#grand duchess victoria
rosietrace · 2 years
Villainess! Nyx AU
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Ocs belonging to other creators
Briar, Cerule, Vidya(@phoenix-manga )
Lorelei Arachne (@crazyyanderefangirlfan)
(Note: This AU is purely for fun, I will not implement a creator's oc into the AU if they aren't comfortable with it)
Things have actually been getting better for this isekaid cctavinelle student
Which is surprising because you'd also be starstruck for a few weeks after finding out your bodyguard is quite literally a serial killer hired by your brothers
Does Nyx think that's fucked up? Yes.
But did she manage to convince her brothers and Rook about how fucked up it actually is? Haha no
Despite her status as the upcoming crown princess, she's still the youngest in the Leech household at the end of the day
Of course, she definitely has a lot more freedom in the imperial palace
Because of her crown princess status, she's able to enter the palace frequently to visit her fiancé
Speaking of which, she and Vil have been getting along more often because of how frequently she visits the palace
Mostly because she wants to have more freedom in a place that doesn't belong to Jade
I mean sure, it was definitely awkward for both of them because their marriage was purely for the benefit of the imperial family
But they ended up growing a friendship during the frequent visits Nyx would make
She'd even help Vil politically when it comes to the punishments of certain prisoners
"Nyx, no. I'm not going draw and quarter baron Larrane by four horses." Vil felt a drop of sweat fall down his face, massaging the bridge of his nose.
Nyx groaned."Oh come on! He definitely deserves it after committing several crimes. Which includes trafficking children and somewhat causing an inflation in the economy rate of our nation." She justified, attempting to win over Vil with her suggestion.
His eyes narrowed."For the last time Nyx, no." He sighed heavily.
And another thing to add, is that Nyx basically became as much of a socialite as Lady Victoria and Lady Lorelei
Mostly for her current status as a future member of the imperial family, but also because of her general charisma
Thanks to her experience as a performer in the monstro lounge, such charisma is useful to help win over high society in case someone tries to pin them against her
And unfortunately, Miss (H/N) (L/N) is one of those people who want to take Nyx down
Nyx has absolutely no idea why, but (H/N) seems to both be extremely obsessed with Vil
Or straight up call him a narcissistic egomaniac after he made one comment about her needing to act more ladylike
She desperately needs an explanation for this cause she keeps going "😬 yikes" every time (H/N) does this shit-
What makes it somewhat more confusing for Nyx to comprehend, is that suddenly the other half of society is starting to support (H/N)
Cause like- last she checked, (H/N) was despised in society for wanting to surpass their sexist lifestyle
I mean, Nyx wants to admire that but it's definitely not a good sign when the girl trying to break social norms is shaming other women for following those social norms
Especially when they literally don't have a choice
It's seriously getting on Nyx's nerves cause she doesn't like the fact that Briar gets shat on for being engaged to Roya, and following these social norms to survive
She'd use her status as crown princess to dissipate the bullshit they're spitting out, but that would just be making an enemy out of the side of society she couldn't win over
And that would definitely affect how the empire would view their crown princess
So unfortunately, she can only comfort Briar with Cerule about the whole situation if she doesn't want to jeopardize the reputation of her family and the imperial family
"Girls, its okay... I'm fine." Briar said as she wore a sad smile, looking down at her teacup.
Creule pouted."But it isn't fair for them to go and do that, Briar. Just cause you're in a marriage of convenience with Roya doesn't excuse them to shame you for it." Nyx nodded in agreement with Cerule's statement.
Briar hummed."I know, but... I don't exactly have a way to properly dissipate their cruel intentions without putting the Auroria family reputation at risk." She sighed.
Cerule turned to Nyx."Can't you use your status as crown princess to make them stop?" She questioned, causing Nyx to groan in response.
"I would but unfortunately I haven't been crowned yet, so I can't just walk around flaunting my status." Nyx explained, frustration in her voice.
"I see..." Briar murmured before taking a sip of her tea, and taking a bite out of her scone.
Cerule pursed her lips."It feels like there's been more scandals in high society lately..." She blurted, attempting to change the subject.
Nyx shrugged."I guess. There's been a lot of romance scandals, and I'm pretty sure everyone's craving for more of that." She rested her chin on her hand.
Briar hummed."Indeed. I'm just hoping nothing happens to the grand duchess..." She stated, worry filling her voice.
Cerule placed a finger over her chin."I doubt it. Despite her popularity, Lady Victoria's never had much controversy under her name. Not to mention her marriage with grand duke Regulus is most definitely more affectionate than what high society expected of them." She pondered for a bit.
Nyx gave a cheeky smile at the mention of 'Regulus'. "I guess.... They do seem incredibly close." She hummed.
Briar and Cerule nodded in agreement."Yeah. It feels kind of unusual for two people to be so affectionate with one another when as far as everyone knows, their marriage wasn't for love." Briar commented, feeling interested.
Cerule giggled."They are really cute." She grinned, happily taking a bite out of her cupcake.
Nyx smiled. It's good that they aren't frowning anymore...
.... Hopefully Vic doesn't face any difficulties
{ Shocking news }
Today was one of the many days where Nyx went to visit the imperial palace to spend time with Vil.
Floyd might've tried to convince her to let him come with her to protect her, but she managed to convince him that Rook was enough.
The two decided to have tea in the main garden. After that, they'll continue their preparations for the up and coming summer fete.
The preparations were tiring, but Nyx also considered it to be an interesting experience that she can use in the future.
Rook chuckled."It's wonderful to see reine des sirènes get along so well with you, roi du poison." He commented, clasping his hands together with a grin.
Vil hummed."Yes. I quite enjoyed spending time with my fiancé, even if it's still a bit awkward considering our engagement." He responded, causing the tip of Nyx's ears to turn pink.
She chuckled awkwardly."Haha.... Thanks." She gave him a smile as she scratched the back of her head.
Vil smiled softly."It is no problem, Nyx..." He put down his teacup, having already finished his tea.
Vil stood from his seat, extending his hand to Nyx."Are you ready to prepare for the fete?" He asked, his smile becoming more playful.
Nyx snickered as she happily took his hand."Sure, why not?" She joked, following Vil to the outside of the greenhouse they had their tea in. With Rook following right behind them.
Because of how quick they were with making the preparations early on, they were basically finished for the summer fete. The only thing they have to do now is approve of certain decorations for the event.
A servant approached Vil, holding a large vase full of flowers."Your highness, will these sunflowers be put in the halls of the palace for guests to see in the fete?" They asked.
After taking a look of the sunflowers, Vil sighed."Unfortunately not. Replace them with a vase of peonies." He turned to Nyx,"Peonies symbolize prosperity and celebration, no?"
A drop of sweat fell down her face."Uh- Yes." She quickly responded after remembering the floriography classes she took with Cerule last week.
The servant nodded."As you wish, your highnesses." They bowed, a smile on their face as they walked away to replace the sunflowers with peonies.
Nyx chuckled."It seems like they're getting nicer to me now..." She commented, crossing her arms together.
Vil sighed in response."They were always nice to you. They just happened to be hesitant in your presence because of the sudden engagement between you and me." He responded to her statement.
Nyx hummed."Right.... Don't you feel weird about it?" She asked. Vil looked at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Whatever do you mean?"
"I mean, don't you feel uncomfortable about the engagement? But why can't you just ask the emperor to annul it? You don't exactly feel entirely comfortable around me purely because of our engagement."
Vil went radio silent, pursing his lips as he hesitated to tell Nyx.
"The relationship I have with my father.... Is complicated." He didn't answer the question directly.
Nyx was about to open her mouth to ask why he avoided the question, but chose not to pry any further. They'll be her in-laws, but she can't snoop into their personal lives.
"I.... I see." She smiled awkwardly, trying to defuse the tension. If Rook wasn't potentially killing someone in the palace, he'd also feel awkward about the situation.
As they continued their conversation, suddenly the head butler walked up to them holding a tray with a paper on it.
"Your highnesses..." He called to them. Vil hummed softly, turning to the butler.
"What is it, Uros?" Vil questioned, raising an eyebrow as he eyed the piece of paper on the tray. Uros sweatdropped, feeling too awkward to even say anything.
Nyx tilted her head at the paper."Uh.... What is this?" She asked curiously.
Uros sighed."It's... News from the daily newsletters." He stated anxiously as he gave the letter to Nyx.
"Huh... I see." Nyx looked at the details of the envelope before she was about to open the letter.
Vil rolled his eyes."It better not be about archduke Neige's 'incredible feats' again.." He retorts, causing Nyx to snort quietly.
"Oh shush, Vil. I'm sure it's nothing that serious-"
Nyx's eyes widen.
Vil excused Uros before he looked at Nyx with confusion and concern."Nyx dear... Are you alright?" He asked worriedly, eyes softening.
Nyx's eyes remained wide, as she handed the paper to Vil without even sending him a glance due to her shock.
What could possibly... Vil's thoughts suddenly stopped as soon he read the article.
"Shockingly, despite the undying love they once had, the grand duke and duchess Shard have decided to file for a divorce. Their divorce trial is to take place in a couple weeks."
With his head hung low, Vil sighed.
"It... Seems there is to be a divorce trial." He said, walking slightly closer to Nyx. Suddenly, her fists clenched, as well as her jaw.
"... Nyx?"
Vil backed away slightly, eyes slightly wide."Divorce can be considered a natural occurrence, you simply need to-" he gets cut off.
"CUT THE CRAP, DAMN IT. THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL THEY'D DIVORCE ALL OF A SUDDEN. THEY LOOKED SO HAPPY TOGETHER!" Nyx shrieked, startling Vil and the many servants surrounding them.
Vil let out a huff."Nyx be reasonable here. They could've been unhappy behind the scenes." He argued, making her roll her eyes.
"How could they possibly be unhappy behind the scenes?! HAVEN'T YOU SEEN THEM LOOK AT EACH OTHER SO LOVINGLY?"
Vil stomped his foot in frustration."Nyx! Watch your tone!" He crossed his arms, looks down at her sternly. Nyx's jaw clenched harder.
"Like hell I will! I'm getting to the bottom of this and prove you wrong!" She exclaimed, already turning away.
Vil growled."Fine then! Don't go and cry to me when you find out you're wrong!" He shouted. This startled the servants even more because of how Vil almost never raised his voice at anyone.
Nyx sent him the middle finger, sticking out her tongue.
Yeah.... Nyx immediately regretted saying anything once she left the palace-
To the point she stayed in her room for the rest of the day
I mean, who wouldn't? If you yelled at the crown prince for something like a divorce trial involving people you barely talked to, wouldn't you regret saying anything right after?
However I digress, Nyx was already plotting on what she should do
"Uh.... What's all this?" Cerule and Vidya look at Nyx in confusion as she stacked another pile of documents onto her desk.
"Potential suspects on who could be the cause of the grand duke and duchess's divorce."
Vidya hummed"You know... Aren't you going a bit far with this? You aren't exactly close with neither the duke or the duchess." She commented.
Nyx groaned."Honestly even I don't know why I'm doing this, but that somehow makes me more determined.." she responded, looking through the many documents.
Suddenly, Nyx realized that Cerule remained quiet the entire time. And when she stole a glance at her, Cerule was looking almost anxious to tell her something.
".... Something wrong, Cerule?"
Cerule chuckled awkwardly."W-Well... I don't know if this is important but... I think I know how to help you." Nyx's eyes lit up, and she was already in front of Cerule in mere seconds.
"YOU DO??" Cerule snickered and nodded slowly, before pushing Nyx slightly so they could have a more respectable distance.
"Yes, in fact. Perhaps an organization specializing in giving out specific information for a price?" She suggested.
Nyx rose a brow."Uh.... What organization?"
Earning both Nyx and Vidya's attention, Cerule chuckled darkly as she looked down with a sophisticated smirk.
"I'm glad you asked..." She trailed off.
".... Ever heard of the conductor?"
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teatimeatwinterpalace · 2 months
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Louis IV Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine with his two eldest daughters Princess Victoria and Princess Elizabeth, 1883.
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empress-alexandra · 10 days
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Grand Duke Louis IV of Hesse with his surviving children: Princess Victoria of Battenberg, Marchioness of Milford-Haven, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, Princess Irene of Prussia, Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia and Grand Duke Ernest Louis of Hesse, 1884.
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EXTREMELY rare photos of Princesses Victoria and Elisabeth of Hesse and By Rhine, early 1870s
Royal Collection Trust / © His Majesty King Charles III 2023
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world-of-wales · 14 days
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The Princess of Wales June 2024 Photo Challenge ♔
❥ Day 5 - Favourite photo(s) of Catherine with other heirs (Victoria, Haakon, Daniel, etc) Did i cheat a little with this, maybe i did......but in my defense I couldn't choose which pics to leave out and which ones to put in coz of tons of choices. And so Fred and Mary will also be a part of the monarchs prompt lol. Also did I ever mention how I hate there's not more luxembourgs × catherine pics out there coz her and Guillaume give me such fun vibes. And Catherine and Victoria's ability to catch each other's eyes in group/formal settings remains unmatched >>>> royal besties.
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crownprincesses · 1 year
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Members of the foreign Royal Families attended the coronation of King Charles III in Westminster Abbey, London. || May 6th, 2023
King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of the Belgians 
Kinf Willem Alexander & Queen Maxima of the Netherlands 
Prince Albert II & Princess Charlene of Monaco 
King Felipe VI & Queen Letizia of Spain 
King Abdullah II & Queen Rania of Giordan 
Grand Duke Henri & Grud Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg 
King Carl XVI Gustav & Crown Princess Victoria
Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway 
Crown Prince Frederik & Crown Princess Mary of Denmark 
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ifreakingloveroyals · 5 months
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Heirs of most of Europe (as of 14 January 2024)
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thehessiansisters · 2 months
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Portrait of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia, with Prince and Princess Louis of Battenberg, Darmstadt, end of 1880s.
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adini-nikolaevna · 7 months
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"Oh, my dear! What a pity that Ella rejected dear Fritz of Baden [Prince Friedrich of Baden], who is so good and reliable, with such a safe and happy situation, and all this for the sake of the Russian [Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich]. I deeply regret it. Ella's health could never bear the climate that killed poor Aunt [Empress Maria Alexandrovna] ,and ruined the health of almost all the German princesses who lived there.”
— Queen Victoria in a letter to her granddaughter, Princess Victoria of Hesse.
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the-last-tsar · 11 months
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"There once were four sisters — Victoria, Ella, Irene and Alix — who lived in an obscure grand duchy in south-western Germany, a place of winding cobbled streets and dark forests made legendary in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. In their day, these four princesses of the house of Hesse and by Rhine were considered by many to be "the flowers of Queen Victoria's flock of granddaughters", celebrated for their beauty, intelligence and charm. As they grew up they became the object of intense scrutiny on that most fraught of international stages — the royal marriage market of Europe. Despite their lack of large dowries or vast territories, each sister in turn married well. But it was to the youngest and most beautiful of the four that fate dealt the biggest hand."
The Romanov Sisters | Helen Rappaport
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rosietrace · 2 years
Happy birthday, Victoria Shard!
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To the villainess with a reflective personality, we wish you a happy birthday!
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teatimeatwinterpalace · 2 months
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Princess Alice with her sister Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia, Berlin, 1865.
Alice to Queen Victoria, Berlin, January 29, 1865 | The journey went off very well, and we are so happy to be here. Vicky and Fritz are kindness itself, and Vicky so dear, so loving! I feel it does me good, that there is a reflection of Papa's great mind in her. He loved her so much, and was so proud of her.
Alice to Queen Victoria, Berlin, February 4, 1865 | I have not been sight-seeing anywhere, as it is too cold for that. We drive in a shut carriage, and then walk in the Thiergarten. We spend the whole day together, which is a great enjoyment to me, and of an evening we go out together. It is pleasant to have a sister to go out with, and all the people are so kind and civil to us.
Alice to Queen Victoria, Berlin, February 14, 1965 | We leave next Saturday. I shall be so sorry to leave dear Vicky, for she is often so much alone. Fritz is really so excellent, it is a pleasure to look at his dear good face; and he is worked so hard - no health can stand it in the long run.
Alice to Queen Victoria, Berlin, 17 February 1865 | This will be my last letter from here, and I only regret leaving here on account of parting with dear Vicky and Fritz, whom we see so rarely, and usually but for a short time. I have spent such pleasant hours with dear Vicky: that is what I shall look back to with so much pleasure and satisfaction.
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empress-alexandra · 2 months
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Daughters of Grand Duke Louis IV and Princess Alice, Grand Duchess of Hesse - Princess Alix of Hesse (later Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia), Princess Victoria, Marchioness of Milford Haven, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna of Russia and Princess Irene, Princess Henry of Prussia on the occasion of Princess Alix' engagement to Emperor Nicholas II of Russia, 1894.
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royal-confessions · 2 months
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“The best royal wedding dresses of this century: Norway - Mette Marit, Sweden - Victoria, Denmark - Marie, Belgium - Elisabetta, UK - Gabriella Windsor, Luxembourg - Stephanie, Liechtenstein - Maria Anunciata, Monaco - Charlene, Jordan - Rajwa, defunct royals - Sophie Evekink/Ekaterina Malysheva” - Submitted by Anonymous
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Prince Ernst Louis of Hesse and By Rhine (later Grand Duke) posing for a set of official photographs in a Scottish outfit and kilt, 1871 🤍
“Ernie's kilt was sent him by Mr. Mitchell. He admired Ernie so much at Berlin that he said he would send him a Scotch dress, and I could not refuse. It is rather small as it is, and I hope that you will still give him one, as from his Grandmama it would be doubly valuable.” - Princess Alice of Hesse and By Rhine to Queen Victoria, April 8th 1871
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