#gosh darn it ai
omuricebreakfast · 4 months
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Guh,, i've been errrrmmmm procrastinating on posting >>;7 Maybe I should put up a mini schedule or something.. BUT, I HAVE DOODLES TO SHOW!!!!!!!! (finally) While I continue to procrastinate on finalizing the Dating Sim AU designs for Kinito and friends I've been emmm making more au's! One of which has completely taken over my brain!!! So, have my Casino au KinitoPET designs! (Shoutout to @vam-piritz for helping me with Kinito's colors bc gosh darn I be struggling w them ms paint colors dawg,, Kinito got such a blinding pink it's hard not to make it clash w red..) AND since nobody asked, I'll share a bit of info on this au!! (Just be aware this au is purely self indulgent and funnily enough doesn't revolve around any of the main cast being ai's? they just kinda? exist now?) Sam was a well known Seahorse racer that managed to get himself into a bit of a pickle, you see, he got forced to work at Kinito's Casino because his other racer "friends" ended up gambling all of his money away. Now he has to pay off a massive amount of debt in order to get out of this predicament, and to ensure that he DOES end up paying he needs to drop his racing career and put it on hold so he can work for Kinito. Jade and Kinito are fairly good friends and business partners. She owns a seafood Restaurant that is conjoined with the Casino in order for the two of them to be close to each other. She's a very smart and strong lady that keeps an eye on Sam (And Kinito pfft) to ensure he stays and does what he's supposed to be doing. She also has a neat little interest in sciency stuff! And Last but not least... Kinito! The Casino owner himself. As stated previously he's very good friends with Jade, always had an interest in people and money. He's a fairly friendly guy that just wants to let people enjoy their time at his Casino (although the pic i decided to color in doesn't really show that lol). Just be warned, he does have some fairly strict but simple rules... Go into debt and can't pay back? Work for him. Easy as that. He may be friendly, but he won't be your friend. He can be into some... Really shady business at times... (Also The Casino is haunted! some stuff was joked about in a friend group and now it's canon LMAO)
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talaofthevalley · 2 months
It makes me cackle endlessly thinking about how in a world where datastorm is canon, it's not Ryoken and Ai who would have the worst time getting along in this sauce of attached to the hip dynamics. It'd be Yusaku and Spectre.
Cause Yusaku+Ai and Ryoken+Spectre is a package. You gotta take one with the other. And Ryoken in S3 was onboard with existing with the Ignis until Ai had his breakdown and destroyed that slowly built-up trust. But I think if Ai shows he can live without self-destructing in the fashion of a nuclear bomb, Ryoken can be willing to tolerate him. Plus he trusts Yusaku indiscriminately. And if Spectre wants Earth around then gosh darn he's gonna??
Yusaku and Spectre though? These two would be fighting behind a Denny's once a week if they could. Throwdown showdown in Link Vrains while Revolver is forced to babysit Ai as the Ignis refuses to be in the middle of the equivalent of two wild cats hissing and spitting at each other. Because Spectre cannot be stopped from being a menace to everyone except Ryoken, and this will not extend to his partner. And Yusaku already hates Spectre's guts, a rare thing from him. Spectre will absolutely rile him up on purpose, just for the laughs, while Yusaku is either shooting back jabs so harsh it makes people in earshot wince or pretending he didn't hear.
And yet the notion of this being too much in return of being together with Ryoken does not ever cross his mind. Boy does not play around in regards to Ryoken and that's like one of the few things he and Spectre can agree on.
It is so funny. Fucking circus clowns over here.
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neutralminahotel · 2 months
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Now hang on a gosh darned second there, 'YouTube music AI playlist cover generator', that's literally just the poster for Star Trek the Motion Picture!!!! 😭
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lullabyforbears · 1 year
So, I heard an AI AJ Jolene cover and got to talking about how if I wanted to hear Applejack sing Jolene, I'd sing it myself. Someone requested I figure out a way to make it about Rarity and it very quickly turned into a song about Applejack's POV during Simple Ways. Revised lyrics under the cut. Note that I kind of recorded the whole thing in one take, so if there are places where the lyrics don't quite match what I sang, I absolutely just messed it up or didn't enunciate well enough.
Rarity, oh Rarity, I just don't see how you could like that guy Rarity, oh Rarity, You're way outta his league, not outta mine Your beauty is beyond compare, You fancy up your violet hair, Your ivory coat is never not pristine Your smile's like a breath of spring, Your laughter echoes in my brain, I'd tell you but you'd think I'm being mean
That that guy you like, yeah he's a douche I'd hammer home but it's no use, You're blind to me, gosh darn it, Rarity, You don't seem to understand How much you just don't need that man, You're better off with me, oh Rarity. Rarity, oh Rarity, I just don't get how you could like that guy, Rarity, oh Rarity, You're stupid but I know I gotta try
You think that he's the perfect fit, I know that he's an idiot, If he don't see what I see, Rarity
You aren't yourself, that I can see, It hurts to see you tryin' to be A bad imitation of me, Rarity
Rarity, oh Rarity I need you back to shinin' like a star Rarity, oh Rarity, I loved you first for bein' who you are I love you most for bein' who you are I need you back to bein' who you are Rarity P.S. If you liked this, consider requesting another cover- altered or as is. This was super fun.
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starlightrosa · 4 months
Hey! I got one for digital circus! If you’re not wanting to do it thats totally cool!
With Caine being AI and not having a previous life outside the circus, I think he would be rather confused and intrigued by tickles once he found out about it. And knowing Caine, he’d probably wanna test it out on all the circus members just cause their reactions would be amusing to him and fluffyness would ensue!
That is all, have a wonderful day Lovley!
Smile For Me
Summary: Caine's a bit fed up at the fact that his circus crew just will not smile. So he takes it upon himself to make them smile, and along the way, he finds out some very useful information about each of them.
Word Count: 2.2k words
Warnings: censored swearing, Caine is a teasy AI, cute alert.
A/N: ahhhhh nonnie i'm so sorry this is late! I've been so busy, and then I got sick which took me out for a while :( thankfully i'm no longer bedbound and managed to complete it this morning <3
Caine was a bit fed up today. Everything just seemed so dull. His circus cast weren’t having fun at all. His adventures weren’t being well-received, and everyone just seemed so gosh darn grumpy! Caine tried to get everyone used to the circus when they first arrived. He assumed wacky fun was how to make anyone laugh or even a smile to appear on their faces. But Caine didn’t hear a single giggle from anyone, nor see a grin. And it was starting to frustrate him.
Sure, he might only be some lines of coding and a program within a game, but why was it so hard to bring smiles to these kinds of people?! Something had to give, and Caine pondered this even as he worked on his top secret project in the Void, his Wacky Watch beeping occasionally to track the crew’s movements, ensuring they were staying in the bounds of the circus. And luckily, they all were.
Maybe it was the project annoying Caine, but his fingers twitched as the AI pulsated with extra energy. This sometimes happened, but it felt worse this time. He needed a way to get out this jumpy energy, so out of impulse, he left the project alone and teleported into the tent. Right near Ragatha, who was walking by.
The doll screamed and hit the floor pretty hard, landing with quite an audible ‘OOF!’ noise. Caine gasped and flew to her side, the AI checking if she had been hurt.
“Gracious, my dear! I’m so sorry if I startled you! Are you hurt? Oh, what am I saying? You hit that floor most hard indeed!” Caine rambled, his gloved hands softly checking for sore spots.
“I’m fine Caine, plehease just- AHAHAHA!” Ragatha squealed, as she felt Caine poke into her side, right above her hip. Caine retracted his hands.
“Is that a sore spot? Oh dear, Ragatha! I’m so very sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
“No, no. You didn’t hurt me, Caine.” Ragatha assured, biting her tongue against further giggles.
“Well, then… what was that noise that left your mouth, if not a pained noise?” the ringleader asked.
“Oh, I’m just kind of ticklish there, Caine. You got me by surprise.” Ragatha explained. Caine blinked, taken aback. A question mark appeared out of the top of his head to further display his utter confusion. That was a word he didn’t know.
“Tick-lish? Tick-uh-lish? What is… what is tick-lish, Ragatha?” Caine asked, sounding the word out slowly, to try and get a deeper meaning of it.
Ragatha sighed, a small smile pulling at her mouth. “Okay, so the plural is called tickling. Basically, you touch someone and if it makes them laugh, it means that they’re ticklish. And when it comes to tickling someone, you can try mostly anywhere. There’s different tickle spots for any person, if they are ticklish. Like a person’s sides, hips, ribs. Anything, really. It just kind of differs between different people.”
Caine could feel his digital fingers wiggling on instinct the more that Ragatha explained to him. It sounded fun, plus it sounded like a surefire way to make someone laugh! Which was exactly what Caine was after when it came to his circus crew.
“Might I tickle you, Ragatha?” Caine asked, his voice very blunt and to the point. Ragatha’s smile turned wobbly as she softly held her hands up in front of her.
“Caine, don’t be silly. I-I’m not ticklish.” she lied. Caine didn’t believe her at all.
“My dear, you just told me you were. I don’t think lying to me is going to get you very far.” he said, even as he snapped his fingers. His ringleader outfit changed to a cowboy outfit, complete with a digital rope appearing in his hands. He lassoed Ragatha like a cowboy and pulled her into his arms, the ringleader holding Ragatha in a soft hug, her back pressed against his hip as his gloved hands snuck along her back.
“Yee-haw! I got me a ticklish dollie in my hands! Whooooo, boy!” Caine cheered, his AI voice switching to a Texan accent very briefly. Ragatha pursed her lips hard against the laughter bubbling in her throat.
“Y-You sound rihidihiculous, Cahahaine!” Ragatha teased, wriggling softly in the ringleader’s grasp. Caine gasped in mock offence.
“Oh, how very rude! Why, such rudeness is not permitted in my circus!” Caine declared, as his hand that was not holding the doll squeezed into her left side. “Is it ticklish here?”
Ragatha gasped and clamped her hands over her mouth, muffled giggles going into her hands as she closed her real eye, the button one remaining stubbornly open. Her shoulders bounced softly as she fought to keep her laughter quiet. Caine’s eyes shone a little. There was some laughter, that he coaxed out of the ticklish ragdoll. Good gracious, finally!
“Why, your laughter is sweeter than angel food cake!” Caine stated. Ragatha couldn’t exactly blush, but she felt her face grow warm all the same.
“Hahaha, Cahahahaine! Lehehehet gohoho of mehehe!”
“If you say so.” Caine said, letting her go as requested. Ragatha sighed as she dusted her dress off. She really had not expected that to work. She thought for sure that Caine was just going to ignore her and keep tickling.
“This is most intriguing. I must go test this on the others!” Caine said, his AI mind buzzing with theories as to the other members’ tickle spots.
“Go do that. But leave Pomni alone. She hates being touched. Like, she really hates it.” Ragatha murmured softly.
Caine could see she wasn’t joking and he nodded. “Alright. I shan’t touch Pomni. But the others are fair game, right?”
Ragatha nodded, and Caine’s eyes shone with mischief. “Lovely. Bye now, Ragatha.” he said, flying through the circus, on the hunt for another circus member to tickle silly. And then he saw a purple ear disappear around a corner, and he chased after it.
“Hey, Jax!”
The purple rabbit turned around. Upon seeing Caine, he looked very irritated. “What do you want, Caine?”
“I want to ask you something, Jax!” Caine said, adjusting his gloves a small bit as he looked upon the taller one.
“Which is? Make it snappy, I’m a busy guy.” Jax responded.
“Are you ticklish, Jax?” Caine asked, his mismatched eyes focused entirely on Jax’s face. Of all the things Jax was expecting Caine to ask, that most certainly was not one of them.
“I take it that’s a yes!” Caine said. “So now I’m gonna tickle you.”
“Oh, no the (SPROING!) you’re not!” Jax called back, running off. Caine flew after him, the ringleader chuckling mischievously.
“Running was a bad idea, my friend! If you just stayed still, this would have been so much easier~”
“(HONK!) YOU!” Jax shot back even as he turned a corner, panting softly as he turned his head, rapidly looking for somewhere to hide. But to his dismay, when his head turned back around, Caine flew towards him and trapped the rabbit in a tight backwards hug.
“Gotcha, Jax!” Caine declared, his fingers immediately going to work, spidering up and down Jax’s sides. Jax spluttered out a string of incoherent curses before the bunny fell into laughter, squirming desperately in Caine’s arms.
“CAHAHAHAINE, STAHAHAP!” Jax cried out, hiding his smile. Caine saw him doing this and tutted, the AI chuckling to himself.
“Let me see you smile.”
“CAHAHAHAINE, YOU LITTLE (SPLAT!)” Jax cursed. Caine sighed. How rude.
“Now, is that any way to talk to me? Where’s your manners, Jax?” Caine asked, one hand grabbing Jax’s hands and pulling them away from his mouth.
“Your laughter is oddly endearing. I think I may just have to tickle you forever.” Caine stated clearly. Jax spluttered in protest.
“FOR (DOING!) SAHAHAHAKE, STAHAHAP!” Jax pleaded. Caine chuckled and let go of the rabbit immediately. Two down, two to go. He wasn’t going to touch Zooble or Pomni, so that only left Gangle and Kinger.
“Where’s Gangle and Kinger, Jax?” Caine asked, still feeling that ticklish itch in his fingers. Jax scratched his head a bit as he calmed down from the giggle fit that Caine had unceremoniously shoved him into.
“And why the (SPLAT!) should I tell you?” Jax asked defiantly. Caine just shrugged.
“If you like, I can just tickle you again, since you seemed to enjoy it~”
“Uh, I think I last saw ‘em chatting to each other at the main stage.” Jax said, immediately spilling to avoid a round two from Caine. Caine was a good tickler, and Jax didn’t exactly want to get on the wrong side of that again.
“Good. Alright, bye.” Caine chirped, twirling his cane as he went to go find the last two at the main stage.
Kinger and Gangle were engaging in a conversation about bugs it seemed. Gangle had on her tragedy mask again, and Kinger was talking about butterflies.
“-See, Gangle, there are about 17,500 species of butterflies known to us, 750 of those species in the United States alone. This one is a tiger swallowtail, or known to us as Papilio glaucus, native to eastern Northern America. You can recognise them by the black and yellow marking on their wings!” Kinger rambled, getting a bit lost in his insect hyperfixation while Gangle let him carry on.
Caine came up and waved to them. “Hello, you two!” he greeted. Gangle squeaked and her hands instinctually came up to cover her face, while Kinger turned around.
“EEK! Oh, h-hi Caine…” Gangle murmured.
“Hi, Caine.” Kinger greeted. Caine flew down to meet them.
“What are you two doing on this fine day?” Caine asked.
“Oh, I was showing Gangle my butterfly collection! I have tiger swallowtails, skippers, metalmarks, monarchs. You name ‘em!” Kinger chirped happily. “Anyway! How can we help you?”
“Are either of you two ticklish?” Caine enquired.
Gangle squeaked and hid her face deeper in her ribbony hands. Kinger hummed and then nodded, not seeming to catch the teasy tone in Caine’s voice.
“Well, we both are, yes. Gangle more so than me. But why do you ask?”
That was all the answers Caine needed. He grabbed one of Gangle’s hands and one of Kinger’s hands, gathering them in the same hand to hold them each tightly. Preparing to go for Gangle first, he chuckled as he softly began to spider along her ribbony stomach. But to their shock, Gangle squealed and wrapped herself tight around Kinger’s abdomen, already squirming a little with anticipation. But then Kinger started to softly laugh.
“Hahaha! G-Gahahangle, stohohop! Thahat tihihickles!” Kinger pleaded softly. Caine begun to have an idea. If he could play his cards right… he could tickle them both at the same time.
Kinger or Gangle? Kinger… or Gangle? Hard choice. But considering Gangle was right there… yeah, she would work.
Caine chuckled mischievously as he switched his focus to Gangle, walking his gloved fingers along her ribboned hands. The red ribbons she was made of felt soft on his hands, and the giggles he heard from her indicated that Gangle was feeling all of this as well.
“C-Cahahaine! It tickles, it tickles!” Gangle squealed out. Caine laughed along with her as he kept up the tickles. Kinger was getting tickled too from Gangle’s wriggling, which ended up tickling him.
“Who knew you two were so ticklish?” Caine teased, smirking. He didn’t even have to tickle Kinger, Gangle was doing that for him!
“GAHAHANGLE, STAHAHAP!” Kinger cackled, the two falling back onto the floor. Caine followed them down and kept tickling Gangle, which caused the poor ribboned miss to laugh harder. Which in turn meant more squirming. And THAT meant more tickles for Kinger.
“I CAHAHAN’T!” Gangle argued. “AHAHAHA! CAHAHAINE!” she screeched. “NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!”
“Oh, not here? Not on your ticklish little ribbon legs? Why ever not?” Caine asked, where he was tickling the backs of Gangle’s ribbony knees. “They feel so soft here! I could tickle them forever.”
“PLEHEHEHEASE NOHOHO!” Gangle shrieked, squirming for all she was worth. Her high pitch laughter intermingled with Kinger’s deep chuckles, creating a melody of laughter that Caine adored.
“Hah! Okay, okay. I’ll stop.” Caine said, gently letting go and helping Gangle unravel herself from Kinger. Caine felt happier seeing his circus crew smile, if only for a fleeting moment.
“I’ll leave you two to it.” Caine grinned, that ticklish energy in his hands finally dissipating, with the ringleader making to leave. Only to be caught by Kinger’s hold.
“Uh-uh. What about you, Caine? Are you perhaps ticklish?”
“Preposterous, Kinger. I am just AI. Lines of coding. Impossible for code to be ticklish.” Caine declared, trying to put on a bravado. In truth, he didn’t know. But by the look on Kinger’s face, he was going to find out one way or another.
“You sure about that, dentures?” came a voice from behind him. Caine was filled with a sense of anticipatory dread as he saw Jax and Ragatha slowly approaching, their hands outstretched and wiggling. Kinger grabbed him and hoisted Caine in the air, as the circus crew took their places around him, ready to all rally against the ringleader. He gave them laughter, so they were gonna dish it right back.
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ticklish-v-93 · 7 days
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First of here is a gift to the lovely @otomiyaa! I may be late, sorry! But I hope you enjoy this gift from me! As always its a joy to see your stuff and post! You are precious and I wish you many more birthdays lovely! So had this one building up and I may have gone overboard but gosh darn it, I'm trying to get back into drawing for myself and making this account not dead lol! So if @otomiyaa and anyone else please drop some stuff you would like to see! Created by: Ticklish-V-93/ Ticklish Vixen (me) A/N: Please do not steal or run through AI. If shared, please give credit when shared or reblogged. Characters belong to the original creator and content.

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tellsfromninjago · 1 year
Koko and Garmadon
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Full skech page
Mostly included this because I'm very happy with how the dramatic shading turned out on the guy on the top next to sad coffee man.
I used AI generated images for this as refs. I only used a ref for the very basic construction for Koko and Garmadon.
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just-eyris-things · 8 months
anyway horny ai<3hearne in my head brewing--augh late night brainrot hours
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nighttimepatrons · 8 months
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Okay so, I read this fic called Celebrimbor's Huts by Tethys_resort on ao3 (I believe they are @tethysresort here on tumblr) and in the fic Celebrimbor makes these big ass walking mechanical greenhouses and honestly, I read the fic like a week ago and I Have Not stopped thinking about them since!!! like!! they are so silly!! They have the dumbest AI in the world! they are too fast for their gosh darn brains, bless them. Also Apparently they spew carp out too! like what's that about???
as per usual I did NOT refer to the text when I started drawing so maybe they have four legs instead of two but they have two legs to me 🥺
I had too much fun and I regret nothing!
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a very succinct article on the kind of neurosis that hangs over lesswrong. an important note is that in this article's context, it's NOT talking about present negative effects of LLMs like gpt, instead it's talking about a specific extreme anxiety of some users, that the earth is going to be blown up any second by nothing less than a manmade god.
You have to live in a kind of mental illusion to be in terror of the end of the world. Illusions don't look on the inside like illusions. They look like how things really are.
So, if you're done cooking your nervous system and want out… …but this AI thing gosh darn sure does look too real to ignore… …what do you do? My basic advice here is to land on Earth and get sober.
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thesinglesjukebox · 1 month
"Weird Al"'s first Jukebox appearance... today, we have finally truly become the Singles Jokebox.
TA Inskeep: Oh look, vaguely recent pop hits set to polkas. <Miranda Priestly voice> Groundbreaking. </Miranda Priestly voice> [2]
Kat Stevens: There are a certain subset of songs which I've only ever encountered in "Weird Al" polka medley form: I have no idea what the original "Cradle of Love" sounds like, nor have I any real interest in finding out. So it spoils the fun a little when it turns out I know all the tunes already. [4]
Julian Axelrod: "Weird Al" Yankovic was one of my first favorite artists, which means I was exposed to some of the biggest pop hits in history via parodies and polka medleys. So while "Polkamania!" might disgust and confound the average listener, I find it charming that he's still committing to this incredibly specific bit forty years into his career. It's been a decade since "NOW That's What I Call Polka!", which means Al has a wide array of hits to cover, from the obvious ("Shake It Off") to the inspired ("Vampire") to the baffling. (My biggest laugh came not from his polkafied version of "WAP," but the censored rendition of "Thank U, Next" that immediately follows.) It's hard to judge this through a contemporary critical lens when it exists mainly as a funhouse inversion of pop's immediate past. Listening to a "Weird Al" polka medley in the year 2024 feels like returning to your hometown and finding out your favorite old haunt is still standing and still run by the same curly-haired weirdo, untouched by the evolution of taste and the passage of time. [7]
Katherine St. Asaph: A foil to Eminem: Em is crass where Al is gosh-darn unoffensive, dying to offend where Al is dying to please, but the two artists share a drive to present themselves as more chaotic than they actually are. (I interviewed "Weird Al" once, and he was so unwaveringly on-message that it felt like interviewing a career politician.) Their pop-culture medleys are as routine and unsurprising as holiday concerts, though Al's are more event managed: doing the press circuit, he was happy to break down all the logistics of the "Polkamania" assembly and approval process. In doing so, he critiqued the song better than I ever could: SZA ghosted him, but Lin-Manuel Miranda returned his call in like 30 seconds. [4]
Tim de Reuse: I'm sorry, Al. This kind of thing was your bread and butter, but we've pulled the rug out from under you. The genre-cloud of "recognizable song awkwardly re-rendered in different style" is the basis for a million clickbait YouTube thumbnails, ten percent of all videos on TikTok, and probably a quarter of all audio-based generative AI prompts. I've already heard all of these songs as Gregorian chant, as Norwegian black metal, Midwest emo, using the soundfonts from Super Mario 64, performed by a bad Kate Bush impersonator, in fucking "Negative Harmony" -- never of my own volition. This stuff is just in the air now, competing for my attention, and it all sounds the same as every cell phone ad. Wat's left here? Polka? Is polka still funny on its own merits? Was it ever? It's not you, Al. It's us. I'm sorry for what we did. [1]
Joshua Lu: "NOW That's What I Call Polka!" was a guilty pleasure of mine, operating as a genuinely catchy and humorous summation of then-recent hits made by a man with a palatable appreciation for pop music and a knack for taking on unserious tasks with the utmost seriousness. "Polkamania!" is mostly the same, and in being his first mashup since then (aside from some Hamilton thing I can't bring myself to listen to), he's had to distill over a decade of hits down instead of just a few years' worth. All of these songs included make sense, but every other song just instills a sense of "Oh yeah, that was a thing once," culminating in a Taylor Swift remake that surely would've amused me in 2013 but now just feels a dozen lifetimes old. It doesn't help that some of these songs are just kind of boring and don't offer much by way of humor, forcing pretty straightforward polkafications and awkward transitions.  [5]
Ian Mathers: Look, none of these will ever equal "Polka Your Eyes Out" to me, both because of the song selection there and because I was 10 when it came out. But I'm happy Al's out there doing his thing, and I hope he never changes. [6]
Mark Sinker: OK, back in April some clown called on him to become our beloved worm-man god-emperor, and now look what happened: “Brat Al” Yankovic! There’s a whole slab of cultural and music theory to be explored one day, about what happens when you convert modern pop into sheet music and then convert it back out again into your favoured local sound-style: what gets elided, but also what’s gained (not nothing)! And maybe some day someone will write it up — but that day is not today and that someone is not me.  [5]
Hannah Jocelyn: The polka medleys were never my favorites; it's almost always the same shtick and there's none of the cleverness of his usual material or his (underappreciated!) style parodies. There's inspiration here to be sure, "Weird Al" doing "Bad Guy" as klezmer gets this a positive score on those grounds alone. Maybe if he released this five years ago or in five years it would work and not fall victim to the Anxious Interval. But this is "Weird Al", long-reigning king of kitsch. Who wants him to be in touch? [6]
Nortey Dowuona: Both 10 years out of date and 10 years into the future. Welcome back, polka. (And "Weird Al," too.) [10]
Taylor Alatorre: I appreciate that there's a person out there who can get me to say with a straight face a sentence like "I miss when the polkas were more thematically consistent." [5]
Jonathan Bradley: "Weird Al" sucks. I feel so mean to say that: people love this guy who, let’s face it, is completely harmless and has been delighting (mostly) children for decades, and here I am telling you how appalled I feel that we celebrate such a pristinely executed vision of pure crappiness. And yet, here we are blurbing him, so: I hate the querulous insipidity of Al’s interpretation of pop music. His schtick demands familiarity with pop — otherwise the parodies make no sense — but shies away from the music’s flair and vision and emotion, as if the pleasure these things offer is too terrifying and too adult, and must be remediated through the lens of banality so as to be controlled. His jokes rarely riff on details of the texts themselves, the way a Lonely Island video might, but replace any intensity of feeling with artefacts of suburban triviality: crappy television, crappy minor medical ailments, and so much crappy, crappy food. Even the verisimilitude of his productions — his greatest actual talent — runs headlong into the crappiness of his adenoidal voice, reassuring us that he’s not so proficient at his craft as to be mistaken for a star. And then there’s his sideshow of playing covers with an accordion, which we understand to be a joke instrument, in the style of polka, which we understand to be a joke genre. Is his polka any good? None of his listeners care. Do they go on to explore more polka? Why would they? Do people who enjoy polka think Al is contributing anything to the music they love? Who cares; the incredible notion that someone somewhere might enjoy polka is part of the joke. Because the most desiccated and shriveled aspect of Al’s relationship with pop is that he can’t imagine it has its own jokes. Cardi B is funnier in “WAP” than he is here. Lil Nas X was a better troll on “Old Town Road.” Billie Eilish had better comic timing with her interjected “duh” on “Bad Guy.” And I understand how churlish I sound saying all this. I am Seymour Skinner; I am Ed Rooney. But I like jokes! (I’m not mad. Please don’t put in the newspaper that I got mad.) The problem is that there is nothing fun happening here! [0]
Alfred Soto: I'm happy Al exists. This song sucks. [2]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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kissue · 2 months
Hi just letting u know that picture of the hissing white cat with a moth is AI :/
ah.. gosh fucking darn it
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soap-deity · 3 months
do you hate yourself?
maybe because of something you did or said, or something somebody else did to you or said about you... or maybe you don't like the way you look or sound or move or think or feel. or maybe you don't know why you hate yourself, but you just do.
firstly, i'd like you to take a minute to look up from your phone, close your eyes, and smile for a good five seconds.
and now, grab your insecurities by the ear and yeet them out the nearest window. bye-bye, low self-esteem!
it's that easy. you know why?
because your personal therapist in your mind is made up of :
- the advisor (a.k.a. the "chatbot")
- the reassurance (aka the "parrot")
what these two have in common is that they hold on to something you may have told yourself once and keep repeating it over and over. that's the only way they learn and add new phrases to their database/vocabulary. phrases such as "you're worthless" or "you don't deserve anything".
darling, you're wasting your precious time into believing these obviously untrue statements. stop crying every night and sacrificing hours and hours of your life to the endless yapping coming from a gosh darn parrot, for Pete's sake.
it's a bloody PARROT, of course it'll repeat everything you tell it. now please don't tell me you've gone and taught it some dumb stuff because you better not act surprised if you hear it yelling the cruelest, silliest lies at you.
you know what's good about this though? you have complete control over what you teach the ai chatbot/parrot.
not to sound business-like here but every single human being has the potential to be exploited. when people say "it's all in the mind", what they mean is that you can train your brain into making you behave the way you want. your reality is a mirror of every single one of your thoughts and actions.
there are so many beautiful things that you're hiding from that mirror, just by letting the chatbot and the parrot decide what to display in front of it. if only you could see yourself the way you're supposed to... you are a 100% unique, groundbreaking, glittering celebration of nature's elements coming together to form you, and you have the audacity to hate yourself? can you imagine living an entire life with someone you barely respect? it wasn't meant to be this way, and you know it.
take back the reigns from the chatbot and the parrot and start teaching them to say the right things. you need to remember who you really are, instead of being clouded by their false claims. feed them with knowledge, build new skills, and indulge generously in positive self-talk. your mere existence has an impact on millions of other lives one way or another whether you know it or not, so you're not only doing yourself a favour by conditioning your mind, but a favour to every other breathing entity. that's a lot of power you have there, so make use of it.
you are valuable, and so special. did you know that? well now you do, sweetheart :)
the best version of yourself has already been promised to you since the very beginning. if you use them right, the chatbot and the parrot can be tools to achieving just that.
train your therapist well, because darling, you are so important to this world. i beg you, don't let your wonderful self go to waste.
you're exquisite, honey! you always have been! and it'll just keep getting more and more obvious over the course of time, until you become the epitome of excellence.
and finally, be careful of what the mini therapist tells you; if it isn't constructive, that's when you know it simply doesn't deserve your attention.
i love you <3
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robbno · 3 months
"Gosh darn. AI is planned to be stuffed everywhere. It's like these AI gnomes have never seen a sci-fi in their life. Oh well. It's highly unlikely a toaster would attack me if I pulled the plug."
"First clone of a human braincell will be used in technology to keep more data for less energy!"
"... I hate this planet."
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sparkly-caroline · 4 months
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Good to see nothing's changed on this gosh darn website (I type with sarcasm).
Deviant"art" still seems to be the internet's go-to for AI generated content, there's even tags for it. As if the site itself wasn't already a bigger shithole than Twitter before it became the AI wasteland that it is right now (yeah, I said that: Twitter is still somehow better than Deviantart and I stand by it)
Honestly, fuck AI art, all my homies hate AI art.
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There has been a surge of rather poor media coverage recently, typically focused on “AI” experts, except those “AI experts” only want to talk about one thing - the AI apocalypse caused by “AGI.”  AGI is artificial general intelligence, a reasoning system that is not only adept but also able to solve general tasks without step-by-step instruction.  A few people have argued that GPT-4 even approaches that, though most people think it falls well short. Still, we live in a world where AI is already causing harm and will cause more immediate harm.  The hilarious irony here is that the people who are “concerned” are often those working on building the technologies they’re raising red flags over.  Sardonically hilarious but not ironic is the fact that none of them will explain the gosh-darn throughline from AGI to human extinction that doesn't involve quoting an implausible science fiction movie.  It’s rich person fanfiction.  These “experts,” despite their inflated media attention, are a serious minority of people working in AI.  They just happen to be so privileged that this implausible doomsday scenario is the only plausible threat to their wellbeing. Many have argued that we should treat the real risks AI poses RIGHT NOW to the most vulnerable (model bias, changing workforces, untrustworthy agents, etc. etc. etc.) with the level of seriousness and respect, but many (most?) of the “AI doomers” have not shown themselves to care about that.  Maybe instead of another doomsday petition that offers literally no solutions or even starts of solutions to the nonproblem they’re raising, they can write it in their diary, take a deep breath, and start trying to help people today.
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