#I love drawing broken dolls and puppets
kitnightowl · 1 year
Day 6/7. Doll/glass
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
I miss nightlight reader [android darling that glows and main objective is to help those who have trouble with the dark find comfort]
Picture nightlight being created to lull an aging deity back into slumber when it comes to terrorize a sleeping city. It cannot be killed, but its mortal vessel can be destroyed and nightlight is tasked with distracting it till its blood is spilled once more. It knows it's being tricked, but the doll's sweet songs and gentle lights draw it closer everytime. In its tomb the god dreams of ruling a desolate world with only the doll to remain as the one token of mankind's worth for all the years they ruined what was never theirs to inhabit.
Nightlight reader who's tasked with guarding a lonely little cabin in the woods and leading people safely though said forest from the creatures of the night. So beautiful are their bright colors, but they burn to the touch for those who have only ever known darkness. The creatures entertain the doll by making shadow puppets in their lights and offering them presents from those lost souls they've already taken. They beg for the doll to turn off their lights so they can cherish their loving hold for mere seconds. Their pleads can never be met for if nightlight ever offers them more love than they've already given the critters will never allow them into the light again.
Nightlight darling who is a reminder for saliors at sea there is always something more to return to on land. Their faint glow cutting through the thicken fog mends any broken soul and heart and their lullaby fills them with passion unlike any other.
Nightlight darling who becomes a corrupt crime boss's sole comfort in this fucked senseless up world after killing their old owner. Nightlight asks where their old master is from time to time and their new friend just tells them they're still sleeping. Nightlight always believes them since they saw them sleeping on the floor before being taken. All that paint will make their clothes sticky when they wake up
We had one Yan moth for nightlight - why not a whole group? Cuddle piles in their den with all of those big fluffy creatures crawling over each other to suck up as much of nightlight's light and warmth as they can. Taking turns holding the doll like a small toy and smothering them in little kisses.
I could go on but that's enough for now
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lilbluebastard · 2 months
Im bored once more and sense I already did coyle let’s do gooseberry (remember these are my headcannons/opinions tell me so I don’t accidentally upset someone
Warning (a bit of coyleberry mentioned)
Phylis has a very bad sweet tooth, to candy or pastries, she loves a good sweet apple pie and some lollipops
She also loves to play with dolls either with mannequins or those lil fucked up baby dolls, having little tea parties and even forcing the ex-pops in her trials to join her and futterman
(Despite it all being in her head) she knows that deep down in his cold black heart, Dr daddy still loves his baby Phylis
She secretly has drawing of the female/male regents she has a crush on and a bunch of that creep Franco and Coyle….mostly Coyle
She also falls in love with anyone who gives her attention 💙
Phylis plays dress up and likes to try on new clothes and things,
When it comes to sleeping she’s a very quiet sleeper but mostly has nightmares of the “boring hospital” but she sleep with the very old goose puppet she had sense she was a kid, it helps her sleep sometimes
She sometimes as a side hobby makes more puppets and gives them to ex-pops and guards/reagents as gifts
Phylis is sweet heart if you listen, sometimes she’ll spare you….but that’s rare
More headcannons for Leland Coyle (like them or not it’s alright)
Leland would get offended if you called him a pervert or a creep, hed say “he’s the law and he’s only giving you justice” when in reality his justice equals (to sex , torture, sadistic kinks and cumming on mannequins) or hed just get turned on and punish you for disrespecting him
Coyles not a romantic type….yes he’s been married but with how each of his wives ended up dead…it’s clear he’s angry about it, not to mention in prime time when seeing gooseberry he tries to make a point by saying “that’s why he killed all those wives of his” because gooseberry is her own boss and isnt submissive and obedient to him
Leland is a horrible person we all know that but he will have his moments of vulnerability (seen in the tape of teach the police officer) he cries either about his past or things he’s fines unfair so in my opinion he’s a crybaby, like him sounding hurt, almost sad when he didn’t get a gun but Franco could have one.
Coyles more into woman sometimes checking out the female grunts and big grunts, pouncers and even female reagents and he is creepy about it
And when is comes to men, despite wanting them ti bow to his every will, he’s jealous of the male big grunts/berserkers intimidating height, I believe that the smaller grunts are to scared to approach him, knowing what he can and will do, coyle is ruthless and they know that, as for the people who are in the trials (especially in kill the snitch, vindicate the guilty, tilt the scales of justice and etc) those people talk about Coyle a lot which I’m guessing there his victims broken and hurt to his liking, coyles ruthless and harsh…..some even sometimes warn you (one told me “to be careful before I get hurt or caught, something like that)
Maybe I’ll come up with more idk lol
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scribbyizhere · 6 months
i have no idea what the abandoned carnival au is but I 100% support rambling so here's your opportunity to ramble about whatever you wanna say about it!
(and if you're like me and can't answer non-specific questions here's some for ya:
What are the character's worst flaws? How do they interact with other characters? Is there any specific event that stuck with them from their past? How do others treat them? Any significant traits important to the plot?)
Hope your day's goin well!
WHAAAAG I LOVE YOU MINUTE/P !!!!! ok no one would really know much abt the carnival au because I haven't mentioned it really um haha. I did draw the moon for this au in Sundays daycare magma so yay if you need a face to the name you have one!
urm let's see here. so, for moon, I think his worst flaw is being unable to communicate properly. He struggles to keep things happy, he really does bring things down a lot and that's a flaw pushed on him by the process of his paranormal creation. what who said that.
sun's worst problem is his pride. he refuses to admit when he's wrong and he refuses to TALK about whatever he was wrong about. he's a 'drop it, I don't want to talk about this' kinda guy. he's a professional ghoster, if I do say so myself. totally not a pun linked to his paranormal creation. whaaat who keeps saying these things??? seriously this is crazy!!!
moon doesn't MEAN to push people away, he was made to operate a carousel, not make friends. But if he knows that someone is worth keeping ther, dedicated to staying with him, he can be soso clingy. he still has to rely on others though, otherwise he can't run, just like a music box. Sun has major people person energy, but he still gets so overwhelmed. He took on over 5 jobs around the entire carnival, between both entertainment and upkeep. so he has an overall energetic personality, bit when he burns out he burns out HARD. this makes him often irritable or overbearing for a lot of people, but he balanced it out between him and moon.
the fire. whenever the carnival closed down for the night. the missing kids. what happened to everybody else around here?
no, nothing much.
they really CANT get out much anymore, they've really tied down their roots since the place stopped moving from town to town way back in '47! furthermore, they cannot really talk to much of anybody but each other! and moon hasn't been wound up since the carnival wasn't needed anymore! that's why sun was SOOO happy when a human- you - showed up! can you believe it? moon enjoys your company too, but someone can only spend 60+ years in solitude for oh so long! can you imagine not aging, because you're nothing more than a puppet- a doll inside the puppet?? oh, he has so many things to show you!!! you're quite nice, probably not well suited to hang around such a guy all down in the dumps all the time! not that moon complains, having someone willing to care so much about him just the same- isn't that COOL??
Sun wasn't always supposed to take over all these other jobs. He used to be happier, calmer. I wonder what made him so tense. He's always stuck in a nervous state, no matter how happy he is around you. Moon wasn't always sad- he used to be a happy and mischievous guy that would even dance along to his music. hard to believe how broken down the tunes of the calliope have gotten.
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ashtonisvibing · 9 months
i need to stop coming up with aus that require me to draw designs for the characters
so anyways, jse egos (and maybe the mark egos too) but they're toys (like a toy story situation) cuz i think that would be so silly
jackie - obviously an action figure. he'd have a woody/buzz situation of being a toy from a super popular superhero show. so whomever owns the toys (probably a kid sean) would have comic books and posters of him around their room
marvin - a white cat stuffie with a cape and a cool magician's mask and a fabric wand that can be attached to one of his paws :} maybe he even comes with bonus accessories, like clothes or extra magic props
chase - i'm sort of going back and forth between him being one of those silly stretchy limb toys or a ken/barbie esque doll. a doll would make the most sense, but also imagine him stretching and sticking around the room when the toys come to life
henrik - he'd obviously be a doll, like a doctor barbie doll, but bigger. more like a bfc ink doll (if anyone remembers those) since american girl dolls don't have limb joints. he'd come in a doctor play set. the only reason he's bigger than a normal doll is cuz i say so lol
jameson - he'd be a felt hand puppet. cuz i do want him to be a puppet, but having him be wooden feels too cliche. he, along with a few other hand puppets, would come from a mini theatre set, the "jj's jolly japes" set! he's MUCH older than the other toys, having been passed down by one of the child's grandparents
anti - he's a broken and old wind up toy, found in the attic of the house once the family moved in and rejected by the child because of how broken he is. while the humans have never said anything about it, the toys swear that sometimes they can hear a slow and stuttered voice singing from the attic
i might honestly do something with this, i'm sure it's been done so many times before but it's so silly and i love it :}
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sapphicdib · 1 year
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Excuse me?? Go on?? I wanna know about those headcanons
Also i appreciate bringing my by now old art back to light ^^
OHHH U WANT HEADCANONS?? [cracks knuckles]
(also ofc dude! u shld thank @/creaturevoiddweller for putting it on my dash tho hehe)
Moon being taller/generally bigger than Sig…normally i’m not feral over height differences but god theirs drives me insane
Moon loving the stars. I feel like after her collapse, they were one of the few things that brought her comfort. Within canon I’m pretty sure you can see the stars even during the day (they’re green too!! super cool) so she loves to study them and their movements. The rare occasions when the rain comes after night falls are her favorites, being able to see them more clearly in the dark always excites her. Going on a lil stargazing date would probably melt her heart !!
Sig being fucking whipped for Moon 😭 this is a fucking given but him being distracted and at Moon instead of the sky because she considers her prettier than even the starts makes me. AUGH.
(More general hcs below the cut so this post doesn’t become a million miles long)
Sig learns to knit and makes Moon a scarf and a couple cloaks after her collapse. He actually has a lot of hobbies because he doesn’t think the great problem is solvable, nor does he really care to solve it anyways. He even says he’s got “nothing better to do with my time” when Suns asks him if he’s going to purpose another messenger. Meanwhile Suns says “you have two options, do nothing or work like you’re supposed to” in terms of what to do with your time.
Moon loves picking Sig up/holding her/generally grabbing her n throwing her around because she’s actually quite strong and Sig is smaller than her. Sig does not mind in the slightest.
They’re both interested in bioengineering. Sig more so, but Moon mentons Rivulet’s interesting adaptations and knows a lot about the flora and fauna of the world. I think they bonded over this quite a bit.
Speaking of, Sig was also a more medical-oriented facility. Pebbles mentions that he “was not a medical facility even when the equipment was functioning” to hunter, so the iterators may have had more specialized niches as the generations went on. Therefore, she becomes the sort of defacto “puppet-doctor” of the local group, helping to fix things like broken joints or umbilicals after the ancients disappear. Also just the slag reset keys in general. I have a drawing about this I’m finishing soon so watch out for that hehe
Moon’s kindness absolutely rubbed off on Sig. When he first got put online, she interacted with him a lot as his personality core was still developing, and he picked up on some of her traits. In terms of age I see their group as Moon and Suns (gen 1), Sig and Chasing Wind (mid gen) and Unparalleled Innocence and Pebbles (final gen).
SIG TEACHING MOON STUPID GAMER LINGO AND UWU SPEAK CAUSES A DISASTER IN THE LOCAL GROUP CHATS. The first time she says “poggers” sends everyone into an uproar and Sig gets multiple DMs being like “WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS.”. Sig thinks it’s the funniest shit in the world.
Moon is a lesbian, Sig is a bisexual gender-fluid disaster. I’m sure you can tell from my rambles I use he/she/they/it pronouns for her.
Moon’s nickname for Sig is “doll”. “Little thing” is also a common one, since Sig jokes that his gender is just “thingy”.
I can’t think of any more but thank you so much for the ask!! I love these two so fucking much and getting to ramble about them makes me so happy, especially because I’m absolutely suffering on my period rn and it distracted me from the pain. I love ur art sm!!!!
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the-interidiot · 2 months
I LOVE your headcanons and can’t wait to read more of them!
Meet the Robinsons headcanons P2 - Fritz and his Kids.
[Possible trigger warning for self deprecating behavior/words. Also, unrelated but I LOVE feedback/responses! If you have anything to add or comment on a reblog, pls do!!!!]
Fritz suffers from generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, and dyslexia.
He’s never broken a bone, and Gaston occasionally tries to push him into dangerous situation on purpose to probe him to break one.
⬆️ This is out of love. The Framaguccis have the very solid belief injury builds character.
Fritz is HUGE on grooming. He isn’t a clean freak, but he is the kind of guy to own seven shampoos and frequently buy everyone else bathing stuff.
Fritz is the only person in the house in denial about that doll being real. The doll is, by the way, not real.
‘Petunia’ was carved by Fritz, and while doing so he cut off multiple of his fingers, and the stitches are very visible on his puppeting hand if he ever takes the doll off.
Fritz is ambidextrous, as are BOTH his children.
Tallulah and Laszlo are both trans, MTF and FTM respectively.
Tallulah stays up until 4am watching conspiracy theory videos and then randomly blurts stuff about cryptids at breakfast.
She claims she hates any energy drink because caffeine is a blight on the world, but consumes about 7 cups of coffee an hour.
The other Robinsons literally hide the pot past noon, and it’s saying a LOT if a Robinson cuts you off something.
Tallulah is the only person from her side of the family who isn’t neurodivergent at all.
She makes all the Halloween costumes in August and then waits impatiently for Halloween (and Summerween, because this family celebrates that 100%).
She loves short haired dogs and cats. HATES anything that sheds, unfortunately including the family dog.
Laszlo is autistic, I have covered this before.
He also suffers from sensory based OCD, which is only shared with Wilbur in the rest of the family.
Laszlo has nightmares but always forgets what they’re about.
Hes EXTREMELY intelligent, but has the attention span of a toddler and prefers painting over inventing.
He can’t cook. There is a sticky note on all the appliances he isn’t allowed to use, which include but are not limited to: The oven, the stove, the toaster, the coffee maker, the toaster over, the air fryer, the dishwasher, and the second sink.
Laszlo cannot draw people for shit without the gun, but he is WEIRDLY good an animals. He probably had a fursona growing up.
Laszlo had blue hair growing up and looked a little homeless with how ratty he dressed. He was also into anime. (Have any of you seen NPMD? Teenage Laszlo is essentially just Richard Lipshitz from that musical.)
Laszlo, unlike his sister LOVES large, fluffy dogs - the bigger the better.
Laszlo uses his goggles as a comfort object and will panic without them.
‘Petunia’ has pads installed in her hands to soften blows on Fritz. Art added this out of genuine concern Fritz was using the doll for self deprecating purposes.
‘Petunia’ has a time out box, curtesy of everyone else.
Essentially everybody but Laszlo looks for any excuse to get that doll away from Fritz. Bud is the nicest about it, not at all trying to stop Fritz from having her, but not acknowledging ‘Petunia’ when possible.
Laszlo sometimes takes the doll when Fritz is asleep and stares at it in the middle of the night.
He doesn’t remember his mom.
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rui-drawsbox · 2 years
I’m back on my bullshit 😔. (This got real long as I was writing it so I had to add the keep reading thing for everyone’s sake)
so… Mika as a bit of a villain, a bit of an evildooer, a bit of a malicious man. Would he transform like the magical knights or would he have to manually change outfits? Cuz I doubt that he would just go out without covering his face or disguising himself. If he has powers I would assume he gets his own special form, like an evil magical girl lmao.
Also, I was thinking about Bingus 💀. Mostly the actual threat he could pose to the magical knights. He feels like the type to use henchmen/an army of mindless henchmen, like an army of living dolls.
So, Mika’s powers, if he has em. Personally I don’t know whether he would, he could just be real good in a scrap or have powers given to him by Shu, or he could have magic of his own. If he did have magic of his own I feel like it would be something he didn’t really know to use before Shu got involved with him.
On the topic of Mika’s powers (again), I’m not sure what they would be exactly. I have a couple ideas, shadow manipulation, some kind of physical enhancement thing that lets him fight on past the point of serious injury and do physical feats that shouldn’t be possible (like bending his spine in ways it shouldn’t, or lifting cars and shit like that), or bringing plushies to life, or something to do with crows. Idk man, he has so many options but being a villain and all means he can have more than one to make him threatening : D (I’m getting tempted to write 😔)
Also what weapon would he use? I feel like he’d wield something unconventional, like a chainsaw or those giant pairs of scissors that you see in anime. Alternatively he could wield something graceful like a lance or spear (maybe one that resembles a big sewing needle ✨). Plus with the reach that the spear would have it would make him more menacing, especially in a fight against people wielding swords (cough cough the knights). Either way he’d be terrifying in a fight, I can just feel it. He’s so pathetic but if you hand him a weapon he’s fucking scary. (I really want to draw him lmao)
ALSO JUST HAD A THOUGHT!!! Shu and Mika fighting together could be really cool cuz if Mika has that body enhancement power where he can be injured beyond what’s possible for a normal human and still fight Shu could manipulate him like a doll to fight viciously. I have fight scene ideas in my head. Like straight up angsty shit tbh.
maybe Mika doesn’t know Arashi is a magical knight, and after he finds out he doesn’t want to fight her anymore but Shu pushes him on and actively makes him fight with like his powers or something. Puppet master Shu <<<333
losing my mind rn, anyways Mika screaming and crying while being forced to actively fight Arashi <<33 let him cry 😎 (I love Mika so much but like I want to see him crying sometimes)
Also Shu regretting his actions after realizing how torn up Mika is (emotionally, not just physically for once) after fighting Arashi. Shu redemption arc? Nah, that’s for season two, he’s a villain, he’s gonna double down on his shitty behavior by internalizing all of this and pushing Mika away while yelling excuses to get Mika to leave. Like calling him broken or useless because he knows it will get Mika to leave him. 🫠 I love writing too much, angst specifically.
also Mika bonding with knights at school before the reveal and seeing them as his first actual friends and companions outside of Shu. I feel like that would be really cute.
back to the girl boss and her friends cuz I’ve talked about Mika enough for now.
they should go sing karaoke together with Mika.
also just them doing domestic stuff together in general. Like having a movie night or cooking together.
ALSO, ya know how a lot of magical girl shows have like second forms or power ups that get revealed around the mid season, and how these are sometimes locked behind character based trials? Like, some character development has to happen first before the character can start using this more powerful magic?
I’ve been thinking. 😔 still don’t have words for these thoughts tho so I’ll be back.
Mika should unlock his true magical knight form, when.. OH HOLY SHIT HE COUKD BE LJKE A DARK KNIGHT, WAIT OH MY GOD I JUST HAD THIS THOUGHT!!! Back to what I was saying, he could unlock his true magical knight form after he leave Shu and, and! Decides to forgive him and actively starts working with the knights to save Shu from himself. Now that I’m thinking on it more, I feel like this would be more of a self actualization thing for mika. He’s finally making a decision for himself, and it goes against Shu’s wishes completely. Maybe he could get his actual powers in a burst of righteous fury over one of Shu’s self destructive actions :):):) broseph should grab that pretty boy by the collar and scream at him for once. It would do Shu some good to be yelled at occasionally, humble him.
I’m gonna shut the fuck up now. Arashi’s super magical girl form should be queen related cuz she’s the queen of knights, yada yada, I need to continue unpacking my stuff from my recent move, so I’m done opening my skull like a trap door and pouring the contents into your ask box for now.
I’ll be back (assume the tone was menacing, like an old wizard who speaks of the end times)
Your au is so fucking cool btw, thank you for the brain worms :):):)
Replying this took way more time than i thought because turns out i cant think in words lmao, so i sketched all the ideas i got from this in my free time the past days ksbxk
Starting with Mika and weapons! (And other's weapons but mainly Mika)
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Yea hes pathetic but also the biggest menace with a weapon. At first i thought about double swords or some fact double weapon (u can see i recently watched the puss in boots movie) but i also like the idea of showing how inhumanly strong he is with his weapon, so a Claymore! A Big ass sword that is weird not being scared of getting closer! Im talking about his henchemen moment, because after all his redemption arc i feel like giving him a more futuristic spear, kind of like a sewing needle yea (i didn't drew that cuz i thought about It after but u get It?)
Now designs! My favorite parts! Henchemen!Mika:
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An easy to fix/change-specific-parts uniform! Provided by his boss!
I honestly think he would not be completly human, mabye a genetically modified one or entirely artificial. I mean, if Knights are getting their powers from some random alien why not artificial people? I like the idea of his body being like a wooden doll, those which all their joints are joined by an elastic inside the body (or reference dolls for artists if is easier to search?), so he could stretch/broke his bones all he wants without worrying, besides, if his skin is hurt badly Shu would "heal" It for the sake of his incognito mode!
After redemption!Mika:
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Dont focus in the colors--I'll fix It when i make everyone's outfits in digital skdjjs
Futuristic! Neon! Transparent parts of clothing! Bold shapes! Mika is now a brand new person, letting behind his heavy past focused on obedience to live his own life! In part thats why i wanted to give this version of him a spear, because its a lot more lighter than the Claymore and can be used a lot more freely!
Now the rest of Knights designs! Ritsu, Leo and Tsukasa:
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(Tsukasa sword is in the wrong hand but lets ignore that)
Ritsu's skirt is really puffy, mainly because It makes me think its extremely comfy and soft like a cloud should feel! His cape is in the right side so It won't bother when using his sword
Leo skirt is parted at the side so he isnt limited by the cloth when fighting, talking about that! I gave him two swords mainly because hes ambidextrous but also because he gives me messy figther vibes, specially having fun when is surrounded
Tsukasa always gave me the most classical knight vibes, so he has the most simplest but not less elegant outfit! Really, search Female Knight and at least in the first five images there's someone with a similar skirt/naked legs
Now with some random ideas: i would LOVE the idea of Knights adopting Mika after he's dumped by Shu, It would be like Arashi taking care two times at week, the others one day at week and the free day they do a sleepover all together! It would be like that until him and Shu make up in the second season lmao. And yes It would be a heavy angst, the series starts with Arashi learning how to be a Magical Girl and making friends along the way and then It finish being super dramatic and sad. The only thing that could recover watchers from the finale is the classic outro where It shows everyone's getting along, Shu being scolded by Mika for being rude to someone and the final image is the graduation photo with everyone showing their diplomas and jumping like the good ol' Friends they are JWJDJJA
But no yea, come back anytime, i love reading all your ideas for the au! Theyre very creative and is super fun to imagine all the situations you describe!
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Can you help me come up with a magic system for my fictional world? It is populated by moth- and butterfly-people and there is a figurehead royal family at the top of society. The Queen in particular gets the title of "The Chained Queen". The Chained Queen is even more of a figurehead. She is essentially a puppet, or a doll, the chains she is locked in preventing her from having any sense of self or agency. These chains can be broken, but it is difficult, so much that it has never happened before. I'm trying to come up with a magic system that would allow these chains to exist, but not give any powers to the main characters. Thank you!
If the queen is a doll, which is controlled by her puppet master, then how does this involve any magic? For that matter, if she is literally made of wood or something, why is she a queen in the first place? Is it a tradition that the queen is controlled by her puppet master? But, more importantly, it sounds like your magic system would require a lot of handwaving, and not just because of the literal chains – for example, she has no agency, so if her puppet master were to order her to do something, say tell a lie, how would she do it? Without any control, she would presumably keep making wooden-doll-y moves.
This kind of "robotic" character sounds like it could be a good plot device, in that it has an intuitive "real world" parallel that makes it easy to think about. A puppet master and a puppet is a really common story element in children's fiction. So it's easy to imagine how this character would work and behave, in contrast to something that has no real world analogue. But when you try to do something more complex with the character, and start thinking about how you would actually make her a doll, you run up against some really interesting questions and now you're a little lost. There's a difference between "fictional character -> straightforwardly imaginable consequences" and "fictional character -> tractable problems." When you can't handle a character in your head, it's because there's a limit to the meaningful ways you can draw on your knowledge of the real world to imagine how the character would work. This doesn't mean the character is bad, just that you need to figure out some handwavey thing to let it be "real."
A similar problem occurs with people who are "in love," or people who have "sex." I notice that fiction is sometimes ambiguous about whether a character who says "I love you" means they actually love the other character, or whether it's a figure of speech or a lie or whatever, but I don't see people asking these questions about saying things like "I am in love." We understand enough about the concept of love that we can tell when somebody is saying "I love you" because they really do love the other person (or think they do) without trying to handwave away the logic of the statement. This doesn't mean that one can do without any handwaving or anything – there's a lot one has to simply stipulate about a character's thoughts and feelings, and I don't think this is a problem – but at least we have a working assumption that love is not a meaningless concept. By contrast, I think a lot of fiction isn't sure how to write about "sex." Many stories have characters having sex, but few explain how or why they have sex, or how much they enjoy it.
Why is sex so hard to write about? The answer seems to me to be that while we understand love (at least at a certain level of abstraction), we don't understand sex, not in a way that would allow us to be confident about what a fictional character saying "I am in love" would mean. Sex doesn't have the same kinds of folk theories that love does. After all, if you don't know anyone who is in love, the most you can do is check whether the people you know who claim to be in love are acting . . . lovey, I guess? But sex has a totally different conceptual background. There is nothing particularly silly, or "ugly," about having a conversation about sex with a friend, but something tells us we're not doing the same thing as when we have a conversation about love. We don't really have a schema for what kinds of things can be said about sex, or what kinds of things one can think about sex. So a sex scene in fiction just . . . is. It doesn't necessarily feel right or wrong, it just is, and if you ask yourself why a character does this or that it can become very hard to answer.
This is also why "sex scenes" as a genre are so unsatisfying. I have found sex scenes in fiction to be as unsatisfying as reading a full-page description of the main character eating breakfast. They are always unsatisfying, and it's hard to pinpoint why this is.
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caxycreations · 1 year
Good morning (or whatever part of the day it happens to be where you are) and a very fine Blorbo Blursday to you! I have an OC question shamelessly pilfered from @writeblrsummerfest: tell me all about your favourite hot mess of a character! What do they struggle most with in their daily life? Why are they like this?
Define Hot Mess CW: Depression, Low Self-Worth, Brief mentions of lewdness
Because all that comes to mind is "sexy, but barely keeping it together" and that is 100% David. David is this guy:
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He's a caxy: Half cat, half fox. Specifically half maltese and half arctic fox. He has an eternally tired look because of the combination of his ever-relaxed attitude and the bag-like markings under his eyes (the dark rings around them don't help much) and if he weren't so determined to enjoy life, he'd look MUCH more exhausted than that.
He tries very, very hard to be the happy, fun-loving, playful spirit in any group he's in, but there's a lot that goes on under the hood so to speak.
For starters, he spent the duration of his formative childhood years desperate for the approval of parents who would never give it. There are certain behaviors expected of a Relanian predator species (eye contact, baring teeth, commanding posture) that David just...doesn't have. His parents treated him like less for it, and while they did try to "teach him better", it ultimately taught him nothing more than the belief he was not good enough.
He carries that fear to this day, terrified he's inferior, broken, and simply not good enough for anyone.
His bite scars don't do him any favors either, each one a reminder of people he "wasn't good enough for" in his eyes. Despite this fear of rejection, of failing others, and despite his constant self-doubt, he does his best to stay happy and keep others happy. He's usually pretty capable of masking how he feels by using humor, snark, and a healthy dose of lewd humor (plus the occasional lewd act) all help to keep his mind off his anxieties and the depression clawing at his heart.
It hits full force when he's home though. He lives in an apartment alone (technically he lives with Ryder, his best friend, but only technically. He stays the night there most nights, but sometimes he will stay at his apartment if Ryder is away or can't host him) and when he stays there for a night, he gets...rough.
A typical routine for David, when he's at his apartment is draw until he hates it, stare at the paper until he feels sick of it, take a shower and try to de-stress with one of his toys, fail, lay down, try to de-stress by counting the stars outside the window, fail, try to de-stress by reading, fail, give up on de-stressing, let himself cry, fall asleep from sheer exhaustion.
He is...not as okay as everyone around him thinks he is, and the only people fully aware of just how hurt he is on the inside, just how in-shambles he feels, are his sister Davina and his best friends, Ryder and Trace. He has dozens of friends, hundreds if you include acquaintances, and makes ten or twenty more short-term friends every weekend at the clubs.
But despite how easy it is for him to make friends, making good, true friends is hard for him, and his love life has left him feeling like his best use is as a living stress-relief doll for those around him. He works hard not to show it, but these are his true feelings: he feels like a toy, a puppet to be used however his peers see fit, because at the end of the day he has no idea what to do with himself besides give to them.
Closing Notes
David is a complicated individual, and I hope when the reader makes their way through the main story, The Wolf's Den, that they learn about David slowly, the way a new friend building a relationship may learn about him. He's been through so much, and tries so hard to put on a brave face. He deserves more true friends.
Tag List
Tagging these folks because they seem to like my work, and this time, I'm passing the initial question on to you all! To remind you, the initial question asked to me at the top of this was: Tell me all about your favourite hot mess of a character! What do they struggle most with in their daily life? Why are they like this? For the Tag List, if you would like to be added (or removed), just let me know!
@heavensfallenfaction @moremysteriesthantragedies @thetruearchmagos @funnel-webbed-au
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miarobotnik · 1 year
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Finally, my own character from Sonic the Hedgehog, so what do you think about it? I hope you like it.
Name: Mia Robotnik / Joong
Age: Teenager
Gender: Female
Species: Half Human and Demon
Alignment: Evil, Neural
Style: Tomboy, Goth, Princess, Sassy, Tough
Hair color: Dark Brown
Skin Color: Peach
Eye Color: Brown (Golden Mask under red)
Fighting Style: TaeKwonDo and Regular Karate
Outfit: Black and Pink uniform like Eggman, Black Skirt, Black Boots, and yellow necklace with red diamond
Outfit Princess: Princess Kimono, Black Sandal, Pin Cherry Blossom, Fan
Outfit Ninja Warrior: Black uniform, Black Sandal
Outfit Doctor: White Long Coat, Black Leggings, Black Boots, Black Gloves, Yellow necklace with red diamond,
Outfit Age Shifting: Pink wears clothes for all ages; newborns, babies, toddlers, and teenagers. Bib with symbol Eggman or Cherry Blossom
Outfit Robe Jester Master: Black with Galaxy Long Robe, Hat Jester, Black Gloves, Golden Persona Mask with Black Feather under red diamond, Galaxy Diamond, Scepter Sun and Moon
Outfit Sun & Moon Jester Transformation Mode: Yellow and Blue uniform jester Sun & Moon, Black boots, yellow necklace with a red diamond, Golden Persona mask with red diamond with white feathers
Outfit Cherry Blossom Jester Transformation: Pink uniform jester Cherry Blossom, Black boots, a yellow necklace with a red diamond, and a golden persona mask with Pink Patel
Outfit Princess Jester: Princess, Specter Crown, Black Boots, Black Gloves, Golden necklace with red diamond, Golden Persona Mask, Crown
Accessories: necklace with red diamond, golden mask, glasses ( sometimes), charm sun & moon and cherry blossom, pin, belt with bag, smartwatch, scepter moon and sun, later upgrade, keychain
Powers: Magic, Snake, Wolf, Transfer, Sight Night, Healing, Ray Guns, Ray Heart, Transformation into Doll, Puppets
Weakness: Pulling my hand, Can't Control Magic, Can't Hang The Bar, Electric (sometimes) with paralyzed, Easily Shattered broken collapsed body use (golden mask or red diamond)
Personality traits: Genius, Friendly, Kindness, Motherly, and Strict, Highly Intelligent
Abilities: Flexibility, Levitate, Fly, Transformation, Combat Hands, Connect, Snake, Wolf, Order in his Robot, Red Diamond with Laser Blade, smell anything, Magic, Rebirth, Age Shifting, Mecca, Summons Animal or Creatures
Skills: Fix his robot or creator in fields of mechanics and electronics, Advanced Doctor, Mathematics, Drafting Board, Computer, Hacking computer or system, Trick Magic, Strategic Games, Sword, Bow, Double Blade
Likes: Sometimes evil, a loving/ support father, caring for his little robots, Siblings, Read, Storytelling Research,Drawing, Playing, Babysitter, Friendly with the Sonic Team, Villages, and Villains, Playing Violin and Flute, Piano and Guitar, Chess, Cards, Dolls, Dollhouse, Hangout
Dislikes: Anyone who hurts a person's feelings, mistreated, gossip of girl or boy, Rattle, Trouble, Timeout, Punishment, Behavior
Sonic (sometimes)
Favorite Food: Pizza, Chicken, Meat, Strawberry, Cherry
Fears: Fell down, Nightmare, Failure
Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Amy Rose
Sticks the badger
Metal Sonic
Nack the weasel
Bean the dynamite
Rough the Shrunk
Rouge the bat
Jet the Hawk
Espio the Chameleon
Dr.Eggman: Surrogate Father/ Figure Father
Metal Sonic: Surrogate the youngest brother/ support sidekick
Orbot: Babysitter/Surrogate the youngest brother/ support sidekick
Cubot: Babysitter/Surrogate the youngest brother/ support sidekick
Belle: Surrogate the youngest sister/ support sidekick
Sage: Surrogate the youngest sister/ support sidekick
Shadow: Step cousin/support sidekick
Maira: Step cousin
Reala: Connect to her/ Friend/Babysitter/Mentor
Espio the Chameleon: Students Ninja
All robotic with connect to the family
Friends: Team Sonic/Villains
Mia’s Relationship :
Sonic the Hedgehog:
When she first met Sonic, she sometimes helped him, so she is thinking about him. Sonic is always pleasant to her. She is a little mad at him because he beat her. She always respects him.
Shadow the Hedgehog:
When she first met, she knew that his father had explained herself. She will back him up because she has flashbacks of Maria's death. Mia and Shadow have always been her best friends and have respected her. She just called her step-cousin.
Metal Sonic:
When they first met, Mia and Metal Sonic were neutral. Mia and Eggman meet Metal Sonic. She feels treated by her oldest little brother. Eggman claims he couldn't speak because he was attempting to communicate. She will always assist him and strive for the best communication with him.
Tails the Fox:
When they first met, Mia and Tails were close friends. She had noticed him being curious in the workshop after she had been assisting him. He had a problem with his robot or whatever; he became frustrated; she provided feedback. She always respects him.
Knuckles the Echidna:
When they first met, Mia and Knuckles were close friends. He is funny, good at telling jokes, and clumsy, so she always laughs. She sometimes disagrees with him and is irritated by him. She will trust him.
Amy Rose:
Mia and Amy were close friends when she first met because she always talked about girls' nights out, shopping, and tea parties. Amy is always there to help her when Sonic is upset. She could be figured out. She always respects her.
Sticks the Badger:
Mia and Sticks were close friends when they first met, and she was always planning to take the girls out, shopping, or to Amy's house for a tea party. She is a little understand. Sticks loves busters and robots.
Rouge the bat:
When she met Rouge, Mia and Rouge were meeting her friend, but she was too tired to talk or plan for her mission.
Espio the Chameleon:
When she sees enter he gets a new student and starts advanced ninja. He is trying to practice karate,dodge, and etc. He admired her master ninja and was respectful.
Before Dr.Eggman and his daughter when she seems so possible to him, Dr. Starline meets a babysitter with Mia toddler until she gets to know often. She admired him, so she will help him. Dr. Starline and Mia were close friends.
Dr. Eggman:
Mia and Eggman were close friends when she was baby and she first met. Because Eggman supports her adoption, he is her adoptive father. Eggman is always concerned about his family. Eggman will accompany her. Mia has a flashback to when she was a baby and expected to grow up. Eggman must be strict and discipline her. She will trust and respect him.
When he met during the night, he teach to train magic or discipline her though young kid. She will know the connection to Reala has been given a golden mask like reference to its different mask original. She has been in contact with her friend, Reala.
Rough the Skunk:
Mia and Rough were good friends when she first met because she tried to help and someone captured Sonic. She seems to be very attractive and childish, but also know his oldest brother, Tumble.
Orbot :
Mia and Orbot were close friends when she first met because he always cared for her but replaced her. She feels treated by her little brother. Mia is always caring and helping him. Mia should take responsibility for only Orbot because he is too young and because he is the smarter, more serious, and firmer of the two, while Cubot is just as prone to bumbling around as he is. Orbot speaks calmly, formally, and without a filter. He is honest to a fault and offers unsolicited, withering assessments of his master. She will trust and respect him.
Cubot :
Mia and Cubot were close friends when they first met because he always cared for her but replaced her. She was also treated by her little brother. Mia used to make fun of him because he was both funny and clumsy. Mia is always caring and helping him. Mia feels responsible for only Cubot because he is too young, very dimwitted, slow on the uptake, having trouble solving a puzzle meant for babies, and getting even the simplest of instructions wrong. She will respect him.
Belle the Tinkerer:
Mia and Belle were good friends, but she first met her when she was just asking her about that after she gets shocked that her father mentioned, but she feels treated by her sister, but she awkwardly once met her.
She met Mia and Sage after being surprised; they are close friends since she is always cheering and talking about girls. She feels treated by her little sister. She is a very nice, sweet, and cheerful person, and she is always a pleasure to be around. Due to Sage's age and ability to use cyberspace, Mia has trouble teaching her cyberspace because she is too young.
Mia’s parents :
When her first baby was born, the parents lost Mia's baby. Mia’s parents are alive and live in the same village. Mia frequently visits her royal and wealthy parents at their castle. Mia knows how to respect her parents. Mia had thirteen siblings because they were warriors and brave.
When Mia was born an inner snake and half witch because her mother was a witch during, her parents were royal and warrior after the parents left on her daughter, but Dr. Eggman was shocked and left abandoned when she was raised orphaned. She considered her adoptive father literally and just supported and served her father. She is just caring for the youngest siblings, so sometimes problems are solved that way. She was a young kid who dreamed of meeting Reala, he is very curious after teaching for technical references jester. She had been successful in capturing Sonic, but she had failed to respect him.
Mia is still running on his father's empire, but she has her own room, so she likes the celestial room.
Mia often visits another village, but she has her own room in the castle.
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wizardglam · 1 year
I am good at describing people, writing down each and every part like they own my dreams. Yet, when someone asks what I say about myself, the pen ceases to write , draws blanks, which cannot be filled. Kafka is a lone soul standing on an island, he enters into a grief with me. "How do you say - 'I love myself' ? I have written enough letters of love to my Milena , but, none for this steady beating companion. The one who shadows whenever I breathe. None for this highly broken doll, I become at the mercy of my emotions, something hurt and something less hurt. When the rain stops pattering, when I understand less of the world , will it then become clearer why I hate this self so much ? I smile , in amusement . " No answer would ever calm the soul, which hates a mininum ounce of thought given to acceptance. Why could it be acceptance, if I relish this cycle of unforgiveness ? Forged on hate and groomed to violence. If you look in the mirror , will you be able to ask "How do I not think of myself as a human being, but like a temperated deceased soul, puppeting through each day ?". - Something I wrote, inspired by when I was hitting my lowest of lows. As Shelley would say " the life can burn in blood, even while the heart may break" .
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peddling-rp-memes · 2 years
Repost, don't reblog. I didn't make this meme, but can't find the op. Please tag them if you know who they are.
Bold all that apply to your muse as a child. (In modern verse if you write a historical or fantasy character.)
FUTURE JOB  - ninja, pirate, vet, actor, astronaut, cooker, builder, knight, indiana jones, wizard, a parent, barbie, action man, writer, prince or princess, hero, villain, teacher, doctor, nurse, army man, rapper, singer, dancer, youtuber, twitch streamer, zookeeper, gardener, sailor, fisherman, carpenter, monarch, pilot.
FEARS  -  thunderstorms, strangers, space, abandonment, the dark, clowns, loud noises, dogs, spiders, masks, puppets, boys, girls, cooties, bugs, big objects, water, hell, being told off, police, new places, bullies, being wrong, ghosts.
PAINT YOUR  BEDROOM  -  pink, blue, green, brown, yellow, orange, purple, neons, pastels, beige, mismatched multicolour, dark blue, wall mural, black, grey, white.
DECORATE YOUR BEDROOM  -  posters torn carefully cut from magazines, maps of fictional lands, books, cassettes or cds, lavalamp, minifridge, your very own tv, games console, teddies, pirate ship, floor length mirror, fairylights, funko dolls, vhs or dvds, dinosaurs, beanbags, animals, framed posters, stickers, pokemon, princesses, glow in the dark stars, corkboard full of photos, awards, your own art, disney princesses, marvel heroes, ben 10 theme, cartoon network show theme, animes, space theme, fantasy theme.
TOYBOX  - barbie, ken, action man, my first science kit, csi lab kit, tamagotchi, cuddly teddy, pirate ship, horse, lego, furby, easybake oven, archeology kit, pokemon cards, beyblades, disney princesses, baby doll, sword, gun, crown, recorder, spy gear, slinky, beanie babies, colouring set, paints, play doh, simpsons, disney princess dolls, marvel action figures, books, puzzle books, wizard broom, robes, dollhouse, space ship, ray guns, walkie talkies, craft kits, slime, fidget spinners, fake tattoos, football, basketball, skateboard, swings, mini ant farm, seamonkies, rock em sock em robots, stretch armstrong, he man, my little pony, care bears, girls world styling head, mostly broken, sticky, pristine, no batteries, perfect working order, crayons, sunbleached, well loved.
BOOKBAG  -  harry potter, bfg, the hunger games, wheres wally, winnie the pooh, the very hungry caterpillar, matilda, the cat in the hat, the lord of the rings, charlottes web, northern lights, lion witch and the wardrobe, goodnight moon, where the wild things are, the tale of peter rabbit, charlie and the chocolate factory, stuart little, alices adventures in wonderland, a series of unfortunate events, bridge to terabithia, diary of a wimpy kid, anne frank diary of a young girl, the outsiders, the jungle book, the wonderful wizard of oz, peter pan, the secret garden, the wind in the willows, how to draw.
WARDROBE  - tshirts with your fave cartoon characters, youtuber merch, scuffed jeans, plasticy fancy dress costumes, pretty dresses, button down shirts, woolen sweaters, floral skirts jean shorts, cargo pants, handmedowns, brand new, grass stains, mud stains, three days worn, clean on, all one colour, too many different colours, plain tshirts, hoody, custom printed novelty tops, bows, animal onesies, pufferjackets, bodywarmer, mittens, bobblehats, hats with ears, sunglasses, earmuffs, pastels, oversaturated dark colours, crinkled, ironed, smells floral, smells musky, animal print, sparkles, double denim, too big, too small, just right, karate uniform, scouts uniform, school uniform.
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leaky-pen · 3 years
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Did i mention I have secondary hermit designs that are based on children toys/shows/? No? Well now I have. Not all of them are finalized but here's a couple of them I doodled recently.
Grian is a child's drawing. He's scribbled in and 2d. you can see through a lot of him. If he gets too damaged then he has to find some crayons and scribble himself back in. If he can't reach a certain part he gets one of the other hermits to help.
Joe is a puppet. His mouth opens like one and he moves around as if someone was actually moving a puppet. He moves around a lot and even floats around in the air some when expressing strong emotions. He's often the one to help Cleo sew herself back up when she inevitably gets damaged again.
Cleo is a broken down/very well loved/old doll. Her hair is yarn and she's made of fabric and filled with stuffing. She has been sewn back together and repaired many times so she has a lot of stitch marks on her and some of her fabric doesn't match exactly in color. She is missing one eye. She has some twigs and leaves stuck in her hair. She often leaves stuffing behind where she has been.
Mumbo is more of a cartoon character. He's mostly based on the rabbit dude from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends. He just kinda hops/shuffles along the ground and it's not clear if he actually has legs? When he speaks his mustache wiggles. Most of his features are covered by hair and no one knows if he even has facial features/limbs.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Senior!! May i ask you a question? Are the requests still open?
If yes, could you do a Donna Beneviento x Child!reader? (Platonic-Comforting). Okay so, one day, the reader is really Curious about their mother face because its always covered under her long black veil.
Since the reader wanted to know their mother real face even though the reader already knew from the picture that was displayed on the wall, having an opportunity when their mother is working on her new doll, the reader suddenly lifts her veil up and shows a mutant or a big scar on the right side of donna's face.
Knowing this, Donna immediately slapped their hand away and accidentally slapped her child until their cheeks turned red. Instead of crying, the reader suddenly hug her tightly and apologize for million times because the reader lifting up her veil without her permission.
Donna burst into tears and explained why she was hiding her face because she was afraid that the reader would feel embarrassed or disgusted with her. however, the reader assures their mother that they will not do such a thing and they're grateful that they can be her child
Andd if the requests are closed, please ignore this request and take your time^^ thank you very much, i hope you have a great day/night.
Mommy's Cloth Face - Donna Beneviento x Child Reader [Platonic]
Broken Truth: Hey, @snowflakestree! Just wanted to let you know that - yes, the requests are still open; I recently opened them and don't intend to close them anytime soon. Thanks for the ask and now I shall have to honor of writing this interesting request.
- Quick Key -
Broken Truth: The Reader's Last Name shall be Beneviento and their age shall be 8. Eight years olds are very curious, at least I was at that age. Their hair & eyes will be black - the same as their mother's. As for their skin, they would be rather pale, living in the Valley of Mist doesn't give much sunlight
Curious black eyes stared at the large portrait that hung against the wall where the stairs rested; focused on the face of the Head of House Beneviento. Tiny feet were planted firmly at the top of the stairs, looking at the portrait as if to see something they had missed before; even though they've seen that same picture every day since they began aware of their surrounding but something was always drawing them to the painting of the Head of House Beneviento. They were going to question themselves when a suddenly...
"GOOD MORNING, [Y/N]!!!" A sudden loud voice shouted behind them, making them jolt forward with a chill up their spine as they began falling forward in the direction of the stairs. Black eyes narrowed as they turned to where their back was to the stairs and shot their hand out - sending 5 red strings shot from the tips of their fingers and nail into the wall, stopping their fall mid-air with their heels at the top of the stairs.
Broken Truth: What? You thought I wasn't gonna give them some kind of power? Please, what would be boring and the Broken Truth doesn't do boring.
[Y/N']'s Power: Puppeteer's Stingers - [Y/N] calls mental control links - that appear in the form of puppet strings from the tips of their fingers; whoever the strings touch, [Y/N] can control their every move or control the area around them.
"For the love of Mother Miranda, Angie, why must you scare me at the worst times?" [Y/N] asked as they pulled themselves back to the top of the stairs - the moment their feet touched solid wood, they lifted their hand to recall the puppet's strings.
"It's not my fault you were distracted. Besides, why were you just staring at Donna's painting like you? it's not something new, ya know." The doll said as she floated round the young master/mistress of House Beneviento.
"I know - it's something else." [Y/N] said as they turned on their heel and walked down the stairs to head to the study to look for their mother.
"What is it then?" Angie asked as she followed them.
"Mommy's always wearing her veil around - even in the house & around me; I wanna know why. The only thing I have to her face is that painting." [Y/N] said as he and Angie reached the study; the doll was quiet for a moment before she spoke in a softer voice.
"Some things are better to be left alone, [Y/N]. There's a reason Mother wears the veil and she doesn't want to take about it." Angie said, almost in a sad tone of voice.
"What could be so bad that Mom doesn't trust me with it?" [Y/N] asked with hurt floating in their black eyes.
"Sorry." That was the last thing Angie said before she floated away to do her own thing. [Y/N] just stood there with their hands clenched by their side, looking at the ground with hurt in their heart at the numerous amounts of questions that were floating around their 8-year-old mind.
'What is Mommy hiding from me? What is under that veil that she doesn't trust me with?' They stood there and through for a while before opening their eyes and making the choice then and there. 'I'm gonna see what's under that veil.' With resolve in their heart, The Future Lord/Lady of House Beneviento went off to find their mother - who happened to be in her creation room to make a new doll.
[Y/N] peeked around the corner of the threshold that led to their mother's Doll Creation Room - doll parts of many shapes and sizes hung from chains on the ceiling while other parts - like joints, sockets, eyes, and fingers - were kept in small drawers or jars tucked away in the shelf.
Sitting in the chair at the table - littered with doll parts - was the woman down in a black dress, a mysterious veil over her head - covering her face, and her hands - the only thing that remained uncovered - as they moved along the doll parts to assemble them into a body - that woman was Donna Beneviento - The Head of House Beneviento and mother of [Y/N] Beneviento.
The child took a calming exhale - to strengthen their nerves and resolve; they had to do this or they were going to go their entire life without knowing the truth.
"Mommy." [Y/N] called out to their mother as her hands froze over the doll torso she was connecting the legs to as she turned around in her seat to look at her son/daughter, who just stood in the doorway with nervousness in their small black eyes - eyes just like hers.
"[Y/N] Dear, is there something wrong?" Donna asked in her concerned motherly voice.
"No, Momma. I just...I wanna know - Why do you always wear your veil around me? Why don't you show me your face?" [Y/N]'s question made the breath in Donna's throat catch as she turned back in her seat, unable to look in her child's direction.
"Momma has some...issues and she prefers to wear the veil for the betterment of everyone. It's nothing to worry about, darling; just go play with Angie and the other dolls." Donna said in her low voice as she went back to fiddling with the incomplete doll; it became quiet in the room as if she was the only one left - [Y/N] must have listened to her and went to play with the other dolls.
The child still stood there - their mind running with thoughts - they weren't thinking straight. They were some in depths with their own mind that they didn't notice their body moving closer to their mother, nor did they feel their arm lift or their hand reaching for the veil before clenching into a fist.
It was the sudden "NO!" from their mother that made them snap back into reality and become aware of their surroundings, but it was too late. The veil was in their hand that was now at their side - revealing their mother's face to them...
As well as the massive growth of flesh that overtook the woman's right side of her face - completely replacing her right eye. [Y/N]'s eyes widened at their mother's face - the horror and fear in her eye - as they dropped the veil and reached for it; BAD MOVE.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" Donna's voice yelled as her hand lashed out to slap her child's hand away from her face but in her disorder, she missed her child's hand but made perfect contact with their cheek, making them fall to the ground - sitting on the ground with their eyes wide and their hand on the sore cheek. Once again - fear took Donna's face - she just struck her child, her child saw her face; they would mostly be running away in horror if they weren't paralyzed in pain.
"Oh my god! [Y/N], I'm so sorry! I didn't been t hurt you! I...It was a reflex, I would never hurt you, ever!" Donna panicked, trying to come up with an acceptable excuse for what happened but she came up with nothing. Tears began falling down her face but before she could open her mouth to speak - the sudden weight of her child crashing into her mid-section and wrapping their arms around her while sobbing in her chest made her quiet; looking down at the child who held her for dear life.
"I'M SORRY, MOMMA! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU! I'M A BAD [SON/DAUGHTER]! I DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT YOU, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!" The child begged with tears flooding their eyes.
Donna was confused.
Her child wasn't afraid of her?
Her child was angry at her for striking them?
Her child was begging for forgiveness...for scaring her?
She looked down at the child who looked into her eye with tears down their cheeks.
"You...you're not afraid or disgusted with me, [Y/N]?" Donna asked in her low voice - this made the child look at her wide-eyed and confused.
"What? No, why would I be Momma?" The child asked - completely confused.
"Dear..." Donna rubbed the back of her baby's head. "So many people have hurt me because of my face. They would bully me and ignore me. When I started wearing my veil, people started befriending me but once they saw my face...they would abandon me. I didn't want to lose you over my looks, my child. I thought...once you saw my face...I would be alone again." Donna closed her eye - letting all the tears fall.
"Then all those people are idiots!" [Y/N] yelled, making Donna look at them again. "If they couldn't see the really awesome person you are, then they are the ugliest of all people! My Mom is the most beautiful person in the village...no, IN THE WORLD! NOT EVEN AUNTIE ALCINA OR GRANDMA MIRANDA CAN MATCH HOW PRETTY MY MOMMA IS!!" [Y/N] cried out as they reached up and placed a gentle kiss on the mass of flesh that took their mother's eyes. The head of house cried again before hugging her child for dear life as she thanked them for staying with her and loving her...as not even her own mother did.
As time went on, Donna would no longer wear the veil around the house or around her child. [Y/N] was happy to see their mom happy and now had the inspiration to draw pictures to show at the village school...which caused a few people to say mean things about Donna, resulting in [Y/N] being suspended for a week for nearly killing 5 students. When Donna asked them why used their powers to bend the bullies' limbs in inhumane positions and almost kill them, the child answered.
"They were talking crap about my beautiful Momma and that don't fly."
It got a lot worse when [Y/N] grew up and started going into the village to do teenage things - one negative whisper about Donna Beneviento would get your neck twisted the other way & it didn't matter if you said it around them.
Their little puppet ravens always find out who said what about his beautiful mother and they would pay...DEARLY.
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hollowsart · 3 years
Hey so uh idk if this is related to what you're drawing with the broken glasses or not, but I had a thought with Spamton and no one I know irl cares about it but I need to tell somebody--
Spamton is, for some reason, shorter than the other addisons.
Spamton also, for some reason, has a puppet's body, or at least the face of one. The other addisons do not.
He's also pure white with black accents, as opposed to a single color with a black shirt and green pants like the others.
Queen has mentioned that one can shrink if they go into her acid pool (in regards to how people could fit in her tiny houses).
Spamton has referred to himself as the "it burns! Stop! Help me! IT BURNS!!!" guy, and has also made reference to burning acid as well.
I'm sure I think I've made some brilliant connection but others have probably thought of this days ago. But all the art I've seen likes to draw Spamton as always having been short and white, and I haven't seen anyone explain why he has a puppet face instead of a normal addison one. The glasses and hair are explained fine; it's the puppet aspect itself that no one mentions. At least not that I've seen anyway.
... sorry for the long ask but I don't know anyone besides myself who cares about spamton and I need to share this with somebody
LONG RESPONSE, cutting for length:
oh! I've actually seen a few explanations, and even did my own thing, but it's really nothing extensive or explanatory, just a random thing I doodled for fun:
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I just think he wanted to stand out from the rest, not be just another regular addison. So he just kinda.. took after Swatch a little tiny bit and did his own thing I guess?? but also... he is like a puppet, all the strings attached, that's a whole bunch of little elements to his whole character and backstory. So like.. idk. I'm not clever enough to really think of anything like that on my own haha
But also. someone said he probably sounds like a youtube poop and honestly? the only thing that comes to mind whenever I hear Spamton's line about being the "AH IT BURNS HELP" guy is that CDI Link clip of Ganon(?) screaming LOL SO I mean.. That checks out.
(also I feel like it would be in character for Queen to just say something really dumb as 'shrink in the acid :)' without that actually being what the acid would even do if someone fell in. Acid does shrink you...... while essentially killing you and burning you away painfully. but you're shrinking nonetheless.. also battery acid would just slowly eat away at you, it would be horrible)
here's some links to a few takes on Spamton and why he's short/looks the way he does, etc etc, I like these takes a lot: [1] [2] [3] [4]
I just wanna add this because it's hilarious and I love it: [worm]
additionally I did see [this] and... the addisons also having the nutcracker mouth? I like that. that's cool. very clever, now Spamton's not alone :>
...Also.. maybe. the doll-esque appearance thing was also part of his "corruption" ? as like.. a visual side-effect. Similar to how if your computer has a virus, yeah some things may bug out here and there, but also if it's bad enough, the whole visuals thing kicks in and makes things look different or wrong. Him looking doll-like rather than more "fleshy" normal like the other Addisons is definitely very off as it's clear he's not supposed to look that way...
personally, I do really enjoy the idea of Spamton just always having been small, plus, in the queen's mansion/palace, he has a whole normal room like Kris, Ralsei, and Susie's. alongside Asriel and Jockington's! He's big enough to just stay in a regular room like that without needing to be shrunk to fit into one of those tiny houses in the acid river/lake rooms...
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