#goretober puppet
frillsand · 1 year
Stitched together
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Disturbing imagery 
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I have a crazy fever rn
Good night
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frog-cultist · 1 year
Second day! Operation!
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Struggled with this a little bit but I like how it turned out! \^_^/
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artsybug0 · 1 year
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Goretober Day 2: Candy Gore
WARNING: Puppet nudity, blood, exposed heart, bright colors
Quick note! I saw Puppet nudity because even though she’s nakey, there are NO DETAILS in her body like a human would. She’s FLAT. Literally just a puppets body without clothes. The only reason why I didn’t add any clothing is because I legit couldn’t figure out anything that wouldn’t make the wound awkward.
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Hopefully this reads as candy gore good enough-
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axiseart · 11 months
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Goretober #22 - Lost humanity
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isame-allen · 11 months
Day 25: stitches
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phantom-of-the-ruckus · 11 months
The lost episode of Mortimer's Handeemen
Disclaimer: This is a creepypasta meant to be a just-for-fun Halloween thingy. I did not go all the clichés. I now just find most of them silly, but I know there are some good ones. This creepypasta is not connected to any AU and is more of an internet story that would appear in the games in the 1990s to 2010s with some speculation about whether it's real or if the one who posted it was a troll or did it for entertainment.
Either way, happy halloween! Enjoy ^^
TW: for blood, scary imagery, horror, creepypasta, body horror, and gore
[An audio log is found. A mysterious person presses it. The message start.]
[It appears to be a young teenager. Her voice is groggy and whispery, you can hear her heavy breathing]
I...I hope you can hear me or...well rather listening to this audio log.
I'm trapped, and I can't get out...I can't remember well how I got in, but I can tell you what I know of my current location and well my personal state.
[There was a long pause and heavy breathing. In the background there were some steps and scratches at the distance.]
T-they're looking for me....
[It appears that she is muttering to herself. After another long period of silence, she begins to speak once again.]
Sorry...I'm not exactly in a situation where I can easily tell my story. I'm c-currently hiding in some domain of the studio.... T-the Handeemen Studio to be exact. The one that got burned down and close.
[She let out another long pause as footsteps in the distance could be heard.]
I am not supposed to be here. I am supposed to be in the testing rooms, or I think it was the testing rooms. Perhaps I did die and I am a ghost... No. They are looking for me. I must be alive...
[A door shuts and the mysterious girl lets out some heavy breathing.]
I think they left. Hopefully.
[She breathes once again. Her voice is hearing a bit close to the voice recorder.]
I...I don't remember much. I can't remember my family, if I had one, nor my age. I can't recall my own face, or my own name. I think It was Jessica Parker....or was it Jessica Drew? No...maybe it was Siobhan Drew or Siobhan Parker.... It must be one of those names. They are familiar to me, but I can't remember who belong to who. I do remember they were part of a story. The story of how I got here. That is the story that I can't seem to forget, and probably the reason why I am recording this. I may never remember it or probably would get killed for running away. So...I guess I am recording this now in hopes anyone finds it.
[There was another long pause and a sigh followed after.]
I suppose I can't remain nameless for the rest of this recording. I don't want to remain nameless as I don't remember my name of who am I. But....but I think I used to be called "Jay." It's written on my wrist, or well is smeared with my own blood and I can see is either "Jay" or "J 4 Y." I used to have some writing on my arms and legs, they are smeared and I can't decipher what it was or why it was written. The only thing readable was the "Jay" or "J 4 Y." You can call me Jay. After all it does sound like a name, and I do love the idea of having a name...even if it's not my own name....since I can't remember. But....but I do remember one name. It's Jordan. No last name since I can't recall. Jordan was a kid I used to babysit...or I think I did. I used to watch him. I do recall a lady who was his guardian or mom I don't remember her name. I think it was either one of the possible names I mentioned before.
She'll be just Jordan's mom. It makes it easier for me to remember, and she no longer becomes a nameless face in what remains of my memory. So...Jordan's mom usually called me to watch over Jordan. I think I was his babysitter. I can't remember. She often had to go to work, and we spent hours upon hours doing homework, playing, and...watching TV He...he had a favorite show. A puppet show, some sort of Muppet's knockoff....or was it Sesame Street? It was a cancelled show from a closed down and burnt down studio. The same studio I am trapped here today Mortimer's Handeemen. The thing that got me where I am today. My own nightmare, and the parasite that is taking away my life and memories.
[There was a small pause. Jay was oddly silent. It was almost as if she was taking a time to recompose herself.]
I can remember how did they use to look like. They looked friendlier, happy, and almost as if they never thought about harming anyone. What a crude lie. I see them every day. They are mean, and they like to sew puppets into my arms. I can feel the pain, and then I feel asleep and wake up with no memory.
It's an endless cycle. Every day, I remember less and less about myself. My memories are snapping moments in time. I can't remember how long or when they happened. But I do remember the handeemen from the episodes. I remember them so vividly, and their hyperrealistic faces that were captured into my memories. I saw them permanent smiles. They made Jordan happy ...or I think they did.
He loved the show. It was no longer on aired, but he managed to get some merchandise, VHS tapes of the episode, specials, and shorts. He owned the figures of the main group and the dog. I...I think his favorite was the dog or the artistic guy, Nick Nack. I remember seeing them in a lot of the episodes Jordan and I used to watch. Or maybe it's because I have vivid snapping memories of a hyperrealistic dog made out of humans parts. Large teeth filled with blood, a red eyes staring at me, and his killer bloody paws that could maul anyone within reach.
[Jay pauses momentary.]
Sorry, I lost track of myself.
My mind keeps flooding with memories and...I keep forgetting why am I here sometimes. Not...not how I got here, but rather why am I hiding again...
I know I don't have much time...so it's better if I finish my story. That if I actually have time as they might get me soon...
[There is another period of silence. Jay gets close one again. Her voice is trembly.]
J-Jordan adored the show, and we watch it like a lot. Eventually, we ran out of episodes, and Jordan was getting tired of watching them.
This is where it gets a bit blurry for me. I can recall caring for Jordan, and I am sure I bought him a VHS tape.
But...but the thing is I can't remember why I bought it.
I think he asked me if there were unseen episodes to watch, or I wanted to surprise him.
I was talking to who I believe was my boyfriend. I don't remember his name, so he'll remain as "boyfriend." There is also this other guy involved, so he'll be called "Guy."
So...Boyfriend told me about Guy. He was in his 20s I think. He loved to break into abandoned places for loot, which...also included the abandoned studio.
According to Guy, he didn't break into the studio as often. He got inside like three times I believe or from what I can actually remember.
One of these times, he found a mysterious VHS in the late creator's office. I can't tell if that was a stretch to be cool, or if he actually went in there. Either way, the VHS was a very real thing.
The episode was a never seen or aired episode. The episode was called "Mortimer's Handeemen and the mysterious Meteorite." In the back there was a note saying "PROTOTYPE. DO NOT PLAY" but Guy did play it for some testing before putting it on sale.
I knew that Jordan would love it, so I bought the VHS tape for about 20 or 10 bucks. I remember doing some bargaining. I can't remember the exact price, but I got a sweet deal and immediately brought it to Jordan.
We turned on the TV and placed the tape. The episode started with Mortimer staring with his permanent smile. There was so music. Only a dreadful silence. I didn't have too much importance, and took the VHS out and in thinking the episode froze.
Then, the episode started with Mortimer greeting the audience. He sounded less cheerful than usual. He was introducing the fictional place where the Handeemen lived....but he was rather staring almost as if he could see us. I ignored thinking it was just a prototype error.
Eventually the main theme started. It was very slowed down, and the music sounded off-key. We figured it was due to the age of the VHS tape and continued watching the episode. It started normal with one of the kids finding a strange rock and calling the Handeemen about it.
Then, things started to get odd. The tape suddenly stopped and looped over when the Handeemen were picking up the meteorite. Suddenly the TV went black, almost as if someone turned off....but it was still on and the VHS tape was running.
The screen turned on and showed an empty room. It was silent, but I could feel something was lurking over. I turned off and on the TV. The normal episode was on. I rewind the tape, but everything was as if the image was not there. We continued watching the episode thinking it was a glitch.
Or so we thought...
As the episode progressed. The handeemen sounded less friendly. They sounded annoyed and furious. Their eyes were slowly becoming red. Then they went back to normal as if nothing happened.
I was getting nervous as this was starting to look less of a malfunction and more of a prank. I left the room to call Guy and ask him what was this all about. He was confused and told me that never happened before.
Suddenly I heard a scream. It was Jordan. I hung up and rushed to the living room. He was curled up and crying as he begged me to turned it off. I was confused, so I watched at the TV to see what was going on.
[Jay gives out a long pause. Growling can be heard from the outside. Her breath can be heard again, until the growling fades.]
Sorry... there were puppets nearby...
Where was I?
Oh yes...
When I looked back at the TV, I saw hyperrealistic man. He had a horrified expression and seemingly was rotting. He was sitting on a chair...but he was cut in half and was bleeding. He had mitten sewn into his hands, as I could see the bloody stiches.
It was almost as it was a real thing going on, as if the camara was live. It was horryfing.
Jordan began to scream and begged me to put it away. The channel began to fave, as numerous symbols and strange words began to appeared. I tried to turn off the TV but the off and on button nor the controller were working.
Suddenly a raspy voice began to muttered "I C U" just as the image of the man cut in half was getting closer. Before anything else could happened, I unplugged the TV and everything shut down.
Jordan was upset and terrifed as ever. It was within very good reaons. I did my best to calm him down and told him that I will get to the bottom of this. He decided to go outside and play with his friends. I called Boyfriend, and then called Guy.
When they arrived, Jordan was drawing on the floor. Boyfriend and I confronted Guy about the tape. He swore he never tampered with it. I took him to the living room and plugged the TV back. The episode runned down normally to my surprised.
Jordan eventually sat down and watch it as Guy told me I was crazy and to never contact him again. He left leaving Jordan and I confused. Boyfriend tried to be suportive, and telling me it was propbably some prank in bad taste.
[Jay pauses. It appears she needed a momment to think.]
I do like to think that was the case, but reality turned to be another. Now I am stuck here. Loosing my memory and myself eventually... Alone. A lab rat And-
[Jay pauses before sighing]
Sorry. I lost track again.
Jordan. I talked to Jordan about the situation. I told him that this was either a malfunction or a prank from Guy. He felt unsure, but decided to trust my word. That's what I can remember most about the event.
I know that I ended up staying watching for the night. I cannot assure you wether it was on that same night or if a few days pased. All I know was that Jorda's Mom had aked me to stay overnight to watch her son.
And then, that was when things started to get spooky and unsettling...
Jordan was in his room asleep. I just tucked him in, and I was helping Jordan's mom to clean the kitchen. The phone began to rang and I picked up thinking it was probably Jordan's mom asking me if Jordan was okay.
When I picked up the phone....there was silence and a breathing.
"Hello?" I said, thinking this was some bad connection.
"Have you checked on the kid yet?" My blood went cold as shivers sent right down my spine. I dropped the phone and ran towards Jordan's room.
He was still in his bed asleep. I checked around to see if there was anything off. When I was sure he was safe, I left the room and picked up the phone.
"He's alright." That was the lat thing I said when I hung up.
15 minutes, I recieved the same call.
"Have you checked on the kid yet?" I once again dropped the phone and checked on Jordan.
He was alright, and I hung up the phone refusing to answer the question this time. The mysterious guy called again but I hung up as soon as I heard his voice, and went directly to check on Jordan.
After a while, I decided to leave the door open and keep an eye if anything happened. The same mysterious person kept calling for about 20 minutes. I hung up each of his calls, and he eventually stopped.
I started to slowly doze off. It was getting pretty late, but part of me remained unsettled about the mysterious calls. I doze off momentarily before the phone rang. I hesitated to pick it up, fearing it was the mysterious caller.
To my surprise and relief, it was Jordan's mom. She was calling to check if Jordan was alright.
"He's just in bed. Everything is fine, ma'am." I said just as I heard the TV turning on, and the Handeemen's playing. I ended the conversation and hung up.
I was upset. I figured that Jordan woke up and tried to sneak into watching another episode. When I entered the living room, my skin went pale. The episode I brought from guy was playing, but there was no one watching it.
I took the TV remote and tried to turn off the TV or stop the player. Neither of them worked, but their batteries were still on. I tried to manually turned them off, but it was useless. Then...I tried to unplug the TV.
"This should do it." I thought to myself.
The episode continued to play as if nothing had happened.
Terrified, I tried to remove the tape but what happened next, left me paralyzed in fear.
The screen went back, and then showed Guy being strapped into a bed. His eyes were swollen and he was screaming. Suddenly, the scientist puppet, Riley, entered the room. She had a twisted smile and her eyes were glowing red. In her left hand, she had a saw.
I could not feel my body as I was too horrified to move. I saw Riley slowly approaching guy as she maniatically laughed.
"You'll become one of us!" She said just as she slowly began to press the saw into Guy's torso and slowly cuting him off as blood dropped.
The screen went back, and the next picture was a twisted and bloody Mortimer staring at the screen with a teacup filled with blood and the letters I, C, and U underneath.
The picture then changed to a video of Nick. He was in his art room. His face was melting so hyperrealistic, that it almost looked as if he was bleading. He was sobbing uncontrollably as he strocked some abstract painting of black and red.
The screen went black, and then Daisy appeared on what is seemed to be a kitchen. She was humming to herself as she baked a pie made out of human organs. My stomatch twirled up as I could see Guy's eyes into the mix.
The screen shut down as I stood there trembling as the phone began to ring. I walk towards it and pick up with trembling hands.
"Have you checked on the kid yet?" It was the same mysterious caller as before. I dropped the phone and ran towards Jordan's room.
The bed was empty and he was nowhere to be found.
I picked up the phone and I cried "WHO ARE YOU? WHERE IS HE?"
There was no answer, and no sign of the caller. Then the call disconected and the phone disconnected completely. I dropped the phone, and rushed towards the living room when I heard sobbing.
The place was empty, but the TV had a distrubing picture. It was the same mysterious human puppet man, but now where was Guy accompaning him. His eyes were gone and he was bleeding. He had sewn mittens into his hands, and just as the mysterious man, his upper body was sitting on a bleeding chair.
There was some silent sobbing as the background, but my eyes focused on the message underneath the figures...
"HELP ME" Underneath was the direction to the abandoned studio.
Fearing that Jordan was taken by those puppets, I left the house and rode on my bike into the studio. After I came in, I broke inside and desperately began to look for Jordan.
[Jay's voice trails off as she starts to become uneased.]
I-I couldn't find him, but I heard noices from the outside. I feared that they were outside...a-and went down deeper. Then someone struck me in the head and everything became a blurr.
I heard the voices of Jordan's mom, Boyfriend, the police, and Jordan looking for me outside. I doze off as they shut down.
I woke up on a lab with a puppet sewn into my hand, and then I lost my memory slowly and began to forget who am I or where am I, just remembering the evil faces of the puppets and how I got here.
Now, this the only chance I got to store what becomes of my memory. If you find this, that means that I am dead...or if miracously you found me with no memory.
Either way, please find the VHS and destroy it. No one should have ever seen the lost episode, and become a victim like I or Guy became.
[The tape ends as Riley Ruckus tosses it aside , scoffing, before returning to work. Not realizing that a mysterious man is staring at the tape from afar. His plaque, reading JORDAN]
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~ With care, Phantom <3
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gekooi · 11 months
I forgot to post Day 26 and 27--
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deadpuppetboi · 1 year
Goretober Day 1: Shatter
Jeremy Fitzgerald was a calm young man.
He never loses his anger, always keeps his cool, and always tries to make the best of any circumstance.
But this 'situation' was unlike any he had previously experienced.
This was very different and much more demanding.
He knew what to do because he'd done it so many times before.
He looked over the cameras, flashed his flashlight, and wound the music box as quickly as he could. A night like this wasn't out of the ordinary, but it felt like he was being tested to the limit. He stumbled over his coordination, double-checked on the incorrect camera, and entirely missed the music box as a whole.
Jeremy embarrassed himself, and the more he battled to stay together, the worse his difficulties became.
It was just three o'clock in the morning when his flashlight failed. The plastic boy's laughter rang out like a hymn, teasing the young guy as he fumbled with the mask over his face. He clutched the mask as the familiar shape of a malformed bunny entered the office and gazed down at him. And when the lights flickered and Jeremy held his breath, the broken animal walked out, its cables flicking out sparks.
Jeremy paused for a while before removing the mask and reached forward to wind the music box. He flashed the lamp as rapidly as he could to gaze into the Prize Corner, preparing to patiently wind the box to keep the one animatronic at bay.
The light flooded the room, and a chilly sensation exploded from his chest and coursed through his entire body.
A faint ringing pierced his ears, drowning out the plastic boy's laughing, the flickering lights, the noises of a gigantic figure crawling through the vents, and so on. But one song had begun to play at a breakneck rate, the rhythm strange and out of place. Each note bounces from one spot to another, creating an imbalanced symphony of a tune with no rhyme or reason.
But Jeremy knew the reason.
He knew the reason pretty damn well.
He shifted awkwardly out of his seat, his heart in his throat, pins and needles on his skin, and all he could hear was the music. The music, which was once far and out of reach, is now getting closer with each passing second, as does the young man's imminent doom and his disoriented feelings. His emotions kept him out of place and caused him to screw up everything for this one night only.
Immediately, he thought of the other close calls he'd faced in the past working in this God-awful place.
The slice of a hook, the chomp of a broken lump of metal, the grip of a bear, and hallucinations of shadows growing and stalking his every move. The fear that had previously grabbed his mind then dived into other feelings he had previously experienced. All jumbled and twisted into knots until finally unraveling into loose strands of what sanity Jeremy had left within him.
And the rage had taken control.
And for a few seconds, his body reflexively grasped for the nearest thing closest to him.
The fan.
He yanked it out of its cord extension, moving erratically, and what was on the desk fell off. He took a deep breath and drew his arms back, his hold on the fan tightening as his vision became obscured by white and black. A loud shriek split the air, bringing the music to a halt as a thin figure in black and white leaped into view.
That's when Jeremy hurled the fan.
The fan's internals shattered and scattered the ground below as a result of the impact. The force repelled the figure, which collapsed to the ground in a heap. But before it could realize what had happened or whether it would be able to get back up in time, Jeremy had turned the now-broken fan on its head once more.
The Marionette's head swung back from the blow, and its body fell to the ground. It hardly had time to look at Jeremy before it was hit again, the fan breaking apart in an insignificant mix of metal and cables alike. Jeremy slipped, his foot striking the animatronic's leg in haste. And without thinking, he raised his foot and smacked it into The Puppet's leg.
The Puppet shrieked in agony, its long limbs thrashing around like leaves in the fierce wind.
"No," Jeremy shouted, raising his other foot and slamming it into The Puppet's chest. "You're not going to get up! Not right now!”
The Marionette growled, twisting its head to look at the security man before attempting to swipe its claws at him. He drew back just in time, his hands reaching back to grab something, and swung it at The Puppet. It recoiled and tried again to attack the guard, only to be smacked again, its mask cracking even more.
Before it burst into massive fractures, it was simply thin cracks that could be readily repaired with super glue. Pieces of the animatronic's mask began to fall apart, sliding off in sporadic bits onto the ground below. The Puppet shrieked again before falling back from another kick to the chest.
"I said don't get up!"
Jeremy raised the flashlight and threw it towards The Puppet, yelling at it to stop moving. No matter what move The Marionette made or how it tried to flee, the night guard continued to assault, his wrath swallowing him whole as he vented his rage.
“For the love of God, why couldn't you just stop?!”
He began to shout about what was going through his thoughts, ripping apart whatever he could get his hands on and tossing it down into The Puppet below him.
Too many times, this awful creature tormented his dreams with cryptic messages, nearly took him to the ER, and even lost him his paycheck if he tried to flee in the middle of the night. Too much stress accumulated over time, which could never, ever cease, until the young man eventually had enough and put his foot down.
Enough with this job, or these monsters, or these never-ending hours, or the terrible music, and so on.
This was going to end.
Once and for all.
The Marionette's words and actions had little effect on the guard's fury. Its body was disintegrating piece by piece, the clothing it was wearing were being ripped apart in haste, and its mask was disintegrating, revealing what was behind it. Its pleas were cut off immediately by Jeremy's shouting, the music it had previously created was now reduced to scant clicks and ticks.
Digging deep from within the oil flowed like blood and guts as The Marionette's insides were ripped apart. Jeremy felt the grease spray on him like water from the faucet, but he clenched his teeth and continued his assault. Cursing the Fazbear name and everything it stood for, whether it was through lies of fostering imagination and enjoyment or supporting the notion that everything was wonderful and dandy.
It wasn't.
It never was.
And it never will be.
Jeremy was a heaving, sweating mess by the time he was done.
He stooped over, his pounding palms on his knees, and stared over the wreckage in front of him. His rage-filled mind abruptly came to a halt, and all thoughts of tension and venting his rage on the one thing that may kill him vanished.
He inhaled deeply before exhaling with a stuttering gasp, his eyes widening.
He witnessed the wreckage of the items he used to beat The Marionette, the astonished expressions on the other animatronics' fake yet permanent faces, and the devastation he inflicted in what seemed like a matter of minutes. He then glanced down at his hands, bleeding and scarred hands, and eventually let the shock wear off to allow his nerves to come to fruition.
The night guard collapsed to his knees, the nauseating and stinky oil bathing his knees overwhelming his senses.
The Marionette in front of him lay still and entirely broken, unlikely to be repaired unless the company withheld his money for a whole month.
Jeremy closed his eyes and cursed.
Oh, he is so fired-
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starii-lins · 11 months
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i suddenly got to include so much fnaf and im happy about it
also i didnt know what to do for neon gorw so neon car (maybe ill redo it digitally idk)
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dancing-heart-pony · 11 months
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InkEGOretober, Day 26: Remove ⛔️ / Puppet 🎎 / (13) Mirror 🪞
Cutting The Strings ✂️
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pepperbenmin666 · 1 year
(tw// puppet gore , blood but purple )
Day 1 - Sword / Puppet
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almostsweetangel · 2 years
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DHMIStober / Hugtober 2022 Day 1: Cannibal
Roy devouring a family because they were messing with his son
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kitnightowl · 1 year
Day 6/7. Doll/glass
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artsybug0 · 1 year
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Goretober Day 3: Nosebleed
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Definitely not proud of this. Could of done better, but at least it’s done.
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nuagederose · 1 year
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🩸 goretober 2023 // day twelve: marionette 🩸
get yourself a faith, get yourself alone, get yourself contained, get yourself control…
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mooniace · 7 months
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Goretober 2023 Day 26: Puppet
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