#grand duchess florianne
thecrownedmage · 11 months
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thedoctorscompanion · 2 months
Tall People Problems
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Trying not to step on your toes
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yuthura-banns · 3 months
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a lavellan unfortunate enough to have green vallaslin must go to the Grand Ball as an RGB swatch
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camelliagwerm · 2 months
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“No one would ever lay such deeds at your door,” you assure me. “The very idea. You of all people are above reproach!” — The Riddle of Truth by Joanna Berry
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Skyhold Masterpost
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Main Quest Related Conversations
Here Lies the Abyss: Hawke Here Lies the Abyss: Warden Alistair Here Lies the Abyss: Warden Loghain Here Lies the Abyss: Warden Stroud Here Lies the Abyss: Morrigan - The Final Piece: Morrigan
Skyhold Quests
Sit in Judgements:
Introduction Magister Gereon Alexius Knight-Captain Denam Magister Livius Erimond Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons Ser Ruth Samson - Chief Movran the Under Mayor Gregory Dedrick Crassius Servis Mistress Poulin - Skyhold's Cells
Promoting Barris Quizquizition Skyhold Upgrades Sutherland and Company
Other NPC Conversations
Cremissius Acclasi Dagna Lace Harding - Mother Giselle - Main Quests Mother Giselle - Investigate: Tell Me About Corypheus Mother Giselle - Investigate: I'd Like Inquisition History Mother Giselle - Investigate: Let's Talk About the Chantry Mother Giselle - Investigate: Skyhold Exclusive - Morrigan - Archivist Cabot Elan Ve'mal Gatsi Sturhald Harritt Helisma Derington Marden Ser Morris Surgeon
Haven Survivors - Dennett Fiona
Specializations for the Inquisitor
Assassin - Heir Artificer - Three-Eyes Tempest - Khim - Knight Enchanter - Helaine Necromancer - Viuus Anaxas Rift Mage - Your Trainer - Champion - Chancer de Lion Reaver - Breaker Thram Templar- Ser
Ambient Dialogue
Quest Related:
Here Lies the Abyss: Morrigan and Warden
Cullen's Runner Josephine's Runner Leliana's Runner - Apothecary Runner Merchant Runner Quartermaster Runner Researcher Runner
Locations Masterpost  
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uchidachi · 2 months
Dragon Age Fanfic Self-rec thread!
Dear fellow writers, the Veilguard draws near. The fans are awakening from uthenera, and they are hungry. For fic. To help them, I’m starting this post to collect everyone’s recommendations of their own fic to read!
Keep it short & sweet! Title (with link!), rating, ao3 archive warnings (if applicable), pairing (if applicable) & 1 sentence summary only. If you want to include more than one rec, put the rest under a readmore. The idea is to have a reblog chain of many different authors, so this might become a long post.
Don’t know what to recommend? Here’s a list of possible categories to use, if you want:
Author’s favorite
An ode to my OTP
Meet the OC
Rare Pairings
A gift fic I’m proud of
A bit of fluff
Absolute angst
That time I tried something different
Canon? What canon?
In Another Universe
An overlooked gem
Good for a new DA fan
Have fun, and happy reccing!
I’ll start off the chain:
A gift fic I’m proud of: The Maker’s Forgiveness, Teen & up, Florianne de Chalons/Female Trevelyan. Grand Duchess Florianne tries to seduce and manipulate Trevelyan, only to find out that the Inquisitor is not as naive as she assumed.
Rare Pairings: Blessed Are the Lovers, General Audiences, Cullen Rutherford/Sebastian Vael. Cullen has been secretly in love with Sebastian for years, but can’t hide his feelings after seeing him at a friend’s wedding.
Absolute angst: This Is What Would Happen, Mature, Major Character Death, Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus. Bull’s POV through to Trespasser as he remains Ben-Hassrath and falls in love with Dorian after sacrificing the Chargers.
That time I tried something different: Same as the Day Before, General Audiences, Avexis & Minaeve. Genfic in present tense where Avexis finds herself stuck in a time loop, receiving news of the Tranquil cure over and over again.
An overlooked gem: Rescue Mission, Teen & up. Merrill & the rest of the DA2 crew go to rescue Fenris after Hawke sells him back to Danarius.
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miraculan-draws · 1 year
Malcolm Hawke, in Lothering, has an evil barn cat.
HE does not believe this is an evil barn cat. This cat can do no wrong in his eyes. It hisses and swats at everyone that isn't him. It will not let anyone else touch it. He is healing scratches on his children while the cat is perched on his shoulder purring like a thunderstorm. Kneading paws. Leandra hates the cat and the cat hates Leandra they are nemeses of a biblical intensity.
(The cat is all white so he named her Duchess)(like Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons)
This isn't going anywhere deep I just think it would be funny
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sapphim · 1 year
btw also, I've said this before, but prosecuting a tevinter magister in a kangaroo court show trial for thought crimes in a hypothetical future timeline is sooooooooo much!! is it worse than some jumped up backwoods cult in the mountains putting a grand duchess of orlais on trial? debatably! florianne did at least actually do the things we're mad at her about (god forbid women do anything) but also orlais are ostensibly our allies and they're literally right next door. they should have kicked our ass into next year for the audacity. sent us right back to that apocalyptic future we soooo totally saw for realsies we swearrr~~
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anneapocalypse · 2 years
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vigilskeep · 1 year
i forgot abt the fly noises I really did just invent the cremation of the empress’s cousin out of my own mind. anyways so the box of remains kinda implies they chopped her up doesn’t it
i mean they very much COULD and SHOULD have cremated her as is an accepted andrastian practice but i cannot express enough the extent to which they instead literally had grand duchess florianne’s decomposing corpse in a crate presumably butchered for transport convenience
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johaerys-writes · 1 year
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A World With You | E | Dorian Pavus/Trevelyan
Ch. 58: A Drop of Blood
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
“You’re such a challenge to read, Inquisitor. I had no idea if you’d taken my bait.”
Tristan gazed at the figure above him calmly, though inside he was seething with anger. The rift in the midst of the garden sputtered threateningly; he chose to ignore it.
“Did you not, Grand Duchess? You weren’t being particularly subtle.”
Florianne’s lips curled in a small moue of amusement. Her fingers brushed the polished marble of the railing with lazy indulgence. “Such a pity. You could almost be Orlesian, if you were just a little quicker.”
“Funny you should say that. I remember my mother telling me something of the sort, though her choice of words was much more colourful than that.”
“You fancy yourself quite clever, don’t you?” She chuckled under her breath. “It was kind of you to walk into my trap so willingly. I was so tired of your meddling.” 
The rift crackled again, just short of breaking. The Mark pulsed in Tristan’s palm, in time with the rippling of the Veil. Tristan flexed and curled his hand discreetly, his impassive expression belying the jolt of pain the Anchor sent through him. 
“Corypheus insisted that the Empress die tonight, and I would hate to disappoint him.”
So his suspicions had been right, not that it made much of a difference anymore. Corypheus had managed to sink his claws into the heart of Orlesian royalty, and worm his way into the Empire. And from there, it would be easy as pie to clear a path to the rest of Thedas, cutting it down bit by bit. And once again, the Inquisition was one step behind. 
Tristan clenched his jaw hard.
“What’s in it for you, Florianne? What did Corypheus promise you? Celene’s crown? Gaspard’s armies? What?”
Florianne laughed shrilly, tossing her head back. “Oh, Inquisitor, you think so small. Why settle for a crown and a dilapidated army, when I can have the world? I’ll deliver the entire South of Thedas, and Corypheus will save me. When he has ascended to godhood, I will rule all of Thedas in his name.”
“All of Thedas?” Tristan scoffed and shook his head. “There seems to be quite the competition for that position. I’ve lost count of how many Venatori agents Corypheus has promised this to—but I guess it will all be sorted out once the time comes, yes?” He gave her a sickly sweet smile that dripped venom.
Florianne’s grin wobbled uncertainly. It was barely noticeable and polished away in an instant—Tristan might have missed it if the rift hadn’t crackled at that moment, illuminating her face—but it was there all the same. The evidence that Tristan’s words had struck a chord. 
“A pity you won’t be there to see it,” she said scornfully. “It will be glorious. As will Celene’s death, by my own hand. They’ll be talking of it for years.” She glanced down at the men, whose arrows where pointed right at Tristan’s heart. “Kill him, and bring me his marked hand. It will make a fine gift for the master.” 
Florianne glided away with an amused chuckle, just as the arrows aimed at Tristan released. 
He rolled away as they whistled past his ear only to crash uselessly against Cassandra’s shield and the aegis Dorian and Vivienne had called forth before themselves. Tristan tore off his glove and raised his hand, the Mark sputtering green sparks as it disrupted the rift above them. It pulsed and crackled wildly, blinding in its brilliance when it tore apart. 
The mercenaries—for mercenaries they must have been, judging from their uniforms that didn’t resemble those of either Gaspard’s Chevaliers, or Celene’s guards—gasped in shock as demons started streaming out of the rift, tossing balls of fire and ice and shrieking bloody horror. They swiftly abandoned their formation in a panic, glancing left and right and clutching their weapons in shaky hands. 
“If you want to be helpful, stay out of the path of their attacks and engage them from a distance,” Tristan yelled at the mercenaries, reaching for his daggers and swerving out of the way of an incoming beam of ice. “Unless you’re going to be a nuisance about it, in which case stay out of our damn way!” 
The men blinked in confusion. Their leader, a grizzled and short, yet still well built man of about forty, nodded sharply at his men. “Do as he says!” he barked at them, then drew his bow. 
Read the rest on AO3!
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Codex entry: Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons
"Your Grace,
You requested the swiftest, surest method of getting a message to Grand Duke Gaspard, so I have arranged for you to meet with his sister: Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons. While she is of the least account among the current heirs to the Orlesian throne, her connection to her brother is extremely close. Gaspard will listen to anything she says. Be persuasive.
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macatt4c · 2 years
A Dance to Remember
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Ship: Garrett Hawke ("Default Hawke") x Inquisitor Ellana Mahariel (OC)
Rating: G
Tags: Dragon Age: Inquisition Quest - Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, Post-Dragon Age: Inquisition Quest - Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, Dragon Age Spoilers, Slow Dancing, Fluff, One-Shot
Summary: After saving Empress Celene, Ellana takes a moment to herself to breathe.
A moment that is disturbed by a certain Champion of Kirkwall.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45439567
Empress Celene has been saved.
The sentence was a relief, to say the least. Since stepping into the winter palace, Inquisitor Ellana Mahariel was subjected to the best (and worst) of Orlesian nobility; from double-edged compliments to whispering servants, to even an assassin existing among them, she was more than done with the night and the court's machinations. 
After exposing Grand Duchess Florianne as the would-be assassin and condemning Gaspard to death for his treasonous behavior, the court rejoiced over the civil war finally coming to an end and their empress safe and sound. The band resumed playing with a new gusto and the dance floor was quickly filled with nobles wishing to express their joy with waltzing. It was all so silly to Ellana (who lived in “barely civilized” parts of Thedas all her life, according to a certain Madame de Fer), but she didn’t have the energy to really care anymore. All she wanted was a moment of solitude where no Orlesians were bothering her with hollow praises and favor requests.
Ellana found this solitude on an empty balcony connected to the ballroom. The area was lit up by the bright light of the full moon ahead, allowing the Inquisitor to see clearly. Once she reached the railing she all but threw herself forward, finally taking some weight off her aching feet and relaxing her shoulders. She would certainly beg Josephine to get her some bath salts later, but for now, the balcony was a godsend. She was finally alone with her thoughts.
Or perhaps not.
Ellana turned her head to see a dark figure in her peripheral growing closer. It only took a few more steps for her to realize it was the Empress’s arcane advisor Morrigan approaching her. Morrigan was one of the most intriguing characters Ellana has met since she began working with the Inquisition. She was mysterious, beautiful, and her voice was enough to make Ellana’s heart race. Had Ellana not already been a spoken-for woman, she would surely spend her time secretly pining after the witch.
“Lady Morrigan.” Ellana greeted the woman with a polite smile and nod. “How wonderful it is to make your acquaintance again.”
Morrigan smirked at the elf’s greeting. “The Orlesian nobility make drunken toasts to your victory, and yet you are not present to hear them?” She asks, head tilting to the side curiously. “Do you tire so quickly of their congratulations, Inquisitor? ‘Tis most fickle, after all your efforts on their behalf.”
Ellana, who at one point would have defended her exhaustion and quickly rejoin the party, only chuckled lightly to herself. “I would have stayed, but the punch ran dry. Rather scandalous for an Orlesian affair, don’t you think?”
Morrigan laughed as she adjusted her gloves. “Indeed? Let us see if you take this piece of news as poorly.” This made Ellana frown in confusion. “By imperial decree,” Morrigan continued. “I have been named liaison to the Inquisition. Celene wished to offer any and all aid- including mine. Congratulations.”
Ellana’s eyes widened. Celene was ordering Morrigan to join the Inquisition? This was the last thing she was expecting. While Ellana not only stopped Celene’s murder but also exposed Gaspard’s treason and reconciled her with Briala, she was only expecting verbal sworn loyalty to the organization and the manpower to stop Corypheus. But Morrigan? A trusted personal advisor? Celene must really believe in the Inquisition to do something like this.
“We will be lucky to have you, Morrigan,” Ellana responded, seeming more lively than she was moments prior.
“A most gracious response!” Morrigan said, sounding almost surprised before her tone returned to its originally reserved tone. “Very well. I shall see you at Skyhold, Lady Inquisitor.”
With a nod, the witch turned and exited the balcony. Ellana watched Morrigan pass the threshold back into the balcony just as a certain black-haired man appeared.
Josephine had been very against the idea of Garrett attending the masquerade with the Inquisition, but the Champion of Kirkwall was just as insistent. While he had never been to court, he knew that it was dangerous. He didn’t care how self-sufficient his lover was, he was going to be there at her side. “Corypheus is my responsibility” had been Garrett’s reasoning behind his joining, but it was starting to become more than that. Whispers through the barracks are implying that the Champion’s intentions are far more personal, and the idea of him and the Lady Inquisitor being more than allies at war was starting to become a favorite rumor throughout Skyhold.
If only they knew how right they were.
“Well, well,” Garrett hummed, crossing the balcony to Ellana’s side. “It would seem the powerful and beautiful Lady Inquisitor has come to save the day yet again.”
Ellana scoffed, shaking her head with a smile. “Aren’t my actions tonight enough to spare me from your teasing?”
“Teasing?” Garrett said in mock exasperation, pressing a hand to his chest. “My Lady Inquisitor! I was merely singing your praises like every other noble in the ballroom! How could you be so calloused?”
Ellana rolled her eyes. “I see. Please do forgive me then, dear Champion. I have tirelessly worked all night saving the Empress from an assassination that would have left this great nation vulnerable to the wicked Elder One.”
Garrett, pleased that his lover was playing along, continued. “Seeing that your effort not only saved the Empress but also her lady love, I shall relinquish my earlier objection. You see, I am deeply envious of you, Your Worship.”
Ellana raised an eyebrow. “Are you? Please, do tell.”
“Yes, it is true. I have saved a hundred people in Kirkwall from assassination plots and none of them- not a single one of them - celebrated my efforts the way you are being celebrated tonight! I do not believe it is fair, and I will not stand for it any longer!”
“Garrett,” Ellana spoke his name in a deadpan tone. “If you speak any louder, I’m sure the Empress can see you celebrated for all your efforts back in Kirkwall.”
The champion paused before relenting then and there with a sigh of defeat. “Fine, I give in. You are not in the mood for my theatrics.”
“Not tonight, no.” Ellana leaned onto the railing, putting her weight on the bent elbow resting there.
A silence settled over the two of them. It wasn’t the awkward silence of two strangers trying to make conversation, but the comfortable silence of two people basking in each other’s presence. The night had been full of anxiety, stress, fear, frustration, and exhaustion. Every two-faced compliment from the Orlesians was a strain on Ellana’s patience, and every disregard for the danger ahead made her want to scream. How could people be so aware of what is happening, but act so blind to it? Why must it all be seen as a game? What was the point? Some unfulfilling grasp for political power that can just as easily be taken from you? It was something Ellana would never understand.
“Hey,” The resurgence of Garrett’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts. “I know I jest about everything, but I really was worried about you tonight. When you slipped into the servant’s quarters without me… And then the Venatori in the gardens… I know you are very capable of defending yourself, but I can’t help but think that…”
Ellana’s eyes softened when she gazed upon Garrett. Sarcasm and jokes were just a mask to hide the vulnerable man he truly was. Life hadn’t been too kind to him (to either of them, really) and he had lost those closest to him in quick succession. There were moments when it seemed that Ellana and Varric were the only two he had left in this world. Garrett was deeply loyal to the woman he loved and his most loyal friend, going as far as to put his life on the line for them (as much as they beg him not to). It was that loyalty that makes Ellana’s heart ache. The last thing she wanted was for him to put himself in fatal danger in the name of blind loyalty to her, a thought that was rather hypocritical since she would turn around and do the same in an instant.
Ellana covered one of Garrett’s hands with her own, squeezing it. “I am alright, Vhenan . Just tired. The mission was a success. The Empress is saved. Corypheus will not take Orlais and has lost Florianne. We should be celebrating.”
Garrett gazed back at her, brown eyes searching her blue ones for any sign of falsehood in her words. All he could see was tired relief. He sighed through his nose before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her forehead, an act Ellana welcomed happily.
Their moment of close silence was interrupted by the sound of cheers and applause from the ballroom. Garrett glanced back toward the noise for a moment before suddenly pushing himself from the railing, causing Ellana to watch him curiously. After taking a couple of steps back, Garrett did something she wasn’t expecting: he extended his hand.
“Dance with me.”
Ellana blinked. “What?”
“Dance with me,” Garrett repeated. “Please, before the band stops.”
“You said it yourself. We should be celebrating. This is how I want to celebrate.”
Ellana stared at Garrett with his hand still extended toward her for a few more moments before finally pushing herself from the railing and taking his hand with a soft smile.
“It’s been a long time since we last danced.” She mused, placing her opposite hand on Garrett’s shoulder as he places a secure hand on her lower back.
“And I assure you, when this is all over,” Garrett pauses before lightly pressing his hand into Ellana’s back to begin their waltz. “We will dance some more.”
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goldenbloodytears · 2 years
Amell Family Timeline Discrepancies
DA2 truly has a horrendous lore issue, and world of thedas does little to improve it.
It's truly sad what happened to the Amells, isn't it? I still remember Grandmother talking about the balls that Lord Aristide used to hold at their estate and the Antivan violin players and dancers from Afsaana. No expense was spared and no one would dare miss it, lest someone think they weren't worthy of an invitation. And then poor Revka had the child. Magical talent, running in one of Kirkwall's most prominent families? The templars had considered Lord Aristide to be viscount after Threnhold's arrest. Can you imagine the scandal had he been chosen? They whisked the child away to the Circle, and the Amells simply had no luck after that. Leandra ran off with a Fereldan mage and then Damion was accused of smuggling. Poor Lord Fausten almost bankrupted his family trying to get the charges dropped, but I hear Viscount Marlowe simply wanted the Amells out of the picture. And it worked, too, didn't it? By the time Lord Fausten got sick, there was only young Gamlen left and a mountain of debt. 
I spoke to Dulci just the other day, and apparently Gamlen is now living in some Lowtown shack—sounds like the sort of character you'd cross a street to avoid! And let's not even talk about the estate.
Mother says we should remember the Amells because that sort of thing could happen to any of us. You know the old saying: "A Marcher's fortune rises and falls with the tide." If you ask me, this is just another misfortune that magic brings to honest folk. Andraste help that poor family, whatever lies in store for them.
—Excerpt from a letter written by Lady Amelie de Montfort
The Amell Family codex states several things; Aristride was considered likely to be Viscount following Threnhold’s arrest. Revka’s mage child prompted a scandal that interrupted this, and that Leandra ran away with Malcolm soon after.
Some dates for starters:
Chivalry Threnhold becomes Viscount in 9:02 Dragon.
Malcolm and Lenadra meet in 9:05 Dragon, they court in secret for several months
Leandra discovers she is pregnant, they run away; making Hawke born in (most likely) 9:06
Aristride dies in 9:11 around the time Bethany and Carver are born. Lady Bethann dies a year before.
Perrin Threnhold becomes Viscount in 9:14, 3 years after Aristride dies.
There is a noted timeline inconsistency when looking at the Amell codex: the codex appears to be suggesting that Aristride was being considered for Viscount following Perrin’s arrest (by Meredith Stannard in 9:21 Dragon). However, if this were true; then Kirkwall would be considering electing a very dead man as Viscount (10 years past the expiry date as it stands). However, there is another potential explanation:
What we know of Chivalry Threnhold; and the Threnholds in general is from Codex: History of Kirkwall, Chapter 4; “The Threnhold family assumed its foreboding control of the city at the very onset of the Dragon Age, less than a week after Maric Theirin retook the Ferelden throne from Orlais….Viscount Chivalry Threnhold was a vicious thug who took power through a campaign of intimidation, and his son Perrin who succeeded him in 9:14 Dragon Age was even worse.” According to this, Chivalry was near-just as bad as Perrin who succeeded him; and therefore, it’s possible to imagine that the arrest mentioned in the Amell Family codex is actually referring to Chivalry rather than Perrin. 
There is also an error in Malcolm’s WOTV2 entry. Leandra and Malcolm are said to meet at a ball held for Grand Duchess Florianne’s visit in 9:05 Dragon; held by Viscount Perrin Threnhold. What’s this? “But Perrin became Viscount in 9:14,” you say, “so how can he be Viscount in 9:05?”
Easy. What we’re dealing with is politics. Consider the possibility of a political vacuum, one not too dissimilar from the one you find Kirkwall facing under Meredith after Marlowe’s death by Qunari.  In this case, the title of Viscount might have been unofficially considered Perrin’s (there is, perhaps, the possibility of a provisional appointment similar to the one occupied by Bran Cavin). However, Lord Aristride would then be considered a popular rival candidate… at least until Revka’s child is found to be a mage. In this case, you can assume that he was still a relatively popular candidate but now with a much more divided base (likely further weakened when Leandra ran off with Malcolm), and with any other possible rivals in contention, the stalemate continued until Perrin was finally officially elected in 9:14.
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deusexlachina · 2 months
STEMquisition Part 11: Solve racism with emotional blackmail and also regular blackmail
In which I win favour by robbing the aristocracy blind, manage to elude the world's most easily-eluded deathtrap, and solve a murder mystery.
The future I saw showed that part of Corypheus' plan was to destabilize Orlais by assassinating Empress Celene, so we need to make him not do that by finding the assassin. Unfortunately, the Orlesians are racist. They are not impressed by my prestigious education or my shiny horns.
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To make a good impression, I need to do menial tasks to impress random assholes with thick accents. Fortunately, I grew accustomed to this, because I went to the University of Orlais.
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Leliana derides the Empress for believing in ridiculous notions like speaking with the dead or foreseeing the future, evidently forgetting that she's already encountered several speaking dead people, and we're here precisely because we foresaw the future. I may be a scientist, but if the supernatural boot fits, it fits, and my dear Leliana we live in a fantasy world.
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Because of these objectively true beliefs, Empress Celene hired a magical advisor, Morrigan. Morrigan is a scientist of the magical sort, so I look up to her almost as much as she looks up to me because I am a Qunari.
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Morrigan gives me a key to the Servant's Quarters, where I find a bunch of murdered people and Briala, who was Celene's girlfriend until she ruined the vibe by slaughtering her people for really, really stupid reasons. Nonetheless, Briala doesn't want Celene dead because she's the prime suspect, and the Orlesians would kill even more elves than they already do.
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So Briala helps me solve the murder mystery while I go sneaking off to find cheap blackmail material. I find a locket of Briala that Celene kept all these years...in the Grand Apartments, mind you. Not her room.
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I talk to Celene's Ladies in Waiting about this. Unlike Briala and Gaspard, you can't talk directly to Celene - you have to talk to her through her servants. Anyway, I show the servants the locket and suddenly she wants to talk to me. The threat of her being assassinated, you can talk to the servants. A romantic locket? That's important business of state.
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She says she regrets failing Briala by not daring more. Specifically, by not daring to not set fire to thousands of her people.
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I then show the locket to Briala, who remarks on how scandalous this locket is. She realizes that Celene is a crass sentimentalist who will commit political suicide for pussy still loves her.
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I then go to stop the murder, but Grand Duchess Florianne, Gaspard's shitty sister, leads me into a trap. To prevent me from interfering with Corypheus' plans, she presents me with an unstoppable obstacle: a fade rift with two waves of demons.
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Unfortunately for her, I have the ability to close fade rifts. Actually, it's what I'm most famous for. But critical thinking is for scientists, not minions of Corypheus.
Anyway, here's how The Trap can still win. She doesn't need to kill me. She just needs me away from the Grand Ballroom while she kills Celene. This would be a fairly solid plan if she didn't personally show up in the trap to reveal she's planning to assassinate the Empress on behalf of Corypheus instead of...you know...assassinating the Empress on behalf of Corypheus. Having blackmailed half the court, all the racists suddenly approve of me enough to listen when I tell everyone about her incredibly poorly-constructed trap. It's so embarrassing I can't even look at her.
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I share the credit for this, and all the fun blackmail I got on shitty cousin Gaspard, with my pal Briala. I tell Celene that Briala did this all for her sake, rather than the more accurate version that she did it to avoid getting blamed.
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Realizing that Briala is an effective spymaster who can destroy anyone who gets in her way still loves her, Celene reunites with her and promotes her to Marquis of the Dales.
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That's the power of true love for ya.
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daitranscripts · 10 months
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Pt. 13
Dance with the Duchess
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts Masterpost First: Gaining an Invitation Previous: Briala to the Rescue
The PC enters the ballroom and is approached by Florianne.
Florianne: Inquisitor [Adaar/Lavellan/Trevelyan/Cadash]? We met briefly. I am Grand Duchess Florianne de Chalons. Welcome to my party.
Dialogue options:
General: May I help you? [1]
General: You have interesting timing. [2]
General: Not now. [3]
1 - General: May I help you? PC: Is there something I can do for you, Your Grace? Florianne: Indeed you can. [4]
2 - General: You have interesting timing. PC: Why am I not at all surprised that you want to see me now? Florianne: This is Orlais, Inquisitor. Nothing happens by accident. [4]
3 - General: Not now. PC: I have urgent business to attend. Florianne: That is why I am here. [4]
4 - Scene continues.
Florianne: I believe tonight you and I are both concerned by the actions of… a certain person. Come, dance with me. Spies will not hear us on the dance floor.
Dialogue options:
General (female PC): Two women dancing? [5] -10 Court approval
General: Let’s dance. [6] +10 Court approval
General: Let them hear us. [7] -15 Court approval
General: Not right now. [8]
General (locked in romance): I’m seeing someone. [9]
5 - General: Two women dancing? PC: Should two women really be dancing together? Florianne: My dear Inquisitor, we are the most important people in the room! It would be more scandalous if we did not dance. [10]
6 - General: Let’s dance. PC: Very well. Shall we dance, Your Grace? Florianne: I’d be delighted. [10]
7 - General: Let them hear us. PC: I don’t care what the spies overhear. Florianne: You should. They report your every look and gesture directly to your enemies. Come. [10]
8 - General: Not right now. PC: I have other matters to attend to first. Florianne: I assure you, this discussion is your highest priority. [10]
9 - General: I’m seeing someone. PC: I’m already taken, Your Grace. Florianne: Your lover has nothing to fear. This is business, not pleasure. [10]
10 - Scene continues.
The PC and Florianne decent the stairs to the ballroom floor.
Florianne (Qunari PC): The Tal-Vashoth are hardly known for political maneuvering. Just what interest do you have in our little war? Florianne (Dalish PC): Have the Dalish gained a sudden passion for politics? What do you know about our civil war? Florianne (dwarf PC): I’ve never thought the Carta could tell one human from another. Just how much do you know about our civil war? Florianne (human PC): You are from the Free Marches, are you not? How much do you know about our little war?
Dialogue options:
General: I was briefed by my staff. [11]
General: Why don’t you educate me? [12]
General: As much as I care to. [13] -10 Court approval
Human PC: Orlais is everyone’s business. [14] +5 Court approval
Nobility: Orlais’ war is Thedas’s war. [15] +5 Court approval
11 - General: I was briefed by my staff. PC: My advisors keep me informed. Florianne: One would hope the Inquisition’s leaders had a proper understanding of politics. [16]
12 - General: Why don’t you educate me? PC: What do you think I ought to know? Florianne: My brother and my dear cousin have been at each other’s throats for too long. [16]
13 - General: As much as I care to. PC: I know as much as I need. Florianne: Such wit and vivacity. You dazzle me. [16]
14 - Human PC: Orlais is everyone’s business. PC: I assure you, the effects of this war reach far beyond the borders of the Orlesian Empire. Florianne: Perhaps it does. I should not be surprised to find the empire is the center of everyone’s world. [16]
15 - Nobility: Orlais’ war is Thedas’s war. PC: It doesn’t matter where you’re from, Your Grace. Everyone knows what’s happening in the empire. Florianne: I… I often forget about the world outside of the Imperial Court. [16]
16 - Scene continues.
Florianne: It took great effort to arrange tonight’s negotiations. Yet one party would use this occasion for blackest treason.The security of the empire is at stake. Neither one of us wishes to see it fall.
Dialogue options:
General: I can agree with that. [17] -10 Court approval
General: Is that what we both want? [18] +10 Court approval
General: That’s why I’m here. [19] -10 Court approval
17 - General: I can agree with that. PC: I think I can agree with that, yes. Florianne: Then you have lifted a terrible burden from my heart, Inquisitor. The world is filled with doubt and uncertainty. Fear rules more hearts than any empire. [20]
18 - General: Is that what we both want? PC: Do we both want that, Lady Florianne? Florianne: I hope we are of one mind on this. PC: In times like these, it’s hard to tell friend from foe, is it not, Your Grace? [20]
19 - General: That’s why I’m here. PC: I’m here to make sure it doesn’t. Florianne: Perhaps the Maker truly has sent you to us. The world is filled with doubt and uncertainty. Fear rules more hearts than any empire. [20]
20 -Scene continues.
Florianne: I know you arrived here as a guest of my brother, Gaspard. And have been everywhere in the palace… You are a curiosity to many, Inquisitor… and a matter of concern to some.
Dialogue options:
General: I’m here to help. [21] -10 Court approval
General: Which am I to you? [22] +5 Court approval
General: Not my problem. [23] -10 Court approval
21 - General: I’m here to help. PC: There’s no need for concern. I’ve come here to help Orlais. Florianne: “Helping Orlais” has a variety of meanings depending on whom you ask. Kindness to some is cruelty to others. You cannot be a savior to them all. To some, you must be a monster. [24]
22 - General: Which am I to you? PC: Am I the curiosity or the concern to you, Your Grace? Florianne: A little of both, actually. This evening is of great importance, Inquisitor. I wonder what role you will play in it. [24]
23 - General: Not my problem. PC: The court can think whatever they want. It makes no difference to me. Florianne: It should matter. The people here could be powerful allies. Or powerful enemies. You should choose carefully which ones you intend to provoke. [24]
24 - Scene continues.
Florianne: Do you even yet know who is friend and who is foe? Who in the court can be trusted?
Dialogue options:
General: I trust Briala. [25] -10 Court approval
General: I trust Gaspard. [26] -10 Court approval
General: I trust Celene. [27] -10 Court approval
General: Who do you trust? [28] +5 Court approval
General: I trust the Inquisition. [29] +5 Court approval
Underworld: I trust no one. [30] +5 Court approval
25 - General: I trust Briala. PC: I believe the ambassador is my best ally. Florianne: How far will you go, I wonder, for the sake of that allegiance? [31]
26 - General: I trust Gaspard. PC: The grand duke has my full confidence. Florianne: How far will you go, I wonder, for the sake of that allegiance? [31]
27 - General: I trust Celene. PC: If you can’t trust the empress, who can you trust? Florianne: How far will you go, I wonder, for the sake of that allegiance? [31]
28 - General: Who do you trust? PC: An excellent question. I might ask the same of you, Your Grace. Florianne: In the Winter Palace, everyone is alone. [31]
29 - General: I trust the Inquisition. Female PC: I only trust the Inquisition. It’s every woman for herself here in the Imperial Court. Or so I’ve heard. Male PC: Inquisitor: I trust the Inquisition, Your Grace. Every man for himself in the Imperial Court, after all. Florianne: In the Winter Palace, everyone is alone. [31]
30 - Underworld: I trust no one. PC: If I’ve learned anything, Your Grace, it is to put my trust in no one. Florianne: In the Winter Palace, everyone is alone. [31]
31 - Scene continues.
Florianne: It cannot have escaped your notice that certain parties are engaged in dangerous machinations tonight.
Dialogue options:
General: I have noticed that. PC: I have seen a few… signs to that effect.
General: Isn’t everyone? PC: I thought “dangerous machinations” were the national sport in Orlais.
General: Tell me what you know. PC: If you know something, tell me.
Choice dependent dialogue:
High court approval [32]
Low court approval [33]
32 - High court approval: +15 Court approval
The PC dips Florianne. The crowd applauds.
Florianne: You have little time. The attack will come soon. You must stop Gaspard before he strikes. In the Royal Wing garden, you will find the captain of my brother’s mercenaries. He knows all Gaspard’s secrets.
The dance concludes, the PC and Florianne bow.
Florianne: I’m sure you can persuade him to be forthcoming.
PC: We’ll see what the night has in store, won’t we?
Scene ends.
33 - Low court approval: -15 Court Approval Florianne swings the PC around and sort of pushes them on the dance floor. The crowd laughs and applauds.
Florianne: You have little time. The attack will come soon. You must stop Gaspard before he strikes. In the Royal Wing garden, you will find the captain of my brother’s mercenaries. He knows all Gaspard’s secrets.
The dance concludes, the PC and Florianne bow.
Florianne: I’m sure you can persuade him to be forthcoming. May Andraste guide you, Inquisitor.
Scene ends.
Next: Reconvene with the Advisors
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