#got 8x01 spoilers
nightqueendany · 5 years
Wow, Jon Snow Didn’t Have to Obliterate Jonsas Like That But Bless Him That He Did...
*Nearly breaks his neck to jump off his horse to go and greet......BRAN*
*Kisses Bran’s forehead to within an inch of his life*
“Sansa thinks she’s smarter than everyone.”
“It’s cold up here for a southern girl...” “Then keep your queen warm.” *grabs for Dany like his life depends on it*
“I never wanted a crown. All I wanted was to protect the North.”
“Do you think we can beat the army of the dead without her?”
“Without her, we don’t stand a chance.”
“She’ll be a good queen. For all of us. She’s not her father.”
“No, she’s much prettier.” Jon Snow (externally): *smiles*, Jon Snow (internally): you should see her naked.
“Would you have done it?” “I’ve executed men who disobeyed me.”
“You’ve also spared men. Thousands of wildlings when they refused to kneel.” “I wasn’t a King.”
“Daenerys is our queen.”
“She shouldn’t be.” “That’s treason!”
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Sooo thoughts on the episode(negativity sorry):
I’m going to try not to be bitter about everything but legit the only things that saved last nights episode was Jonerys and Gendrya. Everything else is canceled. There I said it.
Still salty that everything Daenerys has suffered and worked hard for is being undermined and given to a man who doesn't even want it. Daenerys has earned everything she’s ever had and for it to just be... given away...... is so insulting to me. We’ve watched her come over everything, abuse, slavery, sexual assault, beaten, mocked, become a striong powerful person who took her disadvantages and turned them into her advantage and for what? For someone to come along and say ‘Oh yeah, everything you’re working for is for naught’ ?? yuck.
Still salty that she’s risking her entire army, remaining dragons, resources and own life to save the North and they’re treating her like actual garbage. IDK what else she has to do for them, literally die I guess?? Maybe not even then would they appreciate her.
Still salty that she was painted as ‘unmerciful’ to the audience when she’s been plenty merciful in her life Sam just doesn't know it. Even Jon said, “I’ve executed men who disobeyed me-” as if every
Still annoyed that every single character s*nsa comes in contact with is dumb-ed down for her characters benefit i.e. (Arya - not as strong and wouldn’t have survived what she did. Jon - an idiot for saving the North. Dany - Mad Queen and foreign invader. Tyrion - no longer clever) I’m just tired of them tearing down every character she interacts with just to boost her up in some way. Even Jon and Arya’s reunion, something fans have been waiting for years, was about still her in the end. 
Jon asking S*nsa if she has any faith in him at all made my heart hurt so much. I just want to hug him. He literally went south and gained allies and dragons and weapons and came back with the strongest person in all of westeros and he’s still being bitched at for it. Boy can’t catch a break.
S*nsa has every right under the sun to not trust Daenerys, but Daenerys also at the very least deserves some form of respect from her in my opinion. She’s risking everything for the North, her people.
Ned Umber being a child and being killed for plot purposes is messed up. As soon as she showed Daenerys an ounce of respect I knew he was a goner - should’ve assumed by his name though.
About the 8x02 promo:
*sigh* Not ready to deal with the fandom after s*nsa x dany scene. I hate that they’re doing to them what they did to s*nsa x arya in s7. it’s so frustrating and annoying ugh. why can’t women just work together why does there have to be a cat fight.
I’m already seeing people say “wow I just started liking her” referring to Daenerys because she is angry at Jaime lol. Daenerys has every right to be mad at Jaime, he literally helped cause the fall of her house, started the domino effect that ultimately caused her good sister, niece and nephew to be brutally murdered, and while you wanna accept it or not- did negatively effect her life. Don’t be mad at Daenerys for being mad at the man who killed her father. Basically what I’m getting is that Sam can and is right to be mad at Daenerys for executing his father but Daenerys can’t be remotely upset with Jaime for killing hers? I don’t understand that logic.
It was just a very rough messy episode for me and I personally did not like it. The only things that saved it were Jonerys make out session x flying the dragons and Gendrya flirting. 
I can’t wait for this petty drama to be over so we can get to the actual problem - you know, the night king and the army of the dead.
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Daenerys admitting that she killed Randyll and Dickon Tarly to Sam
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asknightqueendany · 5 years
What is your opinion on the Jon Snow reveal scene.
It was “meh”.
I think Kit played it really well. Jon’s just, utter disbelief, his denial, etc. that was all really believable and I loved that. I also liked how often he stuck up for Dany. I really thought I was going to hate that part because I thought Jon was just going to brush off Dany killing Sam’s family as “we need her, we need allies” but he didn’t! He completely stuck up for her, reminded Sam he’s killed people too and implying that if he were King, he maybe wouldn’t have spared so many people as he did when he was only Lord Commander. That part was actually pretty shocking. I think now that Jon’s been a King - for however briefly - he realizes what needs to be done and is maybe thankful he wasn’t King for long because he’d be forced to make even more difficult decisions, as Dany said “Sometimes strength is terrible.” And Jon understands that now.
What I didn’t like about the scene was how exploitative it felt. Sam had stopped crying by the time he reached Bran. There are no tears on his face. It’s like he collects himself when he’s talking to Bran and he’s fine. But then he sees Jon and he turns on the waterworks again. Like he was trying to gain Jon’s sympathy to butter him up for this idea of, you know, deposing the current monarch.
I get Sam’s upset his family is dead. But he has to understand, they betrayed their own bannermen and had just come from murdering them all, without giving them the same choice Dany gave the Tarlys and remaining Lannister soldiers. He has no idea the context and was too upset to ask Dany anyway. He just went straight to Jon and used his own family tragedy as a way to manipulate his friend. It just felt really wrong.
It was like, Sam had this huge piece of information to give Jon, but before he does, he unloads on him first because he knows Jon is going to be in a vulnerable state after he tells him about Rhaegar and Lyanna.
But, so far as this scene sticking to the pattern of the show which is never allow a character time to process information or pile on so much that they can’t process a single thing and just have to trudge on with all this knowledge or grief in them…it’s pretty spot on. So Jon, likewise, will just have to suck it up because the dead are coming. But I’m glad he told Sam how it is. “Daenerys is our queen. [Saying she shouldn’t be queen] is treason.”
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daeneryskairipa · 5 years
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gifsofgot · 5 years
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gameofgifs · 5 years
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maybeicanbesaved · 5 years
Jon: Sansa thinks she’s smarter than everyone.
Arya: She’s the smartest person I’ve ever met.
Jon: You’re defending her? You?
Arya: She’s defending her family.
Jon: I’m her family too.
Arya: Don’t forget that.
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camoolla · 5 years
gendry: *flirts*
arya: *flirts back*
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selinas · 5 years
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“Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark.”
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nightqueendany · 5 years
Northern boys keeping their Southern girls warm. Reblog if you agree.
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Davos just casually suggesting that Jon and Dany marry after the Great War is won :)
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Sam: You´re Aegon Targaryen, true heir to the Iron Throne.
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asknightqueendany · 5 years
I cant believe they wrote Daenerys just sitting without saying a thing to defend herself. Like really, Daenerys, the one who confronted alone the khals who promised her gang rape? Confronted the Night king himself? Seriously if this isn't some shitty drama. At least, the next episode seems to look better, Daenerys has more lines, confronts Jaimie, Sansa and Daenerys talk, and the episode since to be more about preparing for the war, than that tasteless north soap opera
Yah, she ended with her typical D&D one-liner that’s really not that clever but whatever, oh well. I knew Dany would just be the problematic girlfriend in this episode so I’m not all that bothered by it.
Really looking forward to next episode too.
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Jon Snow and Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones S8E01
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darcydash · 5 years
Fixed it!
The arrival that Jaime expected.
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