#dragon age inquisition transcripts
daitranscripts · 1 month
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Note: Completed quests include all relevant ambient dialogue and conversations.
Companions - in progress (constantly ongoing) Locations - in progress (constantly ongoing)
The Wrath of Heaven
The Threat Remains
In Hushed Whispers
Champions of the Just
In Your Heart Shall Burn
Here Lies the Abyss - main quest complete
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts - main quest complete
What Pride Had Wrought
ㅤ The Final Piece - in progress (3/27/2024)
IHW Redcliffe Conversations - complete (5/6/2024) HLtA Morrigan Conversation - postponed HLtA Warden Conversations - postponed Specializations for the Inquistor - postponed
(Dates indicate the last update.)
Need something I haven’t gotten to yet? You can find another main quest transcript here, formatted in a chose-your-own-adventure style.
If you need something urgently, or something very specific, please send an ask/message!
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Haven Ambient Dialogue: Scout Pellane and Charter
This is a transcription of the ambient dialogue between Scout Pellane and Charter, it happens in the entryway to Haven. I was going to post this when I finished transcribing all of Haven ambient dialogue, but I saw a lot of people who hadn't seen/heard of it before and I thought I'd share.
Charter: You're Scout Pellane, yes? Sent to observe activity at Redcliffe? I'll take your report. Scout Pellane: I don't report to you, knife-ear. I'll speak with Commander Cullen. Charter: By all means. When you do, please inform him that you refused to speak to me.
Scout Pellane: I spoke with Commander Cullen. I, ah, apologize for what I said earlier. Charter: It is nothing. Now, Scout Pellane, what can you tell me of Redcliffe? Scout Pellane: The mages have been quiet since their attack on the Conclave. Charter: Their attack? Do you have information confirming that the mages were responsible? Scout Pellane: Well, I had assumed... Charter: Don't. Our job is to acquire actionable information. Assumptions can lead you to overlook something vital. Scout Pellane: How could that great Breach not have been caused by the mages? Charter:  It is reasonable to believe that magic was involved, but we cannot assume it was the rebels. How many powerful mages died at the Conclave, Scout Pellane? How would those deaths benefit the rebels? Scout Pellane: I... I'm not sure. Charter: Good. Now you're thinking. That's a start. Scout Pellane: What's your name, anyway? Charter: You may call me Charter, Scout Pellane. Now lower your voice. Your report is not for the world at large.
Scout Pellane: We got scattered reports of Tevinter sightings in the Hinterlands. Charter: Mages? Scout Pellane: And their servants, yes. Charter: Hmmm. Scout Pellane: You think they might be connected to the attack on the Conclave? Charter: Assumptions, Scout Pellane. But… no circle mage has ever caused anything like the Breach. Scout Pellane: Fair point.
Scout Pellane: What kind of name is “Charter,” anyways? It doesn’t sound elven. Charter: I said you could call me that, Scout Pellane. I never said it was my name. Scout Pellane: You’re a bit terrifying at times, Charter. Charter: Why? Because you’re realizing that every elf you casually call “knife-ear” might have a life you know nothing about? Scout Pellane: I was hoping you’d forgotten about that. Charter: In this line of work we can afford to forget nothing.
Charter: So we have Tevinter activity in the Hinterlands, and the templars are compromised. Scout Pellane: You think the templars are responsible for the attack on the Conclave? Charter: I think they are a piece of it. As are the Tevinter in the Hinterlands.
Charter: Your report on the Seeker Fortress was excellent. It gave us information we dearly needed. Scout Pellane: Thank you. I just… I don’t know. It used to be easy: Blame the mages, or blame the templars. Charter: That simplistic thinking is fine for soldiers. You and I are more than that, Scout Pellane. Scout Pellane: That attack on the Conclave wasn’t the end. There’s someone out there, or something. It’s not going to stop, is it? Charter: I would be very much surprised if it did. Scout Pellane: Then I suppose I should get back out there.
Charter: And you’ve heard nothing of this “Elder One” before, in any of your investigations? Scout Pellane: Nothing, I’m sorry. Charter: No. It’s taken all of us by surprise. We must… I don’t know. (If sided with templars) Charter: He compromised the templars, and is likely responsible for the disappearance of the rebel mages. (If sided with the mages) Charter: He compromised the rebel mages, and is likely responsible for the disappearance of the templars. Scout Pellane: And we know nothing about him. Charter: We will, soon enough.
Scout Pellane: Charter, if you’re free later, would you like to have a drink at the tavern? Charter: Are you courting a knife-ear, Scout Pellane? Scout Pellane: No! No, I… I don’t know. I used to drink with the soldiers. But I can’t talk with them anymore, not really. Charter: You’ve seen enough pieces to have some idea of the size of the game we’re playing. Scout Pellane: Yes, and… I’m sorry. I just… You understand. This Elder One… there’s no one I can talk to… Charter: I’ll be in the tavern this evening. Perhaps you could buy me a drink. Make sure you take a bath first.
Scout Pellane: Good day. Charter: Greetings.
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missnovelist · 1 year
New Year, Same Project
Hello, yes, I am still alive. Yes, I am still working on this. I've been quietly reformatting each section, mainly because I wasn't happy with how it was organized. Now I have it in such a way that it's much easier for me to update. Also have a new layout, that's still a bit of a WIP, but I think it's a little bit nicer.
I've been finding lots of little lines of dialogue that fit into spots I think were already "finished" which is both super cool and also super annoying lol.
I'm also making a list for myself I call "Play Throughs I Need to See More Of". Mainly because they seem to be the hold outs for some of this "hidden" dialogue. Behold:
Blackwall Romance where Blackwall isn’t forgiven for lying
Low approval Blackwall play through
Iron Bull romance where Iron Bull is still with the Ben-Hassrath
Iron Bull leaves the Inquisition at the end - Ben-Hassrath or Low Approval?
Sera Romance where they break up before the end
Low approval Sera play through
Dorian play through where they flirt, but haven’t (yet) gotten together
Low approval Dorian play through
Cassandra Romance where Cassandra becomes Divine and they break up because of it
Low approval Cassandra play through
As you may notice, lots of Low Approval versions. YouTube is surprisingly light of those types, I assume because no one ever wants to be mean to characters ever. Which, really can't blame them.
I may come back to this post and edit as needed. Having a list is...helpful sometimes.
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dalishious · 1 year
Let's discuss one of the most divisive characters in the Dragon Age fandom; specifically, the single action that makes him so divisive.
Full transcript below:
Anders is a very divisive character. Most people either love him or hate him. Personally, I lean towards loving him, as I think he is very interesting and has a lot of qualities in a character I find appealing. I also think he is overall a good person. That is not to say he is without faults, just that I believe his merits outweigh said faults.
The most divisive part of his character boils down to one specific action he takes at the end of Act 3 of Dragon Age II; the Chantry explosion. There is a large part of the fandom that believes this action entirely defines him, choosing to ignore the rest of his part in the whole game. But anyone actually paying attention to his character beyond this single event, and the setting in general, would know that Anders blowing up the Chantry does not exist in a vacuum. There is a reason the quest is called “The Last Straw”; it is the last effort of a desperate man in the face of oppression.
Anders spends the entirety of the game up to “The Last Straw” working to help mages and protest the Chantry’s abuse peacefully. He works with the Mage Underground to help people escape from the Gallows. He writes his manifestos demanding an end to the oppression of his people. He tries speaking with the Grand Cleric. And not one bit of it makes any monumental change, because no one in power will listen. Despite all efforts, he still witnesses the mass increase in the use of the Rite of Tranquility, on mages who have passed their Harrowing even; this is supposed to be against Chantry law, but no one has stopped it from happening. He witnesses raids on the families of mages, and the formation of what is called “Templar Death Squads” harassing Lowtown inhabitants who sympathize with the mages. None of this is secret. The citizens of Kirkwall are well aware of these abuses, and many of them are vocally against it. But the Chantry doesn’t care about that. They only care about maintaining the status quo of control and domination. This is fully demonstrated by the Divine sending Leliana to warn Elthina that the Chantry is considering an Exalted March on Kirkwall, because in Leliana’s words, they fear the threat of a mage uprising is the biggest danger to Thedas since the Qunari invasion. Elthina even somewhat defends this, saying that even if it will harm innocents, the Divine’s first duty is to “protect the faith”.
Anders tried peaceful measures to protest the Circle’s abuses. Orsino tried peaceful measures to protest the Circle’s abuses, too. But these peaceful protests are met with worsening conditions, not the betterment. At the beginning of Act 3, as in before Anders even gets his magical bomb ready, Knight-Commander Meredith has already gone above Elthina’s head to request the Right of Annulment directly from Val Royeaux. It is established in Dragon Age Origins that a letter is all it takes to grant permission to slaughter every single mage in the Circle, when Greagoir writes to Denerim for the same request. Another example of no actual investigation prior to granting this Right is from the Magehunter shield item description in Dragon Age Inquisition, which states that it wasn’t until after the Right was conducted and all the mages were slaughtered, that the Seekers of Truth discovered the Annulment was used to cover up the mass murder of mages that had already occurred before permission was granted.
Backed into a corner, Anders lashes out in the only way he can think to force change. The fact that Meredith had already sent for the Right of Annulment means in all likeliness, Anders saved lives by acting when he did. This allowed the mages the opportunity to fight back and for some to escape.
Is Anders a murderer? Yes. But so is every single character in the Kirkwall party. Even Sebastian has killed people in his quest for revenge against those who murdered his family—how does that separate him from Anders doing the same against those who are torturing, mutilating and killing his people? The Chantry is not innocent. Elthina is not innocent. She is a perpetrator at worst and enabler at best of systemic oppression. It is within her power to oppose Meredith—as Grand Cleric, she is in fact the only person with any power to do so in Kirkwall—but she chooses not to. The only action she takes is to silence Orsino’s right to speak publicly. It makes perfect sense to me for Anders to target her.
Why did Anders choose to target Elthina by blowing up the Chantry itself, though? The out-of-universe reason I believe, is simply that the developers wanted to trigger a gut-punch reaction to Americans with the imagery of an exploding building. BioWare is very centrist, and has a strong history of making “both sides are wrong” arguments out of oppressors versus the oppressed. The goal of making Anders do this is to turn off the player’s brain enough to place doubt in the mages and think Templar Order might be right even a little, despite all evidence to the contrary. The in-universe reason is just that between the two targets, the Chantry and the Gallows, attacking the Chantry had less collateral damages to mages in Anders’s view, I suppose? But it’s hard for me to put reason behind this when it’s so overshadowed by outside influence that feels less organically part of the plot and more shoved in for the sake of pushing their centrist agenda. What really drives home for me that it’s an agenda is the fact that post-Dragon Age II, they keep adding more to what happened. First they increase the death toll way beyond anything actually suggested in the game, then in Trespasser they even write a codex entry saying the explosion changed the shape of the Kirkwall harbour, somehow. I can’t help but find it at least a little amusing, and look forward to hearing how actually, the explosion unleashed another Blight upon the Free Marches next.
If you want to call Anders a terrorist, fine. I don’t give a shit, because I can think of so many real life people who have been called terrorists by the government for standing up against colonial enforced inequality, to the point where I question the very meaning of the word. But I ask you go do it somewhere else, because I’m kind of tired of the fandom debate over The Chantry explosion controversy. I’ve said my piece, and I’m confident about my opinion. More confident than BioWare is able to sway me otherwise, that’s for damn sure.
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selfpossesedghost · 11 months
Dorian and Cole - Friendly Fire
Dorian: Cole, you should be careful dancing around with those daggers while I'm throwing fire.
Cole: It won't hurt me. It's friendly fire.
Dorian: That doesn't always mean what you think it means.
Dragon Age Inquisition
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arlathanxchange · 4 months
✨ Meet the Mods ✨
Please welcome another one of our new mods!
☆ Mod Intro
▸ Name: Sterling, but Plisuu is fine! ▸ Pronouns: he/him
Dragon Age has been the love of my life since I discovered Inquisition while fumbling through tumblr in the days of the Tresspasser hype. I hung around the outskirts for a while before really throwing myself into the fandom in 2018, and have been around since!
I'm an artist and a writer with a penchance for all things angsty and queer, an equal-opportunity companion lover, and multishipper. I love to see the variety in the community as folks create unique charcaters with vastly different backgrounds and experiences that all fit into the world of Thedas, coloring the world with rich culture and lore.
I have a particular soft spot for the tranquil, and am a templar lore afficianado among other things. Unconvential pairings, complex backstories, and deep dives into the human condition are totally my bag, baby! As far as the games go, Inquisition will forever be number one in my heart, from the companions and romances to the story. You may be more familar with me from my ongoing side-project, DAI Transcripts.
I'm thrilled to be on the Arlathan team this year, and am looking forward to the creativity this event always brings. I can't wait to see y'all there!
You can find or follow me on:
Tumblr (@plisuu)
Ao3 I can also be found floating around a number of Dragon Age Discord servers!
rules & info | faq | mod team & philosophy
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anneapocalypse · 7 months
for the fic writer asks -- 1, 3, 26, 37
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I'm going to separate this out by my major fandoms and also intentionally pick fics that are 5k or less because I feel like that works better for an introduction than "here read my 240k opus." (That said you are also more than welcome to start with my 240k opus. 😜)
For Dragon Age: Looking Forward, a FenHawke fic set post-Inquisition.
For Fallout: This is a tough one but I'll say God Bless, a short Juliebeth and Freeside fic through the eyes of Bill Ronte.
For Red vs. Blue: Relative Peace is the first in my main Kimbalina series and probably a good intro to my Carolina fics generally.
And a bonus I guess, though I haven't written a lot for the Penumbra Podcast: After You, a Jupeter fic set at the end of season 1.
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
If it's a fic over 10k and somebody (usually a woman) isn't screaming, crying, or having a panic attack at some point, did I really write it? 😛 I like writing emotional outbursts/meltdowns and these have become something of a staple in my longfics.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
I'm pretty sure I've written both!
As much as I adore writing dialogue (character voices are one of my favorite aspects of writing), I actually feel like the grounding details of setting, movement, gesture and expression are really important to me, and it feels incomplete without them. So I'm more likely in the end to write something silent and introspective than pure dialogue. There are exceptions though! I've written fic in the form of a "transcript" which is all dialogue with some minimal "stage direction" type indicators, and that's also fun in its own way.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
I don't know about underrated, as I don't tend to think of my fics in those terms. But in addition to fics for Dragon Age I sometimes write poems or songs! Fear Not is a Chasind lullaby I wrote for a specific fic (Gifts of the Hunt, Morrigan/F!Mahariel; Morrigan sings it to Kieran). This one actually has a melody and one day I will get around to recording it (Mr. Apocalypse works from home these days so it's harder for me to find a quiet time to record things) but I did post the lyrics as a standalone work.
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I've been replaying dragon age inquisition again recently so have my Inquisitor Galerius Trevelyon
Transcription: Inquisitor Galerius Trevelyon Scarred (no left eye) from escaping Corypheus - Also split lip & missing tooth Mage gloves with exposed fingers Broken staff turned walking stick Walked through too many puddles/sand dunes/swamps/snow etc.
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warpedlegacy · 2 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Tagged by @dreadfutures! Tagging @effelants and @kiastirling-fanfic.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 47
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 739,512
3. What fandoms do you write for? Resident Evil/Biohazard, Dragon Age, Mass Effect
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Recovery, a post-RE2 Remake Leon/Claire smut (340) The Rise, part 1 of my DAI-timeline series that starts with the prologue and ends with the arrival at Skyhold (140) Bracing, a 350-word drabble for Dorian/Bull (71) A Terrible Bore (350-word Cullen/Theresa drabble) and An Evening In (one-shot Cullen/Theresa fluff) are tied for fourth (64) Fiercely Perish, which is essentially Die Hard in Thedas, with Bull as John McClain (56)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to respond to everyone and try not to be overwhelming in my gratitude lol. I so rarely get comments that each one feels like Christmas Morning to me and I want to cherish it forever.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? The Black City - the second part of my post-Trespasser Cullen/Theresa series, which ends with their relationship in tatters and them coming to the conclusion that the only way they can heal from their grief is apart. One of the hardest things I've ever written. T_T
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Swept Away - my super indulgent Josephine/Isabela adventure romance. I wrote it as a combination of Pirates of the Caribbean meets Jane Austen. I adore them!
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, never! I've been very lucky.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yup! I've written one-shots as well as scenes incorporated into longer stories. It's almost never PWP though - I have tried and literally can't. For some reason it always ends up at least partly a character study lmao. And because it's me, there's also usually some angst worming its way in there. I am hopeless. ^_^;
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Nope. The closest I've ever come was D&DA Effect, which was me just taking the idea of "what if the plot of DA was actually just the crew of the Normandy playing D&D?" and cranking out a short dialogue-only scene. It reads like a transcript lol. It was definitely fun, but overall I don't have much interest in crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had a couple people ask if they can translate one or two of my fics, and I've always granted permission. If they ever completed the translations, I was never tagged in them.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? A couple times, yes. I've participated in a couple round robins with my fellow server members, and did a pinch hit on an exchange event with another writer.
14. What's your all time favorite ship? Oh gosh I have so many.... My favorite to write for is definitely Cullen/Theresa, Theresa being my OC Trevelyan Inquisitor.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Look. I really, REALLY wanna finish my Reprises & Reprisals series. I promise!!! I'm about to pick it back up in fact. But my worry is that once the fourth game comes out I may lose interest in writing for Inquisition for a while. And who knows when it'll come back. So I'm hoping to at least finish MOST of book two, which will at least get me to the end of the base game and the big revelation I've been sitting on for literal YEARS.
16. What are your writing strengths? Character and dialogue, and I've also been told that I write action well
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Repetition. Descriptive prose and scene blocking. Every time I have to describe what a character is physically doing in a scene, I immediately forget how to exist in a body or how to move one lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If you are fluent enough to write in that language, write it out. Or if not, at least run it by someone who is. The more often languages other than English are included in stories shown to a primarily English-speaking readership, the less "other" it will become. Otherwise, it's best just to write it in English (WITHOUT writing the accent) and describe what language it's being spoken in. Conlangs and ciphers are definitely trickier, and I try my best not to lean too heavily on them, just because I don't feel I'm well enough versed in linguistics to really parse the nuances of such use without accidentally falling into unfortunate implications or stereotypes.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Mass Effect
20. Favorite fic you've written? As much as I love my Cullen/Theresa stories, I have a deep fondness and love for Swept Away. I poured a lot of time and effort into its writing, and it remains, in my opinion, one of my best-paced, best-written, and most engaging stories.
Blank form under the cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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shivunin · 1 year
Hellooo! Thought I’d pop in and request number 13 from the OC codex prompts? Transcripts of an interview with Maria Hawke, about anything of your choosing! :3
I would be interested to hear about interview thoughts on Anders post-chantry incident though tbh. It’s touched on so little in Inquisition and it’s clearly hard for Hawke or anyone to discuss—whether they were with Anders romantically or not. But those difficult conversations can be the most fun to read or write, no?
With those thoughts aside, any interview you come up with would be great! Have a great day! ✨
Oooh, thanks for the prompt! I also think that her thoughts post-Chantry explosion are intriguing, but I need to think about that a bit more before I write it out. Here is an interview set just after Act 2 instead c: I hope you have a great day as well!
(Codex Prompts)
13. transcript of an interview with your OC
Interview transcript from Kirkwall’s official chronicler, dated 13 Harvestmere, 9:34 Dragon. Transcription notes by scribe apprentice Carmac Faragher. The name of the chronicler is not recorded here. Interviewee noted as one Lady Maria Amell-Hawke, though there is a note stating the lady in question contested that name. Interview conducted in Interviewee’s home.
Transcript begins: 
Chronicler: Good morning. This session is to record, for posterity, the events surrounding the Qunari incursion resulting in the death of Viscount Dumar. I understand your wounds are healing well?
Lady Hawke: Yes, thank you for your concern. I can move without my intestines spilling out now, which as you can imagine is a great improvement in my days. 
Chronicler: Ah. I see.
Lady Hawke: That was a joke. You’re allowed to laugh! I have it under good authority that it is an excellent set of intestines. Quite robust. Say, the fabric of your vest is quite lovely—is that Antivan?
Chronicler: Yes, it is. If we might return to the subject of—
Lady Hawke: You know, I’ve heard that Antiva’s had a bit of a trade war recently with Nevarra—have you heard of this?—I was just reading about it upstairs. Apparently, that’s why the cost of Antivan goods has dropped so much this past season. Some sort of issue with assassins, though in my humble opinion that’s the sort of trouble one courts when your government is run by said assassins. Pardon me; you look confused. Don’t mind me, I’m awfully cooped up in this place and nobody will let me go anywhere after—go on and ask your questions. 
Chronicler: [clears throat] Right. Can you recount for me the events in question, beginning with when you first heard of the trouble? 
Lady Hawke: Goodness, that’s awfully far back. Well, I came to Kirkwall during the Blight in—
Chronicler: Excuse me, no. Let me be more specific: I am referring to when you first heard of the imminent uprising by Qunari forces. 
Lady Hawke: Ah, an important distinction. Well, about a year ago—
Chronicler: No, no. Messere, please. 
Lady Hawke: The questions you’re asking me are horribly vague. Do you mean to tell me the city at large has been unaware of the massive contingent of disgruntled and behorned fellows occupying the docks for the last four years? Because I cannot believe that’s true. We’ve been on the brink of what happened for ages. 
Chronicler: [sigh] Let us begin again. 
Lady Hawke: Oh, please, let’s. Now, about your vest…
Transcript is accompanied by a note from the chronicler in question that indicates the interview was never completed. A follow-up discussion was scheduled, but no notes on said meeting remain in the chronicles or archives.
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browneowl · 2 years
So, I posted this a little while ago, and I really enjoyed doing it. I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for other things that I can do, other messages or things that I can write and voice act, or even emails, letters, codex entries, that sort of thing that already exist within the games. Things that maybe you would like to hear.
I also plan on recording a reading of the Warden's letter from Inquisition, so please feel free to suggest stuff from the Dragon Age series as well.
This is a something that I want to use as a fun way to practice, so please feel free to suggest ideas.
Transcript of the email.
It’s okay, Horizon was a mess, and I don’t blame you for how you felt. I just wish you had given me the chance to explain first. It won’t be long until we head through the Omega Relay, so I don’t know if I’ll get another chance.
I did die above Alchera, Kaidan. My body ended up in Cerberus custody, where they spent two years rebuilding me. I woke up just a few weeks before Horizon happened.
I don’t trust Cerberus, I don’t trust The Illusive Man, but I have no choice in working with them. The Collectors need to be stopped. It’s hard to leave yourself a way out when you wake up backed into a corner. 
I can understand your suspicion, but you should know me better than anyone Kaidan. Do you really think that I would work with Cerberus like this if I had any other choice? After everything they’ve done? After Akuze?
But despite what Cerberus did to bring me back, I’m still me. I still remember the night before Ilos, hell, I’ll always remember it. I still feel the same way about you as I did before Alchera.
I never expected you to join the crew, but I needed to let you know that there is always a place for you on the Normandy. As much as it hurts not having you around, I can rest a little easier knowing you’re as far away from The Illusive Man as possible.
I’m sorry that I never reached out after I woke up, I didn’t want to blindside you, or leave you in the dark, it’s just…how do you even start an email or a call like that? I guess a part of me just couldn't deal with the reality of what had happened. I know that you can’t put these two years aside, but you need to understand that they didn’t happen for me. I’m sorry that I hurt you. 
I don’t know where we are right now, or where we go from here, but I hope that maybe we can talk about it once this is all over. Please take care, Kaidan.
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daitranscripts · 1 month
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In Hushed Whispers Masterpost
Main Quest:
Pt. 1 - Negotiations Pt. 2 - Mr. Mustache Pt. 3 - Redcliffe Castle Pt. 4 - Confronting Alexius Pt. 5 - A Bleak Future Pt. 6 - Rescuing Companions Pt. 7 - Spymaster Pt. 8 - Finding the Throne Room Pt. 9 - Alexius (Again) Pt. 10 - The Mages’ Fate Pt. 11 - Return to Haven Deleted Dialogue
Quest Related Ambient Dialogue:
Redcliffe Village
Quest Related Conversations:
Clemence Hanley D’Urvain Linnea Lysas Talwyn Connor Guerrin Revered Mother Eglantine
Related Companion Cutscenes:
Cassandra: Deal. With. It. Vivienne: Something to Consider - Josephine: Ire of the Chantry Leliana: Dealing With a Traitor
Related Companion Conversations:
Blackwall: What Was I Like Dorian: Southern Mages Iron Bull: That’s Honest Sera: So Many Robes Solas: Point Taken Varric: That’s Enough Doom and Gloom - Cullen: For Their Safety Leliana: Things Worth Dying For
Previous Quest: The Threat Remains Next Quest: In Your Heart Shall Burn
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Transcript access
I gathered the entire Jaws of Hakkon transcript into one google doc for easy browsing (because tumblr search engine is trash).
Google document - link
Also, I finally collected all of the companion remarks and put them on the Dragon Age fandom wiki, they can be found on the individual dialogue pages under the Jaws of Hakkon DLC label. So if you'd like to read through every piece of dialogue that your favourite companion says during JoH, jump right in!
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missnovelist · 2 years
New Hosting for Dragon Age Inquisition Transcript
Hey all, so while I'm still quite sad I can't use AO3 to host the transcript anymore (my own fault, really), I have instead elected to create a Wordpress blog to host it.
I'm still in the process of uploading everything up to it and I'm also considering getting some help to have it added to the Dragon Age Wiki, but this will work for now.
So for all you fanfic writers out there, please help spread the word on this new, updated link. This one actually works, lol.
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ammocharis · 3 years
DAI Transcript
So... I'm doing a dialogue transcript for Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC, Jaws of Hakkon. I've created a side blog for it, here's the link if anyone's interested: JoH Transcript.
So far, it contains the first couple of main quests, but eventually, I'm going to cover the entire DLC. I'm hoping to include as many optional dialogue lines and companion remarks as possible.
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selfpossesedghost · 11 months
Varric and Cassandra: Leaving
Varric: Thank you'll ever go back to Nevarra, Seeker?
Cassandra: Why? Are you eager to see me go?
Varric: I wasn't, actually, but now that you mention it...
Cassandra: How do you know I wouldn't just drag you along?
Varric: Be still my heart! I've grown on you.
Cassandra: Like fungus.
Dragon Age Inquisition
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