#good god. wonder what the rest of the season’s gonna look like
heartplaces · 1 year
ngl really fucked up they tried to bait us with a literal ‘bury your gay’ trope with cristobal in the pit only to psych us out and then actually do it at the end
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bonny-kookoo · 9 months
I really really really love UNSTABLE 😍 can you please write a drabble where the ship enters a really cold place in the galaxy and OC goes to Jungkook for some body heat since her blankets aren't helping her and he cuddles her in the end? 👉👈 only if you want to, of course.
I'm so in love with your writing. ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks for accepting your veggies noni :( ♡
-> Masterlist
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Cryon is a part of the galaxy that's known for its cold temperatures, due to the lack of intergalactic travel and planets.
And Jungkook is a member of an Alien species which tolerates the cold very well- body heat compensating for even the coldest climates, almost like a reptile. So you're jot even very surprised when he doesn't seem to have any kind of heating unit installed on the ship- temperatures so cold you can't find rest even under all of your blankets.
Fuck it. You don't care if he's gonna deny you or think you're stupid- maybe he'd at least arrange some space under his desk or something where the heat from the control unit's Servers would provide some comfort for you.
The door hisses open, and Jungkook does a double take, unable to mask his amusement as the corners of his lips twitch, brows furrowed in confusion while his eyes have a surprised hue to them. "Do you need something?" He asks, surprised to find you up at all considering you sleep quite a lot.
At least to him. He doesn't need eight full hours of rest like you do, after all.
"Its cold." You say, walking closer with your blankets wrapped around you. He nods, as if you've just said that the walls of his ship are made of metal.
"I'm aware." He answers, leaning back in his chair.
"Its too cold.!" You huff, your breath slightly fogging in the coldness of the ship.
Oh. Right.
"Ah, I see.." he mumbles to himself, checking the temperature of the ship, before he scratches the back of his neck, at a loss of solutions. The ship isn't really equipped with a full on temperature control system- it's too old for that. He could probably install one in the future- but right now, he's got nothing. "Hm, I didn't think about that. Do the blankets not work?" He asks, and you shake your head, having pulled the fabric up over your mouth.
He can't help but think that you look almost.. cute. All wrapped up in blankets he provided- you'd probably appreciate a good lair with pelts and-
Wait. No. What the hell is he thinking? It's not even mating season yet- so why are his thoughts so odd lately?
"Can I sleep on the server units, maybe?" You wonder, nodding towards the tall boxes. Jungkook cringes a bit. The chance of you getting hurt on those is too high- what if you turn in your sleep and fall off? Or what if the blankets slip and you burn yourself on the metal casing?
"Come here." He waves you closer, before he zips open his uniform jacket, a simple black sleeveless shirt underneath. You can even see some tattoos on his skin peeking out.
He pats his chest, and you're confused.
He rolls his eyes, clicks his tongue.
"My God, just get over here." He growls annoyed, unraveling your blankets before he manhandles you to somewhat sit on his lap, pushing your shoulder so you're resting against his chest. He then moves the blankets over you and him, both of them, before he pushes your thighs a little before adjusting his own legs. "There. Warm?" He asks, and you're caught off guard for a good second.
He is warm. He also.. smells really good, for some odd reason. And his heartbeat sounds kind of odd, one louder beat with another, softer sounding one like an echo. But it's almost comforting, the steady tact of his heart beating in his chest providing almost more comfort than his warmth.
So you nod, before you adjust yourself a but, finally settling in a somewhat hug-
And he can't deny the appeal of it. You're a nice weight against his body, making him a little sleepy now as well, as he yawns, turning on the autopilot.
Maybe he won't invest in a temperature control system.
Maybe this is a way better solution.
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httpsdana · 1 year
can u write one for Marcus where he has feelings for the reader and being a nervous mess whenever she is there and he finally asks her out
Photographer~Marcus Rashford
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*GIF isnt mine. credits to the owner*
Rashy is backkk. I updated my players list please start requesting again for new players
you can request from my prompt list
this is my master list
players/drivers I write for
y/n was the photographer Man United have assigned to be responsible for any photoshoot the squad has. So she met with the players at least once a week, and with her sociable friendly personality, she was able to be close to almost all of them. Marcus was her favorite, not only was he so humble and had a good sense of humor, but she adored how he gets so flustered during photoshoots with her. She wondered why he suddenly got nervous around, but never thought much about it, knowing she's gonna get way too delusional.
The last photoshoot before the summer break was for the new kit. Every player was supposed to take a few photos alone wearing the kit before some group pictures are taken.
"one last smile Licha...and we're done! good job Lisandro, take a break before the group photos" y/n waved at him, checking the last picture she took of him while waiting for the next player to come.
y/n felt the presence of someone in front of her, so she looked up and was met with Marcus's dark eyes gazing into hers
"oh hey Marcus, didnt know it was your turn. come on take a few poses" she gave him a sweet smile, before fixing the lighting and setting up her camera
Marcus took a deep breath, trying not to look too awkward in his poses, but he couldn't help it when the girl he's crushing on is the one taking the pictures
"loosen up Marcus, you're too tense" she pointed out.
He let out a sigh and ran his hand over his face.
y/n furrowed her eyebrows, putting her camera down and walking to him
"what's wrong?" she stood in front of him, looking up at him. He looked down at her smiling as she looked too small next to him.
"nothing-I just-nevermind" he stuttered, avoiding her gaze knowing he'd get way too nervous if she was staring into his soul
"come on tell me what's up" she pushed trying to get him to talk
He looked behind her, at her assists that were waiting for both of them to get back to work
He shook his head, not trusting his voice at the moment
y/n turned her head to look at were his eyes were.
"hey guys, take a break for a few minutes, I'll call you in a while" she waved at them, until it was only her and Marcus in the room
"you can't avoid it now Marcus. tell me whats wrong" she nudged her shoulder against hers
"I wanted to-would you-I'd like-oh my god" he let out a sigh in frustration, hating how he can't seem to form a small sentence because of her presence
"Marcus..." she started, taking a step closer to him, while he took a step backwards
"listen...I like you okay? and I've been wanting to ask you out since the begining of the season but I'm too scared to do that" he confessed, feeling a weight shift off his shoulder at his own confession
y/n smiled at him, while his eyes were glued to the floor too afraid to face her. She leaned up to bin, pressing a small kiss on his cheek
"I'd love to go out with you" she said, making Marcus's eyes snap to hers
"really?" he made sure that she wasn't messing with him
"of course" she assured him, making his smile widen.
He gave her a big hug, telling her to get ready tonight
"lets continue our photoshoot yeah?" she asked with a smile
He nodded, mirroring her smile.
For the rest of the photoshoot, Marcus was all smiley and giggly, and his photos turned out to be the best out of all.
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bloop-im-a-frog-now · 1 month
Sniffer Adventure and Pets
Pearl checked her inventory one last time.
“Sword, pickaxe, shovel, brush, golden carrots,” she hummed to herself. “Maybe I should bring a shield. Juuust in case.”
Once she crafted her shield, she beamed to herself and went out the door, the rumbles of the warden head vibrating her feet. She flew off and was ready to explore those warm ocean ruins.
She couldn’t get the two rarest flowers without some sniffers sniffing the seeds for her.
Tango had told her to head South, where most Hermits haven’t touched any warm ocean ruins. Most have gone North and West, where they could also get the mangrove wood and be left alone while grinding resources.
She threw a rocket to the ground, flying off as she held her Post Office cap on her head during the journey. Pearl didn’t want it to fly off and forever be lost. She loved the hat.
The first warm ocean she encountered didn’t have a lot of suspicious sand. Still, she brushed it, uncovering the mysterious items buried deep in it, like she was discovering fossils.
The first one ended up being a stick, an item very unnecessary for Pearl at the moment.
“What a shame,” she muttered to herself.
She brushed another suspicious sand block, muttering to herself “Sniffer egg, sniffer egg, sniffer egg” like a prayer that would be granted. Instead, she found an emerald.
“Aw man,” Pearl pouted. “I don’t even have a villager hall.”
She was hoping to use other Hermits’ villager hall this season. She kept the emerald for good measure.
“Maybe if I find gravel instead of sand?” She asked herself.
Right beside her was suspicious gravel, and she grinned.
“You cannot escape Pearl’s brush, you little gravel.”
She brushed it carefully, and saw something red being dug out.
She gasped. “Is this it? Did I finally found one?”
The more she uncovered, the more she realized it was a pottery shard. She let out a frustrated groan.
“I feel like I’m gonna find a lot of these pottery shards.”
And how she wished she was wrong. After visiting one-too many ocean ruins (it was more like two, but flying around to find them was worst than finding the mangrove forest), Pearl was almost ready to give up on this region of the world. She looked at the last suspicious sand and glanced back at her brush.
“One last try. C’mon Pearlie, just one last time. This time, it’ll be a sniffer egg. I can feel it in my bones.”
Despite her pep talk, she did not feel confident about the loot in the suspicious sand. Every centimetres she uncovered, her breath stuck in her throat, as if she’d be disappointed by what the sand would unravel.
She saw red, and inhaled loudly in the bubble column she used for breathing — a fatal flaw in her preparations was to bring water breathing potions. She closed one eye, as if the disappointment would be less grand if she didn’t fully witness it.
It could be another pottery shard, or it could be a smithing template. Pearl played on loop the mantra “sniffer egg, sniffer egg, sniffer egg” in her head, brushing like every mistake would cost her her life.
God she hoped it was a sniffer egg.
Suddenly, she saw green spots on the object, and she let out a squeal of joy. She brushed the rest of the sand away and admired the wonderful egg in the palms of her hands.
“What a beauty,” she whispered.
She slowly caressed it with her index finger, cooing at it.
“You’re gonna look amazing, and you’re gonna dig out sooo many flowers for me, and you’re gonna help me make money. Oh, it’s gonna be wonderful!”
The egg did not reply, but Pearl didn’t need a response. She gently tucked it in her inventory, swimming up to the surface until a huge realization struck her.
She needed two eggs to have more than one sniffer.
She groaned. “Damn you breeding mechanics.”
And thus, the search for a second sniffer egg began, much quicker than the first one. She didn’t listen to Tango’s advice and immediately went West, where there was a warm ocean biome that would surely have an ancient ruin in it.
When she spotted one, she flew immediately down, and gasped in excitement when she saw suspicious gravel and sand.
Her luck would definitely turn around this time.
“C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” she whispered to herself as she brushed a suspicious gravel.
It gave her a pottery shard.
She inhaled sharply. “It’s fine, that’s okay, I can — there’s more! Just — brush these, it’s gonna be okay, you’ll find a sniffer egg. Yeah,” she nodded to herself, “the next one’ll be it.”
She had guessed correctly. She rolled on the ball of her feet in joy and took the sniffer egg in her hand, gently petting it.
“You’re gonna be amazing in my farm,” she whispered to it encouragingly.
It didn’t respond. Pearl didn’t really care, she swimmed to the surface and flew to her base as fast as she could.
She wanted to see those sniffers hatch, after all.
Pearl almost face-planted to her roof with how fast she was going. She threw open the door to the sniffer room, a nice bamboo and sand colour with green grass surrounding it. She took out the first egg from her inventory, and carefully placed it on the ground, making sure it wouldn’t fall and break once Pearl let go of it.
It was standing proud in her base, a nice splash of colour in a room that blended into itself. She hummed in satisfaction and placed her fists on her hips.
“Yeah, that'll do,” she smiled. “Now, time for little guy number two!”
She bit her lower lip as the egg touched the ground, hands so gentle with it, as if it was a block she needed to put at the perfect spot for it to fit with the rest of her build. She couldn’t afford to break it, those eggs were so hard to find, and she needed those flowers so badly.
She made sure the egg was balanced on its own before taking her hands off of it. She beamed when the two eggs stood proudly on their own in the green house.
“You guys will be adorable, I can already tell. Now,” she went towards her door, “I’ll go fix some redstone while you two hatch. Be good.”
She looked at them sternly when she said it and left the room to go downstairs, where her redstone was. The Hermit hummed as she thought. Etho suggested she put a player’s head on the noteblock to not hear the farm or the allays activating it.
She slammed her fist against the palm of her hand.
“Time to search for a player's head,” she declared.
As she went to do that, the sniffers in the egg slowly squirmed in place, getting warmed up to hatch. The cracks were already there when she came up to the farm, where her sniffers would dig out the flowers for her shop.
“You guys are already hatching!” She exclaimed, a wide smile on her face. “Wait up, I wanna see you out of your shell, don’t you dare do anything.”
She changed the head she already had on the noteblock only for a small snort to echo in the room. Pearl swivelled around and cooed at the sight.
“You guys are so cute,” there was only one sniffer hatched, cleaning itself from the juices of the egg.
The second one hatched right under Pearl’s eyes, and she gasped in surprise.
“Down right adorable,” she cooed again, and slowly approached the sniffer who had finished cleaning itself. “Hey there little guy,” she greeted, and scratched the top of its head.
It snorted and shook its head like it had water splashed on it. Pearl chuckled and scratched underneath its chin. Immediately, it fell on its stomach, eyes closed and let the Hermit pet it.
“Oh, you’re so adorable. You like Pearl’s scratches? Yes you do, oh you big guy.”
The second bumped its head against Pearl’s shoulder, making doe eyes at her, pleading for something. She laughed and scratched right between its ears.
“Aw, you felt left out?”
The sniffer fell right beside her, caging her between the two of them. She laughed and continued her pets, appreciating this last moment she’ll probably ever spend with her sniffers.
“You guys are so big for babies. Can’t wait for the money you’re gonna make for me.”
The sniffers simply snorted and let themselves be petted by the Hermit. This sniffer farm will be better than her last one, Pearl just knew it.
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t0ast-ghost · 2 months
S2 Episode 8 (I, Mudd) Garfield guess who’s here? Please tell me it’s not Mudd. It’s Mudd.
- Why are him and Spock just walking the halls together. If I was the crew I’d be going livid, like get this: there’s these two men who are head of the science and medical staff on the ship and they fucking hate each other, they fight all over the ship constantly and you’ve seen them at odds a gazillion times. One day you’re walking the halls to get to your station and you just see them walking together, talking normally, and one of them is even smiling in a sort of fond way. My jaw would drop honestly
- They’re already fighting.. it took less than 30 seconds
- This guy’s on a mission! I wonder who he could be?
- “Mr. Spock we seem to be taking an unscheduled ride” “Interesting.” Spock does not give a fuck about your dramatics, Kirk
- Spock looks at the guy who stops Kirk and just thinks “fuck, McCoy was right.”
- LMAO the electronics in him look like smt from doctor who
- I love Uhura and Chekov almost bumping into the android
- oh god this guy again (Mudd)
- “Jamie boy.” That- that barely even makes sense
- Kirk what is that stance
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- “And you’re all going to be here, uh, quite probably for the rest of your lives. *evil laugh*”Spock and McCoy are unconcerned
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- Okay I think McCoy is just lording it over Spock that he was right
- Okay there’s a certain joviality that I appreciate to the back and forth of Mudd explaining and Kirk, McCoy, and Spock all interrupting
- this is the greatest line in all of Star Trek
- Kirk: Well, opinions?
Chekov: I think we’re in a lot of trouble
Kirk: That’s a great help, Mr. Chekov. Bones?
McCoy: Well, I think Mr. Chekov’s right. We are in a lot of trouble
Kirk: Spock? And if you say we’re in a lot of trouble…
Spock: We are.
Kirk then gets the most defeated look on his face
- Scotty coming in hot and cursing out Mudd
- Kirk is like an angry small dog
- “No, lord Mudd.” “Wuuut??” Good line delivery
- “How do you know so much?” “I asked them.” “Oh.” Wait wait wait, this is simple deduction. Deduction? Sherlock. Holmes and Watso? MCCOY AND SPOCK AS HOLMES AND WATSON!!! Oh wait Data and Geordi did that..
- “Now listen, Spock, you may be a wonderful science officer, but believe me you couldn’t sell fake patents to your mother!” “I fail to understand why I should care to induce my mother to purchase falsified patents.” I love this man
- The name is doctor practice. Mal practice.
- uhura no! WAIT UHURA YES IM SO PROUD. I love how happy they all are
- hi hello what the fuck is happening. What are they celebrating. How did Kirk convince McCoy and Scotty to do that?
- The androids flirting with Spock. Kirk and the rest have to dance whereas Spock is just causing drama “I love you. But I hate you.” “But we’re identical.” *blows up*
- They’re gonna paradox Norman
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- Them imitating phasers takes the cake. I think if I ever show anyone an example episode it would be this one
- “he’s dead.” Damn no Jim. Second time Scotty’s ‘died’ this season
- This is like watching Shakespeare
- I would not be surprised if this episode was inspired by children playing make believe (honestly really genius and fun writing)
- Oooh they’re paradoxing him
- “I aM nOt prOgrAmMeD to reSpoNd in thAt aRea.” The fucking sass. Kirk has been spending too much time with Spock and Bones
- “Which I find eminently satisfactory, Doctor, for nowhere, am I so desperately needed as among a shipload of illogical humans.” Basically Spock loves them and there’s nowhere he’d rather be
- Kirk hates Mudd so much, it’s almost bitchy at this point
- Uhura’s wave to Mudd is so iconic and amazing
Okay one of my favourite episodes, if not my favourite actually. I loved more of the bridge crew interaction (no sulu☹️) especially getting to see Uhura, like I wanna talk more about her character but there’s so little that I’m just trying to pick up the crumbs.
Episode written by Stephen Kandel
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jvkeh · 2 years
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➝ “it’s your birthday, now make a wish.” ❦
⤷ cw. slight jealousy + degradation, comedic outlier, mullet jeno | idol x reader | © jvkeh
dedicated to ma girl, bébé, la fille, moi le chat. joyeux anniversaire 2 riri @jenowink
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27th august. the day of discounts at the local groceries store, where the fruits reduce by $2 and save you the mental breakdown of being too broke to afford both strawberries and blueberries off season, and also, your birthday.
and birthdays are incomplete without parties. well, you disagreed. but your boyfriend agreed. heavily.
and that’s how you found yourself at a party you didn’t want to be at.
checking the time, you see that it’s 10:58pm. you had to wait til it was one am for the party to die over. after walking around and being forced to mingle among the masses that had to stop you to share a brief conversation while you looked for familiar faces, you made a silent note to kill jeno for even making this party happen. you wanted to sleep in all day, walk around the house in your underwear, and listen to inappropiate music as you continued daily activities. but your boyfriend insisted on making sure this day was memorable for you instead of another day in the life, so you complied with the promise it won’t be an annual thing. and how you regret ever agreeing at all.
with the music from god know where dialed at high volume, you felt the vibrations of the instrumental as woman by doja cat went on. jeno went all out with this party, and you wanted to both strangle and admire him for it.
you spotted your friends by the kitchen bench when you entered the large kitchen, all talking among themselves. renjun, haechan and chenle was there, facing across mark and jaemin who both had a bottle of beer in their hands. jisung wasn’t here due to his inability to function from his explosive diarrhea after mark’s leftovers were in fact, from the previous week, but you appreciated the fact the rest of them managed to come, abandoning his bowel troubles in favour of celebrating their favourite girl. as chenle excitedly shouts happy birthday repetitively in front of your face, renjun rolling his eyes at his antics but a smile formed on his face as he looked back at you. “i remember you in diapers..”
as you conversed with the group, your phone pinged with a mention of a message, vibrating your pocket as you pulled it out, the home screen lighting up with a message from jeno.
11:21pm jeno: i have my birthday suit prepared 😉
11:22pm jeno: come to our bedroom.
birthday suit? the whole reason you didn’t seen him since the party started at eight was because he was too busy picking an outfit? and he wanted you to see it? your anger flared up as you quickly pocketed your phone before anyone could see, your deteriorating mood being visible to your friends.
“you good, yn?” renjun asked, raising his eyebrow at the change in attitude.
“just jeno, he asked me if i wanted to see his birthday suit upstairs.” you scoffed, ignorant to the cheek bite mark just commited as chenle lips tightened. “like seriously, you leave me in my own party to try on an outfit?”
renjun cleared his throat, the easygoing tension being reduced to iron at your sentence. “sounds like you need to go check it out.” he said stiffly, like he was retaining laughter. “it would suck if you didn’t see him for the rest of the night.”
you nodded. “i catch you guys later, i’m gonna yell at jeno.” turning around, you walked off. not only til you almost were at the door could you hear mark voice subtly ask if you were that clueless. huh? you thought.
“now we know what she’s gonna do upstairs.” haechan voice answered discreetly, and you couldn’t help wonder what they were talking about. what was jeno’s plan?
it took a while to reach jeno’s room. when you were a wealthy person who had a three story house, it tends to take time for your guest to arrive. you thanked the gods most people were fraternising on the first floor or outdoors by the pool, as you already had a headache from the long walk, and loud noise just heightened that. jeno’s family chose to soundproof all the rooms in the third floor, as it was where the family slept, and preferred privacy. it also was very convenient for other activities. such as rock music playlist blasted on high volume of course.
knocking on the door, you could see little light source inside. usually, his room brightly shined either white or blue, since jeno loved his leds lights. but it wasn’t as intense as usual, opting for an low orange toned colour, like it was reflecting off a lamp rather than the walls.
his was at the very end of the corner, when you entered through the main staircase in the middle. while the left went to his parents and his older sister’s rooms, the right went to the two guest rooms and jeno’s. it saved you the walk of shame to the guest bathroom the night after as you rarely interacted with the other family members then.
opening the door, you opened your mouth, ready to tell jeno off for being ridiculous, before your met with the sight of your boyfriend lying on the bed posing like dionysus on the floor, accompanied by little scatters of roses and chocolate wraps, and judging from the gold and brown wrapping, the nice kind.
“what, the, fuck?” you gasped, shutting the door behind you immediately. “is that-“
“ferror rochers?” he smirked.
“i was gonna say, what birthday suit means.”
his eyes widened. “you didn’t knew?” you shook your head. “damn.” a flush ran through your body as you walked closer to the sight. you couldn’t believe it. he looked fucking angelic. his skin glew under the orange lamp, the light reflecting his defined six pack, brightening all the shadows that lied on his body and his long black hair only just added to his beauty. when your eyes looked down, you got to appreciate his other counterparts in this lighting as well, especially his cock.
“what are you doing?” you asked sternly, trying to not lose balance in your voice as you continued to admire your boyfriend’s hot body. his labour in the gym paid off, that’s for sure. after all, he still left you on your own for a long amount of time.
he began to sit up, shifting his body as his black eyes made contact with yours once again. “you.”
as if on cue, music began to softly play in the room. it took a while to make sense of the song instrumentals, but once the lyrics began to play, it all clicked.
“you might think I'm crazy” that’s how you felt when you began to strip your clothes off, thanking yourself for going commando under your dress. “the way I've been cravin”
“34+35? seriously?” you faked a groan as he tugged you to the bed, falling onto the white silky sheets as jeno got on top of you. “how generic and cheesy.”
he shrugged, pulling your legs apart as you were moved closer to him, where he quickly spat into his hand and groped himself to lube himself up. “it works.”
“well, i’m still kind of mad that you left me alone.” you started whilst enamoured in watching jeno masturbate. “but then again, mark did make me fee better so i guess things work out for a reason.” your lie slipped shamelessly out of your mouth. truth be told, you just wanted to anger jeno for what he did to you. if he thought you were gonna play nice because he’s naked, he was wrong.
his eyebrows furrow, as if he didn’t comprehend your words. “what did you just say?”
“i said, mark-” his fingers left his cock and entered your mouth immediately, as you widened your eyes. he tugged at your tongue between his pointer and middle, as jeno glared down at you. “what did you say?” he repeats, a knowing smirk on his face at effectively gagging you as you groaned into his hand. “that’s like it, sweetheart.”
his fingers exited your mouth as he reached for your hair, slightly pulling it so your back arched out, revealing luscious breasts that he was tempted to suck on. once he stuffed you full, he tells himself.
your back makes contact with the sheets again as jeno’s cock stands rigid against his stomach, little bits of cum dribbling out of his slit as he stared down at you. “i was going to stretch you out and take my time, but you don’t seem to deserve it.” shit.
“it’s my birthday.” you whined. “what happened to being the birthday girl?” he scoffed at your desperation, not when you just insulted his hard work.
“only applies if you’re good, baby.” he mutters, before thrusting his length inside you in one go. a gasp left your mouth, where you formed an o shape, eyes tearing up as the stretch is felt throughout your body. jeno was long and veiny, standing at six and a half inches, so he oftenly had to finger you til you were squirting for you to take him easily, but shit, did he loved the feeling of your virgin-like walls immediately clamping on him. had you have a pain kink, he would be doing this day and night. though it could develop after tonight…
“fuck me jeno!” you cry out as he began to pull out, and suddenly began to appreciate his parents for letting the bedrooms be soundproofed. “fuck me til i can’t move.” once he pushed it back in, he shoved his cock further than before, til the point where you could feel it in your guts. “fuck, baby, your pussy is damn tight.” his voice grumbles, as he began to pull you upwards into his chest and wrapped one arm around your waist, the other being used as leverage as you were leaning backwards, and then slammed his cock downhill.
“holy fucking shit.” he griped your waist tighter as he sped up the pace, letting you feel the effects of his well planned hits, reaching angles you didn’t knew you could feel in the newly found position. “fuck, fuck, fuck, yes!” you sob, pleasure overwhelming you.
“fuck me 'til the daylight.” you never resonated with lyrics so heavily like you did in the moment, when all you could feel is the consistent beating of jeno’s cock into your tight gummy walls. your sounds added to the music of his fucking, high pitched groans making the noise sound like one unorganised choir.
“you wanna take my cum, yn?” he groans out, continuing to pump you further with his semen. “you wanna be full of my babies, yeah? show mark who really entertain you well?” mark wouldn’t give a shit, but you nonetheless enjoyed his talk. you never seen jeno this agitated, but goddamn was it fucking hot.
you could feel the familiar build up in your core, overwhelming you faster than you could process it. “i’m coming jeno!” you wail out, feeling liquid seep out of you before you could even finish your sentence. it was stronger than usual, the juices going all over jeno’s lower body as you continued to hump further onto his dick, not wanting jeno to leave you any further. “did you just squirt?” he exclaimed in amazement, as your tired body laid against the sheets, his thumb going up to your clit to ease the horniness off, a smaller stream leaving your lips as you softly whined. “jen..”
“yes baby?” his face was flushed pink, sweat forming from his forehead to his cheat, but a unbothered smile remained on his lips, a speciality. he began to lie next to you, throwing one arm on top of your tummy as he looked towards you, a dopey smile on his face.
“can you stay up all night?”
“can you please turn that song off?” you said sweetly, and jeno groaned. “but i just got down!” “you turned it on in the first place!”
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Boom thoughts
Liveblog under the cut as usual
Tldr: this episode was absolutely brilliant, so much tension, a brilliant storyline, some hard hitting criticisms of capitalism and Christianity/blind faith, side characters you can't help but get invested in and soo many emotional scenes. I can't see anything this season topping this episode for me but it has left me far more excited for the rest of the season than i was previously
Something about the video looks weird. Like it very much just looks like these soldiers are standing in front of a greenscreen
Child character :) Moffat loves a child character and I eat it up every time
Mundy is so beautiful
"They ran out of money" I wonder if the "ambulance" kills injured soldiers to save resources
Ohhh my god that whole sequence with Carson stepping on the mine had me on the edge of my seat and then my jaw on the floor
This episode so far is off to a brilliant start, im already feeling really invested in these characters and the tension is thick
ohh I'm thinking I was right about soldiers being killed to save resources or something
Rip John Vater I was legitimately so invested in you, but i had a feeling that would happen
"Stay there!" *ruby casually walks out "okay, coming!" Dhfbdkdm
Also I love how he says to stay there then leaves the door wide open like bffrrr you knew she was coming
I think for the sake of saving time, the doctor should probably tell ruby that you don't actually need to lock the tardis behind you
The Skye Boat Song 💃🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
This reminds me of Merlins death in Kingsman tho
"I was kinda hoping for a beach" you'd get along great with Yaz
I missed the doctor telling random stories so much ���� I'm gonna hc the lesbian gymkhana adventure happened with Yaz and she was sooo annoyed the doctor ruined their outing with a stupid bet
Okay I know its probably just because she's being written by Moffat but I am reallyyy seeing the similarity to Clara now
And we're back to music....this seems to be a recurring theme
WHAT was that poem?? "The moon and the presidents wife" is a clear reference to the doctors own life. Gonna be thinking about this one for a while
"Beyond acceptable parameters for a conflict as budgeted" I knewww it
"People don't usually bring that up" yes they do. Literally all the time 😭 I know he's just trying to appeal to the kid
Ohhh is there even an enemy?
"Hush" the return of moffats favourite word 😆
how could you do that to me 😭 poor Canto Poor Mundy
Is this woman Susan twist btw? Im not good with faces but it could be right?
KISS KISS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ty John Vater I always loved you
The way he just pushes Ruby down lmaooo
Mention of a diary will be feeding the "river is Ruby's mother" theorists
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"He's not gone, he's just dead. He's not gone" i love how this is a twist on the "they're not gone because they're always there in spirit" trope
The vworp vworps are back!
Now time for the next time trailer
This looks really interesting, I think this episode has really got me excited for this series in a way that I wasn't before, its a shame moffats not writing more of it but I'm excited to see what happens in 73 yards
I love that they're finally back in Wales
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Who issss sheee. I need to know
Also I just saw the credits and I was right about the Ambulance being Susan Twist! I think she's the person talking about Mad Jack too isn't she?
Final thoughts: this was an absolute banger of an episode, honestly I fear that none of the other episodes in the season will live up to it. I just enjoyed every minute so much, the build up, the tension, the emotions, the engaging side characters, the running themes and hints at the overall season plot were all absolutely brilliant. It was so good parts of it had me skipping back a few seconds to watch scenes again. I wasn't sure what to expect going in but this exceeded my expectations nonetheless
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aphelio-mara · 7 days
its actually so good to hear someone else out there is lying awake at night thinking. “omega earth has a valorant legion fan convention.” and “i wonder how many shitty movie productions exist in omega earth that completely ruin an agents character.”
like. imagine turning on the latest big hit movie about your life and saving the world and theres a horrible romance sideplot of you and your best friend. hilarious. mortifying. the rest of the legion doesnt let it go for months, until the next big scandal drops and focuses the attention onto the next poor soul
going absolutely insane to the point that i made a whole scenario based on this because YES YOU GET IT 🫵‼️
can you imagine phoenix getting promised a biopic in the aftermath of his heroism in aiding lisbon (pearl)
he's ecstatic; sage, omen, and jett are all supportive, save for the lighthearted teasing every once and a while by them and the others
the day of the premiere comes and he's bubbling on the red carpet, giving fist bumps and side hugs to his friends and colleagues that attended, the paparazzi going particularly crazy when he drapes his arm over yoru (he chalks it up as them being excited that yoru even came with his elusive persona)
the movie begins and phoenix is impressed. the plot flows well, it highlights aspects of his life and personality that's meaningful to him, and the acting is incredible! he doesn't even comment on the fact that every time movie him and movie yoru interact, the vibe of the scene changes in the smallest ways into something more...sentimental? oh, who cares, the movie is cool!
he doesn't even pay mind to the fact that when movie him was in peril, movie yoru had an entire scene of him rushing to the communication room, trying to reach him. he doesn't say anything when the end of the film comes near and they have a conversation with yoru hugging him. i mean, they're good friends beyond their public rivalry, he wishes that yoru actually hugged him during that time. this is such a nice homage to their friendsh—and they're kissing
phoenix feels heat rush up to his cheeks and ears as the tips of his hair flicker ever so slightly with sparks, turning immediately to yoru who's looking at him with the same unspoken "what the fuck"
jett is laughing her ass off and sage looks like a proud mother until her face falls when she realizes that the whole subplot probably isn't real and either 1.) phoenix and yoru's relationship just got outed or 2.) phoenix is Not Gay (the prior option sounds much more plausible to her)
the legion pr team has to physically stop phoenix from answering any interviews after the premiere. his face is plastered in the tabloids the very next day, the yorunix hashtag is trending everywhere, and thousands of dms are entering his social media accounts about how it's okay to be gay ("i know it's okay but are we gonna ignore the fact that they think i'm dating him???")
jett and sage are masters of deflection when asked about it, omen doesn't leave hq enough to be caught in an interview, and yoru himself is back to being too elusive for paparazzi to catch him...and poor phoenix is left to rethink his entire dynamic with one of his best friends
the rumors only die down after almost half a year of not entertaining questions about it, being ultimately overshadowed by another wave of seasonal "bisexual chamber" allegations (they are not allegations at all, chamber knows what he likes but god does he likes to see people speculate)
and hey, phoenix isn't mad anymore. it helped him discover a new part of himself, after all
not the being gay part though; it's the fact that he's probably helplessly in love with yoru and he has no fuckass clue what to do about that 💀
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oysters-aint-for-me · 4 months
Hi! I've been thinking about diegesis and fourth-wall-breaking in sitcoms, and I wanted to see if you had any thoughts on it because of your general areas of interest. What prompted this is S1E13 of Arrested Development where the judge says there are no cameras in the court room, and everything else in the courtroom is shot from out in the hall despite the rest of the show not acting like it's filmed in-universe. From there I got onto thinking about the way Parks and Rec uses a mockumentary format mostly for the aesthetics of it/being able to get characters thoughts, but unlike The Office it isn't an in-universe documentary and in fact many of the scenes wouldn't make sense as actually filmed by a camera crew the characters are aware of. Basically, I was wondering how you think that contributes to a show and what playing with diegesis does for a story/how a viewer interacts with framing devices like that.
oooh my god how long has this ask been in my inbox?!?!?!?! i'm so sorry if it's been there forever. i'm not good at noticing when i get new asks. but this shit is my JAM. i actually wrote my final paper sort of exactly on this topic for a class last semester.
okay i have like....17 minutes to write about this before my next meeting so.
BASICALLY i think mockumentaries are the new laugh track--and that's not necessarily a bad thing!
so: what is a laugh? it is (in one sense) a social response to hearing a joke. and what is a joke without a laugh? is it even a joke? how do you know something is funny when there's no laugh? you might be able to tell by yourself when you find something funny, but there's no denying that the more the people around you laugh, the more you laugh. comedy is a social thing. and thus, laughter is a "social echo"--a kind of call-and-response rhythm. when a joke is told and it doesn't get a laugh, it falls flat--especially when a laugh is anticipated. it's like a skipped beat. it's like when you're singing along with a song and you think it's gonna go into the chorus but oops there's one more verse before the chorus and now you look like an idiot.
so that was the main issue when comedy first moved from live performances on stage to broadcasted performances over radio and, later, television. THAT is why laugh tracks and studio audiences were born--because comedy sucked without it. it wasn't because the comedy sucked, though. it was because there was an essential social aspect that was missing.
when The Office (UK) came along, at first, some people didn't get it. where were the jokes? there were no laugh tracks. the rhythm of comedy wasn't quite there.
BUT. people got it eventually. and do you know why? because instead of laughter punctuating each joke, Tim would look at the camera. Tim was our laugh track. by making eye contact with the camera, he made eye contact with us, and he provided the social reaction that was missing without laugh tracks. the "talking heads" also help fill the gap left by the social echo, because again, they are talking to us (through the camera). not only does that aid the narrative by making exposition easy, the talking heads trope also allows us to see character reactions to humorous events. AND rhythmic camera zooms aid the tempo, make it feel comedic. so when The Office goes [awkward occurrence] [Zoom in on Tim] [Tim looks at camera] [David Brent talking head trying to defend awkward occurrence] that gives us THREE "social echos" that preserve comedy. and the fact that it's supposed to be a "documentary" also adds in a social echo.
but you're right, there are plenty of "mockumentary style" comedies that DON'T maintain the pretense of being a documentary. like parks and rec, or also modern family, or the later seasons of the office (US). BUT the social echo still functions, which is why it doesn't matter that it's not realistic that Leslie and Ben would have their first kiss in front of a camera.
there are other methods of social echo that "replace" laugh trakcs (or do the job of them). these include: silly musical stings, pop culture references, and metatextual humor. i've been working on thinking of others because this might end up being my thesis. lol
anyway i hope that this answered your ask in some meaningful way! i love thinking about this shit
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canirove · 1 year
Best friends… forever? | Chapter 15
Author’s note: Half way there 👀
Previous chapter | Next chapter
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“Remind me again why I said yes to this?” Mila asks her agent.
“Because it is a great opportunity. One doesn’t get a Women’s Health cover, and on her own country, every day.”
“Yeah, yeah…” she sighs.
After a really tough beginning of the season where they’ve had to play against the best teams on the league, and somehow coming out alive from it, her agent had presented her this deal, suggesting that it was a good way to relax and forget about it all. Mila had always enjoyed photoshoots and had lots of fun doing them, but this one was different. She wouldn’t be posing on her own, she would have a partner. And that partner was Rúben.
The Portuguese issues of Women’s and Mens’ Health had decided that they wanted them both on their covers. Each of them would have an individual one, but also a shared one, and she couldn’t say no to it when everyone knew they were best friends. What excuse will she give them, that she couldn’t do it because they were falling in love with each other and things had gotten awkward between them?
“Ok, so this is how it is going to work” the photographer says. “We will start with Rúben while you Mila get ready since it takes you a bit longer, and then while he changes, we’ll take your photos. We’ll mix you both so you are ready and feeling more relaxed for the photos together.”
“Sounds good” Rúben says.
“Ok” Mila mutters.
When they met at the studio, they somehow managed to make it look as if they had seen each other the day before, no one suspecting that it actually had been weeks, and that they had only spoken through texts messages. Because not even their agents knew what was going on between them.
“How is it possible that she looks even more hot now than before the summer?” Rúben’s agent whispers to him while they watch Mila work in front of the camera. She had always been a natural, and watching her move was almost hypnotizing.
“Careful with what you say.”
“Sorry, sorry” his agent laughs. “You know I’ve always fancied her. But sadly, she doesn’t feel the same.”
“Yeah” Rúben whispers, his eyes following every move Mila makes and thinking that it is actually true. She looks way hotter than the last time he saw her for more than just a few minutes, and he wouldn’t mind help her taking off the few clothes she was currently wearing.
“God, summer suits Rúben” Mila’s agent says to her while they watch him pose. It had been a while since she had seen him topless, and he may look even better than she remembered. “Do you know if he is seeing anyone?”
“I don’t know, I thought I may shoot my shot” her agent shrugs. “I wonder if that’s the way he looks at you when is about to…” but Mila doesn’t hear the rest. She is too focused on the way he is tying up his joggers, on how low they are on his hips, on the way he is looking at the camera. He had looked at her like that before, and just the thought of it was making her feel very hot despite only wearing a crop top and a pair of shorts.
“Mila, I’m gonna need you to move closer” the photographer says. “Yes, that’s perfect.”
They had been shooting together for just a couple of minutes, but they both couldn’t wait for it to be over. Being this close, wearing barely any clothes, and touching the other, was torture.
“Rúben, put your hand on her waist. A bit lower… Good.”
“You ok?” Rúben whispers.
“Fine” Mila says. Though she wasn’t. She could feel her skin burning under his touch, the temptation to touch him back being almost unbearable. “You?”
“Good” he says, trying not to focus too much on how close her leg was to his, on how if he moved his fingers just a tiny bit, he could touch her butt.
“That was wonderful. The chemistry between you two is amazing” the photographer says once he has finally finished. “Now we are gonna have a very difficult time trying to pick which photos will make the cut.”
“Sorry about that” Rúben chuckles.
“Is there anywhere where I could shower?” Mila asks, looking for an excuse to leave. “I need to get rid of all this make up, I’m not used to it.”
“Oh, yes” the photographer says. “Lottie, could you please show Mila the bathroom?”
“I am so sorry, Mila. I saw your agent leave and thought you had already finished showering.”
“She had to leave for a meeting. But I’m done, I just have to take off the make up on my face. You can shower if you want.”
“You don’t mind if we share?”
“We’ve seen everything that is to see, so” she shrugs, Rúben’s eyes not being able to stop looking at the way the tiny towel she is wearing moves up her legs, being too close to show more than it should.
“Ok then” he says, clearing his throat and closing the door behind him.
Once Rúben is inside the shower, Mila can’t help but look at him on the mirror’s reflection. The shower’s screen is completely clear, it doesn’t hide anything while you are inside, and she can see the way the muscles on his back are moving, whishing that she could run her fingers over them while he… “Ok, focus” she whispers to herself before washing her face with very cold water.
While he showers, Rúben can’t stop thinking about Mila wearing that tiny towel, on the fact that she is behind him. Slowly, he turns around just a bit to see her. She is leaning against the sink to see herself better on the mirror, the towel going up and showing enough of her butt to make him want to get out of the shower, move behind her and… “Ok, focus” he says to himself, turning around and opening the cold water.
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“Everything alright?” Rúben asks Mila when they leave the studio.
“Yeah… It’s just that Ella is having a last minute date with Joe at her house tonight, and I can’t go back.”
“You can always come back home” he shrugs.
“You don’t have plans today?”
“Nope. Just eat something and watch tv.”
“Ok. I actually need to pick up some clothes, it is starting to get a bit chilly.”
"Rúben, where do you keep the extra tooth… Oh my God! Rúben!"
"What the fuck, Mila?"
"Jesus Christ, what are you doing?"
"What are you doing?" he says, covering himself with a pillow. "This is my room, you should have knocked before coming in."
"I'm sorry, I just never do it and I didn't expect to find you doing... That" Mila says, her face burning.
"What did you want?"
"Just... I just... Do you need a hand?" she asks him, completely forgetting why she had come to his room.
"A hand? What are you... Oh" Rúben says, his eyes growing wide when he realizes what Mila just implied.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that. I should probably go" she says, starting to close the door.
"You said that because after today's shoot and that encounter in the bathroom, you are as horny and turned on as I am."
"I'm not..." But she is. She is very horny and turned on, and she can't stop thinking about him and his body on hers.
"You are not..." he smirks.
"Fine, yes. That's why I offered to help you with what you were doing. We clearly were going to relieve ourselves on our own, so why don't do it together?" she shrugs.
"I thought you were still figuring out things, that that’s why you are staying with Ella."
“And I am, but…”
“But if I don’t get this out of my system, I won't be able to focus on what matters, so we better do something about it."
"Ok. So you give me a hand, and I give you..."
"Whatever you fancy as long as I get what I want."
"I'll think about it while you give me that hand" he miles.
"Oh please, stop saying that. It was embarrassing enough when I said it, I don't need to hear it again and again."
"Sorry" Rúben chuckles. "Take off your clothes, you'll be more comfortable."
"You can also stop covering yourself with the pillow” Mila says, closing the door behind her and starting to undress. “No need to hide anymore."
"We’ve seen everything that is to see” he says, quoting her own words from earlier today. "Come here. If you keep standing there looking beautiful and naked, I don't know how long I'll last."
"So demanding" she smirks, her eyes focused on his as she kneels at the end of the bed, slowly moving towards him.
"If you tease me, I'll tease you."
"I don't mind" she replies, moving her hands up his thigs, his body tensing.
"That's what you say now. But once it's my turn, you will definitely complain like I am doing right now."
"I won't."
"You..." but he isn't able to finish that sentence, a moan scaping his lips the moment Mila touches him.
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bonefall · 1 year
Might be a slight problem with your Lion, Tiger and Leopard idea. I think in TNP when the traveling cats met Sharptooth they describe it as a lion so evil it couldn't grow a mane. I think however that because it's a Squirrelpaw chapter you could explain that away as Firestar actually knowing what a Lion actually looks like, and thus telling his kits.
Have no fear-- THAT passage is being chalked up to a translation error itself for several reasons, first and foremost because it had been decided in TPB already to translate "Raor" as "Lion" and cut any references to their long ears.
...And second of all because Sharptooth is no longer a cougar! He is a European Cave Lion, because he is a manifested War God now instead of just being some random escaped zoo animal the Tribe couldn't deal with. Tribe's getting a huge buff. Anyway, this means he does actually have a "mane" now, but it's a big baggy fluffy neck... thing.
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[Image Id: European Cave Lion. It's like a big lioness with a huge 'scruff' all around its neck.]
(Btw I made a road trip map and some extra detail for how I'm gonna handle the TNP journey if you wanna see that)
LionClan warriors DO have manes, though, but it's the same kind of mane that shows up in ThunderClan cats occasionally. Mapleshade, Lionheart, and Lionblaze are canonical examples of it, but I've given it to even more ThunderClan cats and just made it so those three were particularly fuzzy.
(there are rabbits with manes, also, but the Clan cats probably don't know about lionhead domestic rabbits.)
So they still could, actually, comment on Sharptooth's lame haircut.
Here's the original passage, and I'll follow it up with what's different about it in my rewrite/with reworked LionClan/Clanmew notes.
(So, unreality warning I suppose?)
“Sharptooth is a huge cat,” Stoneteller began, his voice hushed with fear. “He lives in the mountains, and makes the Tribe his prey. For many seasons now he has been picking us off, one by one.” “He looks like a lion,” Crag added, and asked, “Do you know of lions?” “We have legends of LionClan,” Stormfur replied, still wondering what Sharptooth could possibly have to do with him, “Lions are known for their strength and wisdom, and they have a golden mane like the sun’s warm rays.” “Sharptooth has no mane,” Stoneteller meowed, “Perhaps he lost it because he is so evil. He is the enemy of our Tribe.” His voice was bleak, his eyes shining cold with memories. “We feared that he would not rest until every cat of the Tribe had been killed.”
-Moonrise, Chapter 12
First of all, the Tribe isn't detaining the Sundrown Patrol to force them to fix their problems for them. The Tribe helps them cross, Sharptooth interrupts a feast they threw to celebrate the "return of the lost Sun Trail siblings."
They HAVE killed Sharptooth before. Three times. He re-manifests every few generations. And they'll do it again, god damn it!
The Sundrown Patrol decides to help, after seeing someone who helped them get slaughtered. The Tribe was going to handle it on their own but accepting help is one of their cultural values.
Tribe cats who couldn't speak to Clan cats were cut in the translation. There's actually a LOT of cats here, but many of them only speak Modern Tribemew.
Only the ones who are good at speaking Old Tribemew can talk with the Sundrown Patrol.
This causes an insane amount of errors in later books, because 2/3rds of the Tribe population was cut, eliminating the process by which they decide the new Stoneteller. So the writer made Jayfeather do it for them.
Tawnypelt is the one speaking to Stoneteller, she is the leader here, Stormfur plotline was added in localization for marketing along with the change to make Brambleclaw the leader.
Lions aren't known for 'wisdom,' they're notable for their strength, teamwork, and honor. "Teamwork and Honor" is translated as "Wisdom" but that's not totally correct.
Sharptooth working alone is what's noteworthy here, like a lion that takes all the physical strength with none of the honor. You can call that 'evil' but it is missing some nuance.
They also say that he doesn't have a 'mane' so much as he has 'scruff fluff.'
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safyresky · 7 months
I am so ?????????
Finally watched the episode! UM. What in the fuck??? What?? The fuck??? Um???? I cannot really put into words the feeling I am having but I have a great emoji for it! 🤨🤨🤨
That's the vibe, lads.
So the Council. Ho boy. WOW. Allow me to just go OFF for a moment here :) :) :)
SO LA BEFANA, WHO WAS APPARENTLY ALSO A LEGENDARY FIGURE TOO (which is giving age old fanfics vibes lmao, not sure that's a good thing???? more at 10) HAD TO DO A ROBBERY? BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T HELP?? BECAUSE THEY APPARENTLY CAN'T INTERFERE?????
THEY WOULD NOT INTERFERE??? WHAT IN THE FUCK!!!!! It's funny, because like. When I was rage fic-ing post S1, I was thinking that the Council, given Scott being...SCOTT, had stopped talking to him as much bc tscs!Scott sucks so bad!! He 100% would've made comments that deffs did not sit well with ANY of the other Council Members, I mean, look at how he treated Cupid and Sandy! I'd hate to be on THAT Council during Covid, YIKES.
But like. GOD. @lmelodie you were SO RIGHT about Council stans being pissed bc I am MAD PISSED. ALSO, JUST LEARNT THAT I AM APPARENTLY A V BIG COUNCIL STAN!! (Checks out I suppose given my fic writing and reading habits, lol).
It's just so MADDENING and INFURIATING and SADDENING, IT'S ACTUALLY REALLY REALLY SAD TO SEE THAT T H I S IS HOW THEY'RE REACTING TO NOT BEING ABLE TO GET ALL THE COUNCIL MEMBERS BACK. Like, GOD, if you're unable to properly use them in the story JUST DON'T USE THEM AT ALL. I am once again REJOICING that the Millers have been left untouched, thank GOD for that!
eurhgjrbewhfnujqncwje nsdjk. GOD I'm EXHAUSTED. My brain itches. I was thinking of lobotomys today. I wonder why (/sarcasm)
(it was bc of a shitty patron at work but this just adds to the freudian slips)
UGH. Ick. Yuck. Moving on (impossible for me but we're gonna TRY!)
Elves vs Gnomes
So. The backstory thing. I just. It's cool lore but it leaves more questions than answers and just makes things SO CONFUSING. AS A DISCLAIMER: GO OFF BETTY, WE LOVE TO SEE HER BEING A BADASS. BETTY! HELL YEAH! WE HERE AT SAFYRESKY INDUSTRIES LOVE TO SEE BETTY THRIVING!
Now for the wank. From a LORE PERSPECTIVE. EURGH.
They drop that Mad Santa was a good Santa until he thought everyone was ungrateful and implemented coal and became buds with the gnomes, who apparently ran the coal mines. The gnomes get in his head and prey on his paranoia. Paranoia of WHAT. I've not done a second watch and I don't think I will because I don't actually want a lobotomy despite them being on my mind today a little too much tbh, so maybe i missed that bit, but like, come ON. We can do better in terms of giving antagonists a believable descent into villainy! GOD!
And the trap scene, that was so needlessly drawn out. They should have held him in the trap, Betty revealed her badass self, had Magnus taunt and THEN boom, Befana ALREADY THERE, and she nutcrackers his ass.
Also, calling it NOW. Not ONLY will Sandy un-nutcracker Cal, but she's deffs gonna re-nutcracker Magnus. I bet it'll be like a reversal spell or something lmao
BUT YEAH the lore for the elves around Mad Santa's reign is not quite hitting with me, I gotta say! I am not a fan of it and every time I see it (Betty and Noel aside bc they of course SHINE) it leaves me very :\. It just. Doesn't seem to hit? Or really work? It's just so convoluted to me and goes against everything they said NOT JUST in the movies but LAST SEASON AND ALSO IN INTERVIEWS ABOUT THE SERIES BEFORE TI CAME OUT! It's infuriating y'all. GOD. "A war we didn't see coming" wow, the gnomes and Pyros sure do have something in common, eh? 🤔🤔
Cal and Sandra
God, I love them. They're so funny. Cal is like destroying his room and Sandy is like BRO what the FUCK and HELPS HIM HUNT DOWN THE VEST WITH SANTA MAGIC!! USING HER BEFANA TRAINING! AND THEN HE HELPS HER MAKE UP WITH BEFANA! By lying, of course, so he can go be stupid and heroic and GET NUTCRACKER'D (they nutcrackered my boy ): BUT I LOVE THE WAY THEY SUPPORT EACH OTHER
And the almost hug that turned into punches, lol. That's so Toph coded. We love to see it!
We DON'T love to see Cal DOING THAT! THOUGH! I DID LOVE HIS SCENE WITH KRIS. I'm really hoping, given that he and Cal got duct tapped together and he knows Cal's been nutcrackered, that they give him more of a role, you know? Honestly, it'd be neat if they made Kris the next Santa! I think he'd fit the bill quite well! And then Cal could have his odd job montage and, you know, cross guard and sail on a cruise ship and such. I am VERY intrigued with this pairing, as an aside. Kris and Cal? There's potential. They're gonna fuck it up I'm sure, but we have some DANK POTENTIAL HERE
Sandra and Befana
I'M SO GLAD THEY CHATTED! I am still v much like Sandra did NOTHING wrong and Befana overacted, but I'm glad they talked. Interesting stuff about the magic taking a tole/consequences. Mad Santa really do be out here messing up the balance of things huh? And Mother Nature WON'T intervene. GOD. I know it's bc they probz couldn't get the rest of the ALIVE actors back but like. THEN WHY EVEN USE SOME OF THEM? YEESH. ANYWAY
I'm excited to see how Sandy and Befana manning home base goes! I'm glad they talked and hopefully they can un-lemon EB and just be general badasses around the Workshop, lol.
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
alrighty! im writing this out in my notes app this time to make sure it doesnt all get deleted like last time: s2 ep36 thoughts! in real time! lets go!
- idc what the episode title or any other official stuff says, i am gonna say terri instead of terry for scary
- my arms hurt now. i got too excited. also my headphones need to charge DANG IT
- LINC HAS HAD THE SAME CONTACTS IN SINCE PAPA JOHNS??? and we thought hermie suffered the most /j
- oh god no ofc theres a drinking fact 😁😁
- idk WHY im drinking a soda during this im already jittery enough
- NOOOO THEY GOT A GARTOK BRACELET ON TJ?? well looks like the brainwash theory people were sorta right
- how much do u wanna bet hermie isnt gonna get a turn.
- oh okay so tj is aware and not in like brainwashed mode okay good
- HERMIE!!!!
- "hermie is going to.. sulk. beth, it is ur turn" ANTHONY COME ON.
- "what did u do to my scary?" WAAAA 😭😭
- okay is this not barrys earring thing?? is this collar a new one? idk ig this just doesnt have to do anything w barry lmao. i really wonder what happened to that guy though
- LINCOLN being the one to remember hermie wow how the tables have turned
- im gonna be sick.
- OKAY. OKAY. wow. okay
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spookyspecterino · 2 years
Daft Pricks Get What They Deserve
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Tangerine x GN! (AFAB) Reader
Word Count: 2.4K
Part 1
SFW; Fluff, some violence, Tangerine being really mean to others but really soft to you, proposal, language.
Justin obviously didn't get the hint you were off-limits. Tangerine really has to get the message through.
A/N: Wanted to follow up my other work with this. Wanted those soft feelings, that good fluff. Also felt like writing a fic where Tangerine beats the shit out of someone who bothers you. Self-indulgence is a form of self-care everybody. <3
The evening rush of traffic would normally have made Tangerine crave a cigarette. Cars honking and people carrying on with raised voices while being stuck in bumper-to-bumper lines—it was dreadful to be stuck in. Except, he had the one thing that calmed him; soothed him more than any cigarette ever could.
At the moment, in the middle of traffic, you weren’t mad or impatient—you were talking about how much you loved running the little shop that had cost him a considerable amount. Money well spent in Tangerine’s opinion. The look on your face when he sees you talk about it, the absolute light that shines behind your eyes, is enough to justify it.
As the traffic starts to thin out, he continues on toward the restaurant. You’re currently unaware that there’s a special occasion to celebrate; your boyfriend is just taking you to a lovely place for an evening date. To Tangerine, he’s celebrating a personal milestone.
“Oi, you sure you know what you’re doing Lemon?”
“Yeah, bruv. My taste is impeccable.”
“Ok, sure, but this is gonna be the thing they wear for the rest of—listen, it’s just very, very impor—”
“Tangerine, relax. You asked me to help pick out a ring and that’s what I’m doing mate. They’ll love it, don’t worry.”
The anxiety leading up to picking out an engagement ring had stalled him many times over. Finally, he had broken and asked his brother for help. Since Tangerine got it yesterday, he’s been carrying the little ring with him constantly. It serves as a reminder of his plan for the future; a future with you by his side.
Except, his nerves really do get the better of him when he thinks about what comes next. After buying the ring, Tangerine had almost broken down in the car, worrying about whether you would say yes; worrying over where the wedding would be or how you might react seeing that he and Lemon didn’t really have any family to attend the ceremony.
“What’re they gonna say when it’s just you and Momo in the church on our family’s side? They’re gonna think I’m an absolute nutter.”
 Lemon—bless his soul; what would he ever do without him, came in to save his ass a second time with much needed advice.
“One step at a time. That’s all. You’ve got the ring; next step, simply think on where you want to propose. You don’t have to do it right away. Just think, then the step after that can be to make a plan.” He had clapped his brother good-naturedly on the shoulder after Tangerine sniffled and thought that over, calming down. “And, believe me, if they didn’t run when you told them you were a contract killer—they won’t be bothered by anything else.”
The restaurant Tangerine had placed a reservation at wasn’t the nicest place in the city, but it was one of the top three. Wearing one of his best suits, you were dressed to the nines to match. Walking in with his hand on the small of your back, your shoulder brushing his chest, was enough to make him glow with pride.
Being one of the nicer evenings this season, it made sitting outside in the garden area wonderful. Private and serene, something Tangerine was always willing to pay more for in order to have. He could tell you enjoyed it too as he pulled out your chair for you to sit. As he took his place across the table from you he couldn’t help himself from matching your beaming smile.
You sat looking at him with stars in your eyes. It was enough to crack his heart wide open. “This is really, really wonderful Tangerine, thank you.”
God, he was so in love with you. “You’re welcome, darling.”
Taking a slow look over his suit while smoothing out your own clothes, you ask, “So, what’s the special occasion?”, while leaning forward and looking at him playfully.
Tangerine’s stomach clenches, one sentence from you is enough to have him tripping and falling over himself. Are you onto him? How would you even…Christ, why bother wondering—you were always 10 times smarter than him.
Trying to keep his nerves from getting too overwhelming, he chuckles and takes your hand in his. “I don’t need a special occasion in order to take you somewhere nice.”
Your blushing smile is enough to tell him he did well in playing that off. He breathed a silent sigh of relief; however, his nerves were not as easily banished. They dwelled and simmered in the back of his mind, threatening to sour his mood.
He was relieved when the waiter appeared, giving him something else to focus on. After ordering food and a bottle of wine for the evening, Tangerine got up to use the restroom. He was adamant to get rid of these nerves; deciding, reluctantly, to use some breathing exercises Lemon showed him from a YouTube video that Ladybug had in-turn showed Lemon. He’d thought the whole thing was rather silly, but he was willing to give it a shot for you.
As he made his way through the tables and inside, he caught sight of a familiar looking muppet sitting at the bar and staring in the direction Tangerine had just come from. He slowed to take a better look.
Yeah. It was that fucking dick head you used to work with. He hadn’t noticed Tangerine yet, by the looks of it.
Tangerine followed Justin’s line of sight. No surprise, he was zeroed in on you from across the restaurant like a fucking hawk. Tangerine’s brain instantly switched modes from ‘pleasant, on a date, boyfriend’ to ‘contract killer looking to take out a target’.
Just as he was deciding on the best course of action, Justin got up from his place at the bar and started making his way over to you. The audacity of this fucking bloke.
Tangerine skirted around a table, intercepting him, and literally swinging him around to the opposite direction of the exit. His voice was pleasant, albeit laced with a threatening undertone. “Well, hello! I haven’t seen you for a few weeks. Let’s catch up outside, shall we?”
It takes Justin a moment, but then remembers that accent. He’s too late to struggle or make any attempt at calling for help, because by the time he realizes what’s going on Tangerine has a death grip on the scruff of his neck and is steering him down an alleyway.
Out of sight from the street and sidewalk, Tangerine shoves him up against a wall. “You think you’re clever don’t you? Trying to sneak in and talk to my partner—tell me, do you have a lick of common sense?”
Justin was seemingly a little more prepared for Tangerine this round, versus when he first met him. “Hey, man, listen—”
Tangerine smacked him across the face; not hard, but enough to stun him. “Shut it, I was asking a rhetorical question.” He moved in closer, putting his hands on his hips. “I saw you staring, and I have to say that really gets on my last fucking nerve. You remember the last time we met, yeah? What’d I tell you?”
Justin made a disgusted noise in his throat. “Fuck you, I wasn’t doing anyth—”
Tangerine didn’t let him finish as he drove a fist right into Justin’s stomach. He keeled over with a groan. Tangerine shook his head, astounded. “You are a real piece of work, you know that? How many times do I have to tell you they’re off limits, no matter what?”
“I—I just wanted to talk—”
Taking a hold of his shoulders, Tangerine straightened him up and slammed him into the wall. “What part of no means no do you not get through your thick fucking skull? Talking isn’t allowed, approaching them isn’t allowed.” He points a thick finger in Justin’s face. “In fact, if you even try to look at them again, I’ll fill your empty head with bullets.”
There’s an ugly sneer. Justin thinks he’s bluffing. “You wouldn’t.”
“I would. You know why? Because I kill people for a fucking living, mate. I’d kill you in the worst way possible, pop you in a shredder, and chum the waters with ya.”
Justin still doesn’t seem to be buying it. “You’re a such a bastard. It should be me with—”  
Tangerine reels back a fist and cracks him across the jaw. He holds back just enough not to knock Justin clean out. “Don’t say their name! If I ever hear their name out of you again, I’ll fold you into a pretzel and send you off to Siberia in a bloody box!”
The hit has Justin reeling, as if he can’t believe he’s been punched. He holds his face with wide eyes.
Tangerine takes out a cigarette and lights it. The much-needed feeling of nicotine rushes into his system as he takes a slow inhale. Flipping the lighter closed, he stares down the man across from him and tries not to think about how long he’s left you sitting at the table by yourself.
Justin recovers a little, enough that a twisted grin creeps across his face as if he could read Tangerine’s mind. “Do they know? Do they know what you do for a living?”
Tangerine hits him again, this time not holding back. The thick gold rings on his fingers are covered in blood. Taking out his gun, he rams it under Justin’s jaw which is starting to color black and blue under the blood, there’s a pathetic squeak in response.
Tangerine blows smoke into his face. “Yeah, they do. So, if you think you’ve got something over me, you’re shit out of luck mate.”
Tangerine grins, mustache curling up, the memory of how turned on you had been when he told you flashed through his mind. The sex had been fantastic. Jabbing the gun in a little further, “And you know what else? They fucking love it.” He looked Justin over with a mocking curiosity. “What do you do for a living? Not work at the little shop anymore, since you got sacked—what an unfortunate thing that was.”
Justin’s shaking all over now, trembling from head to foot. The reveal that Tangerine had a gun was a slamming wake up call. When he doesn’t respond Tangerine laughs. “Well, I sincerely hope you’ve learned your lesson.” He moves the gun away and takes a step back, Justin practically slumps over. “Word of advice, get out of this fucking city. If I see you again this gun is going up your fucking arse.”
The man doesn’t move, just stays bent over, heaving breath in and out of his lungs. Tangerine clicks his tongue. “Go on then, run along.”
As if an invisible hand had pushed him, Justin stumbles forward and scrambles away down the alley. Tangerine puts his gun away and smooths out his suit. Thank god he kept a handkerchief in his pocket, cleaning blood off his hands in a fancy restaurant was not something he wanted to do. Throwing his cigarette away, he exited the alley and made his way back inside.
You were fiddling with the silverware, looking slightly bored as he sat back down. “I am so sorry, love.”
Looking up at him, you had on the faintest of frowns. “You smell like smoke, what’s wrong Tangerine?”
He cursed himself for the error, what had he been thinking—of course you would notice. Since you’d been dating, Tangerine had agreed to cut down on smoking when you had brought it up, admitting that it wasn’t healthy. Now, he only smoked when he felt extreme anxiety; and while you knew this, you were ok with it in those circumstances.
Tangerine felt so helpless in this moment. “Oh..I..uhm.”
He didn’t want to lie to you, the thought made him sick to his stomach. And you were staring at him with that worried look in your eyes now, the look that makes him want to scoop you up in his arms and kiss you until you’re laughing and any worry you might have is long forgotten.
Taking his silence and reluctance as something must be really bothering him, your brows furrow a little more and you lean in, reaching for his hand. “Baby?”
Tangerine decides to admit to something that has been causing him to smoke in the past week or so.
He pulls out the ring.
Holding it in his fingers delicately, as if his whole world were right there in his hands, he swallows a thick lump in his throat. “I was going to wait, Lemon told me to take things in small steps—”
Jesus, he had never seen your eyes this wide before. Did he fuck up? After seeing your wide eyes and parted lips he’s rambling now. Just saying anything and everything that comes to his mind.
How he was so nervous to get the ring, Lemon had to help him, and how he loves you so, so fucking much. How he doesn’t want to disappoint you, or ever let you down. He understands if this is too much, he’s a no-good contract killer and you’re you. Wonderful, amazing, brilliant, you. Everything he’s always wanted.
The more you sit and stare the faster he talks and it’s all spilling out of him in a long stream of consciousness. He’s not sure he can take your silence any longer, he might just start smoking another cigarette right then and there—and wouldn’t that be classy?
But before he can, you’re standing and moving toward him. He looks up at you, wide-eyed, scared, completely unsure of what your next move is. He’s about to combust and then you’re bringing his head to your chest and hugging it to you tightly. Peppering the top of his head with kisses, threading your fingers through his hair, as you repeat with tears in your eyes, that yes, yes of course you’ll marry him.
He’s standing and hugging you to him as his hands come up to hold your head into his chest. Relief is flooding through him and he can’t help but feel just a little silly for being so worried, because you love him. You really do.
As he slips the ring on your finger and kisses you so sweetly that it has tears falling down your cheeks, you ignore the scrapes and cuts on his knuckles. You ignore the blood on his suit sleeve. You ignore the fact that Justin, who had been staring at you from the bar all night was now nowhere to be seen. You ignore these things, because you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
And you are, because Tangerine is yours.
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🍊 Taglist: @whatiswrongwithpeople @marquisdefrenchfry @everythingisspokenfortbh @titaniusanglesmith @sjprongs @piechans @cherrygayness @queenofstarsanddarkness @idkwhattowritelol
If you'd like to be added let me know!
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kylermalloy · 11 months
Stydia #20 😘
Christina! This is such a good prompt, since they both have a myriad of scars to choose from (should I be happy or sad about that?)
Takes place post-series, but references the time Lydia was attacked by a kanima in season 5
“One normal date. That’s all I ask.”
Lydia laughs sharply, stumbling under the weight of her boyfriend’s arm slung around her shoulders. “You’re asking too much.”
“Well, fuck me, then.”
He obviously means it as an expression of frustration, but Lydia still seizes upon the opportunity to joke. “Mm-mmm. Not while you’re bleeding.”
They burst into their motel room, which is trashier than usual. No lobby, no elevator, no breakfast, and despite the No Smoking sign on the door there’s still an ashtray on the round little table.
At least they got a first floor room, so Lydia doesn’t have to drag Stiles up a flight of stairs.
It’s been a rough year. Monroe has a seemingly endless army of hunters to send after supernaturals, making it impossible for them to stay in one place for more than a few weeks. College has been put on hold until further notice—although MIT made it clear that she was welcome back at any time. In fact, they begged her to return at any time when she announced she was taking a year off.
They can’t even go see a movie without some self-righteous asshole crusader firing a crossbow at them.
Well, at Lydia. Stiles, wonderful idiot that he is, jumped in front of her and took a swiping blow to his side.
Lydia peels up his rusted-bloody shirt and applies antiseptic. “It’s not deep. You don’t need stitches.”
“Thank god,” he breathes. His fists are clenched in the bedspread. “I love you, but you’re a butcher with that needle.”
“Thank you. I learned needlepoint when I was in primary.”
“Oh, cool. So can you stitch ‘fuck you’ into my side? The next time someone captures me and pulls my shirt off to torture me, I’d like them to read that first.”
“I’ll get right on that.” Lydia pulls a size-XL bandage from their first-aid kit. “Although a tattoo would be easier.”
Stiles winces as she lays the bandage in place, applying pressure so the adhesive sticks.
“Be good,” she murmurs, running her fingers over the edges. “Shh.” Her touch strays up over his ribs.
He relaxes, a little. As much as one can when a crossbow bolt has grazed one’s side.
His legs part, inviting her to step between them so her torso presses against his. Her arms wind around his shoulders, and his around her waist in a fervent embrace.
Even with him seated and her standing, her head is barely high enough to rest on top of his.
“Mm.” Stiles breathes into her shirt, warm and satisfied. “Oh, hey. We match now.”
His fingers dance up her shirt, pulling the hem away to reveal the angry slash on the left side of her stomach. “I’m gonna have a scar, too.”
A shocked sound escapes her lips that’s part laugh and part sob, and she lifts her eyes to the ceiling. How has this become their life? Comparing scars and patching wounds in a dinky motel room?
Of course she remembers the day a reptilian tail sliced through her side, the blood that spilled through her fingers. Creating the wound that still scars her skin to this day.
Her only consolation was that the venom paralyzing her also numbed the worst of her pain. That, and Stiles.
Seeing Stiles there was also a relief. Numbed the pain in a different way. She had to be strong for him, after all. Smile at him, let him know that she was all right. Nothing hurt worse than his horrified expression.
Her fingers wind tightly into his hair. Clinging to him.
“Hey.” His lips are hot against her skin. “Looks good.” And then he’s mouthing at the pearly white ridge, trailing kisses over the scar tissue that will probably mark her for the rest of her life.
“Thanks,” she says breathlessly. Honestly, it’s such a simple gesture that she shouldn’t be aroused by it. Plenty of partners have done the same to her.
But the reverence with which he lays kisses on her, over the part of her that could be perceived as ugly or flawed, the utter sincerity of his compliment…that is what makes her weak at the knees, more than any sensual touch could on its own.
His hands stray around her waist again, but this time under her shirt, tracing the curve of her hips, the hollow of her spine. “We survived. Tonight.”
“Yes, we did.”
“Didn’t finish the movie, but we made it back alive.”
“Very true.”
“Call it a win?”
Lydia purses her lips, futilely resisting the inevitable smile. Stiles’s ability to make her smile is uncanny. “Yes. Call it a win.”
Send me a prompt and a ship!
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chidoroki · 11 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 109
Chapter 109: “Keep Going”
Once again loving the Oliver & Paula team up even if they’re simply keeping watch together while everyone else is trying to get some rest.
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This is such a good moment for Emma. Yeah it hurts seeing how much she’s doubting herself and her choices along with all the fear and anxiety she’s feeling, but it makes her feel more real and human, ya know? She may have plot armor and a boundless amount of optimism like a majority of shonen protags typically have, but this is a great reminder of how she’s still just a thirteen year old kid trying to keep everything together and act like the leader her family needs her to be without falling apart due to all the stress and hardships of recent events. I know I compared this moment to Emma hating herself in s2ep5 once or twice before but that’s only because that moment was the closest thing we would ever get to seeing her doubts like this. Goes without saying but this moment is superior than that randomly added scene by far though. No doubt about it.
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It is so ridiculously unfair to get her hopes (& ours) up like this.
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I get how Emma’s quick thinking to step in is what managed to have the bullet graze Chris’ head rather than it deal a lethal head shot, but I still don’t understand how said graze was enough to put this child in a coma.. like by definition a simple graze shouldn’t cause that much damage or bleeding, much like Yuugo’s bullet that grazed Emma’s cheek when the escapees first arrived at the shelter, sooo what?
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This is all a handful of my favorite Yuugo quotes honestly. He just seems so profound and inspiring. The part about “unfavorable results” and “continuing to strive anyway” makes me wanna believe Emma held onto these words specifically when she eventually creates the new promise and hears about the reward the demon god asks of her.
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Ahh my heart is gonna break all over again, especially with that last head pat. Makes me wish we had a moment like this between Lucas and Oliver, or at least more detailed look of the flashback between them that we’re shown next chapter.
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Don’t feel bad Emma, both bunker dads feel like a dream to us too with how the second season left us feeling.
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I wish had more to say about Yuugo’s last flashback other than it being straight up depressing and making me somehow wonder now of all times if these WM pens have an endless battery life to function properly for so many years, but I’m so thankful the escapees showed up just moments before this man pulled the trigger on himself.
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Honestly a bit relieved all this didn’t get animated because if simply reading his internal dialogue is enough to make my heart ache, then hearing him speak with such a soft, upsetting and regretful tone while some sad as hell soundtrack played over all his memories would’ve definitely made me sob.
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Sseeing/hearing the aftermath of an explosion that took the lives of both your father figures is certainly not the best way to start your morning.
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We’re not gonna talk about it took me a good year or so after first reading this chapter to realize that this dream of Yuugo’s actually gave Lucas both his arms and removed the scar off his face.
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I need to join in on this hug too. This chapter makes me feel many emotions and none of them are good.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Well, okay, of course there’s one good thing about the chapter I guess, but sorry to both Emma and Yuugo and all their precious moments, but this spot belongs to Ray. I love how Ray knows Emma’s not in the right state of mind to give orders or calm everyone down while she’s so concerned over Chris, so my boy steps into the leader role for the time being and everyone follows him without question. Honestly wish we got to see him in such a position more often.
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