#grace updates ✶
osakiharu · 4 months
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ylge · 2 months
He's here!!!
Also if no anime scout girl Khun the I'm drawing it myself 😔😔
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deoidesign · 3 months
I'm so mad that post was misinformation because there is actually an EXTREMELY important conversation to have about the production schedules artists are forced into. There's no need for exaggeration, the conditions are bad.
I work for webtoon. My publication schedule is weekly. While publishing I'm required 10-15 pages a week. Fully colored.
This means I'm finishing a 150 page fully colored graphic novel every 10-15 weeks.
When my comic is not updating, I am not getting paid. Any time writing, editing, or off is out of my own pocket. I don't get healthcare. They do not provide any assistants. They expect me to promote myself; they chose to deprioritize me before I even launched and gave me an end date half a year in. I never had a chance.
And this is the industry standard! Every company has artists forced into crunch hours, overtime, and burnout. Artists are literally dying early due to it. So many of my friends can't afford to go to the doctor.
It's unsustainable and untenable, and it's also the expectation our audiences have.
If we want to have this conversation, there's plenty of conversation to be had with the realities of the situation. It's bad as is.
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leavemetoplaythesims · 2 months
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updatingranboo · 1 year
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Ranboo twitter response ..
[gracemsafford: “Oh my gosh my partner got turned into an award winning watermelon”
slimecicle: “hehehehehe oh yeah I’m the #1 melon baby I’m juicy you motherfuckers better hope I’m seedless 🍉🍉🍉”
ranboosaysstuff: “When Charlie said he was going to become a big fruit, I’ll admit I was a little confused. But now that I see his true melon self I can’t help but be proud”]
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ryllen · 3 months
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i thought / m a n / these girls are quite heartless 🤣 when i accepted the quest at /clearly/ inconvenient time to swim & dive
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prince-jelli-fish · 1 year
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witty caption 
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For Display Only | Grace Howard
"Hmmm... The more I look at you, the more beautiful your curves are. And the sheer power you contain..." "Huh? Ah!"
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gracedbybattle · 2 months
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Andddd, it officially has a working title and summary 😅 Hope to have it up and posted this weekend (maybe)
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osakiharu · 10 months
looking at a rindou draft i wrote like a year ago and oh lord.
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sandrockers · 24 days
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playing again 'cause I miss her.
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asolareclipses · 4 months
(Previous Part)
“Gods this heat is killing me.”
Will looked back at Jason who was drenched in sweat from the summer sun. “Maybe we should take a quick break.”
“I don’t get how you’re not melting right now,” Jason said as he practically collapsed on the ground.
Will shrugged, “Maybe it’s an Apollo thing. Sun resistance or whatever.”
Jason squinted as he looked up at Will, “Huh.”
Will turned to face the quiet road beside them his face turning somber, “We’re never going to make it there at this pace.”
Jason sighed as he ducked his head in a pointless action to avoid the sun. “I mean we’re halfway there right?”
With a groan of frustration Will turned to Jason, “If only we didn’t breakdown in the middle of nowhere.”
Jason opened his mouth the speak but was interrupted by a loud car horn.
Will watched as a small rusted truck slowly rolled to a stop next to them, the window squeaking as it slid down.
“You boys need a ride?” An old man spoke with a southern twang.
Simultaneously, Will and Jason looked at each other, both with clear skepticism. This had ‘Trap’ written all over it, however they had no other choice.
“Sure,” Will replied with a halfhearted smile, motioning for Jason to follow him.
In no time they were riding smoothly, somewhat, down the empty road in the worn down truck. The inside was no better than the outside either as the seats were clearly old with some tears and stains. Each floorboard was caked with dirt along with scattered pieces of trash or machine parts.
Will scanned each inch of the truck but, apart from its lack of cleanliness, it was perfectly normal. No evil tortue tools or suspicious mythical items. It was exactly what you’d expect from some random southern man. The man himself wasn’t strange either, no third eye or sharp teeth, rather something about him felt oddly familiar.
“So you two off on some adventure?” The man joked as he glanced in the rear view mirror at Jason with a sudden look of melancholy.
“Um we were just,” Will paused trying to come up with something. “On our way to visit our grandparents in Maine.”
Jason glanced skeptically at Will, to which Will read as, ‘In what world are we siblings?’
“Well isn’t that nice,” The man smiled, “Good thing I ran across you two because i’m headed the same way.”
Will thought that ‘coincidence’ should’ve made him nervous but for some reason he felt as if he weren’t in any type of danger.
“How’d you two get stranded?” The man continued the conversation in a relaxed manner.
“The-I mean my car broke down,” Will winced at his own stuttering.
The man shook his head, “Those are some tough roads from manhattan huh?”
Will froze, turning to the man. “I never said where we came from.”
The man’s eyes widened for a split second, “Lucky guess huh?”
Will just stared back, inching closer to the door as if to make a sudden escape.
The man sighed with a frown, “Perhaps i’m not the actor I believed I was. My skills seem to be getting quite rusty.” The southern accent disappeared as he spoke in an eerily familiar tone. “Dressed as an old man. Oh how convincing I am. Yet still I get caught.”
Wills eyes widened as he realized the drivers real identity, “Dad?!”
Jason almost got whiplash as he heard what Will said. ‘Dad?’ In no world was this old man Apollo, still there he was, Haikus and all.
“I’m conflicted on whether I should be disappointed in my disguise skills or happy that my child is so quick-witted.” The once old man, now Apollo spoke with a grin.
“Why are you-How are you here?” Will seemed just as shocked as Jason felt.
“I can be anywhere I want of course, and where is better than here?” Apollo words sounded similar to that of riddles. “A good father can give his son a ride once in a while right?”
“Won’t you get in trouble for interfering with, you know, demigod stuff?” Will asked.
“What ‘demigod’ stuff?” Apollo asked his voice pitching a bit higher. “This is just a regular ride with no ulterior motive. At least that’s what i’m going to tell Zeus if he finds out.” He glanced back in the mirror again but as his eyes met Jason’s he quickly looked away with a small frown.
Jason couldn’t help but to remember the last time he’d seen Apollo. He could still feel the coldness of the water, how it felt as he realized his life was about to end.
“So is this your car?” Will’s voice snapped Jason out of his thoughts and back to the current moment.
Apollo shrugged, “Any car can be my car.”
Will raised an eyebrow as his father.
“Okay, I may have borrowed it. But it’s not like anyone will miss this thing, I’ll just replace it with a new one. It’s not like I could’ve used the sun chariot, that would be far too obvious.”
“Right..” Will said, biting back a smile.
“Consider this a favor,” Apollo said his voice suddenly somber. “I know I owe you two far more than just this.” His eyes glanced back at Jason again for only a second.
Will frowned but quickly changed the subject upon sensing the tension, “Do you know what’s going on, if Nico is okay?”
Apollo frowned, “Oh how I wish I could tell you.” His fingers tightened around the wheel, “There is not much I know, just the darkness you all have been so aware of. I can’t predict this outcome and even if I could there would be no speaking it. But you are strong, you are light. Remember that Will.”
Jason could see Will’s face scrunching in confusion but he didn’t say anything, instead he leaned against the window to his side with a distant look in his eyes.
Apollo began to drone on about what he’d been recently doing before he switched over to asking Will as many ‘fatherly’ questions as he possibly could. Jason almost felt left out, he knew his father would never speak to him like that. His father hadn’t even bothered to say anything to him since he came back. Perhaps that was for the best, maybe him acknowledging Jasons existence would mean his end. Or worse, Leo could face consequences too. Jason’s thoughts continued to consume him until he realized that they were slowing down.
Apollo looked at the two passengers hesitantly as the truck rolled to a stop, “This is as far as I can go.”
Will smiled, his eyes without any joy. “Thank you Dad.”
“Anytime Will, I wish I could-” Apollo stopped himself. “Be safe, and bring back Nico.”
“I will,” Will nodded stopping out of the truck.
As Jason turned to exit Apollo suddenly spoke, “Jason.” He paused, “For all that happened, I..I truly am sorry.”
Jason froze for a moment tightly gripping the door handle, he turned to Apollo with a strained smile and shook his head. “Don’t apologize, it was just fate.” He spoke before quickly pushing the door open and stepping out.
Apollo frowned as if he wanted to say something more but decided not to. With a smile and wave he drove off, “Remember who you are Will!” He called out as his voice faded into the wind.
The two of them stood there until the truck was just a spot on the horizon before turning to the rusted sign that read, “Westover Hall 1 Mile Ahead.”
“Well,” Jason turned to Will his voice void of enthusiasm, “We’re here.”
Will bit his lip as he stared at the large school in the distance, “Let’s hope we’re not too late.”
Part Nine?
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goodwithwood · 3 months
Title: Wicked Grace (Chapter 29) Fandom: Dragon Age II Pairing(s): m!Hawke/Fenris (ft. other ships in other chapters!) Warnings: MMORPG/Modern AU, mentions of alcohol & alcohol consumption, discussions about past abuse, undepicted violence & depicted injury, discussions about family death
Garrett Hawke is a simple guy. He likes simple things. Things like playing MMORPGs with his friends. Their guild, Wicked Grace, has been pretty exclusive for a while. But, when the guild becomes interested in recruiting a new member - an elven warrior named Fenris - what used to be a “fun way of passing time” becomes “Operation: Hard in Hightown” (or, as Isabela calls it, “Operation: Get Hawke Laid”). Needless to say, this operation is anything but simple.
Fenris and I throw on some clothes.
Actual clothes, though he keeps my shirt on. 
He dashes into his living room while I'm still thoroughly engaged in a battle with my jeans. 
Of all the times for his sister to show up… 
Why right now?! 
By the time I stumble out of the bedroom, she's already inside Fenris' apartment.
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katiefromcabin7 · 1 month
You know what time it is?
Drawing update time!!
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I just started shading Jason and there is something funky going on but I felt like it was time for an art update anyways
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