theoriginalsfan124 · 2 years
This fic was inspired by the ABBA song "Slipping Through My Fingers / Me And I" and it's written for my brotp of Inazuma eleven Natsumi x Fudou. Also I'm drawing a bit inspo from @inazumafocus rarepair weeks so I have to give credit to them too (tell me if you want me to remove the tag though)! ^_^
Genre: Angst/fluff
Summary: Natsumi's and Fudou's friendship falters through the years, but the love they share never dies. In the end, they may have changed as people but the bond they shared came before anything else.
Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning/Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile/I watch her go with a surge of that well-known sadness/And I have to sit down for a while
They never went to school together. No. He went to Teikoku and Natsumi being the Raimon's chairmans daughter naturally went to Raimon. However, that didn't mean they didn't spend an absurd amount of time together. In fact, Natsumi's father had stopped asking why Fudou was always at their house. Quite the apposite really - he started questioning when Fudou wasn't there.
But somewhere along the line their friendship went down the drain. They didn't have a fight. No. They weren't mad at eachother. No. But there was something. Something that went bad and Fudou had joined Kageyama. Natsumi was heartbroken when she saw. But she was not mad. No. She couldn't be mad at Akio. Never. Afterall she had left Akio alone when the aliens attacked. In a way, she felt that she had betrayed him and not the other way around.
After he realized he'd made a mistake, Fudou wanted to approach her. Tell her he's sorry, hug his best friend, his "sister", go with her. But in way he had been late. They were already leaving. She smiled at him and waved goodbye.
"I'll see you around, Akio!" She had told him.
He watched her go, an overwellming feeling of sadness rushed over his body. He had to sit down after he saw her leave. He stayed on that bench for a couple of hours after that.
"The feeling that I'm losing her forever/And without really entering her world/I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter/That funny little girl"
She was a very important person to him. He had never had any interest in women romantically. In fact, the only person he was romantically interest in was Kidou and he was afterall a man. But Natsumi was his twin flame. A person he trusted more than he trusted himself. The sleepovers at her house, entire nights spent sending eachother memes, coffee and tea time every afternoon, laughing at stupid fashion trends - all of that was something he would't trade for anything else.
So when he was elected to be a candidate for Inazuma Japan, he went straight to her. Only to find out she would not be there when the match would happen or any other match for that matter.
"I'm sorry, Akio, but I have to go overseas. I wish I could watch you be selected. I know you will be," Natsumi had answered him when asked about the match.
"It's okay. I understand," he had smiled sadly.
He had a feeling that he'd be loosing her forever. But he shooked it off and swallowed the lump in his throat.
"Make it to the finals for me, Akio!" She gave him the brightest smile and giggle.
He nodded and smiled just as brightly as her, tears treatened to spill from his eyes. He was being vunerable - something he only showed to her and no one else.
They finally hugged - a big warm hug that lasted for at least a good five minutes. However, to both of them it felt like mere seconds. After that they said goodbye and she left to catch her plane. Fudou Akio cried a little, not that anyone saw, but he had promised himself he will win.
"Slipping through my fingers all the time/I try to capture every minute/The feeling in it/Slipping through my fingers all the time/Do I really see what's in her mind/Each time I think I'm close to knowing/She keeps on growing/Slipping through my fingers all the time"
And win he did. He kept on winning with his team and even made it to the finals. Never betraying his promise. Only, she... She had joined the Little Giants as their manager. He could not fantom the idea. Her leaving for someone else. Fudou thought he knew her. And yet her intentions slipped though his fingers like a handfull of sand.
He was sad. He almost felt betrayed. Almost... But he remembered.
"I betrayed her first..." he thought out loud, kicking the a stone in the ocean before plopping on the sand.
"No, you didn't." Her sharp voice answered behind him.
Fudou almost jumped in surprise. She was there, her hair matted from the wind, her eyes almost full of tears, her sandals full of sand.
"Never say that again. Never. You have never betrayed me, never hurt me. Fudou Akio you are the greatest friend I ever had and you are such a big softy inside that, honestly, you could never hurt me even if you tried"
Her voice was sharp, however, her eyes were soft. She plopped herself next to him and rested her head against his shoulder - something she often done when they were alone.
"Then why?" Akio asked as he rested his head on hers.
"You'll find out soon enough."
And after that they stayed in silence. Looking at the nights sea together, enjoying each others calming presence.
"Sleep in our eyes/Her and me at the breakfast table/Barely awake, I let precious time go by/Then when she's gone/There's that odd melancholy feeling/And a sense of guilt I can't deny"
She joined Inazuma Japan after that night. Most were not so excepting. The first to welcome her back was none other than Endou and his stupidly warm presence. The second were the managers. The rest soon joined. And Fudou... He was so confused, so still ridden with guilt, so filled with mixed emotions that he had stayed quiet the whole day. The others questioned him about it at the breakfast table, thinking he would say something snotty or sassy. Fudou Akio finally let out a laugh and threw his arm around Natsumi - an action that confused the team.
"Bestie, I'm afraid to tell you this... But Natsu here is my best bro," he chuckled and pulled her close.
"Wait... This is the Akio you told me about?!" Gouemji was the first to speak adressing Natsumi.
Natsumi just nodded and giggled at Fudou's antics. Fudou felt like it was the old times again.
"What happened to the wonderful adventures/The places I had planned for us to go/(Slipping through my fingers all the time)/Well, some of that we did but most we didn't/And why, I just don't know"
They were beggining to become like they used to. But then they won and had to go home. And then they graduated and went to different high schools. Fudou felt sad again. Natsumi and him had always planned to go wild in high school, date as many people as they could, go on trips, have wild adventures. That never happened. Last year of highschool Natsumi was only focused on studies, he was too. If he wanted to go to university, he had to pass with flying colors. He could not afford tuition fees.
They both succeeded in the end. Ocasionally they did text, send some memes here and there, studied together at times, maybe even had a coffee together. But it never felt the same. And Fudou Akio just did not know why.
"Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture/And save it from the funny tricks of time/Slipping through my fingers"
The first time he saw her in person after months and not just occasionall calls or texts was when holy road and the rebellion for soccer began. She looked just like always - elegant, put together. She greeted him with a warm smile and hug. But there was so much sadness in her eyes.
"Akio, I haven't seen you in months! Where the hell have you've been?" She questioned. "Has living with Kidou changed you that much? That you can't even visit?" She teased.
"No, having to explain to Gouenji Shuuya that I am gay and do not have any intentions towards his girlfriend did," he teased her back, chuckling.
Her face fell, her eyes did not shine anymore after mentioning Gouenji.
"Natsu, what happened?" He asked concerned, his arms wrapping around her small shoulders to comfort her.
"Did Kidou not tell you? He's... he's Ishido Shuuji now...."
Fudou mentally slapped himself. He had been so dumb. Kidou did mention Ishido Shuuji, but he must have misheard who he truly was. All this time he thought his boyfriend meant that coach Kudou was the holy emperor and Gouenji had been the one starting the resistance. It was the opposite and Fudou didn't even text Natsumi about her well being.
"Yeah... I am sorry, Natsu... Are you okay?"
It was then that she fiercely hugged him and let her tears run freely.
"I don't recognise him anymore. He changed...he said it will all be revealed in time but would not tell me what he meant. So I... I packed my bags when he wasn't home and came to your work. I'm sorry."
"It's fine,Natsu, you know I am always here for you," he rubbed her back gently. "Do you have anywhere to stay?"
"I would go to my father's but I do not want to explain why in the ever living hell Gouenji decided to become Ishido to him and how i have fucking clue what the hell he is even doing,"she sobbed again.
"Then please stay with me before you two figure things out," he offered.
"But Kidou..."
"Nah, he'll be fine. Besides, it is my house also."
He had whiped her tears away and led her back to the car. After they drove to his and Kidou's house. Fudou led her in and offered the guest bedroom for her to stay in. While she settled in, he ran back downstairs to a now confused Kidou and updated him on the situation and Kidou being the angel he is ordered them take out and was prepared to treat Natsumi as she were his sister Haruna, because to Fudou Akio Natsumi was his sister.
They ate the take out together after it arrived. All three of them on the living room couch. In the end, Kidou had asked Natsumi to tell her about Fudou as he had heard so much information he didn't know about her from Fudou. She had happily agreed and the rest of the night was spent with them laughing. Fudou saw Natsumi's eyes brigthen that night and her laugh so honestly. Akio thought that must have been the first time she had laughed in many months.
Two of the most important people in Fudou's life were sitting in the same room and in a way it felt like old times, but Fudou knew this was even better. He wished he could freeze the picture and stay in that moment forever.
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theoriginalsfan124 · 6 years
Natsumi: I’m going to the grocery store. You want something?
Gouenji: You
Natsumi: Canibalism is illegal
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theoriginalsfan124 · 6 years
Back to you
This one-shot was inspired by this song: https://youtu.be/ulNswX3If6U
Thank you for reading!
After years spent with Gouenji, Natsumi had encounter a lot: from having him leave, because of the so-called aliens to, to the time she had to leave him and go on a wild goose chase to find Endous grandpa, to having comeback and having Fuyuuka go around him like a fox, til now - Gouenji becoming Ishido Shuuji and infiltrating Fifth Sector to free soccer once more. Almost everything was because of soccer, almost every time they had to sacrifice their happiness and their relationship for it. Natsumi never complained though, at least not that much, she knew Shuuya loved soccer with all his heart, maybe he loved it more than he loved her. Of course he always denied that, telling her that he loved her more than anything, telling -no- promising her that this will be the last time they sacrificed everything, yet those promises were never fulfilled. This time, this time Natsumi had enough. She packed her bags with an aching heart and tears in her eyes, but she knew she had to do it.
As Natsumi put in the last of her clothes she heard the front door open and close. For a while it was quiet, before she heard loud footsteps rushing upstairs. She understood that Gouenji must have seen a couple of her bags by the front door. Natsumi heard the bedroom door being open, she didn’t have to look to know who it was. There stood the man she had always loved and cherished.
“What are you doing?” He asked her instantly.
“Packing” she answered quietly, not trusting her own voice.
“Why?” His face was full of confusion.
“I’m leaving” she said as a matter of fact
“What?! Where?” Panic rose slightly in his eyes.
“Out of here”
He looked at her intensely. The woman he loved for so long, the woman he trusted with his life, his first love was now packing her bags up.
“What do you mean Natsumi?!” He almost yelled out.
“Don’t you get it?!” This time it was her yelling. “I had enough Shuuya! I had enough of your empty promises, of your lies, of that goddamn soccer, of everything!”
“Natsumi...” his voice softened instantly as he stepped near her.
“I’ve had it! I’ve had it being your second choice! I’ve had ! I’ve had it!” She kept repeating and angrily cramming what’s left of her clothes inside the black suitcase.
“Natsumi...love I promise you-“ He was cut short.
“No!” She screamed out. “I don’t need anymore of your empty promises!”
Silent overruled them as Gouenji stood there, in the middle of their shared bedroom, stunned, confused, panicked, angry but most importantly - scared. Scared to loose the woman he loved, to lose Natsumi. Deep inside him he knew this day would come when he became Ishido, he knew she will eventually break, that she would have enough, but he hoped, how he hoped, that the day would have never come. But here he is, watching her pack her bags angrily.
“Natsumi please...” his voice quiet and hurt. “Please don’t leave me.”
“I can’t anymore Shuuya...I can’t...” She answered him silently crying as she zipped up her last suitcase and brought it downstairs as Gouenji still went after her, hoping, praying that she will change her mind.
Most of her stuff was in the suitcases, only a couple of books and little things left in the big house they owned, well Gouenji owned. She opened the front door caring as much bags and suitcases as she could in her hands and putting them in her car.
“Natsumi I beg you...” Gouenjis voice hurt as he help her soft hand.
She squeezed his hand one last time.
“I love you...I do...but I-i can’t anymore...I just can’t” She said almost like a whisper before letting go of his large hand, taking her last bag and sitting in the car.
Gouenji stood in the doorway, watching Natsumi turn on the engine and drive off. He stayed there watching in the direction she drove off to. He stood there for god knows how long before slowly walking inside and shutting the door close. He wobbled his way to the living room before falling on the ground, clutching his necklace - the one he got from Natsumi the first year they started dating. He sat there in silence, tears steaming down his face. In the past three years since he, they, moved in the house never felt so empty. Right now it hurt. Everything hurt.
Natsumi drove a couple of blocks away from the house, parking her car in some sort of parks parking lot. She turned off the engine as she folded her arms on the steering wheel and rested her head on it too. Only loud sobs could be heard in the car now. It hurt so much leaving Gouenji, but she had to. She had to... After a minute of so she picked up her phone dialing a number. Natsumi needing a place to stay right now, sure she could stay at her parents, but they would ask too many questions, questions she’s not ready to answer. At this moment she needed a person who understood her, who wouldn’t ask questions, who would hold her and comfort her while she bailed her eyes out.
“Hello?” Fudou’s voice could be heard on the other line.
“It’s me..” she spoke quietly.
“I know it’s you Natsumi. Why are you calling me at 1 in the morning?” He spoke annoyed but concern still very much evident in his voice.
“I need a place to stay. Can I crash at yours?”
“What? Natsumi what happened? Where’s Gouenji?” He asked now very concerned about his best friend.
“I left him...I left him Fudou” She answered, her voice cracking as she spoke.
“What?!” Fudou yelled out surprised. “ Where are you?”
Natsumi could hear Fudou grabbing his car key and walking around.
“There’s no need...I’m-im with my car and all my stuff.. I’ll meet you at your place,of you let me stay.”
“Of course! Natsumi drive carefully. I’ll be waiting.”
“Will Kidou be alright with this?”
“Of course he will, don’t worry about it.”
They soon ended the phone call as she turned on her engine once more and drove to Fudou’s and Kidou’s place. Fudou was already waiting outside for her. And the moment she stepped out he unfolded his arms spreading them open as she practically ran towards him. He hugged her tight letting her sob on his chest, while he caressed her hair and tried to shush her. They stayed like that for a while, before Kidou stepped outside.
“Come in you two, you’ll get a cold.” Kidou spoke softly while leading a crying Natsumi inside, Fudou walking behind them.
Natsumi spent all the time til 4am crying her eyes out to Fudou, as he did all he could to comfort her. He knew how she felt, after all almost the same thing happened to him and Sakuma, but he knew it got better, he found his true love -Kidou. However he knew Gouenji and Natsumi were a lot different than he and Sakuma were, they always found they’re way back to each other. Maybe they will now to.
“She asleep?” Kidou asked his boyfriend when he saw him walk out of the guest room.
“Yeah...” Fudou spoke softly.
“ what do you think? Will they make up?” Kidou asked wishing only the best for his friends.
“I don’t know, darling. I don’t know...”
They both looked at the guest room door quietly before linking palms and going to their bedroom, hoping everything will be okay for both Natsumi and Gouenji.
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theoriginalsfan124 · 6 years
Natsumi: Everytime I feel pretty some attractive person walks by and my self esteem drops again.
Gouenji: You should stop walking by mirrors
Natsumi: *too shook to function*
Fudou in the background: okay that was smooth
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theoriginalsfan124 · 6 years
The trio in school pt.2
Haruna: hey guys have you heard?
Kidou: what?
Haruna: The school is having a dance next week
Gouenji quietly: oh no *starts slowly backing away*
Endou: *turns to him* Gouenji what are you doing?
Gouenji: *whispers* the fan girls
Kidou: the what?
Gouenji: *louder* THE FANGIRLS
Kidou: just ask someone as quick as you can
Gouenji: who bitch?
Kidou: Natsumi?????
Gouenji: I mean-*starts mumbling* shesgreatimeanbutlike
Kidou: *shrugs* I mean if you won’t ask her I will at least I won’t have to deal with Fudou asking me
Gouenji: *already walking* Natsumi it is
Endou: I’m still confused as to which school is having a dance....
Kidou and Haruna: oh for Gods sake *slaps forehead*
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theoriginalsfan124 · 6 years
Ishido: *in his office,in a meeting with Senguuji*
Natsumi: *bursting though the door* ISHIDO
Ishido: Darling,I’m in a meeting. Would you please? *gesturing to Senguuji*
Natsumi: Hi I’m in a meeting, I’m I don’t give a flying fuck!
Ishido: Love, would you please. *in a hushed tone* I’m the holing emperor, I can’t have my girlfriend yelling at me in front of colegues.
Natsumi: HOLY EMPEROR MY ASS! What did I ask you to do before you left for work!?
Ishido: We’ll talk about this-
Natsumi: WHAT DID I ASK?!
Ishido: *sign* to take out the trash
Natsumi: WELL DID YOU?!
Ishido: No
Ishido: Nats-
Ishido and Senguuji: *listening*
Natsumi: Anyways.... *comes to Ishido, kisses his cheek* dinners at six honey
Ishido: I know *smiles*
Natsumi: *leaving* oh! I forgot
Ishido: *raises his eyebrow *
Natsumi: If you’re late to one more date, or dinner your sleeping on the couch without getting some for a month *closes the door*
Senguuji: well that’s one heck of a woman you have there
Ishido: I know
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