#good for succulents especially if you want big hanging baskets
spadix-66 · 3 years
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Ott’s Exotic Plants is basically mature plant heaven. This is a tiny fraction of them.
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
winter prompt fill 29, indruck, sfw?
29. i should’ve done my shopping a month ago but now i’m running around last minute and when i enter your store, i’m absolutely frazzled. help me.
(Pinecone is borrowed from harrisonator’s fic “Monster Mash”)
Working at Kepler Petco isn’t the worst thing, even during the holiday shopping hellscape months. It’s not like anyone is getting in fistfights over cases of Fancy Feast. Which is why, on the 22nd of December, Duck is unprepared for the sudden sound of hands on hitting the countertop. 
“I need help.” The guy’s about his age, silver hair going patchy black near the top, pink and white striped sweater around his neck and a massive sweater hanging off his lanky frame. His red glasses barely conceal brown, anxious eyes. 
“Sure, what’re lookin for?”
“Rat treats, the kind that won’t make them ill.”
“Can handle that, right this way.” Duck leaves the counter and leads the guy back to the small mammal section. As they go the man spins a ring on his index finger, flushing under the merciless heating vents. 
“I’m sorry for the dramatic entrance. I have a mountain of things to do today and your store closes first.”
Duck glances at the AKC branded clock on the wall, which shows 12:30 p.m, “We close at five.”
“Yes, I know, but I really cannot overstate how behind I am on my Christmas shopping. Or, well, holiday is more accurate, since Joseph celebrates Hanukkah, which means I’m already late on that.” He sighs, runs a finger with chipped black nails through his hair.
“Big family?” Duck points to the row of snacks, grabs the man a basket from the end of the aisle when he starts piling them into his arms. 
“Lots of friends. We’re having a party tomorrow and I completely forgot about it until today. I know it’s ridiculous to forget about a holiday where you can’t turn around without being slapped with a reminder of it, but my brain doesn’t always work in the way I’d like it to.”
“No judgement here. Once forgot my sisters birthday until the minute my mom asked if I could get some candles for the cake after school.”
“Oh dear.” The man smiles, the expression shifting from odd to shy when Duck meets his eyes, “thank you for your help.”
Five minutes later the guy heads towards the register, then stops, backtracking to the display of rats, mice, and hamsters. Duck joins him in case he has questions, and to steal another look at his singular features. They’re not handsome on the surface, but something about them draws his eye back over and over. He’s just in time to hear the man cooing to a pair of brown rats.
“...so lovely, aren’t you just charming? If I could I’d take you home but space is limited. Oh” he blushes when he sees Duck, “I’m, ah, ready to pay now.”
“One of your friends got rats?” He indicates the pile of treats the man is buying.
“Hmm? Oh, no, these are for Luna and Emperor, my rats. I wanted to get them presents too.”
Duck can’t decide if the fact the guy prioritized spoiling his pets on the day he had to buy a bunch of gifts is adorable or worrying.
“As I said, I came here because you close first. And I, ah, I like spoiling them. It’s nice to know exactly how to cheer another living thing up.”
“I get that. Pinecone, that’s my, uh, my cat, gets more treats a month than I do.”
“Someone ought to buy you a few, then.”  The man murmurs, handing over his debit card. 
Duck, caught up in the mechanics of fighting with the card reader, doesn’t realize he’s being flirted with until the man is no more than a silver head merging into the throng outside. 
He’s lowkey annoyed with himself the rest of the day; he’s been in the market for a cute guy, and while his mystery shopper may not be Ryan Gosling, but Duck wouldn’t mind getting his number. 
Since he opened today, he gets off at three, decides to swing by Crate and Barrel in case the apron he thinks Barclay might like. There’s small hallways dotted through the mall, leading to exits or to backrooms.  As he passes one, he gets a glimpse of silver hair and a vibrant scarf. That’s the only good part of what he sees; the man from earlier is pressed close to the shiny wall, trying and failing to get his breathing order.
“Hey, man, you okay?”
He jolts, registers who’s speaking, and looks at the ground, “N-not really. I, part of the reason put this off so long is I can get incredibly overwhelmed in crowds sometimes, and yes I know that makes coming here three days before Christmas even worse an idea but I thought maybe I could handle it, but I’ve only managed to buy two of the gifts I need because I cannot focus with everything going on and, and I’m sorry, here I wanted to charming around you and now you’ve seen this and-”
“What would help?”
“I, I’d like to go somewhere quiet, but there’s nowhere, even the bathrooms are packed.”
“Do you, uh, want to come sit in my car for a bit? I can run the heater so we don’t freeze.”
“That’s really alright?” The question is so small and vulnerable he wants to tuck it into a shoebox to keep it safe.
“Yeah. C’mon, I’m parked on this end.” 
It’s snowing on and off as they walk to his car, and as he gets it running and turns on the heat his passenger finally pulls his clenched hands from his pockets; one holds a fidget cube, the other a very small, plush moth.
“I tried so hard to prepare for every possible future.” Is what he gets as explanation. The man sets both items in his lap and shuts his eyes, breathing slowly in and out. Duck says nothing, opens his phone and plays two rounds of Plants vs. Zombies before he hears anything at all from beside him. 
“Would you mind turning the radio on, at a low volume?”
“Any requests?” Duck hits the power button.
“No talk radio.”
“Can manage that.” He fiddles around and finds the alternative station. Even it has Christmas songs interspersed with the usual mix. 
“Is your name really Duck?”
He wonders if the guy is omnipotent until he remembers his nametag.
“It’s a nickname.”
“I’m Indrid.” He opens his eyes, “thank you for letting me come here to calm down. I may actually manage to succeed in my quest now. It’s so hard, I actually enjoy being out around the lights, the feeling of so many people being happy or trying to do kind things for each other. But it’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially when I’m alone.”
“Would it help if you weren’t?”
“Possibly, but I couldn’t ask you to spend even more time in that mall given you work there.” 
“Got some last minute shoppin to do myself. Besides, if you get stuck on a gift, I’m pretty damn good at comin up with ideas.”
“Thank you.” Indrid smiles, excited, and that settles it: Duck is asking for his number after this.
They brave the crowds and the holiday cheer blaring across the speakers once more. The first stop is a store selling housewares, including a pair of small succulents that Indrid deems worthy of giving a friend as he listens to Duck talk about his part time job at the National Forest, laughing when Duck mentions last weeks run-in with a pissed-off migratory bird. 
The next few stores are no help, and they opt to take advantage of the lull between when people are done with school and when people are done with work to hit up the coffeeshop, Indrid ordering a white chocolate peppermint mocha and promptly getting whipped cream on his nose. Duck is tempted to kiss it off, settles for handing his new friend a napkin while he talks about his recent return to Kepler after traveling around the country in a Winnebago, selling his art at shows. As luck would have it, the store has a shelf devoted to artisan or local coffees, and they’re each able to find one for someone on their list. 
Macy's proves more treacherous, and once five o’ clock hits even Duck is feeling cramped. Indrid is tensing, his replies getting short or far off, and just as Duck is about to offer to dip out again, chilly fingers link with his own.
“Is this alright?”
“Better than alright.” He grins and Indrid holds tighter, breathing in through his nose and out his mouth as Duck guides them into a less crowded corner. The do eventually find some high quality hiking socks that Indrid buys, only letting go of Duck in order to pay. 
They reward themselves with dinner at Johnny Rocket, Duck hopping over to Indrid’s side of the booth to see pictures of Emperor and Luna, and show off the photos he has of Pinecone hiding under his ranger jacket. 
“One more stop, thank goodness.” It’s going on seven and Duck has to say he agrees; he loves being around Indrid, but his feet are killing him and he’s had “Jingle Bells” stuck in his head for an hour. 
Indrid’s last item is at Crate and Barrel, and Duck laughs when the other man goes straight to the aprons. 
“You got good taste, I’m gettin’ one of these too. Barclay said he needed a new one.”
A fine-boned hand freezes mid-reach, “Did you say Barclay?”
“I am also buying this for a Barclay. Is your Barclay, by chance, dating someone named Joseph and hosting a party tomorrow?”
They stare at each other, frozen long enough that another shopper passes between them. Then they double over in sync, Duck wheezing out a laugh while Indrid cackles. 
“Holy shit, we’ve been shoppin for the same folks!”
“Barclay mentioned there’d be new people at the party but I never thought one of them would be such a catch.”
Duck gets his breathing in order, steps across the faux-hardwood and takes Indrid’s hand.
“Hey, Indrid? You wanna be my date to the party tomorrow?”
“....wait, fuck, which one of us is gonna give him the apron?”
“You can, I have another idea for him. Consider it an early present from me.” Indrid tease. 
“Sugar,” Duck slips his hands into Indrid’s back pockets, smiling up at him, “you might just be all the present I need.”
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A True Match | a destiel fanfic
Rating: General
written for the @deanandcasbingo
Castiel’s never actually seen his next-door neighbor. He’s heard weird sounds and smelled sage and all different kinds of herbs coming from the house, though. He’s starting to think his neighbor may be a witch or a Satanist, neither of which bodes well for Castiel.
Aside from that, he’s felt a pull toward that house since he moved in, nearly six months ago now. Cas has tried bringing dinners and baked goods over to introduce himself, but his knocks have never been answered.
He doesn’t do it often, but one night he shifts into his feline form and heads out for a walk in the nearby forest. It’s peaceful and warm outside, and Castiel stays out until well after the sun sets. He doesn’t head home until the evening chill starts to creep through his fur, chilling him to the bone.
It’s not a terribly long walk back to him home—he hadn’t wandered too far—but he finds a light on in the back of his neighbor’s house. It’s in a window he could easily leap to in his current form and curiosity gets the better of him. He leaps onto the windowsill, peering inside.
There are plants everywhere. There are two baskets hanging above the window, winding leaves trailing all the way down to the floor. There are flowering pots scattered around the room, along with a few succulents adorning the desk underneath the window, which seems to be the only furniture in the room.
There’s a man sitting in the middle of the room with his eyes closed and his hands resting loosely on his thighs. He’s shirtless and Castiel takes a moment to drink in the dark black lines of tattoos that cover nearly every inch of his arms, with a few more scattered across his chest and stomach. He can’t make out the man’s face with it bowed like it is, which is unfortunate. Castiel would guess that he’s beautiful.
A big, fat raindrop lands on Castiel’s head and startles him. He loses his footing and crashes to the ground with a dull thud. Meowing lamely, he gets to his feet and bats at the wet spot on his head just as it starts to pour.
The sliding glass door nearby slides open and the man Castiel had been spying on smiles at him. “Hey there, kitty. C’mon inside, get out of the rain.”
Castiel eyes the man warily, but eventually accepts the invitation. He doesn’t want to stay out in this storm, and he has felt a draw toward the house since he moved in.
The man slides the door closed behind him, grabbing a towel off the couch nearby and kneeling down near Castiel. The man holds up the towel, raising an eyebrow. “May I?”
Castiel watches him for a minute before taking a few steps closer. The man gently dries him off, petting down Castiel’s back slowly.
“There we go, all dry. You hungry? I don’t have cat food but I have a few cans of tuna.”
Castiel blinks up at the man, curling up next to him on the floor. The man smiles and pets Cas gently.
“No collar on you, hm? I wonder whose kitty you are, they must be missing you.”
If only, Cas laments. He doesn’t have anyone to go home to, just an empty, sparsely decorated house.
The man continues to sit there and pet him, much to Castiel’s enjoyment. He’s hardly ever around anyone in his feline form, he’d forgotten how nice it can be.
Eventually, once the rain stops, Castiel pushes himself up onto his paws and crosses to the sliding door, looking back at the man. He seems to take the hint, unlocking the door and letting Castiel outside.
“Be careful going home, bud.”
Castiel meows quietly, feet squishing the rain-soaked ground as he heads home.
He finally meets his neighbor in person the next day. He’s leaving for work when his handsome neighbor comes outside, clad in a gray bathrobe and slip-on shoes.
“Hey, man. Sorry we haven’t had the chance to meet yet. I’m Dean.” He extends a hand, which Castiel shakes.
“Castiel. Busy times?”
Dean smiles. “Winter’s my busiest time at work, things are finally starting to slow down now that it’s springtime.”
Castiel smiles politely. “Well, it was nice to finally meet you, Dean. I’d like to stay and chat but I need to get to work.”
“Yeah, man, by all means. I’ll see you around.”
Castiel turns to head to his car but Dean reaches out and grabs his forearm. “Hey, do you have a cat?”
Castiel freezes momentarily before turning back to Dean. “I do. Why?”
“I think he might’ve been over at my place last night, during the thunderstorm. Black cat with white paws?”
Castiel nods slowly. “That’s him, yes. I hope he didn’t bother you?”
“Nah, man, not at all. He get home okay?”
“He did, thank you. Have a good day.”
Dean smiles, releasing his arm. “Yeah, you too.”
Castiel smiles tightly, heading off for work.
He tells himself there won’t be a repeat of him snooping on Dean, but that only lasts a couple of days. The pull back to the house is too strong to resist, so he shifts to his feline form and makes his way to Dean’s house.
Dean’s in the living room this time and he looks over at the sliding glass door at the same time that Castiel steps in front of it, almost like Dean had been expecting him. He slides the door open and allows Cas inside.
“Met your owner the other day,” Dean says, sliding the glass door shut. “Bet he’s missing you. Sure you don’t want to go home?”
Castiel blinks up at him in response before hopping up onto the couch and curling up into a ball. Dean chuckles, sitting back down and petting down Cas’s back gently. “Guess you can hang out here for a while, but you gotta get home soon. Castiel will be worried.”
Dean scratches behind Cas’s ears and he can’t help the purr that rumbles through his chest. Dean chuckles quietly, but then falls silent.
He knows it’s creepy to trick Dean like this. Dean didn’t ask for this and Castiel is taking advantage of his hospitality. Still, he can’t bring himself to stop. Night after night, he returns to Dean’s home, almost like he’s being lured there by a siren song. He couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to.
It doesn’t help that Dean’s started to treat him like a pet, either. He’s taken to leaving the glass door cracked open enough that Castiel can come inside whenever he pleases, and there’s almost always a bowl of tuna fish waiting for him in Dean’s kitchen.
After about a month, Castiel lets himself explore Dean’s home. It’s a single-story, similar to Castiel’s, but bigger. Dean has two spare bedrooms, though one of them has been turned into an office with papers strewn on nearly every surface. There’s a bathroom off the hallway, with the kitchen and living room on the other end of the house.
There’s a door right next to the living room that’s closed. Castiel paws at the door, looking around to find Dean watching him. He paws at the door again, intensely curious about what’s behind it. Dean purses his lips but eventually crosses to the door and opens it, letting Castiel inside.
Castiel scrambles out of the room so quickly that he trips over his own paws and falls flat on his face. Everything slots into place and he bolts for the glass door, praying that it’s still open.
It’s the room Castiel had seen him in that night so many weeks ago. He hadn’t seen everything from that window, though. On the same wall as the window are two bookshelves full of witchcraft books, supplies, and a second desk set up as a workbench. His neighbor is a witch.
The sliding glass door is closed and locked when Castiel reaches it. He lets out a pathetic mewl as he looks for another way out.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, Cas,” Dean murmurs, standing across the room with his hands held up, palms out, no doubt in an attempt to ease Cas’s worries. It does no such thing, especially given that Dean knows he’s a familiar now. No point in hiding anymore, he supposes.
He shifts back to his human form, directing his icy glare at Dean. “Then let me go.”
Dean motions toward the door. “You’re free to leave whenever you’d like, but I was hoping you’d hear me out.”
“Why would I listen to anything you have to say, witch? Your kind has enslaved familiars for hundreds of years, why should I even slightly trust you?” Castiel spits, already backing up toward the door.
“Because I’ve known you were a familiar since I introduced myself. If I wanted to hurt you, I could’ve done it before now.”
Castiel doesn’t relax his stance, but Dean does have a point. “What do you want?”
Dean puts his hands down. “Your help.”
Castiel scoffs. “My help? What could you possibly want from me?”
“You can’t tell me you haven’t felt it, too,” Dean says, frowning. “That pull? I’ve never felt it before but it feels like all the explanations I’ve read about true matches.”
He frowns. Now that he thinks about it, that inexplicable pull he’s been feeling for months is exactly what he’s imagined a true match would feel like. “So what?”
Dean frowns. “I’ve been here for years, protecting the town, but it’s getting harder and harder. The weather’s getting more extreme and I can’t counter it on my own anymore. I don’t have the strength.”
Castiel wrinkles his nose. “Protecting the town? Yeah, right. Your kind doesn’t do anything for the benefit of others. Nice try, though.”
Dean’s frown deepens. “I get why you’d think that, but I really have been protecting the town. At least, I try to. People come to me for protection spells and charms. It’s not a huge income, but it pays the bills.”
Castiel scoffs. “So you take advantage of people in vulnerable situations.”
Dean sighs, running a hand through his own hair. “Fine, just… forget I said anything.”
“Gladly,” Cas bites out, unlocking the glass door and heading back to his own house.
He doesn’t think about Dean again for another few weeks. He’s determined to forget about the witch, despite the continuous pull to the house. He’s successful, at least for a little while.
Near the end of the summer, a storm settles over the town. Normally, that wouldn’t be a problem, but this storm rapidly turns into a tornado that’s heading straight for their little town. This isn’t an area that typically gets tornados and it could be catastrophic if the town isn’t protected.
That’s why Cas isn’t shocked when Dean comes knocking on his door. He looks wild—his hair is disheveled like he’s been running his hands through it and he looks panicked.
“I know you hate the idea, but I can’t do it by myself, I’m not strong enough. Please, Cas.”
Truth be told, he hates the idea. But this is his town, too, so he grabs his keys and follows Dean back to his house.
“What do you need me to do?”
Dean lets him into his house, leading him to the room Castiel had seen the very first time he’d looked inside Dean’s house. “Just focus my magic. If you can do that, I should be able to make the storm dissipate.”
Castiel nods, shifting into his cat form and blinking up at Dean expectantly. Dean hesitates for a moment before sitting cross-legged on the floor and sinking a hand into Cas’s fur.
Dean’s magic is tingly and warm as it passes through Cas’s body. Despite never having worked with a witch before, it’s nearly effortless to focus Dean’s magic, and the room crackles with power. It’s intoxicating, having that much power coursing through his body, and it looks like Dean’s feeling the same way.
Cas glances up at the witch and nearly stumbles away in fear. Dean’s eyes are glazed over and glowing brightly. A crack of lightening lights up the sky and the thunder rumbles Dean’s house. They sky darkens and it starts to downpour, almost like Dean’s trying to accelerate the tornado, not stop it.
He thinks about moving away from Dean, but at this point, he has to trust the witch to do what he’d said he’d do. He watches out the window, nervously jumping when a particularly loud rumble of thunder makes the window rattle in its frame.
The storm clears just as quickly as it had started and the sun shines down again, lighting up the room. Dean looks particularly beautiful in this lighting, though Cas would never admit that.
Dean’s hand slips from his fur and he slumps to the ground. Cas springs to his feet, pawing at Dean’s cheek.
Eventually, Dean’s eyes flutter open and he smiles weakly at Castiel. “I’m fine, man. Jus’ tired. You can go, thank you for your help.”
Castiel shifts back to his human form, pulling Dean to his feet. “Come on, at least rest in bed and not on the hardwood floor.”
Dean acquiesces, letting Cas help him to his feet and lead him to his bedroom. Dean crawls into bed and is sound asleep before Cas can say anything else.
Cas thinks about going home, he really does, but his guilt stops him. He’s spent all this time hating Dean for being a witch when he really had been protecting the town. So, instead of going home, he makes his way to the kitchen and searches through the cabinets and fridge. He settles on making a simple dinner of chicken alfredo, quietly working in Dean’s kitchen as the other man rests.
“You’re making me dinner?” Dean’s voice comes from behind him, so Castiel glances at him quickly before setting the plates of food on the table.
“I figured I owed you an apology, and I thought I’d make sure you ate something. I hope you don’t mind.”
Dean smiles and shakes his head, taking a seat at the table. “Nah, man, I appreciate it.”
Castiel nods, sitting down and eating quietly.
Dean does the same, sighing happily after a moment. “Cas, this is delicious.”
Castiel smiles softly. “Thank you. Are you okay?”
Dean hums. “Better now. Just drained. What made you change your mind?”
Castiel shrugs. “It’s my town, too. Whether or not I trusted you, I had to try.”
Dean smiles. “You ever done that before? Focused someone’s magic?”
Castiel wrinkles his nose, shaking his head. “I’ve stayed as far away from witches as possible. Your kind tend to treat mine like crap.”
Dean frowns but nods. “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry about that.”
“Not your fault. Besides, I may have been a little hasty in judging you.”
Dean raises an eyebrow, smirking. “That mean you trust me?”
Castiel shoots him a glare, though there’s no heat behind it. “Trust is a strong word. But yes, somewhat.”
Dean hums, finishing his dinner and leaning back in his chair. “Well, looks like I owe you dinner.”
Castiel smiles. “Technically, I owe you dinner, since you paid for all of this food, I just cooked it.”
Dean smirks. “Well, I ain’t gonna say no to a date.”
Castiel blinks at him. “A… date? You want to go on a date with me?”
Dean raises his eyebrows. “Uh, yes? Have you seen yourself? Not to mention you’re actually kind of nice when you don’t hate me.”
Castiel flushes, running a hand through his hair. “Well, I, um… I’m free Friday.”
Dean grins. “It’s a date.”
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equal360 · 2 years
Best Tips for Indoor Plants Placement
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Organizing indoor plants properly will make your home more joyous.
Manage Your Space
Adding plants to a room can improve its appeal even if it is beautifully furnished. It is important to incorporate the plant and plant stands into the rooms at initial designing phase as much as possible in order to create an intentional and cohesive space. The houseplant can serve as a design problem solver in the future with proper placement and selection. Have you noticed that your room is a little spare? Transform the space by adding houseplants to make it inviting and hospitable.
Knowing the Requirement of Plants:
In a room, corners contains more empty space. In addition to elevating and filling the space, an indoor tree can make a focal point in the room. As small in size, a dragon tree (Dracaena marginata) is less demanding on space and light, while a fiddleleaf fig (Ficus lyrata) can be spread to fill a large area in a bright room. Choose a decorative container to place the plant with its original pot. For large indoor trees to remain stable and visually proportional, they need a substantial pot or basket. If you want to protect the floor from the water leaking from the plant pot you have to use a plastic saucer.
Selection and Arrangement:
There's another way to achieve a similar impact without spending a fortune on a large tree. Two more plants, ranging in size from taller to smaller plants, can be chosen. It is easy to combine the terms Limelight Dracaena with Peace Lilies (Spathiphyllum) in light, as well as their foliage, which complements each other. Decorative pots are then added. It is one of the best looks to elevate plants in a simple, stylish way with a mid-century modern planter on legs. Generally they are sold in pairs. You can create a stunning display by adding a third lower pot. It's up to you whether the containers are the same material and color, or if you want to mix and match.
How it Looks
There are many types of plant stands and they serve a wide range of design purposes. Have you ever noticed that the view out your window isn't the best that it could be? Plant stands that are tall and substantial can resolve this problem. There will be no problem for the plants as they get the light, and their surroundings will be easily diffused. Place a saucer under each plant so that surfaces are protected, and keep in mind the stand's shelf height when choosing plants.
Use the Space Smartly
Consider an architectural plant stand if you have a blank wall that needs something special. An attractive display is enhanced by the stand in this case. Maybe you're fond of succulents or bonsai, this is a great place to display them. Choose plants based on the amount of light the plants will receive. Choose plants based on the amount of light the plants will receive.
Use Hanging Plant Stands
If you consider hanging plants as old fashioned, think again. Here are a few places where they can be used most effectively.
You can create a buffer between yourself and the outside world with a large hanging plant (or several smaller ones). If the view out the window isn't good, this method is especially useful. Make sure the plants fill the window by hanging them low. You can make your corner green with easy-care plants like neon pothos (Epipremnum aureum), spider plants (Chlorphytum comosum), or silver philodendrons (Scindapsus pictus 'Exotica').
Try Different Sets
Houseplants look great on coffee tables. Bring your plants close to you and watch them flourish. There are many different types of plants to choose from, such as an orchid or a trio of plants. There are many different types of plants to choose from, such as an orchid or a trio of plants. A display such as this would be incomplete without plants that have beautifully patterned leaves.
It is important to choose the appropriate size of plant stands according to the size of the table, you can go for a big one or can choose several small ones. You have to keep in mind that if plant pot having a drainage hole, then you have to use a saucer to protect the table floor.
Original Source: factinfo360.blogspot.com
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newscheckz · 4 years
Creative ways of gardening in the City
New Post has been published on https://newscheckz.com/creative-ways-of-gardening-in-the-city/
Creative ways of gardening in the City
If you are a micro gardener but have a passion for flowers, here are ways you can use your little space and creative ways on how to have your dream realized.
Make sure you consider the type, size, shape and habit of the plant to the container in which you are planting it. They must be compatible.
Volcanic rocks These are the newest trends of micro gardening when it comes to planting flowers. According to Elijah Kayemba, a gardener at Kampala Flowers, you cannot use any type of rock but only those that are volcanic because they have a good drainage system. These rocks are got from Kisoro, (South Western Uganda).
“The rock has most of the nutrients a plant may get from the loam soil which is normally used. After identifying a particular piece of rock, small holes are drilled through them using a driller but very careful not to break the rock because of the vibration that comes with the drilling process.”
The rock particles that fall out are not thrown away. When the seedling plant is identified, its roots are carefully fixed into the drilled holes to a reasonable height like it would be planted in loam soil ensuring there is no damage to the plant.
Kayemba says, “Succulent plants are usually suitable for this type of planters because they have shallow roots. The rock particles that fell out during the drilling are then put to cover the roots and part of the stem.”
Car tyres The next time you have your tyres changed, ask to keep the old tyres because you can turn those old tyres into everything from furniture to beautiful flower pots.
According to Stephen Ochan, a landscaper at Royal Landscape says the old car tyres are trendy as hanging planters for most creeping plants.
They can also be used as wall hangings, especially when you add paint to them. “You will need to paint the tyres depending on the colours you want and then drill holes through them for drainage.
Then with the soil in the tyre, plant whatever flowers you want and suspend it with a chain or rope. These work well with smaller tyres or if you have a big enough tree, you could do a really large one and fill it with different types of flowers,” says Ochan.
Porcelain  Porcelain planters should be the new meaning for potted plants. You can use your old toilet cisterns to give your landscape a new look.
They are durable and have an inbuilt drainage system. You can have several other plants surrounding it in smaller vases or containers or even planted directly in the soil.
“It could be from a bath tub to garden tub. Old bath tubs can make deep and durable planters. The plants can be themed to your own tastes but a mixture of different types of flowers would be the best choice. You may also grow herbs or vegetables in the bath tub,” Ochan says.
Containers If you want to make hanging flowers, you can use old biscuit tins, lunch boxes, jars, dishwashers, kettles, basins and old kitchen sink as planters.
Have a pattern of hanging your flowers with equal spacing to create a cozy look for your landscape.
The old containers can become beautiful planters if you add a few holes in them for drainage and a little paint since some of them may have lost colour. Group them depending on their colours or make a collection of different type of flowers in the same spacing.
Kayemba says, “The old baskets are good planters for your succulent plants because they come in all shapes and sizes and usually have an inbuilt drainage system. They are portable planters with handles and in different colours.”
Vases  These have long been used as planters. There are different creative designs that can be used for both indoor and outdoor.
They give you opportunity to choose from a variety of material, sizes, shapes and decorations. The cost of a vase ranges between Shs10, 000 to Shs100,000 but can be more than this depending on its size or material used.
Kayemba says there are crocheted pot dresses introduced especially for indoor flower vases and pots. If you however have an outdoor function, you can bring out to add beauty to outdoor décor.
“They often break the boredom that comes with ordinary plastic planter vases with an option for various colour combinations depending on your colour scheme and size. The dressers currently cost between Shs35,000 to Shs50, 000 depending on the sizes of planters or pots,” he says.
0 notes
Confession time: I am a crazy plant lady. I take good care of them and they make me happy, so it’s okay, right? When I’m a little down, I repot a plant or two and I feel great. When my anxiety is ramping up, I buy a new plant. Or two. Succulents are like five bucks. They’re cheaper than ice cream and they don’t have any calories.
I may have too many plants.
So when I drove past one of my favorite spots in town, the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, and saw this sign, I did the full cartoon slam on the brakes and shouted to no one, “Put that on my calendar!”
This sale kept me awake at night for two weeks. When it finally arrived, I got to the gardens at 10 on Saturday morning, because I wanted to see the good plants before they got sold (anxiety!). I wasn’t planning to stay long or even buy more than one or two plants. I’ve been to the orchid sale and bonsai sale and the flower basket sale so I know these events get crazy and I get anxious, so my trusty strategy has always been “get in, get plant, get out,” and it’s never let me down .
But there’s regular crazy and then there’s succulent crazy.
At only a few minutes past 10 in the morning, I found myself at the end of a rapidly growing line that had already spilled outside the actual building.
Now, if you’ve read my previous post you know that I’m a Disney veteran who does not get thrown off by a line—but they don’t sell exotic plants on Peter Pan.
People on their way out were passing by every few minutes, carrying giant boxes full of plants that I. wanted. A man the size of a linebacker hustled by with his arms full of air plants. A girl with a giant Amazon box full of plants said, “Can’t wait to get them home and introduce them to their brothers and sisters!” and I wanted to cry.
MY plants needed new brothers and sisters!
This was not the usual plant crowd either. Sure, the requisite elderly ladies in sun hats and purple sweatpants were there (aka my heroes) but there were also hipsters with too many tattoos and questionable blue hair stripes, people with kids, babies in strollers, college kids excitedly planning where to put their plants on their single windowsill.
I texted Stella, “Good news! I’m not the only crazy plant lady. Bad news: the crazier plant ladies are going to take all the good plants.”
  “Yeah man, you gotta get in there,” she said. “The plants need you!”
The young couple behind me were in full complaining mode. “We don’t want to spend our whole Saturday waiting in line,” they agreed, and bailed.
Those people wouldn’t last long on New Year’s Eve in Epcot, I’m just saying,
I was now about halfway to the entrance.
I focused on my phone so I wouldn’t look at the people leaving and the plants they had bought, but still, I was consumed with anxiety. What if they ran out of plants? What if I got in there after all this effort and all the plants left were gross and dying? What if my dream plant is in there? I don’t even know what my dream plant would be, but what if I have one and it’s in there and being bought by someone right now who won’t know how to take care of it and it’ll die—
An elderly woman with pentagon-shaped glasses—yes, pentagon-shaped, five sides—brushed past me and decided to address the entire line.
“It’s worth the wait!” she said. “They won’t run out of plants, I promise. I’m only leaving because I have too many. But it’s worth it!”
I watched her head out the door, wondering what adventures awaited her.
“I want to befriend this person but I can’t leave the line,” I texted Stella.
I have worn glasses since the second grade and I have never seen pentagon-shaped frames. They were tortoiseshell. Where does someone buy pentagon-shaped tortoiseshell glasses? What experiences has this person had that made her go, “You know what? Rectangles and ovals are boring. Life is short. I’m going with the pentagons.”
I would buy her whatever drink she wanted to hear her life story.
After a good 25 minutes (which as my dad will tell you, is not that bad, especially for a big ticket ride. We could do 25 minutes for Toy Story Mania in our sleep), I was at the entrance to the show. My muscles started to tense, ready to run in as soon as the young volunteer who got the coveted job of “bouncer for the succulent sale” deemed me worthy of entering.
“This is pretty crazy,” I said, flashing my best smile.
“It always is,” she said. “You can go in now.”
I swear I heard a choir sing.
There was a table full of cardboard boxes and I made sure to take the smallest one, as an attempt to counter my hoarding tendencies. At this point, I swear I was only going to buy one plant, maybe two. Stella wanted one, and A needed a new hanging plant for her office.
I ventured into the fray, carrying my little empty box in front of me for protection, and a third mission made itself imminently clear: survive.
If you’ve ever been in a crowded elevator and then the elevator stopped and another dozen people got in, and the elevator was also full of plants and also an actual greenhouse with glass walls that, you know, conduct sunlight, you would understand the vibe of this sale.
In other words: claustrophobia officially triggered.
There was a line around each plant table, a line to get into the line for each table, a line to pay, and plenty of people were in a line but had no idea what the line was for so there was a ton of confusion and “Is this the line to pay or the line for air plants?” and people jostling for position and it was far from the chill and relaxed ambience that you usually get in a botanical garden. This was Black Friday for succulents.
A woman behind me loudly complained that she had just set down a plant she wanted to buy for two seconds and someone had grabbed it. No one around her looked sympathetic.
It was every plant person for themselves.
I don’t remember when I transitioned from “buy two plants” to “buy every plant” but it must have been somewhere around the time that a guy tried to sell me this rare little beauty—for 45 dollars!
I put that sucker right back. Do I look like I started buying succulents yesterday?
Of course, I almost bought a rare plant from Indonesia that depends on ants colonizing its root pod for nutrients. I almost bought three of these.
I thought A might like one as well, and then I would have to get one for Stella too, because who wouldn’t want a super-cool ant plant?
When I told A, she was horrified.
“If your plant lived that would mean you had ants! In your house!” she said.
“I thought they looked cool!” I said. “And they were only 7 dollars!”
“You’re paying 7 dollars TO GET ANTS!”
Fortunately, sanity prevailed in the moment, and I put the ant plants back.  Still, I was in frenzy mode. I picked up a plant, then put it back a few minutes later. I grabbed a plant for Stella, fell out of love with it, then got her a different one. All the while I’m weaving in and out of the endless lines of hot, sweaty people, their faces all dawning with the sudden realization that humans are indeed animals and we will resort to our most primal instincts in mere seconds.
Perhaps the more evolved being is . . .the humble succulent?
Fortunately, Disney trained me well, and I wove in and out of the crowd with a minimum of panic symptoms. I did have a quick fantasy about bumping into my first anxiety therapist and saying, “I did it! Look where I am right now!” But then I would have had to shove her aside to get to the plants.
And then, I saw it—the Holy Grail of the succulent sale—the only hanging basket left in the entire joint. I grabbed it before I could even read the tag to know what kind of plant it was. And not to brag, but I read very quickly. That’s how heightened my reflexes were.
“That’s a really nice one,” another seller told me. “Just don’t overwater it, and it’s almost indestructible. Hey, and it’s my last one! You were lucky.”
I clamped down on this thing so hard that you’d think I was trying to sneak it out of the country. Actually, getting it out of the sale was almost as hard.
Now that I was struggling to make my way through the throng with this basket on my arm, people were whipping around to look at me and loudly ask if there were any left.
  When I said, “Sorry, this was the last one!” they looked at me the way my cat does, when he’s hungry and bites down on whatever body part I’ve make the mistake of exposing to get my attention. The narrowed eyes of, “You have something I want. Prepare to die.”
My box was now stuffed tight with six little plants—one for Stella, one for A, and (cough) four for me. A volunteer very kindly offered to get me a bigger box and that’s when I realized, “I gotta get out of here.” You know, the way that Dorothy or Coraline or whoever is having a great time in the other universe until something makes them realize, “This isn’t right! I have to go home!”
This was my Auntie Em moment. But getting out was even rougher than getting in, plus I had this hanging basket on my arm, and it was the last hanging basket in the entire sale.
I finally understand the expression, “People were on me like I had the last bump of coke at the party.”
It took three different attempts, but I finally got in the right line to pay. It took all my strength not to duck out and take one more look-around or grab one more teeny tiny plant that was only $2 and needed a home where it would be loved . . . anyway, I cashed out, and honestly it was cheaper to get seven plants than to go out to brunch, so I did really well.
As I made my way to freedom, past the now even longer line, people looked at my hanging plant with envious eyes. “Did they have a lot left?”
I hustled my way past before anyone could offer me money for it.
The line was easily three times longer than when I went in—instead of extending just outside the building, the line now went around the building and into the parking lot. So if I waited 25 minutes, those people waited around 90. That’s a Space Mountain during spring break wait.
  I made my way to my car, which was parked a full nautical league away, carrying this box and heavy hanging plant. My arms were shaking by the time I made it.
I had been at the gardens for two and a half hours.
When I got home, my cat was waiting for me with an expression of, “What did you bring home this time?”
  The Apocalyptic Succulent Sale Confession time: I am a crazy plant lady. I take good care of them and they make me happy, so it's okay, right?
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chocobro-hijinks · 7 years
flowershop au
Shop owner’s son
dad got too old and sick so he’s taking over
has no idea how to deal with customers, every conversation is awkward and stunted until someone else takes over the register
but he’s great with flowers!
like super great!!!!!
loves playing with the meanings, textures, length, aroma and colors
wears the cutest apron with a little blue fennec fox on the pocket
he mostly makes formal, elegant and symmetrical arrangements, with an  occasional playful one upon request (or dare)
talented enough to win a competition with a huge arrangement against some big name foreigner from Niflheim
not into the whole competition scene anymore
just wants to make pretty bouquets and go home to sleep in front of the huge fish tank
loves hanging out in the shop’s work area behind the glass more than the show room
hates valentine week and out of season weddings
you always come back to his shop “The Regalia” because no matter what message you intended to relay it was delivered
it’s as if he’s got a ‘magic touch’ or something
if only he noticed that you come in almost every single week (´;ω;`)
Noct’s best friend and broke art student (photography) who needs a part time job
keeps forgetting what each flower means but his color combinations are fantastic!
most of his arrangements are whimsical and asymmetrical, it drives the others insane but apparently there’s a market for that!
buys the cutest wrapping paper and ribbons
secures his apron with a chocobo pin
still trying to convince everyone that it’s ok to use stickers on the bouquets
good at customer service because he’s friendly and sensitive to their needs, so he’s the one in charge of receiving the orders and getting their specifics to Noctis
errand boy, always out on deliveries so it’s hard for you to catch him long enough to chat
you met him on a funeral catering errand, his sunshine smile and bright attitude cheered you up
takes all the professional pictures to put up on the Regalia website for online orders
humming the chocobo song 24/7
loves taking care of the displays outside and welcoming passerby's
sometimes you see his bike in front of your workplace, recognizable by the basket of arrangements he brings in every morning
you wonder if he’s gonna be too creeped out to know that you work in a funeral home ( ゚д゚ ;)
senior florist
worked with the Regalia’s owner for a few years before their son took over
enjoys teaching everyone the fine art of flower arrangement but the impatient kiddos have him sighing in frustration with every lesson
the shop sells edible arrangements on special occasions, those are his favorite times of the year because he makes them himself
when the show room is covered by both Noct and Prompto, he takes to the back room to get the endless paperwork and bills done
quietly listens to the lively chats with the boys during the occasional mid-week downtime around the worktable
goes with gladio to the flower market every morning to pick flowers for the day’s orders
you barged into the shop one day slamming a 200G bill onto the counter yelling “how do i tell someone to go fuck themselves in flower?”
he smirked and nudged the shocked Prompto aside to take over, and arranged for you a special bouquet that said exactly that
now every time you want to give someone a secret insult you go to the Regalia and ask for him
has the finest handwriting so he’s the one in charge of writing the cards when the customer requires it
he’s cute when he’s wearing a casual suit, but also cuter when he loses the jacket in favor of an apron with a moogle patch at the bottom.
you attend his flower arrangement classes and hope the shared fascination with the specific and delicate meanings of each flower in the bouquet is a good enough start to having a real conversation with him
mostly there for the manual labor but he’s a trained florist just like Ignis
can take over the counter and make the basic arrangements, but he’s more fond of the living plants than the cut ones
his favorites are the small cacti, succulents, and long vine houseplants in the potted plants corner that gets fewer sales (sometimes none)
that’s alright, he’d already given each one a name, they’re his perfect babies, especially when one of them blooms and gets a nice photograph for the website!
helps Ignis carry flowers from the market to the car and from the car to the shop
drives the truck to make the wedding deliveries and always comes back with twenty phone numbers
likes the workout and enjoys chilling in the back room when he’s free for an hour
you were infatuated with him the moment you looked through the glass of the packed shop and saw this big muscle man treating the potted fern so gently
it was the gentle attitude, but also the snug apron that had a cartoony behemoth at the top corner that did you in right then and there
you ask him about the little cacti and find both them and his passion for caring for them fascinating
by now you have at least five plants in your room but none of the courage to ask him out yet
you admit this to your friends who ask you to look up the meanings of the plants he already sold you and turns out the big guy had been giving you hints all along
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jemmasmithinterior · 5 years
16 Desk Decor Ideas for Your Cubicle or Home Office
In need of new desk decor ideas for your home office? You’ve come to the right place. While many have recently made the transition to working from home, even if you aren’t used to it, there are some simple ways you can make your space simultaneously more productive and comfortable.
Not only are these home office desk ideas budget-friendly, they’re also stress-free and easy to implement in large and small spaces – all it takes is a little creativity and self expression. You’d be surprised how little touches like picture frames or plants can add new life to your work space and give you a much-needed boost to get through the day. Plus, taking the time to map out your space the way you want is a great way to stay productive through days of endless meetings and projects.
We’ve rounded up 16 of our favorite desk ideas for the home office that’s sure to give you some inspiration as you decorate and organize:
1. Use Unique Accents to Define Your Space
The first thing you’ll want to keep in mind when thinking of ideas for your desk decor is that even the small accessories can dictate your work space vibe. To create a sense of much-needed tranquility, a decorative sculpture can remind you to stay calm when you feel overwhelmed with tasks and everyday stressors. Or, if you want that ultra mod Silicon Valley office vibe, minimalist-style home accents are the perfect choice. Just remember, keeping it to just one or two items is key for honing in on a look while keeping your desk free of distracting clutter.
2. Build a Trendy DIY Terrarium With Succulents
Give your eyes a break from the computer screen with a pop of vibrant greenery. It’s a refreshing sight for tired eyes, and plants have been shown to boost your mood Since succulents are easy to care for and don’t require a lot of sunlight, they make the perfect work space companion. With some extra time around the house, be sure to give this fun DIY Terrarium a try.
3. Keep Yourself on Track with a Stylish Wall Clock
Wall clocks are a practical choice that might not seem exciting, but practical doesn’t have to mean boring. There’s a variety of wall clocks out there and, chances are, there’s one that fits your style perfectly – whether you’re a fan of sleek modern lines, traditional rich hues or beachy-chic flair. It’ll also help you stay on track with your deadlines and team check-in meetings.
4. Make it Personal with Your Favorite Memories
A smile can really make all the difference. Personalize your work space with photographs of your friends, family, pets or memorable moments. Good desk decor isn’t only about aesthetics, but about what makes you feel happy – so surround yourself with good memories to make work more enjoyable, and give those memories a worthy home tucked inside picture frames.
5. Create a Chic DIY Mousepad
If you like getting crafty, then you’ll love this desk decor project. Give your plain old mousepad a totally new look with fabric and spray adhesive in a few easy steps:
First, find a fun fabric that resonates with your style.
Trace the diameter of your mousepad onto the back of the fabric.
Cut carefully and use the spray adhesive to attach atop your old mousepad.
How easy is that? If you love the look of gold metallic polka dots, follow Lovely Indeed’s tutorial here.
6. Decorate With Motivational Messages
Hang up decor with motivational messaging for that little extra push on days you may be feeling unproductive. Whether it’s a simple “be happy” mantra or a quote that brings you joy, there’s plenty of ways you can display an uplifting message or two by your desk.
To recreate this clipboard art gallery look, you can use gorgeous free printables by Craft-o-matic. She took plain clipboards and painted the silver hardware in gold – so you can customize the look with your favorite colors.
Also keep in mind that motivational messaging isn’t restricted to just quotes or phrases – a picture says a thousand words, after all. Hang up a scenic landscape to whisk you away into your creative sweet spot, or consider a piece with artistic expression that reminds you of your dreams and aspirations.
7. Increase Focus With Inspirational Colors
White walls are fresh and clean, but too much white can actually inhibit creativity. Scientific studies have shown that colors can impact our productivity, and that bland gray, beige and white offices can create feelings of sadness and depression. Ick.
You don’t have to worry about going all out with the paint though – a couple pieces of wall art can do wonders for your desk space. Keep the creative ideas flowing at your desk with colors that help improve efficiency and focus and your overall well-being, such as blue, green or purple.
8. Add Dimension With Wallpaper
It’s not your mother’s wallpaper. The quality, styles and ease of use have really improved over time, and nowadays you have a sizable selection to choose from. Going for an urban-chic look? There’s faux brick wallpaper for that. Want to show off your worldly bohemian flair? There are so many vibrant patterns to browse. It’s the perfect solution for a hassle-free accent wall.
9. Organize in Style with Unique Bookends
If you’re a bibliophile, this is sure to rank as one of your favorite desk decor ideas. Keep your favorites and the books on your “to-read” list proudly displayed and within reach. A pair of bookends keeps your literary treasures neatly at bay, all while showing off your personality.
10. Keep Pens and Pencils at Hand
Have you ever been prepared to start working, only to get distracted by a mess? It’s easy to let things get out of control when you don’t have proper desk organization and you’re now home more than ever. Luckily, these trendy boxes neatly conceal all of your small trinkets so your desk area doesn’t become chaotic. Keep them close by for added style and functionality to your desk. Or, you can use small decorative baskets without lids to easily locate and grab what you need.
11. Keep Yourself Calm with Candles
Creative desk ideas don’t have to be purely visual. In fact, scent in your work environment can also have a big impact on your productivity. Keep your mind in the zone with scented candles housed in stylish holders. Lemon, jasmine, cinnamon, peppermint and rosemary are popular scents for boosting both mood and productivity. If you want to personalize candle holders with your own unique spin, consider glass holders. You can easily decorate the exterior or even fill the bottom with interesting textures, like natural rocks for a zen feel.
12. Bring Life to Your Desk with Plants and a Classy Vase
There’s a reason why indoor plants are so popular: they not only improve air quality, but they’re also shown to reduce stress, boost your mood and are nice to look at – of course it had to make our list of best home office desk ideas.
Once you’ve found your ideal plant or plants (be sure to check whether they’re pet safe or not if you’ve got furry friends), pair it with a stylish vase that can hold freshly cut flowers or stand out as an accessory of its own. You can just as easily fake a green thumb with pretty faux flowers in a set of small vases for the same effect.
13. Increase Storage Space With a Monitor Stand
Give your neck, and your desk space, a break with a monitor stand. This frees up your desk’s surface area, allowing you to slide papers, note pads or desk organizer tools underneath your computer monitor.
14. Illuminate Your Space With a Luminous Lamp
It’s desk decor that’s just as bright as you are. Whether you’re blessed with plentiful natural light or have an office space tucked away without windows, you could always benefit from better lighting – especially for extra light. Little pops of gold are always trendy, and integrate beautifully with all kinds of decor styles.
15. Arrange the Essentials on a Stylish Tray
One of the best things about working from home is that you don’t have to stay in one place all day. On a whim, you can take your work with you to your cozy sofa, your patio space or the kitchen bar. Make movement easy by arranging all your essentials, such as pens, notepads and a laptop charger, on a decorative tray. It looks great and makes transferring rooms a simple affair.
16. Elevate Your Decor Accents With Floating Shelves
Desk space is precious, especially if your home office is smaller. A great way to maximize the square footage you have is by installing floating shelves. They’re easy to DIY, and they make it easy to organize your essentials. Display your favorite books and home accents, and add hooks to hang small jars from – what an innovative way to store pens, paper clips and more.
If you’re not the type to whip out the hammer and measuring tape, then this ready-to-hang golden metallic wall shelf just might strike your fancy. With four slots to display your favorite home accents and store your office necessities, this fabulous find will help clear off desk space and inject cool style, all in one.
Did any of our desk decor ideas speak out to you? We’d love to see photos of your new home office. Since working from home for many of us might become the norm for the foreseeable future, make it your own productivity hub that works best for you. The important thing is to remain productive and focused wherever you find your work space.
Make sure to share the inspiration on Instagram with the hashtag #MyAshleyHome – it might just be our next featured post.
The post 16 Desk Decor Ideas for Your Cubicle or Home Office appeared first on XO Ashley.
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34 DIY Shelving Ideas That Are as Pretty as They Are Practical
It is no secret that I am a bit of an organizational nerd, and I love changing up my space and the way I organize and display my belongings. I am also a little bit of a memory hoarder, from tickets to trinkets I have a whole lot of ‘special' bits and bobs collected from my life and travels.
I have been meaning to expand my shelving game in my house for a long time, and I have decided that now is the time to do it. After having had a little look around, both in stores and online, I have concluded that by making my own shelves I can not only save some money but also make my shelves exactly how I want them.
Shelving doesn't have to be boring; there are loads of ways you can double them up to create funky wall art, even using a new shelving unit as a real feature piece in a room.
Practical & Pretty Shelving Ideas
1. Reclaimed Wood Floating Shelves
I love it when a modernly styled room has a couple of rustic accents added to it. These Reclaimed Wood Floating Shelves are a great example of that, especially against the otherwise clean and sharp finishes shown in this instance.
If you don't have any yourself, unused wooden planks are relatively easy to come across, and by asking friends and family, you will most likely find some easily. I like the size of the shelves in this example, they are large enough to be able to hold a fair few things but not so large that they take up a whole wall. If you don't like the look of the exposed wood you could always finish these off with a coat of paint.
2. Kids Bookshelves
Not only are these Kids Bookshelves incredibly practical, especially in a smaller room that could do without having a separate bookcase in it, they are also an entertaining way to jazz up a wall. The covers of kids' books are always bright and colorful, and this way your little ones will have no trouble choosing their bedtime story.
You could, of course, use this DIY in a different room for adults' books, something which would look effective. I have a quite a few stunning coffee table books that I would love to have on better display, and I think I might just have found the perfect solution.
3. Wine Box Shelves
These Wine Box Shelves are so adaptable, which is something I am a big fan of. You could make your collection of boxes as big or as small as you wanted, filling a significant portion of a wall or just a tiny corner.
You could use them practically, for tableware or books for example, or as a purely decorative piece, filling the boxes with vases, photo frames or special keepsakes. This specific example is sat on the floor as it was intended to cover something on the wall, but you would very easily mount these wine boxes onto the wall if you wanted them to be suspended.
4. Copper Pipe Shelves
I am obsessed with how sleek these Copper Pope Shelves look. Despite the fact that they are quite small, they still seem incredibly stylish and could make a perfect feature piece, especially in a monochrome room.
Because of how small and easy to mount these are, you could use them anywhere in the house, whether it's as a place to display a small succulent in a living room or a handy place to pop your keys just inside your front door. You could use any color piping and coasters, I think the copper is effective though and gives off that very in-fashion industrial vibe.
5. Wood and Leather Suspended Shelf
This DIY is so simple but creates a wonderful looking shelf. You could change the colors of both the wood and leather to match the room in which you were hanging this shelf, but I think the soft light colored wood along with the pale pink leather used in this example looks lovely.
Because the wood in this Wood and Leather Suspended Shelf isn't physically attached to the leather, it would probably be best not to place too many bulky items on the shelf. I personally don't mind this at all, I like the look of the shelf itself so much that I would rather have it as a more decorative piece, topped with a vintage camera and some flowers like in this example.
6. Rope Shelves
To me, with the grey colored wood, metal detailing and professional looking rope, these Rope Shelves are something I would hang in either our garage or utility room. With that said, however, this DIY is so easy to follow that you could easily adjust the colors and materials in order to make it a more decorative looking piece.
These shelves look sturdy, which is especially important when you are working with more than one level, avoiding the risk of an accident. There isn't too much to it when it comes to making them, just a little bit of drilling and some good old knot work.
7. Book Shelf
No, I don't mean just any bookshelf, I mean a shelf made of actual books. How genius an idea is that?
It is true that you couldn't put too many things on this Book Shelf, but I don't think that matters too much. It wouldn't take up a lot of wall space at all, so you wouldn't have to feel like you were wasting space if it worked more as a feature piece than a practical storage space. I think if I were making this myself I would try and find hardback, vintage versions of my favorite novels, but I do think the idea of covering any damaged covers in pretty patterned papers could also add a bit of color.
8. Pegboard Wall Organizer
I love how versatile this Pegboard Wall Organizer is. Not only can you place wooden planks across the pegs to create shelves, but you can also use the pegs to hang coats, bags, jewelry, you name it.
I think the perfect place to put this would be in the entranceway to a house. By having it here, it is not only an easy place to hang a coat as you enter the house, or a handy place to keep keys and wallets, but a great place to have a little reed diffuser or candle. This DIY delivers in appearance and practicality, which is just perfect, and although it might take a little while to make it, it is something that you will be able to keep and use daily for years to come.
9. Fruit Slice Shelf
These Fruit Slice Shelves are a lot of fun and would look sweet and refreshing in a kids' bedroom. That said, I am seriously considering putting some of these up in my office, it is an otherwise white room so these would add the perfect pop of color.
You could get creative when making your fruit slices, either choosing fruits that match your color scheme or even creating your own weird and wonderful varieties. They look incredibly simple to make, with only two main parts to them, and would be an excellent quick fix to display something like potted plants or a few books.
10. Hanging Shelves
The way that these shelves are hung is so minimal and chic looking to me, with the thin black cord and a metal ring at the top.
You'd have to be smart with your balancing when it comes to putting things on these Hanging Shelves but adorned with a few little trinkets or pots they would look gorgeous in any room. The light colored wood used in this example makes them very unobtrusive and simple, but if you wanted to, you could get creative with colors. The wood could easily be painted, and multiple different colors of the chord are bound to be readily available at your local craft store.
11. Wine Rack
Everyone needs a pretty Wine Rack in their kitchen, so why not pop your DIY gloves on and make one yourself?
We currently have a kind of basket thing that we use for our wine bottles at home which is not convenient in the slightest. I like this shelf system far better, as it means you can have easy access to the bottles and also know exactly which one you're grabbing straight away. This shelving unit could be easily adapted to other uses if you didn't want to use it for wine. By removing the nails that are used to keep the bottles from rolling, you could use these shelves to display bottles of spices and herbs.
12. Honeycomb Shelves
I seem to be seeing Honeycomb Shelves everywhere at the moment, from my friends' houses to stores, and I can't tell whether they have always been as present or whether I am only starting to notice them because of how into them I am.
One thing I had previously found rather impractical about honeycomb style shelving was that you could not put much on it, but this specific DIY totally solves that problem by having a shelf across the middle of the hexagon. Of course, you wouldn't have to do this if you didn't want to, just as easily as you could add more shelves, or mix and match like they have in this example. Again, very customizable, which gets a big thumbs up from me.
13. Ladder Shelf
What originally caught my eye with this Ladder Shelf is that beautiful, bright mint blue color. I don't know if I currently have anywhere in my house where that color would work, but now that I've seen it I am going to make sure I find a place.
There are so many things you could use this shelving unit for, regardless of whether you use it inside your house or outside like in the example. It would be just as perfect for clothes as it would be for books or toys. The finished shelves look incredibly professional, and I would most definitely be doing a double take if someone told me they had DIY'd them themselves.
14. Closet Organization Shelves
My closet in my old room at my parents' house used to have shelves in it, and I didn't quite realize just how useful they were until I moved out and didn't have them anymore.
If you don't have a storage space that these Closet Organization Shelves would work in, they would fit just as well in an alcove area on a wall. They don't look difficult to construct, and the number and length of them can be adjusted based on your space and needs. This is a perfect DIY for basic shelving, a great one to have up your sleeve should you ever need it.
15. Wood Slice Shelves
I love the natural, rustic look of these Wood Slice Shelves. I have seen things like this in sweet little cottages we have stayed in on holidays in the countryside, but never considered taking it and using it to create a feature in a room with a more modern interior design.
The mix of the wood and the metal detaining is incredibly stylish, and there are very few steps involved when it comes to putting them together. These would work well in any space, especially because you can choose the size of wood you use. I like the idea of having a few of these clustered together, maybe in the kitchen displaying bright bottles and jars.
16. Drawers Turned Shelves
Any DIY that includes a bit of up-cycling is a winner for me. I love the idea of taking something old that isn't being used anymore for its original purpose and giving it a new lease of life by transforming it into something new.
That is one of the reasons why these Drawers Turned Shelves jumped out at me, they do the whole up-cycling thing very well. The technique of painting the drawers almost roughly makes them look even more rustic and vintage, which would make them a perfect addition to any otherwise neutral or plain room. It is as simple as sourcing some old drawers and mounting them upon the wall, you couldn't ask for easier DIY shelves.
17. Branch Shelf
I suppose this is not so much a shelf as a place to hang things, although you could have the branches spread further apart and then have space to put things in between them.
This Branch Shelf would make a lovely yet practical piece to have in the entranceway to any home. It is quite the project, with many steps and a fair few bits of equipment involved, but you could make it a two-man job, think of it as a bonding experience as well as the creation of something beautiful. You could paint the entire shelf grey like they have in this example, or to be honest I think I prefer it left natural with the different colors of the wood. I also think this shelf would make a really lovely gift for someone, whether they're new homeowners or you just want to treat them.
18. ‘Home' Letters Shelves
These ‘Home' Letters Shelves are such a lovely idea, and one that I think would look great as a feature piece in a room. It is helpful that in this example they have shown a great number of things that can be put on the shelves. Because of the slightly odd shapes of some of the letter, I think I would have otherwise struggled initially in thinking of how to use them.
I have also seen this done with the letters of the word ‘love,' so you could play about with it if you wanted to. Although it looks like something you could buy in a store it is a lot easier to make than you would imagine, all it takes is the skillful organization and drilling of some wooden planks to make out the shapes of the letters.
19. Mug Rack
We have a lot of beautiful and even sentimental mugs in my house, and I have always thought that it was a bit of a shame to have them hidden away in a cupboard like we currently do. This Mug Rack is a perfect way of solving that problem, and the cubicles the mugs sit in look deep enough to be relatively kid-friendly.
I like that this unit has different sized shelves, it makes it look a bit less rigid and more relaxed and fun, especially with all the multicolored mugs. Well also have mugs of all different shapes and sizes, so it caters well to that. Although this example shows these shelves being used for mugs you could definitely use it for something else, whether that be glass or something entirely non-kitchen related. It could even look really cool in a kids' room displaying little soft toys.
20. Open Shelving
This Open Shelving would be incredibly handy to have in a frequently used room like a dining room, kitchen or living room. There is no limit on the number of things you could use it for, and you could decide to use it as easy access storage for things like crockery, or as a display unit for family photos.
I like the fact that there isn't too much drilling involved in this DIY because that isn't something that I myself am too skilled with. The color of the wood in this example is lovely, especially against the white walls. If you were making these shelves yourself it might be a good idea to have a look at different colors of wood, seeing which one goes best with your walls, flooring and other furniture before making your final decision.
21. Open Pipe Shelving
I am a huge fan of the current industrial meets modern interior styling that seems to be floating around and would love to get a little more of it incorporated into my own home. This can be relatively difficult to do considering that it often plays off of pre-installed fixtures, but with this DIY Open Pipe Shelving looks like a great way to add it from scratch.
I don't think this would work everywhere or with any color scheme, it is probably safest to stick to neutral and monochrome backgrounds like those shown in these examples. You can tell that these are non-working pipes that have merely been screwed into the wall which I like, and the shelves themselves are just simple planks of wood slotted in place.
22. Gold and Marble Shelves
My sister is a big fan of the marble and gold trend; you can tell that from a one-second glance at her bedroom. Have to admit that I think it can look incredibly stylish too, especially when you keep it simple with little touches here and there or one larger statement piece like these Gold and Marble Shelves.
This DIY is kind of cheating because it is explaining how to transform a regular shelving unit into a gold and marble detailed one, but it is still definitely worth having a look at. It's a perfect solution if you want to jazz up some old shelves, and if you wanted to start from scratch yourself, then you could start out by following one of these other DIYs then applying this one to stylize it.
23. Floating Window Shelves
I am such a plant lady. I am constantly buying new potted plants and succulents to display around my house, so much so that I am pretty sure the inside will soon be confused with the outside.
I just feel that plants give so much life to a room, an I absolutely love the idea of displaying them against a large window on these Floating Window Shelves. The plants will get the sunlight they need here and will be easily admirable. The use of glass for the shelves means that it will be unseen against the window, giving the illusion that the plants are floating. I like that in this example the plants are displayed along with some vintage looking bottles, and I'd definitely pop a couple of my own little trinkets on here too.
24. Frame Shelves
These Frame Shelves are perfect for a space like a desk or a bedside, somewhere you might need a shelf to put a couple of little things but that you also want to look pretty.
You can buy very deep box frames in stores, so if you want to lessen the work involved in this DIY even more then all you would have to do would be to remove the backing and mount them on the wall. Otherwise, you can follow these simple steps to make regular, flat frames stand out enough to double us as shelves. I would definitely go for some pretty, fancy frames when making these, but you could be as simple or as extravagant as you wanted to.
25. Solid Wooden Block Shelves
This is such a unique idea, and I think the way that these Solid Wooden Block Shelves fit snuggly into the corner is cool. Corner shelves are convenient but can often be challenging to get right. However, I think that this one does the job perfectly.
Because this is made up of single wooden blocks it is very easy to adapt the size, height, and shape of your shelf. After thinking about how you could further adapt and personalize this to match your own personal style, I realized you could make it quite funky by playing around with color. My main bathroom is almost entirely white, as many bathrooms probably are, and I was imagining how cool this design could look if you painted the blocks different colors before randomly assembling them. I am definitely going to have to give it a try now that the idea is in my head.
26. Plywood Bedside Shelf
I must say that I think this Plywood Bedside Shelf is pretty genius, and I doubt that even I would struggle to make it. Although the fact that it sticks straight out from the wall might seem a little strange at first, when you think about it, it is pretty practical regarding easy reachability.
You can't turn down having a go at this DIY because it is all held together by glue, no tricky sawing or drilling and therefore no excuses. The plywood is nice and thin so it doesn't look clumsy and bulky, and it would comfortably hold all your bedside essentials like your favorite book, alarm clock and a candle.
27. Dollhouse Bookcase
My little sister had something like this Dollhouse Bookcase as we were growing up and of course, I was always extremely jealous of it. She had hers mounted on the wall, and I think this specific DIY could be too if that's what you would prefer.
Any kid would love one of these in their bedroom, and you could even get them involved in the painting of the different ‘rooms.' Not only would this be perfect for storing books, toys, and even clothes if you wanted, but you could also leave a couple of the spaces free and set up little dolls house scenes within them for your kids to play with.
28. Corbel Shelves
Using corbels to support shelves is an excellent way of keeping them simple while still adding a little something special. You can get a wide variety of different corbels spanning a wide range of price points, and there is a style out there for everyone from the minimal to the flashy.
These Corbel Shelves are a great way of installing shelves in the middle of a wall without needing to add bulky supports or metal detailing. They will be far more supportive than if you were to simply screw the shelves into the wall, meaning that you don't have to be too careful or restricted when deciding what to use them for.
29. Hanging Wood Shelves
I haven't seen anything quite like these Hanging Wood Shelves before, especially this large and with the metal piping at the top. That is something that drew me to it, in fact, it was the whole concept of mixing so many different materials like metal, wood, and rope.
I would definitely want to use this as a feature piece in a room, and to be honest I think you would need to consider how many different things are going onto it. I like the choice to use classic colored rope and have it knotted bulkily at the tops, giving it a really cool rustic feel. Because of the strong metal piping at the top, you could pile lots of things onto the shelves, and also easily adapt the number of shelves to whatever space and purpose you needed it for.
30. Industrial Shelving
This is a very subtle way of adding some more industrial style touches into your home, which I think is an excellent place to start if you either haven't ventured down that route before or want to take it in baby steps.
I like that these Industrial Shelves have been used to cover a large area of wall space in this example, and I think that if I were making them I would do much of the same. Not only are they wide but there are also many different levels, so you wouldn't have to worry about being short of space. They are being used here both for practicality, holding crockery and books, and for decoration, with photo frames and potted plants. If you don't have as big a space to fill you could easily use this DIY to create a series of tiny shelves using exactly the same method.
31. Wallpapered Bookshelves
These Wallpapered Bookshelves are a perfect example of how you can take something simple and add your own little touches to make it more personal and suited to your home.
You would have to put these shelves up somewhere near a sofa or chairs like in this example, otherwise, you wouldn't be able to appreciate the pretty underside of them. With that said you could also cover the tops and sides of the shelves if you wanted to, I probably would. If you don't already have some wallpaper scraps you can most likely pick them up for free at your local homeware store, alternatively, you could try it out with good quality wrapping paper.
32. Box File Shelf
It's such a nifty little idea to use a box file as a shelf; it is already perfectly made to act as a double-layered shelf. As this DIY suggests, this would be handy to have just inside the front door of your house, especially if you don't have a lot of space for a full shelving unit, to leave your keys and wallet.
This Box File Shelf would take all of five minutes to mount on the wall and could even work as a short-term solution before you take the plunge and buy something more permanent. You can get box files in all different colors, and if you can't find the perfect one, then all it needs is a quick coat of paint.
33. Floating Corner Shelf
Although you could paint these Floating Corner Shelves any color you wanted to, the ones in this example look particularly good because they are the same color as the wall. This helps with the ‘floating' illusion and makes them very unobtrusive in the room.
The length of these shelves could be adjusted, I like the idea of having long ones that stretch out far along a wall but they would also work just as well in a small room if you cut them smaller. I reckon this would be a two man job, but once these shelves were finished they could stay up for good. This DIY comes with easy to follow diagrams which I always find incredibly helpful when I am trying something out for the first time.
34. Hanging Wooden Box Shelf
You wouldn't expect a DIY as simple as this one to create such a cute looking shelf. Having lived in a few student apartments in my time, I would have loved to have known about this quick fix Hanging Wooden Box Shelf, which doesn't leave more marks than just one small hole in the wall.
I am pretty sure that I have a wooden box like this lying around somewhere, or something similar at least, and I have some paint I could use to jazz it up. You could only store a few things in it, but it would be perfect for a bedside, and considering how easy and inexpensive it is to make I cannot complain.
Conclusion to Unique Shelving Ideas
After going through all these new and exciting ideas for shelving, I cannot wait to do a bit of re-organization and get some DIYing on the go. There is something for every need, from kids' bedrooms to shelves for displaying family memories to practical study shelves perfect for storage.
I want to try out the hanging Book Shelf made from old hardback books, as I think it would look good in my office space. I am also keen to build some Floating Corner Shelves to utilize every little bit of space that I have.
Have you ever tried making your own shelves? Do think you would be building one of these gorgeous shelves for decorative or storage purposes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
This article first appeared on morningchores.com Original Article
The post 34 DIY Shelving Ideas That Are as Pretty as They Are Practical appeared first on Homesteading Alliance.
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rojpoj-diary · 7 years
Blog Entry #9
Oye, today was ok, overall. I did bring oatmeal to school so I could eat it during passing period, my friend Andrew found out and wanted some in 4th period, sadly I did not have any left to give, but I did offer to bring some on Monday, this was because oddly enough, he has never had oatmeal. He said that he nor his family has ever bought it and that it did not look too appetizing to eat, never the less he was curious to try some of the free food, which I with still a bit of shock, gladly offered then after. Fortunately for me we also played cards for half of 6th period which was cool to get out of a lot of lame pre-cal work, omg can you imagine 2 hours of math work? That is insane. Oh and I tried to talk to Ms. Garcia about the Texas situation but had to go after school because she didn’t send the note I had asked for her to send. Anyway after school I brought her the list she requested on Tuesday for the pros and cons of moving to Texas, it was not big but we talked enough to get a good start of how I should go about thinking towards my possible future, considering my parents will day no, I may just have to get up and leave like my sister Emra did about a year ago, running of with her boyfriend. During this conversation I get called by my little brother asking where I am as he and my mother were waiting in the old CVS parking lot a block away from the school. I tell him I do not know when I will leave as I am talking with my counselor, saying how it will be soon and how I will be a quick as possible. As I walk out I call him seeing as I do not see them in sight, apparently they went home because my mother thought I’d take half an hour, what kind of meeting between and student and their counselor takes half an hour, especially after school? So that got me agitated, then when I get home I am expect to wash AND dry the dishes, no, I was not going to have any of that, I refuse to do another’s job in that house because the other is lazy, all Tuc does is clean the bathroom, which is just some wiping of a few things. I have to wash a mountain of dishes that are covered in food and caked with greece. Disgusting, I hate it, because I also clean my room, and it’s not even really mine, I share it with two dirty brothers who are so reluctant to clean that I end up doing it but it get’s dirty again within a fay, it is ridiculous, what am I a maid? I also sometimes take out the trash, and then I am complained to that I do not put a bag in. But it was our original agreement that if one takes it out, another puts a bag in, it is more efficient. But no no, since Emra ran away apparently the agreement doesn’t matter anymore, even though her only real job was to clean the girl’s room, which such a responsibility was shared with Nina. So we all start to yell and they basically try to discredit me by saying I am acting like a 2 yr old by throwing a tantrum, like wtf? I am acting like a 2 yr old because I am standing up for myself and not wanting to be branded as the family butler? Fuck that, but anyway I proceed to go and do the dishes but Nina, my older sister, starts doing them and won’t let me do them, so she basically steals my job then says that I am not doing anything, like really? You just stole my job, I will not do anyone’s but my own and the petty and annoying tasks asked of my on a daily basis by everyone in the apartment from cooking to catching bugs. So then she says that if I don’t do anything, my father will take away my phone, excuse me but that is not happening, I do not care, he doesn’t go through with his threats anyways, but even if he does, I wouldn’t give up my phone because they stole by job, besides I need my phone to keep my sanity, I do not have much else in social regards to stimulate my mind, I like talking to others, so I need my phone, I will not take this injustice sitting down. It only calmed down when I threatened my mother that I would do the same as Emra and just leave, because just like her I cannot take this disrespect and all the fighting and that I said I would stop yelling when they would stop talking over me and interrupting me, In all honestly I am at my breaking point and that is why I am really considering moving to Texas with my friend Bradley. We talked about a few other issues and then we went our separate ways. Later I went with my father to get some sand and a long pot for my succulents only to go to Walmart after dropping off my sister at work, to walk in the freezing rain in a T-shirt and shorts to find nothing, we did get a hanging basket though, we found some sand mix soil at Lowe’s. I was going to put the soil in but it’s been raining all night so I will wait in the morning. I also pinched some leaves and stems off a few succulents so I can grow more plants in the new basket. I put them in a napkin on the kitchen counter next to the stove, so they should be fine.  Anyway, even though today was stressful, with both parents once again proving they care little about how much stress they are putting on me, and how they seem to not care or are oblivious to my stress, I will say that things are looking ok, because at least I have my plants and my friends. Well, see ya!
0 notes
livingcorner · 3 years
8 ways to improve your garden’s drainage
What’s the best way to improve your garden’s drainage? During the rainy months, frustrated gardeners have seen their back gardens turn to swamps, which has a long term knock-on effect because good drainage is essential for growing many garden plants and keeping healthy grass.
With the unpredictable British weather – and the rain that comes with it – many gardens in the UK suffer from poor drainage, and these waterlogged conditions are far from ideal when trying to maintain a lush, green lawn once spring comes. Here are some ways to improve your garden’s drainage.
You're reading: 8 ways to improve your garden’s drainage
1. Pricking, slitting or spiking
‘Pricking or slitting the lawn surface with shallow, 2-3cm holes can help garden drainage, but deeper spiking is even better, especially with a tool designed to leave deep holes,’ explain the team at Garden Buildings Direct. ‘These holes can be filled with a free-draining material, such as proprietary lawn top dressing or horticultural sand, to allow the water to flow from the surface to deeper, less compacted layers.’
2. Grow more plants
One of the best, and easiest, ways to improve drainage in your garden is to simply grow more plants. It’s also a relatively inexpensive solution, and in the long run, will make your garden look nicer too. ‘Plant choice is important though, as you’ll want to choose something that can survive wet conditions – unfortunately, many plants dislike too much water and cannot tolerate waterlogged conditions,’ warn Garden Buildings Direct.
3. Build raised beds
Building raised plant beds means you can fill them with good quality, free-draining topsoil that gets your plants out of the boggy earth below. These can be constructed out of timber railway sleepers or brickwork.
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mtreasureGetty Images
4. Improve soil drainage
If drainage issues aren’t too severe, improving the permeability of the soil in your beds may alleviate the problem. ‘To do this, you’ll need to dig in lots of organic matter, as soil with a high organic matter content allows excess water to drain through, while absorbing essential moisture. Creating your own compost and using this to improve the soil is a cheap but effective way of doing this,’ say Garden Buildings Direct. ‘On the other hand, if your soil is sticky and clay-like, it’s advisable to add coarse grit sand to aid drainage.’
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Compost bin
James_DavidsonGetty Images
5. Manage surface water
Managing surface water run-off effectively and efficiently is a great way to improve drainage. All you need to do is incorporate sloping surfaces within your garden so that the excess water is directed to an area where it can be disposed of – for example, a surface drain or plant bed containing moisture-loving plants. Please note, this could be costly as you’d need to hire a mini excavator to sculpt the contours of your garden. Do seek professional advice in any instance.
6. Use bark chippings
Did you know that bark chippings are great for absorbing moisture, and thereby improving drainage? These chippings are not only great at retaining moisture but they also prevent weed growth, help insulate the beds during cold snaps, and improve the aesthetic of practically any bed they’re added to.
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7. Install artificial grass
‘Artificial grass is capable of handling large amounts of rainfall, but the key to a successful, drainage-improving artificial lawn is to ensure that a permeable sub-base is installed beneath the turf,’ explain Garden Buildings Direct.
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Calvin Chan Wai MengGetty Images
8. Install land drains
This option is generally only recommended if your lawn is particularly bad – installing land drains involves digging a trench in your lawn, fixing a perforated land drain, and then re-covering, so it’s a big job. ‘Water will then drain through your lawn and into the perforated land drain pipe, which will channel it away from that area to whatever other part of the garden you choose,’ say Garden Buildings Direct. ‘Local by-laws usually prohibit you from channelling the water into public storm drains or sewer systems, so finding a suitable area to direct the water can be an issue.’
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20 best gardening gifts under £35
Gardeners gift basket — Gardening Gifts
Gardeners Beauty Gift Basket
Treat your gardening-loving friend to this wonderful gift set. Presented in a handmade seagrass hamper basket, you’ll find lip balm, hand lotion, exfoliating soap, a nail brush and gardening gloves.
Gardening gloves — Gardening Gifts
Burgon & Ball Flora & Fauna Gardening Gloves, Medium
Burgon & Ball johnlewis.com
Gloves are a must-have for gardeners. With a sweet bird print and ultra-soft fell palms, this Burgon & Ball style is perfect for all. 
Trowel box set — Gardening Gifts
Sophie Conran trowel gift boxed
Sophie Conran crocus.co.uk
Read more: How to Plant & Grow Zucchini
Presented in a lovely box, this Sophie Conran trowel makes the perfect gift for your garden-loving friend. 
Slate market — Gardening Gifts
Engraved Slate Plant Marker
Make a friend or family member smile with this lovely personalised state plant marker. 
Plant pot — Gardening Gifts
Dutch Floral Patterned Plant Pot
Have you ever seen a more beautiful plant pot? These even come with their own bulbs, so expect Delft Blue Hyacinth to blossom soon. 
Tool bag — Gardening Gifts
Sophie Conran tool bag
Sophie Conran crocus.co.uk
Keep tools and accessories neatly stored away with this stylish gardening bag. Designed by Sophie Conran, it’s water resistant, wipe clean and has practical restraining straps to keep your items safe. 
Hand lotion — Gardening Gifts
Lemon and Rosewood Organic Hand Lotion
Gardening is often tough on the hands, so it’s important for regular gardeners to look after their skin. Trust us, this hand cream will go down a treat…
Watering can — Gardening Gifts
Mini Green Earthenware Watering Can
Formed from earthenware and finished with a glaze, this watering can is a must-have for avid gardeners. 
Bee house — Gardening Gifts
Shetland Hexagonal Bee House
Encourage bees into the garden with this affordable bee house. Designed to imitate honeycomb’s hexagonal shapes, it’s the perfect nesting site. 
Garden kneeler — Gardening Gifts
Canvas Garden Kneeler
This practical canvas kneeler is a must-have for every gardening aficionado. Its long handle makes it incredible practical to hang in a shed or garage after use. 
Wildflower seeds — Gardening Gifts
Wildflower Seed Balls Gift
GowerFlowerCompany etsy.com
Ceramic plant set — Gardening Gifts
Personalised RHS Set Of Two Ceramic Planters
Get personal with your gift ideas and give something printed with your own message. These ceramic planters make excellent presents.
Great for book lovers — Gardening Gifts
Read more: How to Start a Curbing Business | Basics to Advanced | Curb Depot
Wild at Home: Style & Care for Beautiful Plants Book
A book is always a good idea. Wild at Home is a great title to gift plant and garden lovers alike. 
Rake — Gardening Gifts
Wooden Rake
Sweeping away fallen leaves and garden dirt has never been easier thanks to this beautiful wooden rake. Crafted from beech, it’s a practical gift that everyone will find use for.
Planter — Gardening Gifts
Lloyd the Llama Ceramic Planter
Oliver Bonas oliverbonas.com
Keep succulents and small cacti in this sweet llama-shaped ceramic planter. 
Bird mug — Gardening Gifts
Garden Birds 1/2 Pint Mug
With a sweet bird design, this gorgeous mug is a brilliant gift for every garden and wildlife lover.  
Workshop — Gardening Gifts
Chilli Grower Workshop for Two
Learning new skills are always exciting. This experience gift will give guests the chance to professionally learn how to grow their own chillis at home.
Bird food tin — Gardening Gifts
Burgon & Ball Enamel Bird Feed Tin, Cream
Burgon & Ball johnlewis.com
This enamel tin is an incredibly stylish way to store bird seeds. We’re certain it will make a well-received gift. 
Peony in a pot — Gardening Gifts
Peony ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ | Paeonia lactiflora | 2L Pot
Bring a smile to your friend’s face with this gorgeous peony in a beige pot. With ruffled, pale pink blooms, it’s a surefire way to brighten any garden. 
Fat ball set — Gardening Gifts
Fat Ball Bird Seed Gift Box
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/8-ways-to-improve-your-gardens-drainage/
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jemmasmithinterior · 6 years
Summer Fun At Home
Ah, summer break: that remarkable time when days are long, cicadas burst into song, and kids have lots and lots… and lots… of free time. Keep boredom at bay by having a list of things to do at-the-ready for the kiddos. That way, they’ll have an array of activities to choose from every day, and you can rest easy knowing “I’m bored” won’t be in their vocabulary for a few months; at least, not until the school year starts.
The secret? It’s all about getting creative, and finding everyday household products and activities you can turn into an adventure. We have a few ideas to get you—and them—motivated.
Make a Pillow Fort
Talk about getting back to the basics! Transforming a living room into a fort has been a tried and true idea for decades, and there are few things that can spark imaginations more than this. Made complete with cozy blankets and lights to set the ambiance, let them invite a few friends over, or join them inside for a movie on the laptop. Keep them cool under the covers by using lighter weighted sheets, as well as LED lights that aren’t hot to the touch. For an ultra-whimsical light source, try decorating a mason jar for that beautiful firefly glow under the covers.
Prop up your sofa cushions, and hang sheets over your sofa and a few chairs to ensure their fort will be tall enough. You can never have enough comfy throw pillows or blankets inside, so make sure the fort is comfortable enough to lounge on the floor.
From there, the adventuring possibilities are endless (and all without leaving the house)!
See how we did it in our homemade forts blog post.
Arts & Crafts
Thousands of craft ideas are floating around to awaken your child’s sensory learning and fine motor skills. We’ve selected a few of our favorites to try below.
Try this Ice Age Bin Activity
We found this ice age bin activity from happy hooligans to be a simply ingenious idea! Not only is it perfect for summer, but start to finish, takes at least an hour if not more for children to break through the ice to get their toys and trinkets.
All you need is a plastic bin, salt, colored driveway salt (with a few drops of food coloring), water, and toy syringes—in fact, any tools you think the kids will use will work. Then, grab some toys, shoelaces, and other objects that are okay being frozen in water. A few days before, place everything in a bin, cover with water and place in the freezer.
The kids will have a blast digging their way through the ice to find frozen treasures. Do this outside, especially if it’s hot, and the ice will be a welcome sensation to chip through.
DIY Drinkware
You can never have enough mugs around for that routine cup of tea or coffee. The kids will love adding to your mug collection by making these nail polish mugs. All you need for these beautiful marbled mugs is your favorite nail polish colors, a bowl of water, and white ceramic drinkware.
See the 3 easy steps on our blog post here.
Make a Terrarium
Greenery never goes out of style, so inspire the green thumb in your kids by having a few succulents in the house. It’s a perfect home activity that introduces kids to plants and can foster a lifetime love of gardening in the future.
All it takes is a glass box or jar, soil, succulents, and a few other easy ingredients.
See how we made this easy DIY terrarium here.
  Create a Reading Reward System
Most older kids have reading homework throughout the summer, but you can encourage kids of all ages to read with a handy reward system. For every book your child reads, give them tokens they can exchange for prizes. Whether it’s a toy they’ve been wanting, or extra TV time, this system will no doubt incentivize your little ones to continue reading and honing their skills so they’re prepared for school.
For tokens, consider using yogurt lids, pennies, or even laminated coins that were colored and made by the kids themselves.
  Fun With Water
Summer heat can be a big deterrent to wanting to go outside, but adding water to the mix is sure to add excitement, and the opportunity to cool down! Just make sure everyone stays hydrated, and you take breaks as needed. Here are some great water-infused ideas.
Water Balloons
All you need are balloons, water and endless imagination. Toss water balloons back and forth, or play baseball with a plastic bat, and watch the excitement as they burst. You can even put food coloring in the balloons so they explode with fun colors.
Slip n’ Slide
Bring the water park to the backyard with a fun slip ‘n slide that you can buy at a local store (here’s a good example of one, but there are many options and styles to choose from). Just make sure the slide is properly wetted first, and the kids have goggles so they aren’t barraged with water in their eyes.
Homemade Bubbles
Make your own solution of bubbles with a wand in tow to create giant-sized bubbles the kids will be sure to gawk at for hours! Many solutions are simple concoctions of dish soap, baking powder, and glycerine.
Here’s an ingredients list you can try to make super “dura-bubbles” that will persist outdoors (via DIY network):
2 cups of hot water
¼ cup of dish soap
1 (.25 oz) packet gelatin
2 tablespoons of glycerin
Place your bubble solution in a big, clean plastic container, with plenty of wands to blow bubbles. You can either buy some standard ones at a dollar store, or you can make your own bubble wands with pipe cleaners, sticks, or even tying string around drinking straws. See how Rachel did it here on her blog as an example to get inspired!
  Make Tasty Treats
Most kids love helping out in the kitchen, so put their culinary skills to work by making sweet and savory treats together. Consider pizza, popsicles, or even fun, fruity ice cubes that are sure to jazz up snack time throughout the day.
Letting kids make customized pan pizzas, where they can add ingredients to their heart’s content, is such a fun and creative exercise. Plus, since you’re controlling the ingredients they’re using, it’s a much healthier alternative to takeout pizza, too!
See how we made 3 different kinds of pizzas with this easy recipe.
  Obstacle Courses
Indoors or out, kids love obstacle courses that challenge them to step, jump, and crawl. With paper, yarn, and a bit of creative willpower, you can easily transform a room into their very own Mission: Impossible scene.
Here are a few ideas to get you started—all with household items such as yarn, tape, chairs, a hula hoop, and pieces of paper you can either print or write on with markers:
Tape the yarn on opposing walls in a hallway, since they’re typically closer together. Make it very intertwined, so they’ll have to work hard to get past without touching the yarn (think of all those spy movies where they must avoid being detected by the lasers!). Then, have them jump in and out of a hula hoop 5 times (great for coordination). If you have any bean bags or balls, have them shoot one into a laundry basket for added motor movement. Having kids crawl under chairs or walk across a line with a light book on their head is another great way to have them concentrate. Once cleared, you can tape pieces of paper to the ground with multiplication tables, so they’ll then have to solve each one before being able to proceed. At the end, you can then celebrate with a snack or movie to commemorate their achievement!
These are just a few ideas—get as creative and involved as you want with it! You’ll find when tasked with a mission, kids become very determined to get through it, and your involvement and encouragement will mean the world to them (and hey, they certainly won’t be bored).
You can make an objective for them to get the diamond at the end, or try to rescue a stuffed animal from entrapment. Either way, it’s a fun activity that’s sure to keep them occupied. Once they complete it, you can always rehash the same challenges by changing up the yarn, or the distance between obstacles. Tape a few pieces of paper with shapes and colors on the floor, or even multiplication problems, and they’ll be working their brains while doing it!
  Summer Fun at Home: Achieved
Your kids will have ample play time, and fun things to explore with this list of activities. And the best part? No “I’m bored” replies will happen during the summer months. Continue to expand their minds, and they’ll go into the next school year more than ready to learn.
If you’d like to try all these out with your kids, be sure to check out our free printable so you can hang it on the fridge, and check each one off as you do it.
If you try any of these activities, be sure to use the hashtag #MyAshleyHome for a chance to be featured on our Instagram! We’d love to see what you come up with.
The post Summer Fun At Home appeared first on XO Ashley.
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