#graduated pipette
medilab123 · 2 years
Purchase Volumetry Graduated pipette from Medilab Exports , the cheapest online retailer of lab supplies. Plastic pipettes are ideally suited for use in industrial labs, during field research, and in applications.A graduated pipette is a pipette that has the volume marked along the tube in increments. It is employed to precisely measure and transfer a liquid volume between containers. It has a tapering tip and is composed of glass or plastic tubes. Graduation markings that run the length of the tube's body indicate the capacity from the tip to that point. A smaller pipette enables for more accurate fluid measurement, while a bigger pipette can be utilised to measure volumes when precision is not as important.
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
pre-pandemic i had a playlist for when i was studying chemistry, but at some point during lockdown i got rid of it bc i never used it anymore bc online classes bounce off smooth rubber brain; however, i wish i still had it bc at this rate the romcom hijinks playlist i spent days slaving over (bc i have like fucking Three unambiguously non-angsty songs in my mp3 files by default) to cue the brain into reading mode will be rendered moot bc of all the executively dysfunctioning tumblr scrolling i've been doing to it instead
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shroomsnail · 2 years
the flexibility to switch from in-person to online classes in the case of ~extraordinary circumstances~ is both wonderful and a curse. i feel that, after the mandatory province-wide covid isolation, for something that now affects only a portion of the campus population, switching to online teaching/learning is a lazy solution to keep classes going for undergrads. meanwhile students in my cohort have lost and are still losing so much basic lab training... half the campus is still open, why wouldnt they relocate students to other labs? its really frustrating when you think about the fact that there were students in their 2nd or 3rd year of their bachelor's who didnt even know how to use a pipette or streak plates... we're like, the first generation of microbiology students who won't know how to manipulate the most basic lab tools. this is just embarrassing... somehow this uni, which constantly boasts about ranking amongst some of the best universities in the world, cant even make sure their students have proper, uninterrupted access to lab training...
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tubeplateqw · 2 years
The concept of cryo-treatment is quite controversial in the medical field
You may be wondering if it is possible to purchase vacuum tubes that are not cryogenically treated. While this Graduated Eppendorf Pipette Tips may be an option, this process is a bad idea for vacuum tubes because the metal components inside them are quite delicate. Cryogenic treatment will damage these components in the long run. In addition to damaging the tubes, it can also cause the metal parts to become extremely brittle. Handling these components at cryogenic temperatures requires extreme care.
There are two types of cryo-treated tubes. Vacuum Cryo-TAD 6L6WGC-STR tubes and Tung-Sol 12AX7 tubes. The latter is not cryo-treated. Regardless of their designation, both types of tubes are cryogenic. If you're planning to use these tubes in your medical device, you should first determine what type of tube you want. They are not made of steel
If your vacuum tube isn't made of steel, then you probably don't need to worry. This process is known as cryo-treatment. Cryo-treatment alters the physical properties of metal and glass parts. This process can cause permanent damage if not done properly. Cryo-treated tubes are fragile and must be handled with care. They must be cycled slowly, and humidity levels must be kept near zero to avoid condensation on metal parts.
There are a variety of different methods used to cool tubes. While a few tube vendors claim their tubes have improved performance, there's no hard proof to back it up. Many of these methods are expensive and difficult to fabricate consistently. However, two companies were closest to building a perfect tube: Sylvania and Mullard. Both companies were unsuccessful in achieving the precision required for low self-noise and microphony. They aren't cryo-treated
If you're wondering if cryo-treated guitar tubes really make a difference, you're not alone. The practice is often touted as a way to improve guitar tone, but it hasn't been studied as an effect on tone. There's little scientific evidence to support the practice, and most tube vendors won't publish the results of life tests or noise measurement. They will talk about surface hardening and Einstein, but say little about how this affects your guitar tone.
Cryo'ing tubes will relax metal parts, improving their electrical properties. NOS tubes don't need cryo treatment because their parts respond better to relaxation in nature. However, parts made from a metal that is more than ten years old are unlikely to respond to the treatment as well. Cryo treatment can also damage tubes and shorten their lifespan. As such, you should avoid this treatment unless you're absolutely certain of your tube's performance and reliability. They aren't
The concept of cryo-treatment is quite controversial in the medical field. Essentially, it involves the use of extremely cold temperatures to alter the physical properties of a material. Because the materials are so delicate, cryo-treatment isn't safe for vacuum tubes. Cryogenic temperature changes the physical properties of materials and the process can damage or destroy them. Cryogenic temperatures require extreme care when handling them.
Before you store your samples in a cryogenic or freezer, you should carefully label them. The labels will likely fall off when the temperature gets too cold, and the tubes will expand when the temperature goes up. Additionally, the plastic shrinks when it freezes, and expands when it's warm. Therefore, if the cryogenic tubes are warm when you store them, you might have a hard time keeping them labeled.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 2
WC: 757 CW: Canon-Typical Violence, Self-Doubt, Jack and Maddie Fenton's A+ Parenting Masterpost
Worse than— no, not worse than. Nothing was worse than being constantly forgotten by everyone he cared about. Nothing was worse than knowing he was only worth knowing when he’d died. An issue was that Danny still had the same need to protect people even without the ghosts attacks. Day in and day out Danny felt an aching hurt in his chest at not doing anything to help. Working as a receptionist at a slightly rundown construction firm wasn’t the worst job, but it felt like it was slowly killing him. It felt like his core was shriveling up.
Danny knew he needed to make a change. At a loss of what to do and short on options, Danny had enrolled in the paramedic course at the local community college. He excelled at it.
It turned out all those years of patching up his own wounds gave him a pretty good head start on his classmate. So good, in fact, that his instructor recommended him for a job in Central City when he graduated with honors. It was bittersweet to know that when he wasn’t constantly harnessed by ghosts, he could actually do really well at school.
His parents missed his graduation.
His move to the city was done alone (his rented u-haul filled with what he could cram into it) and with a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel. It felt like a second death leaving the only home he had ever known behind.
It felt like relief.
(He didn’t know which was worse.)
Central City was better and worse than he expected. The constant noise rattled him until he got used to ways to combat it: earphones, white noise machines, a cheesy little indoor fountain. The anonymity soothed him— no one paid attention to him in the city. Slowly he carved out his place.
He was part of the city’s emergency response team. Their primary job was working to secure the city and her people during villain attacks. Secondary to that they did follow up with victims, held community events to spread awareness about everything from emergency prep to smoke detectors, and helped with rebuilding efforts.
It was rewarding work and Danny’s core sang for it.
It was a little exhausting to have to run right into a villain attack on his day off though. Good thing he always kept a mini kit in his bag. What sort of emergency response team member would he be if he didn’t listen to their own advice? It was a really nice little kit too— ultra compact but it contained gloves, pipettes of water, disinfectant, a range bandages, a suture kit, a snap light, and even a shock blanket. Danny added a few extra gloves to it too.
As he ran towards the sounds of disaster, Danny felt a brisk wind breeze past him— and then blow back again— as the Flash (one of them, Danny hadn’t been around long enough to tell them apart) backtracked.
“Kid—” Oh, it was the older one then. “—you should be heading the other way. Lummox is up ahead—”
“I know,” Danny snapped, not stopping moving. “I’m a field medic. I’m on my way to help, and you’re not going to stop me.”
The Flash seemed at a loss for what to say for half a beat. “Okay. Sure. Want a lift?”
“I can get you in a second— literally— but I’m leaving you on the edge of it all.”
It would be convenient. And it’s not like he couldn’t trust Flash. Danny slowed to a stop and shrugged. “Sure, onward, Seabiscuit.”
“Famous race horse? Cause you’re going to carry me? Never mind. Just pick me up, dude.”
Danny ignored the look he got from the Flash and clung on for dear half-life. Fuck the Speed Force felt weird. He was pretty sure it was less than a second to get there, and Danny didn’t quite stick the landing, but he got his feet under him fast enough to rush in to help.
Eventually Danny required an extra vest from the team that came in and just blended into the background of other medics. It wasn’t a bad day— no lives lost and all the injuries were relatively minor. (He even got some overtime payment, which he wasn’t going to sneeze at). Danny figured it was just part of being in the city, occasionally running into villains and heroes even off the clock.
He didn’t expect it to really happen again.
(He should have known to never have expectations.)
AN: Still moving along with this odd little thing! It's been fun to write a Danny in a very different place than my other fics- mentally and physically! Just to be clear btw- Danny is in a bad place at the start of this fic which is putting a negative light on how he's seeing things. Sam and Tucker just... moved on with their lives. Those sort of high school friends you liked a lot but drift away from. Without the history of ghost stuff to bind them, it was just part of life to them. Danny just has a different memory history so it hits harder for him/feels harsher.
Stay delightful, darlings!
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home, Chapter 2 Part 3
A little shorter this week. I had my graduation ceremony over the weekend and the opportunity to hang out with my sister-in-law for the first time in a few months! (She and my brother moved states a few months back.) If you scroll down a bit, you'll be able to see how I decorated my graduation cap! I love how it turned out.
But you don't care about that. It's Wednesday! Time for a WIP Wednesday segment!
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1k
Unable to get Tim’s attention, Conner asked, “Who’s Technus?”
Danny shrugged. “One of my rogues. Tuck thinks he’s the ghost of Nikolai Tesla. He’s interested in controlling all technology and will make himself a giant mechasuit cannibalized from any electronic he can find in, like, a half mile radius. Super annoying.”
Tim hummed. “You didn’t tell me about him being Nikolai Tesla.”
“It’s a new hypothesis of Tuck’s. He’s been trying to research all the ghosts that come through as part of our profiles on them. That involves trying to figure out who they might’ve been in life. We’re hoping it’ll help me deescalate confrontations to cut back on property damage. Thanks to my parents talking about how evil all ghosts are, no one trusts Phantom and I get blamed for everything.”
Tim reached out and squeezed Danny’s shoulder. Practically everything Danny ever said about his parents made him like them less. To change the subject before he learned something else that’d make him want to attack Jack and Maddie while they were under the same roof, he asked, “So why does ectoplasm harm electronics anyway?”
Danny seemed to lean into his touch. “Well, ectoplasm is complicated. It is generated in this dimension but doesn’t really belong here. It comes about through death and leads the way to the Ghost Zone. At least… that’s the hypothesis I think is the most likely. I’ve only really been studying it for a few months since my own accident, though.” He shook his head. “Anyway! When it interacts with things on Earth that aren’t trying to get to the Zone, things get weird. Especially with non-sentient things that can’t will the ectoplasm to act in a specific way. Even animals can exert some control over ectoplasm. But electronics can’t.”
It was only a few minutes more before Danny had completely disassembled the phone. He then grabbed another pipette and adjusted the volume and added ectoplasm to certain pieces. Then took a third size and did it all over again.
“How on earth did you find out how much to add?” asked Bart. “You’re changing quantities constantly.”
“Trial and error. Long and tedious trial and error. We tried dipping sections in the ectoplasm to start, but that generally fried the tech and mutated its function. Wires do do best with submersion, though. No more than a second or two for small ones. Even after we stopped submersion, we started by adding way too much—spreading it over the entire chip. But that also didn’t work. Realized just half a microliter applied to the connections was best. The camera, speaker, and microphone need more. Those get ten microliters apiece. And we just kept trying different amounts until we had something that worked. We ruined four phones before we started testing each component individually.”
Conner let out a low whistle. “Well we’re glad you have. Thanks for helping with this.”
“Of course. Anything for Tim.”
Tim’s face heated as Cassie laughed. “Yeah, our Tim has a way of winning people over, doesn’t he?”
“I think I won him over, actually.” Danny hung the pipette back up on the holder. “All right, now just to put this baby back together. Who’s hungry?”
“Me!” called Bart. “It’s been ages since we’ve last eaten.”
“You’ve got an accelerated metabolism, right? We’ll stop by a store and get some extra stuff if you need anything overnight or tomorrow.”
“I like you,” said Bart. “You should come with us when we leave. Join our team.”
Tim buried his face in his hands, did none of his teammates know the definition of subtlety? Offering Danny a place with the Teen Titans or Young Justice was the first thing he tried.
“Thanks for the offer, but as I’ve told Tim, I can’t leave Amity. No one else is capable of responding to ghost threats.”
Conner shook his head. “Looks like your parents have it under control.”
Danny laughed. “Oh hell no. They’ve got a lot of inventions and most of them do something. But it’s not always what they expect them to do. And dad’s aim is terrible.” As he spoke, he continued to reassemble Tim’s phone.
Tim couldn’t help but admire how expertly Danny’s fingers moved over the pieces. And before he knew it, Danny was handing the phone back to him.
“Should work now. Turn it on and double check.”
Tim took it and held the power button until the WE logo appeared. Sure enough, once the screen loaded, so did a dozen missed phone calls and even more missed texts.
Bruce, Dick, and Barbara had all attempted contact multiple times. Even Alfred had called once. He winced and immediately called Bruce back.
“Hey, B,” he said as soon as the call connected. “We’re all fine. Just crossed an area that messed with our tech.”
“How did it mess with your tech?” Bruce demanded.
“It’s normal in this area. But I’ve a local friend and he fixed my phone. He’ll take care of Conner’s, Cassie’s, and Bart’s after we grab some dinner. So if anyone else is worried, tell them we’re fine and they can call me in the meantime if they have questions.” Tim made sure to use civilian names so Bruce would know they were no longer in costume.
“Who is this ‘friend’?” asked Bruce.
“God, B, it’s fine. I’ve known him for years. We game online together when we can. Have since we were kids.”
“Hn.” Why was it so much harder to read Bruce over the phone than in person? It was so annoying. “I see. Where are you currently?”
“We’re in Illinois. Will probably stay here a day or two with Danny and his parents. And then we’ll come home and share everything about our trip.” Aka, submit an official report about the outcome of their mission.
“Very well. I expect to know all the details. And I want twice daily check-ins until you’re home.”
“Fine, fine. Will do. Bye, B.” Before Bruce could demand anything else, Tim hung up on him. Next he shot texts to Dick, Alfred, and Barbara assuring them he was fine and his phone was working again. Replies came instantly and he ignored them all. “All right, that’s done. Let’s go eat.”
I think this is the first time I've had an actual scene break to stop the segment at. I usually just go until I see a change in the conversation, but I've got my <hr> marker at this point and there's gonna be a scene change! (So I won't have to repeat a paragraph or two next time I post.)
You get a different explanation for ectoplasm in this fic! Wasn't planning on that, but it happened and I like it.
Hope you enjoyed.
Tag List Part 1
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen, @undead-essence, @xye-chan, @liandrin, @seraphinedemort, @kisatamao, @schalensitzbucket, @caelestisdreamer, @runfromthemedic, @nutcase8691, @channajen, @tonicmii, @ambiguouslyominous, @vythika96, @addie-lover-of-stories, @ironicvixen, @violetfox2, @pickleking8, @mysticalcomputerdetective, @ark12, @mygood-bitch99, @squirrel-wolf, @satisfactionbroughtmeback, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @automaticsoulharmony, @d4ydr34min9, @revnantdpxdclover, @midigeria, @raginblastocyst
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sweetiesicheng · 1 year
hoshi - lab
word count : 632
it’s a certain tiger’s birthday ! happy birthday hoshi !!
"we need to add 5 milliliters," you said to your partner as he grabbed a bottle of a chemical that was on the bench.
"this one?" soonyoung asked, holding a bottle in his hand.
you looked at the label and nodded, "yea, that's it. measure it fast though, this is the one that smells bad," you said to him.
"got it."
you started triple checking the instructions in your lab notebook. you looked at soonyoung and almost started freaking out.
"i said 5, not 50!" you exclaimed.
"huh? oh shit," soonyoung said and put the graduates cylinder down. "sorry, my bad. i'm so tired," he apologized before laughing. "luckily i didn't add it in yet."
"every week, you cause my blood pressure to go higher and higher because of lab," you said to him and grabbed a pipette to use. you measured five milliliters into another graduated cylinder before pouring the correct amount in the flask you were using. "put the rest back before the entire lab smells horrible," you instructed him.
while soonyoung put the rest of the liquid chemical into its original bottle, you made sure the stir bar was spinning in the flask you were using. you set a timer and started looking at the next steps.
"i'll go wash these," soonyoung said to you and grabbed all of the dirty glassware.
"no, i got it. can you grab the next thing we need? i think it's in the other hood," you said to him.
"oh, yea," he nodded and handed you the glassware.
you went to a sink and started cleaning everything. while cleaning, your professor announced something to the entire class, making you nod your head as you listened.
"soonyoung, can you go ahead and take what we kept in the vial and run the thing?" you asked your partner once your professor was done talking.
"run what?" soonyoung asked. you looked over your shoulder.
"you know. with the machine in the other room," you said to him. "the thing i don't know how to say," you added on, hoping he'd understand.
"ohhhhh," he exaggerated, "i don't know how to use the machine. jihoon did everything for me."
you immediately deadpanned before turning forward and sighing.
"i'll figure it out! promise!" he declared.
that's what you said last time and jammed the machine...
"get joshua to help," you said to him right as you finished washing everything. you turned the water off and started drying everything with paper towels while soonyoung went to one of the lab workers for help using a machine in the next room.
you returned to your station and put the cleaned glassware away in their correct drawers. you looked at your phone and saw that you had a decent amount of time left and flipped to another page in your lab notebook. 
"professor! we have a problem," you suddenly heard joshua speak. you looked over and saw him sticking his head into the lab from the other room.
then, your professor walked into the room with joshua to see what the problem was. a few seconds later and soonyoung walked out of the room with a piece of paper in his hands.
"what happened?" you immediately asked him as he made it back to your station.
"the machine got jammed after i used it, and the other machine is still messed up from last time," he started, "which means i broke both machines..."
you deadpanned again.
he started nervously laughing, "hey, at least i got the results, right?" he said before handing you the piece of paper.
you looked at the paper and started glaring at him seconds later.
"you ran the wrong test, idiot."
"am i gonna get expelled?"
"i wouldn’t be surprised if you got banned from the labs.”
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microposting · 1 month
i think a science lab setting would be again a great place for a new fic. i love the dehumanizing prospects in that space. delicately removing their clothes, using a microscope on them, weighing them, measuring them, using a funnel or pipette to fi-
and then maybe placing them into an erlenmeyer flask that's stuffed with cotton to save for later, if they behave. they get trapped in the cold glass graduated cylinder if they don't lol
ogh I’m a huge science geek and I love that sort of setting. I do have a couple very messy WIPs that are lab-based but I try not to talk about WIPs.
a personally fave element is that so much stuff is intensely sexually violating for the tiny, but only a mild annoyance for the researcher. they don’t see it as sexual at all, just ugh, please hold still so I can get this over with. ew, I think it just came?
one quick idea that I probably won’t wind up writing: a participant in a clinical trial for a new medication experiences the very rare side effect of shrinking to just a few inches tall, and the researchers decide to just keep them to study this phenomenon more. maybe they even try to get them to shrink twice, just to see if it’s possible…
I don’t think I would personally keep a tiny in a grad cylinder, though. I’ve accidentally shattered way too many of them to trust that.
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tatranky-n-chill · 2 years
Czech wordlist - laboratory (part 1)
laboratory - laboratoř
Bunsen burner - Bunsenův kahan
microscope - mikroskop
beaker - kádinka
experiment - pokus
funnel - nálevka
scale - váha
test tube - zkumavka
burette - byreta
cuvette - kyveta
flask - (laboratorní) baňka
watch glass - sklíčko na hodinkách
thermometer - teploměr
pipette - pipeta
graduated cylinder - odměrný válec
Petri dish - Petriho miska
volumetric flask - odměrná baňka
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heliocentral · 2 years
this is a serological pipette stan page now fuck graduated cylinders, serological pipettes especially with automated controllers im kissing you so sweetly
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nobleglassware · 2 years
Key factors to consider when choosing borosilicate glass for your application
Borosilicate Glass Tube:
Borosilicate glass is a type of glass that is made with boron oxide as one of the main ingredients. It is known for its high resistance to thermal shock, making it a popular choice for use in laboratory equipment and other applications where the glass may be subject to sudden temperature changes. Borosilicate glass manufactured as well as supplied by one of the leading Borosilicate glass tube suppliers in India - Noble Glass Works, has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, which means that it expands and contracts very little when exposed to temperature changes. It is also highly resistant to chemical corrosion and has good optical clarity.
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Borosilicate glass tubes are thin, cylindrical pieces of borosilicate glass that are used for a variety of purposes. They may be used as containers for liquids or gases, as connectors or conduits for fluid flow, or as structural elements in scientific instruments or other equipment. Borosilicate glass tubes are often preferred over other types of glass or plastic tubes because of their high resistance to thermal shock and chemical corrosion. They are commonly used in laboratories, chemical processing plants, and other industrial settings.
Uses of Borosilicate Glass Tube:
Borosilicate glass tubes distributed by the most distinguished Borosilicate glass tube distributor in India, have a wide range of uses due to their unique properties. Some common applications include:
●     Laboratory equipment: Borosilicate glass tubes are often used in laboratory equipment such as pipettes, burettes, and graduated cylinders. These tubes are resistant to thermal shock and chemical corrosion, making them suitable for use in a variety of experiments and procedures.
●     Chemical processing: Borosilicate glass tubes are resistant to a wide range of chemicals, making them suitable for use in chemical processing plants and other industrial settings. They may be used as connectors or conduits for fluid flow, or as containers for storing or transporting chemicals.
●     Medical devices: Borosilicate glass tubes may be used in the manufacture of medical devices such as intravenous (IV) drip bags, blood transfusion bags, and dialysis machines. These tubes are resistant to chemical corrosion and can withstand the high sterilization temperatures often used in the medical field.
●     Lighting: Borosilicate glass tubes are sometimes used in the manufacture of lighting products, such as fluorescent lights and neon signs. The glass is resistant to thermal shock and can withstand the high temperatures generated by the electrical discharge used to produce light.
●     Artistic applications: Borosilicate glass tubes may also be used in artistic applications, such as glassblowing and lampworking. The high resistance to thermal shock allows artists to shape the glass while it is hot without it breaking.
Benefits of using borosilicate glass:
There are several benefits to using borosilicate glass, including:
●     High resistance to thermal shock: Borosilicate glass has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, which means that it expands and contracts very little when exposed to temperature changes. This makes it highly resistant to thermal shock, meaning it is less likely to break or shatter when exposed to sudden temperature changes. If you are looking for glass equipment made of borosilicate glass that has a high resistance to thermal shock, get in touch with Noble Glass Works - one of the excellent Borosilicate glass tube suppliers in India.
●     Chemical resistance: Borosilicate glass is resistant to chemical corrosion and can withstand exposure to a wide range of chemicals. This makes it suitable for use in chemical processing plants and other industrial settings.
●     Good optical clarity: Borosilicate glass has good optical clarity, making it suitable for use in applications where visibility is important, such as in scientific instruments or medical devices.
●   �� Durability: Borosilicate glass is generally more durable and long-lasting than other types of glass, making it a cost-effective choice for many applications.
●     Versatility: Borosilicate glass can be moulded and shaped into a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making it suitable for use in a wide range of applications.
Key factors to consider when choosing borosilicate glass for your application:
There are a few key factors to consider when choosing borosilicate glass for your application:
●     Temperature range: If your application involves exposure to extreme temperatures, it is important to choose borosilicate glass that is rated to withstand those temperatures. The glass should be able to withstand the maximum and minimum temperatures it will be exposed to without breaking or shattering.
●     Chemical resistance: If your application involves exposure to chemicals, it is important to choose borosilicate glass that is resistant to those chemicals. You should consider the pH range and specific chemicals that the glass will be exposed to in order to choose a glass that is suitable for your application.
●     Mechanical strength: The mechanical strength of the borosilicate glass should be considered if your application involves the glass being subjected to stress or impact. You should choose a glass with a high level of mechanical strength in order to ensure it can withstand the forces it will be subjected to.
●     Optical clarity: If your application requires good visibility through the glass, it is important to choose a borosilicate glass with good optical clarity. This will ensure that you can see through the glass clearly without any distortions or distortions.
●     Size and shape: You should also consider the size and shape of the borosilicate glass that is appropriate for your application. The glass should be able to fit into the required space and have the appropriate shape for your needs.
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tenshusuto · 2 years
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⅋⅋ㅤ𝐔𝐍𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃 ; ㅤ( always accepting ) anonymous : An unknown presence approaches from behind while he's not paying attention brushing blonde strands to the side and placing a yellow lily behind his ear.
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Miniature recklessly extravagant in the use of resources widespread on the surgeon's table with the absence of gore progressing in reaching an optimum stage of development. The undetected motion of another presence halts the preciseness of the inventor's robotic hand from casting a drop of perforce dosing on what seemed to be the head of a doll-sized semblance.
ㅤThere's a tickle ... of something ( his own strands against cheekbone by foreign touch ) and a sensation of movement caused by unrecognized matter preventing concentration. Fortunately, he did not precipitously vince nor reflexively squeeze the pipette prematurely and bungle controlled dispensing. This was no curious study of placing matter onto the coverslips that could be tossed away and placed anew; this was an open process, raw and unequivocal. Shoulder slouching loose from hours of tinkering as if bodily remembering the outer world exists when spine straightens back into healthy position. An exhale of relief darts from his throat that he did not mess things up. The chemical tool retreats aback and rather retiring on a rustproof tray while the other free hand swiftly catches the object poorly anchored to the gap between his cartilage helix, threatening to fall forth. ㅤ'' Tessai? Kids, '' he calls out behind him, pivoting briskly in his axis for 135° and searching warily for any sign of a looming silhouette in Shōten's underground space for research. No one in sight. Looks like he was alone in the room, so his attention returns to the peculiar object. Catish emission exhorts eyelids into further baring of misty irises once he realizes what it is.
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- Lily? ㅤ ... Yellow Lily? ㅤWith his passion for exploring and mysterious research, there was something he found curiously luscious and intriguing about this. Perhaps a secret message? - he liked those. Or just something for warm reactions? - equally sensible. ㅤOn the spur of the moment, a faint, demure curl of thin lip-line takes place, sidely twitching into his cheek with a skittish hum of affirmation contrary to where cold calculation reigned just a moment ago. ㅤKisuke found himself ... surprisingly — distracted. ㅤLoosely, Urahara twiddles the stem between his fingers, admiring the structure of how outstretched petals proffer to him and graduate in a shade of singular color under the sharp illumination of technique. Back leans against the edge of the table, not facing his experiment anymore and not necessarily feeling rushed to pay attention to what's resting behind him at the moment. Then he seizes it more firmly, bringing the bloom with teetering buds closer to his face, testing whether this one was fragrant, but oh yes, what he inhales is honeyed aroma, long-lasting, and delicate. He could sense it even before it was brought closer to his nose. Radiant colors and breezy fragrances are what's missing in myriads of bad weather. ㅤLooks like he'll finish one more step planned in his processing and takes a little break for a while, allowing himself a moment of distraction in his spare time to search for a small vase; maybe for something more such as the meaning behind being gifted with Yellow Lilies.
ㅤNow, where did he put that thick botanical book ...
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banananamuahjumma · 2 years
Sorry this is so long...
But like I need to put all of this down in writing somewhere to process my feelings about it all.
This isn't related to the content of my blog but it's my life and it's my blog so I'm gonna post it anyways lol. Diary time! haha
So a few of months ago I ran into this kid from my program really late at night in the hallway of one of the science buildings at my school. He asked if I was staying late and I was like not really, I'm leaving soon. And he was like okay, be safe! And I was like you too! (?lol).
Then the following week he came to my lab and introduced himself. I was like "yeah, I know who you are! (?again lol, I'm so awkward, but my program is so small that i know everyone in it). He said he wanted to borrow some pipette tips because his lab wasn't getting the ones they ordered because of supply chain issues. So I let him borrow them, thinking that his PI and mine had set it up.
A couple of days later this kid comes back and returns the tips saying that they got their's and he was like "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, could I make it up to you by buying you tea or coffee?" Clueless me who never wants to impose on anyone or be a burden and thinks that no one would ever like me, was like "Oh no! That's okay, you don't have to do that." He was kind of taken aback and then asked me about my research progress and we chatted for a bit about both of our projects.
Then like the next week he came to my lab looking for me twice when I wasn't there and told my labmates that he'd be back the next day and wanted to talk about the department seminar we would both be presenting at. So he came back the following day and asked if we could practice our talks together. So we did and it was helpful but we both research very different topics (cancer and neurodegeneration) so it also wasn't that helpful. At this practice he told me he was surprised that I knew who he was when he first stopped by the lab... and I was like, yeah I know most everyone in the program? (?haha)
On the day of the seminar he ended up walking out of the building with me after the talks were over. It was raining and he offered his umbrella to me but I was like "oh that's okay, I have a rain jacket, I don't need it!" (again major lol, that's such a romcom moment and I live for romcoms, but he didn't have a raincoat and I'm a fierce American who doesn't use umbrellas haha) He was like okay... and then was like "I'm going to Dunkin, do you want to go?" I had to finish up an experiment at the lab so I thanked him but declined and said I couldn't go.
To make this shorter, he keeps coming by the lab every few weeks to ask me about something related to the program and we sometimes chat about things like our future goals after phd, apartment living, and food. (He asked me what I like to cook and I told him I don't eat meat or dairy and he seemed kind of looked disappointed haha and one time he told me he thought the way I dressed on the day of the talks was really nice and professional(?!?!??)). Sometimes when he comes in I can't talk to him right away because I'm busy so I just say "hey what's up?" and keep working because sometimes he also asks one of my labmates about homework for a class they're in together. Instead of just leaving he'll usually wait outside the lab on the chairs for me to finish.
Recently he asked me if I wanted to read some cancer articles and have a sort of journal club discussion with him on the weekends, since I told him I'd like to shift more into cancer research and away from neurodegeneration when I graduate and he wants to understand some cancer pathways better. So we're going to meet to discuss some articles sometime next month. I do believe it's just the two of us discussing these articles even though there are other people in his lab that research cancer. .....
So I guess my question is, does this kid like me? Am I reading too much into this? And should I be responding differently?--am I being too cold or clueless?
I've never been in a relationship in all my 27 years of living on this earth and I'm clearly clueless so I need some help. How do you know if someone likes you and how do you know if you like someone? When I was in middle and high school I had a crush on one of my friends the entire time we were in school together and I remember blushing sometimes when he'd talk to me and my heart racing. So that's what I assumed love was like for everyone all the time.
At first I literally thought this kid was stopping by just for lab stuff but now I'm thinking that might not be the case? After he kept coming by the lab I joked with my labmates about how he kept stopping by each week and each time he stops by when I'm not there they're like "your FriEnD was looking for you." But now he's growing on me. The last time he came to the lab I was talking to my PI when he stopped by and I actually got nervous and started blushing because he was there.
Sometimes I wonder when he's gonna stop by and after he does stop by I end up smiling after talking to him. And the other week I was like I wonder what he does on the weekends cause he's an international student and doesn't have a car, so he can't really be enjoying fall that much can he? And I was like I wish I could bring him around to different places so he could go to haunted houses and go on fall hikes too and just see more of America than our school's little town.
Does that mean I like him? Or do I like the idea that he likes me?
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gosciencecrazy · 10 days
Shop Chemistry Supplies for Students: Essential Tools for Academic Success
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Chemistry is a fundamental subject that forms the backbone of scientific understanding and innovation. Whether students are just starting to explore the basics or diving into advanced topics, having the right chemistry supplies is crucial for their success. Shop Chemistry supplies for students At Go Science Crazy, we understand the importance of quality tools and materials for educational achievement. In this article, we will explore the essential chemistry supplies that every student should have and how to choose the best options to enhance learning.
1. Essential Chemistry Lab Equipment
When it comes to chemistry, having the proper lab equipment is vital for conducting experiments safely and effectively. Here are some essential items every student should have:
Beakers and Flasks: These are used for mixing, heating, and storing liquids. Graduated beakers are especially useful for measuring liquids accurately. Erlenmeyer flasks, with their narrow necks, help in swirling solutions without spillage.
Pipettes and Burettes: Precision is key in chemistry. Pipettes are used for transferring small volumes of liquid, while burettes are essential for titrations, allowing for the precise addition of solutions.
Test Tubes: Versatile and durable, test tubes are ideal for conducting small-scale reactions and observing changes. They come in various sizes and are often used in conjunction with a test tube rack.
Bunsen Burners: Used for heating substances, Bunsen burners are a staple in chemistry labs. They provide a controlled flame that can be adjusted for various heating needs.
Safety Equipment: Safety goggles, gloves, and lab coats are non-negotiable in any chemistry lab. They protect students from harmful chemicals and accidental spills, ensuring a safe learning environment.
2. Chemicals and Reagents
Having a well-stocked inventory of chemicals and reagents is crucial for performing a variety of experiments. Some common chemicals and reagents include:
Acids and Bases: Solutions like hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, and acetic acid are frequently used in chemical reactions and titrations.
Indicators: Indicators such as phenolphthalein and litmus paper are essential for determining the pH of solutions and understanding the acidic or basic nature of substances.
Salts and Solvents: Sodium chloride, potassium permanganate, and ethanol are examples of salts and solvents used in various experiments.
It’s important for students to handle all chemicals with care and follow safety guidelines to avoid accidents and ensure accurate results.
3. Scientific Notebooks and Calculators
Proper documentation and calculations are essential for any scientific experiment. Here’s why students need these supplies:
Scientific Notebooks: A good scientific notebook helps students record their observations, procedures, and results accurately. This documentation is crucial for analyzing data and drawing conclusions.
Calculators: Chemistry often involves complex calculations, including concentration, molarity, and reaction yields. A scientific calculator with functions for these calculations can be an invaluable tool.
4. Choosing the Right Chemistry Supplies
When shopping for chemistry supplies, consider the following tips to ensure you select the best products:
Quality and Durability: Choose equipment and chemicals from reputable brands known for their quality and reliability. Durable materials will withstand frequent use and ensure consistent performance.
Safety Compliance: Ensure that all safety equipment and chemicals meet industry standards and safety regulations. Properly certified products will provide better protection and reliability.
Budget Considerations: While it’s important to invest in quality supplies, there are also budget-friendly options available. Look for suppliers that offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality.
5. Where to Shop for Chemistry Supplies
Go Science Crazy is your go-to destination for all your chemistry supply needs. Our extensive selection includes everything from basic lab equipment to advanced chemicals and safety gear. With a focus on quality and affordability, we provide students with the tools they need to excel in their chemistry studies. Explore our range of products and find the perfect supplies for your academic journey.
Equipping students with the right chemistry supplies is essential for fostering a productive and safe learning environment. By investing in quality lab equipment, chemicals, and safety gear, students can enhance their understanding of chemistry and achieve academic success. Visit Go Science Crazy today to shop for the best chemistry supplies and set your students up for success in their scientific endeavors.
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qocsuing · 20 days
The Flexibility And Significance of Dropper Bottles In Daily Lives And Industries
The Flexibility And Significance of Dropper Bottles In Daily Lives And Industries
The humble dropper bottle in the packaging solutions industry is a testimony to smartness and usefulness. These bottles have evolved beyond their original purpose for precision, versatility and now serve as critical things in our day-to-day lives, healthcare, cosmetics, chemistry and even food sectors.Get more news about Serum Bottle Producer,you can vist our website!
The Anatomy of a Dropper Bottle
A dropper bottle basically has three major components; the bottle itself, the dropper pipette and the cap. The bottle is usually made of glass or high-quality plastic to ensure that it remains air tight thus protecting light sensitive liquids from oxidation and degradation. Additionally, the slender tipped dropper pipette with its graduated markings makes it easier to measure even very small fluid quantities accurately while dispensing. Finally, the cap ensures that the content is not tampered with by firmly shutting down the lid until when ready for use.
Applications Across Industries
Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals: Eye drops, ear drops and liquid vitamins are examples of health medications which depend on dropper bottles for administration purposes. As such controlled dispensing helps in ensuring accurate dosing which is important for patient safety as well as efficacy.
Cosmetics and Skincare: Most cosmetic companies especially those dealing with serums or essences or other highly concentrated skincare products use dropper bottles as their packaging materials. This ensures that there are no errors during application hence enhancing customer experience while at same time optimizing product performance to minimize waste.
Chemistry and Laboratories: Dropper bottles find great utility in scientific settings where they are used in handling various liquids with accuracy. The ability to properly measure chemicals including reagents & solutions is necessary during experiments, research activities & quality control operations among others.
Food and Beverage Industry: With references particularly on flavorings; extracts; niche health supplements as examples that may rarely be found only but through some instances catering to this category dropper bottles have been utilized. This is possible due to their ability to carry out precise dosage and promote customization and innovation in manufacturing products.
Advantages of Dropper Bottles
Precision Dispensing: Users can dispense exact amounts of liquid with minimum wastage and enhance the efficiency of the product through a graduated dropper pipette.
Convenience: It is highly user-friendly even for those people who face problems related to dexterity.
Versatility: Their versatility and significance across various sectors reflect their broad applications.
In summary, dropper bottles demonstrate that simple designs are often the best ones. They have become important components in numerous sectors such as healthcare, cosmetics among others because they are precise, convenient and versatile. Therefore, dropper bottles will play a key role in our continuous search for new solutions in accurate dosing and quality preservation of our products.
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labfitaustralia · 3 months
Unveiling the Essentials: Acid-Base Titration Equipment in the Laboratory
Acid-base titration is a fundamental technique in analytical chemistry, widely employed for determining the concentration of acids or bases in a solution. The precision and accuracy of titration rely heavily on the quality and functionality of the equipment used.
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In this blog, we’ll explore the essential acid-base titration equipment that every laboratory should have.
1. Burettes: The Precision Dispensers Burettes are indispensable in titration, allowing for precise measurement and dispensing of titrant. Made of glass with graduated markings, burettes ensure accurate volume readings down to the fraction of a milliliter.
2. Pipettes: Delivering Accuracy Drop by Drop For transferring precise volumes of liquids, pipettes come into play. Volumetric and graduated pipettes enable the careful addition of reactants, a critical aspect in achieving accurate titration results.
3. Titration Flasks: The Reaction Vessels Titration flasks, often conical in shape, are designed for the controlled mixing of the sample and titrant. The narrow neck minimizes solution splashing during the titration process.
4. pH Meter: Gauging the Acidic or Basic Realm A pH meter is crucial for monitoring the pH level of the solution during titration. This digital instrument provides real-time data, ensuring that the endpoint is precisely determined.
5. Indicator Solutions: The Colorful Clues Indicators, such as phenolphthalein or methyl orange, are essential for visually signaling the endpoint of the titration. Their color changes signify the completion of the reaction.
6. Analytical Balance: Weighing with Utmost Precision Accurate measurements start with precise weighing. An analytical balance is used for obtaining the exact quantities of reactants, a critical factor in titration calculations.
7. Stirring Equipment: Ensuring Homogeneous Mixtures Homogeneity in the reaction mixture is vital. Magnetic stirrers or stirring rods assist in achieving uniform mixing during titration.
8. Safety Equipment: Protecting the Analyst Safety goggles, gloves, and a fume hood are essential to ensure the well-being of the analyst. Some titrants and reagents used in acid-base titration can be hazardous, emphasizing the need for a safe working environment.
Conclusion: Mastering Titration with the Right Tools In the world of analytical chemistry, precision and accuracy are paramount. The proper selection and use of acid-base titration equipment contribute significantly to the reliability of results. Laboratories equipped with quality instruments not only ensure accurate analyses but also create a foundation for advancements in scientific research and industrial quality control. The journey through titration becomes smoother and more insightful when guided by the right set of tools.
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