#grandma lovers assemble
ottororin · 1 year
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grandma-drawtectives-core 🌿♥️🪴🍄💚
not my pictures, got them off pinterest, i was looking for outfits to draw her in. i saw these and became absolutely enamored with the idea of him in the cardigan. i also think that theyd have those type of bracelets or like druidical magic vine tattoos. just wanted to share my visions with fellow grandma lover <3
oh my goosh, yeah, gma would look fucking GORGEOUS in that cardigan!! thank u for sharing ur vision 🙏
(also from pinterest, while we're at it) may i present to the table: THESE????
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the-sweets-stakes · 6 months
Romance Tropes Tournament aka The Sweets-Stakes!
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Based on a bracket I saw a friend run, I wondered how a Tumblr Tournament for Romance Tropes would work - thus was born the idea of the Sweets-Stakes!
Now next, I would like you to nominate your favorite trope by filling out this tiny three-question Google form (name of trope, why you think it's the greatest, and optionally a link to a description of the trope) - looking forward to seeing how many we'll assemble, and which tropes will be submitted ten-fold because everyone loves them (this will have no influence on proceedings! only your votes in the sweets-stakes (eventual Tumblr brackets) will!)
And since Trope Favorites differ for me depending on whether I write or read them, that will be a distinction here, as well as what kind of romance we're talking about: straight or queer, and I also do wonder whether some tropes are seen differently in romances that focus on trans protagonists, so they will get their own sweets-stakes too.
(more info under the cut, since this is already getting long!)
By which I don't mean that those tropes are (or should be) exclusive to those categories; it's rather that, for example, the trope of Friends To Lovers hits different if person A, who knows themselves to be queer, doesn't even know if their friend B, of the same gender, is even interested in them that way, or if A would, by revealing their feelings, risk not just destroying their friendship but also running into homophobia as well. And even within the realm of queer romance, I think there'll be differences between stories with two male protagonists and stories with two female protagonists, as well as between stories with trans protagonists.
Basically, I posit the hypothesis that different tropes will hit differently in different communities, and I'm interested to see if the sweets-stakes will reflect that!
Which 😅 brings us to a total of eight sweets-stakes to run:
M/F romance tropes for readers
M/F romance tropes for writers
F/F romance tropes for readers
F/F romance tropes for writers
M/M romance tropes for readers
M/M romance tropes for writers
trans-focused romance tropes for readers
trans-focused romance tropes for writers
(which also allows, at the very end, to run the ultimate sweets-stakes between the winners of all of these, and fine The Only One Bed Trope of Tropes!)
Oh, and we'll go with the following definition of trope:
a recurring element or a frequently used plot device in a work of literature. It can be a theme, person, place, thing, or situation. For example:
Theme: Friends to Lovers
Person: The Bookworm
Place: Close-Knit Community
Thing: Grandma's Engagement Ring
Situation: Snowed In
(I'm not gonna distinguish between them in the brackets; if Grandma's Engagement Ring comes up against The Bookworm, so be it. This is already granular enough, no need to subdivide further!)
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leeha225 · 2 years
Falling for him was like fallin' from grace~ (1/2)
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-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
Lee Know×Fem reader
⚠genre⚠: childhood friends to lovers, sweet love, good girl gone bad, smut to finish off the thirsty minds. Playing rough, shackles and lots of love.
Synopsis: y/n meets her long-time no see neighbor/childhood friend. Sharing their deepest memories as both transcend to more.
(a/n: kind off based on true story but not completely. Have fun😉)
-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
"Yes grandma I know, I've packed everything that is needed" The phone next went to dad.
"If you want any help tell me, I can have someone to help you"
"Got it, it's just for two weeks, I'll be fine. Byeeee" Finally silence. Your university decided to select three people on a trip for a seminar to Australia and you were one of them. Learning the new techniques in science and research, who would let go of this opportunity?!!Setting everything right as the flight was scheduled at 9pm, now being just 4pm.
Reporting time was at 6 and only you and your teacher stood waiting for the rest to arrive.
"When I said 6pm they have to be here at 5pm, dear God. Y/n it's chilly out here, why don't you get inside the minivan" You gave a simple nod and took your seat, indeed it was cold outside that a slight drizzle made it worse. Rubbing your hands together laid back... Inhale... Exhale... The door opened as the other two arrived just in time. Greetings and goodbyes, all took off.
"What? We booked last week!" The teacher blasting at someone on the phone made everyone alert. "Fine... Guys bad news, this week you guys renting for rooms have not finalised. Since this is a last minute program. What do we do?"
"It's okay sir my relative live their and we two can go over for a week" The other two participants were from the same class tagging along leaving you alone.
"And you y/n?"
"Erm... I have someone I know over their too" You softly spoke, sniffly nose.
"Great now let's go"
Assembling at the airport it hit you, clearly you didn't want to ask your dad for help Or he'd make a huge fuss. That's when it struck you, one of your neighbor/childhood friend is working at Australia. It's been years since you last spoke over chat. Your dad helped him to get to study their, so he always felt indebted to help you. He'd give the best advice when you needed, but one time his reply seemed angry and that's it you both never spoke to one another. Life went on as you both were on either side of the world in your own lives, now finally crossed. It wasn't nice asking over chat, so y/n dialed for him.
"Hello?" His voice was deep and soft, maybe he was at work.
"Hi Minho, Sorry for disturbing. How are you?"
"Hey y/n, I'm good. How are you?"
"Good too. Um, it's just a small favor, I'm coming over for a seminar to Australia"
"That's amazing"
"Yeah, well just for a week we were instructed to get our own accommodation, due to some technical difficulties. So, I just wanted to know if you can help me"
"You want to stay over at my place?"
"I-If your okay with it, not that desperate"
"Will your family be fine with that?" The question struck you as he very well knew your family behavior towards their only precious daughter.
"Yeah just a week so it's fine" You lied probably but you needed somewhere to stay!!!
"Okay then, I'll pick you up, send me your flight details"
"Thank you so much, bye"
"Yeah bye" Woahhh such a relief, that wasn't so hard.
The plane ride was filled with clouding memories and thoughts. What should I tell him? What do i do? Never lived with a man alone. Is this the right decision? Just 3-4 years apart. He took up business as his major and continued is studies their. He was funny to talk to at first but as you both grew and matured, both became introverts. Minho always cooped up in front of computer playing games, watching anime. You on the other hand remained at home too. Very rarely both of you met and hell no you couldn't speak a word to him, whilst your dad did very happily. But no one knew that you had a secret crush on the guy. You would fake a fall while chasing him in game and poor guy genuinely comes over to check on you for injuries. Well you didn't feel like cheating because the ones that set the catchers were the worse keeping little ones to chase the big ones. Smiling to yourself as you slowly drifted off to sleep mode.
The morning sun shone through the window, waking you up. Squinting and blinking at the sea of clouds and the sun rested effortlessly on top bright and alive. Quickly pulling out your phone to take a few clicks as you loved looking up at the sky. Hello to a new day.
Getting off the plan, grabbing your belongings and baggage the team made it out of the airport, each finding their relative's to take them home.
"Y/n, who is coming over?" The teacher came over trailing his suitcase with him.
"M-My brother" You blurted out.
"I thought you were a only child"
"Cousin" Lie over lie.
"Fine then, I have to leave. Sorry couldn't wait but do keep me posted on when he arrives"
"Yes sure Sir" You felt a chill up her spine. Fondling with the strap you felt bad for not speaking the truth.
"Cousin? really?" A sudden voice made you jump.
"Wow! You scared me" Looking up at the... Now gorgeous man even though he wore a mask, you gulped. Right greetings, "How have you been?" You asked faking a smile.
"Great. Now let's get you something to eat"
"Ohh I ate one the plane. Have you eaten?" It was 10 in the morning and of course you ate.
"No so accompany me" Bossy you felt but yeah he was doing a huge favor. Getting inside his car, you felt your palm all sweaty. Softly rubbing them on your jeans you looked out the window as a distraction.
"So how is everyone at home?" Minho, Broke the silence.
"Their good. And your family?" Him driving with one hand drove you crazy. Look away!
"Good too" The atmosphere was back to silence, Minho drove to McD. Getting off you made your way through the doors to be greeted by the mild smell of fries and coffee. "Breakfast meal?"
"Me? No no I already ate" You kept opposing but he didn't seem to listen.
"Just give me company"
"Fine. Then small fries and black coffee. Wait let me pay" Taking out your wallet as you suddenly felt his hands on yours. Cheeks started to burn by the electrifying contact.
"Nope your my guest. Another time, maybe somewhere more expensive" You didn't want to drag this conversation and just left to wash your hands. Finding a seat by the window, you looked admiring the sky and the view. Minho came back removing his grey jacket to show his plain black shirt that hugged his bodice. Looking down at you phone nibbling on your lower lip, you completely forgot to call your dad.
"I need to make a call" You said and he just nodded. Walking outside, the warm wind blowing past much better than the sobber winter land you came from. "Hello?"
"Hey have you reached?"
"Yeah dad, just stopped by for breakfast"
"Eat well and all the best for the seminar"
"Thank you dad it's next week" You sounded tired of them treating you like a kid.
"O-Oh okay then I'll call you later" Short goodbyes you walked back in to find Minho scrolling through his phone while his food stared back at him.
"Why haven't you started yet?" Quickly scooting to your chair you also found that your black coffee was replaced by a smoothie.
"It's fine, just came"
"No black coffee?" You asked biting on your fries.
"What do you need that for, just rest for the day" His reply seemed stern, was he being annoyingly... Sweet.
"Thanks" Smoothie was a bit too sugary and you weren't a fan of sweet things much. Fries balanced the taste somehow, secret peeks to study more of his grown features. His silky dark hair hooding his gaze, veiny hands working it's way in tearing open the ketchup and perfect face fixed on the process so intently. You couldn't help but sigh at the heavenly sight. His tongue softly sweeping over his pink soft lips...
"So what are you here for?" Breaking out of your fantasies (glass shatter)
"This week we have a few conferences to attend then next week I have to do a presentation of my project work"
"Oh, that's great"
"How is your job?"
"Good place to work, not too much pressure but yeah I'm still learning"
Silence again*
Quick breakfast of awkwardness was over thank God. Minho's house wasn't far, just a 2min drive, he smoothly parked the car in place and got off to help you unload.
"Will this be enough?" He asked struggling with the suitcase, but swiftly got it to the ground.
"Joking or serious?" You couldn't help but laugh at the man.
"Well it depends on you answer" Taking out his entry card and swipping both in.
"I have my laptop, a few eatables, books and clothes" Walking towards the elevator he watched you with on raised eyebrow, clearly his face said 'really?'
"Joking it is" You slightly nudged his arm whining as you got in the elevator.
Minho shared his apartment with a friend but he wasn't in town so it was just him and you. Boys apartment is easy to identify with all the take away, instant food on the table. Unkept living space and...
"Ohh!" Suddenly a dark cat purred at your feet.
"Did he scare you?" He asked chuckling, wow he can laugh.
"A little... Hi their little fela" You crouched down to touch the little furry cat. It reminded you of your very own pet back at home. This felt nice.
"Me and my roomate got him, I remember you have the same color pet" You instantly shot up to look at him seated on the armrest of the couch.
"Yeah I do. What's his name?"
"His name is mew" You couldn't help but laugh at the effortless name. "What? I didn't name him" Throwing blames.
"Do freshen up and gets some rest, you'll be staying in my room, me at my roommates, if you need anything do tell" Minho quickly announced to show the way, surprisingly his room was neat, anime posters here and their but not too much. A simple desk with a picture of his family, a bed perfectly made, Cat aesthetics here and their but wow the room smelled nice. Inhaling deeply you felt comfortable.
"You like it?" Whipping your head to his direction, he's still here?!!! Leaning against the doorframe with a faint smile. You nodded with a smile back.
"Thank you"
Next few days you both barely met, Monday Minho had work till evening and your jetlag got you. Sleeping even before he'd arrive. The next day he made you eat more breakfast to compensate for missing last night dinner. Again he was off to work and you had to arrange your material for the presentation. On Wednesday you had to attend a conference, your teacher picked you guys personally out of guilt, for not being able book rooms properly. The conference was interesting at first but again jetlag made you droopy. Suddenly your phone chimed as he texted.
Hey, what time does the conference get over?
Around 6pm
Send me your location I'll pick you up
No it's fine, my teacher is dropping me off
We're eating out today, so I'll pick you up
It struck you, wow... Simple okay as your face felt hot. All the tire and jetlag instantly flew away.
Later after the conference finally came to an end, you walked out with a faint smile and childish joy in you just bubbling with sweet love.
Wooooshhhhh.... The rain poured heavily... Just perfect.
Pulling your coat close, you quickly rummaged through your bag for an umbrella which unfortunately you forgot to take from the suitcase. Brilliant.
Pacing back an forth just staring at the droplets forming tiny pools, everyone a side for shade in their own complicated world. Extending your arm out a bit so no one noticed to feel the cool water bounce of your skin. Suddenly a figure came running fast through the rain towards your direction.
"Minho?" The man almost colliding with you, came to a stop. Heavy breathes, hair dripping of droplets and his flannel effortlessly sticking to his skin.
"Sorry i forgot an umbrella. What do you want to have for dinner?" He asked brushing of the water from his clothes. Quickly you handed a mini towel you always carry for moments like these.
"Here, Nothing specific, anything would do. Not much hungry anyway" Watching his every move made you feel some kind of way. Quickly diverting your attention from him hair thrown back, exposed forehead of his god like face.
"Don't worry I'll make you... Hungry" Minho looked at you with intent eyes and pulled you quickly into the rain.
"Heyyy!!!" Both running and you complaining while he laughed as you both reached his car. Quickly getting in to see that you were now wet and by wet literally dripping drenched. Wow. "Your ruining your car"
"So how are you gonna repay for ruining my car" Everything about him felt different today.
"Are you okay? Or does rain change you?" Laughing hard you realised that the mini towel was worse than you. Taking off your jacket to put off the wet feel.
"I blame the rain then" Minho smirking visibly under the city lights as he drove silently. Both couldn't find a proper dinner and he got a call from work, so back home it is. Minho cursed softly and looked at you like u were an abandoned kitten.
"Im extremely sorry"
"No no it's fine. I'll just make is dinner and you can make your calls" You couldn't wait to change out of the sticky clothes anyway. A warm shower while the water boiled in the kitchen and it struck you. Forgot to do the laundry. Shoot. You only had very short shorts and A long white shirt. Snuggling into it and hiding ur feeling-exposive body you couldn't think straight. Simple hot noodle bowl that would go amazing with the weather. Setting the table you sat down going through your messages. Your teammate invited you to a dinner party on Saturday and for some reason you wanted to go for it. The cat purred at your feet meaning the little wanted attention and dinner. Knelt down to fill his bowl when...
"Dinner ready? -" Minho stood frozen for some time and continued walking to the table like he was controlled.
"Yeah just simple noodles"
"P-Perfect for the rain" Minho wore his usual sweat pant and loosely hung shirt. Lazy.
"Yeah" You came over and sat with him as your wet hair made things worse for him. The water dripping down your white shirt exposing your skin tone.
"Ahem...I-I have another call in A few minutes. So, I'll take my dinner to my room. Thank you by the way" Scooting away you sat stunned. Tasting the noodles you realized you forgot salt. Quickly rushing up with salt, blasting open his room to find him....
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mushroomiegay · 2 years
in a quest for answers, i found home
i. observing. we live on the plane of confusion, where the divulging vectors of identity and conformity crash like seismic plates about to go seven on the richter, and we follow the shadows into the mossy path behind the skyscrapers and metal monsters, to where they are afraid to go. queer colors are painted by invisible hands onto the grey skies - we gaze in wonderment, and observe.
ii. questioning. question everything, they teach you when you're five years old and waiting desperately for respite from the blistering sun of the assembly hall. now, we take their advice. we become grass-touchers , weed-smokers, coffee-drinkers and thinkers. we ask questions to which we find no satisfactory answers. in my satchel i find rusty shovels, and we dig - into the rocky clumps of soil and down below - in our search for the quench. whom am i?
iii. desolation. at the bottom of the pit we created, we find nothing but dissatisfaction. tired, exhausted, hopeless, we give up. sitting there in muddy sod, your fingers clutch my dirty hands like a rosary - you murmur soft prayers in a godless land that no one answers. desolation becomes my second name.
iv. flashbacks and resolution. we banish our doubts to the back of our minds, and curse the dreadful hour when we took that back road down to this hell. ironic, i think to myself, that we bent their rules simply to end up where they said we would. i recall being six and puzzled at the wrath of a grandma in the grocery line - 'girls should be girls and boys boys,' she'd yelled. yet here we are, blurring the lines, smudged kajal in both our eyes, as you brush my brusquely short once-curls. here we lie, not entirely sure of ourselves, but sure that we do not lie within their dictums' confines.
v. gratitude. soft drizzle pours forth from the motley skies. you thank invisible deities, and i thank you. for respite, support, and comfort, i thank you, fellow cross-bearer. i braid damp crimson flowers into your long, dark locks and you smile shyly. you thank me silently, with a piercing gaze and bone-crunching grip on my hand. i nod - gratitude is exchanged.
vi. lovers and names. you find the slightly crushed leaves of a henna plant. in a web of intricate designs, you etch your name in my palm and mine in yours. our journey is the destination, and answers are found along the road, in the low-lying, half-rotten peaches, and in my lover's burning kisses. can i call you that now? can i call you by my name? will you call me by yours?
vii. home. the queer colors we once gawked at in the sky are the fabric of our existence, we realize. here, in this no man's land, in your arms, i have found home. i admire it's bliss - a fuzzy quilt on a monsoon day- and into it i sink.
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cerosin-archive · 3 years
hello fellow raw meat lover! you should try Kibbeh Nayeh if you get the chance, my grandma makes it and it is the best food on the planet, put extra olive oil on it :))) yum
cavemen assemble 🤝
Google tells me it's lebanese so I am now observing the menus of every lebanese restaurant around (I don't trust myself to make it taste good lol.) thank you for making me aware of the existence of such a thing... I'd LOVE to taste
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mileyjassie · 4 years
Pairing: Kwon Soonyoung (Hoshi) x Female reader
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: You found an old compass on your grandma's house and that will take you in only one and inevitable direction. On the way to him, your soulmate.
Word count: 2,4K
Author's note: If you ever think that this imagine is strange and maybe it doesn't make sense ... maybe it doesn't, forget it and english is not my first language so sorry for any mistakes
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You approached the chalet while the family was together inside talking about the news, you went to the bench behind the house, looking at the backyard which gave you a good look at the woods.
You opened the chest next to the bench, curious about the trinkets you would find inside, seeing some rag dolls, some empty boxes, ropes and a old compass that caught your attention.
You sat on the floor looking at that old, dusty compass, with a rusty chain hanging along and got up walking out of the house towards the backyard, however, the compass was broken, you knew it because it did not point to the north since the north was behind you.
You thought it was pointing to the south, but after you entered the woods and walked south the compass pointed to the east, which only increased your curiosity. What did the compass was looking for?
You were afraid of getting lost but memorized the path well, besides that the place was a open forest anyway, being easy to find the way back home.
You walked a little more, going down the hill while watching those thin trees cover the path. The compass continued to guide you to an unknown place, making you walk to a small cabin in the middle of that forest, already far from the house.
You heard someone humming, his voice was pretty, which made you stop a little while to listen before opening the door and seeing him sitting on the floor, working on a machine full of grease, like his no longer white gloves, his silver hair totally tangled and up with those weird round aviator glasses. His white blouse was smeared with grease and was dirty like his jacket, which you thought was originally green in color. Not even his pants were of a not too thick fabric, but you thought his brown suspenders cute.
Then you stopped, still deciding to knock on the door or wait for him to notice you, but he didn't seem to feel the presence of anyone there. He hummed, fiddling with his screwdriver on that strange engine, running his wrist across his face.
He smiled, clapping his hands to dust off and turned to look for something, eventually looking at you.
The boy lifted his aviator goggles, looking at you with a surprised face, although he didn't look wary.
— Visits? — Asked smiling.  — Amazing! This is almost impossible to happen, no one ever comes here. — He got up, hitting his pants and coming with his hand stretched out to you, he looked like a crazy scientist. — Oh! I'm sorry, I'm dirty. — He laughed, running to the other side of the room, washing his hands in a sink, coming back with his hand outstretched again. — I'm Soonyoung.
— Hello, Soon...young. — You took his hand, letting go and looking at the place. — I'm sorry to bother you, I was passing by... Do you live here?
— Yes. I live in the back, actually. Up front is where I work.
— What do you work on?
— Repairing things, creating, assembling, polishing, inventing, etc. — He smiled again, he seemed very communicative to someone who lived alone in the middle of the forest.
— Why do you live here? — You followed him with your gaze, while he went from one side to the other in that room, picking up tools and taking them to a table.
— Why wouldn't I live here? — Smiled confused.  — It's very quiet, without the noise of the city. — He turned, putting his hand on his waist. — Did you know it's good to wake up with a squirrel in the window? The animals are very friendly. — He frowned. — Except bears.
— Are there bears here? — You asked impressed.
Soonyoung stared at you, placing a mug full of pencils slowly on the table, coming over to you, head tilted to the side.
— Yes... and you know what?... — You took a few steps back as he approached. — They are huge, have sharp fangs and will reach you in a minute.  — He smiled widely, this time not very friendly. — You can't even breathe and when he reaches you he doesn't leave a piece behind. — Tumbled his head, reducing the smile, but still staring at you.
You frowned and took a few steps out of the cabin, he walked to the door and stopped, watching you go.
— Ahn... it was nice to meet you but ... I have to go, see you around. — You hurried, looking back.
— Don't miss the compass! — He waved with a soft smile, which made him more strange in that situation. — It is beautiful!
You ran back home.
The next day you went to stay with your family, but not for long, just enough before they left for the city and you stayed at home with only your grandmother. You went to help her with the plantation, removing some carrots and putting them in the basket she was holding.
— I'm going inside to get the watering can.
— Ok, grandma.
You went back to picking the carrots listening to a whistle, you looked back and saw no one, then looking back ahead and catching the boy standing on the roof.
— I love carrots. — He laughed, lifting the big aviator glasses off his face. — Didn't you see any bears last night?
— What are you doing up there? — You narrowed your eyes because of the light, getting nervous when you saw your grandmother coming back.
— I'm back. — She turned to the roof, seeing Soonyoung. — Hoshi, my son, are you here yet?
— Yes, ma'am.  — He took the hammer out of his tool belt. — I'll fix this roof soon. — He lowered his glasses to his neck and winked to you, turning and bending down to start hammering.
You turned confused to your grandmother, she smiled with the index finger up.
— Did he winked at you?
— I guess so.
She smiled while looking at your face, you took the watering can before taking one last look at the silver-haired boy who had a little smirk.
— I feel like I'm in danger, grandma. — She laughed and came to help you.
Your grandma came back inside to make lunch after some time, leaving you alone with Soonyoung.
— Are you on vacation with your family or something? — He cleaned his hands after he got off the roof.
— Yes. — You sat on the bench, he came and leaned in the column of the house.
— Why so quiet? — He smirked. — Are you afraid of me? — He crossed his arms.
— It's almost that. — You narrowed your eyes.
— Were you afraid of what I said about bears? — He click his tongue, tilting his head. — It's a lie, you know?
— I thought it was... — You continued with narrowed eyes and crossed arms.
— I know I'm weird from your point of view, okay?  You don't have to look at me like that. — He looked back at you, no matter how hard you tried to ignore it you knew he wasn't angry.
— Sorry. And you're not weird ... — He raised an eyebrow.  — Just a little. — You smiled crooked.
— It's ok. Girls really think I'm weird.
— Really? — You lifted your head.
— Really.  — He nodded. — So far, yes. — He looked at nothing, just thinking. — In that way you can't meet new people. — He turned to you. — I tried with you too, but I couldn't resist talking about the bears. — He laughed, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek.
You frowned, then looked back at him.
— And what about boys?
— Boys are also not very nice. — He pouted. — I try to find a nice friend or a lover. — He looked at you. — You know, it's age, hormones. — He moved his hands again while he spoke. — But they are afraid, I think.  And the guys here tend to be bullying, so I prefer to keep my distance ... Those over there have the habit to call me a crazy scientist. — He pointed to the fence, on the other side there were three kids hiding looking at us, then they ran away. — They usually spy on me, it's a little tiring. I don't look like a mad scientist, do I?
You stopped for a while, looking at him.
— You are weird, and quite strange and different.  — He looked at you with a bored face. — I like what's different. — You kept looking but he didn't answer anything, just looked at you a little more and turned to look at the yard.
It was at night, you was sitting on the bed, looking at the compass in your hands, you wiped it with a cloth to clean it, it was beautiful but you couldn't remove the rusty marks.
It pointed to your desk, then ran to the side, until it stopped at you.
— Why are you pointing at me? — You hit you nail on it, then turned with the noise in the window behind your body. — Soonyoung?! — You asked in surprise.
He was simply crushing his face on the window glass, waving at you. You made a discontent expression seeing he frowning in annoy.
— What are you doing here? — You crawled to the window, sitting down. He smiled and pointed at you to open it. — I will not open! Are you crazy? — He looked at you angrily in a way too cute for your taste, hitting the glass, you were scared by this because you didn't wanted your family to wake up, so you opened the window.
— I do not have friends. — He said when throwing himself from the window to the bed.
— I'm just in my pajamas, dude! — You complained, he looked at you and you feel like you wanted to punch him.
— Don't be ashamed of it. It's just a sweater. — He waved his hand for you to don't care about it, shrugging. — I'm also in my pajamas. — He opened his arms, you looked him up and down.
— Shorts and old shirt?... — You raised an eyebrow, he agreed.
— This is my pajamas.
— Your hair is down ... — You whispered, staring at his hairstyle.
— Ah. — He looked up as if he could see his hair, pulling it up to the original hairstyle you knew.
— No. — You complained sadly, putting his hair down again. He watched you, opening his eyes wide, opening and closing his mouth as he didn't knew what to say.
— Wow, so close.  — He looked at your eyes and got closer, which made you move away.
— You're embarrassing me, boy.
— Oh sorry. — He scratched his neck, this time he was the one who was embarrassed and that made you more relaxed.
— It's different to see you like this.
— How? — He raised his eyebrow, smirking. — Clean?
You did not answer.
— You said you like the different.
— ...I like. Yeah. — You commented low, he stretched close smiling near your face.
— You said that to me before. — He tumbled his head, for sure was having fun with it. — Too close?
— Very much. — You putted a hand on his shoulder to push him away, but he pushed you to lie on the bed, watching you over the top and that took you by surprise.
— If you were afraid of me, you wouldn't have let me in.
— What are you doing? — You realized only at that moment that you were holding your breath.
— Do you like me? — He smiled, a smile not very friendly, but anxious.
— No!
— You said you like the different, I'm different.  You were saying that to me, weren't you? — He waited for you to say something, but you didn't say it.
He looked at you and tossed his hair up, you looked back at him and pressed your lips together, fixing his hair down. He smiled.
— You look crazy.
— I never did this before. — He smiled shyly. — Maybe I'll be arrested. — Sighed, lowering himself to your face, you held his face and pushed him up.
— Don't kiss me.
— I'm so sorry. Too soon? — He rubbed his hand over his nose.
— Too soon for what? What do you think is going on here? I didn't say I like you.
He closed his eyes for a moment and took your wrist, pointing at the compass.
— That's not what the compass says.
— What do you mean? — You frowned. He took the compass from your hand and smiled as he looked at it, looking up at you again.
— What a coincidence. — He showed the compass. — For me it points to you. — You frowned again, don't understand. — Your grandma didn't tell you, did she?
— Tell what? — He smiled without showing his teeth, bringing his face closer to yours. — Stop doing that!
— The compass points to the person you love. — He held your chin and stole a peck.
He lets you while laughing, then you started hitting him.
— What bullshit is this? — You hit his chest, he got up and held your wrists.
— Bullshit? — He laughed loud. — Why did it take you to my cabin then? — He put the compass in your hand and got up, jumping out of bed and walking around the room. — Where does it point?
— To you. — You looked at the compass. He jumped back onto the bed, taking the compass and stretching his arm, but wherever he pointed it, it turned to you.
— Cool, huh? — He smiled and looked at the compass. — Your grandmother showed me this a while ago, I followed the path of this compass but it never took me anywhere, it just pointed in the same direction and it had no end. — He turned. — It was like this because you weren't here. — Gave you the compass back. — So you found it and went to...
— The cabin.
— It was good to wait for you. — He leaned on one arm, laying his head on his shoulder. — My kiss is now forgiven?
— No, it's not.
— But did you like it?...
— Yeah...I like it.
He came over and you pushed his face again, looking back at the compass a little embarrassed.
— I don't even know how to react to that.
— Stop looking at that compass. — He took it from your hand and put it on the bed. — Whoever you need is already here, no more searching. — He kissed your chin, you felt a shiver and this time you didn't want to refuse.
— I don't even know you well, you're practically a stranger...
Soonyoung tossed his hair up, making a frizzy tuft, you watched and let out a little laugh, combing his hair down with your fingers. He smiled wide.
— I'm your stranger now.
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farooqposts · 4 years
Culture of Punjab Pakistan
Punjabi Culture is one of the most established in world history, dating from old artifact to the cutting edge time. The degree, history, intricacy and thickness of the way of life are huge. A portion of the principle regions of the Punjabi culture include: Punjabi cooking, theory, verse, imaginativeness, music, design, customs and qualities and history. A few urban areas of Punjab have more significance for Sikh people group from India. The author of Sikh religion was brought into the world in Nankana Sahib, an area of Punjab so Sikh from various pieces of world come and visits Punjab. Jahngir burial chamber and Badshahi Masjid in Lahore are the significant spots of Pakistan. Information Sahib is extremely frightened spot in Punjab and the greater part of individuals come and visit Data sahib consistently.
Punjabi individuals are kind and carefree. Punjabis are heterogeneous gathering involving various clans, factions, networks and are known to commend every single convention of their way of life. Individuals of Punjab have solid convictions on pir-faqeers, jogi, taweez, manat-ka-dhaga, holy person of notoriety, dark wizardry, and different notions, anyway as of late because of increment of proficiency, individuals have gotten to some degree judicious . Punjabis likewise trust in cast framework yet as now individuals are getting instructed, the distinctions are getting obscured. Some well known projects of Punjabi's are; Jats, Maliks, Mughals, Arains, Gujjars, Awans, Rajputs, Gakhars, Khokhars, Sheikhs, Aheers, Kambohs, Niazis, Legharis, Khosas, Dogars, Thaheem, Mirani, Qureshis, and Syeds.
In towns' kin generally live in little networks (biradaris), anyway they live in harmony and congruity with one another. They take dynamic part in the bliss/lament of one another and give a lot of regard to their way of life, standards and run their lives as per their set customs. Punjabi individuals are acclaimed for their cordial and cherishing nature.
Punjabi is the common language of Punjab. It is communicated in as the principal language by larger part individuals in Punjab, even spoken and comprehended in regions past the limits of Punjab. Statistical data points show that Punjabi language is communicated in as first language by 44% of Pakistanis. Urdu language is likewise regularly spoken in this district. Key Punjabi dialects/tongues are:
Outfits of Punjab are a sign of the brilliant and dynamic culture and way of life of individuals.
The ensembles are a blend of tones, solace and excellence and Punjab is notable for the utilization of phulkari(embroidery) in its outfits. In the greater part of the towns of Punjab men wear Pagri(turban), dhoti/lacha, kurta, khusa. Ladies wear gharara, or choridar pajama or beautiful shalwar kameez, paranda, choli/duppata, khusa, kola puri chappal or tillay wali jutti. While in metropolitan zones of Punjab people follow most recent patterns and design, by and large they wear various styles of shalwar kameez.
The broad food of Punjab can be vegan and non-veggie lover. One shared characteristic between all Punjabi dishes is the liberal use of ghee or explained margarine flavors and Punjabis are enamored with sweet-meats too. Most Punjabi food is eaten with one or the other rice or roti. There are a few dishes that are select to Punjab, for example, Mah Di Dal, Paratha, Makai ki rotti, Saron Da Saag, and in urban areas Choley, Haleem, Baryani and other fiery dishes are mainstream. In refreshments, tea is burned-through altogether seasons and as a custom the greater part of Punjabis serve tea to their visitors. Punjabis are additionally partial to Zarda, Gulab-Jamuns, Kheer, Jalaibi,Samosy, Pakorey and so forth During summers individuals drink lassi, doodh-pop, aloo bokharey ka sharbat, lemonade and so forth These cooking styles have become overall luxuries with enormous scope portrayal.
Punjabi individuals have over the top interest in games. Punjabi's are attached to kabaddi, and wrestling, which is likewise well known in different pieces of Pakistan and it's additionally played on public level. Different games being played in Punjab area incorporate Gilli-Danda, Khoo-Khoo, Yassu-Panju, Pitho-Garam, Ludo, Chuppan-Chupai, Baraf-Panni, Kanchy and some significant games incorporate cricket, boxing, horse-dashing, hockey and football. Public Horse and Cattle Show at Lahore is the greatest celebration where sports, presentations, and domesticated animals rivalries are held.
Social Festivals
There are various celebrations which are praised by Punjabi individuals including some strict celebrations, for example, Eid-Milad-Un-Nabi, Jumu'ah, Laylat-ul-Qadr and so on Urcs (reverential fairs),which are held at the shirnes of sufi holy people, Melas and Nomaish (exhibitions).The Provincial capital Lahore is broadly well known for its engaging occasions and exercises. Lahori's are popular everywhere on the country for their festivals especially for Basant celebration (kite flying) in the spring season. Different celebrations celebrated in Punjab district incorporate Baisakhi, Teej, Kanak Katai and so on
Dance and Music
Bhangra is most regularly known Punjabi music kind and dance style. Punjabis enthusiastically love society melodies/music, Qawali and Punjabi music is perceived all through the world. The Tabla, Dhol, Dholki, Chimta, Flute and Sitar are on the whole basic instruments of this great culture. Punjabi dance is based around joy, energy and enthusiasm.Different types of dance in Punjab are: Loddi, Dhamal, Sammi, Kikli, Gatka, Bhangra, Giddha and Dandiya. Punjabi moves have been embraced by the American culture and others the same and now they are perhaps the most appreciated artistic expressions.
Custums and Rituals
A portion of the traditions continued in Punjab have no establishment in Islam. Nonetheless, the Punjabi culture has embraced those functions and conventions from Hindu culture.
Birth Rituals
Punjabis praise birth of their kid with extraordinary eagerness. Granddad or grandma or some regarded senior part from the family puts nectar with their pointer in youngster's mouth called Ghutii. Desserts are conveyed among companions and family members and individuals bring presents for the kid and mother. For the most part on 7thday youngster's head is shaven and Aqiqa service is held, additionally sheep/goat is butchered.
Punjabi Weddings
Punjabi weddings depend on conventions and are directed with solid impression of the Punjabi culture followed by a few pre-wedding customs and ceremonies (dholki,mayun,ubtan etc.)Punjabi weddings are exceptionally boisterous, vigorous, brimming with music,colors, extravagant dresses, food and moving. Punjabi weddings have numerous traditions and functions that have advanced since conventional occasions. In urban communities the wedding are praised following a mix of current and customary traditions and the function for the most part goes on for 3days, Mehndi, Barat (Nikkah+Ruksati) and Walima, trailed by Chauti (taking the lady of the hour back to her folks' home the following day).
Burial service Rituals
At burial services after namaz-e-janaza it is standard to offer lunch to individuals who came for sympathy. On 3rdday of the memorial service, Qul is held and each after thursday the Quran is discussed (jumah-e-raat) trailed by petitions for perished and after 40days the chaliswaan is held. After which the memorial service is finished. A few families notice commemorations yearly (barsi).There is no proper clothing regulation for Punjabi memorial services anyway individuals generally wear shalwar kameez and easygoing attire is noticed. Memorial services of Shia families are more exceptional. The two people wear dark shalwar-kameez and thorough crying and shouting is a typical event at such memorial services.
Punjab is exceptionally rich with writing and Sufis adds more in its writing. Punjabi verse is famous for its amazingly profound importance, excellent and cheerful utilization of words. The enormous number of Punjabi verse is being made an interpretation of all through the world into numerous dialects. Some acclaimed writers of Punjabi are Sultan Bahu, Mia Mohammad Baksh, Baba Farid, Shah Hussain, Anwar Masood and so forth Waris Shah, whose commitment to Punjabi writing is most popular for his fundamental work in Heer Ranjha, known as Shakespeare of Punjabi language. Bulleh Shah was a Punjabi Sufi artist, a humanist and a logician. The stanza from Bulleh Shah basically utilized is known as the Kafi, a style of Punjabi. Some other well known classic stories of Punjab incorporate Sassi-Punnu, Sohni Mahiwal and so forth that are going through ages.
Expressions and Crafts
Punjab is the significant assembling industry in Pakistan's economy and here every workmanship appreciates a position. The fundamental specialties made in the high countries and other rustic territories of Punjab are basketry, earthenware, which are well known for their cutting edge and customary plans everywhere on the world and are remembered for the best developments of Punjabis. bone work, material, fabric woven on handlooms with staggering prints is weaved in the provincial territories and the weavers produce beautiful fabrics like cotton,silk and so forth weaving, weaving, rugs, stone art, adornments, metal work alongside truck workmanship and other wood works. The specialty of Punjab is its basic soul and its art make its substance.
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Brock Rumlow led the Savage Crims gang on New York City's Lower East Side, during which time, he assaulted fifteen-year-old Rachel Leighton and fought Rachel's two brothers, killing the elder brother. Rumlow fled, entering Taskmaster's school for criminals, within three years becoming an instructor under the name Bingo Brock.[2]
As a mercenary, Rumlow enlisted with Albert Malik, the communist Red Skull, in Algeria, serving the Red Skull under the name Frag until he was sent to invade Arnim Zola's Switzerland chateau; Rumlow was ultimately the only team member to survive the assault. There, he also met and impressed, Johann Schmidt, the original Nazi Red Skull, who accepted Brock's services and code-named him as "Crossbones".[2]
The true Red Skull sent Crossbones to observe Baron Helmut Zemo's progress acquiring the Bloodstone fragments and to obtain them.[3][4] He stowed aboard Captain America's flagship, and entered Zemo's ship to steal the Bloodstone fragments. He overpowered Diamondback, and shot a crossbow bolt that coupled with Captain America's shield. Crossbones was forced to shatter the Bloodstone fragments when the alien entity known as the Hellfire Helix used it to take control of Baron Heinrich Zemo's body; the destruction of the Bloodstone discorporated the Hellfire Helix.[5] Knowing that his master would be infuriated by the Bloodstone's loss, Crossbones kidnapped Diamondback to Madripoor as bait for Captain America. He challenged Captain America to retrieve Diamondback, but the Captain defeated him, although Diamondback escaped, and the Red Skull ordered Crossbones to desist and return to headquarters.[6] The Red Skull then ordered him to retrieve the Controller after the Controller's breakout from the Vault.[7] With the Machinesmith, Crossbones investigated the Red Skull's disappearance.[8]
Crossbones assembled the Skeleton Crew from the Red Skull's henchmen and led them on a search for the Red Skull, who had been missing since Magneto imprisoned him in an underground bunker.[9] They battled the Black Queen and her Hellfire Club mercenaries.[10] Crossbones enlisted the aid of psychic Tristam Micawber to locate the Red Skull. Upon finding his master, Crossbones took the Red Skull to Skullhouse for convalescence.[11]
He next attended AIM's weapons exposition.[12] He battled Daredevil during a failed assassination attempt against the Kingpin.[13] He battled Bullseye during Bullseye's failed assassination attempt against the Red Skull.[14] He battled Captain America again and was defeated.[15] He later recounts how he met the Red Skull.[16] The Red Skull assigned him to discover who killed the Red Skull's spare clone bodies.[17] Alongside the Skeleton Crew, he battled the Schutzheilligruppe in an attempt to rescue the Red Skull but was captured.[18] He was rescued from the Schutzheilligruppe's custody by Arnim Zola's fake Avengers.[19] Crossbones was eventually fired for questioning the Red Skull's decision to ally himself with the Viper.[20]
Desperate to regain his position as leader of the Skeleton Crew, Crossbones kidnapped Diamondback, imprisoning in an abandoned subway station and forced into a brutal regime of combat training.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones believed that he had brainwashed Diamondback into betraying Captain America, but Diamondback was actually laying a trap for Crossbones.[volume & issue needed] Diamondback stole samples of Captain America's blood from the Avengers' mansion, then accompanied Crossbones to the Red Skull's mountain fortress.[volume & issue needed] The two were captured and imprisoned, and the Red Skull rehired Crossbones on a temporary basis.[volume & issue needed] He was later attacked by Cutthroat, the Skeleton Crew's new leader, who feared that Crossbones will try to take back his position as the Red Skull's right-hand man.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones killed Cutthroat, never realizing that Cutthroat was actually Diamondback's older brother.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones later stabbed Diamondback during Diamondback's escape attempt, only to later save with a blood transfusion in order to use as bait.[volume & issue needed] He was critically wounded by flying shrapnel during an assault on the fortress by Captain America and the Falcon, and imprisoned.[volume & issue needed]
Imprisoned in the Raft when Electro breaks the inmates out, Crossbones was seen fighting Captain America and Spider-Man. Spider-Man kicked Crossbones in the face, knocking him out.[21]
After he escaped from prison, Crossbones became a mercenary and assassin for a number of organizations, until he was rehired by the Red Skull who was later apparently assassinated by the Winter Soldier.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones and his new lover, Synthia Schmidt (the Red Skull's daughter), began hunting Aleksander Lukin, the Winter Soldier's commander.[volume & issue needed] They plotted to crash a stolen World War II era plane into the new Kronas Headquarters in London, only to have their plane destroyed by the Red Skull's Sleeper robot.[volume & issue needed] While they escape the destruction of the plane, they found Agent 13, and are about to kill Sharon Carter, only to be stopped by the Red Skull's appearance.[volume & issue needed] They begin working with Red Skull/Lukin whose minds both share Lukin's body.[volume & issue needed]
Following the Civil War storyline, Captain America's Anti-Registration heroes surrendered to Iron Man's Pro-Registration heroes.[volume & issue needed] While being led from Federal Courthouse, Captain America was shot in the shoulder by Crossbones taking the Red Skull's orders.[volume & issue needed] Crossbones tries to escape in a helicopter but was tracked by the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. The Winter Soldier then beat Crossbones into unconsciousness, while Crossbones simply laughed. Falcon then turned Crossbones over to S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.[volume & issue needed]
In Fallen Son: The Death of Captain America, Wolverine, along with Daredevil and Doctor Strange, broke into S.H.I.E.L.D. to interrogate Crossbones and threatened to kill him. Crossbones revealed no knowledge of his hiring by the Red Skull. Wolverine left him a bloody mess on the floor after being convinced by Daredevil to spare his life.[22]
S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Tony Stark arranged for Professor X to scan Crossbones' mind for information, but Professor X found that someone had erased several parts of his memory in order to prevent such a scan.[volume & issue needed] Sin and a new incarnation of the Serpent Squad have broken Crossbones free of S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.[volume & issue needed] They then capture the Winter Soldier when confronting Lukin to find out a relationship with the Red Skull.[volume & issue needed]
When Sin and the Serpent Squad attacked the Senate Building, Bucky Barnes arrived as the new Captain America. After battling and injuring many of the Squad, Crossbones attacked Barnes. After a brutal fight in which Crossbones launched Barnes out of the building. Bucky was saved by the Natalia Romanova's intervention, and Bucky shot Crossbones several times in the chest. The gravely wounded Crossbones was then taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody once again.[volume & issue needed]
At the start of the Heroic Age event, Crossbones has become a member of the new Thunderbolts team formed in the aftermath of Siege.[23] Government agents, working with Luke Cage, add Crossbones to the team knowing that he cannot be reformed, hoping that his extreme methods will alienate the other Thunderbolt members and push them towards rehabilitation.[24] During the team's first mission, Crossbones was exposed to corrupted Terrigen Mists;[25] during the events of Shadowland, Crossbones manifested the ability to fire a powerful, piercing beam of energy from his face, theorizing that this ability originates from his exposure to the Terrigen mists. He uses this ability to murder a police officer.[26] Fearing that the Thunderbolts are close to being disbanded following Cage's decision to leave, Crossbones attempted to escape alongside Ghost and Juggernaut. During the attempt, Crossbones used his new ability to fight the unsuspecting Steve Rogers. Crossbones was defeated and discharged from the Thunderbolts, after Ghost revealed his murder of the police officer.[27] Crossbones is shown incarcerated in a padded cell wearing a straitjacket, apparently no longer able to use his energy beam.[28]
During the Fear Itself storyline, Crossbones was constantly harassed while he was behind bars, because he was both a former Thunderbolt member and a neo-nazi. Shortly after when he was being beaten up by more thugs, Juggernaut unintentionally causes a break out in the prison facility called the Raft. Man Mountain Mario (the cousin of Man Mountain Marko) helps defend Crossbones from the thugs. While the two of them were trying to escape, Mario told Crossbones about his grandma who helps criminals leave the border. Crossbones manages to escape and returns the favor by killing Mario to help with his escape.[29] He confronts some of the former Avengers Initiative members in New Jersey after he escapes the Raft. He fights Gravity, Frog-Man, Geiger, Scarlet Spiders, and Firestar. When he's surrounded, he tosses a grenade at Gravity but Geiger catches it and is seriously injured, creating an easy distraction for him to escape.[30]
During the Ends of the Earth storyline, Crossbones was seen in one of Doctor Octopus' facilities. Sabra fights past some Octobots until Crossbones shoots Sabra.[31]
Crossbones later appears as a member of HYDRA who are planning to spread poisonous blood extracted from an Inhuman boy named Lucas. He fights Sam Wilson as the new Captain America on Bagalia. Just as he was about to kill Wilson, he is defeated by Misty Knight who was undercover at that moment.[32] He is later defeated by Wilson when he attacks a HYDRA base located on Florida.[33]
During the Avengers: Standoff! storyline, Crossbones was an inmate of Pleasant Hill, a gated community established by S.H.I.E.L.D. When Steve Rogers was at the Pleasant Hill Bowling Alley trying to reason with Kobik, Crossbones attacks Rogers. Before Crossbones can kill Rogers, Kobik's powers de-age Rogers back to physical prime, which allows the Captain to defeat Crossbones.[34] In the aftermath of the events at Pleasant Hill, Crossbones founds a new version of HYDRA with the Red Skull and Sin.[35]
During the Secret Empire storyline, Crossbones appears as a member of the Army of Evil and took part in the attack on Manhattan in retaliation for what happened at Pleasant Hill.[36] Crossbones and Sin are shown to be in charge of a super-prison that was established by Hydra. Their super-prison was raided by the Underground in their mission to free their captive friends.[37]
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retroandreal · 5 years
Hanging by a Moment (Lucien Rivercrest x MC)
Hey guys, its ya girl with another ficcy fic. So while I was writing this one here, I unconsciously took a massive left-turn and this turned into a “His POV” type of situation. I’m not even mad because I loved when Lovestruck did those little extras for the characters. I was also jumping for joy when they brought them back for Havenfall is for Lovers. Tagging @official-alex-cyprin
AN: Four snippets of Lucien’s POV from when he first met MC to winning the bake off, the most iconic scenes that stuck out in my opinion. Especially that spat with Vallia. (lil biss). This is inspired by the song ‘Hanging by a Moment’ by Lifehouse and this called for major fluff feels. TBH, all my fics have had major fluff feels. Guess it’s time to change my Tumblr banner name…
Sweet Enchantments café; my second lifeline. I’ve basically be annexed from my family after I landed myself in this rehabilitation center. I don’t resent it; I love to bake since it was what my grandmother raised my brother and I with. Now, It seems like my brother doesn’t even know me as well. Once you’re charged with a federal offence, I guess not even your family will back you up. Grandma was really the only one that believed in me. I was meant to inherit the Rivercrest business, but I knew it wasn’t ever going to be for me. Grandma knew that baking was all I had and that’s exactly how it led me to be the pastry chef at Sweet Enchantments. The owner and coordinator, Liora, has been more than welcoming of my desires and use my magic for presentation. Every day done; I would make the daily sweets for the display case but save the dessert acrobatics for the crowds of women that formed my fan-base. They feed my confidence and my ego, I know I’m good at what I do but it’s all on a day-to-day basis, no sustenance or real joy but I know I have to make the most of this second chance.
“Lucien! Pay attention!” Runa snaps at me, she’s the head waitress here at the café. I respect her as a coworker and a friend; we’re all in the same boat here
“Yeah yeah, sorry. I need to prep anyway before we open” I stand up abruptly and the chair that I once occupied screeches across the tiled floor. Another day, another day closer to the end of my sentence and I promise you, grandma, I will make you proud.
The afternoon rush hits; and my pastry counter is the busiest in the café in exception to the main dining floor
“Hello ladies, ready for today’s spectacle?” Met with squealing cries of excitement, I begin my magic-filled performance. ‘Oooohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ overcome my senses as my ego is constantly being fed, this is fine. The temporary bliss of adoration is enough to get me through the day, never more but only just enough. That’s when I see her; lost, wide-eyed, in awe of her surroundings. Like a lost puppy looking for its owner, or maybe in hopes of finding something… or someone. She is probably a first-timer here. I turn my back to fetch one of my enchanted whisks and cast a spell to beat my egg-whites into soft peaks to form the perfect meringue.
I turn back, she’s there
Looking just as starstruck as she did before
Then meets my eyes as I finish the final touches on the tarts just assembled for the crowd in front of me.
The wind subtly shifts around me
“She’s different” I murmur under my breath
“I-I was looking for my scarf and I stumbled across this café! I’m sorry” she stammers, as if she’s in the wrong. I shake my head in disbelief, this girl is so naïve. I hold out the last of the batch of tarts.
“Try one” I offer her
She accepts gratefully and our hands briefly touch, with little jolts of energy travelling between us.
“She’s different”
“Lucien! Come join me!” as she pats the bed just beside her energetically. She’s always been one for stories; telling and reading them. Standing still in my place, I debate whether I should join her since, lately, I have been growing some sort of feelings for her. I cannot fathom what these feelings are yet. I wouldn’t say I love her or even have a crush on her, but I’ll say that I do care for her.
“Ok, I’ll take your invitation” I make myself comfortable next to her. God, I can still smell the buttery pastry scent on her from when we were preparing the tart base for tomorrow’s day.
She smells like home, not the home where my parents are.
But the home where grandma raised me.
Surrounded by the same scents.
She smells like home, and I feel the most at ease with her presence here.
The sound of her voice and narration just becomes white noise in my ears as all that I can concentrate on is the engulfing scent radiating off her clothes from today she still has on, refusing to change until we have finished our platonic pillow-talk. She’s constantly pulling me in with how much she eases my incomplete heart with just her being beside me. I have not felt this way in a long time. She’s filling a void within me that hasn’t even been filled by my daily ego boosts but yet she makes me feel like I can conquer the world with just a whisk, oven and a few ingredients.
I’m closer to where I started, I was desperate for changing, but now I’m chasing after you
She swats my shoulder closest to her
“Hey! Get your head out of the clouds! Are you even listening to me?”
I chuckle deeply at her childish whining
“Don’t laugh, Lucien! It’s not funny! How long was I even talking to myself” she complains as she makes a god-awful attempt at an angry, threatening face and burying her face into my pillow
Dammit, is this what I’ve been missing? Comfort? I find myself not missing the presence of grandma as much ever since she’s been appointed my pastry apprentice. She’s made baking for me an enjoyable experience again, not just some monotonous chore just to by myself time throughout my sentence. She’s learnt so much within the past few days, she reminds me from back when I used to learn how to bake with grandma and my brother in the kitchen when I was just a kid. I’ve learnt how to accept and share my love of baking with other people and not just put on a show for my own reputation, to share my love of baking with her.
She forgets all that I’m lacking, how I’m completely incomplete
I’m done living for the tedious days in and days out, I want to make her life as filling as mine has become with her in it. I feel a little bit self-conscious and guilty that her basically being held hostage in Sweet Enchantments is my fault; If I had not shamelessly tried to show off my magic in front of her on that very day I met her, she would probably be home safe and sound. Not stuck here, illegally, glamoured, and awaiting the official response from the government which is, frankly, taking a decade and a half.  
I have this need inside me to keep her happiness. Selfish as I am, I hope to wake up to that smile of hers for as many mornings as I can.
Vallia is relentless. Giving her a piece and half of her mind. But she’s not taking it herself.
My headstrong angel. The way Vallia is giving her a threat. Maybe it’s the way she’s looking at her, or maybe how long she’s been tormenting her. She doesn’t back down. Instead, she holds her own against the force of nature which is Vallia. She advances on Vallia, thrusting one of her perfectly delicate fingers towards her.
“I did NOT do anything to you, and I don’t deserve the way you have been treating me”
“Well, it’s not my fault that you are a screw up”
Oh my, Vallia. You couldn’t have said anything else as wrong as that to her. The bickering goes back and forth. I want to defend her. I really do. But I know I have to trust her that she can stand up for herself, because I have full faith in her self-defense as much as her ability to keep up with me; in the café as my apprentice as well as dealing with everything that has been dumped on her… because of me.
My mind is running and not quite sure where to go, so I continue to stand there. Proud of her, and her willingness to stand up for her own rights, self-worth and our relationship that was ungratefully exposed by Vallia herself.
“You’ve pushed and pushed me. I should CRUSH you”
I’m shellshocked by the hardness of her words, usually in the place of words of encouragement and love for me. But now, she’s furious. I try my hardest to hold back a small grin but fail when she catches the corners of my mouth twitching, unable to hold back the proud feeling I have toward this woman at this very moment.
I haven’t stepped in yet. I’m surprised I haven’t, But I trust her with my life. I’m letting go of all that I’ve held on to; my reputation, my image… for her. But I don’t care, I would give up a lifetime of fangirls and temporary loyalty just to make sure she’s the only one standing by my side at the end of the day. If the previous weeks haven’t proven anything to me, at this moment, I know that she is the one that I want; to support me throughout the rest of my sentence and the rest of my life.
I was living for the only thing I ever knew
But now, I want to live to make her happy
Right beside me
And I don’t intend on letting her get away
She’s taken all of me now, and I’m damn lucky to have her
Since that fateful day she literally stumbled into my life, till even now, I don’t know what I’m diving into. My little firecracker, she ignites a new light within my self to continue, to continue to grow. I want to grow and learn alongside her. Life has become so unpredictable with her in it, from the slight points of contact while we work in perfect harmony behind the pastry counter. To the secret rendezvous in the café storage room. While I run my hands through her hair and place soft, peppery kisses into the junctions of her neck where I know will ignite the most delectable of reactions from her. Those little moment where I can be myself with her in my room makes me proud to stand next to her. Hanging onto these little moments that I’ve had with her urge me to keep going. And I’m going to make sure that she is with me, every step of the way.
“And the winner of the bake-off is…”
I’m nervous. The most uneasy I have ever been in my life, but not for my own sake. For her sake. She encouraged me to compete as a new baker and, frankly, I fear to disappoint the love of my life. The past few days on the island have been the most emotionally tiring time in my life, but I know I’ve grown as a person, for the better… for her sake. Everything up until now I have done for her. To reconnect with my brother, bring myself closure from the passing of grandma… Grandma. I know you would have loved her. She brings as much joy in my life as baking did when you were still here. You would have loved her, maybe as much as I do now. She’s urged me to move on, to become a better man. She’s made me a better version of myself that I, if you would have asked me the same question a few months back, I would have laughed in their faces.
But it’s true
She’s my rock
Cheer from all around me invade my ears and a seawall of loyal and new fans have gathered around me to celebrate my victory over that vindictive pixie.
I’m closer to where I started
I lock eyes with her from an opening in the crowd
I’m chasing after you
I part the crowd and make a hasty beeline towards her. I could spot her from a mile away.
I’m standing here until you make me move
As I get closer, she starts to push through herself in hopes of meeting me halfway. But I get there first, because I’ve been chasing after her since the beginning.
My new beginning.
My new life.
With her.
But right now, as she barrels into my arms, I lift her up into a Hollywood worthy kiss in front of the floating camera orbs.
I’m hanging by a moment here with you
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roguebotanist · 5 years
I’ve been playing around with talk to transformer today and thought it would be fun to extend a bunch of sim bios! I think someone may have done something similar recently, but I’m not really sure. Anyway, here’s every sim in Strangetown (bolded parts are their original bios). Long post ahead:
Loki Beaker
As soon as he perfects his latest invention, Loki is sure to get the recognition he knows he deserves. In the meantime, he keeps himself busy by trying to assemble a nuclear reactor out of common household items. During one of his experiments, he accidentally melts the family dog. Realizing that his so-called tools of destruction are so harmless, Loki gladly takes his pet back home and happily adopts it. Fearing that the strange creature will cause more damage if he is ever left alone, Loki goes to great lengths to keep it, including stacking hundreds of baby chicken eggs in the backyard.
Circe Beaker
Circe knows 238 different ways to make someone scream, and none of them are nice. She enjoys taxidermy and collecting coat hangers. She has a wonderful knowledge of names and an affinity for Hallmark, which is why all her books are centered around Christmas and spring holidays. This is particularly important to her, as her whole life is completely shaped by them. The children love to ask questions about things, and they are able to make up as many of the answers as they like. Do you have a huge embarrassment problem? One of Circe's known phrases is 'Where's the finger in your back pocket?'.
Sometimes in the garden, she prances
Nervous Subject
His hobbies include twitching and blinking a lot. He's also fond of travelling and baking. Along with the broad and meaty teeth of a canine, St George the giant groundhog has a day-old beard and a partial gingivitis – which is the inflammation of a plaque inside the teeth. His beard and gingivitis don't hurt his routine; they just mean he's a bit slower and a bit more circumspect.
That's because he's aged.
Olive Specter (yes, it gave her stats)
Olive will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She spends her time collecting mushrooms, sharpening sticks, and excavating her yard. As you might expect, she has a big appetite, and eats anything that she thinks is good enough for her. She's as much of a carnivore as you are, and is able to catch fish or birds at the least opportunity. She doesn't bother with plants, and prefers to live in areas full of food.
Alignment: Neutral evil
Hit Dice: 1d8+2
Speed: 30 feet
Ophelia Nigmos (this one is unsettling and strangely coherent)
Ophelia's hobbies include hypochondria and monitoring the air quality. She worries about the future... and the past... and the present. Especially right now.
Her past memories have become like mantras, repeating over and over in her head. They are the most important thing to her. This time, she's not sure she will remember them the way she did before. She's aching to go back and erase her past.
That which is most important to her--the things she left behind--has been forgotten. And nobody can help her. Nobody.
PT9 Smith
The only thing PT9 loves more than his lawn is his family. When he is not spending time with his children, he enjoys clipping coupons and staring up at the sky. Over the years PT9 has found his place in the aquarium world. He has helped educate people on different types of fish and he has hosted various education seminars for clients who have "fish stories" to share. In his spare time, PT9 enjoys spending time with his wife and his grandchildren.
Jenny Smith
Jenny loves having a career, but she wishes she could spend more time with her family, and maybe make some new friends. She really likes green. She wishes she had more friends. She wishes her mom would talk to her more often. She wishes she had nicer hair. She wishes her nose looked like a horse's. She has a lot of sympathy for humans and hopes to see one in the future. Jenny is a cross between a cat and a dog with a medium build, no special traits, but that means she's got a lot of muscle and a huge body
Johnny Smith
Johnny dreams of being the hero that rides in on a white horse, or at least a cool sports car. He'd go on to become the worst Superhero in all of space and time, which I guess is exactly what a normal, human teenage boy would do.
Jill Smith
When Jill closes her eyes, she sees dolphins. She has her heart set on becoming a deep sea welder someday. She loves dolphins so much, she's often put one in the trunk of her car and hit the gas to cheer her up.
"I love them so much," Jill declares. "I'm a Dolphin Lover."
Pascal Curious
No matter what happens, Pascal believes there is a logical explanation for everything. In his free time, he practices home psychoanalysis and collects conspiracy theories. He's become adept at opening jars containing creepy little bones or fragments of jellyfish, an odd skill in the world of ponysaurus hunting.
"I have been extremely lucky with bone fragments and that's not even being exaggerating," Pascal said.
Vidcund Curious
Serious and exact, Vidcund strives to fit the universe into a nice tidy package. He has an unnatural fondness for African violets. He is literally covered in them, from head to toe, if not technically. This is an odd love-hate relationship, a love-love and a hate-hate; that leaves us to sit and imagine the potential war between the vine and the earth.
Lazlo (”Twilight”) Curious
Not as studious as his older brothers, Lazlo got his degree in Phrenology. He likes to call phone psychics and spends hours trying to bend forks with his mind. His middle name is "Twilight" because his father was a vampire. He hates flowers.
General Buzz Grunt
The General likes to have his clocks set to military time. He used to enjoy barbershop quartet singing, but that is classified information. It's unknown when he fell in love, but it's possible that he was one of the first humans to understand the concept of love.
Tank Grunt
Tank Grunt wants to be just like his old man. He spends his days lifting heavy things, dodging imaginary bullets, and being bigger than the other guy, but deep down inside, he wonders if anyone really knows who he is. He hates it when his grandmother wants him to call her "Mama" and his grandma is pissed, and he just wants to stay in the dark and get away from the boring world around him. If he could just learn to love himself, he'd be unstoppable.
Ripp Grunt
Ripp totally doesn't care what you think of him. He is going to do whatever he wants to do, which is mostly what everyone else is doing. He has this whimsical desire to show off his tattoos, even though they give me nightmares (sometimes it feels like these tattoos are like a big torture device). He is hyperbolic and outrageous and uncouth and rude to the point that he's almost comical.
Buck Grunt
More than anything else, Buck wants to be a pet stylist to the stars. He spends a lot of time wondering why his father never seems to notice him.
"I want to have big hands and big feet, and I'm hoping I'm going to end up a couple of feet longer than my parents are," Buck said. "My Dad tells me a lot of things like, 'My son is going to be that guy who gets attention by the funnest side of you you've ever seen.' "
Cousins' health makes him optimistic about his prospects
Ajay Loner
To pass the hours, Ajay enjoys counting the grains of sand in his backyard. He may be about to blow his last few thousand, so he worries no more. "You can always count them. You just have to keep on keeping on," he says.
Chloe Curious
The complete opposite of her sister, Chloe just wants to meet new people and to have a good time. She can often be found daydreaming or chatting on the phone. She is very positive and has a creative mind, a big help when composing mean tweets. She always makes sure she keeps her emotions under control and is not too outgoing in social situations.
Lola Curious
Intelligent and focused, Lola knows what she wants and how to get it. She enjoys politics and telling those around her what to do. She keeps her enemies close and keeps a close eye on her enemies' backbones. Her love of Doctor Who and her interest in exploration drive her to travel the galaxy.
Erin Beaker
Erin spends a lot of time working on her psychic powers. Of course, she isn't really psychic, but don't tell her that. Erin's already a pro at picking out great dates with potential future partners. Nothing beats having a psychic date.
Kristen Singles
Kristen envisions herself as a world famous sports champion. She doesn't particularly care for Strangetown, but it's only a pit stop on her track to greatness. As much as she hates to admit it, her talent has never been in question, but that's not stopping her from strutting and parading around town in a T-shirt advertising her skills. She's no longer treating her sport as a game, but instead is obsessed with her prowess as a self proclaimed "muscle mom." 
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tiernamente · 5 years
Multiple Bias’ Tag
Rules: List your bias’ on this site to randomise them (up to 14 biases but lol I included more on the site so some were left out, sorry babies)
Tagged by: @billie-harper (I am laughing so hard because this is just too good, thank you Billie!)
Mom/Dad: Kyungsoo - the dadsoo! agenda is going strong (when will pops return from war 😭)
Sibling: Hyejin - she would be a chill older sister but also everyone would compare us and she's obviously better 😔✊🏼
Grandma/Grandad: Yongsun - awwww poor granny sun but she's full of youth
Haunts You: Jae - you mean he’s annoying? hell yeah he is lol
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Junhui - I would DIE, this man is trouble but sign me up
Ex: Hoseok - NO, YOU FUCKERS!!! (why does the universe hate me, now I'm sad 🥺)
Best Friend: Jaebeom - of course this little shit would be my best friend 😏
Proposes to you: Jackson - TEAM MRS. WANG (hmu bb I’ll be waiting 😚💕)
Your boss: Jongdae - I wouldn’t take him seriously ahahah and nothing would get done
Random person you met at a bar: Joshua - lmao we both don’t like alcohol so let’s go to an arcade instead
Rival: Yixing - this better be an enemies to lovers au or else 🔪🔪🔪 (the universe really does hate me) 
First kiss: Minghao - awww yes my baby boy
Drunk and singing karaoke with: Seokjin - AHAHAHAH I love this one so much. You already know that he's the karaoke king but imagine him drunk?! My sides would be hurting from how hard I'll be laughing at his jokes, clumsiness, and everything in between all night long 😂👏🏼
Gave you your favorite dessert: Namjoon - cafe dates with Joonie sounds like a dream
Tagging (only if you want to): @liamgayllagher @the-assembly-call @anxiousjaneblogs @shadowdevilsslayer @do-you-know-bts @dreamyeyes26 @yoongi-interludeshadows and anyone else that wants to (I honestly can’t remember how many of y'all are multi stans sorry!)
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onestowatch · 6 years
2018 Favorites & 2019 Predictions: Ones To Watch Staff Picks
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WHAT. A. YEAR. While 2018 wasn’t exactly the proudest year in American history, there were quite a number of impressive strides in the musical realm. Ones To Watch had our best year yet, and we want to send a special thank you to all the devoted music fans who have utilized our platform to dig up the most promising up & coming artists this year. 
To recap, we created a fun sizzle reel set to Masego’s “Send Yo Rita” which includes many of the talented artists we’ve had the privilege of highlighting: Buddy, The Marías, The Aces, Jade Bird, Sylvan LaCue, Transviolet, Greta Van Fleet, Night Riots, Charlotte Lawrence, Masego, Allie X, LÉON, Jorge Blanco, DaniLeigh, Harry Hudson, grandson, Jesse Jo Stark, Cautious Clay, CLOVES, Sinead Harnett, NoMBe, and Kweku Collins.
As we approach the new year, we surveyed the entire staff to assemble our 2018 favorites and 2019 predictions. What’d we miss?
Best Albums 
H.E.R. - I Used To Know Her - The Prelude
Buddy - Harlan & Alondra
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Noname - Room 25
Tierra Whack - Whack World
Amy Shark - Love Monster
Rainbow Kitten Surprise - How to: Friend, Love, Freefall
Jacob Banks - Village
JID - DiCaprio 2
HONNE - Love Me / Love Me Not
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Jorja Smith - Lost & Found
Tash Sultana - Flow State
Smino - NOIR
Lauv - I met you when I was 18. (the playlist)
Tom Misch - Geography
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Best Female Breakout Artists
King Princess
Ella Mai
Soccer Mommy
Tierra Whack
Jessie Reyez
Best Male Breakout Artists
Juice WRLD
boy pablo
Alec Benjamin
Sheck Wes
Best Breakout Bands
The Marías
Greta Van Fleet
Most Underrated Songs
Joseph Angel - “Shame”
ROLE MODEL - “not a fan”
Arin Ray - “Communication” (feat. DRAM)
skinnydip - “Call It Off”
ELIZA - “Loveable”
Rhys Lewis - “Could’ve Been”
Masego - “Black Love”
MorMor - “Heaven’s Only Wishful”
Favorite Songs To Cry To
Sinead Harnett - “Lessons”
Lewis Capaldi - “Someone You Loved”
Sasha Sloan - “The Only”
Mitski - “Nobody”
Charlotte Lawrence - “Everybody Loves You”
Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers, Lucy Dacus - Me & My Dog
LANY - “Thru These Tears”
CLOVES - “Up & Down”
Favorite Songs To Make Out To
Pink Sweat$ - “Honesty”
Phlake, Mercedes - “Waited All Summer”
The Marías - “Cariño”
Omar Apollo - “Ugotme”
Hablot Brown, Maths Time Joy - “Reason”
Daniel Caesar - “Who Hurt You?”
King Princess - “Pussy Is God”
Kyle Dion - “Brown”
Best Concerts We Attended
James Bay @ The Fillmore, San Francisco
Porches @ Teragram Ballroom, Los Angeles
Lolo Zouaï @ The Echo, Los Angeles
Francis and the Lights @ Zebulon, Los Angeles
Jorja Smith @ The Wiltern, Los Angeles
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Night 2 at The Wiltern was dreamy, two nights sold out and Uncle Snoop pulled uppp🤩 Thank you all for coming out to watch 💚 Shot by @michaelaquan
A post shared by jmoney (@jorjasmith_) on Nov 28, 2018 at 8:16pm PST
JPEGMAFIA @ The Echo, Los Angeles
Billie Eilish @ Fonda Theater, Los Angeles
Yellow Days @ Moroccan Lounge, Los Angeles
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You have our hearts @yellowdayss 💛
Best Music Videos
Still Woozy - “Goodie Bag”
half•alive - “still feel”
The Blaze - “Heaven”
Col3trane - “Britney”
Phum Viphurit & Higher Brothers - “Lover Boy 88″
grandson - “blood // water”
Conan Gray - “Generation Why”
Smino - “L.M.F”
Favorite Ones To Watch Pieces (shameless self-promo)
Where Are They Now? From Medical School To Pineapple Epidemics: A Timeline of Glass Animals’ Success
All Eyes On Cautious Clay [”Stolen Moments” Live + Interview]
Q&A: Grace Carter Discusses Her Songwriting Journey, Absent Father, & Friendship with Dua Lipa
K/DA Is the Most Innovative Pop Supergroup, and They’re Not Even Real
Ambar Lucid – “Listen” Live at Black Rabbit Rose
TOUR DIARY: YUNGBLUD Is an Artist You Need to Know On & Off the Stage
30 Ones To Watch On Tour This Fall 2018
10 Tips for Aspiring Songwriters [INDUSTRY INFILTRATION]
Best TV/Film Soundtracks
The Greatest Showman: Reimagined
Black Panther
Insecure - Season 3
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Atlanta - Season 2
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
A Star Is Born
Can Cowboys Cry (Harry Hudson)
2019 Predictions
Top Female Artists To Watch
Nina Nesbitt
Kiana Ledè
Sasha Sloan
Snail Mail
Grace Carter
Charlotte Lawrence
Donna Missal
Top Male Artists To Watch
Dominic Fike
Pink Sweat$
Billy Raffoul
Cautious Clay
Hobo Johnson
Conan Gray
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Congratulations to our winners! @theandreaalmighty @kelsey.severeid @rxxqvel @kaiitlynel ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 🌻POLAROID GIVEAWAY🌻 ⁣ We’re giving away signed polaroid photos of @conangray 🌞⁣ ⁣ To enter this giveaway you must: ⁣ 1. Like this photo⁣ 2. Follow @onestowatch and @conangray ⁣ 3. Comment your favorite lyric from a Conan Gray song⁣ 🌼 YOU CAN ALSO ENTER ON TWITTER @onestowatch
Dean Lewis
Lewis Capaldi
Top Bands To Watch
Winston Surfshirt
Pale Waves
Let’s Eat Grandma
Mt. Joy
The Aces
Most Anticipated Tours
Dorothy - Freedom Tour
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Cautious Clay
Taking Back Sunday - 20th Anniversary Tour
Joji - BALLADS 1 Tour
Wet x Kilo Kish
Ones To Watch Presents a Certain Swedish Songstress 
The Aces - Waiting For You Tour
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Staff Who Contributed To This Article Includes:
Yasmin Damoui (Editor In Chief)
Maxamillion Polo (Lead Writer)
Green Lee (Social Media Coordinator)
Jenna Singer (Artist Coordinator)
David O’Connor (Artist Development VP)
Alexa Schoenfeld (Los Angeles Booker)
Malcolm J. Gray (Social Media Manager)
Kathryn O’Leary (Writer)
Jessica Thomas (Writer)
Tatiana Goldman (Writer)
Sean Kayden (Writer)
Chuck Ramos (Writer)
Anna Scholfield (Writer)
Skyler Barberio (Photographer)
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pat-things · 3 years
Amber Angel Earrings by Pat's Findings
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Information Amber Angel Earrings These amber angel earrings are light weight and very fun earrings to wear. Everyone will notice these earrings and you will get compliments. These earrings are approximately 1 1/2inches in length. These are made with Amber colored  (Gold/yellow) beads, one of which is a tear drop bead and the other is a round bead of the same color. Angel wings and the halo are silver. Ear wires are french in style. You will receive the exact earrings as shown in the above picture, assembled by myself. Firstly, these earrings make a great birthday gift, gift for Mom, grandma, sister, wife, or treat yourself to a “me” gift of  amber angel  earrings.  Secondly, these earrings could be a graduation present or as a first day of school present. Additionally, I take several pictures of the item to put “emphasis” on color in order that you may see the true colors. For example, differences in cameras, lenses, computers, will often show a difference in the colors therefore I feel more pictures are needed at times. If you have a question please contact me. However, and in the same vein, If you like the style of the earrings ,but not necessarily the color you can contact me and I have color options available. Please contact me and I will assist you. Thanks for visiting my “new” shop You can find these amazing earrings  at Pat’s Findings.   I ship thru USPS and I ship first class mail. If you need it sooner there is that option for you. I do not charge a handling fee.   To sum it up, you  can find these earrings at address below. https://patsfindings.ourplacehandmade.com/ Just a reminder: Perfect Gift--It is a good gift for your Lover, Mother, Daughter, Girlfriend, Coworkers and keep for yourself. Suitable for Mother’s Day, Birthday, Valentine’s Day, Christmas Day, Holiday, Anniversary, Prom, Graduation or any special occasions surprise. Read the full article
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webinfobd · 4 years
MISSHALO Bluetooth Beanie Hat for Adult Men Women, Music Christmas Birthday Gift
New Post has been published on http://www.techinfo24.co/holiday-tech-gifts/misshalo-bluetooth-beanie-hat-for-adult-men-women-music-christmas-birthday-gift/
MISSHALO Bluetooth Beanie Hat for Adult Men Women, Music Christmas Birthday Gift
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Price: (as of – Details)
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Product Description
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Connect your Dreams, Play Happy, Misshalo Bluetooth Beanie
Misshalo wants to bring more people a better life experience and more joy to their family and friends. Misshalo has a factory with 20 years of professional experience in beanie weaving, superb weaving process, using ergonomics, craftsmanship to create each beanie. In 2020, through in-depth cooperation with the bluetooth speaker hardware supply chain, our computer hardware engineers use the latest and most stable bluetooth speaker technology, combined with bluetooth 5.0, after 8 months of research, development and experimentation, the Bluetooth speaker is condensed into two square speakers, creating a bilateral stereo playback, embedded in the beanie to create the classic black and elegant gray Bluetooth cap.
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Set 1: Black Bluetooth Hat, Free Gloves and Christmas Hat
Special Christmas Gift Suit: Containing a black Bluetooth Beanie, and a pair of warm fluffy gloves, plus exquisite Christmas hats Indoor & Outdoor Use: suitable for various outdoor sports, such as, skiing, hiking, playing baseball, running, shopping and other outdoor activities… The Best Autumn & Winter Gifts for Family and Friends: This is an excellent gift that can be given to husband, wife, Dad, mom, grandparents, grandma, boyfriends, teen boys, girls etc.
The Bluetooth music hat is especially suitable for you who are about to celebrate Christmas! !
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Set 2: Classic Black & Elegant Grey Bluetooth Beanie
Amazing Sharing Set: Containing a classic, stylish black bluetooth cap, and an elegant gray bluetooth music hat Indoor & Outdoor Use: suitable for various outdoor sports, such as, skiing, hiking, playing baseball, running, shopping and other outdoor activities… The Best Autumn & Winter Gifts for Family and Friends: This is an excellent gift that can be given to husband, wife, Dad, mom, grandparents, grandma, boyfriends, teen boys, girls etc.
The tech bluetooth hat set is especially suitable for family, friends to wear together. (With your boyfriend or girlfriend, it is cool)
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2 Stereo Speakers, No fear of noise
To improve the sound quality and volume, the bluetooth beanie is equipped with 2 stereo speakers, placed on both sides of the beanie, and connected to the bluetooth, you can enjoy clear surround sound.
When riding a bicycle or a motorcycle, in the noisy wind, turn on the bluetooth beanie switch, and the specially designed two stereo speakers starts to work, you can hear clear beautiful music, let the beautiful surround sound penetrate your brain. In a lively neighborhood, empty mountains, a bluetooth beanie is a good companion alongside you, give you warmth, give you surprise.
Enjoy Winter, Enjoy Sports
Are you afraid to worry about using your cell phone to take calls while skiing, hiking, or boating while wearing thick gloves?
Just put on your bluetooth beanie and take calls anytime, anywhere, freeing up your hands so you can be fully engaged in your workout without worrying about missing calls or fear of missing important news.
Elegant Gray, Suitable for Her Elegant
20 years experience of producing fashionable knitted beanies, crafting every bluetooth beanie, we are releasing the classic black model and elegant grey model.
Classic black, solemn, exquisite, never out of fashion, many people will give it to boyfriend, husband, male friends as a gift.
Elegant grey, mysterious, charming, indescribable beauty, many elegant and intellectual beautiful girls like this one, can be in the birthday party, Halloween, Christmas to your dear girlfriend, wife, female friends.
Beautiful you, classic black, elegant gray, make you more shining.
A Gift full of Sincere Love
Are you struggling to choose a gift for your girlfriend/boyfriend? Why not try the newest model bluetooth beanie for 2020, he is not only a hat but also a pair of stereo bluetooth speakers.
Elaborate hat, classic black, elegant grey, double layer thicker, double the warmth, warms her heart even more. 2 stereo sound, hidden in the warm fashion hat, easy to use, ready to connect, play music instead of mobile phone, free your hands.
When you receive the bluetooth hat, open the outer packaging, no assembly, you can use it directly, no need to assemble it yourself, I believe your friend will open the package, will be very grateful for the surprise you brought her.
Misshalo Bluetooth cap, A Gift full of Sincere Love.
【1 Set of 2 Bluetooth Beanie, Convenient, Fashion, 2020 New Tech】 No need to assemble, open the package can be used easily, ingenuity, hidden design , wireless bluetooth beanie build-in 2 Hifi stereo speakers & mic allows you to listen to music and make a call without having to wear additional headphones when skiing, hiking, playing baseball, shopping and outdoor activities. 【Bluetooth 5.0, Best Bluetooth Connectivity】 Upgraded bluetooth beanie use the best bluetooth chip with stable V5.0 technology sync to any bluetooth enabled device in seconds and connect upto 33 feet without connectivity dropping in our test while others’ may cut in and out. 【Long Work Time】2020 Upgraded Bluetooth Beanie built-in improved battery that offers continuous working hours upto 8-20 hours per recharge(depends on volume) while others’ play only 4-7 hours only. 【Designed for Maximum Volume, No Fear of Noise】Bluetooth beanie has been developed and tested by engineers for many times, provides sound upto 120db which others are 50db . Not afraid of noise, You can still hear clear music and make phone calls while running, skiing or cycling. 【Classic Black Beanie + Elegant Grey Beanie, Best Gift For Everyone In Winter】 The bluetooth beanie is exquisitely made, very soft, elastic and suitable for everyone to wear.During the cold winter months, wear a bluetooth beanie to keep your ears and head warm, turn on the music and enjoy it outdoors.The exquisite and generous packaging design is especially suitable for giving to your lover, family and friends at Christmas and birthday party.
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Ideas for Creating Your Own Unique Gift Baskets
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A DIY gift basket is such a personal way to show someone you care about them. They are suitable for any occasion, easy to put together, and look fabulous once they’re assembled. Who wouldn’t appreciate getting a custom gift basket from you? Here are a few simple tips for making your own gift basket for a special someone. Choose a Theme Tailor the theme of your gift basket to the receiver. Think about what they like to do, what their hobbies are, and what interests they have. Select a handful of items that would go together nicely in a basket. No matter what you choose to put in there, the lucky recipient will love opening a thoughtful, homemade gift basket from you. Here are several theme ideas for homemade gift baskets: Sentimental Grandma Gift Basket Everyone knows grandpa and grandma gifts are often the most challenging to buy. Speak to their loving, caring, and nurturing side with special pieces that depict family relationships, such as: · Hand-painted keepsake box · Precious figurative sculptures of grandma, grandpa, and grandchild · Angel ornament · Decorative art books (to store family photos and letters) Sister Always by Your Side Gift Basket Whether she’s your sister by blood or a best friend who’s like a sister to you, show her how much she means to you with a curated gift basket of her favorite things. Only you know what those sister gifts should be. Plus, you could add some other meaningful items, including: · Friendship keepsake box · Framed photo of the two of you · Friendship plaque depicting two supportive friends Dog Lover Gift Basket You probably know at least one dog lover in your life. They would absolutely adore a custom-made basket from you. You can also include some treats and toys for the pup and perhaps even place all of the items inside containers that could serve as food and water bowls. Dog owners can never have enough of the following items: · Dog sculptures · Figures of a dog and a family member · Framed photo of your friend and their dog Letter Writer’s Gift Basket If you have a good friend who enjoys writing and sending personalized, handwritten cards in the mail, you could assemble a basket filled with all the things that a letter writer would like, such as: · Notecards and envelopes · Pens · Postage Stamps · Stickers · Return address labels · Dried flowers to fill in the gaps Choose a Container The obvious choice for a gift basket container is an actual “basket.” Baskets come in different sizes, shapes, colors, and materials and are great vessels for holding stuff. With that being said, you could pick any type of container, depending on the theme of gift basket you’re going for. Some ideas include: · Flower pots · Watering cans · Sand Pails · Buckets · Bowls · Tote Bags · Treasure Boxes · Colanders When it comes to creating a great gift basket, use your imagination and have fun picking out thoughtful items for it. The recipient will no doubt love the thought you put into it. About Willow Tree® Willow Tree® sculptural figures are beautiful expressions of love, closeness, courage, hope, healing—all the emotions of a life well-lived. The figures are masterfully crafted by artist Susan Lordi, whose pieces are about simplicity of form and absence of facial features. Lordi says her ideas for Willow Tree® come from her own life experiences and understanding of the world. The intimate line of figurative sculptures is open for interpretation, however, and hold great meaning for both the giver and receiver. You can find a variety of sculptural figures and artful products, including bereavement gifts, wedding presents, religious gifts, and much more from Willow Tree®. Browse the entire Willow Tree® collection at Willowtree.com Original Source: http://bit.ly/2YBSu19
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gmcustompens-blog · 5 years
Happy Fountain Pen Day 2019
The most stable route to acclaim Fountain Pen Day is to run out & get yourself your most preferred fountain pen. These pens can be had cheaply; however, don't be astounded if you end up starting to look at frequently costly pens & the arrangements that accompany greatness and potential. It tends to be a fun new compulsion for the enthusiastic pen fan. The Fountain Pen Day is celebrated as a festival on the first Friday of November each year. Last year in 2018, it was celebrated on 2nd November and as of now in the year 2019; it will be celebrated on 1st November 2019.
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There is always something vibrant about hand-composing a record, about holding pen nearby & interacting the solicitudes of our mind to the notebook. When bartering with something as severe as turning out jurisdiction work or the business plan for the month, a ball-point pen will accomplish. When you are exercised to record the most elementary snaps of your life or remodeling words into the stanza, just the tastefulness of a Fountain Pen will accomplish. Fountain Pen Day helps us to remember this and urges us to get a fountain pen and put it our spirits to paper.
Denoting the Event
The most interesting Fountain Pen Facts indicates that since the year 2012, pen lovers around the globe have devoted each first Friday of November to praise the excellence and significance of fountain pens on a day authoritatively named "Fountain Pen Day."
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The holiday started as gratefulness, not just for day-to-day utilization of fountain pens, yet for the act of handwriting and manually written correspondence also. It's since developed in the previous six years as a fantastic demonstration of the effect that fountain pens still have on individuals.
Fountain Pen Day©, the official coordinators and advertisers of the holiday, need to see fountain pen darlings participate in the festival in any capacity they feel called to. They have attentively assembled a rundown of ways anybody can appreciate and commend the magnificence of fountain pens. Here is a portion of their proposals to illuminate your fountain pen motivation.
History of Fountain Pen Day
The devices employed for writing have encountered a few modifications since their inception. In the first section, it was carves appropriated to trademark stone, a scent of papyrus stem to check out the cuneiform states, or charcoal pieces utilized to overcome reports on leaf bits & Birch Bark bits. In the end, the ink was made; utilizing different kinds of plant matter, creatures, and in the long run iron and concentrate of Oak nerves. Ink required another instrument, and that device was at first the plunge plume pen, a touch of the quill (normal goose) with a deliberately sliced nib to draw up the ink and exchange it to paper.
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This was such an astonishing advancement, that it remained with us for a goodly drawn-out period, at the end of the day another creation was required that didn't require steady plunging, and that didn't require consistent recutting of the nib. So it was that the Fountain pens of the world came to exist in
In the year 1636, the fountain pen was brought into the existence in joining a superb supply of ink with a metal nib that didn't require being always recut. The cosmos of writing was changed permanently, & it took 300 years for a progression to go across that controlled it.
Eclipsed, however not wiped out, the Fountain Pen is as yet the composition utensil of decision for the individuals who lean toward the increasingly conventional, exquisite, and delightful technique for composing. It likewise has the advantage of delivering a cleaner and increasingly steady line. Fountain Pen Day advocates this writing utensil with the long-drawn, & perpetual, antiquity.
The Most Effective Method of Fountain Pen Day Celebration
The most stable route to acclaim Fountain Pen Day is to run out & get yourself your most preferred fountain pen. These pens can be had cheaply; however, don't be astounded if you end up starting to look at frequently costly pens & the arrangements that accompany greatness and potential. It tends to be a fun new compulsion for the enthusiastic pen fan.
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There are plenty of ways you can take an interest in the festival of Fountain Pen Day today. Here is a couple to make you think:
Send pictures of transcribed notes to your companions by content
Compose your mom or grandma a transcribed letter (and mail it)
Tweet out pictures of transcribed tweets (hashtags and emojis, as well)
Offer this video and the numerous different recordings and blog entries you're probably going to see drifting around today.
Snap a photo of your pens and composing and offer on Instagram
Support somebody you realize who's never composed with a fountain pen to write with one of yours out of the blue
Give a pen you never use any longer to somebody who you know would value it.
Remark on bloggers' Fountain Pen Day blog entries
Shop for pen stuff (however I don't need you to think this is my inspiration for advancing the holiday)
Clean your pens!
Occurring on the 1st Friday in November every year, Fountain Pen Day is praised by devotees worldwide as an opportunity to grasp, advance, and offer the utilization of fountain pens.
Friday, first November 2019 is Fountain Pen Day. Accept this open door to ink up your most loved fountain pen and get to writing. There are numerous websites and online networks that are committed to fountain pens; I urge you to search them out and share them over your internet based life stages.
We have discussed above all the necessary details about the
fountain pens
and when it is celebrated around the globe and also why is it celebrated. If you are still looking for further information about the mystery and history of world Fountain Pen Day, you can reach us by any of our contact medium; we will be glad to help you out with the most favorable and satisfactory solution.
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