#good series tho
dragontamer05 · 2 years
You know matter what medium it was done in if I were to want anyone to make be it a movie or some kind of mini series or something based of the Demonata books-
Guillermo Del Torro,
He's so good with creature creation, using both practical and visual effects that really think he'd probably one of the best people to pull of trying to design the Demonata in all their grotesque glory
Also because of the amount of blood, gore, body horror, and stuff in those books like there's no way you could make a faithful/decent adaptation of even just the first Book Lord Loss with it being like Rated 18+ / R
The books themselves are already like T rated but add visuals on top of that and oh boy.
Will we ever get such a thing probably not but I think it'd be cool and just Darren Shan is an underrated author
and while you'll probably ever only hear me talk about the Demonata or Cirque du Freak he written a few other series to (has a whole website too) so yeh check em out might find something you like
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givemebishies · 2 years
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Why do the ship names "jiper" "jasiper" "jasper" exist when the elite name "Lightning McLean" is literally right there bruh 😭
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slushglow · 2 months
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where are my edward elric fans in the crowd tonight
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daeyumi · 6 months
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✨⭐️ Essence of Divinity 🌟✨💫
[Cycle of the Stars au]
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chaotic-tired-fox · 7 months
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todayisafridaynight · 5 months
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onlymagpie · 1 year
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Hanza :) Trying a different rendering technique.
(Angoulême design inspired by @kashuan 's artwork!!)
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niidsch · 5 months
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meep-meep-richie · 6 months
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let's hope 2024 will be kinder to us
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dustykneed · 18 days
i just think spock has great mom friend potential tbh. strong contender for the cutest thing i've ever drawn
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willowwee · 25 days
Albus' Favorite: Payment
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Ramble: Out of all the moments during BvZ 4, this one got me💀💀 I was planning to finish this few days ago but I was emotionally busy with personal stuff and I needed to thug it out w my friends and family atm BUT NOW I HAVE ALOT OF FREE TIME‼️‼️ I was also planning to draw faithful x albus but im still planning on the background 💀 so enjoy this for a moment and maybe some doodles next if I still haven't figured out what to draw next
Edit: also the head is Vilgrey🔥🔥
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katsmtmsdoodles · 10 months
D...Day 3 of drawing Matt's teen facts TvT this got out of hand
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S2E3: Link's favorite class was P.E. aka Personal Entertainment which he did whenever Grant had to do taxes, run errands...or whatever else it was that dads did!
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chrliekclly · 3 months
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What would the seven wear? - Fashion Style analysis ( HOO Girls Ver.)
as a kid I used to want to be a fashion designer so making this post healed my inner child <3 enjoy ~
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HAZEL LEVESQUE - okay okay omgg this girl would have the best fashion sense out of all of them (imo) because she is influenced by SO many fashion aesthetics, like her style would be vintage and modern at the same time! I feel like she would love long flowy dresses because it was the most common clothing women would wear in the 40's, she would love floral patterns sm because they are so cheery and it lightens her mood, this would bring out her "adorable" style more. also. JACKETS. this girl is OBESSED with jackets and cardigans, particularly in the colors brown and black. Overall her style is a mix of cheery, cute but she has that pluto edge to her style aswell with the jackets.
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PIPER MCLEAN- honestly as much as she would hate to admit it, i feel like Piper would LOVE pink, pale pink takes up the majority of her palette. Her style is very youthful and it's a mix of rebel indie kid and soft coquette core. LOVES LOVES LOVES denim shorts, they are like a must in her wardrobe. Also, She loves jewelry, whether it be tassel earrings, beady bracelets and necklaces, rings etc. like she defo cares more about accessorizing than the actual clothing. she wears baggy white shirts a lot for some reason, but it suits her so well. Crop tops are a must, specifically pink or purple ones with a cute image on it, remember she wore a hello kitty crop top? yeah like that. I feel like her style is the most fresh and childlike without it being over the top, it is so cute. i love her style sm.
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ANNABETH CHASE- Annabeth's style is super elegant tbh, she LOVES wearing grey, orange and white imo, also, i feel like she LOVES light blue/dark blue jeans. Ofc Annabeth loves caps, its like super dear to her, she doesn't have a specific "style" she just loves changing it a lot. Annabeth LOVES long dresses especially if they are white/warm brown. Her style is just super chill and modern. Percy is down bad when she wears baggy shirts tho cuz she slays so hard in them Annabeth loves knitted lace jackets because it gives off very homely vibes. Overall her style is super authentic and fresh tbh.
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REYNA AVILA RAMIREZ ARELLANO- i have a feeling that reyna would love dressing up. it brings her comfort, she was the hairdresser in circe's island after all, Reyna is just straight up royal core. she likes wearing corsets, and silk gowns, Her color palette is gold, black, white, violet, and dark maroon tbh. Reyna LOVES large gold earrings that just dangle y'know? it makes her feel and look regal. She also loves circlets that you wear on the head. uggh she has got that roman classiness y'know. Super fancy and enjoys wearing long robes and skirts, i love my fancy shmancy queen <3
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antirepurp · 11 months
i adore sonic music so much i love how each ost is distinct and unique and how many genres have been covered over the years, i love how sonic adventure embodies the vibes of the 90s while adventure 2 jumps immediately into butt rock and early 2000s glory with all its might just a few years later, i love shadow the hedgehog doing a 180 from the upbeat mood of heroes to embrace edge in all of its different forms, im obsessed with sonic 06's main theme mixing guitars and rock with symphony instruments and putting rap on the top and pulling it off flawlessly, i love unleashed embracing music from all over the world and weaving it both into cool jazz and high-energy tracks, and i adore frontiers dancing around the openworld ost trope of gentle subtle pianos and not being afraid to break the calmness with edm that feels like early 2010s monstercat and then breaking it further with the titan tracks to really give contrast and weight to their respective battles. im obsessed with the variety in this franchise and you should be too
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