#grateful Canadians
harmonyhealinghub · 8 months
Celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving: A Feast of Gratitude
Shaina Tranquilino
October 10, 2023
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As autumn paints the landscape with vibrant hues and the air turns crisp, Canadians gather around tables adorned with bountiful spreads, ready to partake in a cherished tradition known as Canadian Thanksgiving. Unlike its American counterpart, this festive occasion is celebrated on the second Monday in October, serving as an opportunity for Canadians to express gratitude and reflect upon their blessings. In this blog post, we delve into the origins and significance of Canadian Thanksgiving.
Historical Background:
The roots of Canadian Thanksgiving can be traced back to European explorers who arrived on North American shores several centuries ago. The first recorded celebration was held by English explorer Martin Frobisher in 1578 when he gave thanks for his safe arrival after a treacherous voyage. However, it wasn't until much later that this event became an annual observance.
Influenced by the traditions brought by French settlers and subsequent waves of immigrants from various backgrounds, Canadian Thanksgiving developed unique characteristics over time. Ultimately, it merged elements from both European harvest festivals and Indigenous customs of giving thanks.
Significance and Celebration:
Canadian Thanksgiving is primarily a time to express gratitude for the abundance offered by the land, nature's bounty, and the company of loved ones. It serves as a reminder of our interconnectedness and appreciation for all that sustains us.
1. Harvest Festivals:
Canadian Thanksgiving aligns with the season's agricultural significance – a time when farmers reap what they have sown throughout spring and summer. It symbolizes gratitude for successful harvests while recognizing the hard work involved in cultivating food that nourishes communities across Canada.
2. Family Gatherings:
Similar to other cultural celebrations worldwide, Canadian Thanksgiving brings families together in shared appreciation. Loved ones travel near or far to reunite around tables laden with traditional dishes like turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and more. The warmth of these gatherings fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens family ties.
3. Charitable Acts:
Beyond personal gratitude, Canadian Thanksgiving also emphasizes the importance of giving back to those in need. Many communities organize food drives, fundraisers, or volunteer at local shelters during this time. This collective effort showcases the spirit of compassion and reinforces the understanding that we are all responsible for supporting others.
4. Celebration of Cultural Diversity:
Canada's multicultural fabric is reflected in its diverse celebrations of Thanksgiving. Communities across the country infuse their unique cultural traditions into this holiday, introducing various culinary delights and customs from around the world. This fusion enriches Canadian society while promoting inclusivity and intercultural exchange.
Canadian Thanksgiving stands as a testament to Canada's rich history, cultural diversity, and gratefulness for nature's abundant blessings. It serves as an occasion to pause our bustling lives, come together with loved ones, and reflect on everything we have been fortunate to receive throughout the year.
Whether through shared meals, acts of kindness towards others, or appreciating Canada's beautiful landscapes, this cherished holiday reminds us to express gratitude not only on Thanksgiving but every day. Let us continue celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving with open hearts and minds, fostering unity and appreciation for one another in our great northern nation.
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shiverandqueeef · 1 year
the thing about canadian nationalism is that it exists in a perpetual state of relativity to our perception of american jingoism. their patriotism is loud, aggressive, vulgar. our patriotism is quiet and polite. which of course provides the exact conditions needed for our own brand of chauvinism to fester under the glossy, collective self-delusion so many canadians whole-heartedly and uncritically embrace; that we are the "good ones"
so we mock patriotic americans for their devotion to/celebration of the great myth of the american dream, and all the while we fail to address the lies we tell ourselves about who we are as a country. we have medical care! marriage equality, abortion rights, social support networks, our police don't shoot unarmed people of colour in the streets. a socialist utopia. no don't think about it too hard. don't look into any of the above statements or address any of the structural inequalities we refuse to admit exist. residential schools? a tragedy, of course, but an anomaly. disabled people lose all financial support if they get married? well surely that's for their own good. we once denied entry to autistic immigrants? well that's all in the past, we take them now! and look at all the ukranians we welcomed so lovingly! the syrians? oh well that was a different situation you know, not so cut and dry you see. turn your attention (again. and again) to the amazing work we did in rwanda. I'm so sorry, what's that you're saying? somalia? never heard of it!
it's okay. it's all okay. we're still not as bad as america
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acrosstobear · 6 days
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my canadian gp social media / tv round up (gifs by @princemick my beloved <3)
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sentientstump · 1 year
Yesterday i went on a new year holiday celebration that was held like 20 kilometers away from where i live. I tried to film some stuff for this year's vlog of sorts but it was with different people and with different experiences and mood so i didnt have time for it sadly...
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here's some photos (i took like 4 in total 😭😭)
you can watch last year's blog here!! if you're interested. It's mainly from evening till sunrise pov of a mere mortal view (and then half of the video is just me filming our way home lol 🙈 i have priorities, ok?)
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if you don't want to watch 12 minutes of footage then you can look at these photos👆🏼
idk why im sharing this but thank you for reading and if you want to know more check this wikipage out! I'd say its pretty alright at describing it👍🏼
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dailybehbeh · 8 months
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roscoehamiltons · 10 days
also im never going to talk badly about lewis’ yellow helmet again lol bc it’s so easy to spot him on track compared to everyone else
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I was just curious because there's so many different factors that fall into place regarding if kpop concerts are accessible to people!!! Ie. geography, outrageous ticket fees etc .....also if you want, let me know in the tags what groups or artists you've seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or artists that you want to!
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awkward-teabag · 11 months
A message that's more relevant than ever.
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thetragicallynerdy · 1 year
the good news about being a poor canadian is that if i need a doctors appointment i can get one quickly and for free
the bad news about being a poor canadian is that if they want to prescribe me medication there's a 70% chance i can't afford it lmao
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keepersofmyheart · 1 year
Thanks to Canadian wildfires, we have beautiful sunsets but no smoke in the air. It is like this every night.
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bellshazes · 1 year
survived one huge bit of work politics (demanding people quite senior to me be accountable to my project plan that they, for the most part, have no idea existed, and possibly did not know i existed at all prior to this email) so i'm making the most absurd playlist in a few months and writing. and having a drink before my monday call. as a treat
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acrosstobear · 2 years
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Amanda’s / @acrosstobear 2022 Canadian GP ⇉ a summary
✅ saw the drivers set out on their Thursday track walk ✅ watched the storm roll in (& went home drenched 3x) ✅ waited 4h in the rain for a cancelled autograph session ✅ got signed driver’s cards (Lando, Daniel & Mick)  ✅ witnessed Mick’s best qualifying result EVER! ✅ got to cheer on Lewis on the podium!!!! ✅ ROLLERCOASTER. BIRTHDAY. WEEKEND 🥳
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crowempress · 1 year
I cannot believe my ferritin is at 12.3 and that still isn't considered low enough to have an iron infusion covered by medical services 😭
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naomiknight-17 · 2 years
Auugh eye strain pain...
Can't wait for to get my new prescription glasses T__T
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roses-red-and-pink · 4 months
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Poutine because cheese can fix any heartbreak
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graintrainbrain · 8 months
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BCOL 4609, the last active GE Dash 8-40CM on CN’s locomotive roster, heads the train at Dapp, Alberta, on the Westlock subdivision, 02/16/2023. Still from this video by Lakeshore Rail Videos on YouTube
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