on you going between your legs. There’s a strong compelling feeling in your head telling you to let yourself in right then and there, because he had given you a copy of his key months ago, but you decide to wait until you hear the sheets crumple on his bed, indicating that he was done and most likely cleaning up the mess that he made, until you unlock the door and knock on it gently to announce your presence. He’s completely dressed at this point, only wearing blush on his cheeks and the tint of his erection not going all the way down is still visible in his sweats. Things you probably wouldn’t have even noticed if you didn’t know what he was doing only minutes ago and looking for them.
          You explain your situation to him and just like you predicted he didn’t care at all. Matter of fact, he was happy to spend some extra hours with you today. You went on with your daily study session like nothing happened at all except for when you decided to poke and prod at his romance and sex life. And from his answers, you came to the conclusion that he hardly had any experience dipping his feet into those two aspects of his life. Which was expected when he never had any stories in return to tell you after you told him all about your escapades and rendezvous. You decided you were going to change that for poor Armin, so at the end of your study session, you declare that the next one would take place at your dorm instead of his. Which he didn’t find suspicious at all because it wasn’t the first time you had suggested to move it there instead, but it was your “Come prepared” along with a wink and sly smirk that left him on the edge of his seat wondering what you had underneath your sleeves. And knowing how you were, it didn’t take long at all for him to piece it together.
          He’s so fidgety and flustered from the moment he arrives at your dorm, erection already poking out of his pants before the two of you even become physical because he’s just that excited for what’s going to happen later on. It doesn’t help at all that you greeted him at the door in nothing but a graphic t-shirt you stole from him a while ago, your nipples poking out shamelessly through the fabric and only a pair of underwear covering your lower body. Within minutes the two of you were on each other, lips clashing and your tongue swirling around his leading the kiss.
          It takes everything in him not to cum from the two of you kissing alone, but he swears he had something close to an orgasm as he watched your breasts fall from the confines of your t-shirt as you pulled it over your head. For someone as nervous as he was only minutes ago he’s on you in seconds, one hand going to knead your other breast and pinch at your nipple while his mouth attaches to the other one and begins sucking and licking away like a pro. There’s no need for you to guide him or be in charge anymore because his confidence is suddenly shooting through the roof. You’ve unlocked something in him; a feral part of Armin that you had no idea even existed. His hands are roaming all over your body and he’s not shy where they land at all, his fingers teasing the elastic waistband of your panties before dropping them in there completely and using his middle finger to spread the wetness between your slit that had been growing since you caught him masturbating the other day. 
          “Is this all for me, y/n? You got your pussy all nice and wet just for me?” Words spoken by him that you thought you’d never hear before and that have you going crazy. If that wasn’t enough, his two slender fingers disappear into you and his thumb rubs lazy figure 8s into your puffy clit, just begging for his attention and he’s finally giving it to you. He’s hitting all the spots with his fingers that you can’t, pushing them down against the most sensitive and spongy parts of your insides that leave you creaming all over his fingers minutes later. And to keep you occupied while he discards of all the clothing on his lower body he stuffs them into your mouth forcing you to lick them clean while he goes on and on about how you’re such a good girl for him and how he can’t wait for the day his cock is in between your lips instead of his fingers. You managed to catch a glimpse of his cock when he pulls it out and it’s not the longest, but boy does it have a nice girth to it and it’s long enough to reach just the spot. Soft nearly transparent veins decorate its shaft, its tip is a pretty flushed pink color that nearly matches with your inner lips, dripping with precum, and he’s cleanly shaven despite a few blonde hairs that he missed.
          Because of his fingers stretching you out earlier and not to mention your own cum acting as a natural lubricant, he slips into you with ease and makes you feel nice and full. He has you on your stomach on the couch, hands on your hips lifting your ass in the air as close to him as possible, and one hand on your back holding you down and forcing you to stay arched and in place as he pounds into you. He’s never felt a sensation as heavenly as your slick velvety walls swallowing his cock whole with each thrust he makes. Just moans aren’t enough to show just how good he feels. You can feel bruises forming under his grip on your skin and at one point he even leans down to bite on your shoulder hard enough to leave a couple of marks, not to mention the hickies you’re positive he left on your breasts from earlier.
          He’s spent too many nights alone with his cock in his hand daydreaming about this moment, part of him still thinks this is just some wet dream he’s going to wake up from. His senses are in an overload right now, tears brimming his eyes making them glossy from the pleasure, and before you know it he’s thrusting deeper into you, if possible, and filling you up with his warm load. You don’t care that it only took him a handful of minutes to reach that explosive climax because you can’t recall a time you’ve felt as good as you have in that short amount of time than with any partner you’ve hand.
          You clean the both of you up afterward, offering him water to replenish all the energy he used just now, and you even give him a short virginity loss Q&A asking him if he enjoyed himself. To which he lets out a breathy, “Hell yeah.” He feels a bit guilty for all the bruises you have littering your body now because of you, but you assure him that it’s nothing, and as long as you’re happy he’s happy. You spend the rest of the day together snuggled up on the couch watching movies together and might have had a round 2 later on that night.
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Enneagram and MBTI correlations: Type 8
Quick disclaimer list, see type 1 post for elaboration.
If you want to send me questions in disagreement, provide thorough evidence; otherwise ask yourself why you want validation but are unwilling to provide the information that would make it worth granting.
This is about cores, all non-core fixes are technically possible though some are less likely because non-core fixes are comparatively less of a big deal.
A wing or a fix does not make your unlikely core more likely; it’s still much more likely that wing or fix is actually your core and what you typed as your core is actually the wing or fix.
Sometimes things are rare just because another type is a lot more likely.
Fictional  characters aren’t real and can be written unrealistically; this is about real people.
Read the FAQ, use your brain, don’t be an ass.
Type 8:
8 is most common in extroverts and in thinkers, and like 7 there’s a slight preference for Se over Ne in some specific cases. It’s possible but very rare in Fe-doms (none reported in the survey but I don’t think it’s impossible; I suspect Fe-dom 8s may mistype as Te-doms), but quite common in Te-doms and Ti-auxes, and has modest representation among ESFPs and ISTPs. It’s possible but rare in IxTJs, and pretty much unheard of among introverts who are feelers and INTPs.
Fi-doms do tend to value individuality, but they also tend to be somewhat indecisive, relatively unafraid of showing weakness (and tolerant of perceived weakness in others), and don’t have the same need to control their environments. The individuality and internal focus of Fi and the “don’t tell me what to do” element of 8 also mean that a hypothetical Fi-dom 8 would almost certainly be unhealthy and engaging in highly dangerous behaviors.
The infrequency with high Fe probably comes from the communal focus of Fe; 8s don’t care much about others opinions and FJs do, very much.
The mistyping of 8 is a complicated one. I understand why 5 gets mistyped; people have a very surface understanding of it as The Smart One and few people perceive themselves as unintelligent. But 8s...I’ve been doing this typing thing a while and I get 8 questions that just leave me fully baffled. I don’t think asking a question on anon is contrary to 8; I don’t think basic politeness rules out 8; I don’t think an 8 has to be all power, all the time - but like. I am fully not an 8, and people will send things to me that make me go “wow, you live this nonconfrontationally?” and then at the end they’ll say “I think I’m an 8”. It’s a real mystery.
With that said I think there was a lot of portrayal of enneagram 8 as cool, in kind of a 50s greaser sort of way, so maybe that’s it. Also sometimes people have a lot of anger, but they either don’t recognize they’re not releasing it, or didn’t read the 8 description beyond “anger”.
As always the important thing to consider with all enneatypes is the downsides. Most mistypings as 1s come from people who focus on thinking they are good or having some perfectionist tendencies and not the drawbacks of guilt over anger; many mistypings as 5s focus on the curiosity and not the withdrawal and unnecessary complication because they feel like they must become an expert baker before attempting the cookie recipe on the back of the chocolate chip bag.
With 8s, people focus on the good - independence, self-sufficiency, control - and forget the downsides (emotional unavailability, disdain for those perceived as weak, high potential to be a bully).
I should also note my own bias here which is not limited to 8 typings/mistypings but certainly comes up with self-proclaimed 8s, which is sometimes people come into my inbox with descriptions that do explicitly seem to be proud of terrible behavior, and obviously I struggle to type those with any objectivity, but also on some level I find it so utterly bizarre someone would go to an internet stranger and be like “I have no morality” that I usually assume they’re a 15 year old going through an embarrassing mall goth phase. Anyway, 8s do have moral codes, and indeed it’s an important part of being a healthy person.
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enneagramsanctuary · 3 years
I'm so glad I found your blog! So I have typed myself as a type 8 ENFP....I know it's a rare pair, so I've given it a good amount of thought. Still question it sometimes though - my question for you is, can an 8 be kind? Like come off as a genuinely kind person? (with definite aggressive moments - not like, meek) I've switched from business to social work as my career and I see this partially as reaching the healthier side of my type, but so many 8 descriptions seem like you have to be an asshole all the time. I definitely used to be...
Hello, thank you for this question @spacebutgay, it's an excellent opportunity to talk about the beauty of healthy 8s!
8s can absolutely be kind. Every type has the capacity to feel and show kindness and compassion! A family member I love dearly is an 8 and she has used her confidence, self-assurance and power to give disadvantaged children an education, rescue a girl from forced marriage, save a man from losing his leg, give food to the poor, and pay the medical bills of people who can't afford healthcare. She is one of my heroes!
Mother Teresa is also an 8. The Enneagram writer Richard Rohr initially typed her as a 2 because her whole life was about service and benevolence. But he later found out, after interviewing people who worked with her closely, that she was actually an 8 who used her power for good all her life. Martin Luther King is another example that comes to mind - his commitment to non-violence and peace overturns the 8 stereotype of mindless aggression. I believe there will always be generous, kind and compassionate 8s to learn from and be inspired by, because 8s are movers and shakers in our society - when healthy, their power for positive impact knows no bounds :)
Congratulations on moving into social work, that sounds like an incredible life decision and I hope it's everything you dreamed of! If you have any other questions or thoughts, feel free to share :)
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Who is more likely to confuse someones wing with their core type? The person themselves or people that know that person well?
Most of the time, our self-awareness is inaccurate. So I would say that given a good description of a type, other people who are very familiar with our flaws and basic personality can often type us better than we can.
For example I see myself a lot in the withdrawn types and feel like I spent more time doing nothing and sort of just letting things pass by. I rarely see things as my responsibility and prefer to keep to myself. My friends and family who know me quite well though tend to see me a bit differently. They see me as assertive and as someone who always makes sure to take any advantage they get. They say that if I want something I usually go for it, even if that sometimes means acting rather selfish (something I have been accused of several times in my life). While I can see that to a certain extent, especially compared to my 9w1 sister who really is a lot less assertive and more accommodating than me, I feel like I am not really assertive enough and more withdrawn. Is is likely I just over identify with a withdrawn wing or do I have a strong assertive wing that others tend to notice more than my core type? (I am aware that I am not being super specific here, it was more of a general question of what do you think is more common if ones own perception does not quite match with the perception of others)?
This would depend on a few possible factors, including the types of your family and friends. A super-ego type is going to judge a 9w8/8w9 for their lack of super-ego; withdrawn and super-ego types will judge assertive types for being too “in your face” (something that intimidates them). Etc.
The second factor is, a lot of the time, 8s aren’t aware of the tremendous amount of physical energy they bring to a situation and to a room -- it is all they know and so it doesn’t seem that big of a deal to them, but to other types, it is LOUD. I’ve tangled with a few 8s over their type, and as a 6, I could feel the almost consistent “power games” in play through our dialogue -- the stubborn resistance to giving ground, the constant arguments, even to hair-splitting so I never had the advantage. 8s are unconsciously obsessed with power dynamics and it doesn’t occur to them either that other types don’t enjoy arguments (they are not threatened by them) or that they seem more aggressive than they see themselves as being (something that gets remarked on a lot by others). An 8w9 I know was focused on her 9 wing more than her 8 core, she mostly saw her attachment, her need to please, to dial herself down if her family criticized her -- but the clue was that what they criticized was her 8-ness, never her 9 wing. You are too big, too loud, too assertive, too sure of yourself, etc. An 8, in a nut shell.
I know of another woman who is a 9w8 who over-identifies with her 8 wing, thinking of herself as a bad-ass, being reactive, etc, but in reality, what stops her from having her best life is all 9 stuff -- procrastination, inertia, indecision, not getting out of her comfort zone, napping instead of working hard for what she wants, being stubborn and reluctant to let go of her peace, checking out, etc.
So which one is hampering you? 8 or 9? Which one do people complain the most about you? 8 aggression, anger, reactivity? 9 numbness, absence, inertia, not getting things done? Do you repress your anger until it bottles up within you and explodes and then have to smooth everything over to be at peace with your loved ones again like a 9w8? Or do people know where you stand all the time, where your boundaries are, and see your reactivity regularly like a 8w9?
Another question: What happens to your enneagram 6 blog once you retire? Are you still gonna post there from time to time or not? I actually rather enjoyed reading some additional stuff about type 6 and found it rather informing.
None of my wordpress blogs are going anywhere; all of them will continue to be updated for the foreseeable future. I am merely abandoning tumblr as a place to answer asks, in favor of spending more time learning about the Enneagram and marketing my books. I will continue to update my 6 blog as long as I have ideas -- I haven’t for a couple of weeks because nothing leapt out at me. As a 6, I need to react against something in order to come up with good ideas of what to talk about. But I do have some ideas I’m kicking around and procrastinating about.
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My experience on what it means for 9s to embrace their 6 Inner Child
I am a 9. Well, I type as 8w9 in my description as of writing this post, but I actually switch between 8w9 and 9w8 all the time because I truly can't decide (spoken like a true 9, mmhm). I am an 8-9 liner.
Anyway, I dropped out of college because the whole system is a corrupt mess. It did sadden me. Because I'm not some lazy fucktard who didn't want to do work, despite what everybody thinks.
All I have EVER WANTED is to work hard for a good cause, actually.
This is what nobody understands about 9s.
I want so desperately to work hard. But my 9 -> 6 scrutinizes the rightness and the goodness and the usefulness and the blah blah blah of everything I try to do, so harshly. So I can never find a good cause to pour all my energy and effort into, because as it turns out, everything sucks. Grrr. *Cue bitter nihilistic 8-9 worldview and pathological Laziness.*
Because I dropped out of college, and because I wasn't even doing the History / Art degree that I wanted to do to begin with, I never got to engage in that 6-ish truth-seeking environment which I crave. That environment which would allow me to sit in a circle with other truth-seeking thinkers, air out all my Doubt, refine my worldview to be something I can have more Faith in... and therefore perhaps, give me some clarity on what Right Action is. This is the 9 embracing its 6 inner child. This is 9 -> 6, but conscious and healthy.
I figured out how much I crave a 6-ish environment, thank God. I gave up on this dream because for a long time I thought it was a lost cause... a lost dream of the past back when academia wasn't overrun by corporatists and sensitive crybabies. Personally it has helped me a lot to commit to recreating that truth-seeking college environment which was lost to government corruption and my own refusal to participate in it. The system is not repairable, take it from Jordan Peterson. We have to go off and create new truth-seeking institutions to replace the old ones which are inevitably going to collapse soon. So I've put myself on the line and began the public exploration of my views. Making book clubs. Cultivating intellectual environments where we can commit to seeking the truth about the nature of reality and the nature of morality. That sort of thing.
9s (AND 8S) are seriously helped by acknowledging their need for philosophy and moral framework. 8 and 9 go through life pretending they are immune to fake abstract constructs like philosophy and morality. 1s struggle more with... like... they very much acknowledge the need for philosophy and frameworks of morality, but then they find it hard to handle the ambiguity and broadness that true philosophy demands (that's why so many 1s are inferior Ne or Se, and they integrate to 7).
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knowledgeweb · 3 years
"Getting The Right Domain Name for your Business and websites."
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You know the Right Domain Name is very essential for your business or website. It's memorable, and can get your site to rank higher.
There are many online worker not able to make perfect audience because of choosing wrong domains name and the wrong domains name won't do you any good at all.
In this article some tips to getting the Right Domain name for your business and websites. So, learn it and apply it to get higher rank.
The Basics of Domain Name Registration The first thing you have to do is come up with a good domain name for registration. Don’t even think about a one-word domain name; they’re all gone at this point. Instead, come up with dual-word combos. If you’re putting together a professional site, try your name before anything else.
Don’t get fancy with spelling when selecting your domain name registration, or use 2s and 8s to represent their sounds. You can try the number 1; that sometimes works. You can also try the names of products you offer, or a description of your site content offerings: Romanceforgirls, popcornpalace, fluffykittens. Memorable is always better; short and memorable is best, but very difficult to accomplish. Come up with a couple of dozen names that will do for your site, and test them on a registry. Don’t buy a domain name for which the .com extension is gone, but you have access to the .net or .info. These domain names are not by any means as valuable as the .com. If you pick up the .com, though, and you expect the site to be lucrative or have a lot of competition, it’s not a bad idea to pick up the other extensions as well. Domain name registration is NOT expensive, and if you register in bulk you can get an even better price. The .UK Extension This doesn’t mean you should avoid anything but .com. If you have a business in the United Kingdom, you have access to the .uk domain name set, which UK customers are likely to look at before anything else for UK-specific businesses. If you anticipate most of your business will come from British customers who are aware your business is in Britain, the .uk extension may be a better choice than the .com; and if your customers are unhappy with Internic’s control of Internet domain registration or they are very pro-Britain, the .uk extension is certainly a better choice. If you’re fortunate enough to find both extensions for your domain open, and if you run a British company, it doesn’t cost much to buy them both, and you definitely should. It also gives your online presence an immediate “identity” geographically which can be crucial in building online relationships- where trust is a key component. By being a .UK domain, you are very likely to gain UK clients. The .UK domains market is one of the fastest growing and lucrative registration areas on the internet. Tips for Domain Name Registration Have a website ready to plunk into your domain as soon as you buy it, and submit it immediately to the search engines. The search engines take time to index new sites and your domain name registration is only as valuable as the search engines make it.
Click this link to get best domain and web hosting
"With the help of above link you can get perfect domain with perfect monthly plan so, hurry up! Buy it." You can also have more than one domain name pointing at a single site. If you’ve bought multiple extensions for your domain name (as in the previously-suggested .com/.uk combination), you can set up your site under one domain name and then direct traffic from the others to the main site. This is called web traffic forwarding and has been around for years. It may be as simple as parking your domain name on a server and putting a line of code on the page, or as complex as going through another website to use their online web forwarding services. When you do register a domain and start building traffic to it, go out and renew for multiple years before your renewal is due. It is surprisingly easy to forget to register your domain name on time, and if someone else sneaks in and registers it, you’ve just lost a ton of work on that domain. By making your domain name memorable, you will help other webmasters remember your site easily when building anchor texts in their links- a crucial component of SEO. Final tip: don’t just think about price when looking for a domain registration company- also think about quality of service. While you shouldn’t be paying over the odds, it really is better to be safe than sorry and go with the more established registrars. Then you can have peace of mind that should any problems arise, you will be well looked after.
Thank you and if you like share and like or hurry up get perfect domain name for your future business with the help of above link.
#Domain #web hosting.
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huntergrab573 · 3 years
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That limitation is apparently caused by a bug in Windows 95that's also present in Windows Unitor8 Control is a specialized version of Emagic's SoundDiverthat has been emagic unitor8 for configuring the Unitor8. Investigatingits features provides a sense of what the Unitor8 can do. The Unitor8 Control's main window is the Device window see Fig.
Within the matrix, you can make or break connectionsbetween inputs and outputs.Emagic's Unitor8 MkII is the ideal communications center for the professional studio. When it is necessary to integrate tape and video machines, timecode DATs. emagic unitor8, “AMT” and “SoundDiver” are registered trade- marks of Emagic Soft- und Hardware GmbH. Credits. The contributors to the Unitor8/AMT8 product line.
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