#gosh these two are the best
puppetmaster13u · 11 months
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More Possessed Doll Au (the au was created by @phoenixcatch7 so go check them out they do great stuff!)
Honestly this would be early-ish I am thinking into Bruce doing his vigilante work with the doll body. Or he just straight up has thick eyeliner/raccoon makeup lol.
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moeblob · 7 days
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son boy raccoon trash can man suffering in a dnd au as a cleric bc his warlock will not stop committing murders and he has to keep coming up with reasons murder is valid to convince the gm its fine and under control
#my characters#oops i fell in love#right is trying his best in the au to think about all the logic behind killing someone despite being a cleric SPECIFICALLY#bc he refuses to hurt anyone irl or in dnd and ok fine their warlock can have a little murder as a treat#and the body count is adding up and hes like ... so tired..... please can you not kill for five minutes im running out of excuses#fwiw he has the weird logic of the group in the base plot and the guy who is the gm here#is v open about ok but if we ask right then hell give an unhinged answer completely thought out and rationalized#and in fact asks him hey i know you refuse to hurt people but im having a debate with these two coworkers#if you had to commit a crime for aaaaaanyone on the planet who would you commit a crime for#and he doesnt even hesitate to say luca obviously to which the asker is like WHAT ABOUT MY DAUGHTER#YOU WANNA MARRY HER AND WONT COMMIT A CRIME FOR HER? but LUCA? of all people???? not even brent?#and right is just so confused because first off brent would probably be the one committing a crime for him without being forced#(brent agrees with this statement with a shrug) and second off luca has really weird coworkers and thought he was getting stalked for a bit#due to a misunderstanding with said one weird coworker so yeah obviously right would threaten the guy with a gun which is illegal and#third and final how could he face his beloved angel (the daughter mentioned above) if he was a criminal#he cant tarnish a sweet little innocent girls opinion by committing a crime IN HER NAME gosh fuck off with that attitude#he has STANDARDS thank you very much#and the three at the table are all like okay yeah that was really thought out on the fly youre right#also brent do not commit any crimes for him please and brent just nods in agreement bc ok he wont commit a crime unprompted#also hi animal crossing emotes are so fun to doodle for bye#once again i am baffled by how different the colors look on my laptop in the art program vs posting to tumblr#im going to go insane at how different they look#IM COLOR PICKING FOR MY OWN OCS AND ITS SO WRONG LOOKING IDK MAN
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davidtennantgenderenvy · 10 months
Oh my gosh the star beast was EVERYTHING I could have hoped for and more we are so freaking back (slight spoilers)
David Tennant running around the tardis like a little boy in the most soul healing way imaginable
Best Supportive Mom Donna Noble
Best Supportive Husband Shaun Temple
the doctordonna being the greatest thing ever to exist
David and Catherine making me laugh AND cry (sometimes in the same scene)
David in general doing an amazing job playing the Doctor a bit more mature and tired and gentle and lost
David Tennant Losing It Scene (kinda)
amazing trans rep THANK YOU Yas and Russel
beep the meep
ten’s theme AND Donna’s theme AND I am the doctor (and Murray gold’s score killing it in general)
being nonbinary is a superpower apparently
Literally no notes it had ALL the wonder and magic that made me fall in love with this show 8 years ago I am so so pleased
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Volga gets some spotlight for a change (hdw au)
Comes after Volga confronting Cia (and Link on Skyloft, but it’s slightly less necessary to understand this)
Volga seeks out and fights the strongest. That is his objective.
He goes where the sorceress tells him, leads monsters into battles as she deems fit. He sees others only as adversaries, evaluating them solely on the threat they pose, the strength they wield.
Nothing else matters.
Only his orders, and strength.
The Hylian army is at their gates, working steadily through the valley, and despite the sorceress increasing Volga’s power, they’re still advancing, calling upon the Great Fairy to aid them. Volga himself is forced to retreat back to Cia’s side, and he stands silently beside her, waiting for her orders.
She’s watching the battle with a look in her eye that grows steadily more enraged, her knuckles whitening on her staff. It isn’t long before she orders him back out, commanding him to find the princess and crush her.
Volga nods, preparing to obey, when the sorceress stops him, a manic look in her eyes.
“This time you will destroy them,” she snarls, and thrusts her hand against his chest.
Power rushes through him, greater than what he had received before, and Volga roars as it fills his veins, turning into a dragon and leaping into the air.
This time he will be the strongest.
Volga glides across the valley, making a beeline towards the army’s leader, the princess’s sword flashing across the battlefield. He lands with a roar, and she quickly turns her attention to him, eyes widening as she leaps out of the way of his first attack.
Volga is merciless, using his weapons of both spear and claws, shooting fire and dive bombing with his dragon form. The princess is annoyingly stubborn though, avoiding nearly all of his attacks, parrying blows and dodging flames.
Some distant part of Volga is impressed.
He snarls as she avoids yet another thrust of his spear, and the princess looks at him, something odd flashing in her gaze.
“Volga! Come to your senses!” she suddenly shouts, parrying an attack. “I know you to fight with honor! What glory is there to be found in using dark magic to win all of your battles?”
“Don’t mock me!” Volga snarls, slamming a clawed hand towards her. How dare she?
“Open your eyes!” Zelda shouts as she dodges, still not giving up. “I believed you to be a proud dragon warrior, not a mercenary for darkness!“
Their weapons clash, and Zelda looks up at Volga without fear, her blue eyes bright.
“Think of your family, Volga. Look past the darkness clouding your vision.”
Volga falters just a hair, a snarl dying in his throat. There is certainly no darkness clouding him, merely the extra power the sorceress provided, but Zelda’s words of family carry a spark of something different. Something... important?
Volga shakes his head, frowning.
...What had she said again?
The spark fades, and Volga roars, hitting her backwards with a clawed hand. The princess is thrown to the ground with a cry, but before Volga can press his attack, there’s a flash of blue and green, and the Hero stands in his way, sword raised.
He has a stricken expression on his face, but Volga barely registers it, roaring again as he goes to face the both of them. The princess regains her footing as the hero slams his shield up to block Volga’s spear, and the three of them resume the fight.
Other monsters join the attack, and the hero’s attention is drawn to keeping them away from his princess, mostly leaving her and Volga to fight alone. Volga draws constantly on the sorceress’s power, and it’s soon obvious the princess begins to flag against his brutal attacks.
She fights on though, tenacious as ever. Soon enough Volga finds their weapons locked again, her eyes fixed on his face.
“Knight Volga, I thought you a protector, a dragon of honor,” she says, voice breathless but earnest. Blood drips across her eye but she doesn’t loosen her grip to wipe it away. “This isn’t who you are, drawing on dark power, fighting in wars for a cause you don’t believe in!”
That persistent spark of something comes back in Volga’s mind, flickering in his thoughts, buzzing in his memory. It makes him falter, just a little.
“Please,” Zelda repeats, still straining against his spear. “For Link’s sake.”
The name rings familiar, and Volga stumbles as a face flickers in his mind, blue eyes shining through the murk. Looking at him in trepidation as information spills from hylian lips, scales glittering in places they have no right to be.
What is this memory?
He can’t recall the events that led to it, or what came after, or even where he was when it occurred. In fact... all he can really recall is the sharp urge to fight the strongest, destroy the enemy, do as the sorceress commands.
Who is the boy with scales on his arms, and hair nearly the same color as his own?
“Volga,” the princess speaks again, less strained now, and Volga belatedly realizes he’s stopped fighting. “Fight past this darkness. I know you are more than what Cia is letting you be.”
The name is like a clap of thunder in his head, and suddenly the darkness he’d denied was choking him is all too evident, coursing through him alongside his fire, constricting his thoughts and twisting his actions. Its influence is overwhelming, and Volga clutches a hand over his chest, thoughts whirling as memories rush back.
Cia invading his home and forcing him under her service, ignoring his wishes to be left alone. Using her magic to make him fight, starting a war over lust for his son, putting him on the opposite side of his own kin.
Purposely obscuring the fact that he had a son.
Volga snarls, anger rising as flames drip from his lips. Cia used dark power, foisted upon him without his say, using him as nothing but another pawn in her game and his son—
“No... no!” Volga shouts, gripping at his head with both hands. “I won’t be ruled by darkness!”
He won’t remain Cia’s puppet for another second.
Volga lashes out at the darkness coating him, tearing at Cia’s influence in his chest. He can feel her power fight back the moment he pushes against it, darkness reaching up to claw at his mind, but Volga tears back with claws of his own, refusing to succumb to it again.
He pushes back with his own power, not that of the sorceress, fire clashing with darkness.
A roar builds in his throat as he gains a solid foothold, and he pushes it out, Cia’s dark power leaving him all in a rush.
And he is free.
Weakness follows the loss of power, but even as Volga drops to a knee, he feels more clearheaded, more alive, then he has in weeks.
And it’s overwhelmingly refreshing.
Volga curls his fingers into the dirt as he regains his bearings, clutching his spear as he raises himself up off the ground again. The princess stands a few feet away, watching him with a hopeful look on her face, and Volga huffs, looking away.
...right into the eyes of the hero.
His son.
Volga stares, the boy staring back with an uncertain look on his face. The hero’s gaze is interrupted by a monster slashing at him, and Volga shakes himself, then looks around the battlefield, taking in what he’s missed.
His gaze falls on the princess again, and something burns in his chest, a need to finish what he started. Volga raises his spear in challenge, pointing it at her and the hero.
“This time I will duel you properly. I will win this fight under my own power,” he declares.
He has other business, important business even (Cia will pay, he swears it), but his pride insists he finishes this fight. He wants to show the two of them how he really fights, no dark powers, no false strength.
To finish the fight he began in an honorable manner.
The princess hesitates at his request, exchanging a loaded look with her hero. But he nods, and she nods as well, pointing her sword back.
And they start the fight anew, dragon, princess, and hero.
The fight is invigorating, to say the least. Volga’s very scales seem to buzz with excitement as he battles the two, the old fire coming back to his blood. They’re an incredible team, truly powerful, and fighting them helps immensely with continuing to wake him up, forcing any remnant of Cia’s power from his bones.
They weave in and out in tandem, one of them striking, and then darting out as the other attacks. Despite the remaining weakness from the loss of darkness, Volga matches them blow for blow, his blood singing as he duels the two.
He hasn’t had a fight this challenging in years, and it reminds him of older days, of other duels.
A smile on a tanned face, ruby-red eyes, hair the color of new-fallen snow...
Volga promptly pushes that image aside. He needs to focus on the here and now, and his strength is fading, the hero and princess still pressing their attack.
As much as he hates to admit it, Cia’s actions have left him low on strength, and as enjoyable as this fight is... he’s fading. Rather fast.
And suddenly, he finds himself on his knees, a sword pointing at his neck.
Volga looks at Zelda, then over at his son, both of them breathing hard. An odd feeling of pride runs through him as he looks at the boy, and he almost smiles. Only one other person has ever been able to truly best him in battle, and it’s clear both of them learned from her.
Impa taught them well.
...It was no wonder Cia wanted one dead and the other her captive.
Anger courses through him at the reminder of the sorceress’s treachery, but his energy is spent. Too spent for him to reasonably mount a successful attack on her.
His vengeance will have to wait.
The princess opens her mouth to speak, but Volga beats her to it, closing his eyes as blood runs from a cut over one of them. “I accept my defeat with honor. I lose, but I do so without regrets.”
He exhaled and looks up at the two of them, and his son meets his eyes again, blood and dirt smeared on his face.
Volga gives him a singular nod, then despite his weariness, turns into his dragon form and takes off into the skies. He needs to rest, and recover from his wounds before figuring out what to do next.
And... process the ramifications of having a son.
Link and Zelda watch him go in silence, Volga’s wings bright as a comet as he glides away. They’re both breathing heavily from the battle, small injuries bleeding, burns stinging. Zelda is smiling though, and there’s a hesitant sort of hope in Link’s eyes as they watch the dragon grow smaller in the distance.
Zelda squeezes Link’s shoulder as Volga finally disappears from their sight, but they don’t have time to dwell on what just occurred.
Cia still needs to be taken care of. But then...
Link supposes they’ll figure it out.
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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i just wanna see more of these two dorks interacting omg >:'D <333
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clowndensation · 2 months
alicent haters are wild they'll be like "she's such an ungrateful vindictive hypocritical bitch. why isn't she nicer why didn't she have a spine and stand up for herself when her dad groomed her into being a child bride" like child brides are victims with no autonomy, which often affects how they develop (as they are busy being brides who are children in those crucial developmental years, where they learn things like how to cope with (the) stress (of being a child bride) and feelings of jealousy (over other people not having to suffer through being a child bride) and self hatred (over your body being used without your consent as a child bride)). she isn't capable of being your perfect madonna figure because of the being sold as a child by her father to her best friend's father. as his bride. hope this clears things up!
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deiaiko · 5 months
#20.4 Icebreaking
Viole finished his meal slowly. He would be lying if he said he wasn't sad that Hyung left him to mope in his room instead of letting him help. And maybe he was also a little jealous of Mr. Agni for being Hyung's first priority.
But no, he shouldn't be selfish. He believed that Hyung knew what was best for him, and if he decided that he'd rather be by Mr. Agni's side then…he'd respect that. Viole sighed, bringing his empty plate to the kitchen sink.
Mr. Gyetang followed and stopped him when he opened the tap to wash it.  "Ah, Viole. Let me do it, you can just sit on the couch." Gyetang nudged him away to the direction of the living room. "Or uhm, should I call you Bam? I heard it's what Grace called you, cluck."
Viole considered it for a moment. If it was any months or year before, he would not like to be called Viole, since it felt like shackles that kept him away from his friends. However, the name 'Bam' also felt like it no longer belonged to him, after all of his wrongdoings. It wasn’t until Grace came back for him that the name 'Jyu Viole Grace' finally became more bearable, since Viole felt closer to his Hyung with their same surname. "Both are fine," he decided to say instead.
Gyetang hummed, "I think I will stick with Viole, cluck."
Viole nodded and walked to the living room. Mr. Gyetang joined him not long after, handed him some snacks and one of the game controllers. The screen in front of him displayed 'Quant Quant Racing 4' while the speaker played a cheery song.
Mr. Gyetang sat next to him and set the game to multiplayer. "I know it's not my place to pry, but I wonder what happened to them last night. I have never seen Grace that upset before, cluck."
Viole decided to remain silent. Mr. Gyetang was a good guy, but he'd rather not be the one to break the news. To be fair, he also didn't know what exactly happened either, other than what Ms. Hwaryun told him. At least it's a relief to know that Hyung wasn't usually like that.
The somber mood was soon forgotten the moment they started playing. It was hard not to get addicted, Viole realized. He kept tilting the controller even after being told that it wouldn't affect the way his vehicle turned. 
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Viole didn't realize he got more vocal about his thoughts until Mr. Gyetang pointed out when the rounds' were over. Viole was flustered, since he had been trained to repress his emotions ever since he was turned into Viole. But he realized now that he really missed having a comfortable conversation with someone, and had forgotten how liberating it was to be able to express himself.
They played a few more rounds, and even though Viole still hadn't managed to beat Mr. Gyetang, he was really happy to have a chance to play. Next time he'd beat him for sure.
Mr. Gyetang glanced at the clock and stood up, "I should start to prepare lunch, cluck. You can continue to play if you want, Viole."
Viole decided to follow Mr. Gyetang to the kitchen and offer his help. Because as much fun as the game had been, he easily figured it wouldn't be as much fun if he were to play by himself.
Let me know your thoughts in the reblogs <3
☕ Buy me coffee ☕
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erabu-san · 1 year
IDK if someone want to read my Fremillei Brainrot but... here.
FREMILLEI TALKING, watching landscape ( ANGST A BIT (dont worry it ends well) it is not a fanfic bcuz lol i am so bad at writing (if it is not in french)
**CW : self depreciation**
Freminet suddenly being pessimist about himself, saying how he can only bring disappointment
"Don't say that !"
Collei shouting a bit fierce, which made Freminet jumping a bit
"You are also have your own strenght-"
He already heard those speech from his big sister but... it sounded different from Collei's mouth
"Look ! You can repare machine, you create toys... that's amazing ! Not everyone can do that ! In Sumeru, we could hire you in Kshahrewar Darshan... Freminet, you are amazing ! You can also diving, fishing..."
Freminet didn't know what to say, he is always gloomy.. "I am sorry Collei... you are just- amazing... compared to me I-"
"Please don't say that.."
Collei looks down.
Freminet suddenly felt guilty
"I am also like you, Freminet" her voice trembling
The young man was perplexed, but too scared to offense, he stayed in silent and just listen
"I feel terrible toward myself. Look, I am slow-learning, it still hard for me to read and write. I made a lot of mistake, I felt miserable... I am so scared to fail, I am so anxious when it comes people expectation... and my dark past growing back, my mind becomes weak and it is overwhelming... and sometime I can't resist them.. it hurts everywhere... it is like..." she stopped. She looked at the sky, trying to not cry. And after her pause, she turned her face to Freminet, with a smile but a broken voice
"It is like I am drowning."
Oh. Those words... that's exactly how he felt too. Those words resonated in him.
"I.. I stopped to trust people ! I hated my mother for giving me up. I hated everyone. But more than hating everyone, I hated myself..."
Freminet couldn't help to think about his mother.. when he didn't know the truth, did he hate her ? Did he hate the orphenage before "Father" took it..? Now he mature a bit, the only person he hate is... himself.
By this thought, he clenched his fist.
Collei took a deep breath and shouted
Freminet startled for a second time
"I met friends... family ! Who are dear to me. They give me their hands. They helped me. They are so patient with me. They love me. I can tell how genuine are their feelings...! And I am grateful to them. I love them too ! To repay them... I decided to become the best person I can be..! Being gloomy won't help me in this goal."
She looked in Freminet's eyes, with a determination stares. It was hard for him to be removed from her gazes.
"So yes, Freminet ! You are also amazing on your own way ! Please believe in you, at least for those you wish to protect !
You also have people you deeply care, right ?"
Collei was silent, it looks like she wished him to continue.
Freminet took Pers in his hands stared his blue eyes.
"When I was young, I fantasized of.. just being emotionless. But, the more I grew up, the more I discovered I was hypersensitive.. it is one of my big weakness."
He did a pause, looking at Pers, deep in his thought.
"The orphenage is my home, and every children was considered like my family but... it felt more like we are just gears to make a big machine functionning. I didn't mind it, at least, I was useful. Everytime I felt lonely, I only have Pers with me."
He wanted to cry. The number of time "Father" scolded him, but he couldn't cry because "Father" hate those who cry.
Collei, was still listening, with an empathic look, as she understood what he was feeling.
"But...! I met Lyney and Lynette and.. even if they were inseparable, Lyney always called me little brother.. Lynette always console me ! In this big family, Lyney and Lynette are my genuine companions, and I can claim it ! And now I also met traveler, and Paimon.. ! I-..."
Ah, this is bad, he wanted to cry so much.
Collei encouraging him, tears in her eyes.
Freminet would usually ran away and go deep underwater, in his safe place, to cry all his heart.. only Romaritime flowers as witness.
But, he bursted to tear, couldn't keep all this feeling for himself anymore.
Collei smiling, while a tear falling on her cheek
"..yes !"
They both usually alone when they started to feel overwhelmed. But this time, flowers, clouds, and them together were their companions.
they are both pretty embarassed but they laughed
This is the first time they both cry with someone else, and.. that's a weird feeling !
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feyhunter78 · 2 years
A part two for the scar on your palm please 🥺 i must know how aemond announces it, the drama the detail all of if i must know!
But really if you do make a part 2 I appreciate your time and effort! It means a lot! Your writing is fantastic!
Lol I got super carried away with this one XD I hope you like it though!!! I'm so happy you wanted a part two!!!! <3
TW: Death, abusive language, reader's father is physically abusive, but it's short
The Scar on Your Palm pt. 2
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You stood beside Aemond as he stared but his and your father down.
“Father, Lord y/n, I know there is a betrothal set for Lady y/n, but it cannot be honored.”
Both men looked at him, his father speaking first. “And why is that?”
Aemond held up yours and his scarred palms. “At the age of ten and six, we were married in Valyrian tradition. To force her to marry another would be bigamy.”
Your father’s face was a canvas painted with a multitude of emotions, and his eyes darted to the king.
Aemond dropped your hand, and switched to holding your hand behind your backs, squeezing it to reassure you.
 He showed no sign of fear, but you? You were terrified. How were you to know that ceremony was binding? It was all in High Valyrian a language at that time you struggled to grasp. It was not that you did not want to be married to Aemond, but you feared what your father would do.
“You mean to tell me you have married the Lady y/n without anyone’s permission and have merely let us all run around like fools for years searching to find you both matches?” King Viserys said, his eyes hard, his tone less so—sounding almost entertained.
“Yes father. Y/N and I are bound by Valarian tradition, and we have consummated our marriage many times over.” Aemond said, his head held high, voice steady.
Your own head hung in shame, why oh, why did he have to say many times over? It was prudent enough to say their marriage had been consummated and be done with it.
“Y/N is this true?” Your father asked.
You stepped forward, releasing Aemond’s hand and addressing your father. “Yes, it is, and I am so sorry father, I did not know that—”
“You did not know that sullying your virtue with a prince would still make it impossible for you to marry? That binding yourself in some outdated ritual was not an excuse to throw yourself at the nearest man?” His voice was angry and raising in volume.
“Now, Lord y/l/n, there is no need to shout.” King Viserys said calmly.
“Is there no way to undo what they have done? None of this news needs to leave this room, y/n may still be able to salvage her betrothal.” Your father said, turning to the king.
“Y/N is my lady wife, she has been so for years now, there is no undoing of what we have done.” Aemond spoke up, anger just below the surface.
“My son speaks true, Valyrian wedding ceremonies are legally binding.” He turned to Aemond. “Who performed the ceremony?”
“My aunt and your cousin, father, Princess Rhaenys.” Aemond said.
Viserys massaged his temples. “Here I was hoping you had asked Aegon and then perhaps an argument could be made, but Rhaenys would not perform the ceremony with false intentions.”
Your father was livid, and he grabbed your arm, yanking you close. “You have ruined yourself and this family, you stupid girl.” He hissed.
Tears pooled in your eyes. “Father I am so sorry, I was not aware that it was binding, but I love Aemond, and marriage to a prince would be better for the family, think of the benefits.” You pleaded.
Viserys had called Aemond up to the throne and was speaking to him in low tones.
“Benefits? What benefits are there to a broken promise and a whore for a daughter?” Your father sneered, his grip on your arm tightening.
“I know I have disappointed you, but father, you are hurting me.” You tried to pull your arm away, your eyes flickering to Aemond.
Your father grabbed your chin and jerked your head back towards him. “Do not look at him, that son of a Hightower whore, he cannot save you. You must face the consequences of your actions.”
You swallowed hard, fear twisting around your lungs and seizing. “Father, please, not in front of the king, think of what others will say.”
“You have already ensured they will speak.” His hand reared back, and your head snapped to the side with the force of the blow. The sound of his hand slapping against the skin of your cheek echoed throughout the hall, and you kept your eyes down as you braced yourself for the second blow. He hit your other cheek, the strength behind it sending you staggering to the floor.
“Father...I am so sorry.” You choked out, cheeks stinging, vision blurry with tears. You could vaguely hear someone yelling, but there was a ringing in your head that drowned it out.
When no other blow fell you pushed yourself up to see King Viserys struggling to restrain Aemond who was lunging for your father.
“You vile, wicked man, how dare you lay a hand on my wife?” He spat, breaking out of his father’s hold and lunging at your father, his hands wrapping around his neck.
King Viserys called for guards and rushed over to you, helping you to your feet. “Are you alright, Lady y/n?” He asked kindly.
“I did not mean to cause such trouble; I am truly sorry.” You cried, voice trembling, as you brought your hands together, thumb rubbing at your scarred palm.
“No, no, the blame is not yours.” King Viserys reassured you.
The guards finally pulled Aemond from your father and threw him towards you.
Aemond tugged you into his embrace. “Ñuha dōna, are you alright, are you in pain?” His words were rushed, and you could feel him trembling against you.
“My skin stings, but the ringing in my head is quiet now.” You said, burying your face in the crook of his neck, tears dripping onto his tunic.
He rubbed your back soothingly. “Oh my love, my wife, I never should have let go of your hand, forgive me?”
“I forgive you, you had no way of knowing he would harm me, husband.” You said, pressing yourself closer to him as your father began screaming.
“How dare you? I was disciplining my child. It is my right?”
Aemond turned, pushing you behind his back, his arm keeping you close. “Your right? She is my wife. If anyone is to discipline her, it would be me. You lost that right the day we bound our souls together.”
Your father shook his head. “You do not understand, and it seems I was not strict enough with y/n, but daughters need strict discipline, or they will turn out to be whores. You will understand this if you are cursed with your own daughter.”
Aemond’s shoulders tensed, and he stalked forward, leaving you in the company of his father. “My wife is not a whore.” He snarled, grabbing your father by the lapels of his coat. “And you are a fool to think I would ever lay a hand on a child. In fact, you should pray y/n does not bless me with a daughter. For if she does, our girl will be raised the way we see fit, and when she is old enough, I will take her to spit on your grave.”
Your heart fluttered at the way Aemond defended you and your future children, and it skipped several beats when he looked back at you, his hand inching towards his dagger. In a rush of rage and courage, you nodded.
Aemond’s hand moved faster than you could blink, and soon your father was crumbling to the ground, Aemond’s dagger piercing straight through his throat. “Perhaps even our sons will spit on your grave as well.”
You should not have found that attractive, you knew this, but a wild part of you craved your husband, and you rushed to his side.
Your father reached for you, but you ignored him, fretting over Aemond instead. “My love, did they hurt you?”
He cupped your face and kissed your forehead. “No, sweet wife, I am unharmed.”
You sighed in relief and let Aemond lead you out of the hall, his arm linked with yours.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda
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lumiereandcogsworth · 1 month
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
Zelda: Ok, I got another lead! This one is a bit different, though. Gerudo Link: Oh? Zelda: He's in Zora's Domain. Link: The--Princess, that's hostile territory, not to mention we have to climb waterfalls to get to it and-- Zelda: *clapping her hands together* I never back down from a challenge! Let's go!
Turns out they have to sneak in disguised as a Zora, and the best idea Zelda came up with was to sit on Gerudo Link's shoulders while they wear a trench coat cloak with sunglasses the hood on.
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ya-what--ya-erster · 8 months
Ohio obsession anyone?
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And then I said thank you prayers for the blend option, paint bucket, color match, and reference images
(read tags lol it explains the random shift in art style)
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mokolat · 2 years
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Father-son bonding. Or, something like that...
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skyward-floored · 4 months
People like to talk about Wikipedia rabbit holes but have you ever gone down an ao3 rabbit hole
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queenwhoneverwasx · 2 years
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‘I’m a dragon rider like my mother and father, and you. If the Greens reach to usurp our Queens throne then they must be answered to fire and blood’
‘Do you think I jest?’  ‘I just saw my daughter for the first time in years’
via @bridgettvalenzuela on tiktok
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kyistell · 8 months
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Have NJ and NY. Just wanted to do a quick sketch, bit bored, hockey in a few hours though so I have that to look forward too :D
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