#good morning i woke up and chose violence
schibi12 · 2 months
A whole generation of children unwillingly learned the concept of mpreg and its thanks to the fairly oddparents
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perotovar · 8 months
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i just think javi g would make the prettiest sub with blushing cheeks and glazed over eyes and make the prettiest sounds because he wants to be so good for you and make a good impression because “mi amor, it’s been hours, please may i come? i’ve been good” and he’s tugging on the soft leather keeping his hands off himself and he’s so needy and his cock is throbbing and flushed such a pretty deep red color and “it’s starting to hurt, please” but really he likes the pain a little because he feels alive while he’s being pushed like this and he loves you so much and there are tears making pretty little tracks down his eyes because “i’m so close” without having been touched in so long and he’s sweating and his golden skin is glowing with the perspiration and his gorgeous curls are sticking to his forehead and neck and his hips are bucking and then finally you say “you do look beautiful when you come apart for me, javi. come for me” and he nearly sobs as his cock twitches and he spends all over himself, making a mess but he looks beautiful and he’s smiling as he breathes heavily and makes those pretty sounds again
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sweetdarlingyou · 1 year
me think yuie being taken care of while she's sick , but she's the most drama queen ever and she's just very annoying when she's sick
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giolovesyousm · 10 months
“you left me no choice but to stay here forever„
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greenthena · 6 months
Ah, was I listening to Bowie today?
I, I wish you could swim Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim
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Though nothing, nothing will keep us together
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We can beat them, for ever and ever
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Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day
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I, I will be king And you, you will be queen
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Though nothing will drive them away
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We can be Heroes, just for one day
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We can be us, just for one day
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Heroes, David Bowie's Changes
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scriptospark · 1 month
maybe MAYBE when I say Kafka is "intrigued" by the Fools what I actually mean is she can read anyone and everyone EXCEPT for them and it drives her insane. elio (in my canon) has advised the stellaron hunters over and over not to engage with Fools, agents of absolute chaos, and yet Kafka CANNOT leave it alone.
she WANTS To know why they are like this. they're also hot and ridiculously unhinged and she's never related to anyone more.
what I'm also saying is: she LIKES them but they also drive her crazy and it's beautiful and she will literally not stop engaging in them. they should tear up the script and ruin her life. it's what she deserves
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loumauve · 10 days
the goddamn toast water post just made me utter "history is fucking real" in the most solemn and serious tone of voice, out loud, to myself, in the goddamn bathtub
#life is ridiculous and I'm its biggest clown#in my defense it's not even 9 am and I woke up at 6 for some reason (the reason prob being that I start work at 6 atm)#so I chose (violence) reading Stray Gods fic in bed for a few hours followed by the need to just vibe in the bathtub#I've only just had my coffee and a slice of cold pizza leftover from yesterday and it's such a uni-days thing to do#I've kinda missed it. tho I wasn't drinking coffee back then (how the fuck did I survive mornings without it??)#anyway. feeling very soft and tender abt my past self today. I miss her even if she was just as much of a mess. in different ways#the kind of mess who would openly flirt with some strange dude she didn't really know over the phone#the kind of mess who moved across the country just for a chance at trying with sb she liked who really never wanted to date her#the kind of mess who's always fallen for her best friends and who'll likely never stop#the kind of mess who feel so damn hard for a woman 15 yrs older than her just bc she was kind and sweet and a mess herself#the kind of mess who moved in with a friend she was solidly in love with for a bit who had her boyfriend over most nights#just.. it's not all about those feelings but they're decidedly a big part of why I've ever done anything#and I will prob always miss the friend who'd lie on the train platform with me just giggling into the night as ppl walked past#her head on my stomach and me just feeling so high it felt like I'd never stop floating (just for a while though)#I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that Mi miss just letting my feelings take me places even at the risk of losing it all#I'm so much more hesitant and guarded now. and sure part of it is being medicated for my bipolar. it's good that I don't call strangers#and almost invited them over. or that I no longer walk barefoot through the city at night by myself (usually)#but I do miss just idk. intimacy I guess. and how easily it used to come to me to just try and be open abt wanting it I guess#oh well. best be getting out of the bathtub. it's not a good place to be with these thoughts. and it's too early for this anyway#a day in the life of..
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infisonicosm-moved · 2 years
Don’t think about waking josh up with little kisses all over his face, not stopping till he’s an absolute giggly and blushing mess.
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monstriiss · 1 year
all im saying is that outside of rp if sb monologues at drath while they're fighting she's going straight for their jugular with the intent to kill. RIP all the anime villains in the chat 😔🙏
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cuntoss-inz · 2 years
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bee-wg · 1 month
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Year 2:
“Jay! What the Flip?” It’s the ass crack of dawn, and Theo is already trying his best SpongeBob impression.
“Whaaat?” I yelled back with a mouth full of pancakes.
“You put your dirty clothes on my bed again!” He squealed.
”Dude, you asked for it. What are you whining about?”
“Boys, What did I say about yelling in the morning?” She yelled.
“Yewn, bwintow!” I think Dad was telling us to break it off, but he’s too lost in the Cream Cheese Danish.
Can’t blame him. Delicious and high protein? There’s nothing better.
Theo rushed down with a constipated face. 
“Ewww. They’re still wet to the touch. Wait. Is it dripping sweat?”
Okay. I overlooked the wet part, but he asked me to have it. 
I’ve been cleaning out some gym clothes that don't fit anymore, and Theo wanted some. I’ve decided to fully commit on football and my stocky phase, so I gave that shirt one last try yesterday. It was definitely not made for a more rugged build person. As I walked around the house, I unknowingly soaked it. I used to be disgusted with sweating. I would shower and wash the clothes by hand after each morning run. Recently I’ve been sweating a lot easier, but Dad told me to look at the bright side of things, and I do see it. Usually I would only sweat when I get a real good workout. Since it's easier to sweat buckets, that means I’m getting lots of exercise.
That leads back to this. I don’t feel as compelled to wash them anymore. They’re the result of my hard work on the journey back to being shredded. 
“No more pancakes in the morning for the month.” He said.
“What?…But…You can’t do that.” 
His face tells me, “Yes, loser. I can.”
“What happened, dude? Your cat died?” Brad asked.
This is supposed to be an easy practice because it’s the last before the summer. I guess Coach woke up and chose violence. 
I’ve been only doing a few yards of Quick Steps and Sumo squats. My lungs are now collapsing.
I’m only 230 pounds; there are players heavier than me doing better. I’m doing something wrong. It must be because I didn’t have protein pancakes for days.
“Dude, you there?” Brad asked.
Trying not to wheeze, I replied.
“Yeah, S’all good. I’m just hungry.” 
It would be an understatement. When you’re used to protein goods pumping your belly full of energy every morning, what does five English muffins and some hash browns even do?”
“Hahaha, classic Jay. You’re the man.” Brad answers with a slap on my back.
“Gosh, you’re getting sweatier than Aiden.” He said in disbelief.
“Oh, by the way. Aiden’s going to Costco to buy a speaker for our dorm. You mind giving him a lift?” Brad asked.
“Bad timing man, my dad broke the old Toyota. It’s taking a long time to repair.”
“No problem. I’ll see you next semester then. Take care!” Brad waved as he sprinted out of the field.
I felt like I could eat a horse when the bus arrived. I passed through the usual stops, and finally.
The warm smell of chicken nuggets invites me.
I pull out my phone and check. Ten consecutive days. I can definitely redeem a free meal today.
“Welcome, what can I get you?” The cashier asked.
“Can I have the Double Western Deluxe Combo?” “ I have the loyalty discount.”
“Thank you, here’s your number.”
After what felt like forever, they finally called my number. 
It’s a pretty big meal, but today’s situation calls for it. 
I’ve been doing pretty well sticking to a fries-only diet when I’m here. With some occasional burgers and soda thrown in, I’ve accumulated a few thousand points to have meals like this once in a while. The only downside is the bus here takes way too long. I guess it’s better than the neighbours knowing I’m a regular customer. 
As I finished the fries, I saw a guy wandering outside with my university’s gym bag.
Wait, is he from the team? 
Wait, is that Aiden?
No. Shit, Is Aiden waving to me?
He’s probably waving to someone else.
Then the door’s jingle chimes.
“Yo, I didn’t expect to see you here!” Aiden said.
My alone time is ruined.
“Yeah man, me too. What brought you here?” I asked.
“Just bought the speaker and couldn’t find any restaurants here. I thought Costco had a food court.” He looked down at my plate.
“Whatchu havin’? Oh Damnnn, that’s a chunky burger!” He said in excitement.
“Haven’t had them in years, my mom hates that shit.” 
I just wish to crawl into a hole at this point.
“Yeah, my mom hates them to-” 
“I should have one too.” Aiden interrupted.
Then he came back with a smaller combo with a box of salad.
“Oh man, I’ve been wanting to have a taste for so long,” Aiden said with glittering eyes.
He got a few bites of the burger and fries, then moved on to the salad.
“So what are you doing this summer?” I asked.
“Oh, not much. Probably hang out with the guys. My dad wants me to go to a training camp though. It’s not like I will play football after college anyway, so what’s the point?”
Then we talk about dorm drama and who the coach is going to recommend to the NFL scouts.
He is actually quite chill to talk to. 
“You don’t like it?” I point down to his unfinished burger.
“No, it’s the best thing I’ve had in years. Definitely beating celery or carrots. I just have a diet going on, and I kinda impulse bought this.”
“I could finish it for you.” I offered.
“Really? Thank you so much dude!” He said.
“You’re actually pretty fun to hang out with. I always thought you had a stick up your ass.” He added unhelpfully.
By the time the last of his burger and fries disappeared in my stomach, I was ready to sleep it off when I got home. 
My phone rang, waking me up from sleep. It’s 2 AM.
Probably Number Seven. He always calls at an odd hour. 
I picked up the call.
“Duuuuuuude, I didn’t know you go to fast foods. I thought we don’t keep anything from each other.” Instead of number seven, Brad said.
“Jay, knock it off,” Theo grumbled on the other side of the room.
“Keep it down, Brad. What is it?” 
I knew shit would get out of the bag sooner or later. At least I had two weeks of peace.
“Next time let me join too!” Brad said.
What the hell is up with these people? 
“Fine, whatever. Let me go to sleep.”
“Thanks a lot, man. I’ve never had fast food before!”
I have the feeling that this is going to bite me in the ass later.
Brad is calling me. Again.
“Dude, what?” I asked calmly.
“Woah, no need to get so worked up.”
“I asked some of my mates, they all agreed to meet up at the mall’s parking lot,” Brad said.
What is going on? It’s only been five hours since he last called me.
“Don’t forget to bring your laptop and an empty stomach! It’s gonna be an epic summer.” Then he hung up on me.
I should be used to Brad’s bullshit by now. He’s been like this since high school.
The bus on the way there is as tedious as usual. 
Why did he tell me to go with an empty stomach? Didn’t he know that I get really grumpy without any breakfast? It’s worse now without pancakes.
He looks at me eagerly, like a dog finding its treat.
“What is it, man?” I asked as he led me to the back of the restaurant.
Then, no Harry Potter bullshit, he opened the wall.
“What the hell? There was a room back here all this time?”
“Wait, Brad. You rented a party room?”
“It’s sick, right? I thought we could chill here for the summer, and go to the river nearby when we’re bored. Oh, I also brought the guys here. And a projector!”
“How did you afford this? I didn’t know you were rich.” I look at the big ass room with my friends in there already playing video games. Even Aiden the snitch is here.
“Oh, I have a pretty successful OnlyFans account. I thought I could spend it on you guys.”
“Good for you, man. Gotta hustle in this economy.”
He ordered a party combo with a bunch of salad. Then we started playing video games. It wasn’t until I was on a losing streak playing Yoshi on Mario Kart, I realized. They were staring at me expectantly.
“What?” I asked.
“So…Can you help us finish?” Aiden said.
Oh no. Not again. I turned to look at Brad.
He responded with a toothy grin.
“Please Jay, you have, like, the biggest appetite out of all of us. Look at all this free food going to waste. I bet you’re still hungry.”
“There are five of you,” I said.
“Marcus can help,” Brad added.
“Wait, me?” Marcus said.
He’s the team’s linebacker. The only guy bigger than me.
“Fine. At least it’s free.” I said reluctantly.
The fact that all of the juicy meat is screaming for my attention might be clouding my judgment.
We continued playing games, watched some movies while I munch
It was pretty fun. I got to talk to the people I wouldn’t usually talk to.
For example, I didn’t know Braxton played piano or Oscar was a hardcore Pokémon card collector.
The rest of the summer continued and the guys would meet up about three times a week.
I should’ve said no the second time Brad asked. But how can I let the food go to waste when the guys need me?
Marcus doesn’t come often because he’s occupied with his boyfriend. So the guys developed a way for me to eat all of their share. I would drink a dubious amount of water to expand my stomach in the morning, giving me more space. 
It was incredibly stupid, but when the guys cheered me up while I devoured the last of the remains, I felt pretty proud of myself.
By the end of the summer, not wanting to waste the last of our freedom. Everyone has been scrambling for things to do.
That’s where Brad’s dad comes in. He organized a BBQ party by the beach and invited all the football Dads from high school who were still in their little group chat. Of course, we are invited too.
“Oh come on, Jay Jay. You have to go, or else I’m gonna be all alone.” Brad whined.
“No Brad. You’re gonna be with twenty people, you won’t be alone.” I replied.
“If you’re worried about not having any swim trunks that fit, you can borrow from my old man, or we could go shopping together.” Shit, he’s awfully insightful.
“Your dad is like, 500 pounds. I’m not that fat, dude.”
Then Theo asked me if he could join cause he had grown out of his swim shorts too. Whatever that means.
That’s how we ended up here with Brad showing me an ugly Hawaii print speedo with a blue Jay on it, and Theo laughing his ass off with him.
“No, I’m not going to wear that,” I said for the final time.
“You’re no fun, Jay,” Theo said.
“Right? This guy gets it.” Brad replied to him.
“So you’re the culprit who made Jay fat,” Brad asked.
”Dude, you don’t know the half of it. I basically sacrificed myself to advance his cooking career.” I added.
“I don’t know. I would think taking care of his laundry, dishes, and meals, just to have him burp in my face and snore at night makes up for it. If anything, I'm doing too much. I should stop doing the protein pancakes agai-“ 
”Theo! You’re literally the best chef in the world. I am honoured to be your Guinea pig for the rest of my life.” I said.
He smiled 
Yes! Crises subverted.
“Hahahahaha you two are so strange.” Brad, who is still listening, said.
The possibility of protein pancakes being taken away from me sends shivers down my spine. I try to refocus on Brad’s shenanigans.
He came out of the fitting room with a professional swimming Jammer.
Why did he even take his shirt off? Goddamn washboard abs.
“Don’t you think it’s too extra for the beach barbecue?” I asked.
“I think it fits him nicely,” Theo said.
“Theo, you get me,” Brad said, then winked at him.
Is he trying to rizz my cousin?
“It’s my turn!” Theo said, grabbing a few trunks he chose.
Then he came out, without a shirt too, wearing a bright orange swim shorts.
“I see you’re putting my gym membership to good use.” Goddamn washboard abs, where did that even come from? Now that I think of it, he’s been fitting my old gym clothes better.
“You look awesome, Theo. The orange fits you nicely.” Brad said.
“I guess it’s my turn,” I said without enthusiasm.
After struggling to pull it up my ass. I walked out with the ugly print forest green trunk that’s wedged between my inner thighs; with a shirt on, thank you very much.
“Woah, look at those hefty thighs,” Brad said.
I’m out of options, and there’s no way I’m walking into another swimwear store again. So we made our way to the counter.
The day for the beach finally arrives, and I can already feel the swim trunks digging into my ass.
What’s more annoying is that Mom and Dad are now angry at me.
I would be angry at myself too.
Now I’m in a car with no AC, listening to how I should make better life choices.
“Jay, I didn’t think you would sneak off for fast food without telling us.” Mom said.
She caught the extra burgers I sneaked in to munch on at night this morning.
“Jacob, don’t you remember what I told you about garbage food?” Dad asked.
He said my full name. He never says my full name.
“If you want fried chicken you could ask mom to make it. You know it’s healthier at home.” Dad said.
“Am I not making enough, Jay?” Mom asked.
“I’m sorry Mom, I know I shouldn’t go,” I said.
“Don’t worry about it, honey. We can get through this together. If you want more fried food, Theo and I will make lots of it at home.”
“I got you, Jay,” Theo said, patting my shoulder.
We finally got to the beachside. After finding a shade to park our car, Dad struggled a bit to get out of the car. It seems like the old Toyota is seeing its last days. We might need to upgrade the car soon.
I know Dad is probably not mad at me, but his disappointment was worse.
Hopefully he can forgive me after getting some barbecue in his stomach.
We started setting up the chairs with Brad’s dad as more of my high school friends and their dads started coming in. I haven’t seen most of them since we graduated.
Dad went to greet them and it looked like he fit right in.
He was the Dad everyone’s dad was jealous of but couldn’t help to like him.
I was pretty shocked when I heard Dad wanted to come because he always declined their barbecue invites. 
He was the fittest of the group, but it looks like he is one of the heavier guys here. Dad told me he’s almost 260 pounds now, so Theo and I will probably lose again this year.
I feel conflicted. I wanted to look like Dad before when he had chiselled abs, but I also want to look like him now when he has a much larger presence with the same amount of confidence. I can’t do either correctly.
“You daydreaming, bro?” Brad said.
“It’s nothing. Let’s get the boxes out,” I replied.
“Just so you know, you can tell me whatever you want, Alright?” He said.
“Thanks man, appreciate it.”
He’s too pure to know about my problem with how my abs or belly doesn’t look right.
We got the tablecloth pinned in place to withstand the wind, then set up some disposable tableware.
“Good job, son,” Dad said as he patted my back.
I smiled for the first time today.
Brad’s dad put us on watch duty for the grill while I fought not to drool on the food. 
I’ll get my share. Old people first.
“Jacob? You’re all grown up! You’re a big boy now, almost as big as me. I bet you made your father proud.” Mr. Lancaster said. 
“Mr. Lancaster, you’re here! I didn’t know you were coming.”
He used to take me to his house with Ms. Lancaster when my mom was busy, or when Dad was substituting for other teachers.
Avery and I used to-
Wait, Avery is here?
I looked around to scan everyone.
“Oh, my boy is having a problem with his car, so he is probably not coming.” Mr. Lancaster said.
“We have the same issue too; it’s been a mess. Say hello to Avery for me, eh?”
“Of course, good to see you, Jay.” He replied.
I sighed in relief. I don’t know what to say to Avery if he comes. I missed him, but I also ignored him a couple times when I spotted him at the fast food place.
We served for an hour and a half. I probably lost the 60weight pounds I’ve gained, and my stomach is definitely deflated now.
Note to self: If I ever need to lose weight again, just stare at tasty barbecues all day just to have none of it.
“Ahem. Woah cool! Look at that shiny thing over there. I’m going to go fetch it!” Brad said suddenly, then ran off.
“Wait, you still have your-“
He ditched me.
I tried to flip over both of our grills to no avail.
“You need help?”
“Ahhhhhh!”I yelped.
Ave laughs with his usual lopsided smile.
“I thought you were,” I said.
“Dead? No. I caught an Uber.” Avery said.
“Right. Long time no see.” I reached out my hand for a shake.
“Seriously, Jay? When did you start doing that shit?” Ave said.
Same old Avery then. I took my hand back and hid a grin.
He looked so different I didn’t know how to react. By the looks of it, he’s almost doubled my weight, maybe around 450s. 
“Haven’t seen you in a while. You look good.” He said.
“You looked good too.” Now that I see him closely, it suits him, makes him look sturdy. His ass is hanging out in the back like a bra though.
“What were you up to this past year?” I asked.
“Well you know, I screwed up the football scholarship. But it’s the best thing that could’ve happened to me.” He said.
“I was pretty depressed for a bit, so I decided to go on one of the self-searching trips to some countries and states...”
Then he told me about the kind people and assholes he met on the way, as we finally sat down with our share of Barbecues.
Ave said that he got to eat food he never imagined existed, learn about cultures that changed his perspective on things.
He said he has never felt freer of any emotional constraints than he is now. I couldn't stop my smile from forming. I’m really happy for him.
He has always been harsh on himself. When school didn’t work, he dedicated his all to sports. On his way there, I felt like I lost a friend.
We talked for hours about the airplane seats being a bitch and how he’s sorry for whoever sat next to him, or about how I am addicted to fast foods and pancakes. He’s probably the only one I know that can relate.
I was lost in the conversation, with Brad interrupting occasionally with strange looks of wiggling eyebrows or smug smiles. I really don’t know what he’s on.
It’s when Dad is folding up the seats, and Brad’s dad cleans up the grill. Ave asked me.
“Wanna do this again sometime? My dad’s coffee shop has a new brownie coming up that he’s really proud of.”
Yes, of course. I wanna learn more about you and be friends again.
“Sorry, men. School is going to be busy. I also need to focus on football more this year, or I will get too fat to play.” I said.
“No problem Jay. You know I’ll always be there for you.” Avery said.
I tried to one arm hug him and he fully embraced me. His body is so warm and unbelievably soft.
For a moment, I wished I was proud like him. But I’m not free like him
Gathering supplies Dad brought, I walked back to the car, forgetting to ask for his number.
The school year started without much fanfare. But the feeling of estrangement grew.
Hanging out with the team was fun, but playing the game just doesn’t bring me the same amount of rush and anticipation anymore, instead, I look forward to the meal after the game that brings me the rush. It’s not like I was playing the game much anyway; I’m a glorified Waterboy now. My job is to refuel the Gatorade or water, then squirt it into the guys’ mouths. After that, I just need to hand them the towel and sit back to finish my hot dog. 
I know the team appreciates me. I would keep doing it for them if not for Coach’s disappointing stares. He probably thought I would be a star player like Dad, but I ended up fatter than the linebacker. I would be disappointed too.
My decision was made following the buzzing call of our defeat.
Chapter 3 ->
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I woke up and chose angsty violence on everyone.
What if Optimus survived the events of Predacon Rising? Sometime after everyone left, he crawled up from the Well but was no longer the same person he was. Housing the Allspark inside himself had destroyed his mind than just the Matrix of Leadership and what's left is a very feral bot that looks like Optimus.
No one finds out until reports from refugees come in about a strange Cybertronian running amuck in the wastes that attacks anyone who gets too close. Optimus' former team would absolutely be split on what to do about him. Leave him alone in nature under protection, try to snap him out of it or put their once leader down?
They can't ignore the problem as someone will recognize Optimus at some point.
You. You my good individual are evil. I adore your twisted little mind (affectionate).
━━━━━━ ⊙ ❖ ⊙ ━━━━━━━━━━━━
There were... reports. Quite a few of them in fact.
Each and every one of them claimed that there was a feral mech living out in the wastes, the land that was formerly Iacon's great forest before the war razed it to the ground. No one knew what to think of it, but then they saw the pictures. And those pictures changed everything.
"Ratchet, he can't seriously still be alive? Can he?" Bumblebee's voice was filled with disbelief as Ratchet looked over the image projected on the holodisk. The rest of the table seemed to share Bumblebee's thoughts as they watched. It was a quick series of pictures put on a slideshow. They were grainy, but the blue and red was unmistakable. The exposed Matrix even more so.
"It seems that we were wrong to label Prime as out for the count." Bulkhead added his two shanix, earning him a murmur of agreement from an equally uncertain Wheeljack.
"If he's feral, do you think we can bring back?" Arcee spoke up as well, earning a series of comments from the team. Bumblebee seemed hopeful, as did Smokescreen. Even Ultra Magnus seemed marginally interested in a potential plan to help Optimus if he really was out there.
Ratchet was not so optimistic.
"I will go and assess the situation personally. For all we know, it might not be him. We can't get our hopes up." Standing up, Ratchet collected the holodisk with a purposefully blank expression. The team regarded him with various expression of surprise, but they didn't stop him.
Good. They didn't need to see what was going to come next.
"Ratchet, if it is him, you'll let us know." Ultra Magnus put a servo on his shoulder, a knowing expression plastered all over the Commander's face. Ratchet gave no confirmation, instead tightening his grip on the holodisk as he made his way out.
Ratchet couldn't explain it, but when he saw the photo, he couldn't help the feeling of wrongness that filled his very spark. The team wouldn't understand. They hadn't known Orion. All they saw was their Prime's face. They didn't see the vacancy in his optics or the way he hunched in the picture like he was struggling just to stand. The mech they once knew was not himself. He was hardly alive.
Ratchet refused to let his friend's legacy be destroyed by a cruel twist of fate.
"I'm sorry." He murmured into the early morning light as he gathered his things quietly, taking great care with his most important tool as he began the trip out into the wastes. It was not a long trip, not terribly so at any rate. A few joors into his journey, he found himself wandering the wastes in silence, his optics set on any crevice where the husk of his friend could have possibly been hiding. He didn't bother calling out. It was a useless endeavor.
One joor. Two joors. And then, he found what he was looking for.
"Hello, Orion. Its been a while, hasn't it?" A lanky figure pulled itself out of a small cave. Cycled down optics met his, curiosity registering somewhere in their empty stare. Ratchet didn't dare move as the husk pulled itself out of its hiding place, its helm tilted ever so slightly in confusion, or perhaps interest.
"I had hoped that you'd made it out alright. But I don't think that's the case." His words were faint as the husk finally stood. It was thin, gangly from what was likely months of less than sufficient energon. Its armor was cracked and broken, the jetpack that Optimus had once enjoyed now all but ripped off. The husk's face was covered in gashes and marks, the rest of its frame not much better. It looked... pitiful. But above all else, the shining Matrix in its chassis made Ratchet frown.
"No normal mech should be able to survive these wounds." He practically whispered as he took a step forward, holding out a servo in a friendly manner. The husk froze, almost looking ready to scuttle back into its hiding place. But Ratchet remained firm, standing still and speaking quietly.
"That thing... it won't let you die, will it?" He received no verbal answer, but the glowing white of the husk's optics told him everything he needed to know.
White was the color of divinity, but also of sickness. A mech with white optics was said to be doomed to die. Ratchet was not normally a mech to care about superstitions. But that one... he could get behind.
"It must hurt." He couldn't disguise the faint shakiness of his voice as the husk finally inched closer, looming over Ratchet with height that had once been comforting. The husk's optics cycled down and then went wide. A wide and almost sparkling like smile spread across its face as it dropped to all fours, crawling nearer on just about Ratchet's level.
It hesitated a moment, and then pressed its face up against Ratchet's servo like a hound would. Ratchet almost winced, but seeing the husk's genuine affection, he couldn't bring himself to do anything more than sigh and run his free servo along the crest of its helm. So similar to his Prime, and yet so very different.
"The others want to bring you home. They want to fix you." The husk's engine rumbled in delight, pleased as Ratchet caressed broken finials with light touches. The husk looked so very happy as it came closer, seating itself at Ratchet's pedes to lean into every place his digits touched. So unlike Optimus. This thing was a mere echo, a sad and painful echo.
"I don't think you want to be fixed, if that is even possible." His venting hitched as he cupped the husk's face, sensing the animalistic instinct in it. The husk didn't fight back as Ratchet pressed the crest of his helm to the husk's, enjoying the momentary interaction.
"I wanted to hope... I wanted to think that maybe you'd evaded death yet again." He could feel coolant threatening to gather in his optics as he quietly reached to his satchel, pulling out an injector. The yellow liquid within glowed faintly in the dying light of the evening, but Ratchet paid it little mind as he memorized the faint sounds of the husk's engine and the giddy smile upon its face. It hadn't even noticed Ratchet's tool.
"I prayed for your return. But I think that may have been a mistake." Blazing white optics gazed up at him, innocent and yet vacant. It hurt more than it should have.
Why? Why did it have to look so alive and yet so dead?
"Perhaps it would have been kinder if death had finally taken you." Pressing a kiss to the husk's helm crest, Ratchet enjoyed the warmth of a living, venting mech for a moment longer. His spark spun in agony, but now was not the time to stop. This... this was a mercy.
"Rest Orion. Return to Codexa, to Alpha Trion. Go to those who love you... and know that one cycle I will join you there." In one swift motion, Ratchet dug the injector into the husk's neck. Its optics blew wide, its vocalizer spitting static as it stared up at him in sheer terror.
"Shh... it's alright. It will be over soon." The husk went limp, falling into Ratchet's arms. He knelt quietly, letting it rest against his chassis as its frame began to seize. The Matrix flared, sending shocks through the husk to try and keep it active. The husk wailed in response, its shattered vocalizer producing pained cries that could have caused the dead to quake. Ratchet held firm, keeping the husk held against him as the Matrix's shocks ran their course, eventually ceasing.
"I'll tell the others you were dead upon my arrival. Don't worry. They won't see you like this... I promise." The husk spasmed a moment longer, its optics momentarily returning to a bright and healthy blue. For a half klik, Ratchet could have sworn he saw understanding in those optics.
And gratitude.
"I'm sorry, Old Friend." The term of endearment slipped past his derma before he could stop it. In response, Optimus smiled and then fell still, his optics going dark and his frame losing all life.
Ratchet held what remained of his oldest friend for a long while, not speaking or moving.
It was done.
Now Optimus could rest.
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dreamwritesimagines · 6 months
The Eye of the Hurricane [15] - Morning After
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, it's a calm one❤️ and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: The first day of marriage can be relaxing.
Word Count: 2800
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, stabbing, death, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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When you woke up next morning, it took you a while to understand where you were because this was not your bedroom or the honeymoon suite you had been staying at for a month but—
Barnes weekend residence.
You rubbed at your eyes and turned around in the huge bed to see Bucky sleeping soundly right beside you, still in his clothes from last night. Your heart skipped a beat and you looked down at yourself to see your white afterparty dress, then yawned and pushed yourself off the bed.
Your afterparty dress was pretty, but it was way too uncomfortable to sleep in.
You grabbed your clothes from the bag Becca had prepared for you, then made your way to the bathroom to change into them and walked back into the bedroom again. When you pulled open the curtains to let the sunlight in, the sight of the huge green yard caught your attention and you smiled slightly, leaning sideways to the windowpane.
It was a good thing you were going to get this house in divorce.
“Morning,” the raspy voice reached your ears and you turned around, your heart skipping a beat as your gaze fell on Bucky. He ran a hand over his messy hair as he sat up in the bed and you stared at him for a moment, noticing for the millionth time just how handsome he looked before you frowned, throwing your shoulders back.
“Why are we in the same bed?”
“We’re not,” he said, motioning at you. “You’re standing right there.”
“No I mean last night—”
“I hardly remember anything about last night,” he murmured, rubbing his eyes before his head snapped up. “Wait.”
“Did we…?”
You scoffed a laugh. “You wish.”
He managed to shoot you a mischievous grin despite being sleepy, then leaned his back on the bedframe to look at you better.
“Anyway isn’t it a good start?” he asked. “I mean considering we have one bedroom in the penthouse.”
“There are two guest rooms.”
He tilted his head.
“Y/N, I need an office in the apartment and so will you,” he said. “You do realize that?”
Your frown deepened as you tried to wrap your head around the idea. You hadn’t thought about the fact that he would need an office but it made sense, most of the deals were done at bosses’ homes and now that you were going to become an active player in the business, you would need one as well.
Oh, God damn it.
“Are you serious?”
“You chose the apartment,” he reminded you. “Besides I think it’s safer for us to sleep in the same place in case of an attack, especially with everything that’s been going on in town lately.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose and heaved an irritated sigh.
“Great,” you muttered. “I want one of those huge beds then.”
“And if you dare assume—”
“I’m not assuming anything,” he said and he got off the bed, then started unbuttoning his shirt, making your eyes widen.
“Uh, what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna take a shower,” he said. “You didn’t eat yet, did you?”
“Um…” you trailed off, trying to focus. “No?”
“Great, I’m starving,” he said, checking his wristwatch before tossing his shirt aside. “Our chef is a genius, you’ll see.”
…Jesus, this was just simply annoying.
You tried not to stare at his muscular torso but the tattoos on his strong chest made it impossible to look elsewhere. Your eyes darted over the small numbers around the gun before slipping down to his abs, but then snapped up to his face when he cleared his throat, his cocky smile playing on his lips.
“Don’t fucking say it,” you said and he held up his hands.
“You know, if you wanted to consummate our marriage—”
“It’s not the Regency times and that will never happen.”
“Just saying, the offer is on the table whenever you want.”
“I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last man on earth,” you pointed out, trying to ignore the fire burning your cheeks. “I’ll—I’ll go and check if the breakfast is ready, don’t be late.”
You walked away from him before he could say anything else, but you could still hear his laughter as you left the room. You shook your head as you made your way to the top of the stairs, then gritted your teeth.
“Keep your head in the game,” you muttered to yourself and went downstairs, your heart still beating fast.
This right here was the reason why you liked the Barnes weekend home this much even when you were growing up. It was pretty far away from the city and it was such a huge estate that it made you feel as if you had escaped from all the chaos and tension that came with the city. You and Bucky had decided to go back to the city around the evening so that no one would have any doubts about you not “enjoying” each other’s presence the morning after your wedding since you weren’t going on a honeymoon.
Bucky had given everyone the business excuse, and considering the state the city was in right now with HYDRA you were sure everyone agreed, but it was still a good idea to play it safe.
You thanked the maid who brought you your mimosa before she walked back to the house, then took a sip and leaned back on the sunbed, heaving a sigh. It was such a beautiful day so you decided to enjoy the sunlight with a book you had found in the library while Bucky was swimming in the pool. You stole a look at the pool before dragging your gaze to the green yard, then put your glass back on the small table beside you but before you could go back to your book, your phone vibrated on the table, making you frown.
“Who the…” you trailed off, then raised your brows when you saw the text.
From: Ethan
Hey, just wanted to say congratulations for the wedding.
You pursed your lips, taking a deep breath and your finger hovered over the button before you typed in your reply.
Thank you.
You sent it and saw that he was typing for a couple of seconds before you received another text.
Can we meet when you’re available? I’d like to apologize in person.
You blinked a couple of times, then sat up straighter and sent your text.
Nothing to apologize for, but I’d love to meet sometime this week?
You jolted with a gasp when Bucky’s phone started vibrating and shook your head, then put your phone down to grab his.
“Bucky!” you called out, holding up his phone and he turned in the pool to look at you, then swam towards the edge of the pool to pull himself out. A warmth spread through your stomach as he came closer to you, sunlight falling on his skin as he ran a hand through his wet hair, then grabbed a towel so that he could wipe his face. You swallowed thickly, averting your gaze from his body and put the phone on the table again, pretending to be engrossed in your book.
“Hey man,” Bucky answered the phone and listened to the other line, then let out a chuckle. “Hold on I’m putting you on speaker.”
You looked up from the book at him as he flung himself on the sunbed to your left.
“Hey Y/N!” Sam’s voice reached you and you smiled.
“Hi Sam.”
“Not interrupting anything I hope?”
“Nope,” you said. “What’s up?”
“How badly did you scare Ian?”
You pulled your brows together while Bucky grinned. “What?”
“He wanted a meeting with me and Steve as soon as possible,” he said. “Today, actually. Before you got back to the city.”
“Unbelievable…” Bucky muttered, curling an arm behind his head and you bit back a smile.
“Did you say yes?”
“Are you kidding? I’m still hungover,” he said with a small laugh. “No, meetings can wait until Monday.”
“Even better,” Bucky commented. “Let him panic.”
“Did he sound panicked?”
“Oh he did,” Sam said. “And very obvious too because if it were about business, your father would be the one to call me. Arthur is the one I make deals and have meetings with, not Ian.”
You nibbled on your lip, that familiar jealousy sinking your stomach.
“Well, he’s usually in the room though,” you muttered. “Does my dad know?”
“About the meeting? I doubt it,” Sam said. “Anyways, I just wanted to let you two know. Your cousin is freaking out, Y/N.”
“Serves him right,” you said with a grin. “Thanks Sam.”
“Anytime. Buck, I’ll see you when you get back?”
“Absolutely,” he said. “Thanks again. Tell Steve I said hi?"
“Will do,” he said and hung up, and you took your glass into your hand while the maid brought Bucky a drink. Bucky thanked her, then turned to you.
“Him being scared is going to be hilarious to watch.”
You huffed out a small laugh, then sipped your drink.
“He will try to stand in my way though,” you said and Bucky shrugged his shoulders.
“He will,” he said, nodding his head. “And we will run him over.”
That managed to put a smile on your face and you nibbled on your lip, looking down at your drink.
“Having second thoughts?” Bucky asked and you frowned, then shook your head.
“No,” you said. “No, never. I want this, I just—I also know it will make my dad furious when he finds out what I’m trying to do.”
“He can be furious all he wants,” Bucky said. “You’re the right choice here. He’ll see.”
You bit inside your cheek, trying to get rid of the familiar nervousness pulsing through you. You weren’t so used to going directly against your father ever since you were a child, especially on important things, and the family business was as important as it got.
You wished he could just name you the heir. That he could just let you prove yourself instead of pretending he couldn’t see that Ian was not fit to be the next boss, but since he refused to do it, you refused to feel bad about what he forced you to do.
He had promised you the position after all, so many years ago.
You snapped out of your thoughts and turned your head when Bucky’s vibranium hand touched yours.
“Swim with me,” he said, shooting you an irresistible smirk that made your heart skip a beat, but you pulled yourself together and scoffed.
“Absolutely not.”
“Come on, it’d be fun.”
“I’m sure you’re very familiar with the idea of having fun by yourself,” you snarked, grabbing your book again to turn the page. “Don’t let me stop you.”
Bucky shot you a grin.
“Fine, stay here and pretend you’re not staring then.”
“I don’t even notice your presence,” you shot back as he got up from the sunbed, then walked to jump into the pool again. You stole a look at him, then clicked your tongue.
“Much,” you added quietly to yourself. “I don’t notice your presence much.”
By the time you and Bucky got to the city, it was already evening. The road hadn’t taken you long, but spending the whole day by the pool and knowing that tomorrow you had to plan just how exactly you would first get involved in the business at least officially made you feel quite tired.
And it was going to be the first night you would stay in your and Bucky’s new apartment.
In the same bed.
Having already ordered the biggest bed you could find, you were sure that this time tomorrow, you would be able to go to sleep and not even notice you were not alone in the bed but tonight was going to be rather challenging. You knew you had slept in the same bed last night, but both of you had been drunk so—
Getting drunk tonight as well sounded like a good idea actually.
When you reached the top floor and saw Bucky’s men patrolling the hallway, you repressed a yawn and followed Bucky to the door of the apartment. He unlocked it, then turned to you with a grin.
“What—” you started but was cut off when he hoisted you up bridal style, making you let out a surprised squeal. “Bucky!”
“It’s tradition,” Bucky said, still grinning. “We’re a traditional couple.”
“No we’re not, put me down!” you said, trying your hardest to stop the giggle threatening to spill from your lips as you held onto his shirt, painfully aware of Bucky’s men stealing glances at you two. Bucky opened the door and stepped inside with you in his arms, then kicked the door close with his foot.
“You’re unbelievable!” you said, unable to stop yourself from smiling as he put you down, and he had the audacity to give you an innocent look.
“What?” he said. “Sweetheart, we’re married now. I’m supposed to carry you over the threshold.”
You lowered your head just so that you could hide your smile and smoothed over your dress, then turned your head to see the multiple gift boxes and flowers in the living room.
“Ah,” you said. “I almost forgot about the wedding gifts.”
“Did we put weapons on the gift list?”
“No,” you said, making your way to the living room. “But we got them, probably. I call dibs on any knives we get by the way.”
“I told Steve I wanted brass knuckles,” Bucky said. “I think he got us a matching pair.”
“Oh I love brass knuckles.”
“I saw this really cool—” Bucky started but stopped talking when a small meow reached your ears. You pulled your brows together and opened your mouth to ask whether he heard it too, but a white ball of fur wheezed through the living room.
“What the…” you trailed off when a beautiful white cat with a pink ribbon on her leash reached you, and sat down to look up at you with wide blue eyes.
“Are you seeing this as well?” you asked Bucky and he nodded.
“Why do we have a cat?”
“She’s so cute—did she come with the apartment?” you asked. “No, right? She wasn’t here when we first saw here.”
“No I don’t think…” Bucky said and walked to the door to open it. “Aaron?”
“Mr. Barnes.”
“Who brought the cat?”
“Miss Becca, sir,” the man replied and you bent down to scratch at the cat’s head, making her close her eyes for a moment, purring.
“Hi there,” you whispered, smiling wide. “Aren’t you the cutest thing in the world?”
“Jesus…” Bucky muttered as he closed the door, then took out his phone and touched the screen before putting it on speaker. “I mean it's Becca, of course she-"
“Hey there!” Becca’s cheerful voice filled the room and you looked up, still scratching the cat’s head.
“Becca, why is there a cat in our apartment?” Bucky asked, making her gasp.
“That’s your baby!”
You bit back a smile, fixing the ribbon on the cat’s leash while Bucky pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Right," he said. "And why do we have a baby on the first day of our marriage?”
“Because as you said, you’re married now which means you guys can be all responsible and stuff,” she answered. “Her name is Alpine by the way. She’s my wedding gift to you, isn’t she sweet?”
You picked Alpine up, holding her in your arms. “You know, a lot of people just sent flowers as a gift.”
“A lot of people are boring,” Becca replied. “Leila’s friend found her on the street, the poor thing! I’d keep her but Leila is allergic, so there you go. Now you two have a daughter.”
“I’ve always wanted a daughter,” you nodded solemnly and Bucky blinked a couple of times as if he couldn’t believe you were playing along.
“I gotta go now, enjoy the first night of parenthood!” Becca said and hung up, making Bucky gawk at the phone before putting it back into his pocket.
“Of course she got us a cat,” he muttered. “Of course.”
Alpine purred in your arms, making you smile down at her before looking up at Bucky.
“We should probably buy stuff for her,” you said, looking around the apartment. “A bed, some food, toys…”
Bucky’s brows rose. “Hold on, we’re keeping her?”
“Of course we are, you heard Becca. She’s our daughter, apparently,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders as you walked to the door. “Her surname will be dashed as well, by the way. Mine and yours together.”
“Come on!” you called out as you stepped out of the apartment with Alpine still purring happily and Bucky heaved a sigh, then followed you to the elevator.
Chapter 16
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greythemed · 1 year
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ lovesick ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 1936
he looked unreal, all tanned with his beautiful eyes half closed as he looked down, full lips unconsciously forming a pout. his chest was bronzed and openly displayed for anyone with two eyes and a drooling mouth.
you wanted to eat him alive.
it was supposed to be a peaceful morning at your parents' beach house on the coast but, apparently, your boyfriend chose violence that day. with sleepy eyes and a drowsy appearance, you immediately realized that you accidentally fell asleep while trying to get tanned by the summer sun in the morning. luckily, the book you were reading fell from your grip at some point and didn't leave a funny mark on your stomach for woo-jin to laugh about later.
how can one person be so beautiful, inside and out? was he even real, or will you inevitably wake up to find the space beside you empty, his presence fading with your dreams?
you get goosebumps just imagining it.
feeling your eyes on him, gun-woo looked up from his drawing, a big smile forming on his pink lips.
"you look like shit, babe".
oh wow, what a day to feel loved.
"fuck off". you grumbled while sitting up and picking the book from the floor next to you, gun-woo's eyes never leaving your bikini form. "what took you so long to get here?". you asked him pouty.
"your mother asked me to move the sofa three times so she could do her pilates session in the living room". gun-woo couldn't help but laugh at his answer, never imagining he'd be in this position someday.
it was your first family trip as a couple, and also the first time gun-woo went on a plane and traveled since his school's excursion in 9th grade to say the best. you were happy to see him happy. it was thrilling to see the man in another setting, different from the usual gym clothes or café outings you guys first got to know each other. you considered yourself a good girlfriend, providing these opportunities for both of you while so young, even if gun-woo was paying for basically everything other than the house you were staying. you were a good girlfriend, right?
so why the living hell was he acting so mean towards you?
"i'm sorry about that". you grimaced embarrassingly because of your mother. "just because you have an insane amount of muscle she thinks you're her personal guard". gun-woo laughs. that bright innocent smile that makes his eyes disappear.
fuck you kim geun-woo for being so mean.
"my mom used to say we should never neglect help from others, including offering help in the first place". he tells you with innocence, a sudden wave of sympathy running through his veins strong enough to make him vocalize his thoughts. you were too accustomed with this side of him, being together for almost 6 months. “she also used to say that we always must look for the best in people”.
he was too pure. so why could you only think other things like what was this man saying? and why wasn't he kissing your mouth right now?
you embarrassingly found yourself in this predicament more times than you could count with your boyfriend.
the sound of his voice didn't shake you out of your sleepy daze, looking up at him with eyes full of love and wonder. like a lovesick puppy whose brain didn't seem to register the spoken words, too caught up in its own reverie.
when he didn't get the reply he was hoping for, gun-woo finally put down the pen and paper and leaned closer to you, your knees now touching and you almost choked on your saliva.
you loved him too much. and he was so hot.
“y/n?” he asked softly, placing a hand on top of your lap, the feel of his surprisingly cold hands against your warm skin almost making you shiver.
"i was so worried when i woke up and didn't see you, figured you'd be reading here". his smile continued to be nothing other than soothing, comforting, and exclusive.
exclusive for you and only you.
"woo-jin tried facetiming early this morning but i was still sleeping, i kind of feel bad for him not being able to come this time". he rambles. "and i also feel bad for sleeping so late, i hope your parents don't mind it. yesterday was a good day".
of course it was a good day. it was gun-woo's first ever private flight and you couldn't put your mind around the fact that this man's whole life was a huge unfair exposure to only the bad in life. you wanted to cry suddenly. cry for everything cruel that happened to him. cry for his still pure but poorly scarred heart. cry for his smiles and goodmorning pecks. cry for his fucking six-pack and spy reflexes.
cry because he was yours. exclusively.
without saying a word, you gently pulled his hands away before wrapping yours around his shoulders in a much-needed hug, the love you felt for him overwhelming all your senses. his arms found their place around your waist immediately, pulling his body closer and pouring all his love into you in return.
it was his fault for dating such a crybaby and he knew it, because the second he touched your waist and ribs, the boxer knew you were about to cry because of your uneaving breathing.
gun-woo hesitated for a second, giving your body another squeeze before finally speaking.
"are you okay, princess?" his voice was calm as he gently stroked your hair, knowing damn well you got emotional in the mornings sometimes. his 'bedroom voice' - that's what you called, don't judge - was enough to make your eyes sting, causing you to snuggle closer to his neck with a nod.
"'m okay".
you loved his bedroom voice - again, don’t judge the name you came up with -, it was special for you. it held something ethereal in the fact that he dropped a few octaves to talk to you and only you. the intimacy he could bring only by speaking more calmly to you, everywhere you both were together and tangled in each other's arms like right now.
everything was different. the setting, the weather, the clothes - it made you realize for the very first time in the six months of your relationship that dating itself shouldn't be overwhelming, tiring, or burdensome.
dating should feel like the books you grew up reading and the movies you grew up watching. anything other than that, it didn't belong to you in the first place.
you felt so comfortable in his embrace like you were floating on a fluffy cloud as the sun was slowly disappearing, so warm and safe. it was just the best, being with the man you loved, and nothing could come close to how you were feeling in his presence, surrounded by his unconditional love and care.
fuck, you were sounding like a corny teenager and it was embarrassing.
"y/n, you're going to tell me what's on your mind, aren't you?". the sound of his concern was evident in his voice, reminding you that - even if this man's thighs were the size of your head -, he still was worried and soft on the inside type of boyfriend.
you were his first girlfriend. gun-woo didn't know how to do things usually.
without missing a beat, you looked him in the eye for the question.
"i love you, gunwoo-ya". you started to pour your eyes out for no reason. you blamed the hormones, your mom would blame the weather and woo-jin would blame the books you read but you didn't care.
the corners of his mouth turned up in response, a soft, sincere smile stretching across his face because he was also just that: a lovesick puppy.
"i love you too". gun-woo wasn't expecting that, you could tell. he was too nonchalant for his own good sometimes.
like who the fuck wears pink bright shorts at his parents-in-law’s beach house? WITH NO SHIRT ON.
his eyes were full of love as he looked at you, the sun making the already beautiful landscape even more dazzling as time seemed to stop once more, everything but him disappearing at that moment. not being able to wait any longer, gun-woo then leaned his head up, pouty lips brushing yours teasingly for a moment before connecting in a proper kiss.
his touch was soft and tender, brushing against your mouth as he had so many times before, your tongue darting out to meet his briefly as his arms around your waist pulled you even closer. the sudden change in height since you got up from the bench was a different angle for both of you.
a silent moan escaped your lips as your barely clothed breast brushed against his, giving your boyfriend the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue properly inside your mouth for another taste.
his hands squeezed your sides lightly, applying just the right amount of pressure to feel good, and just as you were about to pull him even closer to deepen the kiss, he slowly pulled back, making you want his lips more.
a smile appeared on his face at that, the smugness behind it pouting in response. you straddled him so your faces were on the same level and suddenly the boxer went exe.error404
"jagi, your mom-". he spoke, his hot breath hitting your face with each exhale. you smirked at him.
he was so mean.
"how can you act innocent right after sucking my mouth dry a second ago, you monster?".
"but-". oh no. his cheeks were red, wide eyes searching for one of your parents to pop up from nowhere suddenly, hands finding no safe spot to grip at your sides, finally opting to put them in your waist, almost engulfing its whole circumference because of the size of his hands.
when a few moments passed and you still remained in the same state, he finally relented and sealed your lips once more in a quick kiss, one of his hands moving up from your waist to gently caress your swollen lower lip afterward.
“is that what you've been thinking about all this time, baby?". he asked embarrassingly, eyes avoiding your brown ones for all that was worth.
you nodded, your eyes roaming all over his face before reaching out to move some of the hair away from his eyes, gathering his attention.
"sorry, but yes". you pouted, a small smile starting to appear on the boxer's mouth. you could tell he was embarrassed to hear you confess he occupies your mind 24/7 as if he didn’t know that yet. "and that you are so irritably sexy".
not even one second after, gun-woo's hand is covering your mouth with his eyes wide open and a laugh escapes your lips. he instantly mouths for you to be careful.
"i didn't even say anything wrong!". you defend, automatically tracing his scar on the right side of his face like you are already used to, brushing his hair at the end.
"you want sexy time, i know you!". he whisper-shouts, now completely avoiding your gaze. you laughed.
"sorry". you were not. "it's not my fault you're wearing pink shorts! you can't do this to me, you're mean!". you whined on his lap.
"you were crying seconds ago, what happened?!". it was his turn to pout, looking genuinely confused at your change of emotions. "woojin-hyung said you were crazy when you guys first met".
"that old f-". gun-woo covered your mouth again, warning you. "he's lucky he didn't make it here".
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this one is for my crybaby girlies i got you don't worry, gun-woo is here to wipe your tears and fuck your brains out - in a loving way. loved imagining beach!gunwoo a little too much.
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dreadsuitsamus · 5 months
Daddy's Little Secret, Part Two | Isshin Kurosaki x Reader |
part one
author's note: i'm here with the next edition of this! i quite love this concept and currently have a lot of inspiration for it 🩷
pairing: isshin kurosaki x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, explicit smut, lots of flirting and teasing between isshin and reader, fingering, handjobs, cum swallowing, age gap relationship, isshin is a pervert and rubbed reader's ass while she was sleeping
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The glow from the tv has Isshin's brow rising as he comes downstairs with a rumbly tummy. It's two in the morning, surely his little (teenage) girls aren't up this late on a school night?? He's a failure of a father—
Well, that much is true, but not for the reasons he'd initially imagined.
Peering over the edge of the couch, Isshin smirks softly at what he finds. You, snoozing in a skimpy little pair of pajamas, your breasts snug in the little tank top and your ass looking particularly phenomenal in those itty bitty short shorts. Sneaking a hand down to pull the blanket back over you, Isshin shamelessly runs his hand along the curve of your hip and to your ass before doing the good deed he'd set out to do, the soft flesh so pliable under his fingers. He longs to take a bite— or rather, several— but his stomach reminds him of the box of cereal on top of the fridge that he's been thinking about for an hour now.
Leaving for the kitchen, Isshin quickly whips up his midnight snack. Honey Bunches of Oats and some freshly-opened whole milk despite the open carton right beside it (Yuzu’s going to kill him for it, and he's not so sure blaming Ichigo will work, but he'll try it anyway!) and an added spoonful of sugar has Isshin’s mouth watering. Just as he's taken in a big spoonful, he hears the floorboard creak as you tiptoe in from the couch.
Stretching tall, a beautiful sounding moan squeaks past your lips as your joints and muscles refresh from that awful nap on the couch. You have no idea how Isshin does it! He seems to sleep better on the couch than when he's in his own bed, judging by how he's always up in the middle of the night when he does go upstairs for bed. “You're such an old man.” You grumble softly, wiping at your eyes. “If I see a box of Raisin Bran in the cart next time we go grocery shopping I'm increasing the font size on your phone.”
Isshin narrows his eyes, idly hoping you do that anyway— why are the default words so small?? “So you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and chose violence against me?”
Laughing, you pluck a banana from the bunch on the counter, slowly peeling it open. “Of course. You let me fall asleep on the couch and now I have a crick in my neck!”
Isshin rolls his eyes and shoves another spoonful of cereal in his mouth. “Howzit m’ faul’??”
“Big, strong man of the house didn't carry me up to bed! Shame on you.” You bite the tip of the banana, resting your hip against the counter as you face the handsome father before you.
Swirling some of his cereal in the bowl, Isshin gazes at you through his lashes as you take another slow bite of your banana. “Silly me.”
He watches as you rub at your neck, and with the way you were curled up it doesn't surprise him that you're sore. Shifting over to stand beside you, Isshin brings his hand to rub at your neck, his strong and experienced fingers helping soothe the spot that's tight and unforgiving of your nap. Your shoulders relax, eyelids fluttering as you pause the next bite of your banana, the fruit resting at your lips as Isshin massages you. “Ohhh… Mmmmmm, that's nice.”
“You're pretty tight.” Isshin frowns as his fingers travel to different parts of your neck and shoulders, finding all of your muscles to be quite tense. He supposes it makes sense; you've been through a lot of stressful things lately.
“Y’know, I always thought I'd hear you say that to me, but under… Different circumstances.”
Grumbling, Isshin pulls his hand away and has another big bite of cereal while you giggle at his expense. Touching your ass while you sleep is one thing, but he can't entertain the flirting. His relationship with Ichigo is too important to cross that line, even as badly as he wants to. And as another bite of that banana passes your soft-looking lips, he really does want it now more than ever. “Go to a spa.”
“Fine. I'm sure there's a man there that would love to have me naked and oiled up and get paid to touch me.”
“You didn't mention money, now.” Isshin’s joke falls flat as your eyes lock with his, his warm brown eyes then zeroing in on your pretty lips around that banana as you push more than necessary into your mouth.
I'm really getting turned on by a woman half my age deep-throating a banana. Where did it all go wrong.
Admittedly, even if he was your age he'd be turned on by the action.
“I’m low on cash, but… Maybe we could work out some other sort of give…” You close the gap between your bodies, pressing yourself to Isshin as your hand slowly trails down his abdomen.”... and take.” Your fingers stop right at the waistband of his pajama pants, the tip of your pinky threatening to break that seal. “Your hands for my hands.”
Isshin's brain short-circuits at the prospect of your offer, his mind only able to chant out a meek “Touch my wee-wee, touch my fucking wee-wee!” as that mischievous pinky finger teases him. His cock jolts and the bowl of cereal slips from his hand to shatter all over the floor, milk splattering your ankles in the process.
“Shit!” Now his wee-wee will be touchless! Grabbing you by your hips and lifting you to sit on the countertop, Isshin carefully steps around the broken glass to procure the broom and dustpan as you wipe your ankles with a paper towel.
Isshin quickly sweeps up the mess, kneeling down to wipe away the milk after the bulk of the mess is gone. Mischief strikes, just a tad, and your pretty painted toes brush against Isshin’s shoulder to remind him of your presence. Gazing up through his lashes, he's met with a pretty sight. You in your skimpy pajamas, one strap of your tank top having slipped off of your shoulder while your gorgeous leg that rests against him practically invites him in for a taste.
His strong, thick fingers wrap around your ankles and he turns his head to place a small, promising kiss to your calf as you rest your other heel against his opposite shoulder to receive another hot kiss from Isshin's lips. Alternating between each of your legs, he slowly adjusts himself closer to you as you move closer to the edge of the counter and watch as the man on his knees before you traverses the length of your legs with hot kisses and nips with an occasional peek up at you.
Goosebumps cascade down with a hefty shiver of your spine as those strong fingers massage your calves, that warm mouth pressing against your inner thigh, suckling and biting the sensitive flesh for a small, claiming mark that won't be easily seen. Threading your fingers into his dark hair, Isshin stands with your not-so-gentle tugging and stands tall above you once more. Your free hand trails down the front of his shirt, his relishing in several squeezes of your thighs.
Resting his lips at your ear, he speaks lowly as his fingers move up to your hips. “Deal.”
There's a giddy thrum in your heart as you push his shirt up a tad, revealing a rather toned stomach and dark hair trailing down beneath the cut of his pajama pants. Holding his shirt for you, Isshin allows you to reach into his briefs and feel his cock in your hand. He swallows thickly, groaning softly in your ear as he feels a woman's touch for the first time in too long.
Your fingers in his hair gently scritch at his scalp as you slowly pump his cock, Isshin's stubble lightly scratching your skin as his mouth hangs slightly open. He's thick in your palm, twitching in excitement and oozing plenty of precum. Isshin doesn't let you have all the fun for long, however, and nips at your earlobe as his free hand slips into your panties and glides two thick fingers along the length of your wet, hungry slit.
“Mmmm…” Your coo is hidden behind your closed, pretty lips as the pads of his fingers brush your folds, and he forces a squeal of you once he's uncovered the little hiding spot of your clit.
“Shhhh…” Isshin presses his mouth to yours, pressing his fingertips against that spot again and rubbing small, counterclockwise circles as you push his pants down to below his ass. Pumping his cock with one hand as the other fondles his balls, your lips and tongues tangle in an increasingly heated embrace.
A slew of precum dribbles from Isshin's tip and you smear it between your fingers and his shaft, flicking your wrist each time you reach that red, mushroom-shaped cockhead. He's absolutely delicious. He tests the waters with a prodding index finger to your searing hole, and goodness you're tight. He's definitely proud of his manhood, especially as your smaller hands make it look even bigger, and he feels nearly lightheaded at the idea of making it fit inside of your cute little pussy.
“Mmmm… Isshin.” You breathe into his waiting mouth, your top swiftly tugged down and a nipple quickly taken between his thumb and forefinger to be rolled and pinched. Your hips grind, chasing that friction against Isshin's palm as he dips a second finger into your cunt.
“C’mon, baby…” He croons, hooking his fingers and prodding further into you and moving faster as he does. “Gimme what I want.”
“F-uck, fuck…” Your eyes roll back and your hands slip from his cock to grab at his shirt, lifting your hips as you grind. “Mmm… ‘m so close, god I'm so close!” Your whimper is muffled into the skin of his neck, your teeth scraping against his sweat-damp skin. You're too lost in the pleasure to ensure there won't be a lasting mark, but he doesn't seem to care about that at the moment as he redirects all of his efforts to your clit.
A guttural groan is torn from your throat, rumbling in your chest as you see white and cum, legs shaking and tears brimming as the father of three works you through it. His ego is more than satisfied and he doesn't even care that his own pleasure’s been left behind; he's just made a sexy woman that's far too young for him cum this harshly, and all he had to use was his fingers! He's still got it.
Chest heaving, you slip to the floor grasp his shaft once again, spitting on it and pumping him once more. Taking the hem of his shirt into his mouth in an attempt to muzzle himself, Isshin groans. You're so sweet down there, eyes bright and that smile so languid— because of him. And you're waiting between his legs, your tongue out and expecting a treat from him, damn near begging for the thing you both want.
“Give me what I want.” You coo, brushing your wet tongue a single time against his tip.
Isshin's jaw tenses and he screws his eyes shut. He's so close, he's right at that edge and he doesn't even know where the hell to go with it until you're licking him again. His eyes flying open, he grips your jaw and shoves his entire length into your mouth, cumming buckets down your throat as your eyes roll back. He huffs and puffs above you, slipping out as carefully as he can as the haze wears away and he covers himself up again.
“Shit, I'm… I'm sorry, babe, I dunno what…” Isshin quickly helps you to your feet and to the sink, though he's still seeing some stars as he reels from that powerful orgasm. “Here, spit it out, I'm sor-” You stick your tongue out, a happy glint in your eye as you prove he's got nothing to worry about; in your eyes, drinking his cum was the best case scenario! No cleanup required.
Grinning, Isshin carries you upstairs to your room. “Let's make a deal again soon.”
At the breakfast table, you hide a smirk into your cup of coffee as Yuzu asks her father why he's wearing a turtleneck on such a warm day.
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qin-ling · 1 year
aight, time to whip out a wip so i can finish it
for context: this is the one in which slider starts flirting with mav to make ice jealous in the hopes that ice’ll finally do something about his dumb crush. absolutely 100% not to be taken seriously
Slider has always wanted to be a fighter pilot.
And sure, maybe he switched tracks back in Pensacola, and maybe it hadn’t been entirely out of his own volition. But it’s not all bad, ‘cause in the end he got assigned to the Iceman, and when all’s said and done it’s probably the closest Slider’ll ever come to fulfilling that childhood dream of his.
Shit’s fucking fantastic, actually. Ice flies like no one else, his hands steady as granite and his focus as unerring as the horizon. You’re never really safe at FL two-niner-zero in a metal death machine, but Ice makes you feel safe, the way he’s unhesitating, calm, always communicating. He’s a born leader, a king on a throne, and he knows it, and everyone around them knows it, too, and up there in the air with him, Slider gets a slice of the glory.
So yeah, shit’s great. Life’s good. Folks like Goose can jab all they want; Slider’s making the best of what life’s thrown at him.
This, though. This is some black magic fuckery.
“Better chop chop, Kazansky,” says the black magic fuckery, his smug little face contorted in a sneer. “Keep waiting around in the air like that and you’re gonna get real cozy with second place.”
“Mav,” says Goose, but Ice grins, wolfish, and snaps his gum in Maverick’s face.
“Gee. Wouldn’t want that, would I.”
“Sure wouldn’t,” says Maverick, eyes curved and glinting beneath the harsh overhead lights, and Slider wants to punch his stupid crooked teeth in. He might’ve, too, but Goose gets in there just in time with an exasperated sigh. He slaps a hand on Maverick’s shoulder and steers him out of the lockers.
Ice watches them go for a single, calculated second, and Slider knows it’s calculated ‘cause it’s the fifth time in as many days that he catches Ice peek at Maverick’s ass on Maverick’s way out. Jesus fucking Christ. Slider hopes Maverick sits on some wet paint later.
Then Hollywood bounds into the aisle, flimsy standard-issue towel dangerously close to slipping off and baring everything, hair wet and scraggly. “Alright, Ice, my dude,” he says, propping his hands on his hips, and Ice glances at him with just the proper amount of polite attention before he turns back to his locker. “You gotta leave some points for the rest of us. At least make it look like a competition. My pride’s on the line, here.”
Slider snorts. “Not his fault you suck.”
“Hey, yo, not cool.”
“Besides, it is a competition,” says Wolfman, appearing from behind Hollywood. He hits the latch on his locker and it opens with a deafening clang. “Just not between you two. What we really need is popcorn, what with the show going on between you and Mav.”
Slider catches Ice pause in his periphery. It’s quick, barely noticeable, just like the way he’d tracked Maverick’s ass in his way-too-tight khakis. Then he resumes unzipping his flight suit, cool as a cucumber.
“And a betting pool,” says Hollywood. “Bet you my ass Viper and Jester are running one.”
“No one wants your ass, Wood,” says Slider.
Wolfman whistles. Hollywood rolls his eyes. “Wow, Slider,” he says. “Woke up this morning and chose violence, huh?”
Slider pats him on the shoulder. “Every day. Now put on some goddamn pants.”
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