#gotta make my own plus sized nerd clothing
snowtigra · 1 year
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My Junji Ito jacket is done!
I bought the back design from a friend who no longer wanted the shirt, but it was too small for me. So I found a jacket it would fit on and hand painted some of my favorite panels from his manga to go with it. I love how it turned out and can’t wait to wear it!
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Hey Queen! May request an imagine of The Collector on his hunt & picks a house to get his collection, but he gets mistaken for a male stripper for s/o birthday that her friends got her? Nsfw & humor xD
Alright, I don’t know what I just wrote here, but please have mercy on my soul. This was a challenging one to do since Asa is the complete opposite of funny. Someone please kill me. I don’t deserve to be called Queen.
I tried to keep him in character, but I guess the canon part flew out the window. Anyway...ENJOY!~
The Collector x Reader- “You gotta be fucking kidding me”
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Asa wasn’t the type to get into embarrassing and awkward moments, it was so unlike him, who was always stealthy and all professional-like, but now he wished he wouldn’t have tracked this house down. In all his life as a killer, he encountered all types of people; ones that fight back, ones that run away and start a chase, ones that simply wait for their death, but this?
He just found himself on a chair with you in his lap, a smirk on your face. How did he get into this predicament? Well, he sure didn’t anticipate for tonight to be your birthday and your friends to hire a male stripper, and him to be seen as the one.
Normally, when he was his Collector persona, he was all confident and malicious, but with you sitting on his lap and touching him all that facade disappeared and he found his other half, Asa Emory, the awkward Entomologist, the nerd who stayed in his office all day surface. He was glad for the black foam mask or else you could see his blush.
When it came to physical touches he was let's say, inexperienced and unsure of what to do. He wasn’t the Casanova type that got all the girls, oh no. Yes, behind the mask you could say he is cute, maybe that rugged type of handsome, but his cold ice-like exterior always drawn the ladies away.
“Are you shy?” you asked, your fingertips tracing the carapace like a mask, his protection from you finding out who he is.
His gloved hands were resting on your hips, unsure of what to do. He could always take one of the knives from the holster of his belt and slit your throat open, but with so many people downstairs it would be difficult.
His breath hitched as he felt you grind against him, his hands tightening on your hips. Call him a pervert, but when you have a girl grind on your lap it isn’t so easy to stay calm. Asa was a male for Christ's sake, a warm-blooded adult male with needs like anyone. He almost forgot when was the last time he has ever been intimate with a woman. With all the work at university and his collection, fucking pussy kind of flew out the window.
His obsidian eyes looked up at you with curiosity and lust, your own looking into his.
“Love your eyes. So pretty.” you said, running your hands up and down his clothes chest, his black turtle-neck making him feel all hot and a groan left his plush lips as you tugged the shirt out of his pants, your hands running under the black material, your nails scraping up and down his chest and abdomen.
“Are you gonna dance for me?” you asked in a whisper.
Asa and dancing? It was like combining oil with water, they didn’t match. He shook his head slowly and you raised an eyebrow. It was fine, you weren’t that much into dancing either.
“Then what do you want to do?” you asked, one of your thumbs rubbing over one of his nipples. He has to surprise the snarl that almost left his mouth. He didn’t know he was so sensitive, but so many years of no human affection and contact can really heighten your senses.
One of your hands moved from his chest and to the back of his mask, playing with the strings. It was like you burned him, and you found yourself pinned down on your bed with him on top of you, his breath ragged, and your hands pinned on either side of your head. Asa was in height alert now, no way you were gonna take his mask off, he wasn’t that reckless.
“S-Sorry...Didn’t know you liked privacy so much.” you said, trying to assure him that you won’t pull that stunt again.
He groaned out as you thrust your hips into his, your covered heat grinding into his erection.
“L-Look...You don’t have to dance or show me your face...just...h-help me out here.” you said, your eyes looking up into his pleadingly.
Oh someone fuck him. Asa wasn’t a reckless man that let his dick do the thinking, but so much stress and work had him pent up so much testosterone, he needed relief. What could happen? Everyone was downstairs, music blasting and you were him, practically begging him to fuck you, plus you won’t know who he is.
He looked down at you and nodded. It would be fast, just a quicky to ease the tension in his body. Letting go of your hands, he began to unbuckle his belt and zip down his pants, pulling out his hard erection from the coffins of the black pants.
Your eyes widened at the size, maybe you underestimated him a little. Your fingertips brushed against his length, skin so hot. He knew that look in your eyes, it was adoration and fascination. He had that look when he played with his victims, dismembering them and shaping them into insects for his collection.
He growled when you brushed your thumb over the head of his cock, your arms again pinned down. Asa hated to be teased.
“Just fuck me already.” you said with authority and Asa had the sudden urge to cut off your tongue, but he pushed that thought in the back of his head. Maybe another time.
One of his hands moved between your legs, glad that you were wearing a dress, his fingers pulling your panties aside, then rubbed up and down your slit, smearing the wetness. You were wet enough, no more time to waste. Grasping his length he rubbed the tip on your clit, then pushed all inside.
He had to put his hand over your mouth to stop your screaming and he had to bit his lip so as not to make any sound. God, the feeling...He really missed it, been buried deep inside a female, so wet and tight, and these walls squeezing around him, it’s been too long indeed.
“T-Too big.” you whimpered against hi gloved hand and Asa couldn’t help the prideful smirk that graced his lips, a smirk that suited his Collector persona.
Asa wasn’t one to brag about what he was packin’ but he liked these types of reactions, it made him feel in charge. Letting out a long breath, he began to thrust, his hips pistoning against you, his hand staying over your mouth, but it’s your eyes that spoke more, wide and rolling back in pleasure.
Alright, maybe Asa was reckless, but who could blame him? He was a psychopathic mass murderer with a sick and demented mind, so been called a deprived perverted wouldn’t really change anything.
“C-Close.” you whimpered, his thrusting picking speed as he felt his own climax approach.
“Y-You can cum inside...I-I’m on the pill.” you breathed out, your legs wrapped around his waist, locking him in, when you both came, his lips pulled into a snarl as he felt a shiver running down his spine.
You were fisting the bedsheets as your legs shook, your head falling down on the mattress, a lazy smile on your face. Asa was trying to catch his breath too. This got him more tiered than chasing down victims.
Everything was fine until...
“Hey [Name]! You there? Umm...the male stripper is downstairs at the door.” your friend called from the hallway.
Your eyes opened and looked at Asa widen open. Oh oh...
Before you could do anything Asa got his knife out, hitting your head with the hard handle of it, knocking you out cold, then disappeared into the night, out your window.
When you woke up, your friends told you that you were sleeping on the bed and asked where that masked man was. You told them you passed out but weren’t injured, although something else was on your mind.
Asa was mad, at himself. How could he be so careless and almost get caught? He promised himself he won’t let pussy overtake his mind. His hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly, his mouth into a thin line.
He was ready to start the engine when he felt his blood rush down in his body, another start of an erection forming in his black pants. He groaned and banged his forehead in the middle of the steering wheel.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me...”
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skiesoftwilight · 5 years
Clear Insecurity (Time Drake)
I forgot I had this one saved honestly! I written it so long ago and never posted it, but now I'm gonna so you can read I :) I hope you all enjoy :)
Word Count: 2507
Tim’s shaky hands frantically dove into the medicine cabinet in his bathroom, shoving the half empty bottles of vitamins and aspirin aside to look for the tiny box that held his contacts. His blue eyes were narrowed to the size of slits while he leaned over the sink to get a closer look into the back of the cabinet; although his glasses sat on desk in his bedroom, he refused to put them on to even find his other option that would temporary fix his vision. If he didn’t find that case soon, he would never descend the stairs and choose to be a recluse just for the night.
While his hope for finding his contact case was dwindling, it was restored when he felt the crumpled paper box come into contact with his calloused fingertips. With a grip of a lion, he quickly pulled the box out of the cabinet and set it on the edge of the sink and opened it up to find that there was none left.
“This can’t be happening, not now…” Tim muttered to himself as he looked back in the box to double check before sticking his hand back in the cabinet to see if he there was a possibility of there being another box, but there wasn’t.
Tim let out a disgruntled sigh as he shoved the box into the trash and placed both of his hands on the sink and bowed his head down in defeat. He was already on edge about Bruce hosting one of his charity balls at the manor at the moment but now that he didn’t have have any contacts to wear, that ruined the rest of his night before it even began. He was dressed in a very sleek navy blue suit with a powder red tie and all he needed was those stupid contacts, but he ran out.
While Tim leaned over his porcelain sink deep in thought on how to go about his sudden obstacle, you were climbing the stairs and slowly making your way to his room. With one hand gripping the railing of the stairs and the pulling up the the skirt of your red evening gown, you still found it hard to climb the stairs in your white heels. Your silky soft (H/C) locks were done in cascading curls down your back but they were curly swept to one side of your face so you could see were you were steping.
Slowly approaching Tim’s bedroom door, you could hear the low pitch of his voice; he was mumbling to himself about something and usually when he did this, you knew there was something wrong. Standing in front of his door, with your hands still curled into your chest, you wondered if you should interrupt him on whatever he was doing. You didn’t want to upset him since you and Tim hadn’t been in the best of places of your year long relationship.
Letting your worry overpower your shyness, you pulled one of your hands away from your chest and lightly knocked on his door, calling his name softly to see if he would respond right away. You stood there for a good minute before trying again with the same response. You knew he would have answered at least on the second call, so you decided to take the initiative and enter at your own risk.
“Tim? You okay?”
You slowly pushed the door open and poked your head inside to see that his bedroom was vacant; the lights were dim, but you could tell by the strewn about clothes and the closet light still on that he was in the general area. Your gentle (E/C) gaze spotted that the bathroom door was cracked and that the soft white light crept out of it. Coming all the way into the room, you pulled the rest of your dress in with you and shut the door softly.
“Tim? Are you in there?” You called out to him, coming to stand at the foot of his bed staring at the bathroom door, “Tim?” You spoke his name with more urgency and concern as he didn’t answer you.
Instead of a verbal response, he quickly yanked the door open and stuck his head out to see you flinch at the sudden action and retreat your hands to your chest to soothe your spooked heart. His blues eyes were wide with surprise at seeing you, well rather the blur of your figure, in his room. He opened the bathroom door all the way and slowly crept out wearing that gentle smile that you’ve always loved.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” He spoke softly, looking at you up and down as he approached you, “I didn’t hear you come in. Is there something wrong?” He asked you while he took a hold of your hands and gave the a light squeeze.
“Nothing’s a matter with me, is there something wrong with you?” You let him know that you noted the messy room that you two were standing in, “Bruce sent me up here to check on you cause you never came down.”
Tim let out a tired sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck to relieve the imaginary weight that rested there. Your gaze was growing more tense as you looked at him, waiting for him to tell you what was wrong. His gaze came to meet yours and in soft breaths he was mumbling about his situation. You told him to speak up while you inspected the mess of his room.
“I was just getting ready for Bruce’s charity event downstairs, it took me longer than expected to get ready, but I’m not sure if I want to go down there and make my presence known tonight.” His voice wavered throughout his whole time talking and it already set off your excuses alarm.
You walked around his room carefully, trying to not trip on any of the clothes that were laying all over the floor; his hamper was overflowing, but it looked like there was no effort to clean it. You lingered by his desk to see that he had open files on his computer that were being worked on recently. A open bottle of aspirin sat behind the monitor as if he was trying to hide it from prying eyes, or more specifically, your eyes. You continued to walk around his room, seeing the mess and coming to the conclusion that he was letting himself go again.
“Tim...your room...it’s a pigsty,” You gestured to the mess and looked at him in disbelief, “It wasn’t like this a couple days ago when I helped you clean it. What happened?”
Tim looked away and went to shut off the lights in the bathroom and closet, taking some time to think about his answer. “I know, I just… I got caught up with my patrol duties and school and with other things…”
“Well, you gotta take care of this soon, like tomorrow. If you want, I can see if I can stay in the guest room tonight and I’ll help you straighten it up tomorrow.” You suggested as you kicked some the the clothes to the side to form a path to walk in.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t mind the help...thanks.”
“Alright, now let's go join the party, I wanna get a dance in with you before they stop for the bidding.”
“Uh, yeah, I can’t go down there.”
“Why not?” You questioned him, placing your hands on your hips, “You look super handsome and I will have to say that I might be a little jealous if I have to share your presence with those other young girls down there.” You chuckled as you shoved his shoulder playfully.
“Thanks, I, uh, can say the say to you too, you do look stunning,” Tim struggled to take in your appearance, not admitting to you that he really couldn’t see you, “Red really is more your color than mine.”
Tim got silent for a few moments before answered your silent question of why he couldn’t go downstairs, “I ran out of contacts, okay? I don’t have any more, I threw out the ones I wore yesterday and I don’t have any in now.”
“So?” You shrugged your shoulders, “Just wear your glasses, it’ll be alright.”
“I—I can’t. Those are only for in the house purposes.” Tim threw his hands outwards in front of him, letting his anxiety slowly climb up the scale in his chest. “Plus, I don’t feel like bringing any attention to me for being different from the rest of my brothers.”
You sighed with a heavy heart in your chest as you remembered that Tim was always self-conscious of his glasses, so much that he rarely wore them, even inside the house. You let your eyes wander to his desk once again as you saw them just sitting there next to the keyboard with a slight layer of dust on them. You went to retrieve them and cleaned them as you talked with him.
“Oh, Tim, wearing glasses is nothing to be ashamed of. Almost everyone wears them,” You sent him a small and warm smile, “If you’re worried that they’ll bring attention to you, you’re wrong. Sure, some people might approach you to ask about when and how you got them, but they won’t stay long, they’re rich people they talk money, not personal matters.”
“I get that, but I just can’t wear them down there, especially in front of my family.” Tim walked around the room with his hands out in front of him, “You know that they like to make fun of me because I’m the only one that wears them. Jason is the worse out of all of them; always calling me a true geek and a nerd....”
Tim was working himself up and you knew that you needed to stop him before you lose all hope of bringing him downstairs. The moment he passed you, you quickly latched onto his arm and walked him over to his bed and ordered him to sit down. Sitting beside him, you fiddled with his glasses while you both let the silence of the room cool things down.
“Look, don’t pay them no mind when they make those comments. They make them out of pure fun and don’t mean to hurt your feelings; they told me themselves. They appreciate your role during the patrols and investigations and they love you and are glad you’re a part of the family. Jason pokes fun at you the most just because he really respects you; sure there might still be some tense moments after his resurrection, but he’s there for you no matter what.”
Tim just sat next to you in silence, taking in your every word. He fiddled with his calloused fingers while you had placed a gentle hand on his upper back, comforting him. He knew that you were only doing your very best to cheer him up and make him feel better about himself, and he deeply appreciated that. That was what he loved most about you; you were always making an effort to cheer someone up and give them confidence. Your kind words were no doubt sincere and he was being to not feel the anxiety of being different for just one night.
“Thanks for those words, really,” Tim turned to you and gave you a deep and meaningful look, “you really know how to cheer people up, don’t you?” Tim reached for your free hand and gave it a firm squeeze before looking down at his black frames sitting in your lap.
You followed his wear gaze and gave him a kind smile, “It’s only for one night, that’s all,” with slight hesitation, thinking about if he was actually ready to put on his glasses, you unfolded them and slowly brought them to his face and slid them on, pushing them all the way up to the bridge of his nose, “After the ball, you can come right back up here and choose to roam around blind for the rest of the night for all I care, as long as you’re happy.”
Tim chuckled at the last bit as he blinked with wide eyes as his vision became more clearer. He stared at your face and was taken back a bit by how beautiful you truly looked and felt a tiny bit guilty for guessing on how you looked earlier; he didn’t feel that bad though, because he already knew you would look beautiful cause in his eyes, you always were. His ocean blue eyes looked all around his messy room and agreed that it definitely needed to be cleaned.
“You really do look stunning, by the way, like more than usual,” Tim stood seated while you rose from the bed and turned around to look at him as he smiled at you, “If anyone is to be jealous tonight, I think it’ll be me. I’m sorry that I left you alone for so long down there by yourself.”
You threw your head back in laughter as you face tinted a light shade of red. Tim laughed with you as you took his hands in yours and swung them lightly in the space between you two, “You can make up the lost time by coming back down there with me and giving me that dance that you had promised me a while back.”
Tim slowly nodded his head as he rose from the plush mattress and stood by your side giving in to your desires. “Alright, alright. Let’s go down there.”
“Tim, thank you for coming to your senses,” ou spoke honest words as you moved in closer to him, looking up at him with your doe eyes, “I’m glad that you overcame your silly glasses fear. To be completely honest with you, I prefer you with your glasses rather than without them, I find you more handsome.”
Tim chuckled before bending down to place his lips on yours. You two stood there for a few moments, kissing while listening to the muffled classical music creep in through the thin walls. It was magical and you couldn’t ask it to be any more perfect. When you two split apart, you patted his chest before interlacing your and with his and leading him out of his room and down to the ball below where everyone watched you descend the stairs with grace and beauty.
When the ball had ended, you both took no time making it back to his room to get out of your formal attire and retiring into the cool sheets after a night filled with dancing. The rest of your night was filled with cuddling and watching t.v. with Tim; after your comment of calling him handsome with the glasses, he kept them on the whole night, not once taking them off. You were glad that you two had found your footing once again and that was all you could ever ask for.
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A Deal Turns Into A Meeting
Marvin knocks on Blue’s door, his mask absent--putting the scarring on his cheek on full display--and his emerald green hair falling just past his shoulders. A worn cloth messenger bag hangs from a strap on his shoulder, gentle clinks of glass sounding quietly with his every movement.
The door opens to reveal a worn-out--but happy--Blue, and their eyes brighten when they see him.
“Marv! I was wondering when you’d show!” They open the door all the way, and Marvin steps inside with a smile.
“Yeah, sorry ‘bout that.” He rubs the back of his neck. “There was a little problem with a personal project of mine.”
Blue hums as they close and lock the door, leading Marvin to the living room where, of course, a plate of freshly-baked cookies sits on the coffee table.
“That elixir still giving you trouble?” Blue’s tone is casual as Marvin sets his bag down on the table and plops down on the couch, taking a cookie and munching on it.
“Yep,” he mumbles through a mouthful of crumbs and gooey chocolate. “I thought I had it, but Mare came over, which messed up some important timing. Gotta start from square one.”
Blue gives him a sympathetic smile. “Well, I’m sure it’ll turn out great, once you get it done.”
Marvin swallows down the last bite of cookie, already reaching for another one.
“Thanks, I sure fuckin’ hope so.”
Blue’s smile falls just a bit. “You know, I could always just-”
“By the way,” Marvin interrupts suddenly, digging into his bag. “I’ve got what you asked for, plus a couple extra things I think you could use.”
Blue pushes down their disappointment, swiftly replacing it with a bright smile.
“Oh, really? This quick?”
Marvin shrugs, pulling out a smaller leather bag--roughly the size of a pencilcase--as well as a small glass bottle with a cork in the top, filled with a shimmering blue liquid. “Well, yeah. You’re a priority, and this is for something important.” A few swirls of yellow shine through the liquid as Marvin hands the items to Blue.
“How do you know that?” Blue sets the potion bottle aside, peeking into the leather pouch.
“Nobody orders the most potent and expensive well-wishing potion I have without a damn good reason.” He eats a couple more cookies as Blue pulls out the smaller bottles and items in the bag.
“What...are these?”
“Good luck charms, mostly, with a few of the magical equivalent of Five Hour Energies. Those’re the bottles.”
“Wow...” Blue blinks and puts everything back into the pouch. “So how much do I owe you again?”
“Still twenty,” Marvin says. “And before you complain, no, I’m not gonna make you pay for the extra shit.”
“But Marvin-!”
“Nope! Twenty or it’s free.”
Blue huffs, pulling their wallet from their pocket and handing him a twenty dollar bill. He smiles and pockets the bill.
“Pleasure doin’ business with ya.”
“Will you stay for diner?”
“Ahh, I dunno, I gotta restart the elixir, and...” He looks at Blue and groans. “Don’t, no, not with the sad puppy eyes!”
Blue ups the ante, poking their lip out and giving him a proper pout. Marvin holds out a few more seconds before sighing.
“Fine, I’ll stay. But only for an hour, okay?”
Blue cheers and throws their arms around him, grinning. He rolls his eyes and hugs them back, smiling softly himself.
“Blue?” A small voice comes from the entryway of the living room, and Marvin looks up to see a little girl standing there, looking at them curiously.
Blue pulls away, chuckling. “Addie, hi sweetie! Did you finish your homework?”
Addie nods, staring at Marvin intensely. Marvin stares back.
“Uh. Blue? Whose kid is this?”
Blue lightly smacks his chest and stands up, walking over to Addie and kissing the top of her head. They rest a hand on her shoulder and smile at Marvin.
“Marvin, this is my daughter, Addie. Addie, this is your Uncle Marvin.”
Addie gasps, eyes lighting up. “The one with the magic?”
Blue nods, and Addie squeals, running up to a stunned Marvin.
“Do you really heal people? Can you actually teleport? Why don’t you have a wand? Can you shapeshift? How old are you? What’s your Hogwarts house? Did you ever meet Harry Potter? Can you take me to Hogsmeade? Why is your hair green? Is that magic too?”
Blue laughs quietly as she continues to bombard him with questions, Marvin just looking between the two in bewilderment. After a few minutes, Blue interrupts.
“Alright sweetheart, why don’t you go get washed up for dinner? Uncle Marvin will be eating with us, he can answer your questions then.”
Addie shoots off to the bathroom like a bullet, the anticipation of having her questions answered exciting her. Blue bursts out laughing as soon as she leaves the room, while Marvin just stares at them, eyes wide and mouth agape.
“Wh- you- I don’t- I thought you couldn’t-!” Marvin runs a hand through his hair. “How?”
Blue’s laughter dies off as they pull him up by the arm, leading him to the kitchen to start serving dinner, which appeared to be baked salmon, rice, and steamed broccoli with cheese. As they scoop food onto plates, they talk.
“Addie is my adopted daughter. She’s been here for... A month? A month and a half?” They carry the plates to the table and set them down, then they go back to the kitchen to prepare drinks. “She’s a sweet girl, real smart.” Marvin shakes his head.
“Waitwaitwait. So you’re telling me you adopted a kid and you didn’t tell me?”
They chew their lip, carrying the drinks out, as well as silverware.
“I was...worried.” They lean against the back of a chair. “I wanted to make her adoption process as easy on her as possible. Introducing her to all of you guys when she already had so much stress... I couldn’t do that. So I told her a little bit about you all, minus the magic and murder and whatnot, and once she moved in, I figured she would like to meet some of the less...eccentric people in our family first. She’s met Henrik, Jamie, and Paultin. One of-”
“Mare’s brothers, yeah.” Marvin huffs. “So you introduced her to Paultin before me?”
“Well, that was an accident. He was performing, and once I recognized him, I figured... What’s the harm?” They bite their lip and pit a hand on Marvin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I wasn’t sure I wanted her to know about magic yet. Paultin made that decision for me, which I’m actually grateful for, because I don’t want you or anyone to have to hide who they are around her.”
Marvin shakes his head, pulling Blue into a side hug. “You’re insane, you know that?”
Blue chuckles lightly. “So I’ve been told.”
There’s a few moments of quiet before Marvin speaks again. “She’s a cute kid, but her aura...”
“Yeah.” Blue sighs. “She’s been through a lot, especially for someone her age.”
Marvin nods, squeezing their shoulder gently. “Good thing she has you, huh? Everyone knows you’re the best at fixing people up.”
Blue lightly elbows his side. “This coming from the magic healer.”
“Hey, I can heal flesh and bone. Emotional shit isn’t my thing, that’s all you.”
“Actually, Blue, there’s something else. I think Addie is-”
He’s cut off by Addie skipping into the room and plopping down in her chair, kicking her legs and staring intently at Marvin.
“Later,” Blue whispers before smiling and sitting as well. Marvin hesitates, then sits in his own chair.
The next three and a half hours are full of food, questions, and answers. When Addie finally tires herself out, now more educated on Marvin’s magical abilities than perhaps Blue themself (and after an awkward conversation about his scar and how he got it), Blue picks her up and takes her to bed. A few minutes later, they come back out to see Marvin standing at the front door, his bag on his shoulder.
“Aww, leaving already?” Blue fakes a frown. Marvin chuckles.
“Yeah, sorry, but all that food made me tired.” He pats his bag lightly. “On the plus side, I’ve got enough cookies to last a lifetime!”
“I bet they won’t last three days.”
“Two at the most.”
The two laugh quietly, warm in each-other’s presence, and Blue wraps their arms around his neck, hugging him.
“Come back soon, I get the feeling Addie’s gonna have a whole new list for you.”
Marvin chuckles, hugging around their waist. “I look forward to it.” As the two separate, Blue gasps.
“Oh, right! What were you about to say earlier? About Addie?”
Marvin blinks, then hesitates. “Uh...” He chews his lip, sighs, and shakes his head with a smile. “Nothing important. She’s just...a real neat kid.”
Blue frowns. “I know when you’re lying to me, Marv. What’s up?”
“Seriously, Blue.” Marvin rubs their shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. If it’s important, you’ll know soon enough. If not, it won’t matter.”
Blue looks at him for a few moments, then sighs. “Alright, I trust you. Even if that’s cryptic as heck.”
Marvin smiles and drops his hand, unlocking the door and pulling it open. “Still weird, not hearing you curse.”
Blue rolls their eyes, smiling as they push him. “Those years are way behind me, now leave my house, nerd.”
Marvin laughs as they close the door behind him.
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dragonshost · 6 years
Can I get a nerd!Elfman and jock!Evergreen au from you? I love this pair so much and it definitely doesn't get enough love.
This request got a bit out of hand, hahaha.  It was a lot of fun.
Since it got so long, it’s beneath the cut.
Sweat ran down a strand of Evergreen’s hair, rending itheavy and repeatedly slapping her in the eye which stung mightily from thesalt.  Freed wasn’t fairing much better,to her absolute glee – his own hair escaping every which way as his ponytailslowly came undone over the course of their bout.
Which Evergreen decided to end, judging Freed to have hadquite enough abuse for one day.  Boxingwasn’t really his sport, anyway.  “Ithink it’s time to call it a day, Freed.”
Relief washed over his face and he sagged in place.  “Thank god.”
Unstrapping and pulling off her gloves, Evergreen patted himon his extremely slick shoulder.  “Nexttime I’ll be your fencing partner,” she promised, heading for her water bottle.
“I’ll hold you to that,” he promised, struggling to get hisgloves off.  Then he paused, and turnedto her slightly with curiosity dancing in his eyes.  “I didn’t know you were working with Elfman.”
Evergreen took a swig from her water bottle and gave him astrange look.  “Elf-who?  I don’t know anyone with such a weird name,”she said, capping the bottle and picking up her towel.
Her friend raised an eyebrow but diplomatically chose not topoint out the irony in her statement. “Elfman Strauss,” he told her, with a jerk of his head at the entrance tothe gym.  “He’s in my study group.  And it looks like he was watching us.  Since I know he’s not here for me, then he’sgotta be here for you.”
The brunette glanced in the direction Freed had indicatedand wiped her neck with the towel.  Sureenough, there was a guy standing around by the punching bags, half obscured butvisible enough for Evergreen to determine that she’d never seen him before inher life.  He was a really big guy, shenoted.  “How do you know he’s not here for you?” she countered Freedidly, perplexed as to how someone of that sheer size had escaped her notice atthe school.  Not many people couldcompete with the dude, that was for sure. Laxus was the only one that immediately came to mind.
“He explicitly turned me down for a joint project earliertoday,” Freed informed her, finally finished wrestling with his boxing glovesand joining her side.  “Said he hadsomething going already.”
Evergreen groaned. “This isn’t for that huge national science-y-thing, is it?” At Freed’sanswering nod, she covered her face with her towel in exasperation.  “Then he and I definitely don’t have any business,” she mumbled through the cloth.
“Regardless, he’s finally worked up the courage to startwalking over here,” came Freed’s all-too-amused response.  Ignoring her snarl of annoyance, he calledout, “Hey, Elfman.  Looking forEvergreen, I take it?”
“Yeah,” came the other man’s response, his deep voicebooming in the enclosed space.  “If I’dknown you’d be here, though, I would have asked for an introduction.”
Evergreen uncovered her face, curly hair falling onto hercheeks.  “What do you want,” she askedhim bluntly, not interested in what it could be in the slightest.
“Can we… uh… talk in private?” he asked.  “No offense, Freed.”
“None taken.”  Freedgrabbed his towel and climbed down from the boxing ring, announcing, “I’mhitting the showers.”  He smelledabsolutely rank and boxing with Evergreen always made his hair despicablygreasy.
“There, it’s private,” Evergreen stated once Freed had madehimself scarce.  “Now tell me what youwant.  I have training to get back to.”
Elfman shifted uncomfortably.
Seeing how his eyes shifted away from her, Evergreen bitback another groan.  Great, another‘manly man’ who couldn’t take the sight of a female athlete in an impactbra.  Well he needed to get over it.  Fast. “Just spit it out already!”
“This is kinda embarrassing, but… I was wondering… if youcould help me out with a project I’ve got going.”
“I hate to break it to you, but Freed is the brainierbetween the two of us,” Evergreen confessed. “And I’m the brawn.  If you needhelp with your project, ask him, not me.”
“Wait!” Elfman pleaded. “I need your help for this!  NotFreed’s!”
Curious, and not exactly displeased by being needed overFreed, Evergreen did not immediately leave. “What’s your project?  If I likethe sound of it, and if it doesn’t cut into my training time, then I might bewilling to go along with it.”
“I wanted to study how different training techniquescombined with diet affect muscular definition,” he answered easily, much morecomfortable talking about his project. “Specifically, for female athletes. You wouldn’t be the only one in the study – Juvia Lockser, Laki Olietta,Erza Scarlet, and my sister Mirajane have all agreed to participate.”
A swimmer, a gymnast, a fencer, and a mixed martial artist, plusher as a boxer, Evergreen noted. Different types of musculature and trainingstyle.  It was a well-rounded group, buthe could stand to add a runner, probably.
And now she was also kicking herself a bit, because ofcourse she should have recognized Elfman’s surname from the get-go.  Mirajane Strauss was a terrifying fighterwith an impressive reputation.
But it was the inclusion of another name that setEvergreen’s teeth to grinding.  “Erza Scarlet?  She’sin on this?”
“Yeah,” he replied, confused by the nasty expression she wasmaking, but forging ahead anyway.  Notdoing so wouldn’t be manly, after all.  “Uh…is there… a problem with that?”
Exhaling forcefully through her nose, Evergreen shook herhead.  “No, it just tells me that you’reserious.  She and I have a personal beef,but she’s a damn good athlete.   So aslong as she and I don’t have to cross paths, and so long as you can keep youreyes off my chest, I’m in.”
Perplexed, Elfman stared at her.
“It means on my face, big guy,” Evergreen informed him.
“I wasn’t staring though?” Elfman questioned, stillextremely confused.
“Don’t give me that. You kept glancing at the floor, earlier; couldn’t look me in the eyes atall.  If the way I dress for trainingbothers you, then this isn’t going to work out.” She lifted the ropes on the ring, slipping past them and landing on the gym floor.
“I think you have the wrong idea,” Elfman stated.  “Mirajane is my sister, remember?  I don’t have a problem seeing sportsbras.  That would be pretty unmanly of meto disrespect an athlete like that.”
She found herself believing his words.  Mirajane Strauss was, again, a terrifyingwoman.  “Then what was the problembefore?”
“You’re intimidating,” he confessed.
“Would’ve thought having Satan herself for a sister wouldrender me pretty mediocre by comparison.” Evergreen knew she had an ego problem, but only idiots challengedMirajane in a physical contest.
“It’s because I have Mirajane for a sibling,” hegrumbled.  “I just saw you wipe the floorwith my classmate, and compared to Freed I’m probably no more intimidating than a fly.”
Evergreen somehow doubted that Mirajane’s younger brotherwouldn’t be able to defend himself quite well. She reached over to the stand she’d left her glasses on, and put themback on her face.
Now able to clearly see the man, his own musculature stoodout in high relief.
Yeah, he could probably hold his own.  He may be a nerd like Freed, but Evergreenknew better than to underestimate the type.  He looked like a beast, to be honest.  Was he really a highschooler?
“Well, I’m in,” Evergreen stated, sticking her hand out forhim to shake.  She smiled when he did,and he smiled slightly in return.
This was going to be entertaining, if nothing else.
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We Got Tagged
Hey everyone, we got tagged by @localmutantlesbian in this mutant ask thing so here we go (as always Z will be using bolded font and Vex will use italics and if we’re both saying it it’ll be both bolded and in italics, just so ya know who’s who in our answers if ya don’t wanna read our names every time). Here we go!
1. What’s your codename/mutant name?
Z: I can’t decide honestly, I’ve considered something simple like “Shifter” and crazy shit like “Dragon Queen” but they’ve all been shot down so far either by me or by Prof.X or one of the other Profs or my friends for being lame
V: This is a question I hate because I totally would’ve gone with like “Multiple Girl” but Multiple Man has that and they won’t let me pick something in a dead or nerd language (even though I think it’d be super cool) so I also don’t have one. We don;t go into the field much yet though so it doesn’t really matter yet.
2. Age?
Z: 19 going on 20, birthday is in May
V: Same except my birthday is in June
3. Gender and pronouns?
Z: Genderfluid with a current lean towards nonbinary so they/them or she/her or he/him all work for me, I don’t really care
V: Genderqueer, They/Them or She/Her please
4. What is your mutation(s)?
Z: Shapeshifting and mild hydrokinesis and is ADHD a mutation? Cause I swear it gives me superpowers
V: Creating multiples of myself and enhanced strength, speed, and senses. And yeah ADHD should definitely count as a power.
5. Are you a member of any mutant group (X-Men, The Mutant Underground, The Brotherhood of Mutants, Morlocks, etc)?
Z: X-Men in training at Xavier's (But I have friends in The Brotherhood)
V: Ditto
6. Got any physical mutations?
Z: Yeah, although mine are mostly by choice seeing as I’m a shapeshifter. I’m fond of my claws and fangs and tails and scales and horns and freaky eyes for everyday use
V: Nope, not really.
7. When did your powers manifest?
Z: Around 13
V: 12 and a half
8. What is your favourite thing about your powers?
Z: Everything. I love my powers, I love that I can be anything and do anything if I put my mind to it. It makes me who I am honestly, I don’t know who I’d be without my powers. Hell I’d probably have killed myself if my powers hadn’t manifested when they did I hated myself so much back then. Of course being at Xavier’s and meeting V and my other friends helped too. But yeah I love my powers and how they make me feel.
V: Ditto honestly, my powers help me learn so much and so much faster than I used to be able to, the focus I gain from my clones alone is a life saver when I have to do anything I find boring (which is a lot because Inattentive ADHD sucks royally). The enhanced senses and stuff are pretty awesome too, nothing better than losing your favorite pen under a couch and being able to lift the couch over your head ta get it back. I wouldn’t trade my powers for anything in the world.
9. Biggest pet peeve related to being a mutant?
Z: Assholes being assholes to us, assholes who only approve of human-passing mutants who think we should be grateful they even tolerate that much, not being able to find good shapeshifter friendly clothing that still looks cool and comes in plus sizes, and uppity fuckwad mutants who judge others on powers or looks or anything else because god dammit we need to stick together and support each other. I could go on because I have a lot but I won’t or this’ll take forever.
V: The asshole issues that Z pointed out but also when my powers go outta control cause I lose my cool or something and I have ta calm down ta find control again and it’s really hard, or when I sneeze cause of allergies and I accidentally sneeze a clone out...it’s embarrassing. Also accidentally hurting people with my enhanced strength....I hate that too
10. Ever been to space or another dimension?
Z: Yeah by accident.....it involved tequila....lots of tequila....
V: Nope
11. Do you wear a costume (BE HONEST)
Z: Sorta? I have ta make a lot of my own clothes cause of my physical mutations and shapeshifting so sometimes they come out looking very costumey and I am fond of leather which doesn’t help. I guess my battle gear counts? Loose black cargo pants (need all the pockets for gadgets and snacks cause shapeshifting requires a fuckton of calories and effort), black tank top (lightweight body armor actually but designed ta look like a tank top), arm warmers (again armor, they cover from my wrists to halfway up my upper arm, they’re also black). black leather fingerless gloves, combat boots (with knives hidden in the toes, also black except I change the laces all the time cause I like making them funky colors and designs), and a black leather weapons belt that holds at least one stun gun, two daggers/medium sized knives, and in some cases a sword because I like it. All of it’s like....well for lack of a better term...enchanted ta survive my shifts (including into dragon form) so it doesn’t rip or tear or anything. Apparently when I shift it kinda just disappears into a pocket dimension and then reappears on me when I shift back...I dunno how it works, ask Scarlet Witch she hooked me up. And by the way the weapons are because sometimes if I’m too drained ta shift I gotta go hand-to hand.
V: Yeah kinda, it’s my battle gear too. Navy cargo pants (I keep extra snacks for Z), black t-shirt, black wrist guards, black boots with purple laces and skulls and stuff painted on them, purple weapons belt holding a stun gun, throwing knives (like a frick ton, I also store more in my pants), more knives of varying sizes, smoke bombs (great for sneak attacks, just throw to confuse enemy and then attack from all sides with clones. I have flash bombs too), and a couple different versions of brass knuckles, and then I wear opaque black sunglasses too because I like them. Oh and yes my shirt is body armor like Z’s is of course, and my boots are steel toe.
12. Are you a minority in another way (race, gender, disability, etc)?
Z: Genderfluid Panromantic Demisexual who’s got mad depression, anxiety, ADHD, and fainting spells and I’m Polyamorous
V: Genderqueer, Queer in general, demisexual and polyamorous also with severe anxiety as well as dsycalculia and ADHD 
13. Coolest power you’ve seen?
Z: I love Storm’s powers, but Scarlet Witch is pretty cool too
V: I concur with Storm but I’m also fond of Z’s powers cause watching your friend turn into a dragion is really cool
14. Favourite mutant artist?
Z: Dunno
V: Ditto
15. How would your friends describe you?
Z: Loud, proud, queer as fuck, angry, musical, a water baby, a literal and metaphorical dragon, bad influence, pun queen, kind of insane, kinky, and V’s shoulder devil/inner crazy bitch. 
V: Quiet, secretly vindictive, punk af, dorky, wordy, easily distracted, helpful, accidental group therapist, mom friend, and Z’s conscience/shoulder angel. 
16. Enhanced/powered person you most want to meet?
Z: Deadpool, I always miss him when he visits and it sucks
V: Spiderman......I just think he seem really cool
17. Feelings about mutant registration?
Z: No, just no. That’s how they end up rounding us up and killing us all. If it’s an operation run by us mutants ourselves as a way to work together and support each other and offer aid to mutants and help mutant youth who’ve been kicked out of their homes and stuff like that then sure. But not some government list of us all, fuck no.
V: Yeah ditto on that.
18. #MutantandProud or #WeWantACure?
Z&V: #MutantandProud
Z&V: Again unless it’s something regulated by mutants for mutants, no. Because it should be a mutants choice whether or not they want their powers because some people get royally screwed and end up with powers they hate because they are dangerous or something like that. It shouldn’t be something the government or anyone else can decide, it should always be the mutants individual choice. 
19. How did you choose your codename?
Z: Don’t have one yet but when I do choose it’ll probably be like...by throwing darts at a bunch of names I like or a coin flip or something
V: Don’t have one yet, I’ll tell you how I chose it when I figure one out.
20. OPTIONAL: what caused your powers to manifest?
Z: Got mad, grew talons and fangs and scales cause I was reading about mythological creatures earlier, was not pretty. It happened when I was alone though so that was a plus. (I was mad because of a text from my boyfriend at the time). The hydrokinesis thing I figured out after I got to Xavier’s...was outside in the courtyard....got catcalled by some asshole student....wished I could dump water on his head....fountain water flew up and over and dumped gallons on his head....it was awesome.
V: I sneezed at the dinner table and three clones shot out of me....the strength and speed stuff I figured out at school in gym class when suddenly I was kicking ass at track and field after always sucking at it my whole life....The senses I figured out when I could hear waaaayyyyy too much noise everywhere and everything smelled waaayyy too strong and suddenly I could see without my glasses (yeah I used ta have and need glasses, I don’t anymore but if I did they’d be cats-eye style like a vintage librarian because reasons). 
Tagging: We’re not really sure who ta tag so if you wanna do it then feel free ta do it and tag us!
(And thank you again to @localmutantlesbian for tagging us! We loved doing this!)
~Mod Z
~Mod Vex
P.S Wanna know more about us? Check out our previous “Meet the Mods” posts or check out our “Meet the Mods” page on the blog!
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goodnightallwhites · 4 years
Midtown High's Newest Snowbunnies By BlackingPacking
Midtown High's Newest Snowbunnies 
By BlackingPacking 
Submitted: July 10, 2020 Updated: July 10, 2020 
Mary Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy want to buy some weed for the first time. They end up joining the ever-growing ranks of thotty teen snowbunny party freaks. A bit of subversion of expectations 
Provided by Hentai Foundry. 
Chapter 1 - Aaron Davis, Part one 2 
1 - Aaron Davis, Part one 
Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Watson were, among other things, very different types of rebellious. 
Gwen was edgier, tomboyish, borderline violent with how her sense of humor was. The tomboy aspect was helped by her disappointingly small bust. She couldn’t even reach a C cup. 
Mary Jane, on the other hand, was quirkier, more nerdy, would more likely win an argument with a teacher than just annoy one. And her bust was a spot she excelled at. Or two spots. 
Both, though, did plenty of similar things, even together. Sex was one of their favorites, with plenty of steamy lesbian moments, with sloppy wet kissing, pussy licking, and ass eating shared between the two of them. Not to mention complaining about Peter Parker’s tiny little peter. One of their favorite memories was when MJ was on her last break with Peter when they both went to a party in the sluttiest clothes they wore. MJ knew Peter would be there, and wore a leather corset and dyed her hair black just to freak him out. She and Gwen had some damn good phone sex after that. They spent hours on the phone almost every night, without either’s family knowing, having the kinkiest phone sex their FBI agents could imagine. This being before they’d graduated to full on hot lesbian fucking. 
Something they’ve only done once, however, was smoke a joint. Gwen got it from a party, hid it from her father, and let Mary Jane share in enjoying the small amount of actual mary jane. They’d enjoyed it, but that was weeks ago. They wanted more. 
And what better way, thought MJ, than getting it herself? That’d show Gwen for always saying she was the cooler one. 
She wouldn’t even go to the school’s dealer, Hobie Brown. They needed a guy who could get them whatever they wanted- weed, high nick vapes, fake IDs, whatever. She’d get the good stuff from the guy who every kid in midtown was told to stay away from on their walk home, the guy Hobie wanted to be. 
Aaron Davis, garbed in a purple t-shirt under his leather jacket, smoked a vape in an alleyway. Nothing illegal, and he never got high on his own supply. He never even kept his product in the same place day to day. It was how he made himself the biggest dealer left in Midtown. He was smart, far smarter than most. And he wasn’t even 25 yet. The guy was going places. 
As for Mary Jane, she liked his confidence already. He stood there with swagger, looking more impressive than 90% of the students at Midtown, easily. He was a few inches taller than her, and almost half a foot taller than Gwen, but carried himself like he was far, far above them. They liked that. 
Best of all, they’d heard rumors that Aaron accepted sex as a payment. And sex was Gwen and MJ’s favorite thing. 
It certainly helped that he was black. Everyone knew what that meant, of course, and it’d be a welcome 
change after only having sex with all 3 inches of Peter Parker. 
MJ had a whole pervy little plan concocted. She had managed to arrange a meeting with Aaron through Hobie, set at 2:55, right after school let out. Gwen was told, though, that she should meet behind the apartment flats the students were all told to stay away from at 3:30. MJ had her stuff ready during last period, and nobody cared that she brought her backpack to class. 
Nobody but Peter, of course. 
“Hey, MJ,” he asked after the 2:50 bell rung. 
“What is it, Peter?” she asked, annoyed after spending a full 45 minutes horny beyond belief. It was a struggle for the redhead not to finger her pussy through her jeans. 
“Ah, nothing MJ. You just looked uncomfortable all class- plus you had your backpack today. In a hurry for something?” He acted so fucking cocky. As much as MJ told herself that she was a size queen who only deserved the biggest, hottest cocks, she had to admit that Peter was cute. He had that whole ‘hot nerd’ thing he was growing into since he lost the glasses, got a whole lot fitter, and had a confidence boost. She actually got wetter. She hoped the over-observant bastard didn’t notice how the wet spot in her panties felt like it was soaking into her jeans. 
“Yeah- I’m, uh, not feeling great now Peter. I’ll talk later if I can though!” She walked faster. 
“Oh. Alright. I’ll, uh, call you?” He called, stopping as she sped off. 
“Don’t bother!” she yelled. 
By 2:55, she was at the location. Her tight maroon and white t-shirt showed off her round tits perfectly, and her jeans showed off her ass like nothing else she owned. They were bell-bottoms, something that hadn’t been in style for 40 years, but she knew the curviness made her butt pop just that much more. 
And then, there he was. The purple garbed tall black man, standing behind the old apartments across the street. They were home to single mothers and school kids, none of whom would be home now. MJ wondered how many he had fucked. 
She knew the stereotypes of course. White man, small dick, but black man? Big dick. She new her mom had joked to May Parker about how MJ’s abusive asshole of a dad was just insecure about his ugly little pecker. She’d even heard him say the N word a few times. How the hell a beauty queen like MJ came from a guy who, from what she heard, had hairy little marbles for balls was a mystery to her. 
But Aaron Davis? Not only would he not have to be too impressive to dwarf Peter and Mr. Watson, but he still looked like he’d be impressive against anyone. He looked good without trying too hard, he could model if he didn’t have such rough features, especially under that tight t-shirt. 
The definition of big dick energy. And that didn’t even count the bulge in his jeans. 
“Hey there,” MJ breathed, looking around the corner to see no one followed her. Her heart felt like it 
was in her throat. She was gonna fuck thi 20-something year old dude. She didn’t know how or where or in which of her eager teen holes, but she know she would.” 
“Yo- MJ, right?” 
She nodded, “do you- have the stuff?” 
“The stuff?” He cracked up, “yeah kid, I do. But how do you know you’re not a cop?” 
MJ stopped. “A-a cop?” 
“Yeah. Ya gotta admit it’s fishy. High school bitch, askin for weed when she coulda just gone to my boy Hobie? What are you, little girl, freshman, sophomore? 14 or 15? I’m down to get some head, but not to do anything illegal. Well, that kinda illegal.” He chuckled. 
“I’m a senior, thank you! A-and look, here’s me student ID,” she flashes her wallet, showing the card and her under-21 drivers liscense. “That's enough?” 
He chuckled again. “Yeah bitch, it’s good. But, I saw you got some good money in that wallet. You ain’t just gonna by my shit like a normal thottie?” 
“I’m,” she walked up to him. Shakily she laid her fingers on his chest, “thottier than most, you might say.” 
“Oh? You’re lookin nervous babe. Ever done this?” He lifted his fat bulge. 
“I-I-I’m not a virgin! I know what to do.” 
“But you’ve never sucked off a nigga in an back alley, have ya?” 
A back alley? He wanted it here?! 
The dirtiest she’d ever done was blow Flash Thompson in his bathroom while his girlfriend was outside. And even then, Flash Thompson, while better than most at 6 or 7 inches, definitely did not compare to the thing that stretched Aaron’s pants. “N-no...” she admitted. 
“It’s ok girl,” he hummed. She looked up at him. Those tight round tits of hers nearly brushed against his chest, “I’ll show you the ropes.” 
Suddenly, with a thud, she felt a large object slap against her stomach. She looked down and saw it- a long, fat cock. 
“You can squat down right? Show me how low you can go.” 
She obeyed with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. With her ass out lots more than it needed to be, she squatted down to take his cock in her mouth. It was bigger than her face, with a thick width and thick foreskin and a nice, fat head. It’d be hard to take down. 
“Eat my ass, Peter,” she whispered as she held this big beautiful dick. 
“‘Scuse me?” He asked. 
“Oh,” MJ looked up. She was drooling. “Peters my, well, Gwen, the girl who’s coming later, Uh, our ex. He’s about this big.” She pinches her fingers together. 
Aaron just burst out laughing, “Ah, don’t make me laugh!” Despite the obvious. 
“It’s true!” she laughed too though. This big cock stared her right in the face. A real man’s cock. What the fuck was Peter gonna do about it, huh? Mary Jane had some reservations before, but as she opened her mouth all wide and breathy and nasty, she realized just how right it felt to suck on a cock this big. That’s what was really important. That a guy’s cock was big. It was a size game, and only the biggest, fattest, pants-tearingest cocks deserved to win. If Aaron took this cock away, MJ would probably curl up on the ground and cry. 
Aaron rolled his eyes, “Whatever, bitch. Just keep goin with that jb-bj.” 
“JB?” asked MJ as she popped her jaw each way to get ready to suck off that dick. 
“Jailbait.” he whispered as she slid her tonguey mouth right down his veiny cock, “And whoo damn is it worth it” 
“Mmmmgh!” said MJ happily as he started fucking his throat. Of course she was worth it- she was this close to a modelling contract, after all. She never wanted to be an airhead or some haughty bitch, but goddamn if that didn’t seem fun. Maybe if she’d joined the cheerleading squad she’d get black dick like this more often. Sally Avril probably got her ass raw dogged to nirvana. Cummed in too. 
With Peter, MJ had been used to counting the seconds until he came. With Aaron, it was minutes. But just minutes. He wasn’t going at it subtly, roughly fucking the back of her throat so she drooled and spat over his hairy crotch and thick, muscled legs. He didn’t care about her pleasure, but not because he didn’t know how. Just because he didn’t want to. She was, along with being a customer who was probably being way overcharged, a cumdump to him. But little else. And he made it work, dammit. 
He shot thick cum into her stomach. She’d heard it called ‘baby batter’ before, but now she understood this. As his balls tightened up and his truly manly cock got even veinier, she could feel how much batter-like man milk he was dumping in her. She could barely close her mouth with it all in, after he stopped. 
Baby batter. In the back of her mind, she was thankful he didn’t just shoot that up her pussy or she’d have some serious explaining to do. 
On the other hand, she really wanted to get fucked. Fucked hard. Fucked right in the pussy by this cocky, misogynistic, drug dealing black thug. With his big fucking cock. Because fuck what she needed, she’d be getting what she wanted. 
“Mmm-mmmmm!” she said, biting her lip as she sat down on the filthy alley ground, legs spread, and started shaking. She kept moaning like that until her jeans were totally soaked. She’d cum from barely even touching him. Barely even being touched. 
“You bitches are weird, you know that?” 
“I- I’m sorry, but I don’t care,” MJ stood up and began stripping, “Wanna fuck?” 
“Ah shit, girl- right here?” 
“M-hmm. C’mon, I’m so fucking horny,” she just threw her underwear down with her clothes. 
“Didn’t you just cum?” 
“Yeah- and I said I was fucking horny!” MJ’s mind told her to stop, that rawdogging this dude in this alley was a horrible choice, no matter how big he was or how wet she had gotten, but those voices quieted as she orgasmed. They’d probably go away with the next. “So, how do you want it? Face to face, or me bent over?” 
“Shit, you white bitches are all the same,” he said as he licked his lips. Aaron surely had no second thoughts. 
But it seemed not all those voices came from inside her head. 
No, one came from a thotty blonde genius who liked knives a little too much, who was walking right up to them. 
“MJ- what the fuck?” 
Oh shit- Gwen! 
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destiel + meet cute?
Not gonna lie, I couldn’t come up with any good meet cute scenarios on my own so I found this one x And honestly, it’s perfect for Destiel. (also on ao3)
Dean and Charlie always made time to hang out at least once a week, even if it just meant walking home from work together.
Between Dean's job at Bobby's garage, his part-time gig bartending at a local bar, and his college courses, he was stretched pretty thin. Charlie was in a similar situation, juggling two jobs, one as the head of the IT department at some big name enterprise and another at a bookstore, and a new relationship with her girlfriend Dorothy.
When Dean had decided to finally get his degree, having gotten his GED a few years prior, he had met Charlie at the bookstore where he had been looking for a copy of the textbook Sam had accidentally ruined. She had been working behind the desk, tapping away on her laptop while blasting some kind of pop music, when Dean had gone to the front to buy the overpriced textbook.
They had both winced at the exorbitant price, Dean cracking a half-assed joke that had fallen flat as he pulled out his wallet. She had given a courtesy laugh before brightening with a genuine smile and punching a cash register keys that immediately brought the price down by at least twenty percent.
Beaming, she had informed him, in a conspiratorial whisper, that she had used her employee discount, much to both Dean's delight and astonishment. They had been friends ever since, bonding over their shared love of all things nerdy and the struggles of being the only LGBTQ+ members of their families.
Now, two years later, they were as close as siblings, Charlie the sister that Dean had never wanted and Dean the sometimes overprotective brother Charlie had never had. Between their busy schedules, it was increasingly difficult to hang out, even just for an afternoon.
Not wanting to give up on their hang out day altogether, they simply improvised. Which is why there Dean was, walking Charlie from her office building to the bookstore a dozen blocks away.
"Oh my god, did you see the new trailer?" Charlie asked after taking a sip of her coffee, some kind of caramel latte frappuccino thing with a huge dollop of whipped cream on top.
"Yeah. Looks pretty good," Dean answered, weaving around a woman pushing a three seated stroller. She murmured a grateful thank you as she passed.
"Pretty good? Pretty good?!" Charlie gasped, thoroughly scandalized. It showed on her face as she gaped at him, her jaw slack as she pushed her glasses further up her nose.
She gestured aimlessly with her free hand, nearly smacking a passerby in the face in her unchecked enthusiasm. Yanking her arm back, she continued on, "It's Wonder Woman 2, Dean! It's gonna kick ass!"
"I know, kiddo," Dean chuckled, holding up his hand in a placating gesture. Taking a sip of his own coffee, black with just a little bit of sugar, he rolled his eyes at Charlie's outburst.
Both of them were devout comic book fans, Dean preferring DC while Charlie was a Marvel girl through and through. They had never missed a superhero movie and they didn't plan to, always reserving tickets for the premiere. Charlie's hacking skills, while beyond illegal, were extremely helpful.
"So..." she sing-songed, batting her eyes at him innocently. But from the tone of her voice, Dean knew that she was anything but. "Have you thought about what I said about my boss?"
"Ugh, Charlie. Not this again," Dean groaned, hanging his head as they crossed the street. Shaking his head, he firmly announced, "For the last time, I don't wanna go out with your boss."
"But why not?" Charlie whined in return, jutting her bottom lip out in an exaggerated pout. It was the same pout that was just as effective as Sam's ridiculous puppy dog eyes, maybe even more so. "You've never even met him!"
"Yeah, that's why I don't wanna go out with him, Charlie," Dean sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. For the past few months, Charlie had been trying to convince Dean to go on a date with her boss, claiming that he was perfect for Dean.
Apparently, the guy's name was Castiel which was the most pretentious thing he had ever heard and he had once gone out with a dude named Brady. And according to Charlie, he was downright dreamy.
Dean had to admit that she was probably right about that. If even she thought a dude was dreamy, he must be a modern day Marlon Brando.
Charlie had talked his ear off about how handsome and considerate her boss was, detailing all of his contributions to various charities from the local animal shelter to Meals on Wheels. Not to mention how entrepreneurial he was, opening the bookstore with his brother a few years back when he had moved to Lawrence from Illinois.
She had even sung praises about how smart he was. One day she had spent fifteen minutes detailing her boss' time at Columbia, listing his degrees, and mentioning a few books he had written.
But as amazing as this Castiel guy sounded, Charlie making it sound like the dude shot rainbows out his ass that she assured him was objectively perfect, Dean had learned his lesson about letting friends set him up with people.
The last time he had gone on a blind date it was with some guy his friend Benny had set him up with. It was a disaster.
The guy's name was Fergus but he went by Crowley, probably because his parents had cursed him with a ridiculous name like Fergus. He had spent the entire date, dinner at some overpriced French restaurant where Dean had stuck out like a sore thumb in his flannel shirt and faded jeans, talking about himself and making lewd innuendos about the size of his dick.
That had been the end of Dean going on blind dates. Besides, he may or may not have had his eye on someone.
There was a regular at the bar that had captivated Dean since the first time he had seen him and he had been working up the nerve to ask him out for weeks. And he wasn't going to give up on the cute nerd he'd admittedly been pining for just because Charlie had a hot boss.
The first time Blue Eyes, as Dean referred to the man in his head, had come into the bar where Dean worked, he had looked like complete and utter shit. His black hair was messy, his clothes were disheveled, and he was sopping wet.
It had looked as though he hadn't gotten the memo about the storm that had drenched the city and filled the sky with strikes of pale lightning. Looking exhausted, dark circles under his beautiful blue eyes, thus the nickname Dean had given him, he had taken a seat at the bar. With a resigned sigh, he had ordered some whiskey, a bacon cheeseburger, and a plate of loaded nachos.
Blue Eyes had offered to share his nachos with Dean when the sound of his empty stomach rumbling had filled the air. Dean had been eternally grateful, giving Blue Eyes a beer on the house.
They had spent almost two hours talking, bantering lightheartedly as Dean made drinks for the others at the bar. And yes, Dean might have been a teeny tiny bit more dramatic as he used the cocktail shaker to make cosmopolitans and daiquiris, flexing more than necessary to show off his biceps in his tight black t-shirt.
He had been pretty disappointed when Blue Eyes had finally left the bar, though he had left behind a tip worth more than his meal. His disappointment didn't last long. Blue Eyes showed up again the next night.
He had ordered one of the fancy cocktails that Jo had come up with to set the Roadhouse apart from other bars in the area and it had somehow morphed into a little game between them. Every time Blue Eyes came in, Dean would surprise him with different cocktails, never telling him what the drink was called until he had tried it.
Dean would never forget the look on Blue Eyes' face when he told him that he was drinking an angel's tit. The poor guy's entire face had turned bright red as he choked on the mix of cherry liqueur, half-and-half, and white creme de cacao.
But for all of Dean's flirting through sexually named cocktails, he had yet to work up enough nerve to actually ask him out.
"Anyway..." Charlie drawled, whipping some whipped cream off the tip of her nose. "You doin' anything tonight? It's been way too long since we've actually hung out."
"I work at the bar tonight but I'm off all this weekend for once. No classes, no work," Dean replied, a wide smile stretching across his face at the thought. He couldn't remember the last time he had been able to sleep in past nine o'clock. He couldn't wait. "We'll have a slumber party. You can braid Sam's hair."
"Ugh, I haven't seen Sam in months. He's off being a hotshot lawyer," Charlie lamented, throwing her head back. Looking over at Dean, she narrowed her eyes and asked, "He still growing his hair out? It's gotta be past his ass by now."
"Oh, yeah," Dean agreed, nodding a couple times. "Pretty soon he'll be tripping over it."
Charlie laughed and started rambling on about how if Sam was Rapunzel then Dean must be a Disney princess, too. He nodded along as she debated whether or not he would be Moana, a free spirit who loved travel, or Belle, beauty and brains all rolled into one, until he was distracted by a store window.
It was an independently owned clothing store, an upscale boutique called Sew It Seams that catered to women especially. And by that, he meant that a large portion of their stock was lingerie.
They sold everything under the sun, from frilly lace panties to dominatrix-esque leather bustier, in every color imaginable. From what he had heard from customers at the bar, they actually had plus sized articles of clothing made for women who didn't just have hourglass figures or bigger thighs.
In their store window, there were a few torso mannequins, headless, armless, and legless as they advertised different types of lingerie. It was an unexpected sight on the street full of more family friendly shops which is probably why it caught Dean's eye.
Well, that and the fact that he had always been a bit fascinated by lingerie. Ever since he was nineteen and he'd tried on Rhonda Hurley's satiny pink panties.
Call it a kink, call it a fetish, call it a run-of-the-mill preference. Whatever the hell it was, he had it.
The only person he had ever dared tell was Charlie. Which is why he was glad she was with him.
As he admired a pair of bright red panties and a matching sheer babydoll, he reached over to nudge her hand. He groped under blindly under he finally made contact, muttering, "Hey, Charlie. Wouldn't I look sexy in that?"
He turned around with a cocky grin to see her reaction, expecting an eye roll or a punch on the shoulder. It was fair to say he was expecting to see Charlie standing beside him, not Blue Eyes himself.
The man blinked at him, his angelic blue eyes wide as Dean's face filled with heat. He quickly glanced around in search of Charlie, finding her about a yard away with a hand clamped over her mouth as she shook with poorly concealed laughter.
"Uh, I—" Dean squeaked, his voice high pitched, but he didn't get to finish his pathetic excuse because Blue Eyes cleared his throat and squinted at the store window.
"I suppose," he murmured thoughtfully, nodding to himself. But, turning to Dean, he pointed a finger at the store window and claimed, "But I believe that color would be better. It complements your skin tone."
His jaw nearly dropping, Dean inclined his head to look at the other mannequin that was adorned in the same style of lingerie. The babydoll and panties were pale pink, dainty and feminine and oh so intriguing.
"Uh, yeah... I guess you're right," he managed to stammer out scratching the back of his neck as he was overwhelmed with how much he suddenly wanted the lingerie set. Face still warm, he dropped his eyes to the sidewalk, staring at a spot of old chewing gum.
"So, uh..." Charlie's voice sounded, making Dean tense. He knew that tone. That was her 'I'm-about-to-meddle' tone. She confirmed it a second later when she announced, "I guess this is as good a time as any for introductions."
Dean whipped his head up so fast he was surprised he didn't break his own neck, narrowing his eyes at his best friend. She just smirked back at him before she spoke. "Dean, this is my boss Castiel Novak. Castiel, this is my best friend, Dean Winchester."
Dean's jaw immediately dropped as he turned to Blue Eyes, or rather Castiel. Charlie's fucking boss. The guy he'd been pining over and the guy she'd been trying to set him up with apparently one and the same.
Blu—Castiel offered a rather shy looking smile, drawing Dean's attention to the chapped pink of the other man's lips. He managed to tear his eyes away before things got even more awkward, returning Castiel's smile with one of his own.
Their moment was interrupted by Charlie who chimed in, "Y'know, as good as Dean would look in those panties, I bet they'd look even better on your bedroom floor, boss."
"Charlie!" Dean squawked indignantly, shooting a glare at his friend over Castiel's shoulder. "Stop hitting on him for me!"
"Well, someone has to, Dean," Charlie said simply as though it made complete sense. She rifled around in her purse for a moment, handing Dean her hoity-toity coffee as she did.
A moment later, she pulled out a slip of paper and a pen. After writing something on the paper, she handed it to Castiel, explaining, "That's Dean's number. He has the whole weekend off so you can take him on a date tomorrow."
She turned to Dean with a bright smile. "Well, I'm gonna get to work. You crazy kids stay here and talk about where you're going for your date—" she looked back at Castiel "—Dean loves pie. The diner on Fifth Street serves his favorite pecan pie. You should take him there."
Without another word, she spun on her heel and continued her walk to the bookstore, her ponytail swaying as she jogged across the street. Dean and Castiel were left to stare at Charlie's back before awkwardly glancing at each other.
"So..." Dean began, pursing his lips and shoving his hands in his pockets. He rocked back on his heels as he chanced a look up at Castiel. "Tomorrow night?"
"How about tonight?" Castiel countered with another smile, sounding adorably hopeful. After biting his lip, he elaborated, "I'll be at the Roadhouse tonight. Maybe we could split some nachos again? You could make me one of your dirty cocktails."
"Yeah, that sounds good," Dean responded, maybe a bit too eagerly. "How does a cock sucking cowboy sound?"
"Depends," Castiel said, nodding decisively. Smirking, looking much more confident, he inquired, "Is that the drink or you?"
Letting out a startled laugh, Dean answered, "Depends. How good are you gonna tip me?"
As Castiel laughed, the sound lighting him up from the inside, Dean acknowledged that he might have to change his stance on letting friends set him up. Then again, he hoped that he wouldn't ever need to be set up with anyone because Castiel seemed pretty damn perfect.
Send me Destiel prompts!
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