#gorka suit
hattiestgal · 8 months
Did you know the Gorka-3 windbreaker suit has a chemical waterproofing coat that will be removed if you machine wash it? Because I super didn’t until it started raining today!
…Second question- you got a real big towel?
You learn something new every day! It's fascinating what knowledge you pick up just by living your day to da- oh, right, lemme go grab a few towels!
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nightbringer24 · 7 months
Anvil Industry now has customisable gorka suit options.
I should revisit my Zona Alfa idea at some point.
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lakeplacld · 8 months
Would it be morally wrong to buy a gorka suit that came to the US from Russia via suspicious means
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belost-the-watcher · 8 months
Since @steel-and-fire mentioned developing designs it got me thinking....
Belost through the years! :D
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Belost's original armor design!
He had the tall ballistic collar with the open front, metal clasps to connect the front and back armor halves, a spaulder, and two plates of extra armor to cover his stomach. I wanted a light armor look to those massive suits that the galra wore- while protecting the one spot they all left completely exposed XD
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The armor design for his short-lived agent AU
Pretty similar to the original but sporting a small gorget on the front to protect his throat, a fixed pauldron, and a more official looking pair of eyes. The eyes on his non-agent armor always look kind of messy because he has to get them repainted constantly from a mix of damage to his armor, dirt, and camouflage paint. The cleaner design here is because it wouldn't be getting damaged as often. It also sort of morphed into a MK2 for his main verse armor eventually.
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Then his third design!
It's mostly going back to the first design but going a more modern route of just being one piece and larger, it technically covers less than it did with the two extra plates but it covers more on his sides and makes far less noise. He's back to the spaulder and has cushioned shoulder straps on top along with a wrap around ballistic collar. I wanted to go more realistic with this look and around this time was when I really started separating Trackers from the Navy and made them an Army unit. That way I could explain the heavy, semi-impractical Galra armor from the show as a Navy / officer thing where the enlisted in the Army used more functional armor to stay relatively light.
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Fourth design!
It really is a back and forth between spaulder and pauldron, isn't it? This is his RIC design (Republic Intelligence Committee) where his role is much more official with a mix of spy work and skirmishing. Other than the paulron and RIC replacing the Empire's eyes, we have the introduction of gloves and a gorka-style BDU. I still kind of like this one but it's a little too official for my tastes.
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His 5th and current design!
We're back to the spaulder but we kept the gloves and gorka! This mostly introduced his camouflage poncho for all weather along with some gaiters to further reduce water from getting into his boots and bugs from getting into his pant legs. The addition of that poncho makes him feel a bit better to me. He always paints his armor based on the environment he's going into before deployments, then re-paints it red when he gets back into the fleet, but the poncho makes him look the part a bit more. Plus it's just nice to have when you're out in the field! We also have the introduction of his TAP pistol and his custom rifle. And while we're comparing development, here's the development of the TAP Special (Tracker Automatic Pistol).
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From uncomfortable to hold and super long to ergonomic, (relatively) short, and integrally suppressed!
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instarlightss · 2 years
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Now that it’s established that Vel is Mon Monthma’s cousin makes it interesting interpretation to suggest that the both use their position as established upper class to mask their true selves and beliefs. Does this new family dynamic suggest that they learned pragmatism at home? I’d like to think so. It opens up so many questions. Were they recruited as a pair? If not, which was recruited first?
In 1.07, Vel dawns cloak worn off the shoulder cloak of what looks to be a suiting fabric, the color a darker shade of Petrol, lined with a light gray color. Both the shirt and wide leg pants are both in black, and as such the palette is very similar to the previous color scheme. Her dress outfit is paired with pants and chunky heeled boots. Although, it is not necessarily a practical pair of boots, like the pair she wears for the Aldhani arc. Being queer, I do personally prefer her in the much more masculine look from Aldhani arc. Underneath the (shared!) poncho and sherpa jacket, her base outfit is practical. Just as it is queer coded as it consists of a tactical gorka, and the base of her boots a pair of Doc Martens. Space Doc Martens. (Really, go look.) All of which gave the initial read that she wasn’t straight, besides the body language with Cinta. 
With all of that said, I think that both of her Coruscant outfits are symbolic of what she is escaping. What Vel is rebelling against, so to speak. 
In 1.09 whilst visiting, Vel again shifts back into this guise. She seemingly breezes in for a visit that surprise Mon Mothma brings gifts, including a fairly mature looking gown for Leida as a present from her “trip”, which excuses the six month absence. It’s an elegant ruse. Realistically, Vel’s privilege  affords her, to some extent, the same luxuries as Mon, as it is also a chance to share news about the Rebellion with Mon Mothma. At least snippets of conversations about it.
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It’s another outfit with a statement piece of outerwear, silver jewelry, a cigarette cut pair pants and boots. She is seemingly comfortable this way. There is a certain kind of practicalness, the outfits are dressier yet not over the top with fussy layering. The wrapped tunic is a little looser fitting, in a light color tint of gray in an opulent fabric, with muted gold trim and kimono sleeves that are trimmed again with gold. The color palette still muted, while the textiles are a little softer. It looks like Vel’s tunic is shot silk, which is just as opulent as what Mon Mothma has worn. Visually, she fits right into this familial scene. Although we know that the conversation is not entirely pleasant.
There is something to be said about how a number of Chandrullian outfits have have robes and decorative garments with distinctly Asian influences, Tay Kolma’s introductory party outfit, all of Perrin’s garments so far. Even Vel’s sherpa coat on Aldhani has the wrap closure and a wider leather belt with trim that reads as an obi. Perhaps that is an early sort of nod of her heritage back in 1.04?
Between both looks, Vel is fairly consistent.  She has the same set of jewelry in both appearances. The hammered silver metal bangle, larger statement rings, with the hammered collars are masculine in both shape and design. In  silhouette, it’s a draping looser garment with a similar hemlines. 
When ready to depart, her outwear is a bronzed gold color with a high rolled collar with wide lapels, which is a similar neckline that her cousin has worn. Yet, between the two of them it is the more stark color. Framed against the landing area of Mon Mothma’s apartments, the bronzed gold is the bolder of colors and it suits her. Vel clearly held her own against Perrin’s asinine comments about looking for a husband and Mothma looks amused by the exchange.  She knows. Vel is also fully committed to the cause and unlike her cousin, Vel is not afraid to actively participate and to get her hands dirty. Particularly after 1.08, Vel repeats Cinta’s words back to her cousin.  Perhaps it is Vel’s youth or her position of simply being a rich girl seeking to escape her family that has given her the drive to be a more active participant in the rebellion.  It is a juxtaposition to Mon Mothma whose color palette traditionally consist of Champagne colors and the faintest tints of colors. Symbolically, she stayed subdued so that her carefully crafted persona as the Senator from Chandrila take center stage. Unlike Vel, Mothma has to be much more guarded. 
In the dining scene, Mon perhaps one of her most casual outfits of the season. The garment reads within a more modern fashion sensibility and context as a housecoat. In its less structured softer fabrics, less structured and its informality, it’s for lounging and visiting family. It’s a softer garment than her other looks this season which feature structured and highly tailored outfits of layers of wools, against silk. Cohesively the outfits are polished and the style lines of the garments are so precise that they will match from one layer to the other. It give the impression of armor. It is important to note that Mon Mothma departs from the Senate and is only informed of her cousin’s arrival shortly after. She arrives in that armor for battle at the Senate, her ‘temple’, and changed into the housecoat. 
There is something lovely at seeing the pair of them together. The asymmetrical hemline and drape of Vel’s coat, match Mon’s house coat although it is slightly less practical with the train. It seemingly suggests that they are cut from a similar cloth. 
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things i saw today:
- SUV with an autism speaks license plate double parked like a barbarian
- a guy wearing gorka suit pants casually in 80 degree weather
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Climbing Code:
This is how I put together my Climbing animation for my game. I chose to make this animation because I thought it would suit my character design when I add it. I also have thought of some instances where I might use this animation such as toward the end of the game where the player has to climb a large shrine in order to reach the Illusion Stone. I used a tutorial from the YouTube Channel Gorka Games and this is how I put mine together.
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This image shows the the function I made in my character as I wanted some tracing lines so I knew if or when my player character was attached to anything to climb. I added nodes like a Line Trace by Channel node which was the heart of this piece of code and would allow the Line Tracing to even be visible. The other nodes like the multiply helped to increase it's visibility.
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The Code Here Allowed my character to be able to interact with a surface in order to climb it. I added a random key that I might change later on if I want to. The rest of this code basically checks whether the character is climbing with the use of things like the Boolean node I made called Is Climbing?. The Set Movement Mode I set to flying because it's the closest option to a character climbing. If the key hasn't even been pressed the is a Stop Climbing node which was created through the Stop Climbing code I make later on in this post.
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This Code is very similar to the Climbing Interaction code I made except for one thing: It's Purpose. This code is meant to maintain a climbing loop once the climbing has started so it continues. The next Stage I then had to complete was to get the character to stop climbing.
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This code allows the player character to stop climbing. The character checks whether the player is climbing. If they are not, The set movement node I added will make the character fall. This is because I set the Movement node to falling. The final piece of code focuses on the Movement Input of the climbing.
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This is the code that creates a movement input for my player character. I had to make two float variables for the move axis of Up and Down and then Left ands Right so the character knows it can travel in any direction. So the character stayed at a vertical base I had to bring other vector nodes with values the would keep him upright.
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This image shows how I changed the fly speed. As I used the flying physics for my climbing mechanic, the flying speed was originally set very high at 600cm/s with the Braking Deceleration at 0. I changed this to 100cm/s with a deceleration and increased the Braking Deceleration boosted up to 500. I did this because the climbing animations were a lot slower than the speed my character was moving at. Now during gameplay, the player character moves at a normal speed with the animations also playing in sync.
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pattern-53-enfield · 4 years
On a high note, I got around to washing the treatment out of my Gorka-4 and it looks and feels much better now
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avtomatkalashnikova · 4 years
Anywhere online I can pick up a pair of those pants the guy is wearing in your "Exploring the North West" Post
Those are gorka pants, I'd check Armada Store, Grey Shop, Ivan the Bear, or eBay. You're best off getting the full suit instead of just the pants, shipping will suck. I've got the gorka 4 from Bars, which has an anorak top instead of a jacket.
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shewcrafter · 4 years
Best Gorka suit?
Барс (Bars) is the original/official manufacturer for gorka suits used by the Russian military/spetsnaz. I have one, and they're very comfortable and high quality; I'd say they're likely the best
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sergeant-morozov · 6 years
*puts on my gorka suit*
I'm a little chunky boi but ready to be funky.
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cassidysgirl · 2 years
Week 1 - Strictly
Kym & Graziano - great bounce in the legs and lift of the knees, she could do with finishing her moves more definitely, amazing for the first week.
Tyler & Dianne - he needs to point his toes, very elegant, considering its week one the frame was quite good, i was so scared for di!
Jayde & Karen - she finishes her moves well and is definitely very ‘samba-y’, she needs to close her feet, she definitely partners karen well.
Kaye & Kai - she needs to lean back more in the frame, she moved through the floor well, it went better than i thought it would.
James & Amy - It was very flat footed (like veryyyy), some nice basic action, mistakes ruined it.
Ritchie & Giovanni - some very clean snap in his legs, he has some weight placement issues (should have his core centered further forward) but it was great.
Helen & Gorka - very elegant, high energy, she could do with a stronger line in frame but very well performed.
Molly & Carlos - very distinct hip action, excellent understanding of the music and rhythm, she needs more confidence because it was amazing.
Matt & Nadiya - He needs to maintain body contact with nadiya, good energy but got a bit chaotic, definitely the hardest dance of the night but he did alright.
Ellie & Nikita - beginning was a bit iffy but she was fine as soon as she got in hold, very controlled in the bum spin and pull through, acted well too.
Tony & Katya - very stiff, quite stompy but ill let him off because its the tango, the parts out of hold were quite good.
Will & Nancy - amazing rhythm, point his toes in the kicks, great stamina, could do with more basics, he will go far.
Ellie & Johannes - very 50s vibe and it suits her well, she looked quite confident but there is more to come, the placement of her body was great.
Hamza & Jowita - stylish and classy, lovely frame, wonderful pivots, his hands could be finished better but thats me being picky.
Fleur & Vito - i think she was off time, it seemed a bit harsh but some great basic moves, very sassy and a great party feeling to end on.
Overall, definitely some highlights but i think as the choreo gets harder and they have less practice time, the pack will separate more. Some fabulous routines and dancers.
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nightbringer24 · 1 year
Anvil Industry is doing some new STALKER-based models, which is STALKERS in gorka suits, with those visored Russian helmets and the gasmasks, along with the Vintorez rifle, as well as some nice dogs, both tame and feral, as well as Snorks.
I am excited for this because that would be cool to paint up, especially when you combine the Anvil Industry High-Tech arms and legs to make the powered exo-skeleton suits from STALKER.
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(The Coolest Hep-Cat That Ever Walked the Earth!)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
The Devil offered me a contract to be a rock star. He said in a voice that sounded like Sebastian Gorka, “I want your soul for eternity!” He handed me the unsigned contract and I ripped it to shreds. “Rock Star? Fuck that noise! I want your job, Lew!” Like a fart in the wind, he vanished. But, then, I second-guessed myself and thought, ‘Maybe I should have taken the deal?’ I have been a nobody all my life—ever since that day.
Of course, that never happened, but for some demigods, they meet Satan as human incarnate.
Malcolm McLaren, was the manager of the Sex Pistols. He used all the tricks and duplicity his grifter mind could muster up to exploit them. Ultimately, he did what most grifters do: took all of the money due to them and disappeared. When they performed their last concert in San Francisco, he left them stranded in the USA with no airline tickets or cash. Malcolm high tailed it to South America.
Rock & Roll has a bad legacy of dishonest managers. Let’s start with the “Moses” of Rock & Roll, Elvis Presley. I want to state right here and now: Elvis would have been enormously famous without any manager or management entity. Same goes for the Beatles. Brian Epstein put them in suits, which made them look like British Lesbians. Enter Colonel Tom Parker, the illegal Alien from the Netherlands.
In his youth, Parker worked as a carnival barker. At 20, he illegally immigrated to the USA, finding similar work. Following an honorable discharge after two years in the U.S. Army, he re-enlisted only to go AWOL a short time later. He was charged with desertion and punished with solitary confinement, from which he emerged with a psychosis. He was briefly hospitalized and then discharged from the U.S. Army due to his mental condition.
Parker returned to the carnival circuit as a promoter and then music promotion, with his first client being Gene Austin, whose lagging career he rescued with his savvy promotional skills. Prior to this role, he’d managed the 1944 Louisiana gubernatorial race for racist Governor Jimmy Davis. By the way, Jimmy Davis wrote the song, “You Are My Sunshine.” Davis later gave Tom Parker the honorary rank of “colonel” in Louisiana’s non-existent State Militia, which title Parker used the rest of his life. Later, an unrelated job provided him the opportunity to use his promotional skills for fund raising, which is when he returned to music, promoting Country and Western acts. Among them were Eddy Arnold, Hank Snow, and Tommy Sands.
In 1955, when the Colonel first heard about Elvis, he was intrigued over how he might profit off of his unique musical style. When he first saw Elvis perform, he lost his shit! He saw his Golden Goose. Although Elvis was then being managed by radio personality, Bob Neal, the Colonel was a master manipulator. After persuading RCA to buy out Presley’s Sun Records contract for $40,000—an unheard of sum at the time—Parker, as part of the deal, paid Neal not to renew his management contract with Elvis. Parker then claimed the job for himself. Elvis was a trusting soul and signed on the dotted line. It would be the biggest mistake of his life!
Well, after almost three years of wearing masks, sheltering in place, and enduring Right wing chicanery on the media, Pamela and I went to see the new movie, “Elvis,” in the small town of Calicoon, New York. It was a beautiful, July day in the Catskills. The Catskills reminds me of the land of Ireland. Green, and I mean lush green! In this beautiful part of the world, however, we have Baby Boomer Motorcyclists cruising back and forth along New York Route 52, where our home is situated. Sometimes it gets on my nerves when those engines roar past my house.
When we arrived at the old theater, it immediately took me back to the days of my youth when I could just walk into a theater and watch a movie. After our three-year absence, I’d forgotten what movie popcorn tasted like.
Built in 1948, this theater was the perfect place to see this movie. The soundtrack was very loud, kind of like a Deep Purple concert. After a while, Pamela put some tissue in her ears. As for me, I’d been trying to recover from an ear infection. But, I made it through okay.
First of all, the actor who played Elvis, Austin Butler, is definitely in Oscar territory. He is the best “Elvis” I’ve ever seen! Veteran actor, Tom Hanks, played a great Colonel Tom Parker. The director, Daz Luhrmann, has interesting approaches in cinematic presentation. This was the first of his movies I’d seen. He is known for his quick cut editing style. The movie’s early Elvis segments had an 80’s video flow to it. The quick cuts weren’t as frequent and obnoxious as in some modern movies. I think Luhrmann wanted the viewer to experience a snapshot compilation of Elvis’ humble beginnings, so he represented them in a flowing, collage fashion. It worked. The movie, narrated by and told from Tom Parker’s perspective, magnified him as the devious character that he was. This portrayal made it clear that Parker saw only dollar signs and had absolutely no concern about Elvis as a human being and/or a cultural icon.
There are two types of capitalism: there is Democratic capitalism and then there is exploitative capitalism. Tom Parker was an illegal alien that saw exploitative capitalism as among the grandest virtues of American freedom. He was not a sympathetic character in the least. Do you know what a great actor is? Tom Hanks: he is a nice guy, but that character he played—you wanted to slap him!
If you love Rock & Roll, then this movie is a requirement for you! I highly recommend it. I only wish I’d been old enough to have seen Elvis’ rise. However, this movie suffices. Yeah, I loved it!
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Russian Spetsnaz soldier in a Bars gorka mountain suit, Altyn helmet with old visor, Alta knee pads
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The little tail on Gorka’s Dalmatian-pattern suit is a great touch
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