#goth media PSA
gothiccharmschool · 7 months
Oh isn't that interesting: my post about Gothic Beauty Magazine using AI generated images on their page has been removed from FB and IG because someone reported that it infringes on a third party's copyright. Apparently someone isn't happy about being told people's concerns that using AI generated images for content on their pages might foreshadow those types of images eventually being used in the magazine itself.
To be clear: GBMagazine hasn't used AI generated images in the magazine. But their reaction to people expressing their concerns about their using them on their social media pages is less than reassuring.
An example of the types of images they were using on their social media (logo scribbled out because hey, you can't actually copyright AI generated images, but I'm covering my bets):
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runwayrunway · 1 year
Hello my fellow resident of the world! How did you get into planes, if you don't mind my asking? I've just started my interest in aviation (thank you Admiral Cloudberg) and would love to know how you went about learning what you know. (Also, converted all my friends to PSA lovers this afternoon. I am still a JetBlue stan for the airplane names.)
Joke answer 1: I generally board planes through the aerobridge just like everyone else.
Joke answer 2: When they give you your autism diagnosis they tell you to pick a vehicle.
Real answer: is going to be under a cut, for length (seriously, it's long) and for rambling (seriously, it's incoherent) and also for being my life story rather than blog content proper (seriously, I talk about my grandparents) and also for discussing morbid things like plane crashes, so be advised.
I'm not totally sure. I mean, I moved across an ocean as a young child, my grandfather was a microelectronics engineer who worked in aerospace, I've spent most of my life living directly nearby an airport, but I don't think any of that is it?
I think it's a combination of factors. A major one was my first flight in a propeller plane and realizing that I really enjoyed it. Also major was an interest in air disasters. I'm a huge enjoyer of the Admiral's work as well, I think she has among the best coverage of air disasters out there (definitely in terms of narrative content, at least) and I find her writing style in general very inspirational, but I didn't discover air disasters through any specific media. Rather, I actually was very struck by certain crashes in the news (particularly the 2011 Lokomotiv crash, which I heard a lot about because my family are Russian expats).
I was a morbid kid. I've just sort of always been like that. I'm a second-generation goth who lives across the street from a cemetery with immediate family members who've survived some pretty awful things and aren't shy about it, it might be weirder if I wasn't kind of curious about mass casualty events. Like, one of the earliest things I remember is the Columbia disaster. For a long time I thought I had a weirdly specific and irrational fear of tsunami, nightmares and all, and then I remembered that I lived in Japan until the tail end of 2004. Also, my grandfather thought war stories were appropriate for three-year-olds. So I heard 'awful plane crash' and went 'oh cool. Let's look up what happened'. And then my family got talked to because I didn't own a computer and thus had no choice but to frantically search "Air France 447 CVR" in my school computer lab.
And then I got older than my nebulous age at the time of "child" and became a far different type of person and learned about politics and human people and the like. Frankly, if I were more of an active member of general avgeek communities I would probably spend literally all of my time yelling at people because of my very strong feelings about the callous ways people discuss these crashes, the uselessness of the concept of "pilot error", and pop coverage and 'memeification' of air disasters (again, another reason I enjoy the Admiral's work is that she does not do this). Discussion of air disasters is frequently done by a type of person I will describe, bluntly, as smug racists too afraid to admit that human nature is fucking up and that means they might have crashed the plane too if they were put in that situation.
While I consumed the normal air crash media (Macarthur Job's books, Air Crash Investigations (very hit or miss depending on the episode), Mentour Pilot (recommend) and the like) I'm actually a history student with a focus in archival science, so I like to do these dramatic dives into researching specific things and a lot of the most formative media to me is individual documentaries and books about specific crashes that probably isn't worth listing out unless someone wants a source about something specific, and the same sort of thing about specific models of planes and airlines. My point is that I kind of started just getting wrapped up in it, and it's been an on-and-off fixation ever since.
Like I said, though, I'm a history student, so I wasn't going to limit myself to one area of aviation. Like I mentioned, air disasters are a focus of mine, as are, obviously, liveries and branding, but neither of those are enough on their own to understand aviation as a field, the way it evolved - all of these things, wake-up calls to industries, changes in regulation, the evolution of airline marketing and structure over time, shifts in technology, they're all part of the same broader story. So while I have things I know more about than other aspects, I like to understand at least a little about everything. I like pulling these threads out of the cloud of information I don't know until I've unravelled it as much as possible.
At this point I have a solid working understanding of the physics of flight (though I'm also very interested in astrophysics so I expect that played a part), the history of airlines, the way they developed in the US and in Europe and also in other places that didn't start out with the same infrastructure, the role they play in society and propaganda and the avenues they open. I have a lot of blind spots. I don't really know how engines work and I think it's unlikely I ever will. But I'm always learning and I like that about aviation. It's just a gigantic field. You never run out of reading material. And that's even despite the fact that I simply do not care for military aviation (unless it's really strange/niche things like the SR-71, but I just don't really care about how many missiles you can strap to the Boeing Foreignguyblaster 9000 or the like).
I also sort of have an advantage over most people in that Soviet aviation is an entirely separate and deeply interesting subject that often gets reduced to jokes or 'well isn't that weird' and I have a secret weapon for researching it called "my first language is Russian" and a second secret weapon called "I can ask my grandmother and she'll just tell me about how she remembers the Miracle on the Neva happening and walking past the plane before they got it out of the river because she lived right nearby".
I also just like planes. I think they're pretty. I think it's incredible that they're real machines that humans invented. I don't know anything about computers and I never will so this is sort of the main avenue I have to be awed by the scale of human engineering. We put a giant metal thing in the air and then we painted a smiley face on her nose.
I not only am not a pilot, but cannot be a pilot. I have a seizure disorder and also the potential to get very lightheaded very suddenly, so I cannot fly and that's fine. A lot of people hear this and try to argue with me about how I could get an exemption or find a loophole and I get the idea but it's very misguided. Some people shouldn't be pilots. Causing plane crashes is bad and the reason aviation is so safe is because it refuses to take risks. The thing about being disabled is that you aren't able to do things. And that's fine, I have no choice but to be fine with it. But it gives me a lot more incentive to research and to planespot and to discuss aviation with other people, and I think paradoxically I would probably not know or care as much about the history of airlines if I were spending all this time out there doing figure-eights in a Cessna Whatever.
And I just sort of don't have the capacity to like something a little. I either don't care or I've looked into it enough that I could run some sort of blog about it. Aviation is important to me even though I can't directly participate in it. And I wanted to write about it. And, to be honest, not only is this a niche that's not often covered, but the backstory to this blog is exactly what my intro post is. I was at the airport with a friend and we had this conversation:
Me: oh my gosh, look at that Lufthansa plane. It's basically white. Him: yeah Me: why are all airlines painting their planes such boring things nowadays. This sucks. They're bereft of both whimsy and character Him: yeah Me: I feel like I could complain about this for years Him: yeah Me: has anyone written a blog about this Him: probably not Me: would you like someone to?
Is it the most elegant genesis out there? No. And I'm sorry I don't have a more coherent explanation for how I got super into planes than "I have access to a large library and also an autism diagnosis", but I'm sort of an earnest person and I like thoroughly answering questions.
If you want general recommendations for informative civil aviation content I recommend the youtube channels Mentour Pilot and 74gear, which are both run by actual pilots, and also just digging around at any libraries near you and seeing what you can find. You might be surprised by the depth of the research people have done into very specific topics, and also because you can find some good overviews written by very passionate people. If you want specific recommendations about any defunct airlines or old planes or major historical events, shoot me a DM. Also, if you know any pilots, ask them, because pilots are the only people worse at shutting up about planes than me.
Sorry this got so long. Much like my inability to hold a tepid interest in a subject, I am very bad at answering questions in a way that's not perhaps too forthcoming and thorough. I hope at least some of this feels like a satisfactory answer to some of your questions, though. Thank you as always for reading my silly little blog about airplane outfits.
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rachelfoleyisntdead · 11 months
Both Sareena and Bi-Han having to cyber-stalk each other, but Sareena has the upper hand because she has a name at least. Plus he's a pretty big name in the scene, so he's not really hard to track down. Ashrah's not a fan, but she already knows she can't make Sareena do shit she doesn't want to do, so she just sits back.
Bi-Han,now, can't remember shit but what she looked like and that he now has a spiked collar that he knows isn't his, so it has to be hers. But he can't exactly put out a social media PSA saying, "Ayo, to the Latina-looking goth chick with the perm who rocked my shit last night, come and get your choker at x location (and maybe pull a repeat of last night,no biggie tho)", because half of LA would be at his door.
See that's the thing. It would be so easy for her to find Bi-Han again bc she could just go to another one of Kuai Liang's shows and be like "where's grumpy pants with the big dick?" (and then Kuai Liang would strangle himself with a guitar string point at Bi-Han)
So let's just say when she found out he was a producer at Big Name Label she assumed it was a fling, like all those rock n roll stories she heard about. Which Ashrah is so relieved about. But now she wants to start her own band with Kia and Jataaka.
Also Sareena took sneaky pics of passed out Bi-Han to show Kia and Jataaka. "Look at what I just did~"
And I kinda lowkey think Bi-Han would think she's Latina bc he's like "her name sounded like Selena, I think....?"
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vvitchgender · 1 year
Can’t wait for some big name media to craft a proper trad 80s goth character so I can write PSAs about how it’s great people are getting into goth because of this character but here’s all the history and artistic values and cultural philosophies they should keep in mind.
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cryptidroots · 1 year
Getting Wholesale clients
Another small business PSA because Cryptids don't gatekeep, especially from other small business colleagues!
You're business has gotten a few sales, your product photos are looking good, the 5-star reviews are rolling in; but now you wanna shoot for the stars, you wanna go big, you wanna get a wholesale order.
First step; Tell. People. You. Do. Wholesale. Orders.
Say it everywhere. On Etsy I even mention it in the bottom of each item listing, write it in your about section, under FAQs write a little bit about where to reach out for wholesale orders - My first wholesale order, and half of them in total, all came from other people contacting me about it first. People are looking, and if you mention you'll do a wholesale order, they're more likely to reach out and ask.
second step; reaching out to other people.
Your best bet, especially as a small business owner yourself, is probably going to be a wholesale order from another small business - the type depends on what products you sell.
You sell clothing, especially handmade, or featuring cool art you made? You're probably gonna be aiming at Boutiques. Same with some jewelry brands.
You sell bone art, creepy art prints, handmade coffin furniture? You're going to be looking at Oddities shops and other goth small businesses.
Cups and mugs with funny seasonal sayings? A local coffee shop/bar (not a big retail chain like starbucks)
personalized doggy bandanas? You're gonna look at partnering up with some local shelters (some have small shops to make money to support their work) and those bougie doggie daycare centers - preferably in the richer part of town.
Once you find out which places you should reach out to, then it's time to actually reach out to them about it. Generally Email is preferred, but some new and smaller places don't have a professional email yet and will be fine talking on social media about it (before you assume to reach out on social media though, it does look more professional to email, so ask if there is an email you can use to send them wholesale pricing info, etc.)
If you can talk and interact with someone beforehand, even better. Follow the accounts of your target shops, interact with their posts (genuinely! don't be all fake and sales-pitchy) really think about if your stuff would work well with their store.
sometimes just doing this will make them reach out to you first (refer to step one) but if not then again, email.
For starting an email the title can normally be (-your business name- wholesale order for -their business name-). Give a nice greeting, say a -brief!- thing about your business, about their business, about why your stuff might be a good fit. Include some photos of things you specifically think would be a good fit for them.
The worst thing that could happen is that they don't carry your stuff - which is already what is happening.
So go forth! Expand your business! Make money! And don't forget to help support the other small/local businesses around you as you grow.
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autism69 · 3 years
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viktor (v/vik) × 23 × goth rave color palette user × rus/eng × he/it × faggot to some & dyke to others
🚫👶➡️🗑️ no minors pls. I don't tag most of the scary stuff. current oomfs I won't hunt u down but you are on thin ice
🩻 psa if there's a problem with me posting something/reblogging from someone- anon asks are open, I'd like to know if I'm fucking up bigtime
dni-s don't exactly work but. terfs kys :з
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a barebones list of stuff I like:
series: succession, hannibal, gotham, better call saul & breaking bad industrial complex, interview with the vampire
the saw franchise appreciator
vtmb & bg3
vampire media in general
I also post a lot about nin and mcr. yeah. (mcr sideblog @autismcr)
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kal1v0das · 3 years
about me, because someone definitely asked /s
hey besties, i'm adrien :) here's some information about me that might be relevant to this blog sometimes:
i was born in 2005 & am 17 years old, and i share a birthday (11/08) with gordon ramsay, which is kind of funny because i can cook and bake pretty much anything if i have a recipe & am working towards being able to make things on my own.
i use any and all pronouns!
the fandoms i have aggressively barged my way into are as follows: fear street, the walking dead (games & the shows), marvel (MCU), kpop (i have a separate blog for that i just thought it was worth mentioning), american horror story, a teacher, the haunting of hill house & bly manor, bethesda games (mainly the elder scrolls but i also dabble in fallout 4), dead by daylight, alternative/goth/punk etc spaces, mithzan & yourpalross and their whole content creator group i have adhd and it is a fucking nightmare! my long-term memory is terrible and most (pretty much all) of my hyperfixations tend to be fandom content, so videogames, shows, movies, etc. in 2020, i spent quarantine completely redoing my bedroom as it had been colored yellow & green with kitten border wallpaper since i was 7 and it didn't feel like me anymore. i definitely failed my online spanish course because of it and my teacher never forgave me but she was rude as hell anyway! i probably wasted my time because i'm moving out in a little while if everything goes according to plan but u know what i'm proud anyway
i built & paid for my own pc as someone working a few-cents-above-min-wage job with parents who Prefer Not To Pay For Anything To Do With Me Now That I Have Said Job (tm) which is an accomplishment i am very proud of!
i don't really have any triggers, but i would prefer not to talk about the quantities of food anybody consumes, diets, and things like that. everything else is a-ok!
i feel like i have to be very clear with this for all my fear street mutuals LMAO so psa: i am not a nick goode stan! i do not try to excuse or justify his behavior and he is a disgusting homophobic pig! i am just irrevocably WHIPPED for ashley zukerman and everything he does and i happen to think that nick and solomon goode are Very Sexy (tm) because i think that ashley zukerman is Very Sexy (tm). so, tl;dr: nick goode is a piece of shit but i think he is (physically) hot regardless.
that should be all! the information in here might get updated every once in a while but nothing too major. ty for reading! social medias: twitter: https://twitter.com/c00kieb1tch?s=20 utm_medium=copy_link reddit (idk why you'd want it but if u do): https://www.reddit.com/user/_blvck-dvmvsk_
no public instagram for personal reasons :)
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sunstone-nerding · 5 years
How The TDP Characters Would Use Their Social Media Accounts
Rayla: Reblogs a lot of parkour/gymnastics/acrobatics videos. Posts a few of her own. Shows off her knives.
Callum: Mostly his own artwork. Reblogs GIFs and moodboards that give him mage-y feels.
Ezran (I know he's too young, but...): Posts stories and pictures of the animals he has met, but, obviously, it's mostly about Bait. The glow toad now as an online fan base and is approaching Grumpy Cat levels of fame. (His face is perfect for memes, after all.)
Amaya: Martial arts takedowns, action movie clips, and deaf person PSAs.
Runaan: Reblogs the videos of Rayla (he recorded most of them) and Tinker's latest creations.
Claudia: Cute critter GIFs and pics (including Bait), her own dark magic recipe mods, goth fashion.
Soren: "This is how real swordplay works." Selfies, athletic accomplishments.
Viren: Writes long, passionate defenses of dark magic...though no one seems to be arguing with him, at least online. These posts are pretty xenophobic, if you know what to look for. He also praises Claudia's cooking and, rarely, likes one of Soren's posts. Argues with Harrow.
Aaravos: A mix of glittery star art, high fashion, and serious astronomy (astrology, too, if this AU has it). Provides divination services. His answers are sassy and wicked; his patrons, of course, love it. Also reblogs anecdotes about how incurably stupid people can be. Has recently started harassing Viren.
Crowmaster: Corvids corvids corvids. How to identify different kinds of corvids. Other birds. Goth fashion.
Corvus: Amazing photographs (taken by him) of the natural wonders he has seen and/or visited. A travelogue.
Harrow (assuming he's not a public figure): Reblogs Callum's art. Helps Ezran run a Bait website. Gripes, indirectly, about Viren.
Gren: Images and GIFs of anything that brings him joy: young animals, plants (all ages), the weather, yummy-looking food...It's a long list. Translator etiquette (for people not used to talking to those with interpreters). A bunch of comment threads along the lines of, "Don't be a jerk, because you never know what another person is going through."
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gothiccharmschool · 7 months
Goth media PSA: I'm no longer subscribing to or supporting Gothic Beauty Magazine, as they've started using AI "models" to promote it. They haven't used AI "models" in the actual magazine (yet), but I refuse to support AI images. Especially in the goth subculture where we already have a problem with people assuming that thin, young, white people are the ideal of the subculture.
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
(Random Facts about Admin) *I love Memes both old and new *I'm a British comedy enthusiast *I Love Music *I go to College   *I live in Ulster,Northern Ireland in the UK *Rik Mayall is love Rik Mayall is life~ *at times I'm dumber than a door hinge *I was in a Drama club called Uplift once (where I later left) *I write decent fanfics on the site Archive of our Own *Sometimes I write Poetry *I'm shy sometimes *I like History *aesthetics are everything *I still like Bratz,Lazy Town,Spongebob,old disney/nick shows etc. *I occasionally write Poetry *I give off the impression I’m quiet or I’m extraverted but really I’m an ambivert leaning more on the introverted scale *I hate my past *I believe in equal rights *I was raised a Protestant but now I'm a Polythiest *I'm a early 2000s media nerd *I like subcultures(goth/punk/metal/ska/hipster/emo/grunge etc.) *I was once quite a toxic hypocritical person but I've changed since then *I I've seen lots of Anime,Western Cartoons,TV Shows,Films & Webcomics *I am a avid Public Information Film watcher (PSA's for those not from the uk) *I love tea,Coke,Milk and Water   *I’m a Tim Burton Fan *I sometimes post art
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